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CHEMISTRY Third Quarter Examination

Direction: Encircle the correct answer. 1. According to Democritus and Leucippus, matter: is discontinuous and made up of tiny indivisible particles called ___________. a. molecule b. ion c. atom d. proton 2. In his study on gases, he explained compressibility of air in terms of tiny particles forced closer together. a. John Dalton b. Robert Boyle c. Joseph Proust d. J.J. Thomson 3. A compound is always composed of the same elements combined in definite proportions by mass. a. Law of Conservation of Mass c. Law of Definite Composition b. Law of Multiple Proportion d. Law of Definite Proportions 4. He proposed the Law of Conservation of Mass. a. Antoine Lavoisier c. John Dalton b. Joseph Louis Proust d. Robert Boyle 5. The Law of Multiple Proportion was put forward by ______________________. a. Antoine Lavoisier c. John Dalton b. Joseph Louis Proust d. Robert Boyle 6. Arrange the three kinds of ionizing radiation according to decreasing ionizing power. a. Alpha-Beta-Gamma c. Gamma-Beta-Alpha b. Beta-Alpha-Gamma d. Gamma-Alpha-Beta For questions No. 7-9, the same choices. Indicate the year, write the letter only on the blank. Physicists were the first to discover and characterize these particles that are even smaller than the atom: 7. The electron by J.J. Thomson ________ 8. The proton by E. Goldstein ________ 9. The neutron by James Chadwick ________ a. 1886 b. 1932 c. 1897 d. 1942 10. In 1896; he discovered a new kind of radiation given off by uranium salts. a. Henri Becquerel b. J.J. Thomson c. Ernest Rutherford d. Neils Bohr 11. The group of quarks are known as ___________. a. baryon b. mesons c. hadrons d. leptons 12. Composite particles that made up of one quark and one antiquark. a. baryon b. mesons c. hadrons d. leptons 13. He theorized that electromagnetic radiation such as light, occurs in discrete bundles or quanta of energy known as protons. a. J.J. Thomson b. Henri Becquerel c. Max Planck d. Murray Gellman 14. Which of the following is the basic unit for expressing the mass of individual atoms. a. atomic mass unit b. atomic number c. number of atoms d. number of molecules 15. It is equal to the number of protons, which is also equal to the number of electrons in an uncharged atom. a. atomic mass unit b. atomic number c. number of atoms d. number of molecules 16. The atomic number of Ne is 10, and the mass number is 20. How many neutrons are there in the atom? a. 10 b. 20 c. 8 d. 5 17. Geologist use radioactive decay rates to tell the ages of rocks and fossils. a. Dating fossils and rocks c. Radio isotopic tracing b. Radio Carbon dating d. Uranium dating 18. Which of the following method is used to determine the ages of materials, which were only living? a. Dating fossils and rocks c. Radio isotopic tracing b. Radio Carbon dating d. Uranium dating

Radioactive isotopes of some elements have been used to detect and treat certain body elements. For question no. 19-20, identify the radioisotopes. 19. Used for treating thyroid disorders ______________. 20. It is used for monitoring blood flow through the heart ________________. a. Chromium b. Cesium c. Cobalt 59/60 d. Iodine - 131 21. A shorthand way to write chemical formulas of compounds. a. symbol of elements c. number of atoms b. chemical symbols d. atomic number 22. The vertical columns of elements are called ______________. a. Groups b. Periods c. Series d. Rows 23. The horizontal rows in the periodic table are called ______________. a. Groups b. Periods c. Series d. Rows 24. Which set of elements comprise the noble gases? a. H, O, N, F b. He, Ne, Ar, Xe c. F, Cl, Br, I d. Au, Ag, Pt, Pd 25. Which set of elements comprise the halogens? a. H, O, N, F b. He, Ne, Ar, Xe c. F, Cl, Br, I d. Au, Ag, Pt, Pd 26. Among the scientist who were responsible for the development of the periodic table are: I. Dmitri Mendellev II. Johann Dobereiner III. John Newlands Arrange their names in order of the history of the development of the periodic table. a. I, II, III b. II, III, I c. III, I, II d. III, II, I 27. The elements in the middle of the periodic table are __________. a. Group A elements c. Transuranium elements b. Group B elements d. Transition elements 28. A German chemist, in 1817 he group the elements with the similar properties in sets of three, calling them TRIADS. a. John Newland b. Dmitri Mendeleev c. Johann Dobereiner d. Lothar Meyer 29. In 1864, he observed that when elements were arrange in order of increasing atomic weight called Law of Octaves. a. John Newland b. Dmitri Mendeleev c. Johann Dobereiner d. Lothar Meyer 30. He published similar tables with the elements grouped into families. a. John Newland b. Dmitri Mendeleev c. Johann Dobereiner d. Lothar Meyer 31. The elements with atomic number 58 through 71 known as _______________. a. Actinides b. Lanthanides c. Inner transition d. Transuranium element 32. It is a soft silvery metal used mainly as a protective coating for steel especially for cans; used as food containers. a. Germanium b. Tin c. Barium d. Cesium 33. The constituent of alloys that are used for spark plays because it easily emits electron when heated. a. Germanium b. Tin c. Barium d. Cesium 34. A semi-metal used mainly in the manufacture of semiconductors for transistors and similar electronic devices. a. Germanium b. Tin c. Barium d. Cesium 35. It is useful in photocells, devices that are used to convert light signals to electric signals. a. Germanium b. Tin c. Barium d. Cesium 36. What is the trade name of silicon carbide? a. carborundum b. silicon carbon c. silicon carbonate d. silicon di-carbon 37. Which element can substitute for calcium in the bones? a. Li b. Se c. Si d. Sr 38. Which element is most useful as a semiconductor? a. Al b. Ca c. Fe d. Li 39. In what group does Nitrogen family belong? a. Group 15 b. Group 14 c. Group 16 d. Group 18 40. Generally used for fuel in our bodies but they are also used as membranes and fiber and as mass of our flesh. a. Carbohydrates b. Fats c. Proteins d. Vitamins 41. The function of this is to provide protective material for our internal organs and as reserved energy. a. Fats b. Carbohydrates c. Vitamins d. Proteins

Choose from the box the Latin name of the following elements and the origin. Argentum Cuprum Aurum Plumbum Kalium Natrium Dmitri Mendeleev Ernest Rutherford

42. Lead 43. Potassium 44. Gold 45. Silver 46. Copper 47. Rutherfordium 48. Mendelevium What is the meaning of: 49. DNA 50. IUPAC


Prepared by: Merrynel D. Nepomuceno

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