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Foundation Certificate In Software Testing Practice Exam-2

Time allowed: 1 hour


NOTE: Onl one answer !er "uestion
1 We split testing into distinct stages primaril !ecause: a) Each test stage has a different purpose. b) It is easier to manage testing in stages. c) We can run different tests in different environments. d) The more stages we have, the better the testing. Which o" the "ollowing is li#el to !ene"it most "rom the use o" test tools pro$iding test capture and repla "acilities% a) !egression testing b) Integration testing c) "#stem testing d) $ser acceptance testing % Which o" the "ollowing statements is NOT correct% a) & minimal test set that achieves 1''( )*"&+ coverage will also achieve 1''( branch coverage. b) & minimal test set that achieves 1''( path coverage will also achieve 1''( statement coverage. c) & minimal test set that achieves 1''( path coverage will generall# detect more faults than one that achieves 1''( statement coverage. d) & minimal test set that achieves 1''( statement coverage will generall# detect more faults than one that achieves 1''( branch coverage. , Which o" the "ollowing re&uirements is testa!le% a) The s#stem shall be user friendl#. b) The safet#-critical parts of the s#stem shall contain ' faults. c) The response time shall be less than one second for the specified design load. d) The s#stem shall be built to be portable.

NOTE: Onl one answer !er "uestion
. 'nal se the "ollowing highl simpli"ied procedure: &s/: 0What t#pe of tic/et do #ou re1uire, single or return23 I4 the customer wants 5return6 &s/: 0What rate, "tandard or *heap-da#23 I4 the customer replies 5*heap-da#6 "a#: 0That will be 711: '3 E)"E "a#: 0That will be 718:.'3 E9:I4 E)"E "a#: 0That will be 78:;.3 E9:I4 Now decide the minimum num!er o" tests that are needed to ensure that all the &uestions ha$e !een as#ed( all com!inations ha$e occurred and all replies gi$en) a) % b) , c) . d) < < Error guessing: a) supplements formal test design techni1ues. b) can onl# be used in component, integration and s#stem testing. c) is onl# performed in user acceptance testing. d) is not repeatable and should not be used. ; Which o" the "ollowing is NOT true o" test co$erage criteria% a) Test coverage criteria can be measured in terms of items e=ercised b# a test suite. b) & measure of test coverage criteria is the percentage of user re1uirements covered. c) & measure of test coverage criteria is the percentage of faults found. d) Test coverage criteria are often used when specif#ing test completion criteria.

NOTE: Onl one answer !er "uestion
> In prioritising what to test( the most important o!*ecti$e is to: a) find as man# faults as possible. b) test high ris/ areas. c) obtain good test coverage. d) test whatever is easiest to test. 8 +i$en the "ollowing sets o" test management terms ,$-./( and acti$it descriptions ,1-0/( which one o" the "ollowing !est pairs the two sets% v ? test control w ? test monitoring = - test estimation # - incident management @ - configuration control 1 - calculation of re1uired test resources - maintenance of record of test results % - re-allocation of resources when tests overrun , - report on deviation from test plan . - trac/ing of anomalous test results a) v-%,w- ,=-1,#-.,@-, b) v- ,w-.,=-1,#-,,@-% c) v-%,w-,,=-1,#-.,@d) v- ,w-1,=-,,#-%,@-. 1' Which one o" the "ollowing statements a!out s stem testing is NOT true% a) "#stem tests are often performed b# independent teams. b) 4unctional testing is used more than structural testing. c) 4aults found during s#stem tests can be ver# e=pensive to fi=. d) End-users should be involved in s#stem tests. 11 Which o" the "ollowing is "alse% a) Incidents should alwa#s be fi=ed. b) &n incident occurs when e=pected and actual results differ. c) Incidents can be anal#sed to assist in test process improvement. d) &n incident can be raised against documentation.

NOTE: Onl one answer !er "uestion
1 Enough testing has !een per"ormed when: a) time runs out. b) the re1uired level of confidence has been achieved. c) no more faults are found. d) the users won6t find an# serious faults. 1% Which o" the "ollowing is NOT true o" incidents% a) Incident resolution is the responsibilit# of the author of the software under test. b) Incidents ma# be raised against user re1uirements. c) Incidents re1uire investigation and/or correction. d) Incidents are raised when e=pected and actual results differ. 1, Which o" the "ollowing is not descri!ed in a unit test standard% a) s#nta= testing b) e1uivalence partitioning c) stress testing d) modified condition/decision coverage 1. Which o" the "ollowing is "alse% a) In a s#stem two different failures ma# have different severities. b) & s#stem is necessaril# more reliable after debugging for the removal of a fault. c) & fault need not affect the reliabilit# of a s#stem. d) $ndetected errors ma# lead to faults and eventuall# to incorrect behaviour. 1< Which one o" the "ollowing statements( a!out capture-repla tools( is NOT correct% a) The# are used to support multi-user testing. b) The# are used to capture and animate user re1uirements. c) The# are the most fre1uentl# purchased t#pes of *&"T tool. d) The# capture aspects of user behaviour. 1; 1ow would ou estimate the amount o" re-testing li#el to !e re&uired% a) Aetrics from previous similar proBects b) :iscussions with the development team c) Time allocated for regression testing d) a C b

NOTE: Onl one answer !er "uestion
1> Which o" the "ollowing is true o" the 2-model% a) It states that modules are tested against user re1uirements. b) It onl# models the testing phase. c) It specifies the test techni1ues to be used. d) It includes the verification of designs. 18 The oracle assumption: a) is that there is some e=isting s#stem against which test output ma# be chec/ed. b) is that the tester can routinel# identif# the correct outcome of a test. c) is that the tester /nows ever#thing about the software under test. d) is that the tests are reviewed b# e=perienced testers. ' Which o" the "ollowing characterises the cost o" "aults% a) The# are cheapest to find in the earl# development phases and the most e=pensive to fi= in the latest test phases. b) The# are easiest to find during s#stem testing but the most e=pensive to fi= then. c) 4aults are cheapest to find in the earl# development phases but the most e=pensive to fi= then. d) &lthough faults are most e=pensive to find during earl# development phases, the# are cheapest to fi= then. 1 Which o" the "ollowing should NOT normall !e an o!*ecti$e "or a test% a) To find faults in the software. b) To assess whether the software is read# for release. c) To demonstrate that the software doesn6t wor/. d) To prove that the software is correct. Which o" the "ollowing is a "orm o" "unctional testing% a) Doundar# value anal#sis b) $sabilit# testing c) Eerformance testing d) "ecurit# testing % Which o" the "ollowing would NOT normall "orm part o" a test plan% a) 4eatures to be tested b) Incident reports c) !is/s d) "chedule

NOTE: Onl one answer !er "uestion
, Which o" these acti$ities pro$ides the !iggest potential cost sa$ing "rom the use o" 3'ST% a) Test management b) Test design c) Test e=ecution d) Test planning . Which o" the "ollowing is NOT a white !o4 techni&ue% a) "tatement testing b) Eath testing c) :ata flow testing d) "tate transition testing < 5ata "low anal sis studies: a) possible communications bottlenec/s in a program. b) the rate of change of data values as a program e=ecutes. c) the use of data on paths through the code. d) the intrinsic comple=it# of the code. ; In a s stem designed to wor# out the ta4 to !e paid: 'n emplo ee has 64000 o" salar ta4 "ree) The ne4t 61000 is ta4ed at 107 The ne4t 689000 is ta4ed at 887 'n "urther amount is ta4ed at 407 To the nearest whole pound( which o" these is a $alid :oundar 2alue 'nal sis test case% a) 71.'' b) 7% ''1 c) 7%%.'1 d) 7 >''' > 'n important !ene"it o" code inspections is that the : a) enable the code to be tested before the e=ecution environment is read#. b) can be performed b# the person who wrote the code. c) can be performed b# ine=perienced staff. d) are cheap to perform.

NOTE: Onl one answer !er "uestion
8 Which o" the "ollowing is the !est source o" E4pected Outcomes "or User 'cceptance Test scripts% a) &ctual results b) Erogram specification c) $ser re1uirements d) "#stem specification %' What is the main di""erence !etween a wal#through and an inspection% a) &n inspection is lead b# the author, whilst a wal/through is lead b# a trained moderator. b) &n inspection has a trained leader, whilst a wal/through has no leader. c) &uthors are not present during inspections, whilst the# are during wal/throughs. d) & wal/through is lead b# the author, whilst an inspection is lead b# a trained moderator. %1 Which one o" the "ollowing descri!es the ma*or !ene"it o" $eri"ication earl in the li"e c cle% a) It allows the identification of changes in user re1uirements. b) It facilitates timel# set up of the test environment. c) It reduces defect multiplication. d) It allows testers to become involved earl# in the proBect. % Integration testing in the small: a) tests the individual components that have been developed. b) tests interactions between modules or subs#stems. c) onl# uses components that form part of the live s#stem. d) tests interfaces to other s#stems. %% Static anal sis is !est descri!ed as: a) the anal#sis of batch programs. b) the reviewing of test plans. c) the anal#sis of program code. d) the use of blac/ bo= testing. %, 'lpha testing is: a) post-release testing b# end user representatives at the developer6s site. b) the first testing that is performed. c) pre-release testing b# end user representatives at the developer6s site. d) pre-release testing b# end user representatives at their sites.

NOTE: Onl one answer !er "uestion
%. ' "ailure is: a) found in the softwareF the result of an error. b) departure from specified behaviour. c) an incorrect step, process or data definition in a computer program. d) a human action that produces an incorrect result. %< In a s stem designed to wor# out the ta4 to !e paid: 'n emplo ee has 64000 o" salar ta4 "ree) The ne4t 61000 is ta4ed at 107 The ne4t 689000 is ta4ed at 887 'n "urther amount is ta4ed at 407 Which o" these groups o" num!ers would "all into the same e&ui$alence class% a) 7,>''F 71,'''F 7 >''' b) 7. ''F 7..''F 7 >''' c) 7 >''1F 7% '''F 7%.''' d) 7.>''F 7 >'''F 7% ''' %; The most important thing a!out earl test design is that it: a) ma/es test preparation easier. b) means inspections are not re1uired. c) can prevent fault multiplication. d) will find all faults. %> Which o" the "ollowing statements a!out re$iews is true% a) !eviews cannot be performed on user re1uirements specifications. b) !eviews are the least effective wa# of testing code. c) !eviews are unli/el# to find faults in test plans. d) !eviews should be performed on specifications, code, and test plans. %8 Test cases are designed during: a) test recording. b) test planning. c) test configuration. d) test specification. ,' ' con"iguration management s stem would NOT normall pro$ide: a) lin/age of customer re1uirements to version numbers. b) facilities to compare test results with e=pected results. c) the precise differences in versions of software component source code. d) restricted access to the source code librar#.

"elf Aar/ing Tic/ "heet

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Question number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Correct answer A A D C A A C B C D A B A C B B D D B A D A B C D C C A C D C B C C B D C D D B

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