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Peace means to me: "Peace is a state of mind and a path of action. It is a conce pt, a goal, an experience, a path.

Peace is an ideal. It is both tangible and co ncrete, complex and simple, exciting and calming. Peace is personal and politica l; it is spiritual and practical, local and global. It is a process and an outco me, and above all a way of being." ~ Louise Diamond. Every individual has a pers onal responsibility and a duty to contribute to world peace, or to "be" the peac e they wish to see. Mohammed Abu-Nimers definition of peacemaking, peacebuilding & reconciliation: - Peacemaking: Is always more effective when carried out by the involved parties themselves. Local peacemakers that draw from traditional forms of conflict reso lution are most likely to succeed in peacemaking. They will most readily spark t he moral imagination of their neighbours, both friends and enemies. - Peacebuilding: His religious background shapes the way he approaches peacebuil ding, and so he emphasizes the teachings on forgiveness and peace in Islam. Pea cebuilders assume that conflict is a source of needed change, making it benign. It's a creative, constructive force for dealing with competing values, interests , goals & needs. - Reconciliation: Practice of the virtues of forgiving, self-giving and love-giv ing. Offers inner rewards. True reconciliation occurs when violence is renounced , justice is sought, victims are heard, innocence is honored, guilt & responsibi lity is admitted, repentance is expresed, and relationships are opened. It is co stly as both sides must open, both yield, both move, and both change. We are res ponsible to do the most effective conciliation possible that invites people to o pen their attitudes and their memories to each other and before God. When reconc iliation occurs, we recognize that it was not our achievement, but a sign of God s presence. This distinction between conciliation and reconciliation is central to christian peacemaking. John Paul Lederachs definition of paecemaking, peacebuilding & reconciliation: My definition of peacemaking, peacebuilding & recognition: - Peacebuilding: Focuses on the social, psychological and economic environment w ith the intention of creating a structure of peace that is based on justice, equ ity and cooperation. - Peacemaking: Negotiation process taking place between decision-makers directed towards reaching an official settlement or resolution to specific conflicts. Tr ansformative peacemaking embraces both justice and mercy, is based on understand ing fair, respectful and inclusive process as a way of life and envisions outcom e as a commitment to increasing justice, seeking truth and healing relationships . Promoting the ultimate goals of increasing justice, reducing violence and rest oring broken relationships. Pursuing social empowerment as the nurturing of indi viduals and community. - Reconciliation: The bringing together of justice and mercy in the context of f ractured relationships, assuming the proactive engagement of people in storing a what has been lost and starting anew. Promoting a holistic view of conflict tran sformation as restoration that embraces justice, forgiveness and reconciliation.

To have peace means: Is peace possible in homes/communities/world in general: Build bridges across fi elds to enhance and expand the positive core of peacebuilding. Can we rebuild o ur world by thinking globally and acting locally? Positive peace or social justice can be built upon peace education and structural change. Role of faith, culture, political philosophy: If a peace agreement is to be last ing and effective, all parts of a community need to be involved; including gover nment, business, religion & with cultural diversity.

Peacebuilding is about bringing change in human relationships and institutions. Many peacebuilding techniques and approaches cultivate the positive, life-giving forces that exist in every conflict system to enable people caught up in the we b of the worlds violence to see the potential for a different and more positive future. These approaches assume that there are sources of energy and capacities for innovation, passion, hope, imagination, and transformation within the human system the people, relationships, groups, and communities that if awakened can be a moving and powerful force for change. Peacebuilders aim to empower communities primarily by devoting enormous energy to validating and acknowledging the pain and injustice, hoping to motivate people to see the potential for peaceful alternati ves. Most people living in a constant conflict situation lose any hope for a positive future, and more importantly, they lose confidence in their ability as individuals or as a collective to contribute to positive change . This calls upon us as peacebuilders to motivate people and groups and help them find the strength, courage, and confidence to change. The fundamental desir e that characterizes the gathering of groups and individuals for peacebuilding is to improve their individual lives and help their communities to move forward by reducing violence and resolving conflicts. From the cultivation of inner peace, to the creation of peaceful communities, to the resolution of conflict among differing persons, groups, or nations, to the healing of wounds and the establishment of relationships after acts of violence, peacebuilding is a core competency in the creation of sustainable organizations, civil societies, and a viable global community. All societies and organizations have means of res olving differences and maintaining harmony among members. Some approaches are peaceful, others are not.

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