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Citii cu atenie frazele de mai jos: When I arrived home, I discovered that my wife had been cleaning the living-room. By the time she reached the hotel, her friend had been partying for an hour. Last week, I ran into one of my former classmates. We had been writing to each other since 1995. Ce fel de aciuni exprim verbele subliniate? Trecutul perfect continuu (past perfect continuous) este un timp verbal ce nu are un echivalent exact n limba romn. El este echivalentul, la trecut, al prezentului perfect, formndu-se dup reguli similare:
Trecutul perfect al verbului to be Infinitivul scurt al
verbului de conjugat + ing

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Trecutul perfect continuu

I had been You had been He/she had been We had been You had been They had been

working doing singing learning writing painting

I had been working You had been doing He/she had been singing We had been learning You had being writing They had been painting

Formele negative i interogative se formeaz similar cu cele ale prezentului perfect continuu. Forma negativ I had not (hadnt) been working You had not (hadnt) been writing He/she/it had not (hadnt) been doing We had not (hadnt) been teaching You had not (hadnt) been painting They had not (hadnt) been singing Forma interogativ Had I been working? Had you been writing? Had he/she/it been doing? Had we been teaching? Had you been painting? Had they been singing? Rspuns
Yes, I had. No, I hadnt. Yes, he had. Ho, she hadnt. Yes, we had. No, we hadnt. Yes, they had. No, they hadnt.

Trecutul perfect continuu arat aciuni care au nceput n trecut i s-au derulat n mod continuu pn ntr-un alt moment de referin din trecut. She had been studying English for two years when she went to the UK. La fel ca n cazul prezentului perfect, dou structuri sunt foarte importante pentru acest timp verbal: for + perioad de timp: John had been dating Mary for a month when he decided to marry her. since + moment n timp: John had been dating Mary since 1999 when he decided to marry her three years later.

1. Transformai frazele urmtoare, dup modelul: She had been working there for two days when she resigned. -> Had she been working there for two days? Yes, she had. 1) Dan was tired because he had been jogging. 2) They had been waiting for an hour when the teacher came. 3) I wanted to sit down because I had been standing all day. 4) You had been leading them for a day when you arrived at the shelter.
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Observai frazele de mai jos: Julia came here last night. Who came here last night? Generosity makes people better. What makes people better? Those are Lauras books. Whose books are those? I gave the ring to my mother. To whom did you give the ring? They like Maria. Whom do they like? They like football. What do they like? Cum se traduc cuvintele subliniate? Ce deosebiri remarcai? Pronumele interogative din limba englez au forme diferite, pe de o parte, n funcie de substantivul pe care l nlocuiesc, iar pe de alt parte, n concordan cu funcia sintactic pe care o ocup n fraz. Pentru persoane, se folosete ntotdeauna pronumele interogativ who. Nominativ Acuzativ Dativ who? (for) whom? to whom? cine? pe (pentru) cine? cui? Pentru lucruri i noiuni generale, se folosete pronumele interogativ what. Nominativ Acuzativ Dativ what? (for) what? to what? ce? care? ce? la ce? Genitiv whose? al, a, ai, ale cui?

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Genitiv of what? despre ce?

n limba englez exist i un al treilea pronume interogativ, which. Acesta se folosete att pentru persoane, ct i lucruri, pentru a arta selecia dintr-un grup: Which (one of you) did that? To which (of your classmates) do I give this book? !!!ATENIE !!! Cnd pronumele interogative sunt n cazul nominativ (sunt subiecte), ntrebarea se construiete fr auxiliarul to do !!! Who buys the tickets? Who bought the tickets? Which follows him? Which followed him? What happens here? What happened here?

1. Completai cu pronumele interogative potrivite: 1) ____ is that boy wearing a uniform? 2) ____ was the name of that street? 3) ____ likes to play football? 4) For ____ did Mary bake the cakes? 5) ____ of the books did you read? 6) ____ notebooks are those? 7) To ____ did you lend your car? 8) ____ is the president of the US? 8) ____ teacher is Mrs. Simpson? 9) ____ did you do then? 10) For ____ are you striving? 2. Completai cu trecutul perfect continuu: 1) We ____ (to hold) control of that situation till he came in. 2) They ____ (to look for) a present for two days when they found those earrings. 3) She ____ (not to walk) for long when she reached the hotel. 4) You ____ (to freeze) until they turned on the heating. 5) I ____ (not to work) all day so I went to the disco. 6) They were very tired because they ____ (to help) their father on the farm. 7) My legs were sore because I ____ (to cycle) all day long. 8) Prior to the event, he ____ (to warn) everybody about a possible disaster. 9) My plane was cancelled because the storm ____ (to rage) all afternoon. 10) They ____ (to keep) the secret for years when it came out. 3. Traducei n limba englez: 1) Se ntlnea cu John de doi ani cnd s-au cstorit n 2000. 2) M durea capul pentru c citisem toat noaptea. 3) Cu cine te-ai ntlnit ieri? 4) Fcuse sport timp de dou ore nainte
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de a i se face ru. 5) Cui i-ai vndut biletele la concert? 6) Care din voi mi-a furat ideea? 7) Nu ateptasem mult timp cnd a sosit autobuzul. 8) Ale cui sunt notiele astea? 9) O sunasem toat ziua pn cnd a rspuns, n sfrit. 10) Ce ateptai de la ea? 11) A cui e valiza asta? 12) Plouase timp de dou zile nainte ca ea s plece. 13) Cui i-a fcut propunerea? 14) Pentru cine bate clopotul? 15) Era suprat pentru c muncise dou luni degeaba.

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Fear of teenagers is growing in Britain

Hooded silhouettes lingering in shop doorways and beneath bus shelters carry a potent message of menace for most adults. For Britain has become a place increasingly fearful of its teenage population, a forthcoming report warns. Britons are more likely than other Europeans to blame young people for antisocial behaviour, according to extracts from a study by the Institute for Public Policy Research released yesterday, and they are also less inclined to intervene if they find teenagers causing trouble. In a deprived part of east London yesterday, residents of Canning Town's run-down estates had special reason to be scared - two months ago a man was murdered on a local street, allegedly after a series of altercations with teenagers. But it appears that an aversion to young people, or "paedophobia", is becoming a national phenomenon. It is a view 71-year-old Canning Town resident Dennis Morse empathises with. "I never speak to them, it's too dangerous," he said. "They used to carry knives - now it's guns." Mr Morse said he "treads carefully", avoiding the bus where possible, and crossing the road if he sees a gang of young boys with hoods over their heads. Last year, more than 1.5 million Britons thought about moving house to escape young people hanging around, and 1.7 million avoided going out after dark for the same reason, the report finds.

1. Recitii textul i ncercai s identificai cuvintele i expresiile referitoare la domeniul pedofobiei. 2. Folosind cuvintele i expresiile identificate, precizai care cum se traduc, n limba englez, urmtoarele expresii i cuvinte: a nvinui, a fi predispus/nclinat, comportament antisocial. 4. Ce tendin prezint britanicii, conform articolului? 5. Ce atitudine adopt btrnul citat cu privire la gtile de adolesceni?

hooded cu glug to linger a zbovi to blame a nvinui run-down n paragin, srccios allegedly se pare to tread a pi gang band, gac


When you are presenting information, you need to give the audience signals. Here are some useful signals: FUNCTION SIGNALS Im going to talk about Introductions My topic/subject is First Sequencing Next/Then/After that (The/my) next point is
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Changing topic Giving examples Page | 4 Conclusions

Finally Now, lets look at Now, lets turn to For example As you can see from (the picture, the table, the chart) The graph/chart shows In conclusion To sum up

Look at the short presentation below. Find the signals in the talk and underline them: Im going to talk about the increase in the size of cities cities are getting much bigger. Im also going to talk about the increase in the number of large cities there are more big cities now than twenty years ago. First, lets look at the figures. In 1972 only three cities had more than ten million people. Lets look at 1992. In that year there were thirteen cities with more than ten million, for example Mexico City, Tokyo and Shanghai. Next, Im going to look at the number of people who lived in cities. In 1972, thirty-eight per cent lived in towns and cities. Lets turn to 1992. The number had increased to 46%. Finally, lets look at developing countries. In 1992 nine of the thirteen biggest cities were in developing countries. To sum up, by 1992 the number of major cities had increased and more people were living in urban areas. PUIN CULTUR
Sir Anthony van Dyck (1599-1641), Flemish painter, who was one of the most important and prolific portraitists of the 17th century and one of the most brilliant colourists in the history of art. Van Dyck was born on March 22, 1599, in Antwerp, son of a rich silk merchant. By the age of 11, he was already showing a precocious artistic talent, and he was apprenticed to the Flemish historical painter Hendrik van Balen. No other painter of the age surpassed van Dyck in capturing the shimmering whites of satin, the smooth blues of silk, or the rich crimsons of velvet. He was the quintessential painter of aristocracy, and was particularly successful in Genoa. In 1632 he settled in London as chief court painter to Charles I, who knighted him shortly after his arrival. Van Dyck painted most of the English aristocracy of the time.
Flemish - flamand colourist colorist silk merchant negustor de mtase shimmering schimbtoare whites tonuri de alb to settle in a se stabili n court painter pictor de curte to knight a face cavaler

Self Portrait

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