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Colonization of post-mining landscapes by amphibians: a new opportunity for endangered species Ji Vojar, Jana Dolealov, Mili Solsk, Eva

Mikeov, Oldich Ko eck Department of Ecology and Environment, Faculty of Forestry and Environment, Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, Kamycka 'epu(lic) e#mail* vo+ar,fle-czu-cz Abstract O en!cas" #inin$ o era"ions have ca%sed lar$e!scale "o"al des"r%c"ion o& "he ori$inal ecos's"e# and chan$es in "he s%rro%ndin$ areas( )s soon as #inin$ o era"ions and recla#a"ions are co# le"ed, "hese loca"ions are "aken over *' lan"s and ani#als in "he rocess o& ri#ar' s%ccession( +he a""ern o& coloni,a"ion and s ecies diversi"' o& a# hi*ian co##%ni"ies -as inves"i$a"ed in vario%s s oil *anks in "he Mos" and Sokolov *ro-n coal #inin$ dis"ric"s, var'in$ in a$e and in"ion o& recla#a"ion( +he ini"ial s%ccession s"a$es are charac"eri,ed *' a lo- n%#*er o& s ecies and *' considera*le do#inance o& one or j%s" a &e- s ecies( +he ro or"ional re resen"a"ion o& s ecies e/%ali,ed over a eriod o& "i#e( +he s ecies co# osi"ion and diversi"' are chan$in$ d%rin$ s%ccession in connec"ion -i"h environ#en"al condi"ions, es eciall' d%e "o "' e o& %sed recla#a"ion and /%ali"' o& s%rro%ndin$ landsca e( Introduction )# hi*ians are in decline -orld-ide, d%e "o "heir ecolo$ical re/%ire#en"s and "heir sensi"ivi"' "o "he /%ali"' o& "he environ#en" 0e($(, 1ake 2332, 4i*son 5 6ree#an 2337, 8o%lahan e" al( 9:::, ;eja 5 )lca,ar 9::<, 4reen 9::<=( +he chie& ca%ses o& "his heno#enon incl%de des"r%c"ion and chan$es o& "he landsca e 0)l&ord 5 >ichards 2333, ?ollins 5 S"or&er 9::<=, as a res%l", e($(, o& #inin$( O en!cas" #inin$ o era"ions, in ar"ic%lar, have ca%sed lar$e!scale "o"al des"r%c"ion o& "he ori$inal ecos's"e# and chan$es in "he s%rro%ndin$ areas 0Sklenika 5 @ho"a 9::9, 8A""l 5 4er-in 9::B=( )s soon as #inin$ o era"ions and recla#a"ions are &inished, "hese loca"ions are "aken over *' lan"s and ani#als in "he rocess o& ri#ar' s%ccession 0Majer 23C3=( +he #os" o*vio%s &ea"%re o& os"! #inin$ landsca es is "he lar$e n%#*er o& os"!#inin$ lakes "ha" $enerall' &or# in %nreclai#ed s oil *anks( S oil hea s are ver' s%i"a*le &or "he s"%d' o& s%ccession, since "he' !", Prague "#$uchdol, "% & , Czech

are ver' easil' iden"i&ia*le and "he' are e."ensive "erri"ories -i"h a kno-n da"e o& ori$in 0;ejek 5 DEas"n 23CF=( ) s"%d' o& coloni,a"ion on "hese "erri"ories o in&or#a"ion ac/%ired "o ro"ec" ha*i"a"s and "he or$anis#s livin$ in "he#( +he &irs" $oal o& "he resen"ed research -as "o descri*e a""ern o& a# hi*ian coloni,a"ion o& s oil *anks di&&eren" &ro# "heir a$e and seral s"a$e in *o"h #inin$ dis"ric"s( +he second #ain $oal -as "o inves"i$a"e "he e&&ec" o& environ#en"al charac"eris"ics on a*%ndance and dis"ri*%"ion o& "he #odel a# hi*ian s ecies, "he a$ile &ro$ 0'ana dalmatina=, in selec"ed s oil *ank( )""en"ion is also aid "o "he s ecies diversi"' o& #oni"ored co##%ni"ies d%rin$ s%ccession, /%es"ions o& recla#a"ion o& "hese "erri"ories and a# hi*ian conserva"ion( Material and Methods Study area ?oloni,a"ion o& "he s oil *anks *' a# hi*ians 0"he &irs" rojec"= -as s"%died in "he Mos" and Sokolov #inin$ dis"ric"s &ro# 233C "o 9::<( Sa# lin$ -as carried o%" *' "he i"&all "ra s on 3 *anks di&&eren" &ro# "heir a$e and #e"hods o& "he recla#a"ion( +he second s"%d' on "he a$ile &ro$ -as cond%c"ed in 8ornojie"nsk s oil *ank, si"%a"ed in "he cen"re o& "he Mos" #inin$ dis"ric" 0Gor"h!-es" ;ohe#ia, ?,ech >e %*lic, B:H<FIG, 2<H<FIE, 9F:!93: # a(s(l(= &ro# 9::B "o 9::J( +he #ain ar" o& "he *ank, a*o%" J k# 9 in si,e, has never *een reclai#ed, d%e "o &%"%re lans "o #ine "he %nderl'in$ coal!sea#( ) varie"' o& ve$e"a"ion cover, consis"in$ o& $rass s"ands, shr%*s, &ores" s"e la"e s%ccession s"a$e 0a*o%" 9B K F: 'ears a&"er hea in$=( Data collection and statistical analyses +he e&&ec" o& #inin$ dis"ric" 0Mos", Sokolov= and s%ccession s"a$e 0&ores", dis ersed "rees, coheren" $rass cover and ar"ial $rass cover= in "he &irs" s"%d' -as anal',ed *' $enerali,ed linear #odel 04@M= %sin$ "he S!Ll%s s"a"is"ical acka$e 0S K Ll%s 2333=( +he n%#*er o& a$ile &ro$ cl%"ches in "he second s"%d' -as co%n"ed a" each o& "he 2C9 #oni"ored onds d%rin$ "he s rin$ eriod in 9::B and a" 232 onds in 9::J 'ear, in order "o e.a#ine "he e&&ec" o& environ#en"al &ac"ors on "he a*%ndance and s a"ial dis"ri*%"ion o& "his s ecies( +he #ini#al ade/%a"e #odel -as co# osed *' se/%en"iall' dele"in$ non!si$ni&ican" "er#s in a 4@M -i"h Loisson dis"ri*%"ion o& "he de enden" varia*le 0"he n%#*er o& cl%"ches=( +he &ollo-in$ &ea"%res o& "he ond and i"s s%rro%ndin$s -ere %sed as e. lana"or' &ac"orsM si,e and de "h o& "he ond, slo e o& i"s shores, ve$e"a"ion cover, shadin$ o& "he -a"er s%r&ace, "' e es and &ores"s, re resen"s a rovides a $ood or"%ni"' "o achieve a *e""er %nders"andin$ o& "heir re$%lar &ea"%res, and "o %se "he

o& recla#a"ion in "he nei$h*o%rhood, revalen" s%rro%ndin$ ha*i"a", dis"ance o& "he ond &ro# "he ed$e o& "he *ank and "he dis"ance &ro# "he &easi*le so%rce o& "he a# hi*ian coloni,a"ion, %sin$ "he $eo$ra hic in&or#a"ion s's"e# 04NS= and o*serva"ion in "he &ield( Results irst study! Nn "o"al, 29 s ecies o& a# hi*ians -ere #oni"ored, 3 s ecies in "he Mos" dis"ric" 0"o"al 223F s ec(=, C s ecies in Sokolov d( 029F< s ec(=( ;o"h dis"ric"s have a or"ion o& "he s eci&ic s ecies( +he s ecies diversi"' *e"-een dis"ric"s is s"a"is"icall' non!si$ni&ican" as -ell as "he e&&ec" o& s%ccession s"a$e( +he ini"ial s%ccession s"a$es -ere charac"eri,ed *' a lon%#*er o& s ecies and *' considera*le do#inance o& one or j%s" a &e- s ecies( +he &irs" a# hi*ians coloni,in$ s oil hea s -ere "he na""erjack "oad 0Epidalea calamita= and "he $reen "oad 0Pseudepidalea viridis=, na#el' *e&ore < 'ears a&"er "heir ori$in( +he ro or"ional re resen"a"ion o& s ecies e/%ali,ed over a eriod o& "i#e "o$e"her -i"h s ecies diversi"'( Second study! Nn "o"al, 29B7 cl%"ches -ere &o%nd a" "he 2C9 #oni"ored onds in 9::B 'ear and JJ2 cl%"ches a" 232 onds in &ollo-in$ 'ear( O%" o& "he "o"al n%#*er o& #oni"ored onds, "he resence o& "he cl%"ches -as revealed a" 7: onds 0<C(BO= in 9::B, res ( a" J3 onds 0<JO= in 9::J( +he resence o& "he cl%"ches a" #oni"ored onds *e"-een "-o 'ears -as no" di&&eren" 0P9 Q :(2<R d& Q 2R Q :(79, con"in$enc' "a*les=( Ssin$ "he non ara#e"ric 1ilco.on T 2:!<=( +he e&&ec" o& aired!sa# le "es" -e revealed si$ni&ican" di&&erence *e"-een "he n%#*er o& "he cl%"ches in *o"h #oni"ored 'ears a" individ%al onds 0" Q !<(B7R d& Q 2B7R environ#en"al &ea"%res o& "he onds and "heir s%rro%ndin$s varies *e"-een 'ears, *%" "he #os" n%#ero%s s%* o %la"ions -ere al-a's &o%nd closer "o "he so%rce o& coloni,a"ion 09::BM 62,2JC Q 2B(3R T 2:!FR 9::JM 62,27F Q F(7R Q :(:<=(

Ac"nowledgements +his s"%d' -as s% or"ed *' a $ran" &ro# "he 6ac%l"' o& 6ores"r' and Environ#en", ?,ech )$ric%l"%ral Sniversi"' in Lra$%e, no( F222:U2<29U<2B7 09::B=( +he a%"hor also "hanks >o*in 8eale' &or edi"in$ "he "e."( References )l&ord >( )(, >ichards S( J( 2333M 4lo*al a# hi*ian declinesM a ro*le# in a Annu- 'ev- Ecol- $yst-, <:M 2<<!2JB( ;eja L(, )lca,ar >( 9::<M ?onserva"ion o& Medi"erranean "e# orar' onds %nder a$ric%l"%ral in"ensi&ica"ionM an eval%a"ion %sin$ a# hi*ians( .iol- Conserv-, 22FM <27!<9J( lied ecolo$'(

?ollins J( L(, S"or&er )( 9::<M 4lo*al a# hi*ian declinesM sor"in$ "he h' o"heses( DiversDistri(-, 3M C3!3C( 4i*son >( ?(, 6ree#an M( 2337M ?onserva"ion a" ho#eM recover' ro$ra##e &or "he a$ile &ro$ 'ana dalmatina in Jerse'( Dodo, //M 32!2:F( 4reen D( M(, 9::<M +he ecolo$' o& e."inc"ionM a# hi*ians( .iol- Conserv-, 222M <<2!<F<( 8o%lahan J( E(, 6indla' ?( S(, Sch#id" ;( >(, Me'er )( 8(, K%,#in S( @( 9:::M V%an"i"a"ive evidence &or $lo*al a# hi*ian o %la"ion declines( 0ature, F:FM 7B9!7BB( 8A""l >( 6(, 4er-in 1( 9::BM @andsca e and ecos's"e# develo #en" a&"er dis"%r*ance *' #inin$( Ecol- Eng-, 9FM 2!<( Majer J( D( 23C3M 1ong#term colonization of fauna in reclaimed land( NnM Majer, J( D( 0ed(=M Animals in primary succession- 2he role of fauna in reclaimed lands- ?a#*rid$e Sniversi"' Lress, ?a#*rid$e, Ge- Work, e"c( Sklenika L(, @ho"a +( 9::9M @andsca e he"ero$enei"' K a /%an"i"a"ive cri"erion &or landsca e recons"r%c"ion( 1andscape Ur(an Plan-, BCM 2F7!2BJ( S!L@SSX 2333M $#Plus for 3indo4s &555, 6uide to $tatistics, Data Analysis Products Division( Ma"hSo&", Sea""le( 1ake D( ;( 2332M Declinin$ a# hi*ian o %la"ions( $cience, 9B<M CJ:( o %la"ion &l%c"%a"ion and decline in

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