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1 Strategies for Exam Preparation Exams are sure to create anxiety and stress, especially when they seem

to come out of nowhere. The best preparation for your exam is to know that it is coming and to have consistently reviewed the material that you will be tested on. Be Informed
Helpful Information - When is it? Where will it be? ow long will it be? - ow much is it worth? - What will the format be? - What will be covered? !ectures, labs, reading, tutorials? "#e aware of ma$or themes and learning ob$ectives on course outlines - %re previous exams available for review and practice? - !isten for clues on exam &uestions in class. - Will the final exam cover the whole semester or $ust post-midterm material? Enhance your ability to recall important information - 't encourages you to think about and absorb the material - 't gives you practice at recalling what you stored during previous study sessions - 't helps you discern what material you know well and what needs more attention - (eview will build up your long-term memory and help when next term)s class builds on this learned information ""*ee The +urve of ,orgetting handout !nchor material in memory with repeated" active study *trategies. /rgani0e your material . 1ractice the types of &uestions you will be asked to answer in the exam . Ensure you understand what you are trying to learn . 2enerate your own examples of the concepts . ,ormulate and practice possible exam &uestions . 1ractice writing previous exams . (ecite material from memory . (ecite material out loud . ,orm visual images of the material . 3se your own words . ,orm study groups Retrieve stored information using self&created association - 3se memory techni&ues you find most helpful "*ee 4emory Techni&ues handout (eel good - 4ake sure to get ade&uate sleep, exercise, and nutrition - 5isuali0e a strong performance to build confidence, help relaxation and improve exam performance

Review Throughout the Semester



#se $emory Techni%ues Prepare $entally" Physically ' Emotionally

6airne, *mith 7 !indsay. 1sychology- The %daptive 4ind 89::;< ,leet, 2oodchild 7 =a$chowski. !earning ,or *uccess >rd Ed. 8;???< ,rank. The Everything *tudy #ook 8;??@<

2 )uestion *ords + $eanings ' Strategies Exam and assignment &uestions typically contain one or more key &uestion words. . Watch for and circle these key words whenever you read assignment or exam &uestions. . #elow are listed typical &uestion words, their meanings and possible response strategies. %naly0e
Separate and examine the elements . #reak the &uestionAsub$ect into its ma$or parts . Bescribe, define, explain, or interpret each part . Explain how parts relate to each other ,efend a position . 1rovide reasons in support of your position . (efute ob$ections to your position . 1rovide your ob$ections to the opposing position8s< #se an abstraction to explain a concrete situation . *how how an abstract idea, concept, principle, model or method explains a concrete situation or solves a problem ,emonstrate the similarities between - or more items . 'dentify elements the comparison will be based on . ,or each element, describe and support how items are similar ,emonstrate the differences between - or more items . 'dentify elements that contrast will be based on . ,or each element, describe and support how items are different $a.e informed and discriminating /udgments . 'dentify positiveAnegative merit, validityAfallacy, etc. . /ffer support for your $udgments State precisely the meaning of 0something1 . 2ive precise meaning in clear and concise manner Explain2describe by use of experiments" examples" etc3 . Bepending on context, Cdemonstrate) could mean- to prove, provide evidence, or illustrate with an example 4ive a mental picture or idea . 'dentify main aspects, characteristics, components, and &ualities . +larify through illustration, comparison, and contrast Explore various points of view . 'dentify viewpoints and their respective positiveAnegative aspects . Evaluate the positive and negative merits of a matter to provide an overall $udgment on its validity, strength or worth ,etermine the value of something . 'dentify criteria by which something will be measured . %ppraise degree to which the matter satisfies the criteria . 1rovide reasons that $ustify your appraisal . *upport your reasons with evidence and illustrations $a.e plain or understandable . 'n *cience- provide a detailed presentation of the elements re&uired to obtain the product . 'n *ocial *ciences 7 umanities- identify factors that influence outcomeD provide evidence for each factor and demonstrate how factors are related


%pply +ompare +ontrast +riti&ue Befine Bemonstrate Bescribe Biscuss



Ellis, B. #ecoming a 4aster *tudent. +anadian 9nd ed. #oston, 4ass- oughton 4ifflin +ompany, ;??E. Wood, 6. +ollege (eading and *tudy *kills. >rd ed. 6ew Fork, 6.F.- olt, (inehart 7 Winston, ;?E@. !earning *kills 1rogram G 3niversity of 5ictoria *implified 1lans of %ction for +ommon Types of Huestion Words

3 $emory Techni%ues There are many useful memory techni&ues that assist you to memori0e lists of terms or remember the meaning of concepts. These devices enable you to retrieve stored information through self-created associations. 53 6isual Imagery7 +reate a visual image representative of the material you are trying to learn.
Example7 ,reud)s concept that human personality has three main parts . 1icture a WW, wrestling match between *'B 5icious and the !ibido I'B 8'B J inborn instinctual drives- aggression and sex<. . 'n the stands are their mothers scolding them and reminding them to be kind to each other 8*31E(E2/ J that part of us that motivates us to behave in an ideal manner as defined by parents and culture<. . 'n the ring is the referee 8E2/ J that part of us that helps us conform to what the external world re&uires<. . *o, when asked on a test to explain ,reud)s >-part notion of personality, you recall the image of the wrestling match and the roles of the 'd, Ego and *uperego.

-3 $ethod of 8oci7 % mnemonic device which combines a strategy for searching memory along with visual imagery.
. +hoose a literal and familiar pathway or place . 4emori0e its prominent landmarks . 'n your mind, place visual representations of the material you are learning at those landmarks Example7 !ist of ,reud)s defense mechanisms 8ie. repression, pro$ection, sublimation< . 1icture a room with an iron in one corner 8for repression<, a slide pro$ector 8for pro$ection< in another and a toy submarine 8for sublimation< on a shelf. . /n a test, when asked to name ,reud)s defense mechanisms, you could picture the room and then will see the iron, pro$ector and submarine and recall the relevant defense mechanisms.

93 8in. *ord $ethod7

elpful in learning foreign language vocabularies

Example7 The Turkish word for KveryL 8chok< . Try to think of an English word that sounds like it M KchokeL . 1icture someone choking and turning very red . When asked to translate the Turkish word KchokL on a test, you)ll see someone choking, turning very red and you)ll recall the word KveryL

:3 Peg *ord $ethod7 !inking the material you are learning to a memory cue based on a rhyme
Example7 ,reud)s defense mechanisms M pro$ection, repression and sublimation . 3sing the rhyme Kone is the sun, two is a 0oo, three is a bee, etc.L . !ink visual images of what you are learning M pro$ector in the sun, a printing press in a 0oo, and a bee driving a submarine . /n a test, when asked for ,reud)s defenses, recall the rhyme, then see the image linked with each peg

;3 $ental !ssociation7 +ome up with an image that relates to both the concept and its meaning 8useful for recalling the meaning of terms<.
Example7 ,reud)s defence mechanism KrepressionL

N. Fou may con$ure the image of your partner 8id< ascending from the laundry room in the basement 8unconscious<, presenting you 8ego< with a poorly ironed shirt to which you respond Kre-press it pleaseL. . This reminds you that repression is sending back to the unconscious something that we find unacceptable.

<3 Rhymes7 When trying to remember a particular term, find a word that rhymes with it, then, construct a short sentenceAphrase that connects both.
Example7 K,reud said dreams are not what they seemL.

=3 !cronyms7 These are words you create from the first letters of a group of terms you are trying to learn.
Example7 The ma$or symptoms of depression . Think of 4y *%2' *E%-*%W 4ood down *leep disturbance %nhedonia 2uilt or low self worth 'nability to concentrate or decide *exual interest down Energy level down %ctivity 8psychomotor M agitatedAretarded< *uicidal ideation %ppetite change Weight change
6airne, O., *mith, 4., !indsay, B. 89::;<. 1sychology- The %daptive 4ind. *carborough- 6elson. ,rank, *. 8;??@<. The Everything *tudy #ook. olbrook, 4assachusetts- %dams 4edia +orp.

5 Exam *riting Strategies &Essay Exams&

ow you say what you know is $ust as important as what you know.

59 Easy Steps to *riting an Essay Exam7 ;. (ead +arefully

9. %ssess Time

>. (ecord 'deas P. *tart With an Easy /ne Q. Write a *imple /utline @. 6ow Write

- (ead instructions to find out if you can choose your essay, how many, and what should be included in your answer - !ook for and circle. Iey terms 8compare, describe, explain< . +onditions 8main evidence for, two examples for< . *ignal words 8best, however, always, never< Expenditure - The more marks, the more time should be set aside - 2eneral (ule of Thumb. /ne point J one item of relevant information - *pontaneous ideas should be written down to trigger other ideas 8tip- try a concept map< - *tart with the easiest &uestion to build confidence and start your flow of ideas and writing - /nce you have organi0ed your ideas, stick to the outline to avoid rambling and tangent writing - Bon)t obsess about grammar, spelling and polished prose - 2et your ideas down in short, informationladen sentences - %nswer the essay &uestion within the first few sentences - 'f you have an original idea, include it in the first paragraphD you may forget it if you save it for the end - #egin and end the body of the essay with powerful points - 4ake sure the topic sentence of each paragraph is linked to the central &uestion 8or thesis< - 3se transition words 8but, what is more, while, however< between paragraphs - Bon)t offer philosophical ideas or feelings unless specifically asked for - *upport and prove your argument with relevant examples - (estate 8in different words< the opening sentence8s< - 'f you have no time to write a complete essay, put your information down in point formD if there is no time for this, copy down your original outline as your answer - When you have finished, go back to polish - +lean up spelling, grammar, prose and add points you might have originally missed

R. %void !engthy 'ntroduction

E. /ne 'dea per 1aragraph

?. Bon)t 1ersonali0e ;:. 1rovide Examples ;;. %lways *ummari0e ;9. 'n +ase of Emergency

;>. 2o #ack

6 & pen Boo. Exams &

aving the text is no substitute for knowing what is in itS

; Strategies for pen Boo. Exams ;. Inow Four 4aterial 9. (ead Huestions +arefully

>. Inow the Table of +ontents P. /rgani0e Four *ub$ect 4atter Q. %void !ong Huotes

- /pen book exams could be more challenging than others, teachers may have higher expectations - !ook for and circle. Iey terms 8compare, describe, evaluate< . +onditions 8main evidence for, examples< . *ignal Words 8best, however, always< - Inow where to find the material you need without wasting precious time - !abel each area in the text with bookmarks, post-it notes, etc. for &uick referencing - Bon)t waste time with long &uotes, it)s $ust copying, but do explainAsupport your comments

& )uantitative Exams &

3nfamiliar problems are often common problems presented in new ways

> Tips for )uantitative Exams ;. (ead the Birections 9. 'dentify Iey Terms

- #e sure you know what is being asked for - +ircle, underline key terms, and watch out for closely similar words, concepts, and formulae - Watch for extreme &ualifiers and hidden and double negatives - 3se the data given, and make sure to record it correctly - *how all your calculationsD they add up in marks - Bo not omit mathematical signs 8J, T, U< - Befine your answer - +ircle it, underline it, set it apart in some way - EraseAcross out what you don)t want marked - (eview to avoid careless errors, especially arithmetic and transcription

>. 6ote the Bata 2iven P. *how Four Work Q. #e Explicit and 1recise @. 4ake Four %nswer /bvious R. Write +learly E. 1roofread

& True2(alse Exams &

#e careful, these &uestions can be tricky

; Tric.s for True2(alse Exams ;. (ead +arefully 9. #e +areful

>. 'dentify Iey Words P. Try /pposite Hualifiers

Q. %void +hanging %nswers

- +heck each part- even if one part if false, the entire statement is false - When two statements are connected by con$unctions 8this, therefore, conse&uently, because, since<, each statement may be correct but as a whole, may not make sense - Watch for negatives, double negatives, and extreme &ualifiers 8;::V words< - (ead the sentence without negatives or with opposite &ualifiersD if the resulting sentence is true, the original is also true - ie. Krain is fre&uent in few desertsL Krain is infre&uent in many desertsL - +hange your answer only if you are sure it is wrong

& $ultiple ?hoice Exams &

5@ Helpful Hints for $ultiple ?hoice Exams - Bo you mark only the best answer, or all ;. (ead the Birections 9. *kim #efore Fou *tart >. +onsider %ll +hoices P. !ook for Hualifiers

correct answers? - 'f this is a combination exam 8mAc, short answers<, information from one section may help with the other - Bo not eliminate an option unless you know it is incorrect - +ircleAunderline key terms, and watch out for closely similar words, concepts, and formulae - Watch for extreme &ualifiers and hiddenAdouble negatives - 2o with your first impulse unless you are sure you are wrong - 2uess the answer before looking at the options - 'f your guess is not there, abandon it, and eliminate those you know are incorrect - Try each alternative with the main part of the sentence, the right answer should make sense and be grammatically correct - 'f you don)t know, guess, unless you lose marks for wrong answers - Bon)t read too much into each &uestionD often the &uestion is more direct than you think - 1ay attention to detail when studying for this type of exam

Q. ,irst 'nstinct @. *tart #y 2uessing R. Test Each /ption E. Bon)t Inow? ?. !ook at the *urface ;:. Inow Four 4aterial

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