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Castrated men / eunuchs can still have and enjoy sex Cotyttos followers were also castrated (including more Cotytto sources):,
Cotys (Also Cotytto, Kotys, Cottyto) Cotys was a Thracian (also Phrygian) goddess of the moon and sexuality. She was also associated with fertility, debauchery and immodesty. She was the mother of the hundred-handed giant Cottus, who represented her collegium of fifty priests or "spiritual sons". Her worship was accepted in Corinth in 425 BC, and she began to be secretly worshipped in Athens around the same time. The worship of Cotys was eventually accepted inAthens. She was represented either as a hunter goddess or a mother goddess. Her worship in Greece and Sicily persisted long enough to be classified as witchcraft by the Christian church, who also went so far to label Cotys a demon. She may have been a manifestation of Proserpine or Ceres. Her servants were called the baptai or baptes (from the Greek verb 'to wash' but meaning 'baptized ones'). They would celebrate secret licentious festivals involving baptism in honor of the goddess. Orgies were held at night to release life through the celebration of the erotic. The male worshippers of the goddess would dress in women's clothing or, according to some sources, castrate themselves. The priests spoke in a made-up obscenelanguage and would wash themselves in an effeminate manner. The celebrations and rites, called Cotyttia, undertaken by the worshippers of Cotys were said to be so obscene that they disgusted the goddess herself. Aeschylus wrote 'O adorable Cotys among the Edonians, and ye who hold mountain-ranging instruments;' which began a discourse on the use of music instrumentation in worship. Theocritus called her 'the crone, Cottytaris, that piped of yore to the reapers in Hippocoon's field.' She is mentioned in Comus by John Milton in the lines: Com let us our rights begin, 'Tis onely day-light that makes Sin Which these dun shades will ne're report. Hail Goddesse of Nocturnal sport Dark vaild Cotytto, t' whom the secret flame Of mid-night Torches burns; mysterious Dame Sources:

Dictionary of Mythology Folklore and Symbols, Jobes, 1961, Vol. 1, p. 376, Cotytto (Cotys):

Castration / Eunuchs:, castrate To surgically remove the testicles. The penis is not removed in castration. A human
male who has been castrated is a eunuch.

The Dictionary of Misinformation, Burnam, 1975, p. 78, eunuchs and erections:

Sexualia: From Prehistory to Cyberspace, Bishop / Osthelder, 2001, p. 314, Prostitution in the Western World | Men for Sale:

Sexualia: From Prehistory to Cyberspace, Bishop / Osthelder, 2001, p. 161, The Harem and the Great Seraglio:, Castration. Source: The Womans Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets by Barbara G. Walker [Harper & Row, 1983] :

Ritual castration was again revived by the 18th century Russian sectaries calling themselves Skoptsi, castrated ones. They also called themselves People of God, insisting that removal of their genitals brought them profound spiritual powers. Russias mad monk Rasputin was a member of this sect. Since Rasputin was famed for his affairs with women, few of his contemporaries would have believed him a eunuch; but they had forgotten what eastern haremkeepers knew well enough: that eunuchs are quite capable of providing women with sexual pleasure. Rasputins hold over his female devotees was in any case a curious combination of spiritual and sensual obsessions. (Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia), Castration: Castration, gelding, neutering, orchiectomy or orchidectomy is any action, surgical or otherwise, by which a biological male loses use of the testes. This causes sterilization, i.e. prevents them from reproducing; it also greatly reduces the production of certain hormones, such as testosterone. It should not be confused with penectomy, which is the whole or partial removal of the penis. Castrations after

the onset of puberty will typically reduce the sex drive considerably or eliminate it altogether. Castrates can, however, still have erections, orgasms and ejaculations. (Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia), Castration cult: A number of religious cults have included castration as a central theme of their beliefs. These include: The cult of Cybele Hijra (India) Some followers of early Christianity such as Origen considered castration as an acceptable way to counter sinful desires of the flesh (Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia), Cybele:

Cybele's most ecstatic followers were castrated males called Galli by the romans, who led the people in orgiastic ceremonies (Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia), Origen: Origen was a Christian scholar and theologian and one of the most distinguished of the Fathers of the early Christian Church. He was born about 182, probably at Alexandria, and died at Caesarea not later than 251. His full name was apparently Origenes Adamantius. he followed literally Matthew 19:12 and castrated himself, partly influenced, too, by his belief that the Christian must follow the words of his Master without reserve. Origen accordingly fled fromAlexandria in 231, and made his permanent home in Caesarea. A series of attacks on him seems to have emanated from Alexandria, whether for his self-castration (a capital crime in Roman law) or for alleged heterodoxy is unknown; but at all events these fulminations were heeded only at Rome, while Palestine, Phoenicia, Arabia, and Achaia paid no attention to them. Matthew 19:10-12:

After Jesus explains the rules and penalties of marriage: 10 His disciples said to Him, If such is the case of the man with his wife, it is better not to marry. 11But He said to them, All cannot accept this saying, but only those to whom it has been given: 12For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mothers womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heavens sake. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it. It sounds like Jesus was saying that if you could accept castration as birth control, then you should, so to avoid marriage, thereby allowing promiscuity (without fear of pregnancy). You see, theres a HUGE difference in Jesus meaning if eunuchs are still able to have sex (at all). And, today, thank God, we have different means of effective birth control than castration. Cybeles orgy castrations were apparently a form of birth control; and, thats Jesus stating that Cybeles castratio ns are for the kingdom of heavens sake. You see, orgies represent the opposite of monogamy / marriage. (By the way, the words let him is not part of the original Greek scriptures.) In those days, there were other means of birth control, e.g.: (1) Silphium, now extinct, was a plant used as a spermicide; (2) Animal bladders made for somewhat effective condoms; (3) Afterwards, a woman could get on her hands and knees and cough to get rid of the semen, thereby lessening the risk. But, castration was the one and only visual 100% guaranteed method. (or,, Eunuchs and the Postgender Jesus: Matthew 19:12 and Transgressive Sexualities, p. 1, Abstract:

The eunuch of Matthew 19:12 has long been viewed as a symbol of chastity and celibacy. However, a study of ancient perspectives on eunuchs reveals a highly sexed and morally dubious third type of human embodying the worst fears of masculine vulnerability and sexual transgression.
P. 3, Introduction:

The eunuch was a figure perceived to be neither celibate nor morally chaste, but was a monstrous gender formation whose ability to navigate within and take on properties of both male/masculine and female/feminine worlds (physically,sexually, socially, culturally, even politically) was the source of his/her ambivalent social status.
P. 6, Modern Interpretive Receptions:

From this perspective, since a eunuch cannot penetrate a female in order to produce children, a eunuch cannot have sex. This interpretation is certainly reasonable (within its presumptive contours) and clearly has deep historical roots in the reception of this saying8 (as well as in the history of the development of Christian sexual ethics from the late 2nd century onwards). But that this interpretation is predicated upon a deep ideological assumption about sex and sexuality can be shown by reference to one single fact: eunuchs were not celibate. Indeed, they were not even viewed as chaste. In fact, eunuchs were universally characterized by the frequency, ease of and adeptness with which they performed sex acts with both men and women.
P. 10, Eunuchs and Sexuality in the Ancient World:

With respect to prepubescent castration, certain physiological characteristics were widely known and stereotyped, including feminine and beardless faces, physical weakness, height, with womanish vocal characteristics. With respect to postpubescent castration, however, many secondary sex-characteristics associated with males would be maintained, making it extremely difficult for anyone in the ancient world to know for certain whether the man in front of him was a eunuch or not.
P. 12:

The fact that eunuchs were seen as objects of sexual desire did not shield them from vituperation directed precisely at the sexual practices that made them adept lovers.
P. 14:

It seems odd, therefore, that the simple and straightforward exegesis of the eunuch logion of Matthew today would view the eunuch as a symbol of sexual chastity and celibacy. Clearly, eunuchs were widely perceived as neither chaste nor celibate, but highly sexual and sexed beings.
P. 21, Christian Ritual Castration and Gender Identity Politics:

Indeed, contrary to what we have come to believe, Christian ritual castration was in fact performed for centuries.69 Practitioners were not limited to what we would now term heterodox or gnostic movements, but were also found within orthodoxy itself. Indeed, given the fluid and contested boundaries of the various Christian movements up to the 4th century, it should come as no surprise to learn that Christian ritual castration, though certainly understood as a special calling, found adherents in both orthodox and heterodox movements. The great ascetic movements that

blossomed in the 3rd century which practiced ritual castration laid the foundation for later monasticism and its advocacy of celibacy.
P. 24, Christian Ritual Castration and Gender Identity Politics:

Springtime devotees to Cybele/Magna Mater would engage in ecstatic dancing. Certain novice members who were ready to signal their complete devotion would then take the ritual curved stone knife and castrate themselves, flinging their now amputated testicles at the door of house, whose female members were then expected to give them clothing, which they would then don., Excessive Libido: For men, the easiest and least utilized method of libido reduction is orchidectomy (removal of the testicles). It's obviously ill-advised for anyone wanting a family, but more to the point, there are certain cultural "taboos" about it. But there are plenty of men living happy sexual lives after such minor surgery -some are removed for disease (testicular cancer), some to help address other diseases (prostate problems) and some folks simply have them out to reduce/eliminate libido. Such men can still have sex if they want -- the adrenals produce at least as much testosterone as women enjoy, and as we all know, that can be more than enough for some women!

It sounds like pleasure is reduced but not gone. I spoke to a local urologist, and he said that a person who has his testicles removed can definitely still have and enjoy sexual intercourse. He also told me it would not lessen their sexual libido unless the patient was pretty old. He agreed with my assumption that the early Greeks did it for a guaranteed method of birth control. =16989928&query_hl=1&itool=pubmed_docsum ( A Service of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health), The sexuality and social performance of androgendeprived (castrated) men throughout history: Implications for modern day cancer patients, Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: The historical term for a man who has been castrated is 'eunuch', now a pejorative term implying overall social and sexual impotence. In this paper, we review key historical features of eunuch social performance and sexuality from a variety of cultures in order to assess the validity of contemporary stereotypes of the androgen-deprived male. Data were taken from secondary sources on the history of Byzantium, Roman Antiquity, Early Islamic societies, the Ottoman Empire, Chinese Dynasties, and the Italian Castrati period. This cross-cultural survey shows that castrated men consistently held powerful social positions that yielded great political influence. Many eunuchs were recognized for their loyalty, managerial style, wisdom, and pedagogical skills. Furthermore, rather than being consistently asexual and celibate, they were often sexually active. In certain cultures, they were objects of sexual desire for males, or females, or both. Collectively, the historical accounts suggest that, given the right cultural setting and individual motivation, androgen deprivation may actually enhance rather than hinder both social and sexual performance. We conclude that eunuch history contradicts the presumption that androgen deprivation necessarily leads to social and sexual impotence. The capabilities and accomplishments of eunuchs in the past gives patients on ADT grounds for viewing themselves in a positive light, where they are neither socially impotent nor sexually chaste.

Being a castrated eunuch allowed one to be openly promiscuous in the baptism religions. That way, you dont end up with a bunch of pregnant women. Being a eunuch was visual conclusive proof that no one can get pregnant. Ouch, though. Men, you can all start breathing again: today we have the pill.

By the way, Jesus contrasted with Jewish law:

Deuteronomy 23:1-2 (Old Testament):

He who is emasculated by crushing or mutilation shall not enter the assembly of the LORD. 2One of illegitimate birth shall not enter the assembly of the LORD; even to the tenth generation none of his descendants shall enter the assembly of the LORD. (via, The Apostolic Bible, Deuteronomy 23:1-2:

Incidentally, another contrast: Jewish law (above) says that you cannot be born of a harlot, but the Jews tell that Jesus was born from harlotry (lol this was definitely left out of the 2003 verbatim movie The Gospel of John):
John 8:41-42:

Isaiah even overruled Deuteronomy:

Isaiah 56:3-5 (NKJV):

Nor let the eunuch say, Here I am, a dry tree. 4For thus says the LORD: To the eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths, and choose what pleases Me, and hold fast My covenant, 5even to them I will give in My house and within My walls a place and a name better than that of sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. In reference to Matt. 19:10-12, not only does Jesus denounce marriage in these verses, but he also indicates His support for the baptismal groups by praising eunuchs.

Because of strong secular pressures, lots of Christians in their early years had to change and even denounce their past practices:
Eunuchs for the Kingdom of God, Uta Ranke-Heinemann, 1990, pp. 46-47, The Church Fathers Till Augustine:

Id guess that antisexual part in the middle is just speculation; especially since the Christian Gnostics had a reputation of being promiscuous. A time of mixed / changing beliefs:, FIRST (Christian) COUNCIL OF NICAEA - 325 AD, CANONS:

1. If anyone in sickness has undergone surgery at the hands of physicians or has been castrated by barbarians, let him remain among the clergy. But if anyone in good health has castrated himself, if he is enrolled among the clergy he should be suspended, and in future no such man should be promoted. But, as it is evident that this refers to those who are responsible for the condition and presume to castrate themselves, so too if any have been made eunuchs by barbarians or by their masters, but have been found worthy, the canon admits such men to the clergy.

The likely reason someone would castrate themselves is so they can have sex with more women. Apparently making oneself into a eunuch went on a lot or it wouldnt have been mentioned. This above canon sure does overrule Jesusvery supportive eunuch statement that there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heavens sake Mathew 19:12.

It gets worse:, The Quinsext Council, (or the Council in Trullo), 692, Canon 5:

CANON V. LET none of those who are on the priestly list possess any woman or maid servant, beyond those who are enumerated in the canon as being persons free from suspicion, preserving himself hereby from being implicated in any blame. But if anyone transgresses our decree let him be deposed. And let eunuchs also observe the same rule, that by foresight they may be free of censure. But those who transgress, let them be deposed, if indeed they are clerics; but if laymen let them be excommunicated. NOTES. ANCIENT EPITOME OF CANON V. A priest, even if a eunuch, shall not have in his house a maid or other woman except those on whom no suspicion can light. See Canon III., of First Ecumenical Council at Nice. This canon adds Eunuchs. Why would there be suspicion if a eunuch is unable to have sex? We now have this that controls modern day thought:
The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, Brown, Zondervan Publishing, 1978, vol. 3, p. 541, Separate, Divide:

Jesus and His disciples were previously discussing the marriage problems of divorce and adultery, and used it for a basis to shun marriage. They were not telling of the pitfalls of sex between single people. Jesus tells that the assurances and expectations relied on in the marriage union is interrupted by adultery and divorce, and therefore is not working as originally intended, as it begets too many victims. He never says that sex between single people is wrong. At the end of verse 12, Jesus shuns marriage, not all sexual relations period. Plus, the fact that eunuchs can still have erections says that they can still do the act, and that eunuchs can have orgasms says they can still enjoy the act. Im telling you, the ones who people trust the most (clergies) are really the ones they can trust the least. Plus, if Jesus denounced sexual relations altogether, and if everyone did what Jesus wanted, then mankind would end in that generation, asno one would be having sex. Yet, people will believe whatever the church tells them. And, that is what allows a church full of lies and cop-outs, instead of a church of solutions.
The Youth Bible, Word Publishing, 1991, Dictionary p. 1359, eunuch:

Another false teaching example stating that Eunuchs cannot have sexual relations.

Sexualia: From Prehistory to Cyberspace, Bishop / Osthelder, 2001, p. 339, The Erotic Muse Art and Artifice | Cult of the Castrati (17th century):, Homosexuality and Hinduism:

To this day in modern India there are Hijras, transgendered men who have sex with men. They religiously identify as a separate third sex, with many undergoing ritual castration., The Fallacies of Moralism and Moral Aestheticism, The Fallacy of Moralistic Relativism:

What's more, while white eunuchs might only have had their testicles removed, black eunuchs might have their penises amputated as well -- as noted more than once in The One Thousand and One Nights, a eunuch with a penis could still have sex with his female wards in the harem., pros and cons of castration:
Many eunuchs still have sex and orgasms., Cut! (Part 2): From the 16th to early 20th century, there were Catholic boys who were castrated before puberty to produce singers who could keep the angelic voice of a young boy, combined with the vocal power of an adult male. These castrati were actually much like pop stars today, idolized for their voices, somewhat like Michael Jackson (who is not, let me repeat, not a castrato). Women fainted during their performances, wore medallions with their favorite castrato and chased after these pop idols. And the castrati were able to reciprocate, even with sex. Readers who saw the film "Farinelli", about a 17th century castrato, will remember what a gigolo he was, and may have wondered how a castrato could have so many escapades. My point is that even after an orchidectomy, a man can still have sex. Were talking here about a volatile mixture of human lust, libido and desire that transcend hormones., Castration: An Abbreviated History of Western Manhood by Gary Taylor:

Eunuchs have often been seen as monsters, neither male nor female -- especially those castrated before puberty, who become obese and pale and can't have intercourse, such

as the castrati who used to sing in operas (and Catholic choirs). But a eunuch castrated in adulthood is often perfectly capable of sex., eunuch, Myths: According to Tom Burnham's Dictionary of Misinformation, a common misconception about eunuchs is that, since they were castrated, they were either unable or unwanting to defile or perform sexual intercourse with the women in the harem they were employed to watch over. This was not always true, however. If a eunuch was castrated after puberty, which was common, he would still be able to achieve an erection and engage in coitus, though no pregnancy could result. According to Burnham, some women preferred eunuchs as lovers since they never ejaculated and could, therefore, maintain erections longer., Sex offenders:
Surgical castration is no guarantee that Brian DeVries won't molest another child, specialists in urology and sexual disorders said. The procedure, which DeVries had done nearly two years ago, lowers testosterone levels, but it doesn't preclude an erection. "What it should do is decrease libido or sexual desire," said Dr. Michael Ellen, an Olympia urologist.

The article then goes on to talk about how castration is not an absolute guarantee. The other factor that the castration supporters have not taken into account is the fact that the castrated individual can take testosterone supplements to reignite his sex drive. And that the castrated male can also still get an erection and have sex and even orgasm if he is stimulated enough, Others ~ Selected Correspondence: Sex: It is also known that, as far as the physiology of sex, that in human beings sex is subject to considerable cortical control. For instance, castration does not obliterate the sexual drive in humans but does in animals. Apparently there is a lot about sex that goes on in the higher brain centres. I dont know if you are familiar with this or not, but castration has been recommended as a means of controlling dangerous sexual predators (I mean the human kind), like serial rapists. I have read somewhere certain experts opine that it will not work because you can castrate a male human being and they will still have sex and want to have sex. So, this leads me to believe that humans, unlike animals, have a much higher investment of their sexual functioning in the brain and nervous system, and not so much in the hormonal regulatory areas.

Castration -- removal of testicles -- is no guarantee that the sexual ability of a man will be suppressed. The reduction in testosterone will lessen the desire, totally in some people, but the adrenal glands produce well enough hormones to maintain sexual capability. (via, Youth Embassy, ask a question: For some reason my friend wants to know if guys can still have sex and how if they have been castrated (to put it simply has no balls)? Response:
Dear Mila, Although he has lost the primary source of testosterone (the hormone/fluid that gives males their sex drive) he can still have erections, and still engage in sexual intercourse. He can also receive hormone injections. He can also be sexual with his partner without involving his penis., Brandon's Life 3: Brandon the Eunuch: Once you heal up, we take you back to the Doctor. He takes some blood, measures your hormone levels, and he gives you patches to wear. It's called HRT, and it puts back what you lose from having no balls anymore. You still get hard, you can still whack off and YES I know about that - and eventually, you can still have sex and enjoy it. It might take you longer to

get off, you shoot out thinner and clearer stuff and less of it, but you still shoot. You just shoot blanks., Fixed For Life:

"When I woke up in the hospital, there was a doctor standing over me. He explained that he was a urological surgeon, and that in the accident my balls had been crushed, and that he had to perform a bilateral orchiectomy and remove my scrotum. When it dawned on me that meant my balls were cut off, you can imagine how I freaked out," he said matter-of-factly. Like his other five counterparts, Jason talks of his surgery freely, except that they all seem a bit sensitive about using the specific word "castration" to describe what they had done to them. "The doctor explained that my penis was intact and functional, and that when I recovered from my injuries, there would be little noticeable change, except that my body hair would diminish significantly. He told me I could still have an erection and could still have sex, except that I would be much slower to climax, and of course I could never have children.", Sex Question and Answer Part 2, Castration Effects:
At first, a man who has been castrated will still have a sexual urge. Over time, however, because he's no longer producing testosterone, he'll lose much of his libido or sexual desire. Medications can readjust the chemicals in his blood and bring back some sexual desire. Studies have also been done that show with increased stimulation, a castrated man can actually get an erection, have sex, and orgasm (although he won't have any sperm in his ejaculate, which would be minimal in volume).

Sounds like the followers of Cybele and Cotytto made some kind of a libido sacrifice to gain a whole lot of different sexual partners. Otherwise, providing for children required more stay at home dads (as free food was also eliminated in those days), rather than single men who could have the time of their lives. The libido could go up if they have a different woman each time. At least it sure would normally., Last Night Day:

"So you won't have any balls anymore, and your penis won't grow. It's never going to grow any bigger than it is now. It's going to stay small and - frankly - unattractive. There's nothing too much wrong with your penis, James, but it's just too small. It's not going to excite me. Or your sister." "But I can still have sex with it! Some girls won't mind." I guess its a different generation than Im used to., FEM DOMS and their eunuchs: Whilst I hate to squash on your condescending pity, I think you need to be reminded that some eunuchs CAN satisfy a woman's need for sex. Many eunuchs do retain sexual ability after castration, even though at a reduced level. In other words, some eunuchs can lust, and some eunuchs can satify that lust. If they want to. It depends on age at castration, what the adrenal glands are doing, and other factors poorly understood.

Well, it just shows that eunuchs, contrary to what some believe, can still have sex. (And our voice pitch doesn't change.) But note...I am NOT driven to sex, have no NEED for sex, and could ignore sex altogether if I choose to. As Dr. Spector kept saying, after castration the Eunuch is usually IN CONTROL of his sexuality., Brooothers become Eunuchs: Fooor the next several weks Mom and Kathy both teased us until they found out we could still have sex. Wwwhhen school started we were both senioors. OIt was a small school and Kathy let every one know we were eunuchs and still could have sex. We were popular with all the girls all year. Ssome of the guys were jealous of us, about our being castrated. Sexualia: From Prehistory to Cyberspace, Bishop / Osthelder, 2001, p. 154, Sex and Marriage in Judaism:

Eunuchs for the Kingdom of God, Uta Ranke-Heinemann, 1990, pp. 250-251, The Council of Trent and Pope Sixtus the Momentous:

P. 256:

The church is the one who should worry about Hell, when they defile Jesus support for eunuchs and orders against marriage., Eunuchs and Castrati, History and the Eunuch:

In Egyptian creation stories the first god is the male and female Atum who divides and creates Shu and Tefnut who in turn produce Geb and Nut. Finally they produce two pairs, Isis, the

reproductive female, and Osiris, the reproductive male, and also Seth, the nonreproductive eunuch (who represented the dry desert), and Nephthys, the unmarried virgin who did not associate with men. Seth followed after Osiris and eventually murdered him and then had sex withOsiris' son Horus who catches Seth's ejaculation in his hand and brings the semen to Isis who sprinkles it on a lettuce, which Seth eats. King Herod was very fond of his eunuchs because of their beauty. The king's son Alexander was continually plotting against him, someone told the king that the eunuchs had been corrupted with money by Alexander. When they were asked about it, they admitted having sex with Alexander, but denied any plot., Phoenician influence on Greek Religion 900-600 BC: The Oriental influences seen in the Gods and Goddesses worshipped in Greece, Cultic Practices: Eunuchs: The followers of Aphrodite/Astarte sometimes attempted to copy the androgynous state in a more dramatic way and during the height of an orgiastic rite, emasculated themselves. Fundamentals of Human Sexuality, Katchadourian, 1989, p. 678, Glossary | eunuch: P. 676, Glossary | castration: (Google Answers), Subject: Re: killing my sex drive: If you are more like me then like lrulrick, you might discover that even actual castration would not solve your "problem." That your desire to attain the affections of the fairer sex are not strictly or even predominantly hormonal., Sexual Trivia: Men who are castrated live an average of 13 years longer than their uncut counterparts. (Women who went to college are more likely to enjoy both the giving and receiving of oral sex than high school dropouts Women with a Ph.D. are twice as likely to be interested in a one-night stand than those with only a Bachelor's degree.), Eunuchs:

A eunuch is a castrated human male -- that is, a man who has had his testicles removed.
Dictionarium Linguae Latinae et Anglicanae (Dictionary Language Latin and English), Thomas Thomas, 1587, no page numbers, Castrat-:


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