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Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Contents....................................................................................................................................................1 Foreword...................................................................................................................................................5 1 Scope......................................................................................................................................................5 2 References..............................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Specifications.........................................................................................................................................................5 2.2 Tdocs 6 2.3 Work Plan, Work Ite s and St!d" Ite s...............................................................................................................6 2.# C$an%e Re&!est data'ase.......................................................................................................................................6

3 (''re)iations.........................................................................................................................................6 # I*S+
#.1 Identification of Co !nication Ser)ices in I*S ,Ser)I-. /I-0+3212+..........................................................+ #.2 S!pportin% 3lo'all" Ro!ta'le /ser (%ent /RIs in I*S ,3R//. /I-032116..................................................4 #.3 *!lti edia Telep$on" Ser)ice for I*S ,*TSI. /I-0+134................................................................................2 #.3.1 *!lti edia Telep$on" Ser)ice for I*S ,*TSI. 5 /6 Confor ance Testin% /I-03511#+ ,Co pletion +178 Tar%et *ar 2112..................................................................................................................................11 #.# TISP(9 re&!ire ents for *!lti edia Telep$on" wit$ PST9:IS-9 si !lation ser)ices ,T**T6;+. /I-03++111..............................................................................................................................................11 #.5 *aintenance of TISP(9 release 1 co on I*S ,*CI*STR1. /I-034+111.................................................11 #.6 *aintenance of TISP(9 doc! entation ,*(I9TISP. /I-0341162...............................................................12 #.6.1 *aintenance of TISP(9 R1 ,*(I9T0R1. /I-034111#................................................................................12 #.6.2 *aintenance of TISP(9 release 1 co on I*S ,I*S0Co 0*tce+. /I-03411+2...................................13 #.+ PS do ain and I*S i pacts for s!pportin% I*S 6 er%enc" calls ,6*C1. /I-0321#5..................................1# #.4 I*S S!pport of Conferencin% ,I*Sconf. /I-011165.......................................................................................15 #.2 Perfor ance C$aracteri<ation of =oI*S o)er >S-P(?6/; c$annels ,=oI*S5PC=oI*S. /I-03#133........16

5 IW;(9................................................................................................................................................1+
5.1 W;(95/*TS Interworkin% P$ase 2 ,W;(92. /I-031162...........................................................................1+ 5.2 W;(9 Interworkin% @ Pri)ate 9etwork access fro W;(9 33PP IP (ccess ,W;(9P9(. /I-032111.....1+ 5.3 6n$ance ents to s!pport AoS pro)isionin% o)er 33PP:W;(9 Interworkin% ,W;(9ABS. /I-032122......14

6 ;ocation Ser)ices.................................................................................................................................21
6.1 ;ocation Ser)ices en$ance ents ,;CS3. /I-0321+2.......................................................................................21 6.1.1 ;CS 6n$ance ents Related to ;ocation5Cased Ser)ices ,;CS35;CS. /I-051554, 1#125, 211#2..............21 6.1.2 Incl!sion of /plink T-B( /6 positionin% et$od in t$e /TR(9 specifications /I-021112....................21 6.1.3 ;CS for 33PP Interworkin% W;(9 ,;CS35IW;(9. /I-031152................................................................21 6.2 (d)anced 3lo'al 9a)i%ation Satellite S"ste ,(539SS. concept ,;CS35(39SS. /I-031151....................22 6.2.1 Towards (539SS Concept /I-0515#4..........................................................................................................22 6.2.2 3lo'al 9a)i%ation Satellite S"ste ,39SS. in /TR(9 /I-021151............................................................23 6.3 (53PS *ini ! Perfor ance ,3(3R. /I-051541........................................................................................2#

+ *C*S.................................................................................................................................................25
+.1 *C*S 6n$ance ents ,*C*S6. /I-03114#..................................................................................................25 +.1.1 *C*S F-- P$"sical la"er 6n$ance ents /I-03#11#2...............................................................................25 +.1.2 *C*S T-- P$"sical la"er 6n$ance ents /I-03#11#3...............................................................................26 +.1.3 *C*S ;CR T-- P$"sical la"er 6n$ance ents /I-0351122......................................................................2+ +.1.# *C*S *< interface /I-03#11#6..................................................................................................................24 +.2 *C*S 5 /6 Confor ance Testin% /I-0#11154..............................................................................................22 +.3 *C*S /ser Ser)ice 6Dtensions ,*C*S/S6. /I-03#134.............................................................................22


Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

4 S(1 Feat!res........................................................................................................................................31
4.1 /SS- essa%e deli)er" and transfer to /SI* ,/SS-5/SI*. /I-0311#4.....................................................31 4.2 Co 'inational Ser)ices ,CSICS. /I-031163....................................................................................................31 4.3 C(*6; Tr!nk Tri%%ers ,TTC(*6;. /I-031165...........................................................................................32 4.# 6n$ance ents of =3CS for p!'lic a!t$orit" officials ,6=3CS. /I-0111#5..................................................33 4.5 I pro)e ents of =3CS for parallel !se of ser)ices ,I=3CS. /I-011155.......................................................3# 4.6 Bpen Ser)ice (ccess ,BS(+. /I-0311+1..........................................................................................................3# 4.+ Selecti)e -isa'lin% of /6 Capa'ilities ,S-o/6. /I-031153...........................................................................36 4.4 9etwork selection en$ance ents ,9SP5CR. /I-0+1#1....................................................................................3+ 4.4.1 9etwork selection en$ance ents ,9SP. 5 /6 Confor ance Testin% /I-0251#4 ,Co pletion 2578 Tar%et -ec 2114.............................................................................................................................................34

2 S(2 Feat!res........................................................................................................................................32
2.1 (ccess Class Carrin% and B)erload Protection ,(CCBP. /I-03216#.............................................................32 2.2 S"ste en$ance ents for fiDed 'road'and access to I*S ,FCI. /I-0321+#...................................................#1 2.3 S!pport of S*S o)er %eneric 33PP IP access ,S*SIP. /I-032141.................................................................#2 2.# 6)ol!tion of Polic" Control and C$ar%in% ,PCC. /I-032142..........................................................................#3 2.5 =oice call contin!it" 'etween CS and I*S ,incl. I5W;(9. ,=CC. /I-032121..............................................#5 2.6 Bne T!nnel sol!tion for Bpti isation of Packet -ata Traffic ,BPT/96;. /I-0+1#6....................................#+ 2.+ CSI Ter inatin% Session $andlin% ,CSIter S. /I-0321122............................................................................#+

11 S(3 Feat!res......................................................................................................................................#2
11.1 ;i'ert" (lliance and 33PP Sec!rit" Interworkin% ,;i'Sec. /I-033122........................................................#2 11.2 Tr!st Re&!ire ents for Bpen Platfor s in 33PP ,Tr!stBP. /I-033123.......................................................51 11.3 -e)elop ent of /6(2 and /I(2 ,(l%/6(2. /I-03312#.............................................................................51 11.# ;awf!l Interception in t$e 33PP Rel5+ arc$itect!re ,;I5+(. /I-033126.......................................................51 11.5 Ee" esta'lis$ ent 'etween a /ICC and a ter inal ,Ee"6st/Ter . /I-033124..........................................52 11.6 Sec!rit" en$ance ents ,S6C+. /I-0+32131...................................................................................................52 11.+ 9-S (!t$entication Fra ework 6Dtension for Transport ;a"er Sec!rit" ,9-S(FT;S. /I-0331114.........55

11 S(# Feat!res......................................................................................................................................56
11.1 =ideo Codec Perfor ance Re&!ire ents ,=ICPer. /I-03#131.....................................................................56 11.2 -"na ic and Interacti)e *!lti edia Scenes ,-I*S. /I-03#132..................................................................5+ 11.3 33532#* =ideo Telep$on" Call Set!p Ti es I pro)e ents ,=TCSTI. /I-03#13#...................................52 11.# Bpti i<ations for *!lti edia Telep$on" o)er I*S ,B*TI*S. /I-03#135.................................................52 11.5 6nd5to56nd *!lti edia Ser)ices Perfor ance *etrics ,626*SP*. /I-03#136.........................................61 11.6 Packet Switc$ed Strea in% 6n$ance ents ,PSSe. /I-03#132......................................................................63

12 S(5 Feat!res......................................................................................................................................6#
12.1 Bperations, (d inistration, *aintenance F Pro)isionin% ,B(*+. /I-0351#1............................................6# 12.2 C$ar%in% *ana%e ent s all 6n$ance ents ,C>+. /I-032111+...................................................................+2

13 CT Feat!res........................................................................................................................................+3
13.1 I*S Sta%e 3 I6TF Protocol ali%n ent ,I*SProtoc. /I-0+11152..................................................................+3 13.2 Interopera'ilit" 'etween =3CS:=CS and (:3' fleDi'ilit" ,=3CSFleD. /I-0+1#3......................................+3 13.3 -I(*6T6R on t$e 33S9 3i interface ,-I(*3i. /I-013123.....................................................................+# 13.# -I(*6T6R on t$e P-3 Wi interface ,-I(*Wi. /I-013122......................................................................+# 13.5 Interworkin% 'etween t$e 33PP CS do ain wit$ CICC or IS/P as si%nallin% protocol and eDternal SIP5I networks ,6DtSIPI. /I-013133...............................................................................................................+# 13.6 P-/ !ltipleDin% at 9' Interface wit$ IP transport ,9'IP*!D. /I-03#11#+...............................................+5 13.+ *p ,*RFC 5 *RFP. interface ,*p. /I-01#112............................................................................................+6 13.4 Ro!tein% of *T5S*s )ia t$e >P;*9 ,S*S)ia>. /I-03#1116....................................................................++ 13.2 *o'ile Ter ination w$ilst t$e *S is o)in% to anot$er *SC ,*T o)*S. /I-0351113...........................+4

1# CT6 Feat!res......................................................................................................................................+2
1#.1 ISI* (PI for Ga)a Card ,(PIG(=(. /I-0+#3112..........................................................................................+2 1#.2 >i%$ speed interface 'etween t$e /ICC and t$e *6 ,>SI. /I-0331111.......................................................+2

15 R(9 Feat!res.....................................................................................................................................41
15.1 *!ltiple Inp!t *!ltiple B!tp!t antennas ,*I*B. /I-02#64.........................................................................41 15.2 Rel5+ I pro)e ents of t$e Radio Interface ,RInI p. /I-021124..................................................................41 15.2.1 6Dtended /*TS 1.+:2.1 3>< /I-021161....................................................................................................41 15.2.2 /*TS 2.6 3>< +.64 *cps T-- /I-02116+...............................................................................................41 15.2.3 /*TS 2.6 3>< /I-021121..........................................................................................................................41


Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

15.2.# /*TS 2.6 3>< T-- /I-021125.................................................................................................................42 15.2.5 /*TS 211 *>< /I-02112+........................................................................................................................42 15.2.6 /*TS 1+11 *>< /I-0211#3......................................................................................................................42 15.2.+ /6 (ntenna Perfor ance 6)al!ation *et$od and Re&!ire ents /I-02112#.............................................43 15.2.4 I pro)ed Perfor ance Re&!ire ents for >S-P( /6 'ased on RD -i)ersit" ,T"pe 1. F ;**S6 e&!ali<er ,T"pe 2. /I-0211#5..........................................................................................................................43 15.2.2 (dditional ini ! /6 perfor ance re&!ire ent for non5>S-P( c$annels 'ased on T"pe 1 en$anced recei)er ,RD -i)ersit". /I-021162...................................................................................................43 15.2.11 I pro)e ents of t$e Radio Interface 5 /6 Confor ance Testin% /I-025125..........................................4# 15.3 R(9 i pro)e ents ,R(9i p. /I-021122....................................................................................................45 15.3.1 Bpti i<ation of c$anneli<ation code !tili<ation for 1.24 *cps T-- /I-021126.......................................45 15.3.2 -ela" opti isation for proced!res applica'le to CS and PS Connections /I-021131................................46 15.3.3 I pro)ed s!pport of I*S Realti e Ser)ices !sin% >S-P(:>S/P( /I-021132.......................................4+ 15.3.# /6 Perfor ance Re&!ire ents for *C*S ,T--. /I-021133...................................................................4+ 15.3.5 Contin!o!s connecti)it" for packet data !sers /I-0211#6..........................................................................4+ 15.3.6 6Dtended WC-*( Cell Ran%e /I-0+131...................................................................................................44 15.3.+ +.64 *cps T-- 6n$anced /plink /I-0+131...............................................................................................42 15.3.4 6n$anced C6;;0F(C> State in F-- /I-0331112....................................................................................21 15.3.2 6#A(* for >S-P( ,F--. /I-03#1134.....................................................................................................21 15.3.11 I pro)ed ;2 s!pport for $i%$ data rates /I-03#1132................................................................................22 15.3.11 Introd!ction of 16A(* in >S/P( ,F--. /I-03#11#1...........................................................................23 15.3.12 Interface to control Tower *o!nted ( plifiers ,T*(s. /I-021166........................................................23 15.3.13 R(9 i pro)e ents 5 /6 Confor ance Testin% /I-025126 ,Co pletion +678 Tar%et *ar 2112..........2# 15.# +.64 *cps T-- option /I-02111#.................................................................................................................2# 15.5 3.4# *cps T-- 6n$anced /plink /I-021135................................................................................................26 15.6 1.24 *cps T-- 6n$anced /plink /I-021155................................................................................................24 15.6.1 1.24*cps T-- 6n$anced /plink 5 /6 Confor ance Testin% /I-03511#6...............................................22

16 36R(9 Feat!res.............................................................................................................................111
16.1 *S (ntenna Perfor ance 6)al!ation *et$od and Re&!ire ents ,(P6*R. /I-051114............................111 16.2 ;ower +11 *>< Incl!sion in t$e 36R(9 specifications ,3S*+11. /I-051112........................................111 16.3 S!pport of Con)ersational Ser)ices in (:3' ode )ia t$e PS do ain ,SCS(3C. /I-05156#...................111 16.# (ddition of new fre&!enc" 'and to 3S* ,T3S*411. /I-051565..............................................................112 16.5 >ando)er of dedicated and s$ared reso!rces w$ile in d!al transfer ode ,>B-SR-T*. /I-05156+.......112 16.6 *o'ile Station Recei)e -i)ersit" ,-(RP P$ase II. ,*SR-2. /I-051562..................................................113 16.+ -ownlink -!al Carrier ,3-C-;. /I-0515+2..............................................................................................113 16.4 S!pport of SI3TR(9 in 36R(9 ,3SI3T. /I-051541...............................................................................11# 16.2 ;atenc" Red!ctions ,;(TR6-. /I-051542.................................................................................................115 16.11 PS >ando)er 'etween 36R(9:/TR(9 ode and 3(9 *ode ,3/3(9. /I-0521#+...........................115 16.11 >i%$er /plink perfor ance for 36R(9 6)ol!tion ,>/36. /I-05154#..................................................11+ 16.12 R6d!ced s" 'ol -!ration, >i%$er Brder od!lation and T!r'o codin% for downlink ,R6->BT. /I-051121..............................................................................................................................................112

1+ Feasi'ilit" St!dies............................................................................................................................111
1+.1 St!d" on *!lti edia Telep$on" Capa'ilities for I*S ,*IT6. /I-031142.................................................111 1+.2 St!d" on Ce$a)io!r of *!lti s"ste /6s ,C*S/. /I-031151...................................................................112 1+.3 St!d" on Co 'inin% CS calls and I*S sessions /I-031155........................................................................112 1+.# St!d" on (ll5IP 9etwork ,FS0(IP9. /I-031152.........................................................................................113 1+.5 St!d" on =ideotelep$on" teleser)ice ,=idTel. /I-0311+5...........................................................................115 1+.6 St!d" on 9etwork Selection Principles ,9etSel. /I-0311+3........................................................................116 1+.+ St!d" on *!lti edia Priorit" Ser)ice ,PRIBR5**. /I-0311#1.................................................................11+ 1+.4 St!d" on Transferrin% of e er%enc" Call data ,eC(;;. /I-031143...........................................................114 1+.2 St!d" on 6n$ance ent of 626 AoS /I-0321+3...........................................................................................112 1+.11 St!d" on Candwidt$ Sa)in% at 9' Interface wit$ IP transport /I-0+13#...................................................121 1+.11 St!d" on Ro!tein% of *T5S*s )ia t$e >P;*9 /I-01#112......................................................................121 1+.12 St!d" on t$e TC(Psec 3atewa" concept /I-0+125...................................................................................121 1+.13 St!d" on !sin% *2P( in 33PP network /I-0+151....................................................................................122 1+.1# St!d" on S!pport of ,3.*SC5S 5 ,3.*SC5S 9c Interface 'ased on t$e SIP5I protocol /I-0321114.......122 1+.15 St!d" on SB(P:>TTP IRP Sol!tion Sets /I-035166.................................................................................123 1+.16 St!d" on Itf59 I ple entation Confor ance State ent ,ICS. te plate /I-03516+.................................12# 1+.1+ St!d" on IRP Infor ation *ode /I-035164...............................................................................................12# 1+.14 St!d" on 6)ol)ed /TR( and /TR(9 /I-021123.....................................................................................125


Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

1+.12 St!d" on Perfor ance 6)al!ation of t$e /6 'e$a)io!r in $i%$ speed trains /I-02113#...........................126 1+.21 St!d" on /TR( Tower *o!nted ( plifier ,F--. /I-0211#1.................................................................12+ 1+.21 St!d" on Contin!o!s connecti)it" for packet data !sers /I-0211##..........................................................124 1+.22 St!d" on I pro)e ent of *!lti edia Croadcast *!lticast Ser)ice ,*C*S. in /TR(9 /I-021151.....122 1+.23 St!d" on Perfor ance I pro)e ents in S all Cells !sin% >S-P(:6-C> /I-021152...........................122 1+.2# St!d" on F!rt$er I pro)ed Perfor ance Re&!ire ents for /*TS:>S-P( /6 ,F--. /I-021153........131 1+.25 St!d" on Scope of f!t!re F-- >SP( 6)ol!tion /I-021165......................................................................131 1+.26 St!d" on -"na icall" reconfi%!rin% a F-- /6 ... /I-0331113................................................................132 1+.2+ St!d" on 3(9 6n$ance ents ,63(9. /I-051121....................................................................................132 1+.24 St!d" on F!t!re 36R(9 6)ol!tion ,F36. /I-051564..............................................................................133

14 Rel5+ Co pleted Feat!res and St!dies.............................................................................................13+ 12 Rel5+ -eleted Feat!res and St!dies..................................................................................................1#2 Annex A: Change history...........................................................................................................143


Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

T$is doc! ent $as 'een prod!ced '" t$e 6TSI *CC. T$e colo!red $i%$li%$t of t$e /ni&!e I-entifier ,/I-. reflects t$e stat!s of t$e work ite sH on%oin% or co pleted. Stopped Feat!res and St!dies are listed at t$e end of t$e present doc! ent. Legend: Co pleted WI Bn%oin% WI *o)ed WI to t$e neDt Release Stopped WI


T$e present doc! ent contains a $i%$5le)el description of t$e 33PP Release + Feat!res. ( Feat!re is defined as new or s!'stantiall" en$anced f!nctionalit" w$ic$ represents added )al!e to t$e eDistin% s"ste . ( Feat!re nor all" e 'odies an i pro)ed ser)ice to t$e c!sto er and : or increased re)en!e %eneration potential to t$e s!pplier. Feat!res are as independent as possi'le fro eac$ ot$er, and relations$ips 'etween feat!res ,if an". are clarified $ere.

In so e cases, a feat!re does not correspond to a sin%le f!nctionalit" '!t consists in a %ro!pin% of different independent ite s i pactin% t$e sa e parts of t$e s"ste ,e.%. IR(9 i pro)e entsI.. T$is %ro!pin% is perfor ed to li it t$e total n! 'er of Feat!res per Release. For eac$ Feat!re ,or independent ite ., references are %i)en to %!ide t$e reader on $ow to deepen t$e s!'JectH t$e Work Ite -escription ,WI-. as well as t$e list of i pacted specifications is pro)ided at t$e 'e%innin% of eac$ cla!se descri'in% t$e feat!re. T$e i pact of a %i)en feat!re on a partic!lar specification is descri'ed in t$e C$an%e Re&!est ,CR. list, w$ic$ can 'e fo!nd at t$e end of t$e respecti)e specification, or alternati)el" in t$e CR data'ase, w$ic$ contains t$e f!ll list of CRs for all 33PP specifications. C$apter 2 of t$e present doc! ent contains %lo'al references, and pro)ides links towards t$e 33PP Specifications, t$e eetin% contri'!tions, t$e Work Plan, t$e Work Ite -escriptions ,WI-s. and t$e CR data'ase.


33PP TR 21.215H I=oca'!lar" for 33PP SpecificationsI.

2.1 Specifications
3lo'al infor ation on t$e Specifications ,also called IspecsI. can 'e fo!nd atH $ttpH::www.3%pp.or%:specs:specs.$t T$e latest )ersions of all 33PP specifications, containin% t$e $ttpH::www.3%pp.or%:ftp:Specs:latest: For specific p!rposes, older )ersions i%$t 'e needed. T$ese )ersions are a)aila'le atH ost recent corrections and additions, are a)aila'le atH

$ttpH::www.3%pp.or%:ftp:Specs:(rc$i)e: w$ere t$e specifications are sorted '" series and t$en '" folders containin% all t$e a)aila'le )ersions of a %i)en spec ,one folder per spec., for all Releases.


Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

2.2 Tdocs
T$e Te porar" -oc! ents ,tdocs. are ainl" t$e ori%inal papers written '" t$e 33PP *e 'ers, and are t$e inp!ts for ela'oratin% t$e specs. T$e" are a)aila'le ,sorted '" 33PP tec$nical %ro!ps ,Tec$nical Specification 3ro!ps ,TS3s. and Workin% 3ro!ps ,W3s.. atH $ttpH::www.3%pp.or%:ftp: startin% wit$ Mts%....M.

2.3 Work Plan, Work Items and Stud Items

Work Ite -escription ,IWI-I. ,also called WI -escription. and St!d" Ite ,also called IFeasi'ilit" St!diesI. are for s w$ic$ initial )ersion pro)ides t$e tar%et to 'e reac$ed 'efore startin% t$e tec$nical work. Potential s!'se&!ent )ersions narrow t$e tar%et and foreseen co pletion date accordin% t$e act!al pro%ress. T$e" are stored inH $ttpH::www.3%pp.or%:ftp:Infor ation:WI0s$eets: T$e 33PP Work Plan is a li)in% doc! ent, !pdated ro!%$l" eac$ ont$, w$ic$ contains t$e f!ll list of Work Ite s and St!d" Ite s, as well as s! ar" infor ation for eac$ WI, asH t$e W3 in c$ar%e of it, its startin% date and ,foreseen or act!al. co pletion date, t$e act!al pro%ress, etc. T$e Work Plan is a)aila'le atH $ttpH::www.3%pp.or%:ftp:Infor ation:WBRE0P;(9:

2.! C"an#e Re$uest data%ase

( specification is ori%inall" drafted and aintained '" a rapporte!r, w$o co piles t$e contents fro disc!ssions in t$e W3s and TS3s. W$en it is considered to 'e 417 co plete, it is 'ro!%$t !nder a so5called Ic$an%e controlI process. (fter t$is, c$an%es to t$e specification can onl" 'e ade !sin% C$an%e Re&!ests t$at are !s!all" a%reed '" consens!s in t$e Workin% 3ro!p responsi'le for t$e specification, and t$en for all" appro)ed '" t$e rele)ant Tec$nical Specification 3ro!p. T$e C$an%e Re&!est data'ase contains all a)aila'le infor ation on C$an%e Re&!ests, incl!din% a Work Ite code, a C$an%e Re&!est n! 'er t$at is !ni&!e wit$in t$e specification ,different )ersions are possi'le, '!t onl" one can e)er 'e appro)ed., t$e stat!s of eac$ C$an%e Re&!est and references to rele)ant te porar" doc! ent n! 'ers and eetin%s. T$is data'ase is a)aila'le inH $ttpH::www.3%pp.or%:ftp:Infor ation:-ata'ases:C$an%e0Re&!est: F!rt$er infor ation on CR is a)aila'le atH $ttpH::www.3%pp.or%:specs:CR.$t


For t$e p!rposes of t$e present doc! ent, t$e a''re)iations %i)en in TR 21.215 KDL and t$e followin% appl". (n a''re)iation defined in t$e present doc! ent takes precedence o)er t$e definition of t$e sa e a''re)iation, if an", in TR 21.215 K1L. CS I*S IS-9 P;*9 R(C R;C RTP SIP Circ!it Switc$ed IP *!lti edia S!'s"ste Inte%rated Ser)ices -i%ital 9etwork P!'lic ;and *o'ile 9etwork Radio (ccess Cearer Radio ;ink Control Real Ti e Protocol Session Initiated Protocol ,I6TF.


Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


!.1 Identification of Communication Ser'ices in I(S )Ser'I*+ ,I*-.32/0.

Resources: S2,S1,C1,S5 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/2/203 CP1/2/230 TS 22.224 TS 23.224 TS 23.2/3 TS 32.22/ TS 32.204 TS 32.200 TS 23.214 TS 2!.220

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S2 WI* on Identification of Communication Ser'ices in I(S C1 WI* on Identification of Communication Ser'ices in I(S, Sta#e 3

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 1 IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 2 Polic and c"ar#in# control arc"itecture Telecommunication mana#ement5 C"ar#in# mana#ement5 IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ c"ar#in# Telecommunication mana#ement5 C"ar#in# mana#ement5 C"ar#in# *ata Record )C*R+ parameter description Telecommunication mana#ement5 C"ar#in# mana#ement5 *iameter c"ar#in# applications IP (ultimedia )I(+ session "andlin#5 I( call model5 Sta#e 2 Internet Protocol )IP+ multimedia call control protocol %ased on Session Initiation Protocol )SIP+ and Session *escription Protocol )S*P+5 Sta#e 3

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

TR 23.412 Identification of communication ser'ices in I(S

33PP $as adopted t$e approac$ of creatin% a n! 'er of I*S ena'lers t$at can 'e !sed '" a n! 'er of ser)ices. T$e s!ccess of t$is $as 'een de onstrated t$ro!%$ t$e adoption of t$e I*S '" ot$er standardi<ation 'odies ,e.%. TISP(9, B*( ...., so e of w$ic$ $a)e finali<ed a ser)ice definition !tilisin% t$e I*S. ( conse&!ence of t$is approac$ is t$at neit$er t$e ena'ler 'ein% !sed, nor t$e re&!ested edia 'ein% !sed is s!fficient to identif" t$e partic!lar co !nication ser)ice re&!ested. ( eans is re&!ired in order to identif" t$e co !nication ser)ice re&!ested for t$e followin% reasonsH

T$e network is re&!ired to identif" t$e correct application ser)er,s. to link into t$e SIP call pat$, if re&!ired8 T$e edia a!t$ori<ation polic" a" !se a co !nication ser)ice identifier as inp!t8 It is desira'le for t$e network to 'e a'le to a!t$ori<e t$e !se of a co !nication ser)ice8 C$ar%in% a" !se a co !nication ser)ice identifier as inp!t8 In a !lti5/6 scenario w$ere a recipient $as se)eral /6s wit$ different /6 capa'ilities, it is !sef!l to 'e a'le to ro!te t$e SIP re&!est to t$e /6,s. s!pportin% a re&!ested co !nication ser)ice8 In order to ena'le t$e /ser 6&!ip ent to identif" t$e correct application lo%ic, w$ile allowin% for an" ser)ices to 'e offered !sin% t$e sa e ena'lers and edia t"pes8 Bften interworkin% re&!ires knowled%e of t$e ser)ices 'ein% interworked, as s!c$ interworkin% 'etween an I*S 'ased ser)ice and a non5I*S 'ased ser)ice a" 'enefit fro t$e identification of t$e re&!ested co !nication ser)ice8 (llowin% t$e network to a!t$ori<e t$e !se of t$e ser)ice for a partic!lar !ser8 Co !nication ser)ice prioriti<ation in t$e case of network o)erload8 To 'e an inp!t into inter5operator interconnect ser)ice le)el a%ree ents8 Pro)ide a scope for t$e IBP specifications related to a partic!lar co !nication ser)ice.

In addition to t$e a'o)e reasons, a co !nication Ser)ice I-entifier ,Ser)I-. also $as t$e ad)anta%e or red!cin% t$e re&!ired co5ordination 'etween standardi<ation 'odies if for at and encodin% across t$ese 'odies was t$e sa e. T$e arc$itect!ral re&!ire ents and tec$nical proced!res and t$e ad inistrati)e proced!res for a Ser)I- re&!ired st!d". B*( $as e plo"ed t$e feat!re ta% as Ser)I-. T$e introd!ction of a Ser)I- does not replace t$e P!'lic Ser)ice Identit" ,PSI., '!t indicates t$e partic!lar co !nication ser)ice !sed. TR 23.416 co)ers t$e followin% aspectsH


Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Fra ework description for t$e !sa%e and applica'ilit" of Ser)I- and its relations$ip wit$ PSI and ot$er eDistin% I*S ec$anis s8 Identif" arc$itect!ral re&!ire ents for Ser)I- t$at ena'le t$e !sa%e scenarios identified8 Identif" re&!ire ents on co pati'ilit" and e)ol!tion of a co !nication ser)ice in relation to t$e Ser)I-8 -escri'e t$e eDpected 'e$a)io!r w$en t$e Ser)I- in t$e re&!estin% SIP et$od doesnNt atc$ wit$ an" of t$e ser)ice identifiers incl!ded in t$e re%istration process fro t$e called /6s Identif" t$e et$ods for ad inistrati)e proced!res for a Ser)I-, incl!din% t$e re&!ire ents !pon w$en a Ser)I)al!e is re&!ired to 'e allocated. eans to identif" I*S co !nication ser)ices were identified.

9o alternati)e

TR 23.416 concl!des t$e followin%H 5 5 I*S co !nication ser)ices a" 'e identified '" an I*S Ser)I-. In t$e case t$at an I*S Ser)I- is not present t$e network s$o!ld identif" a partic!lar I*S co !nication ser)ice '" ot$er eans. I*S applications, w$ic$ !tilise I*S co !nication ser)ices, are identified '" an application reference. T$e a'sence of t$e application reference a" i pl" t$at a defa!lt application for t$e specified I*S co !nication ser)ice is in)oked. T$e eDact eans to ad inister I*S Ser)I-s is a sta%e 3 iss!e, '!t a few possi'ilities eDist and are descri'ed

Sta%e 1 and 2 were i ple ented in eDistin% S(1:2 TS 22.224, TS 23.224, TS 23.213. C$ar%in% of Ser)I- is i ple ented in eDistin% S(5 TS 32.261, TS 32.224, TS 32.222. CT1 Sta%e 2:3 for t$e new identifiers ,I*S ser)ice identifier, (pplication reference. is i ple ented in eDistin% TS 23.214, TS 2#.222 and is ali%ned wit$ I6TF, in order to $a)e a %eneral sol!tion adopta'le o!tside 33PP.

!.2 Supportin# 6lo%all Routa%le ,ser &#ent ,RIs in I(S )6R,,+ ,I*-32112
Resources: S2 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/233 SP1/3/233 TS 22.224 TS 23.224 TS 23.214 TS 2!.220

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S2 WI* on Supportin# 6lo%all Routa%le ,ser &#ent ,RIs )6R,,s+ in I(S C1 WI* on Supportin# 6lo%all Routa%le ,ser &#ent ,RIs )6R,,s+ in I(S 7 sta#e 3

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 1 IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 2 IP (ultimedia )I(+ session "andlin#5 I( call model5 Sta#e 2 Internet Protocol )IP+ multimedia call control protocol %ased on Session Initiation Protocol )SIP+ and Session *escription Protocol )S*P+5 Sta#e 3

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

1 1

T$e I*S arc$itect!re s!pports t$e possi'ilit" for !ltiple /6s to re%ister wit$ t$e sa e P!'lic /ser Identit". *an" I*S 'ased ena'lers s!c$ as =oice Call Contin!it", CSI, Presence, Conferencin% and PoC need to 'e a'le to identif" t$e ori%in of and ro!te SIP si%nallin% to a specific /6 instance e)en w$en !ltiple /6s !se t$e sa e P!'lic /ser Identit". T$is iss!e $as 'een worked on in t$e I6TF and t$e sol!tion fo!nd is 3R//s ,3lo'all" Ro!ta'le /ser (%ent /RIs.. ( 3R// /RI ena'les ro!tin% to a specific !ser a%ent instance. T$e s!pport of 3R// in I*S re&!ires t$e en$ance ent of t$e I*S arc$itect!re and associated protocols. I*S en$ance ents neededH ('ilit" for t$e /6 to %enerate !ni&!e de)ice instance identifiers and o'tain 3R//s8 *ec$anis for I*S Core 9etwork to %enerate and store 3R//s d!rin% I*S re%istration8 *ec$anis for I*S Core 9etwork to !pdate 3R//s d!rin% re5re%istrations8


Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

*ec$anis to si%nal to t$e I*S core t$e /6Ns s!pport of 3R// ,for eDa ple, s!pport of t$e new SIP option ta% in I*S SIP essa%es.8 6Dc$an%e of 3R//s 'etween /6s8 S!pport '" I*S of ro!tin% of SIP re&!ests addressed to 3R//s8 Interaction 'etween an I*S core t$at s!pports 3R// and one t$at does not8 Interaction 'etween an /6 t$at s!pports 3R// and one t$at does not8 -efine %!idelines for appropriate !sa%e of 3R// )s. !sa%e of P!'lic /ser Identit"8 Interaction of 3R// wit$ eDistin% I*S feat!res, for eDa ple i plicit re%istration8

T$e s"ste a" need to correlate SIP re&!ests addressed to 3R//s to t$e P!'lic /ser Identities associated wit$ t$e 3R// for c$ar%in% p!rposes. Sec!rit" i pacts and pri)ac" iss!es related to t$e %eneration and !se of 3R//s 'ased on eDistin% 33PP de)ice identifiers s!c$ as I*6I and I*SI needed to 'e st!died.

!.3 (ultimedia Telep"on Ser'ice for I(S )(TSI+ ,I*-./34

Resources: S1,C1,S# Referen es
!o "#en$ SP1/2/22! CP1/2/23. SP1/2/223 TS 2!.220 TS 20.123 TS 22.1.3 TS 2!.1.3 TS 22.11! TS 22.233 TS 22.232 TS 22.01! %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) S1 WI* on (ultimedia Telep"on Ser'ice for I(S C1 WI* on I(S (ultimedia Telep"on Ser'ice, Sta#e 3 S! WI* on I(S (ultimedia Telep"on 5 media "andlin# and interaction )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions 6eneric en"ancements and e8tensions due to (ultimedia Telep"on 6eneric en"ancements and e8tensions due to (ultimedia Telep"on -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s IP (ultimedia Core 9etwork Su%s stem )I(S+ (ultimedia Telep"on Ser'ice and supplementar ser'ices5 Sta#e 1 I(S (ultimedia telep"on communication ser'ice and supplementar ser'ices I(S (ultimedia Telep"on 5 (edia "andlin# and interaction Packet switc"ed con'ersational multimedia applications5 *efault codecs Packet switc"ed con'ersational multimedia applications5 Transport protocols (ultimedia telep"on o'er IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 :ptimi;ation opportunities

33PP and TISP(9 defined an I*S 'ased *!lti edia Telep$on" ser)ice, w$ic$ is an e)ol!tion of t$e CS 'ased Telep$on" ser)ice pro)ided '" traditional IS-9s and PST9s. T$e ser)ice defined '" 33PP is needed for wireless access to I*S, in order to 'e a'le to define ser)ices to t$e end5!sers, and to s!pport interopera'ilit" in !lti5)endor and !lti5operator en)iron ent and to pro)ide t$e !ser wit$ t$e sa e eDperience across t$e different IP 'ased accesses and do ains. Bne interestin% aspect of I*S *!lti edia Telep$on" is t$at it is possi'le to $a)e a !ser eDperience t$at $as a lar%er %a !t ,e.%. for )oice8 dela" and Jitter. t$an for a co para'le CS con)ersational ser)ice. It is desira'le to specif" edia 'e$a)io!r in a predicta'le anner, so t$at operators are a'le to differentiate t$eir ser)ice offerin%s. T$is eans, a on% ot$er t$in%s, t$at t$e ser)ices fro da" one !st 'e well specified and interopera'le. In addition, a standardi<ed consistent ter inal 'e$a)io!r is i portant for t$e operator to ena'le t!nin% of t$e network wit$ f!ll control o)er t$e end !sersN eDperience. T$is also eans a well specified trans itter and recei)er 'e$a)io!r. S(1 decided to re!se w$ere applica'le S!pple entar" Ser)ice ,SS. definitions as specified '" 6TSI TISP(9. S(1 $as, apart fro endorsin% t$e rele)ant TISP(9 SSs, also defined an" potential additional 33PP5onl" SSs and capt!re t$ose in t$e sa e 33PP specification. S(# $as specified a 'asic PS ser)ice s!pportin% con)ersational speec$, )ideo and teDt, wit$ t$e %oal of akin% t$ese 'asic ser)ices consistent, interopera'le and of predicta'le perfor ance. It was necessar" to specif" t$e edia $andlin% and 'e$a)io!r ,dela" Jitter $andlin%, packet loss $andlin% and conceal ent, interopera'ilit" wit$ CS:/TR(9:36R(9, inter5 edia s"nc$roni<ation, ec$o and noise cancellin%, rate adaptation, edia related end525end si%nallin% etc.. T$e work foc!ssed on person5to5person calls !sin% RTP5transported edia. (dd:drop of edia d!rin% a call were specified. Written in a forward5co pati'le wa" TS 26.11# allows additions of edia co ponents and f!nctionalit" in later Releases. Interworkin% wit$ 33PP5specified telep$on" ser)ices are co)ered ,CS speec$, 33532#* and )ideo telep$on". as well as wit$ traditional PBTS, and e er%in% TISP(9 network ,se also TR 22.2+3..



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

TS 26.11# addresses t$e areas of opti i<ation opport!nities identified in TR 26.21#. T$e opti i<ations re%arded ainl" edia transport and si%nallin%. Iss!es on SIP si%nallin%, re%istration to t$e network and:or to I*S at power5on or at ot$er occ!rrences were not incl!ded. TS 26.11# specifies a client for *TSI s!pportin% con)ersational speec$ ,incl!din% -T*F., )ideo and teDt transported o)er RTP wit$ t$e scope to deli)er a !ser eDperience e&!i)alent to or 'etter t$an t$at of CS con)ersational ser)ices !sin% t$e sa e a o!nt of network reso!rces. TS 26.235 and TS 26.236 do not incl!de t$e specification of an *TSI client, alt$o!%$ t$e" incl!de con)ersational !lti edia applications. Bnl" t$ose parts of TS 26.235 and TS 26.236 t$at are specificall" referenced '" TS 26.11# appl" to *TSI.

!.3.1 (ultimedia Telep"on Ser'ice for I(S )(TSI+ 1 ,< Conformance Testin# ,I*-33/1!. )Completion ./=5 Tar#et (ar 2//0+
Resources: R5 Referen es
!o "#en$ RP1/./22! 3!.2201 1>2>3 9one %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) R3 WI* on Conformance Test &spects 7 (ultimedia Telep"on Ser'ices for I(S )(TSI+ )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions Internet Protocol )IP+ multimedia call control protocol %ased on Session Initiation Protocol )SIP+ and Session *escription Protocol )S*P+ -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s 1

R(95 pro)ides confor ance testin% for *TSI ,linked to *TSI Feat!re /I-0+134. I*S Call Control 'ased on SIP for s t$e 'asis of I*S applications. Confor ance test specifications !st 'e de)eloped for I*S Call Control protocol to )erif" correct f!nctionalit" of t$e /6 w$en operatin% in an I*S network. T$is ena'les t$e confor ance testin% of core Rel5+ en$ance ents of *TSI. Stat!s Report in RP51416158 Co pletion +178 Tar%et *ar 2112

!.! TISP&9 re$uirements for (ultimedia Telep"on wit" PST9>IS*9 simulation ser'ices )T((T<?.+ ,I*-3..//1
Resources: S1 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/./324 TS 22.1.3

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S&1 SI* on Re'iew of 9etwork Selection Principles

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

IP (ultimedia Core 9etwork Su%s stem )I(S+ (ultimedia Telep"on Ser'ice and supplementar ser'ices5 Sta#e 1 )CR@///0 &li#nment of References+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

TS 22.2.3 TISP&95 (ultimedia Telep"on wit" PST9>IS*9 simulation ser'ices

T$is work transfers TISP(9 Release 1 **T6; Sta%e 1 ,6TSI TS 141 112. 5 needed to i ple ent t$e core I*S specification in li%$t of t$e Co on I*S concept 5 to 33PP ,TS 22.2+3. for aintenance p!rposes.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

!.3 (aintenance of TISP&9 release 1 common I(S )(CI(STR1+ ,I*-34.//1

Resources: S2,S1 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/./013 TS 22.1.3

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S2 WI* on (aintenance of TISP&9 release 1 common I(S

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

IP (ultimedia Core 9etwork Su%s stem )I(S+ (ultimedia Telep"on Ser'ice and supplementar ser'ices5 Sta#e 1 )&li#nment of references+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

TS 22.2.3 TS 23.!/2 TS 23.!1. TS 23.3/4 TS 23.3/0 TS 23.311 TISP&95 (ultimedia Telep"on wit" PST9>IS*9 simulation ser'ices TISP&95 IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 2 description A36PP TS 23.224 '..2./, modifiedB TISP&95 IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 Functional arc"itecture TISP&95 Presence Ser'ice5 &rc"itecture and functional description A<ndorsement of 36PP TS 23.1!1 and :(&1 &*1Presence-SI(P?<1C1-/B TISP&95 969 &rc"itecture to support emer#enc communication from citi;en to aut"orit A<ndorsed document 36PP TS 23.12., Release .B TISP&95 D(? *ocument (ana#ement5 &rc"itecture and functional description A:(&1&*1D*(1C1-/12//31//21 C modifiedB

(s part of t$e a%ree ent of o)in% co on I*S work fro 6TSI TISP(9 to 33PP, t$ere is a need to ens!re t$at aintenance occ!rs of t$e TISP(9 R1 deli)era'les, p!'lis$ed as 6TSI standards. TISP(9 $as a C$an%e Re&!est process si ilar to 33PP, w$ere as essential corrections are identified t$e" s$o!ld 'e ade to older releases to w$ic$ t$e" are appropriate. T$e work ite T$is work ite allocates a work ite code t$at can 'e !sed on s!c$ essential corrections to TISP(9 R1.

does not pro)ide for an" new feat!re or for an" en$ance ent of a feat!re.

T$is work ite also pro)ides a work ite code for appropriate re5doc! entation to assist t$e a'o)e, wit$ t$e constraint t$at s!c$ a c$an%e s$all not res!lt in an" tec$nical c$an%e to TISP(9 R1 or to fro<en 33PP releases. ;ist of TISP(9 R1 specifications !nder 33PP S( responsi'ilit" See $ttpH::www.3%pp.or%:specs:TISP(95I*S5transfer.$t 8 w$ere t$e ta'le s$ows t$e 6TSI p!'lications relatin% to core f!nctions of t$e IP *!lti edia S!'s"ste ,I*S. !sed '" t$e 9eDt 3eneration 9etwork standardi<ed wit$in 6TSI Tec$nical Co ittee Teleco !nications and Internet con)er%ed Ser)ices and Protocols for (d)anced 9etworkin% ,TISP(9.. Ceca!se of different workin% et$ods 'etween TISP(9 and 33PP, 939 Release 1 ,R1. and Release 2 ,R2. p!'lications are transferred !nder separate 33PP TS n! 'ers. W$ere f!rt$er de)elop ent is en)isa%ed wit$in t$e Rel54 ti efra e, a f!rt$er n! 'er, 2D.6DD, $as 'een allocated. In %eneral, TISP(9 doc! ents are transferred in an alread"5fro<en state, and onl" essential on t$e 33PP 2D.#DD and 2D.5DD TSs. aintenance is en)isa%ed



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

!.2 (aintenance of TISP&9 documentation )(&I9TISP+ ,I*-34//20

!.2.1 (aintenance of TISP&9 R1 )(&I9T-R1+ ,I*-34///!
Resources: C1,C3,C# Referen es
!o "#en$
CP1/4/211 TS 2!.220 TS 20.122 TS 20.123 TS 20.224 TS 20.220 TS 2!.888

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
C1 WI* on (aintenance of TISP&9 release 1 common I(S

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Internet Protocol )IP+ multimedia call control protocol %ased on Session Initiation Protocol )SIP+ and Session *escription Protocol )S*P+5 Sta#e 3 Interworkin# %etween t"e I( C9 su%s stem and IP networks Interworkin# %etween t"e IP (ultimedia )I(+ Core 9etwork )C9+ su%s stem and Circuit Switc"ed )CS+ networks IP (ultimedia )I(+ Su%s stem C8 and *8 Interfaces5 Si#nallin# flows and messa#e contents C8 and *8 interfaces %ased on t"e *iameter protocol5 Protocol details

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

See ta%le %elow

(s part of t$e a%ree ent of o)in% co on I*S work fro 6TSI TISP(9 to 33PP, t$ere is a need to ens!re t$at aintenance occ!rs of t$e TISP(9 R1 deli)era'les, p!'lis$ed as 6TSI standards. TISP(9 $as a C$an%e Re&!est process si ilar to 33PP, w$ere as essential corrections are identified t$e" s$o!ld 'e ade to older releases to w$ic$ t$e" are appropriate. T$e work ite allocates a work ite code t$at can 'e !sed on s!c$ essential corrections to TISP(9 R1, wit$ TISP(9 R2, and 33PP Rel54 onwards. irrors in

(dditionall", if t$e aintenance process can 'e ade si pler '" so e re5doc! entation, e.%. '" c$an%in% t$e TISP(9 deli)era'le fro 'ein% dependent on a specific )ersion of a 33PP specification, to 'ein% one w$ere t$e dependenc" is on a specific release '!t not a specific )ersion, t$en s!c$ c$an%es are also allowed !nder t$is work ite . S!c$ re5 doc! entation !st not res!lt in an" tec$nical c$an%e. -!e to so e iss!es wit$ 33PP aintainin% directl" t$e TISP(9 specifications, t$e ec$anis for doin% t$is will 'e to create new 33PP release + specifications wit$ identical contents to t$ose of t$e TISP(9 R1 specifications. T$e corollar" of t$is is t$at in association wit$ t$is work ite , 6TSI TISP(9 will need to delete t$e contents of t$eir specifications and replace t$e wit$ references to t$ese new 33PP specifications. T$is work ite does not pro)ide for an" new feat!re or for an" en$ance ent of a feat!re.

T$is work ite pro)ides a work ite code t$at can 'e !sed for aintenance of TISP(9 R18 s!c$ c$an%es s$all 'e essential corrections, as defined '" 33PP and 6TSI TISP(9 C$an%e Control process. T$is work ite also pro)ides a work ite code for appropriate re5doc! entation to assist t$e a'o)e, wit$ t$e constraint t$at s!c$ a c$an%e s$all not res!lt in an" tec$nical c$an%e to TISP(9 R1 or to fro<en 33PP releases. T$e ta'le 'elow identifies t$e list of TISP(9 R1 specifications t$at 33PP CT c!rrentl" ass! es responsi'ilit" forH


13 .%,) %),P/- +o "#en$ TS 143 //! TS 143 //3 TS 143 //2 TS 143 //. TS 143 //4 TS 143 /1/ TS 143 /11 TS 143 /12 TS 143 /21 TS 143 /23 TS 143 /24 TS 143 /20 TS 143 /33 TS 143 /!1 <S 243 //3 <S 243 /2. <S 243 /3/ <S 243 /12

Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11) -ew 3GPP +o "#en$ 2!.!/! 2!.!/3 2!.!/2 2!.!/. 2!.!/4 2!.!1/ 2!.!11 2!.!12 20.!21 2!.!23 2!.!24 2!.!20 20.!33 2!.!!1 2!.!/3 20.!2. 2!.!3/ 20.!12 (G

,"01e $ 969 C*IC 969 C:9F 969 (WI 969 :IP :IR 969 TIP>TIR 969 E:?* 969 &CR>CF 969 (CI* <ndorse 20.122 969 DC&P 969 Fasic comm. 969 <CT <ndorse 20.224 > 20.220 <ndorse 2!.2!. <ndorse 2!.220 <ndorse 20.123 <ndorse 2!.1!1 sta#e 2 trunkin# #atewa control procedures

!.2.2 (aintenance of TISP&9 release 1 common I(S )I(S-Comm-(tce.+ ,I*-34//.2

Resources: S2,S1 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/4/3/1 TS 22.1.3

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S2 WI* on (aintenance of TISP&9 release 1 common I(S

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

IP (ultimedia Core 9etwork Su%s stem )I(S+ (ultimedia Telep"on Ser'ice and supplementar ser'ices5 Sta#e 1 )&li#nment of references+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

TS 22.2.3 TS 22.!/1 TS 23.!/2 TS 23.!1. TS 23.3/4 TS 23.3/0 TS 23.311 TISP&95 (ultimedia Telep"on wit" PST9>IS*9 simulation ser'ices TISP&95 Cideotelep"on o'er 969 Ser'ice *escription TISP&95 IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 2 description A36PP TS 23.224 '..2./, modifiedB TISP&95 IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 Functional arc"itecture TISP&95 Presence Ser'ice5 &rc"itecture and functional description A<ndorsement of 36PP TS 23.1!1 and :(&1 &*1Presence-SI(P?<1C1-/B TISP&95 969 &rc"itecture to support emer#enc communication from citi;en to aut"orit A<ndorsed document 36PP TS 23.12., Release .B TISP&95 D(? *ocument (ana#ement5 &rc"itecture and functional description A:(&1&*1D*(1C1-/12//31//21 C modifiedB

(s part of t$e a%ree ent of o)in% co on I*S work fro 6TSI TISP(9 to 33PP, t$ere is a need to ens!re t$at aintenance occ!rs of t$e TISP(9 R1 deli)era'les, p!'lis$ed as 6TSI standards. TISP(9 $as a C$an%e Re&!est process si ilar to 33PP, w$ere as essential corrections are identified t$e" s$o!ld 'e ade to older releases to w$ic$ t$e" are appropriate. T$e f!nction of t$is work is to allocate a work ite code t$at can 'e !sed on s!c$ essential corrections to TISP(9 R1.

(dditionall", if t$e aintenance process can 'e ade si pler '" so e re5doc! entation, e.%. '" c$an%in% t$e TISP(9 deli)era'le fro 'ein% dependent on a specific )ersion of a 33PP specification, to 'ein% one w$ere t$e dependenc" is on a specific release '!t not a specific )ersion, t$en s!c$ c$an%es are also allowed !nder t$is work ite . S!c$ re5 doc! entation !st not res!lt in an" tec$nical c$an%e. T$is work ite does not pro)ide for an" new feat!re or for an" en$ance ent of a feat!re.

T$is work ite pro)ides a work ite code t$at can 'e !sed for aintenance of TISP(9 R18 s!c$ c$an%es s$all 'e essential corrections, as defined '" 33PP and 6TSI TISP(9 C$an%e Control process. T$is work ite also pro)ides a work ite code for appropriate re5doc! entation to assist t$e a'o)e, wit$ t$e constraint t$at s!c$ a c$an%e s$all not res!lt in an" tec$nical c$an%e to TISP(9 R1 or to fro<en 33PP releases.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

!.. PS domain and I(S impacts for supportin# I(S <mer#enc calls )<(C1+ ,I*-32/!3
Resources: S2,S1,C1,C#,C3 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/2/! CP1/3/320 TS 22.1/1 TS 23.//3 TS 23.//4 TS 23.2/3 TS 23.221 TS 23.224 TS 23./2/ TS 23.//2 TS 23.2.1 TS 2!.//4 TS 2!.23! TS 2!.!/3 TS 20.123 TS 20.224 TS 20.23/ TS 20.23! TR 23.42. TS 23.12.

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S2 WI* on PS domain and I( C9 su%s stem impacts for supportin# I(S <mer#enc calls C1 WI* on <mer#enc Call <n"ancements for IPG PS Fased Calls 7 sta#e 3

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Ser'ice aspects5 Ser'ice principles 9um%erin#, addressin# and identification :r#ani;ation of su%scri%er data Polic and c"ar#in# control arc"itecture &rc"itectural re$uirements IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 2 6eneral Packet Radio Ser'ice )6PRS+5 Ser'ice description5 Sta#e 2 9etwork arc"itecture Functional sta#e 2 description of ?ocation Ser'ices )?CS+ (o%ile radio interface ?a er 3 specification5 Core network protocols5 Sta#e 3 36PP s stem to Wireless ?ocal &rea 9etwork )W?&9+ interworkin#5 W?&9 ,ser <$uipment )W?&9 ,<+ to network protocols5 Sta#e 3 TISP&95 IP (ultimedia Call Control Protocol %ased on Session Initiation Protocol )SIP+ and Session *escription Protocol )S*P+ Sta#e 3 A36PP TS 2!.220 )Release .+, modifiedB Interworkin# %etween t"e IP (ultimedia )I(+ Core 9etwork )C9+ su%s stem and Circuit Switc"ed )CS+ networks IP (ultimedia )I(+ Su%s stem C8 and *8 Interfaces5 Si#nallin# flows and messa#e contents *iameter applications5 36PP specific codes and identifiers 36PP s stem to Wireless ?ocal &rea 9etwork )W?&9+ interworkin#5 Sta#e 3

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Internet Protocol )IP+ %ased IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ emer#enc sessions IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ emer#enc sessions

It s$all 'e possi'le to esta'lis$ an e er%enc" session )ia t$e PS do ain and t$e I* C9 s!'s"ste to eet t$e re&!ire ents defined in TS 22.111. 6 er%enc" sessions s$all 'e ro!ted to an e er%enc" centre in accordance wit$ national re%!lations. T$is a" 'e 'ased !pon one or ore defa!lt addresses stored in t$e *6 and:or /SI* and infor ation a'o!t t$e ori%in of t$e session. It s$all 'e allowed to esta'lis$ a PS e er%enc" session wit$o!t t$e need to dial a dedicated n! 'er to a)oid t$e is5connection in roa in% case, s!c$ as connect '" en!, or a linka%e to a car air 'a% control. T$e work takes into acco!nt re&!ire ents co in% fro fiDed 'road'and access to I*S and seeks for aDi ! co onalit" of arc$itect!ral sol!tions 'etween 33PP and fiDed 'road'and access to I*S. T$is work st!died and specified t$e f!nctionalities re&!ired to eet t$e re&!ire ents as defined in TS 22.111 and ot$er rele)ant specifications for e er%enc" session $andlin% in t$e PS do ain and t$e I* C9 s!'s"ste . T$e o'Jecti)e is to specif" t$e f!nctionalities for 'ot$ t$e /ICC5less case, and t$e case w$en t$e /6 $as a )alid /ICC. Wit$ respect to fiDed 'road'and access to I*S t$e o'Jecti)e is to keep work on t$e I* C9 s!'s"ste specific aspects of I*S e er%enc" calls independent fro t$e PS do ain aspects as !c$ as possi'le so t$at work on eac$ part can pro%ress indi)id!all". T$e ain foc!s was on s!pport for SIP e er%enc" sessions and related packet 'earers. Points also consideredH /sin% t$e eDistin% e er%enc" n! 'erin% sc$e es8 Co pliant wit$ FCC andates, 6!ropean and ot$er re%!lator" re&!ire ents8 Possi'ilit" to initiate e er%enc" sessions to different e er%enc" ser)ice centers, dependin% on t$e t"pe of e er%enc"8 T$e f!nction s$all 'e s!pported w$en roa in%8 Relations wit$ ;ocation Ser)ices8 T$is WI- st!dies 6 er%enc" location infor ation for I5W;(9 and fiDed 'road'and access. T$e i pact to 33PP ;CS arc$itect!re to s!pport t$is aspect s$o!ld 'e st!died as part of t$e ,DDDD. Sta%e 2 ;CS for 33PP Interworkin% W;(9.

It s$all 'e possi'le to i ple ent different **Is to in)oke e er%enc" ser)ices. T$is can 'e for eDa ple done '" t$e dialled n! 'er, a dedicated *en!, one or ore dedicated '!ttons, etc.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

TR 23.46+ was a te porar" container for t$e arc$itect!ral i pacts on I* C9 s!'s"ste and on IP5Connecti)it" (ccess 9etwork for esta'lis$in% an e er%enc" session )ia I* C9 s!'s"ste . T$e contents of TR 23.46+ was o)ed into 33PP new ,TS 23.16+. and eDistin% specifications. CT provided the stage 3 specification as follows: CT1 added )ia CR e er%enc" calls for t$e PS do ain ,TS 2#.114. and I* C9 S!'s"ste do ain ,TS 2#.222.. CT3 added )ia CR e er%enc" calls for t$e PS and t$e I* C9 S!'s"ste do ain to TS 22.161 ,interworkin% 'etween P;*9 and P-9s. and to TS 22.163 ,additions to t$e IW.. CT1 added )ia CR e er%enc" calls for t$e PS do ain to TS 22.161 ,c$an%es to 3TP.

!.4 I(S Support of Conferencin# )I(Sconf+ ,I*-11/23

Resources: C1 Referen es
!o "#en$
CP1/./12/ TS 2!.1!. TS 2!.220 WI* on I(S Support of Conferencin#

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Conferencin# usin# t"e IP (ultimedia )I(+ Core 9etwork )C9+ su%s stem5 Sta#e 3 Internet Protocol )IP+ multimedia call control protocol %ased on Session Initiation Protocol )SIP+ and Session *escription Protocol )S*P+5 Sta#e 3

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

1 1

In Rel55, I*S was defined to s!pport IP *!lti edia ser)ices. T$e feat!re set in Rel55 pro)ides a 'asis for IP *!lti edia s!pport. -!rin% Rel56, additional applications were de)eloped, '!t d!e to I6TF dependencies, s!c$ applications co!ld not 'e co pleted in Rel56. T$is work pro%ress Sta%e 3 on postponed Rel56 feat!res for IP !lti edia applications in accordance wit$ eDistin% Rel5 6 Sta%e 1 re&!ire ents and for w$ic$ t$e related I6TF dependencies $a)e 'een co pleted wit$in t$e Rel5+ i.eH Floor control for I* C9 s!'s"ste conferencin%, and S-P and conference polic" control to s!pport pro)ision of a floor control ser)er. I6TF $as finis$ed a floor control specification ,CFCP.8 adopted for Rel5+ I*S conferencin%. 6Dtensions to conferencin% related SIP proced!res

Sec!rit" aspects are alread" co)ered '" eDistin% Rel56 sec!rit" specifications e.%. 3((.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

!.0 Performance C"aracteri;ation of CoI(S o'er ES*P&H<,? c"annels )CoI(S1PCCoI(S+ ,I*-3!/33

Resources: S# Referen e
!o "#en$ SP1/3//40 TR 22.033 1 %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on Performance C"aracteri;ation of CoI(S o'er ES*P&H<,? c"annels )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions Packet Switc"ed )PS+ con'ersational multimedia applications5 Performance c"aracteri;ation of default codecs -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s 9one

T$e idea of carr"in% )oice o)er s$ared reso!rces s!c$ as >S-P( is 'eco in% &!ite attracti)e d!e to t$e perfor ance 'enefits and en$anced code !tili<ation. TR 26.235 pro)ides infor ation on t$e perfor ance of defa!lt speec$ codecs in packet switc$ed con)ersational !lti edia applications. T$e trans ission of IP:/-P:RTP:(*R packets o)er t$e /*TS air interface ,o)er -C> c$annels. was si !lated !sin% t$e Con)ersational Packet Switc$ed Radio Cearers co in% fro TS 3#.114. T$is is not an opti al R(C to do PS con)ersational test '!t it was t$e onl" one a)aila'le at t$e ti e t$e test 'ed and t$e air interface si !lator were desi%ned. R(92 $as recentl" defined R(Cs for t$e s!pport of =oice o)er I*S on >i%$ Speed -ownlink Packet (ccess >S-P(. 'earers. In order to allow testin% for s!pport of =oice o)er IP o)er >S-P(?6/; ,6/; O 6n$anced /p;ink. opti i<ed R(Cs were si !lated, t$at carr" RTP, RTCP and SIP protocols. T$is Work Ite is a'o!t perfor in% a si ilar set of tests as c!rrentl" descri'ed in TR 26.235 in colla'oration wit$ rele)ant R(9 W3s 1 and 2 '" !sin% >S5-SC> and 65-P-C> c$annels instead of -C> for carr"in% )oice on downlink and !plink, respecti)el". T$e i pact of Jitter dela" on t$e speec$ &!alit" was e)al!ated '" !sin% proprietar" Gitter C!ffer *ana%e ent al%orit$ s. T$e tests perfor ed '" France Teleco , -"nastat and CeiJin% Instit!te of Tec$nolo%" were 'ased on a %eneric sc$ed!ler and an appro)ed test plan. F!ndin% to co pensate t$e work done '" -"nastat and CeiJin% Instit!te of Tec$nolo%" was pro)ided '" ;!cent Tec$nolo%ies ,'efore t$e er%e wit$ (lcatel., w$ile France Teleco kindl" offered to perfor t$e con)ersational s!'Jecti)e tests at t$eir own eDpenses. T$e perfor ance of proprietar" Gitter C!ffer *ana%e ent al%orit$ ,s. was tested '" eans of ;istenin% onl" tests '" 6ricsson and 9okia, w$o kindl" offered to perfor t$e s!'Jecti)e tests at t$eir own eDpenses. T$e tests perfor ed were 'ased on an appro)ed test plan ,sa e eDperi ental conditions !sed for t$e con)ersational tests.. T$erefore, t$e c$aracteri<ation consisted ofH Con)ersation tests to e)al!ate t$e perfor ance !nder real5ti e con)ersations. ;istenin%5onl" tests to 'rin% co ple entin% infor ation of t$e perfor ance. ,T$ese foc!ssed on t$e effect of Jitter and c$annel errors instead of end5to5end dela", '!t also dela" anal"sis was incl!ded.. B!tline of con)ersation and listenin%5onl" testin% conditions ,#4 test conditions.H @ @ @ 3 codecs: odesH (*R 5.2 k'ps, (*R 12.2 k'ps, and (*R5WC 12.65 k'ps ,eac$ tested in separate eDperi ent consistin% of 16 test conditions.. 3 'ack%ro!nd noise t"pesH car, street and cafeteria. 4 c$annel conditions consistin% of 2 traffic and 2 o'ilit" conditionsH 2 traffic conditions ,lowH #1, #5 or 61 o'ile !sers per cell8 $i%$H 41 or 111 o'ile !sers per cell. and 2 ter inal o'ilit" scenarios ,lowH 3 k :$ pedestrian8 $i%$H 31 or 121 k :$ )e$icle.. Radio access 'earer si !lations confor to error5dela" profiles and t$e definition of rele)ant R(Cs fro R(91 and R(92. Con)ersation testin% wit$ con)ersations lastin% ca. 3 in!tes ,confor in% to IT/5T S312 Reco endation P.415 defined scenarios and testin% proced!res.. 1. 2.

T$e test res!lts were p!t in t$e infor ati)e (nneD 4 of 33PP TR 26.235.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


3.1 W?&91,(TS Interworkin# P"ase 2 )W?&92+ ,I*-31/22

Resources: S1 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/.12 TS 22.23! TS 33.23! 1 WI* on 36PP s stem 1 W?&91 Interworkin#

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Re$uirements on 36PP s stem to W?&9 interworkin# )CR 22.23!1//1/ SP1/!/.3.+ )CR 22.23!1//115 CR 22.23!1//12 SP1/3//22+ )CR 22.23!1//21 SP1/2/3/3+ 36 securit 5 Wireless ?ocal &rea 9etwork )W?&9+ interworkin# securit

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


T$is work ite is an eDtension of t$e W;(95/*TS Interworkin% Rel56, w$ic$ defined t$e interworkin% 'etween 33PP s"ste s and W;(9s. For t$is p!rpose, I33PP:W;(9 interworkin%I refers to t$e !tili<ation of reso!rces and access to ser)ices wit$in t$e 33PP s"ste '" respecti)el" t$e W;(9 /6 and !ser. T$e intent of 33PP:W;(9 Interworkin% is to eDtend 33PP ser)ices and f!nctionalit" to t$e W;(9 access en)iron ent. T$!s t$e W;(9 effecti)el" 'eco es a co ple entar" radio access tec$nolo%" to t$e 33PP s"ste . T$e W;(9 pro)ides access to ser)ices located in W;(9s and:or networks 'e$ind t$e W;(9. In 33PP:W;(9 interworkin%, 33PP s"ste f!nctionalities can reside 'e$ind t$e W;(9 or in parallel to t$e W;(9. Rel56 TR 22.23# incl!des a n! 'er of different scenarios of 33PP5W;(9 interworkin% ran%in% fro co on 'illin% to t$e pro)ision of ser)ices sea lessl" 'etween t$e W;(9 and t$e 33PP s"ste , referred as Scenarios 1 to 6. In addition, it incl!des t$e anal"sis of a n! 'er of en)iron ents w$ere 'ot$ t$e 33PP s"ste and W;(9 a" 'e deplo"ed, and o!tlines so e of t$e different W;(9 tec$nolo%ies t$at a" 'e interworked wit$ 33PP s"ste s. T$e Sta%e 1 in 22.23# took t$e concl!sions of Rel56 TR 22.23# and defines t$e $i%$l" le)el re&!ire ents for I5W;(9. S(3 TS 33.23# CRP114+:1144 were appro)ed a%ainst t$is work ite acron" ,W;(92..

3.2 W?&9 Interworkin# 7 Pri'ate 9etwork access from W?&9 36PP IP &ccess )W?&9P9&+ ,I*-3211/
Resources: S2,C1,C3 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/!40 CP1/2/232 TS 23.23! TS 2!.23! TS 20.121

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S2 WI* on W?&9 Interworkin# 7 Pri'ate 9etwork access from W?&9 36PP IP &ccess C1 WI* on W?&9 Interworkin# 7 Pri'ate network access from W?&9 36PP IP &ccess

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

36PP s stem to Wireless ?ocal &rea 9etwork )W?&9+ interworkin#5 S stem description 36PP s stem to Wireless ?ocal &rea 9etwork )W?&9+ interworkin#5 W?&9 ,ser <$uipment )W?&9 ,<+ to network protocols5 Sta#e 3 Interworkin# %etween t"e Pu%lic ?and (o%ile 9etwork )P?(9+ supportin# packet %ased ser'ices wit" Wireless ?ocal &rea 9etwork )W?&9+ access and Packet data 9etworks )P*9s+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

1 1

W;(9 33PP IP (ccess $as t$e concept t$at eDistin% 33PP PS 'ased ser)ices s$all 'e s!pported )ia W;(9 access. T$is re&!ire ent eDisted alread" in Rel56 TS 23.23# cla!se 5.1.#, as followsH



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

(ccess to 33PP PS 'ased ser)ices s$all 'e pro)ided )ia W;(9. T$e interworkin% arc$itect!re s$all pro)ide IP connecti)it" to 'e a'le to s!pport all 33PP PS 'ased ser)ices.

>owe)er, t$e standardi<ation of Intranet:ISP access wit$ so e a!t$entication sc$e e ,e.%. P(P:C>(P. $as 'een issed in Rel56 I5W;(9. T$is work pro)ides Pri)ate 9etwork access fro W;(9 33PP IP (ccess. W;(9 33PP IP (ccess allows 33PP W;(9 /6s to esta'lis$ connecti)it" wit$ 6Dternal IP networks, s!c$ as 33 operator networks, corporate Intranets or t$e Internet )ia t$e 33PP s"ste . ( ec$anis to perfor a!t$entication 'etween t$e W;(9 /6 and an ((( ser)er located in an eDternal Packet -ata 9etwork ,P-9. was i ple ented )ia CR in S(2 TS 23.23#. CT pro)ided t$e protocol 'ased on t$e sec!rit" re&!ire ent defined '" S(3H CT1 2#.23# ,CRP1135. pro)ided /6 to network protocols ,T!nnel ana%e ent proced!resH /65P-3.8 CT3 22.161 ,CRP1113. pro)ided network protocols ,R(-I/S on Wi reference point.

3.3 <n"ancements to support IoS pro'isionin# o'er 36PP>W?&9 Interworkin# )W?&9I:S+ ,I*-32/02
Resources: S2,C#,C1 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/242 CP1/2/!14

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S2 WI* on W?&9 Interworkin# 7 <n"ancements to support IoS pro'isionin# o'er 36PP>W?&9 Interworkin# C! WI* on W?&9 Interworkin# 7 <n"ancements to support IoS pro'isionin# o'er 36PP>W?&9 Interworkin#, Sta#e 3

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

TS 23.23! TS 23.//4 TS 20.23! TS 2!.23! 36PP s stem to Wireless ?ocal &rea 9etwork )W?&9+ interworkin#5 S stem description :r#ani;ation of su%scri%er data 36PP s stem to Wireless ?ocal &rea 9etwork )W?&9+ interworkin#5 Sta#e 3 36PP s stem to Wireless ?ocal &rea 9etwork )W?&9+ interworkin#5 W?&9 ,ser <$uipment )W?&9 ,<+ to network protocols5 Sta#e 3

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

1 1

So e 33PP PS 'ased ser)ices ,e.%. =oIP o)er I*S, PS strea in%, etc.. re&!ire strict AoS pro)isionin%. In order to s!pport s!c$ ser)ices o)er I5W;(9 it is re&!ired to $a)e AoS Pro)isionin% in 33PP:W;(9 Interworkin%. I666 412.11 W;(9 standards are c!rrentl" not s!pportin% AoS ec$anis s, t$erefore AoS pro)isionin% was not considered in Rel56 work for 33PP:W;(9 Interworkin%. (s I666 $as appro)ed AoS a end ents to 412.11 W;(9 standards, AoS5related aspects of t$e 33PP:W;(9 arc$itect!re s$o!ld 'e st!died. In t$e conteDt of end5to5end AoS pro)isionin% 'ein% st!died in TR 23.412 ,St!d" on 6n$ance ent of 626 AoS /I-0321+3., pro)isionin% of AoS wit$in I5W;(9 as an IP5C(9 is i portant. It s$all 'e defined if and $ow AoS pro)isionin% in I5W;(9 can interact wit$ t$e end5to5end AoS fra ework. Flow Cased C$ar%in% ,FCC. and ser)ice:s!'scription 'ased Polic" Control ,PC. are %eneric feat!res s!pportin% access to PS 'ased ser)ices fro different Internet Protocol Connecti)it" (ccess 9etwork ,IP5C(9s.8 see 6)ol!tion of Polic" Control and C$ar%in% ,PCC. /I-032142. In order to le)era%e t$e %eneric c$ar%in% and ser)ice:s!'scription 'ased Polic" Control wit$in I5W;(9 as anot$er IP5C(9, t$e 3atewa" ele ent in case of 33PP:;(9 Interworkin% $as to pro)ide t$e needed f!nctionalities, e.%. for Polic" 6nforce ent. T$is workH In)esti%ates t$e necessit" and relia'ilit" of t$e applica'le AoS ec$anis 'etween t$e W;(9 /6 and P-3, and t$e possi'le i pacts to t$e 33PP5W;(9 interworkin% entities. 6ns!res t$at t$e arc$itect!re for 33PP:W;(9 Interworkin% defined '" TS 23.23# is s!pported '" t$e followin% AoS5related ec$anis s 'ein% de)eloped in 33PPH a. TR 23.412 on 626 AoS arc$itect!re ,St!d" on 6n$ance ent of 626 AoS /I-0321+3.8 '. Polic" and c$ar%in% e)ol!tion capa'ilities ,6)ol!tion of Polic" Control and C$ar%in% ,PCC. /I-032142.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

6n$ance ents to s!pport AoS pro)isionin% o)er 33PP:W;(9 interworkin% were i ple ented )ia CR in TS 23.23#. CT#, CT1 pro)ided t$e Sta%e 3 en$ance ent to s!pport ABS pro)isionin% o)er 33PP:W;(9 Interworkin%H (dd s!'scri'ed 33PP:W;(9 AoS profile infor ation to t$e W;(9 !ser profile in t$e >S8 6Dtend eDistin% ((( reference points to transport 33PP:W;(9 AoS s!'scription, a!t$ori<ation and !sa%e:c$ar%in% infor ation ,WD, W , Wd, Wa.8 /se -ifferentiated Ser)ices ,-iffSer). 5 colo!rin% t$e -S field in t$e eDternal IP $eader 5 as AoS ec$anis 'etween W;(9 /6 and P-3.

CT# TS 23.114 !pdates )ia CR t$e s!'scri'er data wit$ W;(9 AoS profile. CT# TS 22.23# !pdates )ia CR t$e W;(9 (ccess (!t$entication and (!t$ori<ation proced!res and T!nnel 6sta'lis$ ent wit$ AoS. CT1 TS 2#.23# adds )ia CR t$e en$ance ents needed to s!pport AoS pro)isionin% o)er 33PP:W;(9 Interworkin%.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

?ocation Ser'ices

2.1 ?ocation Ser'ices en"ancements )?CS3+ ,I*-32/.0

Resources: S1,S2,3P,C#,R2 Referen e
!o "#en$ SP1/!/242 SP1/3/110 TS 23.2.1 1 %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) S1 WI* on ?ocation Ser'ices en"ancements Rel1. S2 WI* on ?CS <n"ancements )?CS3+ )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions Functional sta#e 2 description of ?ocation Ser'ices )?CS+ -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s 9one

3lo'al Sta%e 2 for ;CS3 ,incl!din% I*S e er%enc" location aspects. co)ers in S(2 TS 23.2+1 se)eral independent en$ance ents in t$e field of ;CS in Rel5+ s!c$ asH ;ocation5Cased Ser)ices ena'lin% odifications s!c$ as )elocit" or periodic reportin%8 ;ocation for I*S 6 er%enc" calls to ena'le ro!tin% to t$e correct PS(P8 6112 S!pport 6n$ance ents dela"ed fro Rel56.

2.1.1 ?CS <n"ancements Related to ?ocation1Fased Ser'ices )?CS31?FS+ ,I*-3/334, 1!/23, 2//!2
Resources: 3P,C#,R2 Referen es
!o "#en$ 6P1/3/223 CP1/3/2!/ RP1/3/3// TS !3./30 TS !!./31 TS !0./31 TS !4.//4 TS 2!./3/ TS 2!./4/ TS 20.//2 TS 23.3/3 TS 23.331 TS 23.!1/ TS 23.!13 TS 23.!33 1 %i$le&'on$en$s 6P WI* on ?CS <n"ancements Related to ?ocation1Fased Ser'ices )?CS31?FS+ ,I*-3/334 C! WI* on ?CS <n"ancements Related to ?ocation1Fased Ser'ices )?CS31,<Pos1?FS+ ,I*-1!/23 R2 WI* on ?CS <n"ancements Related to ?ocation1Fased Ser'ices )?CS31,<Pos1Celocit + ,I*-2//!2 )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions Functional sta#e 2 description of ?ocation Ser'ices )?CS+ in 6<R&9 ?ocation Ser'ices )?CS+5 (o%ile Station )(S+ 1 Ser'in# (o%ile ?ocation Centre )S(?C+ Radio Resource ?CS Protocol )RR?P+ ?ocation Ser'ices )?CS+5 Fase Station S stem &pplication Part ?CS <8tension )FSS&P1?<+ (SC 1 FSS Interface5 ?a er 3 Specification Supplementar ser'ice operations 1 Sta#e 3 (o%ile radio interface la er 3 supplementar ser'ices specification5 Formats and codin# (o%ile &pplication Part )(&P+ specification ,ser <$uipment ),<+ positionin# in ,ni'ersal Terrestrial Radio &ccess 9etwork ),TR&9+5 Sta#e 2 Radio Resource Control )RRC+5 Protocol specification ,TR&9 Iu interfaceJ 6eneral aspects and principles ,TR&9 Iu interface Radio &ccess 9etwork &pplication Part )R&9&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iupc interface Positionin# Calculation &pplication Part )PC&P+ si#nallin# -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s 1

Proposed ;CS offerin%s are i%ratin% 'e"ond t$e initiall" tar%eted 6 er%enc" Ser)ices toward offerin%s t$at pro)ide ;ocation5Cased Ser)ices ,;CS.. T$ese ;CS re&!ire infor ation to 'e co !nicated t$at is not acco!nted for in c!rrent specifications. (dditionall", 6 er%enc" Ser)ices are c$aracteri<ed '" a sin%le re&!est for position res!ltin% in a sin%le position report. In contrast, an" ;CS re&!ire !ltiple reports of an /6Ns position wit$ )ar"in% !pdate rates. So e of t$ese re&!ests a" 'e call5independent location re&!ests i.e. re&!ests for a o'ileNs position w$en t$e o'ile is not on an acti)e call. C$an%es to t$e c!rrent specifications co!ld alle)iate t$e conse&!ences of increased essa%in% traffic and pro)ide t$e capa'ilities re&!ired for a feat!re ric$ ;CS offerin%.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Specificall", ;CS s!c$ as o'ile trackin%, t!rn5'"5t!rn directions and point5of5interest findin% re&!ire knowled%e of t$e speed and direction of tra)el of t$e /6. (s an eDa ple, t$is re&!ire ent co!ld 'e ac$ie)ed '" pro)idin% t$e a'ilit" to report t$e )elocit" ,speed and 'earin%. of a /6. (s potential sol!tions to iti%ate t$e increased essa%in% and t$e res!ltant increased 'andwidt$ re&!ired for fre&!ent location !pdates, odifications s!c$ as i ple entation of periodic position reportin% co!ld 'e considered. It pro)ides ;CS '"H Pro)idin% infor ation re&!ired '" ;CS t$ro!%$ ena'lin% t$e reportin% of )elocit". *iti%atin% t$e network i pacts enco!ntered '" t$e increased !sa%e of ;CS t$ro!%$ t$e ena'lin% of periodic position reportin%.

R(92 Co pleted Sept 21168 Stat!s Report in RP5161#52

2.1.2 Inclusion of ,plink T*:& ,< positionin# met"od in t"e ,TR&9 specifications ,I*-2//12
Resources: R2 Referen es
!o "#en$ RP1/!/34. TS 23.3/3 TS 23.!33 1 %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on Inclusion of ,plink T*:& ,< positionin# met"od in t"e ,TR&9 specifications )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions ,ser <$uipment ),<+ positionin# in ,ni'ersal Terrestrial Radio &ccess 9etwork ),TR&9+5 Sta#e 2 ,TR&9 Iupc interface Positionin# Calculation &pplication Part )PC&P+ si#nallin# -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s 1

T$e /plink T-B( ,/5T-B(. location et$od $as 'een standardi<ed in t$e 3S* Circ!it Switc$ed en)iron ent and standardi<ation in t$e 3S* Packet Switc$ed en)iron ent ,3PRS. is proceedin%. T$ere is an interest in !sin% t$e /5T-B( location tec$nolo%" for /*TS. It pro)ides a stand5alone S*;C ,S(S. 'ased o)erla" network interfacin% /TR(9 on t$e I!pc interface. T$is is co ple entar" to alread" standardi<ed location et$ods. Co pleted 9o) 211+8 Stat!s Report in RP51+1+2+

2.1.3 ?CS for 36PP Interworkin# W?&9 )?CS31IW?&9+ ,I*-31/32

Resources: S1,S2 Referen es
!o "#en$ SP1/2/201 SP1/2/414 TS 23.23! TS 23.2.1 TS 23.12. TR 22.033 %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) S1 WI* on )Stud of+ ?CS for 36PP Interworkin# W?&9 S2 WI* on ?CS for 36PP Interworkin# W?&9 )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions 36PP s stem to Wireless ?ocal &rea 9etwork )W?&9+ interworkin#5 S stem description Functional sta#e 2 description of ?ocation Ser'ices )?CS+ IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ emer#enc sessions -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s )S1+ Feasi%ilit stud on ?ocation Ser'ices )?CS+ for Wireless ?ocal &rea 9etwork )W?&9+ interworkin#

To f!rt$er t$e ad)ance ent of ;CS wit$in t$e 33PP, ;CS re&!ire ents and standards are eDtended for 33PP W;(9 interworkin% to s!pport t$e sa e ;ocation5Cased Ser)ices t$at $a)e 'een deplo"ed toda" for 3S* and /*TS. ;CS wit$ 33PP W;(9 Interworkin% s"ste is considered to enlar%e t$e area of location ser)ice. S(1 st!died tec$nical re&!ire ents and arc$itect!re, scope of work re&!ired, and perfor ed a %ap anal"sis to deter ine w$et$er eDistin% 33PP specifications can s!pport ;CS re&!ire ents for 33PP W;(9 interworkin%.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

It deter ined t$at pro)idin% t$is ser)ice is feasi'le. T$is work also ena'les e er%enc" ser)ices s!pport in accordance wit$ re&!ire ents in TS 22.111, TS 23.16+ and in line wit$ re%!lator" re&!ire ents for deli)erin% t$e position of =oIP s!'scri'ers. It st!died a %eneric interworkin% f!nctionalit" for ;CS 'etween 33PP s"ste and W;(9 s"ste s ,e.%. I666 412.11 fa il", >IP6R;(9:2Q. co)erin%H TR St!d" ;CS re&!ire ents for 33PP W;(9 Interworkin% scenarios8 St!d" different possi'le ;CS arc$itect!res to f!lfil t$e ;CS re&!ire ents for 33PP W;(9 Interworkin% scenarios8 In)esti%ate w$et$er t$ere are W;(9 Interworkin% arc$itect!re en$ance ents necessar" to s!pport ;CS8 In)esti%ate t$e ;CS aspects for I5W;(9 as IP5C(9 in t$e I*S 6 er%enc" call, i.e., t$e e er%enc" location infor ation $andlin% for I5W;(9. .!3" conclusion T$e intent of 33PP5W;(9 interworkin% is to eDtend 33PP ser)ices and f!nctionalit" to t$e W;(9 access en)iron ent. ;CS f!nctionalities de)eloped '" 33PP for 3S* and /*TS will $a)e a si ilar appeal in I5 W;(9 co)era%e areas. T$is feasi'ilit" st!d" $as fo!nd no reason w$" eDistin% 33PP ;CS specifications cannot s!pport ;CS re&!ire ents for I5W;(9. (dditional considerations are re&!ired, e.%. in S(2, CT1. It is feasi'le to offer ;CS in I5W;(9. ;CS for I5W;(9 can le)era%e on toda"Ms location ser)ices and a" offer additional ser)ices. In order to s!pport ;CS in I5W;(9, !ltiple positionin% et$ods need to incl!de W;(9 access point locations. T$e ;CS capa'ilit" in I5W;(9 allows an" properl" a!t$ori<ed location 'ased ser)ice to position an I5W;(9 /6 in an" I5W;(9 incl!din% roa in%. ;CS f!nctionalit" in I5W;(9 en$ances t$e o)erall )al!e of I5W;(9 ser)ices. TS 23.23#, TS 23.2+1, TS 23.16+ specif" t$e interworkin% f!nctionalit" for ;CS 'etween 33PP s"ste s"ste s ,e.%. I666 412.11 fa il", >IP6R;(9:2, Q. and W;(9

Specif" ;CS f!nctional re&!ire ents for 33PP W;(9 Interworkin% scenarios8 Specif" ;CS arc$itect!re to f!lfil t$e ;CS re&!ire ents for 33PP W;(9 Interworkin% scenarios8 Specif" W;(9 Interworkin% arc$itect!re en$ance ents necessar" to s!pport ;CS8 Specif" ;CS aspects for I5W;(9 as IP5C(9 in t$e I*S 6 er%enc" call, i.e., t$e e er%enc" location infor ation $andlin% for I5W;(9.

2.2 &d'anced 6lo%al 9a'i#ation Satellite S stem )&169SS+ concept )?CS31&69SS+ ,I*-31/31
Resources: S1 Referen es
!o "#en$ SP1/!/241 TS 22./.1 9one %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on &d'anced 6lo%al 9a'i#ation Satellite S stem )&169SS+ concept )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions ?ocation Ser'ices )?CS+5 Ser'ice description5 Sta#e 1 )22./.11//.1r15 SP1/3/34!+. -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s 1

T$e eDistin% ec$anis s of Cell5I- or 65BT- pro)ide $i%$ ser)ice a)aila'ilit" '!t li ited ser)ice acc!rac". (lso, t$e (53PS et$od pro)ides $i%$ ser)ice acc!rac" '!t ser)ice a)aila'ilit" co!ld 'e i pro)ed, especiall" w$en considerin% t$e o'stacles askin% t$e si%nals of part of t$e 3PS satellites in !r'an en)iron ents. Wit$ t$e onset of ot$er satellite positionin% s"ste s t$ese conflictin% re&!ire ents a" 'e $ar oni<ed. T$ere are ad)anta%es of enlar%in% t$e (ssisted53PS concept to (ssisted539SS, and partic!larl" to t$e 3(;I;6B s"ste , since it allows i pro)in% t$e a'o)e lacks. T$is $as 'een done in t$e sta%e 1 of 22.1+1.

2.2.1 Towards &169SS Concept ,I*-3/3!4

Resources: 3P



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Referen es
!o "#en$ 6P1/!22.. TS !3./3/ TS !3./30 TS !!./31 TS !!./33 TS !!./.1 TS !4.//4 TS !4./14 TS !4./31 TS !0./31 TS 31./1/ 9one WI* on Towards &169SS Concept )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions Radio network plannin# aspects Functional sta#e 2 description of ?ocation Ser'ices )?CS+ in 6<R&9 ?ocation Ser'ices )?CS+5 (o%ile Station )(S+ 1 Ser'in# (o%ile ?ocation Centre )S(?C+ Radio Resource ?CS Protocol )RR?P+ ?CS 1 Froadcast 9etwork &ssistance for <1:T* and 6PS Positionin# (et"ods ?CS 1 (o%ile radio interface la er 3 1 ?ocation Ser'ices )?CS+ Specification (SC 1 FSS Interface5 ?a er 3 Specification 6PRS > FSS > S6S9 1 FSS 6PRS Protocol )FSS6P+ ?CS 1 S(?C>S(?C 1 S(?CPP Specification ?ocation Ser'ices )?CS+5 Fase Station S stem &pplication Part ?CS <8tension )FSS&P1?<+ (o%ile Station )(S+ conformance specification -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s 1 %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)

T$e !se of 3(;I;6B eit$er alone or especiall" in association wit$ 3PS i pro)es t$e a)aila'ilit" and t$e acc!rac" of t$e ;CS Ser)ices pro)ided '" t$e P;*9 in diffic!lt sit!ations s!c$ as !r'an or indoor en)iron ents w$ere a li ited n! 'er of satellites are )isi'le and w$ere satellite si%nals can 'e $i%$l" atten!ated. T$ere is t$erefore an interest to introd!ce s!pport of (ssisted53(;I;6B in t$e 33PP specifications. Since ot$er satellite positionin% s"ste s are c!rrentl" 'ein% de)eloped or are likel" to 'e de)eloped in t$e near f!t!re, it $as 'een $i%$li%$ted t$at it was prefera'le to introd!ce (ssisted53(;I;6B in t$e 33PP standards in a %eneric annerH 3(;I;6B is considered as a partic!lar case of a 3lo'al 9a)i%ation Satellite S"ste ,39SS. ,3PS is t$e first a)aila'le 39SS, and ot$er 39SSs can co e to eDistence in t$e f!t!re.. T$e work ite was t$erefore eant to introd!ce s!pport of (ssisted53(;I;6B in t$e 33PP TS3 36R(9 specifications as a partic!lar case of an (ssisted539SS8 t$is approac$ wo!ld ini ise additional i pacts to t$e 33PP specifications in case an interest arises in t$e f!t!re to add f!rt$er 39SSs to 33PP. T$e introd!ction of 3(;I;6B wo!ld not res!lt in d!plication of (53PS. C$an%es to TS ##.131 were felt of rele)ant i portance. T$e followin% ite s were de)eloped in Rel5+H
)$e#s Carrier p"ase measurements reported % t"e (S to t"e 9etwork Carrier measurements assistance 9on nati'e or%it models :r%it e8tension 9on %roadcast ep"emeris fla# Calidit period information for or%it models Cell timin# measurements for nei#"%ourin# cells Cell timin# assistance for nei#"%ourin# cells <art" orientation parameters Stationar indication in (S1&ssisted mode Code p"ase measurement description

In partic!lar, it was reco ended t$at t$e f!ll i ple entation of 3(;I;6B and 39SS in %eneral s$o!ld incl!de t$e option to eDtend t$e satellite or'its 'e"ond t$at pro)ided '" t$e nati)e for at. (cc!rate satellite location infor ation is a on% t$e i portant infor ation content re&!ired '" an *S in order to na)i%ate well. T$is infor ation can 'e co p!ted fro 6p$e eris data t$at can 'e pro)ided in c!rrent assistance essa%es. (dditional delta packets to t$e ori%inal f!ll s$ip ent can 'e pro)ided at a %reatl" red!ced data o)er$ead w$ile preser)in% t$e a'ilit" to acc!ratel" co p!te t$e satellite location !sin% t$e satellite location tec$ni&!es alread" pro)ided for in toda"Ns i ple entations. T$is tec$ni&!e eDtends t$e life of an ep$e eris '" pro)idin% co pact !pdates to t$e eDistin% ep$e eris infor ation.

2.2.2 6lo%al 9a'i#ation Satellite S stem )69SS+ in ,TR&9 ,I*-2//3/

Resources: R2



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Referen es
!o "#en$ RP1/2/211 TS 23.3/3 TS 23.331 TS 23.3/2 TS 23.!13 TS 23.!23 TS 23.!33 TS 23.!33 TS 23.3/2 TS 23.213 TS 23.!/1 TS 23.!/2 TS 23.!3/ TS 23.!32 %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on 6lo%al 9a'i#ation Satellite S stem )69SS+ in ,TR&9 )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions ,ser <$uipment ),<+ positionin# in ,ni'ersal Terrestrial Radio &ccess 9etwork ),TR&9+5 Sta#e 2 Radio Resource Control )RRC+5 Protocol specification ,< Radio &ccess capa%ilities ,TR&9 Iu interface Radio &ccess 9etwork &pplication Part )R&9&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iu interface Radio &ccess 9etwork &pplication Part )R&9&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9ode F &pplication Part )9F&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iupc interface Positionin# Calculation &pplication Part )PC&P+ si#nallin# Ser'ices pro'ided % t"e p" sical la er P" sical la er5 (easurements )F**+ ,TR&9 o'erall description S nc"roni;ation in ,TR&9 Sta#e 2 ,TR&9 Iupc interface #eneral aspects and principles ,TR&9 Iupc interfaceJ si#nallin# transport

T$e Cell5I- or 65BT-

et$ods pro)ide $i%$ ser)ice a)aila'ilit" '!t li ited ser)ice acc!rac".

T$e (53PS et$od pro)ides $i%$ ser)ice acc!rac" '!t ser)ice a)aila'ilit" co!ld 'e i pro)ed, especiall" w$en considerin% t$e o'stacles askin% t$e si%nals of part of t$e 3PS satellites in !r'an diffic!lt en)iron ents. Wit$ t$e onset of ot$er satellite positionin% s"ste s t$ese conflictin% re&!ire ents a" 'e $ar oni<ed. T$ere are ad)anta%es of enlar%in% t$e (ssisted53PS concept to (ssisted539SS, and partic!larl" to incl!de t$e 3(;I;6B s"ste , since it allows i pro)in% t$e a'o)e lacks. It introd!ces s!pport of (ssisted53(;I;6B in t$e 33PP TS3 R(9 specifications as a partic!lar case of an (ssisted5 39SS ,w$ere (ssisted53PS was t$e first a)aila'le (ssisted539SS, and ot$er (ssisted539SS i%$t eDist in t$e f!t!re.. T$is approac$ ini ises additional i pacts to t$e 33PP specifications in case of addin% f!rt$er (ssisted539SS. It co)ers 'ot$ /6 side ,/65assisted and /65'ased. and network5assisted tec$ni&!es. Co pleted Sept 21168 Stat!s Report in RP51+1#42

2.3 &16PS (inimum Performance )6&6R+ ,I*-3/341

Resources: 31,33 Referen es
%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) 6P1/2/43! WI* on &16PS (inimum Performance )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions TS !3.//3 Radio transmission and reception TS 31./1/ (o%ile Station )(S+ conformance specification -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s 1 9one !o "#en$

( ini ! perfor ance specification is desira'le to %i)e t$e operators i ple entin% ser)ices 'ased on (53PS a 'aseline perfor ance t$at can 'e relied on in all e&!ipped *Ss. T$is work added an (53PS *ini ! Perfor ance core specification and associated Confor ance test cases for *o'ile Stations s!pportin% (53PS in t$e 36R(9, '" ali%nin% as closel" as possi'le wit$ t$e two /TR(9 specifications for *ini ! Perfor ance and associated confor ance test cases w$ic$ are a)aila'le in 25.1+1 and 3#.1+1 respecti)el".



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


..1 (F(S <n"ancements )(F(S<+ ,I*-31/4!

Resources: S1,R1,C3 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/340 TS 22.1!2 TS 22.2!2 TS 22.224

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on (F(S <n"ancements

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

(ultimedia Froadcast>(ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+5 Sta#e 1 )CR 22.1!21//!2 SP1/3/.!2+ (ultimedia Froadcast>(ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+ user ser'ices5 Sta#e 1 )CR 22.2!21///25 CR 22.2!21///. SP1 /3/33/+ )CR 22.2!21///0 SP1/2/3/4+ Ser'ice re$uirements for t"e Internet Protocol )IP+ multimedia core network su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 1 )CR 22.2241//3! SP1/3/31/+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

1 1

Wit$ t$e increasin% deplo" ent of *C*S ser)ices in networks, !sers eDpect ore sta'le ser)ices and ore access alternati)es for accessin% t$e , e.%. )ia IP accesses s!c$ as W;(9. Fro operatorsN point of )iew it wo!ld also 'e desira'le to profit fro t$e radio5reso!rce efficient 'roadcast : !lticast ec$anis s pro)ided '" *C*S transport ser)ices for I*S 'ased ser)ices. 6Da ples co!ld 'e )al!e5added ser)ices like e5learnin% or PoC5en$ance ents. (dditionall", *C*S s$o!ld pro)ide $i%$er 'it5rates for applications like di%ital T= etc. For t$ese p!rposes, alt$o!%$ t$e 'asic f!nctionalit" alread" eDists in Rel56 *C*S, additional re&!ire ents are necessar" to en$ance t$e c!rrent *C*S in Rel5+ and ena'le I*S to !se *C*S transport. T$e additional re&!ire ents identified areH 6na'lin% I*S to !se t$e *C*S 'earer ser)ice8 *C*S reception o)er IP accesses, e.%. I5W;(98 >i%$er *C*S 'it5rate ser)ices ,T$e i pact on t$e t$ro!%$p!ts in t$e R(9 s$o!ld 'e in)esti%ated.8 S!pport for adaptation of *C*S to t$e AoS reso!rces pro)ided '" t$e access network,s..

T$ese new re&!ire ents $a)e 'een caref!ll" considered re%ardin% t$eir effects on Rel56 ter inals and *C*S Rel56 'earer ser)ice to ens!re 'ackwards co pati'ilit". T$ese new re&!ire ents were added )ia CR to TS 22.1#6, TS 22.2#6 and TS 22.224.

..1.1 (F(S F** P" sical la er <n"ancements ,I*-3!//!2

Resources: R1 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/./222 TR 23.0/3 TS 23.1/1 TS 23.1/! TS 23.211 TS 23.212 TS 23.213 TS 23.21! TS 23.3/2 TS 23.331

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on (F(S F** P" sical la er <n"ancements

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Feasi%ilit stud on impro'ement of t"e (ultimedia Froadcast > (ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+ in ,TR&9 ,ser <$uipment ),<+ radio transmission and reception )F**+ Fase Station )FS+ radio transmission and reception )F**+ P" sical C"annels and mappin# of Transport c"annels )F**+ (ultiple8in# and C"annel codin# )F**+ Spreadin# and modulation )F**+ P" sical ?a er procedures )F**+ ,< Radio &ccess capa%ilities definition Radio Resource Control )RRC+ protocol specification


TS 23.3!2 TS 23.!/2 TS 23.!33 9one

Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Introduction of t"e (ultimedia Froadcast (ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+ in t"e Radio &ccess network )R&9+5 Sta#e 2 S nc"ronisation in ,TR&9 Sta#e 2 ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9F&P si#nallin#

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


TR 25.215 st!died t$e possi'ilit" of trans ittin% t$e *C*S ser)ice on a -; onl" carrier !sin% a SF9 network wit$ an F-- c$annel str!ct!re. T$e st!d" s$ows t$at t$e attaina'le data rates !sin% a SF9 operation for *C*S can 'e %reatl" increased wit$ a ini ! i pact on t$e p$"sical c$annel str!ct!re, and t$!s ini ! i pact on /6 recei)ers. In order to take f!ll ad)anta%e of t$e attaina'le data rates $owe)er $i%$er order od!lation and recei)er perfor ance s!pportin% SF9 operation is necessar". It adds s!pport for -; onl" SF9 operation for F-- incl!din%H Confi%!ration of a co on pri ar" scra 'lin% code, Recei)er s!pport for s!ita'le e&!aliser tec$nolo%", i.e. si ilar to T"pe52 and T"pe53, >andlin% of dela" spread in t$e /6 recei)er to s!pport reception of SF9 *C*S t$at s!pports t$e ass! ed deplo" ent scenario ,to 'e disc!ssed '" R(9#. 6ns!rin% 'ackwards co pati'ilit" wit$ t$e eDistin% /TR( p$"sical la"er arc$itect!res in eDistin% spectral assi%n ents ,le%ac" /6s s$o!ld not ca p on a dedicated SF9 *C*S carrier., S!pport for 16A(* on S5CCPC>, 9ecessar" radio protocol en$ance ents to s!pport F-- SF9 operation on a -; onl" *C*S carrier SF9 area selection and reselection for t$e dedicated SF9 *C*S carrier *ini ! /6 capa'ilities related to t$e s!pport of SF9 *C*S reception and t$e s!pport of si !ltaneo!s ser)ices on t$e !nicast carrier I!' !ser and control plane protocols to s!pport F-- SF9 operation /6 reception perfor ance re&!ire ents for applica'le 'ands for t$e SF9 trans ission CTS re&!ire ents for 16A(* trans ission on S5CCPC> for applica'le 'ands for t$e SF9 trans ission

Conditions appliedH T$e /6 o'ilit" re&!ire ents and proced!res related to t$e !nicast carrier !st 'e et. 9o opti isations are done wit$in t$is work ite for sin%le recei)er ,one local oscillator. /6s, i.e. *C*S data loss a" occ!r d!rin% periods w$ere a sin%le recei)er /6 is recei)in% on t$e !nicast carrier. T$e SF9 area will 'e li ited to t$e R9C area. T$e !nicast ser)in% R9C does not need to 'e aware of a /6 recei)in% trans issions fro a SF9 *C*S carrier.

Co pleted *a" 211+8 Stat!s Report in RP51+1221

..1.2 (F(S T** P" sical la er <n"ancements ,I*-3!//!3

Resources: R1 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/./2!1 TR 23.0/3 TS 23.1/2 TS 23.1/3 TS 23.123 TS 23.221 TS 23.222 TS 23.223 TS 23.22! TS 23.3/2 TS 23.331 TS 23.3!2 TS 23.!/2

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on (F(S T** P" sical la er <n"ancements

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Feasi%ilit stud on impro'ement of t"e (ultimedia Froadcast > (ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+ in ,TR&9 ,ser <$uipment ),<+ radio transmission and reception )T**+ FS radio transmission and reception )T**+ re$uirements Re$uirements for support of radio resource mana#ement )T**+ P" sical c"annels and mappin# of transport c"annels onto p" sical c"annels )T**+ (ultiple8in# and c"annel codin# )T**+ Spreadin# and modulation )T**+ P" sical la er procedures )T**+ ,< Radio &ccess capa%ilities definition Radio Resource Control )RRC+ protocol specification Introduction of t"e (ultimedia Froadcast (ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+ in t"e Radio &ccess network )R&9+5 Sta#e 2 S nc"ronisation in ,TR&9 Sta#e 2


TS 23.!33 9one ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9F&P si#nallin#

Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


TR 25.215 st!died t$e possi'ilit" of trans ittin% t$e *C*S ser)ice on -; !sin% an SF9 network wit$ a T-- c$annel str!ct!re. T$e st!d" s$ows t$at t$e attaina'le data rates !sin% a SF9 operation for *C*S can 'e %reatl" increased wit$ a ini ! i pact on t$e p$"sical c$annel str!ct!re, and t$!s ini ! i pact on /6 recei)ers. In order to take f!ll ad)anta%e of t$e attaina'le data rates $owe)er $i%$er order od!lation and recei)er perfor ance s!pportin% ore dela" spread is necessar". It adds s!pport for SF9 operation for T-- 3.4#*cps : +.64*cps incl!din%H Confi%!ration of a co on scra 'lin% code for a s!'set or a all ti eslots, Recei)er s!pport for s!ita'le e&!aliser tec$nolo%", incl!din% di)ersit" reception >andlin% of dela" spread in t$e /6 recei)er to s!pport reception of SF9 *C*S t$at s!pports t$e ass! ed deplo" ent scenario ,to 'e disc!ssed '" R(9#. 6ns!rin% 'ackwards co pati'ilit" wit$ t$e eDistin% /TR( p$"sical la"er arc$itect!res in eDistin% spectral assi%n ents ,le%ac" /6s s$o!ld not ca p on a dedicated SF9 *C*S carrier., S!pport for 16A(* on S5CCPC>, 9ecessar" radio protocol en$ance ents to s!pport T-- SF9 operation SF9 area selection and reselection for t$e dedicated SF9 *C*S carrier *ini ! /6 capa'ilities related to t$e s!pport of SF9 *C*S reception and t$e s!pport of si !ltaneo!s ser)ices on t$e !nicast carrier I!' !ser and control plane protocols to s!pport T-- SF9 operation /6 reception perfor ance re&!ire ents for applica'le 'ands:slots for t$e SF9 trans ission CTS re&!ire ents for 16A(* trans ission on S5CCPC> for applica'le 'ands:slots for t$e SF9 trans ission RF CoeDistence

Conditions appliedH T$e /6 o'ilit" re&!ire ents and proced!res related to t$e !nicast carrier !st 'e et. 9o opti isations are done wit$in t$is work ite for sin%le recei)er ,one local oscillator. /6s, i.e. *C*S data loss a" occ!r d!rin% periods w$ere a sin%le recei)er /6 is recei)in% on t$e !nicast carrier. T$e SF9 area will 'e li ited to t$e R9C area. T$e !nicast ser)in% R9C does not need to 'e aware of a /6 recei)in% trans issions fro a SF9 *C*S carrier.

Co pleted *a" 211+8 Stat!s Report in RP51+1221

..1.3 (F(S ?CR T** P" sical la er <n"ancements ,I*-33//22

Resources: R1 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/./233 TR 23.0/3 TS 23.1/2 TS 23.1/3 TS 23.123 TS 23.221 TS 23.222 TS 23.223 TS 23.22! TS 23.3/2 TS 23.331 TS 23.3!2 TS 23.!/2

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on (F(S ?CR T** P" sical la er <n"ancements

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Feasi%ilit stud on impro'ement of t"e (ultimedia Froadcast > (ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+ in ,TR&9 ,ser <$uipment ),<+ radio transmission and reception )T**+ FS radio transmission and reception )T**+ re$uirements Re$uirements for support of radio resource mana#ement )T**+ P" sical c"annels and mappin# of transport c"annels onto p" sical c"annels )T**+ (ultiple8in# and c"annel codin# )T**+ Spreadin# and modulation )T**+ P" sical la er procedures )T**+ ,< Radio &ccess capa%ilities definition Radio Resource Control )RRC+ protocol specification Introduction of t"e (ultimedia Froadcast (ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+ in t"e Radio &ccess network )R&9+5 Sta#e 2 S nc"ronisation in ,TR&9 Sta#e 2


TS 23.!33 1 ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9F&P si#nallin#

Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


TR 25.215 st!died t$e possi'ilit" of trans ittin% t$e *C*S ser)ice on -; !sin% an SF9 network wit$ a 3.4# *cps T-- c$annel str!ct!re. T$e st!d" s$ows t$at t$e attaina'le data rates !sin% a SF9 operation for *C*S can 'e %reatl" increased ,wit$ a ini ! i pact on t$e p$"sical c$annel str!ct!re, and t$!s ini ! i pact on /6 recei)ers... In order to take f!ll ad)anta%e of t$e attaina'le data rates $owe)er $i%$er order od!lation and recei)er perfor ance s!pportin% ore dela" spread is necessar". It is ass! ed t$at si ilar perfor ance %ains can 'e ac$ie)ed wit$ respect to 1.24 *cps T--. It adds s!pport for SF9 operation for T-- 1.24*cps incl!din%H -e onstrate %ains wit$ respect to Rel56 *C*S Confi%!ration of a co on scra 'lin% code for a s!'set or a all ti eslots Recei)er s!pport for s!ita'le e&!aliser tec$nolo%" incl!din% Joint detection. >andlin% of dela" spread in t$e /6 recei)er to s!pport reception of SF9 *C*S t$at s!pports t$e ass! ed deplo" ent scenario P$ase s$iftin% for SF9 trans ission 6ns!rin% aDi ! 'ackwards co pati'ilit" wit$ t$e eDistin% /TR( p$"sical la"er arc$itect!res in eDistin% spectral assi%n ents,le%ac" /6s s$o!ld not ca p on a dedicated SF9 *C*S carrier. 9o precl!din% Rel6 *C*S trans ission odes in t$e sa e deplo" ent S!pport for 16A(* on S5CCPC> S!pport for T-- SF9 operation coeDistin% wit$ R6 *C*S on a !nicast carrier 9ecessar" protocol en$ance ents to s!pport T-- SF9 operation SF9 area selection and reselection for t$e dedicated SF9 *C*S carrier *ini ! /6 capa'ilities related to t$e s!pport of SF9 *C*S reception and t$e s!pport of si !ltaneo!s ser)ices on a !nicast carrier I!' !ser and control plane protocols to s!pport T-- SF9 operation /6 reception perfor ance re&!ire ents for applica'le slots for t$e SF9 trans ission CTS re&!ire ents for 16A(* trans ission on S5CCPC> for applica'le slots for t$e SF9 trans ission RF CoeDistence

Conditions appliedH T$e /6 o'ilit" re&!ire ents and proced!res related to t$e !nicast carrier !st 'e et. 9o opti isations are done wit$in t$is work ite for sin%le recei)er ,one local oscillator. /6s, i.e. *C*S data loss a" occ!r d!rin% periods w$ere a sin%le recei)er /6 is recei)in% on t$e !nicast carrier. T$e SF9 area will 'e li ited to t$e R9C area. T$e !nicast ser)in% R9C does not need to 'e aware of a /6 recei)in% trans issions fro a SF9 *C*S carrier.

Co pleted *a" 211+8 Stat!s Report in RP51+1222

..1.! (F(S (; interface ,I*-3!//!2

Resources: C3 Referen es
!o "#en$
CP1/./1/0 TS 20./21

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
C3 <8ception S"eet for WI on (ultimedia Froadcast (ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+ (; interface protocol > (F(S(;

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Interworkin# %etween t"e Pu%lic ?and (o%ile 9etwork )P?(9+ supportin# packet %ased ser'ices and Packet *ata 9etworks )P*9+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

1 1



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

CT3 $as de)eloped t$e Sta%e 3 protocol of t$e *C*S *< interface. Call flows, co ands !se description and (=Ps were added )ia CR to TS 22.161, w$ic$ contains also 3 ' interface.

..2 (F(S 1 ,< Conformance Testin# ,I*-!///34

Resources: R5 ;inked to Feat!re /I-03114# ,*C*S6., CC /I-03#11#3 ,*C*S65R(9P$"sT--.. Co pletion tar%et 13:2112 ,$a$"s2 3"l4 2008
-a#e / ron4# '#*l %,s5%Rs -o$es

(F(S 1 ,< Conformance Testin#

(F(S T** P" sical la er <n"ancements 7 (FSF9 for ECR and CECR T** 7 ,< Conformance Test &spects

(F(S< -,<Con Test

(F(S<1 R&9P" s T**-,< ConTest 2/= 3!.1/4, 3!.122, 3!.1231 1>2>3 WI* in RP1/4/133. Status Report in RP1/4/24..

..3 (F(S ,ser Ser'ice <8tensions )(F(S,S<+ ,I*-3!/34

Resources: S# Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/434 TS 22.3!2 TS 22.0!2 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on (F(S ,ser Ser'ice <8tensions

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions (ultimedia Froadcast>(ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+5 Protocols and codecs (ultimedia Froadcast>(ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+ user ser'ice #uidelines -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

It is eDpected, t$at t$e !ser e&!ip ent capa'ilities will e)ol)e and t$at t$e ini al /6 capa'ilit" re&!ire ents increases and allow ore fleDi'le ser)ices for t$e Rel5+ ti efra e. For instance, one li itin% /6 capa'ilit" for *C*S Rel56 was t$at t$e /6 s$o!ld a)oid !sin% interacti)e 'earer reso!rces or an" ot$er !plink 'earer reso!rces w$ile recei)in% an *C*S trans ission. ( n! 'er of !sef!l ser)ice f!nctions 'eco e possi'le and need to 'e specified, if *C*S /6s a" start !sin% an !plink co !nication c$annel in parallel wit$ an *C*S reception c$annel. Since *C*S is intended to ser)e lar%e a!dience, t$e !sa%e of t$e !plink reso!rces !st 'e controlled to a)oid o)erload sit!ations in t$e !plink and in infrastr!ct!re nodes. *ain o'Jecti)esH *C*S /ser Ser)ice opti i<ations, w$ene)er t$e %ain J!stifies t$e c$an%es. 6n$anced ser)ices s!c$ as interacti)e ser)ices w$ile cons! in% an *C*S strea and protectin% t$e network a%ainst possi'le o)erload sit!ations d!e to t$ese en$anced ser)ices. /sa%e of interacti)e and strea in% 'earers for *C*S !ser ser)ice deli)er", incl!din% 'earer independent proced!re.

(not$er ai was to eDtend t$e *C*S /ser Ser)ice to allow t$e pro)ision ,of *C*S /ser Ser)ice. on eDistin% /*TS 'earers wit$ interacti)e and:or strea in% traffic classes ,i.e. !nicast 'earers. wit$o!t affectin% *C*S Rel56 /6s. T$e work o!tco e was 'ro!%$t into TS 26.3#6 ,*C*S8 Protocols and codecs. t$ro!%$ CRs a'o!t e.%.H



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Bpti i<ation to allow s oot$ transition 'etween *C*S and PSSH S"nc$ronisation ti e 'etween *C*S 'earers and !nicast 'earers is red!ced ,w$en t$e sa e s"nc$ronisation so!rce in t$e RTP packets is detected for 'ot$ PSS and *C*S flows.. Si%nallin% of initial '!fferin% periodH T$e sa e ec$anis !sed in PSS for si%nallin% of initial '!fferin% period is incl!ded in *C*S. ,6speciall" !sef!l for )aria'le rate edia, s!c$ as )ideo, to s oot$ o!t Jitter ca!sed '" peak edia 'it5rate te porall" eDceedin% t$e c$annel 'it5rate.. *C*S download ser)ice deli)er" to /6s in roa in% conditionH Proced!res to pro)ide *C*S download o)er !nicast 'earers !sin% B*( P!s$ protocol are co pleted. Scala'ilit" eDtensions for !nicast deli)er" of *C*S ser)icesH *ore t$an one entr" point ,ser)er. is ena'led for !nicast deli)er" of *C*S to a)oid pro'le s wit$ scala'ilit" ,te poral $i%$ n! 'er of !sers.. (dditions of >TTP Response 6rror CodesH (dditional error response codes were added for file repair to a)oid a 'i%!ities. I pro)ed )ideo s!pport for *C*SH Bptional )ideo s!pport is raised fro le)el 1.' to le)el 1.2 for >.26# ,ena'les 'etter &!alit" t$ro!%$ t$e !se of $i%$er 'it5 and fra e5rates.

(lso B*( C(C5CC(ST was c!rrentl" preparin% a *o'ile Croadcast Ser)ice specification, considered as one of t$eir 'roadcast distri'!tion s"ste s. T$e *C*S /ser Ser)ices were ali%ned wit$ t$e B*( C(C5CC(ST ser)ice ena'ler.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

S&1 Features

4.1 ,SS* messa#e deli'er and transfer to ,SI( ),SS*1,SI(+ ,I*-31/!4

Resources: S1,C6 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/!/1/! TP1/!//20 TS 22./0/ TS 31.111 TS 31.113 TS 31.13/ 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) S1 WI* on ,SS* messa#e transfer to ,SI(

C2 WI* on &li#nment wit" re$uirements re#ardin# ,SS* usa#e

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

,nstructured Supplementar Ser'ice *ata ),SS*+5 Sta#e 1 )CR 22./0/1///3r3 SP1/2/!!3+ ,ni'ersal Su%scri%er Identit (odule ),SI(+ &pplication Toolkit ),S&T+ )CR 31.11111!! CP1/3/1!1+ Secured packet structure for ),ni'ersal+ Su%scri%er Identit (odule ),+SI( Toolkit applications )CR 31.1131//3 CP/3/1!1+ ),+SI( &pplication Pro#rammin# Interface )&PI+5 ),+SI( &PI for Ka'a Card )CR 33.13/1/1! CP/3/1!1+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


Since R22 t$ere $as 'een a ec$anis to deli)er /nstr!ct!red S!pple entar" Ser)ice -ata ,/SS-. strin%s fro t$e /SI* to t$e network and recei)e t$e repl". >owe)er, t$ere was no specified deli)er" and transfer ec$anis for t$e /SI* to recei)e 9etwork initiated /SS-. T$is feat!re is considered to 'e )er" desira'le '" an" operators. Bri%inall" t$is feat!re was first de)ised in T3 ,now CT6. w$ic$ identified t$e need toH add addressin% in t$e /SS- essa%e8 add a /SS- data download co and to /S(T8 add /SS- as part of Cearer Independent protocol in /S(T8 add a /SS- cla!se to TS 23.1#4 to clarif" t$e !se of t$is specification o)er /SS-8 add t$e Ga)a (PI ro!tines for t$e a'o)e co ands8 pro)ide 'ackwards co pati'ilit".

4.2 Com%inational Ser'ices )CSICS+ ,I*-31/23

Resources: S1,S2,C1,S# Referen es
!o "#en$ SP1/3/224 CP1/2/1/3 SP1/3//01 TS 22.113 TS 22.224 TS 23.221 TS 23.224 TS 2!.//4 TS 2!.220 TS 22.1!1 TS 22.233 TS 22.2.0 TS 23.2.0 TR 2!.4.0 TS 2!.2.0 %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) S1 WI* on Specification of Com%inin# CS and I(S ser'ices G Capa%ilit *etection and <8c"an#e mec"anism C1 WI* on Sta#e 3 Specification of Com%inin# CS and I(S ser'ices G Capa%ilit *etection and <8c"an#e mec"anism S! WI* on Sta#e 3 Specification of Com%inin# CS and I(S ser'ices )Release .+ )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions Ser'ice aspects5 C"ar#in# and %illin# Ser'ice re$uirements for t"e Internet Protocol )IP+ multimedia core network su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 1 &rc"itectural re$uirements IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 2 (o%ile radio interface ?a er 3 specification5 Core network protocols5 Sta#e 3 )CR 2!.//411/22r1 CP1/2/121+ Internet Protocol )IP+ multimedia call control protocol %ased on Session Initiation Protocol )SIP+ and Session *escription Protocol )S*P+5 Sta#e 3 )CR 2!.22011143 CP1/2/121+ IP (ultimedia S stem )I(S+ (essa#in# and Presence5 (edia formats and codecs )CR 22.1!11///2r3 SP1/3/.0/+ Packet switc"ed con'ersational multimedia applications5 *efault codecs )CR 22.2331//1!r3 SP1/3/.0/+ -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s Com%ined Circuit Switc"ed )CS+ and IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ sessions5 Sta#e 1 Com%inin# Circuit Switc"ed )CS+ and IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ ser'ices5 Sta#e 2 Com%inin# Circuit1Switc"ed )CS+ calls and IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ sessions Com%inin# Circuit Switc"ed )CS+ and IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ ser'ices5 Sta#e 3



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

T$is work was tri%%ered '" t$e St!d" on Co 'inin% CS calls and I*S sessions /I-031155 in TR 22.2+2. Co 'inational ser)ices, w$ic$ are applica'le to 'ot$ /TR(9 and 36R(9, ena'le t$e !nidirectional or 'i5directional ,si !ltaneo!s send : recei)e. eDc$an%e of PS data wit$in t$e conteDt of an I*S session. ( specific s!'scription for co 'inational ser)ices is not necessar". >owe)er, 'ot$ !sers ( and C !st $a)e )alid s!'scriptions for )oice calls as well as for accessin% t$e I*S. T$e eDistin% address conteDt is re!sed w$en t$e co 'ined ser)ice is esta'lis$ed, w$ic$ akes t$e co 'ined ser)ice si ple to in)oke for t$e !ser. T$e I*S session a" consist of one or ore I*S ser)ices. Re&!ire ents for t$e followin% capa'ilities are incl!dedH

Radio capa'ilit" eDc$an%e8 Ter inal capa'ilit" eDc$an%e8 6.16# n! 'er eDc$an%e8 (ddin% I*S session to an on%oin% CS call8 (ddin% a CS call to an on%oin% I*S session8 S!pple entar" ser)ices as t$e" relate to CSICS.

T$e capa'ilities defined for CSICS s!pport interopera'ilit" 'etween different operator networks, and roa in%. T$e co 'inational ser)ice can 'e esta'lis$ed 'etween two !sersH wit$in t$e sa e P;*9 or wit$in different P;*9s8 ca ped on identical or different R(Ts8 w$en roa in% ,ass! in% t$e )isited operator s!pports 3PRS roa in%..

T$e !ser ,( or C part". onl" needs to know one address in order to esta'lis$ t$e co 'inational ser)ice. In addition eit$er !ser can add an I*S session to a CS speec$ call or a CS *!lti edia call, t$ere'" creatin% a co 'inational call or )ice )ersa. -ependin% on t$e differin% /6 i ple entations, t$e I*S re%istration can 'e perfor ed at switc$5on or on de and. (lso, interopera'ilit" 'etween /6s t$at i ple ent different approac$es is possi'le. ( !ser a" 'e in)ited e)en t$o!%$ $e is not I*S re%istered. If not, t$en t$e in)ited !ser is a'le to accept or reJect t$e I*S re%istration re&!est. ( co 'inational ser)ice is possi'le for 'ot$ !nidirectional and 'i5directional eDc$an%e of PS data wit$in t$e conteDt of t$e I*S session. T$is work defines sta%e 1 in TS 22.2+2, sta%e 2 in TS 23.2+2 and sta%e 3 TS in 2#.2+2.

4.3 C&(<? Trunk Tri##ers )TTC&(<?+ ,I*-31/23

Resources: S1 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/!/.!3 9P1/!/33/

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S1 WI* on C&(<? Trunk :ri#inated Tri##er *etection Points )to ena%le CS< interaction for trunk1ori#inated calls at t"e (SC> SSP+ C! WI* on C&(<? Trunk :ri#inated Tri##er *etection Points )To ena%le CS< interaction for trunk1ori#inated calls at t"e (SC> SSP+

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

TS 22./.4 TS 23./14 TS 23./.4 TS 20.//2 TS 20./.4 Customi;ed &pplications for (o%ile network <n"anced ?o#ic )C&(<?+5 Ser'ice description5 Sta#e 1 )CR 22./.41/142r1 SP1/3//2!+ )CR 22./.41/102 SP1/3/.!!+ Fasic Call Eandlin#5 Tec"nical reali;ation )CR 23./141/1!3r1 CP1/3/1/3+ Customi;ed &pplications for (o%ile network <n"anced ?o#ic )C&(<?+ P"ase D5 Sta#e 2 )CR 23./.41/.2!r15 CR 23./.41/../r1 CP1/3/1/3+ )CR 23./.41/.02r2J CR 23./.41/.03r1 CP1/3/222+ (o%ile &pplication Part )(&P+ specification )CR 20.//21/.23r1 CP1/3/1/3+ Customi;ed &pplications for (o%ile network <n"anced ?o#ic )C&(<?+ P"ase D5 C&(<? &pplication Part )C&P+ specification )CR 20./.41/302r1 CP1/3/1/3+ )CR 20./.41/302r1 CP1/3/222+



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

1 1

C!sto ised (pplication for *o'ile network 6n$anced ;o%ic ,C(*6;. was defined for o'ile ori%inated F o'ile forwarded calls in t$e =isited *o'ile Switc$in% Centre ,=*SC., o'ile ter inated calls in t$e 3*SC and =*SC and %s SCF initiated new call or new part" in an eDistin% call. T$ere are $owe)er so e eDistin% and new ser)ice scenarios t$at wo!ld 'enefit fro C(*6; 'ein% defined for tr!nk ori%inated calls at t$e *SC. So e 3S*5R operators wanted to !se C(*6; to pro)ide n! 'er translation f!nctions in !lti5)endor 3S*5R networks. In addition to o'ile ori%inated calls, t$is re&!ired Ca el Ser)ice 6n)iron ent ,CS6. interaction for calls fro fiDed ter inals ,recei)ed o)er a tr!nk interface at t$e *SC. and calls fro forei%n 3S*5R networks ,recei)ed o)er a tr!nk interface at t$e *SC.. Bperators w$o incorporated wireline access to eDistin% CS65'ased ser)ices a" also want to !se C(*6; to pro)ide t$is capa'ilit" for !lti5)endor networks. T$is re&!ires CS6 interaction for calls fro fiDed ter inals recei)ed at t$e *SC fro a p!'lic ,e.%. IS-9: PST9. tr!nk interface. In addition, operators co!ld !se C(*6; tr!nk ori%inated T-Ps to allow access to eDistin% CS65'ased ser)ices for calls fro fiDed ter inals recei)ed at t$e *SC fro a pri)ate ,i.e. PRI. tr!nk interface. C(*6; alread" pro)ided 9etwork C(*6; Ser)ice Infor ation ,95CSI., to identif" ser)ices offered '" t$e ser)in% P;*9 operator e&!all" for all s!'scri'ers. T$is work re&!ires C(*6; Ser)ice Infor ation to identif" ser)ices offered '" t$e ser)in% P;*9 operator for all calls recei)ed o)er a specific tr!nk at t$e *SC. It incl!des t$e feat!re C(*6; Tr!nk Bri%inated T-Ps to C(*6; P$ase #.

4.! <n"ancements of C6CS for pu%lic aut"orit officials )<C6CS+ ,I*-11/!3

Resources: S1,C1 Referen es
!o "#en$
CP1/3/324 TS !3./24 TS !!./24 TS 20.//2 TS !3./24 TS 23./!/ TS 2!./11 TS !!./24 TS 20.//2 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
<n"ancements of C6CS in pu%lic networks for communication of pu%lic aut"orit officials

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Sta#e 2 modifications for talker priorisation and displa of additional information a%out t"e current talker Sta#e 3 modifications for talker priorisation Sta#e 3 en"ancements of (&P messa#es for talker priorisation and displa of additional information a%out t"e current talker Sta#e 2 modifications for <2< encr ption and S(S deli'er Sta#e 2 modifications of S(S deli'er Sta#e 3 modifications of S(S protocol Sta#e 3 modifications for <2< encr ption Sta#e 3 en"ancements of (&P messa#es for <2< encr ption and S(S deli'er

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


=oice 3ro!p Call Ser)ices ,=3CS. can 'e !sed in p!'lic networks for co !nication of p!'lic a!t$orit" officials ,police, fire'ri%ade, etc... To eet t$e partic!lar re&!ire ents for t$is p!rpose additional f!nctionalit" needs to 'e s!pported '" =3CS ,e.%. encr"ption, e er%enc" $andlin%, S*S s!pport..



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

4.3 Impro'ements of C6CS for parallel use of ser'ices )IC6CS+ ,I*-11/33

Resources: S1,C1,32 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3//.3 SP1/!/3/! 9P1/3/1!1 6P1/.1433 TS !2./24 TS !3./24 TS !!./24 TS 2!.//4 TS 20.//2 TS !4.//4 TS !!./14 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Impro'ements of C6CS in pu%lic networks for parallel use of ser'ices WI* on <n"ancements of C6CS in pu%lic networks for communication of pu%lic aut"orit officials WI* on Impro'ements of C6CS in pu%lic networks for parallel use of ser'ices WI* on <n"ancements for C6CS &pplications

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Coice 6roup Call Ser'ice )C6CS+5 Sta#e 1 )CR !2./241//135 CR !2./241//1! SP1/3/22!+ Coice 6roup Call Ser'ice )C6CS+5 Sta#e 2 )CR !3./241//20r1 CP1/2/123+ 6roup Call Control )6CC+ Protocol (o%ile radio interface ?a er 3 specification5 Core network protocols5 Sta#e 3 (o%ile &pplication Part )(&P+ specification (o%ile Switc"in# Centre 1 Fase Station s stem )(SC1FSS+ interface5 ?a er 3 specification (o%ile radio interface la er 3 specification5 Radio Resource Control )RRC+ protocol

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


Re&!ire ents for !se of =3CS in p!'lic networks for co !nication of p!'lic a!t$orit" officials $a)e 'een defined ,SP51#131#.. T$ese en$ance ents affect t$e %ro!p call itself. >owe)er, f!rt$er i pro)e ents, not directl" concernin% t$e %ro!p call '!t t$e !se of ot$er ser)ices in parallel, were needed ,e.%. S*S to sin%le !sers d!rin% an acti)e %ro!p call, !se of 3PRS in parallel to a =3CS..

4.2 :pen Ser'ice &ccess ):S&.+ ,I*-31/.1

Resources: S1,C5 T$e Bpen Ser)ice (ccess ,BS(. ena'les ser)ice application de)elopers to ake !se of network f!nctionalit" t$ro!%$ open, standardised, sec!re, eDtensi'le and scala'le interfaces. (pplications see t$e network f!nctionalit" offered to t$e as a set of Ser)ice Capa'ilit" Feat!res ,SCFs. in t$e BS( (PI. T$ese SCFs pro)ide access to t$e network capa'ilities on w$ic$ t$e application de)elopers can rel" w$en desi%nin% t$eir applications. T$e BS( (PI is independent of w$ere or w$ic$ network capa'ilities are i ple ented in t$e network, and of )endor specific sol!tions and pro%ra in% lan%!a%es. ( sec!re BS( (PI is a ke" ena'ler for t$e =irt!al >o e 6n)iron ent ,=>6. s"ste concept, w$ic$ re&!ires !sers to 'e consistentl" presented wit$ t$e sa e personalised ser)ices in w$ate)er network and ter inal, s!'Ject to t$e capa'ilities of 'ot$. BS( needs to e)ol)e in for of s all tec$nical en$ance ents 'ased on arket: i ple entations feed'ack and also addition of new f!nctionalit". T$e BS( specifications were de)eloped '" t$e Goint5Workin%53ro!p ,GW3. of Parla", t$e 6TSI TISP(9 ProJect BS( and 33PP CT5. T$e 33PP2 is !sin% t$e 33PP Sta%e 3 specifications, w$ere an anneD defines t$e eDtension of t$e capa'ilities to ena'le operation in cd a2111 s"ste s en)iron ent. #$A A%&s ' !.1!()fa*ily+ T$e BS( specifications define a set of (PIs t$at ena'les operator and 3rd part" applications to ake !se of network f!nctionalit" t$ro!%$ a set of open, standardi<ed interfaces. T$e specifications are deri)ed fro a /*; odel of t$e BS( (PI. /sin% t$e latest doc! ent and code %eneration tec$ni&!es, t$e detailed tec$nical description doc! ents, t$e I-; code, WS-; code and Ga)a (PI are all prod!ced fro a sin%le so!rce /*; odel. T$is ens!res ali%n ent 'etween all )ersions, all for ats of t$e (PI.

#$A ,e- $ervices ' !.1!!)fa*ily+



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

(ccess to Ser)ice Capa'ilit" Feat!res is realised '" !sin% odern state of t$e art access tec$nolo%ies, like distri'!ted o'Ject oriented tec$ni&!e and We' Ser)ices tec$nolo%ies. WS-; description of t$e interfaces are attac$ed to t$e tec$nical specifications. Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/143 CP1/./2// 22.12. 23.104

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S1 WI* on :S& Sta#e 1 C3 WI* on :S& Sta#e 2>3 en"ancements

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

:S&5 Sta#e 1 )S&1+ :S&5 Sta#e 2 )CT3+

20.1041/1 20.1041/2 20.1041/3 20.1041/!11 20.1041/!12 20.1041/!13 20.1041/!1! 20.1041/3 20.1041/2 20.1041/. 20.1041/4 20.104111 20.104112 20.104113 20.10411! 20.104113 20.1001/1 20.1001/2 20.1001/3 20.1001/! 20.1001/3 20.1001/2 20.1001/. 20.1001/4 20.1001/0 20.10011/ 20.100111 20.100112 20.100113 20.10011!

,$a6e 3 ,*e ifi a$ions

:S& &PI5 Part 1J :'er'iew :S& &PI5 Part 2J Common data definitions :S& &PI5 Part 3J Framework :S& &PI5 Part !J Call control5 Su%part 1J Call control common definitions :S& &PI5 Part !J Call control5 Su%part 2J 6eneric call control SCF :S& &PI5 Part !J Call control5 Su%part 3J (ulti1part call control SCF :S& &PI5 Part !J Call control5 Su%part !J (ultimedia call control SCF :S& &PI5 Part 3J ,ser interaction SCF :S& &PI5 Part 2J (o%ilit SCF :S& &PI5 Part .J Terminal capa%ilities SCF :S& &PI5 Part 4J *ata session control SCF :S& &PI5 Part 11J &ccount mana#ement SCF :S& &PI5 Part 12J C"ar#in# SCF :S& &PI5 Part 13J Polic mana#ement SCF :S& &PI5 Part 1!J Presence and &'aila%ilit (ana#ement )P&(+ SCF :S& &PI5 Part 13J (ulti1media (essa#in# )((+ SCF :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 1J Common :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 2J T"ird part call :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 3J Call notification :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part !J S"ort messa#in# :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 3J (ultimedia messa#in# :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 2J Pa ment :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part .J &ccount mana#ement :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 4J Terminal status :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 0J Terminal location :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 1/J Call "andlin# :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 11J &udio call :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 12J (ultimedia conference :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 13J &ddress list mana#ement :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 1!J Presence

20.1041/!13 20.104112 20.100113 20.100112 20.10011. 20.100114 20.100110 20.10012/ 20.0041/211 20.0041/212

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s ,$a6e 3 ,*e ifi a$ions
:S& &PI5 Part 3J Call control5 Su%part 3J Conference call control SCF :S& &PI5 Part 12J Ser'ice %roker SCF :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 13J (essa#e %roadcast :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 12J 6eocodin# :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 1.J &pplication1dri'en Iualit of Ser'ice )IoS+ :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 14J *e'ice capa%ilities and confi#uration :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 10J (ultimedia streamin# control :S&5 Parla D we% ser'ices5 Part 2/J (ultimedia multicast session mana#ement :S& &PI (appin#5 Part 2J ,ser location 1 user status ser'ice mappin#5 Su%part 1J (appin# to (&P :S& &PI (appin#5 Part 2J ,ser location 1 user status ser'ice mappin#5 Su%part 2J (appin# to SIP

9ew and en$anced f!nctionalit" was added in Rel5+ as followsH 1. BS( Ser)ice Crokerin% ,new TS 22.124516. T$e Ser)ice Croker f!nction ena'les t$e deli)er" of !ltiple ser)ices in t$e network of an operator in a ana%ed and controlled fas$ion, pro)idin% an (PI t$at s!pports f!nctionalit" incl!din% Ser)ice Selection, Ser)ice Pro)isionin%, Feat!re Interaction and Ser)ice C$ainin%. *essa%e Croadcast We' Ser)ice ,new TS 22.122515. 3eocodin% We' Ser)ice ,new TS 22.122516. (pplication -ri)en AoS We' Ser)ice ,new TS 22.12251+. -e)ice Capa'ilities and Confi%!ration We' Ser)ice ,new TS 22.122514.

2. 3. #. 5.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

6. +. 4. 2. 11.

*!lti edia Strea in% Control We' Ser)ice ,new TS 22.122512. *!lti edia *!lticast Control We' Ser)ice ,new TS 22.122521. BS( (PI Conference Call Control SCF ,new TS 22.12451#55. /pdate BS( Sta%e 2:3 to take acco!nt of We' Ser)ice ind!str" de)elop ents /pdate We' Ser)ices to ali%n wit$ co pletion of I6TF work ,i pact also on pre)io!s Releases.

4.. Selecti'e *isa%lin# of ,< Capa%ilities )S*o,<+ ,I*-31/33

Resources: S1,S2,C1 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/142 CP1/2/141 TS 22./11 TS 2!.3/3

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S1 WI* on Selecti'e *isa%lin# of ,< Capa%ilities C1 WI* on Support of Selecti'e *isa%lin# of ,< Capa%ilities )S*o,<+ 7 Sta#e 3

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Ser'ice accessi%ilit

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Selecti'e *isa%lin# of ,< Capa%ilities )S*o,<+ (ana#ement :%Lect )(:+

Wit$ increasin% data !sa%e and t$e dri)e towards increasin% t$e (RP/ per s!'scri'er fro increased data !sa%e, t$e need for effecti)e et$ods of dealin% wit$ t$e conse&!ences of downloadin% and acti)atin% a )ir!s in a o'ile telep$one needed to 'e addressed. Si ilar pro'le s a" also arise wit$ downloaded applications t$at are not f!nctionin% correctl" and w$ic$ co!ld repeatedl" ake a connection re&!est re&!irin% 'ot$ allocation of radio reso!rces and network si%nallin% processin%. T$is can also 'e a s!'stantial t$reat. T$e is'e$a)in% application a" 'e downloaded '" t$e !ser t$ro!%$ )ario!s eansH e5 ail, S*S and P!s$ ser)ices, and ,eDceptionall". fail to 'e detected and disa'led '" application la"er pre)entati)e eas!res. W$ile operators a" 'e a'le to aintain so e de%ree of control t$is poses a si%nificant t$reat to t$e ind!str" at lar%e. Si ilar pro'le s a" also arise wit$ )ir!ses. T$is work pro)ides a eans of disa'lin% an infected de)ice fro re%isterin% a%ain on t$e network, 'ot$ in t$e c!rrent network and an" ot$er network, i.e. effecti)el" &!arantinin% t$e de)ice. It also pro)ides a eans of aintainin% t$e disa'led stat!s of t$e de)ice, e)en if t$e o'ile $as 'een s!ccessi)el" switc$ed off and on. T$e criteria for deter inin% w$en an application is is'e$a)in% were o!tside t$e scope of t$is work ite .

Selecti)e disa'lin% of t$e o'ile de)ice were pro)ided to allow t$e esta'lis$ ent of connection t"pes w$ic$ are not i pacted '" a )ir!s or application error, e.%. if t$e is'e$a)in% application i pacts onl" t$e PS do ain, t$en it s$o!ld 'e possi'le to allow CS do ain connections s!c$ as 6 er%enc" calls or )ice5)ersa. *eans were pro)ided to infor t$e !ser a'o!t t$e f!ll or partial disa'lin% of t$e o'ile and t$e reason for t$is.

T$reats a reacti)e network protection ec$anis iti%ates were anal"<ed. 9ew t$reats potentiall" introd!ced '" a network protection ec$anis $ad 'een st!died. T$e relation to eDistin% R'lack listS feat!res $ad 'een anal"<ed. T$e o!tco e of t$e work was i ple ented )ia CRs in S(1 TS 22.111 and Sta%e 3 in t$e new CT1 TS 2#.315. -raft S(2 TR 23.415 ,Selecti)e disa'lin% of /ser 6&!ip ent ,/6. capa'ilities8 Report on tec$nical options and concl!sions. was a'andoned.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

4.4 9etwork selection en"ancements )9SP1CR+ ,I*-./!1

Resources: S1 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/22. SP1/2/22/ CP1/2/33. TS 21.0/3 TS 22./11 TS 22.1/1 TS 23.122 TS 2!.//4 TS 23.3/! TS 31.1/2 TS !3.//4 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S&1 SI* on Re'iew of 9etwork Selection Principles S&1 WI* on 9etwork selection en"ancements CT1 WI* on 9etwork Selection <n"ancements 7 Procedural aspects

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Coca%ular for 36PP Specifications Ser'ice accessi%ilit Ser'ice aspects5 Ser'ice principles 9on1&ccess1Stratum )9&S+ functions related to (o%ile Station )(S+ in idle mode (o%ile radio interface ?a er 3 specification5 Core network protocols5 Sta#e 3 ,ser <$uipment ),<+ procedures in idle mode and procedures for cell reselection in connected mode C"aracteristics of t"e ,ni'ersal Su%scri%er Identit (odule ),SI(+ application Radio su%s stem link control

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


Followin% TR 22.411 ,St!d" on 9etwork Selection Principles ,9etSel. /I-0311+3. and t$e network selection works$op, t$is work translates t$e findin%s into specifications. C$an%es incl!dedH T$e definitions in 21.215 are corrected to ali%n t$e definitions wit$ t$ose alread" !sed in t$e eDistin% sta%e 2 and sta%e 3 specifications of t$e protocol. Bne definition corrected ,=P;*9., t$ree definitions and one a''re)iation added, st"le c$an%ed ,>P;*9. in one definition to atc$ t$e ot$ers ,CR 21.21551164 SP5161133.. (n optional re&!ire ent is added to allow alternate /6 'e$a)io!r w$ic$ wo!ld allow t$e /6 to %o to t$e >P;*9 if a)aila'le and not ret!rn to t$e last RP;*9. T$is 'e$a)io!r is !nder t$e control of t$e operator ,CR 22.1115 1162r2 SP5161221.. ( new feat!re is introd!ced t$at pro pts t$e end !ser to confir t$at roa in% is re&!ired w$en near a 'order ,CR 22.111511+1 SP5161133.. ( clarification is added to cla!se to clarif" t$at t$e *6 s$all !tilise all t$e infor ation stored in t$e /SI* related to network selection ,CR 22.111511+1 SP5161133.. (n option was added to displa" eit$er all t$e a)aila'le 6>P;*9S or J!st t$e $i%$est a)aila'le 'ased on a /SI* fla% w$en in *an!al 9etwork Selection ode ,CR 22.111511+2 SP5161133.. ( new re&!ire ent was added in cla!se C of indicatin% t$at additional infor ation on t$e a)aila'le P;*9 a" 'e presented w$en t$e !ser is in an!al ode ,CR 22.111511+3 SP5161133.. ( new re&!ire ent added as an optional feat!re of t$e *6, for t$e !ser to 'e a'le to set a preference in t$e *6 for t$e ode t$at s$all 'e !sed at switc$ on. If set t$en t$e *6 wo!ld select t$is preference rat$er t$an t$e defa!lt ode ,CR 22.111511+# SP5161133.. Steerin% of Roa in% re&!ire ents were introd!ced t$at allow t$e >P;*9 to direct t$e /6 to select a specific =P;*9 and to direct t$e /6 to steer awa" fro a specific =P;*9 ,CR 22.111511+5 SP5161133.. ( state ent was added to indicate t$at t$e safe roa in% f!nctionalit" is onl" applica'le if t$e /6 is in a!to atic ode of operation ,CR 22.111511+6 SP5161311.. T$e list of P;*9 t"pes listed to incl!de For'idden P;*9s was eDtended as t$is is considered !sef!l infor ation to a !ser ,CR 22.111511++ SP5161311.. (n i ple entation option is added to indicate t$at at power5on onl", if RP;*9 is not a)aila'le in t$e SI*:/SI*, or if RP;*9 and 6P;*9 are not a)aila'le, '!t t$e >P;*9 is, t$en t$e /6 s$o!ld re%ister on t$e >P;*9:6>P;*9 i ediatel". T$is is an eDception and t$e /6 re ains in an!al ode ,CR 22.111511+4r1 SP5 161#26.. ( s all addition was ade to cla!se on Steerin% of Roa in% to clarif" t$e effect on t$e /ser Controlled P;*9 ;ist and t$e For'idden ;ist. T$e restriction t$at a s!ccessf!l re%istration on a for'idden P;*9 onl" $appens in an!al ode was re o)ed ,CR 22.111511+2r3 SP5161#51.. ( c$an%e was ade to 23.111 cla!se #.#.3 t$at t$e *6 s$all read all t$e infor ation of data files stored in t$e SI* related to network selection ,CR 23.12251124r2 CP5161352..



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

4.4.1 9etwork selection en"ancements )9SP+ 1 ,< Conformance Testin# ,I*-23/!4 )Completion 03=5 Tar#et *ec 2//4+
Resources: R5 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/4/133 TS 3!.1/4 TS 3!.12311>2>3 9one

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on 9etwork Selection <n"ancements 7 Procedural aspects

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Common test en'ironments for ,ser <$uipment ),<+ conformance testin# ,ser <$uipment ),<+ conformance specification

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


Stat!s Report in RP51415#18 Co pletion 2578 Tar%et -ec 2114



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

S&2 Features

0.1 &ccess Class Farrin# and :'erload Protection )&CF:P+ ,I*-32/2!

Resources: S2,C1 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/!/334 TS 2!.//4 TR 23.404

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on 36PP &ccess Class Farrin# and :'erload Protection

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

(o%ile radio interface ?a er 3 specification5 Core network protocols5 Sta#e 3

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

&ccess Class Farrin# and :'erload Protection )&CF:P+

S(2 $as recei)ed re&!ire ent fro S(1 ,S251#1522 O S151#1122. to in)esti%ate an" ec$anis s necessar" for -o ain Specific (ccess Control wit$in t$e /TR(9, and was asked for in)esti%ation related to an iss!e w$ere o)erload in t$e CS transit network ca!sed a restriction in t$e packet switc$ed traffic w$ile radio capacit" was a)aila'le. It was considered )al!a'le to in)esti%ate i pacts and st!d" iss!es %oin% 'e"ond CS con%estion iss!es on /TR(9. In addition, S251#14#2 indicates t$at t$e (ccess Class Control and B)erload Protection f!nctions of t$e 33PP s"ste $a)e not 'een en$anced to cope wit$ arc$itect!ral c$an%es ade in R2+, R22 and Rel55. S(2 st!died 33PP s"ste en$ance ents needed to cope wit$ R2+ ,3PRS., R22 ,/*TS. and Rel55 ,I!5fleD. arc$itect!ral c$an%es as followsH 1. 2. 3. #. 5. 6. +. 4. 2. cell le)el con%estion ,e.%. traffic Ja on co!ntr" road ser)ed '" one cell. wide area radio interface con%estion ,e.%. traffic Ja in a lar%e town ser)ed '" an" cells. R9C:CSC o)erload *SC o)erload:fail!re =oice transit network ,and:or *3WT. o)erload:fail!re SS+ si%nallin% network o)erload:fail!re ,e.%. i pact on **, 3** and S*S. S3S9 o)erload:fail!re Ipacket 'ack'oneI ,3TP5/ or 3i. o)erload:fail!re 33S9 o)erload:fail!re ,e.%. $ow to pre)ent all o'iles re5esta'lis$in% P-P conteDts w$en one 33S9 fails..

Cased on re&!ire ents %i)en in S251#1522, t$e sol!tion of do ain specific access control in case of CS do ain o)erload in Rel56 was %i)en t$e $i%$est priorit" in t$is st!d". Bt$er considerations incl!deH t$e i pact of t$e /R(5PC> and Cell5PC> states8 $ow to a)oid a!to atic re5esta'lis$ ent atte pts '" PS do ain applications ,cf t$e a!to5rediallin% restrictions in TS 12.1+ (nneD (..

TR 23.424 $as anal"sed a )ariet" of potential sol!tions on $ow to cope wit$ different network o)erload and fail!re sit!ations. Cased on t$e a)aila'le infor ation at t$is sta%e, a s!'set of t$e f!nctionalit" can 'e concl!ded w$ile ot$er co ple entar" f!nctionalit" needs f!rt$er st!d". Conclusion: T$e reco ended en$ance ents to t$e c!rrent specifications are to adoptH

-o ain Specific (ccess Class Carrin% ,-S(C.. Correction of t$e load re5distri'!tion capa'ilit" of R(9 nodes and t$e $andlin% of C9 node fail!re in t$e I!5FleD confi%!ration.

(t t$is sta%e it $as not 'een possi'le to reac$ a concl!sion on t$e followin% s!'set of t$e f!nctionalit"H Per ission of S*S w$ile (ccess Class Carrin% pro$i'its an" ot$er traffic.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Per ittin% t$e o'ile to respond to pa%in% w$ile (ccess Class Carrin% pro$i'its Pre)ent:dela" a!to atic re5esta'lis$ ent atte pts for PS session and S*S.

o'ile ori%inatin% traffic.

Sta%e 3 Core 9etwork aspects of (CCBP were i ple ented as CR '" CT1 ,2#.114.. 9BT6H 9o work $as 'een done in R(9 ,25.331, 25.#13. and 36R(9 ,##.114. as per WI- in SP51#1334.

0.2 S stem en"ancements for fi8ed %road%and access to I(S )FFI+ ,I*-32/.!
Resources: S2,S3,S5,C1,C3,C# Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/2/1!3 9P1/!/214 SP1/3/303 TS 22.224 TS 23.224 TS 32.2!/ TS 32.22/ TS 32.204 TS 32.200 TS 2!.220 TS 20.220 TS 20.123 TS 20.2/0 TS 33.2/3 TS 22.232 TR 2!.410

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S2 WI* on S stem en"ancements for fi8ed %road%and access to I(S C1 WI* on Protocol impact from pro'idin# I(S ser'ices 'ia fi8ed %road%and S3 WI* on I(S securit e8tensions

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Ser'ice re$uirements for t"e Internet Protocol )IP+ multimedia core network su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 1 IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 2 Telecommunication mana#ement5 C"ar#in# mana#ement5 C"ar#in# arc"itecture and principles Telecommunication mana#ement5 C"ar#in# mana#ement5 IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ c"ar#in# Telecommunication mana#ement5 C"ar#in# mana#ement5 C"ar#in# *ata Record )C*R+ parameter description Telecommunication mana#ement5 C"ar#in# mana#ement5 *iameter c"ar#in# applications Internet Protocol )IP+ multimedia call control protocol %ased on Session Initiation Protocol )SIP+ and Session *escription Protocol )S*P+5 Sta#e 3 Internet Protocol )IP+ multimedia call control protocol %ased on Session Initiation Protocol )SIP+ and Session *escription Protocol )S*P+5 Sta#e 3 Interworkin# %etween t"e IP (ultimedia )I(+ Core 9etwork )C9+ su%s stem and Circuit Switc"ed )CS+ networks Polic control o'er 6$ interface 36 securit 5 &ccess securit for IP1%ased ser'ices Packet switc"ed con'ersational multimedia applications5 Transport protocols

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Protocol impact from pro'idin# I(S ser'ices 'ia fi8ed %road%and5 Sta#e13

T$e standardi<ation of fiDed 'road'and access to I*S is addressed '" a n! 'er of S-Bs, e.%. 6TSI and IT/5T in t$e fra ework of 9eDt 3eneration 9etworkin% ,939.. T$e 33PP:TISP(9 works$op a%reed t$at 6TSI:TISP(9 will define 939 session control !sin% I*S as a platfor . T$is will e 'ed I*S as t$e fra ework for ad)anced !lti edia ser)ices for an" t"pes of operators. So e en$ance ents of t$e 33PP specifications were needed for I*S to ena'le eDternal or%ani<ations to re!se I*S as a platfor for session control for s"ste s wit$ fiDed 'road'and access. T$is work pro)ides en$ance ents to I*S wit$in 33PP for fiDed 'road'and access, as seen appropriate fro a 33PP s"ste perspecti)e. -!rin% t$e S(P31 it was t$en a%reed to incorporate c$an%es on fiDed 'road'and access to I*S ste PacketCa'le2.1 re&!ire ents. T$e work pro)ides possi'le I*S arc$itect!ral en$ance ents necessar" in t$e 33PP s"ste access to I*S, ,e.%. as stated in 6TSI TISP(9 release 1 and PacketCa'le 2.1.. T$is work was li ited to t$e c!rrent scope of t$e I*S, i.e. session control ,e.%. o'ilit" in% fro

to s!pport fiDed 'road'and ana%e ent is not incl!ded..

Bffline c$ar%in% aspects related to fiDed 'road'and access, incl!din% ca'le access, are co)ered '" S(5 TS 32.2#1, TS 32.261, TS 32.224 and TS 32.222. T$e TS3 CT5wide work pro)ides possi'le en$ance ents of protocols !sed in I*S in order to s!pport 939 s!c$ asH Si !lation of eDistin% PST9:IS-9 ser)ices (n" SIP and S-P ,or ot$er protocol. specification necessar" to pro)ide PST9:IS-9 ser)ices in t$e I*S. Ser)ice interaction aspects $ad 'een taken into acco!nt.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

939 sec!rit" re&!ire ents (n" SIP and S-P ,or ot$er SIP essa%e 'od". specification necessar" to pro)ide sec!re access to t$e I*S fro 939 ter inals. 939 c$ar%in% re&!ire ents (n" SIP and S-P ,or ot$er SIP essa%e 'od". specification necessar" to pro)ide for transport of 939 specific c$ar%in% infor ation in t$e I*S. 939 arc$itect!ral re&!ire ents (n" SIP and S-P ,or ot$er SIP essa%e 'od". specification necessar" to cope wit$ 939 specific arc$itect!re aspects. 9on533PP access networks (n" SIP and S-P ,or ot$er SIP essa%e 'od". specification necessar" to access I*S t$ro!%$ 939 access tec$nolo%ies. 939 AoS re&!ire ents Pro)ides en$ance ents to t$e 3o:3& interfaces to ena'le control of 'earer reso!rces in t$e 939. onalit".

W$ere appropriate c$an%es were inte%rated in eDistin% works ite s e.%. W;(9 Interworkin%, I*S Co

S(3 Sec!rit" aspects are co)ered in TS 33.112. Rel55 and 6 I*S access sec!rit" sol!tion was ainl" desi%ned for /*TS access networks. 6)en t$o!%$ t$e access sec!rit" sol!tion is access network independent, t$ere are still i portant !se scenarios in w$ic$ t$e c!rrent sol!tion is diffic!lt or e)en i possi'le to !se, for eDa ple access networks t$at incl!de 9(Ts, s!c$ as fiDed 'road'and access as c!rrentl" specified in 6TSI and IT/5T in t$e fra ework of 9eDt 3eneration 9etworks ,TISP(95939.. F!rt$er ore, I*S sec!rit" arc$itect!re relies partl" on !nderl"in% network sec!rit". T$e deplo" ent of a 9(T tra)ersal 'etween t$e /6 and t$e P5CSCF ca!ses pro'le s to appl" t$e ade&!ate sec!rit" '" !sin% t$e c!rrent IPSec sol!tion. T$e I*S si%nallin% protection sol!tion t$at tra)erse 9(,P.T is a f!nda ental need for TISP(9 939 R1. TISP(9 stated t$at ITISP(9 939 R1 priorit" is for sec!rin% I*S for a fiDed network, and is independent of an" disc!ssion of w$at o'ile operators a" or a" not andate for interconnection to t$eir I*S ser)ices i.e. t$e fiDed operator $as a co ercial relations$ip wit$ t$e c!sto er, and deplo"s ter inal, network, I*S ser)ice and >SS. In t$is case, one cannot rel" on $a)in% a p$"sical /ICC to i ple ent t$e sec!rit" ec$anis s.I >owe)er, for 33PP operators r!nnin% I*S, t$e a!t$entication of t$e I*S s!'scri'er !st 'e 'ased on access to p$"sical /ICC. T$e !nit" of t$e sec!rit" eDtensions to t$e I*S sec!rit" specifications !st 'e preser)ed and $andled in S(3. S(3 st!died if I*S access sec!rit" sol!tion needs to 'e eDtended, and $ow potential eDtensions are done. S(3 st!died sec!rit" re&!ire ents and sol!tions related fiDed 'road'and access to I*S wit$ special foc!s on an I*S si%nallin% protection sol!tion t$at tra)erse 9(,P.T and firewall de)ices. It st!died also ot$er re&!ire ents and sol!tions needed for TISP(9 939 R1. Iss!es not tar%eted for R1 of TISP(9, '!t wit$in t$e scope of 33PP Rel5+ are re&!ire ents and need for edia protection in I*S, as well as possi'le sol!tions. (not$er o'Jecti)e was to st!d" re&!ire ents and sol!tions for I*S sec!rit" in conJ!nction wit$ sol!tions for sec!re access to t$e Core 9etwork w$ic$ are independent of access networks and applications. T$e end5!ser s$all 'e a'le to access t$e ser)ices located at t$e $o e I*5do ain w$ere)er t$e end5!ser a" roa to. It s$all also 'e possi'le to !se different access tec$nolo%" to connect t$e IIP !lti edia C9 S!'s"ste I e.%. D-S;, wireline and Wireless ;(9 etc. ;awf!l interception and **I aspects like )isi'ilit" of offered sec!rit" le)el and !ser interaction $ad 'een st!died.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

0.3 Support of S(S o'er #eneric 36PP IP access )S(SIP+ ,I*-32/41

Resources: S2,C#,C1 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/2/234 CP1/2/20. TS 23.//4 TS 23./!/ TS 20.//2 TS 2!.220

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Support of S(S o'er IP networks WI* on Support of S(S o'er IP networks 7 sta#e 3

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

:r#ani;ation of su%scri%er data Tec"nical reali;ation of S"ort (essa#e Ser'ice )S(S+ (o%ile &pplication Part )(&P+ specification Internet Protocol )IP+ multimedia call control protocol %ased on Session Initiation Protocol )SIP+ and Session *escription Protocol )S*P+5 Sta#e 3

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

TR 23.4/! TS 23.2/! TS 2!.3!1 Support of S(S and ((S o'er #eneric 36PP IP access Support of S"ort (essa#e Ser'ice )S(S+ o'er #eneric 36PP Internet Protocol )IP+ access5 Sta#e 2 Support of S(S o'er IP networks5 Sta#e 3

T$ere is interest in pro)idin% 33PP *essa%in% Ser)ices across W;(9, and, access t$at is part of t$e 33PP s"ste .

ore %enerall" across an" for

of IP

(lt$o!%$ so e initial work $as 'een doc! ented wit$in anneD - of t$e W;(9 interworkin% sta%e 2 ,TS 23.23#., t$ere are an" topics t$at cannot 'e tackled in isolation incl!din% ,'!t not li ited. toH 1. 2. 3. #. 5. 6. +. I pact on eDistin% S*S ser)ices and t$e >SS ,e.%. t$e i pact on S*S essa%e waitin% fla%s and on )oice ail ser)ices.. If t$is is not st!died, t$en t$ere is a risk t$at eDistin% operator ser)ices will 'e de%raded '" t$e introd!ction of IS*S o)er W;(9I8 In)esti%ation of !sin% SS+ and:or IP protocols to co !nicate wit$ t$e S*SC ,act!all" its 3*SC:IW*SC. and:or t$e >SS8 Pro)ision of S*S ser)ices o)er an" 33PP IP access needs a!t$entication ,e.%. specification of sec!rit" ec$anis s.8 Potential s"ner%ies 'etween sol!tions for S*S and I*S essa%in% ,e.%. co on , ec$anis s.8 (ddressin% ec$anis s w$en !ltiple IP5S*S 3atewa"s are in !se8 Relia'le dere%istration ec$anis s to cope wit$ cases w$en t$e 33PP IP access link is lost s!ddenl" ,e.%. w$en W;(9 co)era%e is lost.. *ec$anis s to $andle S*S w$en t$ere is ore t$an one 33PP IP connection acti)e wit$ t$e o'ile ,e.%. a W;(9:3PRS:/*TS card a" 'e 3PRS attac$ed and:or CS attac$ed w$ile also $a)in% t$e W;(9 connection acti)e.. anner

T$e work pro)ides s!pport for deli)er" of S*S and **S o)er W;(9 and an" ot$er 33PP IP access in a w$ic$ %!arantees eDistin% S*S and **S ser)ices are not de%raded. First TR 23.41# st!died t$e arc$itect!ral aspects and t$e res!lts were !sed to %enerate Sta%e 2 specificationsH

/tili<e I*S5re%istration, and I*S I ediate *essa%e capa'ilities for transparentl" deli)erin% ori%inatin% and ter inatin% S*S o)er IP access8 Bn deli)er" of **S o)er 33PP IP (ccess it was concl!ded t$at t$e B*( specifications co)er t$e re&!ire ents for deli)er" of **S o)er IP access and no en$ance ents to 33PP Sta%e 2 or 3 were needed. essa%e was deli)ered:sent )ia W;(9 or )ia

Bn C$ar%in% it st!died w$et$er t$e S*SC need to know t$at t$e 3S*:/*TS access.

W$en !sin% %eneric 33PP IP access, sec!rit" needs to 'e pro)ided 'etween t$e /6 and an" IP5S*S %atewa". /pdates to sta%e 3 specifications were also eDpected. TR 3.(.4 conclusion:



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

-escri'es t$e arc$itect!re and $i%$5le)el sta%e52 proced!re alternati)es for S*S and **S o)er %eneric IP access. To f!ll" eDploit and re5!se ec$anis s t$at are alread" standardi<ed, it reco ends p!rs!in% t$e SIP:I*S 'ased ec$anis for S*S:**S o)er IP access. In partic!lar, it reco ends !tili<in% I*S5re%istration and I*S I ediate *essa%e capa'ilities for transparentl" deli)erin% ori%inatin% and ter inatin% S*S o)er IP access. Reco ends for **S to p!rs!e !tili<in% SIP5'ased P!s$ for notification ,i.e. SIP wo!ld 'e !sed w$ene)er S*S is !sed as transport., w$ilst contin!e !sin% >TTP and S*TP for transfer of t$e **S itself. (ss! es t$at t$e B*( SIP5'ased P!s$ work will !tili<e I*S ena'lers. Proposes to de)elop an I*S ena'ler pro)idin% I*S 'ased deferred essa%in%. Proposes t$at Interworkin% aspects 'etween S*S:**S and I*S 'ased essa%in% s$o!ld 'e f!rt$er st!died.

Relevant 3/%% protocol specifications CT # ,23.114, 22.112. and CT1 ,2#.3#1, 23.1#1, 2#.222. incl!deH a. '. c. d. e. f. %. $. i. I pact on eDistin% S*S ser)ices and t$e >SS:>;R ,e.%. t$e i pact on S*S essa%e waitin% fla%s and on )oice ail ser)ices.8 I pact to co !nications wit$ t$e SC ,act!all" its 3*SC:IW*SC. and:or t$e >SS:>;R ,linked to /I-01#112 St!d" on Ro!tein% of *T5S*s )ia t$e >P;*9.8 (!t$entication aspects for pro)idin% S*S ser)ices o)er an" 33PP IP access8 Potential s"ner%ies 'etween sol!tions for S*S and I*S essa%in%8 (ddressin% ec$anis s w$en !ltiple IP5S*S 3atewa"s are in !se8 Relia'le dere%istration ec$anis s to cope wit$ cases w$en t$e 33PP IP access link is lost s!ddenl" ,e.%. w$en W;(9 co)era%e is lost.8 *ec$anis s to $andle S*S w$en t$ere is ore t$an one 33PP IP connection acti)e wit$ t$e p!'lic I- ,e.%. a MW;(9:36R(9:/TR(9M e&!ip ent a" 'e 3PRS attac$ed and:or CS attac$ed w$ile also $a)in% t$e W;(9 connection acti)e.8 6ns!re t$at all S*S ser)ice c$aracteristics ,e.%. (lert SC, ('sent S!'scri'er, Repl" Pat$ etc. are s!pported o)er an" 33PP IP access8 -efine $ow all ele ents in t$e S*S TP P-/ ,e.%. -eli)er" Confir ation, *ore *essa%es to send. will 'e s!pported o)er an" 33PP IP access.

0.! <'olution of Polic Control and C"ar#in# )PCC+ ,I*-32/42

Resources: S2,S5,C3,C1 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/2/21. CP1/2/!3! CP1/2/!33 TS 23.2/. TS 23.//2 TS 23.224 TS 32.231 TS 32.232 TS 32.204 TS 32.200 TS 2!.220

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S2 WI* on <'olution of polic control and flow %ased %earer le'el c"ar#in# C3 WI* on 68 interface for Polic Control and C"ar#in# )PCC+ C3 WI* on R8 reference point for Polic and C"ar#in# Control )PCC+

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

<nd1to1end Iualit of Ser'ice )IoS+ concept and arc"itecture 9etwork arc"itecture IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5Sta#e 2 Telecommunication mana#ement5 C"ar#in# mana#ement5 Packet Switc"ed )PS+ domain c"ar#in# Telecommunication mana#ement5 C"ar#in# mana#ement5 Wireless ?ocal &rea 9etwork )W?&9+ c"ar#in# Telecommunication mana#ement5 C"ar#in# mana#ement5 C"ar#in# *ata Record )C*R+ parameter description Telecommunication mana#ement5 C"ar#in# mana#ement5 *iameter c"ar#in# applications Internet Protocol )IP+ multimedia call control protocol %ased on Session Initiation Protocol )SIP+ and Session *escription Protocol )S*P+5 Sta#e 3

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

TS 23.2/3 TS 20.212 TS 20.21! TS 20.213 Polic Polic Polic Polic and c"ar#in# control arc"itecture and c"ar#in# control o'er 68 reference point and c"ar#in# control o'er R8 reference point and c"ar#in# control si#nallin# flows and Iualit of Ser'ice )IoS+ parameter mappin#

33PP $as de)eloped t$e arc$itect!re for an en$anced 'earer c$ar%in% f!nctionalit", also known as Flow Cased C$ar%in% ,FCC., and t$e ser)ice5'ased local Polic" Control ,PC.. Cot$ f!nctionalities $a)e %enerated a n! 'er of new reference points and specifications ,in S(2 e.%. TS 23.21+ and TS 23.125. Cot$, Ser)ice Cased ;ocal Polic" ,SC;P. and FCC $a)e interest in w$at 'earer carries w$at ser)ices, creatin% d!plicit" in ser)ice infor ation distri'!tion and in 'earer inspection in t$ose arc$itect!res willin% to i ple ent 'ot$ feat!res.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

S(2 $a)e st!died t$e tec$nical aspects of er%in% t$ese arc$itect!res. T$is work created t$e Sta%e 2 for an e)ol)ed and strea lined arc$itect!re allowin% to $ar oni<e and er%e PC and FCC arc$itect!res and f!nctionalities '". Co plete $ar oni<ation and er%er of t$e PC and FCC arc$itect!re and proced!res8 S!pport for end5!ser s!'scription differentiation and %eneral PC aspects to t$e polic"5 and c$ar%in% control8 Cindin% 'earers to ser)ices8 F!lfillin% t$e polic" and c$ar%in% control re&!ire ents for all different IP access networks.

S(5 C$ar%in% aspects of PCC were i ple ented as CRs in TS 32.251, TS 32.251, TS 32.224 and TS 32.222. CT3 wor0 on /x interface for %CC Bne of t$e concl!sions of t$e new S(2 TS 23.213 for PCC arc$itect!re is to $a)e a sin%le reference point 'etween t$e PCRF and t$e PC6FH t$e 3D reference point, t$at s$all 'e reali<ed co 'inin% 3o and Rel56 3D wit$in a sin%le protocol. T$e eDistin% Rel56 3D protocol needs to 'e en$anced to f!lfil SC;P and an" ot$er new Rel5+ re&!ire ents. CT3 prod!ced a new TS 22.212 definin% t$e protocol for t$e 3D reference point on a Sta%e 3 le)el. (ffected eDistin% specifications wereH TS 22.211 ,C$ar%in% r!le pro)isionin% o)er 3D interface. was not pro%ressed to Rel5+, TS 22.21+ ,Polic" control o)er 3o interface. was not pro%ressed to Rel5+, atc$in% t$e S(2 decision.

atc$in% t$e S(2 decision.

TS 22.214 ,6nd to end A!alit" of Ser)ice ,AoS. si%nallin% flows. was not pro%ressed to Rel5+, atc$in% t$e S(2 decision. T$e infor ation was transferred to t$e new TS 22.213 ,Polic" and c$ar%in% control si%nallin% flows and A!alit" of Ser)ice ,AoS. para eter appin%. wit$ t$e necessar" c$an%es for t$e PCC arc$itect!re. CT3 wor0 on Rx reference point for %CC Bne of t$e concl!sions of t$e new S(2 TS 23.213 for PCC arc$itect!re is to $a)e a sin%le reference point 'etween PCRF and (FH t$e RD reference point, w$ic$ s$all 'e reali<ed '" co 'inin% Rel56 RD and 3& wit$in a sin%le protocol. Rel56 RD and 3& are alread" )er" si ilar, $owe)er a f!ll $ar oni<ation !st 'e ac$ie)ed. (not$er concl!sion is t$e need to specif" t$e et$odolo%" to ap AoS and policies 'etween t$e application and t$e transport do ains !sed in SC;P, as well as a detailed description of t$e call flows in)ol)ed in t$e PCC arc$itect!re. CT3Ms new TS 22.21# defines t$e protocol for t$e e)ol)ed RD reference point on a Sta%e 3 le)el. CT3Ms new TS 22.213 contains call flows and et$odolo%" associated to t$e PCC arc$itect!re ,incl!din% RD and 3D interfaces.. It incorporates t$e necessar" call flows for t$e different proced!res in)ol)ed in a PCC arc$itect!re, as well as t$e necessar" et$odolo%" ,e.%. al%orit$ s. to ap AoS and policies 'etween t$e application and transport do ains. 9BT6H RD ena'les for c$ar%in% correlation and pro)ides necessar" inp!t for PCC r!les. atc$in% t$e S(2 decision. atc$in% t$e S(2 decision.

CT3Ms TS 22.212 ,Polic" control o)er 3& interface. was not pro%ressed to Rel5+,

CT3Ms TS 22.211 ,RD Interface and RD:3D si%nallin% flows. was not pro%ressed to Rel5+,

CT1Ms TS 2#.222 ,IP !lti edia call control protocol 'ased on Session Initiation Protocol ,SIP. and Session -escription Protocol ,S-P.8 Sta%e 3. was !pdated )ia CRs to ali%n wit$ t$e PCC specifications.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

0.3 Coice call continuit %etween CS and I(S )incl. I1W?&9+ )CCC+ ,I*-32/01
Resources: S2,S1,S5,C1,C# Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/2/202 CP1/./142

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S2 WI* on Coice call continuit %etween CS and I(S )incl. I1W?&9+ C1 WI* on Coice call continuit %etween CS and I(S )incl. I1W?&9+

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

TS 22.1/1 TS 23.224 TS 32.23/ TS 32.22/ Ser'ice aspects5 Ser'ice principles IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 2 Telecommunication mana#ement5 C"ar#in# mana#ement5 Circuit Switc"ed )CS+ domain c"ar#in# Telecommunication mana#ement5 C"ar#in# mana#ement5 IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ c"ar#in# 9um%erin#, addressin# and identification )CR@/114+

TS 23.//3
TR 23.4/2 TS 23.2/2 TS 2!.2/2 TS 2!.212

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Coice call continuit %etween Circuit Switc"ed )CS+ and IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ Stud Coice Call Continuit )CCC+ %etween Circuit Switc"ed )CS+ and IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 2 Coice call continuit %etween Circuit Switc"ed )CS+ and IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+5 Sta#e 3 Communication Continuit (ana#ement :%Lect )(:+

TS 23.23# ,33PP s"ste to Wireless ;ocal (rea 9etwork ,W;(9. interworkin%H S"ste description. pro)ides t$e possi'ilit" to offer =oIP o)er ,LA1 interwor0ing with ho*e &2$. T$e con)er%ed I*S arc$itect!re offers t$e possi'ilit" to s!pport t$e ost pre)alent 3S* ser)ice, )oice calls, o)er W;(9 w$en t$ere is co)era%e. ( sea less )oice call 'etween C$ 3o*ain and t$e ,LA1 co!ld pro)ide relief to t$e 3S*:/*TS radio reso!rces and increase ser)ice re)en!e. In addition, wireline operators wit$ =oIP offerin%s s$o!ld 'e a'le to !se t$e 33PP I*S arc$itect!re to offer con)er%ed ser)ices. Sea less session contin!it" 'etween W;(9 and 33PP access ass! es t$e contin!ation of a W;(9 IP ser)ice as a 33PP IP ser)ice ,i.e. )ia t$e PS do ain.. T$is c!rrent ass! ption is not realistic for real5ti e )oice ser)ices8 in partic!lar t$ose wit$ 3S* radio co)era%e. T$is work st!died t$e necessar" en$ance ents to 33PP s"ste s so t$at real5ti e )oice call can 'e offered sea lessl" 'etween t$e C$ 3o*ain and t$e ,LA1 interwor0ing with &2$ arc$itect!re. T$is work defined real5ti e =oice Call Contin!it" ,=CC. w$en o)in% 'etween t$e 3S*:/*TS CS -o ain and W;(9 interworkin% wit$ $o e I*S f!nctionalit". It st!died t$e fra ework in w$ic$ t$e contin!it" takes place, e.%. t$e followin% aspectsH ('ilit" for t$e /6 to detect and a!to aticall" select t$e appropriate (ccess 9etwork ,s!c$ as 3S*:/*TS radio or IP Connecti)it" (ccess 9etwork. 'ased on operator polic" for real5ti e )oice ser)ice. *ec$anis for selectin% $ow to ro!te t$e ter inatin% )oice calls to t$e /6H eit$er t$ro!%$ t$e 3S*:/*TS CS -o ain or t$ro!%$ t$e W;(9 interworkin% networks wit$ I*S 'ased on t$e !ser re%istration. Criteria for t$e ro!tin% decision as well as t$e ro!tin% ec$anis itself s$o!ld 'e co)ered. =CC w$en t$e !ser is o)in% 'etween 3S*:/*TS C$ 3o*ain and ,LA1 interwor0ing with ho*e &2$. S!pport of calls to:fro roa in% s!'scri'ers accessin% ser)ice fro I5W;(9s connected o)er t$e p!'lic internet.

W$ilst t$e o'Jecti)es a'o)e ass! e W;(9 as t$e !nderl"in% access for I*S, t$e sol!tion de)eloped for CS5I*S =oice Call Contin!it" s$all 'e independent of t$e !se of t$e !nderl"in% IP Connecti)it" (ccess 9etwork. 6.%. t$e sol!tion s$all 'e applica'le to I*S o)er 3PRS or fiDed 'road'and access. TR 3.(.4 conclusion ( n! 'er of alternati)e arc$itect!ral sol!tions t$at ena'le =CC 'etween CS and I*S do ains $a)e 'een proposed. Cased on anal"sis, so e options $a)e 'een re o)ed or placed in anneDes ,t$ere'" ens!rin% t$at work is not lost.. Ceca!se of t$e fact t$at t$e al ost all of t$e c!rrent deplo"ed CS networks do not s!pport C(*6; #, t$e C(*6; # 'ased5sol!tion $as not 'een f!rt$er in)esti%ated. Two alternati)es re ainedH Bri%inal -o ain Controlled ,cla!se 6.#. and I*S Controlled Static (nc$orin% ,cla!se 6.3..



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Work $as 'een !ndertaken to identif" an" co on aspects of t$e two alternati)es. It was deter ined t$at t$e =CC sol!tion i pacts Re%istration, Bri%ination, Ter ination, 9etwork -o ain Selection as well as id5call s!pple entar" ser)ices. W$en t$ese areas were dee ed co on or onl" $ad inor differences, t$e" were placed in co on sections ,cla!ses 6.2 and 6.2a. retainin% so e sol!tion5specific details w$ere necessar". Finall", t$e st!d" $as s$own t$at 'ot$ t$e Bri%inal -o ain Controlled and I*S Controlled Static (nc$orin% sol!tions $a)e t$eir ad)anta%es and disad)anta%es. >owe)er, to facilitate interopera'ilit" it is 'elie)ed t$at t$e interests of t$e ind!str" wo!ld 'e 'est ser)ed '" p!rs!in% a sin%le sol!tion. It is f!rt$er 'elie)ed t$at on 'alance t$e co parati)e ad)anta%es of t$e I*S Controlled Static (nc$orin% odel ake it t$e preferred wa" forward. TR 23.416 t$erefore concl!des t$at f!rt$er effort on =CC s$o!ld foc!s on a sol!tion 'ased on t$e &2$ Controlled $tatic Anchoring approac$, as t$e 'asis for standardi<ation. T$e re&!ire ents for =CC were introd!ced as CRs in S(1 TS 22.111. T$e new S(2 TS 23.216 specifies t$e f!nctional arc$itect!re and infor ation flows of t$e =oice Call Contin!it" feat!re w$ic$ pro)ides t$e capa'ilit" to transfer t$e pat$ of an eDistin% )oice call 'etween a 33PP CS s"ste ,3S*:/*TS. and I*S, and )ice )ersa. T$e sec!rit" in eac$ do ain is co)ered '" eDistin% sec!rit" specifications in t$ose do ains. In ot$er words, CS sec!rit" aspects are co)ered '" eDistin% CS sec!rit" specifications, I5W;(9 sec!rit" aspects '" eDistin% I5W;(9 sec!rit" specifications and I*S sec!rit" aspects '" eDistin% I*S sec!rit" specifications. T$e =CC across t$ese do ains s$all not co pro ise t$e sec!rit" ec$anis s of t$e indi)id!al do ains. T$e 'illin%:c$ar%in% i pacts were assessed '" S(5, e.%. t$e a'ilit" to %enerate t$e appropriate acco!ntin% para eters as s!'scri'ers o)e 'etween W;(9 networks and 3S*:/*TS networks. T$e capa'ilit" to separatel" c$ar%e for sessions in eac$ access network needs to 'e pro)ided. S(5 C$ar%in% aspects of =CC ,=CC5C> co)ered '" S(2 WISP5161222. were introd!ced '" CRs inH TS 32.251 TS 32.261 !pdate t$e CS C$ar%in% f!nctionalit" to inte%rate t$e c$ar%in% re&!ire ents8 !pdate t$e I*S C$ar%in% f!nctionalit" to inte%rate t$e c$ar%in% re&!ire ents8

CT has covered the $tage 3 for 5CC. CT# added =oice Call Contin!it" Identification and (ddressin% )ia CRP1114 to TS 23.113. CT1 $as prod!ced two new specificationsH TS 2#.216 TS 2#.216 =oice call contin!it" 'etween Circ!it Switc$ed ,CS. and IP *!lti edia S!'s"ste Co !nication Contin!it" *ana%e ent B'Ject ,*B. ,I*S.8 Sta%e 3



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

0.2 :ne Tunnel solution for :ptimisation of Packet *ata Traffic ):PT,9<?+ ,I*-./!2
Resources: S2 Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
SP1/2/410 TS 23./2/ TR 23.010 WI* on :ne Tunnel solution for :ptimisation of Packet *ata Traffic

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

6eneral Packet Radio Ser'ice )6PRS+5 Ser'ice description5 Sta#e 2

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

*irect tunnel deplo ment #uideline

T$e a o!nt of !ser plane data is ass! ed to increase si%nificantl" d!rin% t$e neDt few "ears 'eca!se of t$e introd!ction of >SP( and I*S. -isc!ssions in 33PP $a)e s$own t$at ore scala'le /*TS s"ste arc$itect!re can 'e ac$ie)ed '" !sin% direct t!nnellin% of !ser plane data 'etween t$e R9C and t$e 33S9, w$ic$ is known as IBne T!nnel approac$I. T$e Bne T!nnel approac$ offers a sol!tion t$at opti i<es Rel56 PS core arc$itect!re wit$o!t i pacts to /6 and can 'e deplo"ed independentl" of t$e ;T6:S(6 arc$itect!re. TR 23.212 f!rt$er de)elops t$e Bne T!nnel approac$ descri'ed in Rel5# TR 23.4+3 and identifies w$at c$an%es are needed to PS core and potentiall" to /TR(9 f!nctionalities and protocols to s!pport t$e Bne T!nnel f!nctionalit". TR 23.212 incl!des in)esti%ation of f!nctions added after Rel5# !p to Rel56 ,e.%. I!5fleD, 9etwork s$arin%, *C*S, etc.. and eit$er certifies t$at t$e" are not affected or addresses an" conflicts 'etween t$ese f!nctions and t$e Bne T!nnel f!nction. TR 23.212 also in)esti%ates if t$e R(9:R9C is i pacted or not '" t$e Bne T!nnel f!nctionalit". T$is incl!des e.%. I!5 release d!e to I! inacti)it", 23:33 o'ilit", Inter5R(T PS >ando)er, and ot$er Inter5S3S9 and Inter5R(T proced!res. T$e conse&!ences of iDin% t$e I! and 3n:3p interfaces in one interface were in)esti%ated, wit$ respect to IP pri)ac" and sec!rit", ;2 tec$nolo%ies, etc. Rel5# TR 23.4+3 proposed a sol!tion ini i<in% t$e i pact on t$e network res!ltin% in a n! 'er of traffic cases t$at are not s!pported. T$is work 'alanced t$e i pact on t$e network and s!pported traffic cases, and alternati)e sol!tions for e.%. t$e roa in% case. TR 23.212 finds t$at t$e o)erall %ains in s"ste scala'ilit" are not di inis$ed '" t$e increased si%nallin% load and s"ste co pleDit" ,for instance t$e i pact of SR9S relocation on 33S9.. ;awf!l Interception done in S3S9 a" not 'e possi'le wit$ t$e Bne T!nnel f!nction. In case ;awf!l Interception in S3S9 is re&!ired, alternati)es $a)e to 'e in)esti%ated. TR 23.212 o!tlines t$at t$e res!ltin% s"ste arc$itect!re is f!ll" interopera'le wit$ pre5Rel5+ nodes and retains eDistin% network capa'ilities, or doc! ents t$ose t$at cannot 'e deli)ered. Bt$er alternati)es of $ow to separate t$e control and !ser plane are o!tside t$e scope of t$is work. =ol! e5'ased c$ar%in% infor ation %enerated in S3S9 a" not 'e possi'le wit$ t$e Bne T!nnel f!nction. In case )ol! e 'ased c$ar%in% on S3S9 is re&!ired, alternati)es $a)e to 'e in)esti%ated. 9ecessar" specification c$an%es identified d!rin% t$is work were introd!ced '" eans of CRs into TS 23.161.

0.. CSI Terminatin# Session "andlin# )CSItermS+ ,I*-32//20

Resources: S2,C1



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/2/!3. CP1/./230 TS 2!.2.0 TS 23.2.0

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S2 WI* on CSI Terminatin# Session "andlin# C1 WI* on Sta#e 3 CSI Terminatin# Session "andlin#

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Com%inin# Circuit Switc"ed )CS+ and IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ ser'ices5 Sta#e 3

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Com%inin# Circuit Switc"ed )CS+ and IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ ser'ices5 Sta#e 2

33PP $as specified $ow to co 'ine CS call and I*S Sessions '!t $as not "et addressed t$e interworkin% 'etween e.%. a p!re I*S )oice:)ideo session and a co 'ination of a CS call and an I*S session. TS 23.2+2 specifies $ow to $andle ter inatin% real5ti e sessions and calls takin% into acco!nt different do ains ,CS, I*S. and different /6 capa'ilities ,CSI, I*S =oIP, etc..... S(2, arc$itect!rall", introd!ced a CSI (pplication Ser)er in t$e I*S core of t$e CSI ter ination and t$e followin% interworkin% scenarios $ad 'een specifiedH Scenario 1H )oice call of I*S ori%ination and CSI ter ination. Scenario 2H *!lti edia session of I*S ori%ination and CSI ter ination. Scenario 3H addin% I*S session to eDistin% )oice call of I*S ori%ination and CSI ter ination. Scenario #H addin% )oice call to eDistin% I*S session. Call deli)er" scenarios for e.%. t$e case t$e CSI capa'le /6 is not I*S re%istered $ad 'een also specified.

33PP sta%e 3 properl" co)ers t$e co 'inin% of a CS call and I*S sessions fro t$e perspecti)e of 'ot$ parties 'ein% CSI capa'le /6s. W$at $as not 'een addressed, $owe)er, is t$e interworkin% 'etween e.%. a p!re I*S )oice:)ideo session and a co 'ination of a CS call and an I*S session. S(2 TS 23.2+2 is co)erin% t$e CSI (S, t$e session split and session co 'inin% for I*S ori%inated sessions leadin% to CSI session ter ination. TS 23.2+2 additionall" c$an%es co)er session odification re&!ests. Wit$ Sta%e 2 in place, CT1 TS 2#.2+2 pro)ided t$e rele)ant sta%e 3H introd!cin% t$e CSI (S and t$e C2C /( as well as akin% proced!ral c$an%es to reali<e f!nctionalities of session co 'inin% and session split.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


S&3 Features

1/.1 ?i%ert &lliance and 36PP Securit Interworkin# )?i%Sec+ ,I*-33/22

Resources: S3 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/1!3 1 TR 33.04/

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on ?i%ert &lliance and 36PP Securit Interworkin#

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

?i%ert &lliance and 36PP securit interworkin#5 Interworkin# of ?i%ert &lliance Identit Federation Framework )I*1FF+, Identit We% Ser'ices Framework )I*1WSF+ and 6eneric &ut"entication &rc"itecture )6&&+

T$e 3eneric (!t$entication (rc$itect!re ,3((. s"ste pro)ides o'ile s!'scri'er and an application wit$ a s$ared secret or pro)ides a certificate to t$e s!'scri'er. T$e ;i'ert" (lliance ProJect ,;(P. defines in t$e I-5FF and I-5WSF specifications a fa il" of protocols. T$ose protocols ena'le re!se of an a!t$entication done at an Identit" Pro)ider ,IdP. for !ser a!t$entication towards a Ser)ice Pro)ider, t$at tr!sts t$is a!t$entication confir ation of t$e IdP. ;(P does not specif" t$e act!al eans of a!t$entication, '!t lea)es t$at for a%ree ent 'etween t$e '!siness partners. T$e ;i'ert" (lliance specifications !se t$e pro)ided a!t$entication to t$e IdP eans wit$o!t restrictin% t$e t"pe of a!t$entication ec$anis , to ena'le eas" inte%ration wit$ t$e eDistin% infrastr!ct!re and le%ac" a!t$entication ec$anis ,e.%. !serna e : password.. 3((, w$ic$ is specific to o'ile s!'scri'ers, is one of t$e et$ods t$at can 'e !sed to pro)ide t$e a!t$entication towards t$e ;i'ert" IdP. T$ere a" also 'e ot$er 33PP sec!rit" et$ods t$at co!ld 'e !sed to a!t$entication towards t$e ;i'ert" IdP. 33PP ser)ices i%$t !tili<e t$e a!t$entication odel defined '" ;(P, '!t details of t$is interworkin% are not f!ll" st!died and specified. In order to ena'le t$e !se of 33PP a!t$entication et$ods wit$in t$e ;i'ert" fra ework, and $ence le)era%e t$e access of 33 s!'scri'ers to ;i'ert"5ena'led ser)ices, it is t$erefore re&!ired to st!d" t$e 33PP sec!rit" 5 ;i'ert" interworkin%. T$e 33PP sec!rit" specifications ,e.%. 3((, I*S. and t$e ;i'ert" (lliance specifications ,i.e. I-5FF and I-5WSF. $a)e 'een drafted wit$ different %oals, $ence t$eir deplo" ent s$o!ld 'e kept independent of eac$ ot$er, '!t t$e interworkin% 'etween t$e s$o!ld 'e ade possi'le and opti i<ed. T$e interworkin% of 33PP a!t$entication tec$nolo%ies and ;i'ert" $as 'een disc!ssed in S(3 and so e areas for opti i<ation and en$ance ent for interworkin% were o!tlined. 9ew de)elop ents in related or%anisations t$at affect t$e interworkin% need to 'e st!died in f!rt$er detail. T$e ena'lin% of opti al interworkin% of tec$nolo%ies i%$t re&!ire work t$at lies o!tside t$e c!rrent 3(( area and t$erefore interworkin% s$o!ld 'e st!died in a separate work ite o!tlined '" t$is WI-. (not$er area of interworkin% is t$e !se of an a!t$entication done at a ;i'ert" IdP to a 33PP ser)ice or applications. TR 33.241, t$e res!lt of t$is st!d"H In)esti%ated rele)ant standards and tec$nolo%ies, 'ot$ eDistin% as well as t$e ones t$at are work5in5pro%ress8 Identified clearl" areas of interworkin%8 In)esti%ated possi'le arc$itect!ral scenarios for 33PP sec!rit" @ ;i'ert" interworkin%8 St!died possi'le opti i<ation of t$e 33PP sec!rit" and ;(P interworkin% and proposed en$ance ents to t$e rele)ant specifications8 In)esti%ated t$e need and define, if applica'le, %!idelines on t$e !sa%e of 33PP sec!rit" and ;i'ert" (lliance protocols for 33PP ser)ices and applications8 Identified s!ita'le for at, standards and for! s to incorporate t$e interworkin% opti i<ation s!%%estions.

TR 33.241 st!died $ow an interworkin% 'etween 33 sec!rit" et$ods and t$e ;i'ert" (lliance fra ework co!ld 'e reali<ed, and s!%%ests opti i<in% t$e interworkin% 'etween ;(P and 3((.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

1/.2 Trust Re$uirements for :pen Platforms in 36PP )Trust:P+ ,I*-33/23

Resources: S3 Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
SP1/!/423 1 TR 33.0/3 WI* on Trust Re$uirements for :pen Platforms in 36PP

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Recommendations for Trusted :pen Platforms

(n Bpen Platfor is a co p!tin% platfor wit$ an arc$itect!re allowin% !sers to !p%rade t$eir $ardware and:or !pdate t$e software r!nnin% on t$at platfor . T$is open arc$itect!re akes t$e platfor )!lnera'le to an increasin%l"5 sop$isticated n! 'er of $ardware and software attacks on t$e platfor . Sec!rin% t$e stora%e, processin% and inp!t:o!tp!t of sensiti)e data on an Bpen Platfor is of critical i portance. (lso, isolation of so e applications ,e.%. applications t$at are ana%in% ,/.SI* and ,/.SI* reader., and protocols fro TroJans t$at can attack s!c$ applications and spoof sensiti)e identities is i perati)e. Protectin% t$e interface 'etween t$e Bpen Platfor and t$e /ICC is also of critical i portance. T$erefore, it is )er" !c$ desira'le t$at t$e Bpen Platfor !st $a)e sec!re a!t$entication and a!t$ori<ation ec$anis s to protect a%ainst ea)esdroppin%, and alicio!s odification of !ser data and operator applications residin% on t$e Bpen Platfor . Conse&!entl", for t$e di)erse 33PP !sa%e odels of t$e Bpen Platfor , s!c$ as t$e ones descri'ed in TS 33.23#, appropriate tr!st re&!ire ents need to 'e specified to co!nteract t$e t$reats. T$is st!d" e)al!ates t$e tr!st re&!ire ents and de)elops additional tr!st re&!ire ents for t$e !sa%e odels descri'ed in 33PP. TR 33.215, t$e res!lt of t$is st!d"H In)esti%ates rele)ant tr!st standards and tec$nolo%ies, 'ot$ eDistin% as well as t$e ones t$at are work5in5pro%ress. -e)elops t$e Bpen Platfor tr!st re&!ire ents for deli)er" of new applications and ser)ices to open platfor s. S!c$ new applications and ser)ices incl!de t$e 33PP5W;(9 Interworkin% !sa%e odels descri'ed in TS 33.23#. (c$ie)es t$e followin% c$aracteristics for t$e Bpen Platfor in 33PP en)iron entH 1. Trusted @ t$e Bpen Platfor acts in a reco%ni<ed anner and in a'le to co !nicate w$at t$at anner is s!pposed to 'e8 2. Relia-le @ t$e Bpen Platfor is readil" a)aila'le for transactions and co !nications, as well as prepared to act a%ainst )ir!ses and ot$er intr!sions ,intr!sion pre)ention and detection.8 3. %rotected @ t$e Bpen Platfor is s$ares infor ation wit$ onl" t$ose t$at need to know wit$in co onl" accepted para eters for co p!ter pri)ac".

1/.3 *e'elopment of ,<&2 and ,I&2 )&l#,<&2+ ,I*-33/2!

Resources: S3 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/!/42! TS 33.1/2 TS 33.213 TS 33.212 TS 33.21. WI* on *e'elopment of ,<&2 and ,I&2

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

36 securit 5 Securit arc"itecture

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Specification of t"e 36PP Confidentialit and Inte#rit &l#orit"ms ,<&2 G ,I&25 *ocument 1J ,<&2 and ,I&2 specifications Specification of t"e 36PP Confidentialit and Inte#rit &l#orit"ms ,<&2 G ,I&25 *ocument 2J S9:W 36 specification Specification of t"e 36PP Confidentialit and Inte#rit &l#orit"ms ,<&2 G ,I&25 *ocument 3J ImplementorsM test data


TS 33.214 TR 33.010

Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Specification of t"e 36PP Confidentialit and Inte#rit &l#orit"ms ,<&2 G ,I&25 *ocument !J *esi#n conformance test data Specification of t"e 36PP Confidentialit and Inte#rit &l#orit"ms ,<&2 G ,I&25 *ocument 3J *esi#n and e'aluation report

T$e need for 'ack!p al%orit$ s for /TR(9 access confidentialit" and inte%rit" protection ,/6(2, /I(2. was identified. T$ere are no c!rrent indications t$at t$e eDistin% /*TS cip$er and inte%rit" protection al%orit$ s ,'ased on E(S/*I. are in dan%er of 'ein% 'roken '!t cr"ptanal"sis ad)ances all t$e ti e. It see s sensi'le to $a)e a second pair of al%orit$ s de)eloped and deplo"ed in $andsets, so t$at if E(S/*I is e)er 'roken, t$e alternati)e is read" to !se. Bf co!rse, t$e new al%orit$ s needed to 'e f!nda entall" different fro E(S/*I, so t$at an attack on one al%orit$ is )er" !nlikel" to translate into an attack on t$e ot$er. T$e o)erall o'Jecti)es wereH To de)elop new al%orit$ s for confidentialit" and inte%rit" protection for /TR(9 to 'e in place in o'ile ter inals s$o!ld t$e eDistin% E(S/*I5'ased al%orit$ s 'e 'roken in t$e f!t!re.8 To ena'le operators to &!ickl" and easil" re5esta'lis$ a $i%$ le)el of sec!rit" '" switc$in% t$eir networks to !se t$e new al%orit$ s.

T$e followin% iss!es were addressedH Confir 3S*( polic" and '!d%et allocation to de)elop new al%orit$ 8 (%ree re&!ire ent specification wit$ 6TSI S(36 for de)elop ent of new al%orit$ s8 ;iaise wit$ 3S*( for t$e co ission fro 6TSI S(36 to de)elop t$e new al%orit$ s8 -eli)er" of al%orit$ specification, test data and desi%n and e)al!ation reports.

T$e al%orit$ s were pro)ided '" 6TSI S(36.

1/.! ?awful Interception in t"e 36PP Rel1. arc"itecture )?I1.&+ ,I*-33/22

Resources: S3 Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
SP1/3/23. TS 33.1/2 TS 33.1/. TS 33.1/4 1 WI* on ?awful Interception in t"e 36PP Rel1. arc"itecture

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

?awful interception re$uirements 36 securit 5 ?awful interception arc"itecture and functions 36 securit 5 Eando'er interface for ?awful Interception )?I+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


T$e 33PP Rel5+ arc$itect!re contin!es to de)elop IP5'ased Ser)ices, w$ic$ need to 'e addressed '" ;I. S(35;I st!died ad)anced I*S ser)ices, *!lti edia Croadcast and *!lticast Ser)ices ,*C*S., S!'scri'er Certificates and I5W;(9 for possi'le ;I s"ste s. T$is work pro)ides lawf!l interception for t$e latest Rel5+ arc$itect!re. T$e en$ance ents to specifications TS 33.116, TS 33.11+ and TS 33.114 addressed >I2 ,Intercepted Related Infor ation. and >I3 ,Content. interfaces for Packet -ata and ad)anced I*S deli)er" to t$e ;aw 6nforce ent *onitorin% Facilities for 33 networks for Rel5+. T$e 33 Packet -o ain and p$ase 2 *!lti edia -o ain $a)e 'een addressed in t$ese specifications for Rel56. In TS 33.11+ I5W;(9 first step $as 'een addressed for Rel56. >ando)er Interface >I1 ,(d inistration. is not co)ered as 'ein% considered a atter of national re%!lation.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

1/.3 Ne esta%lis"ment %etween a ,ICC and a terminal )Ne <st,Term+ ,I*-33/24

Resources: S3 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/.4/ 1 TS 33.11/

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on Ne esta%lis"ment %etween a ,ICC and a terminal )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Ne esta%lis"ment %etween a ,ICC and a terminal

T$e s art card, ta per resistant de)ice, $as a pri ar" role of storin% credentials and perfor in% sensiti)e cr"pto%rap$ic co p!tations, it also pro)ides porta'ilit" of t$e !ser credentials. T$e s art card is rarel" a stand5alone de)ice8 it !s!all" interacts wit$ a ter inal. Sensiti)e applications are often split 'etween a s art card and a ter inal wit$ sensiti)e data eDc$an%ed 'etween t$e two. T$erefore, t$e need to esta'lis$ a sec!re c$annel 'etween a /ICC and a ter inal t$at a" $ost t$e /ICC or 'e connected to t$e de)ice $ostin% t$e /ICC )ia a local interface $as 'een identified '" different standardi<ation %ro!ps in order to protect t$e co !nication 'etween t$e /ICC and t$e ter inal. 6TSI SCP specifies a sec!re c$annel protocol !nder WI ISec!re c$annel 'etween a /ICC and an end5point ter inalI. >owe)er, t$e definition of a ke" esta'lis$ ent ec$anis is o!t of 6TSI SCPMs scope. S(3 needs to specif" ke" esta'lis$ ent 'etween a /ICC and a ter inal so t$at a co plete sol!tion co!ld 'e !sed '" 33PP and ot$ers. S(3Ms new TS 33.111 defines $ow to pro)ision a s$ared ke" 'etween a /ICC and a ter inal t$at 'e connected to t$e de)ice $ostin% t$e /ICC )ia a local interface. a" $ost t$e /ICC or

(!t$orisation ,e.%. deter inin% w$ic$ ter inal can sec!rel" connect to w$ic$ /ICC. and !ser in)ol)e ent ,**I. are also co)ered. 6sta'lis$ ent of a s$ared ke" 'etween a /ICC and a ter inal allows operators to pro)ide a wide ran%e of sensiti)e applications re&!irin% a sec!re local interface to protect t$e data eDc$an%ed 'etween t$e /ICC and t$e ter inal.

1/.2 Securit en"ancements )S<C.+ ,I*-.32/3/

Resources: S3,C1,C# Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/3.3 SP1/3/3.2 SP /2/!20 SP1/3/3.0 CP1/2/1./ TS 33.222 TS 2!.1/0 TS 33.22/ TS 20.1/0 TS 20.//2 TR 33.014 TR 33.02/ TS 33.2/! TS 20.2/!

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
S3 WI* on ETTPS connection %etween a ,ICC and a 9&F S3 WI* on 26 6F&J 26 SI( usa#e in 36PP 6&& framework S3 WI* on 6eneric &ut"entication &rc"itecture usa#e e8tensions and optimisations S3 WI* on 9etwork *omain Securit 5 SS. securit 6atewa )9*S>TC&Psec+ C! WI* on TC&Psec 6atewa Function

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

6eneric &ut"entication &rc"itecture )6&&+5 &ccess to network application functions usin# E perte8t Transfer Protocol o'er Transport ?a er Securit )ETTPS+ Footstrappin# interface ),%+ and network application function interface ),a+5 Protocol details 6eneric &ut"entication &rc"itecture )6&&+5 6eneric %ootstrappin# arc"itecture 6eneric &ut"entication &rc"itecture )6&&+5 O" and On Interfaces %ased on t"e *iameter protocol5 Sta#e 3 (o%ile &pplication Part )(&P+ specification

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

6eneric &ut"entication &rc"itecture )6&&+5 <arl implementation of E perte8t Transfer Protocol o'er Transport ?a er Securit )ETTPS+ connection %etween a ,ni'ersal Inte#rated Circuit Card ),ICC+ and a 9etwork &pplication Function )9&F+ SI( card %ased 6eneric Footstrappin# &rc"itecture )6F&+5 <arl implementation feature 36 Securit 5 9etwork *omain Securit )9*S+5 Transaction Capa%ilities &pplication Part )TC&P+ user securit Si#nallin# S stem 9o. . )SS.+ securit #atewa 5 &rc"itecture, functional description and protocol details



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

T$e work on 6TT%$ connection -etween a 7&CC and a 1A8 is linked to t$e WI on 3eneric (!t$entication (rc$itect!re ,3((. and S!pport for s!'scri'er certificates. T$is feat!re allows t$e operator to pro)ide a wide ran%e of /ICC5'ased applications !sin% >TTPS to sec!re its co !nication wit$ t$e network e.%. sec!re content ana%e ent, 'ankin% application. TS 33.222 descri'es $ow t$e access o)er >TTP can 'e sec!red !sin% T;S in t$e 3eneric (!t$entication (rc$itect!re. (n application residin% on a /ICC a" ad)anta%eo!sl" !se s!c$ a ec$anis to sec!re its co !nication wit$ a 9etwork (pplication F!nction ,9(F.. -!e to ti e constraint, t$is scenario was not f!ll" co)ered in Rel56. >owe)er, S( $as a%reed !pon t$e workin% ass! ption t$at t$e >TTPS connection 'etween a /ICC5'ased application and a 9(F s$o!ld 'e an option for TS 33.222. T$is option ena'les network operators to le)era%e on t$eir 3(( in)est ents to 'roaden t$e ran%e of 3C(5'ased ser)ices. In fact, t$e /ICC offers a ta per resistant platfor t$at a" $ost a wide ran%e of applications, w$ic$ a" re&!ire sec!re connection wit$ t$e network. 3((:>TTPS, wit$ few adaptations can pro)ide t$is sec!re 'rid%e 'etween t$e /ICC and t$e network. T$e network operators iss!in% 3C(0/ aware /ICCs s$o!ld $a)e t$e possi'ilit" to aDi i<e t$e 'enefit fro t$e 3C(0/ sec!rit" feat!res for t$e different ser)ices. T$is work defines $ow t$e 3C(0/ internal ke" ,i.e. Es0int09(F. s$o!ld 'e !sed '" an /ICC5'ased application and a 3C(0/ capa'le 9(F to esta'lis$ an >TTPS connection. TR 33.214 st!died as a first step t$e earl" i ple entation of >"perteDt Transfer Protocol o)er Transport ;a"er Sec!rit" ,>TTPS. connection 'etween a /ni)ersal Inte%rated Circ!it Card ,/ICC. and a 9etwork (pplication F!nction ,9(F.. S!'se&!entl", >TTPS connection 'etween a /ICC5'ased application and a 9(F was added '" CRs to S(3 TS 33.222 and CT1 TS 2#.112.

T$e work on / /9A: / $&2 usage in 3/%% /AA fra*ewor0 is linked to t$e Rel56 WI on 3(( and S!pport for s!'scri'er certificates ,S6C15SC.. 3eneric Cootstrappin% (rc$itect!re ,3C(. is c!rrentl" 'ased on 33 /SI*s and ISI*s ,TS 33.221.. T$e sec!rit" le)el of 33 (!t$entication and Ee" (%ree ent is $i%$er t$an t$e 23 SI* a!t$entication. Bn t$e ot$er $and, t$ere are 'illions of people wit$ SI*s in t$eir p$ones and it will take lon% ti e to pro)ision /ICCs capa'le of 33 a!t$entication to s!c$ a lar%e pop!lation. *eanw$ile t$ere s$o!ld 'e a wa" to offer ser)ices w$ose a!t$entication is 'ased on 3(( also to 23 s!'scri'ers. >owe)er, if it is possi'le to c$oose 'etween 23 and 33 a!t$entication proced!res 'etween a partic!lar /6 and t$e CSF, t$en it s$o!ld 'e ens!red t$at t$e 33 a!t$entication proced!re is c$osen, 'eca!se it is ore sec!re. *oreo)er, t$e s!pport for 23 3C( s$o!ld 'e co pletel" !nder *9B control. It is t$erefore proposed to in)esti%ate different 23 3C( approac$es and c$oose a 23 3C( of $i%$est sec!rit" &!alit". *o'ile network operators co!ld tr" first o!t t$e s!ccess of ser)ices wit$o!t $andin% o!t new cards and after s!ccessf!l ser)ice !sa%e i%rate sea lessl" to /ICCs. T$is option le)era%es t$e o'ile network operators in)est ents into t$eir SI* cards, w$ile still pro)ide eas" i%ration. T$is co!ld lower t$e t$res$old for operators to deplo" ore sop$isticated ser)ices t$at !s!all" wo!ld re&!ire a /ICC fro t$e start. In t$is wa", it i%$t e)en speed !p t$e process of $andin% o!t /ICCs to t$e s!'scri'ers. T$e initial roll5o!t p$ases of ser)ices and ser)ice s!ccess testin% wo!ld not need to rel" on passwords. In addition, t$e introd!ction of 23 3C(5'ased a!t$entication pro)ides a sec!rit" and operational en$ance ent for !sers t$at rel" on SI*. (lso, t$e a)aila'ilit" of 23 3C( will allow '!ildin% ser)ices w$ere a!t$entication is perfor ed and ana%ed in an analo%o!s wa" as !sin% /SI*. Please also note t$at ISI* card le)el sec!rit"I is a )er" )a%!e concept, as lon% as t$e protocol in w$ic$ a SI* card is !sed is not specified. T$e protocol w$erein t$e SI* card is !sed, decides t$e stren%t$ of t$e sec!rit" of t$e w$ole s"ste . T$erefore, an" sol!tion adopted for 23 3C( si%nificantl" s$o!ld en$ance 3S* sec!rit" to address t$e known 3S* )!lnera'ilities. T$is work does not re:uire any change to the existing $&2 specifications, in partic!lar 3C(0/ as 33 will not 'e incl!ded in 23 3C(. T$is work specifies $ow 23 SI*s can 'e !sed in 33PP 3C( fra ework sec!rel". T$e s!pport for 23 3C( is co pletel" !nder *9B control, i.e., t$e CSF wo!ld 'e confi%!ra'le eit$er to allow or to disallow 23 3C(. 23 3C( can 'e of 'enefit toH Ser)ices t$at are >TTP 'ased and t$at are sec!red !sin% >TTPS8 Ser)ices t$at !tili<e ;i'ert" (lliance protocols, since t$e ;i'ert" (lliance Identit" Pro)ider can !se 3C( credentials for !ser a!t$entication in Sin%le Si%n Bn or for we' ser)ices8 ;ocation ser)ices t$at !se B*( S/P;8



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Ser)ices t$at !se B*( co

on sec!rit" ena'lers.

T$e introd!ction of !sa%e of 23 SI* cards for 3C( allows testin% of ser)ice acceptance '" t$e !ser wit$o!t lar%e in)est ents. T$e sol!tion pro)ides a clear i%ration pat$ for t$e introd!ction of /ICC t$at akes roll5o!t and transition eas" and s oot$. Since 23 3C( is 'ased on SI* sec!rit", t$e 23 3C( feat!re s$o!ld 'e considered as a separate feat!re t$en 33 3C( and operators can c$oose to !se t$is feat!re or to connect to operators w$o deplo" 23 3C( or not. TR 33.221 st!died as a first step t$e earl" i ple entation feat!re of SI* card 'ased 3eneric Cootstrappin% (rc$itect!re ,3C(.. S!'se&!entl", 23 3C( was added '" CRs to S(3 TS 33.221.

T$e work on /eneric Authentication Architecture usage extensions and opti*isations is linked to t$e Rel56 WI on 3(( and S!pport for s!'scri'er certificates ,S6C15SC.. -!rin% t$e final p$ase of t$e work on t$e details of t$e 3(( for Rel56 it 'eca e clear t$at an" !sef!l and desired feat!res wo!ld ti el" not 'e a'le to 'e incl!ded. (lso, ot$er standardi<ation or%ani<ations start to disc!ss, take !p, and inte%rate 3(( into t$eir work and applications ,e.%. B*(, TISP(9, 33PP2.. T$e" $a)e specific needs and re&!ire ents on 3((. T$ese specific re&!ire ents eDtend t$e Rel56 3(( arc$itect!re and wo!ld add additional feat!res to it. T$ese additional feat!res wo!ld opti ise and ease t$e !sa%e of 3(( for )ario!s kinds of ser)ices and eDtend t$e possi'le !sa%e scenarios for 3((. T$e o'Jecti)e of t$e work was to ease !sa%e and inte%ration of 3(( for a 'road ran%e of ser)ices and applications8 to pro)ide new feat!res and to opti i<e eDistin% 3(( specifications. (n" new eDtension !nder t$is WI- s$all not ne%ati)el" i pact t$e sec!rit" le)el of Rel56 3(( specifications. T$is work ite does not co)er t$e eDtension of t$e 3C( specification to ena'le !sa%e of SI* cards for 3C(. T$is f!nctionalit" was added '" CRs to S(3 TS 33.221, CT1 TS 2#.112 and CT# TS 22.112. T$e new S(3 TS 33.223 3eneric (!t$entication (rc$itect!re ,3((.8 3eneric Cootstrappin% (rc$itect!re ,3C(. P!s$ f!nction was not reali<ed in t$e Rel5+ ti e fra e and was conse&!entl" o)ed to Rel54.

$$; TCA% security /ateway ) $A3 %art Fra!d!lent S*S traffic creatin% c!sto er dissatisfaction and leadin% to financial losses for operators $as 'een enco!ntered '" se)eral network operators. *(P pa"load protection ,encr"ption and inte%rit". is an i portant ele ent to co 'at t$is t"pe of fra!d w$ic$ $as a !c$ wider applica'ilit" t$an t$e TC(P $ands$ake sol!tion of 33PP Rel56 ,w$ic$ onl" applies to S*S5*B and S*S5*T traffic.. TC(P $ands$ake will pre)ent ost of t$e c!rrentl" known S*S fra!d scenarios, '!t wit$o!t real *(P pa"load protection, wa"s aro!nd t$e $ands$ake or different fra!d et$ods will 'e de)eloped sooner or later. (lso ot$er t$reats on SS+ networks co!ld appear and a ec$anis pre)entin% t$e needs to 'e de)eloped. T$e c!rrent specification of *(P application la"er sec!rit" ,Rel56 TS 33.211. can 'e re!sed as 'asis for a TC(P !ser sec!rit" sol!tion to allow protection of e.%. *(P and C(P essa%es in an SS+ sec!rit" %atewa" arc$itect!re. T$is work specifies a TC(P !ser sec!rit" sol!tion in a so called SS+ sec!rit" %atewa" arc$itect!re. T$e %atewa" concept will onl" incl!de two Uprotection profilesNH UInte%rit" onl"M and Ninte%rit" and confidentialit"N. T$e sec!rit" ec$anis will 'e applied '" t$e %atewa" a'o)e t$e TC(P la"er. T$e tar%et is to appl" protection in a wa" w$ic$ is a%nostic to t$e application protocol, so t$at it can protect ot$er protocols in addition to *(P. 6Dplicit )erification of SCCP and *(P5pa"load addresses a%ainst *(Psec SPI were st!died8 T$e *(Psec %atewa" concept and t$e *(Psec Rel5# 965'ased sol!tion need not coeDist8 Introd!ction of a!to atic ke" ana%e ent as planned for Rel55 *(Psec was also st!died.

T$e new S(3 TS 33.21# ,9etwork -o ain Sec!rit"8 Transaction TC(P !ser sec!rit". contains t$is f!nctionalit".



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

$$; TCA% security /ateway ) CT4 %art (n identified sec!rit" weakness in 23 and 33 s"ste s is t$e a'sence of sec!rit" in SS+ networks. T$e work on *(Psec Rel5# wit$in 33PP, wo!ld allow network operators to sec!re SS+ connections for all *(P essa%es passin% 'etween t$e . >owe)er, a!to atic ke" ana%e ent was not finali<ed, and wit$o!t t$is feat!re, *(Psec is diffic!lt to set !p and operate in a lar%e scale. F!rt$er ore, wit$ c$an%es needed in e)er" *(P 96, t$e Rel5# *(Psec s!ffered fro low acceptance fro )endors and operators. Rat$er t$an protectin% onl" *(P essa%es at t$e *(P59etwork 6ntit" ,>;R, =;R, *SC, 6IR, %s SCF, S3S9, 33S9,.... it is en)isa%ed to protect all TC(P !ser essa%es ,incl!din% *(P, C(P and possi'l" ot$ers. at an SS+ Sec!rit" 3atewa" w$ic$ is located at t$e P;*9Ms 'order. T$e new CT# TS 22.21# co)ers network arc$itect!re, ro!tein% considerations, and protocol details wit$ re%ard to t$e SS+ Sec!rit" 3atewa". TS 22.21# replaces TR 22.411, w$ic$ res!lted fro t$e St!d" on TC(Psec 3atewa" Concept. *aterial on *(Psec ,965'ased sol!tion for Rel5+. was re o)ed fro (rc$itect!re, f!nctional description and protocol details.. CT# TS 22.112 ,SS+ sec!rit" %atewa"8

1/.. 9*S &ut"entication Framework <8tension for Transport ?a er Securit )9*S&FT?S+ ,I*-33///4
Resources: S3 Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
SP1/2/3/. TS 33.31/ 1 WI* on 9*S &ut"entication Framework <8tension for T?S

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

9etwork *omain Securit )9*S+5 &ut"entication Framework )&F+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


T$e 9-S:(F standard defines an inter5operator P!'lic Ee" Infrastr!ct!re ,PEI. t$at can 'e !sed to s!pport t$e esta'lis$ ent of IPsec connections 'etween operators. W$ile IPsec i%$t 'e deplo"ed &!ite widel" for sec!rin% inter5 operator IP5'ased co !nications, T;S i%$t also 'e !sed to sec!re inter5operator IP5'ased co !nications in so e sit!ations. In partic!lar, TS 33.221 specifies t$at T;S is !sed on t$e VnM interface 'etween a Vn5proD" in a )isited network and a Cootstrappin% Ser)er F!nction ,CSF. in a $o e network. F!rt$er ore, TS 33.213 reco ends !sin% T;S for sec!re SIP interconnect 'etween I*S networks and non5I*S networks. In addition, T;S i%$t 'e !sed to sec!re ot$er t"pes of inter5operator co !nication in t$e f!t!re. 6Dtendin% 9-S:(F to s!pport T;S eans t$at a sin%le cross5certification operation 'etween t$e peerin% operators wo!ld allow an" T;S entit" in one operator to co !nicate sec!rel" wit$ an" T;S entit" in t$e ot$er operator. It also eans t$at T;S entities can 'e easil" added and re o)ed wit$o!t t$e need for an" inter5operator proced!res. Wit$o!t t$e 9-S:(F standard, or so e si ilar PEI, t$e process of esta'lis$in% t$e co !nication links 'etween eac$ pair of peerin% T;S entit" co!ld 'e &!ite costl", especiall" as t$e n! 'er of peerin% T;S entities increases. T$is work specifies in eDistin% TS 33.311 an eDtension of t$e 9-S (!t$entication Fra ework to s!pport T;S. T$e Transport ;a"er Sec!rit" ,T;S. profile was o)ed to Rel54.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


S&! Features

11.1 Cideo Codec Performance Re$uirements )CICPer+ ,I*-3!/3/

Resources: S# Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/!/432 TS 22.1!/ TS 22.23! TS 22.233 TS 22.3!2 TR 22.0/2

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Cideo Codec Performance Re$uirements

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

(ultimedia (essa#in# Ser'ice )((S+5 (edia formats and codes Transparent end1to1end Packet1switc"ed Streamin# Ser'ice )PSS+5 Protocols and codecs Packet switc"ed con'ersational multimedia applications5 *efault codecs (ultimedia Froadcast>(ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+5 Protocols and codecs

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Cideo Codec Performance

Traditionall", *P63 and IT/ $a)e specified onl" encoded 'itstrea s"ntaD and decoders nor ati)el" for a!dio and )ideo codecs. T$e decoders specified are onl" for error5free 'itstrea s, i.e. packet losses are not considered. In contrast, 33PP speec$:a!dio specifications incl!de encoder and decoder pair. T$e" also address t$e codec operation o)er t"pical c$annel conditions. T$is work specifies =ideo encoder &!alit" etrics, &!alit" re&!ire ents, and to pro)ide a specification t$at eets t$ose re&!ire ents8 'esides, to specif" decoder &!alit" re&!ire ents !nder c$annel errors for 33PP packet switc$ed ser)ices. T$e specifications incl!de ini ! perfor ance re&!ire ents and reference i ple entations. T$e encoder specifications are infor ati)e. T$e error conceal ent tec$ni&!es at t$e decoder are also infor ati)e. T$e reference i ple entations eet t$e ini ! perfor ance re&!ire ents specified. T$e )endors are enco!ra%ed to s!rpass t$e specified ini ! perfor ance re&!ire ents. B'Jecti)esH Specif" decoder operation !nder t"pical 36R(9:/TR(9 c$annel conditions incl!din%H o ( reference decoder i ple entation8 o Capa'ilit" to detect packet losses8 o ('ilit" to perfor ini al conceal ent for )ideo re%ions in error8 e.%. cop" fro co5located re%ions in pre)io!s fra e,s.. Specif" encoder operation incl!din%H o ( reference encoder i ple entation8 o 3enerate )alid 'itstrea s t$at !nder t$e constraint of a)era%e and peak 'itrates ac$ie)e specified )ideo &!alit" w$en decoded '" a'o)e specified decoder. !lti edia ser)ices standardi<ed '" 33PP.H

TR 26.212 on =ideo Codec Perfor ance ,for PS )ideo5capa'le

3i)es %!idance for preparin% $i%$ &!alit" i ple entations of >.263 and >.26# )ideo codecs for PS !lti edia ser)ices. -efines a set of perfor ance etrics and related tar%et fi%!res and eDplains et$ods for perfor ance assess ent. Co)ers t$e ost c$allen%in% ser)ice scenario of PS con)ersational : *!lti edia Telep$on" Ser)ice for I*S ,w$ic$ in)ol)es /6 'ased encodin%, eras!re prone transport, low latenc" re&!ire ents, and application la"er transport &!alit" feed'ack.. Perfor ance assess ent of 'ot$ encoder and decoder is co)ered. Test cases, test aterials and software tools for t$e assess ent are defined and incl!ded. ,TR 26.212 contains !nencoded test se&!ences, t$eir encodin%s, error asks, description of error conceal ent tec$ni&!es, and software to ena'le t$e r!nnin% of tests on codecs..



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

/ses pre5processed )ideo se&!ences ,anc$or 'itstrea s.. >ence, no reference )ideo codec software are needed to 'e incl!ded in TR 26.212. TeDt!al descriptions of reference codecs and t$eir para eter settin%s are %i)en as !sed in t$e %eneration of anc$ors and perfor ance tar%et fi%!res.

TR 26.212 is or%ani<ed as followsH Ser)ice scenarios, incl!din% t$eir relations$ip wit$ 33PP ser)ices are disc!ssed to%et$er wit$ t$e perfor ance eas!re ent etrics !sed in t$e doc! ent. Test case definition and perfor ance fi%!res define representati)e test cases and contain a listin%, in t$e for of ta'les, perfor ance of )ideo codecs for eac$ of t$e test cases. S!pple entar" infor ation on fi%!re %eneration contains pointers to acco pan"in% files containin% )ideo se&!ences, anc$or 'it strea s, and error prone test 'it strea s. It also descri'es t$e ec$anis s !sed to %enerate t$e anc$or co pressed )ideo data, co pressed )ideo data eDposed to t"pical error asks, and descriptions on t$e creation of error asks. (nneD ( sketc$es one possi'le en)iron ent t$at co!ld 'e !sed '" interested parties as a startin% point for definin% a process to assess t$e perfor ances of a partic!lar )ideo codec a%ainst t$e perfor ance fi%!res. (nneD C introd!ces details on t$e >.263 encoder and decoder confi%!rations. (nneD C introd!ces details of t$e >.26# encoder and decoder confi%!rations (nneD - introd!ces details on t$e !sa%e of 33 file for at in t$e present doc! ent. (nneD 6 introd!ces details on t$e !sa%e of RTPd! p for at in t$e present doc! ent. (nneD F introd!ces details on t$e si !lator, 'earers, and d! p files. (nneD 3 introd!ces t$e details on t$e A!alit" *etric 6)al!ation. (nneD > introd!ces t$e details on t$e =ideo Test Se&!ences. (nneD I pro)ides infor ation on )erification of appropriate !se of t$e tools pro)ided in t$is doc! ent.

11.2 * namic and Interacti'e (ultimedia Scenes )*I(S+ ,I*-3!/32

Resources: S# Referen es
!o "#en$ SP1/3/103 TS 22.1!/ TS 22.1!2 TS 22.23! TS 22.2!! TS 22.3!2 1 %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on * namic and interacti'e multimedia scenes )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions (ultimedia (essa#in# Ser'ice )((S+5 (edia formats and codes * namic and Interacti'e (ultimedia Scenes Transparent end1to1end Packet1switc"ed Streamin# Ser'ice )PSS+5 Protocols and codecs Transparent end1to1end packet switc"ed streamin# ser'ice )PSS+5 36PP file format )36P+ (ultimedia Froadcast>(ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+5 Protocols and codecs -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s 1

T$is work specifies t$e d"na ic and interacti)e specifications.

!lti edia scenes of PSS, **S, *C*S ser)ices relati)e to S(#

T$ere are non5standardi<ed sol!tions in t$is area enJo"in% so e adoption into 33 ter inals, '!t t$e 33 arket co !nit" wo!ld %reatl" 'enefit fro a standard, open, sta'le, !lti5)endor and interopera'le sol!tion. ISceneI is !nderstood as a presentation of !lti edia content incl!din% a ser)ice lo%ic ,ani ation, en!, links, etc...

6Distin% capa'ilit" in 33PP specifications is li ited to download and pro%ressi)e download8 f!ll incre ental !pdate is not possi'le, and interacti)it" is li ited. In addition, eDistin% s!pport for co pression and 'inari<ation is li ited. (n !pdate of a piece of content wit$in a !lti edia presentation is not possi'le wit$o!t reloadin% a co plete pa%e, e.%. c$an%in% fre&!entl" a &!ote wit$in a stock5eDc$an%e ser)ice or addin% a )otin% '!tton in an iT= ser)ice. -I*S ena'les content owners to '!ild en$anced !ser eDperiences, and eDistin% capa'ilities in !ser inp!t and displa" can 'e le)era%ed ,'!t t$ere i%$t 'e i pact on **I.. In fact, t$e !ser eDperience of !lti edia on 33 ter inals can 'e en$anced if t$e selection, control and displa" of t$e !lti edia scenes are inte%rated into a sin%le !ser interface8



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

also, it wo!ld 'e possi'le to !pdate ani ated applications and displa"s incre entall" in order to !se 'andwidt$ appropriatel". -I*S is pro)idin% a d"na ic ric$5 edia edia s"ste , incl!din% a edia t"pe, its transport, packa%in%, deli)er", and interaction wit$ t$e local ter inal, !ser, and ot$er local and re ote s!'5s"ste s. 6n$anced end5!ser eDperiences are pro)ided '" t$e coordinated ana%e ent and s"nc$roni<ation of edia and e)ents, co 'ined wit$ end5!ser interaction. -I*S edia t"pe can 'e !sed as a %eneric edia t"pe, allowin% creatin% d"na ic interacti)e ric$5 edia ser)ices and can also 'enefit, or 'e !sed in association wit$ ot$er edia t"pe ,e.%. a!dio codec, )ideo codec, D$t l 'rowser, etc... -I*S edia t"pe allows spatial and te poral la"o!t of t$e !lti edia scene. T$is scene can consist of an" co 'ination of still pict!res, )ideos, a!dio c$annels and ani ated %rap$ics. It incl!des an !pdate ec$anis t$at allows for partial !pdates of t$e eDistin% scene, as well as !pdatin% t$e presentation wit$ a co pletel" new scene and strea t!ne5in f!nctionalit". TS 26.1#2 for !lti edia scene ana%e ent incl!desH

scene for at and scene definition8 container and deli)er" for ats incl!din% 'ot$ file and strea for s8 co pati'ilit" wit$, inte%ration of, and '!ildin% !pon eDistin% edia t"pes and for ats in 33PP specifications, incl!din% '!t not li ited to )ideo, a!dio ,incl!din% 'ot$ sa pled a!dio and s"nt$etic a!dio., i a%es and %rap$ics ,S=3 Tin"., stora%e for at s!c$ as 33PP file for at and strea for ats s!c$ as RTP8 ana%e ent of !ser interacti)it"8 incre entall" !pdated scenes and ani ations8 inte%ration wit$ capa'ilities for sec!re:encr"pted deli)er"8 efficient !se of 'andwidt$ of t$e radio network.

T$e new f!nctionalities areH ( et$od of linkin% pri ar" and secondar" strea s ,I!pdatesI. (n additional et$od of s"nc$roni<ation of edia strea s ,Is"ncRefI. Screen Brientation ,IScreenBrientationPortraitI, etc.. (cti)ation and deacti)ation parts of t$e tree ,Iacti)ateI:Ideacti)ateI:Iacti)eI. -istri'!ted Rando (ccess Points ,-R(P. T$e a'ilit" to directl" r!n scripts sent fro a ser)er wit$o!t insertin% t$e into t$e -B* IdoScriptI Seekin% in a -I*S strea IseekI T$e ti in% and processin% odels $a)e 'een s!'stantiall" !pdated. 9BT6H ( parallel ,not conflictin%. action was carried o!t in B*(, w$ic$ was finali<ed at t$e end of 2116.

T$ere are areas of TS 26.1#2 still needin% inp!t fro ot$er %ro!ps, 'ot$ inside and o!tside 33PP, and so e areas t$at S(# needed to tid" !p after co pletin% t$e 'asic tec$nolo%" specification. T$e" incl!deH a. c. e. f. ali%n softke" locations wit$ B*( R*68 to esta'lis$ a %ro!p I- for two5transport RTP, in cons!ltation wit$ I6TF8 ti in% odel cons!ltin% wit$ W3C8 ore -I*S !nits in W*; files and:or ite s in a eta director"8

'. sec!rit" section as a res!lt of S(3 re)iew8 d. definition of t$e initial profiles and le)els8 possi'le !se of one or

%. sec!rit" considerations for sa)e:restore.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

11.3 36132!( Cideo Telep"on Call Setup Times Impro'ements )CTCSTI+ ,I*-3!/3!
Resources: S# Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/!/! TR 22.011

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on 36132!( Cideo Telep"on Call Setup Times Impro'ements

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Codec)s+ for Circuit1Switc"ed )CS+ multimedia telep"on ser'ice5 Terminal implementorMs #uide

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


=ideo telep$on" is )er" i portant for t$e s!ccessf!l adoption of /*TS. 33532#*, t$e 'asis for 33PP CS !lti edia calls, was 'ased on >.32# and $as 'een e)ol)in% e)er since its first introd!ction in R22 33PP specifications. (s part of t$is e)ol!tion, new codecs $a)e 'een proposed and adopted in 33PP to i pro)e t$e &!alit" of ser)ice. T$ese e)ol!tions $a)e 'een foc!sin% so far on t$e edia &!alit" and not on ot$er aspects s!c$ as call set5!p ti e, w$ic$ also %reatl" affects !ser eDperience. /sin% R22, t$e ti e taken to set !p a 33532#* call is c!rrentl" si%nificantl" lon%er t$an t$at taken to set !p a )oice call. T$is &!alit" of eDperience is 'roadl" accepta'le to earl" /*TS c!sto ers. >owe)er, as adoption 'eco es 'roader, t$is tolerance will decrease. In t$e interest of facilitatin% 'roader adoption of /*TS and o'ile )ideo telep$on", f!rt$er sol!tions s$o!ld 'e identified to accelerate 33532#*. T$is a" 'e acco plis$ed '" se)eral et$ods incl!din% opti i<in% t$e in5'and call control ,>.2#5.. T$is work red!ces 33532#* call set5!p ti e to t$e e&!i)alent of a )oice call. Since et$ods to ac$ie)e t$is %oal $a)e alread" 'een proposed and adopted in ot$er standards 'odies, S(# decided to re!se as !c$ as is rele)ant of t$e eDistin% sol!tions. T$erefore S(# s!%%ested a p$ased approac$ to t$is work. First S(# liaised to S(1 to %et re&!ire ents for t$is work and liaised also wit$ 36R(9 ,dependin% on t$e o!tp!t on t$e Feasi'ilit" St!d" on 6n$anced S!pport of =ideo Telep$on".. T$en S(# decided to consider t$e work of IT/5T S316 WP2 A.1 t$at de)eloped a >.32#* call set!p acceleration sol!tion at t$e (pril 2116 eetin%s in 3ene)a. T$e sol!tion is a co 'ination of t$ree different proposals, pre)io!sl" known as Fast*edia, Fast Session Set!p, and (ccelerated Call ne%otiation. S(# accepted t$e (nneD E:>.32# appro)ed at a special WP2:16 Plenar" eetin% $eld on 13 G!ne 2116.

TR 26.211 ,Codec,s. for Circ!it5Switc$ed ,CS. !lti edia telep$on" ser)ice8 Ter inal i ple entorNs %!ide. was t$en re)ised '" eans of two C$an%e Re&!ests, introd!cin% respecti)el"H W9SRP ,Windowed 9! 'ered Si ple Retrans ission Protocol., w$ic$ was reco ended to 'e !sed d!rin% esta'lis$ ent of 33532#* !lti edia calls if it is present in t$e callin% part" ter inal. If t$e diallin% part" does not s!pport W9SRP, 9SRP or SRP s$all 'e !sed. *B9( ,*edia Briented 9e%otiation (cceleration., w$ic$ was reco ended to 'e !sed d!rin% esta'lis$ ent of 33532#* !lti edia calls if it is present in t$e callin% part" ter inal.

11.! :ptimi;ations for (ultimedia Telep"on o'er I(S ):(TI(S+ ,I*-3!/33

Resources: S# Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/2/222 TS 22.233

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on :ptimi;ations for (ultimedia Telep"on o'er I(S

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Packet switc"ed con'ersational multimedia applications5 *efault codecs


TS 22.232 1

Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Packet switc"ed con'ersational multimedia applications5 Transport protocols

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


( n! 'er of eDistin% specifications related to *!lti edia telep$on" o)er I*S were ori%inall" created in S(# for CS con)ersational ser)ices for w$ic$ t$e" are concise. For !lti edia telep$on" o)er I*S $owe)er t$ere is a !c$ lar%er de%ree of freedo in $ow to i ple ent t$e ser)ice, i pl"in% t$at t$e direct adoption of t$e eDistin% specifications is neit$er necessaril" opti al nor !na 'i%!o!s. *oreo)er, t$e referenced I6TF transport protocols are defined ser)ice a%nostic, w$ic$ conse&!entl" also lea)es roo for opti isations considerin% t$e arc$itect!ral constraints of I*S. T$e work in S(1, S(2 and R(92 $ad f!rt$er i plications on S(# specifications related to *!lti edia telep$on" o)er I*S and it was felt appropriate to ake t$e re&!ired specification !pdates in a co5ordinated effort. ( co!ple of opti isation opport!nities s!c$ as transport protocol opti isations, packet loss conceal ent, edia $andlin% in )ideo5conferencin% or ec$o5cancellation $a)e alread" 'een pointed o!t. >owe)er, in order to allow a co5ordinated effort and e)en possi'l" to incl!de f!rt$er pro isin% opport!nities, t$is work ai ed in a p$ased approac$ toH identif" eDplore e)al!ate

t$e opti isation opport!nities !nder consideration of t$e a'o)e5 entioned work in t$e ot$er %ro!ps in parallel wit$ t$eir de)elop ent. T$is led to i pro)ed ser)ice &!alit" and efficienc", and facilitated t$e opti isation of eDistin% work ite s, like *!lti edia Telep$on" capa'ilities for I*S ,*IT6.8 I pro)ed S!pport of I*S Realti e Ser)ices !sin% >S-P(:>S/P(8 St!d" Ite on I*S en$ance ents and opti isations for real ti e co

!nication. ,I*S5RT..

So e work $as 'een done on t$e C!ildin% Clock RC$aracterisation of (dapti)e Gitter *ana%e ent Perfor ance for =oIP Ser)ices, ,B*TI*S5C(G*P.S, w$ic$ was t$en stopped and t$e o!tp!t transferred to t$e WIs I*TSI5*>II and I6nd5to5end perfor ance c$aracterisation of =oI*S for >S-P(:6/;I. T$e ai was to &!antif" t$e effects of Jitter on )oice &!alit" at t$e ter inal and core network. C!rrent work ai ed to define and opti i<e end5to5end =oI*S for >S-P(:6/;, w$ere )oice is re&!ired to eet or eDceed t$e perfor ance of CS in ter s of )oice distortion, dela" and capacit". ( aJor factor li itin% >S-P(:6/; perfor ance is t$e a o!nt of packet Jitter passed to t$e decoder or transcoder. (s !sers are added to t$e s"ste , Jitter increases !ntil t$e dela" or packet loss eDceeds t$e accepta'le tar%et le)els. C!rrentl" it is ass! ed, if adapti)e Jitter ana%e ent is not !sed, t$at Jitter will 'e con)erted directl" to dela"8 t$erefore, Jitter, and capacit", can onl" increase. >owe)er, eDa ples of a class of Gitter *ana%e ent al%orit$ s t$at !se well5known si%nal processin% tec$ni&!es a" iti%ate Jitter wit$o!t increasin% t$e end5to5end dela". S!c$ al%orit$ s will 'e li ited '" t$eir effect on )oice &!alit", '!t can re o)e t$e s!'Jecti)e effect of t$e dela". T$ese al%orit$ s pro)ide also a tool for adapti)e Jitter ana%e ent w$en e)al!atin% end5 to5end =oI*S perfor ance. T$erefore, it was felt appropriate for S(# to &!antif" t$e a o!nt of Jitter t$e decoder can acco odate w$ile aintainin% )oice &!alit" at tar%et le)els. C" analo%", t$is is si ilar to t$e a'ilit" of decoders to perfor Packet ;oss Conceal ent ,P;C.. W$ile P;C prod!ces speec$ t$at $as less &!alit" t$an a perfect c$annel wo!ld prod!ce, t$e effects on t$e !ser are s!c$ t$at a odest le)el of loss will $a)e ini al i pact on &!alit", and allows for relati)el" lar%e increases in capacit". If network capacit" were planned wit$ t$e ass! ption t$at t$ere can 'e no packet loss, t$en capacit" wo!ld 'e &!ite low. Si ilarl", t$e c!rrent ass! ption t$at Jitter is con)erted to an e&!i)alent a o!nt of dela" is also !nnecessaril" li itin% capacit". It will 'e possi'le for different an!fact!rers to create t$eir own )ersion of t$e Jitter '!ffer al%orit$ , as is c!rrentl" done for P;C. >owe)er, P;C tests are well5known and a reference i ple entation is %i)en for e)er" codec. T$e sa e is planned for adapti)e Jitter ana%e ent, pro)idin% an eDa ple et$odolo%" for assessin% t$e s!'Jecti)e &!alit" of an" %i)en al%orit$ , as well as an eDa ple adapti)e Jitter ana%e ent al%orit$ ,one Istatic and one Id"na icI eDa ple.. T$e eDa ple al%orit$ s pro)ide infor ation on accepta'le Jitter ran%e in t$e network. (%ain '" analo%", packet loss tar%ets are taken fro s!'Jecti)e tests of t$e reference P;C al%orit$ . It s$o!ld 'e noted t$at P;C al%orit$ s can directl" red!ce packet loss effects '" !sin% packets t$at arri)e 'e"ond t$eir Jitter protection8 in ot$er words, packets t$at $a)e alread" 'een replaced '" conceal ent al%orit$ s can 'e



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

res"nc$roni<ed into t$e decoder if t$e" arri)e late, and t$is can %reatl" iti%ate t$e effects of packet loss, f!rt$er increasin% capacit", and &!alit" 'e"ond CS perfor ance. See perfor ance re&!ire ents in TS 26.11#.

11.3 <nd1to1<nd (ultimedia Ser'ices Performance (etrics )<2<(SP(+ ,I*-3!/32

Resources: S# Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/!33 1 TR 22.0!!

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on <nd1to1<nd (ultimedia Ser'ices Performance (etrics

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

<nd121<nd (ultimedia Ser'ices Performance (etrics

T$is work pro)ides operators, ser)ice pro)iders and de)ice pro)iders wit$ a !ni)ersal et$od and so e s"ste atic etrics to c$aracteri<e t$e end5to5end perfor ance of !lti edia ser)ices like PSS, *C*S, PSC, I*S, **S. It co)ers I*!lti edia ser)ice perfor ance e)al!ation et$odsI '" !sin% S!'Jecti)e and B'Jecti)e et$ods.

*!lti edia ser)ices are )er" i portant ser)ices in 33 networks. >owe)er, t$ere is no standard on $ow to c$aracteri<e t$e perfor ance of s!c$ ser)ices. T$is $as t$e followin% conse&!ences forH a. #perators: W$en deplo"in% a 33 network to pro)ide !lti edia ser)ices, t$e" donNt know $ow to e)al!ate t$e e&!ip ents of t$e )ario!s pro)iders wit$o!t standardi<ed etrics and et$ods. Cesides, t$e" lack t$e necessar" etrics to deter ine w$et$er t$e !lti edia ser)ices r!nnin% on t$ese e&!ip ents can eet t$e re&!ire ents of cons! ers. '. 3evice providers: T$e" $a)e to pro)ide a set of perfor ance data to operators in order to pro)e t$at t$eir prod!cts can s!pport !lti edia ser)ices )er" well. Wit$o!t standardi<ed etrics, it is diffic!lt to con)ince t$e operators. c. Consu*ers: T$e" canNt 'e pro)ided wit$ clear &!alit" re&!ire ents w$en s!'scri'in% !lti edia ser)ices fro operators. Wit$ a standard a'o!t end5to5end !lti edia ser)ices perfor ance e)al!ation etrics, 'ot$ operators and pro)iders know $ow to do w$en deplo"in% a !lti edia ser)ice. (t t$e sa e ti e, c!sto ers co!ld enJo" t$e satisf"in% !lti edia ser)ices as t$e" re&!ired. (ll t$ese pro ote t$e !lti edia ser)ices deplo" ent. T$is work foc!sed on t$e end5to5end perfor ance c$aracteri<ation and etrics for !lti edia ser)ices. It a)oids deplo"in% !lti edia ser)ices wit$o!t satisf"in% effects or waste of network reso!rces. (n eDa ple of s"ste atic ser)ice perfor ance etrics fra ework is %i)en in t$e followin% ta'leH



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

.n+-$o-.n+ 7"l$i#e+ia ,ervi e 7e$ri s 7e$8o+s

9ser ,ervi e Perfor#an e )n+i a$ors

Set!p dela", 6nd5to5end dela", Re5'!fferin% d!ration, Corr!ption d!ration, *ean ti e 'etween corr!ption, Content &!alit" ,e.%. di%ital T=5like &!alit", analo% T=5like &!alit", -S;5like )ideo conferencin% &!alit", IS-95like )ideo conferencin% &!alit", etc.., ;ip s"nc, Ser)ice a)aila'ilit" ,Initial a)aila'ilit" and -ropped strea ratio. QQ

Initial connection d!ration, Initial '!fferin% d!ration, =ideo &!alit", (!dio &!alit", (!dio:)ideo s"nc QQ

S!'Jecti)e F B'Jecti)e Codec, system an transport aspects Codec Inter5fra e ,Te poral. Free<e Fra es, -ropped Fra es, p-=-, a)era%e fra e rate, &!alit" )ariation o)er ti eQQ Intra5fra e ,Spatial. PS9R, Cl!rriness, 6d%e noise, Clock" le)el, Colo!rf!lnessQQ Ter inal Capa'ilities CP/, *e or", -ecoderQQ

(ccess (ccess ratioQQ

Transport ;a"er Underlying networks aspects Transfer -ela", Gitter, C;6RQQ


TR 26.2## descri'es and defines perfor ance etrics for !se in !lti edia ser)ices in 33 networks, incl!din% Packed5 Switc$ed Strea in% ,PSS. ser)ice, *!lti edia Croadcast *!lticast Ser)ice ,*C*S., =ideo Telep$on" ,=T., and IP *!lti edia S!'s"ste ,I*S. ser)ice. TR 26.2## $as a top5down approac$, w$ic$ starts wit$ t$e &!alit" of eDperience ,Ao6. para eters, and t$en pro)ides t$e 6nd5to5end Ser)ice AoS ,6SAoS. and S"ste AoS ,SAoS. para eters and appin% 'etween t$ese perfor ance etrics for different la"ers. TR 26.2## defines t$e Ao6, 6SAoS and SAoS para eters for eac$ of t$e rele)ant ser)ices. T$e Ao6 para eters reflect t$e end5to5end &!alit" as eDperienced '" t$e end !ser. T$ese end !sers. etrics can 'e reported '" t$e t$e Ao6 para eters

T$e 6SAoS para eters descri'e t$e AoS of t$e end5to5end ser)ice. T$e" are o'tained directl" fro '" appin% t$e into para eters ore rele)ant to operators and ser)ice pro)iders.

T$e SAoS para eters reflect t$e point5to5point AoS in s"ste parts wit$in networks. T$e" are defined separatel" for eac$ s"ste part ,client, radio access network, wireless transport network, wireline transport network, transaction node. and are identified for t$e different la"ers ,e.%. application, transport.. T$e SAoS para eters are t$e in$erent attri'!tes of t$e networks and are i portant in %!aranteein% t$at t$e Ao6 re&!ire ents of t$e !sers are et. TR 26.2## contains an anneD ,(nneD (. on PSS perfor ance anal"sis wit$ t$eoretical odels. T$eoretical odels are introd!ced to st!d" t$e 6SAoS and SAoS para eters. T$e in$erent relations$ip 'etween t$e 6SAoS and SAoS para eters of PSS is descri'ed, and operational et$ods are pro)ided for t$e operators:ser)ice pro)iders to %!arantee ser)ice perfor ance. ( co parison wit$ TS 112 251 of 6TSI STA is contained in (nneD C of TR 26.2##, t$at was de)eloped takin% into acco!nt also IT/5T work in t$e area of Ao6 and AoS.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

11.2 Packet Switc"ed Streamin# <n"ancements )PSSe+ ,I*-3!/30

Resources: S# Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/2/321 TS 22.23! TS 22.2!! 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Packet Switc"ed Streamin# <n"ancements )PSSe+

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Transparent end1to1end Packet1switc"ed Streamin# Ser'ice )PSS+5 Protocols and codecs Transparent end1to1end packet switc"ed streamin# ser'ice )PSS+5 36PP file format )36P+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


33PP R(9 $as de)eloped $i%$ capacit" >SP( 'earers w$ic$ allow for $i%$er )ideo fra e rates and si<es, and edia &!alit" t$an c!rrentl" defined ,t$e >.26# Caseline Profile ;e)el 1' for instance allows onl" for 'itrates !p to 124 k'ps.. F!rt$er, t$e Packet5switc$ed Strea in% Ser)ice ,PSS. feat!re !st 'e en$anced to allow pro)ision of *C*S /ser Ser)ice !sin% PSS w$ere *C*S Cearer Ser)ice is not a)aila'le or desira'le. It is well known t$at !ser eDperience is stron%l" infl!enced '" t$e switc$in% ti e 'etween c$annels ,Rc$annel s!rfin%S. and t$e a'ilit" to pro)ide feed'ack ,interacti)it" s!c$ as )otin%, etc... I pro)e ents in t$is area will ake PSS e)en ore )al!a'le. T$e 33PP file for at ,33P. is defined in PSS, alt$o!%$ it is !sed '" an" ser)ices, incl!din% **S, I*S and *C*S. In order for 33P files to s!pport new feat!res of t$ese ser)ices as well as ot$er i pro)e ents, e.%. carria%e of t$e new -I*S ,-"na ic and Interacti)e *!lti edia Scenes. edia t"pe, ser)er file eDtensions ,F;/T6., so e i pro)e ents were felt necessar". T$is work en$ances t$e eDistin% PSS specifications wit$ new f!nctionalit" and state of t$e art confi%!rations of codec confi%!rations. (dJ!st ents to allow *C*S trans ission !sin% PSS8 (li%n edia codec confi%!rations to a)aila'le 'earer rates8 I pro)e t$e interacti)it" 'etween t$e client and t$e ser)er8 File for at en$ance ents ,carria%e of -I*S etc.8 I pro)e switc$in% ti e 'etween c$annels. edia

T$e work o!tco e was 'ro!%$t into TS 26.23# ,PSS8 Protocols and codecs. t$ro!%$ CRs, e.%. on !pdates in le)els of reco ended )ideo codecs. T$e rest of t$e CRs ,cate%or" C. concernedH 8ast content switching and start)up: Proced!res were defined to allow faster start5!p and switc$in% of content '" red!cin% t$e client:ser)er interactions to a ini ! . Clients will re!se t$e eDistin% RTSP control session and RTP reso!rces w$ile switc$in% to new content. ,T$is res!lts into si%nificantl" faster start5!p and c$annel switc$in% t$an in Rel568 e.%. c$annel switc$in% will take less t$an 3 seconds at 'est... T$e CR defined t$e necessar" eDtensions to RTSP and t$eir !se for fast start5!p and fast switc$in%. Infor ati)e anneD was added to %i)e eDa ples. Content switch ti*e <o= *etric: ( new Ao6 ,A!alit" of 6Dperience. etric for reportin% content switc$in% ti e was added. Content switc$in% ti e $as si%nificant i pact on t$e &!alit" of eDperience for t$e !ser. Fast content switc$in% was introd!ced in Rel5+ and a etric for eas!rin% t$e content switc$in% ti e was $ence needed. ,T$e Ao6 fra ework is a tool in PSS !sed for %at$erin% statistics a'o!t t$e &!alit" of eDperience of a PSS session.. %$$e <o= negotiation *odifications: Fast content switc$in% and start5!p introd!ce c$an%es into t$e ne%otiation of RTSP session. T$e Ao6 etric ne%otiation protocols were !pdated accordin%l".



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


S&3 Features

12.1 :perations, &dministration, (aintenance G Pro'isionin# ):&(.+ ,I*-33/!1

Acrony*: Resources: B(*+ S5, C1:3:#, R(93 ,onl" for 6nd5to5end tracin% for I*S /I-035132.

TR 31.41+ ITeleco !nication ana%e ent8 ProJect sc$ed!lin% and open iss!es for S(5, Release +Icontains t$e !pdated Work Ite -escriptions ,WI-s. for B(* and C$ar%in% ana%e ent. T$e Feat!re B(*+ contains t$ree ,3. C!ildin% Clocks as followsH 1etwor0 &nfrastructure 2anage*ent %erfor*ance 2anage*ent Trace 2anage*ent #A2;)1&2 #A2;)%2 #A2;)Trace Referen es
!o "#en$
TR 3/.41. TS 32.1/1 TS 32.1/2 TS 32.11112 TS 32.11113 TS 32.13/ TS 32.131 TS 32.132 TS 32.321 TS 32.333 TS 32.3.1 TS 32.!/1 TS 32.!21 TS 32.!22 TS 32.!23 TS 32.!32 TS 32.!33 TS 32.!32 TS 32.2/1 TS 32.212 TS 32.213 TS 32.231 TS 32.232 TS 32.233 TS 32.233 TS 32.2!2 TS 32.2!3 TS 32.2!3 TS 32.2.3 TS 32..!1 TS 32..!2 TS 32..!3 TS 32..!3

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
Telecommunication mana#ement5 ProLect sc"edulin# and open issues for S&3, Release .

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Telecommunication mana#ement5 Principles and "i#" le'el re$uirements Telecommunication mana#ement5 &rc"itecture Fault (ana#ement5 Part 2J &larm IRPJ Information Ser'ice Fault (ana#ement5 Part 3J &larm IRPJ C:RF& Solution Set IRP Concept and definitions IRP Information Ser'ice )IS+ template IRP Information Ser'ice ,(? repertoire Test mana#ement IRPJ Re$uirements 9otification ?o# )9?+ IRPJ D(? solution definitions Securit (ana#ement concept and re$uirements Performance (ana#ement )P(+5 Concept and re$uirements Su%scri%er and e$uipment trace5 Trace concepts and re$uirements Su%scri%er and e$uipment trace5 Trace control and confi#uration mana#ement Su%scri%er and e$uipment trace5 Trace data definition and mana#ement Performance measurementJ File format definition Performance measurementJ D(? file format definition Performance measurementJ &S9.1 file format definition Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Fasic C( IRP5 Re$uirements Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Fulk C( IRPJ Information Ser'ice Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Fulk C( IRPJ D(? file format definition Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Core network resources IRPJ Re$uirements Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Core 9etwork Resources IRPJ 9R( Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Core network resources IRPJ C:RF& Solution Set Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Core network resources IRPJ Fulk C( D(? file format definition Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 ,TR&9 network resources IRPJ 9R( Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 ,TR&9 network resources IRPJ C:RF& Solution Set Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 ,TR&9 network resources IRPJ Fulk C( D(? file format definition Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 State (ana#ement IRPJ Fulk C( D(? file format definition Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Si#nallin# Transport 9etwork )ST9+ interface 9R( IRPJ Re$uirements Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Si#nallin# Transport 9etwork )ST9+ interface 9R( IRPJ Information Ser'ice Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Si#nallin# Transport 9etwork )ST9+ interface 9R( IRPJ C:RF& Solution Set Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Si#nallin# Transport 9etwork )ST9+ interface 9R( IRPJ Fulk C( D(? file format definition

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

TS 32.13! TS 32.3/. TS 32.31. TS 32.2/. TS 32.22. TS 32.323 Fackward and Forward Compati%ilit )FFC+5 Concept and definitions Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 9otification IRP S:&P Solution Set 6eneric IRP mana#ement5 S:&P Solution Set Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Fasic C( IRP S:&P Solution Set Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Nernel C( IRP S:&P Solution Set Test mana#ement IRP D(? definitions


TS 32.3!3 TS 32.323 TS 32.!13 TS 32.223 TS 32.3.2 TS 32.3.3 TS 32.3.3 TS 32.341 TS 32.342 TS 32.343 TS 32.343 TS 32.301 TS 32.302 TS 32.303 TS 32.303 TS 32.!/! TS 32.!/3 TS 32.!/2 TS 32.!/. TS 32.!/4 TS 32.!/0 TS 32.!!1 TS 32.!!2 TS 32.!!3 TS 32.!!3 TS 32..21 TS 32..22 TS 32..23 TS 32..23 TS 32..31 TS 32..32 TS 32..33 TS 32..33 TR 32.4/2 TR 32.411 TR 32.41!

Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

File Transfer IRP D(? definitions <ntr Point IRP D(? definitions Performance (ana#ement )P(+ IRP D(? definitions Confi#uration (ana#ement5 Nernel C( IRP D(? definitions Securit ser'ices for IRP Information Ser'ice Securit ser'ices for IRP C:RF& Solution Securit ser'ices for IRP File inte#rit solution Partial Suspension of Itf19 IRP Re$uirements Partial Suspension of Itf19 IRP Information Ser'ice )IS+ Partial Suspension of Itf19 IRP C:RF& Solution Set Partial Suspension of Itf19 IRP D(? file format definition *elta s nc"roni;ation IRP Re$uirements *elta s nc"roni;ation IRP Information Ser'ice )IS+ *elta s nc"roni;ation IRP C:RF& Solution Set *elta s nc"roni;ation IRP D(? file format definition Performance (ana#ement )P(+5 Performance measurements 1 *efinitions and template Performance (ana#ement )P(+5 Performance measurements ,TR&9 Performance (ana#ement )P(+5 Performance measurements Core 9etwork PS domain Performance (ana#ement )P(+5 Performance measurements Core 9etwork CS domain Performance (ana#ement )P(+5 Performance measurements Teleser'ice Performance (ana#ement )P(+5 Performance measurements I(S Trace (ana#ement IRP Re$uirements Trace (ana#ement IRP Information Ser'ice )IS+ Trace (ana#ement IRP C:RF& Solution Set Trace (ana#ement )Trace+ IRP D(? file format definition Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Repeater network resources IRP Re$uirements Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Repeater network resources IRP information Ser'ice Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Repeater network resources IRP C:RF& Solution Set Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 Repeater network resources IRP Fulk C( D(? file format definition IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ 9etwork Resource (odel )9R(+ IRP Re$uirements IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ 9etwork Resource (odel )9R(+ IRP Information Ser'ice IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ 9etwork Resource (odel )9R(+ IRP C:RF& Solution Set IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ 9etwork Resource (odel )9R(+ IRP D(? file format definition &pplication #uide for use of Inte#ration Reference Points )IRPs+ on peer1to1peer )p2p+ interface Itf19 performance criteriaJ Re$uirements ,TR&9 and 6<R&9 Ne Performance Indicators )NPI+

1etwor0 &nfrastructure 2anage*ent '#A2;)1&2+ ) 7&3>3".4 1. =nhance 1R2 to acco**odate 1/1 '&2$ as -asis of the 1ext /eneration 1etwor0+ ) 7&3>3".44

T$e I*S $as 'een adopted as t$e 'asis of t$e 939. T$e 33PP Core 9etwork Reso!rce *odel ,9R*. in TS 32.63D Confi%!ration *ana%e ent ,C*.8 Core 9etwork Reso!rces Inte%ration Reference Point ,IRP. was en$anced to acco odate additional re&!ire ents of 939 Release 1 and =oIP co in% fro ot$er %ro!ps ,e.%. 6TSI TISP(9, IT/5T S3#, T*F, *!ltiser)ice Switc$in% For! ,*SF. res!ltin% in a new TS fa il" TS 32.+3D II*S 9R* IRPI. . Co)operative =le*ent 2anage*ent interface 'C#)#%+ ) 7&3>3".44 !lti5)endor, w$ereas Bperations S!pport S"ste s ,BSSs. are sin%le )endor.

9etworks are often

Traditional arc$itect!res allow !lti5)endor capa'ilities to 'e pro)ided t$ro!%$ inte%ration to a )endor5 independent 9etwork *ana%e ent S"ste ,9*S., '" eans of nort$'o!nd interfaces ,i.e. t$e eDistin% 33PP IRPs.. T$is ena'les t$e 9*S ,and t$e $! an operator. to onitor and confi%!re 'order aspects 'etween 6le ent *ana%e ent S"ste s ,6*Ss.:IRP (%ents ,wit$in a )endorNs do ain and across )endorsM do ains.. T$is is ac$ie)ed t$ro!%$ s$arin% of infor ation, responsi'ilit" and ana%e ent knowled%e 'etween 6*Ss o)er a $ori<ontal Peer5to5Peer ,P2P. interface. It is possi'le to s$are infor ation, responsi'ilit" and ana%e ent knowled%e 'etween 6*Ss o)er a $ori<ontal P2P interface ,'" re!sin% and:or en$ancin% eDistin% 33PP IRPs.. S$ared responsi'ilit" and ana%e ent knowled%e 'etween 6*Ss addressed are as followsH

Read do ain topolo%" data S!'scri'e to state c$an%es Recei)e e)ents:alar s Re&!ests f!nctions



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


on Ee" Perfor ance Indicators ,EPIs. !nication *ana%e ent

TR 32.416 s$ows $ow P2P $ori<ontal interfaces can 'e added to t$e eDistin% Teleco ,T*. arc$itect!re and $ow eDistin% IRPs can 'e applied to t$is arc$itect!re.

TR 32.41# details two et$ods of definin% EPIs. T$e first et$od is c$aracteri<ed '" !sin% perfor ance eas!re ents defined in TS 32.#D". T$e second et$od takes a $i%$er le)el approac$ t$at does not re&!ire t$e !se of standardised perfor ance eas!re ents. T$e TR concl!des t$at w$ere standardised eas!re ents are a)aila'le, t$e first definition approac$ s$o!ld 'e !sed, $owe)er w$en standardised eas!re ents are not a)aila'le or not appropriate to !se, e.%. w$en differin% i ple entation alternati)es $a)e led to non !nifor co!nter !pdates or e)en different co!nter definitions 'etween )endors, t$en a $i%$er le)el EPI definition approac$ a" 'e !sed. T$is st!d" $as not !sed a !nifor te plate 'etween t$e two different EPI 'e addressed in an" f!t!re EPI standardisation work. 3. et$ods8 t$is is so et$in% t$at s$o!ld

1etwor0 2anage*ent '12+ &tf)1 perfor*ance criteria ) 7&3>3".4;

Perfor ance is a ke" point to ens!re t$e &!alit" of a prod!ct. T$is is also )alid for t$e /*TS network ana%e ent Itf59. T$e c!rrent S(5 specifications define t$e f!nction re&!ire ents and sol!tion for t$e /*TS network ana%e ent Itf59. >owe)er, to ens!re t$e all5aro!nd &!alit" of t$e Itf59, reasona'le perfor ance criteria are needed. Perfor ance criteria re)eal t$e potential risk for /*TS network ana%e ent Itf59. It is necessar" to acc!ratel" reflect t$e perfor ance 'ottle5necks of t$e Itf59. T$e perfor ance criteria are considered '" )endors w$en de)elopin% t$eir prod!cts, especiall" w$en desi%nin% t$e internal arc$itect!re of t$e IRP (%ent w$ic$ a" infl!ence t$e perfor ance of Itf59. T$ese perfor ance criteria are also !sef!l for operators as a %!ide to e)al!ate Itf59 prod!cts. T$e )al!e definition of itf59 perfor ance criteria was o!t of t$e scope of t$is WI-. TR 32.411 pro)ides for all IRP specifications prod!ced '" 33PP t$e o)erall perfor ance criteria ,interface IRP data consistenc", capacit" and relia'ilit".. It %i)es eDa ples of Test 6n)iron ent and *eas!re ent Point. 4. 3elta synchroni?ation -etween &R% 2anager and &R% Agent ) 7&3>3".4(

If t$e connection 'etween IRP*ana%er and IRP(%ent is lost, t$e onl" wa" for t$e IRP*ana%er to s"nc$roni<e a%ain after re5esta'lis$ ent of t$e connection was to s"nc$roni<e t$e co plete data. T$is can 'e a $!%e a o!nt of data, 'ot$ and indi)id!all" for Confi%!ration *ana%e ent ,C*. and Fa!lt *ana%e ent ,F*. data, e)en if onl" )er" little data act!all" $as c$an%ed in t$e eanti e. T$is p!ts an !nnecessar" load on 'ot$ IRP*ana%er and IRP(%ent and can take a lon% ti e @ e)en if t$ere was onl" a s$ort interr!ption of t$e connection. Bt$er cases w$ere s"nc$roni<ation is needed are e.%.H IRP(%ent does not send notifications IRP*ana%er does not e)al!ate notifications loss of notifications on IRP*ana%er side 'eca!se of s"ste pro'le s ina'ilit" to %enerate notifications on IRP(%ent side 'eca!se of s"ste pro'le s

TS 32.32D -elta S"nc$roni<ation IRP define an interface t$ro!%$ w$ic$ an IRP*ana%er can re&!est onl" t$e data w$ic$ $as c$an%ed ,i.e. new: odified:deleted data. fro a s"nc$roni<ation point onwards. ". $u-scription 2anage*ent '$u2+ &R% $olution $ets ) 7&3>3".4!

Standardi<ation of S!* operations si%nificantl" en$ances t$e a'ilit" of 33PP 'ased networks to pro)ision and ad inister co pleD ser)ices in t$e area of !lti edia, data ser)ices, )al!e added ser)ices, end5to5end applications. To ena'le ser)ice pro)iders to ad inister t$e s!'scription data defined in t$e 9etwork Reso!rce *odel ,9R*. an ade&!ate Interface IRP f!lfillin% t$e S!* operations re&!ire ents $as 'een specified. SB(P $as 'een a%reed to 'e t$e s!ita'le tec$nolo%" for S!*.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

(s a res!ltH (dded new SB(P SS in TS 32.111 Teleco ana%e ent8 Principles F $i%$ le)el re&!ire ents (li%ned TS 32.1+5 S!* 9R* IRP W*; definition wit$ t$e SB(P SS !sed for Interface IRP For eDistin% IRPs new TSs on S!* Interface IRP SB(P SSs were created as followsH 32.31+ 9otification IRP SB(P SS 32.31+ 3eneric IRP *ana%e ent SB(P SS 32.61+ Casic C* IRP SB(P SS 32.665 Eernel C* IRP W*; definitions 32.66+ Eernel C* IRP SB(P SS


&ntegration Reference %oint '&R%+ $ecurity 2anage*ent ) 7&3>3".".

T$e 33 *o'ile 9etwork is sensiti)e to fra!d and contains )er" sensiti)e data w$ic$ is essential for t$e correct operation. ( 33 *o'ile 9etwork eDc$an%es sensiti)e data 'etween t$e ana%e ent s"ste and t$e o'ile network. T$is work '!ilds !pon and en$ances t$e Release 6 work on sec!rit" ana%e ent to f!rt$er ens!re sec!re access and data protection t$ro!%$o!t t$e B(* network. TS 32.3+2:3:5 specif" t$e necessar" sec!rit" feat!res, ser)ices and f!nctions to protect t$e network data, incl!din% Re&!ests, Responses, 9otifications and Files, eDc$an%ed across t$e Itf59. ;. %artial suspension of &tf)1 during *aintenance@testing ) 7&3>3"." ana%e ent

In certain scenarios floods of !nwanted notifications incl!din% alar s is sent to t$e IRP *ana%er '" network o'Ject instances. T$ere'" t$e interface and t$e ana%e ent s"ste s 'ear !nnecessar" load. 6)en worseH t$e operatorNs awareness is drawn awa" fro reall" !r%ent e)ents. In t$ese scenarios it can also 'e i portant t$at no co ands )ia t$e Itf59 interfere wit$ actions fro t$e local craft interface ,e.%. people workin% close to antennas wo!ld like to $a)e co plete control w$en t$e radiation is switc$ed on.. Conse&!entl" s!spendin% for a period of ti e Itf59 is 'eneficial ,i.e. not to send notifications of t$e in)ol)ed network ele ents and:or to disallow Itf59 ana%e ent operations.. TS 32.34D specif" an interface t$ro!%$ w$ic$ an IRP *ana%er can s!spend t$e forwardin% of notifications )ia Itf5 9 w$ic$ were %enerated in parts of t$e ana%ed s"ste s. (. 9ac0ward and 8orward Co*pati-ility of &R% syste*s ) 7&3>3".44

T$is sets t$e r!les t$at IRP a!t$ors can !se to e)ol)e eDistin% IRP specifications s!c$ t$at i ple entations of t$e new IRP specifications can res!lt in s"ste s t$at are 'ackward co pati'le to s"ste s t$at $a)e i ple ented t$e eDistin% specification. 3i)en t$at 33PP is p!'lis$in% t$e Interface, 9R* and -ata -efinition IRP specifications rapidl", i.e. !ltiple )ersions per release period8 and will contin!e to do so in t$e f!t!re, and =endors are akin% prod!cts t$at s!pport =endor Specific 6Dtension ,=S6. t$at are 'ased on 33PP IRP specifications8 and Bperators are plannin% to !se 33PP IRP to ana%e lar%e !lti5)endor networks8 and Bperators a" want to !se a ana%in% s"ste t$at is co pliant to )endor5( =S6 ,t$at is 'ased on 33PP IRP specifications. to ana%e !lti5)endor ana%ed s"ste s t$at a" not 'e s!pportin% )endor5( =S6 '!t are s!pportin% )endor5C =S6 ,t$at is 'ased on 33PP IRP specifications.8 and It re&!ires less coordination and less ser)ice disr!ption if ana%in% s"ste s and ana%ed s"ste s !p%rades in a lar%e network, 'e done in a %rad!al 'asis8 and It is inconcei)a'le t$at, in a lar%e !lti5)endor network, all IRP*ana%ers , a" 'e fro )ario!s )endors. and IRP(%ents , a" 'e fro )ario!s )endors as well. !st !se t$e sa e 33PP specification release at all ti e8 t$ere is a need for 33PP to specif" r!les s!c$ t$at, if and w$en !sed '" IRP standard a!t$ors to de)elop a new release, t$e i ple entations s!pportin% t$e res!ltant new release can interoperate wit$ i ple entations s!pportin% t$e IolderI release. S!c$ r!les are called Cackward Co pati'ilit" ,CC. r!les.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

T$ere is also a need for 33PP to specif" r!les s!c$ t$at w$en !sed '" IRP standard a!t$ors to specif" a standard of a release, t$e i ple entation s!pportin% t$e res!ltant release can $a)e a 'etter c$ance of interoperatin% wit$ i ple entations s!pportin% f!t!re release. S!c$ r!les are called Forward Co pati'ilit" ,FC. r!les. FC is $arder to ac$ie)e t$an CC, since in t$e CC case t$e UoldN s"ste 'e$a)io!r is known w$ereas a FC s"ste needs to cope %racef!ll" wit$ !nknown f!t!re feat!res. T$e standardi<ation of t$ese FC r!les is t$e secondar" foc!s of t$is work ite . S(5 considered ind!str" 'est practices for definin% s"ste s t$at are CC and:or FC. CC r!les $ad 'een st!died in Release 6 TR 32.415 !nder t$e S(5 Work Task ICackward Co pati'ilit"I. Release + sets t$e r!les for CC ,pri ar" foc!s. and t$e re&!ire ents and r!les for FC ,secondar" foc!s.. TS 32.15# reco ends de)elopin% f!t!re IRP specifications in a Cackward Co pati'le ,CC. wa" so t$at t$e %ro!p of IRP*ana%er,s. and IRP(%ent,s. are not forced to 'e !p%raded in lock step. !. Repeater 1etwor0 Resource 2odel '1R2+ definition ) 7&3>3".;1

Repeater is t$e e&!ip ent w$ic$ can 'e !sed in t$e /TR(9 network to i pro)e t$e network co)era%e. Bften )endors i ple ent repeater B*C to ana%e t$e repeaters and carr" t$e necessar" B(*FP f!nctions defined in T*9. Fro t$e T*9 )iew point, t$e repeater B*C is a kind of 6le ent *ana%e ent S"ste ,6*S. w$ic$ s$o!ld 'e ana%ed '" t$e 9etwork *ana%e ent S"ste ,9*S. t$ro!%$ itf59. 6Distin% 33PP TS 32.D"< were lackin% repeater related 9R* specifications needed '" t$e 9*S. T$is work co)ers t$e need and sol!tions for Repeater 9R* definition in /*TS. Tower *o!nted ( plifier:Cooster ,T*(:C. is not wit$in t$e scope. TS 32.+2D define t$e Confi%!ration *ana%e ent ,C*.8 Repeater network reso!rces IRP. 1.. 7TRA1 radio channel power *onitoring ) 7&3>3".; Power is a )er" i portant and li ited reso!rce in t$e WC-*( /TR(9 network. >i%$ or low power )al!e of eac$ kind of c$annel $as different i pact on t$e network. So effecti)e onitorin% of t$e radio c$annel power is )er" $elpf!l for operatorsN dail" B(*FP work and network esti ation. In /TR(9, t$ere are t$ree different le)els of radio c$annelsH lo%ical, transport and p$"sical c$annels. T$e power can 'e assi%ned on transport c$annel or p$"sical c$annel. Bperators re&!ire %raspin% t$e confi%!red and d"na ic )al!e of t$ose c$annelsN power. For t$ose w$ic$ are not related to power control, t$e operator onl" needs to %rasp t$e confi%!red )al!e of c$annel power. W$ile for t$e ot$ers, it is necessar" to eas!re t$e d"na ic )al!e of c$annel power. T$e res!lt of t$is work res!lted in CRs a%ainstH 32.6#D /TR(9 network reso!rces IRP 32.#15 Perfor ance *eas!re ents 5 /*TS and co 'ined /*TS:3S*

11. 1otification A2L $che*a ) 7&3>34...! 9otification ;o% IRP is defined to 'e a %eneral 9otification ;o%%in% related to different f!nctional areas in t$e network. ec$anis w$ic$ can $old notifications

TS 32.331 ,9otification ;o% IRP re&!ire ent. states t$atH I(n" 9otification ;o% !st, at an" one point in ti e, 'e capa'le of $oldin% fa!lt ana%e ent alar s, confi%!ration ana%e ent e)ents, perfor ance ana%e ent e)ents, and e)ent lo% ana%e ent e)ents. ( lo% is capa'le of capt!rin% all se antics carried in a notification.I Cased on TS 32.331 it is necessar" to define W*; Sc$e a for t$e re ainin% Itf59 9otificationsH i.e. C!lkC*IRP ,32.61D., 6PIRP ,32.36D., FTIRP ,32.3#D., EernelC*IRP ,32.66D., 9otification;o%IRP ,32.33D., P*IRP ,32.#1D., TestIRP ,32.32D.. T$is res!lted in new TSs 32.325: 3#5: 365: #15 and CRs a%ainst TSs 32.335: 615: 665.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

%erfor*ance 2anage*ent '#A2;)%2+ ) 7&3>3".43 1 . %erfor*ance *easure*ents definition for C1 C$ ) 7&3>3"."; Perfor ance eas!re ent data is i portant for an operator to anal"<e t$e network perfor ance. So far t$e necessar" perfor ance eas!re ents related to R9C, S3S9, 33S9 and **S were defined. T$e perfor ance eas!re ent data related to t$e C9, especiall" C9 CS ,IP5'ased. is added. T$is leads to co para'le eas!re ent data prod!ced in a !lti5)endor network, for t$ose eas!re ent t"pes t$at can 'e standardised across all )endorsM i ple entations. TS 32.#1+ contains t$e Perfor ance eas!re ents for t$e Core 9etwork ,C9. Circ!it Switc$ed ,CS. do ain for 'ot$ /*TS and co 'ined /*TS:3S*. TS 32.#14 contains t$e Perfor ance eas!re ents Teleser)ice for 'ot$ /*TS and co 'ined /*TS:3S*. *eas!re ents related to 33PP5IeDternalItec$nolo%ies ,s!c$ as (T* or IP. as defined '" ot$er standards 'odies ,e.%. IT/5T or I6TF. are onl" referenced in t$is specification. 13. =nhance*ent 7TRA1 perfor*ance *easure*ents definition ) 7&3>3"."( Perfor ance eas!re ent data is i portant for an operator to anal"<e t$e network perfor ance. So far t$e necessar" perfor ance eas!re ents related to R9C R(C ana%e ent, si%nallin% connection, RRC connection, R;C connection, soft $ando)er, radio link addition, $ard $ando)er, relocation, circ!it switc$ed inter5R(T $ando)er, and I! connection release. For a %ood onitorin% of t$e /TR(9 new perfor ance eas!re ents were added to TS 32.#15 e.%.H

Inter5fre&!enc" and intra5fre&!enc" $ard $ando)ers for !se in network opti i<ation Inter5s"ste >B eas!re ents to s$ow CS and PS do ain $ard $ando)er sta'ilit" and relia'ilit" R(C drop rate per ser)ice t"pe to anal"<e &!alit" of ser)ice I!CS, I!PS, I!r and I!' interface t$ro!%$p!t eas!re ents needed to reflect t$e interface load R9C reso!rce !sa%e eas!re ents to reflect t$e e&!ip ent load Cell soft $ando)er scale radio link eas!re ents for network plannin% and opti i<ation Cell pa%in% eas!re ents to reflect t$e pa%in% c$annel reso!rce !sa%e R(C esta'lis$ ent eas!re ents per cell to anal"<e ser)ice &!alit" Cell fre&!enc" !sa%e eas!re ents to anal"<e ser)ice &!alit" Cell code reso!rce !sa%e for !se in network plannin% and opti i<ation

14. Add T33 specific counters in %erfor*ance *easure*ent ) 7&3>3"."! In Release 6 all t$e co!nters were eit$er F-- specific or F--:T-- specific. So e T-- specific co!nters are issin% in TS 32.#15. It is t$erefore necessar" to specif" a co pre$ensi)e set of eas!re ent t"pes for t$e T-network ele ents to deli)er T-- network infor ation across t$e /*TS s"ste . 1". AT2 -earer networ0 %erfor*ance *easure*ents ) 7&3>3".4. Perfor ance eas!re ents are )er" i portant in anal"<in%, opti i<in% and forecastin% t$e /*TS s"ste perfor ance. In R6 TS 32.#13 t$ere are perfor ance eas!re ents fa ilies related to t$e R9C '!t t$ere are issin% perfor ance eas!re ent definitions of t$e 'earer network w$ic$ $elp e)al!atin% t$e transport network la"er ,T9;. perfor ance and %i)e ore detail to anal"se R9C perfor ance. In R22 and R# t$e T9; in /TR(9 was 'ased on (T*. In R5, t$e T9; 'ased on IP was introd!ced in TS 25.#11, $owe)er t$e T9; 'ased on (T* is still an allowed option. T$erefore, it is necessar" to st!d" t$e (T* 'earer network perfor ance eas!re ent definitions to anal"se network perfor ance ore efficientl". T$e work foc!ssed on (T* 'earer network perfor ance eas!re ent definitions related to t$e R9C, incl!din% t$e protocols of T9; ,SCCP, (;C(P, SSCBP, *TP3C.. T$e work was not restricted to /TR(9. Fro two options t$e 2nd one was preferredH



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Incl!de in TSs 32.#1# : #15 : #16 : #1+ s!pport for (T* 'earer network Perfor ance *eas!re ent Co!nters '" reference to eDistin% eas!re ents fro ot$er standards 'odies ,IT/5T, (T* For! .. Interested co panies s$o!ld approac$ t$e ot$er standards 'odies to incl!de t$e identified co!nters.

14. %erfor*ance *easure*ents definition for &2$ ) 7&3>3".4! Perfor ance eas!re ent data is i portant for operator to anal"<e network perfor ance. T$e perfor ance eas!re ent data related to I*S is issin%. If an operator deplo"s I*S, no 33PP defined perfor ance eas!re ents can 'e !sed. TS 32.#1#, 32.#12 contain t$e Perfor ance eas!re ents applica'le to I*S.

1;. 6$3%A perfor*ance *easure*ents ) 7&3>3".;3 In WC-*( 33PP Release 5, a new transport c$annel was introd!cedH t$e >i%$5Speed -ownlink S$ared C$annel ,>S5-SC>., w$ic$ pro)ides en$anced s!pport for interacti)e, 'ack%ro!nd, and to so e eDtent, strea in% Radio (ccess Cearer ,R(C. ser)ices in t$e downlink. >S5-SC> trans ission facilitates se)eral new feat!res. C!t to s!pport t$e wit$ ini ! i pact on t$e eDistin% radio interface protocol arc$itect!re, a new *(C s!'5la"er, *(C5$s, $as 'een introd!ced for >S5-SC> trans ission. >S-P( BF* re&!ire ents are need to satisf" t$e re&!ire ent of >S-P( TS 32.#15 contains perfor ance eas!re ents for >S-P( wit$ 'ot$ F-- and T-odes.

Trace 2anage*ent '#A2;)Trace+ ) 7&3>3".3! S!'scri'er and 6&!ip ent Trace pro)ide )er" detailed infor ation at call le)el on one or ore specific o'ile,s.. T$is data is an additional so!rce of infor ation to Perfor ance *eas!re ents and allows %oin% f!rt$er in onitorin% and opti isation operations. Contrar" to Perfor ance *eas!re ents, w$ic$ are a per anent so!rce of infor ation, Trace is acti)ated on !ser de and for a li ited period of ti e for specific anal"sis p!rposes. Trace pla"s a aJor role in acti)ities s!c$ as deter ination of t$e root ca!se of a alf!nctionin% o'ile, ad)anced tro!'les$ootin%, opti isation of reso!rce !sa%e and &!alit", RF co)era%e control and capacit" i pro)e ent, dropped call anal"sis, Core 9etwork and /TR(9 end5to5end 33 proced!re )alidation. >ence, specifications for S!'scri'er and 6&!ip ent Trace pertainin% to $i%$5le)el concepts and re&!ire ents of trace, to S!'scri'er and /6 acti)it" trace data definition and ana%e ent, to trace data collection control and confi%!ration ana%e ent, and to '!lk interfaces for trace data transfer fro t$e network to t$e 9etwork *ana%er were prod!ced '"H S(5 ,$a)in% pri ar" responsi'ilit". CT1, CT#, R(93 ,$a)in% secondar" responsi'ilit". on trace acti)ation:deacti)ation CT1, CT3, CT# ,$a)in% secondar" responsi'ilit". on 6nd5to5end tracin% for I*S

In partic!lar it was addedH 1(. =nd)to)end tracing for &2$: $tage 1 -y #2AB $tage @3 $A"B CT1@3@4 ) 7&3>3".4. T$e Bpen *o'ile (llianceX ,/R;H$ o'ilealliance.or%:. $as de)eloped a set of tec$nolo%" a%nostic ser)ice le)el tracin% re&!ire ents ,B*(5R-5BSP65=10152115161#5C.pdf.. Ser)ice ;e)el Tracin% ,S;T. i pro)es and si plifies end5to5end ser)ice dia%nostics and en$ances t$e *o'ile BperatorsM a'ilit" to ana%e co pleD ser)ices. S;T is ai ed at end5to5end ser)ice5le)el dia%nostics, rat$er t$an per node tracin%. C" definition, S;T is t$e a'ilit" to capt!re and lo% all rele)ant infor ation at eac$ co ponent wit$in a ser)ice c$ain, associated wit$ a specific ser)ice t$at is initiated eit$er '" an end !ser or a co ponent ,B*(5R-5 BSP65=10152115161#5C.pdf.. 33PP S(5 ,'" CRs 32.111, 32.#21:2:3., in coordination wit$ 33PP CT1, CT3, CT# $as de)eloped t$e appropriate specifications for end5to5end ser)ice tracin% for I*S to f!lfil t$e B*( BSP6 ser)ice le)el tracin% re&!ire ents.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

B*( BSP6 ser)ice le)el tracin% re&!ire ents specific to B*( ena'lers !tilisin% I*S ,B*(5I*SinB*(5=1015 2115121#5C.<ip. were addressed wit$in B*(. 1!. &R% for $u-scri-er and =:uip*ent Trace 2anage*ent ) 7&3>3".43 Trace ana%e ent IRP ,TS 32.##1:2:3:5, CRs 32.632:3:5. applies to 'ot$ Si%nallin% Cased (cti)ation and *ana%e ent Cased (cti)ation and allowsH (cti)ation:-eacti)ation:Interro%ation of a Trace Session fro t$e 9* wit$ one !ni&!e Trace Reference Trace report to 'e notified to 9* wit$ t$e known Trace Reference ana%e ent IRP t$ere is no standardi<ed centrali<ed wa" for ana%in% t$e trace.

Wit$o!t t$e Trace



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

12.2 C"ar#in# (ana#ement small <n"ancements )CE.+ ,I*-32///.

Acrony*: Resources: S5 C>+

TR 31.41+ ITeleco !nication ana%e ent8 ProJect sc$ed!lin% and open iss!es for S(5, Release +Icontains t$e !pdated Work Ite -escriptions ,WI-s. for B(* and C$ar%in% ana%e ent. Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
SP1/2/!!2 SP1/2/3!2 32.2!/ 32.23/ 32.231 32.232 32.22/ 32.2./ 32.2.2 32.2.3 32.202 32.20. 32.204 32.200 none WI* on &lternate C"ar#ed Part )&CP+ for I(S WI* on &li#n 36PP C"ar#in# wit" :(& PoC <na%ler Release 2./


)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

C"ar#in# arc"itecture and principles Circuit Switc"ed )CS+ domain c"ar#in# Packet Switc"ed )PS+ domain c"ar#in# Wireless ?ocal &rea 9etwork )W?&9+ c"ar#in# IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ c"ar#in# (ultimedia (essa#in# Ser'ice )((S+ c"ar#in# Pus"1to1talk o'er Cellular )PoC+ c"ar#in# (ultimedia Froadcast and (ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+ c"ar#in# :nline C"ar#in# S stem ):CS+J &pplications and interfaces C"ar#in# *ata Record )C*R+ file format and transfer C"ar#in# *ata Record )C*R+ parameter description *iameter c"ar#in# applications

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s



Alternate Charged %arty 'AC%+ for &2$ 'C6;)&2$)AC%+ ) 7&3>3 ...(

T$e c$ar%in% specifications were not s!pportin% an" ot$er 'illin% odel t$an ICallin% part" pa"sI. ( ec$anis to %!arantee t$e deli)er" of t$e c$ar%ed part" indication in a tr!sted anner was needed in a standardi<ed optional wa" for I*S sessions to 'e c$ar%ed to an alternate s!'scri'er, or ser)ice wit$in a ser)in% network. It was pro)ided an alternate c$ar%ed part" in t$e C$ar%in% -ata F!nction ,C-F.. T$e f!nction is 'ased on t$e ser)ice aspects t$at define t$e ser)ice as c$ar%in% a s!'scri'er w$o is not t$e ori%inatin% part", '!t $as 'een identified as 'ein% responsi'le for t$e c$ar%es. T$is was i ple ented )ia CRs to offline c$ar%in% f!nctions in 32.2#1, 32.261, 32.224, 32.222. Bnline c$ar%in% was o!t of scope of t$is release. . Align 3/%% Charging with #2A %oC =na-ler Release .. 'C6;)%oC+ ) 7&3>33...4

B*( $as asked 33PP S(5 to pro)ide a PoC C$ar%in% sol!tion for t$e en$ance ents of B*( PoC Release 2. T$e B*( P!s$5to5Talk o)er Cell!lar =ersion 2.1 incl!des se)eral new c$ar%ea'le feat!res w$ic$ i pact t$e 33PP S(5 TS 32.2+2 definin% c$ar%in% for B*( PoC )ersion 1.1, w$en !sed wit$ 33PP I*S core network. T$is ali%n ent $as 'een reali<ed )ia CRs a%ainst 32.2#1, 32.2+2, 32.222 and 32.224.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


CT Features

13.1 I(S Sta#e 3 I<TF Protocol ali#nment )I(SProtoc+ ,I*-.11/32

Resources: C1 Referen es
!o "#en$ CP1/2/1/1 TS 2!.220 TS 23.214 TR 2!.03/ %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on I(S Sta#e13 I<TF Protocol &li#nment )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions Re'iew of additional capa%ilities pro'ided in SIP % I<TF, and pro'ide documentation as w"et"er t"ese capa%ilities are supported in t"e I( C9 su%s stem or not Re'iew of additional capa%ilities pro'ided in SIP % I<TF, and pro'ide documentation as w"et"er t"ese capa%ilities are supported in t"e I( C9 su%s stem or not -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s Si#nallin# flows for t"e session setup in t"e I( C9 su%s stem %ased on Session Initiation Protocol )SIP+ and Session *escription Protocol )S*P+5 Sta#e 3

I*S was defined in Rel55 and Rel56 to s!pport IP *!lti edia ser)ices. Rel5+ adds ot$er new capa'ilities and ali%ns wit$ on%oin% I6TF work i pactin% I*S. (reas co)eredH (li%n protocol 'etween I6TF and postponed 33PP Rel55 and Rel56 Sta%e 3 I*S. Re)iew eDistin% and f!t!re capa'ilities pro)ided '" I6TF in SIP, and pro)ide doc! entation as w$et$er t$ese capa'ilities are s!pported in I*S or not. Create TR 2#.231 on si%nallin% flows, reflectin% t$e different options for session set!p in I*S.

*inor tec$nical en$ance ents to I*S Rel5+, not co)ered '" a dedicated WI-, were co)ered '" t$is work ite . T$is work co)ers onl" protocol ali%n ent. Capa'ilities leadin% to new or en$anced I*S applications were not dealt wit$ !nder t$is work ite .

13.2 Interopera%ilit %etween C6CS>CFS and &>6% fle8i%ilit )C6CSFle8+ ,I*-./!3

Resources: C1,C# Referen es
!o "#en$
CP1/2/1/2 TS !3./24 TS !3./20 TS 20.//2 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
C1 WI* on Interopera%ilit %etween C6CS>CFS and &>6% fle8i%ilit

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Coice 6roup Call Ser'ice )C6CS+5 Sta#e 2 Coice Froadcast ser'ice )CFS+5 Sta#e 2 (o%ile &pplication Part )(&P+ specification

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


S(2 identified t$at (:3' fleDi'ilit" ,I!FleD. and =3CS:=CS do not interoperate and t$erefore s$o!ld not 'e operated to%et$er in t$e sa e ser)ice area of a network. T$is work o)erco es t$is li itation ac$ie)in% f!ll interopera'ilit" 'etween =3CS:=CS and (:3' fleDi'ilit" fro Rel5+ onwards. CT specified Sta%e 2 arc$itect!re and Sta%e 3 protocol en$ance ents as followsH CT1 added Sta%e 2 description for =3CS5R(9fleD interopera'ilit" )ia CR to TS #3.164.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

CT1 added Sta%e 2 description for =CS5R(9fleD interopera'ilit" )ia CR to TS #3.162. CT# introd!ced a new *(P essa%es 'etween %ro!p call c$annel controllin% *SC:=;R and ser)in% *SC:=;R )ia CR to TS 22.112.

13.3 *I&(<T<R on t"e 66S9 6i interface )*I&(6i+ ,I*-13/23

Resources: C3 Referen es
!o "#en$ CP1/2/!31 TS 20./21 1 %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on *I&(<T<R on t"e 66S9 6i interface )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions Interworkin# %etween t"e Pu%lic ?and (o%ile 9etwork )P?(9+ supportin# packet %ased ser'ices and Packet *ata 9etwork )P*9+ -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s 1

33S9 3i interface in 3PRS Rel56 ,TS 22.161. s!pports onl" t$e R(-I/S protocol. Bt$er platfor s t$at co!ld $a)e !sed eit$er R(-I/S or -I(*6T6R $a)e 'een allowed to !se -I(*6T6R in t$e specifications. -I(*6T6R is !sed o)er se)eral interfaces incl!din%H CD, S$, 3&, Ro, Rf, in I*S, polic" control and IP flow c$ar%in%. T$e !sa%e of -I(*6T6R o)er t$e 33S9 3i interface was introd!ced and t$e -I(*6T6R essa%e flows 'etween 33S9 and -I(*6T6R Ser)er were descri'ed in TS 22.161 in order to pro)ide (!t$entication, (!t$ori<ation and (cco!ntin% ,(((. ser)ices.

13.! *I&(<T<R on t"e P*6 Wi interface )*I&(Wi+ ,I*-13/22

Resources: C3 Referen es
!o "#en$ CP1/2/!32 TS 20.121 1 %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on *I&(<T<R on t"e P*6 Wi interface )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions Interworkin# %etween t"e Pu%lic ?and (o%ile 9etwork )P?(9+ supportin# packet %ased ser'ices and Packet *ata 9etwork )P*9+ -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s 1

T$e protocol for Wi interface is c!rrentl" R(-I/S. Bt$er platfor s t$at co!ld $a)e !sed eit$er R(-I/S or -I(*6T6R $a)e 'een allowed to !se -I(*6T6R in t$e specifications. Se)eral reference points in Wireless ;(9 will 'e !sin% -I(*6T6R. T$e !sa%e of -I(*6T6R o)er t$e P-3 Wi interface was introd!ced in TS 22.161 in order to pro)ide (!t$entication, (!t$ori<ation and (cco!ntin% ,(((. ser)ices. T$e -I(*6T6R essa%es and (=Ps ,(ttri'!te5=al!e5Pair in -I(*6T6R essa%es. were defined t$ro!%$ reference to TS 22.161.

13.3 Interworkin# %etween t"e 36PP CS domain wit" FICC or IS,P as si#nallin# protocol and e8ternal SIP1I networks )<8tSIPI+ ,I*-13/33
Resources: C3



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Referen es
!o "#en$ CP1/./1/1 1 TS 20.12! %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on Interworkin# %etween t"e 36PP Cs domain wit" FICC or IS,P as si#nallin# protocol and e8ternal SIP1I networks )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions 1 -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s Interworkin# %etween t"e 36PP Cs domain wit" FICC or IS,P as si#nallin# protocol and e8ternal SIP1I networks

In eDternal networks, SIP5I is %ainin% i portance as si%nallin% protocol. T$e 33PP CS do ain applies eit$er IS/P or CICC as si%nallin% protocol. T$!s, t$ere is a need to pro)ide interworkin% 'etween s!c$ alread" deplo"ed 33PP CS do ain networks and eDternal networks t$at !se SIP5I. To ini ise i pacts for t$e deplo"ed CS network, t$is Interworkin% is perfor ed at a %atewa" node at t$e interconnection 'etween t$e 33PP CS do ain and eDternal SIP5I networks t$at a" 'e collocated wit$ a %atewa" *SC. (s part of t$e work, proced!res to interwork t$e codec ne%otiation 'etween SIP5I and CICC were standardi<ed, t$!s allowin% t$e !se of Transcoder Free Bperation ,TrFB.. Considera'le standardisation work in t$e field of Interworkin% 'etween CICC:IS/P and SIP is alread" a)aila'le. TS 22.163 descri'es t$e Interworkin% 'etween t$e I*S profile of SIP and CS networks !sin% eit$er CICC or IS/P, and also contains proced!res to interwork t$e codec ne%otiation 'etween SIP and CICC. T$e proced!res of IT/5T A.1212.5 are &!ite si ilar to TS 22.163, '!t related >.2#4 proced!res for a split arc$itect!re and codec Interworkin% proced!res are lackin%. >owe)er, Profile C of IT/5T A.1212.5 descri'es t$e Interworkin% 'etween SIP5I and CICC or IS/P. T$erefore, rat$er t$an t$e standardi<ation of entirel" new Interworkin% proced!res an endorse ent and a end ent of t$e eDistin% standardi<ed proced!res for t$e partic!lar re&!ire ents of t$e 33PP CS do ain see s ad)isa'le. T$e Interworkin% node a" 'e split 'etween into a ser)er and %atewa" part. T$e 33PP *n interface was desi%ned to control an I*5*3W t$at interconnects CS networks, s!c$ as t$e 33PP CS do ain, and an I*S network. T$e !ser plane in t$e I*S applies standard I6TF protocols, e.%. RTP, w$ic$ are also applied in eDternal SIP5I networks. -ifferences 'etween SIP and SIP5I do not i pact t$e !ser plane, as t$e" appl" t$e sa e encodin% to descri'e edia strea s. It is t$erefore eDpected t$at t$e eDistin% *n interface a" 'e applied wit$o!t odifications 'etween t$e ser)er and %atewa" part of t$e CS do ain Interworkin% node to 'e standardised. T$e new TS 22.16# specifies interworkin% proced!res 'etween a 33PP CS do ain, w$ic$ applies eit$er CICC or IS/P as si%nallin% protocol, and eDternal networks t$at !se SIP5I as si%nallin% protocol. T$is Interworkin% is perfor ed at a %atewa" node at t$e interconnection 'etween t$e 33PP CS do ain and eDternal SIP5I networks t$at a" 'e collocated wit$ a %atewa" *SC. TS 22.16# re!ses as far as possi'le eDistin% Interworkin% proced!res in TS 22.163 and onl" descri'e deltas a%ainst it. Ser)ice (spectsH T$e Interworkin% of IS/P s!pple entar" ser)ices s$o!ld 'e addressed as an operator option.

Sec!rit" (spectsH Tr!st relations$ips 'etween operators deter ine t$e a o!nt of si%nallin% infor ation eDc$an%ed 'etween t$e networks. T$e 33PP specification allows operators to confi%!re t$e Interworkin% node accordin%l".

13.2 P*, multiple8in# at 9% Interface wit" IP transport )9%IP(u8+ ,I*-3!//!.

Resources: C3 Referen es
!o "#en$ CP1/./1/3 TS 20.!1! 1 %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on P*, multiple8in# at 9% Interface wit" IP transport )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions Core network 9% data transport and transport si#nallin# -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s 1



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

T$is work is 'ased on t$e Rel5+ TR 22.41# ,St!d" on Candwidt$ Sa)in% at 9' Interface wit$ IP transport /I-0+13#. For t"pical pa"load transported o)er t$e 9' interface, t$e :IP:/-P:RTP $eader o)er$ead ,#1 '"te for IP)#, 61 '"te for IP)6. and t$e la"er 2 $eader:trailer $eader o)er$ead ,e.%. 34 '"tes for 6t$ernet )2, + '"tes for PBS. are !c$ lar%er t$an t$e transported pa"load 9'FP:codec ,e.%. 35 '"te for (*R 12.2 k>< and 2 '"te for SI- fra es.. It is desira'le to red!ce t$e :IP:/-P:RTP $eader and t$e la"er 2 $eader:trailer o)er$eads to sa)e 'andwidt$. Bne et$od of doin% t$is is '" !ltipleDin% se)eral 9'FP:codec pa"load P-/s of different 'earers wit$in one IP packet sent 'etween *3Ws o)er t$e 9' interface, and '" optionall" co pressin% RTP $eaders T$is work defines a sol!tion for a si ple, optional !ltipleDin% ec$anis for t$e 9' interface and IP transport t$at allows transportin% se)eral 9'FP:codec pa"load P-/s of different 'earers. T$e sol!tion ini i<es i pacts to eDistin% network c$aracteristics ,in partic!lar Jitter and packet dela". and s!ites an" t"pe of pa"load transported wit$in 9'FP. It considered 'ot$ IP and *P;S core networks ,*P;S a" reside eit$er in ed%e ro!ters or directl" wit$in *3Ws.. ( new transport for at for 9' IP 'earers and si%nallin% eDtensions for !ltipleDin% ne%otiation is added to TS 22.#1#.

13.. (p )(RFC 1 (RFP+ interface )(p+ ,I*-1!/12

Resources: C#,C1 Referen es
!o "#en$ CP1/./2!2 TS 2!.220 TS 23.333 TS 20.333 WI* on (p )(RFC 1 (RFP+ interface )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions IP (ultimedia Call Control Protocol %ased on SIP and S*P5 Sta#e 3 -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s (ultimedia Resource Function Controller )(RFC+ 7 (ultimedia Resource Function Processor )(RFP+ (p interface5 Procedures description (ultimedia Resource Function Controller )(RFC+ 7 (ultimedia Resource Function Processor )(RFP+ (p Interface5 Sta#e 3 %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)

Wit$in I*S, t$e *!lti edia Reso!rce F!nction ,*RF., t$ro!%$ interactions wit$ t$e /ser 6&!ip ent ,/6., (pplication Ser)er ,(S. and Ser)in% Call Session Control F!nction ,S5CSCF., pro)ides, for eDa ple, ad5$oc )ideo and a!dio conference capa'ilities, and t$e s!pport of anno!nce ents, tones and edia strea s processin%. *RF contains two f!nctions *RFC and *RFP. T$e *p Interface, w$ic$ is located 'etween t$ese two f!nctions, s!pports t$e >.2#4 Protocol wit$ t$e additional s!pport of *!lti edia specific >.2#4 Packa%es. T$is work defines !sin% >.2#4 incl!din% t$e additional >.2#4 *!lti edia Packa%es 'etween t$e *RFC and *RFP and t$e relations$ip 'etween t$e S5CSCF and *RFC interface ,*r5interface. SIP and S-P proced!res:instr!ctions and t$e associated >.2#4, incl!din% t$e additional Packa%es and proced!res. 2R8CH Controls t$e edia strea reso!rces in t$e *RFP8 Interprets infor ation co in% fro an (S and S5CSCF ,e.%. session identifier. and control *RFP accordin%l"8 3enerates C-Rs

2R8%H Controls 'earers on t$e *' reference point8 Pro)ides reso!rces to 'e controlled '" t$e *RF8 *iDes inco in% edia strea s ,e.%. for !ltiple parties.8 Processes edia strea s ,e.%. edia anal"sis.8 So!rces edia strea s ,for !lti edia anno!nce ents..



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

13.4 Routein# of (T1S(s 'ia t"e EP?(9 )S(S'iaE+ ,I*-3!//12

Resources: C#,C1 Referen es
!o "#en$ CP1/.//32 TS 23./!/ TS 20.//2 1 %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on Routein# of (T1S(s 'ia t"e EP?(9 )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions Tec"nical reali;ation of S"ort (essa#e Ser'ice )S(S+ (o%ile &pplication Part )(&P+ specification -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s 1

T$is work is linked to S(2 Feat!reH

S!pport of S*S o)er %eneric 33PP IP access ,S*SIP. /I-032141.

T$e opport!nit" to incl!de a non5standardised S*S5SC5like lo%ical entit" in t$e >P;*9 of t$e recei)in% *S alread" eDists o!tside of 33PP specifications for operators8 in effect settin%5!p a rela" t$at allows t$e >P;*9 of t$e recei)in% *S to control t$e deli)er" of all s$ort essa%es e)en w$en t$e recei)in% *S is roa in% o!tside of t$eir >P;*9. T$e potential 'enefits incl!deH *ore control o)er S*S Spa 8 (dded fleDi'ilit" for *T5S*S c$ar%in% ,partic!larl" pre5pa".8 (ddition of new )al!e added capa'ilities s!c$ as IS*S Forwardin%I8 Pro)ision of an interception point for Spoof and Fake S*S.

CT#Ms TR 23.4#1 ,St!d" on Ro!tein% of *T5S*s )ia t$e >P;*9 /I-01#112. eDa ined t$e desira'ilit" of prod!cin% a standardi<ed sol!tion for t$e ter ination of s$ort essa%es in t$e >P;*9 of t$e recei)in% *S )ia an S*S5SC5like lo%ical entit", in order to protect a n! 'er of eDistin% 33PP specified ser)ices fro t$e ne%ati)e effects of a !ltiplicit" of non5standard sol!tions. T$is work adds in eDistin% 33PP specifications, t$e a%reed sol!tion as defined in TR 23.4#1. CT1 added arc$itect!re and proced!ral descriptions )ia CR to TS 23.1#1. CT# added optional insertion of fla%s and !pdated si%nal flow dia%ra s in TS 22.112 cla!se 23.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

13.0 (o%ile Termination w"ilst t"e (S is mo'in# to anot"er (SC )(Tmo'(S+ ,I*-33///3
Resources: C# Referen es
!o "#en$ CP1/./33! TS 23.//4 TS 23./12 TS 23./14 TS 23./.4 TS 23./.0 TS 20.//2 1 %i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on (o%ile Termination w"ilst t"e (S is mo'in# to anot"er (SC )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

:r#ani;ation of su%scri%er data )CR@/2/2+ ?ocation mana#ement procedures )CR@//22+ Fasic call "andlin#5 Tec"nical reali;ation )CR@/13.+ Customi;ed &pplications for (o%ile network <n"anced ?o#ic )C&(<?+ P"ase D5 Sta#e 2 )CR@/413+ Support of :ptimal Routein# )S:R+5 Tec"nical reali;ation )CR@//43+ (o%ile &pplication Part )(&P+ specification )CR@/4!4+
-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s 1

Wit$ t$e eDistin% 33PP specifications, o'ile ter inatin% calls to a called part" w$ic$ is si !ltaneo!sl" o)in% to anot$er *SC will eit$er 'e lost or forwarded to a 3rd part" ,e.%. )oice ail.. T$is pro'le $as 'een seen '" an" operators and acco!nts for a fair percenta%e of *T calls failin% to %et t$ro!%$ %enerall" on networks. ( sol!tion is proposed to allow ro!tin% of t$e ter inatin% call to t$e called part", and t$!s ena'le operators to red!ce t$ese c!sto er percei)ed fail!res to i pro)e t$eir co pletion rates and c!sto er satisfaction. (n optional proced!re is added to CT# specifications allowin% deli)er" of t$e ter inatin% call to t$e called part". If t$is proced!re is s!pported '" t$e 3*SC, t$e >;R and t$e ter inatin% =*SC, after receipt of a *(P Cancel ;ocation proced!re, t$e old =*SC s$all redirect t$e o'ile ter inated call to t$e new *SC '" instr!ctin% t$e 3*SC to send an additional SRI to t$e >;R, !sin% t$e Res! e Call >andlin% proced!re. T$is second SRI re&!est allows t$e 3*SC to o'tain a roa in% n! 'er for t$e new *SC towards w$ic$ t$e call can t$en 'e deli)ered.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


CT2 Features

1!.1 ISI( &PI for Ka'a Card )&PIK&C&+ ,I*-.!3//0

Resources: C6 Referen es
!o "#en$
CP1/3/1!3 1 TS 31.133 WI* on ISI( &PI for Ka'a CardP

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

IP (ultimedia Ser'ices Identit (odule )ISI(+ &pplication Pro#rammin# Interface )&PI+5 ISI( &PI for Ka'a Card

(pplication de)elopers need to access in an interopera'le wa" t$e ISI* application defined in TS 31.113 ,C$aracteristics of t$e IP *!lti edia Ser)ices Identit" *od!le ,ISI*. application.. CT6 de)eloped a new (PI specification 'ased on t$e 6TSI SCP TS 112 2#1 pro)idin% to access t$e ISI* file s"ste defined in TS 31.113 in an interopera'le wa". eans for application de)elopers

1!.2 Ei#" speed interface %etween t"e ,ICC and t"e (< )ESI+ ,I*-33///1
Resources: C6 Referen es
!o "#en$
CP1/./230 1 TS 31.1/1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Ei#" Speed Interface %etween t"e ,ICC and t"e (<

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

,ICC1terminal interface5 P" sical and lo#ical c"aracteristics

(fter TS3 CT $as noted t$at 6TSI SCP $as selected a tec$nolo%" to co)er S(Ms ser)ice re&!ire ent for a $i%$5speed access to data on t$e /ICC, t$e incl!sion of t$e new interface in t$e 33PP /SI* and ISI* specifications was needed. T$e new >i%$ Speed *65/ICC Interface was incl!ded )ia CR in TS 31.111 T$e s art card is !nder%oin% a si%nificant trend towards $i%$er e or" capacit" and increased co p!tin% power. It is eDpected t$at t$is trend will si%nificantl" en$ance ser)ices and ser)ice opport!nities related to new applications.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


R&9 Features

13.1 (ultiple Input (ultiple :utput antennas )(I(:+ ,I*-2!24

Resources: RP Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/3//102 TS 23.211 TS 23.212 TS 23.213 TS 23.21! TS 23.213 TS 23.221 TR 23.4.2 TR 23.002

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on (ultiple Input (ultiple :utput &ntennas

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

P" sical c"annels and mappin# of transport c"annels onto p" sical c"annels )F**+ (ultiple8in# and c"annel codin# )F**+ Spreadin# and modulation )F**+ P" sical la er procedures )F**+ P" sical la er5 (easurements )F**+ P" sical c"annels and mappin# of transport c"annels onto p" sical c"annels )T**+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

(ultiple Input (ultiple :utput )(I(:+ antennae in ,TR& Spatial c"annel model for (ultiple Input (ultiple :utput )(I(:+ simulations

*I*B i pro)es s"ste capacit" and spectral efficienc" '" increasin% t$e data t$ro!%$p!t in t$e downlink wit$in t$e eDistin% 5 *>< carrier. T$is is ac$ie)ed '" !sin% !ltiple antennas at 'ot$ /6 and 9ode5C sides. T$e *I*B f!nctionalit" was inte%rated in /TR( ,F-- and T--. to i pro)e capacit" and spectral efficienc". R(91 TR 25.4+6 contains t$e workin% ass! ptions and e)al!ation criteria of t$e different tec$ni&!es considered for *I*B in /TR(. T$e P(RC sc$e e was selected for T-- and -!al5codeword *I*B 'ased on -5TD(( was selected for F--, wit$ t$e wei%$ts 'ein% si%nalled on t$e >S5SCC> in t$e downlink. Sta%e 3 foc!ssed on /TR( F--. TS 25.212 co)ers codin% for >S5SCC> ,-ownlink. and >S5P-CC> ,/plink.. TS 25.21# co)ers t$e definition of *I*B operation on >S5P-SC>. Co pleted Sep 211+8 Stat!s Report in RP51+113+and RP51+1531.

13.2 Rel1. Impro'ements of t"e Radio Interface )RInImp+ ,I*-2//24

13.2.1 <8tended ,(TS 1..>2.1 6E; ,I*-2//2/
Resources: R# WRC 2111 identified additional spectr! for I*T52111, incl!din% t$e 'and 1+1151445 *><. 33PP $as specified t$ree 'ands t$at incl!de parts of t$is fre&!enc" ran%eH Cand III ,/*TS 1411., Cand I= ,/*TS 1.+:2.1. and Cand IW ,/*TS 1+11.. It specifies t$e eDtended 1.+:2.1 3>< F-- s"ste for potential deplo" ent in IT/ Re%ion 2 onl". TR 25.416 ,radio re&!ire ents for /TR( F-- in t$e 6Dtended 1.+:2.1 3>< Cand. defines as a new operatin% 'andH 1+11 @ 1++1 *><H /p5link ,/6 trans it, 9ode C recei)e.8 2111 @ 21+1 *><H -own5link ,9ode C trans it, /6 recei)e..

T$is eDtended operatin% 'and contains t$e w$ole Cand I= ,1+1151+55:211152155 *><. as a s!'5'and. TR 25.416 in)esti%ates possi'le co onalit" 'etween t$e new 6Dtended 1.+:2.1 3>< 'and and Cand I= radio re&!ire ents. WI- in RP51611418 affected specifications 25.416, 25.111, 25.11#, 25.133, 2#.1#1, 25.331, 25.316, 25.31+, 25.#23, 25.#61, 25.#63, 3#.121



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Co pleted -ec 21168 Stat!s Report in RP5161641

13.2.2 ,(TS 2.2 6E; ..24 (cps T** ,I*-2//2.

Resources: R# sc$e e for I*T52111:/*TS in t$e 'and 2511 5 2621 *>< as considered '" C6PT:PT1H >ar onised spectr!

t$e fre&!enc" 'and 2511 @ 25+1 *>< is paired wit$ 2621 @ 2621 *>< for F-- operation wit$ t$e o'ile trans it wit$in t$e lower 'and and 'ase trans it wit$in t$e !pper 'and8 (d inistrations a" assi%n t$e fre&!enc" 'and 25+1 @ 2621 *>< eit$er for T-- or for F-- downlink ,eDternal.. (n" %!ard 'ands re&!ired to ens!re adJacent 'and co pati'ilit" at 25+1 *>< and 2621 *>< 'o!ndaries to 'e decided on a national 'asis and taken wit$in t$e 'and 25+1 @ 2621 *><. (ssi%ned 'locks s$all 'e in !ltiple of 5.1 *><.

Wit$in a pre)io!s work ite ,/*TS 2.6 3>< T--., operation of t$e 33PP T-- ode was specified for operation in t$e 'and 25+1 @ 2621 *><. T$is work co)ers t$e 3.4#*cps and 1.24*cps T-- options. -!rin% t$e /*TS 2.6 3>< T-- work ite , work was also on%oin% on a f!rt$er work ite to incl!de t$e +.64 *cps T-- option. T$is initiall" did not incl!de operation in t$e 2.6 3>< 'and d!e to lack of co pletion of t$e /*TS 2.6 3>< T-- work ite . T$is work pro)ides t$e necessar" infor ation for 2.6 3>< +.64 *cps T-- s"ste operation, in partic!lar for R(9# to consider co5eDistence wit$ I*T2111 tec$nolo%" wit$in 2511 @ 2621 *>< !nder t$e sa e constraints !sed for t$e /*TS 2.6 3>< T-- work ite . WI- in RP51613#28 affected specifications 25.112, 25.115, 25.123, 25.113, 25.1#2, 3#.12# Co pleted Sep 21168 Stat!s Report in RP5161#51

13.2.3 ,(TS 2.2 6E; ,I*-2//21

Resources: R# Work wit$in C6PT:PT1 re%ardin% t$e 6CC -ecision on $ar onised !tili<ation of spectr! for I*T52111:/*TS s"ste s operatin% wit$in t$e 'and 2511 5 2621 *>< $as pro%ressed to t$e eDtent t$at 33PP TS3 R(9 $ad s!fficient infor ation to co ence work on specification for /*TS operatin% wit$in t$e 'and 2511 5 2621 *><. T$e $ar onised spectr! sc$e e for I*T52111:/*TS in t$e 'and 2511 5 2621 *>< as considered '" C6PT:PT1 isH

T$e fre&!enc" 'and 2511 @ 25+1 *>< is paired wit$ 2621 @ 2621 *>< for F-- operation wit$ t$e o'ile trans it wit$in t$e lower 'and and 'ase trans it wit$in t$e !pper 'and. (d inistrations a" assi%n t$e fre&!enc" 'and 25+1 @ 2621 *>< eit$er for T-- or for F-- downlink ,eDternal.. (n" %!ard 'ands re&!ired to ens!re adJacent 'and co pati'ilit" at 25+1 *>< and 2621 *>< 'o!ndaries will 'e decided on a national 'asis and taken wit$in t$e 'and 25+1 @ 2621 *><. (ssi%ned 'locks s$all 'e in !ltiple of 5.1 *><.

T$is work pro)ides t$e necessar" infor ation of 2.6 3>< F-- s"ste H 3enerate a report s! ari<in% a st!d" of radio re&!ire ents /TR( F-- in t$e 2.6 3>< CandH

2511 @ 25+1 *><H /p5link ,/6 trans it, 9ode C recei)e. 2621 @ 2621 *><H -own5link ,9ode C trans it, /6 recei)e.

T$e co5eDistence wit$ I*T2111 tec$nolo%" wit$in 2511 @ 2621 *>< s$all 'e considered.

WI- in RP51#132+8 affected specifications 25.111, 25.11#, 25.133, 25.1#1, 25.331, 25.2#2, 25.316, 25.31+, 3#.121 Co pleted G!n 2115, Stat!s Report in RP515114#



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

13.2.! ,(TS 2.2 6E; T** ,I*-2//23

Resources: R# Work wit$in C6PT:PT1 re%ardin% t$e 6CC -ecision on $ar onised !tili<ation of spectr! for I*T52111:/*TS s"ste s operatin% wit$in t$e 'and 2511 5 2621 *>< $as pro%ressed to t$e eDtent t$at 33PP TS3 R(9 $ad s!fficient infor ation to co ence work on specification for /*TS operatin% wit$in t$e 'and 2511 5 2621 *><. T$e $ar onised spectr! sc$e e for I*T52111:/*TS in t$e 'and 2511 5 2621 *>< as considered '" C6PT:PT1 isH

T$e fre&!enc" 'and 2511 @ 25+1 *>< is paired wit$ 2621 @ 2621 *>< for F-- operation wit$ t$e o'ile trans it wit$in t$e lower 'and and 'ase trans it wit$in t$e !pper 'and. (d inistrations a" assi%n t$e fre&!enc" 'and 25+1 @ 2621 *>< eit$er for T-- or for F-- downlink ,eDternal.. (n" %!ard 'ands re&!ired to ens!re adJacent 'and co pati'ilit" at 25+1 *>< and 2621 *>< 'o!ndaries to 'e decided on a national 'asis and taken wit$in t$e 'and 25+1 @ 2621 *><. (ssi%ned 'locks s$all 'e in !ltiple of 5.1 *><.

T$is work pro)ides t$e necessar" infor ation for 2.6 3>< T--, i.e. a report s! ari<in% a st!d" of radio re&!ire ents for /TR( T-- in t$e 2.6 3>< Cand ,25+1 5 2621 *>< T-- .. T$e co5eDistence wit$ I*T2111 tec$nolo%" wit$in 2511 @ 2621 *>< s$all 'e considered. WI- in RP51#15538 affected specifications 25.112, 25.115, 25.113, 25.123, 25.1#2, 25.331, 25.2#2, 25.316, 25.31+, 3#.122, 3#.12# Co pleted -ec 2115, Stat!s Report in RP5151661

13.2.3 ,(TS 0// (E; ,I*-2//2.

Resources: R# R(9# perfor ed t$e necessar" work to allow t$e introd!ction of /*TS in t$e 211 *><, prod!ce t$e necessar" /*TS211 specifications and c$eck t$e c!rrent RF Scenarios a%ainst t$e re&!ire ents in t$e 'andH 441 @ 215 *><H /p5link ,/6 trans it, 9ode C recei)e. 225 @ 261 *><H -own5link ,9ode C trans it, /6 recei)e.

R(9 # e)al!ated t$e CS and /6 ini ! RF perfor ance re&!ire ents necessar" to ens!re t$e %ood co5eDistence of 3S* and /*TS in t$e 211 *>< 'and in practical deplo" ent scenarios. WI- in RP51#15#18 affected specifications 25.111, 25.11#, 25.113, 25.133, 25.1#1, 25.331, 25.2#2, 25.316, 25.31+, 3#.121 Co pleted -ec 2115, Stat!s Report in RP5151662

13.2.2 ,(TS 1.// (E; ,I*-2//!3

Resources: R# T$is work e)al!ates /*TS 1+11 for potential deplo" ent in Gapan inH 1+#2.2 @ 1+4#.2 *><H /p5link ,/6 trans it, 9ode C recei)e. 14##.2 @ 14+2.2 *><H -own5link ,9ode C trans it, /6 recei)e.

It st!died co5eDistence wit$ (RIC ST-524 ,P>S., takin% t$e fre&!enc" refra in% plan in Gapan into acco!nt. WI- in RP51513458 affected specifications 25.111, 25.11#, 25.113, 25.133, 25.1#1, 25.316, 25.31+, 25.331, 3#.121 Co pleted -ec 21158 Stat!s Report in RP515142#



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

13.2.. ,< &ntenna Performance <'aluation (et"od and Re$uirements ,I*-2//2!

Resources: R# /6 antenna perfor ance $as critical i pact on 'ot$ s"ste perfor ance ,t$ro!%$p!t. and co)era%e. In order to ens!re a certain le)el of co)era%e and AoS for t$e !ser, ini al re&!ire ents for /6 antenna perfor ance are needed. For t$e speec$ ode ,/6 close to $ead. itH introd!ces a et$od for /6 antenna perfor ance e)al!ation8 defines /6 antenna ini al perfor ance re&!ire ents.

WI- in RP51511228 affected specifications 25.111, 25.263 Co pleted *a" 211+8 Stat!s Report in RP51+1241.

13.2.4 Impro'ed Performance Re$uirements for ES*P& ,< %ased on R8 *i'ersit )T pe 1+ G ?((S< e$uali;er )T pe 2+ ,I*-2//!3
Resources: R# To f!rt$er increase attracti)eness and perfor ance of t$e $i%$er code capa'ilit" /6 classes, f!rt$er i pro)e ents for >S-P( perfor ance re&!ire ents for 11 code /6s ,i.e. for cate%ories + and 4. were introd!ced a'o)e t$e Rel56 i pro)e ents 'ased on reference recei)er ;**S6 c$ip5le)el e&!ali<er and a reference recei)er wit$ recei)e di)ersit". It pro)ides t$e 'enefits of RD di)ersit" for all ,Ior:Ioc. %eo etries w$ile t$e ;**S6 a!% ents t$e 'enefits of RD di)ersit" w$en effecti)el" operatin% at t$e $i%$er ,Ior:Ioc. %eo etries. T$e co 'ined reference recei)er can 'e 'ased on t$e recei)er str!ct!res t$at were !sed for definin% >S-P( perfor ance i pro)e ents in Rel56 ,T"pe 1 and T"pe 2 perfor ance i pro)e ents.. 9o specific i ple entation sol!tion is andated '" t$e perfor ance re&!ire ents. WI- in RP51513628 affected specifications 25.111 Co pleted *ar 2116, Stat!s Report in RP5161115

13.2.0 &dditional minimum ,< performance re$uirement for non1ES*P& c"annels %ased on T pe 1 en"anced recei'er )R8 *i'ersit + ,I*-2//22
Resources: R# I pro)ed perfor ance re&!ire ents $a)e 'een incl!ded in TS 25.111 for >S-P( on t$e 'asis of en$anced recei)ers of T"pe 1 and 2 ,RD di)ersit" and ;**S6.. T$e perfor ance 'enefits of RD di)ersit" are potentiall" lar%e for non5 >S-P( transport c$annels as well, and it is eDpected t$at di)ersit" recei)ers for >S-P( can also readil" operate wit$ di)ersit" for non5>S-P( c$annels. T$is wo!ld ena'le potential %ains fro di)ersit" to 'e !tili<ed for ser)ices s!c$ as circ!it5switc$ed )oice and *C*S. T$e proposed perfor ance re&!ire ents wo!ld ena'le )erification t$at s!c$ recei)ers do ac$ie)e eDpected i pro)ed perfor ance wit$ non5>S-P( c$annels. ( s!'set of t$e c!rrent non5>S-P( recei)er perfor ance re&!ire ents wo!ld need to 'e i pro)ed to ens!re t$e ain eDpected 'enefits. It defines optional perfor ance re&!ire ents for en$anced recei)ers T"pe 1, for selected ke" non5>S-P( transport c$annels !sin% recei)er di)ersit" as t$e 'aseline recei)er. >owe)er, no specific i ple entation sol!tion is andated '" t$e perfor ance re&!ire ents. 9o specific /6 i ple entation is andated '" t$ese en$anced >S-P( re&!ire ents. Additional *ini*u* 7= perfor*ance re:uire*ent for 3L physical channels in support of 3C6@6$)3$C6 operation -ased on Type 1 enhanced receiver 'RA)3iversity+ I pro)ed perfor ance re&!ire ents $a)e 'een incl!ded in TS 25.111 for >S-P( on t$e 'asis of en$anced recei)ers of T"pe 1 and 2 ,RW di)ersit" and ;**S6.. T$e perfor ance 'enefits of RW di)ersit" are potentiall" lar%e for non5 >S-P( transport c$annels as well, and it is eDpected t$at di)ersit" recei)ers for >S-P( can also readil" operate wit$



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

di)ersit" for non5>S-P( c$annels. T$is wo!ld ena'le potential %ains fro circ!it5switc$ed )oice and *C*S.

di)ersit" to 'e !tili<ed for ser)ices s!c$ as

T$e proposed perfor ance re&!ire ents wo!ld ena'le )erification t$at s!c$ recei)ers do ac$ie)e eDpected i pro)ed perfor ance wit$ non5>S-P( c$annels. ( s!'set of t$e c!rrent non5>S-P( recei)er perfor ance re&!ire ents wo!ld need to 'e i pro)ed to ens!re t$e ain eDpected 'enefits. It defines optional perfor ance re&!ire ents for en$anced recei)ers T"pe 1, for selected ke" non5>S-P( transport c$annels !sin% recei)er di)ersit" as t$e 'aseline recei)er. >owe)er, no specific i ple entation sol!tion is andated '" t$e perfor ance re&!ire ents. WI- in RP51611458 affected specifications 25.111 Co pleted G!n 2116, Stat!s Report in RP5161235 Additional *ini*u* 7= perfor*ance re:uire*ent for downlin0 physical channels in support of 2TC6 and 2CC6 operation -ased on Type 1 enhanced receiver 'Rx)3iversity+ *ini ! /6 perfor ance re&!ire ents 'ased on T"pe 1 recei)er $a)e 'een defined for downlink p$"sical c$annels related to Release55 >S5-SC> operation ,>S5P-SC>, >S5SCC>.8 ini ! /6 perfor ance re&!ire ents 'ased on T"pe 1 recei)er $a)e not 'een defined for ot$er p$"sical c$annels. Yet, /6 s!pportin% T"pe 1 recei)er for >S5-SC> operation co!ld also !se t$e T"pe 1 recei)er capa'ilit" to i pro)e t$e de od!lation perfor ance for ot$er downlink p$"sical c$annel. It defines new optional ini ! /6 perfor ance re&!ire ents 'ased on T"pe 1 recei)er for t$e *IC> and S5CCPC> considerin% *TC> and *CC> operation. 9o specific i ple entation sol!tion is andated '" t$e perfor ance re&!ire ents. WI- in RP51611438 affected specifications 25.111 Co pleted -ec 2116, Stat!s Report in RP51616+4 Additional *ini*u* 7= perfor*ance re:uire*ent for downlin0 physical channels in support of =)3C6 operation -ased on Type 1 enhanced receiver 'Rx)3iversity+ *ini ! /6 perfor ance re&!ire ents 'ased on T"pe 1 recei)er $a)e 'een defined for downlink p$"sical c$annels related to Release55 >S5-SC> operation ,>S5P-SC>, >S5SCC>.. *ini ! /6 perfor ance re&!ire ents 'ased on T"pe 1 recei)er $a)e not 'een defined for ot$er p$"sical c$annels. Yet, /6 s!pportin% T"pe 1 recei)er for >S5-SC> operation co!ld also !se t$e T"pe 1 recei)er capa'ilit" to i pro)e t$e de od!lation perfor ance for ot$er downlink p$"sical c$annels. It defines new optional ini ! /6 perfor ance re&!ire ents 'ased on T"pe 1 recei)er for t$e 65R3C>, 65(3C> and 65>IC>. 9o specific i ple entation sol!tion is andated '" t$e perfor ance re&!ire ents. WI- in RP516114#8 affected specifications 25.111 Co pleted -ec 2116, Stat!s Report in RP51616+2

13.2.1/ Impro'ements of t"e Radio Interface 1 ,< Conformance Testin# ,I*-23/23

Resources: R5 ;inked to Feat!re /I-021124 ,RInI p.
23// . 23// 4 23/1 3 23/2 /

,< conformance testin# for ,(TS 22// (E; ,< Conformance Test for ,(TS 0// (E; )%and CIII+ Conformance Test &spects 7 Impro'ed Performance of ES*P& Recei'er t pe 3 ,< antenna :'er T"e &ir ):T&+ conformance testin#

/ ron4#
RInImp1,(TS22//-Test RInImp1,(TS0//-Test RInImp1ESPerf1T pe3-Test RInImp1,<&nt-Test

3!.1/4, 3!.121 3!.1/4, 3!.121 3!.121, 3!.1/4 3!.11!


Status Report in RP1 /4/333. R&9@!1 completed )6<R&9 aspects mi#"t need to %e included later+

23/1 3

,< conformance testin# for F** Inter1Fand :peration


3!.1/4, 3!.12311, 3!.12312,



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


23/2 4 23/3 0

Conformance Test &spects 7 <8tended ,(TS 1..>2.1 6E; Conformance Test &spects 7 (inimum ,< performance re$uirement for downlink p" sical c"annels in support of <1*CE operation %ased on t pe 1 en"anced recei'er )R81*i'ersit + Conformance Test &spects 7 (inimum ,< performance re$uirement for downlink p" sical c"annels in support of (TC6E and (CCE operation %ased on t pe 1 en"anced recei'er )R81*i'ersit +

RInImp1 ,<ConTest-,(TS1.21<8t RInImp1 ,<ConTest-R8*i'<*CE

3!.1/4, 3!.12111, 3!.12112

23/! /

RInImp1 ,<ConTest-R8*i'(F(S

Status Report RP1/4//32

13.3 R&9 impro'ements )R&9imp+ ,I*-2//20

13.3.1 :ptimi;ation of c"anneli;ation code utili;ation for 1.24 (cps T** ,I*-2//22
Resources: R1 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/!/332 TS 23.221 TS 23.222 TS 23.22! TS 23.331 TS 23.!23 TS 23.!3/ TS 23.!33 TS 23.188 9o

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on :ptimi;ation of c"anneli;ation code utili;ation 1.24 (cps T**

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

P" sical c"annels and mappin# of transport c"annels onto p" sical c"annels )T**+ (ultiple8in# and c"annel codin# )T**+ P" sical la er procedures )T**+ Radio Resource Control )RRC+5 Protocol specification ,TR&9 Iur interface Radio 9etwork Su%s stem &pplication Part )R9S&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iu% InterfaceJ #eneral aspects and principles ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9ode F &pplication Part )9F&P+ si#nallin#

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


Code !tili<ation is an i portant ele ent for t$e !plink and downlink efficienc" of /TR(5T-- cells. Se)eral feat!res re&!ire a /6 specific code for a dedicated c$annel, s!c$ as >S-P( w$ic$ re&!ires an associated -PC>, I*S wit$ infre&!ent RTCP packets and f!ll $eaders w$ic$ $a)e to 'e sent wit$ low dela". >S-P( trans issions also re&!ire c$anneli<ation codes and so efficient code !tili<ation of dedicated c$annels also i pro)es >S-P( perfor ance. For T-- code reso!rces are li ited on 'ot$ !plink and downlink. 6fficient !tili<ation and caref!l ana%e ent of 'ot$ downlink and !plink code reso!rces is desira'le. It allows a 'etter !tili<ation of codes for dedicated c$annels. T$is applies to t$e downlink and !plink for T--. ( new p$"sical c$annel P;CC> ,P$"sical ;a"er Co on Control C$annel. was introd!ced to efficientl" carr" SS:TPC si%nallin% to !ltiple !sers, t$!s re o)in% t$e need for t$e associated -; -PC> in t$e case t$at no $i%$er la"er data is apped to it. T$is ena'les code reso!rces to 'e released w$ic$ a" 'e re5!sed '" ot$er -; c$annels. T$e new c$annel was intorod!ced in TS 25.221, 25.222 and 25.22#. (lso, t$e correspondin% c$an%es to la"er 2 and 3 apects, and I!':I!r protocol aspects were intord!ced. Co pleted -ec 21168 Stat!s Report in RP5161642



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

13.3.2 *ela optimisation for procedures applica%le to CS and PS Connections ,I*-2//31

Resources: R2 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/3/342 TS 23.321 TS 23.322 TS 23.331 TR 23.413

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on *ela optimisation for procedures applica%le to CS and PS Connections

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

(edium &ccess Control )(&C+ protocol specification Radio ?ink Control )R?C+ protocol specification Packet *ata Con'er#ence Protocol )P*CP+ specification

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Si#nallin# en"ancements for Circuit1Switc"ed )CS+ and Packet1Switc"ed )PS+ connections5 &nal ses and recommendations

In a odern teleco !nication network s!c$ as /*TS, t$e ai of t$e operator is to offer $i%$ A!alit" of Ser)ice ,AoS. to !sers. T$e AoS is t$e collecti)e effect of ser)ice perfor ances, w$ic$ deter ine t$e de%ree of satisfaction of a !ser of a ser)ice. /nder t$e %eneral $eadin% of &!alit" of eDperience ,Ao6. one of t$e ore noticea'le points faced '" t$e !ser is t$e apparent dela" in set !p or c$annel allocation ti es for different connections. T$e set !p and c$annel allocation dela" can 'e defined as t$e ti e inter)al fro t$e instant t$e !ser initiate a connection re&!est !ntil t$e co plete essa%e indicatin% call disposition is recei)ed '" t$e callin% ter inal or t$e '" application ser)er. W$en esta'lis$in% a connection t$e !ser, d!e to t$is dela", a" t$ink t$at t$e connection $as not %one t$ro!%$ or t$e network is not respondin% w$ic$ a" pro pt t$e !ser to re5dial, reconnect or e)en in so e cases to a'andon t$e connection atte pt. Fro t$e ser)ice pro)iderNs perspecti)e i pro)in% t$e &!alit" of ser)ice is )er" i portant %i)in% t$eir !sers a %ood perception of t$e network perfor ance and efficienc". T$is work in)esti%ates ec$anis s to i pro)e t$e connection esta'lis$ ent ti es. T$e dela" in set !p or c$annel allocation ti es can 'e attri'!ted toH Processin% ti e in t$e /TR(9 Processin% ti e in t$e Core network Processin% ti e in /6 Call set!p and alertin% p$ase in t$e core network /TR(9 and C9 Protocols and associated o)er$ead incl!din% protocol con)ersion Si%nallin% dela" on t$e air interface Si%nallin% dela" on /TR(9 interfaces and towards C9 9(S proced!res

T$e o'Jecti)es areH To re)iew t$e CS and PS Call and session Set!p and c$annel allocation proced!res in /*TS To $i%$li%$t t$e i pro)e ents w$ere call and session set!p process can 'e i pro)ed and consider i pacts t$e rele)ant specifications To $i%$li%$t t$e i pro)e ents to t$e eDistin% RRC state transitions To identif" possi'le wa"s to en$ance call and session set!p perfor ance w$ilst keepin% in ind R22 'ackwards co pati'ilit" To p!t forward c$an%e re&!est rele)ant to specifications To foc!s on t$e red!ction of dela" ca!sed '" R(9 related aspects To re)iew perfor ance re&!ire ents for e.%. RRC proced!res To re)iew network RR* strate%ies

TR 25.415 proposes en$ance ents and c$an%es to eDistin% specifications ,TS 25.321, 25.322, 25.331.. Priorities were %i)en to decrease t$e latenc" ca!sed '" t$e )ario!s factors. Sol!tions wit$ li ited i pact on t$e /6 de)elop ent were preferred in order to ens!re a fast deli)er".



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Co pleted Sep 21168 Stat!s Report in RP5161#53

13.3.3 Impro'ed support of I(S Realtime Ser'ices usin# ES*P&>ES,P& ,I*-2//32

Resources: R2 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/3/12/ 9one 9one

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Impro'ed support of I(S Realtime Ser'ices usin# ES*P&>ES,P&

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


>S-P( and >S/P( are )er" i portant feat!res for operators to carr" efficient !lti edia ser)ices in conJ!nction wit$ I*S. >owe)er, t$ere is a need to in)esti%ate f!rt$er t$e possi'ilities to en$ance t$e s!pport for I*S real ti e ser)ices, e.%. ini i<in% t$e ser)ice interr!ption ti e in case of $ando)er and ens!rin% efficient radio reso!rce !tili<ation. T$e o'Jecti)e is to i pro)e t$e s!pport for I*S real ti e ser)ices !sin% >S-P(:>S/P(. Concl!sionH t$ere is eno!%$ f!nctionalit" in Rel56 to s!pport =oIP o)er >S-P(:>S/P(8 $owe)er, t$e =oIP capacit" and RT 3a in% iss!es $a)e not 'een opti i<ed. Re ainin% open ite s o)ed to t$e followin% WIsH I pro)ed s!pport of %a in% o)er >S-P(:6-C> Contin!o!s connecti)it" for packet data !sers

Closed -ec 21158 Stat!s Report in RP515166+

13.3.! ,< Performance Re$uirements for (F(S )T**+ ,I*-2//33

Resources: R# Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/3/132 TS 23.1/2 TS 23.123 9one

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on ,< Performance Re$uirements for (F(S )T**+

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

,ser <$uipment ),<+ radio transmission and reception )T**+ Re$uirements for support of radio resource mana#ement )T**+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


In order to facilitate t$e deplo" ent *C*S, it is essential to ens!re t$at *C*S capa'le /6S are s!pportin% a ini ! le)el of perfor ance in ter s of P2* radio link reception. It defines perfor ance re&!ire ents for t$e s!pport of t$e *C*S feat!re in t$e /6. It defines perfor ance re&!ire ents for t$e s!pport of *C*S P2* radio links and *IC> '" t$e /6. Perfor ance re&!ire ents take into acco!nt t$e potential i pacts of interr!ptions ,e.%. eas!re ents. ,inter5R(T and:or inter5fre&!enc".. Res!lts of S(# on *C*S were considered. Co pleted Sep 21168 Stat!s Report in RP5161#++

13.3.3 Continuous connecti'it for packet data users ,I*-2//!2

Resources: R1



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/3/4./ TS 23.2/1 TS 23.211 TS 23.212 TS 23.21! TS 23.3/4 TS 23.321 TS 23.331 TS 23.!23 TS 23.!33 TS 23.1/1 TS 23.133 TR 23.0/3

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Continuous connecti'it for packet data users

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

P" sical la er 1 #eneral description P" sical c"annels and mappin# of transport c"annels onto p" sical c"annels )F**+ (ultiple8in# and c"annel codin# )F**+ P" sical la er procedures )F**+ Ei#" Speed *ownlink Packet &ccess )ES*P&+5 :'erall description5 Sta#e 2 (edium &ccess Control )(&C+ protocol specification Radio Resource Control )RRC+5 Protocol specification ,TR&9 Iur interface Radio 9etwork Su%s stem &pplication Part )R9S&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9ode F &pplication Part )9F&P+ si#nallin# ,ser <$uipment ),<+ radio transmission and reception )F**+ Re$uirements for support of radio resource mana#ement )F**+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Continuous connecti'it for packet data users

Packet5oriented feat!res like >S-P( and 65-C> in WC-*(:/*TS s"ste s will pro ote t$e s!'scri'ersN desire for contin!o!s connecti)it", w$ere t$e !ser sta"s connected o)er a lon% ti e span wit$ onl" occasional acti)e periods of data trans ission, and a)oidin% fre&!ent connection ter ination and re5esta'lis$ ent wit$ its in$erent o)er$ead and dela". To s!pport a $i%$ n! 'er of >S-P( !sers in t$e code li ited downlink t$e feat!re F5-PC> was introd!ced in Rel56. In t$e !plink, t$e li itin% factor for s!pportin% a si ilarl" $i%$ n! 'er of 65-C> !sers is t$e noise rise. For s!c$ a $i%$ n! 'er of !sers in t$e cell it can 'e ass! ed t$at an" !sers are not trans ittin% an" !ser data for so e ti e ,e.%. for readin% d!rin% we' 'rowsin% or in 'etween packets for periodic packet trans ission s!c$ as =oIP.. T$e correspondin% o)er$ead in t$e noise rise ca!sed '" aintained control c$annels will si%nificantl" li it t$e n! 'er of !sers t$at can 'e efficientl" s!pported. (s co pletel" releasin% dedicated c$annels d!rin% periods of te porar" traffic inacti)it" wo!ld ca!se considera'le dela"s for re5esta'lis$in% data trans ission and a correspondin% 'ad !ser perception, it is intended to red!ce t$e i pact of control c$annels w$ile aintainin% t$e -C> state and allowin% a !c$ faster reacti)ation for te poraril" inacti)e !sers. T$e o'Jecti)e is to red!ce t$e o)er$ead of p$"sical control c$annels or related si%nallin% essa%es of packet data !sers for 'ot$ real5ti e ,e.%. =oIP. and non real5ti e ser)ices, e.%. for !sers w$ic$ $a)e te poraril" no data trans ission in eit$er !plink or downlink. Packet data !sers as considered $ere are !sin% onl" >S5-SC>:65-C> c$annels wit$o!t /; -P-C> and -; -PC>. Foc!s is on t$e !plink, '!t red!ction of o)er$ead in downlink is considered as well. (s for p$"sical la"er aspects for Contin!o!s Packet Connecti)it" ,CPC. feat!re, two feat!res were introd!ced, one is >S5SCC> less operation and t$e ot$er is -TW:-RW at t$e /6. To s!pport t$ese feat!res, new slot for at of >S5SCC> ,t"pe 2. were introd!ced to 'e !sed forH >S5SCC> less operationH CRC t"pe 2 for >S5P-SC> and >S5SCC> for at for retrans issions added. >S5SCC> ordersH ;1 co and to acti)ate:deacti)ate -TW and:or -RW at t$e /6.

Co pleted at *ar 211+8 Stat!s Report in RP51+1133

13.3.2 <8tended WC*(& Cell Ran#e ,I*-./3/

Resources: R3 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/2/212 TS 23.133 TS 23.331 TS 23.!23 TS 23.!23 TS 23.!33

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on <8tended WC*(& Cell Ran#e

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Re$uirements for support of radio resource mana#ement )F**+ Radio Resource Control )RRC+ protocol specification ,TR&9 Iur interface Radio 9etwork Su%s stem &pplication Part )R9S&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iur interface user plane protocols for Common Transport C"annel data streams ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9ode F &pplication Part )9F&P+ si#nallin#


TS 23.!33 TS 23.!33 9one

Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

,TR&9 Iu% interface user plane protocols for Common Transport C"annel data streams ,TR&9 Iupc interface Positionin# Calculation &pplication Part )PC&P+ si#nallin#

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


Cefore Re5+, si%nallin% in t$e /TR(9 protocols did not allow cell ran%es $i%$er t$an aro!nd 61 k . T$e ran%e t$at co!ld 'e reported for PR(C> propa%ation dela" was aro!nd 61 k and t$e ran%e for Ro!nd Trip Ti e ,RTT. eas!re ents in t$e 9ode C was aro!nd 64 k . (s scenarios were identified w$ic$ re&!ire lar%er WC-*( cell si<es, it was decided to re o)e t$ese restrictions in Rel5+ and to allow eDtended WC-*( cell ran%es as eDist toda" in 3S* ,121 k for eDtended ran%e 3S* cells.. 6Dtended WC-*( Cell Ran%e works wit$ le%ac" ter inals, no new re&!ire ents for t$e /6 were added. >owe)er, /TR(9 perfor ance re&!ire ents for PR(C> propa%ation dela" and RTT eas!re ents in t$e eDtended reportin% ran%es were specified. T$e acc!rac" re&!ire ents for eDtended RTT and PR(C> propa%ation dela" were kept t$e sa e as 'efore, i.e. 1.5 c$ip and 2 c$ips respecti)el". T$ese two )al!es are specified for cell ran%es !p to 141 k w$ile t$e si%nallin% allows cell si<es !p to 2#1 k . Bn t$e I!' interface a new Extended Propagation Delay I6 was introd!ced w$ic$ optionall" co ple ents t$e pre)io!sl" eDistin% Propagation Delay I6, in t$e R(-IB ;I9E S6T/P R6A/6ST, R(-IB ;I9E (CTI=(TIB9 and /P;I9E SI39(;;I93 TR(9SF6R essa%es. For Protocol Co pati'ilit", w$ene)er Extended Propagation Delay I6 is present, t$e Propagation Delay I6 s$all 'e set to its aDi ! )al!e to pro)ide 'est approDi ate )al!e for le%ac" s"ste s. T$e ran%e of t$e new Extended Propagation Delay I6 is selected to allow for cell radi!s of at least 141 k and t$is re&!ires 11'its in t$e CC> R(C> fra e protocol. T$e introd!ced ran%e 1.3162 c$ips corresponds to 2#1 k . T$e new Extended Round Trip Time I6 is a new c$oice w$en reportin% eas!re ents, '" essa%es -6-IC(T6*6(S/R6*69T I9ITI(TIB9 R6SPB9S6 and -6-IC(T6- *6(S/R6*69T R6PBRT. Co pleted -ec 21168 Stat!s Report in RP5161645

13.3.. ..24 (cps T** <n"anced ,plink ,I*-./31

Resources: R1 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/2/110 TS 23.2/1 TS 23.2/2 TS 23.221 TS 23.222 TS 23.223 TS 23.22! TS 23.223 TS 23.3/2 TS 23.3/2 TS 23.310 TS 23.321 TS 23.331 TS 23.!/1 TS 23.!2/ TS 23.!23 TS 23.!2. TS 23.!3/ TS 23.!33 TR 23.0/2 TR 23.031 TS 23.1/2 TS 23.1/3 TS 23.1!2 9one

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on ..24 (cps T** <n"anced ,plink

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

P" sical la er 1 #eneral description ..24(cps Time *i'ision *uple8 )T**+ option 5 :'erall descriptionJ Sta#e 2 P" sical c"annels and mappin# of transport c"annels onto p" sical c"annels )T**+ (ultiple8in# and c"annel codin# )T**+ Spreadin# and modulation )T**+ P" sical la er procedures )T**+ P" sical la er5 (easurements )T**+ Ser'ices pro'ided % t"e p" sical la er ,< Radio &ccess capa%ilities <n"anced uplink5 :'erall description5 Sta#e 2 (edium &ccess Control )(&C+ protocol specification Radio Resource Control )RRC+5 Protocol specification ,TR&9 o'erall description ,TR&9 Iur interface #eneral aspects and principles ,TR&9 Iur interface Radio 9etwork Su%s stem &pplication Part )R9S&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iur>Iu% interface user plane protocol for *CE data streams ,TR&9 Iu% InterfaceJ #eneral aspects and principles ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9ode F &pplication Part )9F&P+ si#nallin# Iu%>Iur con#estion control ,TR&9 functions, e8amples on si#nallin# procedures ,ser <$uipment ),<+ radio transmission and reception )T**+Q Fase Station )FS+ radio transmission and reception )T**+ Fase Station )FS+ conformance testin# )T**+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s




Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

(s feat!res a)aila'le wit$ t$e +.64 *cps T-- option are li ited to t$ose pro)ided '" Rel56, t$e 6n$anced /plink feat!re or >S/P( is also re&!ired for t$e +.64 *cps T-- option. T$is is eDpected to pro)ide t$e nat!ral !plink co ple ent to +.64*cps >S-P( and also to pro)ide do!'le t$e peak !plink !ser data rate wit$ respect to 3.4# *cps T--. Proced!res for 3.4#*cps 65-C> can 'e al ost entirel" re!sed at +.64*cps. T$e onl" s!'stanti)e c$an%es identified are t$at t$e c$anneli<ation code $oppin% se&!ences wo!ld need to 'e eDtended to acco odate SF32 and t$at t$e SF5 dependent power %ain factors wo!ld need to 'e a ended to acco odate SF32. Co pleted -ec 21168 Stat!s Report in RP516164#

13.3.4 <n"anced C<??-F&CE State in F** ,I*-33///0

Resources: R2 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/./2!3 TR 23.413 TS 23.211 TS 23.3/! TS 23.3/2 TS 23.3/4 TS 23.321 TS 23.331 TS 23.!23 TS 23.!23 TS 23.!23 TS 23.!33 TS 23.!33 9one

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on <n"anced C<??-F&CE State in F**

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Si#nallin# en"ancements for Circuit1Switc"ed )CS+ and Packet1Switc"ed )PS+ Connections5 &nal ses and recommendations P" sical c"annels and mappin# of transport c"annels onto p" sical c"annels )F**+ ,ser <$uipment ),<+ procedures in idle mode and procedures for cell reselection in connected mode ,< Radio &ccess capa%ilities Ei#" Speed *ownlink Packet &ccess )ES*P&+5 :'erall description5 Sta#e 2 (edium &ccess Control )(&C+ protocol specification Radio Resource Control )RRC+5 Protocol specification ,TR&9 Iur interface Radio 9etwork Su%s stem &pplication Part )R9S&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iur interface Radio 9etwork Su%s stem &pplication)R9S&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iur interface user plane protocols for Common Transport C"annel data streams ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9ode F &pplication Part )9F&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iu% interface user plane protocols for Common Transport C"annel data streams

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


T$is '!ilds !pon t$e en$ance ents done '" t$e Work Ite to co on ;a"er 2 arc$itect!re.

/I-03#1132 ,I pro)ed ;2 s!pport for $i%$ data rates. d!e

It i pro)es ,i.e. red!ces. t$e dela" in set!p and c$annel allocation, for CS and PS. T$is is ac$ie)ed '" appl"in% >S-P( ,>S5-SC> c$annels. to Si%nallin% Radio Cearers ,SRCs. ,wit$o!t re5!se of !plink feed'ack and specific p$"sical c$annel -P5CC>, e.%. wit$o!t closed loop power control.. Bt$er %ains pro)idedH Possi'ilit" to increase a)aila'le downlink peak rates in all states ot$er t$an Cell0-C> ,i.e. idle, Cell0F(C>, Cell5 PC>, /R(0PC> States.8 Red!ce state transitions dela"s, fro all States towards t$e Cell0-C> State.

(s a conse&!ence, t$is also allows o'iles to re ain in t$e Cell0F(C> state lon%er ,i.e. wit$o!t transitin% to I ore dedicatedI states., and $ence allows power cons! ption sa)in%. In a odern teleco !nication network s!c$ as /*TS, t$e ai of t$e operator is to offer $i%$ A!alit" of Ser)ice ,AoS. to !sers. T$e AoS is t$e collecti)e effect of ser)ice perfor ances, w$ic$ deter ine t$e de%ree of satisfaction of a !ser of a ser)ice. /nder t$e %eneral $eadin% of &!alit" of eDperience ,Ao6. one of t$e ore noticea'le points faced '" t$e !ser is t$e apparent dela" in set !p or c$annel allocation ti es for different connections incl!din% response ti es of different PS data connections.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

TR 25.415 s$ows t$at set!p dela"s on PS and also CS do ain can si%nificantl" 'e red!ced '" !sin% >SP( for SRCs. T$e tar%et is to red!ce /TR(9 latencies and concentrate on $ow t$e >SP( reso!rces can 'e acti)ated for t$e /6 in t$e ost efficient anner. In addition, t$e work considered $ow t$e data rates a)aila'le in C6;;0F(C> can 'e increased to red!ce si%nallin% latencies as well as address t$e cases w$ere t$e !sa%e of C6;;0-C> state is not preferred '" t$e network. T$is co!ld 'e d!e to $i%$ interest on Ialwa"s onI t"pe ser)ices like PoC, P!s$ e ail and =P9 connections, w$ic$ introd!ce fre&!ent '!t s all packets to 'e trans itted 'etween /6 and ser)er. In li%$t of contin!o!s pro%ress to packet opti ised radio to%et$er wit$ 9ode C 'ased sc$ed!lin%, t$e !se of >S-P( in C6;;0F(C> state was in)esti%ated to o'tain s aller si%nallin% dela"s and $i%$er 'it rate in C6;;0F(C> state. T$is work pro)ides t$e necessar" odifications to Rel5+ i pro)in% t$e C6;;0F(C> state '"H

Increasin% t$e a)aila'le peak rate for /6s in C6;;0F(C> state, e.%. '" !tilisin% >S-P( in C6;;0F(C> state. Red!cin% t$e latenc" of !ser and control plane in t$e C6;;0F(C>, C6;;0PC> and /R(0PC> state '" $i%$er data peak rate Red!cin% state transition dela" fro C6;;0F(C>, C6;;0PC> and /R(0PC> state to C6;;0-C> state (llowin% lower /6 power cons! ption in C6;;0F(C> state '" discontin!o!s reception

In addition, t$is work considered t$e en$ance ents pro)ided '" Contin!o!s Packet Connecti)it" ,CPC., to ac$ie)e 'est s!ited sol!tions in t$e areas t$e" a" o)erlap. Co pleted *a" 211+8 Stat!s Report in RP51+1246

13.3.0 2!I&( for ES*P& )F**+ ,I*-3!//34

Resources: R1 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/./223 TS 23.3/4 TS 23.211 TS 23.212 TS 23.213 TS 23.3/2 TS 23.331 TS 23.!33 TS 23.!33 TS 23.!23 TS 23.!23 TS 23.1/1 TS 23.1/! TS 23.1!1 9one

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on 2!I&( for ES*P& )F**+

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

,< Radio &ccess capa%ilities P" sical c"annels and mappin# of transport c"annels onto p" sical c"annels )F**+ (ultiple8in# and c"annel codin# )F**+ Spreadin# and modulation )F**+ ,< Radio &ccess capa%ilities Radio Resource Control )RRC+5 Protocol specification ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9ode F &pplication Part )9F&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iu% interface user plane protocols for Common Transport C"annel data streams ,TR&9 Iur interface Radio 9etwork Su%s stem &pplication Part )R9S&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iur interface user plane protocols for Common Transport C"annel data streams ,ser <$uipment ),<+ radio transmission and reception )F** Fase Station )FS+ radio transmission and reception )F**+ Fase Station )FS+ conformance testin# )F**+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


T$e !se of 6#A(* in t$e downlink is an attracti)e co ple ent to e.%. in scenarios w$ere deplo" ent of *I*B is not possi'le.

!lti5antenna tec$ni&!es ,*I*B. in t$e downlink,

Si%nificant %ains were o'ser)ed '" t$e pro)ision of 6#A(* in scenarios ,cells wit$ isolation. w$ere !sers can 'enefit in ter s of increased t$ro!%$p!t fro fa)o!ra'le radio conditions s!c$ as in well t!ned o!tdoor s"ste s or indoor s"ste sol!tions. It adds 6#A(* s!pport as a downlink od!lation sc$e e for >S-P( in F-- for T"pe II:III /6s.

Co pleted *a" 211+8 Stat!s Report in RP51+124+



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

13.3.1/ Impro'ed ?2 support for "i#" data rates ,I*-3!//30

Resources: R2 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/./2!2 TS 23.3/1 TS 23.3/4 TS 23.3/2 TS 23.321 TS 23.322 TS 23.331 TS 23.!33 TS 23.!33 TS 23.!23 TS 23.!23 TR 23.000 9one

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Impro'ed ?2 support for "i#" data rates

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Radio interface protocol arc"itecture Ei#" Speed *ownlink Packet &ccess )ES*P&+5 :'erall description ,< Radio &ccess capa%ilities (edium &ccess Control )(&C+ protocol specification Radio ?ink Control )R?C+ protocol specification Radio Resource Control )RRC+5 Protocol specification ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9ode F &pplication Part )9F&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iu% interface user plane protocols for Common Transport C"annel data streams ,TR&9 Iur interface Radio 9etwork Su%s stem &pplication Part )R9S&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iur interface user plane protocols for Common Transport C"annel data streams Ei#" Speed Packet &ccess )ESP&+ e'olution5 Fre$uenc *i'ision *uple8 )F**+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


T$is Work Ite is in fact a 'aseline feat!re for ot$er Work Ite s s!c$ as *I*B, 6#A(* for >S-P( ,F--. and 6n$anced C6;;0F(C> state in F--. It is itself '!ilt !pon >S-P( ,!se of t$e >S5-SC> c$annels.. It opti i<es t$e Radio ;ink Control ,R;C. la"er, in order to s!pport $i%$er data rates. T$is is ac$ie)ed t$ro!%$ fleDi'le R;C si<es, *edi! (ccess Control ,*(C. se% entation, and t$e !ltipleDin% of different priorit" sc$e es ,direct !ltipleDin% of lo%ical c$annels in t$e *(C $eader. in t$e downlink. T$e reason was t$at t$e R;C peak data rate was li ited '" t$e R;C Packet -ata /nit ,P-/. si<e, t$e ro!nd trip ti e ,RTT. and t$e R;C window si<e ,creatin% a sit!ation w$ere !nder so e scenarios t$e R;C protocol was t$e 'ottleneck of t$e s"ste .. T$e introd!ction of *I*B si%nificantl" increases t$e data rates of t$e >S-P( and ot$er i pro)e ents, s!c$ as $i%$er order od!lation tar%eted for >SP( e)ol!tion to f!rt$er increase t$e -; data rates. It is known fro t$e work on >S-P( t$at t$e R;C peak data rate is li ited '" t$e R;C P-/ si<e, t$e RTT and t$e R;C window si<e. For reasona'le R;C P-/ si<es, s!c$ as 321 or 6#1 'it, t$e R;C protocol can not s!stain t$e c!rrent peak data rate of t$e p$"sical la"er in >S5-SC>. For increased data rates ac$ie)ed '" *I*B and ot$er i pro)e ents, it is likel" t$at t$e li itations of t$e R;C are e)en ore prono!nced, leadin% to a sit!ation, in w$ic$ t$e R;C protocol is t$e 'ottleneck of t$e s"ste . T$erefore, in TR 25.222 it is proposed to introd!ce s!pport for fleDi'le R;C P-/ si<es and *(C se% entation in downlink in order to reac$ $i%$ data rates and red!ce protocol o)er$ead and paddin%. (s c$an%es to t$e link la"er protocols are alread" needed for t$e introd!ction of t$e *I*B, it wo!ld 'e 'eneficial to incorporate f!t!re5proof sol!tions alread" in Rel5+ to s!pport $i%$ data rates in t$e link la"er protocols. In order to facilitate eas" deplo" ent of t$e en$anced protocols, as well as 'ackward co pati'ilit", t$e en$ance transition 'etween old and new P-/ for ats $ad 'een e)al!ated. It pro)ides t$e necessar" odifications in order toH et$ods to

(llow link la"er s!pport for $i%$ data rates in downlink '" introd!cin% s!pport for fleDi'le R;C P-/ si<es, *(C5$s !ltipleDin% and se% entation8 Pro)ide a sin%le ;2 protocol e)ol!tion for all perfor ance en$ance ents8 6)al!ate t$e necessit" to s!pport *(C5d !ltipleDin% and R;C concatenation8 (llow s oot$ transition 'etween old and new protocol for ats. a" 'e pro)ided in t$e f!t!re.

T$e link la"er s!pport for $i%$ data rates in t$e !plink Co pleted *a" 211+8 Stat!s Report in RP51+1242



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

13.3.11 Introduction of 12I&( in ES,P& )F**+ ,I*-3!//!/

Resources: R2 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/2/4!! TS 23.310 TS 23.1/1 TS 23.1/! TS 23.133 TS 23.1!1 TS 23.211 TS 23.212 TS 23.213 TS 23.21! TS 23.3/2 TS 23.321 TS 23.331 TS 23.!23 TS 23.!33 9one

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Introduction of 12I&( in ES,P& )F**+

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

<n"anced uplink5 :'erall description5 Sta#e 2 ,ser <$uipment ),<+ radio transmission and reception )F**+ Fase Station )FS+ radio transmission and reception )F**+ Re$uirements for support of radio resource mana#ement )F**+ Fase Station )FS+ conformance testin# )F**+ P" sical c"annels and mappin# of transport c"annels onto p" sical c"annels )F**+ (ultiple8in# and c"annel codin# )F**+ Spreadin# and modulation )F**+ P" sical la er procedures )F**+ ,< Radio &ccess capa%ilities (edium &ccess Control )(&C+ protocol specification Radio Resource Control )RRC+5 Protocol specification ,TR&9 Iur interface Radio 9etwork Su%s stem &pplication Part )R9S&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9ode F &pplication Part )9F&P+ si#nallin#

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


Wit$ t$e introd!ction of *I*B or 6#A(* in t$e downlink, $i%$er data rates can 'e pro)ided for !sers in fa)o!ra'le conditions. To atc$ t$e increased downlink t$ro!%$p!t, t$e introd!ction of 16A(* in t$e !plink is an attracti)e addition to t$e en$anced !plink concept, pro)idin% t$e !sers also wit$ increased !plink data rates. Si%nificant %ains in ter s of t$ro!%$p!t were o'ser)ed '" t$e pro)ision of 16A(* in scenarios ,cells wit$ isolation. w$ere !sers can 'enefit fro fa)o!ra'le radio conditions s!c$ as in well t!ned o!tdoor s"ste s or indoor s"ste sol!tions. It specifies t$e s!pport of 16A(* as a !plink od!lation sc$e e for >S/P( in F--

Co pleted *a" 211+8 Stat!s Report in RP51+1244

13.3.12 Interface to control Tower (ounted &mplifiers )T(&s+ ,I*-2//22

Resources: R3,S5 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/2/!14 TS 23.!/1 TS 23.!2/ TS 23.!21 TS 23.!22 TS 23.!23 TS 32.2!2 TS 32.2!3 TS 32.2!3

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Interface to control Tower mounted amplifiers

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

,TR&9 :'erall *escription ,TR&9 Iuant interfaceJ 6eneral aspects and principles ,TR&9 Iuant InterfaceJ ?a er 1 ,TR&9 Iuant interfaceJ Si#nallin# transport ,TR&9 Iuant InterfaceJ Remote <lectrical Tiltin# )R<T+ antennas &pplication Part )R<T&P+ si#nallin# Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 ,TR&9 network resources Inte#ration Reference Point )IRP+J 9etwork Resource (odel )9R(+ Telecommunication mana#ement5 Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 ,TR&9 network resources Inte#ration Reference Point )IRP+J Common :%Lect Re$uest Froker &rc"itecture )C:RF&+ Solution Set )SS+ Telecommunication mana#ement5 Telecommunication mana#ement5 Confi#uration (ana#ement )C(+5 ,TR&9 network resources Inte#ration Reference Point )IRP+J Fulk C( eDtensi%le (arkup ?an#ua#e )D(?+ file format definition

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

TS 23.!22 ,TR&9 Iuant interfaceJ &pplication part

Cefore t$e introd!ction of t$is feat!re t$e control of T*(s was onl" possi'le '" 'etween 9ode C and BperatorMs BF* S"ste .

eans of proprietar" interfaces



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

(s a res!lt Bperators co!ld not

iD e&!ip ent fro

different 9ode C and T*( =endors.

(s a conse&!ence, a standardi<ed interface was re&!ired to sa)e BperatorMs costs for site )isits and to ena'le Bperators to independentl" c$oose =endors of 9ode C and T*( e&!ip ent. F!rt$er ore, a co on set of para eters and co ands in a !lti5)endor network allows t$e Bperator to perfor network opti i<ation fro t$e 9etwork 6le ent *ana%er o)er t$e Ift59 interface. To control T*(s t$e eDistin% I!ant interface introd!ced in Rel56 for IRe ote 6lectrical Tiltin% (ntennasI was re5!sed ,25.#61, 25.#61, 25.#62, 25.#63.. T$ese specifications were !pdated wit$ t$e T*( f!nctionalit" accordin% to t$e ta'le a'o)e, eDcept for t$e (pplication Part si%nallin%. 25.#63 was closed ,i.e. no f!rt$er Rel5+ R6T and T*(. aintenance. and replaced '" t$e new 25.#66 descri'in% 'ot$ (pplications,

Co pleted *ar 211+8 Stat!s Report in RP51+11#1

13.3.13 R&9 impro'ements 1 ,< Conformance Testin# ,I*-23/22 )Completion .2=5 Tar#et (ar 2//0+
Resources: R5 ;inked to Feat!re /I-021122 ,R(9i p. Co pletion tar%et 13:2112 ,$a$"s2 ,e* 2008
23/2 1 23/3 1

Conformance Test &spects 1 3.4! (cps and ..24 (cps T** <n"anced ,plink Conformance Test &spects 7 2!I&( for ES*P& )F**+ Conformance Test &spects 7 12I&( for ES,P& )F**+

/ ron4#


3!.1/4, 3!.122, 3!.12311, 3!.12312, 3!.12313 3!.1/4, 3!.1211 1, 3!.12112, 3!.12311, 3!.12312, 3!.12313 3!.1/4, 3!.1211 1, 3!.12112, 3!.12311, 3!.12312, 3!.12313 3!.1/4, 3!.1231 1, 3!.12312, 3!.12313 3!.1/4, 3!.1211 1, 3!.12112, 3!.12311, 3!.12312, 3!.12313 3!.1/4, 3!.1231 1, 3!.12312, 3!.12313

WI* in RP1/2/!4!. Status Report in RP1/4/332. R&9@!1 completed WI* in RP1/.1310. R&9@30 completed. Status Report RP1/4//30 WI* in RP1/.//22. Status Report in RP1/4/241

R&9imp1,<ConTest-<*CET*E 1//=

R&9imp1,<ConTest-2!Iam*ownlink 23/3 2 1//=

R&9imp1,<ConTest-12Iam,plink 23/3 3 23/3 ! Conformance Test &spects 7 Impro'ed ?2 support for "i#" data rates Conformance Test &spects 7 Continuous connecti'it for packet data users Conformance Test &spects 7 <n"anced C<??-F&CE state in F** 1//= R&9imp1,<ConTest-?2*ataRates 1//=

WI* in RP1/.//2/. Status Report RP1/4//21 WI* in RP1/.//23. R&9@!/ completed. Status Report in RP1/4/242 R&9@!1J WI* ,pdated RP1/./!23RSRP1/4/.3/. Status Report in RP1 /4/33.. Tar#et completion /0>/4RS/3>/0

R&9imp1,<ConTest-CPC 23/3 3 ./= R&9imp7 ,<ConTest-<n"ancedCellF&CEState

13.! ..24 (cps T** option ,I*-2//1!

Resources: RP



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/2/110 TS 23.2/1 TS 23.221 TS 23.222 TS 23.223 TS 23.22! TS23.223 TS 23.3/1 TS 23.3/2 TS 23.3/! TS 23.3/3 TS 23.3/2 TS 23.321 TS 23.331 TS 23.!/1 TS 23.!/2 TS 23.!23 TS 23.!23 TS 23.!2. TS 23.!33 TR 23.!33 TR 23.!33 TS 23.1/2 TS 23.1/3 TS 23.123 TS 23.1!2 TS 3!.12! TS 23.2/2

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on ..24 (cps T** <n"anced ,plink

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

P" sical la er 1 #eneral description P" sical c"annels and mappin# of transport c"annels onto p" sical c"annels )T**+ (ultiple8in# and c"annel codin# )T**+ Spreadin# and modulation )T**+ P" sical la er procedures )T**+ P" sical la er5 (easurements )T**+ Radio interface protocol arc"itecture Ser'ices pro'ided % t"e p" sical la er ,ser <$uipment ),<+ procedures in idle mode and procedures for cell reselection in connected mode ,ser <$uipment ),<+ positionin# in ,ni'ersal Terrestrial Radio &ccess 9etwork ),TR&9+5 Sta#e 2 ,< Radio &ccess capa%ilities (edium &ccess Control )(&C+ protocol specification Radio Resource Control )RRC+5 Protocol specification ,TR&9 o'erall description S nc"roni;ation in ,TR&9 Sta#e 2 ,TR&9 Iur interface Radio 9etwork Su%s stem &pplication Part )R9S&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iur interface user plane protocols for Common Transport C"annel data streams ,TR&9 Iur>Iu% interface user plane protocol for *CE data streams ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9ode F &pplication Part )9F&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iu% interface user plane protocols for Common Transport C"annel data streams ,TR&9 Iupc interface Positionin# Calculation &pplication Part )PC&P+ si#nallin# ,ser <$uipment ),<+ radio transmission and reception )T**+ Fase Station )FS+ radio transmission and reception )T**+ Re$uirements for support of radio resource mana#ement )T**+ Fase Station )FS+ conformance testin# )T**+ <lectroma#netic compati%ilit )<(C+ re$uirements for mo%ile terminals and ancillar e$uipment

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

..24(cps Time *i'ision *uple8 )T**+ option 5 :'erall descriptionJ Sta#e 2

T$e +.64*cps T-- option is an e)ol!tion of t$e 3.4#*cps T-- option to a $i%$er c$ip rate. T$ere eDists a %reat de%ree of co onalit" 'etween t$e 3.4#*cps T-- option and t$e +.64*cps T-- option. 9e)ert$eless, t$ere are an" aspects of t$e +.64*cps T-- option t$at re&!ire separate specification. (s for p$"sical la"er str!ct!re, t$e +.64*cps T-- option fra e is of len%t$ 11 s and consists of 15 ti eslots of d!ration 5121 Z Tc, w$ere Tc is t$e c$ip d!ration ,Tc O 1 : +.64 Z 116 O 131.2ns.. (n" ti eslot in t$e fra e can 'e eit$er !plink or downlink. (t least one ti eslot in t$e fra e is assi%ned to t$e !plink and at least one ti eslot in t$e fra e is assi%ned to t$e downlink. T$e fra e str!ct!re is s$own in Fi%!re 5.#51. P$"sical la"er proced!res s!c$ as power control, ti in% ad)ance, >S-P( proced!res, s"nc$ronisation proced!res, R(C> proced!res, and so on are ali%ned wit$ t$at of 3.4#*cps T--. /6 capa'ilities for t$e +.64 *cps T-- ode are 'ased on t$e 3.4# *cps T--. T$e capa'ilities for +.64*cps T-- acco!nt for t$e $i%$er n! 'er of p$"sical c$annels s!pported and additionall" s!pport $i%$er peak 'it rates. T$e ini ! *C*S capa'ilit" at +.64*cps is twice t$e ini ! capa'ilit" at 3.4#*cps. 9eDt, as for la"er 2:3 protocol aspects, t$e protocol arc$itect!re for +.64 *cps T-- is t$e sa e as t$e protocol arc$itect!re for 3.4# *cps T--, t$ere are so e i pact on si%nallin%. T$e differences 'etween +.64 *cps T-- and 3.4# *cps T-- concern ;2:*(C and ;3:RRC onl". ;2:R;C, ;2:C*C, ;2:P-CP and ;3 /5plane infor ation are not i pacted. T$e ;2:*(C differences 'etween +.64*cps T-- and 3.4#*cps T-- are d!e to t$e s!pport of a $i%$er capa'ilit" >S-P( /6 at +.64*cps ,21.#*'ps.. T$e ;2:*(C differences concernH 5 5 t$e aDi ! T--.. n! 'er of P-/s trans itted in a sin%le TTI ,636 at +.64*cps co pared to 314 for3.4# *cps aDi ! transport 'lock si<e t$at can 'e si%nalled at +.64*cps is

>SP-( transport 'lock si<e si%nallin%. T$e twice t$at at 3.4#*cps.

Re%ardin% Radio aspects, TD and RD c$aracteristics for 'ot$ of /6 and CS are !pdated, s!c$ as Spectr! 6 ission *ask, (dJacent C$annel ;eaka%e power ,(C;R., (dJacent C$annel Selecti)it" ,(CS., Sp!rio!s response and so on.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Co pleted -ec 2116, Stat!s Report in RP516164#

13.3 3.4! (cps T** <n"anced ,plink ,I*-2//33

Resources: RP Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/3/1// TS 23.2/1 TS 23.221 TS 23.222 TS 23.223 TS 23.22! TS 23.223 TS 23.3/1 TS 23.3/2 TS 23.3/2 TS 23.321 TS 23.331 TS 23.!/1 TS 23.!2/ TS 23.!23 TS 23.!2. TS 23.!3/ TS 23.!33 TS 23.!33 TS 23.1/2 TS 23.1/3 TS 23.123 TS 23.1!2 9one

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on 3.4! (cps T** <n"anced ,plink

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

P" sical la er 1 #eneral description P" sical c"annels and mappin# of transport c"annels onto p" sical c"annels )T**+ (ultiple8in# and c"annel codin# )T**+ Spreadin# and modulation )T**+ P" sical la er procedures )T**+ P" sical la er5 (easurements )T**+ Radio interface protocol arc"itecture Ser'ices pro'ided % t"e p" sical la er ,< Radio &ccess capa%ilities (edium &ccess Control )(&C+ protocol specification Radio Resource Control )RRC+5 Protocol specification ,TR&9 o'erall description ,TR&9 Iur interface #eneral aspects and principles ,TR&9 Iur interface Radio 9etwork Su%s stem &pplication Part )R9S&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iur>Iu% interface user plane protocol for *CE data streams ,TR&9 Iu% InterfaceJ #eneral aspects and principles ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9ode F &pplication Part )9F&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iu% interface user plane protocols for Common Transport C"annel data streams ,ser <$uipment ),<+ radio transmission and reception )T**+ Fase Station )FS+ radio transmission and reception )T**+ Re$uirements for support of radio resource mana#ement )T**+ Fase Station )FS+ conformance testin# )T**+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


T$e tar%et was !plink en$ance ent tec$ni&!es to increase t$e co)era%e and t$ro!%$p!t and red!ce t$e dela" of t$e !plink for packet5'ased ser)ices. Incorporation of 9ode5C controlled rate5 and p$"sical reso!rce sc$ed!lin%, $"'rid (RA, and s!pport for $i%$er5order od!lation deli)er si%nificant perfor ance i pro)e ent wit$ ana%ea'le co pleDit" w$ilst aintainin% 'ackwards co pati'ilit". For radio interface p$"sical la"erH P$"sical and Transport C$annels appin% *!ltipleDin% and C$annel Codin% P$"sical ;a"er proced!res P$"sical la"er eas!re ents /6 p$"sical la"er capa'ilities For radio interface $i%$er R(9 la"ersH (rc$itect!re aspects *(C entit" ,Sc$ed!lin% and $"'rid (RA protocol. Interla"er interactions in connected ode Control plane protocols /ser plane protocols /6 capa'ilities For I!r:I!' interfaceH Control plane protocols /ser plane protocols For radio trans ission and receptionH /6 radio trans ission and reception Case Station radio trans ission and reception



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Case Station confor ance testin% Re&!ire ents for s!pport of Radio Reso!rce *ana%e ent

Co pleted Sep 2116, Stat!s Report in RP5161#62



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

13.2 1.24 (cps T** <n"anced ,plink ,I*-2//33

Resources: RP Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/2/2/2 TS 23.2/1 TS 23.221 TS 23.222 TS 23.223 TS 23.22! TS 23.223 TS 23.3/1 TS 23.3/2 TS 23.3/2 TS 23.321 TS 23.331 TS 23.!/1 TS 23.!2/ TS 23.!23 TS 23.!23 TS 23.!2. TS 23.!3/ TS 23.!33 TS 23.!33 TS 23.1/2 TS 23.1/3 TS 23.123 TS 23.1!2 9one

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on 1.24 (cps T** <n"anced ,plink

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

P" sical la er 1 #eneral description P" sical c"annels and mappin# of transport c"annels onto p" sical c"annels )T**+ (ultiple8in# and c"annel codin# )T**+ Spreadin# and modulation )T**+ P" sical la er procedures )T**+ P" sical la er5 (easurements )T**+ Radio interface protocol arc"itecture Ser'ices pro'ided % t"e p" sical la er ,< Radio &ccess capa%ilities (edium &ccess Control )(&C+ protocol specification Radio Resource Control )RRC+5 Protocol specification ,TR&9 o'erall description ,TR&9 Iur interface #eneral aspects and principles ,TR&9 Iur interface Radio 9etwork Su%s stem &pplication Part )R9S&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iur interface user plane protocols for Common Transport C"annel data streams ,TR&9 Iur>Iu% interface user plane protocol for *CE data streams ,TR&9 Iu% InterfaceJ #eneral aspects and principles ,TR&9 Iu% interface 9ode F &pplication Part )9F&P+ si#nallin# ,TR&9 Iu% interface user plane protocols for Common Transport C"annel data streams ,ser <$uipment ),<+ radio transmission and reception )T**+ Fase Station )FS+ radio transmission and reception )T**+ Re$uirements for support of radio resource mana#ement )T**+ Fase Station )FS+ conformance testin# )T**+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


T$e tar%et was !plink en$ance ent tec$ni&!es to increase t$e co)era%e and t$ro!%$p!t and red!ce t$e dela" of t$e !plink for packet5'ased ser)ices. Incorporation of 9ode5C controlled rate5 and p$"sical reso!rce sc$ed!lin%, $"'rid (RA, and s!pport for $i%$er5order od!lation deli)er si%nificant perfor ance i pro)e ent wit$ ana%ea'le co pleDit" w$ilst aintainin% 'ackwards co pati'ilit". For radio interface p$"sical la"erH P$"sical and Transport C$annels appin% *!ltipleDin% and C$annel Codin% Spreadin% and od!lation P$"sical ;a"er proced!res P$"sical la"er eas!re ents /6 p$"sical la"er capa'ilities For radio interface $i%$er R(9 la"ersH (rc$itect!re aspects *(C entit" ,Sc$ed!lin% and $"'rid (RA protocol. Interla"er interactions in connected ode Control plane protocols /ser plane protocols /6 capa'ilities For I!r:I!' interfaceH Control plane protocols /ser plane protocols For radio trans ission and receptionH /6 radio trans ission and reception Case Station radio trans ission and reception



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Case Station confor ance testin% Re&!ire ents for s!pport of Radio Reso!rce *ana%e ent

Co pleted *a" 211+8 Stat!s Report in RP51+1134 and RP51+1226

13.2.1 1.24(cps T** <n"anced ,plink 1 ,< Conformance Testin# ,I*-33/1!2

Resources: R5 Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/2/2/2 TS 3!.1/4 TS 3!.122 TS 3!.12311>2>3 9one

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on ,< conformance test aspects 1 1.24(cps T** <n"anced ,plink

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Common test en'ironments for ,ser <$uipment ),<+ conformance testin# Terminal Conformance Specification, Radio Transmission and Reception )F**+ ,ser <$uipment ),<+ conformance specification

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


;inked to Feat!re /I-021155 ,;CRT--56-C>.. Stat!s Report in RP5141532. R(9P#1 co pleted.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


6<R&9 Features

12.1 (S &ntenna Performance <'aluation (et"od and Re$uirements )&P<(R+ ,I*-3/114

Resources: 31,R# Referen es
!o "#en$
6P /3/24! TS !3.//3 TR 23.01! TS 23.1!!

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on (S &ntenna Performance <'aluation (et"od and Re$uirements

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Radio transmission and reception

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

(easurements of radio performances for ,(TS terminals in speec" mode ,ser <$uipment ),<+ and (o%ile Station )(S+ o'er t"e air performance re$uirements

CBST2+3 $as finali<ed t$e specification of a et$od for eas!re ent of radiated o!tp!t power and radiated sensiti)it". T$is et$od is applica'le 'ot$ to 33 /6, 23 *S, as well as d!al5 ode 23:33 *S:/6 antennas for t$e Ispeec$ odeI ,*S:/6 close to t$e $ead.. F!t!re en)isa%ed steps will co)er t$e Idata odeI and di)ersit" antenna *S:/6. *S:/6 antenna perfor ance $as a critical i pact on co)era%e and capacit". To ena'le for operators to plan t$eir networks in a s"ste atic anner, ens!rin% a certain co)era%e and AoS for t$eir c!sto ers, a et$od for *S:/6 antenna perfor ance e)al!ation and *S:/6 antenna ini al perfor ance re&!ire ents are needed.

12.2 ?ower .// (E; Inclusion in t"e 6<R&9 specifications )6S(.1/+ ,I*-3/110
Resources: 3P Referen es
!o "#en$
6P1/3/3!3 TS 2!.//4 TS !3./22 TS !!./14 TS !!.114 TS !3.//1 TS !3.//3 TS 31./1/ TS 31./21 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on ?ower .// (E; Inclusion in t"e 6<R&9 Specifications )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions
(o%ile radio interface ?a er 3 specification5 Core network protocols5 Sta#e 3 Functions related to (o%ile Station )(S+ in idle mode and #roup recei'e mode (o%ile radio interface la er 3 specification5 Radio Resource Control )RRC+ protocol (o%ile radio interface la er 3 specification, Radio Resource Control )RRC+ protocol5 Iu mode P" sical la er on t"e radio pat"5 6eneral description Radio transmission and reception (o%ile Station )(S+ conformance specification Fase Station S stem )FSS+ e$uipment specification5 Radio aspects

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


T$is work incl!ded t$e 6245+#6 *>< 'and in t$e 36R(9 test specifications.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

12.3 Support of Con'ersational Ser'ices in &>6% mode 'ia t"e PS domain )SCS&6F+ ,I*-3/32!
Resources: 3P Referen es
!o "#en$
6P1/213/1 TS !3./33 TS !3./2! TS !!./2/ TS !3.//1 TS !3.//2 TS !3.//3 TS !3.//3 TS !3./1/ TS 31./1/ TS 31./21 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on Support of Con'ersational Ser'ices in &>6% mode 'ia t"e PS domain )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions
*ual Transfer (ode )*T(+5 Sta#e 2 :'erall description of t"e 6PRS radio interface5 Sta#e 2 6eneral Packet Radio Ser'ice )6PRS+5 (o%ile Station )(S+ 1 Fase Station S stem )FSS+ interface5 Radio ?ink Control> (edium &ccess Control )R?C>(&C+ protocol P" sical la er on t"e radio pat"5 6eneral description (ultiple8in# and multiple access on t"e radio pat" C"annel codin# Radio transmission and reception Radio su%s stem s nc"roni;ation (o%ile Station )(S+ conformance specification 6S( radio aspects %ase station s stem e$uipment specification

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


Packet5switc$ed >ando)er for 36R(9 (:3'

ode is a prere&!isite for s!pportin% con)ersational ser)ices.

It introd!ces s!pport for con)ersational ser)ices wit$ ini ! i pact to eDistin% s"ste s. T$e c!rrent f!nctional split of t$e protocol arc$itect!re 'etween core and radio access network is aintained. To s!pport con)ersational ser)ices in t$e PS do ain in (:3' ode t$ere is a need to opti ise )ario!s aspects of t$e 36R(9 packet ser)ice. For instance, t$e con)ersational ser)ices wo!ld need a red!ced transfer dela" and a fast acknowled%e ent proced!re o)er t$e radio interface, w$ic$ toda" are not possi'le in 36R(9 (:3' ode t$ro!%$ t$e PS do ain. T$is work akes possi'le toH *ini ise t$e transfer dela" 'etween t$e S3S9 and t$e *S8 I pro)e t$e feed'ack reportin% ec$anis 8 -efine a s!ita'le R;C ode allowin% retrans issions for dela"5sensiti)e applications8 -efine radio reso!rce ana%e ent f!nctionalities in order to efficientl" s!pport Con)ersational Ser)ices like =oIP in t$e PS do ain in (:3' ode8 Bpti ise radio c$annel s!pport for con)ersational AoS ,e.%. s!pport of dedicated c$annels.8 *ini ise t$e protocol o)er$ead on t$e !ser plane ,e.%. opti isation of IP $eader adaptation, odifications to ;;C:S9-CP protocol $eaders..

Sta%e 3 defines t$e odification of radio reso!rce ana%e ent f!nctionalities in order to efficientl" s!pport Con)ersational Ser)ices in (:3' ode )ia t$e PS do ain. Iss!es like radio reso!rce s$arin%, i pact of -TW, radio perfor ance in case of different (*R odes and i pact of Ro>C re5initiali<ation are taken into acco!nt. Sta%e 3 eDtended t$e 9on5Persistent R;C ode to non5*C*S ser)ices.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

12.! &ddition of new fre$uenc %and to 6S( )T6S(41/+ ,I*-3/323

Resources: 3P Referen es
!o "#en$
6P1/3/0!3 TS 2!.//4 TS !3./22 TS !3./3/ TS !!./14 TS !!./2/ TS !3.//1 TS !3.//3 TS !3.//4 TS !3./1/ TS !3./3/ TS 31./1/ TS 31./21 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on &ddition of new fre$uenc %and to 6S( )T16S(41/+ )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions
(o%ile radio interface ?a er 3 specification5 Core network protocols5 Sta#e 3 Functions related to (o%ile Station )(S+ in idle mode and #roup recei'e mode Radio network plannin# aspects (o%ile radio interface la er 3 specification5 Radio Resource Control )RRC+ protocol 6eneral Packet Radio Ser'ice )6PRS+5 (o%ile Station )(S+ 1 Fase Station S stem )FSS+ interface5 Radio ?ink Control> (edium &ccess Control )R?C>(&C+ protocol P" sical la er on t"e radio pat"5 6eneral description Radio transmission and reception Radio su%s stem link control Radio su%s stem s nc"roni;ation Fack#round for RF Re$uirements (o%ile Station )(S+ conformance specification 6S( radio aspects %ase station s stem e$uipment specification

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


T$is work adds a new fre&!enc" 'and to 3S* ,T53S*411.H 416 *>< to 421 *><H o'ile trans it, 'ase recei)e8 451 *>< to 466 *><H 'ase trans it, o'ile recei)e.

12.3 Eando'er of dedicated and s"ared resources w"ile in dual transfer mode )E:*SR*T(+ ,I*-3/32.
Resources: 3P Referen es
!o "#en$
6P1/3/0.0 TS !3./33 TS !!./14 TS !!./2/

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on Eando'er of dedicated and s"ared resources w"ile in dual transfer mode )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions
*ual Transfer (ode )*T(+5 Sta#e 2 (o%ile radio interface la er 3 specification5 Radio Resource Control )RRC+ protocol 6eneral Packet Radio Ser'ice )6PRS+5 (o%ile Station )(S+ 1 Fase Station S stem )FSS+ interface5 Radio ?ink Control> (edium &ccess Control )R?C>(&C+ protocol

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

1 9one

-!al Transfer *ode ,-T*. en$ance ents for red!ction of t$e PS ser)ice interr!ption in -T* were co pleted in Release 6 and foc!sed on i pro)in% 'ot$ t$e release of t$e RR connection w$ile in d!al transfer ode and t$e initiation of t$e RR connection w$ile in packet transfer ode. >owe)er, t$e PS ser)ice interr!ption ca!sed '" a ,CS. $ando)er in -T* pre)ents real5ti e PS ser)ices wit$ strict dela" re&!ire ents fro 'ein% !sed in -T* ,e.%. )oice call w$ile %a in%, )oice call w$ile s$arin% real5ti e )ideo.. W$ile s!c$ scenarios are possi'le in /TR(9, ser)ice contin!it" !st also 'e ens!red 'etween /TR(9 and 36R(9. It is t$!s necessar" to ini i<e t$e PS ser)ice interr!ption at $ando)er in -T* to ena'le t$e deplo" ent of an" real5 ti e PS ser)ice also in -T* and ens!re ser)ice contin!it" wit$ /TR(9.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

T$is work e)al!ates possi'le sol!tions for $ando)er of dedicated and s$ared reso!rces w$ile in -T*, in order to AoS re&!ire ents for con)ersational PS ser)ices and potentiall" standardi<e a sol!tion. 9o *o'ile Station ,*S. and no 3S* 'ase station s"ste e&!ip ent confor ance testin% were de)eloped.


12.2 (o%ile Station Recei'e *i'ersit )*&RP P"ase II+ )(SR*2+ ,I*-3/320
2ain Resources: 3P Referen es
!o "#en$
6P1/21!01 TS 2!.//4 TS !3.//3 TS 31./1/11 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on (o%ile Station Recei'e *i'ersit )*&RP P"ase II+

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

(o%ile radio interface ?a er 3 specification5 Core network protocols5 Sta#e 3 Radio transmission and reception (o%ile Station )(S+ conformance specification5 Part 1J Conformance specification

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


T$e feasi'ilit" of *S Recei)e -i)ersit" ,*SR-. $as 'een deter ined in TR #5.212 on e)ol)ed 3S*:6-36 Radio (ccess 9etwork ,F36. /I-051564. *SR- is a downlink feat!re, w$ic$ i pro)es t$e recei)er perfor ance of t$e *S '" eans of an additional antenna. T$e introd!ction of Sin%le (ntenna Interference Cancellation ,S(IC. c$aracterised '" t$e -ownlink (d)anced Recei)er Perfor ance ,-(RP. re&!ire ents $as s$own t$at recei)er en$ance ents in t$e *S pro)ide si%nificant %ains in ter s of spectral efficienc". *SR- en$ances c$annel di)ersit", i pro)es interference cancellation perfor ance for 3*SE od!lated si%nals and pro)ides si%nificant %ains for 4PSE5 od!lated si%nals. T$erefore %ains in 'ot$ !ser t$ro!%$p!t and s"ste capacit" can 'e ac$ie)ed. Since *SR- is a downlink recei)er i pro)e ent, it a" 'e specified as a -(RP p$ase II inH

TS 2#.114 as far as concerns t$e -(RP P$ase II capa'ilit" indication8 TS #5.115 for t$e Perfor ance re&!ire ents and Test Scenarios for *SR-8 TS 51.111 incl!ded t$e *S confor ance Tests.

9o $ardware !p%rades are re&!ired in t$e network to s!pport t$is feat!re.

12.. *ownlink *ual Carrier )6*C*?+ ,I*-3/3.0

Resources: 3P Referen es
!o "#en$
6P1/21331 TS 2!.//4 TS !3./33 TS !3./2! TS !!./14 TS !!./2/ TS !3.//1 TS !3.//2 TS !3.//3 TS !3.//4 TS 31./1/ WI* on *ownlink *ual Carrier

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

(o%ile radio interface ?a er 3 specification5 Core network protocols5 Sta#e 3 *ual Transfer (ode )*T(+5 Sta#e 2 6eneral Packet Radio Ser'ice )6PRS+5 :'erall description of t"e 6PRS radio interface5 Sta#e 2 (o%ile radio interface la er 3 specification5 Radio Resource Control )RRC+ protocol 6eneral Packet Radio Ser'ice )6PRS+5 (o%ile Station )(S+ 1 Fase Station S stem )FSS+ interface5 Radio ?ink Control > (edium &ccess Control )R?C>(&C+ protocol P" sical la er on t"e radio pat"5 6eneral description (ultiple8in# and multiple access on t"e radio pat" Radio transmission and reception Radio su%s stem link control (o%ile Station )(S+ conformance specification



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

1 9one

T$e feasi'ilit" of d!al5carrier in downlink $as 'een deter ined d!rin% t$e feasi'ilit" st!d" for e)ol)ed 3S*:6-36 Radio (ccess 9etwork ,see 33PP TR #5.212, cla!se +.. -!al5carrier trans ission allows for do!'lin% downlink peak and a)era%e !ser t$ro!%$p!ts in a fleDi'le and 'ackwards co pati'le anner8 t$e peak data rate wo!ld 'e close to 1*':s ,#+3.6k'ps 2.. It o)erco es one li itation of t$e 3S* radio interface @ t$e 211 k>< carrier 'andwidt$. T$is li itation p!ts a restriction on t$e rate of data transfer to one and t$e sa e !ser. -!al5carrier 36R(9 %i)es increased fleDi'ilit" in $ow t$e s"ste t$ro!%$p!t is di)ided a on% !sers. It is eDpected t$at no $ardware !p%rades are re&!ired in t$e network to s!pport t$is feat!re. T$e o'Jecti)e of t$is work ite in downlink in 36R(9. was to specif" t$e s!pport for si !ltaneo!s trans issions o)er two independent carriers

T$e possi'ilit" for a d!al antenna ter inal to switc$ 'etween d!al carrier reception and *S recei)e di)ersit" is en)isa%ed. Stat!sH T$e Sta%e 2 and Sta%e 3 are co pleted. *S confor ance tests s!pportin% si !ltaneo!s trans issions o)er two independent carriers in downlink in 36R(9 is on%oin%.

12.4 Support of SI6TR&9 in 6<R&9 )6SI6T+ ,I*-3/34/

Resources: 3P Referen es
!o "#en$
6P1/2/!3/ TS !3./30 TS !4.//1 TS !4.//2 TS !0./31 1 WI* on Support of SI6TR&9 in 6<R&9

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

Functional sta#e 2 description of ?ocation Ser'ices )?CS+ in 6<R&9 Fase Station S stem 1 (o%ile1ser'ices Switc"in# Centre )FSS 1 (SC+ interface5 6eneral aspects Si#nallin# Transport (ec"anism Specification for t"e Fase Station S stem 1 (o%ile Ser'ices Switc"in# Centre )FSS1(SC+ Interface ?ocation Ser'ices )?CS+5 Fase Station S stem &pplication Part ?CS <8tension )FSS&P1?<+

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


So e f!nctions in 36R(9 ,e.%. *SC in Pool, ;a"ered (rc$itect!re and ;ocation Ser)ices. re&!ire an inter ediate si%nallin% network for 'est perfor ance. T$e Si%nallin% Transport ,SI3TR(9. 'ased protocols *3/( and SCTP pro)ide t$ese feat!res to low cost at t$e sa e ti e as it is preparin% t$e interfaces for packet transport rat$er t$an dedicated circ!its as is t$e case toda". T$e *3/( and SCTP are !sed in /TR(9 w$ile adoptin% t$ese protocols in 36R(9 will also %i)e s"ner%" effects in t$e core network. F!rt$er ore, si%nallin% o)er IP re o)es t$e link 'andwidt$ constraints of t$e 61:T1 links in eDistin% SS+ networks. T$is work pro)ides a concept for s!pportin% *3/( and SCTP on (5, ;'5 and ;p5interfaces and defines t$e sta%e 38 akin% possi'le SS+ si%nallin% o)er IP transport 'etween t$e nodes on eac$ side of t$e concerned interfaces. It introd!ces s!pport for *3/( and SCTP on (5, ;'5 and ;p5interfaces wit$ a ini ! of i pacts to eDistin% s"ste s. T$e f!nctional split of t$e protocol arc$itect!re 'etween core and radio access network is aintained.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

12.0 ?atenc Reductions )?&TR<*+ ,I*-3/342

Resources: 3P Referen es
!o "#en$
6P1/21310 TS !3.//1 TS !3.//2 TS !3.//3 TS !3.//3 TS !3./1/ TS !3./33 TS !3./2! TS !!./2/ TS 31./1/11 TS 31./21 1 WI* on ?atenc Reductions

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

P" sical la er on t"e radio pat"5 6eneral description (ultiple8in# and multiple access on t"e radio pat" C"annel codin# Radio transmission and reception Radio su%s stem s nc"roni;ation *ual Transfer (ode )*T(+5 Sta#e 2 6eneral Packet Radio Ser'ice )6PRS+5 :'erall description of t"e 6PRS radio interface5 Sta#e 2 6eneral Packet Radio Ser'ice )6PRS+5 (o%ile Station )(S+ 1 Fase Station S stem )FSS+ interface5 Radio ?ink Control > (edium &ccess Control )R?C>(&C+ protocol (o%ile Station )(S+ conformance specification5 Part 1J Conformance specification Fase Station S stem )FSS+ e$uipment specification5 Radio aspects

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


T$e feasi'ilit" to red!ce latenc" $as 'een deter ined in TR #5.212 on e)ol)ed 3S*:6-36 Radio (ccess 9etwork ,F36. /I-051564. C" red!cin% latenc" in t$e radio access network decreases Ro!nd Trip Ti es ,RTT. in 'ot$, ideal and non5ideal radio conditions. T$e red!ced latenc" akes it possi'le to pro)ide low5dela" ser)ices ot$erwise not feasi'le in 36R(9 ,e.%. con)ersational ser)ices s!c$ as =oIP and %a in% applications. '" !tilisin% efficient R;C re5trans ission sc$e es. In addition, it wo!ld also ake applications $a)in% an" client:ser)er interactions faster. ( s$orter RTT wo!ld also increase t$e t$ro!%$p!t for Trans ission Control Protocol ,TCP. 'ased ser)ices. ;atenc" red!ction tec$ni&!es were specified, incl!din% i pro)ed (ck:9ack reportin% and red!ced Trans ission Ti e Inter)al ,TTI. t$at c$aracteri<es low5latenc" Te porar" Clock Flow ,TCF.. T$is incl!des a sol!tion aintainin% le%ac" /plink State Fla% ,/SF. sc$ed!lin% and decodin% ,to allow !ltipleDin% on t$e sa e radio reso!rces of low5latenc" TCFs wit$ le%ac" ones., and an opti i<ed sol!tion allowin% fast /SF sc$ed!lin% and decodin% ,to 'e !sed w$en !ltipleDin% on t$e sa e radio reso!rces of low5latenc" TCFs wit$ le%ac" ones is not re&!ired.. S!pport of -T* was ins!red as well.

12.1/ PS Eando'er %etween 6<R&9>,TR&9 mode and 6&9 (ode )6,6&9+ ,I*-321!.
Resources: 32 Referen es
!o "#en$
6P1/213!0 TS !3.314 TS !!.314 TS !3.120 TS 23.3/2 TS 2!.//4 TS !!./2/ TS 23.331 TS 31./1/ 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on PS Eando'er %etween 6<R&9>,TR&9 mode and 6&9 (ode

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

6eneric access to t"e &>6% interface5 Sta#e 2 6eneric &ccess )6&+ to t"e &>6% interface5 (o%ile 6& interface la er 3 specification Packed1switc"ed "ando'er for 6<R&9 &>6% mode5 Sta#e 2 ,< Radio &ccess capa%ilities (o%ile radio interface ?a er 3 specification5 Core network protocols5 Sta#e 3 6eneral Packet Radio Ser'ice )6PRS+5 (o%ile Station )(S+ 1 Fase Station S stem )FSS+ interface5 Radio ?ink Control > (edium &ccess Control )R?C>(&C+ protocol Radio Resource Control )RRC+5 Protocol specification (o%ile Station )(S+ conformance specification

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s




Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

T$e eDistin% 36R(9 specifications s!pport t$e / interface si%nallin% ec$anis s re&!ired to perfor PS $ando)er to:fro an *S operatin% in (:3' ode. T$e workin% ass! ption for 3eneric (ccess ,as specified in 33PP TS #3.314 and ##.314. $as so far 'een t$at re&!ire ents on 36R(9 s$o!ld also appl" for 3eneric (ccess. >owe)er, )ario!s specifications c!rrentl" lack proced!res applica'le for PS $ando)er 'etween 36R(9:/TR(9 ode and 3(9 ode as followsH a ec$anis '" w$ic$ an *S can indicate it s!pports PS >ando)er 'etween 36R(9:/TR(9 and 3(9 ode8 PS $ando)er preparation and eDec!tion p$ase acti)ities perfor ed '" a tar%et or so!rce 3(9C8 a ec$anis '" w$ic$ a so!rce 3(9C can deter ine t$e S"ste Infor ation applica'le to a tar%et CSS8 new /p interface control plane essa%es re&!ired to s!pport PS $ando)er 'etween 36R(9:/TR(9 ode and 3(9 ode. ode and 3(9 ode.

T$e work pro)ides t$e s!pport for PS $ando)er 'etween 36R(9:/TR(9



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

12.11 Ei#"er ,plink performance for 6<R&9 <'olution )E,6<+ ,I*-3/34!

Resources: 3P Referen es
!o "#en$
6P1/.1/43 TS 2!.//4 TS !3.//1 TS !3.//2 TS !3.//3 TS !3.//! TS !3.//3 TS !3.//4 TS !3./1/ TS !3./33 TS !3./2! TS !!./14 TS !!./2/ TS 31./1/11 TS 31./21 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Ei#"er ,plink performance for 6<R&9 <'olution

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

(o%ile radio interface ?a er 3 specification5 Core network protocols5 Sta#e 3 P" sical la er on t"e radio pat"5 6eneral description (ultiple8in# and multiple access on t"e radio pat" C"annel codin# (odulation Radio transmission and reception Radio su%s stem link control Radio su%s stem s nc"roni;ation *ual Transfer (ode )*T(+5 Sta#e 2 6eneral Packet Radio Ser'ice )6PRS+5 :'erall description of t"e 6PRS radio interface5 Sta#e 2 (o%ile radio interface la er 3 specification5 Radio Resource Control )RRC+ protocol 6eneral Packet Radio Ser'ice )6PRS+5 (o%ile Station )(S+ 1 Fase Station S stem )FSS+ interface5 Radio ?ink Control > (edium &ccess Control )R?C>(&C+ protocol (o%ile Station )(S+ conformance specification5 Part 1J Conformance specification Fase Station S stem )FSS+ e$uipment specification5 Radio aspects

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


T$e followin% $a)e 'een st!died in TR #5.212 on e)ol)ed 3S*:6-36 Radio (ccess 9etwork ,F36. /I-051564. $i%$er s" 'ol rates in !plink8 $i%$er order od!lations and t!r'o codes8 a co 'ination of $i%$er s" 'ol rate and $i%$er order


Si%nificant i pro)e ents in spectral efficienc", peak : a)era%e 'it rates and 'it rates at cell 'order $a)e 'een s$own. T$e co pati'ilit" o'Jecti)es of 36R(9 e)ol!tion can 'e et. Two co pati'ilit" o'Jecti)es of special concern are t$e i pact to le%ac" CSS $ardware and to le%ac" fre&!enc" plannin% ,w$ic$ co!ld not 'e et wit$ a 2 TRW i ple entation option.. T$ose co!ld 'e et if a s" 'ol rate of 1.2 ti es t$e le%ac" s" 'ol rate is c$osen ,i.e. 325ks" 'ols:s., t$e trans itted si%nal 'andwidt$ is s all eno!%$ to 'e recei)ed '" a sin%le le%ac" transcei)er, i.e. ,less t$an. 2+1 k>< ,ass! in% s" 'ol rate sa plin% for a le%ac" transcei)er., and t$e interference to adJacent c$annels is ini i<ed. To aDi ise t$e fraction of t$e installed le%ac" CTS $ardware w$ere t$e feat!re can 'e i ple ented, different le)els of *S:9W s!pport are oti)ated. 9e)ert$eless, i ple entation of t$e f!ll feat!re a" re&!ire $ardware en$ance ents on CSS, '!t t$e co pati'ilit" o'Jecti)e of coeDistence wit$ eDistin% le%ac" fre&!enc" plannin% is still et. To f!rt$er en$ance t$e !plink radio perfor ance of t$e 36R(9 wit$ 63PRS '" eans ofH 1.2 ti es $i%$er s" 'ol rate ,325 ks" 'ols:s.8 165ar" od!lation8 325ar" od!lation8 t!r'o codes. ini al i pact to $i%$er la"ers of t$e eDistin%

To facilitate different le)els of *S:9W s!pport, t$e followin% le)els are definedH (. 165ar" C. 165ar" C. 325ar" od!lation wit$ 2+1 ,le%ac". ks" 'ols:s s" 'ol rate od!lation and 325ar" od!lation wit$ 325 ks" 'ols:s s" 'ol rate od!lation wit$ 325 ks" 'ols:s s" 'ol rate, and possi'l" t!r'o codin% ,see 9ote.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


T!r'o codin% is incl!ded if t$e ac$ie)a'le %ains ,alread" s$own '" si !lations. J!stif" t$e cost of its introd!ction8 if so, t$e T!r'o codin% sc$e e defined in 33PP TS 25.212 will 'e re!sed.

It $as to 'e ens!red t$at t$e different le)els of *S and 9W s!pport can interoperate. For t$is reason, it will 'e st!died $ow t$e le)els a'o)e $a)e to 'e s!pported '" a >/36 *S. If it is a%reed t$at different le)els of *S s!pport eDist, *S s!pport for a $i%$er le)el ,e.%. C. will i pl" s!pport for all lower le)els ,e.%. (, C.. If it is a%reed t$at t$ere is onl" one le)el of *S s!pport, it will i pl" *S s!pport of (, C and C.

T$e n! 'er of options needs to 'e kept as low as possi'le in order to red!ce co pleDit". -ifferent trans it filters were considered. In t$is work, t$ree prere&!isites are t$at t$e trans itted si%nal 'andwidt$ will 'e s all eno!%$ to 'e recei)ed '" a sin%le le%ac" transcei)er ,i.e. less t$an 2+1 k><., t$at t$e co)era%e is aDi ised and t$at t$e interference to adJacent c$annels will 'e ini ised. Perfor ance e)al!ations and opti isations foc!sed on as"nc$rono!s networks wit$ !plink di)ersit" '!t ot$er scenarios were also considered. [ Stat!sH t$e work ite >/36 O 63PRS2 /; is for all" CB*P;6T6-. T$ere is still acti)it" in 36R(9 on t$e followin% areasH 63PRS2 c$annel &!alit" reportin%H [ a%ree ent on ti eslot 'ased reportin% '!t still disc!ssions on $ow to perfor reportin% on all ti eslots d!e to t$e $i%$ n! 'er of od!lations to report. @ I ple entation of sea less switc$ 'etween 63PRS and 63PRS2(:C le)els w:o TCF release:re5 esta'lis$ ent ,appro)ed.. @ *iDed od!lation /SFH no a%ree ent "et to incl!de t$e proposal in t$e standards. @ Corrections on c$annel codin%. @ 6=* )al!es a%reed on t$e CTS side. @ Pro%ress on t$e definition of (P- ,'ack5off. )al!es to 'e !sed w$en 63PRS2 is !sed on t$e CCC> carrier. 3ood pro%ress on recei)er perfor ance re&!ire ents for *Ss and CTSs. CTS confor ance testin% $as 'een re)ised ,CR to TS 51.121 appro)ed.. *S confor ance test specs not started "et. @

[ [ [ W$ere H

6=*H 6rror =ector *a%nit!de (P-H ()era%e Power -ecrease /SFH /plink State Fla%



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

12.12 R<duced s m%ol *uration, Ei#"er :rder modulation and Tur%o codin# for downlink )R<*E:T+ ,I*-3/121
Resources: 3P Referen es
!o "#en$
6P1/.1/4/ TS 2!.//4 TS !3.//1 TS !3.//2 TS !3.//3 TS !3.//! TS !3.//3 TS !3.//4 TS !3./1/ TS !3./33 TS !3./2! TS !!./14 TS !!./2/ TS 31./1/11 TS 31./21 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on R<duced s m%ol *uration, Ei#"er :rder modulation and Tur%o codin# )R<*E:T+ for downlink

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

(o%ile radio interface ?a er 3 specification5 Core network protocols5 Sta#e 3 P" sical la er on t"e radio pat"5 6eneral description (ultiple8in# and multiple access on t"e radio pat" C"annel codin# (odulation Radio transmission and reception Radio su%s stem link control Radio su%s stem s nc"roni;ation *ual Transfer (ode )*T(+5 Sta#e 2 6eneral Packet Radio Ser'ice )6PRS+5 :'erall description of t"e 6PRS radio interface5 Sta#e 2 (o%ile radio interface la er 3 specification5 Radio Resource Control )RRC+ protocol 6eneral Packet Radio Ser'ice )6PRS+5 (o%ile Station )(S+ 1 Fase Station S stem )FSS+ interface5 Radio ?ink Control > (edium &ccess Control )R?C>(&C+ protocol (o%ile Station )(S+ conformance specification5 Part 1J Conformance specification Fase Station S stem )FSS+ e$uipment specification5 Radio aspects

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


In TR #5.212 on e)ol)ed 3S*:6-36 Radio (ccess 9etwork ,F36. /I-051564, t$e 'enefits of $i%$er order od!lation, $i%$er s" 'ol rates and T!r'o codes $a)e 'een de onstrated. Increased data t$ro!%$p!t in t$e entire cell, i pro)ed sensiti)it" and i pro)ed spectral efficienc" in 36R(9 networks, $a)e 'een s$own. Co pleDit" anal"sis indicates t$e feasi'ilit" of $i%$er order od!lations and t!r'o codes in t$e downlink. So e feat!res will p!t $i%$er re&!ire ents on t$e 9W:*S. T$is J!stifies different le)els of *S s!pport. I ple entation of t$e f!ll feat!re a" re&!ire $ardware en$ance ents on CSS, '!t t$e co pati'ilit" o'Jecti)e of coeDistence wit$ eDistin% le%ac" fre&!enc" plannin% is still et. T$is work f!rt$er en$ances data rates, sensiti)it" and spectral efficienc" of t$e 36R(9 network in t"pical network la"o!ts t$ro!%$ new od!lation and codin% sc$e es !sin%H APSE od!lation8 165A(* od!lation8 325A(* od!lation8 T!r'o codin% 'ased on independent encodin% of R;C:*(C 'locks8 >i%$er s" 'ol rate ,325 ks" 'ols:s..

To facilitate different le)els of *S s!pport, t$e followin% approac$ is takenH ;e)el (H 45PSE, 165A(* and 325A(* co 'ined wit$ T!r'o codin%8 ;e)el CH APSE, 165A(* and 325A(* co 'ined wit$ T!r'o codin% and >i%$er s" 'ol rate.

(ll *S s!pportin% t$e R6->BT feat!re are re&!ired to s!pport eit$er le)el ( or le)el (\C. T$e T!r'o codin% sc$e e defined in TS 25.212 is re!sed. (t $i%$er s" 'ol rate, le%ac" ser)ices recei)ed '" le%ac" ter inals are not worsenedH t$is one sol!tion dependin% on t$e interference sit!ation in t$e network. a" i pl" $a)in% ore t$an

R6->BT is co pati'le wit$ *o'ile Station Recei)e -i)ersit" ,*SR-., -!al Carrier -ownlink ,-C-;., latenc" red!ctions ,;(TR6-. and >i%$er /plink perfor ance for 36R(9 6)ol!tion ,>/36..



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

R6->BT can 'e !sed si !ltaneo!sl" wit$ an" of t$ese and co pati'ilit" was !t!al ali%ned si%nallin%.

aintained 'etween t$ese WIs on e.%.

[ Stat!sH t$e work ite R6- >BT O 63PRS2 -; is for all" CB*P;6T6-. R6- >BT ( ,63PRS25( -;. and >/36 ( ,63PRS25( /;. !se le%ac" s" 'ol rate ,2+1 ks" 'ol:s. R6- >BT C ,63PRS25C -;. and >/36 C ,63PRS25C /;. !se increased s" 'ol rate ,325 ks" 'ol:s. T$ere is still acti)it" in 36R(9 on t$e followin% areasH 63PRS2 c$annel &!alit" reportin%H [ a%ree ent on ti eslot 'ased reportin% '!t still disc!ssions on $ow to perfor reportin% on all ti eslots d!e to t$e $i%$ n! 'er of od!lations to report. @ I ple entation of sea less switc$ 'etween 63PRS and 63PRS2(:C le)els w:o TCF release:re5 esta'lis$ ent ,appro)ed.. @ *iDed od!lation /SFH no a%ree ent "et to incl!de t$e proposal in t$e standards. @ Corrections on c$annel codin%. @ 6=* )al!es a%reed on t$e CTS side. @ Pro%ress on t$e definition of (P- ,'ack5off. )al!es to 'e !sed w$en 63PRS2 is !sed on t$e CCC> carrier. 3ood pro%ress on recei)er perfor ance re&!ire ents for *Ss and CTSs. CTS confor ance testin% $as 'een re)ised ,CR to TS 51.121 appro)ed.. *S confor ance test specs not started "et. @

[ [ [ W$ere H

6=*H 6rror =ector *a%nit!de (P-H ()era%e Power -ecrease /SFH /plink State Fla%



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


Feasi%ilit Studies

1..1 Stud on (ultimedia Telep"on Capa%ilities for I(S )(IT<+ ,I*-31/42

Resources: S1 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/34. 1 TR 22.0.3 TS 22.1.3

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on (ultimedia Telep"on Capa%ilities for I(S

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

I(S (ultimedia Telep"on ser'ice5 and supplementar ser'ices IP (ultimedia Core 9etwork Su%s stem )I(S+ (ultimedia Telep"on Ser'ice and supplementar ser'ices5 Sta#e 1

In addition to re!sin% t$e I*S s"ste as defined '" 33PP, TISP(9 is definin% an I*S 'ased *!lti edia Telep$on" ser)ice, w$ic$ is an e)ol!tion of t$e CS 'ased Telep$on" ser)ice pro)ided '" traditional IS-9 and PST9. ( si ilar ser)ice, defined '" 33PP, is needed for wireless access to I*S, in order to 'e a'le to define ser)ices to t$e end5!sers, and to s!pport interopera'ilit" in !lti5)endor and !lti5operator en)iron ent and to pro)ide t$e !ser wit$ t$e sa e eDperience across t$e different IP 'ased accesses and do ains. -efine in close cooperation wit$ TISP(9 a ini ! set of capa'ilities re&!ired to sec!re operator inter5opera'ilit" for *!lti edia Telep$on" and related S!pple entar" Ser)ices. !lti5)endor and !lti5

Conclusion: Reco endation to standardi<e a ser)ice wit$ t$e na e I*S *!lti edia Telep$on" ser)ice endorsin% t$e TISP(9 ser)ice definition for s!pple entar" ser)ices applica'le to 33PP S"ste s as followsH Bri%inatin% Identification Presentation ,BIP.8 Bri%inatin% Identification Restriction ,BIR.8 Ter inatin% Identification Presentation ,TIP.8 Ter inatin% Identification Restriction ,TIR.8 Co !nication -i)ersion ,C-I=.8 Co !nication >old ,>B;-.8 Co !nication Carrin% ,CC. wit$ t$e addition t$at t$e ICC ser)ice eDtension wit$ a roa in% condition ,t$e roa in% condition is set to tr!e w$en t$e ser)ed !ser is roa in%.8 *essa%e Waitin% Indication ,*WI.8 Conference ,CB9F.8 6Dplicit Co !nication Transfer ,6CT.8

T$e st!d" $as fo!nd one s!pple entar" ser)ice not co)ered '" TISP(9 '!t applica'le to a 33PP specified I*S *!lti edia Telep$on" ser)ice and t$at isH Co !nication -i)ersionH Co !nication Forwardin% on *o'ile S!'scri'er 9ot Reac$a'le. !lti5

TS 22.1+3 defines t$e I*S *!lti edia Telep$on" ser)ice and t$e ini ! set of capa'ilities re&!ired to sec!re )endor and !lti5operator inter5opera'ilit" for *!lti edia Telep$on" and related S!pple entar" Ser)ices. Result: Spin5off Feat!re *!lti edia Telep$on" Ser)ice for I*S ,*TSI. /I-0+134



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

1..2 Stud on Fe"a'iour of (ulti s stem ,<s )F(S,+ ,I*-31/3/

Resources: S1 Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
SP1/3/3/2 1 TR 22.032 WI* on Fe"a'iour of multi s stem terminals

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

(ulti1s stem terminals

T$ere is a need to standardi<e $ow a !lti s"ste ter inal s$o!ld perfor s"ste selection. TR 22.236 keeps clearl" )isi'le t$e distinction 'etween 33PP internal P;*9 selection re&!ire ents and !lti s"ste selection re&!ire ents. TR 22.236 clearl" identifies w$ic$ re&!ire ents are andator" and w$ic$ can 'e left i ple entation specific, takin% into acco!nt interopera'ilit" and network protection. T$e intention is to ens!re t$at t$e !lti s"ste operation does not lead to non 33PP5co pliant 'e$a)io!r '" t$e ter inal. Partic!lar iss!es $andled incl!ded, '!t was not restricted toH W$et$er t$e s"ste selection or P;*9 selection s$o!ld take $i%$er priorit" in a !lti s"ste ter inal. Related to t$is, t$e criteria for s"ste c$an%e wo!ld need to 'e defined. T$is co!ld take t$e for of a 'ack%ro!nd scan of $i%$er priorit" s"ste s. If t$is is s!pported t$e interaction 'etween t$e !serMs and t$e operatorMs preferences s$o!ld 'e st!died. T$e eDistin% P;*9 selector lists and >P;*9 infor ation co!ld 'e re5!sed in s"ste selection. W$et$er a!to atic or an!al s"ste selection ode, or 'ot$, needs to 'e s!pported. T$e st!d" s$o!ld identif" different et$ods of s"ste selection and t$eir i pact on 33PP specifications. If an" priorit" lists for !serMs preferences, s!pported s"ste s or network operators are needed, it s$o!ld 'e st!died if t$ese s$o!ld reside in t$e ter inal e or" or in t$e s artcard. W$en dealin% wit$ t$e 33PP5co pliant part of t$e ter inal, a)aila'le of t$e /ICC can 'e ass! ed. Testin% of !lti5 ode ter inals, in partic!lar t$e ec$anis s for s"ste selection s$o!ld 'e considered. T$e st!d" s$o!ld consider w$at needs to 'e tested and '" w$o .

Conclusion: T$e et$od of s"ste selection !st pro)ide eans for t$e operator to set s"ste preferences. It a" also allow !ser to set s"ste preferences '!t ore consideration is needed in t$is area. (lso, s"ste of selection !st, $a)in% switc$ed to a different s"ste , 'e capa'le of switc$in% 'ack to t$e ori%inal s"ste and s$o!ld allow an!al s"ste selection as t$is is likel" to 'e a re%!lator" re&!ire ent in so e re%ions.

1..3 Stud on Com%inin# CS calls and I(S sessions ,I*-31/33

Resources: S1 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/!/!23 SP1/!/!2. 1 TR 22.0.0

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Feasi%ilit Stud on I(S wit" real time ser'ices deplo ments WI* on Feasi%ilit Stud on Com%inin# CS calls and I(S sessions

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Feasi%ilit stud on com%ined Circuit Switc"ed )CS+ calls and IP (ultimedia Su%s stem )I(S+ sessions

Bperators re%ard I*S as a ke" feat!re. >owe)er, t$ere re ain iss!es wit$ t$e efficienc" of transferrin% =oice o)er IP o)er t$e radio interface, and, wit$ t$e capa'ilit" of t$e 3S* radio interface to $andle =oIP. (dditionall", operators are interested in tec$ni&!es t$at a" pro)ide t$e a'ilit" to s oot$ t$e rollo!t and accelerate t$e take5!p of I*S.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

In order to !se t$e eDistin% CS infrastr!ct!re to transport t$e )oice traffic for !lti edia ser)ices, t$ere are an" different tec$ni&!es for co 'inin% t$e CS and I*S parts to%et$er. >owe)er, lea)in% )endors and operators to de)elop t$ese different tec$ni&!es in isolation wo!ld lead to interopera'ilit" pro'le s and fra% ented:s all arkets. TR 22.2+2 st!dies options for co 'inin% CS and I*S capa'ilities, '" co)erin% re&!ire ents, sol!tions and trade5offs. Two possi'le sol!tions $a)e 'een identifiedH !se CS real ti e 'earers wit$ I*S sessions to 'etter satisf" t$e eDistin% re&!ire ents in TS 22.2248 add an I*S session to a CS call for eDc$an%in% edia ,e.%. pict!re, )ideo clip, file. and )ice )ersa8 i%ration and interopera'ilit" iss!es.

T$e two sol!tions in TR 22.2+2 are related on arc$itect!ral le)el8 addressin%

Fro an end5!ser point of )iew, one of t$e possi'le fast deplo" ent scenarios for I*S ser)ices is to '!ild on eDistin% ser)ice s!c$ as CS calls and en$ance '" addin% I*S sessions. (s an eDa ple, t$e !ser a" want to send a pict!re w$ile on a )oice call. Br alternati)el", t$e !ser a" want to add a )oice call to a c$at session, e.%. to speak to a e 'er of t$e c$at roo . It is desired to ake s!c$ addin% of edia si ple fro !ser point of )iew and ana%ea'le fro an operator point of )iew. T$ere is a need to ass!re a sin%le, interopera'le sol!tion for addin% edia to CS calls and I*S sessions incl!din% ter inals, infrastr!ct!re and ser)ices fro )ario!s )endors. T$e proposed sol!tion s$o!ld $a)e no or )er" inor i pact on eDistin% CS and I*S ser)ices and infrastr!ct!re. TR 22.2+2 st!dies sol!tions for addin% I*S sessions to a CS call or a CS call to an I*S session. Conclusion: T$e re&!ire ents capt!red in TR 22.2+2, cla!se 2 s$o!ld 'e reflected in 33PP Sta%e 1 specifications. It reco ends de)elopin% a new TS for co 'inational ser)ices, to 'e referenced )ia t$e eDistin% appropriate specifications. Spin5off feat!re Co 'inational Ser)ices ,CSICS. /I-031163.

1..! Stud on &ll1IP 9etwork )FS-&IP9+ ,I*-31/30

Resources: S1 Referen es
!o "#en$ SP1/!/3/3

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s) WI* on &ll1IP 9etwork Feasi%ilit Stud )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s TR 22.0.4

&ll1IP network )&IP9+ feasi%ilit stud

T$e 33PP s"ste c!rrentl" s!pports 36R(9 and /TR(9 'ased (ccess 9etworks in conJ!nction wit$ Circ!it5 Switc$ed ,CS. and Packet5Switc$ed ,PS. Core 9etwork do ains and IP *!lti edia C9 S!'s"ste ,I*S. fro Rel55. T$e (ll5IP 9etwork ,(IP9. concept was initiall" introd!ced wit$in 33PP in Rel5# wit$ t$e standardi<ation of t$e *SC Ser)er 5 *3W split core network arc$itect!re for t$e CS do ain and eDtended fro Rel55 '" t$e standardi<ation of t$e I*S. W;(9 as an alternati)e access tec$nolo%" to ser)ices in t$e o'ile core network is reco%ni<ed fro Rel56 onwards. In order for t$e 33PP s"ste to cope wit$ t$e rapid %rowt$ in IP data traffic, t$e PS tec$nolo%" !tili<ed wit$in 33 o'ile networks re&!ires f!rt$er en$ance ent. ( contin!ed e)ol!tion and opti isation of t$e s"ste concept is also necessar" in order to aintain a co petiti)e ed%e in ter s of 'ot$ perfor ance and cost. It is anticipated t$at t$e pro%ression towards an (IP9 a" ena'le le)era%e of Infor ation Tec$nolo%" ,IT. $ardware and software wit$ %eneral5p!rpose and o'ile network specific software t$at s$o!ld pro)ide cost red!ction ,C(P6W and BP6W. for infrastr!ct!re e&!ip ent and applications of 33PP 'ased o'ile networks. *oreo)er, it is i portant to ens!re co pliance wit$ Internet protocols wit$in f!t!re de)elop ents of t$e 33PP s"ste . *oti)ations for f!rt$er e)ol)in% t$e 33PP s"ste Rapid increase in IP traffic8 Potential network and traffic cost red!ction8 to an (IP9 incl!deH



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Ind!str" trend towards IP ser)ices8 Con)er%ence of teleco !nications and IT ind!stries towards IP tec$nolo%"8 IP tec$nolo%" 'ein% ainstrea tec$nolo%"8 FleDi'le acco odation and deplo" ent of eDistin% and new access tec$nolo%ies wit$ o'ilit" '" a co on IP5 'ased network8 ('ilit" to offer en$anced and fleDi'le IP ser)ices ,e.%. PtP, inte%rated ser)ices. increasin% re)en!es for network operators8 ;e)era%e of eDistin% capa'ilities to e)ol)e t$e 33PP s"ste towards an (IP9.

(dditionall", t$e followin% aspects identified wit$in Rel56 TR 21.212 I6)ol!tion of 33PP S"ste I are considered rele)ant to t$e lon%5ter e)ol!tion of t$e 33PP s"ste H ( sea less inte%rated network co prisin% a )ariet" of networkin% access s"ste s connected to a co on IP 'ased network s!pported '" a centralised o'ilit" ana%er8 ( si ilarit" of ser)ices and applications across t$e different s"ste s is 'eneficial to !sers8 33PP s$o!ld foc!s on t$e inter5workin% 'etween 33PP *o'ile 9etworks and ot$er 9etworks considerin% o'ilit", $i%$ sec!rit", c$ar%in% and AoS ana%e ent.

Takin% t$e a'o)e into consideration it is necessar" to f!rt$er define t$e (IP9 concept, eDplore '!siness and tec$nolo%ical dri)ers and e)al!ate t$e feasi'ilit" of e)ol)in% t$e 33PP s"ste towards an (IP9. F!rt$er ore, aspects of t$e 33PP s"ste re&!irin% en$ance ent need to 'e identified and de)eloped in accordance wit$ t$is co on )ision. T$e re!se of eDistin% standards also needs to 'e in)esti%ated. T$is work st!dies f!rt$er application of t$e (IP9 concept8 identifies and e)al!ates needs:dri)ers and identifies work re&!ired to satisf" t$e s$ort ter and lon% ter needs of 33PP, specificall"H In)esti%ate t$e '!siness and tec$nolo%ical dri)ers for pro%ression of t$e 33PP s"ste o o o o to an (IP9 :

St!d" oti)ations St!d" i pact on c!rrent odels ,e.%. '!siness:c$ar%in% odels. St!d" t$e le)era%e of tec$nolo%ical con)er%ence and introd!ction of new tec$nolo%" in a cost effecti)e wa" i.e. st!d" if and $ow t$e introd!ction of a 33PP (IP9 will %i)e a si%nificant cost red!ction ,C(P6W and BP6W. Identif" an" s$ort and lon% ter iss!es

To define and de)elop t$e end !ser and operator aspects of a 33PP (IP9 conceptH o In)esti%ate t$e feasi'ilit" of e)ol)in% t$e 33PP s"ste towards an (IP9 fro eDistin% f!nctionalitiesH Prod!ce an ideal 33PP (ll5IP )ision, takin% into acco!nt t$e special re&!ire ents for t$e o'ile co !nit" e.%. carrier %rade, opti isation for t$e radio en)iron ent, reco%ni<in% s!pport of !ltiple access network scenarios. In)esti%ate needs and re&!ire ents associated wit$ t$e e)ol!tion of t$e 33PP S"ste to an (IP9 and to identif" a 33PP )iew on $ow IP tec$nolo%" and associated transport tec$nolo%ies s$o!ld 'e e)ol)ed towards an en$anced !lti5ser)ice network. In)esti%ate re&!ire ents associated wit$ t$e re!se of le%ac" infrastr!ct!re and s!pport of le%ac" ter inals Identif" t$e capa'ilit" eDpansion re&!ired to introd!ce t$e (IP9 concept into t$e 33PP s"ste , i%ration and co5eDistence.. -efine t$e scope, tar%et, and road ap for work to 'e !ndertaken wit$in Rel5+and f!rt$er. S!'se&!ent steps to 'e identified d!rin% t$e concl!din% p$ases of t$e Feasi'ilit" St!d".

o TR

.!;( conclusions @ Road*ap for wor0 within Rel);

1ew re:uire*ents for introduction to the 3/%% specifications in Rel);



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

9ew re&!ire ents for introd!ction in Rel5+ specifications to ena'le an (IP9 $a)e 'een identified in cla!se 6.2. T$e content of t$is cla!se s$o!ld 'e !sed as a 'asis for introd!cin% (IP9 ser)ice re&!ire ents into Rel5+ specifications. (dditionall", t$e content of ot$er cla!ses a" 'e considered wit$in specification work for an (IP9 as appropriate. T$e introd!ction of new f!nctionalities and t$e en$ance ent of eDistin% f!nctionalities are necessar" to ac$ie)e !ltiple access s"ste acco odation and t$e o'ilit" across !ltiple different access s"ste s w$ic$ are t$e f!nda ental ke" aspects of an (IP9. For t$is reason it is reco ended t$at t$ese f!nctionalities are capt!red '" new ser)ice re&!ire ents for t$e 33PP s"ste wit$ t$e $i%$est priorit".

1..3 Stud on Cideotelep"on teleser'ice )CidTel+ ,I*-31/.3

Resources: S1 Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
SP1/3/3/2 1 TR 22.0/3 WI* on Stud on Cideotelep"on teleser'ice

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Stud on Cideotelep"on teleser'ice

T$e st!d" s$o!ld pro)ide a f!ll definition of )ideotelep$on" as a teleser)ice, pro)ided t$at 'ackward co pati'ilit" wit$ eDistin% ser)ices ,e.%. )ideotelep$on" ser)ices 'ased on t$e CS *!lti edia call Cearer Ser)ice. can 'e ass!red. T$e re&!ire ents for en$ancin% )ideotelep$on" s$o!ld '!ild on t$e CS *!lti edia call Cearer Ser)ice. In call odifications ,rate adaptation. and odifications at call esta'lis$ ent s$o!ld 'e in)esti%ated. TR 22.213 concl!des t$at en$ance ents were needed incl!din%H Call set!p ti e i pro)e ents (dditional s!pport of s!pple entar" ser)ices C$ar%in% i pro)e ents I pro)ed in call odification *ore efficient e er%enc" )ideotelep$on" call s!pport /ser notification

T$ese en$ance ents can 'e pro)ided '" eit$erH 1. 2. standardisin% a new )ideotelep$on" teleser)ice i pro)in% t$e eDistin% )ideotelep$on" ser)ice t$at is 'ased on CS31

For 'ot$ alternati)es 'ackwards co pati'ilit" wit$ eDistin% )ideotelep$on" ser)ices !sin% t$e CS31 *!lti edia Call Cearer Ser)ice is essential. So e of t$e possi'le ad)anta%es for definin% a )ideotelep$on" teleser)ice areH a'ilit" to ne%otiate t$e codecs !sed in t$e =T call !sin% alread" standardised ec$anis s a)aila'le toda" for teleser)ices a'ilit" to differentiate t$e c$ar%in% 'etween )ideotelep$on" and data transfers !sin% CS31 si plification of $andlin% of call odification for network operators co pared to )ideotelep$on" ser)ices pro)ided !sin% t$e CS31 *!lti edia Call Cearer Ser)ice si plification of down%radin% t$e ser)ice to speec$ in case of c$an%in% fro 33 to 23 and )ice )ersa co pared to )ideotelep$on" ser)ices pro)ided !sin% t$e CS31 *!lti edia Call Cearer Ser)ice t$e sa e $andlin% of s!pple entar" ser)ices as ot$er teleser)ices !ni&!e s!'scription for )ideotelep$on" ser)ices incl!din% !ni&!e definition wit$in roa in% a%ree ents w$ic$ a" i pro)e interoperator c$ar%in% possi'le definition of a !ni&!e e er%enc" )ideotelep$on" teleser)ice ,if re&!ired.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

T$ese need to 'e 'alanced a%ainst possi'le disad)anta%es of definin% two alternati)e sol!tions for pro)idin% )ideotelep$on" ser)ices. It is t$o!%$t t$at )ideotelep$on" will 'e a teleco !nication ser)ice t$at pro)ides t$e co plete capa'ilit", incl!din% ter inal e&!ip ent f!nctions, for co !nication 'etween !sers accordin% to standardi<ed protocols and trans ission capa'ilities esta'lis$ed '" a%ree ent 'etween operators. Conclusion: In li%$t of t$ese considerations it i%$t 'e 'eneficial to f!ll" specif" a )ideotelep$on" teleser)ice.

1..2 Stud on 9etwork Selection Principles )9etSel+ ,I*-31/.3

Resources: S1 Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
SP1/3/22. SP1/2/22/ 1 TS 22.411 SI* on Re'iew of 9etwork Selection Principles WI* on 9etwork selection en"ancements


)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Re'iew of network selection principles

T$e st!d" s$o!ld re)iew t$e network selection ec$anis s in TS 22.111 and re&!ire ents fro ot$er work areas, '" considerin% new et$ods of access and new operator t"pes and ens!rin% appropriate access is c$osen 'ased onH 9etwork selection al%orit$ !sed '" 6nd !ser inter5action F interface 9etwork operation *!ltiple (ccess S"ste scenarios /ser F network operator lists 9ational roa in% International roa in% R(9 e)ol!tion Radio Plannin% Cackwards co pati'ilit" o'ile de)ices

Conclusion: it wo!ld 'e 'eneficial to consider en$ance ents to t$e c!rrent specifications in a n! 'er of areasH 1. T$e ti e t$e network selection process takes, especiall" in t$e cases w$ere /6s s!pport odes. 5 5 !ltiple 'ands and !ltiple

Ideal perfor ance tar%ets were identified asH less t$an 21 seconds to select a P;*9 in t$e case w$ere t$e RP;*9 is not a)aila'le and less t$an 5 seconds in t$e case w$ere t$e RP;*9 is a)aila'le. *et$ods to i pro)e t$e ti e taken for a /6 to re%ain ser)ice and $ence a)oid ti e cons! in% searc$es of all t$e 'ands in w$ic$ a /6 can operate were considered.

2. T$ere is a re&!ire ent to pro)ide t$e tools to a network operator to allow t$e to offer t$eir c!sto ers t$e 'est possi'le eDperience w$en roa in% into ot$er networks. T$is incl!des t$e a'ilit" of t$e $o e operator to control t$eir !serNs selection of )isited network fro t$e perspecti)e of ser)ice pro)isionin%, access tec$nolo%", ter inal capa'ilit", and so on. S!c$ tools incl!de 5 5 5 T$e a'ilit" for t$e >P;*9 to d"na icall" direct a /6 to select a different =P;*9. T$e a'ilit" to pre)ent !sers fro selectin% specific P;*9s. 6n$ance ents to *an!al 9etwork Selection to pro)ide t$e !ser wit$ additional infor ation to assist t$eir c$oice. !ltiple =P;*9s in a %i)en

3. 9etwork Bperators need to d"na icall" distri'!te t$eir roa in% c!sto ers across co!ntr".



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

#. Practical eDperience fro t$e i ple entation of 9ational Roa in% $as $i%$li%$ted a n! 'er of areas w$ere en$ance ents to t$e 33PP specifications co!ld 'e considered. 5 5 In t$e case w$ere a /6 is re%istered to a national roa in% partner and loses co)era%e, t$e /6 will atte pt to select t$e RP;*9 ,t$e national roa in% partner.. In so e cases, '!t not all, it is desira'le to re%ister to t$e >P;*9 if it $as 'eco e a)aila'le. In t$e case w$ere a /6 a" oscillate 'etween two P;*9s.

5. T$e perfor ance of P;*9 selection in 'order areas needs to 'e i pro)ed, as it $as 'een noted t$at network operators are ad)isin% t$eir c!sto ers to an!all" select t$e >P;*9 to a)oid accidental roa in%. 6. In t$e co!rse of t$e de)elop ent of t$e TR so e additional areas for en$ance ents to t$e 33PP specifications $a)e 'een identified. T$ese areH 5 5 5 5 It a" 'e 'eneficial to standardise a ini ! si<e of list to 'e s!pported '" t$e *6 and an" concl!sion s$o!ld s!pport t$e nor al operational re&!ire ents of operators T$e !se of t$e Refres$ co and s$o!ld 'e re)iewed to allow t$e s!'scri'erNs operator to !pdate infor ation, !sed '" t$e /6, in t$e ost opti ! anner possi'le. (t power on, in an!al ode, if t$e RP;*9 is not fo!nd, '!t t$e >P;*9 is a)aila'le t$en t$e /6 s$o!ld a!to aticall" re%ister wit$ it. It s$o!ld 'e possi'le for t$e !ser to set a preference for eit$er an!al or a!to atic network selection on power5!p

So e of t$e proposed en$ance ents are feasi'le for Release + co pletion, w$ile ot$er ore co pleD feat!res s$o!ld 'e de)eloped in f!t!re releases ,see 9etwork selection en$ance ents ,9SP5CR. /I-0+1#1..

1... Stud on (ultimedia Priorit Ser'ice )PRI:R1((+ ,I*-31/!1

Resources: S1 Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
SP1/2/320 1 TR 22.033 WI* on Stud Item on (ultimedia Priorit Ser'ice

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

(ultimedia priorit ser'ice feasi%ilit stud

T$e response to e er%enc" sit!ations ,e.%. floods, $!rricanes, eart$&!akes, terrorist attacks. depends on t$e co !nication capa'ilities of p!'lic networks. In ost cases, e er%enc" responders !se pri)ate radio s"ste s to aid in t$e lo%istics of pro)idin% criticall" needed restoration ser)ices. >owe)er, certain %o)ern ent and e er%enc" ana%e ent officials a" $a)e to rel" on p!'lic network ser)ices w$en t$e co !nication capa'ilit" of t$e ser)in% network a" 'e i paired, for eDa ple d!e to con%estion or partial network infrastr!ct!re o!ta%es, per$aps d!e to a direct or indirect res!lt of t$e e er%enc" sit!ation. Work is !nderwa" to pro)ide standardi<ed Priorit" Ser)ice for a!t$ori<ed persons in t$e conteDt of CS speec$ co !nications ,e.%. TR 22.251.. Si ilar prioriti<ed ser)ice pro)ision is needed for packet ,e.%. IP. 'ased !lti edia ser)ices incl!din% data, )ideo, a!dio, and teDt trans ission capa'ilities. T$ere is a need to st!d" concepts, feat!res, and re&!ire ents for t$e s!pport of packet 'ased *!lti edia Priorit" Ser)ices. T$e followin% $i%$5le)el re&!ire ents were identified to s!pport *!lti edia Priorit" Ser)iceH Priorit" Session Bri%ination, Priorit" Session 6sta'lis$ ent, Priorit" Session Pro%ression, Priorit" Radio Reso!rce A!e!in%, Priorit" ;e)els,



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

In)ocation on -e and, (pplica'ilit" to Teleco !nications Ser)ices, *!lti edia Priorit" Ser)ice Code:Identifier, Roa in%, >ando)er, C$ar%in% -ata Record, A!e!in% Re&!ests for Cearer Reso!rces, Re)ision fro /TR(9 to R(9.

T$e followin% pri ar" capa'ilities were identified to s!pport *!lti edia Priorit" Ser)iceH I*S I6TF Reso!rce Priorit" >eader endation to add t$e I6TF Reso!rce Priorit" >eader to 33PP I*S specifications.

Conclusion: Reco

1..4 Stud on Transferrin# of emer#enc Call data )eC&??+ ,I*-31/43

Resources: S1 Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
SP1/3/344 1 TR 22.02. Stud Item on Transferrin# of emer#enc Call data

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Transferrin# of emer#enc call data

-!rin% 211# a n! 'er of disc!ssions were 'etween t$e Co ission for t$e 6!ropean Co !nities ,C6C., t$e a!to oti)e ind!str", t$e teleco !nication ind!str" and 6TSI standards %ro!ps re%ardin% t$e pro)ision of in5)e$icle e er%enc" calls. Cased on initial disc!ssions, a Joint initiati)e of t$e C6C ,-3 6nterp and -3 InfoSo., ind!str" and ot$er stake$olders was defined wit$ ai s to accelerate t$e de)elop ent, deplo" ent and !se of Intelli%ent Inte%rated Safet" S"ste s t$at !se infor ation and co !nication tec$nolo%ies in intelli%ent sol!tions, in order to increase road safet" and red!ce t$e n! 'er of accidents on 6!ropeMs roads. T$is initiati)e was called eSafet". (s part of t$is initiati)e, eCall was defined as a specific ite in t$e scope of t$e eSafet" initiati)e. It is intended to eDtend t$e c!rrent 6112 capa'ilities to ena'le t$e Transferrin% of eCall data 'etween t$e =e$icle and t$e P!'lic Safet" (nswerin% Points ,PS(P.. T$is s$o!ld rel" on eDistin% 3S*:/*TS infrastr!ct!re. (s a res!lt, t$e C6C $as p!'lis$ed Co ission Reco endation on t$e processin% of caller location infor ation for t$e p!rpose of location5en$anced e er%enc" call ser)ices ,adopted '" t$e Co ission in G!ne 2113.. (t t$e ti e of writin% t$is doc! ent, t$ere was no directi)e, '!t t$is $as not 'een r!led o!t. T$is work st!dies t$e feasi'ilit" of data trans ission associated wit$ an e er%enc" co !nication to t$e PS(P. It consisted in collection of re%ional re&!ire ents, atc$in% t$ese wit$ eDistin% capa'ilit" wit$in 33PP specifications and, if essential %aps are identified, to work towards an efficient 33PP sol!tion. Part of t$is work was to collect t$e ini ! eans to s!ppl" t$is data to t$e PS(Ps. data set re&!ired '" e er%enc" ser)ices and identif" t$e ost appropriate

T$e work in)ol)ed co5operation in t$e s$ort ter wit$ 6!ropean initiati)es and %ro!ps s!c$ as 65*6R36, TR(9SPBRT PRBG6CT in 6TSI RCC, 6TSI *S3, 6*T6;, 6R* T3 3+ and t$e eCall -ri)in% 3ro!p. T$e work also in)ol)ed co5operation wit$ si ilar initiati)es in ot$er re%ions. Conclusion: wit$ t$e a)aila'ilit" of t$e report fro 3S*6 on t$e BperatorsM preferred et$od of i ple entation, Work Ite s can 'e esta'lis$ed in t$e appropriate Workin% 3ro!ps to co plete an" standardi<ation work re&!ired.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

1..0 Stud on <n"ancement of <2< IoS ,I*-32/.3

Resources: S2 Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
SP1/!/322 1 TR 23.4/2 WI* on Stud on <n"ancement of <2< IoS

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

&rc"itectural en"ancements for end1to1end Iualit of Ser'ice )IoS+

T$e ec$anis s descri'ed in t$e AoS related 33PP specifications, especiall" TS 23.21+, are ins!fficient to ac$ie)e f!ll" end5to5end AoS %!arantees in case of an interworkin% wit$ different IP network do ains or 'ack'one networks. So t$e wa"s to interwork AoS policies and control 'etween different IP network do ains are needed. C!rrent sol!tions t$at %!arantee AoS end5to5end rel" on eDistin% IP AoS odels and networks t$at are controlled '" t$e P;*9 operators. Conse&!entl", it will not 'e eas" to ac$ie)e f!ll" end5to5end AoS %!arantees in case of interworkin% wit$ different IP network do ains or 'ack'one networks. For so e i portant ser)ices wit$ strict end5to5end AoS re&!ire ents, s!c$ as con)ersational speec$ or strea in% )ideo, t$e re&!ire ents a" not 'e f!ll" satisfied wit$ eDistin% odels in case of an interworkin% wit$ IP network do ains or 'ack'one networks t$at are not !nder t$e control of P;*9 operators. *ec$anis s w$ic$ are scala'le and can take into acco!nt t$e o)erall end5to5end networks perfor ance s$o!ld 'e considered to en$ance t$e c!rrent arc$itect!re, especiall" w$en t$e ser)ice traffic %oes t$ro!%$ different IP network do ains or 'ack'one networks. T$is work st!dies different possi'le sol!tions to en$ance t$e end5to5end AoS arc$itect!re specified in TS 23.21+ to ac$ie)e i pro)ed end5to5end AoS also in case of an interworkin% wit$ IP network do ains or 'ack'one networks t$at are not !nder t$e control of P;*9 operators. Interaction wit$ e er%in% 9eDt 3eneration 9etworks ,939. standards and work in IT/5T and I6TF 9SIS were considered. Conclusion: T$e c!rrent interconnection odel for 33PP networks is descri'ed in 3S*( PR- IR.3# and t$is odel takes a pra% atic approac$ to AoS, rel"in% si pl" on o)er5pro)isionin% and arkin% of /ser Plane IP packets ,!sin% -iffSer). to eDc$an%e AoS infor ation ,i.e. as per Release 22.. (ccordin% to 3S*(, I*S deplo" ent in t$e near ter will rel" on t$is approac$, to%et$er wit$ S;(s, to deli)er AoS on inter5P;*9 networks. S!c$ sol!tion is descri'ed in (nneD (.2.1 and (.2.2 of TS 23.21+ and in TR 23.412 cla!se 5.2.3. It is %enerall" reco%ni<ed t$at in t$e f!t!re new interconnection odels a" 'e needed, e.%., to acco odate increased adoption of IP 'ased ser)ices and:or s!pport interfacin% to ot$er 9eDt 3eneration 9etworks and:or w$en t$e co itted S;(s cannot 'e et, alt$o!%$ t$e ti in% and t$e details of s!c$ need is not c!rrentl" well !nderstood. Reco**endation: T$e c!rrent interconnection odel re&!ired '" 3S*( for 33PP networks does not re&!ire t$e en$ance ent of TS 23.21+, w$ic$ a" re&!ire to 'e en$anced as a res!lt of ot$er on%oin% specification work in 33PP related to I*S and AoS iss!es. T$is work s$o!ld 'e fro<en !ntil ti in% and details on t$e need of new interconnection odels 'eco e clear.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

1..1/ Stud on Fandwidt" Sa'in# at 9% Interface wit" IP transport ,I*-./3!

Resources: C3 Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
CP1/2/!34 1 TR 20.41! WI* on Stud a (ultiple8in# at 9% Interface wit" IP transport

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Fandwidt" sa'in# at 9% interface wit" IP transport

For t"pical pa"load transported o)er t$e 9' interface, t$e :IP:/-P:RTP $eader o)er$ead ,#1 '"te for IP)#, 61 '"te for IP)6. and t$e la"er 2 $eader:trailer $eader o)er$ead ,e.%. 34 '"tes for 6t$ernet )2, + '"tes for PBS. are !c$ lar%er t$an t$e transported pa"load 9'FP:codec ,e.%. 35 '"te for (*R 12.2 k>< and 2 '"te for SI- fra es.. It is desira'le to red!ce t$e :IP:/-P:RTP $eader and t$e la"er 2 $eader:trailer o)er$eads to sa)e 'andwidt$. T$is work st!dies possi'le sol!tions for a si ple, optional !ltipleDin% ec$anis for t$e 9' interface and IP transport t$at allows transportin% se)eral 9'FP:codec pa"load P-/s of different 'earers. T$e sol!tion s$o!ld ini i<e i pacts to eDistin% network c$aracteristics, in partic!lar Jitter and packet dela". T$e sol!tion s$o!ld 'e s!ita'le for an" t"pe of pa"load transported wit$in 9'FP. T$o!%$ pri aril" intended and possi'l" opti i<ed for 9'FP transport wit$in 33PP CS core networks8 t$e !ltipleDin% desi%n s$o!ld 'e %eneric and f!t!re5proof '" not precl!din% s!pport of non59'FP pa"load t"pes, e.%. standard =oIP 'earers or ot$er interfaces s!c$ as I!. T$e sol!tion s$o!ld not odif" t$e standard IP $eader. Conclusion: TR 22.41# defines a sol!tion allowin% ac$ie)in% si%nificant 'andwidt$ red!ctions in an IP network '" !ltipleDin% packets wit$ t$e sa e destination address and -iffSer) class, w$ile takin% care to preser)e t$e optional capa'ilit" to a)oid RTPWtalk sit!ations. 6Dtra 'andwidt$ red!ction can f!rt$er 'e o'tained '" s!pportin% RTP $eader co pression. ( for at of co pressed RTP $eaders $as 'een defined for 9'FP transport and t$e transport for ats specified in cla!se 5.1.1 and are a%reed to 'e added as options for t$e 9' interface specifications wit$in t$e scope of Rel5+. Spin5off i ple entation Feat!reH P-/ !ltipleDin% at 9' Interface wit$ IP transport ,9'IP*!D. /I-03#11#+.

1..11 Stud on Routein# of (T1S(s 'ia t"e EP?(9 ,I*-1!/10

Resources: C# Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
CP1/2/./1 Stud into Routein# of (T1S(s 'ia t"e EP?(9

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

TR 23.4!/ Stud into Routein# of (T1S(s 'ia t"e EP?(9

T$e opport!nit" to incl!de a non5standardised S*S5SC5like lo%ical entit" in t$e >P;*9 of t$e recei)in% *S alread" eDists o!tside of 33PP specifications for operators8 in effect settin%5!p a rela" t$at allows t$e >P;*9 of t$e recei)in% *S to control t$e deli)er" of all s$ort essa%es e)en w$en t$e recei)in% *S is roa in% o!tside of t$eir >P;*9. T$e potential 'enefits incl!deH *ore control o)er S*S spa 8 (dded fleDi'ilit" for *o'ile Ter inated S*s ,*T5S*s. c$ar%in% ,partic!larl" pre5paid.8



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

(ddition of new )al!e added capa'ilities s!c$ as IS*s Forwardin%I8 Pro)ision of an interception point for Spoof and Fake S*s.

33PP s$o!ld eDa ine t$e desira'ilit" of prod!cin% a standardi<ed sol!tion for t$e ter ination of S$ort *essa%es ,S*s. in t$e >P;*9 of t$e recei)in% *S )ia an S*S5SC5like lo%ical entit", in order to protect a n! 'er of eDistin% 33PP specified ser)ices fro t$e ne%ati)e effects of a !ltiplicit" of non5standard sol!tions. T$is st!d" deter inedH t$e ost efficient sol!tion for t$e i ple entation of t$e T5S*SC in t$e *T5S*s transfer proced!re. S!c$ a sol!tion s$o!ld a)oid ne%ati)el" affectin% eDistin% 33PP defined f!nctionalit". t$e ost appropriate wa" to specif" s!c$ f!nctionalit" in 33PP specifications.

Conclusion: TR 23.4#1 s$ows t$e ad)anta%es and disad)anta%es of 'ot$ Transparent and 9on5Transparent *odes. It reco ends definin% t$e Transparent *ode arc$itect!re in 33PP. -!e to t$e draw'acks of no s!pport for tr!e deli)er" reports and no s!pport for $andlin% of S*S wit$ t$e Priorit" 'it field set, t$e 9on5Transparent *ode as defined in TR 23.4#1 is not reco ended. It reco ends en$ance ents to *T S*S f!nctionalit" 'e incl!ded in eDistin% specifications ,23.1#1, 22.112, 23.113.. Creatin% a new specification risks $ar in% inter5workin% wit$ eDistin% S*S f!nctionalit" t$at s$o!ld 'e a)oided.

1..12 Stud on t"e TC&Psec 6atewa concept ,I*-./23

Resources: C# Referen es
!o "#en$
CP1/3/24. CP1/2/1./ TS 20.//2 TR 20.4// TS 20.2/!

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Feasi%ilit Stud re#ardin# t"e TC&Psec 6atewa Concept WI* on TC&Psec 6atewa Function

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

(&P sta#e 3

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Si#nallin# S stem 9o. . )SS.+ Securit 6atewa 5 &rc"itecture, functional description and protocol details )SS. Securit 6atewa + Si#nallin# S stem 9o. . )SS.+ securit #atewa 5 &rc"itecture, functional description and protocol details )TC&Psec 6atewa Function+

(n identified sec!rit" weakness in 23 and 33 s"ste s is t$e a'sence of sec!rit" in SS+ networks. T$e work on *(Psec Rel5# wit$in 33PP, wo!ld allow network operators to sec!re SS+ connections for all *(P essa%es passin% 'etween t$e . >owe)er, a!to atic ke" ana%e ent was not finalised, and wit$o!t t$is feat!re, *(Psec is diffic!lt to set !p and operate in a lar%e scale. F!rt$er ore, wit$ c$an%es needed in e)er" *(P 96, t$e Rel5# *(Psec s!ffered fro low acceptance fro )endors and operators. 3S*( IR63 $a)e re&!ested to co plete t$e work on *(Psec and to a s!pport t$e !se of %atewa"s ,see 9#51#1252.. S(3 $a)e re5initiated t$e work for Rel5+, w$ere f!rt$er steps were s!%%ested. Rat$er t$an protectin% onl" *(P essa%es at t$e *(P59etwork 6ntit" ,>;R, =;R, *SC, 6IR, %s SCF, S3S9, 33S9,.... it is en)isa%ed to protect all TC(P !ser essa%es ,incl!din% *(P, C(P and possi'l" ot$ers. at an SS+ Sec!rit" 3atewa" w$ic$ is located at t$e P;*9Ms 'order. TR 22.411 anal"<es t$e i pact of t$e TC(Psec %atewa" concept on t$e sta%e 3 work and proposes t$e ost efficient sol!tion for t$e i ple entation. T$e anal"sis is 'ased a on% ot$ers on t$e followin% necessar" c$an%es to t$e *(Psec concept identified '" S(3H T$e %atewa" concept incl!des two Uprotection profilesNH UInte%rit" onl"M and Ninte%rit" and confidentialit"N. T$e sec!rit" ec$anis applies '" t$e %atewa" a'o)e t$e TC(P la"er. T$e tar%et was to appl" protection in a wa" w$ic$ is a%nostic to t$e application protocol, so t$at it can protect ot$er protocols in addition to *(P. It was also planned t$at t$e essa%e for at, sec!rit" $eader, etc. fro t$e *(Psec Rel5# specification can 'e re5!sed.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

6Dplicit )erification of SCCP and *(P5pa"load addresses a%ainst *(Psec SPI was st!died. T$e *(Psec %atewa" concept and t$e *(Psec Rel5# 965'ased sol!tion need not coeDist. ( sol!tion was fo!nd, in co5operation wit$ t$e specification ana%er, e.%. to UdeleteN t$e *(Psec Rel5# 965'ased sol!tion fro t$e 33PP specs, or to ake it clear in t$e %atewa" specifications t$at interworkin% wit$ t$e *(Psec Rel5# 965'ased sol!tion is not s!pported.

TR 22.411 e)al!ates t$e feasi'ilit" of an SS+ Sec!rit" 3atewa" concept and te poraril" contains its f!nctional description. It co)ers network arc$itect!re, ro!tein% considerations, and protocol details. T$e TR 22.411 content was o)ed into a new TS 22.21# !nder t$e i ple entation work ite /I-0311115 TC(Psec 3atewa". (t t$e sa e ti e specific aterial related to *(Psec was re o)ed fro Rel5+ TS 22.112. TS 22.21# co)ers network arc$itect!re, ro!tein% considerations, and protocol details re%ardin% t$e SS+ Sec!rit" 3atewa".

1..13 Stud on usin# (2P& in 36PP network ,I*-./3/

Resources: C# Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
CP1/2/204 Feasi%ilit stud of usin# (2P& in 36PP network

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

TR 20.4/1 Feasi%ilit stud of usin# (2P& in 36PP networks

TR 22.411 e)al!ates t$e 'enefits of *2P( ,(TP2 ,ser Peer1to1Peer &daptation ?a er. co pared to *3/( ,(TP3 ,ser &daptation ?a er. and t$e possi'ilit" of introd!cin% *2P( in 33PP and specif" t$e f!nctionalities re&!ired on t$e protocol le)el to eet t$e re&!ire ents of CICC, *(P and C(P. Conclusion: Sol!tion 1 ,introd!cin% *2P(. is a reco ended option t$at can 'e !sed in 33PP IP 'ased si%nallin% networks for interface C. Sol!tion 2 ,introd!cin% en$anced *3/(. depends on t$e pro%ress in I6TF. (ddition in TS 22.212 of *2P( in 33PP IP 'ased si%nallin% networks for interface C a" 'e considered in t$e f!t!re.

1..1! Stud on Support of )6+(SC1S 1 )6+(SC1S 9c Interface %ased on t"e SIP1I protocol ,I*-32//14
Resources: C# Referen es
!o "#en$

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Stud of Support of )6+(SC1S 7 )6+(SC1S 9c Interface %ased on t"e SIP1I protocol

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s
TR 20.4/2 )6+(SC1S 7 )6+(SC1S 9c Interface %ased on t"e SIP1I protocol

(s t$e ind!str" o)es fro =oice o)er T-* to =oice o)er IP, t$e aJorit" of t$e networks ,fiDed telep$on", enterprise, I*S. are o)in% towards SIP5'ased si%nallin%. C!rrentl", 33PP does not define an interworkin% scenario for SIP5I interworkin% into t$e 'earer independent CS network, alt$o!%$ t$is is a )alid interworkin% scenario. In order to a)oid t$e !se of a $ea)"wei%$t interworkin% f!nction and to pro)ide co onalit" of prod!cts 'etween wireless and wireline networks, TR 22.412 in)esti%ates t$e i ple entation of SIP5I on t$e 9c Interface as an alternati)e protocol to CICC. T$is i ple entation pro)ides t$e additional 'enefits ofH



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Pro)idin% a standardi<ed SIP5I 'ased 9c Interface w$ic$ i pro)es network interconnections '" re o)in% potential si%nallin% interworkin% to eDternal SIP5I networks8 6ases interworkin% iss!es for IP5Interconnect and con)er%es SIP5I si%nallin% across t$e ind!str", wireless and wireline8 Standardi<in% end to end ser)ice 'etween o'ile s!'scri'ers t$at a" 'e located in different networks, e.%. s!pport of codec ne%otiation o)er IP transit network to ena'le TrFB, SC/-IF etc8 Pro)ides i%ration of P;*9 to co on 939 'ased SIP si%nallin%8 Red!ces Capital 6Dpendit!re ,C(P6W. for Bperators and inter5operator a%ree ents re%ardin% interworkin% f!nctionalit".

TR 22.412H -efines a scenario for pro)idin% SIP5I on t$e 9c Interface interworkin% wit$ an eDternal SIP5I 'ased si%nallin% network8 Identifies i pacts and pro)ides s!pport for interworkin% SIP5I on t$e 9c interface wit$ a CICC5'ased 9c interface and wit$ 33PP I*S. -efines SIP5I on t$e 9c Interface in order to pro)ide interworkin%8 Identifies and resol)es i pacts related to effects on t$e !ser plane '" pro)idin% SIP5I on t$e 9c Interface. Identifies and resol)es i pacts related to effects on eDistin% f!nctional capa'ilities pro)ided '" t$e eDistin% 33PP CICC i ple entation ,BoCTC, SC/-IF, CS-, etc.. '" pro)idin% SIP5I on t$e 9c Interface.

Conclusion: SIP5I 'ased 9c interface is an alternati)e feasi'le option to t$e eDistin% CICC definition. TR 22.412 s$o!ld 'e !sed as a 'asis for f!t!re work in Rel54. Sta%e 2 and 3 s$o!ld 'e specified in eDistin% and new specifications as defined in (nneD (.

1..13 Stud on S:&P>ETTP IRP Solution Sets ,I*-33/22

Resources: S5 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/21/ 1 TR 32.4/0

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Stud of S:&P>ETTP IRP Solution Sets

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Feasi%ilit stud of D(?1%ased )S:&P>ETTP+ IRP solution sets

Inte%ration Reference Points ,IRPs. need to 'e eDtended wit$ t$e introd!ction of SB(P:>TTP Sol!tion Sets in order to respond to t$e %rowin% arket and ind!str" de and for s!c$ li%$twei%$t sol!tions o)er t$e Itf59. T$is TR st!dies t$e need to specif" a new Sol!tion Set for all Interface, 9etwork Reso!rce *odel and -ata -efinition IRPs 'ased on SB(P:>TTP tec$nolo%", as additional c$oice to e.%. CBRC(. T$is st!d" concl!des t$at S(5 s$o!ld %o a$ead wit$ t$e !se of W*;5Cased Sol!tion Sets 'e"ond Release +. For a start, a partic!lar foc!s s$o!ld 'e set on Ser)ice *ana%e ent '!t t$is s$o!ldnMt 'e restricti)e. Startin% wit$ Ser)ice *ana%e ent i ple entation s$o!ld allow a s oot$ transition and to %ain eDperience.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

1..12 Stud on Itf19 Implementation Conformance Statement )ICS+ template ,I*-33/2.

Resources: S5 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/2/0 1 TR 32.412

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Stud of Itf19 Implementation Conformance Statement )ICS+ template

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


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Itf19 Implementation Conformance Statement )ICS+ template

Interface59 ,Itf59. is t$e interface 'etween t$e 9etwork and t$e 9etwork *ana%er ,9*.. 33PP $as prod!ced se)eral IRP specifications for 33 networksM B(*FP. =endors $a)e de)eloped prod!cts in co pliance wit$ different )ersions of t$ese specifications. >owe)er, t$ere is c!rrentl" no 33PP I ple entation Confor ance State ent ,ICS. specification a)aila'le for testin% a )endorNs Itf59 prod!ct. T$e st!d" pro)ides a te plate for Itf59 i ple entation confor ance test. It defines t$e str!ct!re and ta'le for at for t$e ICS on t$e Infor ation Ser)ice ,IS. and CBRC( sol!tion set le)el. ( few S(5 st!dies $ad 'een o)ed fro Release + to Release 4 as followsH

St!d" of 6le ent Bperations S"ste s F!nction ,6BSF. definition /I-035165 St!d" of S(5 *TBSI W*; >ar oni<ation /I-0351+# St!d" of Co on Profile Stora%e ,CPS. Fra ework of /ser -ata for network ser)ices and /I-0321116

ana%e ent

1..1. Stud on IRP Information (ode ,I*-33/24

Resources: S5 Referen es
!o "#en$
SP1/3/211 1 TR 32.41/

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Stud of IRP Information (odel

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


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Information model Inte#ration Reference Point )IRP+ Stud

C!rrentl" t$ere is no standard interface specified for $ow t$e 9etwork *ana%er Centre ,9*C. a" access details of 9etwork 6le ent *ana%er ,96*. I*. C!rrentl" t$is t"pe of infor ation is J!st specified in Confi%!ration *ana%e ent ,C*. IRP 9etwork Reso!rce *odels ,9R*. specifications for standard 9R*s. -etails of )endor specific eDtensions are not incl!ded. T$e sa e applies to Perfor ance *ana%e ent ,P*. 9R*s. T"picall" an 9*C will 'e re&!ired to interface to se)eral 96*s fro different )endors, eac$ of w$ic$ a" s!pport )ariants and )endor specific eDtensions to t$e standard 9R*s for C* and P*. To si plif" 9* operations, it wo!ld 'e ad)anta%eo!s if a standard interface is specified for an 96* to 'e a'le to access an 96*Ns Infor ation *odel ,I*. reali<ation. T$e TR st!dies t$e possi'ilit" of specif"in% an I* IRP ena'lin% an IRP*ana%er to read an IRP(%entMs )endor5specific I* )iew o)er Itf59. T$e I* s$o!ld pro)ide t$e t"pe of infor ation c!rrentl" specified in IRP and 9R*s IS le)el specifications, e.%. 9R* Infor ation B'Ject Classes ,IBC., contain ent, na in%, attri'!tes, attri'!te )alid )al!es, RB:RW access s!pport, notifications s!pported etc.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

T$e scope of t$e I* co)ers 33PP %eneric and )endor5specific o'Jects:data. T$e I* IRP ser)ice needs to co)er all IRP )iews. T$is st!d" concl!des t$at t$ere are di)er%in% )iews on 'ein% a'le to pro)ide t$e I* at r!n5ti e. (lso appl"in% I* and %ettin% t$e 'enefits fro le%ac" 9etwork 6le ents, is &!estioned '" so e. It is reco ended t$at I* disco)er" s$o!ld 'e f!rt$er st!died in Release 4 as part of t$e S(5 ;T6 feasi'ilit" st!d". (pplication and i ple entation of I* is feasi'le. *ore work is needed and ot$er approac$es i%$t 'e 'etter ,e.%. /*; Profile.. I ediate 'enefit co!ld 'e to appl" t$e I* IRP to so e of t$e eDistin% 32.D"< 9R* specifications, so t$at t$e standard odels and capa'ilities can 'e eDpressed in for al and ac$ine reada'le wa". >ow I* -isco)er" i%$t 'e a'le to address t$e c$allen%es of B(*FP for an ;T6 ena'led network co!ld 'e f!rt$er st!died in Release 4 as part of t$e S(5 ;T6 feasi'ilit" st!d".

1..14 Stud on <'ol'ed ,TR& and ,TR&9 ,I*-2//23

Resources: RP Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/!/!21 1 TR 23.012 TR 23.413 TR 23.41! TR 23.013

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Stud on <'ol'ed ,TR& and ,TR&9

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Feasi%ilit stud for e'ol'ed ,ni'ersal Terrestrial Radio &ccess ),TR&+ and ,ni'ersal Terrestrial Radio &ccess 9etwork ),TR&9+ <'ol'ed ,ni'ersal Terrestrial Radio &ccess )<1,TR&+ and <'ol'ed ,ni'ersal Terrestrial Radio &ccess 9etwork )<1,TR&9+5 Radio interface protocol aspects P" sical la er aspect for e'ol'ed ,ni'ersal Terrestrial Radio &ccess ),TR&+ Re$uirements for <'ol'ed ,TR& )<1,TR&+ and <'ol'ed ,TR&9 )<1,TR&9+

Wit$ en$ance ents s!c$ as >S-P( and 6n$anced /plink, t$e 33PP radio5access tec$nolo%" will 'e $i%$l" co petiti)e for se)eral "ears. >owe)er, to ens!re co petiti)eness in an e)en lon%er ti e fra e, i.e. for t$e neDt 11 "ears and 'e"ond, a lon%5ter e)ol!tion of t$e 33PP radio5access tec$nolo%" needs to 'e considered. I portant parts of s!c$ a lon%5ter e)ol!tion incl!de red!ced latenc", $i%$er !ser data rates, i pro)ed s"ste capacit" and co)era%e, and red!ced cost for t$e operator. In order to ac$ie)e t$is, an e)ol!tion of t$e radio interface as well as t$e radio network arc$itect!re s$o!ld 'e considered. Considerin% a desire for e)en $i%$er data rates and also takin% into acco!nt f!t!re additional 33 spectr! allocations t$e lon%5ter 33PP e)ol!tion s$o!ld incl!de an e)ol!tion towards s!pport for wider trans ission 'andwidt$ t$an 5 *><. (t t$e sa e ti e, s!pport for trans ission 'andwidt$s of 5*>< and less t$an 5*>< s$o!ld 'e in)esti%ated in order to allow for ore fleDi'ilit" in w$ic$e)er fre&!enc" 'ands t$e s"ste a" 'e deplo"ed in. T$e st!d" %i)es a fra ework for t$e e)ol!tion of t$e 33PP radio5access tec$nolo%" towards a $i%$5data5rate, low5 latenc" and packet5opti i<ed radio5access tec$nolo%". It foc!ses on s!pportin% ser)ices pro)ided fro t$e PS5do ain. St!died areasH Related to t$e radio5interface p$"sical la"er ,downlink and !plink.H e.%. eans to s!pport fleDi'le trans ission 'andwidt$ !p to 21 *><, introd!ction of new trans ission sc$e es and ad)anced !lti5antenna tec$nolo%ies Related to t$e radio interface la"er 2 and 3H e.%. si%nallin% opti i<ation Related to t$e /TR(9 arc$itect!reH identif" t$e ost opti ! /TR(9 network arc$itect!re and f!nctional split 'etween R(9 network nodes, not precl!din% considerations on t$e f!nctional split 'etween /TR(9 and C9 ,S(2 eDperts s$o!ld 'e in)ited to t$e latter topic. RF5related iss!es

Tar%ets for t$e e)ol!tion of t$e radio5interface and radio5access network arc$itect!reH Si%nificantl" increased peak data rate e.%. 111 *'ps ,downlink. and 51 *'ps ,!plink. Increase Icell ed%e 'itrateI w$ilst aintainin% sa e site locations as deplo"ed toda"



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Si%nificantl" i pro)ed spectr! efficienc" , e.%. 25# D Rel6. Possi'ilit" for a Radio5access network latenc" ,!ser5plane /6 @ R9C ,or correspondin% node a'o)e 9ode C. 5 /6. 'elow 11 s Si%nificantl" red!ced C5plane latenc", e.%. incl!din% t$e possi'ilit" to eDc$an%e !ser5plane data startin% fro ca ped5state wit$ a transition ti e of less t$an 111 s ,eDcl!din% downlink pa%in% dela". Scalea'le 'andwidt$H a. 5, 11, 21 and possi'l" 15 *><8 '. K1.25,L 2.5 *><H to allow fleDi'ilit" in narrow spectral allocations w$ere t$e s"ste a" 'e deplo"ed S!pport for inter5workin% wit$ eDistin% 33 s"ste s and non533PP specified s"ste s F!rt$er en$anced *C*S Red!ced C(P6W and BP6W incl!din% 'ack$a!l Cost effecti)e i%ration fro Rel56 /TR( radio interface and arc$itect!re Reasona'le s"ste and ter inal co pleDit", cost, and power cons! ption. S!pport of f!rt$er en$anced I*S and core network Cackwards co pati'ilit" is $i%$l" desira'le, '!t t$e trade off )ers!s perfor ance and:or capa'ilit" en$ance ents s$o!ld 'e caref!ll" considered. 6fficient s!pport of t$e )ario!s t"pes of ser)ices, especiall" fro t$e PS do ain ,e.%. =oice o)er IP, Presence. S"ste s$o!ld 'e opti i<ed for low o'ile speed '!t also s!pport $i%$ o'ile speed Bperation in paired and !npaired spectr! s$o!ld not 'e precl!ded Possi'ilit" for si plified co5eDistence 'etween operators in adJacent 'ands as well as cross5'order co5eDistence

Concl!sionH Rel54 i ple entation WI to 'e started R(9P33 ,Sep 2116. co pleted. Stat!s Report in RP5161#+2

1..10 Stud on Performance <'aluation of t"e ,< %e"a'iour in "i#" speed trains ,I*-2//3!
Resources: R# Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/3/1!2 1 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Performance <'aluation of t"e ,< %e"a'iour in "i#" speed trains wit" speeds up to 33/ kmp"

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


/6 'e$a)io!r in $i%$ o'ilit" en)iron ents is descri'ed in t$e c!rrent specifications !p 251 k :$ and 121 k :$ for >S-P(. In order to ens!re a certain le)el of perfor ance in ter s of appropriate data rates ,t$ro!%$p!t. and AoS for t$e !ser in o'ilit" en)iron ents wit$ $i%$er speeds. T$e ai of t$e st!d" was toH 1. 2. 3. #. identif" realistic propa%ation conditions and !ltipat$ odels for $i%$ speed train en)iron ents decide on t$e need to perfor si !lations of t$e /6 'e$a)io!r for speeds !p to 351 k :$ in $i%$ speed train en)iron ents incl!din% >S-P( decide on t$e need to define ini ! perfor ance re&!ire ents for t$e /6 and t$e network ass! in% $i%$ speed train en)iron ents wit$ speeds !p to 351 k :$ Identif" i pact to ot$er %ro!ps

Co pleted ite sH -eplo" ent scenarios a%reed Si !lation res!lts presented for ideal recei)ers (%reed t$at sa e perfor ance can 'e ac$ie)ed '" ideal >S-P( /6s at 351 k :$ )s. 121 k :$ (%reed t$at t$ere is an iss!e wit$ -oppler s$ift )ariation relatin% to c$annel esti ation t$at needs to 'e considered f!rt$er as part of t$e T6I work ite .



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

R(9P32 ,G!n 2116. co pleted. Stat!s Report in RP5161#12

1..2/ Stud on ,TR& Tower (ounted &mplifier )F**+ ,I*-2//!1

Resources: R# Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
R&9-Stud -Items-Eistor 1 TR 23.414 WI* on ,TR& Tower (ounted &mplifier )F**+

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

,TR& tower mounted amplifier )F**+ stud item tec"nical report

B'Jecti)es of t$e st!d"H Identification of t$e radio re&!ire ents, w$ic$ need to 'e standardi<ed for eDternal low noise Tower *o!nted ( plifier ,T*(. in RD for /TR( F--. T$e feasi'ilit" of splittin% t$e radio re&!ire ents 'etween 'ase station and /TR( F-- T*(. (lternati)es $ow /TR( F-- T*( radio re&!ire ents co!ld 'e standardi<ed. >ow to str!ct!re /TR( F-- T*( radio re&!ire ents ,e.%. a sin%le set of /TR( F-- T*( re&!ire ents s!pportin% all CS confi%!rations or !ltiple sets of re&!ire ents. I pact on c!rrent specifications TS 25.11#, TS 25.1#1, and TR 25.2#2. I pact on RR* eas!re ents. I pact on confor ance testin% and o)erall s"ste responsi'ilit".

T$e feasi'ilit" of standardi<in% t$e CS @ T*( interface was st!died in TR 25.414 re%ardin% t$e followin% ke" aspectsH 1. Feasi'ilit" of splittin% t$e radio re&!ire ents 'etween CS and T*( 2. Feasi'ilit" of standardi<ation alternati)es, incl!din% confor ance testin% and s"ste 3. I pact on Radio Reso!rce *ana%e ent re&!ire ents. Re%ardin% aspect 1. it was o'ser)ed t$at a n! 'er of radio perfor ance related para eters wo!ld need to 'e split 'etween CS and T*(. 9o eanin%f!l T*( specification can 'e de)eloped wit$o!t s!c$ a radio para eter split, as ot$erwise t$ere wo!ld 'e no defined perfor ance for t$e CS\T*( c$ain. >owe)er, t$is para eter split is non5tri)ial and wo!ld need to 'e reconsidered for eac$ operatin% 'and and for eac$ T*( %ain alternati)e. T$is wo!ld re&!ire detailed in)esti%ations for t$e T*(\CS recei)e : trans it c$ain in a possi'le WI. In partic!lar, for deri)in% t$e T*( I*- re&!ire ents a set of interference scenarios wo!ld need to 'e considered and t$eir respecti)e I*- le)els wo!ld need to 'e a%reed and split 'etween t$e CS and T*(. F!rt$er ore, t$ere see s to 'e no ot$er wa" in settin% T*( I*- re&!ire ents t$an specif"in% eit$er t$e details of t$e T*( recei)er i ple entation ,RW filters, IP3. or $a)in% a n! 'er of I*- test cases. T$ere eDist different options for t$e split of t$e perfor ance 'etween t$e CS and t$e T*(. T$at is tr!e not onl" for t$e T*( %ain '!t also for linearit" in t$e T*( a plifier as well as t$e filterin% in t$e T*(. In order to cope wit$ all different sol!tions t$e T*( wo!ld $a)e to f!lfil t$e worst case scenario or t$e 'ase station re&!ire ents wo!ld $a)e to 'e ti%$tened for so e )endors to 'e co pati'le wit$ all T*(s. T$is wo!ld eit$er dri)e t$e cost for t$e T*( or t$e 'ase stations or it wo!ld 'e a sol!tion wit$ a lot of options w$ic$ wo!ld not %!arantee interopera'ilit". T$e feeder loss 'etween CS and T*( also needs to 'e taken into acco!nt w$en definin% t$e radio re&!ire ents for CS and T*(. T$en an" ini ! perfor ance re&!ire ents defined for t$e CS\T*( c$ain can onl" 'e ens!red for t$e ass! ed ran%e of feeder losses. Re%ardin% aspect 2., it was %enerall" noted t$at t$e CS5T*( interface needs to 'e specified for 'ot$, t$e CS and T*( if t$e inter5workin% of CS and T*( of different )endors s$o!ld 'e facilitated '" 33PP standards. T$ree standardi<ation alternati)es were considered and as a s! ar" t$e followin% can 'e statedH responsi'ilities



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

5 5 5

(lternati)e 1H 9ot a standardi<ed sol!tion at all, eanin% t$at it does not allow nor %!arantee interopera'ilit" and t$erefore does not ake sense for )endors or operators. (lternati)e 2H Geopardi<es o)erall s"ste t$erefore not accepta'le. perfor ance and i%$t e)en )iolate re%!lator" re&!ire ents and is

(lternati)e 3H ( !ltiple set of radio para eters $as to 'e split 'etween different CS and T*( i ple entations, for all considered fre&!enc" 'ands. T$at eans a non5tri)ial work w$ic$ re&!ires a considera'le a o!nt of standardi<ation work, w$ic$ see s diffic!lt to $andle wit$in a reasona'le WI ti e plan. T$is wo!ld eit$er 'e a sol!tion wit$ a n! 'er of non5interopera'le options or dri)e t$e cost for t$e T*( or t$e 'ase stations.

It s$o!ld 'e noted t$at t$e i pact on T*( radio re&!ire ents related to antenna feeder s$arin% wit$ ot$er s"ste s ,e.%. 3S* in Cand =III. was o!tside t$e scope of t$e SI. T$is confi%!ration is e)en ore co pleD and wo!ld re&!ire f!rt$er anal"sis, '!t t$e concl!sions drawn in t$is st!d" still appl". Tower *o!nted ( plifiers ,T*(. are eDternal low noise RW a plifier and are an i portant part of t$e radio network, red!cin% t$e s"ste noise fi%!re and i pro)in% t$e sensiti)it" of t$e 9ode C. T$e T*( $as c!rrentl" a )endor specific perfor ance and c$aracteristic, w$ereas t$e o)erall s"ste perfor ance is co)ered '" re&!ire ents and tests accordin% to t$e concept of different test ports ,TS 25.11#, TS 25.1#1.. Radio c$aracteristics are specified at t$e CS antenna connector. If an" eDternal apparat!s s!c$ as RW a plifier, a filter or t$e co 'ination of s!c$ de)ices is !sed, re&!ire ents appl" at t$e far end antenna connector. T*( sol!tions as to t$e c!rrent date are eit$er )endor specific deli)ered as a w$ole site sol!tion or are proprietar" fro different s!ppliers and $ence a iD of T*( and 'ase stations of different s!pplier is not possi'le wit$o!t loosin% fleDi'ilit" for t$e operator. T$is st!d" proposes different alternati)es $ow eDternal low noise RW a plifier radio re&!ire ents for /TR( F-co!ld 'e standardi<ed. R(9P31 ,*ar 2116. co pleted. Stat!s Report in RP5161135

1..21 Stud on Continuous connecti'it for packet data users ,I*-2//!!

Resources: R1 Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
RP1/3/301 1 1 WI* on Continuous connecti'it for packet data users

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


Packet5oriented feat!res like >S-P( and 65-C> in WC-*(:/*TS s"ste s pro otes t$e s!'scri'ersN desire for contin!o!s connecti)it", w$ere t$e !ser sta"s connected o)er a lon% ti e span wit$ onl" occasional acti)e periods of data trans ission, and a)oidin% fre&!ent connection ter ination and re5esta'lis$ ent wit$ its in$erent o)er$ead and dela". To s!pport a $i%$ n! 'er of >S-P( !sers in t$e code li ited downlink t$e feat!re F5-PC> was introd!ced in Rel56. In t$e !plink, t$e li itin% factor for s!pportin% a si ilarl" $i%$ n! 'er of 65-C> !sers is t$e noise rise. For s!c$ a $i%$ n! 'er of !sers in t$e cell it can 'e ass! ed t$at an" !sers are not trans ittin% an" !ser data for so e ti e ,e.%. for readin% d!rin% we' 'rowsin%.. So t$e correspondin% o)er$ead in t$e noise rise ca!sed '" aintained control c$annels si%nificantl" li its t$e n! 'er of !sers t$at can 'e efficientl" s!pported. (s co pletel" releasin% dedicated c$annels d!rin% periods of traffic inacti)it" wo!ld ca!se considera'le dela"s for re5esta'lis$in% data trans ission and a correspondin% 'ad !ser perception. T$is st!d" proposes to red!ce t$e i pact of control c$annels on !plink noise rise w$ile aintainin% t$e connections and allowin% a !c$ faster reacti)ation for te poraril" inacti)e !sers.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

It proposes R(91 to start an i ple entation WI. R(9P22 ,Sep 2116. co pleted. Stat!s report in RP5151#2+

1..22 Stud on Impro'ement of (ultimedia Froadcast (ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+ in ,TR&9 ,I*-2//31
Resources: R Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/3/.!2 1 TR 23.0/3

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Impro'ement of t"e (ultimedia Froadcast (ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+ in ,TR&9

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Feasi%ilit stud on impro'ement of t"e (ultimedia Froadcast > (ulticast Ser'ice )(F(S+ in ,TR&9

T$e st!d" reco ends considerin% t$e followin% principles in an" new WI for i pro)e ent of *C*S in /TR(9. Si !ltaneo!s reception on different carriers is possi'le, '!t not andated fro t$e /6s. F!rt$er R(9# st!d" is eDpected to 'etter !nderstand iss!es relatin% to si !ltaneo!s reception on different carriers. F!ll o'ilit":pa%in% etc. s!pport s$o!ld 'e pro)ided '" all /6s wit$o!t andatin% 2 ;B, incl!din% operation on SF9. T$is co)ers t$e followin% casesH (dditional -; carrier wit$o!t SF98 (dditional -;5onl" carrier wit$ or wit$o!t SF98 9on -;5onl" carrier wit$ SF9 ,T-- onl".8 (dditional 'inded -;5onl" carriers wit$ or wit$o!t SF9 ,;CR T-- onl".8 (dditional -;5onl" carriers wit$ or wit$o!t SF9 'inded wit$ 9on -;5onl" carrier ,;CR T-- onl"..

R(9P3# ,-ec 2116. co pleted. Stat!s Report in RP5161622

1..23 Stud on Performance Impro'ements in Small Cells usin# ES*P&><*CE ,I*-2//32

Resources: R# Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/3/.42 1 1

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Performance Impro'ements in Small Cells usin# ES*P&><*CE

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s


T$ere is a need to in)esti%ate t$e possi'ilities to f!rt$er en$ance t$e a'ilit" of >S-P(:>S/P( in certain deplo"ed en)iron ents 'e"ond t$e acro cell!lar case. >S-P( and >S/P( are )er" i portant capa'ilities for operators. It is critical t$at perfor ance of t$ese c$annels especiall" in en)iron ents and deplo" ent scenarios t$at are not acro cell 'ased 'e aDi i<ed for a wide ran%e of data ser)ices, rates, and t$ro!%$p!ts. T$is is especiall" i portant in s aller cells wit$ lower o'ilit" and IcontainedI en)iron ents, ost nota'l" o!tdoor icro5cells ,wit$ at least so e !sers indoor and in '!ildin% pico5cells. T$is is especiall" rele)ant w$en 33PP tec$nolo%ies co pete a%ainst tec$nolo%ies deplo"ed specificall" to ser)e contained en)iron ents. T$e /6 in t$ese sit!ations a" not 'e t$e t"pical $and $eld ter inal '!t co!ld 'e e 'edded



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

i ple entations inside co p!ters, or a PC*CI( t"pe data card ,or ot$er di)erse for a ena'le to e 'odi ent of t$e i pro)e ents.

factors. w$ic$

a" 'e


T$e o'Jecti)e was to esta'lis$ and c$aracteri<e t$e s all cell and:or contained en)iron ents t$at are of %reatest operator interest. T$e selected en)iron ent s$o!ld 'e s!fficientl" c$aracteri<ed to ena'le acc!rate si !lation of ad)anced W5C-*( tec$nolo%ies in t$e en)iron ent, ost nota'l" t$ose !sin% !ltiple antennas at t$e /6 and:or 9ode C. T$e n! 'er of en)iron ents and !se cases s$o!ld 'e li ited in order to allow eDpeditio!s co pletion. R(9P32 ,G!n 2116. closed ,no pro%ress.. Stat!s Report in RP5161263

1..2! Stud on Furt"er Impro'ed Performance Re$uirements for ,(TS>ES*P& ,< )F**+ ,I*-2//33
Resources: R# Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/3/44/ 1 TR 23.023

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Furt"er Impro'ed Performance Re$uirements for ,(TS>ES*P& ,< )F**+

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Feasi%ilit stud on interference cancellation for ,TR& F** ,ser <$uipment ),<+

For /TR( F-- perfor ance specifications $a)e 'een de)eloped for /6 recei)ers on t$e 'asis of e&!ali<ation and, for >S-P(, 25'ranc$ recei)e di)ersit". 6&!ali<ation is pri aril" !sef!l in case of $i%$ %eo etr". -i)ersit" is !sef!l in 'ot$ low5 and $i%$5%eo etr" cases, '!t /6 desi%n iss!es a" affect deplo" ent. So perfor ance i pro)e ent in low5 %eo etr" is still an i portant priorit", partic!larl" for sin%le5antenna /6. T$e i pro)e ents specified so far $a)e 'een for t$er al noise and noise5like inter5cell interference, and intra5cell interference ca!sed '" !ltipat$. I pro)e ents 'ased on cancellation or reJection of ot$er5cell interference $a)e not 'een incl!ded "et. S!c$ et$ods are 'ot$ 'etter !nderstood and ore practical t$an t$e" $a)e 'een in t$e past. For 3S* radio access, interference cancellation perfor ance $as 'een specified for sin%le 'ranc$ recei)ers. Goint detection et$ods $a)e 'een de)eloped for /TR( F-- !plink recei)ers and /TR( T-- recei)ers. Contri'!tions $a)e 'een ade s$owin% t$e link5le)el perfor ance 'enefit of sin%le5'ranc$ interference cancellation for /TR( F-- /6 recei)ers. It is well5known t$at 25antenna recei)ers !sin% al%orit$ s s!c$ as space5te poral e&!ali<ation can reJect ot$er5cell interference, '!t t$is aspect $as not 'een incl!ded to date in t$e work ite 'ased on 25'ranc$ e&!ali<ation. So t$ere is an opport!nit" for si%nificant %ain, 'ased on well5known and widel" accepted tec$ni&!es, if t$e interference reJection aspect can 'e e)al!ated and specified. Since t$e 'asic perfor ance i pro)e ents fro di)ersit" and e&!ali<ation $a)e 'een addressed in pre)io!s work, and t$ere is now work s$owin% s!'stantial potential %ains fro ot$er5cell interference cancellation, st!d" of 'ot$ sin%le5 'ranc$ and two5'ranc$ interference iti%ation for /TR( F-- $ad 'een started, wit$ two %oalsH 1. 2. to e)al!ate t$e feasi'ilit" and potential %ains at link and s"ste to in)esti%ate t$e le)el

etrics and ot$er aspects of specif"in% /6 perfor ance

B'Jecti)esH -e)elop realistic network scenarios and interference odels and in)esti%ate practical etrics t$at co!ld 'e !sed to specif" perfor ance 'ased on interference iti%ation. 6)al!ate t$e feasi'ilit", link perfor ance, and s"ste capacit" potential of 2 'ranc$ interference iti%ation wit$ realistic network scenarios and interference odels. 6)al!ate feasi'ilit", link perfor ance, and s"ste capacit" potential of 1 'ranc$ interference iti%ation wit$ realistic network scenarios and interference odels. odels $a)e !c$ in co on for 15'ranc$ and 25'ranc$ et$ods.

T$e network scenarios and interference

Concl!sionH S all %ain was noted on Sin%le Cranc$ Recei)ers



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

R(9P36 ,*a" 211+. co pleted. Stat!s Report in RP51+1#22

1..23 Stud on Scope of future F** ESP& <'olution ,I*-2//23

Resources: RP Referen es
!o "#en$
RP1/2/21. 1 TR 23.000

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Scope of future F** ESP& <'olution

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

Ei#" Speed Packet &ccess )ESP&+ e'olution5 Fre$uenc *i'ision *uple8 )F**+

T$e i portance to en$ance t$e capa'ilities and perfor ance of >SP(5'ased radio networks is widel" reco%nised. >SP( networks for an inte%ral part of 33 s"ste s and !st pro)ide a s oot$ pat$ towards ;T6. >SP( operators are J!st as interested in t$e potential perfor ance and cost sa)in%s w$ic$ a" 'e ac$ie)ed t$ro!%$ >SP( e)ol!tion in a 5*>< 'andwidt$ as t$e" are in t$e f!t!re ;T6 s"ste . 3!idin% principles consideredH >SP( spectr! efficienc", peak data rate and latenc" s$o!ld contin!e to e)ol)e. T$e tradeoffs necessar" to ac$ie)e perfor ance co para'le to ;T6 in 5 *>< s$o!ld 'e anal"<ed8 T$e interworkin% 'etween >SP( 6)ol!tion and ;T6 s$o!ld 'e as s oot$ as possi'le fro one tec$nolo%" to t$e neDt and s$o!ld facilitate Joint tec$nolo%" operation8 6)ol)ed >SP( s$o!ld 'e a'le to operate as a packet5onl" network 'ased on !tili<ation of S$ared C$annels onl"8 >SP( 6)ol!tion s$all 'e 'ackward co pati'le in t$e sense t$at le%ac" ter inals ,R225-C> and >SP( o'iles. are a'le to s$are t$e sa e carrier wit$ ter inals i ple entin% t$e latest feat!res of t$e >SP( 6)ol!tion track wit$o!t an" perfor ance de%radation8 Ideall", eDistin% infrastr!ct!re s$o!ld onl" need a si ple !p%rade to s!pport t$e feat!res defined as part of t$e >SP( 6)ol!tion. ( n! 'er of Work Ite s listed in section 15 are alread" open to define potential en$ance ents to t$e >SP( standard and t$ese need to 'e taken into consideration.

#-Cectives of the study: a. 5 5 5 c. -efine a 'road fra ework for >SP( 6)ol!tion Tar%ets for i pro)e ents in latenc", t$ro!%$p!t and spectr! 'andwidt$ efficienc" !tilisin% t$e eDistin% 5*><

'. -efine a set of re&!ire ents for >SP( 6)ol!tion co)erin%H

-efine constraints in ter s of accepta'le $ardware and software c$an%es to c!rrent ele ents ]/6, 9ode, R9C, S3S9 and 33S9^8 -efine constraints in ter s of accepta'le network arc$itect!re c$an%es. -eter ine w$at perfor ance 'enefit is ac$ie)ed '" t$e eDistin% WIs

d. >SP( 6)ol!tion s$all 'e 'ackward co pati'le in t$e sense t$at le%ac" ter inals ,R225-C> and >SP( o'iles. are a'le to s$are t$e sa e carrier wit$ ter inals i ple entin% t$e latest feat!res of t$e >SP( 6)ol!tion track wit$o!t an" perfor ance de%radation8 e. f. Identif" potential sol!tions to i pro)e >SP( perfor ance towards t$e a%reed tar%ets wit$in t$e defined constraints8 *ake reco endations for f!t!re and possi'le re)isions of on%oin% WIs related to >SP(8

Results: -efined a 'road fra ework for >SP( e)ol!tion



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

Identified potential sol!tions to i pro)e >SP( perfor ance towards t$e a%reed tar%ets wit$in t$e defined constraints8

R(9P3+ ,Sep 211+. co pleted. Stat!s Report in RP51+1533

1..22 Stud on * namicall reconfi#urin# a F** ,< ... ,I*-33//13

Resources: R# Referen es
!o "#en$

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on * namicall reconfi#urin# a F** ,< recei'er to reduce power consumption w"en desired Iualit of Ser'ice is met

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions

1 TR 23.0/2 1

-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

* namicall reconfi#urin# a Fre$uenc *i'ision *uple8 )F**+ ,ser <$uipment ),<+ recei'er to reduce power consumption w"en desired Iualit of Ser'ice )IoS+ is met

In certain conditions, it a" 'e desira'le to allow /6s s!pportin% en$anced perfor ance re&!ire ents to red!ce t$eir perfor ance to TS25.111 ini ! perfor ance re&!ire ents, for eDa ple to red!ce recei)er power cons! ption. T$e p!rpose of t$is st!d" ite is to in)esti%ate $ow and w$et$er it is t$is kind of perfor ance red!ctions co!ld 'e done in a controlled wa", so t$at t$e o)erall /TR(9 s"ste 'enefits of en$anced recei)er perfor ance re&!ire ents are not lost. T$e o'Jecti)es of t$is st!d" ite areH

a. R(9# to identif" w$et$er t$ere are sit!ations in w$ic$ indi)id!al /6 recei)er perfor ance red!ction $as no, or ini al i pact to t$e o)erall /TR(9 s"ste le)el perfor ance or !ser eDperience. R(9# s$o!ld also identif" scenarios in w$ic$ /6 recei)er perfor ance red!ction cannot safel" 'e perfor ed. '. R(9# to in)esti%ate scenarios for t$e identified sit!ations w$ere t$e /6 co!ld red!ce its perfor ance. T$e p!rpose of t$ese scenarios is to ens!re t$at /6 perfor ance is not de%raded w$en conditions are not s!ita'le. c. R(92 to in)esti%ate additional si%nallin% w$ic$ a" 'e 'eneficial to s!pport /6s in t$e decision akin% process for red!cin% t$eir perfor ance, for eDa ple &!alit" t$res$olds w$ic$ assist t$e /6 in deter inin% t$at conditions are s!ita'le to red!ce recei)er perfor ance. Conclusion: /nder certain reception conditions 'enefits co!ld 'e ac$ie)ed wit$ ne%li%i'le i pact on s"ste le)el perfor ance in non5*C*S scenarios. >owe)er, proced!res related to recei)er reconfi%!ration for non5*C*S c$annels s$o!ld not 'e specified in 33PP. R(9P3+ ,Sep 211+. co pleted. Stat!s Report in RP51+153#

1..2. Stud on 6&9 <n"ancements )<6&9+ ,I*-3/12/

Resources: 3P Referen es
!o "#en$ ()!(s)
6P1/22204 WI* on 6&9 <n"ancements

%i$le&'on$en$s )#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions -ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

TR !3.0/2

<n"anced 6eneric &ccess 9etworks Stud )<6&9+



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

W$ile 33PP co pleted 3(9 specifications in (pril 2115 and first co ercial deplo" ents $a)e e er%ed ,end 2116., a need for en$ance ents $as 'een identified '" ;S fro S(1 in ter s of arc$itect!ral and perfor ance in order toH Bffer 'ot$ f!ll ser)ices for 23 and 33 s!'scri'ers Bffer sea less $ando)ers wit$ f!ll ser)ice contin!it" 'etween 23:33 networks and 3(9 Red!ce protocol o)er$ead and latenc" for PS ser)ices, etc. Red!ce t$e cost of deli)er" of packet data ser)ices to ena'le profita'le la!nc$es of new $i%$ )ol! e data ser)ices. ends t$e specification of

TR #3.212 e)al!ates en$ance ent topics for 3(9 arc$itect!re and perfor ance, and reco 3(9 I! ode in Release 4.

1..24 Stud on Future 6<R&9 <'olution )F6<+ ,I*-3/324

2ain Resources: 3P Referen es
!o "#en$

%i$le&'on$en$s ()!(s)
WI* on Future 6<R&9 <'olution

)#*a $e+ ,*e ifi a$ions


-ew !e+i a$e+ ,*e ifi a$ions&Re*or$s

TR !3.012 Feasi%ilit stud for e'ol'ed 6S(><*6< Radio &ccess 9etwork )6<R&9+

TR #5.212 st!died t$e

eans for 36R(9 toH

Increase spectral efficienc"8 Increase capacit" and co)era%e8 Increase a)era%e data rates8 Red!ce latenc" 'etween a o'ile station and t$e 36R(98 6n$ance ser)ice contin!it" wit$ ot$er R(T.

T$is st!d" res!lted in independent 36R(9 feat!res. 36R(9 is a res!lt of o)er a decade of radio interface e)ol!tion t$at is still on%oin%. W$ile 36R(9 is 'ein% deplo"ed worldwide also in e er%in% arkets, e)ol)in% f!rt$er t$e 36R(9 radio interface needs to 'e st!died to ens!re not onl" t$at t$e sa e ser)ices are a)aila'le re%ardless of t$e !nderl"in% radio tec$nolo%" /TR(9 or 36R(9, '!t essentiall" t$at ser)ice contin!it" eDists across t$ese radio tec$nolo%ies s!pported '" core network e)ol!tion e.%. I*S. S!c$ an e)ol!tion is also needed to aintain 36R(9 co petiti)eness as well as /TR(9 co petiti)eness. In order to le)era%e t$e in)est ents ade in 36R(9 infrastr!ct!re, it was felt a priorit" to ini i<e t$e i pacts on it.

So e eDa ples of ser)ices t$at were considered are %i)en 'elow. Interacti)e and Cest5effort ser)ices ,like we' 'rowsin%, file download and i a%e or )ideo clip !pload. t"picall" %ain fro increased ean 'it rates, '!t also %ain fro red!ced latenc", e.%. t$ro!%$p!t is li ited '" t$e TCP window si<e di)ided '" t$e ro!nd trip ti e. Con)ersational ser)ices like =oice o)er IP ,=oIP. and en$anced P!s$5to5talk o)er Cell!lar ,PoC., as well as, e.%. on5line %a in% ser)ices t"picall" $a)e $i%$ re&!ire ents on latenc" and fast access. (ll ser)ices a" %ain fro i pro)ed co)era%e, e.%. )ideo5telep$on" is a ser)ice t$at needs ,'etter. co)era%e for $i%$er 'it rates for 'ot$ !plink and downlink.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

(ll ser)ices a" %ain fro a *o'ile Station ,*S. alwa"s 'ein% connected to t$e ost appropriate Case Station, i.e. as seen fro a radio perfor ance perspecti)e, as t$is a" "ield $i%$er capacit", red!ce latenc", etc. d!e to i pro)ed interference conditions. Partic!lar re&!ire ents a" 'e set '" ser)ices like 'roadcast T= o)er *C*S 'earers. T"picall", $i%$ 'it rates are re&!ired at t$e sa e ti e as ro'!stness is i portant to f!lfil co)era%e and latenc" re&!ire ents as well as pro)idin% interacti)it".

( 3S*:6-36 network a" interoperate wit$ WC-*( R(T, eit$er wit$in an operatorMs network or wit$ different operators. T$ere are also stand5alone 3S*:6-36 networks. Cot$ t$e 3S*:WC-*( networks and t$e 3S* onl" networks a" 'enefit fro t$e increased 3S*:6-36 ser)ice portfolio. ( co 'ined WC-*( F 3S*:6-36 network a" 'enefit fro 'etter ser)ice contin!it" 'etween t$e accesses res!ltin% in an easier reso!rce !tili<ation and ser)ice pro)isionin%. 3S*:6-36 onl" networks can %i)e t$eir !sers an increased ran%e of end5!ser ser)ices:applications and possi'l" ake !se of applications:ser)ices t$at do not re&!ire adaptations to access specific capa'ilities. T$is co!ld potentiall" lead to red!ce cost of pro)isionin% and create a wider !se of ser)ices. (s a %eneral %!ideline, t$e perfor ance re&!ire ents and desi%n constraints t$at t$e proposed feat!res:candidates s$o!ld take into acco!nt are pro)ided '" t$is st!d". Takin% t$ose into consideration wo!ld ena'le eas" network e)ol!tion and 'e a'le to efficientl" !se eDistin% network e&!ip ent and s!pport le%ac" *o'ile Stations. 6ac$ new candidate feat!re was re&!ested to descri'e t$e co pliance to t$e followin% rele)ant ass! ptions and pre5 re&!isites. If non5co pliant t$e reasons and conse&!ences $ad to 'e detailed.

TR #5.212 concl!sions and reco

endations for 3ownlin0H

2o-ile $tation Receive 3iversity ,*SR-. is a downlink feat!re, w$ic$ i pro)es t$e recei)er perfor ance of t$e *S '" eans of an additional antenna. T$e introd!ction of Sin%le (ntenna Interference Cancellation ,S(IC. c$aracterised '" t$e -ownlink (d)anced Recei)er Perfor ance ,-(RP. re&!ire ents $as alread" s$own t$at recei)er en$ance ents in t$e *S can pro)ide si%nificant %ains in ter s of spectral efficienc". *S recei)e di)ersit" offers t$e possi'ilit" of en$anced c$annel di)ersit" and t$e potential for f!rt$er i pro)ed interference cancellation perfor ance for 3*SE od!lated si%nals. (lso, as opposed to S(IC, recei)e di)ersit" ena'les si%nificant %ains for 4PSE5 od!lated si%nals. It $as 'een noted t$at *SR- $as si%nificant i pact on t$e *S $ardware, and a" i pact 'ot$ ter inal power cons! ption and si<e. Si !lations and literat!re s!r)e"s $a)e s$own t$at considera'le %ains are ac$ie)a'le for 'ot$ 45PSE and 3*SE od!lated si%nals, alt$o!%$ it is reco%ni<ed t$at factors s!c$ as antenna perfor ance and ter inal desi%n a" i pact t$e perfor ance in a li)e network. To st!d" t$e perfor ance in ore detail a si ple c$annel odel was deri)ed, w$ic$ incl!des antenna correlation and %ain i 'alance 'etween t$e recei)er antennas. T$e i pact of t$ese para eters !sin% t$e *SR- c$annel odels $as 'een assessed as well as a s all literat!re s!r)e" of p!'lications related to t$e ac$ie)a'le perfor ance *S recei)e di)ersit" $as 'een pro)ided. Se)eral contri'!tions $a)e s$own t$e i pact in ter s of recei)er perfor ance for different arc$itect!res and in %eneral it see s t$at t$e di)ersit" recei)ers are relati)el" insensiti)e to para eter )ariations. T$at is, lar%e %ains are ac$ie)ed e)en for $i%$ )al!es of correlation and antenna %ain i 'alance. ;ink5 and s"ste le)el si !lations $a)e 'een pro)ided for speec$ ser)ices ,(*R. and data ser)ices ,63PRS.. Cased on t$e res!lts, 36R(9P2+ $as appro)ed a work ite on *SR- c$aracterised '" -(RP P$ase II.



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

2ulti)carrier is a perfor ance5en$ancin% feat!re w$ere'" data to a sin%le !ser can 'e trans itted on !ltiple carriers. T$e feat!re is ai ed at ena'lin% $i%$er data rates in 36R(9 wit$ ini al i pacts to infrastr!ct!re. C!rrentl", t$e t$eoretical peak data rate of 63PRS is #+3.6 k'ps for a sin%le !ser. In a real network, a)era%e 'it rates in t$e order of 111 k'ps to 211 k'ps are feasi'le on fo!r ti eslots. Wit$ !lti5 carrier, 'ot$ peak and a)era%e !ser t$ro!%$p!t are increased proportionall" to t$e n! 'er of carriers. Wit$ a d!al5carrier confi%!ration, t$e peak data rate wo!ld 'e close to 1 *'ps. Wit$ t$is feat!re, peak and a)era%e 'it rates can 'e increased in a )er" fleDi'le and 'ackwards5co pati'le anner. 3i)en t$e c!rrent tec$nical and i ple entation li itations, it is considered accepta'le in an initial p$ase to restrict t$e n! 'er of carriers to two. T$e need for $i%$er 'it rates co!ld ake it desira'le to s!pport ore t$an two carriers in f!t!re releases of t$e 36R(9 standards. 3ual Carrier in the 3ownlin0 $as 'een s$own to eet so e of t$e perfor ance o'Jecti)es of 36R(9 6)ol!tion ,in partic!lar it ena'les an increase in t$e peak downlink data rate. wit$o!t i pairin% an" of t$e ot$er perfor ance etrics. (lso, it satisfies all t$e co pati'ilit" o'Jecti)es for candidate feat!res8 in partic!lar, it is eDpected t$at it will $a)e no i pact on CSS $ardware, %i)en t$at t$ere are no c$an%es to t$e od!lation and to t$e codin% sc$e es. It is also anticipated t$at i ple entation in t$e *S is feasi'le. -!al Carrier in t$e -ownlink can optionall" 'e co 'ined wit$ *S Recei)e -i)ersit". Pro)ided t$at t$e *S s!pports t$is capa'ilit", it co!ld 'e possi'le for a d!al antenna ter inal to switc$ 'etween d!al carrier reception and *S recei)e di)ersit". Cased on t$e res!lts of t$is st!d", 36R(9 $as appro)ed a work ite on -!al Carrier in t$e -ownlink.

6igher #rder 2odulation and Tur-o CodesH t$e i pact of introd!cin% $i%$er order od!lation 'ased on A(* and T!r'o codin% in 63PRS $as 'een anal"<ed. Si !lations to e)al!ate link perfor ance $a)e taken reasona'le practical i pair ents in t$e recei)er and trans it i ple entations into consideration. Cased on t$e res!lts of t$is st!d", 36R(9 $as appro)ed a work ite on R6d!ced s" 'ol -!ration, >i%$er Brder od!lation and T!r'o codin% ,R6->BT. for downlink ,see work ite /I-051121.. 3ual sy*-ol rate and *odified dual sy*-ol rateH t$is st!d" proposed two alternati)e !plink conceptsH -!al S" 'ol Rate ,-SR. and *odified -!al S" 'ol Rate ,*-SR. for f!t!re 36R(9 e)ol!tion to do!'le 'itrates in !plink. -SR do!'les t$e od!lation rate in t$e trans itter of t$e *S and *-SR co 'ines $i%$er s" 'ol rate ,3:2. wit$ 16A(* and optionall" wit$ APSE. Cot$ options offer a'o!t si ilar 'it rates and perfor ance in !plink e.%. 1.4 to 1.2 ti es $i%$er a)era%e 'it rates at co)era%e and 1.+ to 1.2 ti es $i%$er 'it rates at interference li ited scenarios. T$e ain 'enefit of *-SR is t$e narrower si%nal 'andwidt$ of two 211 k>< 3S* c$annels instead of t$ree in t$e case of -SR. T$is co!ld si plif" d!al transcei)er i ple entation co pared to -SR e.%. narrower c$annel filter a" 'e applied and oscillators are not needed to t!ne o!t of 211 k>< c$annel raster. It was fo!nd earlier t$at -SR and *-SR wit$ 2.1 and 1.5 ti es $i%$er s" 'ol rates clearl" eDceed t$e %i)en perfor ance o'Jecti)es on co)era%e and spectral efficienc" '!t t$at two le%ac" TRW i ple entation option was not fa)o!red. Bpti i<ation of *-SR concept for sin%le le%ac" TRW i ple entation a" 'e done '" re o)in% t$e 111 k>< offset and red!cin% t$e s" 'ol rate f!rt$er e.%. to 1.2 ,6:5. or 1.33 ,#:3. ti es $i%$er t$an t$e le%ac" s" 'ol rate, to prod!ce >i%$ S" 'ol Rate sc$e es ,>SR.. To eet peak t$ro!%$p!t o'Jecti)es, e.%. 32A(* od!lation wo!ld t$en 'e needed. T$e CTS recei)er needs to cope wit$ wider trans ission 'andwidt$ and co!ld 'eneficiall" !tilise t$e %ain of interference reJection co 'inin% ,IRC. for reception of d!al s" 'ol rate. T$e recei)er co pleDit" for -SR is a'o!t !p to 517 ore co pleD per 'it t$an for 4PSE. T$e d!al s" 'ol rate applies to nor al 3S* fre&!enc" plannin% for all re5!ses !p to 1:1. 6)ol!tion in !plink 'it rates is needed to s!pport !ploadin% of i a%es or )ideo fro ca era p$ones and also to aintain a 'alance in 'it rates and in co)era%e wit$ downlink en$ance ents e.%. wit$ d!al carrier. Latency enhance*entsH fo!r different en$ance ents were e)al!atedH I pro)ed (CE:9(CE reportin%8 Red!ced Trans ission Ti e Inter)al ,TTI.8



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

=aria'le si<ed Radio Clocks8 >"'rid (RA.

T$e en$ance ents red!ce o)erall latenc" and $a)e a second order effect on ean:a)era%e and peak 'it rates as red!ced latenc" ,i.e. lowerin% t$e ro!nd trip ti e. a" pro)ide 'etter t$ro!%$p!t if t$e 'it rate on t$e link 'eco es so $i%$ t$at t$e aDi ! '!ffer window si<e li its t$e trans ission rate. T$e i pro)ed (CE:9(CE reportin% and $"'rid (RA ainl" pro)ide red!ced latenc" in non5ideal radio conditions, as t$e n! 'er of re5trans issions is al ost <ero in ideal conditions. T$e red!ced TTI and =aria'le si<ed radio 'locks takes effect in 'ot$ non5ideal radio conditions and ideal radio conditions. Cased on t$e res!lts of t$is st!d", 36R(9 $as appro)ed a work ite ,;(TR6-. /I-051542. on ;(Tenc" R6-!ction

Bt$er aspects in TR #5.212 areH 9ew '!rst str!ct!res and new slot for ats, (daptation 'etween *S recei)er di)ersit" and d!al5carrier, 6n$ance ents to reso!rce allocation, *odified *C*S Ser)ice, /plink t$ro!%$p!t en$ance ents wit$ low standard i pact. Cased on t$e res!lts of t$is st!d", 36R(9 $as appro)ed a work ite 6)ol!tion ,>/36. /I-05154#. on >i%$er /plink perfor ance for 36R(9



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)


Rel1. Completed Features and Studies


138 Release 7 :ea$"res -a#e )+en$ifi a$ion of 'o##"ni a$ion ,ervi es in )7, ,"**or$in6 Glo0all4 Ro"$a0le 9ser /6en$ 9R)s in )7, 7"l$i#e+ia %ele*8on4 ,ervi e for )7, 7"l$i#e+ia %ele*8on4 ,ervi e for )7, (7%,)) - 9. 'onfor#an e %es$in6 %),P/- re<"ire#en$s for 7"l$i#e+ia %ele*8on4 wi$8 P,%-&),!- si#"la$ion servi es 7ain$enan e of %),P/- release 1 o##on )7, P, +o#ain an+ )7, i#*a $s for s"**or$in6 )7, .#er6en 4 alls )7, ,"**or$ of 'onferen in6 Perfor#an e '8ara $eri=a$ion of Vo)7, over >,!P/?.9; 8annels (;/--97%, )n$erwor@in6 P8ase 2 (;/- )n$erwor@in6 A Priva$e -e$wor@ a ess fro# (;/- 3GPP )P / ess .n8an e#en$s $o s"**or$ Bo, *rovisionin6 over 3GPP&(;/)n$erwor@in6 ;o a$ion ,ervi es en8an e#en$s 7C7, .n8an e#en$s 7C7, 9ser ,ervi e .D$ensions /+van e+ Glo0al -avi6a$ion ,a$elli$e ,4s$e# (/-G-,,) on e*$ /-GP, 7ini#"# Perfor#an e 9,,! #essa6e +eliver4 an+ $ransfer $o 9,)7 'o#0ina$ional ,ervi es '/7.; %r"n@ %ri66ers )7, ,ervi e Cro@erin6 en8an e#en$s .n8an e#en$s of VG', for *"0li a"$8ori$4 offi ials )#*rove#en$s of VG', for *arallel "se of servi es O,/ Rel-7 ,ele $ive !isa0lin6 of 9. 'a*a0ili$ies -e$wor@ sele $ion en8an e#en$s (-,P) -e$wor@ sele $ion en8an e#en$s (-,P) - 9. 'onfor#an e %es$in6 / ess 'lass Carrin6 an+ Overloa+ Pro$e $ion ,4s$e# en8an e#en$s for fiDe+ 0roa+0an+ a ess $o )7, ,"**or$ of ,7, over 6eneri 3GPP )P a ess .vol"$ion of Poli 4 'on$rol an+ '8ar6in6 Voi e all on$in"i$4 0e$ween ', an+ )7, (in l. )-(;/-) One %"nnel sol"$ion for O*$i#isa$ion of Pa @e$ !a$a %raffi ',) %er#ina$in6 ,ession 8an+lin6 ;i0er$4 /llian e an+ 3GPP ,e "ri$4 )n$erwor@in6 %r"s$ Re<"ire#en$s for O*en Pla$for#s in 3GPP !evelo*#en$ of 9./2 an+ 9)/2

Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

9)! .32/0 . 32112 ./34 33/1! . 3..// 1 34.// 1 32/!3 11/23 3!/33 31/22 3211/ 32/02 32/.0 31/4! 3!/34 31/31 3/341 31/!4 31/23 31/23 31/44 11/!3 11/33 31/.1 31/33 ./!1 23/!4 32/2! 32/.! 32/41 32/42 32/01 ./!2 32//2 0 33/22 33/23 33/2!

/ ron4# Ser'I* 6R,, (TSI (TSI1,<ConfTest T((T<?. (CI(STR1 <(C1 I(Sconf CoI(S1PCCoI(S W?&92 W?&9P9& W?&9I:S ?CS3 (F(S< (F(S,S< ?CS31&69SS 6&6R ,SS*1,SI( CSICS TTC&(<? ISF <C6CS IC6CS :S&. S*o,< 9SP1CR 9SP1CR-,<ConTest &CF:P FFI S(SIP PCC CCC :PT,9<? CSItermS ?i%Sec Trust:P &l#,<&2

;evel 1 1 1 1 1

Reso"r e S2,S1,C1,S3 S2,S1,C1 S1,C1,S! R3 S1

'o#*le$e 1//= 1//= 1//= ./= 1//=

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

S2 S2,S1 C1 S! S1 S2,C1,C3,C! S2,C!,C1

1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//=

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

S1,S2,6P,C!,R2 S1 S! S1,6P,R2 6P S1,C2 S1,S2,C1,S! S1,C! S1 S1 S1 S1,C3 S1,S2,C1 S1 R3 S2,C1 S2,S3,S3,C1,C3,C ! S2,C!,C1 S2,S3,C3,C1 S2,S1,S3,C1,C! S2 S2,C1 S3 S3 S3

1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 03= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//=


139 33/22 33/24 33/// 4 .32/3 / .11/3 2 ./!3 13/23 13/22 13/33 3!//! . 1!/12 3!//1 2 33/// 3 .!3// 0 33/// 1 3!/3/ 3!/32 3!/3! 3!/33 3!/32 3!/30 33/!1 32/// . 2!24 2//24 2//2/ 2//2. 2//21 2//23 2//2. 2//!3 2//2! 2//!3 2//22 ;awf"l )n$er e*$ion in $8e 3GPP Rel-7 ar 8i$e $"re Ee4 es$a0lis8#en$ 0e$ween a 9)'' an+ a $er#inal -!, /"$8en$i a$ion :ra#ewor@ .D$ension for %rans*or$ ;a4er ,e "ri$4 ,e "ri$4 en8an e#en$s )7, ,$a6e 3 ).%: Pro$o ol ali6n#en$ )n$ero*era0ili$4 0e$ween VG',&VC, an+ /&G0 fleDi0ili$4 !)/7.%.R on $8e GG,- Gi in$erfa e !)/7.%.R on $8e P!G (i in$erfa e )n$erwor@in6 0e$ween $8e 3GPP ', +o#ain wi$8 C)'' or ),9P as si6nallin6 *ro$o ol an+ eD$ernal ,)P-) ne$wor@s P!9 #"l$i*leDin6 a$ -0 )n$erfa e wi$8 )P $rans*or$ 7* (7R:' - 7R:P) in$erfa e Ro"$ein6 of 7%-,7s via $8e >P;77o0ile %er#ina$ion w8ils$ $8e 7, is #ovin6 $o ano$8er 7,' ),)7 /P) for 3ava 'ar+ >i68 s*ee+ in$erfa e 0e$ween $8e 9)'' an+ $8e 7. Vi+eo 'o+e Perfor#an e Re<"ire#en$s !4na#i an+ )n$era $ive 7"l$i#e+ia , enes 3G-3247 Vi+eo %ele*8on4 'all ,e$"* %i#es )#*rove#en$s O*$i#i=a$ions for 7"l$i#e+ia %ele*8on4 over )7, .n+-$o-.n+ 7"l$i#e+ia ,ervi es Perfor#an e 7e$ri s Pa @e$ ,wi$ 8e+ ,$rea#in6 .n8an e#en$s O/7FP '8ar6in6 7ana6e#en$ s#all .n8an e#en$s Rel-7 7"l$i*le )n*"$ 7"l$i*le O"$*"$ an$ennas (7)7O) Rel-7 )#*rove#en$s of $8e Ra+io )n$erfa e .D$en+e+ 97%, 1.7&2.1 G>= 97%, 2.6 G>= 7.68 7 *s %!! 97%, 2.6 G>= 97%, 2.6 G>= %!! 97%, 900 7>= 97%, 1700 7>= 9. /n$enna Perfor#an e .val"a$ion 7e$8o+ an+ Re<"ire#en$s )#*rove+ Perfor#an e Re<"ire#en$s for >,!P/ 9. 0ase+ on RD !iversi$4 ($4*e 1) F ;77,. e<"ali=er ($4*e 2) /++i$ional #ini#"# 9. *erfor#an e re<"ire#en$ for non->,!P/ 8annels 0ase+ on $4*e 1 en8an e+ re eiver (RD !iversi$4) Rel-7 R/- i#*rove#en$s ?I1.& Ne <st,Term 9*S&FT?S S<C. I(SProtoc C6CSFle8 *I&(6i *I&(Wi <8tSIPI 9%IP(u8 (p S(S'iaE (Tmo'(S &PIK&C& ESI CICPer *I(S CTCSTI :(TI(S <2<(SP( PSSe :&(. CE. (I(: RInImp

Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S3 S3 S3 S3,C1,C! C1 C1,C! C3 C3 C3 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//=

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

C3 C!,C1 C!,C1 C! C2 C2 S! S! S! S! S! S! S3 S3 R1 RP R! R! R! R! R! R! R! R!

1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//=

RInImp1,(TS1.21<8t RInImp1 ,(TS22CECRT** RInImp1,(TS22// RInImp1 ,(TS22//T** RInImp1,(TS0// RInImp1,(TS1.// RInImp1,<&nt RInImp1ESPerf1T pe3 RInImp1R8*i'








140 2//22 2//31 2//32 2//33 2//!2 ./3/ ./31 33/// 0 3!//3 4 3!//3 0 3!//! / 2//22 2//1! 2//33 2//33 33/1! 2 3/114 3/110 3/32! 3/323 3/32. 3/320 3/3.0 3/342 3/34/ 3/342 321!. 3/34! 33/4. 311!3 3/121 33/44 311!2 2/11/ ./!. 31/42 31/3/ 31/33 O*$i#isa$ion of 8annelisa$ion o+e "$ilisa$ion for 1.28 7 *s %!! !ela4 o*$i#isa$ion for *ro e+"res a**li a0le $o ', an+ P, 'onne $ions )#*rove+ s"**or$ of )7, Real$i#e ,ervi es "sin6 >,!P/&>,9P/ 9. Perfor#an e Re<"ire#en$s for 7C7, (%!!) 'on$in"o"s onne $ivi$4 for *a @e$ +a$a "sers .D$en+e+ ('!7/ 'ell Ran6e 7.68 7 *s %!! .n8an e+ 9*lin@ .n8an e+ '.;;5:/'> ,$a$e in :!! 64B/7 for >,!P/ (:!!) )#*rove+ ;2 s"**or$ for 8i68 +a$a ra$es )n$ro+" $ion of 16B/7 in >,9P/ (:!!) )n$erfa e $o on$rol %ower 7o"n$e+ /#*lifiers (%7/s) 7.687 *s %!! o*$ion 3.84 7 *s %!! .n8an e+ 9*lin@ 1.28 7 *s %!! .n8an e+ 9*lin@ 1.28 7 *s %!! .n8an e+ 9*lin@ - 9. 'onfor#an e %es$in6 7, /n$enna Perfor#an e .val"a$ion 7e$8o+ an+ Re<"ire#en$s ;ower 700 7>= )n l"sion in $8e G.R/,*e ifi a$ions ,"**or$ of 'onversa$ional ,ervi es in /&G0 #o+e via $8e P, +o#ain /++i$ion of new fre<"en 4 0an+ $o G,7 (%-G,7810) >an+over of +e+i a$e+ an+ s8are+ reso"r es w8ile in +"al $ransfer #o+e 7o0ile ,$a$ion Re eive !iversi$4 (!/RP P8ase ))) !ownlin@ !"al 'arrier !ownlin@ !"al 'arrier A 7, 'onfor#an e %es$ ,"**or$ of ,)G%R/- in G.R/;a$en 4 Re+" $ions P, >an+over 0e$ween G.R/-&9%R/#o+e an+ G/- 7o+e >i68er 9*lin@ *erfor#an e for G.R/.vol"$ion 7, 'onfor#an e %es$ C%, 'onfor#an e %es$ R.+" e+ s4#0ol !"ra$ionG >i68er Or+er #o+"la$ion an+ %"r0o o+in6 (R.! >O%) for +ownlin@ 7, 'onfor#an e %es$s C%, 'onfor#an e %es$s (,#all) %e 8ni al .n8an e#en$s an+ )#*rove#en$s for Rel-7 Release 7 :easi0ili$4 ,$"+ies ,$"+4 on 7"l$i#e+ia %ele*8on4 'a*a0ili$ies for )7, ,$"+4 on Ce8avio"r of 7"l$i s4s$e# 9.s ,$"+4 on 'o#0inin6 ', alls an+ )7, sessions

Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 R1 R2 R2 R! R1 R3 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R3 RP RP RP R3 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P 6P 62561 63new 6P 62 6P 63new 61 6P 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 23= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= /= 4/= 1//=

R&9imp1R&FS<1 Cod:pt?CRT** R&9imp1*ela :pt R&9imp1I(SRealTime (F(S1R&91RF1T** R&9imp1CPC R&9imp1<8tCell R&9imp1CECRT**1 <*CE R&9imp1<n"State R&9imp1 2!Iam*ownlink R&9imp1?2*ataRates R&9imp112Iam,plink R&9Imp1T(& CECRT** <*CET** ?CRT**1<*CE ?CRT**1<*CE1 ,<ConTest &P<(R 6S(.1/ SCS&6F T6S(41/ E:*SR*T( (SR*2 6*C*? 6*C*?1Sta#e3 6*C*?1(Stest ?&TR<* 6,6&9 E,6< E,6<1(stest E,6<1FTStest R<*E:T R<*E:T1(stest R<*E:T1FTStest T<I.

2 2 1 1

63new 61 &ll

/= 43= 1//=


1 1 1

S1 S1 S1

1//= 1//= 1//=


141 31/30 31/.3 31/.3 31/!1 31/43 32/.3 ./3! 1!/10 ./23 ./3/ 32//1 4 33/22 33/2. 33/24 2//23 2//3! 2//!1 2//!! 2//31 2//32 2//33 2//23 33//1 3 3/324 3/12/ ,$"+4 on /ll-)P -e$wor@ ,$"+4 on Vi+eo$ele*8on4 $eleservi e ,$"+4 on -e$wor@ ,ele $ion Prin i*les ,$"+4 on 7"l$i#e+ia Priori$4 ,ervi e ,$"+4 on %ransferrin6 of e#er6en 4 'all +a$a ,$"+4 on .n8an e#en$ of .2. Bo, ,$"+4 on Can+wi+$8 ,avin6 a$ -0 )n$erfa e wi$8 )P $rans*or$ ,$"+4 on Ro"$ein6 of 7%-,7s via $8e >P;7,$"+4 on $8e %'/Pse Ga$ewa4 on e*$ ,$"+4 on "sin6 72P/ in 3GPP ne$wor@ ,$"+4 on ,"**or$ of (G)7,'-, (G)7,'-, - )n$erfa e 0ase+ on $8e ,)P-) *ro$o ol ,$"+4 on ,O/P&>%%P )RP ,ol"$ion ,e$s ,$"+4 on )$f-- )#*le#en$a$ion 'onfor#an e ,$a$e#en$ ()',) $e#*la$e ,$"+4 on )RP )nfor#a$ion 7o+el ,$"+4 on .volve+ 9%R/ an+ 9%R/,$"+4 on Perfor#an e .val"a$ion of $8e 9. 0e8avio"r in 8i68 s*ee+ $rains wi$8 s*ee+s "* $o 350 @#*8 ,$"+4 on 9%R/ %ower 7o"n$e+ /#*lifier (:!!) ,$"+4 on 'on$in"o"s onne $ivi$4 for *a @e$ +a$a "sers ,$"+4 on )#*rove#en$ of $8e 7"l$i#e+ia Croa+ as$ 7"l$i as$ ,ervi e (7C7,) in 9%R/,$"+4 on Perfor#an e )#*rove#en$s in ,#all 'ells "sin6 >,!P/&.!'> ,$"+4 on :"r$8er )#*rove+ Perfor#an e Re<"ire#en$s for 97%,&>,!P/ 9. (:!!) ,$"+4 on , o*e of f"$"re :!! >,P/ .vol"$ion ,$"+4 on !4na#i all4 re onfi6"rin6 a :!! 9. re eiver $o re+" e *ower ons"#*$ion w8en +esire+ B"ali$4 of ,ervi e is #e$ ,$"+4 on :"$"re G.R/- .vol"$ion ,$"+4 on G/- .n8an e#en$s FS-&IP9 CidTel 9etSel PRI:R1(( eC&?? IoS. FS9%IP S(S. S<C.1TC&P FS1(2P& 9cSIP

Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 C3 C! C! C! C! 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//=

:&(.19I(1D(? :&(.19I(1ICS :&(.19I(1I( R&9FS1<'o R&9FS1ESTrains R&9FS1T(& R&9FS1cont1packet R&9FS1(F(SImp S(&??C<??S R&9FS1IC R&9FS1ESP&<'o FS,<Pow

1 1 1 1 1

S3 S3 S3 RP R!

1//= 1//= 1//= 1//= 1//=

1 1 1

R! R1 R2

1//= 1//= 1//=

1 1

R! R!

1//= 1//=

1 1


1//= 1//=

F6< <6&9

1 1

6P 6P

1//= 1//=



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

32113 310 310 * 310 310*0 320--

Rel1. *eleted Features and Studies

Release 7 :ea$"res -a#e
Deleted - PS domain and IMS support for IMS Emergency sessions Deleted - !o"ered #y SI - Personal $et%or& 'P$( and Personal )rea $et%or& 'P)$( Deleted - !o"ered #y SI - Multimedia +elep,ony !apa#ilities for IMS Deleted - !o"ered #y SI - +ransferring of emergency !all data Deleted - !o"ered #y SI - M/MS En,ancements Deleted - 0oIMS #earer related en,ancements

/ ron4#
IMS-EMER P$P)$ MI+E e!).. M/MSE 0oIMS IMS-SE IMS-SE 5alileo IMS.ocal RInImp

;evel 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Reso"r e S2 S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S3 S2 S2 S2 S2 RP !9 !9 S1 5P S9 R9 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S7

'o#*le$e 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

3202 * 32001 320232007 320 * 0121 8 1901* 92003 310* 70772 39090 38000 011 31079 320 8 32112 3211 37097

Release 7 :easi0ili$4 ,$"+ies

Deleted - co"ered #y 1ID3302 - IMS security e2tensions Deleted - co"ered #y 3210* - Study of %or& on an .!S arc,itecture for I-3.)$ Deleted4 Study on applica#ility of 5).I.E6 for .!S Deleted - IMS .ocal ser"ices Deleted - IMS P,ase 3 Deleted - Impro"ements of Radio Interface Deleted4 5eneric 1ser Profile P,ase 2 Deleted - Stage 3 - !ommon o#:ects Delete %as duplicated- Study of !ustomised )lerting +one '!)+( Re;uirements Deleted - <S of en,anced support of 0ideo +elep,ony Deleted 'mo"ed to Rel*( - Study on +ransferring of emergency call data = in-#and modem solution Deleted - co"ered #y 1ID 20073 - Study on Interference !ancellation for 1+R) <DD 1E Deleted - Study of Personal $et%or& and Personal )rea $et%or& Deleted - Study on IMS %it, real time ser"ices deployment Deleted - Study on Stage 2 'IMS ser"ices using !S #earers( Deleted - Study on IMS en,ancements and optimisations for real time communication> Deleted - Study on +erminating Session ,andling Deleted - Study on IRP usage scenarios !)+ 0ID5ER e!)..I/MS R)$<SInterf!anc P$P)$ IR+SD IR+SD-IMS!S IMS-R+ !SIterm 6)M-Study

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



Overview of 3GPP Release 7 V0.9.3 (2008-11)

&nne8 &J C"an#e "istor

'8an6e 8is$or4
!a$e 2//41/! 2//41/3 2//41/2 2//41/. %,G H 11 11 11 11 %,G !o . 11 11 11 11 'R 11 11 11 11 Rev 11 11 11 11 ,"01e $&'o##en$ (CC coordination "ando'er from &lain Sultan to &drian Ooicas Inclusion of lefto'er material Skeleton despatc"ed to (CC for input % 1! Kul 2//4 9o feed%ack recei'ed from (CC e8cept 6<R&9, S!. &O wrote S2>3, C3>2, R3 parts. Remo'ed Features mo'ed to Rel14 or stopped in t"e meantime. *espatc"ed to (CC for ?&ST c"eck % 22 &u# 2//4 Su%mitted to TS6s@!1 for Information 6<R&9 updates )E,6<, R<*E:T+ R&9 )R3+ testin# updates. ,pdated clauses 14 Rel1. Completed Features and Studies 10 Rel1. *eleted Features and Studies Still openJ Testin# issues for R&9, 6<R&9 *espatc"ed to (CC for ?&ST c"eck % 22 9o' 2//4 draft despatc"ed to TS6@!2 for input > comment Ol+ /.2./ /.4./ /.4.1 -ew /./.1 /.../ /.4.1 /.0./

2//41/0 2//411/

SP1!1 11

SP1/4/311 11 11 11

11 11

/.0./ /.0.1

/.0.1 /.0.2



SP1/4/a%c 11





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