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Lab Report Rubric

No Parti Full Points

Section Descriptions Credi al Credit Possible
t Credi
Describe the lab content concisely, adequately, appropriately 1
Includes the date that the data was collected. 1
Presents objectives(s) and goal(s) of the lab 2
Introduction (This section should include at least one
Identifies and explains the science concepts related to this lab. 4
States hypothesis in proper format and provides logical reasoning 3
for it
Methods & Procedure:
Describes the materials used in the lab. 4
Describes the procedure used to gather data 2
Gives enough details to allow for replication 2
All units listed are metric 2
Predicts measurable results that will support the hypothesis 1
When applicable, provides equations used for calculating data 1
Correctly identifies the independent variable 1
Correctly identifies the dependent variable and specifies how it was 2
Numerous constants have been identified and they relate back to 5
the procedural design
Describes the control or comparison group 2
Safety concerns have been considered 2
Opens with effective statement of overall findings 1
Presents graph(s)/Table(s) with appropriate 6
• Title(s) • Data plot • Scaling
• Units • Extrapolation • Axis
(if necessary) determination

Presents verbal narrative of results in order of importance with 2

reference to corresponding figures.
Opens with effective comparison of results and hypothesis 1
Provides a logical explanation for comparison 2
The assigned analysis question (the point value will be lab specific,
and the grade sheet for these questions are attached on the back)
Identifies the random, systematic and/or measurement errors that 2
may have occurred
Restates the purpose and hypothesis of the lab by addressing what 3
has been learned
Provide an overview of the procedure and results to support the 3
Evaluates/Compares the collected data and draws a logical 3
Discuss whether the hypothesis was supported or rejected 1
Citations and references adhere to proper format 2
Appropriate tables, graphs, and/or drawing along with its format 1
was used
Report is written in scientific style: clear and to the point 1
Report is grammatically correct 1
Report is clear of spelling errors 1
Subtotal Points _______/64
Analysis + ______ /
Total Points
(subtotal + analysis _________ /

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