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RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Care Fun !

i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e 1/3&

(distribution pag e) Re' er e n e (o u ) e n ! s : SIMSER+ Elem e n t s 2 and 4 *ri!! e n b+ Zno Pasq ui ni R!odit e ! Signa t u r e : Mi !el "riollier R!odit e ! Signa t u r e : Sign at ur e : For ap pr o , a l #u$ Migault R!odi a Sa%et $ &ire t or

Dis!ri b u ! i o n o' (o u ) e n !
Re ip i e n ! s o' (ra' !
For ap pr o , a l 'ean( Paul Per) s Respo n si bl e *are &ire tor Zone Pro e s s Sa%et $ E+pert s Engin e e ri n g and "e !nolo gi al &ire t o r For onsul!a!i o n

Re i pi e n ! s o' ap pr o , e ( ,er s i o n
For ap pli a ! i o n Enter pris e Industri al &ire tors Zon e Pro es s Sa%et $ E+pert s Engine e ri n g and "e !n olo gi al &ire to r Site and entit$ ,SE orre s p o n d e n t s For in'or ) a ! i o n
Responsible *are Intran e t

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;< a

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Care Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e -/3&

,istor$ o% modi%i ations

Pages 7 to ;9 ;9 6ersion 7 2 &ate 7= /o5e m b e r 2992 78 'anuar $ 2994 #uide &R* 79:;< *omments rea t e d

Renu m b e r e d as &R* 77:;< SI2 (Sa%et $ Integrit $ 2e5el> res er5 e d %or Sa%et $ Instru m e n t e d S$st e m s ) repl a e d b$ RR* (Ris? Redu tion *lass)3

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;< a

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Care Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e 3/3&

1. I$TRODUCTIO$........................................................................................................................................................../ -. DEFI$ITIO$ OF A$ IFS ITE#................................................................................................................................./ 3. DETER#I$I$G IFS ITE#S.......................................................................................................................................5 ;373 #E/ER12 1PPR.1*,333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 < ;323 I0S I"EMS RES@2"I/# 0R.M RE#@21".RA S"@&IES 1/& RISB 1/12ASES 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333338 3.2.1. Selecting scenarios and corresponding safeguards..........................................................................................6 3.2.2. Determining IFS safeguards for the facility.....................................................................................................6 3.2.3. Determining IFS items for the facility..............................................................................................................6 ;3;3 "1BI/# RE#@21".RA REC@IREME/"S I/". 1**.@/" 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333D /. SU##ARY REPORT...................................................................................................................................................0 5. DESIG$ A$D I#P1E#E$TATIO$ PRI$CIP1ES................................................................................................2 <373 S10E#@1R&S I/ #E/ER123333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 E <323 SPE*I12 *1SE .0 I/S"R@ME/"E& S10E"A I/"ER2.*BS333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333E 3. #A$AGI$G IFS ITE#S..............................................................................................................................................4 8373 RESP./SIFI2I"IES3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 = 8323 1**EP"1/*E "ES"S 0.R I0S EC@IPME/"33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 = 83;3 M1I/"E/1/*E .0 I0S EC@IPME/"333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 = 8343 RE#@21R "ES"S .0 I0S EC@IPME/"33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 79 83<3 01I2@RE .0 I0S EC@IPME/"33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 79 8383 S10E"A I/S"R@*"I./S3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 77 83D3 S"100 1@",.RIS1"I./S33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 77 83E3 *,1/#E *./"R.2 0.R I0S S10E#@1R&S 1/& I0S I"EMS33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333377 83=3 M1/1#I/# &.*@ME/"S RE21"I/# ". I0S S10E#@1R&S 1/& I0S I"EMS3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333372 APPE$DI5 1 6 DEFI$ITIO$ OF IFS A$D #A7OR ACCIDE$TS.......................................................................13 APPE$DI5 - 6 1IST OF SCE$ARIOS A$D SAFEGUARDS RESU1TI$G FRO# REGU1ATORY SAFETY STUDIES 8RSS9................................................................................................................................................................1/ APPE$DI5 3 6 1IST OF SCE$ARIOS A$D SAFEGUARDS RESU1TI$G FRO# RIS: A$A1YSES 8RA9.13 APPE$DI5 / 6 E5A#P1E OF CHOICE OF IFS SAFEGUARDS FOR FACI1ITY...........................................12 APPE$DI5 5 6 E5A#P1E OF IFS ITE#S CORRESPO$DI$G TO IFS SAFEGUARDS.................................-5 APPE$DI5 3 6 E5A#P1E OF A "REF1E5 SHEET" FOR A$ IFS SAFEGUARD..........................................-0 APPE$DI5 0 6 1IST OF SAFEGUARDS CORRESPO$DI$G TO REGU1ATORY RE;UIRE#E$TS 8RR9 ............................................................................................................................................................................................-2

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;< a

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Care Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e //3&

Purpose "!e aim o% determining important %or sa%et$ items (I0S items) is to identi%$ t!e parameters> equipment> pro edures> sa%et$ instru tions and sta%% aut!orisations apable o% restri ting parameter de5iations or ompensating %or %ailures 4!i !> i% le%t un !e ?ed> ould lead to a maGor a ident (see appendi+ 7)3 "!is guide intends to de%ine t!e optimum le5el o% I0S items needed to ensure t!e operational sa%et$ o% a %a ilit$3 Prin iple "!e list o% important %or sa%et$ items (I0S items) is dra4n up a ording to t!e %ollo4ing prin iple: 2ist maGor ris? s enarios ta?en %rom t!e regulator$ sa%et$ studies ondu ted in order to obtain t!e %a ilit$Hs operating permit3 2ist s enarios o% se5erit$ * and , deemed parti ularl$ important> identi%ied during t!e ris? anal$ses o% t!e %a ilit$3 2ist all pre5enti5e and prote ti5e sa%eguards in5ol5ed in all t!e abo5e s enarios> Sele t 4!i ! o% t!ese sa%eguards are onsidered to be I0S3 *!e ? t!at t!ese sa%eguards are su%%i ient to ompl$ 4it! spe i%i regulations appli able to t!e %a ilit$ on erning maGor a ident s enarios3 &etermine t!e asso iated I0S items3 .rganise t!e management o% I0S items3

A !ions Identi%$ important %or sa%et$ items (I0S items)3 .rganise t!e management o% I0S items3 Issue a summar$ report3 In lude t!e do uments in t!e "e !ni al Sa%et$ 0ile3

"!is do ument omplements R!odia #roup guide &R* 77> Pro ess sa%et$ : ,o4 to !oose suitable ris? anal$sis met!ods3


"!e sa%et$ o% t!e %a ilit$ is assured b$ pre5enti5e or prote ti5e sa%eguards (instruments> t!res!old dete tors> logi > a tions) used to a5oid ( or redu e t!e onsequen es o% ( un4anted e5ents identi%ied during ris? anal$ses on t!e %a ilit$3 "!e reliabilit$ assigned to ea ! sa%eguard is an essential %a tor 4!i ! must be maintained t!roug!out t!e operation o% t!e %a ilit$3 *ertain sa%eguards are parti ularl$ important %or t!e sa%et$ o% t!e %a ilit$ and are lassi%ied as I0S sa%eguards3 "!e$ are sele ted b$ t!e 4or?ing group (see se tion ;) %rom among t!e pre5enti5e or prote ti5e sa%eguards: I!i ! a%%e t s enarios 4it! se5erit$ * or , deemed to be parti ularl$ signi%i ant (e+plosions> %ire> to+i release)3 I!i ! a%%e t t!e maGor ris? s enarios stipulated b$ t!e aut!orities in order to assign operating permits (in 0ran e: -,aJard stud$- in t!e operating permit request %ile)3 I!i ! !elp ompl$ 4it! t!e regulator$ stipulations appli able to t!e spe i%i to t!e %a ilit$ and relating to maGor a ident s enarios3

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;< a

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Care Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e 5/3&

"!ere must be at least one I0S sa%eguard %or ea ! o% t!ese s enarios and %or ea ! spe i%i regulator$ stipulation3 1ll t!e items in5ol5ed in setting up and maintaining t!e reliabilit$ o% an I0S sa%eguard (as determined in t!e ris? anal$ses) o5er time ma$ be spe i%ied as important %or sa%et$ items (I0S items) %or t!e sa%eguard onsidered33 "!e I0S items in t!e %a ilit$ omprise assigned I0S items and all I0S sa%eguards3 &etermining t!e I0S sa%eguards onsequentl$ de%ines all I0S items in t!e %a ilit$> 4!i ! ma$ be: 1 parameter (measured 5alue to be monitored b$ operators)3 1n item o% equipment (part o% an a ti5e or passi5e sa%eguard su ! as a sensor> t!res!old dete tor> logi > alarm> a tuator> 5al5e> retention d$?e (bund)> anti(seismi support> et 3)3 0or instrumented sa%et$ interlo ?s at least t!e sensor and t!e a tuator are onsidered as I0S items3 1 pro edure (design> maintenan e or test rules> operating instru tions> et 3)3 1 sa%et$ instru tion ( !e ? and omplete automati a tions> a ti5ate a %ire e+tinguis!ing net4or?> alert> e5a uation> et 3)3 1ppro5al o% personnel %or design> operation and maintenan e o% I0S items3

1n item is t!us spe i%ied as I0S i% it is sele ted b$ t!e %a ilit$ manager (see se tion 837) ( as proposed b$ t!e 4or?ing group 4!i ! ondu ted ris? anal$ses and regulator$ sa%et$ studies ( as %orming t!e sa%eguard intended to limit t!e de5iation o% a parameter or ompensate %or a %ailure> 4!i ! i% not ontrolled ould lead to a maGor a ident as de%ined in pro edure &R* 9<3 "!e list o% I0S items is a losed> do umented and managed list3 "!e ma?e(up o% t!e 4or?ing group is set out in t!e do uments des ribing t!e ris? anal$sis met!ods3



1n operating permit request must be %iled during t!e earl$ stages o% proGe t de5elopment and must in lude t!e list o% I0S items %or t!e %a ilit$3 I!en t!is request is %iled t!e ris? anal$ses are o%ten not $et omplete3 "!e orresponding list o% I0S items is t!ere%ore primaril$ based on t!e regulator$ studies required b$ t!e aut!orities (maGor ris? s enarios)3 .n e t!e ris? anal$ses are ompleted t!e list o% I0S items must be re5ised to ta?e into a ount s enarios 4it! se5erit$ * and , 4!i ! t!e 4or?ing group %eels are parti ularl$ signi%i ant3 I!en t!e operating permit is %inall$ granted it is generall$ a ompanied b$ regulator$ stipulations spe i%i to t!e %a ilit$ and resulting %rom t!e prior studies3 1t t!is stage> it is important to !e ? t!at ea ! stipulation relating to maGor a ident s enarios orresponds to at least one I0S sa%eguard3 I% t!is is not t!e ase> t!e list o% I0S items must be re5ised a ordingl$3 "!e remainder o% t!is do ument presents a met!od %or determining I0S items based on t!e maGor ris? s enarios ta?en %rom t!e regulator$ sa%et$ studies and s enarios 4it! se5erit$ * or , deemed parti ularl$ signi%i ant in t!e lig!t o% t!e ris? anal$ses %or t!e %a ilit$3

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;< a

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Care Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e 3/3&

3.-. 3.-.1.

IFS ITE#S RESU1TI$G FRO# REGU1ATORY STUDIES A$D RIS: A$A1YSES Sele !in% s enarios an( orrespon(in% sa'e%uar(s

1mong t!e 5arious a ident s enarios identi%ied during t!e regulator$ sa%et$ studies and ris? anal$ses %or t!e %a ilit$> t!ose 4!i ! an ontribute to determining I0S sa%eguards must be identi%ied3 "!e 4or?ing group s!ould sele t all maGor ris? s enarios resulting %rom regulator$ sa%et$ studies3 "!e %ile submitted to t!e aut!orities is used to list all t!e pre5enti5e and prote ti5e sa%eguards in5ol5ed in ea ! s enario3 "!e supporting table gi5en in appendi+ 2 ma$ be used3 "!e 4or?ing group s!ould sele t all s enarios 4it! se5erit$ * %rom t!e ris? anal$ses %or t!e %a ilit$ toget!er 4it! s enarios 4it! se5erit$ , deemed parti ularl$ signi%i ant (see se tion 2)3 In most ases t!e !ig! se5erit$ means t!at a ris? assessment s!eet !as been dra4n up %or t!ese s enarios> and s!ould generall$ be used to list all t!e pre5enti5e and prote ti5e sa%eguards in5ol5ed in ea ! s enario3 "!e supporting table gi5en in appendi+ ; ma$ be used3 3.-.-. De!er)inin% IFS sa'e%uar(s 'or !<e 'a ili!+

"!e 4or?ing group s!ould sele t t!e I0S sa%eguards %rom t!e pre5enti5e and prote ti5e sa%eguards identi%ied abo5e using a met!od to be spe i%ied3 "!e %inal aim is t!at ea ! s enario s!ould !a5e least one orresponding I0S sa%eguard3 Sa%eguards determined b$ t!e regulator$ sa%et$ studies are onsidered %irst to identi%$ t!e orresponding I0S sa%eguards3 I% t!ere are se5eral possible sa%eguards %or a gi5en s enario> t!e %ollo4ing riteria ma$ be used in order to sele t t!e I0S sa%eguards: "!e most reliable sa%eguards (RR* 2) %irst3 "!en t!ose in5ol5ed in t!e most s enarios3 "!en pre5enti5e sa%eguards3 "!en sa%eguards 4!i ! inter5ene earliest in t!e s enario3 0inall$ t!ose 4it! t!e s!ortest response time3

I% ne essar$> loo? %or ot!er riteria until all t!e I0S sa%eguards orresponding to regulator$ sa%et$ studies !a5e been identi%ied3 Sa%eguards 4!i ! !a5e been temporaril$ eliminated (e3g3 t!ose 4it! RR* 7) ma$ be re onsidered at t!is point3 "!ere 4ill be s enarios resulting %rom t!e ris? anal$ses %or t!e %a ilit$ 4!i ! do not $et !a5e an I0S sa%eguard at t!is stageK t!e 4or?ing group s!ould assign one using t!e same pro ess as abo5e3 1ll sa%eguards !osen in t!is 4a$ s!ould be onsidered as I0S sa%eguards %or t!e %a ilit$3 "!e e+ample in appendi+ 4 demonstrates sele tion using t!e abo5e riteria3 3.-.3. De!er)inin% IFS i!e)s 'or !<e 'a ili!+

"!e set o% I0S items %or t!e %a ilit$ in ludes items 4!i ! enable t!e reliabilit$ o% t!e I0S sa%eguards to be a !ie5ed and maintained o5er time3 &epending on t!e t$pe o% sa%eguard> t!ese items ma$ be parameters> equipment> pro edures> sa%et$ instru tions or sta%% aut!orisations (see se tion 2)3 1%ter t!e I0S sa%eguards %or t!e %a ilit$ !a5e been identi%ied> t!e items 4!i ! enable t!eir reliabilit$ to be a !ie5ed and maintained (RR*) t!roug!out t!e operation o% t!e %a ilit$ an be identi%ied3 "!e table in appendi+ < lists all t!ese items %or a %e4 o% t!e I0S sa%eguards de%ined earlier in t!e e+ample3 Some o% t!ese items on ern t!e entire site 4!ereas ot!ers are spe i%i to t!e %a ilit$ and ould be sele ted as I0S items %or it3
-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;< a

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Care Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e 0/3&

In t!e e+ample in appendi+ <> items printed in itali s are assumed to be based on pro edures (design> implementation> a eptan e tests> initial testing> inspe tion> et 3) sta%% aut!orisations (design o%%i e> implementation> instrumentation> inspe tion> et 3) applied and managed at site le5el3 I% t!is is not t!e ase t!e items ma$ be in luded in t!e I0S items %or t!e %a ilit$3 "!e I0S items sele ted are t!ose printed in bold t$pe in t!e table in appendi+ <3 Sa%et$ instru tions to be applied immediatel$ i% a sa%et$ t!res!old is e+ eeded or an I0S item is not a5ailable must be a5ailable at all times %or re%eren e in t!e ontrol room and in areas o% t!e %a ilit$ on erned b$ t!e I0S sa%eguard orresponding to t!e I0S item3 "!ese instru tions ould be 4ritten as -Re%le+ s!eets- (see appendi+ 8 and se tion 838)3 3.3. TA:I$G REGU1ATORY RE;UIRE#E$TS I$TO ACCOU$T

.n e t!e regulator$ requirements spe i%i to t!e %a ilit$ are ?no4n it is important to !e ? t!at t!ose relating to maGor a ident s enarios are o5ered b$ t!e I0S sa%eguards alread$ determined3 I% t!is is not t!e ase it ma$ be ne essar$ to add an I0S sa%eguard or repla e one sa%eguard pre5iousl$ sele ted as I0S b$ anot!er3 "!us t!e list o% I0S items 4ill be modi%ied a ordingl$3 "!e orresponding regulator$ requirements must be built in to t!e Sa%et$ Management S$stem (SMS)3 1ppendi+ D gi5es e+amples o% regulator$ requirements (RR) spe i%i to a %a ilit$ 4it! t!e des ription o% a orresponding maGor a ident s enario and t!e pre5enti5e and:or prote ti5e sa%eguards in5ol5ed3 Ie an see t!at I0S sa%eguard 7 (1I1S 74922 .,,,) o5ers all regulator$ requirements e+ ept %or one relating to eart!qua?es (requirement PR7) 4!i ! is o5ered b$ I0S sa%eguard 23 In t!is e+ample t!ere are no ne4 I0S sa%eguards relating to t!e spe i%i regulator$ requirements and t!ere%ore no additional I0S items to be de%ined3

0inis! t!e stud$ 4it! a summar$ report %rom t!e 4or?ing groupHs pro ess sa%et$ e+pert> in luding: "!e omposition o% t!e 4or?ing group3 "!e list o% parti ipants at ea ! meeting3 "!e re%eren es o% do uments on 4!i ! t!e anal$sis is based3 1ll do uments used to de%ine t!e I0S items3 "!e -Re%le+ s!eets- orresponding to all I0S sa%eguards3 "!e list o% I0S items %or t!e %a ilit$3

1ll t!ese do uments are added to t!e "e !ni al Sa%et$ 0ile3

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;< a

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Care Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e 2/3&



Sa%eguards must !a5e pro5en reliabilit$3 "!e on ept o% pro5en reliabilit$ is based on e+perien e a quired in industr$ %or t!e sa%eguards used in t!e %a ilit$ 4it! similar produ ts and in similar en5ironments3 Sa%eguard te !nologies are sele ted based on e+perien e o% e+perts su ! as design o%%i e sta%%> me !ani s or instrumentation spe ialists3 "!e sele ted equipment must be erti%ied to international standards (IE* 87<9E> &I/ 67=2<7> et 3) and its integrit$ appro5ed b$ e+ternal organisations3 "!e met!ods used to design sa%eguards must also be appro5ed and orrespond to international standards3 "!ese met!ods ma$ relate to siJing> al ulation> s$stem design> programming o% sa%et$ P2*s> et 3 5.-. SPECIA1 CASE OF I$STRU#E$TED SAFETY I$TER1OC:S

Instrumented sa%et$ interlo ?s are spe ial sa%eguards %or 4!i ! additional design and implementation onstraints appl$3 C<oi e o' e=uip)en! "!e most li?el$ %ailures o% sa%eguards must lea5e t!e s$stem in a sa%e state> and generall$ !a5e an asso iated alarm3 "!e orresponding equipment is termed -0ail(Sa%e-3 0urt!ermore> t!e equipment must be o% a t$pe 4!i ! is alread$ tried3 It must be suitable %or t!e %a ilit$ en5ironment and be designed %or eas$ ser5i ing> maintenan e and testing3 Posi!i,e sa'e!+ prin iple Sa%et$ a tions s!ould be obtained b$ remo5ing ontrol po4er3 I% po4er must be pro5ided to per%orm a sa%et$ a tion> spe ial pre autions are required to guarantee t!e integrit$ le5el (monitoring o% ele tri al po4er suppl$ or pro5ision o% ba ?(up> monitoring o% t!e ontinuit$ o% ele tri al signal transmission lines> tests> et 3)3 In(epen(en e o' !<e Sa'e!+ Ins!ru)en!e( S+s!e) an( !<e on!rol s+s!e) "!e t4o signal pro essing s$stems ( ontrol s$stem and Sa%et$ Instrumented S$stem) must be independent %rom a !ard4are standpoint3 "!e %un tional independen e o% an$ items s!ared b$ t4o s$stems must also be !e ?ed> during t!e ris? anal$ses %or t!e %a ilit$3 Pro%ra))in% o' Sa'e!+ Ins!ru)en!e( S+s!e)s &e5elopment o% Sa%et$ Instrumented S$stems must be ontrolled b$ spe i%$ing sa%et$ %un tions as 0ault : 1 tion matri es (sa%et$ interlo ? matri+ resulting %rom ris? anal$sis) and b$ t!e so%t4are design and 5alidation met!od i% a sa%et$ P2* is used3 "o ontrol t!e latter aspe t> a detailed programming standard lea5ing t!e programmer 4it! little %reedom an be used in onGun tion 4it! 5alidation so%t4are apable o% reading t!e sour e ode and presenting it as a 0ault : 1 tions matri+ 4!i ! ma$ be ompared to t!e desired matri+3 E> <an%in% in'or)a!ion be!?een !<e Sa'e!+ Ins!ru)en!e( S+s!e) an( !<e on!rol s+s!e) *ertain in%ormation regarding t!e status o% t!e Sa%et$ Instrumented S$stem (onset o% a %ault> lo ?ing o%% an interlo ?> et 3) ma$ be transmitted to t!e ontrol s$stem b$ a se ure digital lin?3 1 limited number o% ontrol orders ma$ also be sent o5er t!is se ure lin?3 Ele !ri al po?er suppl+
-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;< a

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DRC 11/35 Pa%e 4/3&

It is re ommended t!at t!e 5arious items %orming instrumented sa%et$ interlo ?s are po4ered %rom an @PS 4!i ! an maintain t!e 5oltage %or 7< to ;9 minutes s!ould an ele tri it$ %ailure o ur3



0or a proGe t> I0S items %or t!e %a ilit$ are determined and onstraints relating to design> implementation> re ei5er and initial 5eri%i ations !e ?ed under t!e responsibilit$ o% t!e proGe t leader b$ agreement 4it! t!e !ost siteHs pro ess sa%et$ orrespondent3 1%ter start(up> I0S items in luding in parti ular omplian e 4it! ot!er onstraints (regular tests> sa%et$ instru tions> training> et 3) are managed under t!e responsibilit$ o% t!e %a ilit$ manager3 0or an e+isting %a ilit$> t!e site pro ess sa%et$ orrespondent is responsible %or t!e initial de%inition o% I0S items and %or updating t!em during %i5e($earl$ ris? anal$sis re5ie4s3 "!e %a ilit$ manager is responsible %or %ollo4 up o% I0S items> espe iall$ omplian e 4it! asso iated onstraints3 3.-. ACCEPTA$CE TESTS FOR IFS E;UIP#E$T

"!e o5erall obGe ti5e o% a eptan e tests %or I0S equipment is to !e ? t!e initial reliabilit$ o% I0S sa%eguards (RR*) required b$ ris? anal$ses3 1 ordingl$> a eptan e tests %or I0S equipment must be ondu ted in line 4it! a prede%ined plan in order to: *!e ? t!at t!e equipment installed omplies 4it! t!e de%ined requirements3 *!e ? t!e alibration o% I0S equipment3 "est ea ! sa%et$ %un tion asso iated 4it! an I0S parameter and spe i%ied b$ t!e ris? anal$ses3

"!ese initial !e ?s s!ould be ondu ted b$ a separate team> independent o% t!e implementation teams> %ollo4ing an -a eptan e test pro edure- orresponding to t!e t$pe o% sa%eguard to be !e ?ed ( onstru tion> instrumented sa%et$ interlo ?> pressure relie% 5al5e> et )3 1ll results must be noted in a signed and dated ar !i5e do ument3 "!is pro edure must ompl$ 4it! lo al regulations and R!odia "e !nologi al Requirements %or ,SE (R"R:,SE)3 1 !ange request must be dra4n up i% t!ere is a signi%i ant di%%eren e bet4een t!e e+pe ted and a tual results3 "!e a eptan e test pro edure is resumed on e t!e requested !anges !a5e been made3 "!e a eptan e test pro edure applies to I0S equipment %or a ne4 %a ilit$ and also i% I0S equipment on an e+isting %a ilit$ is modi%ied3 3.3. #AI$TE$A$CE OF IFS E;UIP#E$T

I0S equipment> li?e all ot!er equipment> is subGe t to urati5e> pre5enti5e and onditional maintenan e3 Pre5enti5e and onditional maintenan e> intended to be arried out be%ore equipment %ails> generall$ o ur during planned s!utdo4ns o% t!e %a ilit$3 0or t!is reason a maintenan e poli $ must be de%ined in order to minimise urati5e maintenan e in %a5our o% pre5enti5e and onditional 4or?3 "!is ma$ be a !ie5ed b$ %ollo4 up o% maintenan e on I0S equipment> enabling 4or? to be s !eduled and prepared be%ore t!e equipment %ails3 0or e+ample> I0S equipment mig!t be !e ?ed during spe ial 5eri%i ation
-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;< a

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DRC 11/35 Pa%e 1&/3&

tours ondu ted b$ operating personnel> oupled 4it! s !eduled inspe tions3 "!e results o% t!e 5eri%i ations and inspe tions must be noted in a signed and dated ar !i5e do ument3 3./. REGU1AR TESTS OF IFS E;UIP#E$T

"!e o5erall obGe ti5e o% regularl$ testing I0S equipment is to maintain t!e reliabilit$ (RR*) o% I0S sa%eguards spe i%ied b$ ris? anal$ses3 Regular tests o% I0S equipment must t!ere%ore be ondu ted in a ordan e 4it! a prede%ined plan in order to: *!e ? t!e alibration o% I0S equipment3 "est ea ! sa%et$ %un tion asso iated 4it! an I0S parameter and spe i%ied b$ t!e sa%et$ studies3

"!e inter5al bet4een I0S equipment tests ma$ be de%ined b$ a reliabilit$ stud$> ot!er4ise tests s!ould be ondu ted at least on e a $ear3 "!ese regular tests must be per%ormed b$ t!e appropriate on(site spe ialists (instrumentation te !ni ians> me !ani al %itters> inspe tors> et 3) in a ordan e 4it! a -Regular test pro edure- orresponding to t!e t$pe o% sa%eguard to be !e ?ed ( onstru tion> instrumented sa%et$ interlo ?> pressure relie% 5al5e> et 3)3 In parti ular t!e pro edure must spe i%$ t!e t$pe and %requen $ o% testing ( orresponding to t!e required reliabilit$ ( o% all I0S equipment3 It must also require results to be noted in a signed and dated ar !i5e do ument3 "!is pro edure must ompl$ 4it! lo al regulations and R!odia "e !nologi al Requirements %or ,SE (R"R:,SE)3 0or ertain spe i%i t$pes o% sa%et$ me !anism 4!i ! are ompletel$ sub ontra ted (e+plosion suppressors> sa%et$ interlo ?s on rotating ma !iner$> et 3) t!e supplier or an e+ternal spe ialist ma$ be onta ted3 1 !ange request must be dra4n up i% t!ere is a signi%i ant di%%eren e bet4een e+pe ted and a tual results3 "!e I0S equipment must be onsidered as una5ailable until t!e !ange is e%%e ti5e> and t!e steps set out belo4 must be applied3 3.5. FAI1URE OF IFS E;UIP#E$T

I% I0S equipment %ails> a repla ement ma$ be used temporaril$ in a ordan e 4it! a spe i%i pro edure 4!i ! de%ines t!e repla ement onditions %or ea ! item o% equipment: Ma+imum repla ement duration3 1ut!orisations required3 "ransient ompensator$ measures3 *orre ti5e a tions3

I% a %ailure o urs on I0S equipment %or 4!i ! t!ere is no repla ement equipment and i% su%%i ient ompensator$ measures are not %ound> t!e se tion on erned or t!e entire %a ilit$ ma$ be s!ut do4n3

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;< a

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DRC 11/35 Pa%e 11/3&

"!is implies t!at sa%et$ instru tions spe i%$ing a tions to ta?e in t!e e5ent o% %ailure must be a5ailable %or all I0S equipment %orming part o% an I0S sa%eguard3 "!ese instru tions are set out in t!e -Re%le+ s!eetorresponding to ea ! I0S sa%eguard (see appendi+ 8)3 In addition> %ailures o% I0S equipment must be noted in a signed and dated ar !i5e do ument and t!e site pro ess sa%et$ engineer must be in%ormed3 3.3. SAFETY I$STRUCTIO$S

Iritten sa%et$ instru tions a5ailable to sta%% are a ?e$ %a tor in ontrolling ris?s3 "!e$ are absolutel$ essential i% t!e$ relate to I0S sa%eguards: t!e instru tions are I0S items %or t!e %a ilit$ in t!e same 4a$ t!at equipment is3 Iritten sa%et$ instru tions must be tried> ?no4n> applied and easil$ a essible to sta%%3 "!e re ommended %orm o% instru tions is one -Re%le+ s!eet- %or ea ! I0S sa%eguard (see appendi+ 8)3 Iritten sa%et$ instru tions must be a5ailable at least in paper %orm and pre%erabl$ also in ele troni %orm %rom all ontrol stations in t!e %a ilit$ "!e$ are used as t!e basis %or sta%% training and aut!orisation> and must be listed in a signed and dated ar !i5e do ument3 I!ene5er an I0S sa%eguard (instrumented sa%et$ interlo ?> operator sa%et$ me !anism> 5al5e> et 3) is a ti5ated> t!is must be noted in a signed and dated ar !i5e do ument and t!e site pro ess sa%et$ engineer must be in%ormed3 3.0. STAFF AUTHORISATIO$S

Sta%% aut!orisations are also ?e$ %a tors in ontrolling ris?s> and are I0S items %or t!e %a ilit$ in t!e same 4a$ t!at equipment is3 1ut!orisations %or operating personnel are I0S items spe i%i to t!e %a ilit$ and must t!ere%ore be ontrolled b$ t!e unit manager3 .t!er sta%% 4!o ma$ 4or? on I0S sa%eguards (instrumentation spe ialists> me !ani s> et 3) must also be aut!orised> t!oug! t!is ma$ be !andled at site le5el under t!e responsibilit$ o% t!e Site &ire tor3 In all ases> all t!ese sta%% must be trained in t!e pro edures and instru tions t!e$ are required to appl$3 Initial training> regular re%res!er sessions and spe i%i training i% I0S items in t!e %a ilit$ are modi%ied must all be s !eduled3 Regular !e ?s must also be ondu ted to ensure t!at sta%% are %amiliar 4it! pro edures and sa%et$ instru tions and appl$ t!em orre tl$3 1n e+er ise mig!t be !eld to simulate a sa%eguard being a ti5ated> %or e+ample3 1 -training register- must be ?ept to re ord !ara teristi s o% training sessions (date> t$pe> names o% parti ipants> et 3) and t!e results o% regular !e ?s3 3.2. CHA$GE CO$TRO1 FOR IFS SAFEGUARDS A$D IFS ITE#S

I% t!e %a ilit$ is modi%ied (pro ess> equipment> onditions> et 3) or a ne4 aspe t arises %ollo4ing an in ident or during t!e %i5e($earl$ ris? anal$sis re5ie4> it ma$ be ne essar$ to add an I0S sa%eguard (and orresponding I0S items) or to modi%$ one o% t!e items orresponding to an I0S sa%eguard (sensor> trigger t!res!old> a tuator> et 3)3

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;< a

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DRC 11/35 Pa%e 1-/3&

"!e siteHs -Sa%eguard management pro edure-> intended to ontrol all 4or? and ensure t!at sa%et$ me !anisms are al4a$s operated sa%el$> must be %ollo4ed 4!en ma?ing an$ modi%i ations3 0or e+ample> %or instrumented sa%et$ interlo ?s it de%ines t!e onditions in 4!i ! a t!res!old an be !anged or a sa%et$ interlo ? temporaril$ disabled (reason> person responsible> aut!orised sta%%> duration> et 3)3 "!e pro edure must stipulate t!at modi%i ations must onl$ be made i% a !ange aut!orisation is granted %ollo4ing a ris? anal$sis3 "!is also results in all do uments on erned b$ t!e modi%i ation> in parti ular t!e list o% I0S items> being updated3 3.4. #A$AGI$G DOCU#E$TS RE1ATI$G TO IFS SAFEGUARDS A$D IFS ITE#S

"!e summar$ report setting out I0S items determined is in luded in t!e "e !ni al Sa%et$ 0ile %or t!e %a ilit$ (see &R* 77:;7)3 I0S sa%eguards are mar?ed in do uments relating to sa%eguards (list o% alarms and sa%et$ me !anisms> sa%et$ interlo ? matri+> list o% pressure release de5i es) also in luded in t!e "e !ni al Sa%et$ 0ile %or t!e %a ilit$3 "!e list o% all I0S items in t!e %a ilit$ must be in luded in t!e operating manual used b$ operations sta%% and must also be displa$ed ontinuousl$ in t!e ontrol room3 I0S equipment are labelled lo all$> listing an$ appli able restri tions (e3g3 -b$(pass pro!ibited-)3 "!e list o% all I0S items %or t!e %a ilit$ ma$ be in luded in t!e operating permit appli ation submitted to t!e aut!orities3

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;< a

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DRC 11/35 Pa%e 13/3&

APPE$DI5 1 6 De'ini!ion o' IFS an( )aAor a i(en!s

"!e on ept o% Important 0or Sa%et$ entered European la4 in t!e so( alled Se5eso II dire ti5e on t!e ontrol o% maGor(a ident !aJards (&ire ti5e =8:E2:E*)3 "!is !as been transposed into 0ren ! la4 as a ministerial order and ministerial ir ular dated 79 Ma$ 2999 on t!e pre5ention o% maGor a idents in5ol5ing dangerous substan es and preparations in %a ilities lassi%ied %or en5ironmental prote tion and subGe t to operating permits3 "ranslated e+tra t %rom t!e Se5eso II dire ti5e -Major accident s!all mean an o urren e su ! as a maGor emission> %ire> or e+plosion resulting %rom un ontrolled de5elopments in t!e ourse o% t!e operation o% an$ establis!ment o5ered b$ t!is &ire ti5e> and lea(in% !o serious (an%er !o <u)an <eal!< an(/or !<e en,iron)en!B i))e(ia!e or (ela+e(B insi(e or ou!si(e !<e es!ablis<)en!> and in5ol5ing one or more dangerous substan es3"ranslated e+tra t %rom t!e ministerial ir ular dated 79 Ma$ 2999 -Important-for-safety factors: ,aJard studies> and in parti ular ris? anal$sis> must enable t!e %a ilit$ manager to (e'ine !<e para)e!ersB e=uip)en!B opera!in% pro e(uresB ins!ru !ions an( s!a'' !rainin% ?<i < are i)por!an! 'or sa'e!+ in all p!ases o% operation o% t!e %a ilities> in luding in degraded situations3-

"!e @I* (@nion des Industries *!imiques> 0ren ! !emi al industr$ asso iation) gi5es t!e %ollo4ing de%inition o% I0S in its te !ni al do ument &" 8< %rom &e ember 7===: -1n item (s$stem or pro edure) is important %or sa%et$ (I0S) i% it is sele ted b$ t!e %a ilit$ manager during ris? anal$sis as being !<e las! sa'e%uar( in pla e !o li)i! !<e (e,ia!ion o' a para)e!er or o)pensa!e 'or a 'ailure 4!i !> i% not ontrolled> ould lead to a maGor a ident> as de%ined in 1nne+ 6I o% dire ti5e =8:E2> or seriousl$ endanger t!e interests set out in arti le 7 o% t!e la4 dated 7= 'ul$ 7=D8 on %a ilities lassi%ied %or en5ironmental prote tion3-

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;< a

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DRC 11/35 Pa%e 1//3&

APPE$DI5 - 6 1is! o' s enarios an( sa'e%uar(s resul!in% 'ro) re%ula!or+ sa'e!+ s!u(ies 8RSS9
RSS s enario $o.

73 Rupture o% &/ E9 liquid p!ase line on ammonia storage tan? L due to 5ibrations and me !ani al stresses3

DESCRIPTIO$ OF SCE$ARIO Causes Un?an!e( e,en! E''e !s Conse=uen es

Rup!ure o' !<e D$ 2& liquid p!ase line on t!e ammonia storage tan?s leads to ammonia gas and aerosol being released into t!e atmosp!ere L Estimated number o% deat!s M 79 (se5erit$ N *)


In(epen(en! pre,en!i,e or pro!e !i,e sa'e%uar(s

D -


73 Rupture o% &/ E9 liquid p!ase line on ammonia storage tan? L %ollo4ing an eart!qua?e3

In t!e e5ent o% an eart!qua?e> rup!ure o' D$ 2& liquid p!ase line on t!e ammonia storage tan?s leads to ammonia gas and aerosol being released into t!e atmosp!ere L Estimated number o% deat!s M 79 (se5erit$ N *)

C Prote ti5e &/ 7< alibrated ori%i e 4elded inside storage tan?3 1I1S 74927 S,, (N 2< ppm): *losure o% Iessoe sa%et$ 5al5e at base o% storage tan? 1I1S 74922 .,,, (N <9 ppm): Sa%et$ instru tions N emergen $ stop + 1 ti5ate internal site gas alert pro edure (Internal emergen $ plan) and alert populations (E+ternal emergen $ plan)3 C Pre5enti5e 1nti(seismi onstru tion ensuring integrit$ o% t!e %a ilit$> in luding ammonia lines Prote ti5e &/ 7< alibrated ori%i e 4elded inside storage tan?3 1I1S 74927 S,, (N 2< ppm): *losure o% Iessoe sa%et$ 5al5e at base o% storage tan? (anti(seismi onstru tion ensures t!at t!e 5al5e remains %un tional)3 1I1S 74922 .,,, (N <9 ppm): Sa%et$ instru tions N emergen $ stop + 1 ti5ate internal site gas alert pro edure (Internal emergen $ plan) and alert populations (E+ternal emergen $ plan)3 ( $o! !aCen in!o a oun! as ma$ not be 5alid %ollo4ing an eart!qua?e (prote tion o% persons b$ buildings not guaranteed> et 3)3

D D &

D D Desi%n/ ons!ru !ion rule

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Car e Fun ! i o n SCE$ARIO RSS $o.


In t!e e5ent o% an eart!qua?e> rup!ure o' a))onia s!ora%e !anC leads to ammonia gas and aerosol being released into t!e atmosp!ere L Estimated number o% deat!s M 79 (se5erit$ N *)

DRC 11/35 Pa%e 15/3&

73 Rupture o% ammonia storage tan? L %ollo4ing an eart!qua?e3


In(epen(en! pre,en!i,e or pro!e !i,e sa'e%uar(s

D &

C Pre5enti5e 1nti(seismi onstru tion ensuring integrit$ o% t!e %a ilit$> in luding ammonia lines Prote ti5e 1I1S 74922 .,,, (N <9 ppm): Sa%et$ instru tions N emergen $ stop + 1 ti5ate internal site gas alert pro edure (Internal emergen $ plan) and alert populations (E+ternal emergen $ plan)3 ( $o! !aCen in!o a oun! as ma$ not be 5alid %ollo4ing an eart!qua?e (prote tion o% persons b$ buildings not guaranteed> et 3)3

RSS E D D Desi%n/ ons!ru !ion rule

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

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DRC 11/35 Pa%e 13/3&

APPE$DI5 3 6 1is! o' s enarios an( sa'e%uar(s resul!in% 'ro) risC anal+ses 8RA9

I$DEPE$DE$T $ECESSARY A$D su''i ien! auses

73 0ailure o% 33333 ir ulation pump P 33333 23 0ailure o% 33333 pressure ontroller PI* L33

RA 4

DESCRIPTIO$ OF SCE$ARIO Causes Un?an!e( e,en! E''e !s Conse=uen es

L rise in tube 4all temperature 333 rea !or ou!er ?all pun !ure( L 6apours and aerosols o% !ot> to+i and %lammable substan es released into %a ilit$3 .5er 79 ategor$ 7 a idents (se5erit$ N ,) O /o deat!s L pressure rise in line L rup!ure o' HCl suppl+ line L ,ig!l$ to+i and orrosi5e ,*l gas released into atmosp!ere3 Estimated number o% deat!s M 79 (se5erit$ N *)


In(epen(en! pre,en!i,e or pro!e !i,e sa'e%uar(s

1 3 -

RA -0

73 0ailure o% 5al5e *6 L33

RA /5

73 Manual 5al5e 6 333 losed at rea tor outlet

L pressure rise 333 rup!ure o' rea !or ( L Mi+ture o% to+i > orrosi5e gases released into atmosp!ere .5er 79 ategor$ 7 a idents (se5erit$ N ,) O /o deat!s

H Pre5enti5e "I1 ;7;24 1, (N 7<9P*): Sa%et$ instru tions N lose manual 5al5e 6 ;2<7 0I1S ;7;<2 S22 (N 2 m;:!): lose ,S6 ;7;9< + ,S6 ;7;98 "I1S ;7;2< S,, (N 7<<P*): lose ,S6 ;7;9= C Pre5enti5e PI1S ;;78< S,, (N 29 bar) or PI1S ;;788 S,, (N 29 bar): *lose ,S6 ;;7D< + ,S6 ;;7D8 (logi N Sa%et$ P2*) PS6 ;;72< O 2i%t pressure N 2< bar O siJed %or t!is s enario O Release sent to absorption olumn Prote ti5e 1I1S, ;;784 (.,, N < ppm): Sa%et$ instru tions N emergen $ stop + 1 ti5ate internal site gas alert pro edure (Internal emergen $ plan) and alert populations (E+ternal emergen $ plan) H Pre5enti5e PI1S ;799< (S,, N < bar): *lose ,S6 ;7922 PS6 ;792< O 2i%t pressure N 8 bar O siJed %or t!is s enario O Release sent to absorption olumn PS6 ;;72< O 2i%t pressure N 2< bar O siJed %or t!is s enario O Release sent to absorption olumn O Inlet and outlet lines independent %rom t!ose o% PS6 ;792<

D D Desi%n/ ons!ru !ion rule

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Car e Fun ! i o n SCE$ARIO RA Case $o.

RA 34

PROCESS SAFETY GUIDE "I#PORTA$T FOR SAFETY" ITE#S I$DEPE$DE$T $ECESSARY A$D su''i ien! auses DESCRIPTIO$ OF SCE$ARIO Causes Un?an!e( e,en! E''e !s Conse=uen es
L to+i > orrosi5e gases enter steam ir uit L s!ea) ir ui! pier e( ou!si(e on!ain)en! en losure L Mi+ture o% to+i > orrosi5e> %lammable gases released into atmosp!ere .5er 79 ategor$ 7 a idents (se5erit$ N ,) O /o deat!s

DRC 11/35 Pa%e 10/3&


In(epen(en! pre,en!i,e or pro!e !i,e sa'e%uar(s

1 -

73 Internal orrosion o% e+ !anger E 33L

H Pre5enti5e PI1A 42722 A, (N 79 bar): *lose Q*6 47998 PI1S 4272; S,, (N 72 bar) : *lose ,S6 ;7;<< PS6 4272< O 2i%t pressure N 7< bar O siJed %or t!is s enario O Release sent to absorption olumn Prote ti5e 1I1S 42784 .,, (N <9 ppm) : Sa%et$ instru tions N emergen $ stop + 1 ti5ate internal site gas alert pro edure (Internal emergen $ plan)


-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Care Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e 12/3&

APPE$DI5 / 6 E>a)ple o' <oi e o' IFS sa'e%uar(s 'or 'a ili!+

6ersion 7 o% t!e table belo4 lists all sa%eguards in5ol5ed in t!e s enarios in luded in t!e regulator$ sa%et$ stud$ (RSS) submitted to t!e aut!orities and in t!e s enarios %rom t!e ris? anal$sis (R1) %or t!e %a ilit$3 6ersion 2 !ig!lig!ts t!e sa%eguards %or RSS s enarios3 6ersion ; is used to spe i%$ t!e initial I0S sa%eguards (I0S 7> I0S 2 and I0S ;) 4!i ! are t!e sole sa%eguard %or ertain s enarios3 .ne o% t!e t4o sa%eguards mar?ed -R- 4ill need to be sele ted as an I0S sa%eguard3 6ersion 4 is used to %inis! t!e !oi e: sa%eguard E is sele ted as sa%eguard I0S 4 in pre%eren e to sa%eguard = as it o5ers more s enarios and is in5ol5ed earlier in t!ese s enarios3 6ersion < !ig!lig!ts s enarios %rom t!e ris? anal$ses (R1) 4!i ! do not $et !a5e I0S sa%eguards (non(gre$ s enarios) and sa%eguards mar?ed -R- %rom 4!i ! t!e remaining I0S sa%eguards %or t!e %a ilit$ 4ill be sele ted3 6ersion 8 s!o4s t!e %inal sele tion3 Sa%eguard 8 is sele ted as I0S < as it is t!e sole sa%eguard %or one o% t!e s enarios3 Sa%eguard D is sele ted as I0S 8 in pre%eren e to sa%eguard < 4!i ! is less reliable3 Sa%eguard 77 is sele ted as I0S D as it o5ers more s enarios and a ts earlier t!an sa%eguards 72 and 7;3 Sa%eguard 7< is sele ted as I0S E in pre%eren e to t!e ot!er possible sa%eguards (7D N prote ti5eK 74 N less reliableK 78 N in5ol5ed less o%ten and a ts later)3 "!e resulting sa%eguards I0S 7 to I0S E are mostl$ a ti5e> pre5enti5e sa%eguards3 Some ma$ be passi5e sa%eguards and orrespond to spe i%i design or onstru tion rules> e3g3 sa%eguard I0S 2 (anti(seismi onstru tion ensuring t!e integrit$ o% t!e %a ilit$)3

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Car e Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e 14/3&

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Car e Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e -&/3&

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Car e Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e -1/3&

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Car e Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e --/3&

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Car e Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e -3/3&

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Car e Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e -//3&

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Car e Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e -5/3&

APPE$DI5 5 6 E>a)ple o' IFS i!e)s orrespon(in% !o IFS sa'e%uar(s

IFS $o. RS $o.


1I1S 74922 .,,, (N <9 ppm): Sa%et$ instru tions N Press emergen $ stop button + a ti5ate internal site gas alert pro edure (Internal emergen $ plan) and alert populations (E+ternal emergen $ plan)

Para)e!ers see REF1E5 SHEET

Falues )easure( b+ sensors 1/&-- AB @B CB D.B E

5 sensors 1/&-- AB @B CB DB E Sa'e!+ P1C 3 alar)s 3 )us<roo)G!+pe e)er%en + s!op bu!!ons

Pro e(ures
Design Implementation cceptance Initial testing #ain!enan eH leanin% sensorsB e! . Re%ular !es!sH sensors alibra!e( e,er+ 3 )on!<s an( 'ull <ain e,er+ +ear Design Implementation cceptance tests Inspe !ion

Sa'e!+ ins!ru !ions see REF1E5 SHEET

Press e)er%en + s!op on alar) A !i,a!e in!ernal si!e %as aler! pro e(ure 8In!ernal e)er%en + plan9 an( aler! popula!ions 8E>!ernal e)er%en + plan9

S!a'' au!<orisa!ions
Design office Implementation Instrumentation Opera!ionsH re'res<er !rainin% an( rene?al o' au!<orisa!ions e,er+ +ear


1nti(seismi onstru tion ensuring integrit$ o% t!e %a ilit$> in luding ammonia lines


nti-seismic construction


Design office !i"il engineering Inspection

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Car e Fun ! i o n IFS $o. RS $o.



DRC 11/35 Pa%e -3/3&


PI1S ;;78< S,, (N 29 bar) or PI1S ;;788 S,, (N 29 bar): lose ,S6 ;;7D< and ,S6 ;;7D8

Para)e!ers see REF1E5 SHEET

Falue )easure( b+ PIAS 33135

Sensor PIAS 33135 Sa'e!+ P1C A !ua!ors HSF 33105 an( HSF 33103

Pro e(ures
Design Implementation cceptance tests Initial testing #ain!enan eH lean sensorsB <e C ,al,e in!e%ri!+ Re%ular !es!sH sensor alibra!e( e,er+ 3 )on!<s an( 'ull <ain e,er+ +ear

Sa'e!+ ins!ru !ions see REF1E5 SHEET

C<e C !<a! sa'e!+ a !ions are per'or)e( i' a !i,a!e( Ins!ru !ion s<ee!s i' sensors or ,al,es ou! o' a !ion

S!a'' au!<orisa!ions
Design office Implementation Instrumentation Opera!ionsH re'res<er !rainin% an( rene?al o' au!<orisa!ions e,er+ +ear

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Care Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e -0/3&

APPE$DI5 3 6 E>a)ple o' a "Re'le> s<ee!" 'or an IFS sa'e%uar( FACI1ITY 555


Un?an!e( e,en! E''e !s Conse=uen es Se,eri!+ Rup!ure o' HCl suppl+ line HCl %as release( !o a!)osp<ere Serious e''e !s on s!a'' an( popula!ions C

Sensor $o. $or)al ran%e A !ion !<res<ol( Au!o)a!i a !ions Opera!or a !ions PIAS 33135 13G15 bar 8e''e !i,e9 SHH D -& bar 8e''e !i,e9 Close HSF 33105 an( 33103 C<e C !<a! HSF 33105 an( 33103 are lose(

PIAS 33165 "S# 331$5 or 331$6 PIAS 33165 an( 33166 "S# 331$5 an( 331$6 Sa)et! PL* Monitor available sensor PIAS 33166 Repair PIAS 33165 ur entl! Ot%er "S# available Instru&entation te'%ni'ian &ust be 'alle( ur entl! Stop se'tion Stop se'tion Stop se'tion

Sensors PIAS 33135 an( 33133 Fal,es HSF 33105 an( HSF 33103 Durin% annual s<u!(o?nsH (isasse)bleB leanB <e C on ben <B reasse)ble Durin% annual s<u!(o?nsH (isasse)bleB leanB <e C in!e%ri!+B reasse)ble

Sensors PIAS 33135 an( 33133 En!ire sa'e!+ <ain Calibra!e sensors e,er+ 3 )on!<s 1o C o'' in a or(an e ?i!< si!e pro e(ure #oni!or PIAS 33133 or 33135 losel+ E,er+ +ear 8annual s<u!(o?ns9 Tes! in a or(an e ?i!< si!e pro e(ure C<e C !<a! HSF 33105 an( 33103 lose 'ro) sensor PIAS 33135 or 33133

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern al use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be reprod u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritt e n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n sible *are %un tion-3 *op$rig!t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anua r$ 2994 &at e o% appli ation: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Car e Fun ! i o n


DRC 11/35 Pa%e -2/3&

APPE$DI5 0 6 1is! o' sa'e%uar(s orrespon(in% !o re%ula!or+ re=uire)en!s 8RR9


-"!e %oundations o% t!e ammonia storage tan? s!all be adapted to resist an eart!qua?e de%ined %or t!e region to a5oid rupture o% pipes 4it!in t!e tan?3-


DESCRIPTIO$ OF SCE$ARIO Un?an!e( e,en! 6 Causes E''e !s G Conse=uen es

@n4anted e5ent N Rup!ure o' D$ 2& line on liquid p!ase o% ammonia storage tan? or rup!ure o' s!ora%e !anC *ause N Eart!qua?e E%%e ts N Release o% ammonia gas and aerosol into atmosp!ere Estimated number o% deat!s M 79 (se5erit$ N *)


PREFE$TIFE OR PROTECTIFE sa'e%uar( orrespon(in% !o re=uire)en!s

D &


-"!e legs o% t!e storage tan? s!all be onstru ted and equipped to a5oid an$ a umulation o% 4ater inside t!em3 "!e$ s!all be 5eri%ied regularl$ to dete t an$ internal or e+ternal orrosion3-

@n4anted e5ent N Rup!ure o' D$ 2& line on liquid p!ase o% ammonia storage tan? or rup!ure o' s!ora%e !anC *ause N Fro?en legs due to orrosion E%%e ts N Release o% ammonia gas and aerosol into atmosp!ere Estimated number o% deat!s M 79 (se5erit$ N *)

C Pre5enti5e 1nti(seismi onstru tion ensuring integrit$ o% t!e %a ilit$> in luding ammonia lines Prote ti5e 1I1S 74927 S,, (N 2< ppm): *losure o% Iessoe sa%et$ 5al5e at base o% storage tan? (anti(seismi onstru tion ensures t!at t!e 5al5e remains %un tional): no! !aCen in!o a oun! as t!e storage tan? itsel% ould rupture 1I1S 74922 .,,, (N <9 ppm): Sa%et$ instru tions N emergen $ stop + 1 ti5ate internal site gas alert pro edure (Internal emergen $ plan) and alert populations (E+ternal emergen $ plan): no !aCen in!o a oun! as not reliable in t!e e5ent o% an eart!qua?e C Pre5enti5e &esign o% ammonia storage tan? legs Regular !e ?s %or orrosion on legs and orre ti5e a tions i% ne essar$ Prote ti5e 1I1S 74927 S,, (N 2< ppm): *losure o% Iessoe sa%et$ 5al5e at base o% storage tan? (anti(seismi onstru tion ensures t!at t!e 5al5e remains %un tional): no! !aCen in!o a oun! as t!e storage tan? itsel% ould rupture 1I1S 74922 .,,, (N <9 ppm): Sa%et$ instru tions N emergen $ stop + 1 ti5ate internal site gas alert pro edure (Internal emergen $ plan) and alert populations (E+ternal emergen $ plan)


D 1 &

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Car e Fun ! i o n RE;UIRE#


@n4anted e5ent N Rup!ure o' D$ 2& line on liquid p!ase o% ammonia storage tan? *ause N Eart!qua?e> bro?en legs or ot!er E%%e ts N Release o% ammonia gas and aerosol into atmosp!ere Estimated number o% deat!s M 79 (se5erit$ N *)

DRC 11/35 Pa%e -4/3& PREFE$TIFE OR PROTECTIFE sa'e%uar( orrespon(in% !o re=uire)en!s

-2iquid p!ase lines s!all be %itted 4it! ori%i e plates inside t!e tan? to redu e t!e lique%ied gas %lo4 rate to t!e minimum te !ni all$ a eptable to t!e users o% t!e produ t-3


D -



-"!e 4elding pro ess> t!e pro%essional s?ills o% t!e 4elders and t!e !eat treatment onditions s!all be quali%ied b$ an organisation independent o% t!e onstru tor and t!e user3 1 omplete Q(ra$ e+amination o% t!e 4eld seams s!all be per%ormed3-

@n4anted e5ent N Rup!ure o' D$ 2& line on liquid p!ase o% ammonia storage tan? or rup!ure o' s!ora%e !anC *ause N Rupture along 4eld E%%e ts N Release o% ammonia gas and aerosol into atmosp!ere Estimated number o% deat!s M 79 (se5erit$ N *)

C Prote ti5e &/ 7< alibrated ori%i e plate 4elded inside storage tan?3 1I1S 74927 S,, (N 2< ppm): *losure o% Iessoe sa%et$ 5al5e at base o% storage tan? (anti(seismi onstru tion ensures t!at t!e 5al5e remains %un tional) 1I1S 74922 .,,, (N <9 ppm): Sa%et$ instru tions N emergen $ stop + 1 ti5ate internal site gas alert pro edure (Internal emergen $ plan) and alert populations (E+ternal emergen $ plan) C Pre5enti5e Ielding quali%ied b$ an independent organisation *omplete Q(ra$ e+amination o% t!e 4elding beads %or butt 4elds Prote ti5e 1I1S 74927 S,, (N 2< ppm): *losure o% Iessoe sa%et$ 5al5e at base o% storage tan? (anti(seismi onstru tion ensures t!at t!e 5al5e remains %un tional): no! !aCen in!o a oun! as t!e storage tan? itsel% ould rupture 1I1S 74922 .,,, (N <9 ppm): Sa%et$ instru tions N emergen $ stop + 1 ti5ate internal site gas alert pro edure (Internal emergen $ plan) and alert populations (E+ternal emergen $ plan)

D D &

-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

RHODIA Re s p o n s i b l e Car e Fun ! i o n RE;UIRE#


@n4anted e5ent N 1i=ui( a))onia leaC %rom storage tan? *ause N 1ll E%%e ts N Release o% ammonia gas and aerosol into atmosp!ere ompounded b$ %ailure to retain liquid (lea? %rom retention basin or insu%%i ient 5olume due to presen e o% 4ater)3 Estimated number o% deat!s M 79 (se5erit$ N *)

DRC 11/35 Pa%e 3&/3& PREFE$TIFE OR PROTECTIFE sa'e%uar( orrespon(in% !o re=uire)en!s

-"!e storage tan? s!all be pla ed in a sealed retention d$?e (bund) L designed and implemented su ! t!at an$ 4ater in t!e basin %rom an$ sour e ma$ be eliminated3-


D 1 1 D -



-It s!all be possible to s!ut do4n and isolate t!e storage %a ilities in an emergen $ 333 i% an ammonia is dete ted L b$ pro+imit$ sensors L and ambient sensors L at lo ations resulting %rom a preliminar$ stud$ L-3

@n4anted e5ent N 1i=ui( a))onia leaC %rom storage tan? *ause N 1ll E%%e ts N Release o% ammonia gas and aerosol into atmosp!ere ompounded b$ %ailure to retain liquid Estimated number o% deat!s M 79 (se5erit$ N *)

C Pre5enti5e &esign o% retention basin Pro edure to !e ? absen e o% 4ater in basin and drain i% ne essar$3 Regular test %or lea? tig!tness o% d$?e (bund) Prote ti5e &/ 7< alibrated ori%i e 4elded inside storage tan?3 1I1S 74927 S,, (N 2< ppm): *losure o% Iessoe sa%et$ 5al5e at base o% storage tan? (anti(seismi onstru tion ensures t!at t!e 5al5e remains %un tional) 1I1S 74922 .,,, (N <9 ppm): Sa%et$ instru tions N emergen $ stop + 1 ti5ate internal site gas alert pro edure (Internal emergen $ plan) and alert populations (E+ternal emergen $ plan) C Prote ti5e &/ 7< alibrated ori%i e 4elded inside storage tan?3 1I1S 74927 S,, (N 2< ppm): *losure o% Iessoe sa%et$ 5al5e at base o% storage tan? (anti(seismi onstru tion ensures t!at t!e 5al5e remains %un tional) 1I1S 74922 .,,, (N <9 ppm): Sa%et$ instru tions N emergen $ stop + 1 ti5ate internal site gas alert pro edure (Internal emergen $ plan) and alert populations (E+ternal emergen $ plan)

D -


-Stri tl$ *./0I&E/"I12 do u m e n t %or intern a l use onl$3 "!is do u m e n t ma$ not be repro d u e d or distribut e d 4it!out prior 4ritte n appro5al %rom t!e *orpora t e Respo n si bl e *are %un tion-3 *op$rig! t R!odia3 6ersion 2 ( 78 'anuar$ 2994 &ate o% appli a tion: 7 'une 2994 Printed on: 27:97:74 &R* 77:;<%

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