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PIDE Section 2

Operational Mode Selections The PIDE instruction allows the user to select several different options in how they want it to function. Some of these like Direct/Reverse control action are fairly common. thers are infre!uently used. Direct/Reverse "ontrol #ction In a direct actin$ controller% when the error is positive% the output increases. &ith an indirect actin$ controller% when the error is positive% the output decreases. The control en$ineer will select the action type dependin$ on his process and the action of the control valve that he is usin$. # 'oolean input is provided to allow him to select the desired control action.
Tag "ontrol#ction Type ' ( Description "ontrol action re!uest. &hen set% calculates error as E ) P* + SP or Reverse #ctin$. &hen cleared% calculates error as E ) SP + P* or Direct #ctin$. Default is cleared ,Direct #ctin$-..

Ta.le /. 0 "ontrol #ction Re!uest Dependent/Independent 1ains #l$orithm The en$ineer is $iven the choice of how he wants the proportional% inte$ral and derivative $ains to act on his process. Typically% the dependent IS# $ains al$orithm is are used when it is desired to use traditional loop tunin$ methods. &hen the independent $ains al$orithm is selected% the three $ain constants operate independently from each other.
Tag Depend/Indepen d Type ' ( Description Dependent/Independent "ontrol re!uest. &hen set% uses the dependent form of the PID e!uation% when cleared% uses the independent form of the e!uation. Default is cleared.

Ta.le 2. + Dependent/Independent "ontrol Re!uest "ontroller 1ains 1ains are e2pressed differently dependin$ upon the al$orithm selected as shown a.ove. Proportional $ain Inte$ral $ain Derivative $ain ) 3p ) 3i ) 3d "ontroller $ain Reset $ain Rate $ain ) 3c ) Ti ) Td

Proportional $ain ,proportional .and- is e2pressed as4 3p ) //3c

Tag P1ain Type RE#( Description Proportional $ain. &hen usin$ the independent al$orithm% enter the unitless proportional $ain in this ta$. &hen usin$ the dependent al$orithm% enter the unitless controller $ain into this ta$. *alid ran$e is ma2imum positive float. Default ) 5.5. Inte$ral $ain &hen usin$ the independent al$orithm% enter the inte$ral $ain in units of //minutes in this ta$. &hen usin$ the dependent al$orithm% enter the inte$ral time constant in units of minutes/repeat into this ta$. *alid ran$e is ma2imum positive float. Default ) 5.5. Derivative $ain. &hen usin$ the independent al$orithm% enter the derivative $ain in units of minutes in this ta$. &hen usin$ the dependent al$orithm% enter the derivative time constant in units of minutes into this ta$. *alid ran$e is ma2imum positive float. Default ) 5.5.





Ta.le 6. + "ontroller $ain ta$s In addition% there are several ta$s which chan$e how the proportional and derivative terms in the velocity al$orithm are calculated. The al$orithm used is4

CVn=CVn-1+KpE+KiEt+Kd En-2En-1+En-2 t
7i$ure 8 + *elocity #l$orithm
Tag P*EProportional P*EDerivative DSmoothin$ Type ' ( ' ' ( ( Description Proportional P* control re!uest. &hen set% calculate the proportional term ,DeltaPTerm- usin$ the chan$e in process varia.le ,P*Percent-. &hen cleared% use the chan$e in Error ,EPercent-. Default is cleared. Derivative P* control re!uest. &hen set% calculate the terivative term ,DeltaDTerm- usin$ the chan$e in process varia.le ,P*Percent-. &hen cleared% use the chan$e in Error ,EPercent-. Default is cleared. Derivative Smoothin$ re!uest. &hen set% chan$es in the derivative term are smoothed. Derivative smoothin$ causes less output 9:itters; as a result of a noisy P* si$nal .ut also limits the effectiveness of hi$h derivative $ains. Default is cleared.

Ta.le < + #l$orithm =odification Ta$s Timing Modes The PIDE instruction supports three different timin$ modes. They are 9periodic;% 9oversample; and real time sampling. # full e2planation of how they function and what their differences are is spelled out in #ppendi2 # of the Process "ontrol and Drives Instruction =anual.

'ecause the PIDE calculations are .ased upon time% it is necessary that the user select one of these timin$ modes and fill in the appropriate ta$s properly. Periodic Mode The easiest mode to use with the PIDE is the periodic mode. The PIDE is pro$rammed in a periodic task and that task e2ecutes at a time interval that the control en$ineer selects. The system will place the task time interval into an output ta$ called DeltaT. Timin$ mode parameter TimingMode is set to 5. Oversample Mode >sed when the PIDE is in a continuous task. The timin$ mode parameter TimingMode is set to a value of /. The delta time is the value written into the parameter OversampleDT . >se this mode when the instruction e2ecutes in a continuous task and the process input does not have a time stamp associated with its input. ,Note !" t#e process inp$t #as a time stamp% it is recommended t#at &o$ $se t#e real time sampling mode-. ?ou will need to have some lo$ic in the pro$ram to control when the instruction operates. >se a timer set to the OversampleDT value that controls the Ena'le!n input of the PIDE instruction (eal Time )ampling Mode This mode can .e used when the PIDE instruction is used in a continuous task and the process input has a time stamp associated with the process input. The timin$ mode parameter TimingMode is set to a value of 2. The instruction compares the confi$ured (T)Time value,e2pected update period- a$ainst the calculated DeltaT to determine if every update of the process update is .ein$ read .y the PIDE instruction. >sin$ real time samplin$% the delta time ,DeltaT- used .y the instruction is the difference .etween two time stamp values that correspond to the updates of the process input. The instruction compares the confi$ured (T)Time value ,e2pected update period- a$ainst the calculated DeltaT to determine if every update of the process input is .ein$ read .y the PIDE instruction.
Tag Timin$=ode versampleDT Type DI@T RE#( Description Selects timin$ mode. 5 ) periodic mode% / ) oversample mode% 2 ) real time samplin$ mode. *alid ran$e is 5 to 2% Default is 5. E2ecution time for oversamplin$ mode. The value used for DeltaT is in seconds. If TimingMode ) /% and OversampleDT ) 5.5% the e2ecution of the PIDE is disa.led. *alid ran$e is 5.5 to 8/A8.656 seconds. Default is 5.5 =odule update time for real time samplin$ timin$. The e2pected DeltaT update time is in milliseconds. The update period is normally the value that was used to confi$ure the modules update time. *alid ran$e is / to 62BCB ms. Default ) /. =odule time stamp value for real time samplin$ timin$.. The value is that which corresponds to the last update of the input si$nal. The value is used to calculate DeltaT. *alid ran$e is / to 62BCB ms. Default ) 5.





Ta.le C + Timin$ =ode Input Ta$s

Tag DeltaT

Type RE#(



Description Elapsed time .etween updates. This is the elapsed time in seconds used .y the PIDE al$orithm to calculate the process input. Periodic4 DeltaT ) task scan time. versample Delta T ) versampleDT. Real Time Samplin$ DeltaT ) ,RTSTimeStampn + RTSTimeStampn0/-. PIDE Status &ord 2. Defines timin$ errors.

Ta.leB + Timin$ =ode utput Ta$s Deadband Control The PIDE function .lock offers the user the choice of two different types of dead.and control. Dead.and control is often used when the process is very noisy and it it not desira.le to have the control system attempt to re$ulate the noise si$nal that is ridin$ on top of the process varia.le si$nal. E2amples of noise commonly found in process systems are pulsations created .y the rotatin$ impeller of a pump on a pressure or flow si$nal or the pulsations created .y a mi2er impeller when tryin$ to measure tank level. Typically the pump impeller noise is a much hi$her fre!uency than that created .y the mi2er impeller. It is common to create a small dead.and that is symmetrical around the Dero error value. The controller will not take any control action as lon$ as the error is inside the dead.and. It only takes control action when the error is $reater than the dead.and. The choices in Dero crossin$ control determine how the controller reacts when the error $oes outside the selected dead.and. The input ta$s that are used in the PIDE control structure for Dero crossin$ dead.and control are shown .elow in fi$ure /.
Description E"Dead.and E" ff Explanation Eero crossin$ dead.and ran$e. Real varia.le. Defined as Process *aria.le >nits. Enter a value to 5 to disa.le Dero crossin$ dead.and checkin$.. Default value is 5.5 Eero crossin$ dead.and disa.le re!uest. 'oolean value. Default is 5. &hen set to a value of /% Dero crossin$ dead.and control is disa.led

Ta.le F. + Eero crossin$ dead.and input control ta$s.

Description E"Dead.and n Explanation Eero crossin$ dead.and output indicator. &hen set the value of "* does not chan$e. If E" ff is set% then E"Dead.and n is set when GEH is within the E"Dead.and ran$e. If E" ff is cleared% then E"Dead.and n is when IEH crosses Dero and remains within the E"Dead.and ran$e. E"Dead.and n is cleared when GEH e2ceeds the E"Dead.and ran$e or when E"Dead.and ) 5.

Ta.le A. + Eero crossin$ dead.and output indicators. #n e2ample of Dero crossin$ dead.and is shown .elow in 7i$ure /5. The dead.and is defined in the ta$ 9E"Dead.and;. #s stated a.ove% it is in units of the P* and is symmetrical around 5 error. E" ff ) 5. 8

@ote that when the error term e2ceeds the value of the dead.and% either positive aor ne$ative% controller starts ad:ustin$ the output and continues to calculate new values until the error si$nal crosses the Dero error point. #t that time% the PIDE !uits makin$ ad:ustments in its output ,"*- until the error value e2ceeds the dead.and ran$e a$ain.

7i$ure /5. + E2ample of Eero "rossin$ Dead.and with E" ff ) 5. 7i$ure // .elow illustrates how dead.and control works when E" ff is set to a value of /. In this e2ample% the PIDE only make chan$es in the output whenever the error value is outside of the dead.and.

7i$ure //. + E2ample of Eero "rossin$ Dead.and with E" ff ) /. Bumpless Transfer going from Manual to Automatic Mode. &hen =anual mode has .een selected% the "* or "*E> output values e!ual the value of "*Pro$ or "* per dependin$ upon which control state has .een selected. There is no relationship .etween the process varia.le si$nal and the values in SPPro$ or SP per. In order to achieve what is called 'umpless transfer when switchin$ .ack to the #uto mode% it is necessary to ena.le the P* Trackin$ function .y settin$ the value to a /.
Tag P*Trackin$ Type ' ( Description SP track P* re!uest. &hen set% causes the SP to track the P* when in the =anual mode. I$nored when in #uto or "ascade/Ratio modes% Default is cleared.

Ta.le /2 + P* Trackin$ Selection Ta$ <

Cascade Control "ascade control is used in applications where there are upstream distur.ances in the controlled varia.le. #n e2ample would .e a tank where it is desired to control the temperature of the li!uid .y re$ulatin$ the amount of steam $oin$ to the steam :acket around the tank. This type of process has a lon$ time constant. If the steam supply is sta.le% it is okay to use a three mode ,PID- temperature controller with a lon$ reset time. This controller will measures the temperature of the li!uid and re$ulate the amount of steam $oin$ to the tanks steam :acket as lon$ as the upstream steam pressure is constant. If however% the steam supply ,pressure- is not sta.le% it will .e necessary to use a cascade control system to $et $ood temperature re$ulation. The temperature controller will not know that the steam pressure has chan$ed until the temperature of the li!uid starts to chan$e. Since the time constant of the temperature loop is lon$% it will take a lon$ time for the temperature controller to return the process to an e!uili.rium condition ,a new steam valve output position correspondin$ to the new level of heat input or steam pressure-. The cascade control system shown will .oth control the temperature in the vessel and correct for chan$es in supply0steam pressure. The secondary controller monitors the :acket inlet steam pressure. #ny chan$es in the upstream supply will .e !uickly corrected for .y read:ustin$ the valve position .ecause the loop has a fast time constant and therefore a short reset time.% The temperature controller% ad:usts the setpoint of the secondary ,pressure- controller as dictated .y the heat or temperature re!uirements of the incomin$ li!uid.

7i$ure /6 + "onnection dia$ram for "ascade "ontrol System.

7i$ure /8 + 'lock dia$ram of "ascade "ontrol System.

Ratio "ontrol Ratio control is used when it is needed to control one or more flows as a percenta$e of a primary flow. It is used in continuous .lendin$ systems in different industries% such as Petro0chem or paper. In the flow dia$ram shown .elow% a level controller for a .lend tank senses the chan$e in demand of the downstream process .y chan$es in tank level. In order to maintain tank level% it will ad:ust the control valve re$ulatin$ 7low 9#;. # flow transmitter measures the flow rate of 9#; and its output $oes to the SP"ascade input of the Ratio controllers for 7lows 9'; and 9";. # ratio si$nal multiplier is connected to the 9RatioPro$; or 9Ratio per; input for each Ratio controller. The value of the SP"ascade is multiplied .y B

the ratio multiplier and .ecomes the set point for the Ratio controller. &ith this confi$uration% it is only necessary to know the ratio of flow components 9'; and 9"; to that of flow component 9#;. If 9'; is supposed to .e <5J of 9#;% set its ratio at 5.<5 and if 9"; is 25J of 9#;% set its ratio at 5.25.

7i$ure /< +'lock Dia$ram of Ratio "ontrol System

(evel "ontroller

7low 9'; "ontroller

7i$ure /C + "onnection dia$ram for two component Ratio "ontrol System @otes4 /. #dditional ratio controllers would .e added in parallel to the 7low 9'; controller. 2. Ratio input is only applied when the ratio controller has "ascadeRatio mode selected and the >seRatio input is ena.led. Refer to the chart for inputs that was provided as part of the earlier session on PIDE..

The connection dia$rams for .oth the Ratio and the "ascade control systems do not show all the inputs and outputs re!uired for their operation. # is permissive inputs are re!uired to put the PIDE controllers in the desired mode of operation. These inputs are covered in the first section of the PIDE presentation. (isted .elow in Ta.les /B and /F are inputs and outputs% includin$ some limit points that apply to the "ascade and Ratio controllers.
Tag SP"ascade Type RE#( Explanation Set point for "ascade and Ratio control. Scaled in P* >nits. If "ascadeRatio is set and >seRatio is cleared% then SP ) SP"ascade. Typically the "*E> of a primary controller. If "ascade Pro$ram mode ratio multiplier. Ratio output is set e!ual to this value when in perator control. If RatioPro$ KRatio((imit or L RatioM(imit% instruction set .it in Status word. *alid ran$e is Ratio((imit to RatioM(imit. Default )/.5 perator mode ratio multiplier. Ratio per and Ratio output are Used it! "ascade and Ratio Ratio



Ratio per



>seRatio #llow"asRat Pro$"asRatRe! per"asRatRe! RatioM(imit

' ' ' '

( ( ( (




"*InitRe! "*Init*alue







set e!ual to this value when in Pro$ram control. If RatioPro$ KRatio((imit or L RatioM(imit% instruction set .it in Status word. *alid ran$e is Ratio((imit to RatioM(imit. Default )/.5 Ratio control mode permissive. Set to ena.le ratio control when in "ascade/Ratio mode. Default ) Dero. "ascade/Ratio mode permissive. Set to allow "ascade/Ratio mode to .e selected .y either the Pro$"ascade/RatioRe! or per"ascadeRatioRe!. Default ) Dero. Pro$ram "ascade/Ratio mode re!uest. Set .y the user pro$ram to re!uest "ascade/Ratio mode. &henPro$*alueReset is set% the instruction clears the input each e2ecution. Default ) Dero. perator "ascade/Ratio mode re!uest. Set .y the operator interface to re!uest "ascade/Ratio mode. The instruction clears the input each e2ecution. Default ) Dero. Ratio hi$h limit value. (imits the value of Ratio o.tained from RatioPro$ or Ratio per. If RatioM(imit K Ratio((imit% instruction sets appropriate .it in Status/ and limits Ratio usin$ the value of Ratio((imit. *alid ran$e ) Ratio((imit to ma2imum positive float. Default ) /.5 Ratio low limit value. (imits the value of Ratio o.tained from RatioPro$ or Ratio per. If Ratio((imit K 5% instruction sets appropriate .it in Status/ and limits the value to 5 If RatioM(imit K Ratio((imit% instruction sets appropriate .it in Status/ and limits the value to Ratio((imit. *alid ran$e ) 5.5 to Ratio(imit. Default ) /.5 "* initialiDation re!uest. @ormally controlled .y the 9In Mold; status on the analo$ output module controlled .y "*E> or from the InitPrimary output of a secondary PIDE loop. "*E> initialiDation value% scaled in "*E> units. &hen "*InitialiDin$ is set% "*E> ) "*Init*alue and "* e!uals the correspondin$ percenta$e value. "*Init*alue comes from the feed.ack of the analo$ output controlled .y "*E> or from the setpoint of a secondary PIDE loop. Instruction initialiDation is disa.led when "*7aulted or "*E>SpanInv is set. *alid ran$e is any float. Default is 5.5 &indup hi$h re!uest. &hen set% the "* is not allowed to increase in value. The si$nal is normally o.tained from the &indupM ut output from a secondary PIDE loop. Default is cleared. &indup low re!uest. &hen set% the "* is not allowed to decrease in value. The si$nal is normally o.tained from the &indup( ut output from a secondary PIDE loop. Default is cleared.

Ratio "ascade and Ratio "ascade and Ratio "ascade and Ratio Ratio


"ascade primary "ascade primary

"ascade primary "ascade primary

Ta.le /B + "ascade/Ratio "ontroller Inputs







InitPrimary &indupM ut

' '

( (

&indup( ut


SP Ratio RatioM#larm Ratio(#larm

RE#( RE#( ' ( ' (

InitialiDe primary loop command. Set when not in "ascade/Ratio mode or when "*InitialiDin$ is set. Si$nal normally used .y the "*InitRe! of a primary PIDE loop. Reset windup hi$h indicator. Set when either a SPhi$h% "* hi$h or "* low ,dependin$ on control action- has .een reached. Typically used with the &indupMIn input of a primary controller to prevent the windup of the "* output. Reset windup low indicator. Set when either a SPlow% "* hi$h or "* low ,dependin$ on control action- has .een reached. Typically used with the &indup(In input of a primary controller to prevent the windup of the "* output. "urrent SP value. >sed to control the value of "*Init*alue of of the primary controller when in "ascade/Ratio mode. "urrent ratio multiplier value Ratio hi$h alarm indicator. Set when Ratio L RatioM(imit Ratio low alarm indicator. Set when Ratio K Ratio((imit

"ascade primary "ascade secondary "ascade secondary "ascade primary Ratio Ratio Ratio

Ta.le /F + "ascade/Ratio "ontroller utputs


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