Anda di halaman 1dari 72


The Gospels of Thomas & Philip & Truth

Ecumenical Coptic Project
Printed IV.92, Uploaded I.98, Revised V.12


onder at w!at is present"#$The Traditions of t!e %postle Matt!ias


In &e'em(er of 19)* two M+slim ,g-ptian farmers, M+!ammad %l. al/0amm1n and !is (rot!er 2!al.fa!
%l., fo+nd over 1133 pages of an'ient pap-r+s man+s'ripts (+ried (- t!e east (l+ff of t!e +pper 4ile valle-. 5!e te6ts were translations from 7ree8 originals into 9opti', t!e :ellenisti' stage of t!e an'ient :amiti' lang+age of t!e P!arao!s ;7en 13<=>. 5!is diale't evolved after t!e invasion of %le6ander t!e 7reat in ??2 @9, and was s+(seA+entl- repla'ed (- %ra(i' as t!e ,g-ptian verna'+lar following t!e M+slim 'onA+est of =)3 %&. 9opti' was t!+s t!e tong+e of t!e primitive ,g-ptian 9!+r'!, and remains its lit+rgi'al lang+age +nto t!e present da-. 5!e site of t!is dis'over-, a'ross t!e river from t!e modern town of 4ag :ammadi, was alread- famo+s as t!e lo'ation 'alled in antiA+it- ;7oose/Past+re#>, w!ere in ?23 %& 0aint Pa'!omi+s fo+nded t!e earliest 9!ristian monaster-. Bess t!an a !alf/'ent+r- later in ?=C, t!e lo'al mon8s 'opied some )* diverse religio+s and p!ilosop!i'al writings$in'l+ding t!e 7ospels of 5!omas, P!ilip and 5r+t!, as well as part of Plato#s Republic ;*88%/*89@>$into a doDen leat!er/(o+nd 'odi'es. 5!is entire li(rar- was 'aref+ll- sealed in an +rn and !idden near(- among t!e ro'8s, w!ere it remained +ndete'ted for almost 1=33 -ears. 5!ese pap-ri, first seen (- s'!olars in Mar'! of 19)= ;Ea'A+es 0'!warD F 9!arles 2+entD, 9ode6 II, in a 9airo antiA+ities s!op>, !ave sin'e 19*2 (een preserved in t!e 9opti' M+se+m of Gld 9airo. 5!e earliest p!otograp!i' edition of t!e man+s'ript of t!e preeminentl- important 9ode6 II was edited (- &r Pa!or Ba(i( ;9airo< 7overnment %ntiA+ities &ept, 19*=>. 5!e a+t!or of t!e 7ospel of 5!omas is re'orded as 5!omas t!e %postle, one of t!e 5welve. 5!e te6t is a 'olle'tion of over one !+ndred sa-ings and s!ort dialog+es of t!e 0avior, wit!o+t an- 'onne'ting narrative. % few 9!ristian a+t!ors in antiA+it- A+oted one or anot!er of its logia as 0'ript+re$for e6ample 0a-ings 2/22/2C/?C (9lement of %le6andria ;circa 1*3/211 %&> in !is Stromata ;Patches>$(+t wit!o+t e6pli'it attri(+tion to 5!omas. 5!en 133 -ears ago at G6-r!-n'!+s in ,g-pt, t!ere were dis'overed a few fragments of w!at we now 8now to (e a prior 7ree8 version of 5!omas, data(le (- paleograp!- as follows< PapG6 1< 5! 2=/??/CC, 233 %&H PapG6 =*)1< 5! Prolog/C, 2*3 %&H PapG6 =**< 5! ?=/?9, 2*3 %& ;see @i(lio.13, (elow>. 5!e more re'ent dis'over- of t!e 0a!idi' ;0> 9opti' version of 5!omas !as finall- made t!is 7ospel availa(le in its entiret-. Iet f+rt!er eviden'e, s+'! as t!e as-ndeton in logion =, reveals an +nderl-ing 0emiti' so+r'e do'+ment ;see 7+illamont, Modern 0'!olarl- 9omments>. %s indi'ated in t!e press release reprinted (elow, almost all (i(li'al s'!olars w!o !ave (een st+d-ing t!is do'+ment sin'e its first p+(li'ation !ave now 'on'l+ded t!at 5!omas s!o+ld (e a''epted as an authentic fifth Gospel, of an a+t!orit- parallel to Eo!n and t!e 0-nopti's. It is parti'+/ larl- to (e noted t!at several of t!e logia in 5!omas ;12/2)/28/?C> are evidentl- post-resurrection sa-ings. 5!e 7ospel of P!ilip$as 'an (e inferred from its entries *1/82/98/131/1?C$was 'omposed at least in part after C3 %& (- P!ilip 'alled t!e ,vangelist ; not t!e %postle>, w!o appears in t!e @oo8 of %'ts at =<1/=/8<)/)3/

Gn displa- in t!e Eo!n Rit(lat 7aller- of t!e new @ritis! Bi(rar- at 0t Pan'ras, Bondon.

21<8/1). 5!ere is no 8nown previo+s referen'e to or 'itation of t!is 'omple6 s'ript+re, w!i'! is a 0a!idi' trans/ lation of an elegant series of refle'tions on t!e %(ra!ami' tradition, on Israel and t!e ;in'arnate> Messia!, w!ilst ela(orating a metap!-si' of 0pirit+al Idealism. 5!e 7ospel of 5r+t! was 'omposed in a(o+t 1*3 %& (- Valentine, t!e famo+s saint of %le6andria ;(orn ca 133 %&>. % 'ontin+o+s interwoven meditation on t!e Bogos, it was s'ar'el- mentioned in antiA+it-$and +ntil its dis'over- at 4ag :ammadi ;in t!e 0+(a8!mimi' diale't, %J>, not even a p!rase from t!is no(le 'omposition was 8nown to !ave s+rvived. ;% preliminar- version of anot!er e6traordinar- te6t from t!e 4ag :ammadi li(rar-, w!i'! ma- also (e (- Valentine<'-.!tml.> In t!e earl- -ears following t!e dis'over- of t!ese do'+ments, and (efore t!e- 'o+ld (e given s+ffi'ientl'aref+l s'r+tin- (- s'!olars, it was 'ommonpla'e for t!em 'olle'tivel- to (e la(eled gnosti'# ;see e.g. 7rant F Kreedman L19=3M, in Modern 0'!olarl- 9omments>. 5!is !as alwa-s (een a generi' term for t!e Mediterranean mi6t+re of anti/sensor- m-ster- '+lts of t!e earl- 'ent+ries %&. 7nosti'ism#$w!et!er oriental, platoni', m-ster-/religion or t!eosop!i'al$(- definition 'onsiders t!e per'epti(le +niverse, in'l+ding o+r own in'arnate lives as well as all !+man !istor-, @i(li'al or ot!erwise, to (e inherently illusory and/or malignant. Gn t!e ot!er !and, t!e +neA+ivo'al view in t!e Gld 5estament and t!e 'anoni'al 7ospels is t!at t!is +niverse is neit!er +nreal nor evil, (+t rat!er divinely created and good< so, among 'o+ntless e6amples, 7en 1<?1 ;ever-t!ing t!at :e !ad made ... was ver- good#> and B8 2)<?9 ;fles! and (ones as ... I !ave#>. It is most +nfort+nate t!at all of t!e diverse 4ag :ammadi writings !ave (een so 'ommonl- des'ri(ed as gnosti' do'+ments. 9aref+l investigation s!ows A+ite 'learl- t!at neit!er 5!omas nor P!ilip nor t!e 7ospel of 5r+t! is at all gnosti' in 'ontent, as t!e- ea'! e6pli'itl- affirm t!e sa'red realit- of !+man in'arnation in its !istori' am(ian'e ;see 9omm.1, (elow>. 5!e 4ew 5estament 'anons of t!e estern ;9at!oli'/Protestant>, ,astern Grt!odo6, 9opti', %rmenian, ,t!iopian and 0-rian/4estorian 9!+r'!es all differ signifi'antl- from one anot!er$and even t!ese were +nder disp+te wit!in t!e vario+s (ran'!es of 9!ristianit- +ntil man- 'ent+ries %&H previo+sl- t!ere were onl- wideldiverse opinions re'orded (- vario+s individ+als well after t!e %postoli' era, regarding not onl- toda-#s 'om/ monl- a''epted wor8s (+t also s+'! writings as t!e ,pistle of @arna(as, t!e 0!ep!erd of :ermas, t!e 7ospel of t!e ,g-ptians, t!e 7ospel of t!e :e(rews ;in w!i'! 9!rist 'alls t!e 0a'red 0pirit !is Mot!er>, t!e 5raditions of Matt!ias, t!e %po'al-pse of Peter, t!e &ida8!N, and t!e %'ts of Pa+l. 5!+s t!e 9ode6 0inaiti'+s of t!e mid/)t! 'ent+r- in'l+des (ot! @arna(as and t!e 0!ep!erd of :ermas, w!ile t!e 9ode6 %le6andrin+s of t!e earl- *t! 'ent+r- 'ontains I and II 9lement as well as t!e Psalms of 0olomon. 5!ere was no '!+r'! 'o+n'il regarding t!e 45 'anon +ntil t!e 0-nod of Baodi'ea ;?=? %&>, w!i'! indeed reOe'ted Eo!n#s %po'al-pse or @oo8 of Revelation. 5welve 'ent+ries later ;">, t!e estern 9anon was finall- settled (- t!e 9o+n'il of 5rent ;1*)= %&>, w!i'! designated t!e present 2C/(oo8 listing as an arti'le of Roman 9at!oli' fait! ;alt!o+g! epis'opal 'o+n'ils !ave wisel- never 'laimed to (e infalli(leH t!e vote at 5rent was 2) to 1*, wit! 1= a(stentions$as if t!e original %postoli' 9omm+nit- !ad (een a demo'ra'- rat!er t!an a kingdom1>H t!is listing was s+(seA+entl- a''epted (t!e vario+s Protestant se'ts. 5!e s+ndr- ,astern 9!+r'!es !ave eA+all- 'omple6 re'ords on esta(lis!ing t!eir respe'tive 45 'anons< t!+s, t!e %rmenian 'anon in'l+des a Pa+line III 9orint!iansH t!e 9opti' 45 'ontains IPII 9lementH t!e 0-rian/4estorian Pes!itta e6'l+des IIPIII Eo!n, E+de, and Rev/%pH and t!e ,t!iopian @i(le adds (oo8s 'alled t!e 0.nodos, t!e ,pistle of Peter to 9lement, t!e @oo8 of t!e 9ovenant, and t!e &idas'alia. ;see @i(lio.2*> 4ota(l-, !owever, t!e 7ospels of 5!omas, P!ilip and 5r+t! were evidentl- not 8nown to an- of t!ose traditions at t!e time of t!eir attempts at esta(lis!ing a 45 'anon, never (eing so m+'! as mentioned in t!eir protra'ted deli(erations$and !en'e were never even +nder 'onsideration for in'l+sion in t!eir respe'tive listings. In an- 'ase, t!e 'on'ept of a 'anon was 'ertainl- never intended to e6'l+de t!e possi(le inspiration of ans+(seA+ent te6t+al dis'overies or isolated agrap!a ;B8 1<1, En 21<2*>. Pre'isel- w!at transpired d+ring t!e first ?Q 'ent+ries %&, prior to t!e earliest e''lesiasti'al attempts at forming a 'anon, is notorio+sl- o(s'+re, as t!e original 7ospel Messiani's were event+all- s+pplanted (- t!e Pa+line 9!ristians# ;%' 11<2*/2=>. 5!+s t!e ,pistle of @arna(as ;late first 'ent+r-> remains +na'A+ainted wit! t!e !istori'al 7ospels, w!ereas E+stin Mart-r ;mid/se'ond 'ent+r-> s!ows no awareness of Pa+l#s writings$indi/ 'ating an ongoing s'!ism (etween t!e Petrine and t!e Pa+line traditions. 9lement of %le6andria and Irenae+s of

5!e %postles did not '!oose Is'ariot#s s+''essor ;%' 1<12/2=> (- maOorit- vote$m+'! less a divided one, w!i'! wo+ld seem a(s+rd in t!e 'onte6t$(+t rat!er (- drawing lots to as'ertain t!e divine will. %re we to s+ppose t!at onl- t!e pl+ralitof 2) w!o prevailed at 5rent were inspired, w!ereas t!e ?1 opposed or a(staining la'8ed !eavenl- g+idan'eR !- not t!e reverse 'on'l+sion, reOe'ting t!e proposed 'anon, sin'e t!e overall maOorit- were not in favorR

B-on, at t!e end of t!e se'ond 'ent+r-, are t!e first a+t!ors e6pli'itl- to A+ote from (ot! t!e 7ospels and from Pa+l. I !ave attempted to anal-De t!e (asis of t!is rift in 5!e Pa+l Parado6#, 9omm.*. ,ssential reading on t!at formative period is alter @a+er#s pioneering st+d-, Orthodoxy and eresy in !arliest "hristianity ;19?)H !ttp<// ''!+mm/Reso+r'es/@a+er>. 5!e s+(seA+ent divisions wit!in Pa+line 9!ristianit- ma- (e s+mmariDed as follows. 5!e Oriental Orthodox Patriar'!s of %le6andria, %ntio'! and Eer+salem, as well as man- ot!er ,astern ,lders, ref+sed to a''ept t!e new do'trine of 9!rist#s two nat+res# ;!+man and divine>, de'reed (- t!e 9o+n'il of 9!al'edon in )*1 %&H t!ere+pon t!e Griental Grt!odo6 9!+r'!es separated from t!e !astern Orthodox and t!e Roman "atholic 9!+r'!es. 0everal 'ent+ries later, in 13*) %&, t!e latter two in t+rn separated from one anot!er, in t!e filioA+e 'la+se# s'!ism ;see 9omm.2>. 5!en, starting in t!e earl- SVI 'ent+r-, t!e Protestant 9!+r'!es (egan s+(dividing off from t!e Roman 9at!oli' !ierar'!-. 5!e Oriental Orthodox 9!+r'!es toda- in'l+de t!e 9opti', t!e %rmenian, t!e 0-ria', t!e ,t!iopian, t!e ,ritrean, and t!e 5!omasite Malan8ara of India. 5!e- are referred to (- o+tsiders as mono/ p!-site# ;single nat+re#>H !owever, t!e- t!emselves des'ri(e t!eir 9!ristolog- as miap!-site# ;+nified nat+re#>. In !is prolog+e, Eos!+a (en 0ira'! ;II/'ent+r- @9> wrote an appropriate slogan for an- 'ompara(le wor8 of translation< !at was originall- e6pressed in :e(rew does not !ave e6a'tl- t!e same meaning w!en translated into anot!er lang+age.# it! s+'! admonition in mind, I !ave prepared t!e following versions as literall- and as l-ri'all- as I 'o+ld. :istori'all- t!e- !ave passed from %ramai' ;in t!e 'ase of 5!omas> t!r+ 7ree8 ;P!ilip and 5r+t!> to 9opti' and onl- t!en to ,nglis!" 5!e 'omple6 pro'ess of interpreting s+'! an'ient do'+ments !as (een well s+mmariDed (- Eo!n R. &ona!+e 0E< 5!e ,nglis! term te6t# is from t!e Batin texere, meaning to weave#. % te6t is an interwoven networ8 of meanings t!at gives rise to t!e !ermene+ti'al 'ir'le#H t!at is, t!e meaning of a te6t m+st (e determined as a w!ole, (+t st+d- of t!e individ+al parts is ne'essar- to arrive at t!e meaning of t!e w!ole. Reading te6ts involves an e6panding 'onte6t+al anal-sis#, in w!i'! one st+dies t!e immediate 'onte6t of a passage, w!at follows or pre'edes its immediate 'onte6t, and t!e larger 'onte6t of t!e do'+ment as a w!ole. 1 $and indeed, regarding t!e 9opti' 7ospels, t!is larger 'onte6t m+st in'l+de t!e 'anoni'al s'ript+res t!emselves ;see t!e inn+mera(le parallels to (ot! t!e G5 and 45 noted t!r+o+t>. %n- grammati'al irreg+larities en'o+ntered in t!e translations are in t!e 9opti' te6t itself ;e.g. t!e ver( tenses in 5! =)>. Pla+si(le te6t+al re'onstr+'tions are in L(ra'8etsM, w!ile editorial additions are in ;parent!eses>. L...M# indi'ates pla'es w!ere it is not possi(le to interpolate t!e deterioration of t!e pap-r+s man+s'ript. 5!e 7ree8 G6-r!-n'!+s variants to 5!omas are wit!in T(ra'esU. %s disting+is!ing t!e se'ond/person sing+lar from t!e pl+ral is essential to t!e sense, -o+# and its 'ognates will represent t!e pl+ral, t!o+# and its 'ognates t!e sing+lar ;(+t generall- wit! t!e modern ver(/form$a O+stifia(le !-(rid, I (elieve>. 0'!olia footnotes to ea'! indi/ vid+al logion are indi'ated (- s+pers'ript letters a, t!ose at t!e end of t!e '+rrent te6t wit! a 'ir'leV. 5!e s'ript+ral 'ross/referen'es listed are essential to an +nderstanding of t!e sa-ing in its (i(li'al 'onte6t, and t!e reader is +rged to refer to t!em in ever- 'aseH e6pli'it parallels to 5!omas in t!e 0-nopti's are separatel- mar8ed wit! an eA+al signW, to spare t!e reader loo8ing +p w!at is alread- well/8nown. In antiA+it-, of 'o+rse, t!ere were no lower/'ase letters, and t!+s in order to represent t!e :e(rew, 7ree8 and 9opti' s'ripts I !ave not !ere +sed t!eir s+(/seA+ent '+rsive letters (+t rat!er t!eir 'lassi' forms, w!i'! are easier for t!e non/s'!olar to read. In t+rn, in translating s+'! an'ient te6ts to modern lang+ages, it is virt+all- impossi(le to 'apitaliDe in a 'onsistent and adeA+ate mannerH I as8 t!e reader#s ind+lgen'e in t!is regard. 5!r+o+t, P...# represents paragrap! n+m(ers in Pl+mle-#s Grammar, 9...# are page n+m(ers in 9r+m#s #ictionary ;@i(lio.*P=>. I !ave also in'l+ded, in t!e footnotes to t!e individ+al logia, o''asional A+otations from eminent persons a'ross t!e 'ent+ries w!o !ave e6pressed a related idea. In some s+'! 'ases$(+t not all$t!is similarit- is dire'tld+e to t!e infl+en'e of a parallel 'anoni'al te6t. @+t in ea'! instan'e a 'larif-ing insig!t is provided into t!e meaning of t!e sa-ing, giving a t!o+g!tf+l reform+lation of its essential 'ontent (- a notewort!- person in anot!er 'onte6t. In pla'e of t!e 7ree8 form, Ees+s ; >, I !ave +sed t!e original %ramai'< Ies!+a ; (w#y>, meaning Ia!we! 0avior#, i.e. :e/Is 0avior# ;P! 23a>. :-p!enated I/%m# represents t!e divine self/naming from ,6 ?<1)< :e(rew hyh) ;ahyh>, 7ree8 , 9opti' anok pe ;5! 1?H P?3=>. Bastl-, I !ave appended five essa-s as 'ommentar-< ; 1> %re t!e 9opti' 7ospels 7nosti'R#, a formal demon/

7+idelines for Reading and Interpretation#, The $e% &nterpreter's Study (ible ;4as!ville< %(ingdon, 233?>.

stration t!at t!e- 'annot (e so 'ategoriDedH ; > 5!e Maternal 0pirit#, re t!e feminine gender in t!e 0emiti' lan/ g+ages of #dqh xwr Lr)akh ha-*+desh, 0pirit t!e/:ol-MH ;!> 5!eogenesis#, on t!e intimation in P!ilip t!at t!e original !+man transgression 'onsisted in 'laiming to prod+'e '!ildren, rat!er t!an a''epting t!em as (egotten (7od aloneH ;"> %ngel, image and 0-m(ol#, regarding t!ese t!ree primar- 'on'epts as fo+nd in t!e new s'ript+res, toget!er wit! t!eir +nderl-ing metap!-si'al framewor8 of an apparent 0pirit+al IdealismH and ; #> 5!e Pa+l Parado6#, a p!ilosop!i'al anal-sis of t!e evident dis'repan'ies (etween t!e 7ospels and t!e t!eolog- of 0a+l of 5ars+s, toget!er wit! a s+rve- of similar 'ritiA+es (- man- preeminent individ+als a'ross t!e 'ent+ries. In sear'!ing o+t t!e sense of t!ese new writings, I !ave !ad t!e (enefit of e6tended 'onversations a'ross t!e -ears wit! man- friends and 'olleag+es, espe'iall- Ro(ert 0'!apiro, 9!ristina esson, 9ros(- @rown, B+D 7ar'.a and Pedro 9!amiDo. M- long/term t!an8s are also d+e to two of m- +ndergrad+ate instr+'tors< t!e poet Ro(ert Krost, for !is advi'e to parta8e onl- in w!at is %orthy of one#s timeH and Prof illiam ,. 2enni'8, for !is e6ample of t!e !ig!est standards in p!ilosop!i'al anal-sis. 5o @ertrand R+ssell, w!ile I was st+d-ing in Bondon and !ad t!e opport+nit- to demonstrate wit! !im in t!e 9ampaign for 4+'lear &isarmament, I am inde(ted for !is fearless e6ample in 'onfronting t!e ,sta(lis!ment$w!et!er politi'al, militar- or religio+s$for t!e sa8e of t!e tr+t!. M+'! of t!e present edition was prepared w!ile I was a g+est of n+mero+s +niversities (ot! state and private, as well as seminaries and religio+s 'omm+nities (ot! 9at!oli' and Protestant, t!r+o+t Batin %meri'aH and also of t!e fa'+lties of p!ilosop!-, of ort!odo6 t!eolog- and of informati's at t!e Universit- of %t!ens$for t!eir fraternal !ospitalit- I am profo+ndl- gratef+l. Internet te'!ni'al advi'e !as (een 8indl- provided (- Ioannis 7eorgiadis of t!e %t!ens Universit- 9omp+ter 9enter. 5!e 'anoni'al 7ospels m+st (e t!e paradigm in assessing an- newl-/dis'overed 7ospel#. 5!at is to sa-, o+r 'riteria for eval+ating s+'! a te6t m+st (e (ot! its internal 'onsisten'- wit!, and its e6ternal provenan'e relative to, t!e fo+r te6ts w!i'! provide t!e ostensive definition 1 of t!e ver- term 7ospel# to (egin wit!. 0o< are 5!omas, P!ilip and Valentine t!eologi'all- !armonio+s wit! t!e 0-nopti's and Eo!nR &o t!e- all 'ome from t!e same general !istori' 'onte6t and ar'!aeologi'al am(ian'e in antiA+it-R %re t!e new te6ts, +pon anal-sis, (ot! 'on'ept+all- and empiri'all- 'o!erent wit! t!e fo+r 'anoni'al 7ospelsR &o t!e-, all in all, seem to (e of the same ,ogosR 0+ffi'ientl- 'aref+l s'r+tin-, I !ave 'on'l+ded, -ields an affirmative answer to all of t!ese A+estions. 5!+s t!e intent of t!is present edition, toget!er wit! t!e online 9opti' te6ts, di'tionar- and grammar ;@i(lio.1>, is to provide t!e reader wit! t!e reso+r'es to 'arr- o+t a t!oro+g! assessment of t!ese e6traordinar- s'ript+res for !im/ !erself. It !as often (een s+ggested t!at t!ese new writings are (asi'all- concoctions prod+'ed (- a series of +n/ 8nown some(odies long after t!e events t!e- p+rport to 'on'ern. :owever, the simplest explanation !ere ;(illiam of G'8!am#s famo+s Prin'iple of ,'onom-< ,ntities s!o+ld not (e m+ltiplied +nne'essaril-#> is not lengt!- oral tradition followed (- n+mero+s written reda'tionsH t!e simplest e6planation is rat!er t!at t!ese t!ree s'ript+res were 'omposed (- t!e %postle 5!omas, P!ilip t!e ,vangelist and Valentine of %le6andria, and 'ome to +s (asi'all- inta't and well translated from t!e original lang+ages into 9opti'. There is absolutely no reason to propose a more complex hypothesis here . %nd so, following t!e e6ample of %ristotle#s -etaphysics ;as later titled (- %ndroni'+s of R!odes>, I !ave 'alled t!is 'olle'tion of new s'ript+res Metalogos#$t!at is, More Bogos#. p.ixqus 5.euxaristou.k" $5!omas Paterson @rown, @% ;%m!erst>, P!& ;Bondon> Ba %ntig+a 7+atemala, ,aster ee8 2312

1. 5!e !-perte6t version of t!is edition, toget!er wit! t!e 0panis! and Modern 7ree8 versions, f+ll- inter/lin8ed wit! t!e ne'essar- translation reso+r'es ;9opti' te6ts, grammar, di'tionar->< . P!otograp!i' editions of t!e 'omplete pap-r+s man+s'ripts !ave (een p+(lis!ed (- U4,09G in 'onO+n'tion wit! t!e ,g-ptian 7overnment, +nder t!e editors!ip of Eames M. Ro(inson et alia< The .acsimile !dition of the $ag ammadi "odices ;9ode6 I F 9ode6 II>, Beiden< ,.E. @rill ;www.(>, 19CC F 19C)H 5!e 7ospel of 5r+t! is in 9ode6 I, 5!omas ;s'an online<!Ys'an.!tml> and P!ilip are in 9ode6 II. !. 5!ere is a 'omplete (i(liograp!- regarding t!e new 9opti' te6ts< &avid 0'!oler, $ag ammadi (ibliography /012/003 ;Beiden< ,.E. @rill, 199C>H also listed ann+all- 19C3 ff. in t!e Oo+rnal $ovum Testamentum$as of 233), t!is listing !ad

Gstensive definition#< defining a term (- indi'ating an e6emplar- or paradigmati' referent.

rea'!ed 13=2= separate titles. 0ee t!e immense online Gospel of Thomas (ibliography< www.agrap!os.'om/t!omas/ (i(liograp!- ;(- 0-tDe van der Baan>. ". 5!e entire 'olle'tion of some )* titles ;in'l+ding a wide diversit- of period religio+s writings> is availa(le in a pop+/ lariDed edition< Eames M. Ro(inson and Marvin Me-er, eds., The $ag ammadi ,ibrary in !nglish ;0an Kran'is'o< :arper and Row, 19CC, 1988Z wit! Ri'!ard 0mit!>. #. Kor t!e grammati'al str+'t+re of t!e 9opti' lang+age, I !ave +sed t!e 'ompre!ensive &ntroductory "optic Grammar ;(- Eo!n Martin Pl+mle-, s+(seA+entl- Professor of ,g-ptolog- at t!e Universit- of 9am(ridge>, Bondon< :ome F Van 5!al, 19)8H p!oto'opied in 198C (- Ro(ert Mi'!ael 0'!apiro at t!e Mt 0'op+s Bi(rar- of t!e :e(rew Universit-, Eer+salemH t!is a+t!oritative (+t rare mimeograp!ed so+r'e(oo8 of t!e 0a!idi' diale't is now on/line in (ot! :5MB and P&K formats<!tml. '. 5!e indispensa(le standard le6i'on is< alter ,wing 9r+m, 4 "optic #ictionary ;G6ford< 5!e Universit- Press, 19?9H reprinted 2333 (- 0andpiper @oo8s Btd, Bondon ;www.sandpiper.'o.+8> F Powells @oo8s, 9!i'ago ;www.powells. 'om>H online in gif and dOv+ formats<'r+m.!tmlH note t!at t!is mon+mental wor8 is alp!a(etiDed pri/ maril- (- 'onsonants and onl- se'ondaril- (- vowelsH 9opti' is a partl- aggl+tinative lang+age 1, +tiliDing a 'omple6 s-stem of morp!ologi'al and s-nta'ti'al prefi6es and s+ffi6es w!i'! m+st (e s+(/tra'ted in order to identif- t!e root termH for e6ample tn-nan-nhuebol[ ebol ;P199a, 9219(/3?)a< we.s!all.'ome fort!#>. (. Kor m- translation of 5!omas, I !ave +tiliDed t!e +ns+rpassed first edition of t!e 9opti' wit! line/(-/line ,nglis!, Kren'!, 7erman and &+t'! translations, as p+(lis!ed in< The Gospel according to Thomas ;edited (- %n/toine 7+illa+mont, :enri/9!arles P+e'!, 7illes \+ispel, alter 5ill F Iassa! %(d al/Masi!>, Beiden< ,.E. @rillH 4ew Ior8< :arper F @ro/ t!ersH Bondon< 9ollins, 19*9H online<'opti'Yt!omas.!tml. ). 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas we(site, wit! man- lin8s<]miser1C/5!omas.!tmlH maintained (- 0tevan &avies. *. 5!ere is now a most +sef+l interlinear 9opti'/,nglis! edition of 5!omas online< www.gospel/t! !tm ;edited (- Mi'!ael 7rondin, w!o also maintains t!e s'!olarl- online g5!omas e7ro+p< !ttp<//gro+ps.-a!oo.'om/gro+p/ gt!omas>. 1+. 5!e prior 7ree8 fragments of 5!omas, w!i'! var- signifi'antl- from t!e 9opti' version< @ernard 7renfell, B+'&re6el and %rt!+r :+nt, $e% Sayings of 5esus and .ragment of a ,ost Gospel from Oxyrhynchus ;G6ford Universit- Press, Bondon< :enr- Krowde, 193)>H availa(le online at %ndrew @ern!ard#s important 7ospel of 5!omas Reso+r'e 9enter< www.!omas. 11. % well/ill+strated and most informative !istori'al a''o+nt and anal-sis< :elm+t 2oester F 0tep!en Patterson, ^5!e 7ospel of 5!omas< &oes It 9ontain %+t!enti' 0a-ings of Ees+sR_, (ible Revie%, IV.1993 ;www.eas-''arts/(i(/ar'!/ @RY@a'8YIss+esY1993.!tml>. 1 . 5!e standard s'!olarl- edition of 5!omas and P!ilip, wit! an'illar- materials, 'riti'al 9opti' te6t, ,nglis! trans/ lation and f+ll- inde6ed 9opti' and 7ree8 glossaries< @entle- Ba-ton, ed., $ag ammadi "odex &&, vol+me I ;Beiden< ,.E. @rill, 1989>H t!is long/awaited edition +nfort+natel- appeared too late for m- own +se in preparing t!e present te6t. 1!. I !ave (ased m- translation of P!ilip on t!e 9opti' te6t, ampl- annotated wit! f+ll- inde6ed glossaries< #as !vangelium nach Philippos ;edited and translated (- alter 5ill>, @erlin< alter &e 7r+-ter ;www.>, 19=?H online<!tmlH a+t!or of t!e s+''in't (+t definitive 6optische #ia-lektgrammatik ;199)>, 5ill !as done +s t!e inestima(le servi'e of parsing t!e 9opti' te6t, so t!at e.g. t!e 'ontin+o+s man+s'ript line 133.2* ;from logion C> netsite6n-tprw4auws66m-p4wm is de'ip!ered as 6n- t.prw 4a.u.ws6 6m- p.4wm, and is t!+s readil- interpreted as t!ose/w!o.sow in t!e.winter habitually.t!e-.reap in t!e.s+mmer#. 1". % s+perlative ,nglis! edition of t!e 7ospel of 5r+t!, e6tensivel- annotated wit! an e6pansive introd+'tor- essa-< The Gospel of Truth7 4 8alentinian -editation on the Gospel ;edited and translated (- 2endri'8 7ro(el>, 4ew Ior8< %(ing/ don PressH Bondon< @la'8, 19=3H online<!tmlH see Modern 0'!olarl- 9omments, (elow. 1#. I (ased m- translation of t!e 7ospel of 5r+t! on t!e standard s'!olarl- edition, wit! introd+'tion, 9opti' te6t, ,nglis! translation, 'opio+s notes and f+ll-/inde6ed glossaries< :arold . %ttridge, $ag ammadi "odex &, two vol+mes ;Beiden< ,.E. @rill, 198*>. 1'. 5!e (est 7ree8/,nglis! interlinear and le6i'on of t!e 4ew 5estament 'anon, wit! s+per/linear te6t+al variants and s+(/linear +ltra/literal translation< %dolp! ,rnst 2no'!, "oncordant Greek Text and The Greek !lements ;0anta 9larita, 9%< 9on'ordant P+(lis!ing 9on'ern, 19C*)H www.'on'ordant.orgH sample page<'!.gif>. 1(. % wor8 of e6traordinar- (readt! and insig!t regarding t!e (asi' parameters of @i(li'al metap!-si's, as 'ontrasted wit! 7ree8 and estern< 9la+de 5resmontant, 4 Study of ebre% Thought ;4ew Ior8, 5o+rnai, Paris, Rome< &es'lee 9om/ pan-, 19=3>H see %ngel, Image and 0-m(ol#.

%.5. Ro(ertson, 4 Grammar of the Greek $e% Testament in the ,ight of istorical Research , II.?.( ;1919Z, in'l+ded in `2?>< 9om/ parative grammarians spea8 of isolating, aggl+tinative and infle'tional lang+ages. In t!e isolating tong+es li8e t!e 9!inese,... t!e words !ave no infle'tion and t!e position in t!e senten'e and t!e tone in pron+n'iation are relied on for 'learness of meaning.... 4gglutinative tong+es Ls+'! as 9opti'M ... e6press t!e vario+s grammati'al relations (- n+mero+s separa(le prefi6es, infi6es and s+ffi6es. LInM inflectional lang+ages,... w!ile a distin'tion is made (etween t!e stem and t!e infle'tional endings, t!e stems and t!e endings do not e6ist apart from ea'! ot!er. 5!ere are two great families in t!e infle'tional gro+p, t!e 0emiti' ... and t!e Indo/,+ropean.#

1). 5!e :istor- of t!e 9opti' Bang+age# ;(- :an- 4. 5a8la>< www.sts!eno+da.'om/'optlang/'opt!ist.!tm. 1*. 5!e magisterial Biddell/0'ott/Eones/M'2enDie Greek ,exicon< www.perse+s.t+fts.ed+H in'l+ded in `2?. +. ,ssential in 4ew 5estament st+dies 4estle/%land, $ovum Testamentum Graece ;0t+ttgart< &e+ts'!e @i(elgesell/ s'!aft, 19C9 ff.>H www.+(s/translations.orgH in'l+ded in `2?. 1. % leading e6ample of t!e in'reasing n+m(er of t!eologi'al reso+r'es and lin8s on t!e 4et< 5!e 4ew 5estament 7atewa-, www.ntgatewa-.'om ;maintained (- Mar8 7ooda're>. . I !ave added a n+m(er of parallels to t!e splendid Eames 9!arleswort!, trans., Odes of Solomon, a first/'ent+rMessiani' te6t in Gld 0-ria' dis'overed in 1939H online< www.earl-'!ristianwritings.'om/odes.!tml. !. %n inval+a(le 'olle'tion of t!e most important editions of t!e @i(li'al s'ript+res in t!e original :e(rew, %ramai' or 7ree8, f+ll- interlin8ed wit! translations into 2* modern lang+ages pl+s man- of t!e foremost referen'e wor8s, all integrated into advan'ed programs for te6t+al resear'!, is availa(le on a 9& or &V& set from< www.(i(lewor8s.'omH 4@ t!e older (+t perfe'tl- adeA+ate edition (ible9orks : is availa(le for onl- a13 pl+s postage. ". % splendid we(site of earl- 9!ristian writings< www.earl-'!ristianwritings.'om ;maintained (- Peter 2ir(->. #. Gn t!e formation of t!e 4ew 5estament 'anon, see @r+'e M. MetDger, The "anon of the $e% Testament ;G6ford< 9larendon Press, 198C>. '. 5!e five 7ospels of Matt!ew, Mar8, B+8e, Eo!n and 5!omas in interlin8ed parallel la-o+t< Eo!n . Mars!all, ed., &epartment of Religion, Universit- of 5oronto< www.+toronto.'a/religion/s-nopsis/meta/*g.!tm. (. % definitive anal-sis of t!e =1? r+les of t!e 5ora!< %(ra!am 9!ill, The -it;vot< The "ommandments and Their Rationale ;Eer+salem< Urim P+(li'ations, www.+rimp+(li'ations.'om, 2333J>. ). % most +sef+l reso+r'e regarding %n'ient ,g-ptian '+lt+re and !ierogl-p!i's< www.Oimlo-.'om/eg-pt/eg-pt.!tm.

,-I-T. G/0PE12 T.3/40 1IG.T /5 067I5G0 /- 8E090 &arrell 5+rner, Religion 4ews 0ervi'e, 4ew Ior8 2C.SII.91 ;`1*C39> ;R40> %n an'ient do'+ment 'omposed of sa-ings of Ees+s !as generated a re'ent spate of s'!olarl- arti'les, along wit! strongl- !eld opinions t!at t!e do'+ment, 8nown as t!e 7ospel of 5!omas, deserves a m+'! wider a+dien'e. %''ording to s'!olars, t!e 11) A+otations in t!e 7ospel of 5!omas are as val+a(le as Matt!ew, Mar8, B+8e and Eo!n for gaining +nderstanding of t!e man 9!ristians wors!ip as Messia!. In a re'ent telep!one inter/view, :elm+t 2oester of :arvard &ivinit- 0'!ool, t!e new president of t!e 0o'iet- of @i(li'al Biterat+re ;U0%>, said nearly all biblical scholars in the <nited States agree that Thomas is as authentic as the $e% Testament Gospels= In an arti'le t!at appeared in (ible Revie% in %pril 1993, 2oester and !is 'o/a+t!or 0tep!en E. Patterson wrote, t!e 7ospel of 5!omas m+st (e given eA+al weig!t wit! t!e 'anoni'al 7ospels# in an- effort to re'onstr+'t t!e (eginnings of 9!ristianit-. Iet, despite e6'itement over t!e wor8 for several de'ades, no(od-#s !eard of it e6'ept t!e s'!olars,# sa-s Paterson @rown, a former professor of t!e p!ilosop!- of religion w!o !as written on 5!omas for t!e Oo+rnal $ovum Testamentum.1 5!omas was dis'overed in 19)* in ,g-pt along wit! more t!an *3 ot!er an'ient 9!ristian, Eewis! and pagan wor8s t!at ma8e +p a 'olle'tion 8nown as t!e 4ag :ammadi Bi(rar-. 5!e do'+ments, w!i'! date from t!e )t! 'ent+r- @9 to t!e )t! 'ent+r- %&, were written in 9opti', t!e lang+age of earl- ,g-ptian 9!ristians. 5!e li(rar-, in'l+ding 5!omas, !as (een translated into ,nglis! and p+(lis!ed in several s'!olarl- editions. @+t man- s'!olars feel t!at 5!omas s!o+ld (e made availa(le in a separate vol+me. I t!in8 it#s +rgent t!at 5!omas (e p+(lis!ed alone in a paper(a'8 edition,# said @rown. Unli8e t!e ot!er 4ag :ammadi vol+mes, 5!omas 'ontains tea'!ings of Ees+s, w!i'! s'!olars (elieve wo+ld (e parti'+larl- val+a(le for 9!ristian readers. Man- st+dents of t!e 7ospel of 5!omas (elieve t!at its material is potentiall- of more interest to t!e general p+(li' t!an t!e m+'!/(all-!ooed &ead 0ea 0'rolls$e6'ept t!at it is not as well 8nown. Man- A+otations re'orded in 5!omas are similar to t!ose in t!e 7ospels t!at ma8e +p w!at is 8nown as t!e 4ew 5estament 'anon$t!e writings of t!e earl- '!+r'! t!at event+all- 'ame to (e a''epted as a+t!enti' and a+t!oritative te6ts for all 9!ristians. Kor e6ample, 0a-ing 93 in 5!omas, 9ome +nto me, for m- -o8e is eas- and m- lords!ip is mild, and -o+ will find repose for -o+rselves,# (ears strong resem(lan'e to a familiar passage in Matt!ew 11<28/?3.

Modern 0cholarl& Comments .enr& $arcla& 0wete, 5!e G6-r!-n'!+s Kragment LPapG6 1M# ;le't+re delivered to t!e 0+mmer Meeting of 9lerg-, t!e Universit- of 9am(ridge, 29 E+l- 189CH !ttp<//!'.'om/r'.vervoorn/swete/art1).!tml>< 5!e site of G6-r!-n/ '!+s ... in 9!ristian times ... a'A+ired a rep+tation as a strong!old of ,g-ptian monasti'ism.... 5!e are t!e ora/

Paterson @rown, 5!e 0a((at! and t!e sa((at!.gif

ee8 in 5!omas 2C#, $ovum Testamentum, 1992H

'les of Ees+s, or sa-ings in w!i'! :e reveals t!e &ivine will. 5!e (oo8 (ears, I t!in8, manifest to8ens of its 'laim to possess t!is '!ara'ter. It was written in t!e form of a 'ode6, on leaves, not in s+''essive 'ol+mns on a roll$a form w!i'! seems to !ave (een reserved among 9!ristians for sa'red or e''lesiasti'al (oo8s. ,a'! sa-ing (egins wit! a form+la w!i'! indi'ates its ora'+lar a+t!orit-.... 5!e reason w!- L6 sa-s# in t!e present tenseM is appropriate, is t!at we !ave (efore +s a fragment of a 'olle'tion of sa-ings w!i'! p+rport to (e , living ora'les of t!e living Bord.... 5!ere is a tr+e 9!ristian 7nosis !ere, (+t no 7nosti'ism.... 5!ere is no 'lear eviden'e of dependen'e on an- of o+r present 7ospels.... 4evert!eless, t!e 7ree8 !as, I t!in8, t!e tr+e ring of t!e evangeli'al st-le. It is marvelo+sl- simple and 'lear.... ,ver-t!ing in t!is present fragment points to t!e simple Palestinian 7ree8 of (iling+al Eews, a''+stomed to render word for word t!e memoirs of t!e original !earers of t!e Bord. I do+(t if t!e se'ond 'ent+r- or t!e soil of ,g-pt 'o+ld !ave prod+'ed an-t!ing of t!e 8ind.... I find it diffi'+lt to (elieve, O+dging from t!e form in w!i'! t!e- are 'ast, t!at an- of t!ese sa-ings are later in t!eir origin t!an t!e first 'ent+r-, or t!at t!e 'olle'tion w!i'! 'ontained t!em was p+t toget!er after o+r 'anoni'al 7ospels 'ame into general +se. @ot! 0t B+8e#s prefa'e and t!e posts'ript to 0t Eo!n spea8 of (oo8s ot!er t!an t!e 7ospels w!i'! !ad (een written, or mig!t !ave (een written, to 'ontain t!e 7esta 9!risti. e !ave now for t!e first time distin't eviden'e of t!e e6isten'e of (oo8s w!i'! 'ontained :is sa-ings onl-, deta'!ed from t!e narrative.... If it (e as8ed w!- no 'olle'tion of fo+nd its wa- into t!e 'anon of t!e 45, or !as s+rvived as a w!ole to o+r own time, t!e answer ma- well (e t!at t!e 9!+r'! needed, a(ove all t!ings, !istories of t!e Bord#s Bife and Passion and Res+rre'tion. b 5!e 4ew G6-r!-n'!+s 0a-ings LPapG6 =*)M# ;le't+re delivered at t!e &ivinit- 0'!ool, t!e Universit- of 9am(ridge, C E+l- 193)H !'.'om/ r'.vervoorn/swete/art?1.!tml>< e now 8now t!at in t!e t!ird 'ent+r- t!ere e6isted a 'olle'tion of w!i'! was in 'ir'+lation at G6-r!-n'!+s and pro(a(l- elsew!ere in t!e valle- of t!e 4ile. 5!e sa-ings were not simpl- Ootted down in t!e note(oo8 of a private 'olle'tor, (+t were prepared for p+(li'ation.... M- impression LisM t!at t!e new sa-ings are s+(/ stantiall- gen+ine,... at on'e new and after t!e manner of o+r Bord#s earlier tea'!ing,... w!i'! it is diffi'+lt to regard as t!e 'reation of s+(apostoli' times,... traditions (ased on t!e re'olle'tions of t!ose w!o !ad !eard t!e Bord. Gilles :uispel, 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas and t!e 4ew 5estament# ;le't+re !eld at G6ford, 18 0ept 19*C>< Un8nown sa-ings of Ees+s, ta8en from a Eewis!/9!ristian 7ospel originall- written in %ramai', !ave 'ome to lig!t. 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas ... is not!ing else t!an t!e 7ospel +sed (- t!e des'endants of t!e primitive 'omm+nit- of Eer+salem, w!o seem to !ave lived on in Palestine almost 'ompletel- isolated from t!e main stream of 7entile 9!ristian tradition.... 5!ere is, as far as I 'an see, not!ing to s!ow t!at t!is is not good tradition.... I do not see w!- t!ese ... sa-ings of Ees+s t!at are 'ontained in t!e 7ospel of 5!omas and (- t!eir wording, t!eir st-le and t!eir 'ontent (etra- t!eir Palestinian origin, s!o+ld not !ave t!e same !istori'al val+e as t!e words of Ees+s 'ontained in o+r fo+r 'anoni'al 7ospels. 5!e- ma- !ave (een transmitted in a Pales/ tinian milie+ A+ite isolated from t!e rest of 9!ristendom and not infl+en'ed (- t!e trends of Pa+line t!eolog-. %nd we m+st not e6'l+de t!e possi(ilit- t!at t!ese people ma- !ave preserved sometimes t!e words of Ees+s in a form more primitive t!an t!at fo+nd in t!e 'anoni'al 7ospels. b 0ome Remar8s on t!e 7ospel of 5!omas# ; $e% Testament Studies, 19*9>< 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas 'ontains a 'ertain n+m(er of sa-ings w!i'! transmit an independent Eewis!/9!ristian tradition, neit!er infl+en'ed (- nor !aving served as so+r'e for o+r 'anoni'al 7ospels.... e ma- tr- to dis'over t!e %ramaisms w!i'! are so freA+ent in t!ese sa-ings.... Up till now a(o+t t!irt- logia !ave (een fo+nd to preserve tra'es of t!eir %ramai' origin. b 7nosti'ism and t!e 4ew 5estament# ;in E. P!ilip :-att Led.M, The (ible in -odern Scholarship7 papers read at t!e 'entenarmeeting of t!e 0o'iet- of @i(li'al Biterat+re, 19=)>< 5!e :ol- 7!ost as a Mot!er LisM a 'on'ept well attested in t!e Eewis! 9!ristian 7ospel tradition and A+ite +nderstanda(le in a religion of 0emiti' lang+age.... 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas ... 'ontains eviden'e of a 7ospel tradition transmitted in a Eewis! 9!ristian milie+.... LItM is not gnosti' at all. 5!e ad!erents of t!e gnosti' interpretation ... m+st e6plain !ow t!e a+t!or 'o+ld possi(l- sa- t!at t!e (+ried 'orpse 'o+ld rise again ;logion *, 7ree8 version>.... Kor t!e 7ospel of 5!omas, 9!rist is o+r Kat!er and t!e :ol- 0pirit is o+r Mot!er. 6ntoine Guillamont, 0emiti'isms in t!e Bogia of Ees+s fo+nd at 4ag :ammadi# ; 5ournal 4siati*ue, 19*8>< 5!e 9opti' logia Lin t!e 7ospel of 5!omasM 'an, in 'ertain 'ases, !elp to restore t!e %ramai' s+(strat+m of 0-n/opti' logia.... 9ertain divergen'es of detail (etween t!e te6t of t!e 9opti' logia and t!e 0-nopti' te6t are e6plained (- referen'e to a 'ommon %ramai' s+(strat+m. In t!ose 'ases, t!e terminolog- of t!e 9opti' logia ena(les +s to restore t!e %ramai' s+(stra/ t+m more s+rel- t!an w!en we !ave onl- t!e 0-nopti' te6t. /tto 6. Piper, Review of 5ung "odex# ;Theology Today, 19*8>< !ile all t!e world tal8s a(o+t t!e &ead 0ea 0'rolls, relativel- little p+(li'it- !as (een given to anot!er find of an'ient man+s'ripts, w!i'! ma- prove to (e of greater importan'e for t!e st+d- of earl- 9!ristianit- t!an t!e former one.... 5!e 7ospel of 5r+t!# is 'onsidered (- t!e editors as (eing eit!er t!e original wor8 of Valentin+s, or its revision (- one of !is earliest dis'iples. 5!is wo+ld date it at a(o+t %.&. 1*3.... Gne is amaDed a(o+t t!e fres!ness of t!e a+t!or#s approa'!. 5!ere is no tra'e of polemi's against 'ertain t-pes of esta(lis!ed do'trineH and t!e e6egesis, for e6ample, of t!e Prolog+e of Eo!n at t!e (eginning of t!e wor8, is of s+rprising originalit-. 5!e freA+ent referen'es to 4ew 5estament passages and to Ees+s t!e 9!rist# indi'ate t!e a+t!or#s 'onvi'tion and determination to (e a real 9!ristian. In a n+m(er of instan'es, for e6ample in !is view of man, t!e a+t!or is o(vio+sl- inde(ted to :e(rai' realism.... Kar from (eing a p!ilosop!i'al treatise, t!e 7ospel of 5r+t! is a poem. 5!e elegan'e of its st-le, t!e loftiness of its o+tloo8, t!e tenderness wit! w!i'! t!e se'ret# is des'ri(ed, t!e +nfailing de6terit- wit! w!i'! t!e rig!t term is '!osen in ea'! instan'e ... point to an a+t!or of +n'ommon talent and profo+nd spirit+alit- and in ever- respe't s+perior to t!e L9!+r'!M Kat!ers of t!e se'ond 'ent+r-.... it! t!e @i(li'al writers !e s!ares t!e :e(rai' view of t!e ,go as t!e totalit- of (od- and mind.... L5!ere is anM almost 'omplete a(sen'e of m-t!ologi'al elements in t!e 7ospel of 5r+t!.

3o%ert M. Grant and ;a<id 5oel -reedman, The Secret Sayings of 5esus ;7arden 9it-, 4ew Ior8< &o+(leda- F 9ompan-, 19=3>< 5!ose w!o wor8ed wit! 5ogo Mina, dire'tor of t!e 9opti' M+se+m (efore !is deat! in 19)9, made t!e first dis'overies. 5!ese s'!olars were :./9. P+e'! of Paris and !is p+pil Eean &oresse.... LRegardingM t!e 7ospel of 5!omas, &oresse loo8ed t!ro+g! t!is gospel in t!e spring of 19)9 and later anno+n'ed t!at it was a 7nosti' 'omposition#.... @- 19*2 P+e'! !ad dis'overed t!at 7ree8 fragments of t!e same wor8 !ad (een fo+nd, man- -ears earlier, among t!e G6-r!-n'!+s pap-ri (+t !ad never (een 'orre'tl- identified.... In 19*8 t!e first 'omplete translation of 5!omas appearedH it !ad (een made from t!e p!otograp!s of Pa!or Ba(i(#s edition (- t!e 7erman s'!olar Eo!annes Beipoldt.... 5!e 7ospel of P!ilip 'ontains not!ing (+t 7nosti' spe'+lations. 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas, on t!e ot!er !and,... is pro(a(l- o+r most signifi'ant witness to t!e earl- perversion of 9!ristianit- (- t!ose w!o wanted to 'reate Ees+s in t!eir own image. L &ncluded as representative of much published commentary over the last half-century.M =endric> Gro%el, Introd+'tion to The Gospel of Truth7 4 8alentinian -editation on the Gospel ;4ew Ior8 and 4as!ville< %(ington Press, 19=3>< L5!e 7ospel of 5r+t!M is written in t!e non/0a!idi' diale't, w!i'! onl- ver- few of t!e L4ag :ammadiM (oo8s e6!i(it<... 0+(a8!mimi' ;%J>,... t!e diale't on'e spo8en ... somet!ing more t!an a !+ndred miles downstream from 9!eno(os8ion.... L5!ere,M t!en, t!is translation of t!e 7ree8 7ospel of 5r+t! m+st !ave (een madeH t!ere, too, in all li8eli!ood t!is 'op- of t!e translation was made, and from t!ere later (ro+g!t +p river to 9!eno(os8ion.... %ll t!e 9!ristians of t!e se'ond 'ent+r- are personalities in a deep !istori'al s!adow, even w!ere 'onsidera(le of t!eir writing !as s+rvived. e 'an at least spe'+late t!at if Ignati+s, Valentin+s, and E+stin Mart-r !ad (een eA+all- fort+nate as to t!e s+r/ vival of t!eir writings, Valentin+s mig!t t+rn o+t to !ave (een (ot! t!e a(lest in talent and eloA+en'e# and t!e most original of t!e t!ree and of t!eir w!ole 'ent+r-.... LPrior to t!e 4ag :ammadi dis'over-, we 'o+ldM +nderstand Valentin+s solel- from t!e few reasona(l- relia(le dire't A+otations t!at !ave 'ome down from !im, prin'ipall- in t!e -iscellanies of 9lement of %le6andria. In 'ontrast to t!e !eresiologies of t!e 9!+r'! Kat!ers, t!e most stri8ing t!ing in t!e fragments is t!at t!e- reveal a Valentin+s w!ose soteriolog- is "hristo'entri'$not pleromato'entri' or sop!ia'entri', Las alleged (- t!e !eresiologistsM.... .9. van Unni8, professor of 45 at Utre'!t, !as de'lared +neA+ivo'all- ; The 5ung "odex> t!at Valentin+s !imself was t!e a+t!or of t!is wor8. I agree wit! !im.... :as Lt!e a+t!or !ereM written an-t!ing t!at wo+ld !ave (een a se'ret +n8nown to an ort!odo6 9!ristianR =rister 0tendhal, Met!od in t!e 0t+d- of @i(li'al 5!eolog-#, in E. P!ilip :-att ; op=cit=, 19=)>< 5!e gospel tradi/ tions ... in t!e 7ospel of 5!omas or in t!e %grap!a ma- point toward traditions w!i'! are as valid as t!ose in t!e 45. Kor t!e st+dent of earl- 9!ristian !istor- t!e limitation to t!e (i(li'al# is an a't of te6t+al laDiness or a met!odologi'al sin. 8oachim 8eremias, The Parables of 5esus, trans. 0. :. :oo8e ;9am(ridge< 9am(ridge Universit- Press, 19=*>< It is a great !elp w!i'! t!e 7ospel of 5!omas gives +s, in offering +s eleven para(les from t!e 0-nopti's in its own version L9/23/21(P13?/*C/=?/=)/=*/C=/9=/13C/139M.... LMoreover, 5!omasM 'ontains ... fo+r para(les w!i'! are not fo+nd in t!e 45 L8/21a/9C/98M.... 5!e te6t of t!e para(les !as not (een allegori'all- transformed, (+t rat!er !as remained inta't ;e6'ept for t!e two additions to t!e para(le of t!e t!ief>H t!is 'onfers a great val+e to t!e tradition w!i'! t!e 7ospel of 5!omas transmits to +s. 3a&mond E. $rown, The (irth of the -essiah ;4ew Ior8< &o+(leda-, 199?>< 5!e :ol- 0pirit LisM not male ;feminine in :e(rewH ne+ter in 7ree8>.... 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas, dis'overed at 4ag :ammadi, !as often (een t!o+g!t to 'ontain some a+t!enti' material from t!e ministr- of Ees+s not ot!erwise preserved in t!e 'anoni'al 7ospels. .elmut =oester, Introd+'tion to 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas#, in Eames M. Ro(inson ;ed.>, The $ag ammadi ,ibrary in !nglish ;@i(lio. ), 19CC>< If one 'onsiders t!e form and wording of t!e individ+al sa-ings in 'omparison wit! t!e form in w!i'! t!e- are preserved in t!e 4ew 5estament, 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas almost alwa-s appears to !ave preserved a more original form of t!e traditional sa-ing. In its literar- genre, 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas is more a8in to one of t!e so+r'es of t!e 'anoni'al gospels, namel- t!e so/'alled 0-nopti' 0a-ings 0o+r'e ;often 'alled \# from t!e 7erman >uelle, so+r'e#>, w!i'! was +sed (- (ot! Matt!ew and B+8e.... In its most original form, L5!omasM ma- well date from t!e first 'ent+r-. b 4ncient "hristian Gospels ;:arris(+rg, Penns-lvania< 5rinit- Press, 1993>< !at is p+t to t!e test is t!e earl- 9at!oli'# or ort!odo6# tradition, w!i'! asserts t!e monopol- of t!e 'anoni'al gospel tradition.... Gnl- dogmati' preO+di'e 'an assert t!at t!e 'anoni'al writings !ave an e6'l+sive 'laim to apostoli' origin and t!+s to !istori'al priorit-.... 5!e para(les of t!e 7ospel of 5!omas are to (e read as stories in t!eir own rig!t, not as artifi'ial e6pressions of some !idden 7nosti' tr+t!. 8ames M. 3o%inson ;7eneral ,ditor for t!e 4ag :ammadi 9odi'es>, Introd+'tion to The $ag ammadi ,ibrary in !nglish ;@i(lio. ), 19CC edition>< 5!e fo'+s of t!is li(rar- !as m+'! in 'ommon wit! primitive 9!ristianit-, wit! eastern religion and wit! !ol- men# ;and women> of all times, as well as wit! t!e more se'+lar eA+ivalents of toda-, s+'! as t!e 'o+nter/'+lt+re movements 'oming from t!e 19=3s. &isinterest in t!e goods of a 'ons+mer so'iet-, wit!drawal into 'omm+nes of t!e li8e/minded awa- from t!e (+stle and 'l+tter of (ig/'it- distra'tion, non/involvement in t!e 'ompromises of politi'al pro'ess, s!aring an in/gro+p#s 8nowledge (ot! of t!e disaster 'o+rse of t!e '+lt+re and of an ideal, radi'al alternative not 'ommonl- 8nown$all t!is in modern gar( is t!e real '!allenge rooted in s+'! materials as t!e 4ag :ammadi li(rar-.... Primitive 9!ristianit- was itself a radi'al movement. Ees+s 'alled for a f+ll reversal of val+es, advo'ating t!e end of t!e world as we !ave 8nown it and its repla'ement (- a A+ite new, +topian 8ind of life in w!i'! t!e ideal world wo+ld (e real. :e too8 a stand A+ite independent of t!e a+t!orities of !is da- ... and did not last ver- long (efore t!e- eliminated !im. Iet !is followers reaffirmed !is stand$for t!em !e 'ame to personif- t!e +ltimate goal.... E+st as t!e &ead 0ea 0'rolls Lat \+mranM were p+t in Oars for safe8eeping and !idden at t!e time of t!e approa'! of t!e Roman 5ent! Begion, t!e (+rial Lt!ree

'ent+ries laterM of t!e 4ag :ammadi li(rar- in a Oar ma- !ave (een pre'ipitated (- t!e approa'! of Roman a+t!orities, w!o !ad (- t!en (e'ome 9!ristian. b 4ag :ammadi< 5!e Kirst Kift- Iears# ;plenar- address, 0o'iet- of @i(li'al Biterat+re, 199*>< 9learl- t!e 7ospel of 5!omas does 'ontain sa-ings t!at 'annot (e derived from t!e 'anoni'al gospels,... t!at are 'learl- not 7nosti', (+t !ave t!e same 'laim to (eing old, even a+t!enti', as does t!e older la-er of sa-ings in t!e 'anoni'al gospels and \. 5!is 'an (e ill+strated (- some of t!e 8ingdom para(les in t!e 7ospel of 5!omas.... 0+'! sa-ings are not 7nosti' inventions, (+t simpl- part of t!e oral tradition of sa-ings as'ri(ed to Ees+s. !at is per!aps even more impressive is t!at t!e 7ospel of 5!omas 'ontains some 4ew 5estament para(les fo+nd in t!eir pre/'anoni'al form. 3on Cameron, in &avid 4oel Kreedman ;ed.>, The 4nchor (ible #ictionary, vol+me = ;4ew Ior8< &o+(le/da-, 1992>< &etermining a pla+si(le date of 'omposition Lof 5!omasM is spe'+lative and depends on a deli'ate weig!ing of 'riti'al O+dgments a(o+t t!e !istor- of t!e transmission of t!e sa-ings/of/Ees+s tradition and t!e pro'ess of t!e formation of t!e written gospel te6ts. 5!e earliest possi(le date wo+ld (e in t!e middle of t!e 1st 'ent+r-, w!en sa-ings 'olle'tions s+'! as t!e 0-nopti' 0a-ings 7ospel \ first (egan to (e 'ompiled. 5!e latest possi(le date wo+ld (e toward t!e end of t!e 2nd 'ent+r-, prior to t!e 'op-ing of P.G6-. 1 and t!e first referen'e to t!e te6t (- :ippol-t+s Lof Rome, 'a. 1C3/2?= %&M.... % date of 'omposition in, sa-, t!e last de'ades of t!e 1st 'ent+r- wo+ld (e more li8el- t!an a mid/to/late/2nd/'ent+r- date. 3ichard ?alantasis, The Gospel of Thomas ;Bondon< Ro+tledge, 199C>< 5!ese sa-ings wor8 at 'onstr+'ting a new and alternative s+(Oe'tivit-. 5!ro+g! reading t!e sa-ings of t!e 7ospel of 5!omas deli(eratel- and 'onse'+tivel-, t!e readers grad+all- 'ome to +nderstand not onl- t!e new identit- to w!i'! t!e sa-ings 'all t!em, (+t also t!e t!eolog-, ant!ropolog-, and 'osmolog- t!at s+pports t!at new identit-.... 5!e dating of t!e 7ospel of 5!omas (- means of t!e oldest 'ore of sa-ings s+ggests an earl- date of =3/C3 9, L%&M.... 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas does not 'ontain an- of t!e 8nown s-stems or t!eologies of gnosti' writers.... LItM 'onne'ts t!e !earer and see8er to t!e ver- voi'e of t!e living Ees+s spea8ing in t!e midst of an inter/ preting 'omm+nit-. 8ohn ;ominic Crossan, The (irth of "hristianity ;4ew Ior8< :arper0anKran'is'o,1998>< 7renfell and :+nt drew verde'isive 'on'l+sions regarding t!e te6t 'ontained in t!eir pap. G6-. 1. 5!e- 'learl- did not 8now t!at it formed part of t!e 7ospel of 5!omas, (+t I 'ite t!eir s-nt!esis (e'a+se, in m- O+dgment, it applies perfe'tl- to t!is 7ospel as a w!ole. 5!eesta(lis!ed fo+r points< ;1> t!at we !ave !ere part of a 'olle'tion of sa-ings, not e6tra'ts from a narrative 7ospelH ;2> t!at t!e- were not !ereti'alH ;?> t!at t!e- were independent of t!e fo+r 7ospels in t!e form preservedH ;)> t!at t!e- are prior to t!e -ear 1)3 %&, and 'o+ld date from t!e first 'ent+r-# ;@ernard 7renfell and %rt!+r :+nt, The Oxyrhynchus Papiri? Part &, 1898>. 0tephen 8. Patterson, Understanding t!e 7ospel of 5!omas 5oda-#, in 0tep!en E. Patterson, Eames M. Ro(inson and :ans/7e(!ard @et!ge, The .ifth Gospel ;:arris(+rg< 5rinit- Press, 1998>< %s a sa-ings 'olle'tion, it is li8el- t!at 5!omas originated sometime in t!e first 'ent+r-, w!en sa-ings 'olle'tions !ad not -et given wa- to ot!er, more 'omple6 forms of literat+re, s+'! as t!e narrative stor- or dialog+e.... 5!e so'ial radi'alism t!at '!ara'teriDed t!e earl- s-nopti' tradition is also fo+nd in t!e 7ospel of 5!omas.... Moreover, some of t!e most '!ara'teristi' feat+res of 7nosti'ism are not present in 5!omas, s+'! as t!e notion t!at t!e world was 'reated (- an evil demi+rge.... It now seems most li8el- t!at wit! t!e 7ospel of 5!omas we do indeed !ave a new te6t, w!ose traditions are for t!e most part not derivative of ot!er, (etter/8nown gospels, and w!i'! was originall- written at a time more or less 'ontemporar- wit! t!e 'anoni'al te6ts. .iginio 6las G@meA, The $ag ammadi Gospels ;:eredia, 9osta Ri'a< Ba Universidad 4a'ional, 1998>< L7nosti'ismM (asi'all- denied t!e p!-si'al realit- of 9!rist in'arnate.... Bittle (- little, s'!olars !ave 'ome to 'ompre!end t!at it is not appropriate to 'lassif- Lt!eM te6ts Lof 5!omas, P!ilip and ValentineM as gnosti',... sin'e t!ese 'learl- affirm t!e in'arnation, 'r+'ifi6ion and res+rre'tion of 9!rist Elaine .. Pagels, ,6egesis of 7enesis 1 in t!e 7ospels of 5!omas and Eo!n# ; 5ournal of (iblical ,iterature, 1999>< 5!e sa-ings Lin t!e 5!omas 7ospelM are not randoml- arranged, (+t 'aref+ll- ordered to lead one t!ro+g! a pro'ess of see8ing and finding t!e interpretation of t!ese sa-ings# ;log. 1>.... 5!omas#s t!eolog- and ant!ropolog- do not depend +pon some pres+pposed, generi' gnosti' m-t!#. Instead,... t!e so+r'e of t!is religio+s 'onvi'tion is, A+ite simpl-, e6egesis of 7enesis 1.... 0+'! e6egesis 'onne'ts t!e eikon of 7en 1<2=/2C wit! t!e primordial lig!t,... to s!ow t!at t!e divine image implanted at 'reation ena(les !+man8ind to find ... t!e wa- (a'8 to its origin in t!e m-ster- of t!e primordial 'reation. b (eyond (elief? The Secret Gospel of Thomas ;4ew Ior8< Random :o+se, 233?>< 4ow t!at s'!olars !ave (eg+n to pla'e t!e so+r'es dis'overed at 4ag :ammadi, li8e newl- dis'overed pie'es of a 'omple6 p+DDle, ne6t to w!at we !ave long 8nown from tradition, we find t!at t!ese remar8a(le te6ts, onl- now (e'oming widel- 8nown, are transforming w!at we 8now as 9!ristianit-.... Bet +s start (- ta8ing a fres! loo8 at t!e most familiar of all 9!ristian so+r'es$t!e gospels of t!e 4ew 5estament$in t!e perspe'tive offered (- one of t!e other 9!ristian gospels 'omposed in t!e first 'ent+r- and dis'overed at 4ag :ammadi, t!e 7ospel of 5!omas. 5icholas Perrin, 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas< itness to t!e :istori'al Ees+sR# ;paper, ann+al meetings of t!e 0o'iet- of @i(li'al Biterat+re, 2332>< 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas was not originall- written in 7ree8H... instead, it s!ows ever- eviden'e of !aving (een written in 0-ria' L%ramai'cM.... 0e'ondl-,... t!e 7ospel of 5!omas is not an evolving sa-ings 'olle'tion of different strata. Instead, it is a 'aref+ll- wor8ed +nit-, (ro+g!t toget!er (- a 0-ria'/spea8ing editor. Lc:e( Mr) ;aram> W BSS 78 , as in II/2i 8<28 and ,Dra )<CH see Mt )<2)M 8eanB7<es 1eloup, Introd+'tion to The Gospel of Philip ;Ro'!ester, Vermont< Inner 5raditions, @ear F 9ompan-, 233)>< 5o rea'! Lt!+sM into 9!ristian origins is to find o+rselves in a spa'e of freedom wit!o+t dogmatism, a spa'e of awe

(efore t!e ,vent t!at was manifest in t!e person, t!e deeds, and t!e words of t!e 5ea'!er from 7alilee.... 5!e 7ospel of P!ilip invites +s to follow 9!rist (- awa8ening in t!is life to t!at in +s w!i'! does not die, to w!at 0t Eo!n 'alled ,ternal Bife.... %not!er important t!eme s!owing a 8ins!ip (etween t!is 7ospel and t!at of 5!omas is t!e idea of non/d+alit-.... 5!e 7ospel of P!ilip ... LisM dealing wit! s+(Oe'ts t!at were +ndo+(tedl- t!e so+r'e of m+'! mis+nderstanding in !is times, as t!e- still are toda-. .arold 4. 6ttridge, The $e% @ork Revie% of (ooks ;1 Ma- 2338>< 5!e (od- of 9!ristian literat+re from t!e se'ond and t!ird 'ent+ries ... refle'ts t!e intense de(ate among followers of Ees+s.... 5!e fa'tion t!at won t!ese de(ates promoted its own version of t!e !istor- of t!e times and s+ppressed dissenting voi'es.... In t!e last 'ent+r- ... a n+m(er of man+s'ripts written (- t!e losers in t!e an'ient e''lesial (attles was dis'overed.... 5!e most important was a 'a'!e of 'odi'es ... +n'overed in 19)* near t!e village of 4ag :ammadi, in ,g-pt.... 5!e entire dis'over- was soon la(eled 7nosti'#, e'!oing a term of oppro(ri+m +sed (- an'ient polemi'ists against t!eir e''lesial adversaries. %lt!o+g! at least one se't ma- !ave st-led itself t!e 7nosti's# ;t!e 2nowers#>, refer/ring to a se'ret 8nowledge, t!e notion t!at t!is (road la(el a''+ratel- applies to all t!e marginaliDed earl- 9!ristian se'ts !as (een !eavil- 'riti'iDed among 'ontemporar- s'!olars. ,arl- 9!ristians w!ose perspe'tives fell from favor represented a wide spe'tr+m of views and so'ial gro+ps.... 5!e p!ilosop!- +nderl-ing ... Lt!oseM s-stems of a generall- 7nosti'# 'ast, owes m+'! to t!e pop+lar Platonism of t!e :ellenisti' and Roman eras. Biblical Archaelogy Review, 5en 5op &is'overies# ;VI/S.2339>< %mong t!e 4ag :ammadi te6ts was t!e f+llpreserved 7ospel of 5!omas, w!i'! does not follow t!e 'anoni'al 7ospels in telling t!e stor- of Ees+s# (irt!, life, 'r+'ifi6ion and res+rre'tion, (+t rat!er presents t!e reader wit! a ver- earl- 'olle'tion of Ees+s# sa-ings. %lt!o+g! t!is m-sti'al te6t was originall- (elieved to (e a 7nosti' te6t, it now seems to reveal -et anot!er strand of earl- 9!ristianit-.

These are t!e se'retV sa-ingsV w!i'! t!e Biving

s'ri(ed t!em.

Ies!+aV !as spo8en, and &id-mos E+das 5!omasV in/

%nd !e Tsa-saU<

!oever finds t!e interpretation of t!ese sa-ings s!all not taste deat!. 1

. Ies!+a sa-s< Bet !im w!o see8s not 'ease see8ing +ntil !e findsH and w!en !e finds !e s!all (e tro+(ledH and !aving (een tro+(led !e s!all marvel, and !e s!all reign over t!e totalit-V Tand find reposeVU. 2

Ies!+a sa-s< If t!ose w!o lead -o+ sa- to -o+< @e!old, t!e 0overeignt- is in t!e s8-V", t!en t!e (irds of t!e s8will pre'ede -o+. If t!e- sa- to -o+< It is in t!e sea", t!en t!e fis! Tof t!e seaU will pre'ede -o+. @+t t!e 0ove/ reignt- Tof 7odU is wit!in -o+ and it is wit!o+t -o+. T !oever re'ogniDes !imself s!all find itH and w!en -o+ re'ogniDe -o+rselvesU -o+ s!all 8now t!at -o+ are t!e 0ons of t!e Biving Kat!er. Iet if -o+ do not re'ogniDe -o+rselves, t!en -o+ are impoveris!ed and -o+ are t!e impoveris!ment. ?

Ies!+a sa-s< 5!e person old in da-s will not !esitate to as8 a little '!ild of seven da-s 'on'erning t!e pla'e of life$and !e s!all live. Kor man- w!o are first s!all (e'ome last, Tand t!e last firstUH and t!e- s!all (e'ome a single +nit-.)

Ies!+a sa-s< Re'ogniDe :im w!o is in front of t!- fa'e, and w!at is !iddenV from t!ee s!all (e revealed to t!ee. Kor t!ere is not!ing 'on'ealedV w!i'! s!all not (e manifest, Tand not!ing (+ried t!at s!all not (e raisedaU.*
#. '.

:is &is'iples as8 !im, sa-ing to !im< :ow do t!o+ want +s to fast, and !ow s!all we pra-R %nd !ow s!all we

31 a

I.e. res+rre'ted, as in Rev/%p 1<18H see also Eer 2?<18, Mt 1?<?), B8 1<1/8<13/13<21, En 21<2*H t!e pap-r+s M0< www.!Y s'an.!tmlH !-perte6t interlinear of all 5!omas logia<!Yinterlin.!tml. 1 II/0am 1)<1), Ps 118<1C, Isa 2*<8, B8 9<2C, En *<2)/8<*1H Odes of St Solomon, 2=, :e w!o 'o+ld interpret wo+ld (e dissolved and wo+ld (e'ome t!at w!i'! is interpreted#H t!is is apparentl- an introd+'tor- sa-ing A+oting 5!omas !imself, in'l+ded ;li8e En 21<2)> (- !is own dis'iples, sin'e it spea8s of t!e following as a 'olle'tion of sa-ingsH at!r+o+t t!e 7ree8 fragments of 5!omas, 6 sa-s# is in t!e present tense$see :enr- @ar'la- 0wete ;189C>, in Modern 0'!olarl- 9omments. 2 7en 1<2=, &an C<2C, B8 1<29/22<2*/?3", Rev/%p 1<=/?<21/23<)/22<*H W9lement of %le6andria, Stromata, II.9/V.1). ? 7en =<2, &t ?3<11/1), :os 1<13, de'! 12<1, Mal 2<13, B8 11<)1/1C<21, 5! 89, Plato#s Philebus, )8'/=?'. ) 7en 2<2/?/1C<12, Mt 11<2*/2=/18<1/=P13/1), B8 2<21. * Ps 1=<8, WMt 13<2=H in !is s'ript+ral Traditions t!e %postle Matt!ias L%' 1<21/2=M relates 9!rist#s logion< onder at w!at is in front of -o+#$A+oted (- 9lement of %le6andria, Stromata, II.9H Ealaloddin R+mi LSIII 'ent+r- %fg!anistanM, 5!e \+estion#, Spiritual "ouplets< 7od#s presen'e is t!ere in front of me#H aanti/7nosti'V.


give alms, and w!at diet s!all we maintainR e Ies!+a sa-s< &o not lie, a and do not pra'ti'e w!at -o+ !ate ($for ever-t!ingV is revealed (efore t!e fa'e of t!e s8-. Kor t!ere is not!ing 'on'ealed t!at s!all not (e manifest, and t!ere is not!ing 'overed t!at s!all remain wit!o+t (eing e6posed '.= Ies!+a sa-s< @lestV is t!e lion w!i'! t!e !+man eats$and t!e lion s!all (e'ome !+man. %nd defiledV is t!e !+man w!i'! t!e lion eats$and t!e L!+manM s!all (e'ome LlionM. C

%nd !e sa-s< 5!e L0overeignt-M is li8e a wise fis!erman w!o 'ast !is net into t!e sea. :e drew it +p from t!e sea f+ll of small fis!. %mong t!em !e fo+nd a large good fis!. a 5!at wise fis!erman, !e t!rew all t!e small fis! (a'8 into t!e sea,( !e '!ose t!e large fis! wit!o+t !esitation. !oever !as ears to !ear, let !im !ear" 8

Ies!+a sa-s< @e!old, t!e sower 'ame fort!$!e filled !is !and, !e t!rew. 0ome indeed fell +pon t!e road$t!e (irds 'ame, t!e- gat!ered t!em. Gt!ers fell on t!e (edro'8$and t!e- did not ta8e root down into t!e soil, and did not spro+t grain s8-ward. %nd ot!ers fell among t!e t!orns$t!e- '!o8ed t!e seed, and t!e worm ate t!em. %nd ot!ers fell +pon t!e good eart!$and it prod+'ed good fr+it +p toward t!e s8-, it (ore =3/fold and 123/fold. 9
*. 1+. 11.

Ies!+a sa-s< I !ave 'ast fire +pon t!e worldV$and (e!old, I g+ard it +ntil it is a(laDe. 13

Ies!+a sa-s< 5!is s8- s!all (e made to pass awa-, and t!e one a(ove it a s!all (e made to pass awa-. ( %nd t!e dead are not alive, and t!e living s!all not die. ' In t!e da-s w!en -o+ 'ons+med t!e dead, -o+ transformed it to life$w!en -o+ 'ome into t!e Big!t, w!at will -o+ doR Gn t!e da- w!en -o+ were +nited, -o+ (e'ame divided$ -et w!en -o+ !ave (e'ome divided, w!at will -o+ doR11 5!e &is'iples sa- to Ies!+a< e 8now t!at t!o+ s!all go awa- from +s. !o is it t!at s!all (e Ra((iV over +sR e Ies!+a sa-s to t!em< In t!e pla'e t!at -o+ !ave 'ome, -o+ s!all go to Ea'o( t!e Rig!teo+sV, for w!ose sa8e t!e s8- and eart! !ave 'ome to (e.12
1 .

Ies!+a sa-s to !is &is'iples< Ma8e a 'omparison to me, and tell me w!om I resem(le. a e 0!imon 2efaV sa-s to !im< 5!o+ art li8e a rig!teo+s angel. e Matt!ewV sa-s to !im< 5!o+ art li8e a p!ilosop!erV of t!e !eart. e 5!omas sa-s to !im< G! 5ea'!er, m- mo+t! will not 'ontain sa-ing w!om t!o+ art li8e" e Ies!+a sa-s< I#m not t!tea'!er, now t!at t!o+ !ave dr+n8,( t!o+ !ave (e'ome ine(riated from t!e (+((ling spring w!i'! I !ave meas+red o+t. %nd !e ta8es !im,( !e wit!draws,( !e spea8s t!ree words to !im<

hyh) r#) hyh) ahyh ashr ahyh

I/%m !o I/%m

4ow w!en 5!omas 'omes to !is 'omrades, t!e- inA+ire of !im< !at did Ies!+a sa- to t!eeR e 5!omas sa-s to t!em< If I tell -o+ even one of t!e words w!i'! !e spo8e to me, -o+ will ta8e +p stones to 'ast at me$and fire will 'ome from t!e stones to 'ons+me -o+. 1?

Bev 19<11, Ps 1?9<1/1=, da' 8<1=, 0ir C<1?, 5! 1)H aK-odor &osto-evs8-, The (rothers 6arama;ov, II.2< Kirst and foremost, do not lie"#H (5o(it )<1*< &o not pra'ti'e w!at t!o+ !ate#H 9onf+'i+s, 4nalects, 8.1*< Is t!ere an- one word ... w!i'! 'o+ld (e adopted as a lifelong r+le of 'ond+'tR... Is not empat!- t!e wordR &o not +nto ot!ers w!at -o+ wo+ld not li8e done to -o+rself#H 't!e >ur'An 2C<C*< 5!ere is not!ing 'on'ealed in t!e !eaven and t!e eart!, (+t it is in a 'lear (oo8.# C Ps C<1/2. 8 WMt 1?<)C/)8H a9opti' tbt L9)31(M W 78 fghijH (as-ndeton, or omission of 'onO+n'tions, '!ara'teriDing t!e 0emiti' lang+ages (+t not :amiti' or Indo/,+ropean$t!+s signaling an original :e(rew or %ramai' te6t +nderl-ing t!e 7ree8 from w!i'! 9opti' 5!omas was in t+rn translatedH see P??8 and Matt!ew @la'8, 4n 4ramaic 4pproach to the Gospels and 4cts < %s-ndeton is, on t!e w!ole, 'ontrar- to t!e spirit of t!e 7ree8 lang+age ... (+t is !ig!l- '!ara'teristi' of %ramai'.# 9 M+ltiple as-ndetaH Mt 1?<18/2?, WM8 )<?/9. 13 Eoel 2<?, Mt ?<11, B8 12<)9. 11 Mt 2)<?*, 5! =1(", P! 8="H at!e entire o(serva(le +niverseR"$see 5! 111H 4@ t!e :e(rew term for s8-, !eaven#, Mym# LshamAyimM, onl- o''+rs in t!e pl+ral, t!+s impl-ing t!ere to (e more t!an oneH (I/2i 8<2C", Isa =*<1C, Rev/%p 21<1, P! 12?H ' En 11<2*/2=. 12 %nti/7nosti'H apparentl- a post/res+rre'tion dialog+eH M8 =<?, En C<*, %' 1<1)/12<1C, Eas 1<1.


Ies!+a sa-s to t!em< If -o+ fast,a -o+ s!all (eget transgressionV for -o+rselves. ( %nd if -o+ pra-,( -o+ s!all (e 'ondemned. %nd if -o+ give alms, a -o+ s!all 'a+se evil to -o+r spiritsV. %nd w!en -o+ go into an- land to travel in t!e regions, if t!e- re'eive -o+ t!en eat w!at t!e- set (efore -o+ and !eal t!e si'8 among t!em. Kor w!at goes into -o+r mo+t! will not defile -o+$(+t rat!er w!at 'omes o+t of -o+r mo+t!, t!at is w!at will defile -o+. 1)

Ies!+a sa-s< !en -o+ see !im w!o was not (orn of woman, prostrate -o+rselves +pon -o+r fa'e and wor/ s!ip !im$!e is -o+r Kat!er.1*

Ies!+a sa-s< People per!aps t!in8 t!at I !ave 'ome to 'ast pea'e +pon t!e world, and t!e- do not 8now t!at I !ave 'ome to 'ast 'onfli'ts +pon t!e eart!$fire, sword, warV. a Kor t!ere s!all (e five in a !o+se$t!ree s!all (e against two and two against t!ree, t!e fat!er against t!e son and t!e son against t!e fat!er. %nd t!e- s!all stand as solitaries.1=

Ies!+a sa-s< I s!all give to -o+ w!at e-e !as not seen and w!at ear !as not !eard and w!at !and !as not to+'!ed and w!at !as not arisen in t!e mind of man8ind. 1C

5!e &is'iples sa- to Ies!+a< 5ell +s !ow o+r end s!all (e. a e Ies!+a sa-s< :ave -o+ t!en dis'overed t!e originV, so t!at -o+ inA+ire a(o+t t!e endR Kor at t!e pla'e w!ere t!e origin is, t!ere s!all (e t!e end. @lest is !e w!o s!all stand at t!e origin$and !e s!all 8now t!e end, and !e s!all not taste deat!. 18

Ies!+a sa-s< @lest is !e w!o was (efore !e 'ame into @eing. If -o+ (e'ome &is'iples to me and !eed msa-ings, t!ese stones s!all (e made to serve -o+. Kor -o+ !ave five treesV in Paradise, w!i'! in s+mmer are +nmoved and in winter t!eir leaves do not fall$w!oever s!all 8now t!em s!all not taste deat!. 19
1*. +. 5!e &is'iples sa- to Ies!+a< 5ell +s w!at t!e 0overeignt- of t!e :eavensV is li8e. e :e sa-s to t!em< It resem/ (les a m+stard seed, smaller t!an all ;ot!er> seeds$-et w!en it falls on t!e tilled eart!, it prod+'es a great plant and (e'omes s!elter for t!e (irds of t!e s8-. 23 1. MariamV sa-s to Ies!+a< !om are t!- &is'iples li8eR e :e sa-s< 5!e- are li8e little '!ildren w!o are soOo+r/ ning in a field w!i'! is not t!eirs. !en t!e owners of t!e field 'ome, t!e- will sa-< Beave o+r field to +s" 5!eta8e off t!eir 'lot!ing in front of t!em in order to -ield it to t!em and to give (a'8 t!eir field to t!em. a 5!erefore I sa-, if t!e !o+se!older as'ertains t!at t!e t!ief is 'oming, !e will (e alert (efore !e arrives and will not allow !im to dig t!r+ into t!e !o+se of !is domain to 'arr- awa- !is (elongings. Iet -o+, (eware of t!e origin of t!e world $gird +p -o+r loins wit! great strengt! lest t!e (andits find a wa- to rea'! -o+, for t!e- will find t!e advantage w!i'! -o+ anti'ipate. Bet t!ere (e among -o+ a person of awareness$w!en t!e fr+it ripened, !e 'ame A+i'8lwit! !is si'8le in !is !and,( !e reaped it. !oever !as ears to !ear, let !im !ear" 21 .
1? a

Ies!+a saw little '!ildren w!o are (eing s+'8led. :e sa-s to !is &is'iples< 5!ese little '!ildren w!o are (eing

Isa )=<*H (as-ndetonH t!e 4ame does not appear in t!e pap-r+s, (+t 'an (e inferred wit! 'ertaint-H ,6 ?<1), Bev 2)<1=, M8 1)<=2, B8 =<)3, En )<1)/1*<1, 5! =1(/CC, P! 12*H Odes of St Solomon, 11<=/9, I dran8 and was ine(riated wit! t!e living water t!at does not die#H note also t!e infinite gematria of ,6 ?<1)1*92=?.... 1) a Gpenl-, p+(li'l-H (9onf+'i+s, 4nalects, 1*.?1< I on'e spent all da- t!in8ing wit!o+t ta8ing food and all nig!t t!in8ing wit!o+t going to (ed, (+t I fo+nd t!at I !ad gained not!ing from itH it wo+ld !ave (een (etter for me to !ave spent t!e time in learning#H (hagavad-Gita, 11.)8< 4ot t!r+ sa'red lore nor sa'rifi'ial rit+al nor st+d- nor '!arit-, not (- rites nor (- terri(le penan'es 'an I (e seen#H Eo!ann olfgang von 7oet!e, .aust, I< 5ort+ring m-self wit! pra-er and fasting#H Isa *8<=/9, M8 C<1)/2?", Mt =<1/=P1=/18, B8 18<1", WB8 13<8/9, 5! =/9*/13), P! C)'. 1* Eos! *<1), B8 1C<1=, 5! )="/131" 1= a Isa ==<1*/1=, Eoel 2<?3/?1, dep! ?<8, Mal )<1, 5! 13H WMi' C<=, WB8 12<)9/*?. 1C Isa =)<)H 0t. Eo!n of t!e 9ross, On the !cstasy of #eep "ontemplation, VII< It is of s+'! tr+e e6'ellen'e, t!is !ig!est +nderstanding, t!at no s'ien'e, no !+man sense, !as it in its grasping.# 18 a Ps ?9<)H Isa )8<12, B8 23<?8, En 1<1/2, Rev/%p 22<1?, 5! 1/19H @oet!i+s, The "onsolation of Philosophy< 5o see 5!ee is t!e end and t!e (eginning#H 5.0. ,liot, .our >uartets< Bittle 7idding< 5!e end is w!ere we start from#H Ea'8 2ero+a', 8isions of "ody< !at 8ind of Oo+rne- is t!e life of a !+man (eing t!at it !as a (eginning (+t not an endR# 19 5!e five sensesR"H Eo( *<2?, Ps 1<?, 5! 1/18, WP! =1", 5r 28. 23 WM8 )<?3/?2. 21 a 5! ?CH (as-ndetonH WMt 2)<)?/)).


s+'8led are li8e t!ose w!o enter t!e 0overeignt-. e 5!e- sa- to !im< 0!all we t!+s (- (e'oming little '!ildren enter t!e 0overeignt-R e Ies!+a sa-s to t!em< !en -o+ ma8e t!e two one, and -o+ ma8e t!e inside as t!e o+t/ side and t!e o+tside as t!e inside and t!e a(ove as t!e (elow, and if -o+ esta(lis! t!e male wit! t!e female as a single +nit- so t!at t!e man will not a't mas'+line and t!e woman not a't feminine, w!en -o+ esta(lis! e-es in t!e pla'e of an e-e and a !and in t!e pla'e of a !and and a foot in t!e pla'e of a foot ;and> an imageV in t!e pla'e of an image$t!en s!all -o+ enter Lt!e 0overeignt-M. 22 Ies!+a sa-s< I s!all '!oose -o+, one from a t!o+sand and two from ten t!o+sand$and t!e- s!all stand, (e/ 'oming a single +nit-. 2?
!. ". :is &is'iples sa-< 0!ow +s t!- pla'e, for it is 'omp+lsor- for +s to see8 it. e :e sa-s to t!em< !oever !as ears, let !im !ear" it!in a person of lig!t t!ere is lig!t, and !e ill+mines t!e entire world. !en !e does not s!ine, t!ere is dar8ness.2) #.

Ies!+a sa-s< Bove t!- @rot!er as t!- so+l,a prote't !im as t!e p+pil of t!ine e-e. 2*

'. Ies!+a sa-s< 5!e mote w!i'! is in t!- @rot!er#s e-e t!o+ see, (+t t!e plan8 t!at is in t!ine own e-e t!o+ see not. !en t!o+ 'ast t!e plan8 o+t of t!ine own e-e, t!en s!all t!o+ see 'learl- to 'ast t!e mote o+t of t!@rot!er#s e-e.2= (. ;Ies!+a sa-s<> Unless -o+ fast from t!e world, -o+ s!all not find t!e 0overeignt- Tof 7odUH +nless -o+ 8eep t!e wee8a as 0a((at!V,( -o+ s!all not (e!old t!e Kat!er.2C

Ies!+a sa-s< I stood in t!e midst of t!e world, and in'arnateV I was manifest to t!em. a I fo+nd t!em all dr+n8, I fo+nd no one among t!em at!irst in !is !eart. %nd m- so+l was grieved for t!e sons of men, for t!e- are (lind in t!eir minds and do not see t!at empt- t!e- !ave 'ome into t!e world and t!at empt- t!e- are destined to 'ome fort! from t!e world.( :owever, now t!e- are dr+n8$w!en t!e- s!a8e off t!eir wine, t!en s!all t!e- repentV. 28
). *. Ies!+a sa-s< If t!e fles! !as 'ome to (e (e'a+se of spirit, it is a marvel$-et if spirit (e'a+se of t!e (od-, it wo+ld (e a marvel among marvels. @+t I m-self marvel at t!is< !ow t!is great wealt! !as (een pla'ed in t!is povert- ;of t!is world>.29

Ies!+a sa-s< !ere t!ere are t!ree gods, t!e- are Tgodless. @+t w!ere t!ere is onl- one, a I sa- t!atU I m-self am wit! !im.( TRaise t!e stone and t!ere -o+ s!all find me, 'leave t!e wood and t!ere am I.U ?3

%nti/7nosti'H Mt 18<?H W9lement of %le6andria, Stromata, III$see 5! ?Cn"H Mar- %nn ,vans L7eorge ,liotM, -iddlemarch< 5!e s+''essive events inward and o+tward were t!ere in one view< t!o+g! ea'! mig!t (e dwelt on in t+rn, t!e rest still 8ept t!eir !old in t!e 'ons'io+sness#H Ma+ri'e Merlea+/Pont-, Phenomenology of Perception< Inside and o+tside are insepara(leH t!e world is w!oll- inside, and I am w!oll- o+tside, m-self#H Odes of St Solomon, ?)<*, 5!e li8eness of w!at is (elow, is t!at w!i'! is a(ove$for ever-t!ing is a(oveH w!at is (elow is not!ing (+t t!e del+sion of t!ose w!o are wit!o+t 8nowledge#H 0o'rates in Plato#s Phaedrus< @eloved Pan, and w!atever ot!er gods (e present, grant me to (e !andsome in inward so+l, and t!at t!e o+tside and t!e inside (e one.# 2? &t ?2<?3, Eo( ??<2?, ,'' C<28. 2) Mt *<1)/1=, En 1?<?=H apparentl- a post/res+rre'tion dialog+e. 2* a %s-ndetonH &t ?2<13, I/0am 18<1, Ps 1C<8, Pr C<2, En 1?<?)/?*H 7eoffer- 9!a+'er, The PardonerBs Tale, =9C/8< Bat e'! of +s !olde +p !is !and til oot!er, and e'! of +s (i'omen ot!eres (rot!er #H 5ennessee illiams, "amino Real< 5!e most dan/ gero+s word in an- !+man tong+e is t!e word for (rot!er. Itks inflammator-.... 5!e people need t!e word. 5!e-kre t!irst- for it#H & "hing, !e6agram =?, %fter 9ompletion< Indifferen'e is t!e root of all evil.# 2= WMt C<?/*. 2C M8 1<1?, En *<19"H E+stin Mart-r, #ialogue %ith Trypho, 12 L1=3 %&M< 5!e new Baw Lt!e 7ospelM reA+ires -o+ to 8eep perpet+al 0a((at!#H W9lement of %le6andria, Stromata, III.1*H a!ere 0a((at!# W wee8# as in Bev 2?<1*/1=$see P1?? and P. @rown, 5!e 0a((at! and t!e ee8 in 5!omas 2C#, $ovum Testamentum, 1992 ;!.!tml>H ( attain repose, as in 5! 2/*3/=3/93. 28 Isa 28<CH aemp!ati'all- anti/7nosti'", En 1<1)H (Eo( 1<21, ,'' *<1*H t!is appears to (e a post/res+rre'tion sa-ing. 29 %nti/7nosti'H 5! 2, P! 2?. ?3 %' 13<?*H aEosep! ,. @rown, The Sacred Pipe ;a pra-er of @la'8 ,l8>< e s!o+ld +nderstand well t!at all t!ings are t!e wor8s of t!e 7reat 0pirit#H ( lmnopq rstnupvq L>ur'An, @aAara!, 2<=2M< Veril-, t!ose w!o (elieve, and t!ose w!o are Eews and 9!ristians and 0a(ians, w!oever (elieves in %lla! and t!e Bast &a- and does rig!teo+s deeds, s!all !ave t!eir reward wit!


!1. ! . !!.

Ies!+a sa-s< 4o ora'leV is a''epted in !is own village, a no p!-si'ian !eals t!ose w!o 8now !im. ?1 Ies!+a sa-s< % fortified 'it- (+ilt +pon a !ig! mo+ntain 'annot fall, nor 'an it (e !idden. ?2

Ies!+a sa-s< !at t!o+ s!all !ear in t!- ear pro'laim to ot!er ears from -o+r rooftops. Kor no one 8indles a lamp and sets it +nder a (as8et nor p+ts it in a !idden pla'e, (+t rat!er it is pla'ed +pon t!e lamp/stand so t!at ever-one w!o 'omes in and goes o+t will see its lig!t. ??
!". !#.

Ies!+a sa-s< If a (lind person leads a (lind person, (ot! toget!er fall into a pit. ?)

Ies!+a sa-s< It is impossi(le for an-one to enter t!e !o+se of t!e strong person to ta8e it (- for'e, +nless !e (inds !is !ands$t!en !e will pl+nder !is !o+se.?* Ies!+a sa-s< @e not an6io+s in t!e morning a(o+t t!e evening nor in t!e evening a(o+t t!e morning, Tneit!er for -o+r LfoodM t!at -o+ s!all eat nor for L-o+r garmentsM t!at -o+ s!all wear. Io+ are m+'! s+perior to t!e Lwind/ flowersM w!i'! neit!er 'om( ;wool> nor LspinM ;t!read>. !en -o+ are na8ed, w!at are L-o+ wearingMR Gr w!o 'an in'rease -o+r stat+reR :e :imself s!all give to -o+ -o+r garment.U ?=

:is &is'iples sa-< !en will t!o+ appear to +s, and w!en s!all we (e!old t!eeR e Ies!+a sa-s< !en -o+ ta8e off -o+r garments wit!o+t (eing as!amed, and ta8e -o+r garments and pla'e t!em +nder -o+r feet to tread on t!em as t!e little '!ildren do$t!en Ls!all -o+ (e!oldM t!e 0on of t!e Biving/Gne, and -o+ s!all not fear. ?C

Ies!+a sa-s< Man- times !ave -o+ -earned to !ear t!ese sa-ings w!i'! I spea8 to -o+, and -o+ !ave no one else from w!om to !ear t!em. 5!ere will (e da-s w!en -o+ will see8 me (+t -o+ s!all not find me. ?8

Ies!+a sa-s< 5!e dogmatistsV and t!e s'ript+ralistsV !ave re'eived t!e 8e-s of re'ognition, (+t t!e- !ave !idden t!em. 5!e- did not enter, nor did t!e- permit t!ose to enter w!o wis!ed to. Iet -o+$(e'ome ast+te as serpents and inno'ent as doves.?9

Ies!+a sa-s< % vine !as (een planted wit!o+t t!e Kat!er$and ;as a> it is not vigoro+s, it s!all (e p+lled +p (its roots and destro-ed.)3

Ies!+a sa-s< !oever !as in !is !and, to !im s!all ;more> (e givenH and w!oever does not !ave, from !im s!all (e ta8en t!e little w!i'! !e !as.)1
"1. " .

Ies!+a sa-s< @e'ome transientsV.)2

t!eir Bord#H 'leaving t!e wood 'o+ld (e seen as a metap!or for t!e 'r+'ifi6ion, removing t!e stone for t!e res+rre'tionH ,etter of 4risteas, 1*/1=< !ttp<//wesle-.nn+.ed+/non'anon/ot/pse+do/aristeas.!tm. ?1 a %s-ndetonH WM8 =<), 5r )3. ?2 Mt *<1). ?? WMt *<1*/W13<2C, WM8 )<21. ?) WMt 1*<1). ?* Isa )9<2)/2*, WM8 ?<2C. ?= 7arment W ;sensor-> images< see 5! ?C/8), P! 2=/13C, %ngel, image and 0-m(ol#, as well as t!e an'ient and delig!tf+l :-mn of t!e Pearl#<!-mn/pearl.t6tH WMt =<2*. ?C 7en 2<2*/?<C, Isa 19<2, 5! 21H garments W ;sensor-> imagesH t!is appears to (e a post/res+rre'tion dialog+eH 9lement of %le6andria, Stromata, III< 0alomeV as8ed w!en w!at s!e was inA+iring a(o+t wo+ld (e 8nown. 5!e Bord said< !en -o+ trample on t!e garment of s!ame, and w!en t!e two (e'ome one, and t!e male wit! t!e female neit!er mas'+line nor feminine#H 5! 22/=1(" ?8 Pro 1<28, 0/of/0 *<=, Isa *)<8, %m 8<11/12, B8 1C<22. ?9 Mt *<23/2?<1/?9, WB8 11<*2, WMt 13<1=. )3 a %s-ndetonH Mt 1*<1?. )1 WMt 1?<12. )2 Gr< @e led past#H 7en 1)<1? BSS translates :e( %(ram t!e :e(rew# as %(ram t!e wxyz{| LnomadM#H Mt 13<1/ 2?/28<19/23, En 1=<28H Mats+o @as!o, $arro% Road to the &nterior< ,ver- da- is a Oo+rne-, and t!e Oo+rne- itself is !ome#H ,rnest :emingwa-, The Sun 4lso Rises< 5!an8 7od, I#m a traveling man#H 0-lvia Plat!, <nabridged 5ournals< I 'an onlpass on. 0omet!ing in me wants more.... 5!ere is still time to veer, to sall- fort!, 8napsa'8 on (a'8, for +n8nown !ills over w!i'! }}} onl- t!e wind 8nows w!at lies.#


:is &is'iples sa- to !im< !o art t!o+, t!at t!o+ sa- t!ese t!ings to +sR e ;Ies!+a sa-s to t!em<> Krom w!at I sa- to -o+, -o+ do not re'ogniDe w!o I (e, (+t rat!er -o+ !ave (e'ome as t!ose E+deans a$for t!e- love t!e tree (+t !ate its fr+it, and t!e- love t!e fr+it (+t !ate t!e tree. )?

Ies!+a sa-s< !oever vilifies t!e Kat!er, it s!all (e forgiven !imH and w!oever vilifies t!e 0on, it s!all (e forgiven !im. Iet w!oever vilifies t!e 0a'red 0piritV, it s!all not (e forgiven !im$neit!er on eart! nor in !eaven.))

Ies!+a sa-s< 5!e- do not !arvest grapes from t!orn/trees, nor do t!e- gat!er figs from a (riar/pat'!$for t!egive no fr+it. % good person (rings fort! goodness o+t of !is treas+reH a (ad person (rings fort! wi'8ednessV o+t of !is evil treas+re w!i'! is in !is !eart, and !e spea8s mali'io+sl-$for o+t of t!e a(+ndan'e of t!e !eart !e (rings fort! wi'8edness.)*

Ies!+a sa-s< Krom %damV +ntil Eo!n t!e @aptistV t!ere is among t!ose (orn of women none more e6alted t!an Eo!n t!e @aptist$so t!at !is e-es s!all not (e (ro8en. Iet I !ave said t!at w!oever among -o+ (e'omes '!ildli8e s!all 8now t!e 0overeignt-, and !e s!all (e more e6alted t!an Eo!n. )=

Ies!+a sa-s< % person 'annot mo+nt two !orses nor stret'! two (owsH and a slave 'annot serve two mastersV $ot!erwise !e will !onor t!e one and despise t!e ot!er. )Ca

;Ies!+a sa-s<> 4o person drin8s vintageV wine and immediatel- desires to drin8 fres! wine. %nd t!e- do not p+t fres! wine into old wines8ins lest t!e- (+rst, and t!e- do not p+t vintage wine into new wines8ins lest it so+r. 5!e- do not sew an old pat'! on a new garment, (e'a+se t!ere wo+ld 'ome a split. )C(

Ies!+a sa-s< If two ma8e pea'e wit! ea'! ot!er in t!is one !o+se, t!e- s!all sa- to t!e mo+ntain< @e moved" $and it s!all (e moved.)8

Ies!+a sa-s< @lest are t!e solitar-a and '!osen$for -o+ s!all find t!e 0overeignt-. @e'a+se -o+ are from it, -o+ s!all ret+rn t!ere(.)9

Ies!+a sa-s< If t!e- sa- to -o+< Krom w!en'e !ave -o+ 'omeR, sa- to t!em< e !ave 'ome from t!e Big!t, t!e pla'e w!ere t!e Big!t !as 'ome into (eing from :im aloneH :e !imself LstoodM and appeared in t!eir images. If t!e- sa- to -o+< !o are -o+R, sa-< e are !is 0ons and we are t!e '!osen of t!e Biving Kat!er. If t!e- as8 -o+< !at is t!e sign of -o+r Kat!er in -o+R, sa- to t!em< It is movement wit! repose. *3

:is &is'iples sa- to !im< !en will t!e repose of t!e dead o''+r, and w!en will t!e 4ew sa-s to t!em< 5!at w!i'! -o+ loo8 for !as ;alread-> 'ome, (+t -o+ do not re'ogniDe it. *1
#1. # .

orld 'omeR e :e

:is &is'iples sa- to !im< 5went-/fo+r prop!etsV pro'laimed in Israel, and t!e- all spo8e wit!in t!ee. e :e sa-s to t!em< Io+ !ave ignored t!e Biving/Gne w!o is fa'ing -o+, and -o+ !ave spo8en a(o+t t!e dead. *2 :is &is'iples sa- to !im< Is 'ir'+m'ision (enefi'ial to +s or notR e :e sa-s to t!em< If it were (enefi'ial, t!eir fat!er wo+ld !ave (egotten t!em 'ir'+m'ised from t!eir mot!er. @+t t!e tr+e spirit+al 'ir'+m'ision !as (e'ome
)? ))

Mt 12<??, En )<22, P! ="/*3"/138"H aas vers+s +s 7alileans#, as in En C<1R WM8 ?<28/29H see 5!e Maternal 0pirit#. )* I/0am 2)<1?, WMt C<1=/W12<?)/?*, Eas ?<13. )= 5! 1*, WB8 C<28. )Ca WB8 1=<1?. )C( Eo( ?2<19, WB8 *<?=/?9. )8 WMt 1C<23/W18<19. )9 En 1=<28H a@oris Pasterna8, #octor Chivago< Gnl- t!e solitar- see8 t!e tr+t! and (rea8 wit! an-one w!o does not love it eno+g!#H (Plotin+s, !nneads, I.=.8< 5!e Kat!erland to +s is t!ere w!en'e we !ave 'ome, and t!ere is t!e Kat!er.# *3 7en 1<?, Isa 28<12/?3<1*, B8 1=<8, En 1<12/1)/12<?=, 5! 2CH (hagavad-Gita, =.2C< !en !is mind is tranA+il, perfe't Oo'omes to t!e person of dis'iplineH !is passion is 'almed, !e is wit!o+t sin, (eing one wit! t!e Infinite 0pirit.# *1 5! 11?. *2 5! *H A+oted (- 0t %+g+stine, "ontra adversarium legis et prophetarum, II.).1)H Eames Eo-'e, <lysses, 1).112< Io+ !ave spo8en of t!e past and its p!antoms.... !- t!in8 of t!emR#


entirel- (enefi'ial.*?
#". ##.

Ies!+a sa-s< @lest are t!e poor, for t!e 0overeignt- of t!e :eavens is -o+rs. *)

Ies!+a sa-s< !oever does not !ate !is fat!er and !is mot!er, s!all not (e a(le to (e'ome a &is'iple to me. %nd w!oever does not !ate !is (rot!ers and !is sisters, and ta8e +p !is own 'ross a in m- wa-, s!all not (e made wort!- of me.** Ies!+a sa-s< !oever !as re'ogniDed t!e world !as fo+nd a 'orpse a$and w!oever !as fo+nd a 'orpse, of !im t!e world is not wort!-. *=

Ies!+a sa-s< 5!e 0overeignt- of t!e Kat!er is li8e a person w!o !as LgoodM seed. :is enem- 'ame (- nig!t, a !e sowed a weed among t!e good seed. 5!e man did not permit ;t!e wor8ers> to +proot t!e weedH !e sa-s to t!em< Best per!aps -o+ go fort! sa-ing< ^ e s!all +proot t!e weed_, and -o+ +proot t!e w!eat along wit! it.# Kor on t!e da- of !arvest t!e weeds will appear$t!e- +proot t!em and (+rn t!em. *C
#(. #). #*.

Ies!+a sa-s< @lest is t!e person w!o !as s+ffered$!e !as fo+nd t!e Bife" *8

Ies!+a sa-s< @e!old t!e Biving/Gne w!ile -o+ are alive, lest -o+ die and see8 to per'eive !im and (e +na(le to see"*9 ;5!e- see> a 0amaritanV 'arr-ing a lam(, entering E+dea. Ies!+a sa-s to t!em< ; !- is> t!at/one ;'arr-ing> t!e lam(R e 5!e- sa- to !im< 0o t!at !e ma- 8ill it and eat it. e :e sa-s to t!em< !ile it is alive !e will not eat it, (+t onl- after !e 8ills it and it (e'omes a 'orpse. e 5!e- sa-< Gt!erwise !e will not (e a(le to do it. e :e sa-s to t!em< Io+ -o+rselves, t!erefore$see8 a pla'e for -o+rselves in repose, lest -o+ (e'ome 'orpses and (e eaten. =3
'+. '1a. '1%.

Ies!+a sa-s< 5wo will rest on a (edV$t!e one s!all die, a t!e ot!er s!all live.=1a

0alomeV sa-s< !o art t!o+, manR %s if ;sent> (- someone, t!o+ laid +pon m- (edV and t!o+ ate from mta(le.a e Ies!+a sa-s to !er< I/%m !e w!o is from eA+alit-. 5o me !ave (een given t!e t!ings of m- Kat!er. e ;0alome sa-s<> I#m t!-( &is'iple. e ;Ies!+a sa-s to !er<> 5!+s I sa- t!at w!enever someone eA+aliDes !e s!all (e filled wit! lig!t, -et w!enever !e divides' !e s!all (e filled wit! dar8ness.=1( Ies!+a sa-s< I tell m- m-steries to t!ose Lw!o are wort!- ofM m- m-steries. not t!- left ;!and> as'ertain w!at it does.=2
' . '!.
*? *)

!at t!- rig!t ;!and> s!all do, let

Ies!+a sa-s< 5!ere was a wealt!- person w!o possessed m+'! mone-, and !e said< I s!all +tiliDe m- mone-

&t 13<=" &t 1*<11, Eas 2<*/C, WB8 =<23H note t!at t!e 7ree8 of Mt *<?, , 'an (e read eA+all@lest t!e poor in spirit# or @lest in spirit t!e poor#$of w!i'! t!e latter ma8es more sense, sin'e t!e parallel at B8 =<23P2) e6pli'itl- 'on'erns e'onomi' povert-/wealt! rat!er t!an spirit+al !+milit-/prideH ,ri'! Maria RemarA+e, 4ll >uiet on the 9estern .ront< 5!e wisest were O+st t!e poor and simple people#H Ea'8 2ero+a', 8isions of "ody< ,ver-t!ing (elongs to me (e'a+se I am poor.# ** a %nti/7nosti'H WB8 1)<2=/2C. *= a Gr, in a modern metap!or, a ma'!ineH is 1?<13H Eonat!an 0wift, 4 Tale of a Tub, II< Io+ will find t!e (od- to (e onl- a senseless +nsavo+r- 'ar'ass.# *C a %s-ndetonH II/Pt ?<1*/1CR", WMt 1?<2)/?3. *8 %s-ndetonH Mt *<13/12, Eas 1<12, I/Pt ?<1)H %es'!-l+s, 4gamemnon, 2?2< Men m+st learn (- s+ffering#H Vi'tor :+go, ,es -isDrables< 5o !ave s+ffered, !ow good it is"#H 4ag+i( Ma!fo+D, daa(alawi#, God's 9orld< 0+ffering is part of t!e '+re"# *9 ,'' 12<1/8. =3 5! 1/*3H 5!omas Mann, The -agic -ountain< 5!e spirit+al possi(ilit- of finding salvation in repose.# =1a a %s-ndetonH WB8 1C<?). =1( 4@ t!e word for (ed# !ere is t!e same as in =1aH 5! ?Cn", P! =*"H a0/of/0 1<)H (t!- &is'iple#< 9opti' tek. indi'ates a mas'+line possessive Lt!-M of a feminine no+n Ldis'ipleM<!tml/morp!olog-Ya.!tm`~*3H Mi/ g+el de 9ervantes, #on >uiEote de la -ancha , I< Gf love it ma- (e said t!at it ma8es all t!ings eA+al#H 5eresa of vila, The &nterior "astle, VI.).1< %ll is to desire to enOo- t!e :+s(and more,... to (e ardent to mate wit! s+'! a grand Bord and ta8e !im as :+s(and#H 'Pr =<19'" =2 M8 )<13/12, WMt =<?.


so t!at I ma- sow and reap and replant, to fill m- store!o+ses wit! fr+it so t!at I la'8 not!ing. 5!is is w!at !e t!o+g!t in !is !eart$and t!at nig!t !e died. !oever !as ears, let !im !ear" =? Ies!+a sa-s< % person !ad g+ests. %nd w!en !e !ad prepared t!e (anA+et, !e sent !is slave to s+mmon t!e g+ests. :e went to t!e first, !e sa-s to !im< M- master invites t!ee.# :e replies< I owe some mone- to some mer'!antsH t!e- are 'oming to me towards evening, I s!all go to pla'e an order wit! t!em$I (eg to (e e6'+sed from t!e (anA+et.# :e went to anot!er, !e sa-s to !im< M- master !as invited t!ee.# :e replies to !im< I !ave (o+g!t a !o+se and t!e- reA+ire me for a da-, I s!all !ave no leis+re/;time>.# :e 'ame to anot!er, !e sa-s to !im< M- master invites t!ee.# :e replies to !im< M- friend is to (e married and I s!all arrange a feastH I s!all not (e a(le to 'ome$I (eg to (e e6'+sed from t!e (anA+et.# :e went to anot!er, !e sa-s to !im< M- master invites t!ee.# :e replies to !im< I !ave (o+g!t a villaH I go to re'eive t!e rent, I s!all not (e a(le to 'ome$I (eg to (e e6'+sed.# 5!e slave 'ame, !e said to !is master< 5!ose w!om t!o+ !ave invited to t!e (anA+et !ave as8ed to (e e6'+sed.# 5!e master sa-s to !is slave< 7o o+t to t!e roads, (ring t!ose w!om t!o+ s!all find so t!at t!e- mafeast.# 5radesmen and mer'!ants s!all not enter t!e pla'es of m- Kat!er" =)

;Ies!+a> sa-s< % 8indV person !ad a vine-ard. :e gave it o+t to '+ltivators, so t!at t!e- wo+ld wor8 it and !e wo+ld re'eive its fr+it from t!em. :e sent !is slave, so t!at t!e tenants wo+ld give to !im t!e fr+it of t!e vine-ard. 5!e- seiDed !is slave, t!e- (eat !im$a little more and t!e- wo+ld !ave 8illed !im. 5!e slave went, !e told it to !is master. :is master said< Per!aps t!e- did not re'ogniDe !im. :e sent anot!er slave$t!e tenants (eat !im also. 5!en t!e owner sent !is son. :e said< Per!aps t!e- will o(e- m- son. 0in'e t!ose tenants 8new t!at !e was t!e !eir of t!e vine-ard, t!e- seiDed !im, t!e- 8illed !im. !oever !as ears, let !im !ear" =*
'#. ''. '(. ').

Ies!+a sa-s< 0!ow me t!e stone w!i'! t!e (+ilders !ave reOe'ted$it is t!e 'ornerstone. == Ies!+a sa-s< !oever 8nows ever-t!ing (+t !imself, la'8s ever-t!ing. =C

Ies!+a sa-s< @lest are -o+ w!en -o+ are !ated and perse'+tedH and -o+ s!all find no pla'e t!ere w!ere -o+ !ave (een perse'+ted.=8 Ies!+a sa-s< @lest are t!ose w!o !ave (een perse'+ted in t!eir !eart$t!e- are t!ose w!o !ave re'ogniDed t!e Kat!er in tr+t!.=9a
'*a. '*%. (+.

;Ies!+a sa-s<> @lest are t!e !+ngr-, for t!e (ell- of !im w!o desires s!all (e filled. =9(

Ies!+a sa-s< !en -o+ (ring fort! t!at w!i'! is wit!in -o+rselves, t!is t!at -o+ !ave s!all save -o+. If -o+ do not !ave t!at wit!in -o+rselves, t!is w!i'! -o+ do not !ave wit!in -o+ will 8ill -o+. C3
(1. ( .

Ies!+a sa-s< I s!all destro- Lt!isM !o+se, and no one will (e a(le to LreM(+ild it. C1

L0omeone sa-sM to !im< 5ell m- (rot!ers to divide t!e possessions of m- fat!er wit! me. e :e sa-s to !im< G! man, w!o made me a dividerR :e t+rned to !is &is'iples, a !e sa-s to t!em< I#m not a divider, am IRC2
=? =)

Ies!+a sa-s< 5!e !arvest is indeed plentif+l, (+t t!e wor8ers are few. @esee'! t!erefore t!e Bord t!at !e send

WB8 12<1=/21. M+ltiple as-ndetaH ,De8 2C/28, dep! 1<11, de'! 1)<21, Mt 21<12/1?, WB8 1)<1=/2?, Rev/%p 18<11/23H illiam ords/ wort!< 5!e orld Is 5oo M+'! wit! Us#< 7etting and spending, we la- waste o+r powers#H Ro(ert Krost, 4ew :amps!ire#< 5!e !aving an-t!ing to sell is w!at Is t!e disgra'e in man.# =* WM8 12<1/8H m+ltiple as-ndeta. == Isa 28<1=, WPs 118<22[Mt 21<)2. =C ,'' 1<1?/1), 5! ?. =8 Mt *<13/12. =9a &bid. =9( Mt *<=. C3 B8 11<)1" C1 M8 1)<*8, En 2<19. C2 a %s-ndetonH B8 12<1?/1)H Eo!n 0tein(e'8, The Grapes of 9rath, 1)< 5!e A+alit- of owning freeDes -o+ forever into ^I_, and '+ts -o+ off forever from t!e ^we_.#


fort! wor8ers to t!e !arvest.C?

(". (#.

;Ies!+a> sa-s< G! Bord, t!ere are man- aro+nd t!e well, -et no one in t!e well" C)

Ies!+a sa-s< 5!ere are man- standing at t!e door, (+t t!e solitar- are t!ose w!o s!all enter t!e @ridal/ 9!am(erV.C* Ies!+a sa-s< 5!e 0overeignt- of t!e Kat!er is li8e a tradesman !aving mer'!andise, w!o fo+nd a pearl. 5!at tradesman was wiseH !e sold t!e mer'!andise, !e (o+g!t t!at single pearl for !imself. Io+ -o+rselves, see8 for :is treas+re, w!i'! peris!es not, w!i'! end+res$t!e pla'e w!ere no mot! 'omes near to devo+r nor worm ravages.C=

Ies!+a sa-s< I/%m t!e Big!t a(ove t!em all, I/%m t!e %llV. %ll 'ame fort! from me, and all attained to me ;again>. 9leave wood,a I m-self am t!ereH lift +p t!e stone and t!ere -o+ s!all find me. CC

Ies!+a sa-s< !- did -o+ 'ome o+t to t!e wilderness$to see a reed s!a8en (- t!e windR %nd to see a person dressed in pl+s! garmentsR L@e!old, -o+rM r+lers and -o+r dignitaries are t!ose w!o are 'lad in pl+s! garments, and t!e- s!all not (e a(le to re'ogniDe t!e tr+t!. C8

% woman from t!e m+ltit+de sa-s to !im< @lest is t!e wom( w!i'! (ore t!ee, and t!e (reasts w!i'! n+rsed t!ee" e :e sa-s to L!erM< @lest are t!ose w!o !ave !eard t!e BogosV of t!e Kat!er and !ave maintained it in tr+t!. Kor t!ere s!all (e da-s w!en -o+ will sa-< @lest is t!is wom( w!i'! !as not 'on'eived and t!ese (reasts w!i'! !ave not n+rsed"C9

Ies!+a sa-s< !oever !as re'ogniDed t!e world !as fo+nd t!e (od-H -et w!oever !as fo+nd t!e (od-, of !im t!e world is not wort!-. 83

Ies!+a sa-s< reno+n'e ;it>.81


!oever !as (een enri'!ed, let !im (e'ome sovereignH and w!oever possesses power, let !im !oever is 'lose to me is 'lose to t!e fire, and w!oever is far from me is far from t!e 0ove/

Ies!+a sa-s< reignt-.82

) . )!.

Ies!+a sa-s< 5!e images are manifest to man8ind, and ;-et> t!e lig!t wit!in t!em is !idden. a :e s!all (e revealed in t!e images of t!e Kat!er#s lig!t$;(+t as -et (> !is lig!t 'on'eals !is image.8? Ies!+a sa-s< !en -o+ see -o+r refle'tion, -o+ reOoi'e. Iet w!en -o+ per'eive -o+r images, w!i'! !ave 'ome into (eing from -o+r Grigin$w!i'! neit!er die a nor represent($to w!at e6tent will t!e- depend +pon ' -o+R8)
C? C)

WMt 9<?C/?8. Grigen, "ontra "elsum, 8.1=< :ow is it t!at man- are aro+nd t!e well and no one goes into itR# C* Mt 9<1*/2*<13, 5! 1=/)9. C= M+ltiple as-ndetaH Ps 11<C/1C<1*, WMt =<19/23/W1?<))/)=, WB8 12<??. CC a %s-ndetonH En 8<12, 5! ?3nH Bao 5D+, Tao Teh "hing, 1=< %ll t!ings flo+ris!, (+t ea'! one ret+rns to its root,... t!e eternal 5ao#H Vi'tor :+go, ,es -isDrables< %ll 'omes from lig!t, and all ret+rns to it.# C8 WMt 11<C/8. C9 B8 1<)2/W11<2C/28/2?<29. 83 5! *=. 81 0overeign wit!o+t power< a verita(le den 8oan"H %le6ander 0olD!enits-n, The Gulag 4rchipelago, I.)< Power is a poison well/8nown for t!o+sands of -ears.# 82 \+oted (- Grigen, omily on 5eremiah, SS.?. 8? a 5! 19H (as-ndetonH Ps 13)<2"H Vi'tor :+go, ,es -isDrables< 7od is (e!ind all t!ings, (+t all t!ings !ide 7od.# 8) a 0ense per'eptions do not peris!, (+t merel- (e'ome pastH (nor do t!e- manifest somet!ing else imper'epti(l- (e-ond/ (elow/wit!in t!emselvesH '9opti' 6a, see P2=9.1< +sed after ver(s of 'arr-ing or (earing w!en t!e (earer is t!o+g!t of as (eing (eneat! t!e (+rden#H t!is is t!e epistemologi'al Land t!+s ontologi'alM !inge of t!e entire te6tH see ,6 1)<1), Ps 1?9<1=, Pro 23<2), En *<19, 5! 19, and %ngel, Image and 0-m(ol#H 9!+ang 5D+ L)t! 'ent+r- @9 9!inaM, 2< Eo-, anger, grief, delig!t, worr-, regret, fi'8leness, infle6i(ilit-, modest-, volition, sin'erit-, insolen'e<... wit!o+t t!em we wo+ld not e6ist,


Ies!+a sa-s< %dam 'ame into e6isten'e from a great power and a great wealt!, and ;-et> !e did not (e'ome wort!- of -o+. Kor if !e !ad (een wort!-, L!e wo+ldM not L!ave tastedM deat!. 8*

Ies!+a sa-s< L5!e fo6es !ave t!eir densM and t!e (irds !ave t!eir nests, (+t t!e 0on of Man8ind !as no pla'e to la- !is !ead for rest.8=

Ies!+a sa-s< ret'!ed is t!e (od- w!i'! depends +pon ;anot!er> (od-, and wret'!ed is t!e so+l w!i'! de/ pends +pon t!eir (eing toget!er.8C

Ies!+a sa-s< 5!e angels and t!e prop!ets are 'oming to -o+, and t!e- s!all (estow +pon -o+ w!at is -o+rs. %nd -o+ -o+rselves, give to t!em w!at is in -o+r !ands, and sa- among -o+rselves< Gn w!at da- are t!e- 'oming to re'eive w!at is t!eirsR88

Ies!+a sa-s< !- do -o+ was! t!e o+tside of t!e '!ali'eR &o -o+ not 'ompre!end t!at :e w!o 'reates t!e inside, is also :e w!o 'reates t!e o+tsideR89

Ies!+a sa-s< 9ome +nto me, for m- -ogaV is nat+ralV and m- lords!ip is gentle$and -o+ s!all find repose for -o+rselves.93

5!e- sa- to !im< 5ell +s w!o t!o+ art, so t!at we ma- (elieve in t!ee. e :e sa-s to t!em< Io+ s'r+tiniDe t!e fa'e of t!e s8- and of t!e eart!$-et -o+ !ave not re'ogniDed :im w!o is fa'ing -o+, and -o+ do not 8now to inA+ire of :im at t!is moment.91

Ies!+a sa-s< 0ee8 and -o+ s!all find. @+t t!ose t!ings w!i'! -o+ as8ed me in t!ose da-s, I did not tell -o+ t!en. 4ow I wis! to tell t!em, and -o+ do not inA+ire a(o+t t!em. 92
* .

;Ies!+a sa-s<> 7ive not w!at is sa'red to t!e dogs, lest t!e- t!row it on t!e d+ng/!eap. 9ast not t!e pearls to t!e swine, lest t!e- (rea8 ;t!em> in pie'es.9?
*!. *". *#.

Ies!+a Lsa-s<M

!oever see8s s!all find. L%nd w!oever 8no'8s,M it s!all (e opened to !im. 9)

LIes!+a sa-s<M If -o+ !ave 'opper/'oins, a do not lend at interest$(+t rat!er give Lt!emM to !im w!o will not repa- -o+.9* Ies!+a Lsa-s<M 5!e 0overeignt- of t!e Kat!er is li8e LaM woman, a s!e !as ta8en a little leaven, a s!e L!as !iddenM it in do+g!,a s!e prod+'ed large loaves of it. !oever !as ears, let !im !ear" 9=

Ies!+a sa-s< 5!e 0overeignt- of t!e LKat!erM is li8e a woman w!o is 'arr-ing a Oar f+ll of grain. ; !ile> s!e was wal8ing Lon aM distant road, t!e !andle of t!e Oar (ro8e, t!e grain streamed o+t (e!ind !er onto t!e road. 0!e did not o(serve ;it>, s!e !ad noti'ed no a''ident. ; !en> s!e arrived in !er !o+se, s!e set t!e Oar down$s!e

wit!o+t +s t!e- !ave not!ing to ta8e !old ofH... it wo+ld seem as t!o+g! t!e- !ave some 5r+e Master, and -et I find no tra'e of !imH !e 'an a't$t!at is 'ertainH -et I 'annot see !is formH !e !as identit- (+t no form#H %le6ander Pope, 4n !ssay on -an, I.?)< Up!eld (- 7od, or t!eeR# 8* 7en ?<19, 5! 1. 8= &an C<1?/1), WMt 8<23H 5!omas olfe, @ou "an't Go ome 4gain, I.=< :omeless, +prooted, and alone, wit! no door to enter, no pla'e to 'all !is own, in all t!e vast desolation of t!e planet.# 8C II/0am 1?<1/22, 5! 112. 88 Rev/%p 22<8/9" 89 B8 11<?9/)1. 93 Mt 11<28/?3, 5! =3. 91 5! */*2/C=/8), WB8 12<*=H Eo!n 0tein(e'8, The Grapes of 9rath, 1?< I don# 8now w!at to pra- for or w!o to pra- to.# 92 WMt C<C/8H Men'i+s, )t! 'ent+r- @9 9!ina< It is said, 0ee8 and -o+ will find it, negle't and -o+ will lose it.# 9? Pro 2?<9, WMt C<=. 9) WMt C<8. 9* B8 =<?3/?=H a!ere in t!e (o+nd pap-r+s 'ode6 t!ere is a single s!eet p+DDlingl- (lan8 on (ot! sides. 9= a %s-ndetonH WMt 1?<??.


fo+nd it empt-. 9C Ies!+a sa-s< 5!e 0overeignt- of t!e Kat!er is li8e someone w!o wis!es to sla- an eminent person. In !is !o+se !e drew fort! t!e sword, a !e t!r+st it into t!e wall in order to as'ertain w!et!er !is !and wo+ld prevail. 5!en !e slew t!e eminent person.98

5!e &is'iples sa- to !im< 5!- (rot!ers and t!- mot!er are standing o+tside. e :e sa-s to t!em< 5!ose !ere w!o do t!e will of m- Kat!er$t!ese are m- @rot!ers and m- Mot!er. It is t!e- w!o s!all enter t!e 0overeigntof m- Kat!er.99

5!e- s!owed Ies!+a a Ldenari+sM, and t!e- sa- to !im< 5!e agents of 9aesar demand ta6es from +s. e :e sa-s to t!em< 7ive t!e t!ings of 9aesar to 9aesar, give t!e t!ings of 7od to 7od, and give to me w!at is mine. 133

;Ies!+a sa-s<> !oever does not !ate !is fat!er and !is mot!er in m- wa-, s!all not (e a(le to (e'ome a &is/ 'iple to me. %nd w!oever does LnotM love !is LKat!erM and !is Mot!er in m- wa-, s!all not (e a(le to (e'ome a L&is'iple toM me. Kor m- mot!er L(oreV m- (od-M, a -et Lm-M 5r+e LMot!erM gave me t!e life.131

Ies!+a sa-s< oe +nto t!em, t!e dogmatists$for t!e- are li8e a dog sleeping in t!e manger of o6en. Kor neit!er does !e eat, nor does !e allow t!e o6en to eat. 132
1+ .

Ies!+a sa-s< @lest is t!e person w!o 8nows in Lw!i'!M part t!e t!ieves enter, so t!at !e s!all arise and 'olle't !is L(elongingsM and gird +p !is loins (efore t!e- 'ome in. 13?

5!e- sa- Lto !im<M 9ome, let +s pra- toda- and let +s fast" e Ies!+a sa-s< !at t!en is t!e transgression w!i'! I !ave 'ommitted, or in w!at !ave I (een vanA+is!edR @+t w!en t!e @ridegroom 'omes fort! from t!e @ridal/9!am(er, t!en let t!em fast and let t!em pra-. 13)
1+". 1+#. 1+'.

Ies!+a sa-s<

!oever s!all a'8nowledge fat!er and mot!er, s!all (e 'alled t!e son of ;a> !arlot. 13*

Ies!+a sa-s< !en -o+ ma8e t!e two one, a -o+ s!all (e'ome 0ons of Man8ind ($and w!en -o+ sa- to t!e mo+ntain< @e moved"#, it s!all (e moved.13= Ies!+a sa-s< 5!e 0overeignt- is li8e a s!ep!erd w!o !as 133 s!eep. Gne of t!em went astra-, w!i'! was t!e largest. :e left t!e 99, !e so+g!t for t!at one +ntil !e fo+nd it. :aving wearied !imself, !e sa-s to t!at s!eep< I desire t!ee more t!an 99.#13C

Ies!+a sa-s< !oever drin8s from m- mo+t! s!all (e'ome li8e me. I m-self s!all (e'ome as !e is, and t!e se'rets s!all (e revealed to !im. 138

Ies!+a sa-s< 5!e 0overeignt- is li8e a person w!o !ad a treas+re L!iddenM in !is field wit!o+t (eing aware of it. %nd LafterM !is deat!, !e (eA+eat!ed it to !is Lson. 5!eM son was not aware ;of it>, !e a''epted t!at field, !e sold LitM. %nd !e 'ame w!o p+r'!ased it$!e plows, L!e dis'overedM t!e treas+re. :e (egan to lend mone- at interest to

M+ltiple as-ndeta. %s-ndetonH 4@ t!e tong+e as t!e sword in one#s mo+t!#< Isa )9<2, Rev/%p 1<1=. 99 5! 1*, WM8 ?<?1/?*. 133 I/2i 13<1)[Rev/%p 1?<18"< a most e6traordinar- gematria, indi'ating t!e notorio+s === as a monetary s-m(olH WMt 22<1=/21. 131 a %nti/7nosti'H Eo( ??<)", En 2<), 5! 1*"/C9/99, WB8 1)<2=H see 5!e Maternal 0pirit# and 5!eogenesis#H Odes of St Solomon, ?*<=, I was 'arried li8e a '!ild (- its mot!er#H @!agwan 0!ree RaOnees! ;Gs!o>, The -ustard Seed< Io+r mot!er gave (irt! to -o+r (od-, not to -o+.# 132 5! ?9H WThe .ables of %esopV. 13? WB8 12<?*P?9. 13) M8 2<19/23, 5! 1). 13* Mt 2?<8/9, B8 1)<2=, En 8<)1, 5! 131, 5!eogenesis#. 13= a 5! 22H Bao 5se, Tao Te "hing, 1< 5!ese two are t!e same#H (&an C<1?/1), 5! 8=. 13C ,De8 ?)<1*/1=, WB8 1*<?/=, P! *9. 138 B8 =<)3, En )<C/1*/C<?C.
98 a


w!omever !e wis!es.139
11+. 111.

Ies!+a sa-s<

!oever !as fo+nd t!e world and (e'ome enri'!ed, let !im reno+n'e t!e world. 113

Ies!+a sa-s< 5!e s8- and t!e eart! s!all (e rolled +p in -o+r presen'eH and !e w!o lives from wit!in t!e Biving/Gne s!all see neit!er deat! Lnor fearM. e 5!erefore Ies!+a sa-s< !oever finds !imself, of !im t!e world is not wort!-.111 Ies!+a sa-s< fles!"112
11 . 11!.

oe to t!e fles! w!i'! depends +pon t!e so+l, ;anda> woe to t!e so+l w!i'! depends +pon t!e

:is &is'iples sa- to !im< !en will t!e 0overeignt- 'omeR e ;Ies!+a sa-s<> It s!all not 'ome (- wat'!ing ;for it>. 5!e- will not sa- @e!old !ere"# or @e!old t!ere"# @+t rat!er t!e 0overeignt- of t!e Kat!er is spread +pon t!e eart!, and !+mans do not see it.11? 0!imon 2efa sa-s to t!em< Bet Mariam depart from among +s, for women are not wort!- of t!e life. a e Ies!+a sa-s< @e!old, I m-self s!all inspireV !er so t!at I ma8e !er male, in order t!at s!e also s!all (e'ome a living spirit li8e -o+ males.( Kor ever- female w!o (e'omes male, s!all enter t!e 0overeignt- of t!e :eavens. 11)

5!e 7ospel a''ording to 5!omas

5otes to Thomas
:-perlinears of all logia<!Yinterlin.!tml 9opti' was t!e final, millennial stage of t!e 'lassi'al ,g-ptian lang+age, evolving after t!e invasion of %le6ander t!e 7reat ;??2 @9> and s+(seA+entl- s+pplanted (- %ra(i' following t!e M+slim 'onA+est ;=)3 %&>H see @i(lio. 18. It !as alwa-s (een t!e lit+rgi'al lang+age of t!e ,g-ptian 9!+r'!H moreover, t!e an'ient 9opti' versions of t!e Gld and 4ew 5estaments are of great importan'e in te6t+al @i(li'al st+dies. UtiliDing man- 78 loan words, 9opti' also adopted t!e 7ree8 alp!a(et, adding t!ese letters< 4 ;s!ai>, 3 ;fai>, 6 ;!ori>, ` ;OanOa>, 2 ;gima>, and 5 ;ti>, as well as C ;s-lla(le or a((reviation indi'ator>H see P331 and'opto.!tml. ,nglis! terms w!i'! derive from an'ient ,g-ptian via 9opti' in'l+de p!arao!# ;,g-ptian per.o L92=Ca/2*?aM< !o+se great>H ado(e# ;9opti' twwbe< (ri'8, 9?98aH via %ra(i' and 0panis!>H oasis# ;from ,g-ptian via 7ree8H 9opti' parallel oua6e, 9*38(>H (arge# ;9opti' baare, via 78 LBiddell F 0'ott, @i(lio. 19P2?< a flat/(ottomed (oat, +sed in ,g-pt#M, 93)2a>H and manna# ;9opti' moone< to feed, 91C?a>. 9...# and P...# are referen'es to pages/se'tions in 9r+m#s #ictionary and Pl+mle-#s Grammar ;@i(lio. *P=>. 6dam ;)=/8*>< :e( Md) ;(lood/red, 'la->$t!e original !+man and/or generi' man8ind. 6esop ;132/139>< 'rippled 78 slave w!o flo+ris!ed in t!e =t!/'ent+r- @9 and was e6e'+ted at &elp!i for impiet-#, w!ose .ables were well/8nown t!r+o+t t!e an'ient worldH t!e onl- non/Israelite ot!er t!an t!e &elp!i' Gra'le ;Re/'ogniDe t!-self#< 5! ?> w!om 9!rist is 8nown to !ave A+oted, as also in B8 )<2? ;moral from 5!e \+a'8 Krog#>, Mt C<1* ;5!e olf in 0!eep#s 9lot!ing#> and vario+s ot!er all+sions. 6ll ;CC>< see Totalit&.
139 113

M+ltiple as-ndetaH WThe .ables of %esopH Mt 1?<)). 5! 81H %nton 9!e8!ov, The "herry Orchard< If t!o+ art given t!e 8e-s to t!e !o+se!old, t!row t!em into t!e well and wal8 awa-, go. @e free li8e t!e wind.# 111 Isa ?)<), B8 21<??, 5! 11", Rev/%p =<1). 112 a %s-ndetonH 5! 8C. 11? %nti/7nosti'"H Ps )C<C, B8 1C<23/21, 5! *1H :enr- &avid 5!orea+, 9alden< :eaven is +nder o+r feet as well as over o+r !eads.# 11) a Pro ?1<?, ,'' C<28"H (e6A+isitel- ironi'al, sin'e spirit# in %ramai'$t!e original lang+age of t!e logion$is feminine"H 7en ?<1=, ,6 18<2, 5! 22"H 'p. ;remar8a(l-> ,nglis! tom/(o-#H The /22/ $ights, I< Rel- not on women, tr+st not to t!eir !earts"#H 9lement of %le6andria, Stromata, VI.12< 0o+ls are neit!er male nor female w!en t!e- no longer marr- nor are given in marriage LB8 23<?)/?=MH and is not woman transformed into man, w!en s!e is (e'ome eA+all- +nfeminine, and manl-, and perfe'tR#H 0a+l @ellow, 5!e Gld 0-stem#, -osbyBs -emoirs and Other Stories< 0!e mig!t smell li8e a woman, (+t s!e a'ted li8e a man.#


$ear ;131>< interpolated 9opti' te6t ;image of t!e pap-ri<>< ta.maau gar nta.[s.mise pa.swma eb]ol
P3*3/919Ca 78 P232PP18=(/P3?*/918*a P3*3/78 93?)a

M-.mot!er for did.Ls!e.(ear m-.(od- forMt!. $ed ;=1(, 4@ as also in =1a>< t!e 9opti' te6t !ere is< a.k.telo e`m- pa.glog
P199a/P3?*/9)38( 9C*Ca P3*3/981*a

&id.t! +pon m-.(ed. 5!is last term is the one and only 0a!idi' 9opti' word for (ed#. Pace 7+illa+mont et alia ;@i(lio. C>, it does not mean (en'!#, w!i'! wo+ld (e poi ;92=3(>H nor does it mean sofa#, for w!i'! t!ere are several terms listed in t!e ,nglis! inde6 of 9r+m +nder 'o+'!#, e.g. ma n-.nkotk ;pla'e of/re'lining, 922*a>$t!+s in t!e 0a!idi' version of %' *<1*, glog is +sed for and ma n-.nkotk for ;m- t!an8s to :an- 5a8la for t!is referen'e>. $lest ;C/18/19/)9/*)/*8/=8/=9a/=9(/C9/13?>< 78 H ;see 4ote 2 in t!e !-perlinear of logion C>H Mt *<? et passim. $ridalBCham%er ;C*/13)>< 9opt ma n-.4eleet ;pla'e of/(rideH 91*?a/*=3(> W 78 W :e( rdx ;kheder>H t!e (edroom w!ere t!e marriage is 'ons+mmated ;E+d 1*<1, Ps 19<*/)*<1?/1*", 0/of/0 1<), En ?<29", Mt 9<1* L , t!e 0ons of t!e @ridal/9!am(erM, 2*<1/1?>$see 0acrament in P! 4otes and P! =*/C1/C2/C?/82/9)/131/138/ 1?1/1)?. ;efile ;C>< 9opt bht ;from bwte, to poll+te, (e a(omina(leH 93)*(> see ;efilement in P! 4otes. ;ogmatists ;?9/132>< %ram My#wrp ;perushFm, P!arisees#< separated>H +(iA+ito+s dogmati' Eewis! 'leri's of t!at time, t!e religio+s part- of Pa+l of 5ars+sH Mt *<23/2?<1/?9, %' 2=<*. E<er&thing ;=/=C>< see Totalit&. Gnostic ;*>< re t!e (latant anti-Gnosticism of t!ese te6ts, see Incarnate, 3ecognition and %re t!e 9opti' 7ospels 7nosti'R#H 7nosti'ism# is (- definition metap!-si'all- Platoni', maintaining t!at t!e per'epti(le +niverse and t!+s all in'ar/ nation are untrust%orthy or even illusoryH o+r te6ts, on t!e 'ontrar-, s!are t!e @i(li'al view t!at (ot! t!e +niverse and o+r in'arnations are divinely created. .ea<en ;23/))/11)>< see 0>&. ImageDsE ;22/*3/8?/8)>< 78 ;similit+de> W :e( Mlc ;tselem, from lc Ltsel, s!adowMH 7en 1<2=>H sensorper'eptions and/or mental images, t!e five senses ;5! 19"> toget!er wit! memor- and t!e imaginationH see %ngel, image and 0-m(ol#. Incarnate ;28>< 9opt 6n- sarc ;in fles!#$+tiliDing t!e same 78 term as En 1<1), >H t!+s blatantly anti-GnosticH see Gnostic. Inspire ;11)>< 9opt sok ;to draw, (eg+ile, gat!er or impel Lnot merel- lead, (+t rat!er attractM< 9?2*(>H as in t!e 0a!idi' version of En =<))"" ;78 >H in 5! 8, t!is same ver( is +sed to mean to dra% a net +p o+t of t!e sea#. 8aco% the 3ighteous ;12>< :e( bq(y ;yakov< !eeler, s+pplanterH 7en 2*<2=> W 78 W ,nglis! Eames#H t!e !+man (rot!er of Ies!+a ;M8 =<?, En C<*, %' 1<1)/12<1C, Eas 1<1>, s+(seA+entl- ,lder of t!e 9onvo'ation in Eer+salem. 8ohn the $aptist ;)=/C8>< Eo!n W :e( Nnxwy ;yokhanan< Ia! is gra'io+s>H t!e last :e( prop!et and t!e Messiani' pre/ '+rsor ;B8 1/?/C>H pro'laimed t!e s+premel- innovative do'trine of forgiveness following repentan'e ;M8 1<)>H see /racle, P! C?/81/1??, $aptism in P! 4otes, 1ogoi in 5r 4otes. =ind ;=*>< see ?intage. 1ogos/Meaning/0a&ing ;Prolog/1/19/?8/C9>< 78 ;'on'eptPe6pression#> W 9opt 4a`e ;9=12(> W :e( rm) ;amr> W %ram )rmym ;memra>H 'f. :era'lit+s, t!e 0toi's and P!ilo of %le6andriaH B8 8<11, En 1<1), Rev/%p 19<1?H ,nglis! meaning# derives from %nglo/0a6on mGnan< to !ave in mind, mention, 'on'eivePe6press#$t!e e6a't sense of (ot! logos and memraH En 1<1 t!+s reads In ;t!e> Grigin was t!e Meaning#. 1ord/Master ;)Ca/=)/=*/C?/C)>< :e( Nwd) ;ad+n> W 78 W 9opt `oeis ;9C8C(>H slave/ownerH P! 2. Mariam ;21/11)>< :e( Myrm ;from Mwrm, mrom< e6alted L0trong#s 3)C91MH ,6 2<)/1*<23>H five females named Mariam appear in t!e 7ospels< t!e Virgin, Mariam of Magdala, Mariam of @et!an-, Mariam of 9leopas, and Mariam t!e !+man sister of Ies!+a ;M' =<?, P! ?=>H t!e BSS as well as t!e oldest and (est man+s'ripts of e.g. En 23 ;vs.1 L ) %M, vs.11 Lp==' )M, vs.1= L) @M, vs.18 Lp== ) @M> provide t!e 'orre't transliteration of t!is ;0emiti'> name into 78 letters< . Matthew ;1?>< :e( hy-Ntm ;mattan-yah< gift of Ia!>H t!e %postle/,vangelist, also named Bevi of %lp!ae+s# ;see Bevi in P! 4otes, M8 2<1)>, (rot!er of t!e %postle Ea'o( of %lp!ae+sH Mt 13<? et'. 5atural ;93>< see ?intage. /racle/Prophet ;?1/*2/88>< 78 W :e( )ybn ;nAbi>H a divine spo8esperson, not merel- predi'tiveH note t!at t!ere are 2) (oo8s in t!e :e( 'anon of t!e G5, and also 2) Prop!ets in'l+ding Eo!n t!e @aptist ;see IV/,Dra 1)<)*, Rev/%p


)<)>. /rigin ;18>< 78 H a term from t!e pre/0o'rati' 78 p!ilosop!ers, meaning not a temporal (eginning (+t rat!er t!e primar- element or fo+ndation of realit- ;t!+s in 7en 1<1 BSS, M8 1<1, En 1<1>. Philosopher ;1?>< 78 ;fond of wisdom>H t!is word ;'oined (- t!e pre/0o'rati' P-t!agoras> !as no pre'ise :e(/%ram eA+ivalent, and t!+s Matt!ew !imself ma- !ave +sed t!e 78 wordH (+t see t!e parallel term at Eo( 9<), bbl Mkx ;khakam liba>, wise in !eart#. Prophet ;*2/88>< see /racle. 3a%%i ;12>< :e( ybr ;m- great/one> W 9opt no2 ;great, 92*3a>H a spirit+al a+t!orit-H En 1<?8/?<2=, Mt 2?<C. 3ecognition ;?/*/?9/)?/*1/*=/=C/=9a/C8/83/91/13*>< 9opt sooun ;9?=9(> W 78 ;gnosis>H t!is important term means dire't personal a'A+aintan'e rat!er t!an mere intelle't+al 8nowledge, as in En 1C<2* and I/En )<CH see 5! *, P! 11=/ 122/1?), 5r 1/)/= et'., Incarnate and GnosticH 4@ @ertrand R+ssell#s 'ele(rated 5!eor- of &es'riptions, w!erein t!e essen/ tial distin'tion is drawn (etween 2nowledge (- %'A+aintan'e and 2nowledge (- &es'ription$made ne'essar- in ,nglis! (- its +se of 8now# for (ot! meaningsH ot!er lang+ages +tiliDe two separate terms, e.g. 0panis! 'ono'er# ;from >, to (e a'A+ainted wit!#, vers+s sa(er# ;from Batin S4P!R!, to (e wise>, to 8now a(o+t#. 3epent ;28>< 78 ;after/mind, re'onsider< 'ognitive> " :e( bw# ;shub< t+rn aro+nd, ret+rn< (e!avioral>H Ps C<12/22<2C, Mt ?<1/2/ )<1C, B8 ?<2/1)H t!e initial message of (ot! Eo!n t!e @aptist and 9!rist, t!is important term does not signif- a mere feeling of remorse, w!i'! is ;wit!/after/sentiment>. 3epose ;2/*3/*1/=3/93>< 78 ;+p/'easing>H ,6 2?<12, Isa 28<12, Mt 11<28H see also 5! 2C. 0a%%ath ;2C>< :e( tb# ;shabat? repose>H t!e ;Ct!> da- of restH ,6 21<8/11, B8 =<1/11, 5r C/??$see t!e peri'ope B8 =<)P in 9ode6 & ;3*> L@eDaeM< 5!at same da-, !e saw someone wor8ing on t!e 0a((at!,c !e said to !im< Man, if indeed -o+ +nderstand w!at -o+ are doing, -o+ are (lestH if indeed -o+ do not +nderstand, -o+ are a''+rsed and a transgressor of t!e 5ora!#H 4estle/%land, @i(lio. 23, te6t+al notes ;cas-ndeton>. 0acred 0pirit ;))>< :e( #dqh xwr ;ruakh ha-*odesh, 0pirit t!e/:ol-H feminine gender> 78 ;ne+ter gender> 9opt p.pneuma et.ouaab ;P383, mas'+line genderH as also Batin SP&R&T<S S4$"T<S>H see 0pirit and 5!e Maternal 0pirit#. 0alome ;?Cn/=1(>< :e( tymwl# ;shlomit< pea'ef+l>H a female &is'iple ;M8 1*<)3/)1/1=<1/8>H P! *9"/C9" 0amaritan ;=3>< t!ose 4ort!ern 2ingdom Israelites not deported to @a(-lon and !en'e la'8ing t!e later G5 s'ript+res ;I/2i 1=<2), II/2i 1C>, t!erefore in post/,6ili' times 'onsidered !ereti's ;as in B8 13<2*/?C, En )<1/)2>. 0a&ing ;Prolog/1/19/?8>< see 1ogos. 0cripturalist ;?9>< 78 ;s'ri(e>H Mt 2?<1/?9 et'. 0ecretF.iddenFConcealed ;Prolog/*/=/?2/??/?9/8?/9=/138/139>< 9opt 6wp ;9=9*a>H t!is is t!e term +sed e.g. in 0a!idi' Mt 1?<?*. 0himon =efa ;1?/11)>< :e( Nw(m# ;0!imn< !earing, 7en 29<??>H %ram )pyk ;kefa> W 78 ;(edro'8>$t!e '!ief %postle, 0imon Peter ;Mt 13<2/1=<1*/19>. 0>&F.ea<en ;?/=/9/11/12/23/))/*)/91/111/11)>< 9opt pe ;92*9a> W 78 W :e( Mym# ;shamayimH pl+ral>H note t!at s8-# W !eaven# in all t!ree lang+ages. 0pirit ;1)/29/))/*?/11)>< :e( xwr ;r)akh< feminine gender"> W %ram )xwr ;r)kha> 78 ;ne+ter"> Batin SP&R&T<S ;mas'+line">H in all t!ese lang+ages t!e word for spirit# derives from (reat!# or wind# ;7en 2<C, Isa *C<1=, En ?<*/ 8>H see 0acred 0pirit and 9ommentar- 2. Thomas ;Prolog/1?/9olop!on>< %ram Mw)t ;taom> W 78 ;d+pli'ate, twin>H t!e %postle &id-mos E+das 5!o/ mas, a+t!or of t!is te6t ;En 11<1=/23<2)/29/21<2>H E+das# :e( hdwhy ;yeh)da>< praised# W %ra(i' !ammad# as in 4ag :ammadi# ;village of/praise> and Mo!ammed# ;great/praise>, t!e Is!maelite prop!et< 7en 1=/1C/21<1/21/2*<12/18, de'! 9<=/C", as well as not onl- t!e %ra(i' >ur'An (+t also t!e a(sol+tel- essential adith ;!adit!.!tml>. Totalit&FE<er&thingFthe 6ll ;2/=/=C/CC>< 9opt thr.3 ;all of/!im/it, 9)2)a>. Transgression ;1)/13)>< 9opt nobe ;9222a> W 78 W :e( t)+x ;khatat>< moral error, sin W violation of t!e 5ora! ;t!e term sin# !as no ot!er meaning, eit!er in @i(li'al times or t!ereafter>H see Perfect, Torah and ;efilement in P! 4otes. Transient ;)2>< 78 ;(-/led>H someone led past, passer/(-, itinerant$see .e%rew in P! 4otes= Trees ;19>< t!e five trees# ma- well refer to t!e five senses ;4@ t!at all emotions are pres+ma(l- symbolic feelings, !en'e sentiments#>H see 5r 28 and %ngel, Image and 0-m(ol#H it is notewort!- t!at t!e olive tree in parti'+lar does not s!ed its leaves ann+all-. ?intage/=ind/5atural ;)C(/=*/93>< 78 ;+sef+l, vintage, (enevolent, mild, eas->, P! 12=H t!e an'ients often 'onf+sed t!is 'ommon term wit! t!e rare ;anointed, as were 78 at!letes>, wit! referen'e to t!e :e(rew Messia!. 4ar ;1=>< 78 H nowada-s, one mig!t well interpret t!e stars falling from t!e s8-# ;Isa ?)<), M8 1?<2*, Rev/%p =<1?/8<=/12 ff.> as n+'lear warfare, sin'e !-drogen (om(s are literall- small man/made starsH wit!in t!is generation# in B8 21<2)/?2 is e6pli'itl- to (e 'o+nted from t!e re'onA+est of Eer+salem ;E+ne 19=C> and t!erefore not from t!e fo+nding


of t!e modern 0tate of Israel ;Ma- 19)8>H a G5 Israelite generation 'o+ld range from fort- -ears ;4+m 1)<??, &t 2<1)> to one !+ndred -ears ;7en 1*<1?/1=>. 5!e impending militar-/e'ologi'al apo'al-pse is evidentl- not a para(le" 4ic>edness ;)*>< 78 H t!is term !as a root meaning of !ard wor8 or la(orio+s dr+dger-, t!+s oppressive or e6ploitativeH 9!rist#s spe'ifi' listing of 12 evils, at M8 C<22/2?< ;1> < prostit+tion ;see P! 4otes>, an- se6+alitexplicitly for(idden (- t!e 5ora!H ; > < t!eftH ;!> < !omi'ideH ;"> < ad+lter-H ;#> < selfis!nessH ;'> < mali'eH ;(> < de'eitH ;)> < le'!er- Lliterall-< +n/moon/leading"MH ;*> < envio+s/Oealo+s/selfis! e-e L&t 1*<9, Mt 23<1*MH ;1+> < derisionH ;11> < prideH ;1 > < divided mind, am(ivalen'e, s'!iDop!reniaH Rev/%p ?<1*/1=". 4orld ;13/1=/21/2)/2C/28/*1/*=/83/113/111>< 78 ;arrangement, order, s-stem>H originall- t!e pre/0o'rati' p!i/ losop!er P-t!agoras !ad +sed t!is term to designate t!e entire nat+ral +niverse, as in 'osmos#H (+t in t!e 7ospel koinH ;later 'ommon 78> it !ad also 'ome to signif- t!e 'onventionalit- or artifi'ialit- of t!e !+man so'ial s-stem, as in 'osmeti'#H see B8 2<1/)<*/=/12<?3/?1H in t!e G5, t!e Universe is designated t!e !eavens and t!e eart!#, as in 7en 1<1. 7eshua ;Prolog+e et passim>< %ram (w#y ;@esh)a> W :e( (w#why ;@eh+shua>H from (#y-hwhy ;@ 9 ysha? :e/Is 0avior>H Eos! 1<1, ,Dra *<2 ;%ram form>, Mt 1<21, P! 23aH t!is name 'o+ld not (e a''+ratel- trans'ri(ed in 78, w!i'! la'8s t!e 0: so+ndH in t!e 78 and 9opt +n'ial man+s'ripts it was generall- a((reviated i\s\ or i\h\s\H see also t!e se'ond 'ommand/ ment as written on ta(lets of t!e &e'alog+e< hyhy, :e Is# ;Aal imperfe't ?rd person mas'+line sing+lar of hyh, to (e#><'alog+e.Opg, 7oga ;93>< 9opt na6b ;-o8e, 9C2=>H !ere, as in t!e 'anoni'al 7ospels, meaning one#s spirit+al dis'ipline ;t!e 'ognate 0ans8rit term -oga# 'onve-s t!is sense A+ite well>H see P! C9.

:e(rewV person ma8es a ;'onvert> :e(rew, and t!e- 'all !im t!+s< a novi'eV ;prosel-te#>. Iet a novi'e does not ma8e ;anot!er> novi'e. L...M ;5!e instr+'ted> were not ;formerl-> as t!e- ;now> are, a L...M and t!e- ma8e ot!ers L... to re'eive li8e t!emselves.M It s+ffi'es to t!ose ;ot!ers> t!at t!e- s!all (e. 1
1. . 5!e slave see8s onl- to (e set free, -et !e does not see8 after t!e estate of !is master. Iet t!e son not onl- a'ts as a son, (+t also t!e fat!er as'ri(es t!e in!eritan'e to !im. 2

5!ose w!o in!erit t!e dead are t!emselves dead, and t!e- in!erit t!e dead. 5!ose w!o in!erit t!e Biving/Gne are alive, and t!e- in!erit (ot! t!e living and t!e dead. 5!e dead do not in!erit an-t!ing. Kor !ow will t!e dead in/ !eritR !en t!e dead in!erits t!e Biving/Gne, !e s!all not dieH (+t rat!er t!e dead s!all instead live. ?

% nationalistV does not die, for !e !as never lived so t!at !e 'o+ld die. a !oever !as tr+stedV t!e tr+t! ;(e'ame> alive$and t!is/one is in danger of d-ing ;as a mart-r>, for !e is alive sin'e t!e da- t!at t!e 9!ristV 'ame. )
". #. '.

5!e s-stem is invented, t!e 'ities are 'onstr+'ted, t!e dead 'arried o+t. *

In t!e da-s w!en we were :e(rews we were left fat!erless a, !aving onl- o+r Mot!er ;t!e 0a'red 0piritV>. Iet w!en we (e'ame 9!risti's ;Messiani'sV>, Kat!er 'ame to (e wit! Mot!er for +s. = 5!ose w!o sow in t!e winter reap in t!e s+mmer. 5!e winter is t!e world, a t!e s+mmer is t!e ot!er aeonV. Bet +s sow in t!e world so t!at we will !arvest in t!e s+mmer. @e'a+se of t!is, it is appropriate for +s not to pra- in t!e wintertime. !at emerges from t!e winter is t!e s+mmer. Iet if an-one reaps in t!e winter !e will not !arvest (+t rat!er +proot, as t!is met!od will not prod+'e fr+it. 4ot onl- does it Lnot 'ome fort! in winterM, (+t in t!e
1 a

B8 =<)3, 5! 19"H Mt 2?<1*, %' 2<13/=<*H :+i/neng ;9!ina, =?8/C3= %&>, The Platform Scripture ;T'an "hing>, ?3< !en del+ded people +nderstand and open +p t!eir minds, t!e- are no longer different from t!e s+perior and wise#H !-perlin ears of all P!ilip logia<!Y interlin.!tml. 2 7en 1*<2/?, Pro 1C<2, En 8<?*, 5! C2. ? 5! 111. ) 7en 12<1/?, Isa )3<1C, Mt 2)<9H a&ante %lig!ieri, The #ivine "omedy, Inferno, III.=)< 5!ese wret'!es, w!o !ad never tr+llived#H &esideri+s ,rasm+s, &n Praise of .olly< It reall- ma8es little differen'e w!en s+'! a man diesH !e !as never lived.# * %s-ndetonH 7en )<1C, Isa )3<1C, Rev/%p 18, B8 9<=3, P! 13*H Per'- @-ss!e 0!elle-, Peter (ell the Third, III.1< :ell is a 'it- m+'! li8e Bondon#H 5!omas Merton, Raids on the <nspeakable< L5!ere isM one (asi' lie< onl- t!e 'it- is real.# = a 78 , (+t :e( Mwty and %ram )mty mean onl- fat!erless#, not also mot!erless#.


ot!er 0a((at! also !is field is fr+itless.C 5!e 9!rist 'ame" 0ome indeed !e ransoms, -et ot!ers !e saves, -et for ot!ers !e atonesV. 5!ose w!o were alienated !e ransomed,a !e (ro+g!t t!em to !imself. %nd !e saved t!ose w!o 'ame to !im$t!ese !e set as pledges in !is desire. 4ot onl- w!en !e was revealed did !e appoint t!e so+l as !e desired, (+t sin'e t!e da- of t!e world#s origin !e appointed t!e so+l. %t t!e time !e desires !e 'ame first to fet'! it, sin'e it was pla'ed among t!e pledges. It 'ame to (e +nder t!e (andits and t!e- too8 it 'aptive. Iet !e saved it, and !e atoned for (ot! t!e good and t!e evil in t!e world.8

5!e lig!t wit! t!e dar8ness, life wit! deat!, t!e rig!t wit! t!e left are (rot!ers one to anot!er. It is not possi(le for t!em to (e separated from one anot!er. @e'a+se of t!is, neit!er are t!e good good, nor are t!e evils evil, nor is t!e life a life, nor is deat! a deat!. 5!erefore ea'! individ+al s!all (e resolved into !is origin from ;t!e> (e/ ginning. Iet t!ose e6alted a(ove t!e world are immortal ;and a> are in eternit-V. 9

5!e names w!i'! are given (- t!e worldl-$t!erein is a great 'onf+sionV. Kor t!eir !earts are t+rned awafrom t!e real +nto t!e +nreal. %nd !e w!o !ears t!e ;word> 7od# does not t!in8 of t!e real, (+t rat!er !e is made to t!in8 of t!e +nreal. 0o also wit! ;t!e words> t!e Kat!er# and t!e 0on# and t!e 0a'red 0pirit# and t!e Bife# and t!e Big!t# and t!e Res+rre'tion# and t!e 9onvo'ationV# LandM all t!e ot!er ;words>$t!e- do not t!in8 of t!e real, (+t rat!er t!e- are made to t!in8 of t!e L+nMreal. L...M Moreover t!e- !ave learned t!e Lall/!+manM realitof deat!. 5!e- are in t!e s-stem, a Lt!e- are made to t!in8 of t!e +nrealM. If t!e- were in eternit-, t!e- wo+ld not !ave designated an-t!ing as a worldl- evil, nor wo+ld t!e- !ave (een pla'ed wit!in worldl- events. 5!ere is a destin- for t!em in eternit-. 13

Gne single 4ame t!e- do not +tter in t!e world$t!e 4ame w!i'! t!e Kat!er (estowed +pon !imself (- means of t!e 0on, t!is e6istent 4ame of t!e Kat!er, ;w!i'!> !e e6alts over all. a Kor t!e 0on 'o+ld not (e'ome t!e Kat!er, +nless !e were given t!e 4ame of t!e Kat!er. 5!is e6isting 4ame t!e- are made to !ave in t!o+g!t, -et none/ t!eless t!e- spea8 it not. ( Iet t!ose w!o do not !ave it, 'annot even t!in8 it. @+t t!e tr+t! engendered words in t!e world for o+r sa8e. It wo+ld not (e possi(le to learn it wit!o+t words. 11

0!e alone is t!e tr+t!. 0!e ma8es ;t!e> m+ltit+de, and 'on'erning +s s!e tea'!es t!is alone in a love t!r+ man-. 12
1 .

5!e a+t!oritiesV desired to de'eive !+man8ind, (e'a+se t!e- per'eived !im (eing in a 8ins!ip wit! t!e tr+lgood. 5!e- too8 t!e word good#, t!e- applied it to t!e +ngood, so t!at t!r+ words t!e- mig!t de'eive !im and (ind ;!im> to t!e +ngood. %nd s+(seA+entl-, w!en t!ese w!o !ave re'ogniDedV t!emselves re'eive gra'e, t!e ;words> are wit!drawn from t!e +ngood and applied to t!e good. Kor ;t!e a+t!orities> !ad desired to ta8e t!e free ;person>, to 8eep !im enslaved to t!emselves forever. 5!ere are powers entr+sted to !+mans. ;5!e a+t!orities> do not want !im Lto re'ogniDeM ;!imself>, so t!at t!e- will (e'ome LmastersM over !im. Kor if t!ere is man8ind, t!ere is Lslaver-M. 1?

0a'rifi'es (egan L...M, and animals were offered +p to t!e powers. L...M 5!e- were offered +p to t!em still alive $t!e- were indeed offered +p living. Iet ;w!en a> t!e- were offered +p, t!e- died. ;@+t> t!e !+man ( was offered

%s-ndetonH Mt =<1/=, 5! 1)/2C/13)" %s-ndetonH M8 13<)*, En 13<1C/18H 0t E+stin Mart-r, #ialogue %ith Trypho, )C L'a. 1=3 %&M< G+r Bord Ees+s 9!rist said< %s I find -o+, t!+s s!all I O+dge -o+.# 9 a %s-ndetonH Isa )*<C, Bam ?<?8H 0ren 2ier8egaard, !ither/Or< 5!e tr+e eternit- is not lo'ated after eit!er/or, (+t (efore it#H 'p. t!e 9!inese 5ao. 13 Isa *<23"H aas-ndetonH note t!is e6traordinar- anal-sis of 'ommonpla'e religio+s lang+age as itself (ot! perverted and per/ vertingH 0am+el @e'8ett, !ndgame< I +se t!e words -o+ ta+g!t me. If t!e- donkt mean an-t!ing an- more, tea'! me ot!ers. Gr let me (e silent#H see P! 1? and 9lement of %le6andria, Stromata, V.1)< e are not to t!in8 of 7od a''ording to t!e opinion of t!e m+ltit+de.# 11 " En 1CH a5! CC, 5r )*H (as in I/2i 19<12, w!ere hqd hmmd lwq means 'alm silent voi'e#. 12 P! =/18/)3. 1? Isa *<23, P! 13H :enr- &avid 5!orea+, 9alden< 5!e greater part of w!at m- neig!(ors 'all good I (elieve in m- so+l to (e (ad#H %le8sandr 0olD!enits-n, The .irst "ircle< % prisoner ... w!o !as risen to t!at stage of development w!ere t!e (ad (egins to appear t!e good.#
8 a


+p dead to 7od$and !e lived.1) @efore t!e 9!rist 'ame, t!ere was no (read in t!e world as ;t!ere !ad (een> in paradiseV, t!e pla'e w!ere %dam was. It !ad man- plants as no+ris!ment for t!e wild animals, ;(+t a> it !ad no w!eat as food for !+man8indH t!e !+man was no+ris!ed li8e t!e wild animals. @+t t!e 9!rist was sent, t!e perfe'tV person. :e (ro+g!t (read from !eaven, so t!at !+man8ind 'o+ld (e no+ris!ed wit! t!e food of !+man8ind. 1*

5!e a+t!orities were t!in8ing t!at (- t!eir own power and volition t!e- ena't w!at t!e- do. Iet t!e 0a'red 0pirit in se'ret was ;all along> energiDing ever-t!ing t!r+ t!em as s!e wis!es. 1=

5!e tr+t!, w!i'! e6ists from t!e origin, is sown ever-w!ere, and t!e m+ltit+de see it (eing sown$w!ile -et few w!o see it reap it.1C

0ome sa- t!at Mariam was impregnated (- t!e 0a'red 0pirit. 5!e- are 'onf+sed, a t!e- 8now not w!at t!esa-. !enever !as a femaleV (een impregnated (- a femaleR Mariam is t!e virgin w!om no power !as defiledV, as s!e is of grande+r among t!e 'onse'rations for t!e :e(rew %postlesV and for t!e %postoli'sV. !oever of t!e powers ;attempts to> defile t!is virgin, L... s+'!M powers are ;merel-> defiling t!emselves. %nd t!e Bord was not going to sa- m- Kat!er LinM t!e !eavens#, as if !e indeed !ad anot!er fat!er$(+t rat!er !e said simpl- LmKat!er#M.18

5!e Bord sa-s to t!e &is'iplesV< L...M Indeed 'ome into t!e !o+se of t!e Kat!er, ;(+t a> do not possess ;an-t!ing> nor li8ewise remove ;an-t!ing> from t!e !o+se of t!e Kat!er. 19

Ies!a# is a personal name, t!e 9!rist# is a 'ommon no+n. a 5!+s Ies!a# indeed does not o''+r in an;ot!er> lang+ages, (+t rat!er !is name is Ies!a# as !e is 'alled. Iet !is name 9!rist# in %ramai'V is Messia!V#, (+t in IonianV is< . %ltoget!er, all of t!e remainder !ave ;t!e %nointedV#> a''ording to t!e parti'+lar lang+age of ea'! one.23a
+a. +%. 1.

5!e revealed 4aDareneV is t!e se'ret" 23(

5!e 9!rist !as ever-t!ing wit!in !imself$w!et!er !+man or angelV or m-ster-V, and ;also> t!e Kat!er. 21

. 5!ose w!o sa- t!at t!e Bord first died and t!en arose, are 'onf+sed. Kor first !e arose and ;t!en> !e died. If someone first a'A+ires t!e res+rre'tion, !e will not dieH ;as> 7od lives, t!at one was LnotM going to LdieM. 22 !. 4o one will !ide a t!ing of great val+e in somet!ing 'onspi'+o+s, (+t oftentimes !as one pla'ed ;t!ings wort!> 'o+ntless m-riads in somet!ing wort! a pittan'e. 5!+s it is wit! t!e so+l$somet!ing pre'io+s 'ame to (e in a (od- s'orned as s!amef+l.2? ". 5!ere are some made fearf+l lest t!e- arise na8ed. 5!erefore t!e- desire to arise in t!e fles!, and t!e- do not 8now t!at t!ose w!o wear t!e fles! are t!e den+ded. 5!ese w!o are made Linto lig!tM ;(-> divesting t!emselves ;of t!e fles!>, are t!e- w!o are not na8eda.2)
1) a

%s-ndetonH (9!rist/9!risti'. %s-ndetonH Ps C8<2*, En =<?3/*9H 4@< in Mt =<11$its sole o''+rren'e in eit!er 'lassi'al or koinH 7ree8 literat+re$means s+per/s+(stantial#, not dail-#. 1= Eer 2*<8/9, En 19<11" 1C Mt 22<1), 5! 21. 18 a %s-ndetonH WB8 2<)8/)9"", P! =H Odes of St Solomon, 19<=, 5!e 0pirit opened t!e wom( of t!e Virgin.# 19 a %s-ndetonH En 1)<2H 9lement of %le6andria, Stromata, V.13.=), attri(+tes to t!e 0avior t!is sa-ing< M- m-ster- is for me and for t!e 0ons of m- :o+se.# 23a B8 1<?1H aliterall- se'ret/revealed name#, (+t t!e sense seems to (e proper/'ommon no+n#. 23( B8 )<1=/?3, 5! 138. 21 B8 1C<21, En 1C<21/2?, 5! ?. 22 B8 23<?=, En 11<2=, 5! 29. 2? Porp!-r-, On the ,ife of Plotinus, 1< Plotin+s ... seemed as!amed of (eing in t!e (od-#H 7en ?<C, Eo( 13<11, 5! 29/?C. 2) a @e'a+se t!e- are 'lad in t!e ;sensor-> imagesVH P! 2=/8*H Odes of St Solomon, 2*<8, I was 'lot!ed wit! t!e 'overing of t!- 0pirit, and t!o+ removed from me m- garment of s8in.#
1* a


;Pa+lV 'laims t!at> fles! Land (lood will not (e a(leM to in!erit t!e 0overeignt- Lof 7odM.# a !at is t!is w!i'! s!all not in!eritR 5!is w!i'! is +pon ever- one of +sR Iet t!is is rat!er w!at %ill in!erit$t!at w!i'! (elongs to Ies!+a wit! !is (lood. 5!erefore !e sa-s< :e w!o eats not m- fles! and drin8s not m- (lood, !as no life wit!in !im.( !at is !is fles!R It is t!e BogosH and !is (lood is t!e 0a'red 0pirit. ' :e w!o !as re'eived t!ese !as food and drin8 and 'lot!ing. I m-self re(+8e t!ose ot!ers w!o sa- t!at ;t!e fles!> s!all not arise. ;Kor> (ot! of t!ese are in error< 5!o+ sa- t!at t!e fles! s!all not arise, (+t tell me w!at will arise so t!at I ma- !onor t!eeH t!o+ sa- it is t!e spirit in t!e fles! and t!is ot!er lig!t in t!e fles!$;(+t d> t!is also is an in'arnate sa-ing. !atever t!o+ will sa-, t!o+ do not sa- an-t!ing apart from t!e fles!" e It is ne'essar- to arise in t!is fles!, ;as d> ever-t!ing e6ists wit!in itf.2*

In t!is world t!e- w!o wear garments a are more val+a(le t!an t!e garments. In t!e 0overeignt- of t!e :eavens t!e garments( are more val+a(le t!an t!ose w!om t!e- !ave 'lot!ed t!r+ water wit! fire, w!i'! p+rif- t!e entire pla'e.2=

5!e revelations t!r+ t!ose w!o reveal,a t!e se'rets t!r+ t!ose w!o !ide ;t!em>. 0ome ;t!ings> are 8ept se'ret (t!ose w!o reveal.2C
(. ).

5!ere is water in a ;@aptism of> water, a t!ere is fire in a 9!rismV. 28

*. Ies!+a too8 t!em all (- s+rprise. Kor !e did not reveal !imself as !e Ltr+l-M was, (+t rat!er !e !as revealed !imself as Lt!e- willM (e a(le essentiall- to per'eive !im. 5!e- were s+s'epti(le to d-ing, ;(+t a> !e revealed !im/ self to t!em. L:e revealed !imselfM to t!e great as great, !e revealed !imself to t!e small as small, !e Lrevealed !imself to t!eM angels as an angel and to man8ind as ;a> man. 5!+s !is Bogos 'on'ealed !im from ever-one. 0ome indeed saw !im, t!in8ing t!e- were seeing t!emselves. @+t ;w!en a> !e revealed !imself to !is &is'iples in glor- +pon t!e mo+ntain, !e was not made small. :e (e'ame great, (+t !e ;also> made t!e &is'iples great so t!at t!e- wo+ld (e 'apa(le of (e!olding !im made great.29

:e said on t!at da- in t!e ,+'!aristV< G! 5!o+ w!o !ave matedV t!e Perfe't Big!t wit! t!e 0a'red 0pirit, a mate also o+r angels wit! t!e images"?3

&o not disdain t!e Bam(, for wit!o+t !im it is not possi(le to see t!e door. 4o one divested will (e a(le to enter +nto t!e 2ing.?1

5!e 0ons of t!e 9elestial Person are more n+mero+s t!an t!ose of t!e eart!l- person. If t!e sons of %dam are n+mero+s alt!o+g! t!e- invaria(l- die, !ow man- more are t!e 0ons of t!e Perfe't Person"$t!ese w!o do not die (+t rat!er are 'ontin+all- (eing (orn.?2
! .

5!e Kat!er 'reates ;a> 0on, (+t it is not possi(le for t!e 0on !imself to 'reate ;a> son. Kor it is impossi(le for !im w!o is (egotten, !imself to (eget$(+t rat!er, t!e 0on (egets for !imself @rot!ers, not sons. ??
2* a

WI/9or 1*<*3"H (WEn =<*?"H 'P! 13="H das-ndetonH ean astonis!ing p!ilosop!i'al arg+ment$emp!ati'all- anti/7nosti' and e6pli'itl- anti/Pa+lineH Eo( 19<2*, Isa 2=<19, &an 12<2, B8 2)<?9, En *<2*/2=, %' )<??, Rev/%p 23<11/1?H %verroes, Tahafut al Tahafut, %(o+t t!e 4at+ral 0'ien'es, II< 5!e so+l 'an onl- e6ist t!ro+g! t!e (od-#H Moses Maimonides, The Guide for the Perplexed, I.*1< Man is Lessentiall-M a spea8ing animal#H f4orman G. @rown, The Resurrection of the (ody< 5ert+llian LwritesM< Resurget igitur caro7 et *uidem omnis7 et *uidem ipsa7 et *uidem integra $5!e (od- will rise again, all of t!e (od-, t!e identi'al (od-, t!e entire (od-.# 2= a Gf materialsH (of ;sensor-> imagesH Ps 13)<2", P! 28/C1. 2C a %s-ndetonH Mt 1?<13/1*, Rev/%p 13<)", 5! prolog =2/138H :enr- Eames, 5!e &eat! of t!e Bion#< asn#t an immediate e6pos+re of ever-t!ing O+st w!at t!e p+(li' wantedR# 28 Mt ?<11H aas-ndeton. 29 Mt 1C<1/8H aas-ndeton. ?3 a 4@ in :e(/%ram t!e word lig!t# Lrw), 'orM is mas'+line, w!ile spirit# Lxwr, r)akhM is feminine. ?1 En 1<?=. ?2 7en 2<1C, ,'' *<1=, En 1<1?/11<2=H 5!i'! 4!at :an!, ,iving (uddha7 ,iving "hrist< e 'ontin+e to (e (orn#H @o( &-lan, &t's 4lright -a< :e not (+s- (eing (orn is (+s- d-ing.# ?? Ps 2<C, En 23<1C, 5! 2*, P! )*"


%ll t!ose w!o are (egotten wit!in t!e world are (egotten p!-si'all-, and t!e ot!ers are (egotten Lspirit+all-M. 5!ose (egotten in :is !eart L'all fort!M t!ere to !+man8ind, in order to no+ris! t!em in t!e promise Lof t!e goalM w!i'! is a(ove.?)

L7ra'e 'omesM fort! from !im t!r+ t!e mo+t!, t!e pla'e w!ere t!e Bogos 'ame fort!H ;one> was to (e no+/ ris!ed from t!e mo+t! and to (e'ome perfe'ted. 5!e perfe't are 'on'eived t!r+ a 8iss and t!e- are (orn. 5!ere/ fore we also are motivated to 8iss one anot!er$to re'eive 'on'eption from wit!in o+r m+t+al gra'e. ?*

5!ere were t!ree Mariams w!o wal8ed wit! t!e Bord at all times< !is mot!er and L!isM sister and ;t!e> Mag/ daleneV$t!is one w!o is 'alled !is 9ompanionV. 5!+s !is ;tr+e> Mot!er and 0ister and Mate a is ;also 'alled> Mariam#.?=

5!e Kat!er# and t!e 0on# are single names, t!e 0a'red 0pirit# is a do+(le name. Kor t!e- are ever-w!ere$ a(ove and (elow, se'retl- and manifestl-. 5!e 0a'red 0pirit is in t!e revealed, s!e is (elow, s!e is in t!e !idden, s!e is a(ove.?C

5!e 0aints are served (- t!e oppressive powers, for ;t!e latter> are (linded (- t!e 0a'red 0pirit, so t!at t!ewill t!in8 t!e- are assisting a !+man w!en t!e- are serving t!e 0aints. @e'a+se of t!is, ;w!en a> a &is'iple one damade reA+est of t!e Bord regarding a t!ing of t!e world, !e sa-s to !im< ReA+est of t!- Mot!er, and s!e will give ( to t!ee from t!at w!i'! (elongs to anot!er.?8

5!e %postles sa- to t!e &is'iples< Ma- o+r entire offering o(tain salt" 5!e- 'alled LwisdomVM salt#$wit!o+t it no offering (e'omes a''epta(le.?9

Iet wisdom is (arren Lwit!o+t ;a>M 0on$!en'e Ls!eM is 'alled Lt!e Mot!erM. 5!e- L...M a in salt, t!e pla'e w!ere t!e- s!all L(e as t!e- wereM$t!e- t!emselves (eing fo+nd (- t!e 0a'red 0pirit, Lt!e 5r+e Mot!er w!oM m+ltiplies !er 0ons.)3

5!at w!i'! t!e Kat!er possesses (elongs to t!e 0on. %nd also !e !imself, t!e 0on, as long as !e remains small, t!ose ;t!ings> w!i'! are !is are not entr+sted to !im. ;@+t> w!en !e mat+res, a all t!at !is Kat!er possesses !e (estows +pon !im.)1

5!ose w!o stra- are (egotten (- t!e 0pirit, and t!e- also go astra- t!r+ !er. 5!+s (- t!is same (reat!V, t!e fire ;(ot!> (laDes and is e6ting+is!ed.)2
" .

isdoma is one t!ing, and deat!( is anot!er. isdom# ;in %ramai'> is simpl- wisdom# ;in 7ree8>, -et t!e wisdom of deat! is ;itself> dead. 5!is w!i'! is t!e wisdom wit! deat!, w!i'! is from t!e a'A+aintan'e wit! deat! $t!is is 'alled t!e minor wisdom.)?

5!ere are animals s+(missive to man8ind, s+'! as t!e 'alf and t!e don8e- and ot!ers of t!is 8ind. 5!ere are ot!ers not s+(missive,a isolated in t!e wilds. 5!e !+man plows in t!e field (- means of t!e s+(missive animals,
?) ?*

En 1<12/1?. I/0am 23<)1, Pro 2)<2=, 5! 138, P! *9. ?= a 5!e 0a'red 0piritH M8 ?<?*, 5! 131, P! *9. ?C P! C)'H t!e Kat!er is a(ove and !idden, t!e 0on is (elow and revealed, t!e 0a'red 0pirit is (ot! a(ove and (elow, (ot! !idden and manifestH -undaka <panishad< 5!at immortal @ra!man alone is in front, t!at @ra!man is (e!ind, t!at @ra!man is to t!e rig!t and leftH @ra!man alone pervades ever-t!ing a(ove and (elow. 5!is +niverse is t!at 0+preme @ra!man alone.# ?8 a %s-ndetonH (Mt =<11, ff. ?9 Bev 2<1?, 4+m 18<19, II/9!r 1?<*, M8 9<)9/*3, B8 C<?*/11<)9/21<1*, %' =<?. )3 a I !ave (een +na(le to interpolate t!is important wordH see!Yinterlin/p!)3.!tmlH Pro 8, Isa *)<1, B8 C<?*, 5! )9/131. )1 a Biterall- (e'omes a man#H 5! =1(, P! 2H 0ren 2ier8egaard, !ither/Or< %n !eir, even if !e were !eir to t!e treas+res of t!e w!ole world, does not possess t!em (efore !e !as 'ome of age.# )2 Pro 1=<), Isa )*<C, Bam ?<?8, En 19<11"H Eonat!an 0wift, 4 Tale of a Tub, VIII< 5!e same @reat! w!i'! !ad 8indled, and (lew up t!e Klame of 4at+re, s!o+ld one &a- (low it out.# )? a %ram tmkx LkhokmatM W :e( hmkx LkhokmahM< wisdomH (:e( twm LmutM< die.


and (- t!is !e feeds !imself as well as t!e animals$w!et!er domesti'ated or wild. ( 0o it is wit! t!e Perfe't Person< t!r+ t!e s+(missive powers !e plows, providing to 'a+se t!e e6isten'e of ever-t!ing. Kor (e'a+se of t!is t!e entire pla'e stands$w!et!er t!e good or t!e evil, (ot! t!e rig!t and t!e left. 5!e 0a'red 0pirit past+res ever-/ one and 'ommands all t!e powers, t!e s+(missive as well as t!e re(ellio+s and isolated. Kor tr+l- 0!e 'ontin+es Lat all timesM to 'ontrol t!em L(e-ondM t!e desire of t!eir a(ilities. L...M )) L%damM was formed ;anda> L!e (egotM, ;(+ta> t!o+ will LnotM find !is sons to (e no(le formations. ( If !e were not formed (+t rat!er (egotten, t!o+ wo+ld !ave fo+nd !is seed to (e made no(le. Iet now !e !as (een formed, ;anda> !e !as (egotten. !at no(ilit- is t!isR)*

%d+lter- o''+rred first, t!en m+rder. %nd ;9ainV> was (egotten in ad+lter-, for !e was t!e son of t!e serpent. a 5!erefore !e (e'ame a mansla-er O+st li8e !is ot!er ( fat!er ;t!e serpent>, and !e 8illed !is (rot!er ;%(elV>. Iet ever- mating w!i'! !as o''+rred (etween t!ose w!o are dissimilar is ad+lter-. )=

7od is a d-er. E+st as t!e good pigments w!i'! are 'alled permanent t!en la(el t!e t!ings w!i'! !ave (een d-ed in t!em, so it is wit! t!ose w!om 7od !as 'olored. @e'a+se !is !+es are imperis!a(le, ;t!ose w!o are tinted> (e'ome immortal t!r+ !is !and#s 'oloring. Iet w!omever !e (aptiDesV, 7od immerses in an in+ndation of watersa.)C

It is not possi(le for an-one to see an-t!ing of t!ose t!at are esta(lis!ed, +nless !e !as (e'ome li8e t!em. 4ot as wit! t!e person in t!e world< !e sees t!e s+n wit!o+t (eing made a s+n, and !e sees t!e s8- and t!e eart! and all ot!er t!ings wit!o+t !aving (een made into t!em. a @+t in t!e tr+t! it is t!+s$t!o+ saw somet!ing of t!at pla'e, t!o+ 'ame to (e among t!ose t!ere. 5!o+ saw t!e 0pirit, ( t!o+ (e'ame spirit+alH t!o+ saw t!e 9!rist, ( t!o+ (e'ame 9!ristli8eH t!o+ saw Lt!e Kat!er, ( t!o+M s!all (e'ome paternal. 5!+s Lin t!e worldM t!o+ indeed see ever-/ t!ing and Lt!o+M do not Lsee t!- selfM, -et t!o+ see t!- self in t!at Lpla'eM. Kor w!at t!o+ see, t!o+ s!all (e'ome. )8

Kait! re'eives,a love gives. L4o one 'an re'eiveM wit!o+t fait!, a no one 'an give wit!o+t love. 5!erefore we (e/ lieve so t!at indeed we s!all re'eive, -et we give so t!at we s!all love. Gt!erwise, if one gives wit!o+t love, !e derives no (enefit from !aving given.)9
"*. #+. #1.

!oever !as not re'eived t!e Bord, 'ontin+es still among t!e :e(rews. *3

5!e %postles w!o pre'eded +s 'alled ;!im> t!+s< Ies!+a t!e 4aDiriteV Messia!$t!is is Ies!+a t!e 4aDirite 9!rist. 5!e last name is t!e 9!rist, t!e first is Ies!+a, t!at in t!e middle is t!e 4aDirite. Messia!# !as two refe/ ren'es< (ot! t!e anointed and also t!e meas+redV. Ies!+a# in :e(rew is t!e atonement. 4aDara# is t!e tr+t!, t!erefore t!e 4aDirite is t!e tr+e. 5!e 9!rist is t!e meas+red, t!e 4aDirite and Ies!+a are t!e meas+rement. *1 5!e pearl w!i'! is 'ast down into t!e mire is not despised, nor if it is anointed wit! (alsam oil is it ;more> val+ed, (+t rat!er it !as its great wort! to its owner at all times. 0o it is wit! t!e 0ons of 7od$w!atever !appens to t!em, in t!eir !eart t!e- still !ave !onor wit! t!eir Kat!er. *2
# .

If t!o+ sa- I#m a Eew#$no one will (e moved. If t!o+ sa- I#m a Roman#$no one will (e dist+r(ed. If t!o+ sa- I#m a 7ree8, a (ar(arian, a slave, a freeman#$no one will (e tro+(led. If t!o+ Lsa-M I#m a 9!risti'V#$ Lever-oneM s!all !eed.a Ma- it o''+r t!at I !ave Lre'eived from !imM in t!is manner, t!is w!i'! Lt!e worldl-M s!all
)) a )* a

%s-ndetonH (Pro 1)<), Eas ?<C", P! =2H ,'' C<1), P! 9/)2/C2. %s-ndetonH (P! )=H 7en 2<C/)<1, P! ??" )= a I.e. (orn of t!e pretense 'alled !+man, rat!er t!an divine, generationH (t!at is, ot!er t!an !is tr+e Kat!er, 7odH in t!e 'onte6t of t!e stor- in 7en ?/), t!is ot!er fat!er# 'annot (e %dam$w!o 'o+ld not !ave (een a m+rderer at t!at point of time, t!ere s+pposedl- (eing as -et no ot!er !+mans on t!e eart!H ,'' 11<*"", En 8<?1/*9", I/En ?<12", 5! 13*H see 5!eo/ genesis#. )C a I.e. a flood of ;sensor-> imagesH P! *8. )8 a Ps 8<?/)H (as-ndeton. )9 a %s-ndetonH I/En )<1=. *3 5! )?, P! =/138. *1 4+m =<1/8, E+d 1?<*[Mt 2<2?, P! 23a. *2 Eo( ?3<19, Eer ?8<=.


not (e a(le to wit!stand w!en Lt!e- !earM t!is name" *? ;%> god is a 'anni(al. @e'a+se of t!is, man8ind Lis sa'rifi'edM to it. @efore man8ind was sa'rifi'ed, animals were (eing sa'rifi'ed. Kor t!ese to w!i'! t!e- are sa'rifi'ed are not divinities. *)

Vessels of glass and vessels of potter- alwa-s 'ome fort! t!r+ fire. @+t if glass vessels (rea8 t!e- are re'ast, ;fora> t!e- !ad 'ome to (e (- means of a (reat!H ( -et if potter- vessels (rea8 t!e- are destro-ed, for t!e- !ad 'ome to (e wit!o+t (reat!.**

% don8e- t+rning at a millstone did a !+ndred miles wal8ing. ; !en a> it !ad (een released, it fo+nd itself still in t!e same pla'e. 5!ere are persons w!o ta8e man- Oo+rne-s and ma8e no progress an-w!ere. !en evening 'ame +pon t!em, t!e- dis'erned neit!er 'it- nor village, neit!er 'reation nor nat+re, neit!er power nor angel. In vain did t!e wret'!es toil"*=

5!e ,+'!arist is Ies!+a. Kor in %ramai' t!e- 'all !im farisatha ;#rp>$t!is is, t!e o+t/spread. Kor Ies!+a 'ame to 'r+'if- t!e world.*C

5!e Bord went into t!e d-ewor8s of BeviV. :e too8 C2 'omple6ionsV,a !e t!rew t!em into t!e vat. :e (ro+g!t t!em all +p w!ite, and !e sa-s< 5!is is !ow t!e 0on of Man8ind !as 'ome to -o+$as ;a> d-er (.*8

5!e wisdom w!i'! ;!+mans> 'all (arren is !erself t!e Mot!er of t!e %ngels. a %nd t!e 'ompanionV of t!e L9!ristM is Mariam t!e Magdalene. 5!e LBord lovedM Mariam more t!an Lall t!e ;ot!er>M &is'iples, Land !eM 8issed !er often on !er Lmo+t!M.( 5!e ot!er LwomenM saw !is love for Mariam, ' t!e- sa- to !im< !- do t!o+ love L!erM more t!an all of +sR e 5!e 0aviorV replied,' !e sa-s to t!em< !- do I not love -o+ as ;I do> !erR*9

; !ile> a (lind ;person> and one w!o sees are (ot! in t!e dar8, t!e- do not differ from one anot!er. !en t!e lig!t 'omes, t!en !e w!o sees s!all (e!old t!e lig!t, and !e w!o is (linded s!all remain in t!e dar8ness. =3
'+. '1. ' .

5!e Bord sa-s< @lest is !e w!o is (efore !e 'omes into @eing"#a Kor !e w!o is, (ot! was and s!all (e.=1

5!e e6altation of man8ind is not manifest (+t rat!er is impli'it. @e'a+se of t!is !e is master of t!e animals w!i'! are stronger t!an !im$w!o is greater t!an t!em (ot! manifestl- and impli'itl-. %nd t!is gives to t!em t!eir s+rvival. Iet ;w!ena> man8ind separates from t!em, t!e- 8ill ea'! ot!er and gnaw ea'! ot!er and devo+r ea'! ot!er, (e'a+se t!e- find no food. Iet t!e- !ave fo+nd food, now t!at man8ind !as '+ltivated t!e eart!. =2 If one goes down into t!e water ;of @aptism> and 'omes (a'8 +p wit!o+t !aving re'eived an-t!ing, sa-ing I#m a 9!risti'#, !e !as ta8en t!e name on loan. Iet if !e re'eives t!e 0a'red 0pirit, !e !as t!e gift of t!e name. :e w!o !as re'eived a gift is not deprived of it, (+t !e w!o !as ta8en a loan !as it demanded from !im. =?

5!is is !ow it is w!en one e6ists in a m-ster-< t!e 0a'ramentV of Marriage is grand. Kor t!e world is 'omple6 $Lt!e s-stemM is (ased +pon man8ind, -et Lman8ind isM (ased +pon matrimon-. a ;5!erefore> 'ontemplate t!e P+re Mating, for it !as LgreatM power" Its imager- 'onsists in a defiling ( Lof (odiesM.=)
*? a *)

5! 2"H %' *<)1 vers+s 22<2*. Isa ))<9/23", P! 1). ** 7en 2<C, En 23<22H aas-ndetonH (WspiritH 'erami's 'an onl- (e re'ast (efore firing< Eer 18<)/13/19<11. *= Ps 12C<2, ,'' 2<11H aas-ndetonH 9lement of %le6andria, Stromata, I.8.)1, attri(+tes to t!e 0avior t!is sa-ing< 5!ese are t!e- w!o pl- t!eir looms and weave not!ing.# *C Odes of St Solomon, 2C<1/2, I stret'!ed o+t m- !ands and san'tified m- BordH for t!e e6tension of m- !ands is !is sign.# *8 Isa 1<18, P! )CH aas-ndetonH (of t!e imagesH 'p. eA+aliDation# in 5! =1(H 7en 13 BSS lists C2 nations in all t!e worldH also, B8 13<1 in M00 pC* @ &L3*M mentions C2 &is'iples. *9 a Pro 8<12P?2, B8 C<?*"", P! )3H (Pro 2)<2=, 0/of/0 1<2/=<9, 5! =1(/13C, P! ?*/?=/)3H 'as-ndetonH Bewis alla'e, (en ur, V.1=< :e 8issed !er. as it onl- a 8iss of pea'eR# =3 ,6 )<11, En 9, 5! ?). =1 a W5! 19""H P! 1, Rev/%p 1<8. =2 Eo( ?*<11, M8 1<1?, Eas ?<C", P! ))H aas-ndeton. =? En )<13, 5! )1.


;%mong> t!e +n'lean spirits t!ere are essentiall- male and female. 5!e males indeed are t!ose w!o t!r+ an ineA+alit-V mate wit! t!e so+ls in!a(iting a female form, -et t!e females are t!ose w!o ;t!+s> +niteV wit! a male form.a %nd no one will (e a(le to es'ape from t!ese ;on'e (> t!e- seiDe !im ;+nless(> !e re'eives (ot! male and female power$w!i'! is t!e @ridegroom wit! t!e @ride. Iet one re'eives t!em in t!e mirroredV @ridal/ 9!am(erV. !enever t!e foolis! women see a male sitting alone, t!e- are a''+stomed to leap +pon !im, to 'a/ ro+se wit! !im and defile !im. 0o also t!e foolis! men w!en t!e- see a (ea+tif+l female sitting alone, t!e- sed+'e !er ;or(> 'oer'e !er in t!e desire to defile !er. Iet if t!e man is seen sitting toget!er wit! !is woman, t!e females 'annot intr+de +pon t!e man nor 'an t!e males intr+de +pon t!e woman. 0o it is ;w!en (> t!e imager- and t!e angel are mated toget!er, neit!er 'an an-one dare to intr+de +pon t!e male or t!e female. ' :e w!o 'omes fort! from t!e world 'annot (e detained an- longer merel- (e'a+se !e ;previo+sl-> was in t!e world. :e is revealed as (e-ond (ot! t!e -earning and t!e fear of t!e Lfles!M. :e is master over LdesireM, ( !e is more pre'io+s t!an env-. %nd if Lt!e m+ltit+deM 'ome to seiDe !im ;and (> to strangle L!imM, !ow will t!is one not (e a(le to es'ape L(- t!e salvationM of 7odR :ow s!all !e (e a(le Lto fear t!emMR =*

KreA+entl- t!ere are some w!o 'ome ;anda> Lt!e- sa-M< e are fait!f+l, !ide L+s ... from +n'leanM and demoni' spirits" @+t if t!e- !ad possessed t!e 0a'red 0pirit, no +n'lean spirit wo+ld !ave 'l+ng to t!em. ==

&o not fear t!e essen'e of t!e fles!, nor love it. If t!o+ fear it, it will (e'ome t!- masterH if t!o+ love it, it will devo+r t!ee ;anda> strangle t!ee.=C

Gne e6ists eit!er in t!is world or in t!e res+rre'tion or in t!e transitionalV regions. Ma- it not o''+r t!at I (e fo+nd in ;t!e latter>" ;In> t!is world t!ere is good and evil. Its goods are not good and its evils are not evil. a Iet t!ere is evil after t!is world, w!i'! is tr+l- evil< t!at w!i'! is 'alled t!e transition$it is deat!. !ile we are in t!is world it is appropriate for +s to (e (orn in t!e res+rre'tion, so t!at if we are divested of t!e fles! we s!all find o+rselves in t!e repose ;and(> not wander in t!e transition. Kor man- go astra- on t!e wa-. 5!+s it is good to 'ome fort! from t!e world (efore !+man8ind is 'a+sed to transgress. =8

0ome indeed neit!er wis! nor !ave t!e a(ilit-. Iet ot!ers if t!e- wis! re'eive no (enefit, (e'a+se t!e- did not pra'ti'e. Kor desire ma8es t!em transgressors. Iet not desiring rig!teo+sness s!all 'on'eal from t!em (ot! t!e wis! and ;t!eir> la'8 of a''omplis!ment. =9

%n %postoli'a saw in a vision some w!o were 'onfined in a !o+se of fire, 'r-ing o+t Lin t!eM air wit! a fierLvoi'eM, 'ast in t!e flames Lfor an eraVM. 5!ere is water in L...M, and t!e- pro'laim to t!emselves< L...M 5!e waters 'anLnotM save +s Lfrom deat!" Misled (-M t!eir desire, t!e- re'eived Ldeat! asM '!astisement$t!is w!i'! is 'alled t!e Lo+termostM dar8ness.C3

5!e enem- L'omesM fort! in water wit! fire. 5!e so+l and t!e spirit !ave 'ome fort! LinM water and fire wit! lig!t, w!i'! pertain to t!e 0on of t!e @ridal/9!am(er. 5!e fire is t!e 9!rism, t!e lig!t is t!e fire. I do not spea8 of t!is fire t!at !as no form, (+t rat!er t!e ot!er one$w!ose form is w!ite, w!i'! is made of (ea+tif+l lig!t and w!i'! (estows splendor.C1

5!e tr+t! did not 'ome +nto t!e world na8ed, (+t rat!er it !as 'ome in s-m(oli'V images. ;5!e world> will not re'eive it in an- ot!er fas!ion. 5!ere is a re(irt!V toget!er wit! a re(orn image. It is tr+l- appropriate not to (e re(orn t!r+ t!e image.a !at is t!e res+rre'tion wit! its imageR$it is appropriate to arise t!r+ t!e image. a 5!e @ridal/9!am(er wit! its imageR$it is appropriate to 'ome into t!e tr+t! t!r+ t!e image, w!i'! is t!is restorationV.
( .

5! =1(, P! C9H amatrimon-patrimon-V, !+man rat!er t!an divine generation and in!eritan'e< see 5!eogenesis#H (Bev 1*<18"" =* a P! )=H (as-ndetonH 'P! ?3H Ps ?<=. == a %s-ndetonH M8 1<?9. =C a %s-ndetonH Ps *=<), En =<=?. =8 a P! 9H (as-ndetonH 5! =3, Rev/%p 23<*H Eames Eo-'e, Portrait of the 4rtist as a @oung -an , ?< It was (etter never to !ave sinned, to !ave remained alwa-s a '!ild#H 0-lvia Plat!, The <nabridged 5ournals< Gnl- t!at life end not (efore I am (orn.# =9 :sn 5D+, ?rd 'ent+r- @9 9!ina< %n inferior man 'an (e'ome a s+perior man, (+t !e does not want to.# C3 a Pro(a(l- P!ilip !imselfH Ps ==<12, Mt 2*<?3, B8 1=<19/?1", Rev/%p 23<1)/1*. C1 Isa )?<2, P! 2=/28.


It is appropriate for t!ose (orn not onl- of t!e words t!e Kat!er wit! t!e 0on wit! t!e 0a'red 0pirit#, (+t ;moreover> are (egotten of t!em t!emselves. !oever is not (egotten of t!em, will !ave t!e name also ta8en from !im.( Iet one re'eives t!em in t!e 9!rism of t!e f+llness in t!e power of t!e 'ross ', w!i'! t!e %postles 'all< t!e rig!t wit! t!e left.d Kor t!is/one is no longer a 9!risti' (+t rat!er a 9!rist. C2 5!e Bord LdidM ever-t!ing sa'ramentall-< a @aptism wit! a 9!rism wit! a ,+'!arist wit! an %tonement wit! a L:ol-M @ridal/9!am(er.C?

:e sa-s< I 'ame to ma8e Lt!e innerM as t!e Lo+ter ;and a> t!eM o+ter as t!e Linner.# ( :e spo8e ofM ever-t!ing in t!at pla'e, w!i'! is t!ere La(oveM t!is pla'e, (- means of s-m(oli' Limages. ...M C)a
("a. ("%. ("c.

5!ose w!o sa- LI#m a 9!risti'#M 'ome from t!e pla'e (e-ond LallM 'onf+sion. C)(

:e w!o is manifest Lfrom t!at pla'eM w!i'! is t!ere a(ove, is 'alled !e w!o is (elow#. %nd :e w!o is !idden, is :e w!o is a(ove !im. Kor it is good t!at t!e- sa- t!e inner and t!e o+ter, toget!er wit! w!at is o+tside of t!e o+ter#. @e'a+se of t!is, t!e Bord 'alled destr+'tion t!e o+ter dar8ness#H a t!ere is not!ing (e-ond it. :e sa-s m- Kat!er w!o is in se'ret#. :e sa-s 7o into t!- inner '!am(er, s!+t t!- door (e!ind t!ee ;and (> pra- to t!Kat!er w!o is in se'ret.#' 5!is is :e w!o is wit!in t!em all. Iet :e w!o is wit!in t!em all is t!e K+llness$(e/ -ond :im t!ere is not!ing f+rt!er wit!in. 5!is is w!at is meant (- :e w!o is a(ove t!em#. C)' @efore 9!rist some 'ame fort!. 5!e- were no longer a(le to enter into w!en'e t!e- emerged, and t!e- were no longer a(le to e6it from w!it!er t!e- entered. Iet t!e 9!rist 'ame. 5!ose w!o !ad gone in !e (ro+g!t o+t, and t!ose w!o !ad gone o+t !e (ro+g!t in.C*

In t!e da-s w!en ,veV was wit!in %dam, a t!ere was no deat!. !en s!e was separated from !im, deat! 'ame to (e. If ;s!e> again enters ;and(> !e re'eives ;!er> to !im, deat! s!all no longer (e. C=

M- 7od, m- 7od, w!- o! Bord LdidM t!o+ a(andon meR# a$!e spo8e t!ese ;words> on t!e 'ross (. Kor !e divided t!e pla'e L(elow from t!e pla'e a(oveM, !aving (een (egotten in t!e L0a'redM 0pirit (- 7od. CC

5!e LBord aroseM from among t!e dead. L:e (e'ame ;again>M as !e !ad (een, (+t L!is (od-M was made Lentirel-M perfe't. :e is in'arnate, (+t t!is Lfles! is indeedM a tr+e fles!. a LIet o+r fles!M is not tr+e, (+t rat!er a mirror/image of t!e tr+e Lfles!M.C8

Bet ;t!e> @ridal/9!am(er not (e for t!e (easts nor for t!e slaves nor for imp+re women"$(+t rat!er it is for free men wit! virgins.C9

5!r+ t!e 0a'red 0pirit we are indeed (orn, -et we are re(orn t!r+ t!e 9!rist. In (ot! we are anointed t!r+ t!e 0pirit$;anda> !aving (een (egotten, we were mated. 83

it!o+t lig!t, no one will (e a(le to see !imself eit!er in water or in ;a> mirror. 4or again wit!o+t water or mirror will t!o+ (e a(le to see ;t!-self> in lig!t. 5!erefore it is appropriate to (e (aptiDed in (ot!$in t!e lig!t as

Isa ?3<21, %' ?<21H aEn ?, spirit+al re(irt!# 'orporeal res+rre'tion#< see P! 1?3"H (P! =?H 'anti/7nosti'H dP! 9/)). 5!e five Messiani' 0a'raments. C)a a %s-ndetonH (W5! 22""H P! C2. C)( P! 13/18/22/9C/1?), 5r ? ff. C)' a WMt 8<12"H (as-ndetonH 5! CC, P! ?CH 'WMt =<="H Ra(indranat! 5agore, GitanEali< :e it is, t!e innermost one, w!o awa/ 8ens m- (eing.# C* I/2i ?<C. C= P! 8=H aor w!en life was wit!in man8ind#H (as-ndeton. CC a WPs 22<1[M8 1*<?)"H (anti/7nosti'. C8 a En 1<1)/23<2C, II/En CH anti/7nosti'" C9 7en 2)<1=, I/2i 1<2, %' 21<8/9", 5! =1(", P! 12C"H Odes of St Solomon, )2<9/12, Bi8e t!e arm of t!e (ridegroom over t!e (ride, so is m- -o8e over t!ose w!o 8now meH and as t!e (ed t!at is spread in t!e !o+se of t!e (ridegroom and (ride, so does m- love 'over t!ose t!at (elieve in me.# 83 a %s-ndetonH 7en 2<C, En ?<C, P! C2.
C2 C?


well as t!e water. Iet t!e lig!t is t!e 9!rism. 81 5!ere werea t!ree vesti(+les for pla'es of giving offering in Eer+salemV$one open to t!e west 'alled t!e !ol-, anot!er open to t!e so+t! 'alled t!e !ol- of t!e !oliness, t!e t!ird open to t!e east 'alled t!e !ol- of t!e !olinesses w!ere t!e :ig! Priest alone enters. 5!e @aptism is t!e !ol- vesti(+le, Lt!e %tonementM is t!e !ol- of t!e !oliness, t!e !ol- of t!e !olinesses is t!e @ridal/9!am(er. 5!e @aptism !as t!e res+rre'tion Lwit!M t!e %tonement entering into t!e @ridal/9!am(er. Iet t!e @ridal/9!am(er is more e6alted t!an t!ose. L...M 5!o+ will find not!ing t!at L'ompares wit! itM(.82
) .

L5!e 0aintsM are t!ose w!o pra- Lalwa-s forM Eer+salem Land loveM Eer+salemH t!e- Lare alread- inM Eer+salem ;anda> t!e- see LEer+salem now.M 5!ese are 'alled t!e 0aints of t!e !olinesses#. 8?

L... 5!eM '+rtain ;of t!e 5emple> was torn Lin order to revealM t!e @ridal/9!am(er, ;w!i'!> is not!ing ot!er t!an t!e image Lof t!e ...M pla'e a(ove. L...M Its '+rtain was torn from t!e top to t!e (ottom, for it was appropriate for some from (elow to go a(ove.8)

5!ose w!o !ave (een 'lot!ed in t!e Perfe't Big!t$t!e powers 'an neit!er see t!em nor restrain t!em. Iet one s!all (e 'lot!ed wit! lig!t in t!e 0a'rament of t!e Mating. 8*

If t!e female !ad not separated from t!e male, s!e wo+ld not afterward !ave died wit! t!e male. 5!eir separa/ tion was t!e in'eption of deat!. a 5!erefore t!e 9!rist 'ame, so t!at !e mig!t re'tif- to !imself t!e separation t!at !ad o(tained from ;t!e> (eginning, (- !is mating t!e two toget!er. %nd (- !is mating t!em toget!er, !e s!all give t!eir lives to t!ose w!o !ave died in t!e separation. Iet t!e woman mates wit! !er !+s(and in t!e (ridal/'!am(er. 5!ose !owever w!o !ave mated in t!e @ridal/9!am(er will no longer (e separated. @e'a+se of t!is, ,ve separa/ ted from %dam($(e'a+se s!e did not mate wit! !im in t!e @ridal/9!am(er. 8=

5!e so+l of %dam 'ame into (eing (- a 0pirita, w!ose mate is t!e L9!rist. 5!e 0piritM (estowed +pon ;%dam> is !is Mot!er, and L...M !er pla'e was given to !im in !is so+l. ;Iet> (e'a+se !e !ad Lnot -etM (een mated in t!e Bogos, t!e dominant powers (ewit'!ed !im. L... Iet t!ose w!oM mate wit! t!e L0a'redM 0pirit L...M ;in> se'ret L...M are invited individ+all- L...M to t!e @ridal/9!am(er, in order t!at L...M t!e- s!all (e mated. 8C

Ies!+a revealed L(eside t!e ;River>M EordanV t!e f+llness of t!e 0overeignt- of t!e :eavens, w!i'! e6isted (efore t!e totalit-. a Moreover !e was (egotten( as 0on, moreover !e was anointed, moreover !e was atoned, moreover !e atoned.88

If it is appropriate to tell a m-ster-, t!e Kat!er of t!e totalit- mated wit! t!e Virgin w!o !ad 'ome down$and a fire s!one for !im on t!at da-. :e revealed t!e power of t!e @ridal/9!am(er. a 5!+s !is (od- 'ame into (eing on t!at da-.( :e 'ame fort! in t!e @ridal/9!am(er as one w!o !as iss+ed from t!e @ridegroom wit! t!e @ride$t!is is !ow Ies!+a esta(lis!ed t!e totalit- for !imself in !is !eart. %nd t!r+ t!ese ', it is appropriate for ea'! one of t!e &is'iples to enter into !is repose.89

Pro 2C<19, Isa )?<2, Mt ?<11H Odes of St Solomon, 1?<1, @e!old" 5!e Bord is o+r mirrorH open t!ine e-es and see t!em in !im$and learn t!e manner of t!- fa'e.# 82 M+ltiple as-ndetaH Bev 1=, 4+m 18<CH a5!e- were#< 9opt ne.u, &+rative Imperfe't tense, P19)< !en'e t!is entr-, li8e sa-ing 1?C, was written after t!e Roman 'onA+est of C3 %&H (Moses (en 4a!man L119)/12C3 %&M, ,etter on oliness< 5!e se6+al relations!ip is in realit- a t!ing of great e6altation w!en it is appropriate and !armonio+s. 5!is great se'ret is t!e same se'ret of t!ose '!er+(im w!o 'op+late wit! ea'! ot!er in t!e image of male and female.... 2eep t!is se'ret and do not reveal it to an-one +nwort!-, for !ere is w!ere -o+ glimpse t!e se'ret of t!e loftiness of an appropriate se6+al relations!ip.... !en t!e se6+al relation points to t!e 4ame, t!ere is not!ing more rig!teo+s and more !ol- t!an it.# 8? a %s-ndetonH Ps 122<=, Rev/%p 21<13. 8) M8 1*<?8, 5! 8). 8* Ps 13)<2, P! 2)/2=H Odes of St Solomon, 21<2, I too8 off dar8ness and 'lot!ed m-self wit! lig!t.# 8= 5! 11/22, P! ?3/C=H a7en ?<19H (or life separated from man8ind#. 8C a W(reat!, 7en 2<CH see 0pirit in 5! 4otes. 88 a 5! CCH (man+s'ript dittograp!- !ere omitted. 89 a P! =)H (anti/7nosti'"H 't!e @ridegroom wit! t!e @rideH Odes of St Solomon, ??<*/8, 5!ere stood a perfe't Virgin w!o was pro'laiming<... Ret+rn o! -o+ sons of men, and 'ome o! -o+ da+g!ters of men,... and I will enter into -o+.#


%dam 'ame into (eing from two virgins$from t!e 0pirit and from t!e virgin eart!. 5!erefore 9!rist was (e/ gotten from a virgin, so t!at t!e st+m(ling w!i'! o''+rred in t!e (eginning s!all (e re'tified. 93

5!ere were two trees in paradise$t!e one prod+'es (easts, a t!e ot!er prod+'es !+mans. %dam ate from t!e tree t!at prod+'ed (easts, ;and a> (e'oming (estial !e (egot (easts. @e'a+se of t!is, ;t!e (easts> 'ame to (e wor/ s!iped. L... :+mansM (egot !+mans Land t!enM wors!iped !+mans. L...M 91

7od 'reated man8ind, and man8ind 'reated gods. 5!is is !ow it is in t!e world$t!e men 'reate gods and t!ewors!ip t!eir 'reations. It wo+ld ;rat!er> !ave (een appropriate for t!e gods a to wors!ip t!e men"92
* .

5!+s is t!e real tr+t! regarding t!e deeds of man8ind$t!e- essentiall- 'ome fort! t!r+ !is power. 5!erefore t!e- are 'alled ;!is> a(ilities. :is ;progen-> are !is sons w!o 'ame fort! t!r+ ;!is> repose. @e'a+se of t!is, !is power governs in !is wor8s, -et !is repose is manifest in ;!is> sons. %nd t!o+ will find t!at t!is penetrates +nto t!e image. %nd t!is is t!e Mirrored Person< doing !is wor8s in !is power, -et in repose (egetting !is 0ons. 9?

In t!is world t!e slaves are for'ed to wor8 for t!e free. In t!e 0overeignt- of t!e :eavens t!e free s!all a't to serve t!e slaves< t!e 0ons of t!e @ridal/9!am(er s!all serve t!e sons of marriage. 5!e 0ons of t!e @ridal/ 9!am(er !ave La singleM name among t!em, t!e repose o''+rs among t!em m+t+all-, a t!e- are made to !ave no needs. L...M9)

5!e 'ontemplationV Lof t!e images is awareMness in greatness of glor-. a L5r+l- t!ere is immortalMit- wit!in t!ose in t!e L:ol- @ridal/9!am(er, w!o re'eiveM t!e glories of t!ose w!o Lare f+lfilledM. 9*

L:e w!o goes downM to t!e water does not L...M go down to deat!, a L... forM ;9!rist> s!all atone !im Lon'e !e !as 'omeM fort!$namel- t!ose w!o were L'alled to (e f+lfilledM in !is 4ame. Kor !e sa-s< L5!+sM we s!all f+lfill all rig!teo+sness.9=

5!ose w!o sa- t!at first t!e- s!all die and ;t!en> t!e- s!all arise are 'onf+sed. If t!e- do not first re'eive t!e res+rre'tion ;w!ilea> t!e- live,( t!e- will re'eive not!ing ;w!ena> t!e- die. 5!+s also it is said regarding @aptism, ' ;t!ata> @aptism is great, ;fora> t!ose w!o re'eive it s!all live.9C

P!ilipV t!e %postle sa-s< Eosep!V t!e 9arpenter planted a grove (e'a+se !e needed wood for !is 'raft. :e !im/ self made t!e 'rossa from t!e trees t!at !e !ad planted, and !is !eirV !+ng on t!at w!i'! !e !ad planted. :is !eir was Ies!+a, -et t!e plant was t!e 'ross. @+t t!e tree of life is in t!e midst of paradise$and t!e olive tree, from t!e !eart of w!i'! t!e 9!rism 'ame t!r+ !im of t!e res+rre'tion. 98

5!is world devo+rs 'orpses$f+rt!ermore, t!ose w!o eat in it t!emselves die. 5!e tr+e ;person> 'ons+mes life $t!erefore no one no+ris!ed in Lt!e tr+t! s!allM die. Ies!+a 'ame from wit!in t!at pla'e, and !e (ro+g!t no+ris!/ ment from t!ere. %nd to t!ose w!om !e wis!ed !e gave t!eir lives, so t!at t!e- not peris!. 99

7od L'reatedM a garden/paradise. Man8ind Llived in t!eM garden, L... (+tM t!e- were not in t!e L...M of 7od in L...M t!eir !earts# L...M given desire. L...M 5!is garden Lis t!e pla'eM w!ere it will (e said to me< L5!o+ ma- eatM t!is or not eat Lt!is, a''ording to t!-M desire. 5!is is t!e pla'e ;w!ere> I s!all 'ons+me ever- different ;t!ing>$t!ere, w!ere is t!e tree of 8nowledge w!i'! slew %dam. Iet ;in> t!is pla'e t!e tree of 8nowledge gave life to man8ind. 5!e 5ora!V was t!e tree. It !as ;t!e> 'apa(ilit- in itself to (estow t!e 8nowledge of good and evil. It neit!er '+red

7en 2<C, B8 1<2=/?*, P! 18. %s-ndetonH 7en 2<9, P! *). 92 Isa ))<9/23, Eer 1=<23, :a( 2<18/19, P! *)H apl+ral, and t!+s also t!e previo+s two times. 9? En *<19, 5! *3" 9) B8 23<?)/?=", %' )<?)/?*, P! =)H aas-ndeton. 9* a 9f. %ristotle, -etaphysics, SII.C, 13C2(.2?. 9= a 5!is is 'ontrar- to Pa+l#s do'trine in Rom =<?/). 9C a %s-ndetonH (En 11<2=, P! 22H 'man+s'ript dittograp!- !ere omitted. 98 a %nti/7nosti'H t!e Romans do+(tless t!+s 'ompelled Israelite artisans to ma8e 'rossesH Mt 1?<**, ,6 ?3<22/??, &t 21<22/ 2?, Rev/%p 22<2. 99 En =<*?, 5! 11/=3, P! 1*.
91 a


!im of t!e evil nor preserved !im in t!e good, (+t rat!er it 'a+sed t!ose w!o !ad ingested it to die. Kor deat! originated (e'a+se of ;t!e 5ora!#s> sa-ing< ,at t!is, (+t do not eat ;t!at>" 133 5!e 9!rism is made lord over t!e @aptism. a Kor from t!e 9!rism we are 'alled 9!risti';s, and (> not (e'a+se of t!e @aptism. %nd ;!e> was 'alled t!e 9!rist (e'a+se of t!e 9!rism. Kor t!e Kat!er anointed t!e 0on, -et t!e 0on anointed t!e %postles, -et t!e %postles anointed +s. ' :e w!o !as (een anointed !as t!e totalit-$!e !as t!e res+rre'tion, t!e lig!t, t!e 'ross, d t!e 0a'red 0pirit. 5!e Kat!er (estowed t!is +pon !im in t!e @ridal/9!am(er ;and(> !e re'eived.131
1+1. 1+ . 1+!.

5!e Kat!er was in t!e 0on, and t!e 0on in t!e Kat!er. 5!is is t!e 0overeignt- of t!e :eavens" 132

,6'ellentl- did t!e Bord sa-< 0ome !ave attained t!e 0overeignt- of t!e :eavens la+g!ing, and t!e- 'ame fort! LreOoi'ing from t!e worldM. 5!e 9!risti' L...M w!o went down into t!e water immediatel- 'ame fort! as master over ever-t!ing, (e'a+se L!e did not 'onsider ;t!e @aptism> aM game, (+t rat!er !e disdained t!is L'!an/ ging world forM t!e 0overeignt- of t!e :eavens. If !e disdains ;t!e world> and s'orns it as a game, !e Ls!allM 'ome fort! la+g!ing.13? K+rt!ermore, it is t!+s regarding t!e @read wit! t!e 9!ali'e, and t!e 9!rism< t!ere is nonet!eless anot!er ;sa'rament> e6alted over t!ese.13)

5!e world (egan in a transgression, for !e w!o made it !ad desired to ma8e it imperis!a(le and immortal. :e fell awa- and did not attain ;!is> am(ition. Kor t!ere was no imperis!a(ilit- of t!e world, and t!ere was no im/ peris!a(ilit- of !im w!o !as made t!e world. Kor t!ere is no imperis!a(ilit- of t!ings (+t rat!er of t!e 0ons, and no one 'an o(tain imperis!a(ilit- e6'ept (- (e'oming ;a> 0on. Iet !e w!o is +na(le to re'eive, !ow m+'! ;more> will !e (e +na(le to give"13*

5!e '!ali'e of 'omm+nionV 'ontains wine ;anda> it 'ontains water. It is designated as t!e s-m(ol of t!e (lood,( over w!i'! t!an8s' are given. %nd it is filled wit! t!e 0a'red 0pirit, and it (elongs to t!e 'ompletel- Per/ fe'ted Person. !enever we drin8 t!is, we s!all re'eive t!e Perfe't Person. 13=

5!e Biving ater is a (od-. a It is appropriate t!at we (e 'lot!ed in t!e Biving Person. @e'a+se of t!is, ;w!en(> !e 'omes to go down into t!e water !e +ndresses !imself, in order t!at !e ma- (e 'lot!ed wit! t!at. 13C

% !orse nat+rall- (egets a !orse, a !+man (egets ;a> !+man, a a god (egets ;a> god. 5!+s it is, regarding t!e @ridegroom wit!in t!e @ride$Lt!eir 0onsM 'ame fort! in t!e @ridal/9!am(er. ;5!e> Eews !ad not derived L...M from t!e 7ree8s, L...M and Lwe 9!risti's do not deriveM from t!e Eews. ( L...M %nd t!ese were 'alled L...M t!e '!osen generation of t!e L0a'red 0piritM$t!e 5r+e Man and t!e 0on of Man8ind and t!e seed of t!e 0on of Man8ind. 5!is generation is named tr+e in t!e world. 5!is is t!e pla'e w!ere t!e 0ons of t!e @ridal/9!am(er are. 138

Mating o''+rs in t!is world ;as> man +pon woman, t!e pla'e of strengt! ;Ooined> wit! wea8ness. a In eternitt!ere is somet!ing else ;in> t!e li8eness of mating, -et we 'all t!em (- t!ese ;same> names. Iet t!ere are ot!ers w!i'! are e6alted (e-ond ever- name w!i'! is named, and ;w!i'!> trans'end for'e. Kor ;in> t!e pla'e w!ere t!ere is for'e, t!ere are t!ose w!o are s+perior to for'e. 139

5! 11?, 7en 2<1=/1CH Isa8 &inesen, 0orrow %'re#, 9inter's Tales< 5!e 7arden of ,den, newl- 'reatedH from ever- tree of w!i'! ... t!o+, m- %dam, ma-est freel- eat.# 131 a Mt ?<11H (as-ndetonH 'B8 )<18, En 23<21/22, %' =<*/=""H d anti/7nosti'. 132 En 1)<13/1C<23/2?, 5! 11?"H E+an R+lfo, Pedro PAramo< Kor me,... !eaven is rig!t !ere.# 13? P! 9=. 13) 5!e :ol- @ridal/9am(erH P! C?. 13* P! */)9H Eean/Pa+l 0artre, $o !xit< I 'an#t give and I 'an#t re'eive.# 13= M8 1)<2?/2), En 19<?), I/En *<=/8H aas-ndetonH (anti/7nosti'H '78 xigzyfj{xf . 13C a %nti/7nosti'"H (as-ndetonH P! ?/2=. 138 a %s-ndetonH (5! )?, P! *3H Mig+el de 9ervantes, Prolog+e to #on >uiEote de la -ancha < LInM 4at+re,... ea'! t!ing en/ genders its li8eness.# 139 a 7en ?<1=H P! 1)3.


5!e one is not, and t!e ot!er one is$(+t t!e- are toget!er t!is single +nit-. a 5!is is :e w!o s!all not (e a(le to 'ome +nto ;w!omever> !as t!e 'arnal !eart. 113

Is it not appropriate for all t!ose w!o possess t!e totalit- to +nderstand t!emselvesR 0ome indeed, w!o do not +nderstand t!emselves, s!all not enOo- t!ose ;t!ings> w!i'! t!e- !ave. Iet t!ose w!o !ave +nderstood t!emselves s!all enOo- t!em.111

4ot onl- s!all t!e- (e +na(le to seiDe t!e perfe'ted person, (+t t!e- s!all (e +na(le ;even> to see !im. Kor if t!e- see !im, t!e- will seiDe !im. In no ot!er manner will one (e a(le to (e (egotten of :im in t!is gra'e, +nless !e is 'lot!ed in t!e Perfe't Big!t and Perfe't Big!t is +pon !im. L5!+s 'ladM, !e s!all go Lfort! from t!e worldM. 5!is is t!e perfe'ted L0on of t!e @ridal/9!am(erM. 112
11 .

LIt is appropriateM t!at we (e made to (e'ome Lperfe'ted personsM (efore we 'ome fort! Lfrom t!e worldM. a !oever !as re'eived ever-t!ing Lwit!o+t (eing made masterM of t!ese pla'es, will Lnot (e a(le to masterM t!at pla'eH (+t rat!er !e s!all LgoM fort! to t!e transition as imperfe't. Gnl- Ies!+a 8nows t!e destin- of t!is one. 11?

5!e 0aint is entirel- !ol-, in'l+ding !is (od-. a Kor if !e re'eives t!e (read !e will san'tif- it, or t!e '!ali'e, ( or an-t!ing else !e re'eives !e p+rifies. %nd !ow will !e not p+rif- t!e (od- alsoR 11)

Ies!+a po+red deat! awa- (- perfe'ting t!e water of @aptism. @e'a+se of t!is, we indeed are sent down into t!e water$-et not down +nto deat!, a ;(+t rat!er> in order t!at we (e po+red awa- from t!e spirit of t!e world. !enever t!at (lows, its winter o''+rsH ;(+t (> w!en t!e 0a'red 0pirit (reat!es, t!e s+mmer 'omes. 11*

!oever re'ogniDes t!e tr+t! is li(erated. Iet !e w!o is li(erated does not transgress, for t!e transgressor is t!e slave of t!e transgression.#a 5!e Mot!er is t!e tr+t!, -et t!e 'onOoiningV is t!e re'ognition. 5!e world 'alls li(erated t!ose to w!om it is given not to transgress. 5!e re'ognition of t!e tr+t! e6alts t!e !earts of t!ese to w!om it is given not to transgress. 5!is is w!at li(erates t!em and e6alts t!em over t!e w!ole pla'e. Iet love is inspirational. :e !owever w!o !as (een li(erated t!r+ re'ognition is enslaved (- love for t!ese w!o !ave not -et (een a(le to s+stain (eing li(erated (- re'ognition. Iet re'ognition ma8es t!em 'ompetent, w!i'! li(erates t!em.11=

Bove Ldoes not ta8eM an-t!ing, for !ow L;'an> it ta8e an-t!ing w!en ever-t!ingM (elongs to itR It does not Lsa5!is is mine#M or ;5!at> is mine#, L(+t rat!er it sa-sM 5!e- are t!ine.# 11C

0pirit+al love is Ltr+l-M wine wit! fragran'eH all t!ose w!o are anointed wit! it enOo- it. %s long as t!e anoin/ ted remain, t!ose ;also> enOo- it w!o stand (eside t!em. ;@+t> if t!e- w!o are anointed wit! t!e 9!rism 'ease evangeliDing t!em ;anda> depart, ;t!ena> t!ose w!o are not anointed ;(+t a> onl- stand alongside remain still in t!eir ;own> miasma. 5!e 0amaritan gave not!ing to t!e wo+nded ;man> e6'ept wine wit! ointment$and !e !ealed t!e (lows, inasm+'! as love atones for a m+ltit+de of transgressions.# 118

5!ose w!om t!e woman will (eget resem(le !im w!om s!e loves. If ;it is> !er !+s(and, t!e- resem(le !er !+s(andH if it is an ad+lterer, t!e- resem(le t!e ad+lterer. Gften, if t!ere is ;a> woman ;w!o> la-s wit! !er !+s(and (- 'omp+lsion, -et !er !eart is wit! t!e ad+lterer and s!e is a''+stomed to mate wit! !im ;also, t!en> !e w!om s!e (ears in giving (irt! resem(les t!e ad+lterer. Iet -o+ w!o are wit! t!e 0on of 7od$love not t!e world (+t rat!er love t!e Bord, so t!at t!ose w!o s!all (e (egotten not 'ome to resem(le t!e world, (+t rat!er will 'ome to

P! 9H a9!+ang 5D+, )t! 'ent+r- @9 9!ina< 5!at w!i'! is one is one, and t!at w!i'! is not one is also oneH !e w!o regards all t!ings as Gne, is a 'ompanion of :eaven.# 111 ,'' =<1/2, 5! 2/=C. 112 Mt *<)8, P! 8*. 11? a Mt *<)8H Mt 2*<?1/)=, En 8<C, P! 13/=8/112. 11) a En 23<2CH (t!is is t!e ,+'!arist< M8 1)<22/2)H emp!ati'all- anti/7nosti'"H alt !itman, ,eaves of Grass, 1)2< &ivine am I inside and o+t, and I ma8e !ol- w!atever I to+'!.# 11* Mt 28<19, P! C/9=/13?H at!is is 'ontrar- to Pa+l#s do'trine in Rom =<?/)H (as-ndeton. 11= a WEn 8<?2/?=", I/En ?<9. 11C Eo( )1<11, B8 =<?3. 118 a %s-ndetonH B8 13<?3/?C, 5! 2), WPro 13<12[I/Pet )<8.


resem(le t!e Bord.119 5!e !+man nat+rall- +nites wit! t!e !+man, t!e !orse +nites wit! t!e !orse, t!e don8e- +nites wit! t!e don8e-H t!e spe'ies nat+rall- +nite wit! t!eir li8e/spe'ies. 5!+s t!e 0pirit nat+rall- +nites wit! t!e 0pirit, and t!e Bogos mates wit! t!e Bogos, Land t!eM Big!t mates Lwit! t!e Big!t. If t!o+M (e'ome !+man, ;t!en> Lman8ind s!allM love t!eeH if t!o+ (e'ome Lspirit+alM, ;t!en> t!e 0pirit s!all mate wit! t!eeH if t!o+ (e'ome rational, ;t!en> t!e Bogos s!all +nite wit! t!eeH if t!o+ (e'ome enlig!tened, ;t!en> t!e Big!t s!all mate wit! t!eeH if t!o+ trans/ 'end, ;t!en> t!e 5rans'endental s!all repose +pon t!ee. ;@+t> if t!o+ are a''+stomed to (e'ome ;li8e a> !orse or don8e- or 'alf or dog or s!eep or ot!er of t!e animals ;w!i'! are> o+tside and inferior, ;t!en> neit!er man8ind nor t!e 0pirit nor t!e Bogos nor t!e Big!t nor t!ose a(ove nor t!ose wit!in s!all (e a(le to love t!ee. 5!e- s!all not (e a(le to repose in t!ee, and t!- !eritage s!all not (e among t!em. 123
1 +.

:e w!o is enslaved wit!o+t !is volition will (e a(le to (e freed. :e w!o !as (een li(erated (- t!e gra'e of !is master, and !as sold !imself ;(a'8> into slaver-, s!all no longer (e a(le to (e freed. 121
1 1. . 5!e '+ltivation in t!e world is t!r+ fo+r modesV$;'rops> are gat!ered into t!e (arn t!r+ soil and water and wind and lig!t. %nd t!e '+ltivation (- 7od is li8ewise t!r+ fo+r< t!r+ tr+st and e6pe'tationV and 'ompassion and re'ognition. G+r soil is t!e tr+st in w!i'! we ta8e rootH t!e water is t!e e6pe'tation t!r+ w!i'! we are no+ris!edH t!e wind is t!e 'ompassion t!r+ w!i'! we growH -et t!e lig!t is t!e re'ognition t!r+ w!i'! we are ripened. 122 1

7ra'e 'a+ses Lt!e !+m(le so+l of t!eM person of eart! to (e made sovereign Lover ...M w!at is a(ove t!e s8-. a 5!e- Lre'eivedM t!r+ L:im w!oM is (lestH t!is one (- !is LBogos tr+l- +pliftsM t!eir so+ls. 12?
1 !.

5!is is Ies!+a t!e 9!rist$!e (eg+iled t!e entire pla'e and did not (+rden an-one. 5!erefore, (lest is t!is perfe'ted person of t!is 8indH for t!is one is t!e Bogos. 12)
1 ".

%s8 +s 'on'erning !im, inasm+'! as t!is ;attempt to portra-> !im +prig!tl- is diffi'+lt. :ow s!all we (e a(le to s+''eed in t!is great ;tas8>R12*
1 #.

:ow will !e (estow repose on ever-oneR Kirst of all, it is not appropriate to aggrieve an-one$w!et!er great or small, w!et!er +n(eliever or (eliever. 5!en, to provide repose for t!ose w!o rest among t!e good. 5!ere are some w!ose privilege it is to provide repose for t!ose w!o are ideal. :e w!o does good 'annot of !imself give repose to t!ese, for !e does not 'ome of !is ;own> volition. Iet neit!er 'an !e aggrieve t!em, for !e does not oppress t!em. @+t !e w!o is ideal sometimes grieves t!em$not t!at !e is t!+s ;grievo+s>, (+t rat!er it is t!eir ;own> wi'8edness w!i'! 'a+ses t!em grief. :e w!o is nat+ralV gives Oo- to !im w!o is good$-et from t!is some grieve terri(l-. 12=
1 '.

% !o+se!older a'A+ired ever-t!ing$w!et!er son or slave or 'attle or dog or swine, w!et!er w!eat or (arleor straw or !a- or L(onesM or meat ;or> a'orns. Iet !e ;was> wise and 8new t!e food of ea'! LoneM. @efore t!e sons !e indeed set (read wit! Lolive/oil and meatH (eforeM t!e slaves !e set 'astor/oil wit! grainH and (efore t!e 'attle L!e set (arle-M wit! straw and !a-H to t!e dogs !e 'ast (onesH -et (efore Lt!e swineM !e t!rew a'orns and 'r+sts of (read. 0o it is wit! t!e &is'iple of 7od$if !e is wise, !e is per'eptive a(o+t t!e &is'iples!ip. 5!e (odil- forms will not de'eive !im, (+t rat!er !e will t!en o(serve t!e disposition of t!e so+l of ea'! one in order to spea8 wit! !im. In t!e world t!ere are man- animals made in !+man form$t!ese !e is a''+stomed to re'og/
1 (.
119 123

,6 23<1), Bev 23<13, II/0am 11<1/*/12<1/13, Mt *<2C/28P?2, M8 C<21, En 8<?/11. P! 138, 0ir 1?<1=H ,''l L@en 0ira'!M 1?<19/23, ,ver- (east loves its li8eH so also ever- person !im t!at is nearest to !imself. %ll fles! s!all 'onsort wit! t!e li8e to itself, and ever- person s!all asso'iate !imself to !is li8e.# 121 ,6 21<*/= L(+t also Bev 2*<13"M, P! 11=. 122 5! 2*, P! 11=H 9lement of %le6andria, Stromata, V.?< %n ignorant man !as so+g!tH and !aving so+g!t, !e finds t!e tea'!erH and finding, !as (elievedH and (elieving, !as !opedH and !en'eforward, !aving loved, is assimilated to w!at was loved$s+'! is t!e met!od 0o'rates s!ows#H 7+stave Kla+(ert, -adame (ovary< Man+re and rain and s+n and wind (ring on t!e flowers.# 12? a 5! 2"/11" 12) P! 29. 12* 5! 1?"H 9sar ValleOo, % Man Passes @-#, uman Poems< :ow to write, afterward, of t!e InfiniteR# 12= Pro 21<1*, 5! 93.


niDe. 5o t!e swine indeed !e will t!row a'ornsH -et to t!e 'attle !e will 'ast (arle- wit! straw and !a-H to t!e dogs !e will 'ast (onesH to t!e slaves !e will give t!e elementar- aH to t!e 0ons !e will present t!e perfe't(.12C 5!ere is t!e 0on of Man8ind and t!ere is t!e 7randson of Man8ind. 5!e Bord is t!e 0on of Man8ind, and t!e 7randson of Man8ind is !e w!o is 'reated t!r+ t!e 0on of Man8ind. 5!e 0on of Man8ind re'eived from 7od t!e a(ilit- to 'reateH ;7od alone> !as t!e a(ilit- to (eget. 128
1 ).

5!at w!i'! is 'reated is a 'reat+re, t!at w!i'! is (egotten is a progen-. % 'reat+re 'annot (eget, ;(+t a> a pro/ gen- 'an 'reate. Iet t!e- sa- t!at t!e 'reat+re (egets. :owever, !is progen- is a 'reat+re. 5!erefore ;a person#s> progen- are not !is sons, (+t rat!er t!e- are ;0ons> of L7odM. 129
1 *.

:e w!o 'reates wor8s manifestl-, and !e !imself also is manifestH !e w!o (egets La'tsM in Lse'retM, and !e L!ides !imself fromM t!e images Lof ot!ersM. ;5!+s also> t!e 9reator LindeedM 'reates visi(l-, -et in (egetting L(egets t!eM 0ons in se'ret.1?3

4o Lone will (e a(leM to 8now on w!at da- Lt!e manM and t!e woman mate wit! ea'! ot!er, e6'ept t!emselves onl-. Kor marriage in t!e world is a sa'rament for t!ose w!o !ave ta8en a spo+se. If t!e marriage of imp+rit- a is !idden, !ow m+'! more is t!e Imma'+late Marriage a tr+e sa'rament" ( It is not 'arnal (+t rat!er p+re, it is not l+stf+l (+t rat!er 'ompassionate, it is not of t!e dar8ness or t!e nig!t (+t rat!er of t!e da- and t!e Big!t. % marriage w!i'! is e6!i(ited (e'omes ad+lter- 'H and t!e (ride !as 'ommitted ad+lter-' not onl- if s!e re'eives t!e sperm of anot!er man, (+t even if s!e es'apes from t!e (edroomV and is seen. Bet !er displa- !erself onl- to !er fat!er and !er mot!er and t!e friend of t!e (ridegroom d and t!e sons of t!e (ridegroom" 5o t!ese it is given to enter dail- into t!e (ridal/'!am(er. Iet as for t!e ot!ers, let t!em (e made to -earn even to !ear !er voi'e and to enOo- ;!er> fragran'e, and let t!em feed li8e t!e dogs from t!e 'r+m(s t!at fall from t!e ta(le" ;5!ose> (eing from t!e @ridegroom wit!in t!e @ride (elong in t!e @ridal/9!am(er. 4o one will (e a(le to (e!old t!e @ridegroom wit! t!e @ride +nless !e (e'omes t!is.1?1

!en %(ra!amV !ad LreOoi'edM at seeing w!at !e was to see, !e 'ir'+m'ised t!e fles! of t!e fores8in$ s!owing +s t!at it is appropriate to reno+n'e t!e fles! Lw!i'! pertains toM t!is world. 1?2
1! .

L... %s long asM t!e entrails of t!e person are en'losed, t!e person lives. If !is entrails are e6posed ;and a> !e is disem(oweled, t!e person will die. 0o also wit! t!e tree< it nat+rall- spro+ts and t!rives w!ile its root is 'overed, ;(+ta> if its root is e6posed t!e tree wit!ers. ( 5!+s it is wit! ever-t!ing (egotten in t!e world, not onl- wit! t!e manifest (+t also wit! t!e 'overt. Kor as long as t!e root of evil is !idden, it is strongH -et if it is re'ogniDed it is destro-ed ;anda> w!en it is e6posed it peris!es. 5!is is w!- t!e Bogos ;Eo!n t!e @aptist"> sa-s %lread- t!e a6 !as rea'!ed t!e root of t!e trees"#' It will not ;merel-> '!op off, for t!at w!i'! is '!opped off nat+rall- spro+ts again. @+t rat!er t!e a6 delves down into t!e gro+nd ;and a> +proots. Iet Ies!+a p+lled +p t!e root of t!e entire pla'e, (+t t!e ot!ers ;!ad done so> onl- in part. G+rselves also$let ea'! one of +s delve down to t!e root of t!e evil t!at is wit!in !im ;anda> tear o+t its root from !is own !eart" Iet it will (e +prooted if we (+t re'ogniDe it. @+t if we are +naware of it, it ta8es root wit!in +s and prod+'es its fr+its in o+r !earts. It ma8es itself master over +s ;and a> we are made into its slaves. e are ta8en 'aptive, w!i'! 'oer'es +s into doing w!at we do not want ;and a> into LnotM doing w!at we do want.d It is potent +ntil we re'ogniDe it. !ile it is s+(liminal, it indeed impels. 1??
12C a

5!e 5ora!H (t!e 7ospelH M8 *<9/12"/C<2C", Mt C<=", En C<2)", 5! 9?, P! C9"H 4@ five spirit+al levels and/or stages are !ere stip+lated. 128 5! 131. 129 a %s-ndetonH ,'' 11<*, Isa 29<2?, En 1<12/1?/?<?, P! ??H 2a!lil 7i(ran, The Prophet< Io+r '!ildren are not -o+r '!ildrenH t!e- are t!e sons and da+g!ters of Bife#s longing for itself. 5!e- 'ome t!ro+g! -o+ (+t not from -o+H and t!o+g! t!e- are wit! -o+, -et t!e- (elong not to -o+.# 1?3 7od as mas'+line 'reates t!e o(serva(le Universe wit!o+t, 7od as feminine (egets +s from wit!inH see P! 9? and 5!e Maternal 0pirit#. 1?1 WM8 C<2C/28"H a""H (P! =)/C?H 'literall-< prostit+tionVH dEn ?<29/1*<1)/1*. 1?2 %nti/7nosti'H 7en 1C<9/1), &t 13<=, En 8<*=, 5! *?. 1?? Eo( 1)<C/9, Pro 23<9H aas-ndetonH (%es'!-l+s, 4gamemnon, 9=C< !en t!e root lives on, t!e new leaves 'ome (a'8#H 'WMt ?<13"H d9!arles &i'8ens, Great !xpectations< I was too 'owardl- to do w!at I 8new to (e rig!t, as I !ad (een too 'owardl- to avoid doing w!at I 8new to (e wrong.#


Ignoran'e is t!e mot!er of Lall evilH a andM ignoran'e ;itself> res+lts from L'onf+sionM. 5!ose t!ings originating from Lignoran'eM neit!er were nor LareM nor s!all (e Lamong t!e tr+t!f+l. IetM t!e- s!all (e perfe'ted w!en t!e entire tr+t! is revealed. Kor t!e tr+t! is li8e ignoran'e$if it is !idden it reposes wit!in itself, -et if it is revealed it is re'ogniDed. ;5!e tr+t!> is glorio+s in t!at it prevails over ignoran'e and li(erates from 'onf+sion. 5!e Bogos sa-s Io+ s!all 8now t!e tr+t! ;and (> t!e tr+t! will set -o+ free"# ' Ignoran'e enslaves ;(+t(> re'ognition is free/ dom. @- re'ogniDing t!e tr+t!, we s!all find t!e fr+its of t!e tr+t! wit!in o+r !earts. @- mating wit! it, we s!all re'eive o+r f+lfillment.1?)

%t present we !ave t!e manifestation of 'reation. 5!e- sa- t!at ;visi(le (eings> are t!e powerf+l w!i'! are !onora(le, -et t!e invisi(le are t!e wea8 w!i'! are 'ontempti(le. ;@+t> t!e tr+t! is t!at visi(le (eings are t!+s wea8 and inferior, w!ereas t!e invisi(le are t!e powerf+l and !onora(le. 1?*

Iet t!e m-steries of t!e tr+t! are revealed, 'omposed in s-m(oli' images. a @+t t!e @edroom is !idden$it is t!e 0aint wit!in t!e :oliness.1?=

5!e veil ;of t!e 5emple> indeed at first 'on'ealed !ow 7od governs t!e 'reation. Iet ;on'e> t!e veil was torn and t!e t!ings wit!in were revealed, t!en t!is !o+se was to (e forsa8en ;and a> desolate, -et moreover to (e destro-ed. Iet t!e entire &ivinit- departed from t!ese pla'es ;w!i'! are> not wit!in t!e !olies of t!e !olies, for ;t!e &ivinit-> was not ;t!ere> a(le to +nite wit! t!e Big!t nor +nite wit! t!e flawless f+llness. @+t rat!er it was to (e +nder t!e wings of t!e 'ross( Land inM its arms.1?C
1!(. 1!). 1!*.

5!is ar8 s!all (e salvation for +s w!en t!e 'ata'l-sm of water !as overw!elmed t!em. 1?8

If some are in t!e tri(e of t!e priest!ood, t!ese s!all (e permitted to enter wit!in t!e veil ;of t!e 5emple> wit! t!e :ig! Priest. 5!erefore t!e veil was not torn at t!e top onl-, else it wo+ld !ave (een opened onl- for t!ose w!o are a(oveH nor was it torn at t!e (ottom onl-, else it wo+ld !ave (een revealed onl- to t!ose w!o are (elow. @+t rat!er it was torn from t!e top to t!e (ottom. 5!ose w!o are a(ove opened to +s w!o are (elow, in order t!at we s!all enter into t!e se'ret of t!e tr+t!.1?9 5!is strengt!ening is tr+l- e6'ellent. Iet we s!all enter t!erein (- means of despised s-m(ols and wea8/ nesses. 5!e- are indeed !+m(le in t!e presen'e of t!e perfe't glor-. 5!ere is glor- t!at s+rpasses glor-, a t!ere is power w!i'! s+rpasses power.( 5!erefore t!e perfe't !ave opened to +s wit! t!e se'rets of t!e tr+t!. Moreover, t!e 0aints of t!e !olinesses !ave (een revealed, and t!e @edroom !as invited +s wit!in. 1)3

%s long as t!e evil indeed is 'overt, it ;remains> potential, not -et tr+l- p+rged from t!e midst of t!e seed of t!e 0a'red 0pirit. ;5!+s> t!e- are enslaved (- t!e oppression. a Iet w!en t!e Perfe't Big!t is revealed, t!en it will po+r fort! +pon ever-one and all t!ose wit!in it s!all re'eive t!e 9!rism. 5!en t!e slaves s!all (e freed LandM t!e 'aptives atoned.1)1

L,ver-M plant w!i'! m- !eavenl- Kat!er !as not sown Ls!all (eM rooted o+t.# a 5!ose w!o are separated s!all (e mated ;and> Lt!e empt-M s!all (e filled. ( ,ver-one w!o LentersM t!e @edroom s!all (e (orn in t!e Big!t. Kor t!e- Lare not (egottenM in t!e manner of t!e marriages w!i'! we Ldo notM see, ;w!i'!> are ena'ted (- nig!t, t!e fire ;of w!i'!> LflaresM in t!e dar8 ;and t!en> is e6ting+is!ed. Iet rat!er t!e 0a'raments of t!is Marriage are 'on/
1" .
1?) a 1?*

B8 2?<?)", %' ?<1CH (as-ndetonH 'WEn 8<?2" 0t @onavent+re, #e plantatione paradisi, I.t.v.*C*< 5!e wisdom of t!e invisi(le 7od 'annot (e'ome 8nown to +s e6'ept (- ta8ing t!e form of t!e visi(le t!ings wit! w!i'! we are familiar#H 0ren 2ier8egaard, "oncluding <nscientific Postscript< %n omnipresent (eing s!o+ld (e re'ogniDa(le pre'isel- (- (eing invisi(le#H %ntoine de 0aint/,6+pr-, The ,ittle Prince< It is onl- wit! t!e !eart t!at one 'an see rig!tl-H w!at is essential is invisi(le to t!e e-e#H & "hing, :e6agram *3, 5!e Rit+al Vessel< %ll t!at is visi(le m+st grow (e-ond itself, e6tend into t!e realm of t!e invisi(le.# 1?= P! 82/8?H aP! C2. 1?C a %s-ndetonH (anti/7nosti'H ,6 2=<?1/?), Mt 2C<*1/2?<?8/2)<2, P! 8)H t!is entr- m+st (e dated after C3 %&. 1?8 7en =/9, Pro 13<2*, B8 1C<22/?C. 1?9 4+m 18<C, M8 1*<?8, P! 8)/1?C. 1)3 a %s-ndetonH (P! 139H P! 8?/1?C. 1)1 Ps 19<12H a5! )*, P! 1??.


s+mmated in t!e da- and t!e lig!t. 4eit!er t!at da- nor its lig!t ever sets. 1)2 If someone (e'omes a 0on of t!e @ridal/9!am(er, !e s!all re'eive t!e Big!t. If one does not re'eive it in t!ese pla'es, !e will not (e a(le to o(tain it in t!e ot!er pla'e. :e w!o !as re'eived t!at Big!t s!all not (e seen, nor s!all t!e- (e a(le to seiDe !imH nor s!all an-one (e a(le to dist+r( t!is one of t!is nat+re, even if !e so'ialiDes in t!e world. %nd f+rt!ermore, ;w!en> !e leaves t!e world !e !as alread- re'eived t!e tr+t! via t!e images. 5!e world !as (e'ome eternit-, (e'a+se t!e f+llness is for !im t!e eternal. %nd it is t!+s revealed to !im individ+all$not !idden in t!e dar8ness ;or> t!e nig!t, (+t rat!er !idden in a Perfe't &a- and a :ol- Big!t. 1)?

5!e 7ospel a''ording to P!ilipV

5otes to Philip
5!e reader is +rged to 'ons+lt t!e !-perlinear ;!Yinterlin.!tml>, as ; a> t!e te6t is 'on'ept+all'omple6 and ;%> t!e pap-r+s is somew!at deteriorated$t!+s, an- interpretation m+st ne'essaril- remain provisional. 5!e translation itself is 'on'ordant wit! t!at of 5!omas, and t!erefore words dis'+ssed in t!e notes t!ere are not repeated !ere. 9omplete referen'es are listed for sele'ted termsH ot!erwise onl- t!e first o''+rren'e is given. ,6amples of t!e t!ree p!ases of t!is translation< ;1> L1993M, ; >!Yinterlin/p!ilipY2. gif L233)M, ;!>!Yinterlin/p!332.!tml L2338M. 6%el ;)=>< :e(rew lbh ;vapor, (reat!H see Isa *C<1?>H se'ond son of %dam and ,veH 8illed, o+t of env-, (- !is (rot!er 9ainH 7en )<1/1=. 6%raham ;1?2>< :e( Mhrb) ;fat!er of man->H t!e original :e( patriar'! ;7en 11<2=>. 6eon ;C>< 9opt ene6 ;93*Ca> W 78 ;+n'onditional>H designates eit!er a spe'ifi' limited era of time, or a trans/ temporal eternit-$not onl-, as generall- translated, t!e latter. 6ngel ;21/29/?3/*=/*9/=*>< 78 W :e( K)lm ;malak< emissar-, messenger>H !ere t!e p+re ego of t!e indivi/ d+al, w!o is (ot! (orn of 7od and o(serves ;refle'ts> t!e images 'reated (- 7odH Mt 18<13, B8 23<?=, 5! 88H see %ngel, image and 0-m(ol#. 6nointed ;23a>< :e( xy#m ;mashiakh< Messia!> W 78 H in an'ient Israel priests, prop!ets and monar'!s were installed (- 'rowning wit! an olive/oil ointment ;,6 29<C, I/2i 19<1=, II/0am 2<)$!en'e B8 )<18, Mt 2=<=/C>H see 7en 28<18, ,6 ?3<22/??. 6postle ;18>< 78 ;sent fort!>H one w!o is 'ommissionedH 'ompare ;isciple. 6postolic ;18>< 78 ;follower of t!e %postles>. 6ramaic ;23>< 0emiti' lang+age of t!e an'ient world, dated (- e6tra/@i(li'al re'ords to ?333 @9, so+r'e of :e(rew sA+are/letter alp!a(et, t!e lang+age of %(ra!am ;&t 2=<*> as well as of 9!rist in !is ministr- ;M8 *<)1/C<?)/1*<?), Mt 2C<)=>H 7en 22<23/21, II/2i 18<2=, Isa ?=<11. 6tone ;8/*1/C?/82/88/9=/1)1>< 9opt swte ;9?=2a> W 78 W :e( rpk ;kpr< 'over, s+(stit+teH Iom 2ipp+r#< &aof %tonement>H s+ffering w!i'! serves to re'on'ile t!e g+ilt- ;Bev 1<1/)/1=<1/?), Isa *?, Mt *<13/12/23<28, 5! *8/=8/=9a>H see 0acrament and 5r 1H %nne Kran8, #iary< Ma-(e o+r religion will tea'! t!e world and all t!e people in it a(o+t good/ ness, and t!at#s t!e reason, t!e onl- reason, we !ave to s+ffer.# 6uthorit& ;1?>< 78 ;original/(eing>H an offi'ial wit!in so'iet-H see 4orldB0&stem in 5! 4otes. $aptism ;)C/C?/81/82/9=/9C/131/11*>< 78 ;immersion>H t!e sa'rament of spirit+al 'leansing re t!e 5ora!H see 0acrament, Isa 1<1=/1C, M8 1<), Mt 28<19, %' 1<22, 5r ?C, 8ohn the $aptist in 5! 4otes. $edroom ;1?1/1?=/1)3/1)2>< 78 H see also $ridalBCham%er. $ridalBCham%er ;=*/C1/C2/C?/82/9)/9*/131/138/112/1?1/1)?>< see $ridalBCham%er in 5! 4otesH ;C9/8)/8=/8C/89< 78 )H see also $edroom, 0acrament, and P! =) ;t!e 0a'rament of Marriage, t!e P+re Mating>, 8* ;t!e 0a'rament of t!e Mating>, 13)/139/1?1 ;t!e Imma'+late Marriage>, 1)2 ;t!e 0a'raments of t!is Marriage>. Cain ;)=>< :e( Nyq ;prod+'t and !en'e possession>H t!at is, m- or o+r prod+'t# rat!er t!an prod+'t of 7od#, per!aps indi'ating t!at t!e original transgression# of !+mans 'onsisted in 'laiming ;7odli8e> to 'reate and !en'e to O+dge t!eir off/ springH 7en 2<1*/)<1, ,'' 11<*"$see 6%el, 6dam in 5! 4otes, E<e, P! 9?/129, as well as 5!eogenesis#. Chrism ;28/*1/*2/C1/C2/C?/83/81/88/98/131/118/1)1>< 78 ;+ng+ent> W 9opt ne6 ;92)3(>, so2n ;9?88(>, tw6s ;9)=1(>H t!e sa'rament of anointing wit! olive oil, '!ristifi'ationH see 6nointed, 0acrament, 5r )1. Christ ;)>< 78 H see 6nointed.
1)2 a 1)?

WMt 1*<1?"H (5! )3H m+ltiple as-ndetaH P! C?/1?1, 5r ??. P! 8*.


Christic ;=/1)/)8/*?/=?/C2/131/13?/138>< 78 ;follower of 9!rist> W :e( Messiani'# ;follower of t!e Messia!>. Communion ;13=>< 9opt 4lhl ;9**9a>H 'omm+ni'ating wit! 7od, pra-er< The Shorter Oxford !nglish #ictionary, *t! edition, 9&/RGM version 2.3< 9omm+nion< ?. Intimate mental or spirit+al 'omm+ning#, silent pra-er$see Mt =<=H ;4@ B8 18<1, enOoins pra-ing continually>. Companion ;?=/*9>< 78 ;'ompanion, partnerH 4@ pl+ral at B8 *<13">H see MateH t!e feminine of t!is 78 word does not mean wife# ;>H moreover, 'ontrar- to t!e 'laim made in t!e pop+lar novel The #a 8inci "ode ;233?>, neit!er does t!e +nderl-ing %ramai', rbx ;khaver< female 'ompanion>, mean spo+se# ;www.>H regarding Beonardo#s famo+s painting, in !is own !ig!l- se'retive $otebooks7 I.==* 4otes on t!e Bast 0+pper# ;!tml>, !e +nam(ig+o+sl- refers to t!at fig+re in !is famo+s painting as a male"H video presentation<'odeY1.wmv. CompleGion ;*8>< 78 ;t!e 'olor of t!e s8in> W 0ans8rit varna ;'omple6ion, t!+s 'aste">. Confusion ;13/18/22/C)(/9C/1?)>< 78 ;stra-ingH !en'e planet# as a 'elestial (od- w!i'! appears to stra- relative to t!e fi6ed stars>H see 5r ? ff. Contemplation ;9*>< 78 H !ere meaning to (e!old one#s ;sensor- images as 7od#s own manifested imagination ;Mt 18<13, %ngel, image and 0-m(ol#>H t!e A+ote in %ristotle is< , 9ontemplation Lof t!e intelligi(le ;> isM t!e most delig!tf+l and e6'ellent.# Con<ocation ;13>< 78 ;'alled/o+t>H t!e assem(l- of t!ose 'alled fort!# from t!e world ;Mt 1=<18/18<1*/ 23>H t!is !ad (een t!e term for t!e %t!enian %ssem(l-H Ps 22<22. ;efilement ;18/=)/=*>< 9opt `w6m ;9C9C(> W 78 W :e( )m+ ;tame>H rit+al +n'leanness ;Bev 1*>, as opposed to transgression of t!e 5ora! ;Bev 19>$a vital distin'tionH see Torah, 'ompare Transgression in 5! 4otes. ;isciple ;19>< 78 ;learnerH a word nota(l- a(sent from Pa+l#s ,pistles>H in %tti' 78, +sed of t!e p+pils of t!e p!ilosop!ers and r!etori'ians, as in Plato#s Protagoras, ?1*%H 'ompare 6postle. Era ;C3>< see 6eon. Eternal ;9/13/139/1)?>< see 6eon. Eucharist ;?3/*C/C?/13=/11)>< 78 ;well/Oo-ing, t!an8sgiving>H t!e sa'rament of (read and wineH see 0acraB ment ;B8 22<1)/23>. E<e ;C=>< :e( hwx ;livingH 7en ?<23>H see 6%el, 6dam in 5! 4otes, Cain and -emale. EGpectation ;122>< 78 W :e( hwqt ;ti*vah>H not mere !oping or wis!ing, (+t rat!er anticipation$9lement of %le6andria, Stromata, II.=< :ope is t!e e6pe'tation of t!e possession of goodH ne'essaril-, t!en, is e6pe'tation fo+nded on fait!#H Isa )2<9, En 1=<1?" -emale ;18>< 9opt s6ime ;9?8*a>H !ere emp!asiDing t!e 0a'red 0pirit as o+r Mot!er, as in Isa )9<1*/==<1?, B8 1?<?)H see 0pirit and 5!e Maternal 0pirit#. .e%rew ;1/=/18/*3>< :e( rb( ;eber< 'ross over, (e-ond, passer/(-, transientH 5! )2">H t!e lineage of 0!em and espe'i/ all- of %(ra!am ;7en 13<21/1)<1?/1=<1*$t!+s Is!mael also was a :e(rew">. .eir ;98>< 9opt 2ro2 ;98?1(< seed, sperm>H in lig!t of P! 18, and as wit! 78 in P! 138, t!is term m+st !ere (e a metap!or for !eir# rat!er t!an meaning literall- progen-#. ImageDsE ;2)n/2=n/?3/C2/8)/9?/9*/1?3/1?=/1)?>< see 5! 4otes. IneHualit& ;=*>< 9opt at.twt ;P3=?d/9)?8a< not in agreement, not 'onOoined>H see 9nion and 5! =1(" Ionian ;23>< 78 ;violet> W :e( Nyy/Nwy ;yayin/yavan< wine>H :e(rew name for t!e 7ree8s ;7en 13<2/*, &an 8<21>H t!e 'oast of %sia Minor ;now 5+r8e-> was w!ere 7ree8s met t!e an'ient middle/eastern 'iviliDations, a'A+iring t!e alp!a(et via t!e 0emiti'/spea8ing P!oeni'ians ;< p+rple$78 name for t!e 9anaanites L:e(< mer'!ants#M of 7en 9<18/13<19/12<*/C, I/2i *, ,De8 2C/28H 'p. Mt 1*<22 wit! M8 C<2=H a''ording to :erodot+s# istories, I7 5!ales of Milet+s$ t!e first pre/0o'rati'#$was a P!oeni'ian/9anaanite>. 8erusalem ;82>< :e( Myl#wry ;fo+ndations/'it- of pea'e>H note t!at :e( hry ;yarah? dire'tive> is t!e root of (ot! Eer+/# and 5ora!#. 8ordan ;88>< :e( Ndry ;des'ender>H t!e river of t!e :ol- Band, in t!e nort!ern e6tension of %fri'a#s 7reat Rift Valle-H 4@ apparentl- t!e River Pis!on of 7en 2<11H t!+s, 'o+ld t!e Klood !ave swept down t!r+ t!e 5ordan Rift Valle-R"$topo/ logi'all- more intelligi(le, e6'ept for t!e p+DDling %rarat ;w!i'!, !owever, means merel- sa'red/!ig! land#>H t!is wo+ld of 'o+rse pla'e all of 7en 2/9 in t!e Eordan Valle-, wit! 7en 13 t!e first !+man ;ling+isti'R"> dispersion, and 7en 11 t!ereafter in Mesopotamia. 8oseph the Craftsman ;98>< Eosep! W :e( Pswy ;addition>H 'raftsman W 9opt 6am4e ;9*)=(>, 78 ;Mt 1?<**>H !+s(and of t!e Virgin MariamH nota(l- silent t!r+o+t t!e 7ospelsH see P! 18. 1e<i ;*8>< :e( ywl ;Ooin, 'onvert>H t!e G5 patriar'! of t!e priestl- lineH P! *8 'o+ld t!+s (e interpreted< 5!e Bord went into t!e d-ewor8s of 'onversion Lor, of t!e priest!oodM....# ;Isa 1)<1, de'! 2<11>. Magdalene ;?=/*9>< :e( ldgm ;migdal< wat'!tower>H 9!rist#s 'ompanionH Pro 18<13, Isa *<1/2, Mi' )<8, B8 8<2, En


23<1/18H note t!at in En 23<1C means not merel- to+'!, 'ling to# (+t also 8indle, ignite# ;as in B8 8<1=> and t!+s 'aress#, as also in B8 C<?9H see Mariam in 5! 4otes and 5!e Pa+l Parado6#, II.1*. Mate ;?3/?=/=)/=*/83/8=/8C/89/119/123/1?1/1?)/1)2>< 9opt 6wtr ;9C2=(> W 78 ;'ommon/(eing>H se6+al +nionH 'p. Israelite 'on'+(inage#, non/marital se6+al +nion ;in w!i'! an- offspring do not in!erit>, as %(ra!am wit! :agar and 2et+ra ;7en 1= F 2*<1/=> or 2ing &avid ;II/0am 1*<1=>$for(idden neit!er (- t!e 5ora! nor (- 9!rist ;,6 23<1), Bev 23<13, Mt *<28 refer only to t!e wife of anot!er man, not to an +nmarried woman or a widow>H see Companion, ProstiB tution, 0acrament and 9nite. Measurement ;*1>< :e( lq#-m ;m-sh*l? of/s!e8el/weig!ing> is apparentl- !ere (eing p+nned wit! xy#m ;mashiakh? Messia!>. Messiah ;23a>< :e( xy#m ;mashiakh>H see 6nointed. Messianic ;=>< :e( Messia!# wit! 78 s+ffi6 / ;t!+s follower of t!e Messia!#>H see Christic. Mirrored ;=*/9?>< 78 < imagedH see imageDsE in 5! 4otes. Mode ;122>< 78 H t!e term for t!e Platoni' forms ;often as >, as well as t!e %ristotelian spe'iesH note also t!e evident all+sion to t!e fo+r primar- elements of an'ient p!-si's< eart!, water, air and fire ;re'ast in modern form+lation as t!e fo+r (asi' states of matter< solid, liA+id, gas and plasma>. M&ster& ;21/=)/C?/8*/89/13)/1?1/1?=/1)2>< 78 H se'ret or sa'rament, a term from t!e an'ient Mediterranean m-ster- religionsH see 0acrament, M8 )<11, 5! =2, 5r */)*. 5ationalist ;)>< :e( ywg ;goy< 'orpse"> W 78 H non/Israelite, pagan, 7entile, as in Ps 2, Mt 18<1C/23<2*/2)<9, %' )<2*/2=. 5atural ;12=>< see ?intageF=indF5atural in 5! 4otes. 5aAarene ;23(>< :e( of 4aDaret!# ;45 78 spelling , as in M8 1<2)>H to (e 'aref+ll- disting+is!ed from< 5aAirite ;*1>< :e( ryzn ;na;ir< 'rowned, 'onse'ratedH BSS and 45 78 spelling , as in 4+m =<1/8 BSS, E+d 1?<*[Mt 2<2?>H :e(rew !ol- man or woman ;1> wit! +n'+t !air, ; > a(staining from prod+'ts of t!e grapevine, and ; !> avoiding 'orpses$t!e latter two r+les of w!i'! 9!rist impli'itl- a(rogated ;B8 C<11/1C/22<1C/18>. 5o<ice ;1>< 78 ;prosel-te, toward/'omer>H a 5ora! 'onvert ;4+m 9<1), 5o( 1<8, Mt 2?<1*, %' 2<13> s+'! as 0t 4i'!olas of %ntio'! ;0anta 9la+s#, t!e first 7entile &is'iple"> at %' =<* and 9orneli+s at %' 13<1/2H % prosel-te is a f+ll Eew#< %(ra!am 9!ill, @i(lio. 2C. Paradise ;1*>< 78 , a term introd+'ed into 78 (- Senop!on, from 0ans8rit paradesa# ;garden> via Persian pardes# ;par8>H see 7en 2<8 BSS w!ere it translates t!e :e( Ng ;gan, garden>, B8 2?<)?" Patrimon& ;=)>< attri(+tion of t!e (egetting of '!ildren to !+man parents rat!er t!an dire'tl- to 7odH matri/ mon-patrimon-# ;or marriagein!eritan'e#> signifies m+t+al logi'al entailment, as in 7en 2*<*/= and also laws 1C3/C1 of t!e "ode of ammurabiH Beo 5olsto-, 9ar and Peace< %n illegitimate son 'annot in!erit#H see Cain, &t 1)<1, :os 1<13, Mt 2?<8/9, B8 23<?)/?=, En 1<12/1?/11<*2, 5! 13*, as well as 5!e Maternal 0pirit# and 5!eogenesis#. Paul ;2*/9=/11*>< Batin small#H t!e s+pposed %postle ;(+t see 5!e Pa+l Parado6#>H remar8a(l-, Mt *<19 'an t!+s (e read !oever rela6es one of t!e least of t!ese 'ommandments Lm+'! less all of t!em, as in Rom C<="M ... s!all (e 'alled Pa+l ;i.e. small> in t!e 2ingdom of :eaven.# Perfect ;1*>< 78 ;'ompleted>H it is essential to note t!at @i(li'al moralit- e6!i(its a t!ree/val+ed rat!er t!an a (inar- logi'? ;1> evil/wrong Lin violation of t!e 5ora!M, ; > good/rig!t Lin a''ordan'e wit! t!e 5ora!M, and ; !> perfe't Lin a''ordan'e wit! t!e Messia!MH see Mt *<)8/19<1=/21, 5.P. @rown, 7od and t!e 7ood# ;Religious Studies, 19=C< www.!tml>. Philip The 6postle ;98>< ;P!ilip W 78 [< friend of !orses> M8 ?<18, En 1<)?/)=/12<21/1)<8H 4@ distin't from< Philip The E<angelist ;9olop!on>< %' =<1/=/8<)/)3/21<8/1)"H prominent earl- &is'iple, one of t!e 0even and a+t!or of t!is te6t. Prostitution ;1?1>< 78 ;from < to sell> does not mean forni'ation# ;non/ad+ltero+s se6+al rela/ tions o+tside of marriage, in'l+ding importantl- 'on'+(inage L:e( #glp, pilegeshM as in 7en 1=<?/2*<=>, (+t rat!er prostit+/ tion# ;'+lti' or 'ommer'ial se6+al relations, as in porno/grap!-#H or more generall-, an- se6+alit- e6pressl- for(idden (- t!e 5ora!, as in Mt *<?2$s+'! as in'est, male !omose6+alit- or ad+lter- ;i.e. infidelit- (- a wife$monoandr- (eing one of t!e female#s p+nis!ments at 7en ?<18>H 7en ?8, Eos! 2, Pro =<2=H see M8 C<21"", 5! 13*H prostit+tion is for(idden (- &t 2?<1C ;'+lti'> F Bev 19<29 ;'ommer'ial>$note t!at t!e (lame falls solel- on !er parents, !er pro'+rer and !er 'lients, and not on t!e prostit+te !erself, w!o is a vi'tim I Mt 21<?1H @r+'e Malina, &oes POR$!&4 mean Korni'ationR#, $ovum Testamentum, 19C2, notes t!at t!ere is no eviden'e in traditional or 'ontemporar- +sage of t!e word porneia t!at ta8es it to mean pre/ (etrot!al, pre/marital, !etero/se6+al inter'o+rse of a non/'+lti' or non/'ommer'ial nat+re, i.e. w!at we 'all ^forni'ation_ toda-# e6pressl- pro!i(ited (- t!e 5ora!#JH see Mate, 7en 2*<1/=, II/0am ?<2/*/*<1?/1*<1=, Mt *<?2, En 8<2/11. ;as impor/ tantl- and do+(tless intentionall- mistranslated at M8 C<21 in Eerome#s Batin V+lgate L)3* %&M, as well as in illiam 5-n/ dale#s ,nglis! 45 L1*2*M$w!ereas Martin B+t!er#s 7erman 45 L1*22M !as it translated 'orre'tl- as !arlotr-#H Jwww. !tml>


3e%irth ;C2>< 9opt `po ;(irt! anot!er time< 9CC8(/393(/?)9(> " 78 ;generation from a(ove L+p/pla'eMH t!e 78 'an mean eit!er (irt! from a(ove# or (irt! again#H 'ompare En ?<? wit! ?<?1>. 3ecognition ;1?/11=/122/12C/1??/1?)>< see 5! 4otes. 3estoration ;C2>< 78 ;from/down/stand>, as in %' 1<=/?<21$in t!e se'+lar pap-ri t!is term is +sed for t!e repair of (+ildings, ret+rning estates to t!eir rig!tf+l owners and (alan'ing a''o+nts. 0acrament ;=)/C?/8*/13)/1?1/1)2>< see M&ster& and P! 12CH P! C? gives a seA+ential and !ierar'!i'al list of five 0a'ra/ ments< ;1> (aptism Lmoral 'leansing re t!e 5ora!MH ; > "hrism Lt!e Messiani' &is'iples!ipMH ;!> !ucharist Lt!e 'omm+nal meal, 'ommemorating Ies!+a#s sa'rifi'eMH ;"> 4tonement Ls+ffering for 0alvationMH and ;#> oly (ridal-"hamber L+niting of t!e male wit! t!e female &is'iples, to 'ele(rate t!eir eternal (irt! t!r+ t!e mating of t!e Kat!er wit! t!e 0a'red 0piritM. 0acred 0pirit ;=>< see 0pirit and 0acred 0pirit in 5! 4otes. 0a<ior ;*9>< 78 W 9opt nou6m ;92)?(> W :e( (#y ;ysha>H see 7eshua in 5! 4otes, 5r 1. 0&m%ol ;C2/C)a/13=/1?=/1)3>< 78 ;t-pe, alp!a(eti'al letter, pattern, model, general idea>. Torah ;133>< :e( hrwt ;arrow, dire'tive>H t!e =1? 'ommandments or mit;vot of t!e G5 Baw, also spe'ifi'all- t!e five (oo8s of Moses ;7en[&t>H Ps 9<C/13, Mal )<), Mt *<1C/19/2?<2?, B8 1=<?1, 5r ?=H in %hat script %as the #ecalogue %ritten at SinaiJ$re t!e possi(l- divine origin of t!e ;0emiti'> alp!a(etH see $aptism and Perfect, also %(ra!am 9!ill, @i(lio. 2C. Transition ;=8>< 9opt mhte ;9193(> W 78 ;middle>H (etween alternatives, neit!er t!e one nor t!e ot!er ;Rev/ %p ?<1=">H see 4ic>edness 12 in 5! 4otes. Trust ;)/122>< 78 ;fait!>H not mere fa't+al opinion, (+t rat!er personal 'onfiden'e in someone or somet!ing. 9nion/9nite ;=*/11=/123/1?C>< 9opt tw6 ;9)?8a< 'om(ine or 'o+ple, 'op+late>H 4@ first Mt 19<12 ;'eli(a'-> in t!e 'onte6t of t!e previo+s fo+r 0a'raments, and onl- t!en t!e fift! 0a'rament" ;P! C?>H see Companion, Mate and 0acrament. 4isdom ;?9/)3/)?/*9>< 78 W %ram tmkx ;khokmAt, ,6 ?*<?*>H see 5r 1=/?3/?), Philosopher in 5! 4otes.


The Gospel of Truth is Oo- for t!ose w!o !ave re'eived from t!e Kat!er of tr+t! t!e gift of re'ogniDingV

!im, t!r+ t!e power of t!e Meaninga w!o 'omes fort! from t!e f+llness w!i'! is in t!e t!o+g!t and mind of t!e Kat!er. 5!is is !e w!o is 'alled t!e 0avior$t!at (eing t!e name of t!e tas8 w!i'! !e is to do for t!e atonement of t!ose w!o !ad (een +na'A+ainted wit! t!e 4ame of t!e Kat!er. 1
. 4ow, t!e 7ospel is t!e revelation of t!e !opef+l, it is t!e finding of t!emselves (- t!ose w!o see8 !im. Kor sin'e t!e totalit- were sear'!ing for !im from w!om t!e- 'ame fort!$and t!e totalit- were wit!in !im, t!e In/ 'on'eiva(le In'ompre!ensi(le, !e w!o e6ists (e-ond all t!o+g!t a$!en'e +na'A+aintan'e wit! t!e Kat!er 'a+sed an6iet- and fear. 5!en t!e an6iet- 'ondensed li8e a fog so t!at no one 'o+ld see. 2

!erefore 'onf+sion grew strong, 'ontriving its matter in emptiness and +na'A+aintan'e wit! t!e tr+t!, pre/ paring to s+(stit+te a potent and all+ring fa(ri'ation for tr+t!f+lness. @+t t!is was no !+miliation for !im, t!e In/ 'on'eiva(le In'ompre!ensi(le. Kor t!e an6iet- and t!e amnesia a and t!e de'eitf+l fa(ri'ation were not!ing$ w!ereas t!e esta(lis!ed tr+t! is imm+ta(le, impert+r(a(le and of +nadorna(le (ea+t-. 5!erefore despise 'on/ f+sion" It !as no roots and was in a fog 'on'erning t!e Kat!er, preparing la(ors and amnesia and fear in order t!ere(- to enti'e t!ose of t!e transition and ta8e t!em 'aptive. ?

5!e amnesia of 'onf+sion was not made as a revelation, it is not t!e !andiwor8 of t!e Kat!er. Korgetf+lness does not o''+r +nder !is dire'tive, alt!o+g! it does !appen (e'a+se of !im. @+t rat!er w!at e6ists wit!in !im is a'A+aintan'es!ipV$t!is (eing revealed so t!at forgetf+lness mig!t dissolve and t!e Kat!er (e re'ogniDed. 0in'e amnesia o''+rred (e'a+se t!e Kat!er was not re'ogniDed, t!ereafter w!en t!e Kat!er is re'ogniDed t!ere will (e no more forgetting.

5!is is t!e 7ospel of !im w!o is so+g!t, w!i'! !e !as revealed to t!ose perfe'ted t!r+ t!e mer'ies of t!e Kat!er as t!e se'ret m-ster-< Ies!+a t!e 9!rist" :e enlig!tened t!ose w!o were in dar8ness (e'a+se of forgetf+lness. :e ill+mined t!em. :e gave t!em a pat!, and t!at pat! is t!e tr+t! w!i'! !e pro'laimed.

Mt 1<21, En 1C, %' )<12H a . P! 12*. ? P! =8H aBeo 5olsto-, 4nna 6arenina< 5!at +niversal sol+tion w!i'! life gives to all A+estions, even t!e most 'omple6 and insolva(le< one m+st live in t!e needs of t!e da-$t!at is, forget.#


5!erefore 'onf+sion was enraged at !im and p+rs+ed !im in order to s+ppress and eliminate !im. :e was nailed to a 'ross(eam, a !e (e'ame t!e fr+it of re'ogniDing t!e Kat!er. Iet it did not 'a+se t!ose w!o 'ons+med it to peris!, (+t rat!er to t!ose w!o 'ons+med it !e (estowed a reOoi'ing at s+'! a dis'over-. Kor !e fo+nd t!em in !imself and t!e- fo+nd !im in t!emselves($t!e In'on'eiva(le In'ompre!ensi(le, t!e Kat!er, t!is perfe't/one w!o 'reated t!e totalit-, wit!in w!om t!e totalit- e6ists and of w!om t!e totalit- !as need. Kor !e !ad wit!!eld wit!in !imself t!eir perfe'tion, w!i'! !e !ad not -et 'onferred +pon t!em all. =

5!e Kat!er is not Oealo+s, for w!at env- 'o+ld t!ere (e (etween !im and !is mem(ersR a Kor if t!e wa- of t!is aeon !ad prevailed t!e- wo+ld not !ave (een a(le to 'ome +nto t!e Kat!er, w!o retains wit!in !imself t!eir f+lfillment and (estows it +pon t!em as a ret+rn to !imself wit! a re'ognition w!i'! is single in perfe'tion. It is !e w!o ordained t!e totalit-, and t!e totalit- is wit!in !im ( and t!e totalit- !ad need of !im. It is li8e a person wit! w!om some !ave (een +na'A+ainted, -et w!o desires t!at t!e- re'ogniDe and love !im. Kor w!at did t!e- all la'8 e6'ept a'A+aintan'e wit! t!e Kat!erRC

5!+s !e (e'ame a reposef+l and leis+rel- g+ide in t!e pla'e of instr+'tion. 5!e Bogos 'ame to t!e midstV and spo8e as t!eir appointed tea'!er. 5!ere approa'!ed t!ose w!o 'onsidered t!emselves wise, p+tting !im to t!e test $-et !e s!amed t!em in t!eir vanit-. 5!e- !ated !im (e'a+se t!e- were not tr+l- wise. 5!en after t!em all t!ere also approa'!ed t!e little '!ildren, t!ose w!o are a'A+ainted wit! t!e Kat!er. :aving (een 'onfirmed, t!elearned of t!e fa'e/formsV of t!e Kat!er. a 5!e- re'ogniDed, t!e- were re'ogniDedH t!e- were glorified, t!e- glori/ fied. Revealed in t!eir !eart was t!e living (oo8 of life, t!is w!i'! is ins'ri(ed in t!e t!o+g!t and mind of t!e Kat!er and w!i'! !as (een wit!in !is in'ompre!ensi(ilit- sin'e (efore t!e fo+ndation of t!e totalit-. 4o one 'an ta8e t!is ;(oo8> awa-, (e'a+se it was appointed for !im w!o wo+ld ta8e it and (e slain (.8

4o one of t!ose w!o tr+sted in salvation 'o+ld !ave (e'ome manifest +nless t!is (oo8 !ad 'ome to t!e midst. 5!is is w!- t!e mer'if+l and fait!f+l/one$Ies!+a"$patientl- end+red t!e s+fferings in order to ta8e t!is (oo8, sin'e !e 8new t!at !is deat! is life for man-. a E+st as t!e fort+ne of t!e de'eased master of t!e estate remains se'ret +ntil !is (eA+est is opened, so also t!e totalit- remained !idden so long as t!e Kat!er of t!e totalit- was invisi(le$t!is/one t!r+ w!om all dimensions originate. 5!is is w!- Ies!+a appeared, 'lot!ed in t!at (oo8. 9

:e was nailed to a 'ross(eama in order to p+(lis! t!e edi't of t!e Kat!er on t!e 'ross. G! s+(lime tea'!ing, s+'! t!at !e !+m(led !imself +nto deat! w!ile 'lad in eternal life" :e stripped off t!e rags of mortalit- in order to don t!is imperis!a(ilit- w!i'! none !as t!e power to ta8e from !im. ,ntering into t!e empt- spa'es of t!e terrors, !e (ro+g!t fort! t!ose w!o !ad (een divested (- amnesia. ( %'ting wit! re'ognition and perfe'tion, !e pro'laimed w!at is in t!e !eart Lof t!e Kat!er, in order toM ma8e wise t!ose w!o are to re'eive t!e tea'!ing. Iet t!ose w!o are instr+'ted are t!e living, ins'ri(ed in t!is (oo8 of life, w!o are ta+g!t a(o+t t!emselves and w!o re'eive t!em/ selves from t!e Kat!er in again ret+rning to !im. 13

@e'a+se t!e perfe'tion of t!e totalit- is in t!e Kat!er, it is reA+isite t!at t!e- all as'end +nto !im. !en someone re'ogniDes, !e re'eives t!e t!ings t!at are !is own and gat!ers t!em to !imself. Kor !e w!o is +na'/ A+ainted !as a la'8$and w!at !e la'8s is great, sin'e w!at !e la'8s is :im w!o will ma8e !im perfe't. @e'a+se t!e perfe'tion of t!e totalit- is in t!e Kat!er, it is reA+isite t!at t!e- all as'end +nto !im. 5!+s ea'! and ever- one re'eives !imself.11

:e pre/ins'ri(ed t!em, !aving prepared t!is gift for t!ose w!o emerged from !im. 5!ose w!ose names !e fore8new are all 'alled at t!e end. 5!+s someone w!o re'ogniDes !as !is name spo8en (- t!e Kat!er. a Kor !e w!ose name !as not (een spo8en remains +na'A+ainted. :ow indeed 'an an-one !ear8en w!ose name !as not (een 'alledR Kor !e w!o remains +na'A+ainted +ntil t!e end is a figment of forgetf+lness and will vanis! wit! it.
1 .
=a C

%nti/7nosti'< &t 21<22/2?, En 19<18, %' 13<?9H (En 1)<23. En 1)<9H aM8 1*<13", 5! CCH (En 1C<21, P! 21. 8 Isa *<21, Mt 18<13H aPs 1C<1*, 9lement of %le6andria, Stromata, V.=< 5!e 0on is said to (e t!e Kat!er#s fa'e, (eing t!e revealer of t!e Kat!er#s '!ara'ter to t!e five senses (- 'lot!ing :imself wit! fles!#H (anti/7nosti'. 9 Rev/%p *<1/*H aanti/7nosti'. 13 a %nti/7nosti'H (P! C*H &t 21<22/2?, %' 13<?9, 5r =. 11 Mt *<)8.


Gt!erwise w!- indeed is t!ere no name for t!ose wret'!es, and w!- do t!e- not !eed t!e 'allR 12 5!+s someone wit! a'A+aintan'e is from a(ove. !en !e is 'alled !e !ears and !eeds and ret+rns to :im w!o 'alled, as'ending +nto !im. %nd !e dis'overs w!o it is t!at 'alls !im. In re'ognition !e does t!e volition of !im w!o 'alled. :e desires to please !im, and granted repose !e re'eives t!e 4ame of t!e Gne. :e w!o re'ogniDes t!+s dis'overs from w!en'e !e !as 'ome and w!it!er !e is going. :e +nderstands li8e someone w!o was into6i'ated and w!o !as s!a8en off !is dr+n8enness and ret+rned to !imself, to set +prig!t t!ose t!ings w!i'! are !is own.1?

:e !as (ro+g!t man- (a'8 from 'onf+sion. :e went (efore t!em into t!e spa'es t!r+ w!i'! t!eir !earts !ad migrated in going astra-, d+e to t!e dept! of :im w!o en'ompasses all dimensions wit!o+t !imself (eing en'ompassed. It is a great wonder t!at t!e- were wit!in t!e Kat!er wit!o+t re'ogniDing !im, and t!at t!e- were a(le to depart +nto t!emselves (e'a+se t!e- 'o+ld neit!er 'ompre!end nor re'ogniDe !im in w!om t!e- were. Kor t!+s !is volition !ad not -et emerged from wit!in !imself. Kor !e revealed !imself so t!at all !is emanationsV wo+ld re+nite wit! !im in re'ognition.

5!is is a'A+aintan'e wit! t!e living (oo8, w!ere(- at t!e end !e !as manifested t!e eternal/onesV as t!e alp!a(et of !is revelation. 5!ese are not vowels nor are t!e- 'onsonants, s+'! t!at someone mig!t read t!em and t!in8 of emptiness, (+t rat!er t!e- are t!e tr+e alp!a(et (- w!i'! t!ose w!o re'ogniDe it are t!emselves e6/ pressed. ,a'! letter is a perfe't t!o+g!t, ea'! letter is li8e a 'omplete (oo8 written in t!e alp!a(et of +nit- (- t!e Kat!er, w!o ins'ri(es t!e eternal/ones so t!at t!r+ !is alp!a(et t!e- mig!t re'ogniDe t!e Kat!er. 1*

:is wisdom meditates on t!e Meaning e :is tea'!ing e6presses it e :is a'A+aintan'e revealed it e :is dignitis 'rowned (- it e :is Oo- +nites wit! it e :is glor- e6alted it e :is appearan'e manifested it e :is repose re'eived it e :is love em(odied ita e :is fait! em(ra'ed it.1=

5!+s t!e Bogos of t!e Kat!er 'omes into t!e totalit- as t!e fr+it of !is !eart and t!e fa'e/form of !is volition. @+t !e s+pports t!em all, !e atones t!em and moreover !e ass+mes t!e fa'e/form of ever-one, p+rif-ing t!em, (ringing t!em (a'8$wit!in t!e Kat!er, wit!in t!e Mot!er, Ies!+a of infinite 8indness. 5!e Kat!er +n'overs !is (osom,a w!i'! is t!e 0a'red 0pirit, revealing !is se'ret. :is se'ret is !is 0on" 2 5!+s t!r+ t!e 'ompassions of t!e Kat!er t!e eternal/ones re'ogniDe !im. %nd t!e- 'ease t!eir toil of see8ing for t!e Kat!er and repose in !im, re/ 'ogniDing t!at t!is is t!e repose.1C

:aving replenis!ed t!e defi'ien'-, !e dissolved t!e s'!emeV. Kor t!e s'!eme is t!is world in w!i'! !e served as a slave, and defi'ien'- is t!e pla'e of env- and A+arreling. Iet t!e pla'e of t!e +nit- is perfe't. 0in'e defi/ 'ien'- o''+rred (e'a+se t!e Kat!er was not re'ogniDed, t!ereafter w!en t!e Kat!er is re'ogniDed t!ere s!all (e no defi'ien'-. E+st as wit! ignoran'e< w!en someone 'omes to 8now, t!e ignoran'e dissolves of itself$and also as dar8ness dissipates w!en t!e lig!t s!ines$so also defi'ien'- vanis!es w!en perfe'tion appears. 5!+s from t!at moment on t!ere is no more s'!eme, (+t rat!er it disappears in t!e f+sion of t!e +nit-. Kor now t!eir involve/ ments are made eA+al at t!e moment w!en t!e f+sion perfe'ts t!e spa'es. 18

,a'! one s!all re'eive !imself in t!e +nifi'ation and s!all (e p+rified from m+ltipli'it- +nto +nit- in a'A+ain/ tan'es!ip$'ons+ming matter in !imself li8e a flame, dar8ness wit! lig!t, and deat! wit! life. 0in'e t!ese t!ings !ave t!+s !appened to ea'! one of +s, it is appropriate t!at we t!in8 of t!e totalit- so t!at t!e !o+se!old (e !oland silent for t!e +nit-. 19
1*. +. It is li8e some w!o move Oars from t!eir proper pla'es to +nsafe pla'es, w!ere t!e- are (ro8en. %nd -et t!e master of t!e !o+se s+ffered no loss (+t rat!er reOoi'ed, for t!ose +nso+nd Oars were repla'ed (- t!ese w!i'! are
12 a 1?

I/0am ?<13, B8 19<*. 5! 28. 1* Ps 1?9<1=, Rev/%p 1<8. 1= a &efinitivel- anti/7nosti'. 1C a Odes of St Solomon, 8<1C, M- own (reasts I prepared for t!em, t!at t!e- mig!t drin8 m- !ol- mil8 and live t!ere(-#H see also Ode 19H (P! 23(. 18 5! =1(. 19 Ps )=<13, de'! 2<1?.


f+ll- perfe't. 5!is is t!e O+dgment w!i'! !as 'ome from a(ove, li8e a do+(le/edged sword drawn to '+t t!is waand t!at as ea'! one is O+dged.23
1. 5!ere 'ame to t!e midst t!e Bogos, w!i'! is in t!e !eart of t!ose w!o e6press it. 5!is was not a mere so+nd, (+t rat!er !e (e'ame a (od-. a % great dist+r(an'e o''+rred among t!e Oars$for lo some were emptied, ot!ers were filled, some were s+pplied, ot!ers were overt+rned, some were 'leansed, ot!ers were (ro8en. %ll of t!e spa'es A+a8ed and were agitated, !aving neit!er order nor sta(ilit-. 9onf+sion was in ang+is! at not dis'erning w!at to do$distressed and lamenting and s!earing( from +nderstanding not!ing.21 . 5!en w!en re'ognition approa'!ed wit! all its emanations, t!is was t!e anni!ilation of 'onf+sion, w!i'! was emptied into not!ingness. 5!e tr+t! 'ame to t!e midst, and all !is emanations re'ogniDed and em(ra'ed t!e Kat!er in tr+t! and +nited wit! !im in a perfe't power. Kor ever-one w!o loves t!e tr+t! atta'!es !imself to t!e mo+t! of t!e Kat!er wit! !is tong+e (- re'eiving t!e 0a'red 0pirit. a 5!e tr+t! is t!e mo+t! of t!e Kat!er, !is tong+e is t!e 0a'red 0pirit Ooined to !im in tr+t!. 5!is is t!e revelation of t!e Kat!er and !is self/manifestation to !is eternal/ ones. :e !as revealed !is se'ret, e6plaining it all. 22

Kor w!o is t!e ,6istent/Gne, e6'ept for t!e Kat!er aloneR %ll dimensions are !is emanations, re'ogniDed in 'oming fort! from !is !eart li8e sons from a mat+re person w!o 8nows t!em. ,a'! one w!om t!e Kat!er (egets !ad previo+sl- re'eived neit!er formV nor name. 5!en t!e- were formed t!r+ !is self/awareness. %lt!o+g! indeed t!e- !ad (een in !is mind, t!e- !ad not re'ogniDed !im. 5!e Kat!er !owever is perfe'tl- a'A+ainted wit! all t!e dimensions, w!i'! are wit!in !im.
!. ". !enever !e wis!es !e manifests w!omever !e wis!es, forming !im and naming !im. %nd in giving !im a name, !e 'a+ses !im to 'ome into (eing. @efore t!e- 'ame into (eing, t!ese ass+redl- were +na'A+ainted wit! !im w!o fas!ioned t!em. I do not sa- !owever t!at t!ose w!o !ave not -et 'ome into (eing are not!ings$(+t rat!er t!e- pree6ist wit!in !im w!o s!all intend t!eir (e'oming w!en !e desires it, li8e a season -et to 'ome. a @efore an-one is manifest ;t!e Kat!er> 8nows w!at !e will (ring fort!. @+t t!e fr+it t!at is not -et manifest neit!er re'ogniDes nor a''omplis!es an-t!ing. 5!+s all dimensions t!emselves e6ist wit!in t!e Kat!er w!o e6ists, from w!om t!e- 'ome fort!, and w!o esta(lis!ed t!em +nto !imself from t!at w!i'! is not. 2)

!oever la'8s root also la'8s fr+it, (+t still !e t!in8s to !imself< I !ave (e'ome, so I s!all de'ease$for ever-t!ing t!at ;earlier> did not ;-et> e6ist, ;later> s!all no ;longer> e6ist.# a !at t!erefore does t!e Kat!er desire t!at s+'! a person t!in8 a(o+t !imselfR< I !ave (een li8e t!e s!adows and t!e p!antoms of t!e nig!t"# !en t!e dawn s!ines +pon !im, t!is person as'ertains t!at t!e terror w!i'! !ad seiDed !im was not!ing. 5!e- were t!+s +na'A+ainted wit! t!e Kat!er (e'a+se t!e- did not (e!old !im. :en'e t!ere o''+rred terror and t+rmoil and wea8/ ness and do+(t and division, wit! man- de'eptions and empt- fi'tions at wor8 t!r+ t!ese. 2*
#. '. It was as if t!e- were s+n8 in sleep and fo+nd t!emselves in tro+(led dreams$eit!er fleeing somew!ere, or powerlessl- p+rs+ing ot!ers, or delivering (lows in (rawls, or t!emselves s+ffering (lows, or falling from a !ig! pla'e, or sailing t!r+ t!e air wit!o+t wings. 0ometimes it even seems as if t!e- are (eing m+rdered alt!o+g! no one p+rs+es t!em, or as if t!e- t!emselves are m+rdering t!eir neig!(ors sin'e t!e- are s+llied (- t!eir (lood. 2= (. 5!en t!e moment 'omes w!en t!ose w!o !ave end+red all t!is awa8en, no longer to see all t!ose tro+(les$ for t!e- are na+g!t.a 0+'! is t!e wa- of t!ose w!o !ave 'ast off ignoran'e li8e sleep and 'onsider it to (e not!ing, neit!er 'onsidering its vario+s events as real, (+t rat!er leaving it (e!ind li8e a dream of t!e nig!t. Re'ogniDing t!e Kat!er (rings t!e dawn" 5!is is w!at ea'! one !as done, sleeping in t!e time w!en !e was +na'A+ainted. %nd t!is is !ow, t!+s awa8ened, !e 'omes to re'ognition.2C

Rev/%p 1<1=. %nti/7nosti'"H (Bev 19<2C P 4+m =<*. 22 5! Prolog/138H a%' 2<1/). 2) 5! 19H aP! 1. 2* a isd 2<2, e were (orn (- mere '!an'e, and !ereafter we s!all (e as t!o+g! we !ad never (een#H Vi'tor :+go, ,es -isDrables< &id I e6ist (efore m- (irt!R 4o. 0!all I, after m- deat!R 4o.# 2= Eames Eo-'e, <lysses, 2< :istor- ... is a nig!tmare from w!i'! I am tr-ing to awa8e.# 2C Isa 29<C/8H a5! 2.
21 a


). :ow good for t!e person w!o ret+rns to !imself and awa8ens, and (lest is !e w!ose (lind e-es !ave (een opened" %nd t!e 0pirit ran after !im, res+rre'ting !im swiftl-. ,6tending !er !and to !im w!o was prostrate on t!e gro+nd, s!e lifted !im +p on !is feet w!o !ad not -et arisen. 4ow t!e re'ognition w!i'! gives +nderstanding is t!r+ t!e Kat!er and t!e revelation of !is 0on. Gn'e t!e- !ave seen !im and !eard !im, !e grants t!em to taste and to smell and to to+'! t!e (eloved 0on.28

!en !e appeared, telling t!em a(o+t t!e in'ompre!ensi(le Kat!er, !e (reat!ed into t!em a w!at is in t!e t!o+g!t of doing !is volition. Man- re'eived t!e lig!t and ret+rned to !im. @+t t!e materialists were alien and did not (e!old !is li8eness nor re'ogniDe !im, alt!o+g! !e 'ame fort! in'arnate ( in form. 4ot!ing o(str+'ts !is 'o+rse $for imperis!a(ilit- is indomita(le. Moreover !e pro'laimed (efore!and t!at w!i'! was new, e6pressing w!at is in t!e !eart of t!e Kat!er and (ringing fort! t!e flawless Bogos. 29

Big!t spo8e t!r+ !is mo+t!, and !is voi'e gave (irt! to life. a :e gave to t!em t!e t!o+g!t of wisdom, of mer'-, of salvation, of t!e 0pirit of power from t!e infinit- and t!e 8indness of t!e Kat!er. :e a(olis!ed p+nis!ment and torment,( for t!ese 'a+sed some w!o !ad need of mer'- to go astra- from !is fa'e in 'onf+sion and (ondage. %nd wit! power !e pardoned t!em, and !e !+m(led t!em in a'A+aintan'es!ip. ?3

:e (e'ame a pat! for t!ose w!o !ad stra-ed$a'A+aintan'e for t!e +naware$dis'over- for t!ose w!o see8$ sta(ilit- for t!e wavering$and imma'+late p+rit- for t!ose w!o were defiled.

:e is t!e s!ep!erd w!o left (e!ind t!e 99 s!eep t!at were not lost, in order to go sear'!ing for t!is/one w!i'! !ad stra-ed. %nd !e reOoi'ed w!en !e fo+nd it. Kor 99 is a n+m(er t!at is 'o+ntedV on t!e left !and, w!i'! tallies it. @+t w!en 1 is added, t!e entire s+m passes to t!e rig!t !and. 0o it is wit! !im w!o la'8s t!e Gne, w!i'! is t!e entire rig!t !and$!e ta8es from t!e left w!at is defi'ient in order to transfer it to t!e rig!t, and t!+s t!e n+m(er (e'omes 133. 4ow, t!e signifi'ation wit!in t!ese words is t!e Kat!er. ?2
! .

,ven on t!e 0a((at! !e la(ored for t!e s!eep w!i'! !e fo+nd fallen into t!e pit. :e restored t!e s!eep to life, (ringing it +p from t!e pit, so t!at -o+ 0ons of !eart/+nderstanding ma- dis'ern t!is 0a((at! on w!i'! t!e wor8 of salvation m+st never 'ease, and so t!at -o+ ma- spea8 from t!is da- w!i'! is a(ove, w!i'! !as no nig!t, and from t!e perfe't lig!t w!i'! never sets.??

0pea8 t!erefore from -o+r !earts, for -o+ are t!is perfe't da- and wit!in -o+ dwells t!is a(iding lig!t. 0pea8 of t!e tr+t! wit! t!ose w!o see8 it, and of a'A+aintan'es!ip +nto t!ose w!o in 'onf+sion !ave transgressed. 0+pport t!ose w!o st+m(le, rea'! o+t -o+r !and to t!e si'8, feed t!ose w!o are !+ngr-, give repose to t!e wear-, +plift t!ose w!o -earn to arise, awa8en t!ose w!o sleep$for -o+ are t!e wisdom t!at res'+es" ?)

5!+s strengt! grows in a'tion. 7ive !eed to -o+rselves$(e not 'on'erned wit! t!ose ot!er t!ings w!i'! -o+ !ave alread- 'ast o+t of -o+rselves. &o not ret+rn to w!at -o+ !ave reg+rgitated, (e not mot!/eaten, (e not worm/ eaten$for -o+ !ave alread- 'ast t!at o+t. &o not (e'ome a pla'e for t!e &evil, for -o+ !ave alread- eliminated !im. &o not reinfor'e t!ose t!ings t!at made -o+ st+m(le and fall. 5!+s is +prig!tness"

Kor someone w!o violates t!e 5ora! !arms !imself more t!an t!e O+dgment !arms !im. a Kor !e does !is deeds illi'itl-, w!ereas !e w!o is rig!teo+s does !is deeds for t!e sa8e of ot!ers. &o t!erefore t!e volition of t!e Kat!er, (e'a+se -o+ are from !im. Kor t!e Kat!er is 8ind, and t!ings are good t!r+ !is volition. :e !as ta8en 'ogniDan'e of w!atever is -o+rs, so t!at -o+ ma- repose -o+rselves 'on'erning s+'! t!ings$for in t!eir fr+ition it is re'og/ niDed w!ose t!e- are.?=
!'. !(.
28 29 a

5!e 0ons of t!e Kat!er are !is fragran'e, for t!e- are from t!e gra'e of !is fa'e. 5!erefore t!e Kat!er loves !is

5!e five senses< emp!ati'all- anti/7nosti'"H 5! 19. 0ee LinflateM in En 23<22 LB0E, @i(lio. 19P2?< to (low in#M, also 7en 2<CH Odes of St Solomon, 18<19, 5!e Most :ig! (reat!ed into t!em#H (anti/7nosti', En 1<1). ?3 a II/0am 2?<2H (B8 2?<?), En 8<2/11" ?2 Mt 18<12/1?, 5! 13C. ?? Mt 12<11, 5! 2C/?), P! 1)2. ?) Mt 2*<?1/)=" ?= a 0t %+g+stine, "onfessions, I< ,ver- disorder of t!e so+l is its own p+nis!ment#H En 1=<28, B8 =<)?/)).


fragran'e and manifests it ever-w!ere. %nd (lending it wit! matter, a !e (estows !is fragran'e +pon t!e lig!t, and in !is repose !e e6alts it over ever- li8eness and ever- so+nd. Kor it is not t!e ears t!at in!ale t!e fragran'e, (+t rat!er t!e (reat!( !as t!e sense of smell and draws it to oneself$and t!+s is someone (aptiDed in t!e fragran'e of t!e Kat!er.?C 5!+s !e draws into !ar(or !is original fragran'e w!i'! !ad grown 'old, +nto t!e pla'e from w!i'! it 'ame. It was somet!ing w!i'! in ps-'!i' form !ad (e'ome li8e 'old water permeating loose soil, s+'! t!at t!ose w!o see it t!in8 it to (e dirt. 5!en afterward, w!en a warm and fragrant (reeDe (lows, it again evaporates. 5!+s 'oldness res+lts from separation.a 5!is is w!- t!e Kait!f+l/Gne 'ame$to a(olis! division and (ring t!e warm f+llness of love, so t!at t!e 'old wo+ld not ret+rn (+t rat!er t!ere s!o+ld (e t!e +nifi'ation of perfe't t!o+g!t. 5!is is t!e Bogos of t!e 7ospel of t!e finding of t!e f+llness (- t!ose w!o await t!e salvation w!i'! 'omes from on !ig!. Prolonged is t!e !ope of t!ose w!o await$t!ose w!ose li8eness is t!e lig!t w!i'! 'ontains no s!adow$at t!at time w!en t!e f+llness finall- 'omes. ?8

5!e defi'ien'- of matter did not originate t!r+ t!e infinit- of t!e Kat!er, w!o 'ame in t!e time of inadeA+a'$alt!o+g! no one 'o+ld predi't t!at t!e indestr+'ti(le wo+ld arrive in t!is manner. @+t t!e prof+ndit- of t!e Kat!er a(o+nded, and t!e t!o+g!t of 'onf+sion was not wit! !im. It is a topi' for falling prostrate, it is a reposef+l topi'$to (e set +prig!t on one#s feet, in (eing fo+nd (- 5!is/Gne w!o 'ame to (ring !im (a'8. Kor t!e ret+rn is 'alled Repentan'eV.?9

5!is is w!- imperis!a(ilit- (reat!ed fort!$to see8 after t!e transgressor so t!at !e mig!t !ave repose. Kor to forgive is to remain (e!ind wit! t!e lig!t, t!e Bogos of t!e f+llness, in t!e defi'ien'-. 5!+s t!e p!-si'ian !astens to t!e pla'e w!ere t!ere is illness, for t!is is !is !eart#s desire. a @+t !e w!o !as a la'8 'annot !ide it from !im w!o possesses w!at !e needs. 5!+s t!e f+llness, w!i'! !as no defi'ien'-, replenis!es t!e la'8. )3

;5!e Kat!er> gave of !imself to replenis! w!omever la'8s, in order t!at t!ere(- !e ma- re'eive gra'e. In t!e time of !is defi'ien'- !e !ad no gra'e. 5!+s w!erever gra'e is a(sent, t!ere is inferiorit-. %t t!e time w!en !e re'eived t!is smallness w!i'! !e la'8ed, a ;t!en t!e Kat!er> revealed to !im a f+llness, w!i'! is t!is finding of t!e lig!t of tr+t! t!at dawned +pon !im in +n'!angea(ilit-. 5!is is w!- t!e 9!rist was invo8ed in t!eir midst$so t!at t!e- wo+ld re'eive t!eir ret+rning. :e anoints wit! t!e 9!rism t!ose w!o !ave (een tro+(led. ( 5!e anointing is t!e 'ompassion of t!e Kat!er w!o will !ave mer'- +pon t!em. Iet t!ose w!om !e !as anointed are t!ose w!o are perfe'ted'.)1

Kor Oars w!i'! are f+ll are t!ose w!i'! are sealedV. Iet w!en its sealant is destro-ed, a Oar lea8s. %nd t!e 'a+se of its (eing emptied is t!e a(sen'e of its sealant, for t!en somet!ing in t!e d-nami's of t!e air evaporates it. @+t not!ing is emptied if t!e sealant !as not (een removed, nor does an-t!ing lea8 awa-, (+t rat!er t!e perfe't Kat!er replenis!es w!atever is la'8ing.
" .

:e is good. :e 8nows !is seedlings, for it is !e w!o planted t!em in !is paradise. 4ow !is paradise is !is realm of repose. 5!is is t!e perfe'tion in t!e t!o+g!t of t!e Kat!er, and t!ese are t!e BogoiV of !is meditation. ,a'! one of !is Bogoi is t!e prod+'t of !is +nitar- volition in t!e revelation of !is meaning. !ile t!e- were still in t!e dept!s of !is t!o+g!t, t!e Bogos was t!e first to 'ome fort!. K+rt!ermore !e revealed t!em from a mind t!at e6presses t!e +niA+e Bogos in t!e silent gra'e 'alled t!o+g!t, sin'e t!e- e6isted t!erein prior to (e'oming mani/ fest. 0o it o''+rred t!at ;t!e Bogos> was t!e first to 'ome fort!, at t!e time w!en it pleased t!e will of !im w!o intended it.)?

4ow t!e volition of t!e Kat!er is t!at w!i'! reposes in !is !eart and pleases !im. 4ot!ing e6ists wit!o+t !im, nor does an-t!ing o''+r wit!o+t t!e volition of t!e Kat!er. a @+t !is volition is +nfat!oma(le. ( :is volition is !is imprint', and no one 'an determine it nor anti'ipate it in order to 'ontrol it. @+t w!enever !e wills, w!at !e wills
?C a ?8

%nti/7nosti'"H (spiritH P! 118. II/Pet ?<?/1?, P! 8*/112H a5! 11, P! 8=. ?9 M8 1<)P1*, 5r 28. )3 a #iatessaron L1*3 %&M< !ere t!ere is s+ffering, L9!ristM sa-s, to t!ere t!e p!-si'ian !astens.# )1 a Mt 18<), 5! 21/22/)=, 5r 8H (5! 2H 'Mt *<)8, P! 28. )? En 1<1.


e6ists$even if t!e sig!t does not please t!em. 5!e- are not!ing (efore t!e fa'e of 7od and t!e volition of t!e Kat!er. Kor !e 8nows t!e (eginning and t!e ending of t!em all$at t!eir finis! !e s!all A+estion t!em fa'e/to/fa'e. Iet t!e finis! is to re'eive a'A+aintan'e wit! 5!is/Gne w!o was !idden. d 4ow t!is is t!e Kat!er$t!is/one from w!om t!e (eginning 'ame fort!, t!is/one to w!om all t!ese s!all ret+rn w!o 'ame fort! from !im. e Iet t!e- !ave (een manifest for t!e glor- and Oo- of !is 4ame. )) 4ow t!e 4ame of t!e Kat!er is t!e 0on. :e first named !im w!o 'ame fort! from !imself, and w!o is !imself. %nd !e (egot !im as a 0on. :e (estowed !is own 4ame +pon !im. It is t!e Kat!er w!o from !is !eart possesses all t!ings. :e !as t!e 4ame, !e !as t!e 0on w!o 'an (e seen. Iet !is 4ame is trans'endental$for it alone is t!e m-ster- of t!e invisi(le, w!i'! t!r+ !im 'omes to ears 'ompletel- filled wit! it. )*

Kor indeed t!e 4ame of t!e Kat!er is not spo8en, a -et rat!er it is manifested as a 0on. ( %''ordingl-, great is t!e 4ame" !o t!erefore 'o+ld pro'laim a 4ame for !im, t!e s+preme 4ame, e6'ept !im alone w!ose 4ame t!is is, toget!er wit! t!e 0ons of t!e 4ameR$t!ose in w!ose !eart t!e 4ame of t!e Kat!er reposes and w!o t!emselves li8ewise repose in !is 4ame. @e'a+se t!e Kat!er is imm+ta(le, it is !e alone w!o (egot !im as !is own 4ame (efore !e fas!ioned t!e eternal/ones, so t!at t!e 4ame of t!e Kat!er wo+ld (e Bord over t!eir !eads$t!is/one w!o is tr+l- t!e 4ame, se'+re in !is 'ommand of perfe't power. )=

5!e 4ame is not mere ver(iage, nor is it onl- terminolog-, (+t rat!er it is trans'endental. :e alone named !im, !e alone seeing !im, !e alone !aving t!e power to give !im a name. !oever does not e6ist !as no name$for w!at names are given to not!ingsR @+t t!is e6isting/one e6ists toget!er wit! !is 4ame. %nd t!e Kat!er alone 8nows !im, and !e alone names !im.

5!e 0on is !is 4ame. :e did not 8eep !im !idden as a se'ret$(+t rat!er t!e 0on 'ame to (e, and ;t!e Kat!er> alone named !im. 5!+s t!e 4ame (elongs to t!e Kat!er, s+'! t!at t!e 4ame of t!e Kat!er is t!e 0on. :ow ot!er/ wise wo+ld 'ompassion find a name, e6'ept from t!e Kat!erR Kor after all, an-one will sa- to !is 'ompanion< !oever 'o+ld give a name to someone w!o e6isted (efore !imR$as if '!ildren do not t!+s re'eive t!eir names t!r+ t!ose w!o gave t!em (irt!"#

Kirstl-, t!erefore, it is appropriate t!at we t!in8 on t!is topi'< w!at is t!e 4ameR 5r+l- ;t!e 0on> is t!e 4ame $t!+s also !e is t!e 4ame from t!e Kat!er. :e is t!e e6istent 4ame of t!e Bord. 5!+s !e did not re'eive t!e 4ame on loan as do ot!ers, a''ording to t!e pattern of ea'! individ+al w!o is to (e 'reated in !is !eart. Kor !e is t!e Bordl- 4ame. 5!ere is no one else w!o (estowed it +pon !im, (+t !e was +nnama(le and it was ineffa(le +ntil t!e time w!en :e w!o is Perfe't gave e6pression to ;t!e 0on> alone. %nd it is ;t!e 0on> w!o !as t!e power to e6press !is 4ame and to see !im. 5!+s it pleased ;t!e Kat!er> in !is !eart t!at !is desired 4ame (e !is 0on, and !e gave t!e 4ame to !im$t!is/one w!o 'ame fort! from t!e prof+ndit-.

;5!e 0on> e6pressed !is se'ret, 8nowing t!at t!e Kat!er is (enevolent. 5!is is e6a'tl- w!- ;t!e Kat!er> (ro+g!t t!is/one fort!$so t!at !e mig!t spea8 of t!e dominion and !is pla'e of repose from w!i'! !e 'ame, and render glor- to t!e f+llness, t!e maOest- of !is 4ame, and t!e 8indness of t!e Kat!er. :e s!all spea8 of t!e realm from w!i'! ea'! one 'ame$and ea'! one w!o iss+ed from t!at pla'e s!all t!+s (e !astened to ret+rn +nto it again, to s!are in re'eiving !is s+(stan'e in t!e pla'e w!ere !e stood, a re'eiving t!e taste( of t!at pla'e, re'eiving no+ris!/ ment and growt!. %nd !is own dominion of repose is !is f+llness. *3

5!+s all t!e emanations of t!e Kat!er are plenit+des, and t!e so+r'e of all !is emanations is wit!in t!e !eart of :im from w!om t!e- all flo+ris!. :e (estowed t!eir destinies +pon t!em. a 5!+s is ea'! one made manifest, s+'! t!at t!r+ t!eir own meditation t!e- Lret+rn toM t!e pla'e to w!i'! t!e- dire't t!eir t!o+g!t. 5!at pla'e is t!eir so+r'e, w!i'! lifts t!em t!r+ all t!e !eig!ts of !eaven +nto t!e Kat!er. 5!e- attain +nto !is !ead, w!i'! (e'omes

Ps 1?9<1=, Pro 23<2), En *<19H (Isa )3<1?H '9op i`nos, 7r < literall-, footprintH dPs 11<C/1C<1*H e5! CCH 9lement of %le6andria, Stromata, V.=< :aving (e'ome 0on and Kriend, Lt!e &is'ipleM is now replenis!ed wit! insatia(le 'ontemplation fa'e to fa'e.# )* Mt 1<21, B8 1<?1, En 1C<=/2=", P! 11" )= ,6 ?<1), 5! 1?H asee P! 11, note (H also Bao 5se, Tao Te "hing, 1< 5!e name w!i'! 'an (e named is not t!e ,ternal 4ame#H (En 1C<=. *3 a 5! 28H (anti/7nosti'.
)) a


t!eir repose. %nd t!e- are em(ra'ed as t!e- approa'! !im, so t!at t!e- sa- t!at t!e- !ave parta8en of !is fa'e in em(ra'es. Iet t!e- are not t!+s made manifest (- e6alting t!emselves. 5!e- neit!er la'8 t!e glor- of t!e Kat!er, nor do t!e- t!in8 of !im as (eing trite or (itter or wrat!f+l. @+t rat!er !e is (enevolent, impert+r(a(le and 8ind$ 8nowing all t!e dimensionalities (efore t!e- 'ome into e6isten'e, and !aving no need of edifi'ation. *1 5!is is t!e manner of t!ose w!o t!emselves (elong on !ig! t!r+ t!e grande+r of t!e immeas+ra(le, as t!eawait t!e UniA+e and Perfe't/Gne w!o ma8es !imself t!ere for t!em. %nd t!e- do not des'end +nto t!e a(ode of t!e deadV. 5!e- !ave neit!er Oealo+s- nor lamentation nor mortalit- t!ere among t!em, (+t rat!er t!e- repose wit!in !im w!o is reposef+l. 5!e- are neit!er tro+(led nor devio+s 'on'erning t!e tr+t!, (+t rat!er t!e- t!em/ selves are t!e tr+t!. 5!e Kat!er is wit!in t!em and t!e- are wit!in t!e Kat!er, perfe'ted and made indivisi(le in t!e tr+l- good, not inadeA+ate in an-t!ing (+t rat!er given repose and refres!ed in t!e 0pirit. %nd t!e- s!all o(et!eir so+r'e in leis+re, t!ese wit!in w!om !is root is fo+nd and w!o !arm no so+l. 5!is is t!e pla'e of t!e (lest, t!is is t!eir pla'e"*2
# .

!erefore let t!e remainder +nderstand in t!eir pla'es t!at it is not appropriate for me, !aving (een in t!e realm of repose, to sa- an-t!ing f+rt!er. @+t it is wit!in !is !eart t!at I s!all (e$forever devoted to t!e Kat!er of t!e totalit-, toget!er wit! t!ose tr+e @rot!ers and 0isters +pon w!om po+rs t!e love of t!e Kat!er and among w!om t!ere is no la'8 of !im. 5!ese are t!e- w!o are gen+inel- manifest, (eing in t!e tr+e and eternal life and spea8ing t!e perfe't lig!t w!i'! is filled wit! t!e seed of t!e Kat!er, and w!o are in !is !eart and in t!e f+llness and in w!om !is 0pirit reOoi'es, glorif-ing !im in w!om t!e- e6ist. :e is good, and !is 0ons and &a+g!ters are perfe't and wort!- of !is 4ame. Kor it is '!ildren of t!is 8ind t!at !e t!e Kat!er desires.

5otes to Truth
5!e translation of t!e 7ospel of 5r+t! is 'on'ordant wit! t!at of 5!omas and P!ilip, and t!erefore words dis'+ssed in t!e notes t!ere are not d+pli'ated !ere. Gnline are ; 1> t!e 9opti' te6t<!.!tmlH ; > 2endri'8 7ro(el#s detailed te6t+al 'ommentar- ;@i(lio. 1),!tml>H and ;!> a preliminar- version of anot!er e6traordinar- te6t from t!e 4ag :ammadi li(rar-, per!aps also (- Valentine<'-. !tml. 6cHuaintanceship ;)>< see 3ecognition in 5! 4otes. Count ;?2>< t!is refers to t!e an'ient te'!niA+e of finger/'al'+lation, w!ere(- n+m(ers 1[99 were 'o+nted on t!e left !and, (+t from 133 +pward on t!e rig!t !andH t!e n+m(er 133 itself was formed (- to+'!ing t!e rig!t forefinger/tip to t!e +pper Ooint of t!e t!+m( ;t!e :ind+s 'all s+'! a s-m(oli' !and/post+re a m+dra#>. ;eadI 6%ode of the ;*2>< 9opt emnte ;93*=a[9338(< west#, as t!e entran'e to t!e +nderworld> W :e( lw)# ;s!eol< plead#> W 78 ;!ades< +nseen#>. Emanation ;1)/22/2?/*1>< 9opt 5h ;9?92>H 5! CCH 7ro(el ;@i(lio. 1)> 'onvin'ingl- s!ows t!at t!is term is analogo+s to t!e 4eo/Platoni' notion of divine radiation, w!erein all (eings are li8ened to s+n(eams emanating from t!e one 7odH see Plo/ tin+s, !nneads, V.?.12< 5!e analog- of lig!t from a s+n$t!e entire intelle't+al order ma- (e fig+red as a 8ind of lig!t, wit! t!e Gne in repose at its s+mmit as its 2ing#H 'p. also %.9. @!a8tivedanta 0wami Pra(!+pada, (eyond &llusion and #oubt ;1999>< In t!e (hagavad-gita, 2ris!na sa-s, aham sarvasya prabhavah< ^,ver-t!ing is emanating from Me._ 9!rist sa-s t!at !e is t!e son of 7od, and t!is means t!at !e emanates from 7od.# EternalB/nes ;1*>< see 6eon in P! 4otesH all 'reat+res 'onsidered as eternal, relative to t!e trans/dimensional mind of 7od ;B8 23<?8, En =<*), %ngel, image and 0-m(ol#>. -aceB-orm ;8/1C>< 9opt moung n-.6o ;91C*a/=)=(< form of fa'e>H 7en ?2<?3/??<13, 5! C=H !ere t!e idea seems similar to t!at e6pressed in t!ose e6traordinar- :ind+ religio+s paintings w!i'! s!ow all men and 'reat+res as 'o+ntless manifestations of one trans'endental &eit- ;t!e @ra!man>$t!is metap!-si' is fo+nd in t!e <panishads and t!e (hagavad GitaH see EmanaB tion. -orm ;2?/29/?8/*2>< Batin .OR-4H it is a notewort!- idios-n'ras- of (ot! t!is te6t and t!e 0+prema'- t!at t!e Batin term is emplo-ed rat!er t!an t!e 78 ;'-.t6t>. 1ogoi ;)?>< 78 H t!is is t!e pl+ral of ;see Meaning in 5! 4otes>, indi'ating t!at ea'! 0on/or/&a+g!ter of 7od is a divine Bogos li8e +nto t!e 0avior ;see B8 =<)3 wit! En 1<1P5! 138, also P! 1?? w!ere Eo!n t!e @aptist is A+oted as Bogos">.
*1 a *2

Ps 1?9<1=, Pro 23<2), En *<19. En 1C<21/2?, P! 132.


Midst ;8>< 9opt mhte ;9193(< amidst, in transition, !en'e t!is transitor- world>H see Transition in P! 4otes and in 5r ?. 3ecogniAe ;1>< see 3ecognition in 5! 4otes, :os =<=, Mt *<8. 3epentance ;?9>< see 3epent in 5! 4otes. 0cheme ;18>< 78 H form, plan, appearan'e as opposed to t!e s+(stantial realit-. 0eal ;)2>< 9opt tb-be ;9?98(>H a sealant s+'! as retsina, +sed to affi6 t!e top onto a Oar/amp!ora to ma8e it airtig!t ;per/ !aps led to t!e tradition of retsina flavoring in 78 wine>.

D1E 6re the Coptic Gospels GnosticJ
5!e leaning of sop!ists towards t!e (-pat!s of apo'r-p!a is a 'onstant A+antit-. $Eames Eo-'e, <lysses

<er sin'e t!e initial anno+n'ement of t!e 4ag :ammadi dis'over-, and +nto t!e present da-, t!e li(rar- as a w!ole !as (een 'onsistentl- 'alled 7nosti'#, (ot! in t!e s'!olarl- literat+re and in t!e pop+lar press. 1 5o (egin wit!, t!e entire 4ag :ammadi Bi(rar- was so la(eled in t!e first p+(lis!ed editions of 5!omas ; 19*=P*9< www.metalog/files/t!Y'opti'/3?a.gifH from @i(lio. C>$w!i'! 'lassifi'ation was s+(seA+entl- a''epted (- virt+all- ever-one w!o loo8ed into t!e te6t. 5!+s, repre/ sentative of almost all s+(seA+ent p+(li'ations was t!e report of Ro(ert M. 7rant F &avid 4oel Kreedman, The Secret Sayings of 5esus ;19=3>< LRegardingM t!e 7ospel of 5!omas, LEeanM &oresse loo8ed t!ro+g! t!is gospel in t!e spring of 19)9 and later anno+n'ed t!at it was ^a 7nosti' 'omposition_.... 5!e 7ospel of P!ilip 'ontains not!ing (+t 7nosti' spe'+lations.# iser 'o+nsel, at least regarding 5!omas, soon 'ame from no less an a+t!orit- t!an 7illes \+ispel at t!e 'entenar- meeting of t!e 0o'iet- of @i(li'al Biterat+re in 19=)< 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas ... is not gnosti' at all. 5!e ad!erents of t!e gnosti' interpretation ... m+st e6plain !ow t!e a+t!or 'o+ld possi(l- sa- t!at t!e (+ried 'orpse 'o+ld rise again ;logion *, 7ree8 version>.# Unfort+natel-, !owever, \+ispel#s seemingl- irref+ta(le point was soon e'lipsed (- a s+rge of fas'ination, in (ot! a'ademi' p+(li'ations and t!e media, wit! 7nosti'ism#s apparentl- more e6oti' enti'ements.
!ile t!ere ma- well (e 7nosti' writings amongst t!e several doDen titles fo+nd so signifi'antl- near t!e site of 0aint Pa'!omi+s# ar'!et-pal monaster-, t!e t!ree 9opti' 7ospels in t!at 'olle'tion are demonstra(l- not 7nosti' in 'ontent. 5!is 'an most readil- (e s!own via an ordinar- s-llogismH t!e remainder of t!e present essa- will t!en 'onsist in proving t!e two premises, from w!i'! t!e 'on'l+sion follows as proven.2 1. 5o teGtI which affirms the %asic realit& and sanctit& of incarnate lifeI can properl& %e la%eled ,Gnostic2. . The Coptic Gospels of ThomasI Philip and Truth Dli>e the entire /ld TestamentI the 5ew Testament Gospels and 6ctsE eGplicitl& assert the sacred realit& of incarnate life. Therefore !. The& are not Gnostic writings or compilations. :E; Proof of the -irst Premise: 7nosti'ism#, !ncyclopGdia (ritannica 9&/RGM edition 2332< In t!e 7nosti' view, t!e +n'ons'io+s self of man is 'ons+(stantial wit! t!e 7od!ead, (+t (e'a+se of a tragi' fall it is t!rown into a world t!at is 'ompletel- alien to its real (eing. 5!ro+g! revelation from a(ove, man (e'omes 'ons'io+s of !is origin, essen'e, and trans/'endent destin-. 7nosti' revelation is to (e disting+is!ed ... from 9!ristian revelation, (e'a+se it is not rooted in !istor- and transmitted (- 0'ript+re. It is rat!er t!e int+ition of t!e m-ster- of t!e self. 5!e world, prod+'ed from evil matter and possessed (- evil demons, 'annot (e a 'reation of a good 7odH it is mostl- 'on'eived of as an ill+sion, or an a(ortion.#

Proof of the 0econd Premise: Thomas * ;78>< not!ing t!at !as (een (+ried s!all not (e raised# ; > 5! 12< for w!ose sa8e t!e s8- and eart! !ave 'ome to (e# ;paei mn- p.ka6 4wpe etbht.3-> 5! 22a< t!e inside as t!e o+tside and t!e o+tside as t!e inside# ; n.6oun n-.qe n.bol auw p.san. bol n-.qe

5!e 'itations in Modern 0'!olarl- 9omments, in t!e Introd+'tion a(ove, are (+t nota(le e6'eptions$w!i'! t!e st+dent will en'o+nter onl- (- an e6tensive review of t!e more a'ademi' literat+re. More t-pi'al are t!e preO+di'ial titles of ,laine Pagel#s (est/s elling The Gnostic Gospels ;19C9>H ,.E. @rill#s entire s'!olarl- series, $ag ammadi Studies? The "optic Gnostic ,ibrary H and The "optic Gnostic ,ibrary? 4 "omplete !dition of the $ag ammadi "odices , 7eneral ,ditor Eames M. Ro(inson ;233= edition>$for t!ese last two, more appropriate titles wo+ld s+rel- (e The "optic Monastic ,ibrary etc. 2 Modall-< 1. ;6>;6 [ ]6>H . a,(,'H !. ]a,(,'H [ W entailmentH ] W negationH 6 W 6 asserts in'arnate san'tit-H 6 W 6 is 7nosti'H a,(,' W 9opti' 7ospels.

*1 n.6oun> 5! 22(< a !and in t!e pla'e of a !and and a foot in t!e pla'e of a foot# ;ou.2i` n-.n.ou.2i` auw ou. erhte n-.ou.erhte> 5! 28< in'arnate I was manifest to t!em# ;a.ei.ouon6 ebol na.u 6n-.sarc> 5! 29< t!e fles! !as 'ome to (e (e'a+se of spirit# ;n-ta.t.sarc 4wpe etbe p\n\a\> 5! **< !is 'ross# ;pe3.sros> 5! 131< m- mot!er (ore m- (od-# ;ta.maau gar nta.s.mise pa.swma ebol> 5! 11?< t!e 0overeignt- of t!e Kat!er is spread +pon t!e eart!# ;t.m-nt.ero m-.p.eiwt e.s.por4 ebol 6i`m-.p.ka6> Philip 2*< it is ne'essar- to arise in t!is fles!# ;6aps- pe e.twoun 6n- teei.sarc> P! C2< t!e power of t!e 'ross# ;t.dunamis m-.p.sros> P! CC< on t!e 'ross# ;6i p.sros> P! C8< t!e Bord arose from among t!e deadH... !e is in'arnate# ;a.p.`oeis twoun ebol 6n- net.moout ... ounta.3 mmau n-.sarc> P! 89< !is (od- 'ame into (eing on t!at da-# ;pe3.swma n-ta.3.4wpe m-. oou et.m-mau> P! 13C< t!e Biving ater is a (od-# ;p.moou et.on6 ou.swma pe> P! 11)< t!e 0aint is entirel- !ol-, in'l+ding !is (od-# ;p.rwme et.ouaab 3.ouaab thr.3 4a 6rai e.pe3. swma > P! 1?2< %(ra!am ... 'ir'+m'ised t!e fles! of t!e fores8in# ;abra6am ... a.3.sbbe n-.t.sarc n-.t. akrobustia> P! 1?C< +nder t!e wings of t!e 'ross and in its arms# ;6a n-.tn6 m-.p.sros auw 6a ne3.2boei> Truth =P13< !e was nailed to a 'ross(eam# ;a.u.a3t.3- a.u.4e> 5r 8< it was appointed for !im w!o wo+ld ta8e it and (e slain# ;> 5r 9< Ies!+a ... 8new t!at !is deat! is life for man-# ;i\h\s\ ... 3.saune `e pi.mou n-toot.3- ou.wn6- n-.6a6 pe> 5r 1=< !is love em(odied it Lt!e BogosM# ;5.agaph n-.toot.3- a.s.r- ou.swma 6iww.3> 5r 21< t!e Bogos ... (e'ame a (od-# ;pi.4e`e ... a.3.r- ou.swma> 5r 29< !e 'ame fort! in'arnate in form# ;n-ta.3.ei abal 6i.toot.s- n-.ou.sarc n-.smat> 5r ?3< lig!t spo8e t!r+ !is mo+t!# ;e.a.3.4e`e abal 6n- rw.3 n-2i p.ouaein> 5r ?C< t!e Kat!er loves !is fragran'e and ... (lends it wit! matter# ;p.iwt maie m-.pe3.staei auw ... e.3. 4a.tw6 mn5.6ulh>

It wo+ld merel- (eg t!e A+estion to 'laim t!at all s+'! passages were inserted into ot!erwise 7nosti' do'+mentsH to omit from 'onsideration all and onl- 'ontrar- passages per se, 'onstit+tes t!e logi'al falla'- 'alled petitio principii. Moreover, one wo+ld t!en !ave to as8 w!- t!e remaining logia of t!ese t!ree 7ospels s!o+ld (e 'onsidered 7nosti' to (egin wit!, sin'e t!e san'tit- of in'arnate realit- is t!ere now!ere denied. Conclusion: 5!e 7ospels of 5!omas, P!ilip and 5r+t! are not 7nosti' 'ompositions or 'ompilations. It is admittedl- s'andalo+s t!at virt+all- an entire generation of s'!olars s!o+ld !ave erred regarding somet!ing so elementar- and so vitall- important as t!is ;5! ?9">. 5!ere were of 'o+rse a wide variet- of 7nosti' movements and s'rip/ t+res in antiA+it-, often infl+en'ed (- Platonism#s epistemologi'al distr+st of t!e sensesH and indeed t!ere !ave (een mangnosti'o/t!eosop!i'al se'ts toget!er wit! t!eir writings in modern times, no do+(t more often infl+en'ed (- Griental reli/ gio+s traditions t!an (- Plato. @+t t!is !as no dire't (earing on t!e t!ree 9opti' 7ospels, w!i'!$li8e t!e fo+r 'anoni'al 7ospels$'annot rig!tl- (e 'onsidered 7nosti' do'+ments.1

Kor a re'entl- dis'overed 9opti' 7ospel# ;fo+nd, not at 4ag :ammadi, (+t rat!er in t!e 19C3s near ,l Min-a in ,g-pt>, w!i'! ('ontrast 'learl- is 7nosti' as well as pse+don-mo+s, see t!e 7ospel of E+das Is'ariot. 5!at do'+ment 'ontains s+'! t-pi'al 7nosti' ram(lings as< 5!e first is 0et! w!o is 'alled 9!rist, t!e se'ond is :armat!ot! w!o is L...M, t!e t!ird is 7alila, t!e fo+rt! is Io(el, t!e fift! is %donaiosH t!ese are t!e five w!o r+led over t!e +nderworld, and first of all over '!aos.... 5!en 0a8las said to !is angels< Bet +s 'reate a !+man (eing after t!e li8eness and after t!e image. 5!e- fas!ioned %dam and !is wife ,ve$w!o is 'alled, in t!e 'lo+d, doe# ;www9. nationalgeograp!i'.'om/lostgospel>. 0ee also %pril &. &e9oni'8, 7ospel 5r+t!#, $e% @ork Times Gp/,d, 1.SII.3C ; files/gosp.O+das/&e9oni'8.!tml>.


D E The Maternal 0pirit

%s one w!om !is mot!er 'omforts, so s!all I 'omfort -o+. $Isa ==<1? 5!e origin of t!e world is its Mot!erH re'ogniDe t!e Mot!er and -o+ re'ogniDe t!e '!ild, em(ra'e t!e '!ild and -o+ em(ra'e t!e Mot!er. $Bao 5se, Tao Teh "hing, * I am t!e Kat!er and t!e Mot!er of t!is Universe. $(hagavad Gita, 9.1C It is spo8en (- t!e Ma8er, Modeler, Mot!er/Kat!er of Bife, of :+man8ind. $Popul 8uh of t!e \+i'! Ma-a, Prolog+e.

In a remar8a(le sa-ing in t!e 5!omas 7ospel, t!e 0avior asserts< M- mot!er (ore m- (od-, -et m- 5r+e Mot!er gave
me t!e life.#1 ;5! 131H 'f. 5! 1*/)=> 5!is passage$t!e onl- re'orded o''asion in w!i'! 9!rist refers to 7od as !is Mot!er 2$is s+(seA+entl- el+'idated (- an eA+all- s+rprising entr- in t!e P!ilip 7ospel< 0ome sa- t!at Mariam was impregnated (- t!e 0a'red 0pirit. 5!e- are 'onf+sed, t!e- 8now not w!at t!e- sa-. !enever was a female impregnated (- a femaleR# ;P! 18> Kor in t!is latter logion, attention is (eing drawn to t!e fa't t!at spirit# is of feminine gender in t!e 0emiti' lang+ages ;:e(, xwr Lr)akhM< (reat!, wind, spirit>. 5!is f+ndamental point, traditionall- o(s'+red in s'ript+ral translation and largel- ignored (- 'ommentators, 'learl- !as t!e most far/rea'!ing t!eologi'al impli'ations. It is simpl- +ngrammati'al, w!enever t!ere are alternate forms eit!er availa(le or readil- 'onstr+'ted in a given lang+age, for a word to (e +sed to refer to a (eing of t!e opposite gender$ t!+s for e6ample :e(rew/ ,nglis! )ybn/prop!et and h)ybn/prop!etess.? @+t f+rt!ermore, xwr itself is ver- o''asionall- +sed as of mas'+line gender, as in ,6 13<1?< hbr)h-t) )#n Myrqh xwrw, t!e east wind (ro+g!t t!e lo'+sts#, w!ere t!e ver( )#n is in t!e Aal perfe't t!ird/person masculine sing+lar. 5!+s xwr 'o+ld elsew!ere in t!e G5 !ave (een emplo-ed in t!e mas'+line in referring to t!e &ivine 0pirit, if that had been considered more appropriate. Bet +s also note t!e salient parallel (etween Isa ==<1? BSS and En 1)<1=< . Bi8e if of/someone mother helpmates, t!+s also I helpmate &ou. . %nd/I s!all/reA+est of/t!e Kat!er, and anot!er helpmate !e/will/give &ou. 5!is evident all+sion strongl- 'onve-s a maternal 'on'ept of t!e Para'lete. 4ow of 'o+rse in 7ree8 is ne+ter and mas'+line, w!ile SP&R&T<S and 4#8O"4T<S in Batin are (ot! mas'+line in gender. :en'e starting from t!e earliest versions of (ot! t!e Gld and 4ew 5estaments in non/0emiti' tong+es, t!e ver- idea was lost w!i'! 5!omas is 'onve-ing and P!ilip emp!asiDing in t!e foregoing A+otations. 5!+s from !aving t!e ne+ter form instead of a feminine form in 7ree8, we pass to e.g. el ,sp.rit+# instead of la ,sp.rit+# in 0panis!, der 7eist# instead of die 7eist# in 7erman, and in ,nglis! !e/!im# in pla'e of s!e/!er# referring to t!e :elpmate ;:e(, Mxn-m< parti'iple, and t!+s wit!o+t gender> in En 1=<C ff. e need !ardl- remind o+rselves of t!e 'onf+sions, s'!isms and even religio+s ma'!ismo to w!i'! t!is gender/s!ift !as given rise a'ross t!e 'ent+ries, as t!eologians str+ggled to ma8e sense of a pres+ma(l- all/male 5rinit-. 5!+s, as is well 8nown, t!e Grt!odo6/9at!oli' r+pt+re of 13*) %& res+lted from t!e ve6ed filioA+e# 'ontrovers- over t!e pro'ession of t!e t!ird mem(er of t!e 5rinit-. ) it! t!e 0a'red 0pirit as a maternal fig+re, !owever, t!e +nderl-ing idea is 'larified< Kat!er
ta.maau gar n-ta.[s.mise m-mo.i eb]ol [ta.maau] de a.s.5 na.ei m-.p.wn6 H see $ear in 5! 4otes. @+t see t!e 7ospel of t!e :e(rews< 5!e 0avior sa-s<... m- Mot!er t!e 0a'red 0pirit# ;'ited (- Grigen, "ommentary on 5ohn, II.=>, as well as t!e maternal image in t!e Mot!er :en para(le at Mt 2?<?C, and also t!e A+otes from 7illes \+ispel and Ra-mond @rown in Modern 0'!olarl- 9omments#, Introd+'tion, a(ove. ? 4onet!eless, t!e 'ontrar- grammati'al gender 'an (e +sed in order to o(tain a determined 'ognitive effe't$t!+s an ordained female ma(e 'alled a priest# rat!er t!an a priestess#, in order to emp!asiDe an eA+alit- of e''lesiasti'al role (e/tween t!e two se6es. 5!e metap!ori'al meanings of senten'es in w!i'! are +sed t!e mas'+line or t!e feminine of ... terms, LareM 'ompletel- distin't#, Pedro Eos 9!amiDo &, -etAfora y conocimiento, Universidad de M1laga, 1998. ) .ilio*ue< 'om(ination of Batin words meaning and of t!e 0on#, added to t!e 4i'ene 9reed of ?2* %& (- t!e Visigot!i' III 9o+n'il of 5oledo in *89 %&< "R!#O &$ SP&R&T<- S4$"T<- ><& !K P4TR! L.&,&O><!M PRO"!#&T< I (elieve in t!e 0a'red 0pirit, w!o from t!e
1 2


7od and Mot!er 0pirit and In'arnate 0on as t!e (asi' m-ster- of t!ree/in/one, t!e t!reefold 7od!ead. :ere t!e 'on'ept is evidentl- t!at of a trans'endental !ol- famil-, in w!i'! t!e &ivine 9!ild$and indeed ea'! '!ild 1 ;Mt 18<13, En 11<*2>$is eternall- (orn, not of t!e p!-si'al +nion (e/tween !+man parents, (+t rat!er of t!e m-sti'al +nion (etween t!e paternal and maternal aspe'ts of t!e &ivinit-<

%nd so, as to t!e filioA+e 'ontrovers-, it is pre'isel- a t!ird possi(ilit-$and neit!er t!e Griental nor t!e G''idental do'/ trine$t!at resolves t!e iss+e< the Sacred Spirit does not proceed from the .ather7 either %ith or %ithout the SonI rather the Son proceeds Nis bornO from the .ather Eoined %ith the Sacred Spirit . 5!is logi'all- 'o!erent form of t!e 5rinitarian 'on'ept !as for 'ent+ries (een effe'tivel- o(s'+red (- a simple grammati'al s!ift. Gne mig!t t!erefore sa- t!at in t!e fles! Ies!+a was on'e (orn of t!e Virgin Mariam, w!ereas in t!e 0pirit s!e is eter/ nall- (orn of !imH t!e Virgin is t!e In'arnation of t!e maternal 0pirit, O+st as Ies!+a is t!e In'arnation of 7od t!e Kat!er ;En 19<2=/2C">. :erewit! are t!e ot!er passages in 5!omas, P!ilip and Valentine w!i'! dire'tl- 'on'ern t!is topi'< Ies!+a sees little '!ildren w!o are (eing s+'8led. :e sa-s to !is &is'iples< 5!ese little '!ildren w!o are (eing s+'8led are li8e t!ose w!o enter t!e 0overeignt-.# ;5! 22> In t!e da-s w!en we were :e(rews we were fat!erless, !aving onl- o+r Mot!er. Iet w!en we (e'ame Messiani's, t!e Kat!er 'ame to (e wit! t!e Mot!er for +s.# ;P! => 0!e alone is t!e tr+t!. 0!e ma8es t!e m+ltit+de, and 'on'erning +s s!e tea'!es t!is alone in a love t!r+ man-.# ;P! 12> :is ;tr+e> Mot!er and 0ister and Mate is ;'alled> ^Mariam_.# ;P! ?=> % &is'iple one da- made reA+est of t!e Bord for somet!ing worldl-H !e sa-s to !im< ReA+est of t!Mot!er and s!e will give to t!ee from w!at (elongs to anot!er.# ;P! ?8> isdom is (arren wit!o+t 0ons$!en'e s!e is 'alled t!e Mot!er,... t!e 0a'red 0pirit, t!e 5r+e Mot!er w!o m+ltiplies !er 0ons.# ;P! )3> 5!e wisdom w!i'! !+mans 'all (arren is t!e Mot!er of t!e %ngels.# ;P! *9> %dam 'ame into (eing from two virgins$from t!e 0pirit and from t!e virgin eart!.# ;P! 93> 5!e Mot!er is t!e tr+t!, -et t!e 'onOoining is t!e re'ognition.# ;P! 11=> :e s+pports t!em all, !e atones t!em and moreover !e ass+mes t!e fa'e/form of ever- one, p+rif-ing t!em, (ringing t!em (a'8$wit!in t!e Kat!er, wit!in t!e Mot!er, Ies!+a of infinite 8indness. 5!e Kat!er +n'overs !is (osom, w!i'! is t!e 0a'red 0pirit, revealing !is se'ret. :is se'ret is !is 0on"# ;5r 1C>. In n+mero+s entries in t!e latter part of P!ilip, referen'e is t!en made to t!e or @ridal/9!am(er w!erein t!e 0on is (orn of t!e m-sti'al +nion of t!e Kat!er wit! t!e 0pirit$t!+s for e6ample< If it is appropriate to tell a m-ster-, t!e Kat!er of t!e totalit- mated wit! t!e Virgin w!o !ad 'ome down$and a fire s!one for !im on t!at da-. :e revealed t!e power of t!e @ridal/9!am(er. 5!+s !is (od- 'ame into (eing on t!at da-. :e 'ame fort! from t!e @ridal/9!am(er as one w!o !as iss+ed from t!e @ridegroom wit! t!e @ride. 5!is is !ow Ies!+a esta(lis!ed t!e totalit- in !is !eart. %nd t!r+ t!ese, it is appropriate for ea'! one of t!e &is'iples to enter into !is repose.# ;P! 89> 5!is primal m-ster- is t!en 'ele(rated in t!e sa'rament of t!e :ol- @ridal/9!am(er ;5! C*, P! C?/C9>.

D!E Theogenesis
wnlkl dx) b) )wlh $Mal 2<13 I

he 'anoni'al 7ospels 'learl- tea'! t!at t!e dis'iple per se is (orn of 7od rat!er t!an of !+man parents< 5o all w!o re'eived !im,... !e gave power to (e generated '!ildren of 7odH w!o were (orn, not of ... t!e will of a !+man, (+t of 7od# ;En 1<12/1?>H Io+ are all @rot!ers and 0isters, and LsoM 'all no man -o+r fat!er on eart!, for -o+ !ave (+t one Kat!er, t!e 'elestial# ;Mt 2?<8/9>. %nd !en'e t!e 0avior#s astonis!ing assertion in 5!omas 131< M- mot!er ;t!e Virgin> (ore me, (+t m- tr+e Mot!er ;t!e 0a'red 0pirit> gave me t!e life.# K+rt!ermore and most importantl-, wit! referen'e to t!e remainder of man8ind ;t!ose w!o are not -et &is'iples>, t!e
Kat!er Tand t!e 0onU pro'eeds#H t!e Grt!odo6 9!+r'! did not a''ept t!e in'l+sion, leading to t!e final r+pt+re of 13*) %& (etween t!e ,astern and estern 9!+r'!es. 1 I ass+me t!at ;+niA+el- (orn#> in En 1<1) refers to t!e sing+larit- of t!e Virgin @irt!, and not to 9!rist#s (eing t!e only 0onH see En 1<12/1?/23<1C.


'anoni'al te6t states< I !ave ot!er s!eep, w!i'! are not of t!is foldH I m+st (ring t!em also,... so t!ere s!all (e one flo'8, one s!ep!erdH... to gat!er into Gne t!e '!ildren of 7od w!o are s'attered a(road# ;En 13<1=/11<*2>H and 7o t!erefore and ma8e dis'iples of all nations# ;Mt 28<19>. 5!is most f+ndamental messiani' do'trine ma- (e s+mmariDed as follows< 5!e person instr+'ted (- t!e Bogos, w!o t!+s 'omes to 8now !imself ;5! ?>, t!ere(- sees t!at !e !as in tr+t! all along (een an eternall- (e/gotten 0on of 7od, (orn from a(ove# ;78 , En ?<C/8P?1>. :owever, t!e vast m+ltit+des of !+man8ind are evidentl- +naware of (eing 9!ildren of t!e Most :ig!, rat!er t!an '!ildren of lo'al 'o+ples. :en'e 'onf+sion and evil$and !en'e t!e need for evangeliDation. II Bet +s now 'onsider t!e following A+ite e6traordinar- entr- in t!e P!ilip 7ospel< %d+lter- o''+rred first, t!en m+rder. %nd ;9ain> was (egotten in ad+lter-, ;for> !e was t!e son of t!e serpent. 5!erefore !e (e'ame a mansla-er O+st li8e !is ot!er fat!er, and !e 8illed !is (rot!er.# ;P! )=>. 4ow, in w!atever sense 'o+ld it (e said t!at 9ain was (orn of t!e serpentR e ma- first 'all to mind one of t!e traditionall- most diffi'+lt 'anoni'al passages, from Eo!n#s 7ospel< Io+ LinfidelsM are of -o+r Kat!er t!e &evilH... !e was a m+rderer from t!e originH... !e is a liar and t!e Kat!er of Bies# ;En 8<))>. UtiliDing t!is important parallel, to sa- t!at 9ain was (orn of t!e serpent, is to sa- t!at !e was (orn of a lie. In w!at sense, t!en, was 9ain (orn of an +ntr+t!R Gf 'ons+mmate relevan'e !ere is t!e fa't t!at 9ain# in :e(rew signifies prod+'t#< zyq< fit toget!er, fa(ri'ate, ma8e artifi'iall-, forge#, ebre%-4ramaic and !nglish ,exicon of the Old Testament ;`8*))>, (- K. @rown, 0.R. &river and 9.%. @riggs, 193=H (ased +pon il!elm 7eseni+s, ,exicon -anuale ebraicum et "haldaicum, 18?? ;in'l+ded in @i(lio. 2?>. 0o in t!e 7enesis a''o+nt, (- giving t!e name 9ain# to t!e infant, t!e woman and t!e man were sa-ing t!at t!e '!ild was at least in part t!eir own 'reation< I !ave prod+'ed a man wit! t!e !elp of Ia!we!# ;7en )<1>$rat!er t!an entirely t!e Bord#s 'reation, merel- prod+'ed thru t!em< Io+ do not 8now !ow t!e spirit 'omes to t!e (ones in t!e wom( of a woman# ;,'' 11<*>.1 %nd so t!e- 'alled t!emselves t!e parents of t!e '!ild, rat!er t!an 'alling 7od its sole progenitor. K+rt!ermore, in so doing t!e- forgot t!at 7od is t!eir own Parent as well. %nd t!+s in t+rn t!e- 'laimed 'omplete moral a+t!orit- over t!e infant as well as over t!emselves$O+dging good and evil li8e gods, instead of letting 7od alone pro'laim O+dgment ;7en ?<*, Mt C<1/2>.2 5!is t!en was t!e Kall, t!e original transgression# of !+man8ind in t!e remotest past< a''epting t!e mis'on'eption 'alled !+man generation, instead of t!e realit- of divine generation, down a'ross t!e generations. !oever re'ogniDes fat!er and mot!er, s!all (e 'alled t!e son of a !arlot# ;5! 13*>. !i'! 'onf+sion 9!rist 'ame to re'tif-, (- pro'laiming t!at all !+man8ind are in tr+t! %ngels (orn of 7od and t!+s @rot!ers and 0isters, rat!er t!an mere '!ildren of !+mans ;see Mt 12<)=/*3/18<13/2?<9, P! =)>. III P!ilip )= is t!+s a logion w!i'! seems gen+inel- to ill+mine and 'larif- not onl- t!e G5 'on'ept of Griginal 0in, (+t also t!e notorio+sl- diffi'+lt passage at En 8<)).

D"E 6ngelI Image and 0&m%ol

@e!old" 5!e Bord is o+r mirrorH open -o+r e-es and see t!em in !im, and learn t!e manner of -o+r fa'e. $Odes of St Solomon7 1?<1 !en t!e +ltimate level of non/rea'tion !as (een rea'!ed, awareness 'an 'learl- see itself as independent from t!e f+ndamental A+alities of nat+re. $PataOali, The @oga Sutra, I.1=

5!is same f+ndamental error is refle'ted in t!e 'ommon ,nglis! e6pression to give (irt!#$as if t!e woman were producing t!e '!ild on !er own, instead of receiving it from 7od. It wo+ld (e (etter alwa-s to +se t!e ver( to (ear#. 2 5o 8now good and evil is eA+ivalent to de'iding on one#s own and wit! a(sol+te independen'e w!at is good and w!at is evilH t!at is, to !ave 'omplete a+tonom- Lfrom 7odM in morals#$Santa (iblia Reina-8alera 0:, ,di'in de ,st+dio, note to 7en 2<9. Gn t!e logi' of moralit-, see 5.P. @rown, 7od and t!e 7ood#, Religious Studies ;19=C><!tml.


,ver-t!ing !as a s+rfa'e, forms, so+nds and 'olors.... :ow 'an we 'onsider an- of t!em to (e t!e Primitive @eingR $5!e @oo8 of 9!+ang 5s+, 19 5!at 'alled @od- is a portion of 0o+l dis'erned (- t!e five senses. $ illiam @la8e, The -arriage of eaven and ell 4at+re is a mirror, t!e ver- 'learest of mirrorsH loo8 into it and admire" $Keodor &osto-evs8-, "rime and Punishment

he remar8a(le angel/image/s-m(ol anal-sis woven t!r+ t!e t!ree 9opti' 7ospels proposes repla'ing L 6M t!e worldl-# frame of referen'e ;paradigm, proto'ol, model, program, vo'a(+lar-> wit! L $M a 'elestial# frame of referen'e ;paradigm, proto'ol, model, program, vo'a(+lar->. %''ording to t!e former, we are ele'troni' ma'!ines in a material +niverseH a''ording to t!e latter, we are eternal spirits in t!e mind of 7od, refle'ting !is imagination in o+r five senses. I. ;5! */8)> 4ot!ing is !iddenH o+r sensor- images do not disg+ise an-t!ing +lterior$t!at is, t!ere is not!ing behind or beyond or %ithin t!em. In p!ilosop!i'al terms, t!ere is no material s+(strat+m +nderl-ing w!at is per'eived. 0o in !is s+perlative st+d-, 9la+de 5resmontant states t!at (i(li'al metap!-si's is '!ara'teriDed (- t!e a(sen'e of t!e negative 'on/ 'ept of matter.... 5!e :e(rew tradition ... +n'ompromisingl- affirms t!e goodness of realit-, of t!e sensi(le world, of 'reated t!ings.... L5!+sM t!e :e(rew 'on'eption of t!e sensi(le insofar as it differs from t!e 7ree8, is LofM a %orld in %hich the idea of PmatterQ does not occur.... :e(rew is a ver- 'on'rete lang+age.... It !as no word for ^matter_ nor for ^(od-_ Las 'ontrasted wit! ^so+l_M, (e'a+se t!ese 'on'epts do not 'over an- empiri'al realities. 4o(od- ever saw an- ^matter_ nor a ^(od-_, s+'! as t!e- are defined (- s+(stantial d+alism. 5!e sensi(le elements$wood, iron, water$are not ^matter_H t!eare sensi(le realities.... If we wis! to refer to t!e sensi(le as ^matter_, t!ere 'an (e no o(Oe'tion. It is O+st a A+estion of words. @+t t!en we m+st ma8e A+ite s+re of o+r meaning and not refer to ... an in'on'eiva(le ^material s+(stan'e_.# ;@i(lio. 1CH in t!e Middle %ges, t!e Eewis! p!ilosop!ers adopted t!e term mlg Lgolem, em(r-oH onl- in Ps 1?9<1=M to signif- matter.> II. ;5! 19/22/?=/*3/=C/83/8?, P! 2)/2=/81/8)/9*> 0tarting wit! t!is impli'it a6iom t!at t!ere 'an (e no s+'! t!ing as matter# ;t!at (eing, in o+r modern p!rase, an essentiall- non/referential term>, t!e te6ts pro'eed to designate o+r entire sen/ sor- field as images#. 5!is latter t!erefore serves as a 'olle'tive term for w!at re'ent p!ilosop!ers !ave 'alled p!enomena# or sense/data#$in'l+ding one#s interior soliloA+-, memories, emotions and fantasies, as well as t!ose per'eptions w!i'! 'om/prise one#s individ+al in'arnation toget!er wit! its empiri'al environment. III. ;5! ?C/)2, P! 9/?3/)C/8*/112> @+t imager- logi'all- pres+pposes a 'ons'io+sness w!i'! per'eives t!em, a witness#. 5!is 'orrespondingl- O+6taposed individ+al ego is t!en designated as an angel#, a p+re awareness w!i'! li8e a mirror refle'ts# ;'ontemplates> its spa'io/temporal 'omple6 of sensor- images. In t!is wa-, t!e angel is said to (e mated# wit! its imager-. K+rt!ermore, as all spa'e and time are merel- relations among t!e images, t!e angel is itself non/spa'io/temporal or eternal#H t!+s En ?<1*/1=P?=/*<2)/=<)CP*), et'. I?. ;Mt 18<13, 5! */1*/1C/*2/*9/C=/91, P! =*/13C> 5!erefore t!ere is a Universal 9ons'io+sness 'orresponding to t!e meta/ totalit- of all imager-H t!is s+perego is (- definition 7od ;7en 1<2=, in o+r imagination#>. ,a'! person or angel is t!+s li8e an in'arnate mirror in t!e mind of 7od, individ+all- refle'ting in !is five senses t!e plet!ora of t!e divine imagination. ;5!is importantl- does not entail t!at ever-one (e e6pli'itl- 'ogniDant of t!at relation.> ?. 5!+s, regarding t!e primordial A+er- of 5!ales of Milet+s ;=2*/*)= @9> as to t!e (asi' s+(stan'e of t!e per'epti(le Universe$from w!i'! all s+(seA+ent s'ientifi' and p!ilosop!i'al inA+ir- arose$9!rist appears to !ave ta+g!t t!at it is 'om/ posed of God's imagination. It wo+ld, I t!in8, (e impossi(le to e6aggerate t!e innovative (rillian'e of t!is insig!t. ?I. ;En *<19, 5! C*, P! =/?2/)3/9?/1?3/1)?> 5o 8now one#s in'arnate self as essentiall- a refle'tion of imager- in t!e mind of 7od, is t!en to 8now t!at one is eternall- (orn in t!e @ridal/9!am(er# of t!e m-sti'al +nion of t!e 5wo into Gne< t!e Big!t wit! t!e 0pirit, t!e Kat!er wit! t!e Mot!er, t!e @ridegroom wit! t!e @ride, and 9!rist wit! t!e 5otalit-. ;t!e 0ong of 0ongs> ?II. ;5! 8?, P! C8, 5r 8/1C> @+t a mirror is itself a t-pe of image, not some!ow separate from t!e vis+al field, (+t rat!er a s-mmetri'al spa'ial 'onfig+ration wit!in it$as is indeed an e'!o a s-mmetri'al temporal 'onfig+ration in t!e a+ditor- field. In O+st s+'! a s-mmetr- are t!e pair, t!e angel and its image, +nited< ea'! individ+al is a parti'+lar refle'tion %ithin t!e +niversal divine imager-. 5!e in'arnate 9!rist is t!en proposed as t!e perfe't mirror/image ;fa'e/form#> of t!e Kat!er, in w!i'! 7od (e!olds !imself ideall- refle'ted. e o+rselves, on t!e ot!er !and, are intended (- 7od as imperfe't$t!o+g! perfe'ti(le ;Mt *<)8, B8 1<=, 5r *?>$mirror/images of in'arnation in !is imagination. ?III. ;En 1<1/?, P! 13/11/1?/2*/C2/1?=, 5r )?> Remaining to (e 'onsidered wo+ld (e t!e entire topi' of semanti's, w!i'! is to sa- of t!e logos or meaning itselfH w!at is it pre'isel- t!at '!ara'teriDes t!ose images$so+nds, pi't+res, gest+res, ins'rip/ tions, et'., or t!o+g!ts t!ereof$w!i'! serve as spe'ifi'all- s-m(oli' images#, in'l+ding ling+isti' imagesR ords and senten'es are, after all, t!emselves images ;w!et!er p!-si'al or mental> w!i'! are (eing p+t to a s-m(oli', 'omm+ni'ative +se. %re t!en propositions and t!eir 'omponents per!aps, li8e t!e persons w!o +se t!em, essentiall- refle'tionalR 5!is wo+ld impl- t!at t!e s-m(olism of lang+age 'onsists in a pol-dimensional mirroring# of its possi(le denotations$O+st as t!e

identit- of a person 'onsists in !is refle'ting !is own imager- and in !is (eing a refle'tion ;in'arnation> of 7od. :ere we wo+ld !ave to anal-De t!e vario+s interrelations of at least si6 parallel (inaries< ego/imager-, s+(stan'e/attri(+te, s+(Oe't/ o(Oe't, s+(Oe't/predi'ate, a'tive/passive and varia(le/f+n'tion$(ot! among individ+als and regarding t!e 7od!ead. IK. Regarding onl- t!e s-nta'ti'al str+'t+re w!i'! is reA+ired e.g. in order to format no+n/p!rases and ver(/p!rases, we mig!t well t!in8 t!at a person#s (eing essentiall- a s+(Oe'tive mirroring of o(Oe'tive images 'o+ld in itself ena(le !im inherently to +nderstand t!e s+(Oe't/predi'ate as well as t!e a'tive/passive ;En *<19> grammati'al forms. 5!is wo+ld per!aps !elp to e6plain t!e ne'essaril- innate ling+isti' 'apa'it- of '!ildren ;t!+s 4oam 9!oms8-> to +nderstand, generate and trans/ form new senten'es in t!e lang+age. K. 9!ildren, !owever, ass+redl- learn single words (efore t!e- learn senten'esH so individ+al words are indeed primi/ tive in lang+age. 4ow, sin'e a word is an image ;so+nd, ins'ription, et'.>, we mig!t raise t!e A+estion w!et!er t!ere is a signifi'ant logi'al parallel (etween s+'! ordinar- ling+isti' images and 'omp+ter i'ons. Kor t!e latter$far from (eing mere pi't+res$represent files of programs as well as of dataH so we mig!t !-pot!esiDe t!at a word is a t-pe of image w!i'! desi/ gnates a file eit!er of data ;in'l+ding images> or of a program. 5!+s men will, A+ite nat+rall-, !ave made 'omp+ters as sim/ plified models of t!eir own rationalit-. It is important to note, !owever, t!at ordinar- lang+age is generall- analog ;i.e. !as 'ontin+o+s rat!er t!an digital tr+t!/f+n'tions>, w!ereas modern 'omp+ters f+n'tion in a binary 'al'+l+s. KI. 0+'! a +niA+e and e6traordinar- metap!-si', w!i'! mig!t (e 'alled 0pirit+al Idealism, !as signifi'ant parallels wit! ;1> t!e 4eoplatonism of Plotin+s in !is !nneadsH ; > 7eorge @er8ele-#s p!ilosop!- of 0+(Oe'tive Idealism, a''ording to w!i'! sensi(le t!ings 'annot e6ist ot!erwise t!an in a mind or spiritH w!en'e ... t!ere m+st (e some ot!er Mind w!erein t!ee6ist# LThree #ialogues bet%een ylas and PhilonousMH ;!> 7ottfried il!elm Bei(niD# s'!ema of o+rselves as monads mirroring# t!e Universe, wit! 7od as t!e 0+preme Monad L -onadology, *=MH ;"> t!e ego/p!enomena anal-sis of Imman+el 2ant, w!ere t!e +nit- of 'ons'io+sness pre'eding all empiri'al data,... t!e trans'endental +nit- of apper'eption# is in essential polarit- wit! t!e Lsensor-M manifold of all o+r int+itions# L "riti*ue of Pure Reason, %13=/CM$see espe'iall- !is eloA+ent trans'endental !-pot!esis# L%CC9/@83CMH ;#> B+dwig ittgenstein#s Tractatus ,ogico-Philosophicus, *.=), $otebooks /0/3-/0/R LC.VIII.1=, 2.IS.1=M, and Philosophical &nvestigations L`?C?, 5!eolog- as grammar#MH ;'> Martin @+(er#s & and Thou$see also illiam Eames#s prior The 9ill to (elieve< 5!e +niverse is no longer a mere &t to +s, (+t a Thou, if we are religio+s#H ;(> :ans Rei'!en(a'!#s The Philosophy of Space S Time L&over @oo8s, 4ew Ior8, n/dMH ;)> Ma+ri'e Merlea+/Pont-#s Phenomenology of PerceptionH and ;*> m+'! traditional Griental epistemolog-< :ind+, @+dd!ist, and 5aoist L5! ?3"M$t!+s e.g. &aisetD 5eitaro 0+D+8i, !ssays in Cen (uddhism L2nd 0eriesM< 5!e entire str+'t+re of LMa!a-anaM @+dd!ist p!ilosop!- is (ased on an idealisti' monism#H 'p. also t!e pol-morp!i' in'arnationism of t!e @!agavad 7ita, 11<*< @e!old m- forms in !+ndreds and t!o+sands$diverse, divine, of man- 'olors and s!apes#.

D#E The Paul ParadoG

. $Rev/%p 2<2 I

hose w!o st+d- t!e 4ew 5estament ma- well note t!at pop+lar red/letter# editions of t!e te6t, wit! 9!rist#s words t!+s !ig!lig!ted, 'ontain virt+all- no s+'! r+(ri's t!r+o+t t!e ,pistles of Pa+l. it! t!e sole e6'eption of t!e ,+'!aristi' form+la at I/9or 11<2)/2*, !e does not A+ote any sa-ings of t!e !istori'al Ies!+a/Ees+s, eit!er as fo+nd in t!e written 7ospels or from a 'ontemporaneo+s oral tradition. 1 Indeed f+rt!ermore, !e never even on'e all+des to t!e panorama of t!e 0avior#s life stor- from t!e 4ativit- +p to t!e Passion, as well as !is ela(orate tea'!ing, w!i'! fill t!e pages of t!e first fo+r (oo8s of t!e 4ew 5estament. 5!is is, on t!e fa'e of it, a most tro+(ling omission. @e-ond t!is remar8a(le la'8 of !istori'al 'on'ern, !owever, t!ere is an even more enigmati' aspe't of Pa+l#s re'ord in t!e 4ew 5estament. Kor an o(Oe'tive, p!ilosop!i'al reading of t!e do'+ments wo+ld seem to reveal a n+m(er of logical contradictions, (ot! wit!in !is (iograp!- and also (etween !is t!eolog- and t!at of t!e ,vangelists. It m+st (e emp!asiDed t!at t!ese anomalies are 'on'ept+al rat!er t!an empiri'al in nat+re. Kor alt!o+g! t!e- of 'o+rse o''+r in interwoven !isto/ ri'al, t!eologi'al and normative 'onte6ts wit!in t!e 45, t!e- nevert!eless present t!emselves as a priori pro(lems of ana/ l-ti'al 'onsisten'- (etween vario+s te6ts$regardless of t!e tr+t! or falsit- of an- fa't+al 'laims (eing made or pres+med (t!ose te6ts. K+rt!ermore, t!ese dis'repan'ies m+st (e similarl- disting+is!ed from logi'all- posterior iss+es 'on'erning t!e an'ient 'omposition, editing, reda'tions or dating of t!e 4ew 5estament writings, all of w!i'! are fa't+al/!istori'al topi's. In s+m, and stated more formall-< the Pauline antinomies are logical contradictions and therefore cannot in principle

%lt!o+g!, astonis!ingl-, at %' 1?<2)/2* !e does A+ote Eo!n t!e @aptist" %' 23<?*, on t!e ot!er !and, is a't+all- a 'itation from 5!+'-dides, Peloponnesian 9ar, II.9C.)H w!ilst %' 2=<1) is t!e first !alf of line 1*C) of t!e 4gamemnon of %es'!-l+s, w!i'! t!en 'on/ tin+es< ... 5!e (low will !+rt t!ee.#


be resolved by means of either historical investigation or textual criticism7 both of %hich are empirical methodologies= 4eit!er is t!is t!e pla'e to provide a retrospe'tive s+rve- of t!e man- past 'ommentaries on t!ese 'omple6 A+estions. I s!all onl- append a series of A+otations from a large n+m(er of eminent fig+res w!o are in general agreement t!at Pa+l#s do'trines appear to (e serio+sl- at odds wit! t!e 7ospel message. 5!ese e6'erpts s+ffi'e to s!ow t!at w!at mig!t (e 'alled t!e Pa+l parado6# !as (een re'ogniDed (- a remar8a(l- wide spe'tr+m of prominent individ+als a'ross t!e 'ent+ries. II :ere t!en is t!e matri6 of antinomies, along wit! a (rief statement of t!e apparent logi'al 'ontradi'tion in ea'! 'ase. 5!e original 7ree8 s!o+ld alwa-s (e '!e'8ed, at least via %dolp! 2no'!#s s+perlative interlinear ;@i(lio. 1=>, as translations sin'e antiA+it- !ave often$intentionall-$(l+rred t!ese ver- dis'repan'ies. It s!o+ld (e (orne in mind, !owever, t!at s+'! 'ontrasts are oftentimes analog rat!er t!an (inar- in nat+reH as so 'ommonl- in real life, instead of either/or, it ma- (e a 'ase of more or less$as for instan'e in `1C, w!ere one mig!t donate to t!e poor an-w!ere from not!ing +p to ever-t!ing ;'f. B8 19<8/9, (+t also %' *<1/11">. Gt!ers of t!e following di'!otomies, on t!e ot!er !and, are irred+'i(l- (inar- in form. +1. %' 9<C ;&t )<12> b %' 22<9 In t!e propositional 'al'+l+s of modern logi', p S not-*# is t!e tr+t!/f+n'tional negation of * S not-p#. 5!+s they heard t!e voi'e but did not see an-one# dire'tl- 'ontradi'ts they sa% t!e lig!t but did not hear t!e voi'e#. Iet t!at famo+s event on t!e &amas'+s road was t!e sole original O+stifi'ation for Pa+l#s s+pposed 'om/mission in independen'e of Peter/2efa and t!e ot!er %postles. ;9f. ,. Pagels, 19C*/C9, in t!e %ppendi6> + . %' 9<2=/29 b 7al 1<1C/2<1 &id Pa+l t!en travel immediatel-$or seventeen -ears later"$from &amas'+s to Eer+salem in order to meet t!e entire %postoli' 'ir'leR +!. Mt 1<1=/22<)1/)*, B8 ?<2? b Rom 1<? Pa+l asserts t!at 9!rist is des'ended from &avid, w!i'! t!e 7ospels e6pli'itl- den-. +". Mt 2?<21, B8 2<)9/19<)*/)= b %' 1C<2) 5!e 7ospels endorse t!e G5 designation of t!e 5emple in Eer+salem as t!e ver- :o+se of t!e B GR&. Pa+l nevert!eless pro'laims to t!e %t!enians t!at 7od in!a(its no san't+ar- made (- !+man !ands. +#. %' 1<1* b I/9or 1*<*/= :ow 'an 9!rist !ave appeared to t!e 5welve, and t!en to over *33 @rot!ers at on'e, at a time ;prior to t!e %s'ension> w!en t!ere were onl- eleven %postles ;Is'ariot (eing gone and Matt!ias not -et '!osen> and t!e entire &is'iples!ip n+m(ered onl- 123R +'. Mt 13<2P)3/1=<1*/19 b 7al 2<=P11/1? 5!e e6pli'it designation of 0imon Peter as t!e foremost %postle, wit! all t!e delegated a+t!orit- of t!e Bord !imself, logi'all- pre'l+des an- ot!er &is'iple or %postle opposing !im to !is fa'e# and ;worse -et> 'alling !im a !-po'rite. ad Paul indeed nothing to learn from the original 4postlesJ +(. Mt 28<1=/23, %' 1<8/13<1/11<18/1*<C/8P1?/18 b 7al 2<=/9 5!e 7ospel do'trine is 'learl- t!at, after t!e res+rre'tion, t!e remaining eleven %postles were sent fort! to pro'laim t!e good news to t!e w!ole world. Pa+l nevert!eless 'laims to (e the one and only %postle to t!e gentiles ;t!e# %postle as !e is often 'alled>, w!ile Peter and t!e ot!ers a''ording to t!is view were to (e restri'ted to evangeliDing among t!e Eews" +). Mt *<)8, B8 1<=, En 1<1)/=<*?/*= b Rom 8<8 5!e in'arnation of t!e Bogos, and also t!e inO+n'tion to (e perfe't, entail t!at t!ose w!o are in t!e fles! 'an indeed please 7od. +*. B8 2)<?=/)?, En 11<)?/))/23<2C, %' 1<9/11, P! 2*" b I/9or 1*<*3 5!e evangelists pro'laim an in'arnate res+rre'tion and paro+sia ;se'ond 'oming>, w!ereas Pa+l on t!e 'ontrar- ta8es an anti/'orporeal, fran8l- 7nosti' position. 1+. B8 )<*/8, En 18<?=/19<18, %' )<2= ;Ps 2<2> b Rom 1?<1/* 5!e 'elestial 8ingdom is des'ri(ed in t!e 7ospels as of anot!er order from t!e entire realm of t!e nations, w!i'! are r+led (- 0atan and w!ere(- 9!rist was 'r+'ified. Gn t!e ot!er !and, t!e se'+lar a+t!orities wit! all t!eir weaponr- ;in'l+ding M8 1*<1= ff.R> are stated (- Pa+l to (e 7od#s own armed for'e for p+nis!ing sinners" 11. Mt 22<21 b %' 2*<11 9!rist 'edes ta6es to 9aesar, Pa+l 'edes !is personal se'+rit- to !im ;4ero, no less">. 1 . &t 2?<1*/1=, Mt 2?<13/12, En 8<?1/?= b 9ol )<1, I/5im =<1/2, P!ilem 13/19 5!e re/'on'ept+aliDation in t!e 7ospels promises to eman'ipate t!e (elievers from oppressive relations!ips, w!ile Pa+l literall- endorses slaver- %ithin t!e &is'iples!ip. 1!. Mt 12<)=/*3/2?<8/9, B8 1)<2*/2=, En 1<12/1?/?<1/8/11<*2 b 9ol ?<18/21, I/5im *<8 9!rist tea'!es t!at famil- ties are to (e renounced in favor of$t!at is, repla'ed (-$t!e Kat!er/Mot!er!ood of 7od toget!er wit! t!e @rot!er/0ister!ood of t!e in'arnate 0ons and &a+g!ters, w!ereas Pa+l adamantl- defends t!e traditional famil- str+'t+re.


1". Mt 19<13/12, B8 1)<23/2=/18<28/?3/23<?)/?=, P! =)L b I/9or C<2/1=P9<*J, ,p! *<22/2), I/5im ?<1/)<? 5!e 7ospels stip+late t!at t!ose wort!- of salvation m+st trans'end matrimon- ;note t!at B8 18<28/?3 o''+rs after B8 )<?8/?9>H let +s not forget t!at, a''ording to 7en ?<1=, monandr- ;!aving onl- one !+s(and> was ,ve#s p+nis!ment for dis/ o(edien'e. 5!+s, if a married 'o+ple entered t!e &is'iples!ip$for e6ample, if t!e wife of 0imon Peter LM8 1<?3M also Ooined t!e 'omm+nit-$t!e- wo+ld t!ereafter (e 'onsidered @rot!er and 0ister rat!er t!an man and wife. Pa+l notwit!standing permits a 'ontin+ation of marriage among t!e &is'iples. 1#. 7en 2*<1/=, E+d 19<1, II/0am ?<C/1*<1=, I/9!r 2<)=, 5! =1(L, P! ?=/*9 b I/9or C<9/9<*LJ1 5!e Gld 5estament permits 'on'+(ine# ;mistress, girl/friend> relations!ips o+tside of marriage, an- sons of w!i'! do not in!erit$a vital instit+tion t!at 9!rist did not a(olis!. Pa+l, !owever, states t!at t!e onl- two alternatives are to marr- or to (+rn#. 1'. 4+m =<*, Bev 19<2C, E+d 1?<*, I/0am 1<11, Mt 2<2?, 5r 21 b I/9or 11<1) 5!e :e(rew tradition was t!at long !air on male or female is a sign of !oliness and spe'ial devotion to 7od. Indeed t!e word at e.g. Mt 2<2? is ;t!e BSS or 0ept+agint term for 4aDirite>, not ;someone from 4aDaret!, as e.g. at M8 13<)C>. ere not 0amson, t!e Prop!et 0am+el, Eo!n t!e @aptist and 9!rist !imself t!+s 'onse'rated from (irt!R 1(. Mt =<2)/?)/13<8, M8 13<1?/?1, B8 13<?8/)2/1)<28/??, %' )<?2/?= b %' 18<1/?, I/9or 11<?), II/5!es ?<=/12 9!rist de'rees a 'essation of wor8ing for mammon, donating all private possessions to t!e poor, and following t!ere/ after a lifest-le (ot! 'omm+nal and itinerant$wit!o+t an6iet- da-/to/da- li8e t!e (irds and t!e flowers, wit! all s!ared possessions (eing distri(+ted eA+ita(l- among t!ose w!o !ave need$t!+s lifting t!e '+rse of toil from man8ind ;7en ?<1C/ 19>. Pa+l#s advi'e, on t!e 'ontrar-, is to eat at !ome# and avoid idlers, w!o m+st eit!er wor8 or go !+ngr-. 1). Mt 11<2*/18<1/*, 21<1= ;Ps 8<2>, M8 13<1*, 5! ) b I/9or 1?<11 Ies!+a tea'!es t!at one m+st (e'ome '!ildli8e in order to find t!e 2ingdomH Pa+l sa-s t!e e6a't opposite. 1*. M8 C<1)/2?, B8 C<?) b Rom 1)<21, I/9or 8<1? ,it!er we o+g!t, or we o+g!t not, to maintain some parti'+lar diet for religio+s reasons. Iet Pa+l agrees wit! neit!er t!e G5#s dietar- r+les ;kashrut> nor t!e 0avior#s remar8a(le midrash ;'ommentar-> t!ere+pon. +. Mt 12<19 ;Isa )2<2>, B8 13<C b %' 1C<1=/?)/23<23 Pa+l prea'!es !o+se/to/!o+se, as well as in t!e streets and sA+ares$'ontrar- to 9!rist#s paradigm. 1. Mt =<*/= b I/5im 2<8 Pa+l demands t!e ver- same o+tspo8en pra-er w!i'! 9!rist 'ondemns as e6!i(itionistH t!e 0avior states t!at one s!o+ld only pra- in solit+de and in se'ret, never openl-. . Mt 18<1/), M8 9<??/?*, B8 1)<C/11 b II/9or 11<*/12<1? Pa+l#s re'o+nting of !is travels is ins+(ordinatel- (oastf+l and rivalro+s$rat!er t!an !+m(le, respe'tf+l and o(edient$ toward t!ose w!o pre'eded !im in t!e &is'iples!ip< t!e , elders ;in t!e fait!>#. !. Mt *<)?/)8/C<1/*/9<13/1?/18<21/?*, En 8<2/11 b I/9or *, 7al *<12, 5it ?<13/11 5!e 7ospel attit+de toward wrongdoers is mer'if+l, -et Pa+l#s is fran8l- inA+isitional. Is t+rning someone over to 0atan for t!e e6termination of t!e fles!# intended to mean delivering !im to t!e se'+lar a+t!orities for e6e'+tion ;as in En 19<1C/18>R %re we to love o+r enemies or 'ondemn and 'astigate t!emR ". Mt 2?<8/12 b %' 23<28, 7al )<19, P!lp 2<22, I/5im 1<2/?<1/1? Pa+l introd+'es t!e terms fat!er# and dea'on# and (is!op# to designate religio+s leaders$t!e ver- sort of title ;along wit! pastor#, minister#, et'.> w!i'! 9!rist !ad e6pli'itl- pro!i(ited. Indeed, t!e passage in Matt!ew wo+ld seem to pre'l+de any 8ind of !ierar'!- in t!e &is'iples!ip ot!er t!an simple seniorit- ;t!+s in %' 21<18, Eas *<1), I/Pet *<1, II/En 1>$(- w!i'! 'riterion Pa+l was obliged to s+(mit to t!e original %postles, A+ite 'ontrar- to II/9or 11<*P7al 2<=. #. 7en 1C<13, B8 2<21 b %' 1=<?J, 7al *<2, P!lp ?<2, 5it 1<13/11 0a-ing t!at it is ne'essar- to gag ;> 'ir'+m'isionist dogs# is conceptually inappropriate in an %postoli' 'onte6t. In an- event, even if 9!rist referred to 'ir'+m'ision para(oli'all-$as in 5! *?$!e 'ertainl- did not for(id its p!-si'al pra'ti'e. '. B8 11<2C/28, En )<1/?3/11<23/?*/23<11/18, 5! 21 b I/9or 1)<?)/?*, I/5im 2<11/1* Vario+s women spea8 +p (oldl- to t!e 0avior. Bater, Mariam Magdalene as first witness ;"> of t!e res+r/re'tion is sent (- 9!rist to angel# ;< p==c )c % @> !is rising to t!e %postles t!emselves. 5!is is not a tea'!ing of mere female s+(missiveness or 8eeping A+iet in t!e 9onvo'ation" (. B8 C<?=/8<?/13<?8/)2/2?<**/2)<11, En 12<1/?, 5! =1(/11), P! *9 b I/9or C<1/2, ,p! *<22/2), 5it 2<)/* 5!e 7ospels represent women as an intimate part of 9!rist#s ento+rage$t!+s res'inding t!e p+nis!ment of !+s(and/ domination in 7en ?<1=. Pa+l emp!ati'all- opposes an- li(erated role for females. ). Mt ?<11/1C/28<19/23, P! C?/9=/11*L b Rom =<?/), 9ol 2<12 5!e 7ospels endorse Eo!n#s @aptism in water as signif-ing repentan'e and 'leansing vis//vis t!e 5ora!, and w!i'! f+rt!ermore is e6pli'itl- to (e +nderta8en in t!e 4ame#. Pa+l, !owever, sees @aptism as a metap!ori'al or parti'ipator1

5$ 5!e 7ree8 te6t !ere, often mistranslated, is < a 0ister as a woman#$not inversel- a woman ;wife> as a 0ister#, w!i'! is a ver- different 'on'ept, '!ronologi'all- reversed. 5!ere 'an (e companionship (etween t!e @rot!ers and 0isters in t!e &is'i/ ples!ip, (+t not marriage ;see `1), B8 13<1R", P! ?=/*9>.


dying" *. B8 2?<)?, En *<2)/8<*1, Rev/%p 23<)/=, 5! 1/18/19/111, P! )? b I/5!es )<1=/1C 9!rist tea'!es t!at !is &is'iples will not experience deat!, regardless of mart-rdom, w!ereas Pa+l writes of t!e dead in 9!rist#. !+. 7en )<1/*, M8 1*<13, P! 1?) b I/5im =<13 Pa+l 'laims t!at t!e love of mone- is t!e root of all evilH (+t in t!e paradigm 'ases of 9ain 8illing %(el and t!e 9!ief Priests delivering +p t!e 0avior, envy is 'ited as t!e +nderl-ing ill, w!ile P!ilip states t!at +ltimatel- t!e pro(lem is 'onf+sed ignoran'e ;as in B8 2?<), %' ?<1C>. !1. Mt *<1C/19/19<1=/19, B8 1=<29/?1, %' 21<1C/2)L, )\MM5<9.2=(/?1c b Rom C<=, 7al ?<13/*<18 If t!e entire 5ora!$t!e &e'alog+e in parti'+lar, (+t also t!e remaining mit;vot ;moral r+les> s+'! as Bev 19<18 et passim$is in effe't +ntil t!e s8- and eart! pass awa-, t!en t!e Mosai' Baw is not an o(solete '+rse from w!i'! (elievers are a(solved. 5!is was t!e ver- topi' at iss+e w!en, after Pa+l !ad 'ompleted !is t!ree missionar- Oo+rne-s, all of t!e ,lders# ;"> in Eer+salem reA+ired !im to ta8e t!e 4aDirite vow$to prove !is 'ontin+ing ad!eren'e to t!e Baw of Moses. ;c5!e wor8s of t!e 5ora! ... will (e re'8oned to -o+ as rig!teo+sness#H from t!e &ead 0ea 0'roll, -i*sat -aTase ha-Torah> ! . Mt C<21/11<2/=L/19<1=/19/2*<?1/)=, En 1?<?)L/1)<21/1*<13, Eas 2<1)/2= b Rom ?<28/13<9, I/9or 1*< ?*/)) 9!rist sa-s t!at one#s 'alling !im Bord# is not eno+g!, (+t rat!er t!at t!e &is'iple#s total o(edien'e is demandedH (ot! t!e G5 and t!e 7ospels reA+ire ad!eren'e to a plenit+de of divine 'ommandments, wit! res+ltant fr+itf+l deeds. Indeed, it was pre'isel- (- !is wor8s$and not merel- (- !is fait!$t!at 9!rist proved !is own a+t!orit- to Eo!n t!e @aptist" Pa+l on t!e ot!er !and states t!at a simple 'onfession of fait!, along wit! a (elief in 9!rist#s ;merel- spirit+al, not 'orporeal> res+rre'tion, s+ffi'es$a t!oro+g!l- antinomian do'trine. ;5!is s+(Oe't m+st (e 'aref+ll- disting+is!ed from t!at of forgivenessU(ot! among !+mans and (etween 7od and !+man8ind$as a preeminentl- innovative tenet in t!e tea'!ing, first of Eo!n t!e @aptist and s+(seA+entl- of 9!rist LM8 1<)M. Kor of 'o+rse absolution logically presupposes a transgression of the rules7 not their abrogationH 'ompare e.g. ,De8 18 wit! Mt =<1)/1*.> !!. 7en )9, Mt 19<28, %' 1<1?/2=, Rev/%p 2<2L/21<1), @arna(as 8<?L b I/9or 9<1/2, II/9or 11<*/1? Kinall-, we m+st o(serve t!e fa't t!at t!e permanent tall- of t!e %postles was esta(lis!ed (- t!e 0avior at e6a'tltwelve ;for o(vio+s reasons of !istori'al s-m(olism$note t!e s-mmetr- at Rev/%p 21<12/1)>, and more/over t!at Pa+l was never n+m(ered in t!at 'ir'leH not even @arna(as in !is ,pistle re'ogniDes Pa+l#s %postles!ip"< L5!e %postlesM to w!om !e gave t!e power of t!e 7ospel to prea'!H and t!ere are twelve as a testimon- to t!e tri(es, (e'a+se t!ere are twelve tri(es of Israel# ;8<?>. III Pa+l of 5ars+s is an enigmati' and 'ontradi'tor- fig+re. 9a+g!t in t!e et!i'al dilemma of 'alling all men transgressors (- t!e 5ora!, onl- to reOe't t!e 5ora! pre'isel- for t!+s 'ondemning t!em ;7al ?<13">, !e was +na'A+ainted wit! 9!rist#s !istori'al tea'!ings and pra'ti'eH nor was !e willing to learn of t!em from t!e original %postles ;7al 2<=>. 5!+s !is soteriolog- fo'+sed entirel- on t!e Passion, of w!i'! !e was aware, interpreting 9!rist#s mission as e6'l+sivel- an G5 0a'ri/ fi'e. !ereas t!e innovating Messiani' message$"hrist's teachings as incarnate in his lifestyle , ela(orated t!r+o+t t!e 'anoni'al 7ospels prior to t!e Passion narratives$was entirel- +n8nown to Pa+l. ;Gn t!e ?/val+ed logi' of @i(li'al moralit-, 0ee Perfect in P! 4otes> 5!is is not to den- t!at !e 'omposed some eloA+entl- poeti' passages ;s+'! as 9ol 1<1*/23>H (+t t!ese m+st, in lig!t of t!e aforelisted do'trinal 'onfli'ts, (e 'onsidered no more t!an ornamentation in Pa+l#s writings. 5!ose do'+ments, in t!eir entiret-, pro'laim a dis'iples!ip w!i'! is f+ndamentall- in'ompati(le wit! t!e message of 9!rist !imself as re'orded in t!e !istori'al 7ospels. Remar8a(l- eno+g!, prior to 9lement of %le6andria and Irenae+s of B-on at t!e 'lose of t!e se'ond 'ent+r-, t!ere is no single a+t!or w!o A+otes from (ot! t!e 7ospels and Pa+l#s ,pistles. 5!ere was t!+s an e6'eedingl- long period of open s'!ism (etween t!e traditions of t!e 5welve and of Pa+l, prior to t!e earliest attempts at integration. %nd -et t!e iron-, of 'o+rse, is t!at t!e 'anoni'al 7ospels t!emselves, of w!i'! tradition Pa+l was so manifestlignorant, were +ltimatel- onl- preserved (- t!e Pa+line 9!+r'!$w!i'! indeed !as also disseminated worldwide t!e ver- G5 w!i'! Pa+l !imself !ad disparaged. Gn t!e ot!er !and, t!e Petrine/%postoli' 9!+r'! ;w!i'! (- definition maintained t!e 7ospel side of t!e foregoing matri6> seems not to !ave s+rvived t!e perse'+tions of t!e first two 'ent+ries. Pa+l was personall- in '!arge of t!e stoning of 0tep!en ;%' C<*8/8<1>, sin'e a''ording to &t 1C<C t!e witnesses w!o laid t!eir 'loa8s at !is feet#$were +nder !is dire't a+t!orit-$were o(liged to 'ast t!e first stones. as !e also t!e 'aptain of t!e 5emple g+ard# w!o arrested 2efa and Eo!n in %' )<1R Mig!t one even as8 as to !is involvement t!e nig!t 9!rist !imself was arrestedR ;Remem(er t!at B8 22<=?/=* ta8es pla'e at t!e !ands of t!e 5emple g+ard, not t!ose of t!e Romans.> 5!+s per!aps t!e p+DDling II/9or *<1=, < e !ave 8nown 9!rist a''ording to t!e fles!.# 5!is wo+ld 'ertainl- e6plain Pa+l#s s+(seA+ent o(session wit! +nmerited forgiveness" In an- event, m- p+rpose !ere !as (een merel- to format a set of s'ript+ral di'!otomies w!i'! e6!i(it t!e +nderl-ing logi' of t!e an'ient Messiani'/Pa+lianit- s'!ism, as essentiall- a 'on'ept+al ;and of 'o+rse personal/pragmati'> rat!er t!an a fa't+al iss+e. 5!is in t+rn ma- !opef+ll- serve to stim+late in t!e reader a re'onsideration of t!e apostoli' stat+s of 0a+l of


5ars+s. Kor !e evidentl- never Ooined 9!rist#s &is'iples!ip at all$w!i'! wo+ld indisp+ta(l- !ave meant a''epting Peter#s spirit+al a+t!orit-$m+'! less (e'ame an %postle. 5!ese (asi' A+estions 'an no longer (e papered over, nor 'an t!e- (e settled (- instit+tional fiat. Kor t!eir ill+minating impli'ation is t!at traditional 9!ristianit-$as defined (- t!e 'lassi'al 45 'anon in'l+ding (ot! t!e 7ospels and Mar'ion#s 'olle'tion of Pa+l#s ,pistles$is logi'all- self/'ontradi'tor- and !en'e in!erentl- +nsta(le ;as t!e intervening 'ent+ries !ave all too 'learl- demonstrated>. In a more positive lig!t, sin'e t!e Pa+line tea'!ing amo+nts to an essentiall- Gld 5estament lifest-le ;patriar'!al families, propert-, priests, san't+aries, 'eremonies, Mosai' rig!teo+sness>, we mig!t sa- t!at Pa+line 9!ristianit- adopted t!e 7ospel vo'a(+lar- para(oli'all-. 5!+s, to ta8e t!e prime e6ample, t!e traditional 9!ristian Mass or 9omm+nion !as served in t!e 9!+r'!es# periodi' re+nions as a 'eremonial s-m(ol for a't+all- living toget!er and t!erefore alwa-s eating toget!er$w!i'! was, most evidentl-, t!e ,+'!arist ;| zzw|, as it was 'alled> as 'ele(rated in t!e first/ 'ent+r- %postoli' 9omm+nit-. In t!is manner, 9!ristianit- a'ross t!e 'ent+ries !as (een f+ndamentall- a parable of t!e original &is'iples!ip ;Mt 1?<?)/?*">.

6ppendiG: CritiHues of Paul ;in '!ronologi'al order>

TertullianI The Prescription against eretics ;233 %&>< Korasm+'! as Peter was re(+8ed (e'a+se, after !e !ad lived wit! t!e 7entiles, !e pro'eeded to separate !imself from t!eir 'ompan- o+t of respe't for persons, t!e fa+lt s+rel- was one of 'onversation, not of prea'!ing. Kor it does not appear from t!is, t!at an- 7od ot!er t!an t!e 9reator, or an- 9!rist ot!er t!an Lt!e son ofM Mar-, or an- !ope ot!er t!an t!e res+rre'tion, was L(- !im (eingM anno+n'ed. Macarius MagnesI 4pocriticus, III.?3/?= ;'a. ?33>< LPa+lM sa-s, %s man- as are +nder t!e Baw are +nder a '+rse# ;7al ?<13>. 5!e man w!o writes to t!e Romans 5!e Baw is spirit+al# ;C<1)>, and again, 5!e Baw is !ol- and t!e 'ommandment !ol- and O+st# ;C<12>, pla'es +nder a '+rse t!ose w!o o(e- t!at w!i'! is !ol-"... In !is ,pistles !e praises virginit- ;I/5im )<1, I/9or C<2*>, and t!en t+rns ro+nd and writes, In t!e latter times some s!all depart from t!e fait!,... for(idding to marr-# ;I/5im )<1/?>. ... %nd in t!e ,pistle to t!e 9orint!ians !e sa-s, @+t 'on'erning virgins I !ave no 'ommandment of t!e Bord# ;I/9or C<2*>. -la<ius Claudius 8ulianus ;?=?>< Pa+l ... s+rpasses all t!e 'onO+rers and impostors w!o ever lived. LA+oted (- Eo!n :enr- 4ew/ man, "hristian #octrine, 2.=.1.18M 0t 8ohn Chr&sostomI omilies on Galatians ;?91>< !at is t!is, G! Pa+l" 5!o+ w!o neit!er at t!e (eginning nor after t!ree -ears wo+ldest 'onfer wit! t!e %postles, do -o+ now 'onfer wit! t!em after fo+rteen -ears are past, lest -o+ s!o+ld (e r+nning in vainR @etter wo+ld it !ave (een to !ave done so at first, t!an after so man- -earsH and w!- did -o+ r+n at all, if not satisfied t!at t!o+ were not r+nning in vainR !o wo+ld (e so senseless as to prea'! for so man- -ears, wit!o+t (eing s+re t!at !is prea'!ing was tr+eR... %s Eames sa-s, Io+ see, (rot!er, !ow man- t!o+sands t!ere are among t!e Eews of t!em w!i'! !ave (elievedH and t!e- are informed of -o+, t!at -o+ tea'! to forsa8e t!e Baw# ;%'ts 21<1C ff.>.... Pa+l !imself, w!o meant to a(rogate 'ir'+m'ision, w!en !e was a(o+t to send 5imot!- to tea'! t!e Eews, first 'ir'+m'ised !im and so sent !im.... :e not onl- does not defend t!e %postles, (+t even presses !ard +pon t!ose !ol- men.... !at 'o+ld t!e-, ea'! of w!om was !imself perfe'tl- instr+'ted, !ave learned from !imR... !- did not t!e %postles, if t!e- praised -o+r pro'ed+re, as t!e proper 'onseA+en'e a(olis! 'ir'+m'isionR... 5!e words, I resisted !im to t!e fa'e# ;7al 2<11> impl- a s'!emeH for !ad t!eir dis'+ssion (een real, t!e- wo+ld not !ave re(+8ed ea'! ot!er in t!e presen'e of t!e dis'iples, for it wo+ld !ave (een a great st+m(ling/(lo'8 to t!em.... @e not s+rprised at !is giving t!is pro'eeding t!e name of hypocrisyH for !e is +nwilling, as I said (efore, to dis'lose t!e tr+e state of t!e 'ase, for t!e 'orre'tion of t!e dis'iples. Gn a''o+nt of t!eir ve!ement atta'!ment to t!e Baw, !e 'alls t!e present pro'eeding hypocrisy, and severel- re(+8es it, in order effe't+all- to eradi'ate t!eir preO+di'e. %nd Peter too, !earing t!is, Ooins in t!e feint, as if !e !ad erred, t!at t!e- mig!t (e 'orre'ted (- means of t!e re(+8e administered to !im.... 5!e w!ole diffi'+lt- was removed (- Peter#s s+(mitting in silen'e to t!e imp+tation of !-po'ris-.... G(serve !ow LPa+lM !as resolved t!e matter to a ne'essar- a(s+rdit-. 0t 6ugustine of .ippoI ,etter VW7 to 5erome ;?9)>< I !ave (een reading also some writings as'ri(ed to -o+, on t!e ,pistles of t!e %postle Pa+l. In reading -o+r e6position of t!e ,pistle to t!e 7alatians,... most disastro+s 'onseA+en'es m+st follow +pon o+r (elieving t!at an-t!ing false is fo+nd in t!e sa'red (oo8s< t!at is to sa-, t!at t!e men (- w!om t!e 0'ript+re !as (een given to +s and 'ommitted to writing, did p+t down in t!ese (oo8s an-t!ing false.... Kor if -o+ on'e admit into s+'! a !ig! san't+ar- of a+t!orit- one false statement as made in t!e wa- of d+t-, t!ere will not (e left a single senten'e of t!ose (oo8s w!i'!, if appearing to an- one diffi'+lt in pra'ti'e or !ard to (elieve, ma- not (- t!e same fatal r+le (e e6plained awa-, as a statement in w!i'! intentionall- and +nder a sense of d+t-, t!e a+t!or de'lared w!at was not tr+e.... If indeed Peter seemed to ;Pa+l> to (e doing w!at was rig!t, and if notwit!standing, !e, in order to soot!e tro+(lesome opponents, (ot! said and wrote t!at Peter did w!at was wrong$if we sa- t!+s,... now!ere in t!e sa'red (oo8s s!all t!e a+t!orit- of p+re tr+t! stand s+re. M ,etter 327 to 5erome ;?9C>< If it (e possi(le for men to sa- and (elieve t!at, after introd+'ing !is narrative wit! t!ese words, 5!e t!ings w!i'! I write +nto -o+, (e!old, (efore 7od, I lie not#, t!e apostle ;Pa+l> lied w!en !e said of Peter and @arna(as, I saw t!at t!e- wal8ed not +prig!tl-, a''ording to t!e tr+t! of t!e gospel#,... Lt!enM if t!e- did wal8 +prig!tl-, Pa+l wrote w!at was falseH and if !e wrote w!at was false !ere, w!en did !e sa- w!at was tr+eR M The armony of the Gospels , III.2*.C1 ;)33>< 5!e statement w!i'! Pa+l gives ... r+ns t!+s< :e was seen of 9ep!as, t!en of t!e twelveH after t!at :e was seen of a(ove five !+ndred (ret!ren at on'e. %nd t!+s it is not made 'lear w!o t!ese twelve were, O+st as we are not informed w!o t!ese five !+ndred were.... Kor now t!e apostle mig!t spea8 of t!ose w!om t!e Bord designated apostles, not as t!e twelve, (+t as t!e eleven. 0ome 'odi'es, indeed, 'ontain t!is ver- reading. I ta8e t!at, !owever, to (e an emendation introd+'ed (- men w!o were perple6ed (- t!e te6t, s+pposing it to refer to t!ose twelve apostles w!o, (- t!e time w!en E+das disappeared, were reall- onl- eleven. 0t 8eromeI ,etter //V7 to 4ugustine ;)3)>< Porp!-r- ... a''+ses Pa+l of pres+mption (e'a+se !e dared to reprove Peter and re(+8e !im to !is fa'e, and (- reasoning 'onvi't !im of !aving done wrongH t!at is to sa-, of (eing in t!e ver- fa+lt w!i'! !e !imself, w!o (lamed


anot!er for transgressing, !ad 'ommitted.... G! (lessed %postle Pa+l$w!o !ad re(+8ed Peter for !-po'ris-, (e'a+se !e wit!drew !imself from t!e 7entiles t!ro+g! fear of t!e Eews w!o 'ame from Eames$w!- are -o+, notwit!standing -o+r own do'trine, 'ompelled to 'ir'+m/ 'ise 5imot!- ;%'ts 1=<?>, t!e son of a 7entile, na- more, a 7entile !imselfR 5estoriusI The (a;aar of eracleides, Kragment 2C2 ;)*3 %&>< Pa+l prea'!ing< Gf t!e Eews is 9!rist w!o was in fles!.# !at t!enR % mere man is 9!rist, o! (lessed Pa+lR 6nselm of 1aon ;111C>, Gloss on &-"orinthians /:< :e was seen (- 9ep!as#H prior to t!e ot!er males, to w!om, as we read in t!e 7ospel, !e appeared. Gt!erwise t!is wo+ld (e 'ontrar- to t!e statement t!at !e appeared first to t!e women. Peter 6%elardI Sic et $on ;1123>< riting in repl- to 0t. %+g+stine, after !e !ad (een (ro+g!t to tas8 (- %+g+stine 'on'erning t!e e6position of a 'ertain spot in Pa+l#s ,pistle to t!e 7alatians, Eerome said ;,pist.112.)>, Io+ as8 w!- I !ave said in m- 'ommentar- on Pa+l#s letter to t!e 7alatians t!at Pa+l 'o+ld not !ave re(+8ed Peter for w!at !e !imself !ad also done. %nd -o+ asserted t!at t!e reproof of t!e %postle was not merel- feigned, (+t tr+e g+idan'e, and t!at I o+g!t not to tea'! a false!ood. I respond t!at ... I followed t!e 'ommentar- of Grigen.# M ,etters of #irection ;(efore 11)2>< e 8now of 'o+rse t!at w!en writing to t!e 5!essalonians t!e %postle LPa+lM s!arpl- re(+8ed 'ertain idle (+s-(odies (- sa-ing t!at % man w!o will not wor8 s!all not eat.#... @+t was not Mar- sitting idle in order to listen to t!e words of 9!rist, w!ile Mart!a was ... gr+m(ling rat!er envio+sl- a(o+t !er sister#s reposeR Tales from the Old French, Gf t!e 9!+rl w!o on Paradise#, ;'ir'a 1233>< :ow is t!is, &on Pa+l of t!e (ald pate, are -o+ now so wrat!f+l w!o formerl- was so fell a t-rantR 4ever will t!ere (e anot!er so 'r+elH 0aint 0tep!en paid dear for it w!en -o+ !ad !im stoned to deat!. ell I 8now t!e stor- of -o+r lifeH t!r+ -o+ man- a (rave man died, (+t in t!e end 7od gave -o+ a good (ig (low. :ave we not !ad to pa- for t!e (argain and t!e (+ffetR :a, w!at a divine and w!at a saint" &o -o+ t!in8 I 8now -o+ notR 0t Thomas 6HuinasI Summa Theologica, I/II, \.13?, %rt.), Repl- G(O.2 ;12C2>< %''ording to Eerome, Peter Lin 7al 2<=/1)M wit!drew !imself from t!e 7entiles (- pretense, in order to avoid giving s'andal to t!e Eews, of w!om !e was t!e %postleH !en'e !e did not sin at all in a'ting t!+s. Gn t!e ot!er !and, Pa+l in li8e manner made a pretense of (laming !im, in order to avoid s'andaliDing t!e 7entiles, w!ose %postle !e was. @+t %+g+stine disapproves of t!is sol+tion. 8ohn ;uns 0cotusI Summa Theologica, III.**.1, G(O.2 ;ed. Eerome of Montefortino, 1C28/?)H (ased on Opus oxoniense, 1298/99>< 5!e order in w!i'! 9!rist#s res+rre'tion is related to !ave (een made 8nown, seems inappropriate. Kor it is presented as !aving (een revealed firstl- to Mar- Magdalene, and t!at t!ro+g! !er t!e %postles learned t!at 9!rist was aliveH (+t t!e re'orded 'ommand of t!e %postle in I/5im 2 is well/8nown, sa-ing< I do not permit a woman to tea'!.# ;esiderius ErasmusI &n Praise of .olly ;1*39>< 5!ere are man- t!ings in 0t. Pa+l t!at t!wart t!emselves.... I was latel- m-self at a t!eologi'al disp+te, for I am often t!ere, w!en one was demanding w!at a+t!orit- t!ere was in :ol- rit t!at 'ommands !ereti's to (e 'onvin'ed (- fire rat!er t!an re'laimed (- arg+mentH a 'ra((ed old fellow, and one w!ose s+per'ilio+s gravit- spo8e !im at least a do'tor, answered in a great f+me t!at 0aint Pa+l !ad de'reed it, w!o said, ReOe't !im t!at is a !ereti', after on'e or twi'e admonis!ing L!imM. 0ta Teresa of 6<ilaI 4ccounts of "onscience, SVI ;1*C1>< It seemed to me t!at, 'on'erning w!at 0t. Pa+l sa-s a(o+t t!e 'onfinement of women$w!i'! !as (een stated to me re'entl-, and even previo+sl- I !ad !eard t!at t!is wo+ld (e t!e will of 7od$Lt!e BordM said to me< 5ell t!em not to follow onl- one part of t!e 0'ript+re, to loo8 at ot!ers, and LseeM if t!e- will per'!an'e (e a(le to tie m!ands.# $laise PascalI PensDes, =C? ;1==3>< 0aint Pa+l ... spea8s of LmarriageM to t!e 9orint!ians LI/9or CM in a wa- w!i'! is a snare. 0or 8uana InNs de la CruAI Reply to Sor .ilotea de la "ru; ;1=91>< 5!is s!o+ld (e 'onsidered (- t!ose w!o, (o+nd to Bet women 8eep silen'e in t!e 9!+r'!# LI/9or 1)<?)M, sa- t!at it is (lasp!em- for women to learn and tea'!, as if it were not t!e %postle !imself w!o said 5!e elder women ... tea'!ing t!e good# L5it 2<?M.... I wo+ld want t!ose interpreters and e6positors of 0aint Pa+l to e6plain to me !ow t!e- +nderstand t!at passage Bet t!e women 8eep silen'e in t!e 9!+r'!.#... @e'a+se 0aint Pa+l#s proposition is a(sol+te, and en'ompasses all women not e6'epting saints, as also were in t!eir time Mart!a and Mar-,... Mar- mot!er of Ea'o(, 0alome, and man- ot!er women t!at t!ere were in t!e fervor of t!e earl- 9!+r'!, and LPa+lM does not e6'ept t!em Lfrom !is pro!i(itionM. 8ohn 1oc>eI The Reasonableness of "hristianity ;1=9*>< It is not in t!e epistles we are to learn w!at are t!e f+ndamental arti'les of fait!, w!ere t!e- are promis'+o+sl- and wit!o+t distin'tion mi6ed wit! ot!er tr+t!s.... e s!all find and dis'ern t!ose great and ne'essarpoints (est in t!e prea'!ing of o+r 0avior and t!e apostles ... o+t of t!e !istor- of t!e evangelists.... %nd w!at t!at was, we !ave seen alread-, o+t of t!e !istor- of t!e evangelists, and t!e a'tsH w!ere t!e- are plainl- laid down, so t!at no(od- 'an mista8e t!em.... If all, or most of t!e tr+t!s de'lared in t!e epistles, were to (e re'eived and (elieved as f+ndamental arti'les, w!at t!en (e'ame of t!ose '!ristians w!o were fallen asleep ;as 0t. Pa+l witnesses in !is first to t!e 9orint!ians, man- were> (efore t!ese t!ings in t!e epistles were revealed to t!emR Most of t!e epistles not (eing written till a(ove twent- -ears after o+r 0avio+r#s as'ension, and some after t!irt-.... 4o(od- 'an add to t!ese f+ndamental arti'les of fait!. Matthew .enr&I !xposition of the $e% Testament, vol. V ;1C21>< Pa+l too8 L5imot!-M and 'ir'+m'ised !im, or ordered it to (e done ;%'ts 1=<1/?>. 5!is was strange. :ad not Pa+l opposed t!ose wit! all !is mig!t t!at were for imposing 'ir'+m'ision +pon t!e 7entile 'onvertsR :ad !e not at t!is time t!e de'rees of t!e 'o+n'il at Eer+salem wit! !im, w!i'! witnessed against itR :e !ad, and -et 'ir'+m'ised 5imot!-. $enjamin -ran>linI Pennsylvania Ga;ette ;13 %pril 1C?*>< % virt+o+s !ereti' s!all (e saved (efore a wi'8ed 9!ristian. Thomas MorganI The -oral Philosopher ;1C?C/)3>< 0t. Pa+l t!en, it seems, prea'!#d anot!er and A+ite different 7ospel from w!at was prea'!#d (- Peter and t!e ot!er %postles. Peter 6nnetI "ritical !xamination of the ,ife of St= Paul ;letter to 7il(ert est, 1C)=>< e s!o+ld never finis!, were we to relate all t!e 'ontradi'tions w!i'! are to (e fo+nd in t!e writings attri(+ted to 0t. Pa+l.... 7enerall- spea8ing it is 0t. Pa+l ... t!at o+g!t to (e regarded as t!e tr+e fo+nder of 9!ristian t!eolog-,... w!i'! from its fo+ndation !as (een in'essantl- agitated (- A+arrels LandM divisions. Emanuel 0weden%orgI 4 "ontinuation of the ,ast 5udgment ;1C=?> F The True "hristian Religion ;1CC1>< :e seated !imself at t!e ta(le and 'ontin+ed !is writing, as if !e were not a dead (od-, and t!is on t!e s+(Oe't of O+stifi'ation (- fait! alone and so on, for several da-s, and writing not!ing w!atever 'on'erning '!arit-. %s t!e angels per'eived t!is, !e was as8ed t!ro+g! messengers w!- !e did not write a(o+t '!arit- also. :e replied t!at t!ere was not!ing of t!e 9!+r'! in '!arit-, and if t!at were to (e re'eived as in an- wa- an essen/ tial attri(+te of t!e 9!+r'!, man wo+ld also as'ri(e to !imself t!e merit of O+stifi'ation and 'onseA+entl- of salvation, and so also !e wo+ld ro( fait! of its spirit+al essen'e. :e said t!ese t!ings arrogantl-, (+t !e did not 8now t!at !e was dead LEas 2<2=M and t!at t!e pla'e to w!i'! !e !ad (een sent was not :eaven.


Charles ChurchillI 5!e 9onferen'e#, Poems ;1C=?>< Ma- I ;'an worse disgra'e on man!ood fallR> (e ... (aptiDed a Pa+lH ma- I ;t!o+g! to !is servi'e deepl- tied (- sa'red oat!s, and now (- will allied>, wit! false, feigned Deal an inO+red 7od defend, and +se !is name for some (ase private end" ?oltaireI Pa+l#, #ictionnaire philosophi*ue portatif ;9!eD Var(erg edition, %msterdam 1C=*>< Pa+l did not Ooin t!e nas'ent so'ietof t!e 9!ristians, w!i'! at t!at time was !alf/Eewis!.... Is it possi(le to e6'+se Pa+l for !aving reprimanded PeterR... !at wo+ld (e t!o+g!t toda- of a man w!o intended to live at o+r e6pense, !e and !is woman, O+dge +s, p+nis! +s, and 'onfo+nd t!e g+ilt- wit! t!e inno/ 'entR Edward Gi%%onI The istory of the #ecline and .all of the Roman !mpire , I.1*.2 ;1CC=>< E+daiDing 9!ristians seem to !ave arg+ed ... from t!e divine origin of t!e Mosai' law ... t!at if t!e @eing, w!o is t!e same t!ro+g! all eternit-, !ad designed to a(olis! t!ose sa'red rites w!i'! !ad served to disting+is! !is '!osen people, t!e repeal of t!em wo+ld !ave (een no less 'lear and solemn t!an t!eir first prom+lgation< t!at, instead of t!ose freA+ent de'larations, w!i'! eit!er s+ppose or assert t!e perpet+it- of t!e Mosai' religion, it wo+ld !ave (een represented as a provisionar- s'!eme intended to last onl- to t!e 'oming of t!e Messia!, w!o s!o+ld instr+'t man8ind in a more perfe't mode of fait! and of wors!ip< t!at t!e Messia! !imself, and !is dis'iples w!o 'onversed wit! !im on eart!, instead of a+t!oriDing (- t!eir e6ample t!e most min+te o(servan'es of t!e Mosai' law, wo+ld !ave p+(lis!ed to t!e world t!e a(olition of t!ose +seless and o(solete 'eremonies. 8uan 8osef .oOlI The (ook of "hilam (alam of "humayel ;'ompiled (- :o.l in !is native Ma-an lang+age 1C82, ?rd 0panis! edition (- t!e U4%M 19C?>< Gnl- in t!e 'raDed times, t!ro+g! t!e mad priests, did it !appen t!at sadness entered into +s, t!at 9!ristianit-# entered +s. @e'a+se t!ese same 9!ristians# were t!ose w!o (ro+g!t !ere t!e tr+e 7odH (+t t!is was t!e (eginning of o+r miser-, t!e (eginning of t!e ta6es, t!e (eginning of alms#, t!e 'a+se from w!i'! arose !idden dis'ord, t!e (eginning of t!e (attles wit! firearms, t!e (eginning of t!e o+trages, t!e (eginning of t!e pl+ndering of ever-t!ing, t!e (eginning of slaver- for de(t, t!e (eginning of de(ts gl+ed to one#s (a'8, t!e (eginning of t!e 'ontin+o+s A+arreling, t!e (eginning of s+ffering,... t!e %nti'!rist +pon t!e ,art!, tiger of t!e villages, wild'at of t!e villages, lee'! on t!e poor L%meri'anM Indian. @+t t!e da- will arrive w!en t!e tears of t!eir e-es rea'! +nto 7od, and t!e O+sti'e of 7od 'omes down +pon t!e world in a single (low.... @rot!ers, little (rot!ers, sons of servants 'ome to t!e world" !en t!e 2ing 'omes and is re'ogniDed, t!e fa'e of t!e 0on of 7od will (e 'rowned. %nd t!e @is!op, w!i'! is 'alled t!e :ol- InA+isition, will 'ome (efore 0a+l to (eg 'on'ord wit! t!e 9!ristians, so t!at oppression will 'ease and miser- will end. Thomas PaineI The 4ge of Reason ;1C9)>< 5!at man+fa't+rer of A+i((les, 0t. Pa+l,... LwroteM a 'olle'tion of letters +nder t!e name of epistles.... G+t of t!e matters 'ontained in t!ose (oo8s,... t!e '!+r'! !as set +p a s-stem of religion ver- 'ontradi'tor- to t!e '!ara'ter of t!e person w!ose name it (ears. It !as set +p a religion of pomp and of reven+e, in pretended imitation of a person w!ose life was !+militand povert-. 3ed 8ac>et ;9!ief of t!e IroA+ois 5ri(e in 4ew Ior8>, %ddress to a 9!ristian Missionar-# ;183*>< @rot!er< Bisten to w!at we sa-. 5!ere was a time w!en o+r forefat!ers owned t!is great island. 5!eir seats e6tended from t!e rising to t!e setting of t!e s+n. 5!e 7reat 0pirit !ad made Lall t!isM for t!e +se of t!e Indians,... (e'a+se :e loved t!em.... @+t an evil da- 'ame +pon +s. Io+r forefat!ers 'rossed t!e great waters and landed on t!is island.... 5!e- 'alled +s (rot!ers. e (elieved t!em, and gave t!em a large seat.... @rot!er< G+r seats were on'e large, and -o+rs ver- small. Io+ !ave now (e'ome a great people, and we !ave s'ar'el- a pla'e left to spread o+r (lan8ets. Io+ !ave got o+r 'o+ntr-, (+t -o+ are not satisfiedH -o+ want to for'e -o+r religion +pon +s.... Io+ sa- t!at -o+ are rig!t, and we are lost. :ow do -o+ 8now t!is to (e tr+eR e +nderstand t!at -o+r religion is written in a (oo8. ... @rot!er< Io+ sa- t!ere is (+t one wa- to wors!ip and serve t!e 7reat 0pirit. If t!ere is (+t one religion, w!- do -o+ w!ite people differ so m+'! a(o+t itR !- not all agree, as -o+ 'an all read t!e (oo8R 8ohann Gottlie% -ichteI "haracteristics of the Present 4ge ;183=>< L5!eM 9!ristian 0-stem ... LisM a degenerate form of 9!ristianit-, and t!e a+t!ors!ip of w!i'! ... Lm+st (eM as'ri(ed to t!e %postle Pa+l. Thomas 8effersonI Better to illiam 0!ort# ;1823>< Pa+l was t!e ... first 'orr+pter of t!e do'trines of Ees+s. 8erem& $enthamI $ot Paul (ut 5esus ;182?>< It rests wit! ever- professor of t!e religion of Ees+s to settle wit! !imself, to w!i'! of t!e two religions, t!at of Ees+s or t!at of Pa+l, !e will ad!ere. ?ictor .ugoI The unchback of $otre #ame , ;18?1>< 0o, good (rot!er, -o+ ref+se to give me a penn- to (+- a 'r+st from a (a8erR# >ui non laborat non manducet.# LII/5!es ?<13M -erdinand Christian $aurI 5!e 9!rist Part- in t!e 9orint!ian 9!+r'!, t!e Gpposition (etween Petrine and Pa+line 9!ristianit- in t!e %n'ient 9!+r'!, and t!e %postle Peter in Rome# ;18?1>< !at 8ind of a+t!orit- 'an t!ere (e for an %postle# w!o, +nli8e t!e ot!er %postles, !ad never (een prepared for t!e %postoli' offi'e in Ees+s# own s'!ool (+t !ad onl- later dared to 'laim t!e %postoli' offi'e on t!e (asis of !is own a+t!orit-R M The "hurch istory of the .irst Three "enturies ;18*?>< 5!e onl- A+estion 'omes to (e !ow t!e %postle Pa+l appears in !is ,pistles to (e so indifferent to t!e !istori'al fa'ts of t!e life of Ees+s.... :e (ears !imself (+t little li8e a dis'iple w!o !as re'eived t!e do'trines and t!e prin'iples w!i'! !e prea'!es from t!e Master w!ose name !e (ears. 3alph 4aldo EmersonI 5!e Bord#s 0+pper# ;18?2>< It does not appear t!at t!e opinion of 0t. Pa+l, all t!ings 'onsidered, o+g!t to alter o+r opinion derived from t!e evangelists. 0Pren =ier>egaardI ,etter to Peter 9ilhelm ,und ;1.VI.18?*>< In 9!ristianit- itself t!ere are 'ontradi'tions so great t!at t!eprevent an +no(str+'ted view. M The 5ournals ;18)9>< In 9!rist t!e religio+s is 'ompletel- present/tenseH in Pa+l it is alread- on t!e wa- to (e'oming do'trine. Gne 'an imagine t!e rest"... 5!is trend !as (een 8ept +p for 7od 8nows !ow man- 'ent+ries. M ;18*3> !en Ees+s 9!rist lived, !e was indeed t!e protot-pe. 5!e tas8 of fait! is ... to imitate 9!rist, (e'ome a dis'iple. 5!en 9!rist dies. 4ow, t!ro+g! t!e %postle Pa+l, 'omes a (asi' alteration.... :e draws attention awa- from imitation and fi6es it de'isivel- +pon t!e deat! of 9!rist t!e %toner. M ;18*)> !at B+t!er failed to realiDe is t!at t!e tr+e sit+ation is t!at t!e %postle LPa+lM !as alread- degenerated (- 'omparison wit! t!e 7ospel. M ;18**> It (e'omes t!e dis'iple w!o de'ides w!at 9!ristianit- is, not t!e master, not 9!rist (+t Pa+l,... Lw!oM t!rew 9!ristianit- awa- 'ompletel-, t+rning it +pside down, getting it to (e O+st t!e opposite of w!at it is in t!e LoriginalM 9!ristian pro'lamation. M .or Self-!xamination Recommended to the Present 4ge , I ;18*1>< 7od#s ord# is indeed t!e mirror$(+t, (+t$o!, !ow enormo+sl'ompli'ated$stri'tl- spea8ing, !ow m+'! (elongs to 7od#s ord#R !i'! (oo8s are a+t!enti'R M M- 5as8#, The -oment ;1.IS.18**>< If in t!e apostle LPa+lM#s pro'lamation t!ere is even t!e slig!test t!ing t!at 'o+ld pertain to w!at !as (e'ome t!e sop!istr- 'orr+ptive of all tr+e 9!ristianit-, t!en I m+st raise an o+t'r- lest t!e sop!ists s+mmaril- 'ite t!e apostle. It is of great importan'e ... to 'orre't t!e enormo+s 'onf+sion B+t!er 'a+sed (- inverting t!e relation and a't+all- 'riti'iDing 9!rist (- means of Pa+l, t!e Master (- means of t!e follower....


!at I !ave done is to !old 9!rist#s pro'lamation alongside t!e apostle#s. George .enr& $orrowI The (ible in Spain ;18)?>< It was s'ar'el- possi(le to ma8e an assertion in t!eir !earing wit!o+t re'eiving a flat 'ontradi'tion, espe'iall- w!en religio+s s+(Oe'ts were (ro+g!t on t!e 'arpet. It is false,# t!e- wo+ld sa-H 0aint Pa+l, in s+'! a '!apter and in s+'! a verse, sa-s e6a'tl- t!e 'ontrar-.# .erman Mel<illeI Typee ;18)=>< @etter will it (e for t!em for ever to remain t!e !app- and inno'ent !eat!ens and (ar(arians t!at t!e- now are, t!an, li8e t!e wret'!ed in!a(itants of t!e 0andwi'! Islands L:awaiiM, to enOo- t!e mere name of 9!ristians wit!o+t e6perien/ 'ing an- of t!e vital operations of tr+e religion, w!ilst, at t!e same time, t!e- are made t!e vi'tims of t!e worst vi'es and evils of 'iviliDed life.... Ill/fated people" I s!+dder w!en I t!in8 of t!e '!ange a few -ears will prod+'e in t!eir paradisai'al a(odeH and pro(a(l- w!en t!e most destr+'tive vi'es, and t!e worst attendan'es on 'iviliDation, s!all !ave driven all pea'e and !appiness from t!e valle-, Lit will (eM pro/ 'laimLedM to t!e world t!at t!e MarA+esas Islands !ave (een 'onverted to 9!ristianit-"... L0imilarl-,M t!e %nglo/0a6on !ive !ave e6tirpated Paganism from t!e greater part of t!e 4ort! %meri'an 'ontinentH (+t wit! it t!e- !ave li8ewise e6tirpated t!e greater portion of t!e Red ra'e. .enr& ;a<id ThoreauI 4 9eek on the "oncord and -errimack Rivers ;18)9>< !- need 9!ristians (e still intolerant and s+perstitio+sR ... In all m- wanderings I never 'ame a'ross t!e least vestige of a+t!orit- for t!ese t!ings.... It is ne'essar- not to (e 9!ristian to appre'iate t!e (ea+t- and signifi'an'e of t!e life of 9!rist.... It wo+ld (e a poor stor- to (e preO+di'ed against t!e Bife of 9!rist (e'a+se t!e (oo8 !as (een edited (- 9!ristians. M 5ournal ;1 Ean 18*8>< 5!ere are man- words w!i'! are gen+ine and indigeno+s and !ave t!eir root in o+r nat+res.... 5!ere are also a great man- words w!i'! are sp+rio+s and artifi'ial, and 'an onl- (e +sed in a (ad sense, sin'e t!e t!ing t!e- signif- is not fair and s+(stantial$s+'! as t!e '!+r'!, t!e O+di'iar-,... et'. et'. 5!e- w!o +se t!em do not stand on solid gro+nd. It is vain to tr- to preserve t!em (- atta'!ing ot!er words to t!em Ls+'!M as t!e tr+e '!+r'!, et'. It is li8e towing a sin8ing s!ip wit! a 'anoe. $enjamin 8owettI The !pistles of St= Paul to the Thessalonians7 Galatians and Romans ;18**>< G+r 'on'eption of t!e %postoli'al age is ne'essaril- (ased on t!e %'ts of t!e %postles and t!e ,pistles of 0t. Pa+l. It is in vain to sear'! e''lesiasti'al writings for f+rt!er information.... 9onfining o+rselves, t!en, to t!e original so+r'es, we 'annot (+t (e str+'8 (- t!e fa't, t!at of t!e first eig!teen -ears after t!e da- of Pente'ost, !ardl- an- a''o+nt is preserved to +s.... It seems as if we !ad alread- rea'!ed t!e se'ond stage in t!e !istor- of t!e %postoli' 9!+r'!, wit!o+t an- pre'ise 8nowledge of t!e first. Charles ;ic>ensI ,ittle #orrit ;18*C>< 5!ere was t!e drear- 0+nda- of !is '!ild!ood, w!en !e sat wit! !is !ands (efore !im, s'ared o+t of !is senses (- a !orri(le tra't w!i'! 'ommen'ed (+siness wit! t!e poor '!ild (- as8ing !im, w!- !e was going to perditionR,... and w!i'!, for t!e f+rt!er attra'tion of !is infant mind, !ad a parent!esis in ever- ot!er line wit! some s+'! !i''o+g!ing referen'e as 2 ,p.5!ess. '.iii v.= F C L2eep awa- from an- (rot!er w!o travels a(o+t in idleness#M. 8ohn 0tuart MillI On ,iberty ;18*9>< 5!e 7ospel alwa-s refers to a pre/e6isting moralit-,... t!e Gld 5estament.... 0t. Pa+l, a de'lared enem- to t!is E+dai'al mode of interpreting t!e do'trine ... of !is Master, eA+all- ass+mes a pre/e6isting moralit-, namel- t!at of t!e 7ree8s and RomansH... even to t!e e6tent of giving an apparent san'tion to slaver-. 8ohn .enr& 5ewmanI 4pologia pro 8ita Sua ;18=)>, %ppendi6 C< 0t. Pa+l 'ir'+m'ised 5imot!- L%' 1=<1/?M, w!ile !e 'ried o+t 9ir'+m'ision availet! not.# L7al *<=M Ernest 3enanI Saint Paul ;18=9>< 5r+e 9!ristianit-, w!i'! will last forever, 'omes from t!e 7ospels, not from t!e epistles of Pa+l. 5!e writings of Pa+l !ave (een a danger and a !idden ro'8, t!e 'a+ses of t!e prin'ipal defe'ts of 9!ristian t!eolog-. -eodor ;osto&e<s>&I The #iary of a 9riter ;1883>< If slaver- prevailed in t!e da-s of t!e %postle Pa+l, t!is was pre'isel- (e'a+se t!e '!+r'!es w!i'! originated t!en were not -et perfe't, as we per'eive from t!e ,pistles of t!e %postle !imself. :owever, t!ose mem(ers of t!e 'ongregations w!o, individ+all-, attained perfe'tion no longer owned or 'o+ld !ave !ad slaves, (e'a+se t!ese (e'ame (ret!ren, and a (rot!er, a tr+e (rot!er, 'annot !ave a (rot!er as !is slave. M The (rothers 6arama;ov ;1883>< 5!is '!ild (orn of t!e son of t!e devil and of a !ol- woman<... t!e- (aptiDed !im Pa+l#. -riedrich 5ietAscheI The #a%n ;1881>< 5!e stor- of one of t!e most am(itio+s and o(tr+sive of so+ls, of a !ead as s+perstitio+s as it was 'raft-, t!e stor- of t!e %postle Pa+l$w!o 8nows t!is, e6'ept a few s'!olarsR it!o+t t!is strange stor-, !owever, wit!o+t t!e 'onf+sions and storms of s+'! a !ead, s+'! a so+l, t!ere wo+ld (e no 9!ristianit-. 1eo Tolsto&I -y Religion ;188)>< 5!e separation (etween t!e do'trine of life and t!e e6planation of life (egan wit! t!e prea'!ing of Pa+l w!o 8new not t!e et!i'al tea'!ings set fort! in t!e 7ospel of Matt!ew, and w!o prea'!ed a metap!isi'o/'a(alisti' t!eor- entirelforeign to 9!ristH and t!is separation was perfe'ted in t!e time of 9onstantine, w!en it was fo+nd possi(le to 'lot!e t!e w!ole pagan orga/ niDation of life in a 9!ristian dress, and wit!o+t '!anging it to 'all it 9!ristianit-. 6dolf <on .arnac>I istory of #ogma, I ;188*>< 5!e Pa+line 7ospel is not identi'al wit! t!e original 7ospel.... 5!e empt- grave on t!e t!ird da- ... is dire'tl- e6'l+ded (- t!e wa- in w!i'! Pa+l !as portra-ed t!e res+rre'tion ;1 9or. SV>.... Pa+l 8nows not!ing of an %s'ension.... ,ver- tenden'- w!i'! 'o+rageo+sl- disregards sp+rio+s traditions, is 'ompelled to t+rn to t!e Pa+line ,pistles$w!i'!, on t!e one !and, present s+'! a profo+nd t-pe of 9!ristianit-, and on t!e ot!er, dar8en and narrow t!e O+dgment a(o+t t!e prea'!ing of 9!rist !imself. 8ames George -raAerI The Golden (ough ;1893>< If 9!ristianit- was to 'onA+er t!e world, it 'o+ld not do so e6'ept (- rela6ing a little t!e e6'eedingl- stri't prin'iples of its Ko+nder. -rederic> EngelsI Gn t!e :istor- of ,arl- 9!ristianit-# ;189)>< %ttempts !ave (een made to 'on'eive ... all t!e messages Lof Eo!n#s Rev/%pM as dire'ted against Pa+l, t!e false %postle.... 5!e so/'alled ,pistles of Pa+l ... are not onl- e6tremel- do+(tf+l (+t also totall'ontradi'tor-. 4illiam 8amesI The 8arieties of Religious !xperience ;7ifford Be't+res, 1931>< 5!is is t!e religio+s melan'!ol- and 'onvi'tion of sin# t!at !ave pla-ed so large a part in t!e !istor- of Protestant 9!ristianit-.... %s 0aint Pa+l sa-s< self/loat!ing, self/despair, an +nin/ telligi(le and intolera(le (+rden ... L$aM t-pi'al L'aseM of dis'ordant personalit-, wit! melan'!ol- in t!e form of self/'ondemnation and sense of sin. 4illiam 4redeI Paul ;193)>< 5!e o(vio+s 'ontradi'tions in t!e t!ree a''o+nts Lof Pa+l#s 'onversion in %' 9/22/2=M are eno+g! to aro+se distr+st of all t!at goes (e-ond t!is 8ernel.... 5!e moral maOest- of Ees+s, !is p+rit- and piet-, !is ministr- among !is people, !is manner as a prop!et, t!e w!ole 'on'rete et!i'al/religio+s 'ontent of !is eart!l- life, signifies for Pa+l#s 9!ristolog-$not!ing w!atever.... If we do not wis! to deprive (ot! fig+res of all !istori'al distin'tness, t!e name dis'iple of Ees+s# !as little appli'a(ilit- to Pa+l.... Ees+s or


Pa+l< t!is alternative '!ara'teriDes, at least in part, t!e religio+s and t!eologi'al warfare of t!e present da-. 6l%ert 0chweitAerI The >uest for the istorical 5esus ;193=>< Pa+l ... did not desire to 8now 9!rist after t!e fles!.... 5!ose w!o want to find a wa- from t!e prea'!ing of Ees+s to earl- 9!ristianit- are 'ons'io+s of t!e pe'+liar diffi'+lties raised.... Pa+l s!ows +s wit! w!at 'omplete indifferen'e t!e eart!l- life of Ees+s was regarded (- primar- 9!ristianit-. M Paul and is &nterpreters ;1912>< 5!e s-stem of t!e %postle of t!e 7entiles stands over against t!e tea'!ing of Ees+s as somet!ing of an entirel- different '!ara'ter, and does not 'reate t!e impression of !aving arisen o+t of it.... It is impossi(le for a :elleniDed Pa+linism to s+(sist alongside of a primitive 9!ristianit- w!i'! s!ared t!e Eewis! es'!atologi'al e6pe'tations.... 5o t!e pro(lem of Pa+linism (elong ... A+estions w!i'! !ave not -et fo+nd a sol+tion<... t!e relation of t!e %postle to t!e !istori'al Ees+s ... and towards t!e LMosai'M Baw.... :e does not appeal to t!e Master even w!ere it mig!t seem inevita(le to do so.... It is as t!o+g! !e !eld t!at (etween t!e present world/period and t!at in w!i'! Ees+s lived and ta+g!t t!ere e6ists no lin8 of 'onne'tion.... !at Ees+s t!o+g!t a(o+t t!e matter is ... indifferent to !im.... 9riti's L!aveM demanded of t!eolog- proof t!at t!e 'anoni'al Pa+l and !is ,pistles (elonged to earl- 9!ristianit-H and t!e demand was O+stified. M Out of -y ,ife and Thought ;19?1>< 5!e rapid diff+sion of Pa+l#s ideas 'an (e attri(+ted to !is (elief t!at t!e deat! of 9!rist signified t!e end of t!e LMosai'M Baw. In t!e 'o+rse of one or two generations t!is 'on'ept (e'ame t!e 'ommon propert- of t!e 9!ristian fait!, alt!o+g! it stood in 'ontradi'tion to t!e tradition tea'!ing represented (- t!e %postles at Eer+salem. M The -ysticism of St= Paul ;19?1>< !at is t!e signifi'an'e for o+r fait! and for o+r religio+s life, of t!e fa't t!at t!e 7ospel of Pa+l is different from t!e 7ospel of Ees+sR... 5!e attit+de w!i'! Pa+l !imself ta8es +p towards t!e 7ospel of Ees+s is t!at !e does not repeat it in t!e words of Ees+s, and does not appeal to its a+t!orit-.... 5!e fatef+l t!ing is t!at t!e 7ree8, t!e 9at!oli' and t!e Protestant t!eologies all 'ontain t!e 7ospel of Pa+l in a form w!i'! does not 'ontin+e t!e 7ospel of Ees+s, (+t displa'es it. ,6%du2lB$ahQ ;son of @a!1#+#ll1!>, Some 4ns%ered >uestions ;1938>< Pa+l permitted even t!e eating of strangled animals, t!ose sa'rifi'ed to idols, and (lood, and onl- maintained t!e pro!i(ition of forni'ation. 0o in '!apter ), verse 1) of !is ,pistle to t!e Romans.... %lso 5it+s, '!apter 1, verse 1*.... 4ow La''ording to Pa+lM t!is '!ange, t!ese alterations and t!is a(rogation are d+e to t!e impossi(ilit- of 'omparing t!e time of 9!rist wit! t!at of Moses. 5!e 'onditions and reA+irements in t!e latter period were entirel- '!anged and altered. 5!e former laws were, t!erefore, a(rogated. Mar> TwainI ,etters from the !arth ;1939>< Pa+l ... advised against se6+al inter'o+rse altoget!er. % great '!ange from t!e divine view. M $otebooks ;dateR>< If 9!rist were !ere now, t!ere is one t!ing !e wo+ld not (e$a 9!ristian. 8osN /rtega & GassetI % Polemi'# ;1913>< @etween remem(ering Ees+s as did 0t Peter, to t!in8ing a(o+t Ees+s as did 0t Pa+l, stands not!ing less t!an t!eolog-. 0t Pa+l was t!e first t!eologianH t!at is to sa-, t!e first man w!o, of t!e real Ees+s$'on'rete, individ+aliDed, resident of a 'ertain village, wit! a gen+ine a''ent and '+stoms$made a possi(le, rational Ees+s, t!+s adapted so t!at all men and not onl- t!e Eews 'o+ld enter into t!e new fait!. In p!ilosop!i'al terms, 0t Pa+l o(Oe'tifies Ees+s. Gerald -riedlanderI The 5e%ish Sources of the Sermon on the -ount ;1911>< Pa+l !as s+rel- not!ing to do wit! t!e 0ermon on t!e Mo+nt.... 5!e 0ermon sa-s< @eware of false prop!ets, w!o 'ome to -o+ in s!eep#s 'lot!ing, (+t inwardl- are ravening wolves# ;Matt.vii.1*>. 5!is is generall- +nderstood as a warning against +ntr+stwort!- leaders in religion.... &oes t!e verse e6press t!e e6perien'e of t!e primitive 9!+r'!R Mig!t it not (e a warning against Pa+l and !is followersR Miguel de 9namunoI The Tragic Sense of ,ife ;191?>< Pa+l !ad not personall- 8nown Ees+s, and !en'e !e dis'overed !im as 9!rist.... 5!e important t!ing for !im was t!at 9!rist (e'ame man and died and was res+rre'ted, and not w!at !e did in !is life$not !is et!i'al wor8 as a tea'!er. M The 4gony of "hristianity ;19?1>< &+ring 9!rist#s lifetime, Pa+l wo+ld never !ave followed !im. George $ernard 0hawI 4ndrocles and the ,ion, Introd+'tion ;191*>< 5!ere is not one word of Pa+line 9!ristianit- in t!e '!ara'teristi' +tteran'es of Ees+s.... 5!ere !as reall- never (een a more monstro+s imposition perpetrated t!an t!e imposition of Pa+l#s so+l +pon t!e 0o+l of Ees+s.... It is now eas- to +nderstand w!- t!e 9!ristianit- of Ees+s failed 'ompletel- to esta(lis! itself politi'all- and so'iall-, and was easil- s+ppressed (- t!e poli'e and t!e 9!+r'!, w!ilst Pa+linism overran t!e w!ole western 'iviliDed world, w!i'! was at t!at time t!e Roman ,mpire, and was adopted (- it as its offi'ial fait!. M !verybody's Political 9hat's 9hatJ ;19))>< % government w!i'! ro(s Peter to pa- Pa+l 'an alwa-s depend on t!e s+pport of Pa+l. .enr& 1ouis Menc>enI 5!e EaDD e(ster#, 4 (ook of (urles*ues ;191=>< %r'!(is!op$% 9!ristian e''lesiasti' of a ran8 s+perior to t!at attained (- 9!rist. Martin $u%erI 5!e :ol- a-# ;1918>< 5!e man w!o, in transmitting E+daism to t!e peoples, (ro+g!t a(o+t its (rea8/+p,... t!is violator of t!e spirit,... LwasM 0a+l, t!e man from 5ars+s.... :e transmitted Ees+s# tea'!ing ... to t!e nations, !anding t!em t!e sweet poison of fait!, a fait! t!at was to disdain wor8s, e6empt t!e fait!f+l from realiDation, and esta(lis! d+alism in t!e L9!ristianM world. It is t!e Pa+line era w!ose deat! agonies we toda- Lin orld ar IM are wat'!ing wit! transfi6ed e-es. M T%o Types of .aith ;19)8>< 4ot merelt!e Gld 5estament (elief and t!e living fait! of post/@i(li'al E+daism are opposed to Pa+l, (+t also t!e Ees+s of t!e 0ermon on t!e Mo+nt.... Gne m+st see Ees+s apart from !is !istori'al 'onne'tion wit! 9!ristianit-.... It is Peter, Lnot Pa+l,M w!o represents t!e +nforgetta(le re'ol/ le'tion of t!e 'onversations of Ees+s wit! t!e &is'iples in 7alilee. Thomas Edward 1awrenceI The Seven Pillars of 9isdom ;1919>< 9!ristianit- was a !-(rid, e6'ept in its first root not essentiall0emiti'. Carl Gusta< 8ungI 5!e Ps-'!ologi'al Ko+ndations of @elief in 0pirits# ;1919>< 0a+l#s ... fanati'al resistan'e to 9!ristianit-,... as we 8now from t!e ,pistles, was never entirel- over'ome. M % Ps-'!ologi'al %pproa'! to t!e &ogma of t!e 5rinit-# ;19)3>< It is fran8ldisappointing to see !ow Pa+l !ardl- ever allows t!e real Ees+s of 4aDaret! to get a word in. .er%ert George 4ellsI The Outline of istory ;1923>< 0t. Pa+l and !is s+''essors added to or 'ompleted or imposed +pon or s+(stit+ted anot!er do'trine for$as -o+ ma- prefer to t!in8$t!e plain and profo+ndl- revol+tionar- tea'!ings of Ees+s, (- e6po+nding ... a salvation w!i'! 'o+ld (e o(tained ver- largel- (- (elief and formalities, wit!o+t an- serio+s dist+r(an'e of t!e (eliever#s ordinar- !a(its and o''+pations. 8ames 8o&ceI <lysses ;1922>< Peter and Pa+l. More interesting if -o+ +nderstood w!at it was all a(o+t.... Ro((ing Peter to pa- Pa+l. Isaac $a%elI 0ir %pole8#, Red "avalry Stories ;192?>< 0aint Pa+l, a timoro+s 'ripple wit! t!e s!agg- (la'8 (eard of a village apostate. 8oseph =lausnerI 5esus of $a;areth, III.? ;192=>< In all Pa+l#s writings we find no relia(le !istori'al fa'ts a(o+t t!e life and wor8 of Ees+s.... :e was not one of Ees+s# dis'iples nor, apparentl-, !ad !e ever seen !im w!ile !e was on eart!H in t!e latter event !e m+st !ave (een s+(servient to Eames, t!e (rot!er of Ees+s, to Peter and t!e ot!er %postles. b .rom 5esus to Paul, VI ;19)?>< 0a+l was t!e real fo+nder


of 9!ristianit- as a new religion.... 5!e dis'iples and (ret!ren of Ees+s w!o were intimate wit! t!e 'r+'ified Messia! d+ring !is lifetime and !ad re'eived instr+'tion, para(les, and promises from !is own lips, wo+ld reproa'! Pa+l in effe't t!+s< Io+ are not a tr+e apostle, and in vain do -o+ on -o+r own a+t!orit- set aside t!e 'eremonial lawsH for -o+ did not attend t!e Messia!, -o+ were not intimate wit! !im, and -o+ 'annot 8now !is tea'!ing first/!and.... LRegardingM t!e vision on t!e road to &amas'+s,... we !ave !ere an atta'8 of falling si'8ness# or epileps-.... e find in !im also t!e '!ara'teristi's of a t!oro+g! melan'!olia'.... 5!ere is almost no a(+sive name w!i'! Pa+l does not give to !is opponents. 5!e- are false (ret!ren#, false apostles#, !-po'rites# and dissem(lers#.... 5!e w!ole apostles!ip# of Pa+l is (ased on t!e !eavenl- vision# w!i'! !e saw on t!e road to &amas'+s.... Pa+l was far from (eing a saint. 3udolf $ultmannI 5esus and the 9ord ;192=>< 5!e 9!+r'! ... 'o+ld not possi(l- !ave ta8en for granted t!e lo-al ad!eren'e to t!e LMosai'M Baw and defended it against Pa+l, if Ees+s !ad 'om(ated t!e a+t!orit- of t!e Baw. Ees+s did not atta'8 t!e Baw, (+t ass+med its a+t!orit- and interpreted it... It was some time after !is deat! w!en Pa+l and ot!er :ellenisti' missionaries prea'!ed to t!e 7entiles a gospel apart from t!e Baw.... Ees+s desires no ... se6+al as'eti'ism. 5!e ideal of 'eli(a'- indeed entered 9!ristianit- earl-H we find it alread- in t!e '!+r'!es of Pa+l. @+t it is entirel- foreign to Ees+s. M 5!e 0ignifi'an'e of t!e :istori'al Ees+s for t!e 5!eolog- of Pa+l# ;1929>< It is most o(vio+s t!at LPa+lM does not appeal to t!e words of t!e Bord in s+pport of !is stri'tl- t!eologi'al, ant!ropologi'al and soteriologi'al views.... !en t!e essentiall- Pa+line 'on'eptions are 'onsidered, it is 'lear t!at t!ere Pa+l is not dependent on Ees+s. Ees+s# tea'!ing is$to all intents and p+rposes$irrelevant for Pa+l. -ranA =af>aI The "astle ;192=>< @arna(as is 'ertainl- not an offi'ial, not even one in t!e lowest 'ategor-.... Gne s!o+ldn#t s+ddenlsend an ine6perien'ed -o+ngster li8e @arna(as ... into t!e 9astle, and t!en e6pe't a tr+t!f+l a''o+nt of ever-t!ing from !im, interpret ea'! single word of !is as if it were a revelation, and (ase one#s own life#s !appiness on t!e interpretation. 4ot!ing 'o+ld (e more mista8en. Pierre Teilhard de ChardinI The #ivine -ilieu ;192C>< 5!e m-sti'al 9!rist, t!e +niversal 9!rist of 0t. Pa+l, !as neit!er meaning nor val+e in o+r e-es e6'ept as an e6pansion of t!e 9!rist w!o was (orn of Mar- and w!o died on t!e 'ross. 5!e former essentiall- draws !is f+ndamental A+alit- of +ndenia(ilit- and 'on'reteness from t!e latter. :owever far we ma- (e drawn into t!e divine spa'es opened +p to +s (- 9!ristian m-sti'ism, we never depart from t!e Ees+s of t!e gospels. 8osN Carlos MariQteguiI Seven &nterpretive !ssays on Peruvian Reality ;1928>< 5!e missionaries did not impose t!e 7ospelH t!eimposed t!e '+lt, t!e lit+rg-.... 5!e Roman 9!+r'! 'an 'onsider itself t!e legitimate !eir of t!e Roman ,mpire.... 5!is 'ompromise in its origin e6tends from 9at!oli'ism to all 9!ristendom. Mahatma GandhiI &is'+ssion on Kellows!ip#, @oung &ndia ;1928>< I draw a great distin'tion (etween t!e 0ermon on t!e Mo+nt and t!e Betters of Pa+l. 5!e- are a graft on 9!rist#s tea'!ing, !is own gloss apart from 9!rist#s own e6perien'e. =ahil Gi%ranI 5esus the Son of -an ;1928>< 5!is Pa+l is indeed a strange man. :is so+l is not t!e so+l of a free man. :e spea8s not of Ees+s nor does !e repeat :is ords. :e wo+ld stri8e wit! !is own !ammer +pon t!e anvil in t!e 4ame of Gne w!om !e does not 8now. /swald 0penglerI The #ecline of the 9est ;II, 1928>< Pa+l !ad for t!e Ees+s/'omm+nities of Eer+salem a s'ar'el- veiled 'ontempt.... Ees+s is t!e Redeemer and Pa+l is !is Prop!et#$t!is is t!e w!ole 'ontent of !is message. 8ohn 1angdonB;a<iesI 4 Short istory of 9omen ;1928>< It was t!ro+g! L0t. Pa+lM t!at t!e offensive attit+de towards women was finall- e6pressed in t!e 9at!oli' 9!+r'!. Ernest .emingwa&I 4 .are%ell to 4rms ;1929>< 5!at 0aint Pa+l.... :e#s t!e one w!o ma8es all t!e tro+(le.... :e was a ro+nder and a '!aser and t!en w!en !e was no longer !ot !e said it was no good. !en !e was finis!ed !e made t!e r+les for +s w!o are still !ot. ;aisetA Teitaro 0uAu>iI !ssays in Cen (uddhism ;0e'ond 0eries, 19??>< 5e/s!an ;C83/8=* L%&M> ... was ver- learned in t!e tea'!ing of t!e s+tra and was e6tensivel- read in t!e 'ommentaries.... :e !eard of t!is den tea'!ing in t!e so+t! Lof 9!inaM, a''ording to w!i'! a man 'o+ld (e a @+dd!a (- immediatel- ta8ing !old of !is inmost nat+re. 5!is !e t!o+g!t 'o+ld not (e t!e @+dd!a#s own tea'!ing, (+t Lrat!erM t!e ,vil/Gne#s.... 5e/s!an#s idea was to destro- den if possi(le.... L:isM ps-'!olog- reminds +s of t!at of 0t. Pa+l. 4alter $auerI Orthodoxy and eresy in !arliest "hristianity ;19?)>< %s far as Pa+l is 'on'erned, in t!e %po'al-pse LRev/%p 21<1)M onl- t!e names of t!e twelve apostles are fo+nd on t!e fo+ndations of t!e 4ew Eer+salem$t!ere is no room for Pa+l.... Kor E+stin LMart-r, in t!e mid/se'ond 'ent+r-M, ever-t!ing is (ased on t!e gospel tradition.... 5!e name of Pa+l is now!ere mentioned (- E+stinH... not onl- is !is name la'8ing, (+t also an- 'ongr+en'e wit! !is epistles.... If one ma- (e allowed to spea8 rat!er pointedl-, t!e apostle Pa+l was t!e onl- ar'!/!ereti' 8nown to t!e apostoli' age.... e m+st loo8 to t!e 'ir'le of t!e twelve apostles to find t!e g+ardians of t!e most primitive information a(o+t t!e life and prea'!ing of t!e Bord.... 5!is treas+re lies !idden in t!e s-nopti' gospels. .er%ert 6.1. -isherI 4 istory of !urope ;19?*>< Pa+l of 5ars+s ... drew a 'lear line of division (etween Lt!eM two se'ts.... 9!ristian and Eew sprang apart. .enr& MillerI (lack Spring ;19?=>< 5!at mania' 0t. Pa+l. 1udwig 4ittgensteinI "ulture and 8alue ;notes from 19?C, p+(lis!ed 1983>< 5!e spring w!i'! flows gentl- and limpidl- in t!e 7ospels seems to !ave frot! on it in Pa+l#s ,pistles.... 5o me it#s as t!o+g! I saw !+man passion !ere, somet!ing li8e pride or anger, w!i'! is not in t+ne wit! t!e !+milit- of t!e 7ospels.... I want to as8$and ma- t!is (e no (lasp!em-$ !at mig!t 9!rist !ave said to Pa+lR#... In t!e 7ospels$as it seems to me$ever-t!ing is less pretentio+s, !+m(ler, simpler. 5!ere -o+ find !+tsH in Pa+l a '!+r'!. 5!ere all men are eA+al and 7od !imself is a manH in Pa+l t!ere is alread- somet!ing li8e a !ierar'!-. =enneth PatchenI The 5ournal of 4lbion -oonlight ;19)1>< e were pro'eeding leis+rel- down t!e main street in 0t. Pa+l w!en s+ddenl-, wit!o+t warning of an- 8ind, an immense o'top+s wrapped !is arms aro+nd o+r 'ar. $ertrand 3ussellI %n G+tline of Intelle't+al R+((is!# ;19)?>< 5o(a''o ... is not pro!i(ited in t!e 0'ript+res, t!o+g!, as 0am+el @+tler pointed o+t, 0t. Pa+l wo+ld no do+(t !ave deno+n'ed it if !e !ad 8nown of it. 4ill ;urant, "aesar and "hrist ;19))>< Pa+l 'reated a t!eolog- of w!i'! none (+t t!e vag+est warrants 'an (e fo+nd in t!e words of 9!rist.... 5!ro+g! t!ese interpretations Pa+l 'o+ld negle't t!e a't+al life and sa-ings of Ees+s, w!i'! !e !ad not dire'tl- 8nown.... :e !ad repla'ed 'ond+'t wit! 'reed as t!e test of virt+e. It was a tragi' '!ange. 0haw ;esmond, Religion in t!e Postwar orld# ;G6ford Universit- 0o'rati' 9l+(, 19)=>< Pa+l ta+g!t t!e opposite of Ees+s. Paul 0chu%ert, Urgent 5as8s for 4ew 5estament Resear'!#, in :.R. illo+g!(- ;ed.>, The Study of the (ible Today and Tomorro% ;19)C>< %s regards Pa+l and !is letters t!ere is no nota(le agreement Lamong modern t!eologiansM on an- maOor iss+e. 3o%ert -rostI 4 -as*ue of -ercy ;19)C>< Pa+l< !e#s in t!e @i(le too. :e is t!e fellow w!o t!eologiDed 9!rist almost o+t of 9!ristianit-. Boo8 o+t for !im.


-ran> .arrisI -y ,ife and ,oves ;vol.?, 19)9>< 9!ristianit-, mainl- (e'a+se of Pa+l, !as atta'8ed t!e se6+al desire and !as tried to 'ondemn it root and (ran'!. .er%ert 8. MullerI The <ses of the Past ;19*2>< 0a+l of 5ars+s, w!o (e'ame 0t. Pa+l,... 8new Ees+s onl- (- !earsa-, and rarelreferred to !is !+man life.... Pa+l prea'!ed a gospel a(o+t Ees+s t!at was not ta+g!t (- t!e Ees+s of t!e s-nopti' 7ospels.... 0etting !imself against Lt!eM ot!er dis'iples,... !e was largel- responsi(le for t!e violent (rea8 wit! E+daism.... :e 'ontri(+ted a radi'al d+alism of fles! and spirit +nwarranted (- t!e tea'!ings of Ees+s. 0imone de $eau<oirI The Second Sex ;19*?>< 0t. Pa+l enOoined self/effa'ement and dis'retion +pon women.... In a religion t!at !olds t!e fles! a''+rsed, woman (e'omes t!e devil#s most fearf+l temptation. -ederico -elliniI ,a Strada ;19*)>< !ere are weR# In Rome. 5!at#s 0t. Pa+l#s.# 5!en we#re Ooining t!e 'ir'+sR# 5i>os =aAantAa>isI The ,ast Temptation of "hrist ;19**>< 5!e door opened. % sA+at, fat !+n'!(a'8, still -o+ng, (+t (ald, stood on t!e t!res!old. :is e-es were spitting fire.... %re -o+ 0a+lR#, Ees+s as8ed, !orrified.... I am Pa+l. I was saved$glor- (e to 7od"$and now I#ve set o+t to save t!e world....# M- fine lad,# Ees+s replied, I#ve alread- 'ome (a'8 from w!ere -o+#re !eaded.... &id -o+ see t!is res+rre'ted Ees+s of 4aDaret!R#, Ees+s (ellowed. &id -o+ see !im wit! -o+r own e-esR !at was !e li8eR# % flas! of lig!tning$a flas! of lig!tning w!i'! spo8e.# Biar"... !at (lasp!emies -o+ +tter" !at effronteries" !at lies" Is it wit! s+'! lies, swindler, t!at -o+ dare to save t!e worldR# 4ow it was Pa+l#s t+rn to e6plode. 0!+t -o+r s!ameless mo+t!"#, !e s!o+ted.... I don#t give a !oot a(o+t w!at#s tr+e and w!at#s false, or w!et!er I saw !im or didn#t see !im.# Charles 0eltmanI 9omen in 4nti*uity ;19*=>< 5!is man of 5ars+s, (eing somew!at !ostile (ot! to women and to mating, (egan to advo'ate (ot! t!e repression of females and t!e intemperate pra'ti'e of perpet+al virginit-,... greatl- degrading women in t!e e-es of men.... 4onsensi'al anti/feminism was d+e, in t!e first instan'e, to Pa+l of 5ars+s.... Kor Pa+l se6 was indeed a misfort+ne wit!drawing man#s interest from !eavenl- t!ings.... %s t!e 9!+r'! in'reased in infl+en'e wit!in t!e Roman ,mpire, it 'arried along wit! it t!e 'orp+s of Pa+line writings, and t!e impli'it s+(ordination of t!e female. 5!e disli8e, even t!e !atred, of women grew to (e pat!ologi'al.... LPa+l#sM tea'!ing a(o+t women as interpreted (- !is s+''essors 'ontin+es even toda- to s!o'8 t!o+g!tf+l persons.... 5!e 7alilean ... was !imself displa'ed (- t!e 9!+r'! Militant on eart!, diso(edient to Ees+s, see8ing new wa-s to power.... It !ad overt!rown t!e pre'epts of Ees+s. 5!e t!eolog- of Bove,... !aving (een re'ast as 9!ristendom, (orrowed from t!e simpler nat+re religions Kear as t!e finest instr+ment for t!e attainment of power. G. Ernest 4right & 3eginald .. -ullerI The (ook of the 4cts of God ;19*C>< 5!e earliest 9!+r'! glossed over t!e deat! of Ees+s and 'on'entrated its attention on t!e res+rre'tion,... Lw!ereasM m+'! prominen'e is given in t!e Pa+line epistles to t!e notion t!at Lit wasM (- !is deat! Lt!atM 9!rist won t!e de'isive vi'tor- over t!e powers of evil. 5!is m-t!ologi'al notion was not a feat+re of t!e earliest prea'!ing.... LK+rt!ermore,M (ot! t!e t!eolog- and t!e pra'ti'e of (aptism +nderwent a n+m(er of '!anges. Kor t!e primitive 9!+r'!, (aptism !ad (een performed in t!e name of Ees+s, and its (enefit defined as t!e remission of sins and ... t!e gift of t!e :ol- 0pirit,... L(+tM 0t Pa+l 'an spea8 of (aptism as a s-m(oli'al parti'ipation in 9!rist#s deat! and res+rre'tionH... s+'! ideas !ave (een freA+entl- as'ri(ed to t!e infl+en'e of t!e m-ster- religions, in w!ose rites t!e initiate sa'ramentall- s!ared t!e fate of t!e '+lt deit-.... LMoreover,M t!e Pa+line '!+r'!es were t!e first to deta'! t!e L,+'!aristi'M rite wit! t!e (read and '+p from t!e 'ommon meal.... %ll t!ree s-nopti' gospels are t!e prod+'ts of t!e non/Pa+line ... '!+r'!es. 4illiam ;. ;a<iesI Pa+l and Eewis! 9!ristianit-#, in E. &anilo+ ;ed.>, ThDologie du 5udDo-"hriantianisme ;19*8>< Eewis!/ 9!ristians Lopposing Pa+lM ... m+st !ave (een a ver- strong, widespread element in t!e earliest da-s of t!e 9!+r'!.... 5!e- too8 for granted t!at t!e gospel was 'ontin+o+s wit! E+daism.... %''ording to some s'!olars, t!e- m+st !ave (een so strong t!at rig!t +p to t!e fall of Eer+salem in %& C3 t!e- were t!e dominant element in t!e 9!ristian movement. M 5!e %postoli' %ge and t!e Bife of Pa+l#, Peake's "ommentary on the (ible ;19=2>< Gf t!e !istor- of t!e 9!+r'! at Eer+salem (etween %& )) and t!e fall of Eer+salem in %& C3 we 8now ver- little.... %ttempts at ... minimiDing t!e g+lf (etween 7entile and Eer+salem 9!ristianit- (rea8 down on t!e opposition w!i'! t!e Pa+line mission so often en'o+ntered from Eewis! 9!ristians.... %'ts !as so elevated Pa+l t!at ot!ers w!o la(ored !ave (een dwarfed, and an- assessment of t!e rise of 7entile 9!ristianit- m+st allow for t!e possi(le distortion introd+'ed (- t!is 'on'entration of %'ts on Pa+l.... 5!e ,pistles and %'ts reveal t!at Pa+l 'ame to regard !imself ... as t!e Lone and onl-M %postle to t!e 7entiles. 1awrence ;urrellI "lea ;19=3>< Kor a (rief moment LfreedomM loo8ed possi(le, (+t 0t. Pa+l restored ... t!e iron !and/'+ffs. Gershom 0cholemI On the 6abbalah and &ts Symbolism ;19=3>< Pa+l read t!e Gld 5estament against t!e grain#. 5!e in'redi(le violen'e wit! w!i'! !e did so, s!ows ... !ow in'ompati(le !is e6perien'e was wit! t!e meaning of t!e old (oo8s.... 5!e res+lt was t!e parado6 t!at never 'eases to amaDe +s w!en we read t!e Pa+line ,pistles< on t!e one !and, t!e Gld 5estament is preservedH on t!e ot!er, its original meaning is 'ompletel- set aside. M 5!e 9risis of 5radition in Eewis! Messianism# ;19=8>< 5!e religio+s strateg- of Pa+l ... LisM downrig!t antinomian. .ans 8oachim 0choepsI Paul? The Theology of the 4postle in the ,ight of 5e%ish Religious istory ;,nglis! translation 19=1>< L&rawing aM star8 'ontrast (etween t!e religion of t!e law and t!e religion of gra'e,... Pa+l !ad lost all +nderstanding of t!e '!ara'ter of t!e :e(rai' berith L'ovenantM as a partners!ip involving m+t+al o(ligations, Land t!+sM !e failed to grasp t!e inner meaning of t!e Mosai' law. MaG ;imontI 5e%s7 God7 and istory ;19=2>< If Pa+l !ad lived toda-, !e mig!t !ave ended +p on a ps-'!iatrist#s 'o+'!. 5!ro+g!o+t !is life !e was overw!elmed wit! an all/pervasive sense of g+ilt w!i'! p+rs+ed !im wit! relentless f+r-.... 5!e '+stom !ad (een for non/ Eewis! 'onverts to (e'ome Eews first, t!en (e admitted into t!e 9!ristian se't. Pa+l felt t!at pagans s!o+ld (e'ome 9!ristians dire'tl-, wit!o+t first (eing 'onverted to E+daism.... 0lowl- !e '!anged earl- 9!ristianit- into a new Pa+line 9!ristolog-.... 9!ristianit- was no longer a Eewis! se't, for Pa+l !ad a(andoned t!e Mosai' tradition. 5ils 6. ;ahlI 5!e Parti'+larit- of t!e Pa+line ,pistles as a Pro(lem in t!e %n'ient 9!+r'!#, $eotestamentica et Patristica? !ine .reundesgabe7 errn Professor #r= Oscar "ullman ;19=2>< 5!e parti'+larit- of t!e Pa+line ,pistles was felt as a pro(lem, from a time (efore t!e 9orp+s pa+lin+m was p+(lis!ed and +ntil it !ad (een in'orporated into a 'omplete 'anon of 4ew 5estament 0'ript+re. Bater on, t!e pro(lem was no longer felt,... w!en t!e- served as so+r'es for re'onstr+'tion of a general (i(li'al t!eolog-# or a s-stem of pa+linism#. Erich -rommI The #ogma of "hrist ;19=?>< Pa+l appealed ... to some of t!e wealt!- and ed+'ated 'lass, espe'iall- mer'!ants, w!o (- means of t!eir advent+res and travels !ad a de'ided importan'e for t!e diff+sion of 9!ristianit-.... L5!isM !ad (een t!e religion of a 'omm+nit- of eA+al (rot!ers, wit!o+t !ierar'!- or (+rea+'ra'-, L(+tM was 'onverted into t!e 9!+r'!#, t!e refle'ted image of t!e a(sol+te monar'!- of t!e Roman ,mpire. 0&l<ia PlathI The (ell 5ar ;19=?>< 5!e onl- tro+(le was, 9!+r'!, even t!e 9at!oli' 9!+r'!, didn#t ta8e +p t!e w!ole of -o+r life. 4o


matter !ow m+'! -o+ 8nelt and pra-ed, -o+ still !ad to eat t!ree meals a da- and !ave a Oo( and live in t!e world. 4illiam .. Mc5eillI The Rise of the 9est ;19=?>< % A+estion w!i'! immediatel- arose in t!e 9!ristian 'omm+nities o+tside Palestine was w!et!er or not t!e Mosai' law remained (inding. Pa+l#s answer was t!at 9!rist !ad a(rogated t!e Gld &ispensation (opening a new pat! to salvation. Gt!er followers of 9!rist !eld t!at traditional Eewis! '+stom and law still remained in for'e.... 4eit!er Peter and Eames, t!e leaders in Eer+salem, nor Pa+l ... 'o+ld pers+ade t!e ot!er part-. 8ames $aldwinI The .ire $ext Time ;19=?>< 5!e real ar'!ite't of t!e 9!ristian '!+r'! was not t!e disrep+ta(le, s+n/(a8ed :e(rew w!o gave it !is name (+t Lrat!erM t!e mer'ilessl- fanati'al and self/rig!teo+s 0t. Pa+l. Georg 0trec>erI Gn t!e Pro(lem of Eewis! 9!ristianit-#, %ppendi6 1 to alter @a+er, op=cit= ;19=) ed.>< Eewis! 9!ristianit-, a''ording to t!e witness of t!e 4ew 5estament, stands at t!e (eginning of t!e development of '!+r'! !istor-, so t!at it is not t!e Lpa+lineM gentile 9!ristian e''lesiasti'al do'trine# t!at represents w!at is primar-, (+t rat!er a Eewis! 9!ristian t!eolog-. 8orge 1uOs $orgesI 5!e 5!eologians# ;19=)>< 5!e :istorioni's ... invo8ed I/9orint!ians 1?<12 ;Kor now we see t!ro+g! a glass, o(s'+rel-#> in order to demonstrate t!at ever-t!ing we see is false. Per!aps 'ontaminated (- t!e Monotonists, t!e- imagined t!at ea'! person is two persons and t!at t!e real one is t!e ot!er, t!e one in :eaven. Gilles :uispelI 7nosti'ism and t!e 4ew 5estament#, in E. P!ilip :-att ;ed.>, The (ible in -odern Scholarship ;papers read at t!e 133t! meeting of t!e 0o'iet- of @i(li'al Biterat+re, 19=)>< 5!e 9!ristian 'omm+nit- of Eer+salem ... did not a''ept LPa+l#sM views on t!e LMosai'M Baw. .elmut =oesterI 5!e 5!eologi'al %spe'ts of Primitive 9!ristian :eres-#, in Eames Ro(inson ;ed.>, The .uture of our Religious Past ;19=)>< Pa+l !imself stands in t!e twilig!t Done of !eres-. M &ntroduction to the $e% Testament ;1983>< 5!e 'ontent of Pa+l#s spee'!es in %'ts 'annot (e !armoniDed wit! t!e t!eolog- of Pa+l as we 8now it from !is letters.... 4eit!er is it 'redi(le t!at !e affirmed repeatedl- in !is trial t!at !e !ad alwa-s lived as a law/L5ora!/Ma(iding Eew.... Krom t!e (eginning of %'ts to t!e mart-rdom of 0tep!en, t!e 'entral fig+re in t!e narrative !as (een Peter. %t t!is point, !owever, Pa+l is introd+'ed for t!e first time.... Peter is alwa-s presented as an apostle, sin'e !e (elongs to t!e 'ir'le of t!e 5welve. @+t in %'ts 1* Peter is mentioned for t!e last time, and B+8e !as not!ing to report a(o+t !is Oo+rne- to Rome or !is mart-rdom. ,ven more pe'+liar is t!e presentation of Pa+l. :e is neit!er an apostle nor a mart-r.... K+rt!ermore, B+8e ta8es great 'are to demonstrate t!at t!e originator of t!e pro'lamation to t!e gentiles was not Pa+l ;or @arna(as>, (+t Peter. M 4ncient "hristian Gospels ;1993>< Gne immediatel- en'o+nters a maOor diffi'+lt-. !atever Ees+s !ad prea'!ed did not (e'ome t!e 'ontent of t!e missionar- pro'lamation of Pa+l.... 0a-ings of Ees+s do not pla- a role in Pa+l#s +nderstanding of t!e event of salvation.... 5!e ,pistle of Eames also s!ares wit! t!e 0ermon on t!e Mo+nt t!e reOe'tion of t!e Pa+line t!esis t!at 9!rist is t!e end of t!e LMosai'M law. M wit! 0tephen PattersonI 5!e 7ospel of 5!omas< &oes It 9ontain %+t!enti' 0a-ings of Ees+sR#, (ible Revie% ;1993>< Pa+l did not 'are at all w!at Ees+s !ad said.... :ad Pa+l (een 'ompletel- s+''essf+l, ver- little of t!e sa-ings of Ees+s wo+ld !ave s+rvived. 1orenAo TurradoI (iblical "ommentary by the Professors of Salamanca , VI ;19=*>< 5!e f+ndamental idea in t!e e6position of t!e %postle LPa+l in Rom 1?<1/CM ... is t!at all a+t!orit- 'omes from 7od, and to diso(e- t!em is to diso(e- 7od.... 5!e do'trine maintained !ere (- t!e %postle !as ver- grave 'onseA+en'es.... L:e does notM 'onsider t!e 'ase in w!i'! t!ose a+t!orities 'ommand t!ings w!i'! are unEust.... LRegarding t!eM in'ident (etween Peter and Pa+l in %ntio'! L7al 2<11/1)M< !atever indeed was wrong in t!e 'ond+'t of PeterR... 5!ere were a+t!ors, alread- sin'e 9lement of %le6andria, w!o, tr-ing to salvage t!e prestige of Peter, s+stained t!at t!e 9ep!as# w!om 0t Pa+l !ere 'onfronts is not Peter t!e %postle, (+t rat!er some ot!er 9!ristian, +n8nown to +s toda-, wit! t!e name 9ep!as.... 4eit!er does t!e opinion defended (- some :ol- Kat!ers, t!at it !as to do wit! feigned re(+8es, !ave an- (asis,... sin'e 0t Pa+l 'learl- gives t!e impression t!at !e is spea8ing A+ite serio+sl- to Peter. 8uan 1ealI 8osN Ignacio ?icentini et aliaI The oly Scripture7 Text and "ommentary by Professors of the Society of 5esus ;19=*J>, II.?31< Pa+l#s sol+tion Lregarding Rom 1?<1/=M is limited.... 0t 5!omas ; &n omnes S= Pauli epistolas commentaria L5a+rini 192)M, v.I, p.181> disting+is!es t!ree aspe'ts of power< ;1> power as s+'!$'onsidered t!+s, power 'omes from 7odH ;2> t!e manner of 'oming to power$t!is 'an (e ordered, or disordered and illi'itH ;?> t!e +se of power$w!i'! 'an (e in 'onformit- wit!, or 'ontrar- to, t!e pre'epts of divine O+sti'e. Pa+l 'onsiders onl- t!e t!ird aspe't. Emil G. =raelingI The #isciples ;19==>< 5!e pe'+liar, +n!armoniDed relations!ip (etween Pa+l and t!e 5welve t!at e6isted from t!e (eginning was never f+ll- adO+sted.... Modern @i(li'al resear'! in parti'+lar !as made it diffi'+lt to p+t t!e religion of t!e 4ew 5estament ;to sa- not!ing of t!e @i(le as a w!ole> into t!e straig!tOa'8et of Pa+linism. 3onald ;. 1aingI The Politics of !xperience ;19=C>< 5wo people sit tal8ing. 5!e one ;Peter> is ma8ing a point to t!e ot!er ;Pa+l>. :e p+ts !is point of view in different wa-s to Pa+l for some time, (+t Pa+l does not +nderstand.... Pa+l seems !ard, impervio+s and 'old. $ruce ?awterI The .our Gospels ;19=C>< e !ave no a+t!enti' information a(o+t t!e a'tivit- of most of t!e 5welve after t!e first da-s of t!e 9!+r'! in Eer+salem, (+t it is li8el- eno+g! t!at t!e- remained identified wit! Eewis! 9!ristianit-, parti'+larl-, per!aps, wit! t!e 7alilean 9!ristianit- a(o+t w!i'! we 8now pra'ti'all- not!ing.... 5!is 9!ristianit- ... all (+t disappeared. Paul TillichI 4 istory of "hristian Thought ;19=8>< 5!e LMosai'M law was not eval+ated in t!e negative wa- in w!i'! we +s+all- do itH for t!e Eews it was a gift and a Oo-.... 5!e wa- of despair ... was t!e wa- of people li8e Pa+l, %+g+stine, and B+t!er.... Pa+l#s 'onfli't wit! t!e Eewis! 9!ristians did not !ave to (e 'ontin+ed. Instead of t!at, t!e positive elements in t!e fait!, w!i'! 'o+ld provide an +nderstanda(le 'ontent for t!e pagans, !ad to (e (ro+g!t o+t. 8oseph Camp%ellI The -asks of God? "reative -ythology ;19=8>< 5!e reign in ,+rope of t!at order of +nreason, +nreasoning s+(mission to t!e di'ta of a+t!orit-<... 0aint Pa+l !imself !ad opened t!e door to s+'! imp+dent idio'ies. GRnther $orn>ammI Paul ;19=9>< %(ove all t!ere res+lts t!e '!asm w!i'! separates Ees+s from Pa+l and t!e 'on'l+sion t!at more t!an t!e !istori'al Ees+s ... it is Pa+l w!o reall- fo+nded 9!ristianit-.... %lread- d+ring !is lifetime Pa+l was 'onsidered an illegitimate %postle and a falsifier of t!e 9!ristian message.... Kor a long time, E+deo/9!ristianit- reOe'ted !im 'ompletel-, as a rival to Peter and Eames, t!e (rot!er of t!e Bord.... Pa+l does not 'onne't immediatel- wit! ... Lt!eM words ... of t!e eart!l- Ees+s. ,ver-t!ing seems to indi/ 'ate t!at !e didn#t even 8now t!em. ;a<id $enBGurionI &srael? 4 Personal istory ;19C1>< Ees+s pro(a(l- differed little from man- ot!er Eews of !is generation. 5!e new religion was given an anti/Eewis! emp!asis (- 0a+l,... Lw!oM gave 9!ristianit- a new dire'tion. :e so+g!t to +proot Eewis! law and 'ommandments, and to eliminate E+daism as a national entit- striving to a'!ieve t!e Messiani' vision of t!e Prop!ets. 4illiam 0teuart Mc$irnieI The Search for the T%elve 4postles ;19C?>< !- did Ees+s '!oose onl- twelve '!ief %postlesR G(vio+sl-, to 'orrespond to t!e twelve tri(es of Israel.... Pa+l sto+tl- maintained t!at !e also was an %postle.... Iet t!ere is no eviden'e


t!at !e was ever admitted to t!at inner 'ir'le of t!e original 5welve.... 5!ose w!o e6pe't t!e %'ts to (e t!e 'omplete earl- !istor- of 9!ris/ tianit- are doomed to disappointment.... 5!e @i(le st+dent is soon, and per!aps +n'ons'io+sl-, 'a+g!t +p in t!e personal ministr- of Pa+l. Peter, t!o+g! prominent at first, is later ignored, as t!e %'ts +nfolds for t!e reader t!e stor- of Pa+l and !is friends.... 5!ere is a(sol+tel- no eviden'e t!at Pa+l ever re'ogniDed t!e prima'-# of Peter. 3onald $rownriggI The T%elve 4postles ;19C)>< 5!e letters of Pa+l present a mar8ed 'ontrast to B+8e#s writings Lin !is 7ospel and t!e %'tsM. !ereas B+8e s+ggests t!at t!e %postles were a 'losed 'orporation of twelve governing t!e w!ole 9!+r'!, Pa+l disagrees, 'laiming !is own %postles!ip to (e as valid as an- of t!e twelve.... 9ertainl- Pa+l 8new no a+t!orit- of t!e twelve.... 5!e A+alifi'ation for %postles!ip, at t!e ele'tion of Matt!ias L%' 1<1*/2=M, !ad (een a divinel- g+ided sele'tion and a 'onstant 'ompanions!ip wit! Ees+s t!ro+g!o+t !is La'tiveM lifetime. Elaine .. PagelsI The Gnostic Paul ;19C*>< 5wo antit!eti'al traditions of Pa+line e6egesis !ave emerged from t!e late first 'ent+rt!ro+g! t!e se'ond. ,a'! 'laims to (e a+t!enti', 9!ristian, and Pa+line< (+t one reads Pa+l anti/gnosti'all-, t!e ot!er gnosti'all-.... !oever ta8es a''o+nt of t!e total eviden'e ma- learn from t!e de(ate to approa'! Pa+line e6egesis wit! renewed openness to t!e te6t. M The Gnostic Gospels ;19C9>< Gne version of t!is stor- Lof Pa+l#s 'onversionM sa-s, 5!e men w!o were traveling wit! !im stood spee'!/ less, !earing t!e voi'e (+t seeing no one#H anot!er sa-s t!e opposite,... 5!ose w!o were wit! me saw t!e lig!t, (+t did not !ear t!e voi'e of t!e one w!o was spea8ing to me.# Paul 8ohnsonI 4 istory of "hristianity ;19C=>< 5!e 9!rist of Pa+l was not affirmed (- t!e !istori'al Ees+s of t!e Eer+salem 9!+r'!.... ritings ... (- 9!ristian Eews of t!e de'ade of t!e *3#s L%&M present Pa+l as t!e %nti'!rist and t!e prime !ereti'.... 5!e 9!ris/ tolog- of Pa+l, w!i'! later (e'ame t!e s+(stan'e of t!e +niversal 9!ristian fait!,... was predi'ated (- an e6ternal personage w!om manmem(ers of t!e Eer+salem 9!+r'! a(sol+tel- did not re'ogniDe as an %postle. Ir<ing .oweI 9orld of our .athers ;19C=>< 5!e view t!at se6+al a'tivit- is imp+re or at least s+spe't, so often an a''ompaniment of 9!ristianit-, was seldom entertained in t!e Least/,+ropean Eewis!M shtetl. Pa+l#s remar8 t!at it is (etter to marr- t!an to (+rn wo+ld !ave seemed strange, if not downrig!t impio+s, to t!e Eews. 8ohn Morris 3o%ertsI istory of the 9orld ;19C=>< 5!e reported devotional ideas of Ees+s do not go (e-ond t!e Eewis! o(servan'esH servi'e in t!e 5emple, toget!er wit! private pra-er, were all t!at !e indi'ated. In t!is ver- real sense, !e lived and died as a Eew.... K+lfillment of t!e LMosai'M Baw was essential.... 5!e do'trine t!at Pa+l ta+g!t was new. :e reOe'ted t!e Baw ;as Ees+s !ad never done>,... and t!is was to s!atter t!e mold of Eewis! t!o+g!t wit!in w!i'! t!e fait! !ad (een (orn. 8ames M. 3o%insonI The $ag ammadi "odices ;19CC>< 5!e 4ew 5estament 7ospels present t!e res+rre'ted 9!rist as !aving a (od- t!at appears to (e a !+man (od-$!e is ta8en for a gardener, or for a traveler to ,mma+sH !e eatsH !is wo+nds 'an (e to+'!ed.... Pa+l insists again and again t!at, alt!o+g! !e was not a dis'iple d+ring Ees+s# lifetime, !e did witness a gen+ine appearan'e of t!e res+rre'ted 9!rist. @+t !is pi't+re of a res+rre'tion (od-# is a (rig!t lig!t, a !eavenl- (od-# li8e a s+n, star or planet, not li8e an eart!l- (od-. 0o t!e (oo8 of %'ts, w!ile re'o+nting in detail Pa+l#s en'o+nter wit! Ees+s as a (linding lig!t, presents it as if it were !ardl- more t!an a 'on/ version#. Kor t!e a+t!or Lof %'tsM pla'es it well o+tside of t!e period of res+rre'tion appearan'es, w!i'! !e !ad limited to fort- da-s. Edward 0chille%eec>GI "hrist ;19CC>< 5!ere is a differen'e (etween t!e t!eolog- of t!e earl- Eewis! 9!ristian 'ongregations in Eer+salem w!i'! are oriented on Ees+s of 4aDaret!, and Pa+line t!eolog-, w!i'! 8nows onl- t!e 'r+'ified#. Mircea EliadeI istory of (eliefs and Religious &deas ;19C8>< Pa+l wo+ld !ave to (e seen as fatall- opposed to t!e E+deo/9!ristians of Eer+salem,... a 'onfli't of w!i'! Pa+l and t!e %'ts ;7al 2<C/13, %'ts 1*<29> give 'ontradi'tor- versions. $ar%ara TuchmanI 4 #istant -irror? The "alamitous /3th "entury ;19C8>< Gf all man8ind#s ideas, t!e eA+ating of se6 wit! sin !as left t!e greatest train of tro+(le.... In 9!ristian t!eolog-, via 0t. Pa+l, it 'onferred permanent g+ilt on man8ind.... Its se6+al 'onte6t was largel- form+lated (- 0t. %+g+stine, w!ose spirit+al wrestlings set 9!ristian dogma t!ereafter in opposition to man#s most powerf+l in/ stin't. Thomas MarasI The "ontradictions in the $e% Testament ;19C9>< In disagreement wit! LMatt!ew and B+8eM, w!o wis! !im to (e a dire't 0on of 7od, Pa+l sa-s to +s Lin Rom 1<?/)M t!at in t!e fles! Ees+s is t!e des'endent of &avid, and onl- in power is t!e 0on of 7od. Patric> .enr&I $e% #irections in $e% Testament Study ;19C9>< 5!ere remains in t!e pop+lar mind a strong s+spi'ion ... t!at Pa+l 'orr+pted 9!ristianit- ;or even fo+nded a different religion>.... Ees+s LwasM a tea'!er in t!e mainstream of Eewis! prop!eti' piet-,... w!ile Pa+l ... ta8es t!e irrevo'a(le step awa- from E+daism of reOe'ting t!e LMosai'M law.... Pa+l imported into t!e 9!ristian 'omm+nit- a form of religion '!ara'teristi' of t!e m-steries#,... religio+s movements of initiation into se'ret rites and esoteri' 8nowledge. /g MandinoI The "hrist "ommission ;1983>< 5!e dis'iples and ot!er intimate followers of Ees+s are all pio+s Eews. 8uan 1uis 0egundoI The Person of Today confronting 5esus of $a;areth ;1982>< it!in less t!an t!irt- -ears of t!e events narrated (- t!e 0-nopti's 'on'erning t!e life and pro'lamation, deat! and res+rre'tion of Ees+s, Pa+l permits !imself to 'ompose a long and 'omple6 e6position of w!at t!is means, retaining, apparentl-, onl- t!e two final spe'ifi' events, t!e deat! and t!e res+rre'tion. Ees+s# words are not 'ited ;wit! t!e e6'eption of t!ose prono+n'ed over t!e (read and wine at t!e Bast 0+pper>, !is tea'!ings are not remem(ered. 5!e 8e- terms !ave disappeared w!i'! !e emplo-ed to designate !imself, !is mission and !is immediate a+dien'e< t!e 0on of Man, t!e 2ingdom of 7od, t!e poor. 6%%a E%anI "ivili;ation and the 5e%s ; 4,5 :eritage video `?, 198)>< 5!ose w!o followed t!e tea'!ings of Ees+s were 8nown among ot!er Eews as 4aDarenes. In t!e (eginning, t!e 4aDarene se't was 'ompletel- Eewis!.... %lt!o+g! t!is !ad (een a Eewis! se't, Pa+l wel'omed new followers wit!o+t !aving t!em 'onvert to E+daism. 8Rrgen MoltmannI Political Theology XSY !thical Theology ;198)>< 5!e t!eolog- of Pa+l and t!at of t!e Reformation interpreted t!e deat! of Ees+s t!eologi'all- as a vi'tim of t!e law Lof IsraelMH and t!e- made it ver- 'lear t!at t!e res+rre'tion and e6altation of 9!rist signified t!e a(olition of Lt!atM law wit! all its demands.... L@+tM Ees+s did not die (- stoning, (+t rat!er (- Roman e6e'+tion. 7igael 7adinI 5!e 5emple 0'roll$t!e Bongest &ead 0ea 0'roll#, (iblical 4rchaeology Revie% ;0ept/G't 198)>< e m+st distin/ g+is! (etween t!e vario+s la-ers, or strata, to +se an ar'!aeologi'al term, of earl- 9!ristianit-. 5!e t!eolog-, t!e do'trines and t!e pra'ti'es of Ees+s, Eo!n t!e @aptist and Pa+l ... are not t!e same. Michael $aigentI 3ichard 1eigh & .enr& 1incolnI The -essianic ,egacy ;198=>< In w!at ... does 9!ristianit-# resideR In w!at Ees+s ta+g!tR Gr in w!at Pa+l ta+g!tR ,6'ept (- sleig!t of logi' and distortion of !istori'al fa't, t!e two positions 'annot (e !armoniDed. 8ames MichenerI ,egacy ;198C>< omen ... will no longer 8owtow to t!e f+lminations of 0t. Pa+l. $ruce MetAgerI The "anon of the $e% Testament ;198C>< %''ording to LsomeM s'!olars t!e presen'e of 'ontradi'tions (etween 4ew


5estament (oo8s ... ma8es it ne'essar- to esta(lis! a 'riti'al 'anon.... Kor e6ample, t!e es'!atolog- of B+8e/%'ts 'annot, it is said, (e !armoniDed wit! Pa+l#s es'!atolog-.... %gain, t!e o+tloo8 on t!e Gld 5estament law in t!e ,pistle to t!e Romans 'ertainl- appears to (e different from t!e o+tloo8 in Matt. v.18.... K+rt!ermore, t!e ,pistle of Eames atta'8s t!e Pa+line do'trine of O+stifi'ation (- fait! alone. Kor t!ese and similar reasons, it is arg+ed,... t!ere LisM no +nit- wit!in t!e 'anon. 4atchtower $i%le & Tract 0ociet&I Pa+l#, &nsight on the Scriptures ;1988>< !ose name t!en appears among t!ose on t!e twelve fo+ndation stones# of t!e 4ew Eer+salem of Eo!n#s vision$Matt!ias# or Pa+l#sR ;Rev/%p 21<2,1)> ... 7od#s original '!oi'e, namel- Mat/ t!ias. Paula -redri>senI .rom 5esus to "hrist ;1988>< 0'!olars, t!eir 'onf+sion fa'ilitated (- Pa+l#s own apparent in'onsisten'-,... do not agree even on w!at Pa+l said, m+'! less w!- !e said it. 8ostein GaarderI Sophie's 9orld ;1991>< as 9!rist a 9!ristianR 5!at also 'an 'ertainl- (e de(ated. Gerald MessadiNI Saul the &ncendiary ;Paris 1991>< 0a+l does not reall- 8now t!e tea'!ing of Ees+s. In t!e ,pistles t!ere are no tra'es of t!e para(les, nor of t!e e6pressions and attit+des of Ees+s.... 5!e transformation, t!e essential metanoia of t!e (eliever (- et!i'al meditation, !as almost no pla'e in !is writings.... 0a+l A+i'8l- arrogates to !imself, and it seems in'redi(le, t!e privilege of t!e tr+t!. :e, w!o onl- glimpsed Ees+s, wit! +nparalleled arrogan'e 'laims to (e t!e onl- one w!o possesses t!e tr+t! of t!e tea'!ing of t!e Messia!$ against t!ose w!o, for t!eir part, 8new Ees+s personall-, against t!e first dis'iples. !at insolen'e< !e 'onsiders Peter a !-po'rite#"... I as8ed m-self if 0a+l wo+ldn#t !ave parti'ipated also in t!e plot of t!e 0an!edrin against Ees+s.... @efore !im, t!ere are no 9!ristians, onlEewis! dis'iples of t!e Eewis! Ees+s. %fter !im, 9!ristianit- and E+daism will (e irre'on'ila(le.... 5!e ,pistles ma8e a(sol+tel- no mention of t!e life of Ees+s.... It is t!e et!i'al tea'!ing of 0a+l !imself w!i'! dominates, as if to repla'e t!at of Ees+s in Ees+s# own name.... L:eM does not mention a single mira'le of Ees+s.... Krom a stri'tl- 0'ript+ral point of view, t!e tea'!ing of 0a+l diverges, in man- f+ndamental points, from t!at transmitted (- t!e dire't witnesses of Ees+s. 8on 0o%rinoI 5esus "hrist ,iberator ;1991>< Pa+l#s ... 9!ristolog- is 'entered on t!e res+rre'ted Bord, and !e does not ma8e a de/ tailed t!eologi'al appraisal of t!e life of Ees+s. 0tephen MitchellI The Gospel according to 5esus ;1991>< Pa+l of 5ars+s ... LwasM t!e most misleading of t!e earliest 9!ristian writers,... LandM a parti'+larl- diffi'+lt '!ara'ter< arrogant, self/rig!teo+s, filled wit! m+rdero+s !atred of !is opponents, terrified of 7od, oppressed (- w!at !e felt as t!e (+rden of t!e LMosai'M Baw, overw!elmed (- !is sense of sin.... :e didn#t +nderstand Ees+s at all. :e wasn#t even interested in Ees+sH O+st in !is own idea of t!e 9!rist. Paulo 0uessI %''+lt+ration#, in Igna'io ,lla'+r.a F Eon 0o(rino ;eds.>, -ysterium ,iberationis ;1991>< 5!e allegori'al e6egesis of P!ilo ;1? @9/)*/*3 %&>, Eewis! p!ilosop!er and t!eologian, is present in t!e writings of Pa+l,... Lw!oM was in man- respe'ts a fig+re at-pi'al of t!e primitive 9!+r'!,... d+e to t!e transition from an agrarian 'onte6t$ver- m+'! present in t!e para(les$to an +r(an world ... of t!e great 'ities. 0hlomo 3is>inI The 5erusalem Post &nternational !dition ;28 Mar'! 1992>< 0a+l of 5ars+s ... (ro8e from Eewis! Baw, and t!e religion t!ere(- 'reated was soon en'r+sted wit! pagan elements. .olger =ersten & Elmar Gru%erI The 5esus "onspiracy ;1992>< Pa+l ma8es t!e w!ole p+rpose of Ees+s# a'tivit- rest e6'l+sivel- in t!is d-ing on t!e 9ross. :ere !e !as little interest in t!e words and tea'!ings of Ees+s, (+t !e ma8es ever-t!ing depend on !is own tea'!ing< t!e salvation from sins (- t!e vi'ario+s sa'rifi'ial deat! of Ees+s. &oes it not seem most strange t!at Ees+s !imself did not give t!e slig!test !int t!at !e intended to save t!e entire fait!f+l se'tion of !+manit- (- !is deat!R... %lt!o+g! t!ere are several most delig!tf+l passages in t!e te6ts of Pa+l, 9!ristianit- !as !is narrow/minded fanati'ism to t!an8 for n+mero+s detrimental developments, w!i'! are diametri'all- opposed to t!e spirit of Ees+s< t!e intoleran'e towards t!ose of different views, t!e mar8ed !ostilit- to t!e (od- and t!e 'on/ seA+entl- low view of woman, and espe'iall- t!e fatall- flawed attit+de towards 4at+re.... :e t+rns Ees+s# tea'!ing of 0alvation +pside down, and opposes !is reforming ideasH instead of t!e original Oo-o+s tidings, t!e Pa+line message of t!reats was developed. ;ennis 8. Tris>er & ?era ?. MartOneA T.I They 4lso (elieve ;1992>< !ile man- persons (elieve t!at 9!ristianit- was fo+nded (Ees+s 9!rist,... it is d+e to Pa+l t!at t!ere e6ists t!e organiDation 'alled 9!ristian.... In t!e 4ew 5estament, we 'an see !ow Pa+l ... was in disagreement wit! t!e '!+r'! in Eer+salem and even !eld in s+spi'ion (- t!em.... :e did not emp!asiDe t!e Eewis! aspe't of t!e tea'!ing, and t!is (ro+g!t a(o+t t!e first separation wit!in t!e '!+r'!. %'ross t!e -ears t!is separation widened, ma8ing t!e '!+r'! more pagan and less Eewis!.... Pa+l was no %postle. Ka<ier Su%iriI The Philosophical Problem of the istory of Religions ;199?>< 5!ere is a(sol+tel- no do+(t t!at m+'! of 0t. Pa+l#s terminolog- derives from t!e M-ster- Religions. $art ;. EhrmanI The Orthodox "orruption of Scripture ;199?>< !et!er seen from a so'ial or a t!eologi'al point of view,... 9!ristianit- in t!e earl- 'ent+ries was a remar8a(l- diversified p!enomenon.... Matt!ew and Pa+l are (ot! in t!e 'anon.... Man- of Pa+l#s opponents were 'learl- Eewis! 9!ristians ... Lw!oM a''epted t!e (inding a+t!orit- of t!e Gld 5estament ;and t!erefore t!e 'ontin+ing validit- of t!e LMosai'M Baw> (+t reOe'ted t!e a+t!orit- of t!e apostate %postle, Pa+l. M The $e% Testament ;video 'o+rse, 5!e 5ea'!ing 9ompan-, 2333>< !at did t!e !istori'al Ees+s tea'! in 'omparison wit! w!at t!e !istori'al Pa+l ta+g!tR... Ees+s ta+g!t t!at to es'ape O+dgment a person m+st 8eep t!e 'entral tea'!ings of t!e Eewis! Baw as !e, Ees+s !imself, interpreted t!em. Pa+l, interestingl- eno+g!, never mentions Ees+s# interpretation of t!e LMosai'M Baw, and Pa+l was A+ite insistent t!at 8eeping t!e Baw wo+ld never (ring 0alvation. 5!e onl- wa- to (e saved, for Pa+l, was to tr+st Ees+s# deat! and res+rre'tion.... Pa+l transformed t!e religion of Ees+s into a religion about Ees+s. Elsa TameAI omen#s Rereading of t!e @i(le#, in Urs+la 2ing ;ed.>, .eminist Theology from the Third 9orld ;199?>< L5!ere areM 'ontradi'tions in some of 0t Pa+l#s writings, w!i'! event+all- were +sed to promote t!e s+(mission of women.... 0t Pa+l 'alled for women to 8eep silent in '!+r'!.... !en a woman (e'omes dangero+sl- a'tive or t!reatening to t!ose in powerf+l positions, aid is fo+nd in t!e 'lassi' Pa+line te6ts to demand women#s s+(mission to men. It is in moments li8e t!ese t!at some women do not 8now !ow to respond. 3a&mond E. $rownI The (irth of the -essiah ;0+pplement 199?>< LRegardingM Pa+l#s statement t!at Ees+s was des'ended from &avid a''ording to t!e fles!# ;Rom 1<?>,... one ma- as8 w!et!er t!e evangelists w!o wrote of t!e virgin 'on'eption wo+ld !ave '!osen s+'! p!rasing. M The #eath of the -essiah ;199)>< Pa+l ... does not A+ote Ees+s or 'ite !is individ+al deeds. M 4n &ntroduction to the $e% Testament ;199C>< Gne mig!t refle't on w!at we wo+ld 8now a(o+t Ees+s if we !ad O+st t!e letters of Pa+l. e wo+ld !ave a magnifi'ent t!eolog- a(o+t w!at 7od !as done in 9!rist, (+t Ees+s wo+ld (e left almost wit!o+t a fa'e.... I !ave not 'ome to a(olis! t!e LMosai'M Baw# ;Matt *<1C>H Io+ are not +nder t!e Baw# ;Rom =<1)>.... B+8e is parti'+larl- insistent on t!e realit- of Ees+s# Lpost/res+rre'tionM


appearan'e, for Ees+s eats food and affirms t!at !e !as fles! and (ones. In !is referen'es to a risen (od-, Pa+l spea8s of one t!at is spirit+al and not fles! and (lood ;I/9or 1*<)),*3>.... Pa+l !ad (eg+n a pro'ess w!ere(- 9!ristianit- wo+ld (e'ome almost entirel- a 7entile religion.... Kar from (eing grafted on t!e tree of Israel, t!e 7entile 9!ristians will (e'ome t!e tree.... as it proper for a 9!ristian apostle to ind+lge in g+tter 'r+dit- (- wis!ing t!at in t!e 'ir'+m'ision advo'ated (- t!e LEewis!/9!ristianM prea'!ers t!e 8nife mig!t slip and lop off t!e male organ ;7al *<12>R !at entitled Pa+l to depre'ate as so/'alled pillars of t!e '!+r'!# mem(ers of t!e 5welve w!o !ad wal8ed wit! Ees+s and t!e one LEamesM !onored as t!e (rot!er of t!e Bord# ;7al 2<9>R 8ohn ;ominic CrossanI 5esus? 4 Revolutionary (iography ;199)>< %s far as B+8e w!o wrote t!e %'ts of t!e %postles is 'on'erned, Pa+l was not one of t!e 5welve %postles and 'o+ld never !ave (een one sin'e !e !ad not (een wit! Ees+s from t!e (eginning. Kor B+8e, t!ere are onl- 5welve %postles and, even wit! E+das LIs'ariotM gone, it is not Pa+l L(+t rat!er Matt!iasM w!o repla'es !im. M Peter and Pa+l and t!e 9!ristian Revol+tion#, P@0 do'+mentar- ;%pril 233?>< !at is at sta8e in t!is is, if we#re going to !ave a 7entile 9!ristian 'omm+nit- and a Eewis! 9!ristian 'omm+nit-, are we going to !ave two 9!+r'!es or oneR If we#re going to !ave one, !ow is it to (e integrated toget!erR 5!at#s w!at is at sta8e in t!is< !ow is t!e 9!+r'!, wit! t!ese two wings, t!ese two divisions as it were, !ow is it to remain one 9!+r'!R Is it going to remain one 9!+r'!R Ian 4ilsonI 5esus? The !vidence ;199=>< L5!eM interest Lin Pa+l#s lettersM lies in t!eir apparent ignoran'e of an- details of Ees+s# eart!l- life.... LPa+lM refle'ted t!e attit+des of 'ontemporar- so'iet- towards women rat!er t!an w!at we ma- now (elieve to !ave (een Ees+s# own ideas.... e seem to (e fa'ed wit! a straig!t, first/'ent+r- 'las! of t!eologies< Pa+l#s on t!e one !and, (ased on !is ot!er/ worldl- L&amas'+s RoadM e6perien'eH and Eames# Lin !is epistleM, (ased on !is fraternal 8nowledge of t!e !+man Ees+s. %nd, despite t!e a+t!orit- w!i'! s!o+ld (e d+e to t!e latter, it wo+ld seem to (e Pa+l#s t!at !as (een allowed to 'ome down to +s.... Parti'+larl- signifi'ant is LEames#M gentle (+t firm stan'e on t!e importan'e of Ees+s# tea'!ing on 'omm+nal living. 6lan -. 0egal ;for Eugene 0chwartA>, ,le'troni' ,'!oes< Using 9omp+ter 9on'ordan'es for @i(le 0t+d-#, (iblical 4rchaeology Revie% ;4ov/&e' 199C>< e 'an easil- A+antif- all+sions (- meas+ring w!et!er a passage in one @i(li'al wor8 merel- repeats a few words of anot!er or w!et!er it dire'tl- A+otes several words r+nning.... 5!e res+lts of o+r resear'! seemed to 'onfirm ... ver- few 'lear parallels (etween Pa+l and t!e 7ospels.... L5!e-M almost alwa-s e6press LevenM t!e same ideas in 'ompletel- different words.... I am +n'on/ vin'ed (- t!e m-riad rat!er wea8 parallels (etween t!e 7ospels and Pa+l. Rat!er,... t!e L'omp+terM word st+d- seems to s!ow t!at t!e two are definitel- +nrelated. 0tephen 8. PattersonI Understanding t!e 7ospel of 5!omas 5oda-#, in 0tep!en E. Patterson, Eames M. Ro(inson F :ans/7e(!ard @et!ge, The .ifth Gospel ;1998>< 5!e so/'alled %postles# 9reed t!at emerged onl- in t!e se'ond 'ent+r- LisM 'ompletel- la'8ing in sa-ings of Ees+s and fo'+sed onl- on !is (irt! and deat!. 1. Michael 4hiteI Pa+l#s Mission and Betters#, .rom 5esus to "hrist? The .irst "hristians, P@0 Krontline &o'+mentar- ;%pril =/C, 1998>< e !aLveM t!e stor- of Pa+l#s life in a 'omplete narrative fas!ion given to +s in t!e @oo8 of %'ts, w!i'! details !is a'tivities from t!e time t!at !e was in Eer+salem to t!e time t!at !e goes to &amas'+s. 5!ere L!eM !as a 'onversion e6perien'e and afterward 'omes (a'8 to Eer+salem. :e t!en moves on to %ntio'!.... %longside of o+r a''o+nt of Pa+l#s life t!at we get from t!e @oo8 of %'ts, we also !ave an a''o+nt t!at Pa+l !imself gives +s, and it#s ver- important to noti'e t!at in some wa-s t!ese two a''o+nts 'ontradi't one anot!er.... Kor e6ample in 7alatians, w!en Pa+l tells +s a(o+t !is earl- 'areer, !e e6pli'itl- sa-s !e !as little or not!ing to do wit! Eer+salem earl- on. 8ohn =altnerI &shmael &nstructs &saacU4n &ntroduction to the >ur'an for (ible Readers ;1999>< Ees+s a'8nowledges t!e a+t!oritof t!e Baw of Moses w!ile ... Pa+l arg+es t!at Ees+s# deat! and res+rre'tion !as rendered t!e Baw totall- o(solete for t!e 9!ristian. 6nthon& 0aldariniI Eewis! Reform Movements< \+mran and t!e 7ospel of Matt!ew# ;@i(li'al %r'!aeolog- 0o'iet- video le't+re, 1999>< Ees+s wasn#t a 9!ristian.... Ees+s was a Eew.... 5o (e a follower of Ees+s, -o+ don#t !ave to leave E+daism and (e'ome a 9!ristian. 5o (e a follower of Ees+s, -o+ !ave to live Eewis! life t!e wa- t!at Ees+s ta+g!t people to live Eewis! life.... Pa+l sa-s t!at t!ere#s t!e 7ospel and t!ere#s t!e LMosai'M BawH t!at#s Pa+l#s polemi', t!at#s somew!ere else. Edgar 1awrence ;octorowI "ity of God ;2333>< I will sa- !ere of Ees+s, t!at Eew, and t!e s-stem in !is name, w!at a monstro+s tri'8 !istor- !as pla-ed on !im.... 9!ristianit- was originall- a Eewis! se't. ,ver-(od- 8nows t!at.... Pa+l$-o+ 8now, Pa+l. Kellow !ad t!at stro8e on t!e road to &amas'+sR.... 5!en w!atR In t!is 'ase, a new religion. ;aniel $o&arinI 5!e 7ospel of t!e Memra#, arvard Theological Revie% ;2331>< Kor Lt!e 7ospel ofM Eo!n,... Ees+s 'omes to f+lfill t!e mission of Moses, not to displa'e it. 5!e 5ora! simpl- needed a (etter e6egete, t!e ,ogos !nsarkos, a fitting tea'!er for fles! and (lood. Rat!er t!an s+persession in t!e e6pli'itl- temporal sense wit!in w!i'! Pa+l ins'ri(es it, Eo!n#s t-polog- of 5ora! and Bogos In'arnate is more easil- read wit!in t!e 'onte6t of ... a prevailing ass+mption of estern t!o+g!t, t!at oral tea'!ing is more a+t!enti' and transparent t!an written te6ts. Mar> ;. Gi<enI 5!e 5r+e R!etori' of Romans# ;paper, 0o'iet- of @i(li'al Biterat+re ann+al meetings, 2331>< 9on'erning t!e sop!isti' o(s'+rit- of Pa+l#s arg+mentative strategies in Romans,... it is sometimes so !ard to tell O+st w!at Pa+l reall- intends to sa- a(o+t s+'! 'ontroversial s+(Oe'ts as t!e LMosai'M Baw, E+daism, and t!e Eewis! people t!at one mig!t ... s+ggest t!at t!e am(ig+ities are intended to 8eep t!e a+dien'e g+essing w!at Pa+l reall- t!in8s. .arold $loomI Genius, II.? ;2332>< Pa+l is totall- +n'on'erned wit! t!e merel- !istori'al Ees+s, (+t onl- wit! Ees+s as t!e 9!rist. Pa+l seems to ass+me t!at !e !imself is t!e Ees+s to t!e 7entiles, as it were, and so a fig+re w!o possesses a(sol+te a+t!orit-.... Io+ 'an read and reread all t!e a+t!enti' epistles of Pa+l, and never 8now t!at Ees+s ... spo8e for t!e poor, t!e ill, t!e o+t'ast. 8ohn 3. ;onahueI 7+idelines for Reading and Interpretation#, The $e% &nterpreter's Study (ible ;233?>< 5!e spe'tr+m of li(eration 'on'erns ... Larises fromM t!e dilemma proposed (- (i(li'al inO+n'tions so opposed to t!ese LmodernM ideals ;e.g., slaves o(e-o+r masters L,p! =<*, 9ol ?<22, 5it 2<9MH women (e s+(missive to -o+r !+s(ands L,p! *<22, 5it 2<)/*M>. Tom PowersI The "all of God? 9omen #oing Theology in Peru ;233?>< omen are 'onfronted wit! s+'! (i(li'al passages as 1 9or. 1)<?) ... and 1 5im. 2<11/1).... :owever, women#s voi'es will never (e m+ted again. Thomas 3. Mel<illeI Through a Glass #arkly? The <=S= olocaust in "entral 4merica ;233*>< &+ring L&iegoM 9asariego#s reign Las 9ardinal of 7+atemala 9it-M, government for'es !ad 8illed t!irteen priests and one n+n ... Land alsoM m+rdered t!o+sands of 'ate'!ists and leaders and tens of t!o+sands of lait-. %ll t!is was done wit!o+t a word of protest from t!e 'ardinal, in e6'!ange for t!e pomp and 'ir/ '+mstan'e s+pplied to t!e prelate (- one illegitimate administration after anot!er.... :ig!/ran8ing militar- offi'ers, large land/owners, and wealt!- (+siness leaders 'ontin+ed to +se t!e prelate#s name to (+ttress t!eir 'on'epts of a 9!ristian so'ial order< 0laves, (e s+(Oe't to -o+r masters# L,p! =<*, 9ol ?<22M.


Ioannis SiAioulas ;Grt!odo6 %r'!(is!op of Pergam+m, President of t!e 9om(ined International 9ommission for 5!eologi'al &ialog+e (etween 9at!oli's and Grt!odo6>, ,'Osservatore Romano ;C E+l- 233=>< 0t Peter and 0t Pa+l 'o+ld !ave differing points of view a(o+t 'ertain A+estions, as is evident in t!e @i(li'al a''o+nt of t!eir lives. 8ohn $artonI 0trategies for Reading 0'ript+re#, The arper "ollins Study (ible ;233=>< L5!ere is anM apparent dis'ord (etween Pa+l and Eames over t!e A+estion of wor8s. Gn t!e fa'e of it, Pa+l denies t!at !+man (eings are made rig!teo+s (- good wor8s, w!ereas Eames affirms t!at good wor8s are essential$indeed, t!at fait! apart from good wor8s is empt- and false.... % 'riti'al reading of Pa+l and Eames mig!t res+lt in t!e 'on'l+sion t!at t!e- reall- are in'ompati(le, w!i'! wo+ld !ave 'onsidera(le 'onseA+en'es for 'laims a(o+t t!e inspira/ tion and a+t!orit- of s'ript+re. 8.M. 3o%ertsI The $e% Penguin istory of the 9orld, II.C ;*t! ed., 233C>< 5wo of Ees+sks dis'iples, Peter and Ees+sks (rot!er Eames, were t!e leaders of t!e tin- gro+p w!i'! awaited t!e immanent ret+rn of t!e Messia!.... 5!e- stood emp!ati'all- wit!in t!e Eewis! fold.... 5!e do'trine t!at Pa+l ta+g!t was new. :e reOe'ted t!e Baw ;as Ees+s !ad never done>, and strove to re'on'ile t!e essentiall- Eewis! ideas at t!e !eart of Ees+sks tea'!ing wit! t!e 'on'ept+al world of t!e 7ree8 lang+age.... 5!is was to s!atter t!e mold of Eewis! t!o+g!t wit!in w!i'! t!e fait! !ad (een (orn. 5!ere was no lasting pla'e for s+'! wit!in Eewr-, and 9!ristianit- was now for'ed o+t of t!e 5emple. .ershel 0han>sI The #ead Sea Scrolls$9hat They Really Say ;@i(li'al %r'!aeolog- 0o'iet- e(oo8, 233C>< Pa+l ... 8nows not!ing of t!e virgin (irt!. In Pa+l, Ees+s (e'omes t!e son of 7od at !is res+rre'tion. Read Pa+l#s letter to t!e Romans, w!ere Ees+s was de'lared to (e t!e son of 7od wit! power, a''ording to t!e spirit of !oliness, by his resurrection from the dead' ;Romans 1<?/)>. 8oseph 3atAinger D$enedict K?IEI 5esus of $a;areth ;233C>< 5ill !eaven and eart! pass awa-, not an iota, not a dot will pass from t!e Baw +ntil all is a''omplis!ed# ;Mt *<18> onl- appears to 'ontradi't t!e tea'!ing of 0aint Pa+l Lin Rom C<=M.... Ees+s !as no intention of a(rogating t!e 5en 9ommandments.... 5!e 'ommission given to Peter is a't+all- f+ndamentall- different from t!e 'ommission given to Pa+l. =ath& EhrenspergerI ,m(odied 5!eolog-< V+lnera(ilit- and Bimitation in Pa+l#s Per'eption of Beaders!ip#, paper for t!e 0o'ietof @i(li'al Biterat+re Meetings ;2338>< Pa+l in t!e '!allenge to !is role as an apostle w!i'! permeates m+'! of 2 9orint!ians seems to defend !imself at a ver- personal level, t!ere(- giving t!e impression of rea'ting o+t of a sense of personal offense.... %lt!o+g! t!e iss+e at sta8e in 2 9or is t!e a''eptan'e of Pa+l as an apostle, t!e iss+e is not so m+'! personal as t!eologi'al. ;a<id C. 0imI Matt!ew, Pa+l and t!e origin and nat+re of t!e gentile mission< 5!e great 'ommission in Matt!ew 28<1=/23 as an anti/Pa+line tradition#, ervormde Teologiese Studies ;2338>< 5!e 7reat 9ommission at t!e 'on'l+sion of Matt!ew#s 7ospel is one of its 8e- te6ts. In t!is tradition t!e risen 9!rist overt+rns t!e previo+s restri'tion of t!e mission to Israel alone, and demands t!at t!e dis'iples evangeliDe all t!e nations. 5!e gospel t!e- were to pro'laim in'l+ded o(servan'e of t!e 5ora! (- Eew and 7entile ali8e. Matt!ew#s a''o+nt of t!e origin and nat+re of t!e 7entile mission differs from Pa+l#s view as it is fo+nd in t!e epistle to t!e 7alatians. Pa+l maintains t!at !e !ad (een 'ommissioned (- t!e res+rre'ted Bord to evangeliDe t!e 7entiles, and t!at t!e gospel !e was to prea'! did not involve o(edien'e to t!e 5ora!. $enedicto .uancaI Pa+l< from Perse'+tor to Kollower of 9!rist#, @achay ;Eo+rnal of 5!eologi'al 0t+dies, 9at!oli' Universit- of 9o'!a(am(a, @oliviaH 2338>< Ees+s en'o+raged !is dis'iples to leave ever-t!ing LB8 1)<2*/??MH Pa+l en'o+raged t!em to maintain t!e so'ial role wit!in w!i'! t!e- !ad (een 'alled ;I/9or C<1C/18>. Ees+s promised t!e tri(+te/'olle'tors and prostit+tes t!at t!e- wo+ld enter t!e 2ingdom of 7od (efore t!e pio+s ;Mt 21<?2>H Pa+l on t!e 'ontrar- e6'l+ded prostit+tes from t!e 2ingdom of 7od ;I/9or =<9>. Ees+s ordered !is dis'iples to live in manifest povert- and to reno+n'e earning a living and !aving possessions ;Mt 13<9/=<2* ff.>H Pa+l s!ows !imself pro+d of living (- !is own wor8 and re'ommends !is 'omm+nities to do li8ewise ;I/5!es 2<9/)<11>. Pa+l orients !is et!i'al instr+'tions toward t!e needs of lo'al 'omm+nitiesH t!e ethos of Ees+s, on t!e 'ontrar-, is itinerant radi'alism . Pa+l s!ows !imself little interested in t!e !istori'al Ees+s.

xy#mh twx) T UVWXYZ[T\ [Z] ^_`\[Z] Christ $rotherhood abcdefghfijkf


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