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CSWIP 3.1 1.1 Part A and Part A2 Candidates are required to tick, or otherwise indicate, the corrective answer in the section provided. There is onl one correct answer !or each question. 1 Appl in" preheat when weldin" car#on $an"anese steel is nor$all done to avoid% a& Sla" inclusions #& ' dro"en crackin" c& (ack o! sidewall !usion d& Porosit Which o! !ollowin" $echanical properties o! a weld in car#on $an"anese steel is $ost a!!ected i! the heat input per unit len"th o! weld is e)cessivel hi"h* a& #& c& d& 3 +lon"ation Tensile stren"th 'ardness Tou"hness

,ou o#serve centerline crackin" a weld that as #een $ade one o! !ive work stations each $akin" si$ilar co$ponents. The !irst action to take is% a& #& c& d& I$pound all weldin" consu$a#les -eport the occurrence to hi"h authorit Stop all weldin" Call !or !ull ./T checks to #e !ound # visual

Which o! the !ollowin" de!ects is unlikel inspection. a& #& c& d& (inear $isali"n$ent 1ndercut 2verlap (inear sla" inclusion

Which o! the !ollowin" weldin" processes uses a resistive heatin" s ste$ to achieve weld $etal deposition. a& #& c& d& 4anual $etal arc weldin" Su#$er"ed5arc weldin" +lectro sla" weldin" -esistance spot weldin"
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Which o! the !ollowin" units could Charp 7 notch ener" #e $easured in* a& #& c& d& Pounds per square inch 8oules .ewtons per square $illi$eter .one o! the a#ove

The usual $ethod o! assessin" the sensitivit o! radio"raph is # $eans o! a% a& #& c& d& /osi$eter :luoroscope I;I < Penetra$eter& Clino$eter

1nder nor$al contract conditions, weld procedure approval tests !or pipe work are% a& #& c& d& 4andator /epend upon site and weather conditions /ependent upon the contractor>s con!idence in his procedures 2nl required when C22 weldin" is to #e used. required !or

Which o! the !ollowin" destructive tests is not nor$all welder approval test !or $ild steel* a& #& c& d& @end test 4acro e)a$ination I$pact tests :racture tests


' dro"en controlled electrodes were developed principall !or% a& #& c& d& The prevention o! porosit The prevention o! crackin" The enhance$ent o! arc volta"e Their ease o! arc startin"


:or which o! the !ollowin" is pre5heatin" $ost likel to #e required* a& #& c& d& Austenitic stainless steels 'i"h stren"th allo steels (ow and $ediu$ stren"th steels (ow car#on steels

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4anual $etal arc weldin" o! low allo per!or$ed with% a& #& c& d& -utile electrodes Cellulosic +lectrodes Iron powder electrodes @asic h dro"en controlled electrodes

steels is $ore likel

to #e


which o! the !ollowin" de!ects is $ore co$$on to weld deposited # the C252 weldin" process than weld deposited # $anual $etal arc* a& #& c& d& Sla" inclusion +)cess penetration (ack o! side !usion Tun"sten inclusions


Which de!ect would ou e)pect to o#tain in TIB welds in non5deo)idiCed steel* a& #& c& d& 1nder cut Porosit Tun"sten inclusions (inear $isali"n$ent


Which o! the !ollowin" can arise !ro$ copper inclusions is a !errite steel weld* a& #& c& d& Weld $etal cracks 'AD cracks (a$ellar tearin" Porosit


Which o! the !ollowin" is likel to "ive the hi"hest i$pact stren"th in !erritic weld $etal* a& #& c& d& Cellulosic electrodes Su#$er"ed arc with acid !lu) Spra trans!er Co525weldin" @asic coated nor$al $etal arc electrodes

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Which o! the !ollowin" $ethods o! ./T would #e $ost likel to detect lack o! side !usion in !erritic steel welds* a& #& c& d& Penetrants 4a"netic particles -adio"raph 1ltrasonic !law detector


,ou suspected that !erritic steel plates, which have #een ed"e, prepared contain crack in the prepared ed"es. Which ./T $ethod would ou use to check this* a& #& c& d& -adio"raph 4a"netic particle Penetrants 1ltrasonic !law detector ou not e)pect to !ind # visual


Which o! the !ollowin" de!ects do e)a$ination o! co$pleted welds* a& #& c& d& (inear sla" inclusions 1nder cuts 2verlap (inear $isali"n$ent


Stress relie! is not help!ul in one o! the !ollowin" cases. Which one* a& #& c& d& In i$provin" resistance to stress corrosion crackin" In di$ensional sta#ilit a!ter $achinin" i$provin" In lowerin" the peak residual stress In so!tenin" the steel


What is the $a)i$u$ hardness usuall reco$$ended !or the 'AD o! a $ediu$ stren"th !erritic steel weld* a& #& c& d& 1AA /P 'v 33A /P '7 3AA /P 'v 93A /P 'v


What e!!ect to $idthickess la$ination in steel plate nor$al have when the are located within a weld 'AD* a& #& c& d& Cause la$ellar tearin" :use to"ether to !or$ a #ond A!!ect the weld $etal co$position Cause internal tearin" on a $icro5scale
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When h dro"en control is speci!ied !or a $anual $etal arc5weldin" proEect the electrode would nor$all #e% a& #& c& d& Cellulosic Iron o)ide Acid @asic


,ou would with certaint reco"niCe a h dro"en controlled !lu) covered electrode !ro$ its% a& #& c& d& Color (en"th Trade na$e AWSF@S63? Code (etter


When $anual $etal arc weldin" is #ein" carried out on an open construction site, which "roups o! welder are $ost likel to require continuous $onitorin"* a& #& c& d& Concrete shutterin" weldin" tea$ Pipe welders Plater welders Plant $aintenance welders


,ou noticed $anual $etal arc weldin" electrodes, stripe o! !lu), are #ein" used as !iller wire, !or TIB weldin". ,ou would o#Eect #ecause% a& #& c& d& It is too e)pensive The wire would #e too thick The weld $etal co$position $a #e wron" The wire is too short


When open site workin", serious porosit in $anual $etal arc weldin" is #rou"ht to our attention. What would ou investi"ate* a& #& c& d& +lectrode t pe Power plant t pe +lectrode stora"e /a te$perature

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The steel co$position in structural contract is chan"ed !or$ A.13G car#on, A.6G $an"anese, to A.2G car#on, 1.2G $an"anese. 4i"ht this in!luence the incidence o!% a& #& c& d& Porosit Crackin" in the weld area 1nder cut !or !illet welds (ack o! root !usion de!ects


2ne o! the !ollowin" allo s is non5$a"netic, Which* a& 0.AG Chro$iu$ $ol #denu$ #& 12.AG Chro$iu$ c& Austenitic Stainless Steel d& ?.AG .ickel Steel When the TIB weldin" Austenitic Stainless Steel pipe. Ar"on "as #ackin" is called !or. This is to% a& #& c& d& Prevent o)idation Prevent under #ead crackin" Prevent porosit Control the penetration #ead shape



Pre5heatin" a car#on steel $anual $etal arc weldin" is carried out to $ini$iCe the risk o! a& #& c& d& Scattered porosit Wor$ hole porosit Parent $etal crackin" (ack o! penetration


I. 1H practice, @S 0?? Part2 speci!ies that the drawin" di$ension quoted !or a !illet weld is the% a& #& c& (e" len"th Actual throat thickness Weld width


:or open site $anual $etal arc weldin" the !ollowin" equip$ent is availa#le. Which would ou choose !or sa!e workin"* a& #& c& d& Sin"le operator trans!or$er 4ulti operator trans!or$ers ACF/C co$posite power unit /iesel en"ine driven $otor "enerator

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I! su#$er"ed weldin" to #e used to $ake #utt welds, which would ou #e $ost critical o!% a& #& c& d& The root "ap tolerance The an"le o! penetration The root !ace width The "as cut !inish


/urin" C252 weldin", the arc len"th is $ost likel to #e a!!ected # % a& #& c& d& The wire dia$eter The current return connections The "as !low rate The torch to work an"le


Pre heatin" !or arc weldin" applies to% a& #& c& d& Asse$#l weldin" onl Asse$#l and tack weldin" 8oint over 23 $$ thick onl Cruci!or$ welds onl


,ou see a welder usin" o) 5acet lene !la$e with alon" !eathered inner cone. What would #e the e!!ect o! this on car#on steel* a& #& c& d& The weld could #e hard and #rittle The weld $etal could #e too so!t There will #e no e!!ect on the weld The weld have under cut


A welder quali!ication test is o veri! % a& #& c& d& The skill o! the welder The qualit o! the $aterials The non5destructive procedures The $anu!acturin" $ethods


A !a#ricatin" procedure calls !or !illet welds to #e #lended in # "rindin". This is to in!luence% a& #& c& d& 'AD crackin" :ati"ue li!e -esidual stresses ,ield stren"th
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@end test speci$ens have #een taken !ro$ a 23 $$ thick car#on steel #utt weld. Which would show lack o! inter5run !usion% a& #& c& d& Side #end -oot #end :ace #end Buided #end


(a$ellar tearin" has #een occurred in steel !a#rication. @+:2-+ weldin" could it have #een !ound # % a& #& c& d& I5ra e)a$ination / e penetrant 1ltrasonic inspection It would not have #een !ound # an inspection $ethod


,ou are to over see arc weldin" o! so$e $achine !ittin"s and !ind the are cad$iu$ plated. What ou% a& #& c& d& Per$it it to proceed Per$it it to proceed with !u$e e)traction Stop the operation at once Advise the welder to drink $ilk and proceed


What two !unctions in arc weldin" $ust #e in equili#riu$ to ena#le a sta#le arc to #e esta#lished* a& #& c& d& Arc volta"e Current WireFelectrode !eed rate 4etal #urn5o!! rate


In 44A weldin", what para$eter is used !or the control penetration into the #ase $aterial* a& #& c& d& 7olta"e Weldin" speed Iron powders in the coatin" Current

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In the weldin" o! #utt Eoint !ro$ one side, which o! the !ollowin" controls the pro!ile o! the root #ead* a& #& c& d& -oot :ace @evel An"le -oot Bap 2ne o! the a#ove


What t pe o! power source characteristic is required !or $anual weldin"* a& #& c& d& Constant volta"e :lat Characteristic /roopin" Characteristic 4otor Benerator


Which o! the !ollowin" destructive tests would indicate the tou"hness o! weld $etalFparent $etal J 'AD. a& #& c& d& 4acro .ick #reak 'ardness Charp vee notch


/e"reasin" co$ponents are essential !or qualit weldin" #ut so$e a"ents $a % a& #& c& d& Cause corrosion Pro#le$s Bive o!! Phos"ene Bas (eave -esidues All o! the A#ove


Which o! the !ollowin" che$ical ele$ents has the "reater e!!ect on the harden a#ilit o! a steel plate* a& #& c& d& 4ol #denu$ Chro$iu$ Titaniu$ Car#on


In 4ABFC22 weldin", which para$eters "ive the "reatest control o! weld appearance durin" dip trans!ers or short5circuitin" weldin"* a& #& c& d& Wire sick5out len"th A$pera"e Wire !eed speed Inductance
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In 44A weldin", the sla" produced can #e varied to suit the weldin" positionK which t pe o! sla" would #e required !or weldin" in the '7 position* a& #& c& d& :luid 7iscous .one o! the a#ove Se$i !luid


The weld $etal deposits o! $anual $etal arc electrode achieves its $echanical stren"th throu"h* a& The core wire #& The !lu) coatin" c& Iron powder with the !lu) coatin" What constituent is needed in coatin" o! electrode o! an electrode to prevent !or$ation o! porosit in weldin" o! ri$$in" steel* a& #& c& d& Iron powder Calciu$ !luoride Silicon Calciu$ car#onate



Welds $ade with hi"h heat inputs show a reduction in one o! the !ollowin" properties* a& #& c& d& /uctilit Tou"hness :ati"ue stren"th 4echanical stren"th


In the weldin" o! Austenitic pipe work, the #orer is usuall pur"ed with Ar to* a& #& c& d& Prevent !or$ation o! porosit in the weld Prevent #urn5throu"h in the root run Prevent o)idation o! the rood #ead +li$inate the !or$ation o! '2


In I5ra the qualit o! the radio"raph ne"ative is assessed # the* a& #& c& d& /ensit o! the :il$ I;I indicator H7A availa#le Stand5o!! distance

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A steel descri#ed, as ;T will have i$proved tensile properties it has* a& #& c& d& 'ad control o! che$ical co$position @een heat treated @een qualit tested @een vacuu$ $elted


Which one o the !ollowin" steels would "ive rise to the !or$ation o! porosit when auto"enousl welded with an arc process* a& #& c& d& :ull killed steel Se$i killed steel -i$$in" steel :ine "rained steel


In su#$er"ed arc weldin", the use o! e)cessivel hi"h volta"e would result in* a& #& c& d& Insu!!icient !lu) $eltin" +)cessive !lu) $eltin" Sla" re$oval di!!iculties Spatter


The use o! cellulosic electrode is o!ten $ade when weldin" the root pass o! pipes in the !ield. This is #ecause* a& #& c& d& ' dro"en control is needed Iron powder in the electrode 'i"her arc volta"e can #e o#tained Shorter arc len"th can #e achieved


In the weldin" o! Austenitic stainless steels, the electrode and plate $aterial can #e purchased with low car#on contents. The reason !or this is to prevent* a& #& c& d& Crackin" I the 'AD The !or$ation o! chro$iu$ car#ides Crackin" in the weld $etal /istortion


Su#$er"ed arc !lu)es can #e supplied in two !or$sK thses are* a& #& c& d& Sintered and a"itated A"itated and !used Crushed and a""lo$erated :used and a""lo$erated
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In a steel, which has i$proved creep properties at elevated te$perature, which one o! the !ollowin" ele$ents helps in this i$prove$ent* a& #& c& d& Tun"sten 4an"anese 4ol #denu$ Car#on


Weldin" a steel plate o! C+ o! A.03 would require preheatin" to* a& #& c& d& Prevent the !or$ation o! sulphides Prevent hardenin" in the 'AD Prevent the !or$ation o! car#ides To i$prove $echanical properties in the weld !ollowin" processes uses the Lke holin"M


Which o! the s ste$ o! !usion* a& #& c& d&

:riction weldin" /i!!usion #ondin" +lectron #ea$ weldin" Auto"enous TIB weldin"


In !riction weldin", is the $etal at the inter!ace in the* a& #& c& d& (iquid state Solid state Plastic state +lastic state


Weldin" procedures $a require welds to #e deposited at a controlled rate heat input. 'i"h heat inputs would* a& #& c& d& 'ave poor pro!ile 'ave lar"er "rain siCe 'ave hi"h hardness in the 'AD 'ave low elon"ation properties


In a tensile test, a #rittle $aterial would #e indicated i! the !racture sur!ace* a& #& c& d& Shows reduction in siCe Is !lat and !eatureless @reaks in the weld $etal @reaks in the parent $aterial

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What destructive test would #e required to ascertain the likelihood o! crackin" in the 'AD o! a weld* a& #& c& d& .ick #reak Side #end test Charp input 4acro test


In su#$er"ed arc weldin", e)cessive arc volta"e $a cause* a& #& c& d& +)cessive penetration Chan"e in weld $etal co$position .arrow weld width +)cessive #ead pro!ile


The @ritish code !or visual inspection require$ents is% a& #& c& d& @S0=92 @S0?? @S0=9A .one o! the a#ove


A code o! practice !or visual inspection should cover the !ollowin"% a& #& c& d& @e!ore, durin" and a!ter weldin" activities @e!ore weldin" activities onl A!ter weldin" activities onl .one o! the a#ove


Inco$plete penetration in a #utt Eoint could #e caused # % a& #& c& d& +)cessive root !ace width +)cessive root "ap siCe (ow current settin" @oth A N C


Inco$plete root !usion weld certainl #e caused # % a& #& c& d& (inear $isali"n$ent Incorrect tilt an"le /i!!erin" root !ace widths All o! the a#ove

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When visuall inspectin" a co$pleted sin"le vee #utt weld cap ou would certainl assess% a& #& c& d& Cap hei"ht Toe #lend Weld width A, @ N C


,ou notice a ver LveedM ripple shape. This is $ost likel caused # % a& #& c& d& Poor consu$a#le choice Weldin" position +)cessive travel speed All o! the a#ove


LToe #lendin"M is i$portant as it $a a!!ect% a& #& c& d& Corrosion :ati"ue li!e 2verlap t pe de!ects All o! the a#ove


Sla" inclusion would occur with% a& #& c& d& 4anual $etal arc 4etal inert "as Su#$er"ed arc weldin" @oth A N C


1ndercut principall caused # % a& #& c& d& +)cessive a$ps +)cessive volts +)cessive travel speed All o! the a#ove


1ndercut nor$all assessed # % a& #& c& d& Its depth Its len"th Its #lendin" All o! the a#ove

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A weldin" procedure is use!ul to% a& #& c& d& Bive in!or$ation to the welder Bive in!or$ation to the inspector Bive LCon!idenceM to a product All o! the a#ove


An essential varia#le $a % a& #& c& d& Chan"e the properties o! the weld In!luence the visual accepta#ilit -equire re5approval o! a weld procedure All o! the a#ove


A $a"ni! in" "lass $a #e used durin" visual inspection #ut @S 32=? states that its $a"ni!ication should #e% a& #& c& d& 1p to 3 2 J 2.3 3 J 1A .one o! the a#ove


When visuall inspectin" a !illet weld, it would nor$all #e LsiCedM # % a& #& c& d& The le" len"ths The actual throat thickness The desi"n throat thickness @oth A N C


The planar de!ect is% a& #& c& d& Inco$plete !usion de!ects Sla" inclusion Inco$plete penetration @oth A N C


Penetrant and 4a"netic particle inspection are $ainl used to% a& #& c& d& Aid visual inspection @ecause application standard sa s so To con!ir$ Lvisual uncertaintiesM All o! the a#ove

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/e!ects outside o! the li$its speci!ied in a standard should alwa s #e% a& #& c& d& -epaired -eported to La senior personM Assessed alon" with other de!ects All o! the a#ove


4IB weldin" tends to #e suscepti#le to lack o! !usion pro#le$s. This is #ecause o!% a& #& c& d& Poor $aintenance o! equip$ent Incorrect settin" Poor inter run cleanin" All o! the a#ove


4anual $etal arc electrodes can #e "rouped into three $ain t pes. Thses are% a& #& c& d& @asic cellulosic and rutile .eutral cellulosic and rutile @asic cellulosic and neutral .one o! the a#ove


The $ain causes o! porosit in welded Eoints are% a& #& c& d& Poor access (oss o! "as shield L/irt M $aterials All o! the a#ove


LWeave techniqueM $a "ive rise to% a& #& c& d& @etter pro!iles I$proved toe #lendin" I$proved ripple shape All o! the a#ove


Cracks in welds $a #e due to% a& #& c& d& Solidi!ication pro#le$s ' dro"en pro#le$s +)cessive stresses All o! the a#ove

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With re!erence to a root penetration #ead, ou could certainl assess% a& #& c& d& -oot !usion and penetration -oot concavit @urn5throu"h All o! the a#ove


A !ati"ue !ailure characteristic # the appearance o! the !racture sur!ace. It would #e% a& -ou"h and torn #& LCheveronM J like c& S$ooth d& .one o! the a#ove LStra arcin"M $a #e re"arded as a serious de!ect. This is #ecause% a& #& c& d& It $a reduce the thickness di$ension o! a co$ponent It $a cause liquation cracks It $a cause hard Cones All o! the a#ove



2verlap in welds could #e in!luenced # % a& #& c& d& Poor weldin" technique Weldin" process Weldin" position All o! t he a#ove


:la$e cut preparations $a , durin" weldin", increase the likelihood o!% a& #& c& d& Crackin" 4isali"n$ent pro#le$s Inclusions All o! the a#ove


4acroscopic e)a$ination requires an speci$en to #e inspected% a& #& c& d& 2nce, a!ter etchin" Twice, #e!ore and a!ter etchin" 1sin" a $icroscope .one o! the a#ove


Which o! the !ollowin" $a #e classes as a L$ore serious de!ectM% a& #& c& Sla" inclusions :usion de!ects <interun& :usion de!ects <sur!ace&
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Code o! practice is% a& #& c& d& A standard !or work$anship onl A set o! rules !or $anu!acturin" a speci!ic product (evels o! accepta#ilit o! a weld$ent .one o! the a#ove


4ove$ent o! the arc # $a"netic !orces in544A weldin" is ter$ed% a& #& c& d& Arc deviation Arc $isali"n$ent Arc #low Arc e e


A $etallur"ical pro#le$ $ost associated with su#$er"ed arc weldin" is% a& #& c& d& ' dro"en crackin" in 'AD Solidi!ication crackin" in the weld $etal ' dro"en crackin" in the weld $etal (a$ellar tearin" in the weld $etal


2) pressure and noCCle siCe would in!luence what in !la$e cuttin"% a& #& c& d& The te$perature required !or cut initiation The a#ilit to cut stainless steels The depth o! cut o#taina#le .one o! the a#ove


The $ain uses o! arc cuttin"F"ou"in" processes is in% a& #& c& The cuttin" o! sin"le #evel preparations The re$oval o! deposited welds The cuttin" o! sin"le 15t pe preparations


Which o! the !ollowin" processes Eoins $etals plasticall % a& #& c& d& :riction weldin" -esistance weldin" Plas$a weldin" All o! the a#ove


Which electrode classi!ication would #e relevant AWS A 3.15=1% a& #& c& d& + 6A13 + 3133 + 9A1= J B :leet weld 3
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Which o! the !ollowin" coatin" is associated with LStoveM weldin"K a& #& c& d& -utile Cellulosic @asic 2)idiCin"


A co$$on "as $i)ture used in 4IB weldin" nickel allo s to co$#ine "ood levels o! penetration with "ood arc sta#ilit would #e% a& #& c& d& 1AAG C22 1AAG ar"on =AG ar"on 2AG C22 ?=G ar"on 2G o) "en


The t pe o! SAW !lu) is $ore resistance to $oisture a#sorption% a& #& c& d& :used A""lo$erated @asic All o! a#out the sa$e resistance


The !la$e te$perature o! o) Facet lene $i)ture "as is "iven as% a& #& c& d& 32AA C 23AA C 3AAA C .one o! the a#ove


A lar"e "rain structure in steels is said to produce% a& #& c& d& (ow ductilit values (ow !racture tou"hness values 'i"h !racture tou"hness values 'i"h tensile stren"th


The likelihood o! #rittle !racture in steels will increase with% a& #& c& d& A lar"e "rain !or$ation A reduction o! in service te$perature to su# Cero levels :erritic rather than austenitic steels All o! the a#ove

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-epair weldin" is o!ten $ore di!!icult than production due to% a& #& c& d& The $aterial #ein" in"rained with in5service conta$inates -estricted access with the repair area The possi#le position o! the weld An o! the a#ove


' dro"en crackin" in the weld $etal is likel when% a& #& c& d& Car#on $an"anese steels Stainless steels 4icro allo ed steels <'S(A& (ow car#on steels


+. standard 2== would re!er to which o! the !ollowin"% a& #& c& d& Welder approval testin" Weldin" equip$ent Weldin" procedure approval Consu$a#les !or su#$er"ed arc weldin"


Porosit is caused # % a& #& c& d& +ntrapped sla" in the solidi! in" weld +ntrapped "as in the solidi! in" weld +ntrapped $etallic inclusions in the solidi! in" weld .one o! the a#ove


In #end test, the !ace o! the speci$en is in tension and root is in co$pressionK the t pe o! test #ein" carried out would #e% a& #& c& d& A root #end test A side #end test A !ace #end test .one o! the a#ove


1ltrasonic testin" is o! advanta"e in detectin" which o! the !ollowin" weld i$per!ections over other ./T $ethods% a& #& c& d& (ack o! side wall !usion Sur!ace undercut Inco$pletel !illed "roove 2verlap

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The process o! te$perin" is o!ten carried out to re"ain tou"hness a!ter which o! the !ollowin" processes% a& #& c& d& Annealin" .or$aliCin" 'ardenin" Stress relievin"


The presence o! iron sulphide in the weld $etal is $ost likel to produce which o! the !ollowin" upon contraction o! the weld% a& #& c& d& Solidi!ication crackin" ' dro"en crackin" Inter"ranular corrosion Stress corrosion crackin"


Benerall the $ost suita#le $ethod o! detectin" lack o! sidewall !usion would #e% a& #& c& d& 1ltrasonic 4PI -adio"raph Penetrants


'ot shortness ter$ is used to indicate% a& #& c& d& (a$ellar tearin" Solidi!ication crackin" ' dro"en crackin" .one o! the a#ove


The use o! co#alt as an isotope would "enerall #e used on% a& #& c& d& Thin $aterials Tee Eoints Plate thickness "reater than 23$$ .one o! the a#ove


In weldin" procedure ter$, a chan"e in essential varia#le $eans a& #& c& d& -e5quali!ication o! the weldin" procedure Possi#le chan"e in the weld>s $icrostructure Possi#le chan"e in t he $echanical properties All o! the a#ove

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Weld s $#ol placed on a dotted line in accordance with IS2 require$ents $eans% a& #& c& d& Weld on LarrowM side Weld on LotherM side Weld on site :ull penetration required


A weldin" inspector>s $ain attri#ute includes% a& #& c& d& Hnowled"e and e)perience (iterac 'onest and inte"rit All o! the a#ove


The correct ter$ !or a Eoint prepared on one co$ponent onl is% a& #& c& d& A #evel #utt A 8 #utt A LHM #utt All o! the a#ove


Technicall a code o! practice is% a& #& c& d& A standard A Lset o! rulesM !or the $anu!acture o! a product -elated to welder and weld procedure approval All o! the a#ove


The correct ter$ !or cap hei"ht is% a& #& c& d& -ein!orce$ent Cap pro!ile hei"ht +)cessive weld $etal All o! the a#ove


A tensile test will assess a& #& c& d& I$pact values Stress Strain @oth a& N c&

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The i$portant point i! hi"h te$perature steel is that% a& #& c& d& The can withstand creep !ailure The $a su!!er re5heat crackin" pro#le$s The $a su!!er loss o! tou"hness All o! the a#ove


An austenitic stainless steel $a su!!er% a& #& c& d& Weld deca SensitiCation Solidi!ication crackin" All o! the a#ove


Car#on equivalent values are use!ul to deter$ine% a& #& c& d& Weld a#ilit aspects Crack sensitivit aspects T pical $echanical properties All o! the a#ove


A #asic electrode would nor$all % a& #& c& d& 'ave superior $echanical properties -equire #akin" #e!ore use .ot #e used on low car#on steels @oth a& and #&


When re!errin" to TIB weldin", the shieldin" "as could #e% a& #& c& d& Ar"on O ' dro"en Ar"on O 'eliu$ Ar"on O .itro"en All o! the a#ove


When re!errin" to 4IB weldin", the shieldin" "as could #e% a& #& c& d& Ar"on Ar"on O 1G 2) "en Ar"on O 2AG C22 .one o! the a#ove


Su#$er"ed arc utilities% a& #& c& /eep penetration characteristic 'i"h deposition rate on /CO :lat <P.A.& weldin" onl
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1ltrasonic would #e pre!er over radio"raph due to% a& #& c& d& A#ilit to !ind $ore de!ects (owest skill require$ents A#ilit to detect la$inations @oth a& and c&


The $ost serious de!ects a& #& c& d& Planar Cracks (ack o! !usion All o! the a#ove


The welda#ilit o! a $aterial $a #e a!!ected # % a& #& c& d& Te$perature o! the co$ponent The C.+. G o! the $aterial The ele$ents in the $aterial All o! the a#ove


Post heat treat$ent% a& #& c& d& 4ust #e applied to welds i! a crack !ree weld is required1 Should never e)ceed 3AA d" C 4a stress relieve 4ust alwa s #e applied usin" "as !la$es


Which o! the !ollowin" weldin" processes $a #e descri#ed, as a low h dro"en process in co$parison with "eneral 44A weldin"% a& #& c& d& e& TIB 4IB 4AB .one o! the a#ove All ! the a#ove


Which !or$ o! ./T could #e used on a !illet weld on alu$inu$* a& #& c& d& e& !& "& / e penetrant testin" 1ltrasonic testin" -adio"raph 4PI a, # and c / onl All o! the a#ove
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Which o! the !ollowin" ./T $ethods would not detect su#5sur!ace de!ects* a& #& c& d& e& 4PI / e penetrant testin" 1ltrasonic testin" -adio"raph All o! the a#ove would detect su#5sur!ace de!ects


Wh have a hi"h 2.C.7. with 44A weldin" a& #& c& d& To initiate the arc To o#tain penetration To avoid lack o! !usion 44A weldin" does not have a hi"h 2.C.7.


What is the purpose o! a Precti!ier> in relation to weldin" plant* a& #& c& d& To adEust the volta"e To adEust the a$pera"e To convert A.C to /.C. To prevent arc strikes


:ish J e es, chevron cracks and !issures are% a& #& c& d& .ot associated with weldin" T pes o! cracks 2nl encountered in 44A welds ' dro"en related pro#le$s


Pre heatin" prior to weldin"% a& #& c& d& e& 4ust alwa s #e carried out .eed not #e carried out i! post heat treat$ent is to !ollow weldin" Is alwa s carried out usin" "as !la$e .one o! the a#ove All o! the a#ove


What does pre heat prior to weldin" have an a!!ect on% a& #& c& d& e& 'ardena#ilit Welda#ilit Coolin" rate All o! the a#ove .one o! the a#ove

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The toes o! the cap on a #utt weld% a& #& c& d& 4ust overlap on the e)ternal sur!ace o! a pipe or plate # at least 1.3$$ 4ust #e "rounded 4ust never #e "rounded .one o! the a#ove $ost


Which o! the !ollowin" #utt5weld preparations is "enerall suscepti#le to Plack o! side wall !usion> durin" 44A weldin"* a& #& c& d& A P1> preparation A P7> preparation A Pdou#le 7> preparation (ack o! side wall !usion does not e)ist with 44A


What is the le" len"th o! a !illet weld* a& #& c& d& The distance !ro$ the toe to the !ace The distance !ro$ the root and to the !ace center The distance !ro$ the root to the toe The distance !ro$ toe to toe


What is Pthroat> thickness o! the !illet weld* a& #& c& d& The distance !ro$ toe to the !ace The distance !ro$ the root to !ace center The distance !ro$ the root to the toe The distance !ro$ toe to toe


;ualit assurance is% a& #& c& d& The inspection o! a product or service A $ana"e$ent s ste$ desi"ned onl to ensure $aterial co$pati#ilit .ot solel related to plannin" and inspection The i$ple$entation o! qualit control


Which weldin" process is considered the $ost versatile* a& #& c& d& SAW TIB 4IBF4AB 44A

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;ualit assurance% a& #& c& d& Is an other ter$ !or inspection -elated to all activities and !unctions concerned with the attain$ent o! qualit Is the activit o! ensurin" docu$ents relatin" to speci!ic contracts are in order Is the activit o! carr in" out qualit control


Which ./T $ethod would never #e use on a 6M alu$inu$ pipe weld* a& #& c& d& -adio"raph 4a"netic particle inspection 1ltrasonic testin" / e penetrant testin"


Wh is hot J pass so5called* a& #& c& d& @ecause it is applied at a hi"h a$pera"e @ecause it is applied when the root is still hot @ecause it could cause Phot J shortness> @ecause it heat treats the root


Benerall speakin" a weldin" inspector, as a $ini$u$ require$ent% a& #& c& d& e& 4ust have at a thorou"h knowled"e o! ./T 4ust know how to interpret radio"raphs 4ust have a thorou"h knowled"e o! weldin" $etallur" .one o! the a#ove All o! the a#ove


Which o! the !ollowin" is not an inert "as* a& #& c& d& Ar"on Ienon Car#on dio)ide 'eliu$


Wh is weldin" is shielded* a& #& c& d& To eli$inate h dro"en To retard the coolin" rate o! the weld To eli$inate the at$osphere To ensure $a)i$u$ heat input

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The pri$ar dut o! weldin" inspector% a& #& c& d& Is ensure welds are de!ect !ree Is to ensure the weld is !ree !ro$ residual stresses Is to write Eo# speci!ications Is to ensure all weldin" and associated activities are carried out in accordance with the procedure<s&


Which o! the !ollowin" weldin" processes is $ost suscepti#le to lack o! !usion* a& #& c& d& Su#$er"ed arc C22 <$etal active "as& 4anual $etal arc Tun"sten inert "as


:illet welds are a& #& c& d& e& Pre!era#le to #utt welds due to hi"h stren"th /i!!icult to assess with .on /estructive Testin" in co$parison with #utt <"rove& welds 1sed onl !or Pappearance> purposes 2nl !easi#le on steels All o! the a#ove


API stands !or a& #& c& d& Associated Pipeline Industries A$erican Pipe Institute A$erican Pipeline Institute A$erican Petroleu$ Institute


When weldin" usin" the 44A process, var in" the arc len"th will "ive the $ost variation o!% a& #& c& d& 7olta"e A$pera"e Polarit .one o! the a#ove

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(ap Eoints contain% a& #& c& d& :illet welds Corner Eoints @utt welds Sin"le #evel #utt welds


Which arc weldin" process utiliCes a non5consu$a#le electrode* a& #& c& d& e& 4IB TIB 44A SAW All o! the a#ove


A weldin" Inspector% a& #& c& d& e& 4ust know how to interpret radio"raphs 4a #e required to interpret radio"raphs on certain contracts Should #e a#le to weld @oth # and c All o! the a#ove


Which electrodes are ver suscepti#le to causin" porosit in the deposited welds i! lon" arc e$plo ed* a& #& c& d& @asic Cellulosic -utile .one o! the a#ove


What do ou understand # the ter$ P$ini$u$ interpass te$peratureM a& #& c& d& 4ini$u$ pre heat te$perature 4ini$u$ stress relieve te$perature The lowest te$perature to #e used when nor$aliCin" The lowest te$perature allowed durin" weldin" and #etween passes


Is it per$issi#le to allow a sin"le P7> #utt weld to cool down passes* a& #& c& d& It is solel the decision o! the welder It depends on the require$ent o! the procedure and speci!ications It is solel the decision o! the weldin" inspector .o, all welds should #e co$pleted #e!ore droppin" the te$perature to a$#ient
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What is the pro#le$ with Prestraint> durin" weldin"* a& #& c& d& It does not cause a pro#le$ It $a lead to crackin", especiall with s$all welds #etween lar"e co$ponents It causes distortion -estraint is ter$ not used in relation to weldin"


Which $echanical test <s& can # e used to $ake an assess$ent o! sur!acin" #reakin" de!ects* a& #& c& d& e& @end test .ick J #reak test 4acro test .one o! the a#ove All o! the a#ove


What is the purpose o! a tensile test* a& #& c& d& To assess tensile stren"th To assess ductilit To assess ield stren"th All o! the a#ove could #e assessed


When a $etal returns to its ori"inal shape a!ter an applied load has #een re$oved, the $etal is said to have% a& #& c& d& Plasticit /uctilit +lasticit 4allea#ilit


:luctuatin" load is% c clic stresses, #elow the 1TS on a weld co$ponent $a lead to% a& #& c& d& Tensile !ailure ,ield !ailure :ati"ue !ailure Shear !ailure


Stress is equal to% a& #& c& d& Stress (oad divided # cross J sectional area +)tension o! "au"e len"th divided # ori"inal "au"e len"th Tou"hness
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Strain is equal to% a& #& c& d& Stress (oad divide # cross J sectional are +)tension o! "au"e len"th divided # the ori"inal "au"e len"th Tou"hness


Stress can #e $easured in% a& #& c& d& .F$$Q PSI $$ @oth a and #


What is a crater pipe* a& #& c& d& An oval tu#e Another ter$ !or #urn throu"h A t pe o! porosit A shrinka"e de!ect


Which @ritish standard relates to weldin" ter$ and s $#ols a& #& c& d& @S 63? @S 63= @S 1= @S 0??


'ow could ou accuratel $easure the root radius o! a charp or ICod speci$en* a& #& c& d& With a $achine called shadow"raph With a rule With a vernier caliper With a densito$etr


'errin"#one porosit is% a& #& c& d& e& A particular pattern o! porosit 4ade up o! wor$holes 4ade up o! pipin" All the a#ove are correct .one o! the a#ove

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A crack is a weld Cone% a& #& c& d& Is repaira#le Alwa s results in s cut J out and co$plete reweld Is accepta#le up to 2$$ in len"th 4a #e repaired or cut J out dependin" on speci!ication require$ents.


I! the a$pera"e were too low durin" the weldin" o! a root #ead the possi#le result would #e% a& #& c& d& (ack o! penetration (ack o! !usion The !reeCin" o! the electrode All o! the a#ove


Stress actin" in the opposite direction o! co$pressive stress is known as% a& #& c& d& -esidual stress Shear stress 'oop stress Tensile stress


/istortion $a #e a!!ected # % a& #& c& d& e& -estraint 'eat J input 4aterial properties 4aterial thickness All o! the a#ove


/istortion% a& #& c& d& e& Is plastic de!or$ation Is elastic de!or$ation Is another ter$ !or stress 4a #e elastic or plastic de!or$ation All o! the a#ove

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