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is a Process Everybody Must Encounter

Prepared By: Teacher Joy

Lesson 8
Compare and Contrast
Writing on one of the compare contrast essay topics requires the ability to compare (show the similarities the things possess) and to contrast (show the differences the things have). Compare and contrast is a way of thinking we use every day, for instance when we decide which dress to buy, what vacation site to choose or what college to enter. The main objective of this kind of essay is compare any two items, finding similarities between them, and/or contrast them, i.e. analyze them critically finding and pointing out dissimilarities. Writing on one of the compare contrast essay topics won't present any difficulties for you, as you do it mainly every day. Just think about things, objects, events and people you need to compare and contrast abstractedly. Don't brainstorm each point separately; just think about your compare and contrast points in generalities.

1. First make the list of all common features that certain things share. State their similarities. 2. Then make another list and state all the differences these things possess. While writing on one of the compare and contrast essay topics, you can choose two approaches - one of them situational. It means that your compare and contrast essay topics have a form of situation, which you have to disclose by making the comparison and contrast of two things offered in this situation. 3. Comparing/contrasting essay requires special attention, since in this case form is crucial. Many pieces of elaborate writing have fallen victim

to irrelevant form, burring down the most ingenious ideas. There are two generally acceptable forms of comparing/contrast essays:

Type of Writing

I type:
1. Introduction opens the essay generally, serves to catch the eye of the reader, so make is jingle! 2. Body this is the heart of every essay. It contains all the information required in each topic. This is where the writer can express himself fully. a) Theme 1 take item 1 of your essay and point out similarities and differences. Don't mention anything from theme 2. b.) Theme 2 Now it's high time that you should mention the same for theme 2. Again, nothing from theme 1. Topic 1 and 2 combined take them together to compare and contrast. 3. Conclusion finish your compare and contrast essay with a nicely worded statement, which shows your profound knowledge of the subject matter. In this part you should also either support your thesis (basically by rewording your initial statement) and show how you have arrived at this conclusion.

II type:
1. Introduction see above, this should be the opener All comparisons. 2. Body - this section should contain 3 paragraphs, enumerating all similarities that you have been able to identify in both themes All contrast this section should also be no longer than 3 paragraphs. Your main objective is to pin down every difference in the subjects under consideration. 3. Conclusion Logically, your analysis has to finish somehow. This is what the conclusion is for. Again, here you are summing up what you have done, showing your profound knowledge of the subject matter and supporting your initial statement.

Language Points:


Key Words Key words commonly used to express comparison include:

like same both the same as

similar in the same way most important similarly

as too have in common as well as

Key words commonly used to express contrast include:

although however differ unlike even though

yet but instead on the contrary on the other hand

whereas while unless contrary to the reverse

Note: When you compare one subject to another, you show how the two are alike, or similar. Example: The dog, like the cat, is a household pet. When you contrast two subjects, you show how they are different. Example: The dog, unlike the cat, is dependent on its master. Sometimes, both comparison and contrast are used in the same sentence. Example: Both the dog and the cat make good household pets, but a dog requires more attention than a cat.

Essay Writing

TOPIC : Countrys Story

Now that youve experience the life here in the Philippines, I know for sure that you will be able to describe in full details the things that you know about it. Compare the life that you had before and after you went to the Philippines. Compare and contrast the life of your country (Korea) and of the Philippines. Point out the similarities and differences of each country. You may point out the following: Culture lifestyle weather food houses clothing tourists spots

TOPIC : Me and My Friend

Being surrounded with people we know makes us secure and comfortable in life. Choose one of your best friends from school. Compare yourself to him or to her. Stress out your differences and the things you have in common. You may talk about: Likes and dislikes Study habit Living style house hobbies

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