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Geographic Information Systems 2010/2011

Laura Carcano, Marco Minghini ArcGIS

GIS-Practical Lesson:

Introduction to ArcGIS

Geographic Information Systems 2010/2011

Adapted from the 2006/2007 version by D.Magni

Lecture notes on Geographic Information Systems Practical Lesson Notes

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Geographic Information Systems 2010/2011

Laura Carcano, Marco Minghini ArcGIS

Step by step presentation -ArcMap

Block I: Layer


Create on your local PC a folder where to do exercises (e.g.: C:\Temp\myfolder); we will refer to that folder with the name myfolder


Create in myfolder three new folders: data, projects and other and the folder other2 within other


Copy in myfolder/data all the data to be used for the exercises; maintain the data folders (cad, graphics, shpf, and raster)


Load the following shapefiles: municipalities.shp lakes.shp railways.shp stations.shp


Load the following CAD (DWG and DXF) files: graph-A.dwg graph-B.dxf


Load the following raster files: B4A4.tif B4A5.tif

7. 8.

Change the name of the layer municipalities to municipalities, zone of Como Change the colour of these layers: lakes use the style Lake with an outline width of 0.008 inches; dont fill in the polygons (Hollow style) and

municipalities, zone of Como

colorise only borders (choose colour; set width greater than 1.30 points); railways stations style Railroad, width equal to 5 points; separate the stations belonging to Ferrovie Nord Milano and Ferrovie

dello Stato, using the file graphics/train.bmp as Picture Marker Symbol with size greater than 0.45 cm. For the stations of Ferrovie Nord Milano put red as background color and black as transparent color; for the stations of Ferrovie dello Stato put blue as background color and black as transparent color. graph-B.dxf Point 9. use N of Arial, 9, red as Character Marker Symbol.

Classify municipalities, zone of Como with 10 classes of population, setting the break values of the classes equal to 500, 1500, 2500, 4000, 6000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 40000, 86000.
-2(Creative Commons by-nc-sa, 3.0)

Geographic Information Systems 2010/2011

Laura Carcano, Marco Minghini ArcGIS

Block II: Layer groups

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Create a new data frame and name it Graphs Check how to activate a data frame by clicking its name, then Activate Move all graph-A and graph-B layers within Graphs Within the first data frame, create two new layer groups, naming them VECT and RASTER Move within VECT and RASTER the correspondent layers

Block III: File save Paths

15. 16. 17. 18. Verify with File

Map Document Properties that data are loaded by their full path

Save the project in myfolder/projects (e.g.: exercises.mxd) Move the project to myfolder/other and check that all data are displayed Move again the project to myfolder/projects and set Store relative pathnames to data

19. Save and close the project, move it to myfolder/other/other2 and reopen it, verifying that data arent displayed because the relative path cannot retrieve them 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Move again the project to myfolder/projects Move the whole myfolder to another location within the file system Open the project and verify that data are displayed because their relative path is set Move again myfolder to its original location Open the project, deselect Store relative pathnames to data sources and save the project Redo step 21, open the project and verify that data arent displayed now, because their full path is set 26. Verify with right click on a layer name possible to update the path of the file 27. Move again myfolder to its original location



Set Data Source that its

-3(Creative Commons by-nc-sa, 3.0)

Geographic Information Systems 2010/2011

Laura Carcano, Marco Minghini ArcGIS

Block IV: Reference system assignments


Using Layer name



Dont show layer when zoomed to display

the stations only between 1:100000 and 1:1000 scales 29. Verify by zooming that the scale constraint doesnt work because any reference system is specified 30. Set Italian Gauss-Boaga (West zone) reference system for each data frame: Data frame name

Properties National Grids

31. 32.

Coordinate System Europe


Projected Coordinate Systems Add OK

Monte Mario Italy 1.prj

Open ArcCatalog for setting data reference systems Set Italian Gauss-Boaga (West zone) reference system for the shapefile lakes: Shapefile



XY Coordinate Systems National Grids Europe

Select Predefined Add

Projected OK.

Coordinate Systems
project and retry 33. 34.

Monte Mario Italy 1.prj

You can verify that this operation is possible only if the shapefile is not in use. So close the

Verify that the new file lakes.prj has been created within myfolder/data/shpf Assign the reference system to every shapefile (layer)

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Geographic Information Systems 2010/2011

Laura Carcano, Marco Minghini ArcGIS


Open the project and verify the reference system with right click on a layer name



Now the scale constraint works properly

Block V: File export

37. Zoom to the stations layer and visualize their labels (right click on layer name



) in Arial bold, 16, black. Then move to the layout view, insert a title, a legend,

a scale bar and a north arrow. Finally export the project with PDF and PNG formats; save the files within myfolder/projects and open them.

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