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Silliman University College of Nursing Dumaguete City

Resource Unit on Congestive Heart Failure

Submitted to:
MS. Endyss Solita-Quilaquil, R.N Clinical Instructor- Medicine rotation Sandigan, Sheena yn !. Submitted on: "une ##, #$$%

Submitted by:

Silliman University Dumaguete city

Vision: & leading Christian institution committed to total human de'elo(ment )or the *ell-being o) society and en'ironment.

Mission: In)use into the academic learning the Christian )aith anchored on the gos(el o) "esus Christ+ (ro'ide an en'ironment *here Christian )ello*shi( and relationshi( can be nurtured and (romoted. !ro'ide o((ortunities )or gro*th and e,cellence in e'ery dimension o) the -ni'ersity li)e in order to strengthen character, com(etence and )aith. Instill in all members o) the -ni'ersity community an enlightened social consciousness and a dee( sense o) .ustice and com(assion. !romote unity among (eo(les and contribute to national de'elo(ment

Placement: e'el I/, NCM 0$1 Medicine Rotation, )irst semester Time allotment: 0 hour Topic escription: 2his to(ic deals on the conce(t o) congesti'e heart )ailure. It includes its de)inition, etiology and e(idimiology, (atho(hysiology, com(ensatory mechanism, ty(es, clinical mani)estations, com(lications and the classi)ication and stages o) C34. 5iagnostic tests are included to determine the cause o) the heart )ailure. 2he medical management, surgical management, as *ell as the nursing management *ith the use o) the nursing (rocess are also included. In line *ith this to(ic, *e *ill also com(rehensi'ely discuss the anatomy and (hysiology o) the heart. Central o!"ective: &t the end o) our 0 hour lecture discussion, the senior students shall gain additional 6no*ledge, de'elo( desirable s6ills and mani)est (ositi'e attitude to*ards gi'ing care o) the client *ith congesti'e heart )ailure.

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&t the end o) one and a hal) hour o) interacti'e discussion the learners *ill at 78 9 le'el o) com(etency $ntro uction


# mins

T*+ #V)+U)T$%N )CT$V$T$#S

3eart )ailure is a common, costly, disabling and deadly condition. In de'elo(ing countries, around #9 o) adults su))er )rom heart )ailure, but in those o'er the age o) :8, this increases to :;0$9. Mostly due to costs o) hos(itali<ation, it is associated *ith a high health e,(enditure+ costs ha'e been estimated to amount to #9 o) the total budget o) the National 3ealth Ser'ice in the -nited =ingdom, and more than >?8 billion in the -nited States. 3eart )ailure is associated *ith signi)icantly reduced (hysical and mental health, resulting in a mar6edly decreased quality o) li)e. @ith the e,ce(tion o) heart )ailure caused by re'ersible conditions, the condition usually *orsens *ith time. &lthough some (atients sur'i'e many years, (rogressi'e disease is associated *ith an o'erall annual mortality rate o) 0$9. $( Definition of terms &. )fterloa , the amount o) resistance to e.ection o) blood )rom the 'entricle A. Car iac output, amount o) blood (um(ed by each 'entricle in liters (er minute+ normal cardiac out(ut is 8 (er minute in the resting adult heart C. Contractility, ability o) the cardiac muscle to shorten in res(onse to an electrical im(ulse 5. Diastole, (eriod o) 'entricular rela,ation resulting in 'entricular )illing E. Preloa , degree o) stretch o) the cardiac muscle )ibers at the end o) diastole 4. Systole, (eriod o) 'entricular contraction resulting in e.ection o) blood )rom the 'entricles into the (ulmonary artery and aorta $$( )natomy an p-ysiology of t-e -eart &N&2BMC: Layers: Endocardium- Dinnermost layerE consists o) thin endothelial tissue lining the inner chambers and the heart 'al'es Myocardium- Dmiddle layerE consists o) striated muscle )ibers )orming interlaced bundles and is the actual contracting muscle o) the heart E(icardium- or 'isceral (ericardium co'ers the outer sur)ace o) the heart+ it closely adheres to the heart and to the )irst se'eral centimeters o) the (ulmonary artery and aorta. Structures: !ericardium- 2*o-layered sac that encases and (rotects the heart &trium- -((er, recei'ing chambers o) the heart Right &trium- Recei'es deo,ygenated systemic blood 'ia su(erior and in)erior 'ena ca'a+ blood (asses to the right 'entricle e)t atrium- recei'es o,ygenated blood )rom the lungs+ blood (asses to the le)t

0. Correctly de)ine the di))erent terminologies

? mins

&t least 789 le'el o) (artici(ation and com(etence )rom the students

#. Com(rehensi'ely identi)y the (arts o) the heart and their corres(onding )unctions

0$ mins

F!aste me to youG game

R#F#R#NC#S: Aare, A.H. I Smelt<er, S.C. D#$$1E. Arunner and SuddarthJs te,tboo6 on medical K surgical nursing, 0$th ed. !&, -S&: ".A. i((incott. ((. 7L%-L$: Alac6, "., I 3a*6s, ". D#$$8E. Medical-surgical nursing: Clinical management )or (ositi'e outcomes, 7th ed. !hili((ines: Else'ier !te. td. ((. 0:1%-0::% e*is, S.M. I 3eit6em(er, M.M. D#$$1E. Medical-surgical nursing: &ssessment I management o) clinical (roblems, :th ed. MB, -S&: Mosby, Inc. ((. L?L-L8? Marieb, E. D#$$:E. Essentials o) human anatomy and (hysiology, Lth ed. !hili((ines: !earson Education Inc. Monahan, 4. et. al. D#$$7E. !hi((Js medical-surgical nursing: 3ealth and illness (ers(ecti'e, Lth ed. MB, -S&: Mosby, Inc. ((. L$%-L#% @illiams, . I. 3o((er, !. D#$$?E. -nderstanding medical surgical nursing, :th ed. !&, -S&: 4& 5a'is Com(any. ((. 1L$-1%:

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