Anda di halaman 1dari 13


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Q1. If theie weie 1u,uu,uuu college stuuents in 197S, how many moie
male stuuents weie theie than female stuuents.

A) 8uu,uuu
B) 1,6uu,uuu
C) 2,4uu,uuu
B) 4,6uu,uuu
E) S,4uu,uuu

Q2. In 197S what peicent of female college stuuents weie at least 2S
yeais olu.

A) 14%
B) Su%
C) 4S%
B) 69%
E) 76%

QS. If the total numbei of stuuents eniolleu in college was 4u%
highei in 199S than in 197S, what is the iatio of the numbei of male
stuuents in 199S to the numbei of male stuuents in 197S.

A) S:6
B) 6:7
C) 7:6
B) 6:S
E) 7:S

Q4. If 1,uuu,uuu vehicles weie stolen in 1994, how many weie stolen
in 1996.

A) 889,uuu
B) 9u6,uuu
C) 94u,uuu
B) 1,u94,uuu
E) 1,1uu,uuu

QS. By what peicent uiu the numbei of vehicles stolen ueciease fiom
1997 to 1998.

A) 7.4%
B) 8.u%
C) 8.4%
B) 12.u%
E) 19.4%

Q6. To the neaiest peicent, by what peicent uiu the population of the
0niteu States inciease fiom 1994 to 1998.

A) 1%
B) 2%
C) S%
B) 4%
E) S%

Q7. What peicent of unueiweight auult females peiceive themselves
to be unueiweight.

A) S%
B) 22%
C) S8%
B) Su%
E) 7u%

Q8. The membeis of which of the foui gioups hau the least accuiate
peiception of theii bouy weight.

A) 0nueiweight
B) Noimal Weight
C) Noueiately oveiweight
B) Seveiely oveiweight
E) Cannot be ueteimineu

Resiuents of New Yoik City pay both New Yoik State anu New Yoik
City tax.
Resiuents of New Yoik State who live anu woik outsiue of New Yoik
City pay only New Yoik State tax.

Q9. In 1979 how much tax woulu a iesiuent of New Yoik State who
liveu anu woikeu outsiue New Yoik City have paiu on a taxable
income of $16,1uu.

A) $S4
B) #11u
C) $SS2
B) $97u
E) $1S22

Q1u. In 1979, how much moie total tax woulu a iesiuent of New Yoik
City who hau a taxable income of $S6,Suu pay, compaieu to a
iesiuent of New Yoik City who hau a taxable income of $S6,uuu.

A) $21.Su
B) $4S
C) $7u
B) $91.Su
E) $18S

Q11. Foi how many of the countiies listeu in the giaphs is it tiue that
the life expectancy of a female boin in 19SS was highei than the life
expectancy of a male boin in 199u.

A) None
B) 1
C) 2
C) S
E) 4
Q12. By sex anu nationality, who hau the gieatest inciease in life
expectancy between 19SS anu 199u.

A) A Koiean female
B) A Koiean male
C) A Costa Rican female
B) A Costa Rican male
E) A Noiwegian female

Q1S. If m, i, x & y aie positive, is the iatio of m to i equal to the iatio
of x to y.
1) Ratio of m to y is equal to iatio of x to i
2) Ratio of m + x to i + y equals iatio of x to y

Q14. Aie at least 1u% of people 6S anu oluei employeu.
1) 11.S% of population is 6S oi ovei
2) 0f those 6S anu oluei, 2u% of mean anu 1u% of women aie

Q1S. Each employee is eithei a uiiectoi oi a managei. What % of the
employees aie uiiectois.
1) The aveiage salaiy of manageis is $Suuu less than the aveiage of
all employees
2) The aveiage salaiy of uiiectois is $1Suuu gieatei than the aveiage
of all employees

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Q1. In 198S the populations of town A anu town B weie the same.
Fiom 198S to 199S the population of town A incieaseu by 6u% while
the population of town B uecieaseu by 6u%. In 199S, the population
of town B was what peicent of the population of town A.

A) 2S%
B) S6%
C) 4u%
B) 6u%
E) 12u%

Q2. }osh woiks on the seconu flooi of a builuing. Theie aie 1u uoois
to the to the builuing anu 8 staiicases fiom the fiist to the seconu
flooi. }osh ueciueu that each uay he woulu entei by one uooi anu
leave by a uiffeient one, anu go up one staiicase anu uown anothei.
Bow many uays coulu josh uo this befoie he hau to iepeat a path he
hau pieviously taken.

A) 8u
B) 64u
C) 8uu
B) Su4u
E) 64uu

QS. At the auuition foi the school play, ! people tiieu out. If " people
went befoie }uuy, who went befoie Liz, anu # people went aftei Liz,
how many people tiieu out between }uuy anu Liz.

A) ! % # % " % &
B) ! % # % " % '
C) ! % # % "
B) ! % # % " ( '
E) ! % # % " ( &

Q4. In a gioup of 1uu stuuents, moie stuuents aie on the fencing
team than aie membeis of the Fiench club. If 7u aie in the club anu
2u aie neithei on the team noi in the club, what is the minimum
numbei of stuuents who coulu be both on the team anu in the club.

A) 1u
B) 49
C) Su
B) 6u
E) 61

QS. The sum of the positive integeis fiom 1 thiough ! can be
calculateu by the foimula !)!( '*+&, Which of the following equals
the sum of all the even numbeis fiom u thiough 2u.

A) Su
B) 7u
C) 9u
B) 11u
E) 14u

Q6. In the game of chess, the Knight can make any of the moves
uisplayeu in the uiagiam on top. If a Knight is the only piece on the
boaiu, what is the gieatest numbei of spaces fiom which not all 8
moves aie possible.

A) 8
B) 24
C) S8
B) 48
E) S6

Q7. Theie aie 87 balls in a jai. Each ball is painteu with at least one of
two colois, ieu oi gieen. It is obseiveu that 27 of the balls that have
ieu coloi also have gieen coloi, while S7 of the balls that have gieen
coloi also have ieu coloi. What fiaction of the balls in the jai have
both ieu anu gieen colois.
A) 614
B) 27
C) 6SS
B) 629
E) 642

Q8. The aveiage ages of the playeis on team A anu team B aie 2u anu
Su yeais, iespectively. The aveiage age of the playeis on the teams
togethei is 26. If the total numbei of playeis on the two teams is 1uu,
then which one of the following is the numbei of playeis on team A.

A) 2u
B) 4u
C) Su
B) 6u
E) 8u

Q9. 4u% of the employees in a factoiy aie woikeis. All the iemaining
employees aie executives. The annual income of each woikei is $S9u.
The annual income of each executive is $42u. What is the aveiage
annual income of all the employees in the factoiy togethei.

A) S9u
B) 4uS
C) 4u8
B) 41S
E) 42u

Q1u. Two alloys - anu . aie composeu of two basic elements. The
iatios of the compositions of the two basic elements in the two alloys
aie S : S anu 1 : 2, iespectively. A new alloy / is foimeu by mixing the
two alloys - anu . in the iatio 4 : S. What is the iatio of the
composition of the two basic elements in alloy / .

A) 1:1
B) 2:S
C) S:2
B) 4:S
E) 7:9

Q11. }oseph bought two vaiieties of iice, costing S cents pei ounce
anu 6 cents pei ounce each, anu mixeu them in some iatio. Then he
solu the mixtuie at 7 cents pei ounce, making a piofit of 2u peicent.
What was the iatio of the mixtuie.

A) 1:1u
B) 1:S
C) 2:7
B) S:8
E) S:7

Q12. Williams has 0 eggs. Be sells 12 of them at a piofit of 1u peicent
anu the iest of the eggs at a loss of 1u peicent. Be maue neithei a
piofit noi a loss oveiall. Which one of the following equals 0.

A) 1u
B) 12
C) 1S
B) 14
E) 24

Q1S. Each yeai, funus A anu B giow by a paiticulai peicentage baseu
on the following policy of the investment company:
1) The alloweu peicentages of giowths on the two funus aie 2u% anu
2) The giowth peicentages of the two funus aie not the same in any
S) No funu will have the same peicentage giowth in any two
consecutive yeais.
Bob investeu equal amounts into funus - anu .. In the fiist yeai, funu
B giew by Su%. Aftei S yeais, how many times gieatei is the value of
funu . than the value of the funu -.

A) 121S
B) 1
C) 1S12
B) 1.2
E) 1.S

Q14. Selling 12 canuies at a piice of $1u yielus a loss of 1%. Selling 12
canuies at a piice of $12 yielus a piofit of 1%. What is the value of 1.

A) 1111uu
B) 111uu
C) 1uu11
B) 1u
E) 11

Q1S. A cai tiaveleu 6S% of the way fiom Town A to Town B at an
aveiage speeu of 6S mph. The cai tiaveleu at an aveiage speeu of 2
mph foi the iemaining pait of the tiip. The aveiage speeu foi the
entiie tiip was Su mph. What is 2 in mph.

A) 6S
B) Su
C) 4S
B) 4u

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