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Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol.

2 (51) - 2009
Series II: Forestry • Wood Engineering • Agriculture and Food Engineering




Abstract: On every process act many factors. Every factor has a greater or
lesser influence on the process. In order to optimize a process it’s necessary
to know the influences and the interactions of these factors on the process,
respectively to know the mathematical model of the process. One of the most
used models is a non-linear second order model. If this model is unknown it’s
possible to obtain it by modelling with rotatable experiments. The aim of this
paper is to present the theoretical bases and a program for experimenting
and modelling processes with rotatable experiments.

Key words: rotatable experiments, process modelling.

1. Introduction the following linear model:

y = b0 + bi xi + bij xi x j (1)
The optimization of a process is possible
when his mathematical model is known. In the second stage, a detailed analyzes
These models could be linear or nonlinear. of the response surface of the dependent
When the mathematical model is factor must be done. This analyze is not
unknown it’s possible to determine it using possible with a linear model. Only a higher
different experimental and modelling order model can be used to find the
methods. optimal point. The most used non-linear
model is a second order polynomial
2. Objectives
y = f ( z1 , z 2 ,..., z n ) :
The objectives of this paper are to
present an experimental and modeling y = β 0 + ∑ β i xi + ∑ βij xi x j + ∑ βii xi2 + (2)
method for second order mathematical i =1 i , j =1, i =1
models and to conceive a program for i≠ j

experimenting and modeling.

where: β0, βi, βij, βii - real coefficients of
3. Complete factorial experiments the equation; xi, xj, …, xk - codified values
of the factors.
The optimization of a process can be Replacing the codified values of the
done in two stages [3]. factors with the calculated values result:
In the first stage are used linear models
in order to find the optimal domain, like

Department of Wood Machines, Faculty of Wood Industry Transilvania University of Braşov.
IBH, Ingenierbüro Holztechnik, Susoweg 2, 89077 Ulm, Germany
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series II

N N N The C.F.E 3n programs became

y = b0 + ∑ bi xi + ∑ bij xi x j + ∑ bii xi2 + uneconomical for three or more factors.
i =1 i , j =1, i =1
i≠ j Box and Wilson studied this problem in
The mathematical model (2) can be 1951 and find that the number of
obtained with special programs, the most experiments could be reduced if a C.F.E 2n
important programs are named Central experiment (n factors on 2 levels) is
Composed Programs (C.C.E). These completed with some points of the factorial
programs are based on C.F.E 3n (Complete space ((-2, 0), (+2, 0), (0, -2) and (0, +2)).
Factorial Experiments for n factors on These new points are equally spaced from
three levels) programs where a factor is the center point (0, 0) with the distance α.
modified at three levels like in Table 1. In Figure 1 and Table 1 is presented an
Between the codified and the real values example of the codified and the real values
of the factors exists following dependence: of a C.F.E 22 and a C.F.E 32 experiment
(the cutting power of beech milling in
zi ± zi 0 function of the feed speed and the cutting
xi = (4) height).
Thus the number of experiments N is:

where: xi − codified values; zi − real N = n0 + nc + nα ; (5)

(natural) values; zi0 − real (natural) values
where: N - number of experiments; n0 -
in the center of the experiment; ∆zi − number of experiments in the center of the
variation interval; experiment; nc – number of experiments of

C.F.E 22 and C.F.E 32 experiment Table 1

Nr. Type of Codified values Real (natural) values
experiment x1 x2 y u, m/min h, mm P, kW
1 −1 −1 5 10
2 +1 −1 25 10
3 −1 +1 5 50
C.F.E 22

4 +1 +1 25 50
C.F.E 32

5 −1 −1 5 10
6 +1 −1 25 10
7 −1 +1 5 50
8 +1 +1 25 50
9 0 0 15 30
Laurenzi, W., Maret, K.: Program for non-linear modeling of a process.


Comparision between a C.F.E 3n

(-1,1) (+1,+1)

and a BW program [3] Table 2

(0,0) x1 Number of factors 2 3 4 5

(-1,-1) (+1,-1)
C.F.E 3 program 9 27 81 243
(0,-2) BW program 9 15 25 43

Fig. 1. Points in the factorial space.

a C.F.E 2n program, n∝ - number of programs of second order (RP2) there must

experiments in the extreme points; ∝ - be realized following steps [3]:
distance from the center point. Step 1. The levels of the natural factors zi
The values of the number n, n0, nc, n∝ and are established. At first the minimum zimin
α are presented in Table 3. and maximum value zimax of the factor is
In practice are used two types of C.C.E
established. With these two values are
programs, orthogonal and rotatable
calculated the value in the center of the
programs, but the most used programs are
rotatable programs [3]. experiment zi0 (6) and the variation
interval ∆zi (7):
4. Rotatable programs of second order
zimax − zimin zimax − zi0
In order to obtain the second order zi0 = ; ∆zi = (6)
mathematical model with rotatable 2 α

Number of experiments for the C.C.E program [3] Table 3.

Number of
n nc nα n0 α
2 13 4 4 5 1.414
3 20 8 6 6 1.682
4 31 16 8 7 2
5 52 32 10 10 2.378

Correspondence between the codified and real values of a RP2 program. Table 4
Codified values xi -α or -2 -1 0 +1 + α or +2
Real values zi zimin zi0 − ∆zi zi0 zi0 + ∆zi zimax

Codified and real programming matrix for a PR2 program. Table 5

Nr.exp. Codified values Dependent Real values Dependent
x1 x2 Factor v u factor
y [m/s] [m/min] P[kW]
1 +1 +1 60 20
2 -1 +1 40 20
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series II

3 +1 -1 60 10
4 -1 -1 40 10
5 0 +α (+1.41) 50 ≈22
6 0 -α (-1.41) 50 ≈8
7 +α (+1.41) 0 ≈64 15
8 -α (-1.41) 0 ≈36 15
9 0 0 50 15
10 0 0 50 15
11 0 0 50 15
12 0 0 50 15
13 0 0 50 15

∑x iu x ju y u
The correspondence between the bij = u =1

codified and real values is presented in Nc

Table 4. N n N

Step 2. With help of the information bii1 = ( F − G ) ∑ xiu2 yu + G ∑∑ xiu2 yu (10)

u =1 i =1 u =1
presented at step 1 the programming N
matrix from Table 5 is created (the cutting bii2 = E ∑ yu (11)
power for beech milling in function of the u =1
cutting speed v and the feed speed u): bii = bii1 + bii2 (12)
Step 3. With the real values from Table 5
are performed experiments and the e = nc + 2α ; (13)
measured values are written in the f = nc + 2α ; 4
adequate column of Table 5.
Step 4. After experimentation the D = 2α H 4 −1
[ f + ( n − 1) nc ] ; (15)
coefficients b0 , bi , bij and bii of the E = −2 H eα −1 4
mathematical model (3) are calculated with F=H [ Nf + ( n − 2) Nn − ( n − 1) e ] ; (17)

[3]: G = H ( e − Nn )
−1 2
c (18)
N N N H = 2α [ Nf + ( n − 1) Nn − ne ] ,
(19) 2

b0 = D ∑ yu + E ∑∑ x yu
iu (7) N = nc + 2n + n0 (20)
u =1 i =1 u =1

∑x iu yu
bi = u =1

Values of n, n0, α, D, E, F and G [3] Table 6

n N n0 α D E F G
2 13 5 1.414 0.200 -0.1000 0.1437 0.0187
3 20 6 1.682 0.1663 -0.0568 0.0694 0.0069
4 31 7 2.000 0.1428 -0.0357 0.0350 0.0037
5 52 10 2.378 0.0988 -0.0191 0.0180 0.0015

where: N – number of all experiments; n – number of factors; nc – number of

Laurenzi, W., Maret, K.: Program for non-linear modeling of a process.

experiments of a C.F.E 2n program; n0 – with:

number of experiments in the center. The N

∑( y yu )
values of n, n0, α, D, E, F and G are u
s (26)
presented in Table 6. sr2 = r = u =1

Step 5. The reproductibility dispersion νr N −l

(experimental error) s 0 is calculated with:
where: l – the number of terms of the
regression equation; N – the number of
S0 1 N0
s02 = = ∑ ( y 0 k − y0 ) 2 (21 experiments; yu - the measured values of
ν 0 N 0 − 1 k =1
the dependent factor; ~y - the estimatedu
values with the mathematical model
where: ν 0 - number of degrees of freedom Step 8. The concordance of the model
for the experiments in the center; N0 – with the experimental data is tested with
number of experiments in the center; yok - the Fisher test. In this order the
measured values of the dependent factor in 2
concordance dispersion scon and the
the center of the experiment; y0 - mean Fischer criteria Fc is calculated with:
value of the yok values;
2 2 2 N n0
Step 6. The dispersions sb0 , sbi , sbii ,
∑ ( yu − ~yu ) 2 − ∑ ( y0k − y0 ) 2 (27
sb2ij of the regression coefficients are 2
scon = u =1 k =1
ν con
calculated with:
ν con = ν r −ν 0 (28)
2 2
s s
sb20 = Ds02 sb2 = 0
(22) Fc = con
2 (29)
e s0
s02 2 where: ν con - number of freedom for the
sb2ij = sbii = Fs02 (23)
nc concordance dispersion; s02 -
Step 7. The significance of the coefficients reproductibility dispersion (22); Fc -
are tested with the Student test:
calculated value of the Fischer criteria.
bi bij bii The calculated value Fc is compared with
t bi = ; tbij = ; tbii = ; (24)
sbi sbij sbii the tabular value Ftab = F0.05(ν con ;ν 0 ) of the
Fischer criteria [3].
i:=1,l; ttab = t0.05(ν 0 ) ; ν 0 = n0 − 1 (25)
If Fc ≤ Ftab then the mathematical
where: tbi , tbij , tii - calculated values of
model is adequate and can be used in the
the Student test; ttab - tabular value of the optimization process [3]. If the Fischer test
Student test; ν 0 − number of degrees of is not fulfilled then the variation interval
must be decreased and all steps repeated.
freedom; n0 – number of experiments in
the center.
5. Presentation of the program
If tbi , tbij , tbii > ttab then the coefficient,
respectively the factor is significant and On base of the information presented
can be kept in the mathematical model. above and in [1] and [2] a program was
The residual dispersion sr2 is calculated conceived which allows following
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series II

- generate the programming matrix with - display the non-linear mathematical

the codified values for PR2 programs for 2 model and the results of the statistical
÷ 5 factors; analyze.
- generate the programming matrix with In Figure 2 is presented the main menu
the real values for PR2 programs for 2 ÷ 5 of the program. In the left pane are
factors; displayed the codified and the real
- allows creation of the data base with the programming matrixes. In the left bottom
measured values; window appears the mathematical models
- calculate the coefficients of the non- and the results of the statistical analyze. In
linear model; the right side could be entered or displayed
- realize a statistical analyze of the information for maximum five factors:
mathematical model; information about the experiment, the
name and the measuring units of the factor,

Fig. 2. Main menu of the PR2 program.

Fig. 3. Codified programming matrix.

Laurenzi, W., Maret, K.: Program for non-linear modeling of a process.

Fig. 4. Real programming matrix.

Fig. 5. Real programming matrix with measured values.

Fig. 6. Mathematical model for two factors with all significant coefficients.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series II

Fig. 7. Mathematical model for two factors with all coefficients.

the real value in the centre of the method presented in this paper is very
experiment the variation interval, the useful in process optimizing. Using
Number of factors, the number of rotatable experimental programs the
experiments and the number of parallel number of experiments could be reduced
experiments in the centre. without significant precision losses. Also
The main menu allows also choosing the method allows obtaining of
the type of the experiment (orthogonal mathematical models of second order
OP or rotatable RP programs) and the which can be used in the optimizing
type of the mathematical model (linear process. The program which is based on
or non-linear models). this method is very easy to use and
With the buttons placed on the bottom constitute a real help in different
of the right pane are realized following experimental and modelling researches.
- displaying the codified (Figure 3) References
and the real programming matrixes
without (Figure 4) and with 1. Laurenzi, W. Contribuţii la
measured values (Figure 5) modelarea şi optimizarea
- loading or saving the real aşchierii lemnului cu pânze
programming matrixes without or circulare în vederea conducerii
with the measured values; procesului de tăiere cu ajutorul
- calculating and displaying (Figures calculatorului (Contributions for
6 and 7) the mathematical model modelling and optimization of
with or without the significant wood cutting with circular saw
factors and the result of the
blades in order to lead the
concordance test of the
mathematical model. process with a computer). In:
Ph.D. Thesis, Transilvania University
6. Conclusions of Braşov, Braşov, Romania, 2000
2. Laurenzi, W., Taran, N.,
The experimenting and modelling Mihailescu, T., Popa, V.: 2000.
Laurenzi, W., Maret, K.: Program for non-linear modeling of a process.

Software packages for tehnologice. Aplicaţii în

experimental data processing metalurgie. (Optimization of
and process modeling. In: Tehnological Processes.
Proceedings of the International Application in metallurgy).
Symposium on Wood Machining, București, Editura Academiei,
Viena, Austria, 2000. 1987.
3. Taloi, D.:Optimizarea proceselor

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