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Date 23/7/2013

Class 4 Fleming

Subject Biology

No of student 32

Students Ability Average

Time 9.15-10.25 am

Duration 70 mins

Topic Subtopic

: Chapter 6 Nutrition : 6.5Absorption and Assimilation of Digested Food 6.6 Formation of Faeces and Defaecation 6.7 Evaluating eating habit

Aims /Goals

: Analyzing Absorption and Assimilation of Digested Food, understanding the Formation of Faeces an Defaecation, Evaluating eating habit

Learning outcomes

: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Draw and label the structure of a villus Explain the process of absorption in the villus Explain the main functions of the liver and describe the process of assimilation Describe the formation of faeces and problems related to defaecation Explain the role of microorganism in the colon and the effect of antibiotics on them Relate eating habits with health problems

. Pre-requisite knowledge : Students should be already able to: Scientific and Thinking Skills Teaching and learning approaches : : Explain the human digestive system Explain the adaptive characteristics of the small intestine Observing, identifying, classifying, comparing and contrasting

1) Facilitating sets : Making analogy, Drawing competition and reward in the phase of set induction 2) Guided learning and expository approach in the developmental phase

Teaching aids / technology Scientific attitudes and noble values

: Whiteboard, text book, video, slide power point, projector, CD Rom : Enthusiasm in learning, appreciate the parts of body, cooperation

Lesson Beginning Time Allocation Content Classroom Discourse Teachers activity Students activity Role of teaching aids/ technology

Set induction (10 minutes)

Recall the structure of the small intestine : Make analogy that wall of the stomach wall Show the animation on how to draw the villus Class activity: draw a villus and the explanation about the villus

Teacher make analogy that wall of the stomach like a mop

Student understand

Teacher gives reward for those who give the best drawings. The motive is to achieve a learning outcome : student should be able to draw the villus.

Student try to draw

Tools; Teaching courseware cd Video animation Skill Observing, analyzing, comparing

Discuss: Teacher ask : 1. the process of 1. What are water-soluble nutrient? absorption in the 2. What are fat- soluble nutrient? small intestine 2. movement of the Discuss the movement of the nutrient ( active nutrient in the process transport and diffusion of absorption

Development Phase Time Allocation Activity Classroom Discourse Teachers activity Students activity Role of teaching aids/ technology Teacher ask: 1. After absorption, where do the nutrients go? 2. What happen to the nutrients that enter the lacteal and the blood capillary. Discuss: Assimilation of digested food and the function of liver and cell. 1. Why do we need to absorb the nutrient? Teacher gives the definition of assimilation. Teacher prepare and show the some paper like- mind map to make easy understanding about assimilation of digested food that occur in the liver. Teacher gives explanation and asks them to listen carefully because teacher will randomly call any name to explain in front. State the learning outcome for todays lesson: Student are able to explain assimilation process in the liver Teacher give reward for those who can explain Teacher give motivating set so that they have confidence and dare to come in front. .

Students take note. Fill in the blank power point slide whiteboard, marker pen

(25 minutes)

Students try to remember and answer.

To achieve learning outcome : Student able to explain assimilation process in the liver Teacher explains the process of assimilation in the cell. Teacher let them to fill in the blank power point slide to make them focus and alert to the learning activities. Teacher explains about other function of liver.

Students pay attention.

Student try to answer.

Skill and values Confidence, Respest, analytical thinking

15 minutes Show a video of a man who work with a sugarcane machine. Teachers questions: If the sugarcane machine represents the digestive system, and the sugarcane represents the food that we eat, what does the juices and the fibre represents? Students observe the CD ROM to see the animation. Students answer the teachers question . Teaching Courseware cd-Rom

Carry out some activities in the Teaching Courseware Cd

Carry out some activities in the Teaching Courseware Cd 1. Label the 3 parts in the small intestine 2. Identify the content of the faeces.

Discuss: the flows stages of formation of faeces that lead to defaecation.

Next teacher show an animation on how the process of formation of faeces and defaecation occur

Then ,teacher show the mind map of the flow of formation of faeces

Discuss: Microorganisms vs antibiotic. Teachers question : What happened when a person take antibiotic? Discuss : The problem related to food digestion Values on them such as Be grateful Then, teacher show a picture of problems related to defaecation and discuss together with the students.

fill in the blank power point, video, whiteboard, marker pen

Teacher tells them to be grateful Since we are still healthy and have no problem in food defeacation , take a balance diet and more fibre

Discuss : Evaluating eating habit Show some video about eating habit.

From the video, the students actually learn about health problems related to eating habits and compare and contrasting t between four difference disease ( gastritis, aneroxia nervosa, bulimia, obesity).

Values thanks to God, appreciate the part of the body

Lesson Ending Time Allocation Closure (10 minutes) Summarize the lessons Evaluations from student Do more exercise Teacher ask : a) Am I too fast? Sorry coz we have to speed up our lesson. b) Any Questions Teacher asks them to do exercise in Bio-score book for this topic. Teacher dismisses the class by saying thank you Activity Classroom Discourse Teachers activity Ask them what they have learned for today. Students Activity Try to summarize the lesson. Whiteboard Role of teaching aids/ technology

Reflection ;

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