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UCAS personal statement for sociology

The most thorough, relatable and enjoyable route to broadening my

knowledge on something as essential as the world around me is sociology. Each
day, I believe, is defined by actors being smothered by, and smothering others
with, social values, attitudes and symbols. As many speeches have embedded
into my mind, human beings are almost completely ignorant to everything,
including theirselves. Why sociology evokes a particular passion and gains my
complete respect is that it is wise enough not to present itself as the truth –
more reasonably, the pursuit of truth.
I have been indirectly influenced by most people around me into
continuing with sociology. With the more situations that I find myself in, I
realise increasingly how opinionated all people are, and how fascinated by
these views I am: whether it is by my housewife mother who is adamant she
was not socialised into her role; or by my unadmittingly agnostic father who
takes part in religious events for cultural reasons. My passion comes from
observation of my peers, whom are seemingly unaffected by activities that
society constantly warns us are deviant and detrimental. I therefore must
declare myself a conflict sociologist, as these inconsistencies appear to be
applicable to society at large. The process of deconstructing a subject so
‘familiar’ so that it is unrecognisable is probably what I love most about
sociology. Sociological theory is one of my favourite topics.
I am determined to eventually help evoke political change that will bring
about greater social equality, particularly for the economically disadvantaged. I
feel extremely strongly about this, and believe the aspiration is realistic.
The people that I admire are those in professions such as social work,
whom are seemingly drawn to their occupations for their passion as opposed to
wealth or power. On a smaller scale, I definitely see myself as an enthusiastic
person who is fuelled by my genuine love of sociology and the determination
to go on to achieve in the political field. It is this drive and enthusiasm that
ensures my dedication to sociology, and should gain your confidence in my
potential to enjoy learning and being challenged.
Of course, making a difference does not begin on acquisition of a
degree. One of my greatest achievements so far has been organising a Love
Music Hate Racism concert in 2006. I feel indescribable pride in being the co-
organiser of the first student-run political event at Haydon School; a fund- and
awareness-raising event for which I did the following. I collaborated with
organisation Love Music Hate Racism; I drafted proposals to the school’s senior
management for permission and support; I socially networked to arrange
performances of local bands and official LMHR speakers; I publicised through
presentations and posters and sold all 300 available tickets; and I saw that
after all, the message of Love Music Hate Racism was spread! I feel that this
achievement demonstrates that I am always fully prepared to use each of my
skills for a cause that I am interested in. As well as LMHR, I coordinated the
Make Poverty History/ Send a Friend to School campaign, resulting in the
petitioning of 500 students to pressurize the G8 leaders to pursue their goal of
universal primary education by 2015. Also a director of Haydon School’s anti-
bullying programme 2006, I truly believe that instigating positive social change
is a worthy achievement, regardless of scale.
Prioritising quality over quantity, my extra-curricular activities are those
that I have put extremely hard work into. I am a member of NAGTY; have
represented Haydon many times at the annual Brain of Hillingdon inter-school
competition; have competed for my school in the Oxford Schools’ Debating
Competition; and am currently training and raising money for a trip to Uganda
with World Challenge in summer 2008.
I am an able and determined, both an open-minded and a critical
student, and my passion is for sociology.

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