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Master Punnett Square Problems

1. Cross a homozygous dominant tall pea plant with a heterozygous pea plant. T= tall and t = short a. What percentage will be short? b. What percentage will be tall? c. What are the genotypes and phenotypes? Check your work. Answers: a. ! b. 1 ! c. 1 homozygous dominant: 1 heterozygous" 1

! tall

#. $% &endel wanted to determine the genotype o% a yellow round pea' what would be the best plant to cross it? a. (gWw b. ((WW c. ggWW d. ((ww e. ggww Check your work. Answer is e. $% the genotype o% an indi)idual is to be tested' the best cross to per%orm is the testcross' to a homozygous recessi)e. All o% the other crosses will allow potential recessi)e alleles in the yellow round plant to remain masked. *. What phenotypic ratio o% o%%spring should be e+pected %rom the cross Aa,b + AAbb? Check your work. Answer is d. Consider each gene separately. Aa + AA will only produce progeny with the A phenotype. ,b + bb is the testcross o% a monhybrid' so will produce a 1:1 ratio. -ne class will ha)e genotype AA,b and Aa,b and the other class will be composed o% AAbb and Aabb indi)iduals. .. $n hogs' a gene that produces a white belt /,0 around the animal1s body is dominant o)er its allele %or a uni%ormly colored body /b0. Another gene produces a %usion o% the two hoo%s on each %oot' a condition known as syndactyly is mated with a %emale hog that is normal2%ooted and homozygous %or the belted character. a. What are the genotypes o% the male and %emale hog? b. What would be the phenotype ration? Check your work: Answers: a. male hot is bbTT b. %emale hog is ,,tt c. phenotype is 13: all white belt syndactyly 4. 5auren' who has blood type A,' marries 6al who has type , blood but whose mother has type -. a. 5ist the genotypes o% 5auren' 6al and 6al1s mother. b. What are the percent possibilities %or the blood type o% their o%%spring. Check your work: Answers: a. 5auren 2 $A$,' 6al 2 $,i' 6al1s mother 2 ii b. #4! type A,' #4! type ,' #4! type A' #4 ! type , 3. $n hamsters' rough coat /70 is dominant o)er smooth coat /r0 and brown coat /,0 is dominant o)er white coat/b0. $% you cross a homozygous rough' homozygous brown guinea pig with a smooth white one: a. What will be the genotypes o% the parents? Check your work: Answer: a. 77,, + rrbb

&ore 8unnett 69uare 8roblems 1. What is the ma+imum number o% di%%erent phenotypes that could be produced by the mating o% a blood type A, indi)idual to a type , indi)idual? a. 1 b. # c. * d. . #. -ne breed o% cattle can be red' white' or roan. The cross between # roans produces e9ual number o% red and white progeny and twice as many roans.' $% a %armer wanted to breed an all roan herd' what animals should be the parents? a. roan + roan b. red + red c. white + white d. red + white e. roan + red *. -ne breed o% cattle can be red' white' or roan. The cross between # roans produces e9ual number o% red and white progeny and twice as many roans. $% a %armer wanted to breed a hal% red and hal% roan herd' what animals should be the parents? a. roan + roan b. red + red c. white + white d. red + white e. roan + red .. A cross between a purebred animal with red hairs and a purebred animal with white hairs produces an animal that has both red hairs and white hairs. What type o% inheritance pattern is in)ol)ed. a. incomplete dominance b. codominance c. multiple alleles d. polygenic traits 4. A red2%lowered sweet pea plant is crossed with a white2 %lowered sweet pea plant. All o% the o%%spring are pink. What is the inheritance pattern being e+pressed? a. incomplete dominance b. codominance c. multiple alleles d. polygenic traits 3. The color o% wheat grains shows a wide )ariability between red and white with multiple phenotypes. What type o% inheritance patterns is being e+pressed? a. incomplete dominance b. codominance c. multiple alleles d. polygenic traits :. 6ome people are able to roll their tongues into a ; shape. The ability to do this is inherited as an autosomal dominant allele. What is the probability that children descendent %rom parents both heterozygous %or this trait will be able to %orm a ; shape with their tongues? a. b. #4! c. 4 ! d. :4! <. =ow many di%%erent allele combinations would be %ound in the gametes produced by a pea plant whose genotype was 7r>>? a. # b. . c. < d. 13 ?. $% a pea plant that is heterozygous %or round' yellow peas /7r>y0 is crossed with a pea plant that is homozygous %or round peas but heterozygous %or yellow peas /77>y0' how many di%%erent henotypes are their o%%spring e+pected to show? a. # b. . c. < d. 13 1 . @ariation in human skin color is a result o% a. incomplete dominance b. codominance c. polygenic traits d. multiple alleles 11. 6ituations in which one allele %or a gene is not completely dominant o)er another allele %or that gene are called a. multiple alleles b. incomplete dominance c. polygenic inheritance d. multiple genes 1#. $% roan cows and roan bulls are mated' according to the principle o% codominance' AAAAAA! o% the o%%spring are e+pected to be roan. 1*. =ow many recessi)e alleles %or a trait must an organism inherit in order to show that trait? 1.. $n dogs' short hair is dominant o)er long hair. $% two heterozygous short2haired dogs are crossed' what percent o% the o%%spring will ha)e long hair? 14. $n dogs' short hair is dominant o)er long hair. $% a dog homozygous %or short hair is crossed with a long hair dog' what percent o% the o%%spring will ha)e short hair? 13. ,lack color in horses is dominant o)er chestnut color. $% a pure black horse is mated to a chestnut horse' what is the probability that the o%%spring will be chestnut colored? 1:. A common recessi)e trait in dogs is dea%ness. A pure line o% normal hearing dogs was crossed with a pure line o% dea% dogs. B1 and B# generations were produced. What ! o% the B1 generation is e+pected to ha)e normal hearing?

1<. What is the probability that a couple whose blood types are A, and - will ha)e a type A child? 1?. $n a certain animal' black %ur /,0 is dominant o)er brown %ur /b0. $% an animal heterozygous %or black %ur is crossed with an animal with brown %ur' what ! o% the o%%spring will ha)e brown %ur? # . $n a species o% chickens' incomplete dominance between alleles %or black /,0 and white/w0 %eathers is obser)ed. =eterozygotes are blue. $% two blue chickens are crossed' what is the probability that the o%%spring will be blue. #1. Breckles are dominant to no %reckles. $% Cack' who does not ha)e %reckles' marries Dicole who does' what ! o% their children will be recessi)e? ##. Cross ,rian' who has blood type A blood but whose %ather is type ' with &ary who has type A, blood. What ! o% their o%%spring may ha)e , blood? #*. 5auren who has type A blood but whose mother has type , blood marries Een who has type -. What ! o% their o%%spring will ha)e - blood? #.. Crossing a pink2%lowered %our oFclock with a white2 %lowered %our oFclock will produce pink2%lowered o%%spring and AAAAAAAAAAA2%lowered o%%spring. #4. $n snapdragons' the allele %or tall plants is dominant to the allele %or dwar% plants ' and the allele %or red %lowers is codominant with the allele %or white %lowers . The heterozygous condition %or %lower color is pink. Guestion H $% a dwar% red snapdragon is crossed with a white snapdragon homozygous %or tall' what are the probable genotypes and phenotypes o% the B1 generation? a. tall and pink b. tall and red c. tall and white d. dwar% and red e. dwar% and white #3. $n %ruit %lies' the gene %or cur)ed wings /c0 and the gene %or spineless bristles /s0 are on di%%erent chromosomes. /Dormal wings = C and normal bristles = 60 Guestion H Brom the cross CC66 + ccss' what is the probability o% ha)ing an o%%spring that is Cc6s? a. b. 1I13 c. *I13 d. ?I13 e. 1

#:. Which o% the %ollowing blood types are possible i% the parents are A and - types? a. A and b. , and c. A, only d. - only e. A' ,' and #<. $n guinea pigs' black is dominant. -ne hal% o% a particular litter is white. The probable parent cross was: a. ,, + ,b b. ,b + ,b c. ,b + bb d. bb + bb e. ,, + bb #?. To determine whether an unknown black guinea pig is pure or hybrid black' it should be crossed with a. a white b. a hybrid black c. a hybrid white d. a pure black e. another unknown * . -rganisms that ha)e two identical alleles %or a particular trait are said to be a. hybrid b. homozygous c. heterozygous d. dominant *1. A pea plant heterozygous %or height and seed color /Tt>y0 is crossed with a pea plant heterozygous %or height but homozygous recessi)e %or seed color /Ttyy0. $% < o%%spring are produced' how many are e+pected to be tall and ha)e yellow seeds? *#. =eterozygous male guinea pigs with black' rough hair /,b7r0 are crossed with heterozygous %emale guinea pigs with black' rough hair /,b7r0. The incomplete 8unnett s9uare below shows the e+pected results %orm the cross. ,7 ,r b7 br ,7 ,,77 ,,7r ,b77 ,b7r ,r ,,7r ,,rr ,b7r ,brr b7 ,b77 ,b7r J bb7r br ,b7r ,brr bb7r bbrr

=air color ,2 black b2white =air Te+ture: 72rough r2smooth What is the genotype o% the o%%spring that would be represented in the s9uare labeled J? *.. $denti%y the phenotype o% the o%%spring represented in the s9uare labeled J? *4. What is one o% the possible genotypes %or o%%spring with black' rough hair?

Beyond Complete Dominance Worksheet

Beyond Complete Dominance Worksheet

Kssay Type 8roblems

1. A pea plant with yellow seeds was crossed with a plant with green seeds. The B1 generation produced plants with yellow seeds. K+plain why green seeds reappeared in the B# generation. #. >ou wish to determine whether a tall pea plant is homozygous or heterozygous %or tallness. What cross should you per%orm to arri)e at your answer? K+plain the cross o% your choice. *. Why are the result o% genetic crosses shown in 8unnett s9uares interpreted as probabilities' not certainties? (i)e some speci%ic reasons. .. A cross between two organisms heterozygous %or two di%%erent genes /Aa,b0 results in a ?:*:*:1 phenotype ratio among the o%%spring. $s the o%%springFs genotype ratio the same? K+plain your answer. 4. K+plain the di%%erence between incomplete dominance and codominance. 3. A %lorist wants to guarantee that the seeds she sells will produce only pink2%lowered %our oFclock plants. =ow should she obtain the seeds? :. 8urple %lowers are completely dominant in pea plants. =ow can you determine the genotype o% a purple2 %lowering pea plant? Lraw a 8unnett s9uare %or each o% the possible genotypes. <. $n tomatoes' red %ruit color is dominant to yellow %ruit color. 8redict the genotypic ratio o% o%%spring produced by crossing a homozygous dominant parent with a homozygous recessi)e parent. Lraw a 8unnett s9uare to illustrate your prediction. ?. $n pea plants' yellow seeds are dominant to green seeds. 8redict the genotypic ratio o% o%%spring produced by crossing two parents heterozygous %or this trait. Lraw a 8unnett s9uare to illustrate your prediction.

=uman blood types are determined by genes that %ollow the C-L-&$DADCK pattern o% inheritance. There are two dominant alleles /A and ,0 and one recessi)e allele /o0. ,lood Type /8henotype0 A, A , 1. (enotype oo A, AA or Ao ,, or ,o Can donate blood to: A','A, and /uni)ersal donor0 -' A, A,' A A,', Can recei)e blood %rom: A','A, and /uni)ersal recei)er0 -'A -',

Write the genotype %or each person based on the description: a. b. =omozygous %or the M,N allele =eterozygous %or the MAN allele AAAAAA AAAAAA

Beyond Complete Dominance Worksheet

c. d. e. %. g. #. Type Type MAN and had a type M-N parent Type MA,N ,lood can be donated to anybody Can only get blood %rom a type M-N donor AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA

8retend that ,rad 8itt is homozygous %or the type , allele' and Angelina Colie is type M-.N What are all the possible blood types of their baby?


Lraw a 8unnett s9uare showing all the possible blood types %or the o%%spring produced by a type M-N mother and an a Type MA,N %ather


&rs. Clink is type MAN and &r. Clink is type M-.N They ha)e three children named &atthew' &ark' and 5uke. &ark is type M-'N &atthew is type MA'N and 5uke is type MA,.N ,ased on this in%ormation: a. &r. Clink must ha)e the genotype AAAAAA b. &rs. Clink must ha)e the genotype AAAAAA because AAAAAAAAAAA has blood type AAAAAA c. 5uke cannot be the child o% these parents because neither parent has the allele AAAAA. Two parents think their baby was switched at the hospital. $ts 1?3<' so LDA %ingerprinting technology does not e+ist yet. The mother has blood type M-'N the %ather has blood type MA,'N and the baby has blood type M,.N a. &otherFs genotype: AAAAAAA b. BatherFs genotype: AAAAAAA c. ,abyFs genotype: AAAAAA or AAAAAAAA d. 8unnett s9uare showing all possible genotypes %or children produced by this couple



e. Was the baby switched? Two other parents think their baby was switched at the hospital. The mother has blood type MA'N the %ather has blood type M,'N and the baby has blood type MA,.N a. &otherFs genotype: AAAAAAA or AAAAAAAA b. BatherFs genotype: AAAAAAA or AAAAAAAA c. ,abyFs genotype: AAAAAA d. 8unnett s9uare that shows the babyFs genotype as a possibility:


Was the baby switched?

Beyond Complete Dominance Worksheet


,ased on the in%ormation in this table' which man could not be the %ather o% the baby? Custi%y your answer with a 8unnett s9uare. Name Blood Type Type A Type , Type Type A, Type A Type ,

&other ,aby The milk man The ;86 guy The waiter The cable guy


,ased on the in%ormation in this table' which man could not be the %ather o% the baby? Custi%y your answer with a 8unnett s9uare. Name Blood Type Type Type A, Type Type A, Type A Type ,

&other ,aby ,artender (uy at the club Cabdri)er Blight attendant

1. For the peas Gregor Mendel worked with, purple flower color (P) is dominant over white flower color (p). If a homo !gous purple"flowered plant is crossed with a white"flowered plant, list the possi#le phenot!pes and genot!pes, and include the ratios of each. $how the Punnett s%uare !ou used to answer the %uestion.

Beyond Complete Dominance Worksheet

2. Gregor Mendel crossed two hetero !gous purple"flowered pea plants with each other. If he got &&' pea plants as a result of this cross, how man! were pro#a#l! white"flowered( (Hint: do the !nnett s"!are and !se the res!ltin# phenotypic ratio to determine ho$ many o% 448 plants $ere pro&a&ly $hite' %lo$ered(.

). In humans a gene determines if !ou have dimples* the dominant allele (+) produces dimples, while the recessive allele (d) results in no dimples. ,im has dimples, #ut his mom does not. -e marries .runhilda, who does not have dimples. /hat is the pro#a#ilit! that their first #orn child will have dimples( 0se a Punnett s%uare to support !our answer.

(over) &. In cows, the allele for red hair (-1) and the allele for white hair (-/) are codominant. 2he hetero !gous condition results in a mi3ture of red and white hairs and the cows are called roan. /hat would occur if a red cow was crossed with a roan cow( $how the Punnett s%uare as #oth the genot!pic and phenot!pic ratios.

Beyond Complete Dominance Worksheet

4. $ickle cell anemia is a trait that e3hi#its incomplete dominance. 5 person with an 55 genot!pe does not have sickle cell anemia, and a person with an $$ genot!pe has full sickle cell anemia. 5 person with an 5$ genot!pe will have some sickle"cells, though s6he might show minimal or no s!mptoms (a 7carrier8). 9ngle#ert is a carrier for sickle"cell anemia (shows some s!mptoms), and his wife, Gwendoline, does not. /hat are the chances that 9ngel#ert and Gwendoline will have a child with 5:; sickle"shaped #lood cells( $how !our work<

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