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Mar 24

Daftar Passing Grade PTN Seluruh Indonesia terbaru

Passing Grade SNMPTN 2012

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Daftar Passing Grade PTN Seluruh Indonesia terbaru

Daftar Passing Grade PTN Seluruh Indonesia terbaru

Salah satu kiat sukses pada SNMPTN 2010 adalah mengetahui passing grade dari perguruan tinggi negeri yang akan kita pilih, lalu membandingkannya dengan kemampuan kita (passing grade yang kita capai dalam try out ! "al ini perlu untuk menyesuaikan kemampuan dengan #urusan yang akan dipilih pada SNMPTN $ SPMB, kita harus terlebih dahulu mengetahui berapa perkiraan prediksi passing grade yang dapat kita capai! %iba&ah saya cantumkan data passing grade PTN seluruh Indonesia yang diambil dari berbagai sumber! !ara menghitung passing grade 'nda dapat menghitung passing grade untuk memprediksi kemampuan anda setelah

anda menyelesaikan soal try out SNMPTN dan mencocokannya dengan kunci #a&aban, dengan rumus berikut( Passing )rade * (+ , - . (S , 1 , 100 /S , 0eterangan ( + * /umlah #a&aban benar S * /umlah #a&aban salah /S * /umlah soal Misalnya ( "ari pertama, 'ndi men#a&ab 21 soal SNMPTN dengan benar, 21 soal salah dan 21 soal tidak di#a&ab! Maka passing grade Sigit pada hari pertama adalah ( (21,- .(21,1 , 100 * 21 21,/adi passing grade 'ndi pada hari pertama adalah 213 "ari kedua, 'ndi men#a&ab 20 soal SNMPTN dengan benar, 10 soal salah, dan -1 soal tidak di#a&ab! Maka passing grade Sigit pada hari kedua adalah ( (20,- .(10,1 , 100 * 24!4 21,/adi passing grade 'ndi pada hari kedua adalah 24!43 Passing )rade 'ndi adalah rata.rata dari passing grade hari pertama dan passing grade hari kedua! Tepatnya sebagai berikut( Passing )rade Total *P)"1 5 P)"2 2 0eterangan ( P)"1 * Passing )rade "ari Pertama P)"2 * Passing )rade "ari 0edua /adi passing grade total dari 'ndi adalah * (213524!43 $2 * 2-!113 Perhitungan passing grade #uga bisa dilakukan sekaligus, maksud saya hari pertama dan hari kedua dihitung langsung!

P) * ((+15+2 6- . ((S15S2 61 , 100 (/S15/S2 60eterangan ( +1 * /umlah #a&aban benar di SNMPTN hari 7 +2 * /umlah #a&aban benar di SNMPTN hari 77 S1 * /umlah #a&aban salah di SNMPTN hari 7 S2 * /umlah #a&aban salah di SNMPTN hari 77 /S1 * /umlah soal di SNMPTN hari 7 /S2 * /umlah soal di SNMPTN hari 77 /ika anda malas menghitung, 'nda dapat menggunakan gadget untuk menghitung passing grade di bagian kanan blog ini! 0arena tool ini tidak menggunakan 8alidasi maka keakutanan data yang diinput mutlak dibutuhkan, tidak ada alert atau &arning untuk kesalahan input data! /ika data yang dimasukkan salah maka, informasi hasil penghitungan yang diberikan #uga salah! %iba&ah ini saya cantumkan data passing grade dari beberapa PTN di seluruh 7ndonesia! 'nda #uga dapat men . do"nload data passing grade PTN seluruh Indonesiaberekstensi !doc di link berikut! http# """$%iddu$&om do"nload '(2)*1+ P,SSINGG-,D.$do&$html 9opy dan paste link diatas di address bar bro&ser untuk do&nload! Data Passing Grade beberapa Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Seluruh Indonesia/ 0ika ada ketidakakuratan penulisan passing grade mohon dikoreksi/ tapi sebagai &atatan sa0a/ dari tahun ke tahun nilai passing grade dari setiap 0urusan di PTN tidak mengalami perubahan 1ang signifikan$ Data ini ditulis dari berbagai sumber$ P'SS7N) ):'%; T;:T7N))7 (103 0;'T'S +;+;:'P' P;:)<:<'N T7N))7 S;=<:<" 7N%>N;S7' T'"<N 200?

I$ INSTIT2T. T.3N454GI B,ND2NG 6ITB7 82-2S,N IP, 1! Teknik 7nformatika . 7T+ (@1,?3 2! Teknik ;lektro . 7T+ (@2,13 4! Teknik 0imia . 7T+ (@1,A3 -! Teknik 7ndustri . 7T+ (1A,A3 1! Barmasi . 7T+ (12,-3 @! Teknik =ingkungan . 7T+ (1-,A3

2! Teknik Perminyakan . 7T+ (11,23 A! Teknik Bisika . 7T+ (11,13 ?! Matematika . 7T+ (1-,@3 10! Teknik Pertambangan . 7T+ (1-,23 11! Teknik Mesin . 7T+ (14,-3 12! Teknik Penerbangan . 7T+ (12,?3 14! 'rsitektur . 7T+ (10,43 1-! Teknik Planologi . 7T+ (10,13 11! Teknik Material . 7T+ (-?,23 1@! 0imia . 7T+ (-?,13 12! Teknik Sipil . 7T+ (-A,2 1A! +iologi . 7T+ (-2,A3 1?! Teknik )eologi . 7T+ (-2,A3 II$ 2NI9.-SIT,S IND4N.SI, 62I7 82-2S,N IP, 1! Pendidikan %okter . . <7 (1?,A3 2! Teknik ;lektro . . <7 (1A,@3 4! Barmasi . . <7 (1A,-3 -! Teknik 0imia$T)P . . <7 (12,-3 1! Teknik 7ndustri . . <7 (1-3 @! 7lmu 0omputer . . <7 (12,A3 2! Teknik Mesin . <7 (123 A! Pendidikan %okter )igi . <7 (11,23 ?! Teknik Metalurgi dan Material . <7 (-2,-3 10! 'rsitektur . <7 (-2,23 82-2S,N IPS 1! 'kuntansi . <7 (@4,?3 2! 7lmu "ubungan 7nternasional . <7 (@4,13 4! Mana#emen . <7 (@13 -! Psikologi . <7 (@0,@3 1! 7lmu 0omunikasi . <7 (1A,43 @! ;konomi Pembangunan . <7 (1@,-3 2! 7lmu "ukum . <7 (1@,23 A! Sastra 7nggris . <7 (14,A3 ?! 7lmu 'dministrasi Niaga . <7 (12,?3 10! Sastra Perancis . <7 (10,13 11! 0riminologi . <7 (-?,@3 12! 7lmu 'dministrasi Negara . <7 (-?3 14! 7lmu Politik . <7 (-2,A3 1-! Sastra 9ina . <7 (-2,A3 11! Sastra :usia . <7 (-@,23

1@! 7lmu 'dministrasi Biskal . <7 (-@,@3 12! 7lmu Bilsafat . <7 (-@,@3 1A! Sastra /erman . <7 (-@,-3 1?! 7lmu 0ese#ahteraan Sosial . <7 (--,?3 20! 'rkeologi . <7 (--,23 21! Sosiologi . <7 (--,13 22! Sastra 'rab . <7 (-4,A3 24! 7lmu Se#arah . <7 (-4,23 2-! 'ntropologi Sosial . <7 (-23 III$ 2NI9.-SIT,S G,8,: M,D, 62GM7 82-2S,N IP, 1! Pendidikan %okter . <)M (1?,43 2! Teknik ;lektro . <)M (12,-3 4! 7lmu 0omputer . <)M (1@,13 -! Teknik 0imia . <)M (1-,A3 1! 'rsitektur . <)M (11,-3 @! Teknik Mesin . <)M (11,-3 2! Pendidikan %okter )igi . <)M (103 A! +iologi . <)M (-2,23 82-2S,N IPS 1! 'kuntansi . <)M (@2,13 2! Psikologi . <)M (1A,23 4! 7lmu "ubungan 7nternasional . <)M (1A,13 -! Mana#emen . <)M (12,?3 1! 7lmu 0omunikasi . <)M (12,-3 @! Sastra 7nggris . <)M (1@,@3 2! ;ko! dan Studi Pembangunan . <)M (11,@3 A! 7lmu "ukum . <)M (1-,13 ?! 7lmu 'dministrasi Negara . <)M (10,13 10! 7lmu Pemerintahan . <)M (10,-3 11! Sastra /epang . <)M (103 12! Sastra Perancis . <)M (-2,13 I9$ INSTIT2T T.3N454GI S2-,B,;, 6ITS7 82-2S,N IP, 1! Teknik 7nformatika . 7TS (1?,13 2! Teknik ;lektro . 7TS (12,23 4! Teknik kimia . 7TS (1@,@3 -! Teknik 7ndustri . 7TS (14,A3

1! Teknik =ingkungan . 7TS (12,-3 @! Teknik Mesin . 7TS (11,13 2! Sistem 7nformasi . 7TS (-2,-3 9$ 2NI9.-SIT,S ,I-5,NGG, 62N,I-7 82-2S,N IP, 1! Pendidikan %okter . <N'7: (1A,@3 2! Barmasi . <N'7: (14,A3 4! Pendidikan %okter )igi . <N'7: (-?3 82-2S,N IPS 1! 'kuntansi . <N'7: (12,13 2! 7lmu 0omunikasi . <N'7: (12,-3 4! Psikologi . <N'7: (1@,-3 -! Mana#emen . <N'7: (1@3 1! ;konomi Pembangunan . <N'7: (11,13 @! 7lmu "ukum . <N'7: (10,23 2! 7lmu 'dministrasi Negara . <N'7: (-A,13 A! Sastra 7nggris . <N'7: (-1,A3 ?! 7lmu "ubungan 7nternasional . <N'7: (-2,?3 9I$ 2NI9.-SIT,S P,D8,8,-,N 62NP,D7 82-2S,N IP, 1! Pendidikan %okter . <NP'% (1A3 2! Barmasi . <NP'% (11,13 4! Pendidikan %okter )igi . <NP'% (-2,A3 -! Psikologi . <NP'% (-2,23 1! Statistika . <NP'% (-2,23 82-2S,N IPS 1! 'kuntansi . <NP'% (@1,23 2! 7lmu 0omunikasi . <NP'% (1?,-3 4! 7lmu "ubungan 7nternasional . <NP'% (1A,13 -! Mana#emen . <NP'% (11,13 1! ;konomi Pembangunan . <NP'% (1-,23 @! 7lmu 'dministrasi Niaga . <NP'% (12,23 2! 7lmu "ukum . <NP'% (11,-3 A! 7lmu 'dministrasi Negara . <NP'% (-2,-3 ?! Sastra 7nggris . <NP'% (-@3

10! 7lmu Pemerintahan . <NP'% (-43 9II$ 2NI9.-SIT,S DIP4N.G4-4 62NDIP7 82-2S,N IP, 1! Pendidikan %okter . <N%7P (12,13 2! Teknik ;lektro . <N%7P (1-,13 4! Teknik 7ndustri . <N%7P (12,?3 -! 'rsitektur . <N%7P (-?,23 1! Teknik Mesin . <N%7P (-2,A3 82-2S,N IPS 1! 'kuntansi . <N%7P (11,23 2! 7lmu 0omunikasi . <N%7P (11,@3 4! Mana#emen . <N%7P (11,13 -! 7lmu "ukum . <N%7P (-A,A3 1! 7lmu Pemerintahan . <N%7P (-A,43 @! ;konomi Pembangunan . <N%7P (--3 2! 7lmu 'dministrasi Niaga . <N%7P (-43 9III$ 2NI9.-SIT,S S-I<I8,;, 62NS-I7 82-2S,N IP, 1! Pendidikan %okter . <NS:7 (1@,13 2! Teknik 7nformatika . <NS:7 (12,23 4! Pendidikan %okter )igi . <NS:7 (10,13

82-2S,N IPS 1! 'kuntansi . <NS:7 (14,23 2! 7lmu "ukum . <NS:7 (10,23 4! Pend! +! 7nggris . <NS:7 (10,23 I=$ 2NI9.-SIT,S B-,<I8,;, 62B7 82-2S,N IP, 1! Pendidikan %okter . <+ (11,13 2! Teknik ;lektro . <+ (12,?3

4! 'rsitektur . <+ (-2,13 82-2S,N IPS 1! 'kuntansi . <+ (12,43 2! Mana#emen . <+ (1-,13 4! 7lmu 'dministrasi Publik . <+ (-?,43 -! 7lmu "ukum . <+ (-A,43 1! 7lmu 'dministrasi +isinis . <+ (--,23 @! ;konomi Pembangunan . <+ (-4,13 2! Sastra 7nggris . <+ (-2,43 =$ 2NI9.-SIT,S S2M,T-, 2T,-, 62S27 82-2S,N IP, 1! Pendidikan %okter . <S< (11,13 2! Barmasi . <S< (14,23 4!Pendidikan %okter )igi . <S< (10,43 82-2S,N IPS 1! Mana#emen . <S< (14,13 2! ;konomi Pembangunan . <S< (12,13 4! 7lmu "ukum . <S< (11,23 -! Sastra 7nggris . <S< (10,@3 1! 'kuntansi . <S< (10,13 @! 7lmu 'dministrasi Negara . <S< (10,23 =I$ 2NI9.-SIT,S ,ND,5,S 82-2S,N IP, 1! Pendidikan %okter . <N'N% (1-,@3 2! Barmsi . <N'N% (11,-3 82-2S,N IPS 1! 'kuntansi . <N'N% (14,?3

2! 7lmu "ubungan 7nternasional . <N'N% (12,23 4! Mana#emen . <N'N% (10,-3 =II$ 2NI9.-SIT,S :,S,N2DIN 62N:,S7 82-2S,N IP, 1! Pendidikan %okter . <N"'S (11,23 2! Barmasi . <N"'S (14,A3 4! Pendidikan %okter )igi . <N"'S (10,@3 82-2S,N IPS 1! 'kuntansi . <N"'S (12,@3 2! Mana#emen . <N"'S (12,-3 4! 7lmu "ubungan 7nternasional . <N"'S (113 -! Sastra 7nggris . <N"'S (10,@3 1! 7lmu Pemerintahan . <N"'S (10,23 @! 7lmu "ukum . <N"'S (103 =III$ 2NI9.-SIT,S 2D,;,N, 82-2S,N IP, 1! Pendidikan %okter . <N<% (12,13 82-2S,N IPS 1! Mana#emen . <N<% (-A,23 2! 'kuntansi . <N<% (-1,?3 =I9$ 2NI9.-SIT,S 11 M,-.T S454 82-2S,N IP, 1! Pendidikan %okter . <NS (12,23 2! Barmasi . <NS (1@,-3

82-2S,N IPS 1! Mana#emen . <NS (1-,?3 2! Mana#emen . <ni8! 11 Maret Solo (14,?3 4! 'kuntansi . <ni8! 11 Maret Solo (1-,?3 -! %esain 0omunikasi Cisual . <ni8! 11 Maret Solo (11,23 1! 7lmu 'dministrasi Negara . <ni8! 11 Maret Solo (14,13 =9$ 2NI9.-SIT,S 5,MP2NG 62NI5,7 82-2S,N IPS 1! 7lmu 0omunikasi . <N7=' (-2,23 2! ;konomi Pembangunan . <N7=' (-@,13 4! 7lmu 'dministrasi Niaga . <N7=' (-2,@3 P,SSING G-,D. 6DIB,<,: >0?7 B.B.-,P, P.-G2-2,N TINGGI N.G.-I DI IND4N.SI, I$ INSTIT2T. T.3N454GI S2-,B,;, 6ITS7 82-2S,N IP, 1! 'rsitektur . 7TS (-2!223 2! +iologi . 7TS D (41!13 4! %esain Produk 7ndustri . 7TS (44!223 -! Bisika . 7TS (41!@?3 1! 0imia . 7TS (4-!1@3 @! Matematika . 7TS (4@!113 2! Statistika . 7TS (4A!?13 A! Teknik ;lektro . 7TS (-?!143 ?! Teknik Bisika . 7TS (-0!1?3 10! Teknik )eodesi . 7TS (4A!1@3 11! Teknik 7ndustri . 7TS (-A!223 12! Teknik 7nformatika . 7TS (-?!?-3 14! Teknik 0elautan . 7TS (-2!-23 1-! Teknik 0imia . 7TS (-A!A03 11! Teknik =ingkungan . 7TS (4?3 1@! Teknik Material . 7TS (41!1@3 12! Teknik Mesin . 7TS (--!223 1A! Teknik Perkapalan . 7TS (-2!4@3 1?! Teknik Sipil . 7TS (-1!443 20! Teknik Sistem Perkapalan . 7TS (-4!-23

II$ 2NI9.-SIT,S ,I-5,NGG, 82-2S,N IP, 1! +iologi . <N'7: (41!A03 2! Barmasi . <N'7: (42!023 4! Bisika . <N'7: (42!223 -! 0edokteran "e&an . <N'7: (4@!213 1! 0esehatan Masyarakat . <N'7: (41!@?3 @! 0imia . <N'7: (42!403 2! Matematika . <N'7: (44!@@3 A! Pendidikan %okte: (. <N'7: (-4!A13 ?! Pendidikan %okte: ()igi . <N'7: (42!?23 82-2S,N IPS 1! 'ntropologi Sosial D <N'7: (42!2A3 2! ;konomi 'kuntansi . <N'7: (-@!A13 4! ;konomi Mana#emen . <N'7: (--!-03 -! ;konomi Pembangunan . <N'7: (-2!A23 1! 7lmu 'dministrasi Negara . <N'7: (-0!413 @! 7lmu "ubungan 7nternasional . <N'7: (-4!213 2! 7lmu "ukum . <N'7: (4?!13 A! 7lmu 0omunikasi . <N'7: (-1!213 ?! 7lmu Politik . <N'7: (4-!213 10! 7lmu Se#arah . <N'7: (41!213 11! Psikologi . <N'7: (4?!@23 12! Sastra 7ndonesia . <N'7: (41!043 14! Sastra 7nggris . <N'7: (41!1A3 1-! Sosiologi . <N'7: (42!123 III$ 2NI9.-SIT,S :,SS,N2DIN 82-2S,N IP, 1! 'gronomi . <N"'S (2?!023 2! 'rsitektur . <N"'S (4?!1@3 4! +iologi . <N"'S (2A!223 -! +udi %aya Perairan . <N"'S (2A!403 @! Bisika . <N"'S (2?!1@3 2! )eofisika (Meteorologi . <N"'S (4@!@@3 A! 7lmu "ama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan . <N"'S (2@!@@3 ?! 7lmu 0elautan . <N"'S (44!A43 10! 7lmu Tanah . <N"'S (2?!1@3 11! 0esehatan Masyarakat . <N"'S (2A!-23 12! 0imia . <N"'S (22!223

14! Mana#emen "utan . <N"'S (2A!013 1-! Mana#emen Sumber %aya Perairan . <N"'S (22!4@3 11! Matematika . <N"'S (2?!1@3 1@! Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak . <N"'S (2A!AA3 12! Pemanfaatan Sumber %aya Perikanan . <N"'S (24!AA3 20! Produksi Ternak . <N"'S (22!4@3 21! Sastra 'rab . <N"'S (2-!143 22! Sosial ;konomi Pertanian ('grobisnis . <N"'S (2A!013 24! Sosial ;konomi Peternakan . <N"'S (2-!1@3 2-! Statistika . <N"'S (44!4A3 21! Teknik ;lektro . <N"'S (4?!1@3 2@! Teknik )eologi . <N"'S (4-!123 22! Teknik Mesin . <N"'S (41!113 2A! Teknik Perkapalan . <N"'S (4?!A@3 2?! Teknik Pertanian . <N"'S (41!443 40! Teknik Sipil . <N"'S (41!113 41! Teknologi "asil "utan . <N"'S (22!?@3 42! Teknologi "asil Pertanian . <N"'S (4-!--3 82-2S,N IPS 1! 'ntropologi Sosial . <N"'S (40!413 2! 'rkeologi . <N"'S (2A!2A3 4! ;konomi 'kuntansi . <N"'S (-4!213 -! ;konomi Mana#emen . <N"'S (-1!1A3 1! ;konomi Pembangunan . <N"'S (41!2A3 @! 7lmu 'dministrasi Negara . <N"'S (4A!213 2! 7lmu "ubungan 7nternasional . <N"'S (4A!?03 A! 7lmu "ukum . <N"'S (44!213 ?! 7lmu 0omunikasi . <N"'S (44!113 10! 7lmu Pemerintahan . <N"'S (44!?03 11! 7lmu Politik . <N"'S (2?!213 12! 7lmu Se#arah . <N"'S (2A!1?3 14! Sastra %aerah . <ntuk Sast!+ugis (Makasar . <N"'S (24!?03 1-! Sastra 7ndonesia . <N"'S (22!1A3 11! Sastra 7nggris . <N"'S (2?!4-3 1@! Sastra Perancis . <N"'S (2A!@23 12! Sosiologi . <N"'S (40!0?3 I9$ 2NI9.-SIT,S 2D,;,N, 82-2S,N IP, 1! 'rsitektur . <N<% (4@!123 2! +iologi . <N<% (2A!013 4! Bisika . <N<% (2A!13

-! 7lmu "ama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan . <N<% (2@!4A3 1! 0edokteran "e&an . <N<% (42!023 @! 0imia . <N<% (22!@@3 2! Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak . <N<% (2@!123 ?! Penyuluhan dan 0omunikasi Pertanian . <N<% (2@!4A3 10! Produksi Ternak . <N<% (22!13 11! Sosial ;konomi Pertanian ('grobisnis . <N<% (22!4@3 12! Teknik ;lektro . <N<% (4?!1@3 14! Teknik Mesin . <N<% (41!4@3 1-! Teknik Sipil . <N<% (44!@@3 11! Teknologi "asil Pertanian . <N<% (2?!403 82-2S,N IPS 1! 'gronomi . <N<% (22!4@3 2! 'rkeologi . <N<% (2A!2A3 4! ;konomi 'kuntansi . <N<% (42!1A3 -! ;konomi Mana#emen . <N<% (4?!423 1! ;konomi Pembangunan . <N<% (42!043 @! 7lmu "ukum . <N<% (41!0?3 2! 7lmu Se#arah . <N<% (20!413 A! 7lmu Tanah . <N<% (22!@43 ?! Pari&isata +udaya %- . <N<% (2@!A23 10! Sastra %aerah . <ntuk Sastra +ali . <N<% (24!1?3 11! Sastra %aerah . <ntuk Sastra /a&a . <N<% (22!A13 12! Sastra 7ndonesia . <N<% (2@!A23 14! Sastra 7nggris . <N<% (2A!213 1-! Seni :upa Murni . <N<% (2@!4-3 9$ 2NI9.-SIT,S M25,<,-M,N 82-2S,N IP, 1! 7lmu "ama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan . <NM<= (24!-23 2! 7lmu Tanah . <NM<= (2A!@13 4! Mana#emen "utan . <NM<= (24!223 -! Mana#emen Sumber %aya Perairan . <NM<= (22!0A3 1! Pend! +iologi . <NM<= (21!-13 @! Pend! Bisika . <NM<= (21!223 2! Pend! 0imia . <NM<= (2-!223 A! Pend! Matematika . <NM<= (24!AA3 ?! Sosia= ;konomi Perikanan . <NM<= (21!@@3 10! Sosial ;konomi Pertanian ('grobisnis . <NM<= (2A!AA3 11! Teknologi "asil "utan . <NM<= (2@!4A3 82-2S,N IPS

1! 'gronomi . <NM<= (22!0A3 2! +udi %aya Perairan . <NM<= (2@!4@3 4! ;konomi 'kuntansi . <NM<= (41!113 -! ;konomi Mana#emen . <NM<= (4@!A23 1! ;konomi Pembangunan . <NM<= (41!-@3 @! 7lmu 'dministrasi Negara . <NM<= (41!1@3 2! 7lmu Pemerintahan . <NM<= (4-!0@3 A! 7lmu Sosiatri . <NM<= (21!1?3 ?! Pend! +ahasa E Sast!7ndonesia dan %aerah . <NM<= (21!@23 10! Pend! +hs! 7nggris . <NM<= (2?!143 11! Pend! ;konomi . <NM<= (2-!143 12! Pend! Pancasila E 0e&arganegaraan (PP0N . <NM<= (2-!A-3 9I$ 2NI9.-SIT,S N.G.-I S2-,B,;, 82-2S,N IP, 1! +iologi . <NN;S' (40!213 2! fisika . <NN;S' (40!1A3 4! 7lmi 0eolahragaan . <NN;S' (2?!@-3 -! 0imia . <NN;S' (40!1A3 1! Matematika . <NN;S' (40!@A3 @! Pend! +iologi . <NN;S' (2A!013 2! Pend! Bisika . <NN;S' (22!013 A! Pend! Teknik +angunan . <NN;S' (2A3 ?! Pend! Teknik ;lektro . <NN;S' (40!@43 10! Pend! Teknik Mesin . <NN;S' (40!113 11! Teknik ;lektro %4 . <NN;S' (2A3 12! Teknik Mesin %4 . <NN;S' (2?!@23 14! Teknik Sipil %4 . <NN;S' (22!@23 1-! Pend! 0imia . <NN;S' (22!@?3 11! Pend! Matematika . <NN;S' (22!223 82-2S,N IPS 1! +ahasa dan Sastra 7ndonesia . <NN;S' (2?!-13 2! +ahasa dan Sastra 7nggris . <NN;S' (2?!-13 4! +imbingan dan 0onseling . <NN;S' (21!213 -! Pend! +ahasa E Sast!7ndonesia dan %aerah . <NN;S' (2A!@@3 1! Pend! +hs! 7nggris . <NN;S' (41!?23 @! Pend! +hs! /epang . <NN;S' (2?!043 2! Pend! +hs! /erman . <NN;S' (2?!--3 A! Pend! ;konomi . <NN;S' (2?!0@3 ?! Pend! )eografi . <NN;S' (40!-43 10! Pend! /asmani, 0esehatan dan :ekreasi . <NN;S' (2A!1?3

11! Pend! 0epelatihan >lahraga . <NN;S' (2A!@43 12! Pend! 0ese#ahteraan 0eluarga . <NN;S' (22!@43 14! Pend! =uar +iasa . <NN;S' (22!-13 1-! Pend! =uar Sekolah . <NN;S' (22!@43 11! Pend! Pancasila E 0e&arganegaraan (PP0N . <NN;S' (2?!--3 1@! Pend! Se#arah . <NN;S' (2?!4-3 12! Pend! Seni %rama, Tari dan Musik . <NN;S' (2A!?23 1A! Pend! Seni :upa . <NN;S' (2A!-13 1?! Teknologi Pendidikan . <NN;S' (2A!@?3 9II$ 2NI9.-SIT,S N2S, !.ND,N, 82-2S,N IP, 1! 'gronomi . <N%'N' (21!@-3 2! 7lmu "ama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan . <N%'N' (22!-23 4! 7lmu Tanah . <N%'N' (21!4@3 -! Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak . <N%'N' (22!013 1! Pend! +iologi . <N%'N' (22!223 @! Pend! Bisika %4 . <N%'N' (20!A03 2! Pend! 0imia . <N%'N' (22!13 A! Pend! Matematika . <N%'N' (21!223 ?! Pend! Teknik +angunan . <N%'N' (2-3 10! Pend! Teknik ;lektro . <N%'N' (2@!213 11! Pend! Teknik Mesin . <N%'N' (2?!113 12! Produksi Ternak . <N%'N' (20!113 14! Sosial ;konomi Pertanian ('grobisnis . <N%'N' (24!443 9II$ 2NI9.-SIT,S !.ND-,<,SI: 82-2S,N IP, 1! 'gronomi . <N9;N (22!0A3 2! +udi %aya "utan . <N9;N (2@!4A3 4! Pend! +iologi . <N9;N (22!223 -! Pend! Bisika . <N9;N (21!A03 1! Pend! 0imia . <N9;N (22!13 @! Pend! Matematika . <N9;N (21!223 2! Produksi Ternak . <N9;N (22!223 A! Sosial ;konomi Pertanian ('grobisnis . <N9;N (22!0A3 ?! Teknik Sipil . <N9;N (41!@@3 10! Teknik Sipil %4 . <N9;N (2?!-13 82-2S,N IPS 1! 'ntropologi Sosial . <N9;N (22!043

2! +imbingan dan 0onseling . <N9;N (24!?13 4! ;konomi Mana#emen . <N9;N (41!@23 -! ;konomi Pembangunan . <N9;N (44!213 1! 7lmu 'dministrasi Negara . <N9;N (40!-@3 @! 7lmu 'dministrasi Negara . <N9;N (2@!4-3 2! 7lmu 'dministrasi Niaga . <N9;N (22!213 A! 7lmu "ukum . <N9;N (42!043 ?! 7lmu "ukum . <N9;N (22!-43 10! 7lmu 0ese#ahteraan Sosial . <N9;N (40!113 11! Pend! +ahasa E Sast!7ndonesia dan %aerah . <N9;N (24!2A3 12! Pend! +hs! 7nggris . <N9;N (22!?@3 14! Pend! +hs! 7nggris . <N9;N (2?!113 1-! Pend! ;konomi . <N9;N (2-!A-3 11! Pend! )eografi . <N9;N (2-!143 1@! Pend! )eografi . <N9;N (2-!143 12! Pend! /asmani, 0esehatan dan :ekreasi . <N9;N (24!2A3 1A! Pend! Pancasila E 0e&arganegaraa (PP0N . <N9;N (2-!A-3 1?! Pend! Se#arah . <N9;N (21!-@3 20! Pend! Se#arah . <N9;N (2@!213 21! Sosiologi . <N9;N (2A!1?3 9III$ 2NI9.-SIT,S 5,MB2NG M,NG32-,T 82-2S,N IP, 1! 'gronomi . <N='N (22!4@3 2! 'rsitektur . <N='N (42!4@3 4! +udi %aya "utan . <N='N (22!4@3 -! +udi %aya Perairan . <N='N (21!4@3 1! 7lmu "ama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan . <N='N (2@!123 @! 7lmu Tanah . <N='N (2A!213 2! Mana#emen "utan . <N='N (24!13 A! Pemanfaatan Sumber %aya Perikanan . <N='N (24!AA3 ?! Pend! +iologi . <N='N (2@!@@3 10! Pend! 0imia . <N='N (24!-23 11! Pend! Matematika . <N='N (21!113 12! Pendidikan %okter . <N='N (4@!A03 14! Penyuluhan dan 0omunikasi Pertanian . <N='N (24!AA3 1-! Sosial ;konomi Pertanian ('grobisnis . <N='N (22!13 11! Teknik Sipil . <N='N (41!2@3 1@! Teknologi "asil "utan . <N='N (22!1@3 12! Teknologi "asil Perikanan . <N='N (21!213 82-2S,N IPS 1! ;konomi 'kuntansi . <N='N (4A!-43

2! ;konomi Mana#emen . <N='N (42!@13 4! ;konomi Pembangunan . <N='N (44!213 -! 7lmu 'dministrasi Negara . <N='N (2A!213 1! 7lmu 'dministrasi Niaga . <N='N (2A!213 @! 7lmu "ukum . <N='N (2?!213 2! 7lmu Pemerintahan . <N='N (44!1?3 A! Pend! +ahasa E Sast!7ndonesia dan %aerah . <N='M (21!?43 ?! Pend! +hs! 7nggris . <N='N (2?!113 10! Pend! ;konomi . <N='N (21!2A3 11! Pend! /asmani, 0esehatan dan :ekreasi . <N='N (24!2A3 12! Pend! Pancasila E 0e&arganegaraan (PP0N . <N='N (2-!A-3 14! Pend! Se#arah . <N='N (2@!213 I=$ 2NI9.-SIT,S :,5245.4 82-2S,N IP, 1! 'gronomi . <N"'=< (20!1-3 2! +udi %aya Perairan . <N"'=< (24!1?3 4! 7lmu "ama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan . <N"'=< (21!-23 -! Mana#emen Sumber %aya Perairan . <N"'=< (21!013 1! Pend! +iologi . <N"'=< (21!223 @! Pend! Bisika . <N"'=< (21!A03 2! Pend! 0imia . <N"'=< (22!13 A! Pend! Matematika . <N"'=< (24!AA3 ?! Penyuluhan dan 0omunikasi Pertanian . <N"'=< (22!4A3 10! Sosial ;konomi Pertanian ('grobisnis . <N"'=< (22!0A3 11! Teknik ;lektro %4 . <N"'=< (2@3 12! Teknik Mesin %4 . <N"'=< (2A!@23 14! Teknik Sipil %4 . <N"'=< (2@!@23 82-2S,N IPS 1! 'ntropologi Sosial . <N"'=< (21!213 2! ;konomi 'kuntansi . <N"'=< (44!113 4! ;konomi Mana#emen . <N"'=< (42!143 -! ;konomi Pembangunan . <N"'=< (41!043 1! 7lmu 'dministrasi Negara . <N"'=< (21!4-3 @! 7lmu 0omunikasi . <N"'=< (42!213 2! Pend! +ahasa E Sast!7ndonesia dan %aerah . <N"'=< (24!2A3 A! Pend! +hs! 7nggris . <N"'=< (22!?@3 ?! Pend! ;konomi . <N"'=< (24!A-3 10! Pend! /asmani, 0esehatan dan :ekreasi . <N"'=< (24!2A3 11! Pend! Pancasila E 0e&arganegaraan (PP0N . <N"'=< (24!A-3 12! Pend! Se#arah . <N"'=< (2-!-@3 14! Psikologi Pendidikan . <N"'=< (F

1-! Sosiologi . <N"'=< (22!1?3 =$ 2NI9.-SIT,S S,M -,T25,NGI 82-2S,N IP, 1! 'gronomi . <NS:'T (22!13 2! 'rsitektur . <NS:'T (42!4@3 4! +udi %aya Perairan . <NS:'T (2-!4@3 -! 7lmu "ama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan . <NS:'T (2@!123 1! 7lmu 0elautan . <NS:'T (41!403 @! 7lmu Tanah . <NS:'T (22!13 2! Mana#emen Sumber %aya Perairan . <NS:'T (24!013 A! Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak . <NS:'T (22!13 ?! Pemanfaatan Sumber %aya Perikanan . <NS:'T (24!213 10! Pendidikan %okter . <NS:'T (42!A03 11! Produksi Ternak . <NS:'T (24!AA3 12! Sosial ;konomi Pertanian ('grobisnis . <NS:'T (22!13 14! Sosial ;konomi Peternakan . <NS:'T (2-!223 1-! Teknik ;lektro . <NS:'T (4?!023 11! Teknik Mesin . <NS:'T (44!443 1@! Teknik Pertanian . <NS:'T (2A!@13 12! Teknik Sipil . <NS:'T (42!@@3 1A! Teknologi "asil Perikanan . <NS:'T (2-!213 82-2S,N IPS 1! 'ntropologi Sosial . <NS:'T (2@!213 2! ;konomi 'kuntansi . <NS:'T (42!13 4! ;konomi Mana#emen . <NS:'T (42!@13 -! ;konomi Pembangunan . <NS:'T (4-!143 1! 7lmu 'dministrasi Negara . <NS:'T (40!413 @! 7lmu 'dministrasi Niaga . <NS:'T (2?!143 2! 7lmu "ukum . <NS:'T (44!1?3 A! 7lmu 0omunikasi . <NS:'T (44!113 ?! 7lmu Pemerintahan . <NS:'T (4-!0@3 10! 7lmu Politik . <NS:'T (22!-03 11! 7lmu Se#arah . <NS:'T (22!043 12! Sastra 7ndonesia . <NS:'T (21!@23 14! Sastra /epang . <NS:'T (22!@@3 1-! Sastra /erman . <NS:'T (22!143 11! Sosiologi . <NS:'T (2?!213

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5eonardo da 9in&i the genius

=eonardo da Cinci the genius

=eonardo da Cinci, &ho &as born in Cinci, near Blorence in 1-12, is kno&n for his 8isionary ideas! "e made sketches of scissors, the parachute, helicopter, airplanes, and engineering designs, some of &hich came into use -00 years after his death in 111?! +ut his notebooks ne8er pro8ided an e,planation on the mechanics of his

in8entions! 7n fact, it is not kno&n if he e8er e8en constructed any of the ideas himself! Ihat is kno&n is that he could &rite &ith the one hand and dra& &ith the other simultaneously! 7n his last @ years, =eonardo da Cinci &orked for 0ing Brancis 7 of Brance! The king bought one of =eonardoJs paintings, &hich he hanged in his bathroom! 9alled La Gioconda, this portrait of =isa )herandini &as the first painting to feature fading colors to create a sense of aerial perspecti8e! Today it is better kno&n as the Mona =isa! 7n 1?12, the Mona =isa &as stolen from the =ou8re, Paris! 7t took almost 4 years to reco8er! %uring that time, @ forgeries turned up in the <S', each selling for a 8ery high price! The original is, ob8iously, priceless! Video: Mona =isa is one of the best.kno&n faces on the planet! +ut &ould you recogniKe an image of =eonardo da CinciF See( =eonardo da Cinci the genius %iposkan oleh :id&an "S di 24(11 0 komentar 0irimkan 7ni le&at ;mail+logThisH+erbagi ke T&itter+erbagi ke Bacebook


Did 1ou kno"@@Dial1sis/ 5ifeASaBing !are at Great -isk and !ost

7n 1?22, after a month of deliberation, 9ongress launched the nationJs most ambitious e,periment in uni8ersal health care( a change to the Social Security 'ct that granted comprehensi8e co8erage under Medicare to 8irtually anyone diagnosed &ith kidney failure, regardless of age or income! 7t &as a supremely hopeful moment! 'lthough the technology to keep kidney patients ali8e through dialysis had arri8ed, it &as still unattainable for all but a lucky fe&! 't one hospital, a death panel L or M)od committeeN in the parlance of the time L &as deciding &ho got it and &ho didnJt! The ne& program &ould help about 11,000 'mericans, #ust for starters! Bor a modest initial price tag of O141 million, it &ould co8er not only their dialysis and transplants, but all of their medical needs! Some consider it the closest that the <nited States has come to socialiKed medicine! No&, almost four decades later, a program once en8isioned as a model for a national health care system has e8ol8ed into a hulking monster! Ta,payers spend more than O20 billion a year to care for those on dialysis L about O22,000 per patient, more, by some accounts, than any other nation! Pet the <nited States continues to ha8e one of the industrialiKed &orldJs highest mortality rates for dialysis care! ;8en taking into account differences in patient characteristics, studies suggest that if our system

performed as &ell as 7talyJs, or BranceJs, or /apanJs, thousands fe&er patients &ould die each year! 7n a country that regularly boasts about its superior medical system, such results might be cause for outrage! +ut although dialysis is a lifeline for almost -00,000 'mericans, fe& outside this insular &orld ha8e probed &hy a program &ith such compassionate aims produces such troubling outcomes! ;8en during a fer8id national debate o8er health care, the state of dialysis garnered little public attention! >8er the course of more than a year, ProPublica re8ie&ed thousands of inspection reports and inter8ie&ed more than 100 patients, ad8ocates, doctors, policy makers, researchers and industry e,perts to get a grasp on 'merican dialysis! The findings &ere bleak( 't clinics from coast to coast, patients commonly recei8e treatment in settings that are unsanitary and prone to perilous lapses in care! :egulators ha8e fe& tools and little &ill to enforce Quality standards! 7ndustry consolidation has left patients &ith fe&er choices of pro8ider! The go8ernment has &ithheld critical data about clinicsJ performance from patients, the 8ery people &ho need it most! Mean&hile, the t&o corporate chains that dominate the system are consistently profitable, together making about O2 billion in operating profits a year! >ne reason the systemJs problems ha8e e8ol8ed out of the health care spotlight is that kidney failure disproportionately afflicts minorities and the dispossessed! +ut gi8en a patient pool gro&ing by 4 percent a year and the outsiKe @ percent bite that the kidney program takes from the Medicare budget, &e ignore dialysis at our o&n risk! MIeJre offering our patients a therapy &e &ouldnJt accept for oursel8es,N said %r! Tom B! Parker 777, a %allas nephrologist and national ad8ocate for better care! More and more leaders in the field, he said, Mare starting to say this isnJt sufficient!N 's the <nited States mo8es to e,pand access to health care, dialysis offers potent lessons! 7ts story e,presses the fears of both ends of the ideological spectrum about &hat can happen &hen the doors to care are thro&n &ide open( Neither go8ernment controls nor market forces ha8e kept costs from ballooning or ensured the highest. Quality care! 'lmost e8ery key assumption about ho& the program &ould unfold has pro8ed &rong! The Sharp .nd of the Needle "enry +aer &ent in for his third dialysis treatment on Ne& PearJs ;8e day in 2001! 7t turned out to be his last! "e &as only 4?, but years of diabetes and high blood pressure had caused +aerJs kidneys to shut do&n! +uilt.up &aste and fluid &ere causing his limbs to s&ell and making him short of breath! "e &as sent for &hatJs called in. center hemodialysis, the most common type of dialysis, at a beige.toned clinic near his home in Prescott Calley, 'riK! "is first t&o sessions &ere pretty normal! ' technician hooked +aer to a machine the siKe of a filing cabinet, connecting it &ith plastic tubing to the catheter in his chest! "e sat in a lounge chair, still as stone, for about four hours as the machine, &hirring gently, mo8ed his blood through a specialiKed filter, then returned it, cleansed of to,ins! 7t &as uncomfortable and boring! MSis, this isnJt for me,N he told his older sister, 0aren )able, 8o&ing to make himself a 8iable candidate for a kidney transplant! /ust o8er t&o hours into his ne,t session, +aerJs incoming bloodline Mbecame disconnected,N a federal inspection report says! The attending technician panicked, Myelling and screaming hysterically!N +lood sprayed onto +aerJs shirt, pants, arms and

hands! Then, Mcontrary to emergency standing orders,N the report continued, she reconnected the line to +aerJs catheter, infusing him &ith Mpotentially contaminated blood!N +y the time Mike Iright, +aerJs boss at a local car dealership, picked +aer up after the treatment, he &as complaining of nausea! >8er the ne,t t&o days, +aer spiked a fe8er! "is &ife found him in bed, ha8ing a con8ulsion! "e &as taken to the hospital, &here tests later sho&ed that his catheter had become infected &ith antibiotic.resistant staph! The infection mo8ed s&iftly to his heart and brain! "e died a fe& days later, on /an! 2, 200@, lea8ing behind a 2.month.old daughter! (Bresenius Medical 9are North 'merica, the clinicJs operator, declined to comment on the incident, citing patient pri8acy rules! 7n 200A, &ithout admitting &rongdoing, it agreed to settle a &rongful.death la&suit brought by +aerJs sur8i8ors! Ihat happened to +aer &as a & scenario! Pet in some &ays it is symptomatic of ho& dialysis is deli8ered! Medical super8ision is minimal! 9linics must ha8e board. certified physicians as medical directors, but usually ha8e no doctor on site, and some struggle to meet the federal reQuirement of at least one full.time registered nurse! Technicians, &ho can start &ith #ust a diploma and an course (though they are later reQuired to pass a state or national certification test , ha8e been the fieldJs &orkhorses for a generation! Medicare sets no staffing ratios for dialysis centers, and most states donJt either! 'lthough some clinics are orderly and e,pert L attenti8e not only to patientsJ health, but also to their dignity L others are run like factories, turning o8er three shifts of patients a day, sometimes four! Safety e,perts say technicians shouldnJt monitor more than four patients at once, but some operators sa8e money by stretching them further! The pace can be so intense, inspections sho&, that clinics ha8e allo&ed patients to soil themsel8es rather than interrupt dialysis for a bathroom break! >ne technician said he Quit his #ob at a large 9olorado clinic because he often had to #uggle si, patients or more! MThe last t&o years, 7 &as #ust getting old,N he said! 9onditions &ithin clinics are sometimes shockingly poor! ProPublica e,amined inspection records for more than 1,100 clinics in 9alifornia, Ne& Pork, North 9arolina, >hio, Pennsyl8ania and Te,as from 2002 to 200?! Sur8eyors came across filthy or unsafe conditions in almost half the units they checked! 't some, they found blood encrusted in the folds of patientsJ treatment chairs or spattered on &alls, floors or ceiling tiles! 'nts &ere so common at a unit in %urham, N!9!, that &hen a patient complained, a staffer #ust handed him a can of bug spray! "undreds of clinics &ere cited for infection.control breaches that e,posed patients to hepatitis, staph, tuberculosis and "7C! ' Manhattan center closed in 200A after cross. contamination infected three patients &ith hepatitis 9 &ithin si, months! Prescription errors &ere common( @0 clinics had at least fi8e citations for them! 7n doKens of instances, patients died or &ere hospitaliKed after suffering hemorrhages like +aerJs, &hen dialysis needles or tubing dislodged and staffers failed to adhere to safety guidelines! Pro8iders say they &ork hard to meet or e,ceed go8ernment standards, correcting deficiencies Quickly &hen they surface and sometimes employing their o&n internal auditing programs! MPou &ill find cases &here things go &rong, but itJs a small percent &hen you consider all of the hundreds of thousands of treatments e8ery day,N said %iane Iish, the 9;> of a small >hio dialysis chain and president of the National :enal

'dministrators 'ssociation, the group that represents dialysis facility managers! +ut patient ad8ocates say conditions in some clinics ha8e been problematic for so long that e8eryone in the system has come to accept it! M7tJs become ingrained that dialysis is e,pensi8e and dangerous and has terrible outcomes,N said +ill Peckham, a patient kno&n &idely for his blog, %ialysis Brom the Sharp ;nd of the Needle! M>nce youJre there, )od help you! Ihat do you e,pectF PouJre on dialysis!N -ise of an .ntitlement %ialysis entered the 'merican consciousness in the early 1?@0s as the countryJs signature e,ample of medical rationing! 7n those days, kidney disease killed about 100,000 people a year! 9hronic dialysis &as possible, thanks to t&o in8entions( the artificial.kidney machine de8eloped by the %utch doctor Iillem 0olff during Iorld Iar 77 and a 8ascular.access de8ice designed by +elding Scribner, a pioneering Seattle physician &ho opened the first outpatient dialysis center in the <nited States! +ut treatments &ere e,pensi8e, and most pri8ate insurers &ould not pay for them! 't ScribnerJs medical center, the =ife or %eath 9ommittee parceled out the fe& slots, &eighing not only the health of patients and their income, but also their percei8ed social &orth! Ne&s reports about the committeeJs &ork sparked one of the earliest national debates o8er the right to care and put pressure on the go8ernment to step in! ' turning point came &hen Shep )laKer, 8ice president of the largest patient group, made an emotional appeal to the "ouse Iays and Means 9ommittee as he under&ent dialysis on the floor! M7f your kidneys failed tomorro&, &ouldnJt you &ant the opportunity to li8eFN asked the -4.year.old father of t&o! MIouldnJt you &ant to see your children gro& upFN The measure establishing ta,payer funding for treatment of end.stage renal disease, signed into la& by President :ichard M! Ni,on, &as e,pansi8e, and its lopsided, bipartisan appro8al reflected the times! Many la&makers L e8en conser8ati8es L thought the <nited States &ould adopt a ; national health care system! 'lso, the program that took effect in /uly 1?24 &as e,pected to ha8e about 41,000 patients and cost about O1 billion in its 10th year! Those estimates came to seem almost laughable! The number of dialysis patients surpassed 41,000 by 1?22 and has gone up from there! The gro&th reflected not only lo&er.than.e,pected transplant rates and the spread of diabetes, but also positi8e trends, like better cardiac care! Iith 'mericans li8ing long enough for their kidneys to fail and no disQualifying conditions for the program, e8en the oldest and sickest patients increasingly &ere prescribed dialysis! <p&ards of 100,000 no& start treatment each year! M7tJs been a perfect e,ample of that line, R+uild it and they &ill come,JN said %r! /ay Iish, director of dialysis ser8ices for <ni8ersity "ospitals 9ase Medical 9enter in 9le8eland! +ecause the kidney program absorbed that unforeseen &a8e L and thus prolonged so many li8es L some call it one of the great success stories of modern medicine! Still, the annual bill for the program Quickly outpaced early pro#ections, surging past O1 billion &ithin si, years! Per.patient e,penditures &ere e,pected to drop as technology ad8anced! 7nstead they ha8e risen steadily, as drug and hospitaliKation costs gre& for the programJs increasingly frail clientele! Medicare has struggled to enforce Quality standards for dialysis &hile meeting its prime

directi8e of pro8iding uni8ersal access! 's the medical communityJs understanding of kidney disease gre&, the go8ernment set biochemical targets for impro8ing care! 9linics got better at hitting them, but o8erall rates of death and hospitaliKation ha8e seen little change! 'nd MedicareJs record of making sure that clinics meet health and safety standards has been spotty! 9linics are supposed to be inspected once e8ery three years on a8erage, but as of >ctober, almost one in 10 hadnJt had a check in at least fi8e years, as sho&n by data from the 9enters for Medicare and Medicaid Ser8ices (kno&n as 9MS ! 'bout 210 facilities hadnJt had a full recertification inspection in se8en years or more! Nursing homes, by contrast, must be inspected once e8ery 11 months, and in 200@, 9MS reported that ??!? percent had been! ;8en &hen inspectors find that clinics are not meeting go8ernment standards, the conseQuences are seldom meaningful! 9MS can demand that facilities submit correction plans, but it cannot fine 8iolators as it can nursing homes! The agency almost ne8er imposes its toughest sanction L termination from Medicare L because clinic closures could hinder access to care! Brom 2000 to 200A, the agency barred #ust 1@ dialysis facilitiesS federal regulations set no limits on ho& many 8iolations are too many! M7tJs a #udgment call,N said /an Tarantino, deputy director of 9MSJs sur8ey.and. certification group! Ihen the Memphis <ni8ersity %ialysis 9enter &as terminated from Medicare in /une 2002, the step had been at least four years in the making! %uring that time, the clinic &as flagged for dangerous conditions, inadeQuate care, higher.than.e,pected mortality rates and subpar clinical results! 9MS threatened to yank the unitJs certification in March 200@ and again the follo&ing year! +oth times, ho&e8er, e8en though inspectors continued to find problems, the agency allo&ed the clinic to stay open! 7n 'pril 2002, nine days after 9MS sent the center a letter confirming that it &as back in compliance, @@.year.old /ames MTugN McMurry came in for treatment! Ihen he had slo& blood flo& after being gi8en his regular dose of blood thinner, staffers administered doses of a clot.dissol8ing medicine, according to a 9MS sur8ey! =ater, a nurse told inspectors that a doctor had gi8en a 8erbal order to administer the drug, but the doctor denied it, &riting MThis order &as not gi8en by meN on a form! McMurry called one of his sisters, +etty Tindall, on his &ay home that day! M"e said, RThey donJt kno& &hat theyJre doing up there,JN Tindall recalled! ' couple of hours later, McMurryJs neighbor heard him bang on the shared &all bet&een their apartments! M"elpH "elpHN he yelled! Paramedics found him slumped in a chair, 8omiting! Tests at the hospital sho&ed McMurry had suffered a de8astating brain hemorrhage! +y the time family members made it to his bedside, he &as in an irre8ersible coma! 7n an inspection three &eeks later, regulators cited Memphis <ni8ersity %ialysis for failing to pro8ide Msafe dialysis ser8icesN and 8iolating rules on the proper administration of drugs! They found multiple errors in8ol8ing blood thinners, including one that resulted in the hospitaliKation of another patient! This time, 9MS re8oked the dialysis unitJs Medicare certification, prompting it to close! M7t took people dying before they did anything,N said +obby Martin, an attorney for McMurryJs brother and, &ho reached a confidential settlement &ith %aCita 7nc!, the clinicJs o&ner, in 'ugust 200?! (' %aCita official declined to comment on the case, citing patient pri8acy! 9MS officials disputed the idea that they had acted too slo&ly! MPlease understand that this is not an easy decision,N said /essica /enkins, a spokes&oman for the regional

office that handled the matter! MIeJre not in the business of putting facilities out of business!N !oke or Pepsi Problems like those that regulators found in McMurryJs clinic are partly rooted in economics! The go8ernmentJs payment policies for dialysis ha8e created financial incenti8es that, in some &ays, ha8e &orked against better patient care, &hile enabling for.profit corporations to dominate the business! Ihen the end.stage.renal.disease program began, hospitals pro8ided most of the care on a nonprofit basis! +ut spurred by the guarantee of Medicare money, the marketplace met the gro&ing demand for ser8ices through the e,pansion of for.profit companies! Today, more than A0 percent of the nationJs 1,000 clinics are for.profit! 'lmost t&o. thirds of all clinics are operated by t&o chains( 9olorado.based %aCita and Bresenius, a subsidiary of a )erman corporation that is the leading maker of dialysis machines and supplies! Brom the start, the go8ernmentJs payment rules re&arded efficiency! Medicare set a rate for dialysis treatments, originally O14A per session, and co8ered a ma,imum of three treatments a &eek for most patients! Pro8iders could keep &hate8er they didnJt spend on care! There &ere no penalties for poor results and no bonuses for good ones! <nlike other Medicare rates, the payment &asnJt ad#usted up&ard for inflation! =a&makers cut the base rate to about O124 per treatment in 1?A4, after the programJs cost came in higher than e,pected and audits sho&ed pro8iders a8eraging profits of more than 20 percent! %ialysis companies responded like any other business facing a drop in prices, said Philip /! "eld, a nationally recogniKed researcher on kidney disease and an economist by training! They chopped e,penses by shortening treatments, thinning staff and assigning tasks once done by nurses to unlicensed technicians! Some reused dialyKers, the filters that clean a patientJs blood! M7t changed the nature of the ser8ice,N "eld said of the rate cut! MPou get &hat you pay for! The price &as lo&er, but the product &as dramatically different!N The go8ernment created another per8erse incenti8e by allo&ing clinics to bill Medicare separately for certain medications, reimbursing them at a markup o8er &hat they paid drug makers! %ialysis companies embraced the opportunity( %oses of ;pogen, prescribed to treat anemia, and similar medications tripled bet&een 1?A? and 2001, becoming MedicareJs single largest pharmaceutical e,pense! MTheir core business became gi8ing patients in#ectable drugs,N said :ichard '! "irth, a professor of health management and policy at the <ni8ersity of Michigan School of Public "ealth! M%ialysis &as #ust the loss leader that got TpatientsU in the door!N Though lucrati8e for clinics, the drug boom L much like the ser8ice cuts L may ha8e undermined patient care! ' 200@ study sho&ed that patients treated &ith higher doses of Procrit, a medication similar to ;pogen, &ere at greater risk for heart problems and death than those &ho got lo&er doses! 's a &hole, the go8ernmentJs payment rules ha8e gi8en big pro8iders, &ith their economies of scale and purchasing po&er, a financial edge o8er smaller ones, spurring consolidation! %aCita and Bresenius each no& ha8e at least 1,100 clinics and more than 120,000 patients in the <nited States! No other operator has more than 400 clinics! The chains say their deep pockets support Quality initiati8es that smaller pro8iders canJt match! M>ne of the ad8antages of being large V is that you can in8est in trying ne&

things and being inno8ati8e,N said %r! 'llen Nissenson, %aCitaJs chief medical officer! The +ig T&o are e8ol8ing into outlets for dialysis.related ser8ices( They run labs, pharmacies and clinics that specialiKe in 8ascular access! They ha8e mo8ed into the home.dialysis market and sell drugs used by dialysis patients! 7n 200?, the dialysis giants booked combined North 'merican operating profits of O2!2 billion, their most e8er! 7n public financial filings, the companies say Medicare payments do not fully co8er the cost of treatments and attribute much of their profit to the small minority of patients co8ered by pri8ate insurers, &ho pay substantially higher rates! %aCita says its margins are slimmer than those of the health care sector o8erall! 7n a March 2010 report (P%B , the independent Medicare Payment 'd8isory 9ommission #udged pay for dialysis and related ser8ices to be adeQuate, calculating that in 200A, one.Quarter of <!S! clinics had Medicare margins of at least 14 percent &hile another Quarter lost money! The t&o largest pro8iders a8eraged Medicare margins of - percent, the commission found, more than t&ice that of all others! Some smaller operators are struggling! Bor the past se8eral years, the 7ndependent %ialysis Boundation, a nonprofit &ith nine clinics in Maryland, has run in the red! The founder, %r! /ohn Sadler, a pioneer in dialysis, said he has refused offers to sell because he belie8es independent operators offer a crucial alternati8e to chains! +ut Sadler admitted to a gro&ing sense of futility! MPerhaps people like me are dinosaurs,N he said! M7J8e al&ays thought our focus on patients, not profits, &as important!N Many &ithin the dialysis &orld share SadlerJs uneasiness &ith the dominance of for. profit pro8iders o8erall and chains in particular! >8er the past decade, stacks of competing studies ha8e attempted to parse &hether the Quality of care at for.profit centers is eQual to that at nonprofit centers, &ith no clear.cut ans&er! The e,panding grip of %aCita and Bresenius may make such debates moot! Though the <!S! has more dialysis clinics than e8er, patients donJt necessarily ha8e more choice! M7tJs 9oke and Pepsi,N said /oseph 'tkins, &ho has been in the industry for 42 years as a technician, nurse, clinic o&ner, and consultant! M'nd in some places, it can be 9oke or Pepsi!N CI DonDt :aBe No"here .lse to GoD ;8en as go8ernment policies ha8e encouraged the spread of corporate dialysis, they ha8e largely denied consumers the chance to use market po&er to push for better care! +ecause Medicare is the dominant payer, it has information about dialysis centers that doesnJt e,ist for other medical pro8iders! Pet the 9enters for Medicare and Medicaid Ser8ices has not made public key measures such as clinicsJ rates of mortality, hospitaliKation for infection and transplantation! :egulators kno& ho& dialysis units perform by these yardsticks! So far, patients donJt! Mark Schlesinger, a professor at the Pale School of Public "ealth, says the program has sQuandered an opportunity to be a model of patient empo&erment! M7n some &ays, TdialysisU is &here Medicare has the biggest footprint, but itJs al&ays been kind of a back&ater,N he said! MThereJs a perception that these patients &onJt take ad8antage of the opportunities!N ProPublica first asked 9MS for the clinic.specific outcome data it collects L at ta,payer e,pense L t&o years ago under the Breedom of 7nformation 'ct! The agency declined to say &hether it &ould release the material until last &eek, as this story neared publication! 7t subseQuently has pro8ided reports for all clinics for 2002 to 2010!

ProPublica is re8ie&ing the data and plans to make it a8ailable for patients, researchers and the general public! The reasons 9MS has gi8en for &ithholding the information until no& is that some measures are disputed or lack refinement! :egulators and pro8iders can put the data in perspecti8e, officials had said, but patients might misinterpret the information or see it as more than they really &ant to kno&! 9MSJs %ialysis Bacility 9ompare &ebsite posts a handful of measures, including one for mortality, but does not gi8e hard numbers! 7nstead, it categoriKes patient.sur8i8al rates as Mbetter than e,pected,N M&orse than e,pectedN or Mas e,pected!N MMortality is hard for indi8iduals to face,N said Thomas %udley, &ho o8ersees %ialysis Bacility 9ompare! MPou donJt &ant to scare people a&ay!N Peckham, the patient.ad8ocacy blogger, scoffed at this! M7t infantiliKes people to say, RIe donJt &ant to burden you &ith information and facts,JN he said! Iould more information make a differenceF ProPublica &as able to obtain outcomes data directly from the state of Te,as for more than -00 clinics there! The material, co8ering 2002.0?, re8eals striking differences bet&een clinics in close pro,imity! 7nno8ati8e :enal 9are and Midto&n 0idney 9enter, clinics about t&o miles apart in "ouston, had similar stats on %ialysis Bacility 9ompare in 2002, including Mas e,pectedN sur8i8al rates! +ut the full data sho& that 7nno8ati8e :enalJs a8erage annual death rate L after factoring in patient demographics and complicating conditions L &as 4percent higher than e,pected! Midto&nJs a8erage rate &as 11 percent lo&er than e,pected! %ialysis Bacility 9ompare has since changed 7nno8ati8eJs sur8i8al rating to M&orse than e,pected,N but ho& much &orseF The unpublished 200? data re8eal that the clinic performed more poorly, 8ersus e,pectations, than ?2 percent of all facilities nation&ide! 7nno8ati8e :enalJs administrator, Scott Sulli8an, said the clinic had a difficult patient pool, but its most recent results ha8e sho&n impro8ement! MIeJ8e put things in place to make sure those numbers are corrected,N he said! The information 8oid feeds patientsJ general sense of po&erlessness! ;8en acti8ists such as Peckham or =ori "art&ell, &ho heads up the :enal Support Net&ork, a patient ad8ocacy group, say they often feel shut out of the biggest decisions affecting the dialysis system! 's a group, those on dialysis ha8e been less 8ocal and effecti8e than other patient communities in pressing a cohesi8e agenda! 0idney failure is almost four times as common among 'frican.'mericans as among &hites, and about one and a half times as common among "ispanics as among non."ispanics! 'bout half of the kidney programJs beneficiaries are poor enough to Qualify for Medicaid! %ialysis itself can lea8e many patients saddled &ith cramps, congestion and a sapping e,haustion! MPouJre a pile of mush thatJs barely getting through,N said 9indy Miller, a former patient in =as Cegas &ho got a kidney transplant! MIhat do you &ant to do, file a class actionF "o& many of these people are going to be ali8e long enough for thatFN Ihen patients do take on the system, they can pay a hea8y price! =arry "all came home the e8ening of No8! 11, 2002, to find the eQui8alent of a M%ear /ohnN letter from an attorney representing %aCita, his dialysis pro8ider! M;ffecti8e immediately,N it said, Myou &ill no longer be treatedN at Southeastern %ialysis of Iilmington, N!9!, &here he had been a patient for more than nine years! ;nclosed Mto aid you in finding a ne& treatment facility,N the attorney &rote, &as a list of non.%aCita facilities! The closest one &as 10 miles a&ay, in South 9arolina!

"all had been dumped, or, in Medicare.ese, Min8oluntarily discharged!N ' burly, soft. spoken man &ho spent almost t&o decades as a uranium processor for )eneral ;lectric, "all, 11, &as a hyper.8igilant patient &ho sometimes challenged clinic managers! Starting in early 200@, they pressed "all to sign a contract that labeled him disrupti8e and reQuired him not to Mhand out anti.%aCita or anti.dialysis literature on the premises!N "all refused to sign and sued for negligence! The discharge letter arri8ed a fe& months later! ' %aCita spokesman said in an e.mail that the company did nothing improper and blamed the discharge on "allJs Mescalating disruption and beha8ioral issues!N The clinic continued treating "all e8en after he sued, the spokesman said, adding that &hile "all later &on a O10,000 #ury a&ard for one claim, se8eral others &ere dropped! "all &as forced to seek treatment at the emergency room of a nearby hospital, &here he &aited hours for stations to open up and for tests to sho& that his condition &as dire enough to &arrant inter8ention! >nce L short of breath and s&ollen &ith 1@ pounds of e,cess fluid L he says he &as refused dialysis! "ospital &orkers put him in a &heelchair and left him in the lobby! :egulators concluded that Southeastern %ialysis had 8iolated Medicare regulations by dismissing "all &ithout ad8ance notice! Bor no&, Medicare officials ha8e arranged for "all to recei8e dialysis at the hospital! "is treatments cost more than care, and "all &orries the plug could be pulled at any time! M7 donJt kno& &hatJs going to happen to me,N he said! M7 donJt ha8e no&here else to go!N The Italian Solution :eggio 9alabria is not the sort of to&n &here youJd e,pect to find &orld.beating health care! %usty and poor, it sits on 7talyJs southern tip, at the end of a notorious high&ay that cost so much and took so long to build that it became a national symbol of inefficiency and corruption! The cityJs main public hospital has the tired grubbiness of a bus station! 7ts unit for kidney patients, ho&e8er, typifies dialysis! >ther countries pro8ide uni8ersal access to dialysis care, much like the <nited States! +ut some, notably 7taly, ha8e better patient sur8i8al and cost control! 7taly has one of the lo&est mortality rates for dialysis care L about one in nine patients dies each year, compared &ith one in fi8e here! Pet 7taly spends about one.third less than &e do per patient! These results reflect lo&er o8erall health care costs and a patient population &ith lo&er rates of diabetes and heart disease, but also important di8ergences in policy and practice! MThe differences in mortality are staggering,N said %r! %aniel +atlle, &ho is a professor at North&estern <ni8ersityJs Beinberg School of Medicine and co.authored a 200? paper on dialysis practices and outcomes in 7taly! 's %r! 9armine Woccali, slim and &hite.haired, &ea8es through the 2-.station outpatient unit in :eggio 9alabria, patients recline on beds, chatting Quietly or doKing! ' doctor is present at e8ery session, ad#usting treatments and handling any complications! This is typical( '2002 report sho&ed that 7talian dialysis patients had more than fi8e times as much contact&ith their physicians as <!S! patients! 's Woccali &alks through the &ard, nurses mo8e bet&een the beds, monitoring patientsJ 8ital signs and responding to the occasional bleat of a machine alarm! There are no technicians, Woccali e,plains, and some regions set mandatory staffing minimums! "is unit has at least one nurse for e8ery 4!1 patients! Their e,pertise not

only enhances safety, but also helps keep patients compliant &ith their treatment programs, Woccali says! Most of his patients get three treatments a &eek, but their sessions last at least four hours, more than the <!S! a8erage! ;,tending dialysis by 40 minutes per session impro8es life e,pectancy, research sho&s, though many patients resist adding time! Woccali speaks &istfully of a Brench clinic &here patients get 12.hour treatments and ha8e lo&er le8els of hypertension than people &ith healthy kidneys! MThe decision to make dialysis faster &asnJt a scientific decision, it &as a managerial decision,N he says! M7tJs to allo& you to do four shifts a day and make money!N "e schedules #ust t&o shifts a day to accommodate longer treatment times! Woccali and other doctors credit much of their success to the 7talian practice of sending patients to specialists earlier than in the <nited States! There are fe&er financial barriers to such referrals! Those &ith less.ad8anced kidney disease ha8e eQual co8erageS patients donJt need to ha8e reached kidney failure! 7nter8ening sooner Mdelays the need for dialysis and reduces the number of patients,N said %r! Brancesco =ocatelli, &ho o8ersees the nephrology and dialysis program at the hospital in =ecco, near Milan! Patients tend to start dialysis in better o8erall health, he said, and more than A0 percent ha8e fistulas, the type of 8ascular access least 8ulnerable to infection and clotting! 7n the <nited States, fistulas ha8e become more common, but most patients still start out &ith catheters, often because they need dialysis immediately and fistulas take time to mature! The economics of dialysis are fundamentally different in 7taly, &here public hospitals still pro8ide more than three.Quarters of the care! :egional health authorities pay more per treatment than Medicare L roughly 10 percent more, the 2002 report found! +ut per. patient costs are lo&er because 7talyJs indirect e,penses, particularly for hospitaliKation, are smaller and because co8erage includes drugs as &ell as dialysis! ' 200- study found that 7talian patients got half the a8erage dose of ;pogen gi8en to <!S! patients, perhaps because thereJs no profit incenti8e to gi8e them more! Pri8ate operators ha8e made inroads in 7taly, especially &here local health authorities ha8e faced budget pressure! 'reas &ith more pri8ate pro8iders ha8e so far had outstanding patient outcomes, but some practitioners think the statistics mask a more comple, reality! MThe pri8ate centers do the simple things, but &hen they ha8e patients &ith complications, they send them to us,N said %r! )iuseppe :emuKKi! :emuKKi has presided o8er the dialysis unit in +ergamo, an industrial city northeast of Milan, for more than three decades! Poking his head into one treatment room, he introduces four patients, all seniors, &ho ha8e been getting dialysis together for 12 years! ' fe& doors do&n, )ianni +ertoletti, 12, a &ry, mustachioed man &ith blue &ire. rim glasses, is half&ay through his session! +ertoletti started coming to the unit in 1?21! To :emuKKi, their longe8ity is proof that 7taly should resist the <!S! dialysis model! M7f &e use the same system you do,N he said, Mour patients &ill start to ha8e sur8i8al rates like yours!N Breaking the !hain %espite the deep fla&s in the <!S! dialysis system L and the ob8ious &ays that Iashington could impro8e it L big changes donJt seem to be in the offing! %onald +er&ick, the ne& administrator of Medicare and Medicaid, has not yet articulated his

8ision for the program, and health care reform lea8es it largely untouched! The 7nstitute for "ealthcare 7mpro8ement, &hich +er&ick co.founded, has &orked to promote the use of fistulas, but a pro#ect director, 9arol +easley, has concluded that a piecemeal approach to fi,ing dialysis &onJt &ork! M7tJs unsatisfying to tinker &ith one broken part of a broken system,N she said! +er&ick, &hom conser8ati8es already accuse of supporting health care rationing, may not ha8e the capital to push a more holistic approach! So far, heJs taken the step of endorsing the go8ernmentJs mo8e to&ard payment reform! Starting ne,t year, Medicare &ill pay a combined rate L about O240 per session, subseQuently inde,ed for inflation L for treatments, drugs and other dialysis ser8ices, remo8ing the incenti8e for clinics to o8eruse drugs! The end.stage.renal.disease program also &ill try for the first time to tie pay to performance( <nder a proposed rule that takes effect in 2012, clinics could lose as much as 2 percent of their Medicare payments if they fail to meet standards for anemia management and dialysis adeQuacy, as measured by patientsJ blood tests! %r! +arry Straube, 9MSJs chief medical officer, called these #ust the first steps to&ard addressing ongoing Quality issues in dialysis Min a serious and fairly rapid manner!N Many industry e,perts doubt these changes &ill yield much! Bor one thing, they offer no financial re&ard for pro8iders &ho deli8er superior outcomes! Se8eral obser8ers also said the go8ernment is making a crucial mistake by rating performance by lab tests, not outcomes or measures that reflect patientsJ Quality of life! MMortality, morbidity, and infection L thatJs the bottom line,N said /oseph 'tkins, the former clinic o&ner and consultant! M7tJs easy to ad#ust the labs! Ihat good is it if you ha8e good numbers, but e8eryoneJs dying or in the hospitalFN 7ncreasingly, patients, doctors and ad8ocates say that the &ay for&ard lies in focusing on alternati8e therapies, particularly those, such as home dialysis, that allo& for longer and more freQuent treatments! The biggest potential gains may rely on keeping people off dialysis in the first place! 7n that, the <nited States is falling miserably short! The incidence of kidney failure has increased by more than A0 percent since 1??0S of the -0 countries that share data on this, only Tai&an and parts of Me,ico ha8e higher rates! MThe centers are kind of the end of the line,N +easley said of dialysis pro8iders! MThey could deli8er perfect care, but you still &ould be dealing &ith this tidal &a8e of peopleN coming into treatment! ' potential bright spot in health care reform, she said, is that e,tending better co8erage to persistently under. or uninsured 'mericans could lead to earlier inter8ention for kidney disease! +ut as care e,pands and the national health care debate staggers on, our four.decade e,periment &ith dialysis is &orth bearing in mind! 'll too often, patients get caught in a 8ise bet&een bureaucracy and the bottom line! 's dialysis sho&s, guaranteeing access can come at a steep price L in dollars and in li8es! +y :obin Bields, ProPublica, No8! ?, 2010!th See( %ialysis, =ife.Sa8ing 9are at )reat :isk and 9ost %iposkan oleh :id&an "S di 24(0@ 0 komentar 0irimkan 7ni le&at ;mail+logThisH+erbagi ke T&itter+erbagi ke Bacebook


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