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Building a Basic Media Player - RAD Studio

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Building a Basic Media Player

From RAD Studio Go Up to Tutorial: FireMonkey Audio-Video This tutorial demonstrates how to build a basic media player using TMediaPlayer and TMediaPlayerControl with FireMonkey. The media player contains standard functions (play, pause, next and previous), and also offers the possibility to manipulate the current played media (volume and current position). This basic media player allows to load a set of media files into a TListBox and to start playing by double-clicking an item in the list.

1 Form Design 2 Implementation 2.1 Build and manipulate the playlist 2.2 Implement the basic functions of a media player 2.3 Implement helpful methods 2.4 Customize the current played media file 3 Run the Application 4 Previous 5 See Also

Form Design
1. Select File > New > FireMonkey Desktop Application - Delphi > HD FireMonkey Application. 2. Add a TLayout to the form. With the layout in focus, in the Object Inspector, set the Align property to alLeft and the Name property to MainLayout. Resize the MainLayout as you consider necessary to display video images. 3. Add the following to the MainLayout: A TLayout. Name it ControlPlayLayout and align it to the bottom of the MainLayout. This layout contains all components that control the media file. A TLayout. Name it TextLayout and align it to the top of the MainLayout. This layout contains the labels used to display the name and duration of the current played media. A TMediaPlayerControl. Set its Align property to alClient. 4. Add the following to the ControlPlayLayout: Five TButton objects, one for each standard function of a media player. Change the names of the buttons to PreviousButton, PlayButton, PauseButton, StopButton and NextButton. Two TTrackBar objects: one to control the volume and one to control the current played position. Change the names of the track bars to VolumeTrackBar and PositionTrackBar. Align the PositionTrackBar to the top of the ControlPlayLayout. A TCheckBox and name it ShuffleCheckBox. 5. Add two TLabel objects to the TextLayout: one to display the name of the current played media and one to display the total duration of the current played files, measured in minutes and seconds. Name the two labels NameLabel and DurationLabel. Set the DurationLabel to be aligned to the right and its AutoSize property to True. Set the Align property of the NameLabel to alClient and its text to be displayed on the center by setting its TextAlign property to taCenter. 6. Add another TLayout to the form, set its Align property to alClient and rename it as PlayListLayout. 7. Add the following to the PlayListLayout: A TLayout to group the buttons used to manipulate the playlist. Align the added layout to the bottom of its parent and rename it as ControlPlayListLayout. A TListBox. Name it PlayListBox and set its Align property to alClient. 8. Add three TButton objects to the PlayListLayout. Name them LoadFileButton, ClearAllButton and ClearButton. Align all three buttons to the left of their parent. 9. Add the following to the form: A TMediaPlayer A TOpenDialog A TTimer The form should look like this:

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Building a Basic Media Player - RAD Studio

The implementation can be split in multiple steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Build and manipulate the playlist Implement the basic functions of a media player Implement helpful methods Customize the current played media file

Build and manipulate the playlist

1 Double-click the LoadFileButton button to attach OnClick event handlers to it, so as to populate the PlayListBox. When LoadFileButton is pressed, the open dialog window opens. Select one or more files to be added to the list when the OK button of the open dialog window is pressed.
// Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.LoadFileButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var Files: TStrings; I: integer; Media: TMedia; begin Files := TStrings.Create; //sets the Filter so only the supported files to be displayed OpenDialog1.Filter := TMediaCodecManager.GetFilterString; if (OpenDialog1.Execute) then begin Files := OpenDialog1.Files; for I := 0 to Files.Count - 1 do begin Media := TMedia.Create(Files[I]); PlayListBox.Items.AddObject(extractFileName(Files[I]), Media); end; end; end;

2. Double-click the ClearAllButton and ClearButton buttons to attach OnClick event handlers to them. ClearAllButton ClearButton
// Delphi version of the implementation // Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.ClearAllButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure TForm1.ClearButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var var I: integer; I, J: integer; begin begin if (PlayListBox.Count > 0) then if PlayListBox.Count < 0 then begin Exit; PlayListBox.Items.Objects[PlayListBox.ItemIndex].Free; for I := 0 to PlayListBox.Count - 1 do PlayListBox.Items.Delete(PlayListBox.ItemIndex); PlayListBox.Items.Objects[I].Free; J := 0; PlayListBox.Clear; //makes sure that the deleted media is not on the Playlist PlayListBox.ItemIndex := -1; while J < Length(Played) - 1 do SetLength(Played, 0); CurrentPlayedIndex := -1; begin

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Building a Basic Media Player - RAD Studio
if (Played[J] = PlayListBox.ItemIndex) then begin for I := J to Length(Played) - 1 do Played[I] := Played[I + 1]; SetLength(Played, Length(Played) - 1); end; J := J + 1; end; end;

MediaPlayer1.Clear; NameLabel.Text := ''; DurationLabel.Text := ''; end; end;

3. To avoid keeping memory objects that are no longer used, make sure that every object added to PlayListBox is freed. When removing an item from PlayListBox, only the link between the list box item and the attached object is freed and the object remains allocated in memory.
// Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var I: integer; begin if (PlayListBox.Count > 0) then for I := 0 to PlayListBox.Count - 1 do PlayListBox.Items.Objects[I].Free; end;

Implement the basic functions of a media player

To start the player press the PlayButton, the NextButton or double-click an item in the playlist. Attach an OnDblClick event handler to the PlayListBox. Double-click each button in ControlPlayLayout to attach OnClick event handlers to each of them and to implement the basic functions of a media player. PlayButton PlayListBoxDblClick

// Delphi version of the implementation // Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.PlayButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure TForm1.PlayListBoxDblClick(Sender: TObject); begin begin if MediaPlayer1.Media <> nil then if (PlayListBox.Count < 0) then begin Exit; MediaPlayer1.Clear; if (MediaPlayer1.State = TMediaState.Stopped) and (MediaPlayer1.CurrentTime < MediaPlayer1.Duration) then MediaPlayer1.filename := TMedia(PlayListBox.Items.Objects[PlayListBox.ItemIndex]).filename; begin if MediaPlayer1.Media <> nil then MediaPlayer1.Play; begin PositionTrackBar.Max := MediaPlayer1.Duration; MediaPlayer1.Play; DisplayText(extractFileName(MediaPlayer1.filename)); PositionTrackBar.Max := MediaPlayer1.Duration; end DisplayText(extractFileName(MediaPlayer1.filename)); else AddToPlayedList(PlayListBox.Items.IndexOf begin (extractFileName(MediaPlayer1.filename))); MediaPlayer1.CurrentTime := 0; end; end; end; end else begin if (PlayListBox.Count = 0) then Exit; If (PlayListBox.ItemIndex = -1) then PlayListBox.ItemIndex := 0; FindAndPlay(PlayListBox.ItemIndex); if (ShuffleCheckBox.IsChecked) then AddToPlayedList(PlayListBox.ItemIndex); end; end;

// Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.PauseButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin if MediaPlayer1.Media <> nil then MediaPlayer1.Stop; end;

// Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.StopButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin if MediaPlayer1.Media <> nil then begin MediaPlayer1.Stop; MediaPlayer1.CurrentTime := 0; end; end;

// Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.NextButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var Index: integer; begin if (PlayListBox.Count > 0) then begin PlayNext; end; end;

// Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.PreviousButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin if ShuffleCheckBox.IsChecked then begin if (Length(Played) > 0) and (CurrentPlayedIndex > 0) then begin CurrentPlayedIndex := CurrentPlayedIndex - 1; FindAndPlay(Played[CurrentPlayedIndex]); PlayListBox.ItemIndex := Played[CurrentPlayedIndex]; end; end

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Building a Basic Media Player - RAD Studio
else if (PlayListBox.ItemIndex > 0) then begin FindAndPlay(PlayListBox.ItemIndex - 1); PlayListBox.ItemIndex := PlayListBox.ItemIndex - 1; end; end;

Implement helpful methods

1. Add the following public members to the TForm1 class:
// Delphi version of the implementation public { Public declarations } Played: array of integer; CurrentPlayedIndex: integer; procedure AddToPlayedList(Index: integer); procedure DisplayText(str: string); procedure PlayNext(); procedure FindAndPlay(Index: integer); end;

2. Played array is used to keep the indexes of the played media files within the PlayListBox when the media player runs in Shuffle mode (ShuffleChekBox is checked). Played media is saved so as to be able to get the previous or next played media. CurrentPlayedIndex keeps the index of the current played media within Played. AddToPlayedList method adds a specified media to the Played list.
// Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.AddToPlayedList(Index: integer); var Len: integer; begin Len := Length(Played); SetLength(Played, Len + 1); Played[Len] := Index; CurrentPlayedIndex := Len; PlayListBox.ItemIndex := index; end;

3. FindAndPlay method identifies the media to be played using its index within PlayListBox and PlayNext gets the index of the media that should be played and then calls FindAndPlay to identify and play the media with the calculated index. FindAndPlay PlayNext
// Delphi version of the implementation // Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.FindAndPlay(Index: integer); procedure TForm1.PlayNext(); begin var MediaPlayer1.Clear; Index: integer; PositionTrackBar.Value := PositionTrackBar.Min; begin MediaPlayer1.filename := TMedia(PlayListBox.Items.Objects[Index]).filename; if (ShuffleCheckBox.IsChecked) then if MediaPlayer1.Media <> nil then begin begin if (CurrentPlayedIndex < Length(Played) - 1) then MediaPlayer1.Play; begin PositionTrackBar.Max := MediaPlayer1.Duration; CurrentPlayedIndex := CurrentPlayedIndex + 1; DisplayText(extractFileName(MediaPlayer1.filename)); FindAndPlay(Played[CurrentPlayedIndex]); end; end end; else begin index := Random(PlayListBox.Count - 1); FindAndPlay(index); AddToPlayedList(index); end; PlayListBox.ItemIndex := Played[CurrentPlayedIndex]; end else begin FindAndPlay(PlayListBox.ItemIndex + 1); PlayListBox.ItemIndex := PlayListBox.ItemIndex + 1; end; end;

4. DisplayText displays the name and duration (in minutes and seconds) of the current played media.
// Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.DisplayText(str: string); var DurationMin, DurationSec: integer; begin NameLabel.Text := str; DurationMin := MediaPlayer1.Duration div 10000 div 60000; DurationSec := MediaPlayer1.Duration div 10000 mod 60000 div 1000; DurationLabel.Text := IntToStr(DurationMin) + ':' + IntToStr(DurationSec); end;

Customize the current played media file

1. Volume

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Building a Basic Media Player - RAD Studio

Double-click each button in VolumeTrackBar to attach OnChange event handlers to it and customize the volume of the media player.
// Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.VolumeTrackBarChange(Sender: TObject); begin MediaPlayer1.Volume := VolumeTrackBar.Value; end;

2. Current position To update the PositionTrackBar value according to the current played position of the running media, use the TTimer on a certain interval. The timer is also used to make the media player play the next media, when the current played media ends. Double-click the PositionTrackBar bar to attach OnChange event handlers to it.
// Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.PositionTrackBarChange(Sender: TObject); begin //The Tag of the track bar is used as a flag to avoid //updating the MediaPlayer1.CurrentTime and the track bar //at the same time if PositionTrackBar.Tag = 0 then MediaPlayer1.CurrentTime := Round(PositionTrackBar.Value); end;

Double-click TTimer to attach OnTimer event handlers to it.

// Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin PositionTrackBar.Tag := 1; PositionTrackBar.Value := MediaPlayer1.CurrentTime; PositionTrackBar.Tag := 0; //when the current media ends the player starts playing //the next media in playlist if (MediaPlayer1.State = TMediaState.Playing) and (MediaPlayer1.CurrentTime = MediaPlayer1.Duration) then PlayNext; end;

3. Shuffle on/off If the ShuffleCheckBox is not checked, then the next media to be played is the next media in the PlayListBox. If it is checked, the next media to be played is a random media in the PlayListBox. If the media player is not set to shuffle mode, there is no need to use Played vector, as the playing order is the same as the order in PlayListBox.
// Delphi version of the implementation procedure TForm1.ShuffleCheckBoxChange(Sender: TObject); begin If (not ShuffleCheckBox.IsChecked) then begin SetLength(Played, 0); CurrentPlayedIndex := -1; end; end;

Run the Application

1. To run the project, press F9. 2. Load files to the PlayListBox by pressing the LoadFileButton button. 3. Start playing a media by pressing PlayButton or NextButton or by double-clicking an PlayListBox item.

Playing Audio Files

See Also
Creating a FireMonkey Component (Delphi) Creating a FireMonkey Component (C++) HD FireMonkey Application FireMonkey Layouts Strategies FireMonkey Image Effects iOSMediaPlayer Sample Retrieved from "" Category: Delphi This page was last modified on 5 December 2013, at 14:49. Help Feedback

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