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SECURE ATM BY IMAGE PROCESSING ABSTRACT This paper encloses the information regarding the IMAGE PROCESSING And disc!ssed of one of the ma"or application image processing An Image ma$ (e defined as a t%o dimensional f!nction f /,'$0 %here , and $ are spatial/plane0 coordinates ,' $ is called intensit$ or gra$ le&el of the image at that point )hen ,' $ and the amplit!de &al!es of f are all finite' discrete *!antities' %e call the image a digital image Interest in digital image areas1 impro&ement of pictorial information for h!man interpretation1 and representation for a!tonomo!s machine perception The entire process of Image Processing and starting from the recei&ing of &is!al information to the gi&ing o!t of description of the scene' ma$ (e di&ided into three ma"or stages %hich are also considered as ma"or s!( areas' and are gi&en (elo% /i0 Discreti!ation an" re#resentation1 Con&erting &is!al What is Digital Image Processing %%% 2333pro"ects com %%% f!llinter&ie% com %%% chetanaspro"ects com information into a discrete form1 s!ita(le for comp!ter processing1 appro,imating

#IOMETRICS #iometrics technolog$ allo%s determination and &erification of ones identit$ thro!gh ph$sical characteristics To p!t it simpl$' it t!rns $o!r (od$ in to $o!r pass%ord )e disc!ssed &ario!s (iometric techni*!es li+e finger scan' retina scan' facial scan' hand scan etc T%o algorithms ha&e (een proposed ($ ta+ing (iometric techni*!es to a!thenticate an ATM acco!nt holder ' ena(ling a sec!re ATM ($ image processing #iometrics is no% applied in &ario!s p!(lic and pri&ate sectors No do!(t' (iometrics is going to (e ne,t generations po%erf!l sec!rit$ tool-.

&is!al information to sa&e storage space as %ell as time re*!irement in s!(se*!ent processing /ii0 Processing $Impro&ing image *!alit$ ($ filtering etc 4 compressing data to sa&e storage and channel capacit$ d!ring transmission %iii& Anal'sis$ E,tracting image feat!res4 *!alif$ing shapes' registration and recognition )e concentrated on h!man interpretation application and de&eloped t%o algorithms %hich can ma+e the ATM sec!re ($ image processing ()O*er*ie+ )ith the increasing necessit$ of e5mail accessing and Internet reso!rces and the con&enience it offers serio!s sec!rit$ concerns also arise Internet is &!lnera(le to intr!ders %ho are al%a$s snooping to find open comp!ters in the net%or+ to steal personal files' information or ca!se an$ damage The loss of these records' emails or c!stomer files can (e de&astating ()(Dra+ ,ac- o. #ass+or"s/nee" .or Biometrics No more pro(lems if forgotten pass%ords and id codes' (iometrics is

the technolog$ ta+ing care of it %hich t!rns $o!r (od$ into $o!r pass%ord T$picall$' the more rigoro!s $o! ma+e $o!r pass%ord selection and constr!ction r!les the more diffic!lt$ !sers %ill ha&e in remem(ering their pass%ords 6nfort!natel$' strict pass%ord r!les are necessar$ to stop simple hac+er attac+s on the net%or+ The f!ndamental pro(lem %ith pass%ord is t%o fold 7irst' the$ are transfera(le the$ can (e %ritten do%n on paper' the$ can (e transferred to some one %ho sho!ld not ha&e them Second' and "!st as important' the$ can (e forgotten Recent research s!ggests that a forgotten pass%ord can cost as m!ch as 6S8 9:3 per e&ent. This is nt too s!rprising Clearl$' the ris+ and costs of compromised pass%ords are a significant facto to consider in de&eloping an$ s!re s$stem The critical need for additional le&el of sec!rit$ has gi&en rise to the field of ;#IOMETRICS< 0)Intro"1ction The present generation sec!rit$ iss!e is considered the (asic TCP=IP encr$ptions and other factors that are pro&ided ($ the net%or+ #!t there %as lac+ of consistent identification of indi&id!als' then the ne%l$ de&eloped technolog$

#iometrics' #iometrics

came can

in (e


pict!re as

characteristics of a person These incl!de fingerprint &erification' iris anal$sis' facial anal$sis' hand geometr$5&ein patterns' ear recognition' odor detection and ?NA pattern anal$sis The (eha&ioral (ased techni*!es' %hich meas!re the (eha&ior of a person These incl!de hand %ritten signat!re ma"or &erification steps These and are is speech the a anal$sis These techni*!es in&ol&e t%o A!thentication @ the &erification A!thentication than a mass searching process of one5to one comparison' rather process Identification is a process of chec+ing for a partic!lar identit$ in the data(ase a&aila(le The setting of the error tolerance of these s$stems is critical to their performance #oth errors Re"ection and 7alse Acceptance0 Sho!ld (e lo% and the$ sho!ld (oth are *!oted ($ the man!fact!rers 2)3o+ ,iometric technolog' +or-s Process in&ol&ed in !sing a (iometric s$stem for sec!rit$ is1 /7alse


recogni>ing and identif$ing a person (ased on ph$siological or (eha&ioral characteristics #iometrics technologies are applied in the follo%ing sectors1 P!(lic ser&ices' la% enforcement' These feat!res' (an+ing' ph$sical access control and control and comp!ter net%or+s incl!de fingerprints' facial

retina shape' speech' hand%riting' etc #iometrics can (e !sed to pre&ent !na!thori>ed access to ATMs' smart cards' des+top PCs %or+stations' cell!lar phones' home sec!rit$ s$stems' door loc+s' etc The ad&anced #iometrics sol!tion !ses a more sophisticated The method design called of an ;identification<

ad&anced sol!tion ena(les the prod!ct to search a &er$ large data(ase and pic+ the indi&id!al from the cro%d #iometric is the most sec!re and con&enient a!thentication tool It cant (e (orro%ed Stolen' or forgotten' and forging one is practicall$ impossi(le 0) Classi.ication o. ,iometrics$ The t%o categories of (iometric techni*!es are1 The ph$siological (ased techni*!es' %hich meas!re the ph$siological

person is meas!red4 the meas!re is processed4 and the res!lting data is stored4 At a s!(se*!ent time' the same aspect of a person is meas!red and compared against the stored data If it is 4ig1re() ?!ring enrollment1 20 Capt!re the (iometrics' %hich has to (e stored in the data(ase4 A0 Process the (iometric' e,tract and enroll the (iometric template4 90 Store the template in a local repositor$' a central repositor$' or a porta(le to+en s!ch as a smart card ?!ring access to data(ase1 :0 Bi&e5scan the (iometric feat!re4 C0 Process the (iometric and e,tract the (iometric template4 D0 Match the scanned (iometric against stored templates4 E0 Incase of s!ccessf!l &erification4 pro&ide a matching score to (!siness application4 F0 Record a sec!re a!dit trail %ith respect to s$stem !se #iometric pre&io!sl$ applications capt!red depend on In comparing as ne% meas!re against information (iometric applications' some aspect of a (eing !sed for a!thentication' the ne% data is compared against the data' alread$ in storage for that person If it is (eing !sed for identification' the entire data(ase is searched' in order to locate one or more indi&id!als that are a close fit to the ne% data Most (iometrics technologies do not see+ e,act e*!alit$ (et%een the ne% and the stored meas!res Instead the$ ha&e a pre5set tolerance range %ithin %hich the t%o are deemed to (e s!fficientl$ close In order to red!ce transmission time' costs and to re*!ire less storage space' compression algorithms are !sed To pro&ide (etter transfer rate of data d!ring identification @ a!thentication hashing is !sed Gashing is a process of detecting the perfect match of a partic!lar inp!t record from a large data(ase !sing a hashing f!nction 5)A##lications o. ,iometrics All the information regarding the fingerprints' retina etc- Are digitali>ed and stored This can (e compared %ith a data(ase in seconds and %ith an










7ingerprints ha&e the ad&antage of (eing cheaper and simpler than most other (iometrics 5)(E/commerce A##lications1 E5commerce de&elopers are e,ploring the !se of (iometrics to more acc!ratel$ &erif$ a trading part$s identit$ 5)0 Co*ert S1r*eillance$ 7acial and (od$ recognition (iometric techni*!es come in to pict!re a!tomaticall$ to identif$ +no%n s!spects entering (!ildings or tra&ersing cro%ed sec!rit$ areas s!ch as airports 6)T'#es o. Biometric sec1rit' technologies$ 6)( 4inger scan$ 7inger5scan (iometrics is (ase on the distincti&e characteristics of the h!man fingerprint A fingerprint image is read from a capt!re de&ice' feat!res are e,tracted from the image' and a template is created

applications1 large5 scale' one5to5man$ searches on data(ases of !p to millions of fingerprints These searches can (e done %ithin onl$ a fe% ho!rs ($ !sing A7IS /A!tomated 7ingerprint Identification S$stems0 The (asic in (oth finger scan and finger prints is that the c!r&at!res' deltas' crosso&ers' pores' loops etc' are of a person are capt!red and stored in the data(ase in digiti>ed for and are encr$pted in cases of a!thentication or identification 6)0 Retina scan$ Retina scan re*!ires the !ser to sit!ate his or her e$e %ith H inch of the capt!re de&ice and hold still %hile the reader ascertains the patterns The !ser loo+s at a rotating green light as the patterns of the retina are meas!red at o&er :33 points4 %hich leads a &er$ high le&el off acc!rac$ in comparison to most other (iometrics Retina scan is designed to !se in militar$ facilities' logical sec!rit$ applications s!ch as net%or+ access or PC logic The patterns of (lood &essels on the (ac+ of the h!man e$e are !ni*!e

4ig 1re 0$

from person to person The (lood &essels on the (ac+ of the retina are generall$ sta(le thro!gh ones lifetime' %ith the e,ception of degenerati&e diseases

Since the retina is an internal portion of the e$e' retina scanning is considered intr!si&e Th!s the indi&id!al ma$ (e hesitant to get e,posed to the scanning Moreo&er' retina scanning is a costl$ and sophisticated process 6)2 Iris scan$ The iris has colored strea+s and lines that radiate o!t from the p!pil of the e$e The iris pro&ides (iometric the data most after comprehensi&e

A ma"or pro(lem %ith (iometrics is ho% and %here to store the !sers template Its storage introd!ces pri&ac$ concerns On the other hand' storing the template on a smart card enhances indi&id!al protection indi&id!al templates Inside the e$e is a &er$ delicate area and so' man$ people are &er$ hesitating to !se laser e$e de&ice time ages and T%o primar$ conditions ca!ses of errors affect (iometric data1 en&ironmental #iometrics ma$ change as an indi&id!al En&ironmental conditions ma$ either after the (iometric directl$ /for e,ample' if a finger is c!t and scarred0 or interfere %ith the data collection /for instance' (ac+gro!nd noise %hen !sing a &oice (iometric0 8) 41t1re o. ,iometrics #iometric technolog$ is one area that no segment of the IT ind!str$ can afford to ignore' (iometrics pro&ides sec!rit$ (enefits across the spectr!m' from IT &endors to end !sers' and from sec!rit$ s$stem de&elopers to sec!rit$ s$stem !sers All these ind!str$ sectors m!st e&al!ate the costs and (enefits of implementing s!ch sec!rit$ meas!res pri&ac$ from !sers and attac+' control increases (eca!se their o%n

?NA And the chance that an$ t%o people ma$ ha&e the same pattern is one in 23 to5the5po%er5EF' %hich is %a$ a(o&e the c!rrent pop!lation of the Earth In this scanning' the characteristics of the iris are ta+en into acco!nt A(o!t ADD !ni*!e points are recorded and con&erted into a C2A5($te iris code /some%hat similar to (arcode0 7or recording the iris pattern' a monochrome camera is !sed and the distance (et%een the e$e and the camera can (e at most 9 feet The iris code constr!cted contains information the characteristics and position of the !ni*!e points The iris has more !ni*!e information than an$ other single organ in the (od$ 7)Dra+,ac-s

9)O1r +or- on ,iometrics E&er$ limitations (iometric s$stem has its Therefore' identification

(ased on m!ltiple (iometrics is an emerging trend as m!ltimodel (iometrics can pro&ide a more (alanced sol!tion to the sec!rit$ m!ltimodel s$stems in&ol&e the !se of more than one (iometric s$stem O!r contri(!tion to the a(o&e s!("ect is that %e ha&e de&eloped an algorithm on (an+ing sec!rit$ 7or this %e ha&e considered a (an+ !sing (iometric technolog$ for its sec!rit$ p!rpose The sec!rit$ is ass!red ($ !sing finger scan' &oice scan' hand geometr$ scan and ($ re*!esting the pass%ord gi&en ($ the (an+ for a partic!lar !ser %hen necessar$ The follo%ing are the flo%charts and the algorithms 9)0)(Algorithm1 a0 STEP 21 A person enters the (an+ that !ses (iometric technolog$ /finger scan' &oice scan @ hand scan0 for greater degree of sec!rit$ (0 STEP A1 The person is re*!ested to gi&e his or her fingerprint /as inp!t0 on the finger scan pad
Access the matched file in the d0 ?ata(ase I4 JES /+0 /h0 JES NO


#an+ !sing #iometric technolog$ consisting of finger' &oice and hand

7inger Scan


Ioice Scan



7lo%char t 5A

Gand Scan /i0

NO /"0

7lo%chart 5A STOP
4ig1re 2).lo+chart/(

7ingerprint is matched %ith an$ one of the fingerprints a&aila(le in the data(ase /condition0 T3EN' GOTO STEP F E:SE /i e ' if finger print does not find a match0 GOTOSTEP : e0 STEP :1 The person is re*!ested to spea+ fe% %ords' %hich is con&erted into digitali>ed code ($ the &oice scanner f0 STEP C1 The code in the a(o&e step is compared %ith all the &oice codes in the data(ase g0 I4 the T3EN' GOTO ABGORITGM A h0 E:SE /i e ' if the code does not find a match0 GOTO STEP D code is matched /condition0

I4 the data is matched T3EN'-GOTO STEPF E:SE /i e ' the data does not find a match0-- GOTO Algorithm A +0 STEP F1 access the matched file in the data(ase l0 STEP K1 E,it 9)0)0 Algorithm 0$ m0 STEP 21 A re*!est is sent to the data(ase *!er$ing it to send the pass%ord file from the OS sec!rit$ files n0 The pass%ords are recei&ed in an encr$pted from /?ES5data Encr$ption Standards0 30 STEP A1 The person is re*!ested to spea+ his pass%ord p0 STEP91 the &ocal pass%ord spo+en in the a(o&e step is con&erted into te,t!al pass%ord ($ the speech processing circ!it *0 STEP :1This pass%ord is compared %ith the pass%ord file from STEP 24 I4 match is fo!nd T3EN' -Access Glo% the

i0 STEPD1 The person is re*!ested to plae his hand a(o&e the hand scanner so that the str!ct!re of the hand is recorded "0 STEP E1 The data in the a(o&e step is compared %ith all the data a&aila(le in the data(ase

the data(ase E:SE' -r0 STEPC1 E,it

7lo%chart = Algorithm A

danger light /indicating theft0

en&ironments %ith e,treme sec!rit$

?ATA #ASE Pass%ord spo+en

meas!res The proposed algorithm for sec!rit$ of ATMs implies a sec!re %orld %ith (iometrics' ena(ling a sec!re ATMS ($ image processing The technologies (ehind

Speech processing circ!it Operating s$stem searches for sec!rit$ file Te,t!al pass%ord

(iometrics are still emerging This article gi&es a snapshot of the d$namics !nder %a$ in this emerging (iometric mar+et' and %e hope it %ill help all the possi(le alternati&es %hen ac*!iring ne%


(iometric technologies (<)Re.erences$ 20 ;#iometrics' Personal

Access the matched file in the ?ATA#ASE

identification in Net%or+ed Societ$1< Iol :EK' Anil L Main /Editor0 A0 A Practical R!!d #olle' G!ide to Sharath Pan+anti #iometric sec!rit$

Glo% the red light indicator


Technolog$< Simon Bi! and Mar+ Sil&erman 90 ;#iometrics A!thentication< Chris Mills' Larl Mills' )are' April identit$ Christopher :0 ;#iometrics1 )or+ed< and strong

;)Concl1sion$ 4ig1re 5).lo+chart/0 Considering &ario!s applications of image processing 5 (iometric techni*!es li+e finger scan' retina scan etc' finger scan is %idel$ !sed #iometric technolog$ has (een aro!nd for decades (!t has mainl$ (een for highl$ secreti&e

A33A'Os(orne McGra%5Gill Ierification in a Net%or+ed

C0 D0

Samir Nana&ati' March A33A' Mohn )ile$ @ Sons ?igital Image Processing ($ Rafael C Gon>ale> @ Richard E )oods

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