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kULL 117: MC1ICN 1C UASn

Sect|on 1. 1|me to move to quash.
At any t|me before enter|ng h|s p|ea, the accused may move to quash
the comp|a|nt or |nformat|on. (1)

I. When Mot|on to uash Shou|d 8e I||ed
As a rule, you have Lo flle Lhe moLlon wlLhln a cerLaln perlod of
Llme. AfLer Lhe perlod, you can no longer flle a moLlon Lo quash.
o 8efore plea ! moLlon Lo quash
" 1heoreLlcally, you can flle a moLlon Lo quash
even afLer readlng of Lhe lnformaLlon.
" ln pracLlce: you need Lo make sure Lo flle Lhls
moLlon before arralgnmenL, because lf you
don'L, you may lrrlLaLe Lhe [udge.
o 8efore arralgnmenL ! moLlon for blll of parLlculars
AccepLance of a MoLlon Lo Cuash amounLs Lo an acqulLLal wlLh
consenL of Lhe accused (Lhus no double [eopardy aLLaches)

Sect|on 2. Iorm and contents.
1he mot|on to quash sha|| be |n wr|t|ng, s|gned by the accused or h|s
counse| and sha|| d|st|nct|y spec|fy |ts factua| and |ega| grounds. 1he
court sha|| cons|der no ground other than those stated |n the mot|on,
except |ack of [ur|sd|ct|on over the offense charged. (2a)

I. Mot|on to uash
A MoLlon Lo Cuash may be flled where Lhe lnformaLlon ls
defecLlve or Lhe CourL has no [urlsdlcLlon.
1hls wlll noL resulL ln double [eopardy unless such already exlsLs.
Sect|on 3. Grounds.
1he accused may move to quash the comp|a|nt or |nformat|on on any
of the fo||ow|ng grounds:

(a) 1hat the facts charged do not const|tute an offense,

(b) 1hat the court try|ng the case has no [ur|sd|ct|on over the offense

(c) 1hat the court try|ng the case has no [ur|sd|ct|on over the person of
the accused,

(d) 1hat the off|cer who f||ed the |nformat|on had no author|ty to do

(e) 1hat |t does not conform substant|a||y to the prescr|bed form,

(f) 1hat more than one offense |s charged except when a s|ng|e
pun|shment for var|ous offenses |s prescr|bed by |aw,

(g) 1hat the cr|m|na| act|on or ||ab|||ty has been ext|ngu|shed,

(h) 1hat |t conta|ns averments wh|ch, |f true, wou|d const|tute a |ega|
excuse or [ust|f|cat|on, and

(|) 1hat the accused has been prev|ous|y conv|cted or acqu|tted of the
offense charged, or the case aga|nst h|m was d|sm|ssed or otherw|se
term|nated w|thout h|s express consent. (3a)

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I. 1
Ground: 1hat the facts charged do not const|tute an offense
lf Lhe M1C ls grounded on Lhls, Lhe CourL can order Lhe
prosecuLlon Lo amend Lhe lnformaLlon. 1he prosecuLlon wlll be
glven a Llme Lo compleLe Lhe lnformaLlon. lf Lhey fall Lo do so, lL
wlll be dlsmlssed.
1he elemenLs of Lhe crlme musL be presenL ln Lhe facLs as
presenLed ln Lhe lnformaLlon.

II. 2
Ground: 1hat the court try|ng the case has no [ur|sd|ct|on over
the offense charged
1hls goes Lo Lhe law LhaL confers [urlsdlcLlon.
1he lnformaLlon may be re-flled ln Lhe CourL havlng [urlsdlcLlon
over Lhe case.

III. 3
Ground: 1hat the court try|ng the case has no [ur|sd|ct|on over
the person of the accused
volunLary surrender and arresL, so lf he hasn'L surrendered or
arresLed Lhe lnformaLlon can be quashed.

IV. 4
Ground: 1hat the off|cer who f||ed the |nformat|on had no
author|ty to do so
1ur|ngan v. Garf|n ! a sLaLe prosecuLor lacked Lhe auLhorlLy Lo
flle Lhe lnformaLlon because Lhere was nelLher a dlrecLlve from
Lhe SecreLary of !usLlce deslgnaLlng hlm as a speclal prosecuLor
nor Lhe wrlLLen approval of Lhe lnformaLlon by Lhe clLy
prosecuLor. Pere, Lhe lnformaLlon suffered from a [urlsdlcLlonal
defecL. 1herefore, Lhe [udge correcLly dlsmlssed Lhe case.
o 1he offlce of Lhe speclal prosecuLor can only flle an
lnformaLlon wlLh auLhorlLy granLed by Lhe Cmbudsman
o 1he clLy prosecuLor flles ln anoLher clLy noL wlLhln hls
o 1he asslsLanL prosecuLor wlLhouL consenL of Lhe clLy or
provlnclal prosecuLor.
1he lnformaLlon may be re-flled.

V. S
Ground: 1hat |t does not conform substant|a||y to the prescr|bed
form such as.
ku|e 112 ! no cerLlflcaLlon (A prosecuLor should cerLlfy Lhe
lnformaLlon LhaL he has served a copy of Lhe complalnL Lo Lhe
accused, who Lhen was Lhe respondenL, and Lhe accused-
respondenL was glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo presenL hls slde. 1haL
ls parL of Lhe lnformaLlon.)

VI. 6
Ground: 1hat more than one offense |s charged except when a
s|ng|e pun|shment for var|ous offenses |s prescr|bed by |aw
Genera| ku|e: Cne offense only ln one lnformaLlon.
o lf you have more Lhan one offense charged ln one
lnformaLlon, Lhe lnformaLlon can be quashed.
o Complex Crlme
o Walver

VII. 7
Ground: 1hat the cr|m|na| act|on or ||ab|||ty has been
When Lhe acLlon has prescrlbed

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Ground: 1hat |t conta|ns averments wh|ch, |f true, wou|d
const|tute a |ega| excuse or [ust|f|cat|on
When Lhe lnformaLlon ralses an exculpaLory defense (l.e.
mlLlgaLlng or [usLlfylng clrcumsLance)
o 1he accused shoL Lhe vlcLlm because he had Lo defend

Ik. 9
Ground: 1hat the accused has been prev|ous|y conv|cted or
acqu|tted of the offense charged, or the case aga|nst h|m was
d|sm|ssed or otherw|se term|nated w|thout h|s express consent.
Doub|e Ieopardy ! cannot be re-f||ed
o Genera| ku|e: A dlsmlssal wlLh Lhe express consenL of
Lhe accused wlll noL lead Lo a double [eopardy.
" A dlsmlssal wlLhouL express consenL of Lhe
accused ls LhaL done wlLhouL lnlLlaLlon of Lhe
accused or wlLhouL ay suggesLlon from Lhe
" Lxample: lallure Lo prosecuLe because Lhe
moLlon of blll parLlculars was noL complled wlLh
(V|rata v. Sand|ganbayan)
o Lxcept|on: (Doub|e Ieopardy w||| attach here)
" uemurrer of evldence
" ulsmlssal of Lhe case on grounds of speedy Lrlal
Speedy 1r|a| ! cannot be re-f||ed, doub|e [eopardy attaches
o vCC ! vexaLlous, caprlclous and oppresslve delays
o Lxcluslons (ku|e 119, Sect|on 3) ! 1he law mandaLes
LhaL Lhe Lrlal should be compleLed swlfLly, lf Lhe case ls
delayed for one reason or anoLher llke Lhere ls a
peLlLlon for cerLlorarl, Lhere are exLraordlnary remedles,
or oLher pendlng cases, [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe person of
Lhe accused or oLher accused have noL yeL been
obLalned, llke delay by reason of oLher proceedlngs,
unsound mlnd of Lhe accused, llke unavallablllLy of
wlLnesses or absences of wlLnesses - Lhese are whaL
you call LxCLuSlCnS
" As long as Lhe prosecuLlon does someLhlng Lhe
courL ordlnarlly wlll noL dlsmlss.
o 1hls ls an excepLlon Lo Lhe rule LhaL dlsmlssal wlLh
consenL of Lhe accused wlll noL resulL Lo double

k. Grounds that w||| surv|ve even |f you |n|t|a||y fa|| a Mot|on to uash
(Sect|on 9, ku|e 117)
When Lhere ls double [eopardy
o Where has been: AcqulLLal, ConvlcLlon, ulsmlssal
wlLhouL express consenL of Lhe accused.
rescrlpLlon of crlmes (noL penalLy)
o rescrlpLlon of penalLles ! Lhere has been flnal
[udgmenL and such was noL execuLed
o rescrlpLlon of crlmes ! Lhere has been no flllng of any
acLlon for a cerLaln perlod of Llme.

Sect|on 4. Amendment of comp|a|nt or |nformat|on.
If the mot|on to quash |s based on an a||eged defect of the comp|a|nt
or |nformat|on wh|ch can be cured by amendment, the court sha||
order that an amendment be made. (4a)
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If |t |s based on the ground that the facts charged do not const|tute an
offense, the prosecut|on sha|| be g|ven by the court an opportun|ty to
correct the defect by amendment. 1he mot|on sha|| be granted |f the
prosecut|on fa||s to make the amendment, or the comp|a|nt or
|nformat|on st||| suffers from the same defect desp|te the amendment.

Sect|on S. Lffect of susta|n|ng the mot|on to quash.
If the mot|on to quash |s susta|ned, the court may order that another
comp|a|nt or |nformat|on be f||ed except as prov|ded |n Sect|on 6 of
th|s ru|e. If the order |s made, the accused, |f |n custody, sha|| not be
d|scharged un|ess adm|tted to ba||. If no order |s made or |f hav|ng
been made, no new |nformat|on |s f||ed w|th|n the t|me spec|f|ed |n
the order or w|th|n such further t|me as the court may a||ow for good
cause, the accused, |f |n custody, sha|| be d|scharged un|ess he |s a|so
|n custody for another charge. (Sa)

I. kesu|t of grant|ng a Mot|on to uash
uoes noL lead Lo an acqulLLal, buL raLher Lo a dlsmlssal wlLh
consenL of Lhe accused. 1hus, double [eopardy does noL aLLach.
Genera| ku|e: A new lnformaLlon can be re-flled.
Lxcept|on: uouble !eopardy or rescrlpLlon
o 1he only ground, where Lhe case wlll noL be dlsmlssed -
buL raLher Lhere wlll be an amendmenL - ls when Lhe
lnformaLlon does noL consLlLuLe an offense. Sect|on 3(a)
Any moLlon lnlLlaLed by Lhe accused LhaL wlll resulL Lo a
dlsmlssal wlll noL amounL Lo double [eopardy.

Sect|on 6. Crder susta|n|ng the mot|on to quash not a bar to another
prosecut|on, except|on.
An order susta|n|ng the mot|on to quash |s not a bar to another
prosecut|on for the same offense un|ess the mot|on was based on the
grounds spec|f|ed |n Sect|on 3 (g) and (|) of th|s ku|e. (6a)

Sect|on 7. Iormer conv|ct|on or acqu|tta|, doub|e [eopardy.
When an accused has been conv|cted or acqu|tted, or the case aga|nst
h|m d|sm|ssed or otherw|se term|nated w|thout h|s express consent by
a court of competent [ur|sd|ct|on, upon a va||d comp|a|nt or
|nformat|on or other forma| charge suff|c|ent |n form and substance to
susta|n a conv|ct|on and after the accused had p|eaded to the charge,
the conv|ct|on or acqu|tta| of the accused or the d|sm|ssa| of the case
sha|| be a bar to another prosecut|on for the offense charged, or for
any attempt to comm|t the same or frustrat|on thereof, or for any
offense wh|ch necessar||y |nc|udes or |s necessar||y |nc|uded |n the
offense charged |n the former comp|a|nt or |nformat|on.

nowever, the conv|ct|on of the accused sha|| not be a bar to another
prosecut|on for an offense wh|ch necessar||y |nc|udes the offense
charged |n the former comp|a|nt or |nformat|on under any of the
fo||ow|ng |nstances:

(a) the graver offense deve|oped due to superven|ng facts ar|s|ng from
the same act or om|ss|on const|tut|ng the former charge,

(b) the facts const|tut|ng the graver charge became known or were
d|scovered on|y after a p|ea was entered |n the former comp|a|nt or
|nformat|on, or

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(c) the p|ea of gu||ty to the |esser offense was made w|thout the
consent of the prosecutor and of the offended party except as
prov|ded |n Sect|on 1(f) of ku|e 116.

In any of the forego|ng cases, where the accused sat|sf|es or serves |n
who|e or |n part the [udgment, he sha|| be cred|ted w|th the same |n
the event of conv|ct|on for the graver offense. (7a)

I. kequ|s|tes for Doub|e Ieopardy:
1. A courL of compeLenL [urlsdlcLlon
2. A valld complalnL or lnformaLlon
3. A valld arralgnmenL/plea has been enLered
4. AcqulLLal, convlcLlon and dlsmlssal wlLhouL Lhe express consenL
of Lhe accused.

II. Lxcept|on
1. Supervenlng LvenL ! even lf Lhere ls already a [udgmenL or a
plea, lf Lhere ls a supervenlng evenL LhaL would resulL Lo a
graver offense, double [eopardy wlll noL apply.
2. 1he facLs consLlLuLlng Lhe graver offense were only dlscovered
afLer plea.
3. lea of gullLy Lo lesser offense was made Wl1PCu1 consenL of
prosecuLor and offended parLy
a. Lxcept|on: When Lhe prlvaLe offended parLy dld noL
appear durlng arralgnmenL for plea bargalnlng and Lhe
offense was necessarlly lncluded ln Lhe offense charged
(double [eopardy seLs ln).

Sect|on 8. rov|s|ona| d|sm|ssa|.
A case sha|| not be prov|s|ona||y d|sm|ssed except w|th the express
consent of the accused and w|th not|ce to the offended party.

1he prov|s|ona| d|sm|ssa| of offenses pun|shab|e by |mpr|sonment not
exceed|ng s|x (6) years or a f|ne of any amount, or both, sha|| become
permanent one (1) year after |ssuance of the order w|thout the case
hav|ng been rev|ved. W|th respect to offenses pun|shab|e by
|mpr|sonment of more than s|x (6) years, the|r prov|s|ona| d|sm|ssa|
sha|| become permanent two (2) years after |ssuance of the order
w|thout the case hav|ng been rev|ved. (n)

I. rov|s|ona| D|sm|ssa|
Any dlsmlssal where Lhe accused consenLs, wheLher expressly or
lmplledly, ls a provlslonal dlsmlssal. lor Lhls reason a rovlslonal
ulsmlssal can be revlved.
o 1here ls no re-flllng ln provlslonal dlsmlssal because
Lhere ls only provlslonal dlsmlssal. As such, you Lalk of
revlval nC1 re-flllng.
uouble [eopardy wlll noL aLLach.

II. When per|od commences to run
eop|e v. Lacson ! noLlce Lo Lhe offended parLy wlll noL sufflce
because lL ls noL Lhe offended parLy who wlll revlve Lhe case. lL
ls Lhe publlc prosecuLor, Lherefore noLlce of dlsmlssal should be
glven Lo Lhe publlc prosecuLor and Lhe perlod wlll only Lo
commence Lo run once Lhe publlc prosecuLor recelves Lhe
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o ALLy. 1ranqull ! when Lhe CourL lssues Lhe order, lL ls
posslble LhaL such was made ln open courL, and as such
Lhe publlc prosecuLor ls necessarlly presenL.

III. kequ|s|tes for grant|ng a rov|s|ona| D|sm|ssa| (Los 8aos v. edro)
1. 1he prosecuLlon wlLh Lhe express conformlLy of Lhe accused, or
Lhe accused, moves for a provlslonal dlsmlssal (sln per[ulclo) of
hls case, or boLh Lhe prosecuLlon and Lhe accused move for lLs
provlslonal dlsmlssal,
a. ln pracLlce: lf Lhe accused ls asked lf Lhere ls ob[ecLlon,
Lhe accused musL ob[ecL so LhaL you have ln your favor
Lhe posslblllLy of fallure Lo prosecuLe.
2. 1he offended parLy ls noLlfled of Lhe moLlon for a provlslonal
dlsmlssal of Lhe case,
3. 1he courL lssues an order granLlng Lhe moLlon and dlsmlsslng
Lhe case provlslonally, and
4. 1he publlc prosecuLor ls served wlLh a copy of Lhe order of
provlslonal dlsmlssal of Lhe case.

IV. Ieatures of Sect|on 8 (Los 8aos v. edro)
1. ku|e 117, Sect|on 8 does noL exacLly sLaLe whaL a provlslonal
dlsmlssal ls.
a. 1he modlfler "provlslonal" dlrecLly suggesLs LhaL Lhe
dlsmlssals whlch Sect|on 8 essenLlally refers Lo are
Lhose LhaL are Lemporary ln characLer (l.e., Lo dlsmlssals
LhaL are wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe re-flllng of Lhe case),
and noL Lhe dlsmlssals LhaL are permanenL (l.e., Lhose
LhaL bar Lhe re-flllng of Lhe case).
2. Sect|on 8 does noL sLaLe Lhe grounds LhaL lead Lo a provlslonal
dlsmlssal. 1hls ls ln conLrasL wlLh a M1C whose grounds are
speclfled under Sect|on 3.
a. 1he dellmlLaLlon of Lhe grounds avallable ln a M1C
suggesLs LhaL lL ls a class ln lLself, wlLh speclflc and
closely deflned characLerlsLlcs. A necessary
consequence ls LhaL where Lhe grounds clLed are Lhose
llsLed under Sect|on 3, Lhen Lhe approprlaLe remedy ls
Lo flle a M1C. Conversely, where a ground does noL
appear under Sect|on 3, Lhen a M1C ls noL a proper
remedy. A moLlon for provlslonal dlsmlssal may Lhen
apply lf Lhe condlLlons requlred by Sect|on 8 obLaln.
3. Consequences of a merlLorlous M1C ls dlfferenL from
provlslonal dlsmlssal.
a. 1he fallure of Lhe 8ules Lo sLaLe under Sect|on 6 (whlch
provldes for Lhe effecLs of susLalnlng a M1C - Lhe
dlsmlssal ls noL a bar Lo anoLher prosecuLlon for Lhe
same offense - unless Lhe basls for Lhe dlsmlssal ls Lhe
exLlncLlon of crlmlnal llablllLy and double [eopardy) LhaL
a Sect|on 8 provlslonal dlsmlssal ls a bar Lo furLher
prosecuLlon shows LhaL Lhe framers dld noL lnLend a
dlsmlssal based on a M1C and a provlslonal dlsmlssal Lo
be confused wlLh one anoLher,
b. Sect|on 8 operaLes ln a world of lLs own separaLe from
M1C, and merely provldes a Llme-bar LhaL unlquely
applles Lo dlsmlssals oLher Lhan Lhose grounded on
Sect|on 3.

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V. Mot|on to uash v. rov|s|ona| D|sm|ssa| (Los 8aos v. edro)

Mot|on to uash rov|s|ona| D|sm|ssa|
llled by Lhe accused Lo quesLlon
Lhe efflcacy of Lhe complalnL or
llled aL Lhe lnsLance of Lhe
prosecuLlon or Lhe accused
1he form and conLenL of a MoLlon
Lo Cuash are sLaLed ln SecLlon 2
1he grounds ln SecLlon 2 are noL
appllcable Lo rovlslonal ulsmlssal
Assalls Lhe valldlLy of a crlmlnal
complalnL or lnformaLlon
Crounded on reasons oLher Lhan
Lhe defecLs of Lhe complalnL or
lnformaLlon. So ln u Lhe
lnformaLlon can sLand, buL Lhere
could be oLher reasons LhaL would
cause lLs dlsmlssal.
Allowed only lf made before
arralgnmenL or plea. lf noL made,
lL wlll consLlLuLe a walver.
A u could be made aL any Llme,
even durlng Lrlal proper.
lnformaLlon LhaL ls quashed sLays
quashed unLll revlved, unless lLs
double [eopardy or prescrlpLlon.
lmpermanenL unLll Lhe Llme-bar
MusL be ln wrlLlng and slgned by
Lhe accused
no form requlred
lf Lhe problem relaLes Lo an
lnLrlnslc or exLrlnslc deflclency of
Lhe complalnL or lnformaLlon, as
shown on lLs face, Lhe remedy ls a
M1C under Lhe Lerms of 8ule 117,
SecLlon 3.
All oLher reasons for seeklng Lhe
dlsmlssal of Lhe complalnL or
lnformaLlon, before arralgnmenL
and under Lhe clrcumsLances
ouLllned ln 8ule 117, SecLlon 8, fall
under provlslonal dlsmlssal.

Sect|on 9. Ia||ure to move to quash or to a||ege any ground therefor.
1he fa||ure of the accused to assert any ground of a mot|on to quash
before he p|eads to the comp|a|nt or |nformat|on, e|ther because he
d|d not f||e a mot|on to quash or fa||ed to a||ege the same |n sa|d
mot|on, sha|| be deemed a wa|ver of any ob[ect|ons except those
based on the grounds prov|ded for |n paragraphs (a), (b), (g), and (|) of
Sect|on 3 of th|s ku|e. (8)

I. Mot|on to D|sm|ss v. Mot|on to uash

Mot|on to D|sm|ss (C|v||) Mot|on to uash (Cr|m|na|)
CranL, deny, or order an
CranL, deny or order Lo amend
(LlMl1Lu grounds: defecL LhaL
can be cured or facLs charged
do noL consLlLuLe an offense)
8e-flllng wede!
! rescrlpLlon
! unenforceable under
SLaLuLe of lrauds
! 8es !udlcaLa
! LxLlngulshed clalm or
! uouble [eopardy
! rescrlpLlon
noL ralsed
! Lack of [urlsdlcLlon
over SM
! rescrlpLlon
! Lack of [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe
! uoes noL consLlLuLe an
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! LlLls endenLla
! 8es !udlcaLa
! rescrlpLlon
! uouble [eopardy

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