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Chapter 7 Subsaharan Africa

Multiple Choice Africas Physiography

1. Which of the following is true? A. The Bulge of Africa is in the south, the Horn is in the north. *B. The Bulge of Africa is in the west, the Horn is in the east. C. The Bulge of Africa is in the north, the Horn is in the south. D. The Bulge of Africa is a desert area and the Horn is tropical. E. None of the above. The physical geography of the African land mass is unusual because:


A. the continent is dominated by a north-south trending, folded mountain chain of dimensions larger even than the Andes B. unlike East Asia and western South America, Africa is without active volcanoes and does not record earthquakes C. Africas rivers (Niger, Nile, Zambezi) are graded streams, uninterrupted by major waterfalls or rapids D. elevations in Africa, the shield continent, are uniformly low and do not exceed 10,000 feet *E. the landmass is cut by a system of rift valleys that extends from the northern end of the Red Sea to Swaziland in Southern Africa 3. The fault system in East Africa is the: A. Tell *B. Rift Valley D. continental drifter E. Great Divide C. Great Escarpment


The Sudd area of southern Sudan is traversed by which of the following rivers: A. Niger B. The Congo *C. Nile D. Zambezi E. Orange Which of the following associations is incorrect? A. Niger River, Bulge of Africa C. Zambezi River, Angola D. Nile River, Sudan B. Congo River, The Congo *E. Orange River, Kenya



The landform term that best describes the African continent as a whole is: *A. plateau B. coastal plain C. mountain-and-valley

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flatland D. desert 7.

E. Alpine-like mountains

Which of the following is associated with the concept of continental drift? A. schistosomiasis *B. Gondwana C. sequent occupance D. savannas E. rainforest climate Which of the following statements is false? A. The majority of Africas population is engaged in agriculture for their livelihoods. B. Most of Africas political boundaries were drawn at the beginning of the colonial period with little regard for the continents patterns of human occupancy. C. The African continent contains about half of the worlds refugee population. *D.Due to Africas difficult agricultural environment, numerous environmental hazards, diseases, and periodic food shortages, the continents population growth rate is below the worldwide average. E. Africa today contains no colonial countries. The major reason that Africa contains no continental-scale mountain range is that: A. many years of erosion have led to a leveling of formerly significant mountain ranges B. mountains never formed due to climate conditions C. Africa was once the center of the landmass from which all other continents broke off, with Laurasia in the south and Gondwana in the north *D. Africa was once the center of the landmass from which all other continents broke off, Laurasia in the north and Gondwana in the south E. Africa does have significant mountain ranges that begin at the Dead Sea in Israel and extend through Swaziland in the South




Natural Environments
10. Africas climate and vegetation regions are symmetric around the: A. Prime Meridian B. Tropic of Cancer *C. equator D. Sahara/tropical transition zone E. none of the above One of the problems with Africas rainfall is: *A. its variability from year to year in some of the marginal zones B. at the equator there is not enough rainfall to support agriculture C. that it only rains in the winter D. the large amount of rainfall in Namibia


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Subsaharan Africa

E. none of the above 12. The Congo River basin supports what type of vegetation? A. desert B. savanna *C. tropical rainforest D. tundra E. none of the above In general, soils in Africa: A. are most fertile in the Congo River basin B. are best near the equator and decline in quality as one goes north or south *C. are leached and thus not very fertile D. are in the alluvial family E. include large areas of tundra vegetation


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Which of the following has been used by African countries to protect their wildlife resources? A. banning hunting B. expanding national parks C. combating poaching D. protecting migration corridors. *E. all of the above are used

Environment and Health

15. The carrier of a disease is known as a(n): *A. vector B. agent D. mortality E. epidemic A disease that spreads worldwide is known as a(n): A. vector B. agent D. mortality E. epidemic C. pandemic


*C. pandemic


Life expectancy in Africa is: *A. higher than in most other less developed areas of the world B. lower than in most other less developed areas of the world C. much higher in rural than in urban areas D. much higher in tropical Africa than in North Africa E. none of the above


The major difference between an endemic and a pandemic disease is that: *A. an endemic disease moves swiftly through the population of a local area, whereas a pandemic disease is simply present, affecting the lives of millions of people in a negative way B. a pandemic disease moves swiftly through the population of a local area, whereas a endemic disease is simply present, affecting the lives of millions of people in a negative way C. a pandemic disease moves through the population of a large area of the world, whereas an endemic disease is simply present, affecting the lives of millions of people in a negative way D. there is no difference between an endemic and a pandemic disease E. none of the above 19. Which disease does not severely affect Africas peoples? A. yellow fever *B. malaria C. sleeping sickness D. bilharzia (schistosomiasis) E. orontosis The worst of the endemic African diseases is: A. malaria B. tsetse D. river blindness *E. black plague


C. schistosomiasis

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Subsaharan Africa


The vector for African sleeping sickness is the: A. tsetse fly *B. mosquito D. snail E. worm The vector for yellow fever is the: A. tsetse fly B. mosquito D. snail E. worm The vector for river blindness is the: A. tsetse fly B. mosquito *D. snail E. worm Schistosomiasis has increased when: A. populations have migrated into dry areas B. channeled irrigation waters go through farmlands. *C. the UN inadvertently increased the mosquito population D. the snail population has decreased E. desertification has occurred.

C. The disease is genetic

22. 23.

*C. The disease is genetic C. The disease is genetic


Land and Farming

25. The most important sector of the African economy is: A. mining B. industry D. illicit drug trafficking *E. the periodic market C. agriculture


Land tenure refers to: A. the balance between population and land resources B. the sustainable development level of a tract of land *C. the way people own, occupy, and use land D. a system not unlike tenure at a university, where once you have land, you keep it forever E. a form of subsistence farming When the Europeans came to Africa they changed the system of land tenure in Africa with a system the Africans called: A. private ownership B. collectivization C. endemism *D. land alienation E. subsistence agriculture The vast majority of African families still depend upon: A. wage labor from factories and mines B. nomadic searches for means of subsistence C. hunting D. subsistence farming *E. commercial agriculture Planting several types of crops in one field is known as:




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A. subsistence farming D. land tenure

B. compound farming E. multiple cropping tenure

*C. intercropping

Africas Historical Geography

30. Great African civilizations are noted in your textbook in all of the following places except: A. Ghana B. Congo C. Zimbabwe D. Mali *E. All of the above had great civilizations

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West Africa showed a high degree of regional complementarity between: A. Ghana and Zimbabwe B. French and British forces *C. Mali and Chad D. people in the east and people in the west E. the peoples of the tropical forest and the people of the dry interior

32. The West African city important in trade between Europe and African civilizations was: A. Lagos *B. Kinshasa C. Abuja D. Mombassa E. Timbuktu 33. The West African state that played an important role for at least 1,000 years was: *A. Liberia B. Kinshasa C. Nigeria D. Senegal E. Ghana Much of the slave trade out of East Africa (Kenya) was carried on by the: A. British B. French *C. Arabs D. Greeks E. Slavs Ships that operate between the East African Coast and the Arabian Peninsula are called: A. condominiums B. dhows C. Masai *D. endemics E. ferries The Berlin Conference: A. in 1884 divided up most of Africa among the colonial powers B. created a boundary system that has proved unalterable and that is still in existence today *C. led to the British achievement of a contiguous Cape-to-Cairo axis D. launched Germanys military campaigns in Africa E. led to the Berlin Treaty between Germany, France, and the Netherlands about the Congo Which of the following statements is false? *A. In most places in Africa, Europeans settled only along the coast. B. Many blacks brought to the Americas originated in West Africa and were from interior tribes sold by coastal tribes to European slave traders. C. The purpose of the Berlin Conference of 1884 was to involve Africans in the future of their continent. D. Ethiopia and Liberia were independent states through the colonial period. E. The last African colony achieved independence in 1990. Before independence, the modern state of The Congo was a colony of: A. France B. Germany *C. Britain D. Belgium E. South Africa







Which of the following states was not a colony of France prior to its independence? *A. Ivory Coast B. Chad C. Nigeria D. Senegal E. Burkina Faso The colonial ruler of Ghana was: A. Britain B. Portugal *D. France E. The Guyanese


C. Italy


Which of the following countries played no role in the colonization of Africa? A. England B. France C. United States D. Belgium *E. Germany Which of the following countries was not a French colony prior to its independence? A. Sudan B. Chad *C. Senegal D. Mali E. Ivory Coast Which of the following countries was not a British colony prior to its independence? *A. Botswana B. Zambia C. Kenya D. Ethiopia E. Malawi Which of the following associations is incorrect? *A. Great Britain and indirect rule C. Belgium and The Congo D. France and assimilation




B. Portugal and exploitation E. All of the above are correct


One of the last countries to give up its African colonies was: A. United States *B. Germany C. Portugal D. Belgium E. France The capital of the former Belgian Congo (now The Congo) was: A. Leopoldville B. Brusselville *C. Dakar D. Brazzaville E. Congoville British rule over its African colonies is best described as: A. indirect B. paternal C. assimilation *D. exploitation E. none of the above Belgian rule over its African colonies is best described as: A. indirect B. paternal C. assimilation D. exploitation *E. none of the above French rule over its African colonies is best described as: A. indirect *B. paternal C. assimilation D. exploitation E. none of the above Portuguese rule over its African colonies is best described as: *A. indirect B. paternal C. assimilation






D. harsh, direct control

E. none of the above


Which of the following is not one of the legacies of European colonization in Africa? A. positioning of national boundaries B. the development of transport patterns *C. the location of capitals D. the development of the urban system E. the development of democracies in most African states

Cultural Patterns
52. One of the unusual features of a map of African languages is the: A. significant numbers of Hebrew speakers in Gabon *B. existence of a language in Madagascar belonging to the Indonesian subfamily C. very small number of African languages, despite ethnic differences D. inroads that Spanish has made in becoming the language of trade in Africa E. none of the above Afrikaans is a: A. derivative of Dutch B. language subfamily in southern Africa C. form of English spoken in Kenya D. language in the Niger-Congo language subfamily *E. none of the above Which of the following statements is false? A. The Bantu subfamily of languages belongs in the Niger-Congo language family. B. The Khoisan language family is the oldest surviving language family in Africa. C. Madagascar's languages are part of the East African language family. *D. Afrikaans is an Indo-European language spoken in South Africa. E. Hausa, Yoruba, and Swahili are among major African languages. Which religion has taken hold most strongly in Africa in recent years? A. Christianity *B. Islam C. Buddhism D. Africanism E. Coptic




Modern Map and raditional !ociety

56. Almost all African countries are: *A. nation states B. plural societies D. religiously united E. monarchies Which of the following associations is incorrect? *A. Hausa and Fulani - Nigeria Zulu - South Africa D. Ibo - Nigeria Which country has no dominant ethnic groups? *A. Nigeria B. Ethiopia C. democratic


B. Kikuyu - Kenya E. Yoruba - Tanzania



C. Zimbabwe

D. The Congo 59.

E. Kenya

Which of the following statements is false? *A. Subsaharan Africa contains about 45 states. B. African states are plural societies. C. Infant mortality in Africa is, compared to other realms, very low. D. African boundaries often ignore cultural regions. E. There are very few nation-states in Africa. Twelve African countries recently organized the _______ to promote economic development and political cooperation. *A. SADC B. OAS C. ACM D. SACM E. African Unity Organization



Which of the following statements is false? A. About 30% of Africans reside in urban areas. B. The economies of African cities can be divided into formal and informal sectors. *C. Urban to rural migration continues to increase at a significant pace throughout the continent D. The SADC was asked to assist in suppressing a revolt in The Congo E. Squatter settlements around African cities are areas of extreme poverty.

"est Africa
62. Which of the following countries is located in the Bulge of Africa? A. Liberia B. South Africa C. Somalia D. Tanganyika *E. Kenya Which of the following countries was established by former American slaves? A. Liberia *B. Senegal C. Ghana D. Ivory Coast E. Togo Which two colonial powers were principally involved in West Africa? *A. Britain and France B. Portugal and France C. Italy and Britain D. U.S. and France E. Algeria and Sudan The most populous country in Africa, which also has significant oil supplies is: A. Namibia *B. Mali C. Gabon D. Uganda E. Nigeria Nigerias old capital of Lagos was situated within the culture area of the people called: A. Ndebele *B. Yoruba C. Pygmies D. Ibo E. Zambians






The country that moved its capital from Lagos to the new centrally-located city of Abuja is: A. Nigeria B. Tanzania *C. The Congo D. Burkina Faso E. Ethiopia Which of the following tribal groups is not associated with Nigeria? *A. Ibo B. Zulu C. Yoruba D. Hausa-Fulani E. Fulani Which province of Nigeria attempted to secede in the 1960s? *A. Ibo B. Biafra C. Lagos D. Abuja E. Togo




Which of the following statements is false? *A. Over 90 percent of Nigerias export revenues were derived from the sale of petroleum and petroleum products in the 1980s. B. Nigeria has a large Islamic population in the northern portion of the country. C. Nigeria is now in the take-off stage of development. D. Nigerias population is the largest in Subsaharan Africa. E. Nigerias capital is located near the country's center. 71. Which of the following statements is false? *A. Most of Nigerias trade is with other West African countries. B. West Africa was colonized, for the most part, by the French and the British. C. In West Africa, the ecological belts run east-west. D. West Africa is Africas most populous region. E. All of the above are true. Which of the following countries maintains links with the Brazilian state of Bahia, based upon ties from slave trade times? *A. Benin B. Liberia C. Somalia D. Tanganyika E. Kenya The first West African state to gain its independence, formerly called the Gold Coast, is: *A. Ghana B. Guinea-Bissau C. Zambia D. Tanganyika E. Kenya This African country is a former French colony, built a Roman Catholic basilica to rival St. Peters in Rome, and has recently seen a slowing of the economy.




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A. Ivory Coast *D. Tanganyika 75.

B. South Africa E. Benin

C. Somalia

The West African country that collapsed into chaos in the 1990s with refugees pouring into neighboring countries is: A. Liberia B. South Africa *C. Somalia D. Tanganyika E. Kenya This former French colony is currently the most successful in West Africa despite environmental problems. A. Senegal B. South Africa C. Somalia *D. Tanganyika E. Kenya A market that is set up only on certain days of the week is known as a ____ market. *A. Bantustan B. condominium C. trader D. periodic E. sequent occupant



E#uatorial Africa
78. Which of the following countries is not located in Equatorial Africa? A. Gabon B. Congo C. Mauritania *D. Cameroon E. Central African Republic


The largest country in Equatorial Africa is: A. Congo *B. Cameroon Republic D. The Congo E. Equatorial Guinea

C. Central African

80. Which of the following is not a reason for internal communication problems in The Congo? *A. the Central African Mountains B. rapids on the rivers C. disintegrated infrastructure D. a huge forested basin E. all of the above are problems 81. Civil war in which of countrys led to the change in the government of The Congo: A. Congo B. Cameroon C. Central African Republic *D. Rwanda E. Equatorial Guinea

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The two groups who fought one another in the Rwandan civil war are the: A. Ibo, Zulu B. Zulu, Hausa C. British, Dutch *D. Hutus, Tutsis E. Shanti, Kabila

83. The country in Equatorial Africa with significant oil supplies and an upper middle income economy is: A. Congo B. Cameroon *C. Central African Republic D. Gabon E. Equatorial Guinea 84. The country in Equatorial Africa that is split into a mainland section and an island is: A. Congo B. Cameroon C. Central African Republic D. Gabon *E. Equatorial Guinea

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East Africa
85. The East African lingua franca is: A. Dutch *B. English D. Kenyan E. French C. Swahili


Which of the following countries is not located in East Africa? A. Nigeria *B. Kenya C. Uganda D. Tanzania E. Burundi The capital of Kenya, which is today marked by a modern skyscrapered CBD, is: A. Buganda *B. Kilimanjaro C. Nairobi D. Kenyatta E. Lagos Tourism is a particularly important business in: A. Tanzania *B. Kenya D. Burkina Faso E. Rwanda



C. Uganda


The ethnic group exerting the most control in Kenya is the: A. Hutu *B. Kikuyu C. Swahili D. Tutsi E. Bantu In which of the following countries did the Communist Chinese build the Tamzam Railway? A. Sudan *B. Tanzania C. Malawi D. The Congo E. Ethiopia The population of Tanzania is: A. concentrated totally around Dar-elderly singles-Salaam B. spread around the periphery of the country *C. found mostly in the north near Lake Victoria D. clustered near the border with the Sudan E. found in the south near Moambique Which of the following statements is true? A. Kenya followed a socialist path to development upon independence. B. Kenya followed a capitalist path to development upon independence. *C. In the 1980s, Tanzania reversed its socialist course and announced a market oriented economic recovery program. D. A and C are true. E. B and C are true. Which of the following countries borders Lake Victoria? A. Sudan B. Uganda C. Malawi *D. The Congo E. Ethiopia






The country in which Idi Amin ruled is: A. Tanzania B. Zimbabwe D. Rwanda E. Victoria

*C. Uganda


The country in which 75,000 Asians lived and which was the largest coffee producer in the British Commonwealth is: *A. Tanzania B. Zimbabwe C. Uganda D. Rwanda E. Victoria Two countries which were originally part of German East Africa, but were given to the Belgians after World War I are: *A. Tanzania and Kenya B. Zimbabwe and Zambia C. Uganda and Burundi D. Rwanda and Burundi E. Victoria and Victor In Rwanda and Burundi: A. the Tutsis, while dominant politically and economically, are in the minority *B. the Hutus make up 85-90% of the population C. the basis for the conflict is not ethnicity, but status in society D. in 1994, Hutu militias went on an organized campaign against the Tutsis and collaborationist Hutus E. all of the above are true Which country lost its independence only briefly? A. Ethiopia *B. Zimbabwe D. Rwanda E. Victoria




C. Uganda


Which country, while included in East Africa, has a somewhat different history and is not tied economically with the region? A. Ethiopia B. Zimbabwe C. Uganda *D. Rwanda E. Victoria

!outhern Africa
100. Which of the following countries is not located in Southern Africa? *A. Botswana B. Cameroon C. Zimbabwe E. Moambique D. Zambia

101. Which of the following countries is the home of the Shona and Ndebele tribes where many whites have remained even after the white minority government was replaced? A. Botswana B. Cameroon *C. Zimbabwe D. Zambia E. Moambique 102. The continents richest region in terms of minerals is: *A. West Africa B. Southern Africa D. Equatorial Africa E. Horn of Africa

C. East Africa

103. A country where thousands of Cuban troops combated insurgents is: *A. Zambia B. Malawi C. The Congo D. Angola E. Ghana 104. The great river in southern Africa is the: A. Zambezi *B. Zimbabwe D. Congo E. Purple

C. Nile

105. The poorest country in southern Africa, and one of the worlds poorest states is: A. Moambique *B. Zimbabwe C. Uganda D. Rwanda E. Victoria 106. Cabinda is a(n): *A. exclave of Angola B. separate country C. dependency of South Africa D. island that was formerly independent, but is now part of Tanzania E. province of The Congo 107. The Copperbelt region is a vital producing area of: *A. Zamnibia B. Zambia D. Zimbabwe E. Zululand

C. Zanzibar

108. The natural environment of Botswana is dominated by: *A. the mountains associated with the Great Escarpment B. chronic water shortages C. coastal swamps and deltas D. tropical rainforests E. savanna grasslands 109. The now-independent political entity that was called South West Africa is today renamed: *A. Namibia B. Botswana C. Western Rhodesia D. Bophuthatswana E. Lesotho 110. The Caprivi Strip is part of: A. Namibia *B. Zimbabwe D. Rwanda E. Botswana

C. Uganda

111. The Copperbelt, Great Dyke, and Witwatersrand are: A. mineralized belts and mining centers for Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa respectively B. agricultural regions in Botswana, Swaziland, and Lesotho *C. three urban areas in Southern African countries showing megalopolitan growth D. sites of ancient African (pre-European) states E. zones of exhausted mineral deposits, now remnants of former core areas 112. Which of the following was an exclave of South Africa? A. Walvis Bay *B. Cabinda C. Lesotho D. Swaziland E. None of the above

113. An interesting aspect of Madagascar is that: *A. the Great Rift Valley predominates in the central part of the country B. the population is of Malay-Polynesian origin C. it produces exceptional quantities of corn D. the island is controlled by the South Africans who have extended apartheid to the island E. most of the population are descendants of Ethiopians

!outh Africa
114. The system of racial separation in the Republic of South Africa was known as: A. Amandla *B. Racial Separation C. Apartheid D. Transkei E. Bantustans 115. People of Dutch ancestry in South Africa are called: A. Xhosa B. Afrikaners D. Great Trekkers E. Transvaalers 116. The Dutch East India Company founded: *A. Cape Town B. Maputo D. Rwanda E. Namibia 117. The Boer War is associated with: A. Kenya *B. South Africa D. Sudan E. Nigeria

*C. coloureds

C. Xhosa

C. Boerstwana

118. The Boer War was fought between which of the following peoples? A. Boers and the Zulus *B. Boers and the Germans C. Boers and the British D. Boers and the Dutch E. the Xhosa and the Zulus 119. The city in South Africa that has the greatest percentage of coloureds is: A. Cape Town *B. Johannesburg C. Transkei D. Kwazulu E. Durban 120. South Africas Coloured people: A. are exempt from the restriction of apartheid B. are people of mixed African/white ancestry C. rank below blacks in the national society D. were driven out of the country in the 1950s *E. are mixtures of whites and Indians 121. The mineral found at the confluence of the Orange and Vaal River that changed the economic geography of South Africa was: A. gold *B. diamonds C. copper E. iron F. opals

122. Which of the following statements is false? A. Climatically, South Africa is Africas only true temperate-zone country. *B. South Africa contains significant untapped petroleum reserves. C. South Africas white population is larger than the white populations of all other Subsaharan African countries combined. D. South Africa has large coal reserves. E. The Boers are now called the Afrikaners. 123. South Africas South Asian population is comprised of: *A. Cape Coloured B. Durbans C. Afrikaners D. Zulu E. Indians 124. About ___ percent of South Africa was set aside to become homelands. A. 70 *B. 14 C. 50 D. 5 E. 90 125. The African National Congress leader is: *A. Buthelezi B. Mandela D. Zulu E. de Klerk

C. Botha

126. The Zulu people, led by Chief Buthelezi: A. originally opposed the ANC-negotiated agreement for South African independence *B. were the chief negotiators with de Klerk for democracy C. left Kenya for Tanzania when the British arrived D. live mostly in the rural areas of Namibia E. agreed to the new South African government when they were guaranteed that their homeland would be split into two areas so that they would have greater representation 127. The South African president who began negotiations with the African National Congress is: A. Buthelezi B. Botha *C. Ciskei D. Zulu E. Tswana

Chapter 7
Subsaharan Africa Page 19

Subsaharan Africa
rue$False Africas Physiography
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Bulge of Africa is in the west. (T) Africa has a mountain chain of linear character and dimensions like the Andes and Rockies. (F) Africa as a continent is dominated by plateau landscapes. (T) Escarpments are unique to Africa. (F) The Rift Valley goes east to west through the African Transition zone. (F) The Kalahari Desert is found in the central part of The Congo. (F) A unique feature of African rivers is that they head inland during part of their course. (T) The supercontinent Gondwana at one time joined together Africa, South America, Antarctica, Australia, Madagascar, and India. (T)

Natural Environments
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Africas distributions of climate and vegetation are almost symmetrical about the equator. (T) African environments tend to be dominated by high temperatures. (T) The areas of Africa supporting tropical rainforests are declining in size. (T) Tropical soils are very fertile. (F) When rainforest is cut down, excellent agricultural areas are being created, an important factor in relieving hunger on the African continent. (F)

Environment and Health

14. 15. Formerly a killer of millions, malaria has been nearly eradicated from the African continent. (F) African sleeping sickness is transmitted by the tsetse fly. (T)

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16. 17.

Schistosomiasis is transmitted by snails in slow-moving or standing water. (T) River blindness, caused by a parasitic worm transmitted by a small fly, is endemic in the savanna belt south of the Sahara from Senegal to Kenya. (T) A local or regional outbreak of a disease is known as an epidemic. (T) A pandemic disease occurs at a metropolitan level. (F) An endemic is a disease which saps energy and shortens lifetimes. (T) Whereas an epidemic is a regional-scale phenomenon, a pandemic usually spreads far more widely to encompass much of the world. (T)

18. 19. 20. 21.

Land and Farming

22. 23. The Masai of West Africa are subsistence crop farmers. (F) Due to the effects of the Green Revolution and the great advances made in the cultivation of root crops, African tribal groups dependent on yams and cassava now have food surpluses. (F) Per capita food production has risen dramatically on the African continent during the 1990s. (F) Most African families still depend on subsistence agriculture. (T) Cattle are a major form of livestock in Africa. (T)

24. 25. 26.

Africas Historical Geography

27. Research in Tanzania, Kenya, and Ethiopia has concluded that Africa is the cradle of humanity. (T) Not much is known about the ancient communities of eastern and southern African except Zimbabwe, which has a well documented history. (F) The West Africa savanna states benefitted from complementarity between the peoples of the forests and the peoples of the dry lands. (T) No true culture hearth developed in West Africa. (F) The upper basin of the Niger River has been an area of far greater cultural development over time than its delta region. (T)



30. 31.

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The kind of slave trading brought to Africa by the Europeans was basically the same as the slavery perpetrated by African kings, chiefs, and prominent families themselves. (F) Dhows were Arab ships that operated off the east coast of Africa. (T) Whereas the Portuguese were the first Europeans to round the Cape of Good Hope, the Dutch were the first to establish permanent settlements in the vicinity of the southern tip of Africa. (T) The 1884 conference of major colonial powers that essentially drew the modern political boundaries of Africa was held in the German city of Munich. (F) The Berlin Conference took place immediately after World War I and was attended by 8 colonial powers interested in African spheres. (F) By 1890, the boundaries of colonial Africa were well-defined. (F) Ivory Coast and Togo were both French colonies. (F) Before independence, the modern state of The Congo was a colony of France. (F) Cameroon and Togo were both formerly colonies of Germany. (T) British colonial rule was marked by the application of the principle of indirect rule. (T) Relatively few African countries have achieved representative government. (T) The Cold War had a significant effect on Ethiopia, Somalia, and Angola. (T)

33. 34.



37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.

Cultural Patterns
44. 45. 46. Bushmen languages belong to the Bantu language subfamily. (F) The southern portion of the Sudan is almost entirely non-Islamic. (T) The Coptic Christian church has historically dominated the religious affiliations of the peoples of the Central African Republic. (F) About 1,000 languages are spoken in Subsaharan Africa. (T) The Yoruba of Nigeria, the Zulus of South Africa, and the Kikuyu of Kenya are major African ethnic groups. (T) While much of Africa still practices tribal religions, Islam advanced from the north and Christianity into the south. (T)

47. 48.


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50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.

Lesotho and Swaziland are the only real nation-states in Africa. (T) The Shona nation lives in Zimbabwe and the Hausa in Nigeria. (T) The Yoruba nation lives in Nigeria and the Zulu in South Africa. (T) The Congo, with a population of almost 50 million, has no dominant ethnic group. (T) Sierra Leone was settled by former American slaves. (F) In Sudan, the Islamic south is fighting the Christian and tribal north for control of the country. (F) The Hutus and Tutsis are fighting for control over Kenya. (F)

"est Africa
57. 58. West Africa is Subsaharan Africas most populous region. (T) Whereas West Africas environmental zones are aligned in east-west belts, most of its states are oriented in a north-south direction. (T) The countries of West Africa are not well-integrated with one another economically. (T) The Yoruba are a major ethnic group in The Congo. (F) Nigeria has been a major oil producer. (T) Ghana was once known as the Gold Coast. (T) After a period of relative prosperity, Nigeria is once again one of the worlds poorer states. (T) Many West African states are dominated by desert conditions. (T) The Ivory Coast, after making significant developmental gains, has slipped back into low-income status, in part due to a flood of refugees from neighboring Liberia. (T) Senegals economy is now the strongest in the region. (T) Senegal was the anchor of Frances West African empire. (T) The bulk of West Africas population is concentrated in the Sahel. (F) In Nigeria, the capital, Ibadan, was moved to a more centrally positioned headquarters, Lagos. (F) The breakaway republic of Nigeria in the 1960s was Biafra. (T)

59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

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Periodic markets are found in the central city squares of West Africas largest urban concentrations. (F) Periodic markets in Africa are generally open every fourth day. (T)


E#uatorial Africa
73. 74. 75. 76. Congo, Central African Republic, Gabon, and Equatorial Guinea all are in Equatorial Africa. (T) Gabon is a producer of oil. (T) Equatorial Africa is the most developed section of the continent. (F) The former French Congo [capital cityBrazzaville], is Equatorial Africa's largest state in both territory and population size. (F) The Congo is a country often cited to show that a significant resource base does not guarantee development. (T)


East Africa
78. Most of Africas great lakes are located in the region of Equatorial Africa, distributed in and around the Congo Basin. (F) Tanzania is East Africas largest country in territorial as well as demographic terms, but it never had minorities as large as those in Kenya or Uganda. (T) Tourism is an important industry in Kenya. (T) The name Tanzania derives from combining Tanganyika and Zanzibar. (T) Upon independence, Kenya chose a capitalist path to development. (T) During the 1980s, Kenya had the highest rate of population growth in the world. (T) Upon independence, Tanzania chose a socialist path to development. (T) The Chinese-built Tamzam Railway in Tanzania was a failure. (T) About 75,000 Asians lived in Uganda before the rise of Idi Amin. (T) The majority Tutsis are fighting the minority Hutus in highland Ethiopia. (F) The Belgians took over The Congo from the Germans after World War I. (T)


80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88.

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89. 90.

Eritrea recently voted to join Ethiopia. (F) Ethiopia may soon begin to look toward the north for its economic ties. (F)

!outhern Africa
91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. Zambia is a leading mineral producing country in Africa. (T) The Copperbelt is partially located in the country formerly known as the Belgian Congo. (T) Southern Africa has considerable wealth and potential but many countries have not prospered. (T) South Africa and Botswana are the two richest countries in southern Africa. (T) Southern Africas mineral wealth is matched by its agricultural diversity. (T) Zambia is nearly cut in half by a proruption of Malawi. (F) Moambique is the poorest country on earth. (T) Namibia was once called Southwest Africa and was under South African control. (T) The core area of Zimbabwe is the mineral rich Great Dyke. (T)

100. The country of Lesotho is completely encircled by South Africa. (T) 101. The Caprivi Strip connects Namibia with the Zambezi River. (T) 102. Zimbabwe is a mineral rich country with significant agricultural production as well. (T) 103. Walvis Bay, a former exclave of South Africa, is now a part of Namibia. (T)

!outh Africa
104. The Boer War was fought in South Africa during World War I. (F) 105. The term veld refers to the forested area of northern South Africa. (F) 106. The Afrikaners conquered the Boers during World War II, thereby assuring that the long-time apartheid policy would be defeated at the next national election. (F) 107. The nearly one million Indians residing in South Africa are heavily concentrated in Pretoria. (F) 108. The Afrikaners comprise South Africas largest black population group. (F)

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109. Natal Province contains South Africas largest cluster of Asians. (T) 110. The Orange-Vaal Rivers flow through South Africa. (T) 111. South Africa is Africas sole remaining state with white minority rule. (F) 112. The black homelands of South Africa were carefully laid out so that the countrys rich mineral resources were equally divided between areas of black and white settlement. (F) 113. South Africa's black homelands contained just over one-third of the countrys mineral wealth. (F) 114. Under the terms of the separate development program, South Africas land was divided equally between the majority Africans and the minority whites. (F) 115. The official policy of racial subjugation in South Africa was largely instituted after World War II. (T) 116. The regional expression of apartheid was separate development. (T) 117. The Zulu nation is concentrated in Natal province. (T) 118. Nelson Mandela is the leader of the ANC, the party currently in power in South Africa. (T) 119. As part of the formation of a new South African political system, the four provinces were subdivided, although Natal remained intact. (T) 120. Buthlezis Zulu tribe was originally opposed to the new constitution in South Africa. (T) 121. South Africas cities almost stopped growing during the period of apartheid. (F)

122. 123. 124. 125. 126. Wooden boats with triangular sails used between the Arabian and East African coasts (D) A disease that has spread over the entire globe (A) A disease that spreads rapidly through a region (C) The condition of illness (B) The intermediate transmitter of a pathogen (E) A. Pandemic B. Endemic C. Epidemic D. Dhows E. Vector 127. The Congo (C)

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128. 129. 130. 131.

Senegal (D) Angola (B) Nigeria (A) Ethiopia (E) A. England B. Portugal C. Belgium D. France E. Italy

132. 133. 134. 135. 136.

Hausa-Fulani (D) Former Portuguese colony (A) Former French Colony (B) Mombasa (E) Boers (C) A. Moambique B. Senegal C. South Africa D. Nigeria E. Kenya

137. 138. 139. 140. 141.

Formerly Northern Rhodesia (D) Dar-es-Salaam (B) Desert country (E) Former Spanish colony (C) Idi Amin (A) A. Uganda B. Tanzania C. Equatorial Guinea D. Zambia E. Botswana

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Fill %ns
142. The edge of the African plateau in Southern Africa, where the feature is especially pronounced, is known as the Great __________. (Escarpment) 143. The 1884 conference of all the major colonial powers that essentially drew the modern political map of Africa, was held in the European city of _________. (Berlin) 144. Prior to their recent independence, Moambique and Angola were both colonies of __________. (Portugal) 145. The most heavily populated country of the African continent, which today comprises a confederation of the Yoruba, Ibo, and northern Muslim peoples, is __________. (Nigeria) 146. Nigeria's dominant export commodity, produced in large quantities is __________. (oil)

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