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2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 1 Words Word Pronunciation /'ad/ add /&n(d)/, /(')an(d)/ and

/ 1 are/ are arm /'rm/ ask /'[a']sk/ back /'bak/ /'bAk/ bake ball /'bol/ bank /'ba[ng]k/ barn /'brn/ bell /'bel/ best /'best/ bike /'bIk/ bone /'bOn/ book /'buk/ born /'bo(&)rn/ bow /'bO/ box /'bks/ boy / 'boi/ by /(')bI/ call /'kol/ came /'kAm/ cape /'kAp/ cart /'krt/ chin /'chin/ chop /'chp/ clap /'klap/ claw /'klo/ clip /'klip/ club /'kl&b/ cold /'kOld/ come / (')k&m/ corn /'ko(&)rn/ cow /'kau/ crab /'krab/ crew /'kr/ cry /'krI/ cure /'kyu(&)r/ cute /'kyt/ day /'dA/ dish /'dish dock /'dk/ draw /'dro/ dry /'drI/ dump /'d&mp/ eat /'Et/ egg /'eg/ elk /'elk/ end /'end/

Page 1 Function
verb conjunction verb noun verb noun verb noun noun noun noun adjective noun noun noun verb noun noun noun preposition verb verb noun noun noun verb verb noun verb noun adjective verb noun noun noun noun verb noun or verb adjective noun noun noun verb adjective noun verb noun noun noun

Word fall far farm fast feet find fine fish five flag flat flip flow fly food foot for frog from game gave give glad glide gold good hand hard harp hay help hide hill his hoe home hood hope horn ill job joy keep kick kind king kite lake land

Pronunciation /'fol/ /'fr/ /'frm/ /'fast/ /'fEt/ /'fInd/ /'fIn/ /'fish/ /'fIv/ /'flag/ /'flat/ /'flip/ /'flO/ /'flI/ /'fd/ /'fut/ /f&r/ /'frog/ /(')fr&m/ /'gAm/ /'gAv/ /'giv/ /'glad/ /'glId/ /'gOld/ /'gud/ /'hand/ /'hrd/ /'hrp/ /'hA/ /'help/ /'hId/ /'hil/ /(h)iz/ /'hO/ /'hOm/ /'hud/ /'hOp/ /'ho(&)rn/ /(")I(&)l/ /'jb/ /'joi/ /'kEp/ /'kik/ /'kInd/ /'ki[ng]/ /'kIt/ /'lAk/ /'land/

noun or verb adverb noun adverb noun verb adjective noun adjective noun adjective verb verb noun or verb noun noun preposition noun preposition noun verb verb adjective verb noun adjective noun adjective noun noun verb verb noun pronoun noun noun noun noun noun adjective noun noun verb verb adjective noun noun noun noun

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 1 Words Word Pronunciation late /'lAt/ law /'lo/ lay /'lA/ like /'lIk/ line /'lIn/ long /'lo[ng]/ look /'luk/ lost /'lost/ make /'mAk/ mask /'mask/ miss /'mis/ moon /'mn/ more /'mO(&)r/ moth /'moth/ mule /'my(&)l/ must / m&s(t)/ name /'nAm/ nest /'nest/ nice /'nIs/ nine /'nIn/ now /(')nau/ of / &v/ off /'of/ old /'Old/ out /'aut/ part /'prt/ paw /'po/ pay /'pA/ pick /'pik/ play /'plA/ pull /'pul/ /'pyu(&r/ pure put /'put/ raw /'ro/ ride /'rId/ rock /'rk/ room /'rm/ root /'rt/ rope /'rOp/ row /'rO/ rub /'r&b/ same /'sAm/ saw /'so/ say /'sA/ shape /'shAp/ she /(')shE/ sheep /'shEp/ ship /'ship/ shoot /'sht/

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adverb noun verb verb noun adjective verb verb verb noun verb noun adverb noun noun verb noun noun adjective adjective adverb preposition preposition adjective preposition noun noun verb verb verb verb adjective verb adjective verb noun noun noun noun noun or verb verb adjective noun or verb verb noun pronoun noun noun verb

Word shop show side sing sky sleep slip slow soon spot star stay step stop store swim take tame that them this took toy tree trip try tune vest wade warm wash well went what will wish yard yes zoo

Pronunciation /'shp/ /'shO/ /'sId/ /'si[ng]/ /'skI/ /'slEp/ /'slip/ /'slO/ /'sn/ /'spt/ /'str/ /'stA/ /'step/ /'stp/ /'stO(&)r/ /'swim/ /'tAk/ /'tAm/ /(')[th]at/ /([th])&m/ /(')[th]is/ /'tuk/ /'toi/ /'trE/ /'trip/ /'trI/ /'t(y)n /'vest/ /'wAd/ /'wo(&)rm/ /'wosh/ /'wel/ /'went/ /(')hwt/ /w&l/ /'wish/ /'yrd/ /'yes/ /'z/

verb verb noun verb noun verb noun or verb adjective adverb noun noun verb verb verb noun verb verb adjective pronoun pronoun pronoun verb noun noun noun

noun noun verb adjective verb adverb verb pronoun verb verb noun adverb noun

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 2 Words Word Pronunciation /'Am/ aim /'ol/ all any /'en-E/ ate /ate/ awl /'ol/ baby /'bA-bE/ bait /'bAt/ /'bAkt/ baked /'bAk-&r/ baker bath /'bath/, /'b[a']th/ bear /'ba(&)r/, /'be(&)r/ bee /'bE/ /'bEf/ beef been /(')bin/ /'bEt/ beet /bi-'gan/ began begin /bi-'gin/ better /'bet-&r/ black /'blak/ blaze /'blAz/ /'bles/ bless blew /'bl/ block /'blk/ blood /'bl&d/ blow /'blO/ blue /'bl/ boat /'bOt/ body /'bd-E/ boil /'boi(&)l/ boot /'bt/ booth /'bth/ both /'bOth/ bottle /'bt-&l/ brag /'brag/ brand /'brand/ brass /'bras/ brave /'brAv/ bring /'bri[ng]/ brook /'bruk/ carry /'kar-E/ cattle /'kat-&l/ /'sent/ cent center /'sent-&r/ cents /'sents/ chase /'chAs/ /'ches/ chess /'chest/ chest chew /'ch/ chick /'chik/

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noun adjective pronoun verb noun noun noun verb noun noun noun or verb noun noun verb noun verb verb adverb adjective noun verb verb noun noun verb adjective noun noun verb noun noun pronoun noun verb verb or noun noun adjective verb noun verb noun noun noun noun verb noun noun verb noun

Word child chirp chore city class clay clock close close clue coat coil coin cool copy curl damp dead deep deer die died diet dirt does done door down dress drew drink drive drum due ear else even ever eye fair fear flea flies fray funny furry gift girl globe

Pronunciation /'chIld/ /'ch&rp/ /'chO(&)r/ /'sit-E/ /'klas/ /'klA/ /'klk/ /klOs/ /klOz/ /'kl/ /'kOt/ /'koil/ /'koin/ /'kl/ /'kp-E/ /'k&rl/ /'damp/ /'ded/ /'dEp/ /'di(&)r/ /'dI/ /'dId/ /'dI-&t/ /'d&rt/ /(')d&z/ /'d&n/ /'dO(&)r/ /'daun/ /'drEm/ /'dr/ /'dri[ng]k/ /'drIv/ /'dr&m/ /'d(y)/ /'i(&)r/ /'els/ /'E-v&n/ /'ev-&r/ /'I/ /'fa(&)r/ /'fi(&)r/ /'flE/ /'flIz/ /'frA/ /'f&n-E/ /'f&r-E/ /'gift/ /'g&r(-&)l/ /'glOb/

noun noun or verb noun noun noun noun noun adverb verb noun noun noun noun adjective verb noun or verb adjective adjective adjective noun verb verb noun noun verb verb noun preposition noun verb verb verb noun adjective noun adverb adjective adverb noun adjective noun noun noun verb adjective adjective noun noun noun

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 2 Words, continued Word Pronunciation /'gl&v/ glove /'gl/ glue goal /'gOl/ gown /'gaun/ grade /'grAd/ grass /'gras/ green /'grEn/ /'grEt/ greet grew /'gr/ grill /'gril/ groom /'grm/ grow /'grO/ grown /'grOn/ gym /'jim/ hair /'ha(&)r/ /'ha[ng]/ hang happy /'hap-E/ /'ha(&)r/ hare have /(')hav/ head /'hed/ herd /'h&rd/ /'hOld/ hold hole /'hOl/ hoof /'huf/ how /(')hau/ into /'in-t/ its /(")its/ joke /'jOk/ jump /'j&mp/ June /'jn/ kept /'kept/ lady /'lAd-E/ laid /'lAd/ lain /'lAn/ lane /'lAn/ /'lAt-&r/ later lawn /'lon/ lie /'lI/ life /'lIf/ lives /'lIvz/ load /'lOd/ lose /'lz /'los/ loss love /'l&v/ luck /'l&k/ lucky /'l&k-E/ made /'mAd/ mail /'mA(&)l/ main /'mAn/

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noun noun noun noun noun noun adjective verb verb noun noun verb verb noun noun verb adjective noun verb noun noun verb noun noun adverb preposition pronoun noun verb noun verb noun verb verb noun adverb noun verb noun noun verb verb noun noun noun adjective verb noun adjective

Word mane many mare math mean meet milk mind mine mitt moose motor move much nail near neck need new next nose oil one only open over own pail pair pale park past pear pen pest petal pie pin pint plain plane pond pony price prom puppy queen quit rain

Pronunciation /'mAn/ /'men-E/ /'ma(&)r/ /'math/ /'mEn/ /'mEt/ /'milk /'mInd/ /(')mIn/ /'mit/ /'ms/ /'mOt-&r/ /'mv/ /'m&ch/ /'nA(&)l/ /'ni(&)r/ /'nek/ /'nEd/ /'n(y)/ /'nekst/ /'nOz/ /'oi(&)l/ /'w&n/ /'On-lE/ /'O-p&n/ /'O-v&r/ /'On/ /'pA(&)l/ /'pa(&)r/ /'pA(&)l/ /'prk/ /'past/ /'pa(&)r/ /'pen/ /'pest/ /'pet-&l/ /'pI/ /'pin/ /'pInt/ /'plAn/ /'plAn/ /'pnd/ /'pO-nE/ /'prIs/ /'prm/ /'p&p-E/ /'kwEn/ /'kwit/ /'rAn/

noun adjective noun noun adjective noun or verb noun noun pronoun noun noun

verb adverb noun adverb noun verb adjective adverb noun noun adjective adverb verb preposition verb noun noun adjective noun adjective noun noun noun noun noun noun noun adjective or noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun verb noun

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 2 Words, continued Word Pronunciation rare /'ra(&)r/ read /'rEd/ read /'red/ real /'rE(-&)l/ /'rent/ rent rich /'rich/ ring /'ri[ng]/ river /'riv-&r/ road /'rOd/ roar /'rO(&)r/ rode /'rOd/ /'rOl// role sail /'sA(&)l/ sale /'sA(&)l/ save /'sAv/ score /'skO(&)r/ sea /'sE/ seam /'sEm/ see /'sE/ seek /'sEk/ seem /'sEm/ seen /'sEn/ sell /'sel/ send /'send/ sew /'sO/ shall /sh&l/ share /'she(&)r/ sharp /'shrp/ shoe /'sh/ shook /'shuk/ shore /'shO(&)r/ short /'sho(&)rt/ shut /'sh&t/ silly /'sil-E/ /'siks/ six skill /'skil/ skin /'skin/ skip /'skip/ skit /'skit/ small /'smol/ snail /'snA(&)l/ snake /'snAk/ soak /'sOk/ soap /'sOp/ sock /'sk/ soil /'soi(&)l/ sold /'sOld/ some /'s&m/ son /'s&n/

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adjective verb verb adjective verb adjective noun noun noun noun verb noun noun or verb noun verb verb noun noun verb verb verb verb verb verb verb verb verb adjective noun verb noun adjective verb adjective noun noun noun verb noun adjective noun noun verb noun noun noun verb pronoun noun

Word sow space stalk stall start still stir stone storm story stray such sun sure sway sweet tail tale tear tear teeth tell ten than thank thanks then these they thin thing think those tie time tired toast toe told too tooth tow town trail train trash truck trunk

Pronunciation /'sO/ /'spAs/ /'stok/ /'stol/ /'strt/ /'stil/ /'st&r/ /'stOn/ /'sto(&)rm/ /'stOr-E/ /'strA/ /(')s&ch/ /'s&n/ /'shu(&)r/ /'swA/ /'swEt/ /'tA(&)l/ /'tA(&)l/ /'ti(&)r/ /'ta(&)r/ /'tEth/ /'tel/ /'ten/ /[th]&n/ /'tha[ng]k/ /tha[ng]ks/ /(')[th]en/ /(')[th]Ez/ /(')[th]A/ /'thin/ /'thi[ng]/ /'thi[ng]k/ /(')[th]Oz/ /'tI/ /'tIm/ /'tI(&)rd/ /'tOst/ /'tO/ /'tOld/ /(')t/ /'tth /'tO/ /'taun/ /'trA(&)l/ /'trAn/ /'trash/ /'tr&k/ /'tr&[ng]k/

verb noun noun noun verb adjective verb noun noun noun adjective or noun adjective noun adjective verb adjective noun noun noun verb noun verb noun conjunction verb noun adverb pronoun pronoun adjective noun verb pronoun noun or verb noun adjective noun noun verb adverb noun verb noun noun noun noun noun noun

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 2 Words, continued Word Pronunciation tuba /'t(y)-b&/ turn /'t&rn/ /'twig/ twig two /'t/ upon /&-'pon/ use /'ys/ very /'ver-E/ walk /'wok/ want /'wont/ water /'wot-&r/ way /'wA/ weak /'wEk/ wear /'wa(&)r/ week /'wEk/ were /(')w&r/ whale /'hwA(&)l/ wheel /'hwE(&)l/ when /(')hwen/ while /'hwI(&)l/ Set 3 Words Word able about across afraid after ahead alarm alike alive alone along among apple apron aren't armies army around asleep attic awake away awhile bare batter beat become

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noun noun noun adjective preposition verb adverb verb verb noun noun adjective verb noun verb noun noun adverb adverb

Word whip white who whole why wide wild wire with wood word worm wrap wren write year you your

Pronunciation /'hwip/ /'hwIt/ /(')h/ /'hOl/ /(')hwI/ /'wId/ /'wI(&)ld/ /'wI(&)r/ /(')wi[th]/ /'wud/ /'w&rd/ /'w&rm/ /'rap/ /'ren/ /'rIt/ /'yi(&)r/ /(')y/ / y&r/

noun adjective pronoun pronoun adverb adjective adjective noun preposition noun noun noun verb noun verb noun pronoun pronoun

Pronunciation /'A-b&l/ /&-'baut/ /&-'kros/ /&-'frAd/ /'af-t&r/ /&-'hed/ /&-'lrm /&-'lIk/ /&-'lIk /&-'lOn/ /&-'lo[ng]/ /&-'m&[ng/ /'ap-&l/ /'A-pr&n/ /(')rnt/ /'r-mEz/ /'r-mE/ /&-'raund/ /&-'slEp/ /'at-ik/ /&-'wAk/ /&-'wA/ /&-'hwI(&)l/ /'ba(&)r/ /'bat-&r/ /'bEt/ /bi-'k&m/

adjective preposition preposition adjective preposition preposition noun adjective adjective adjective preposition preposition noun noun contraction noun noun preposition adjective noun adjective preposition adverb adjective noun verb verb

Word before being berry blaze board branch bread bright brown brush bumpy bunch bury bushy busy butter button buy buzz cabin cackle camper camping cannot can't careful carpet

Pronunciation /bi-'fO(&)r/ /'bE-i[ng]/ /'ber-E/ /'blAz/ /'bO(&)rd/ /'branch/ /'bred/ /'brIt/ /'braun/ /'br&sh/ /'b&m-pE/ /'b&nch/ /'ber-E/ /'bush-E/ /'biz-E/ /'b&t-&r/ /'b&t-&n/ /'bI/ /'b&z/ /'kab-&n/ /'kak-&l/ /'kam-p&r/ /'kamp-i[ng]/ /'kan-(")t/ /'kant/ /'ke(&)r-f&l/ /'kr-p&t/

preposition verb noun noun verb noun noun adjective adjective noun or verb adjective noun verb adjective adjective noun noun verb verb noun noun noun verb verb contraction adverb noun

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 3 Words, continued Word Pronunciation catch /'kach/ chain /'chAn/ chair /'che(&)r/ chalk /'chok/ chance /'chan(t)s/ check /'chek/ cheer /'chi(&)r/ /'cher-Ez/ cherries /'cher-E/ cherry /'chil-E/ chili chopped /'chpt/ church /'ch&rch/ /'ch&rn/ churn circle /'s&r-k&l/ circus /'s&r-k&s/ claws /'kloz/ clean /'klEn/ clear /'kli(&)r/ clearing /'kli(&)r-i[ng]/ cloth /'kloth/ cloud /'klaud/ clown /'klaun/ coach /'kOch/ coast /'kOst/ collar /'kl-&r/ collect /'kl-"ekt/ color /'k&l-&r/ cookie /'kuk-E/ could /k&d/ /(')kud/ counter /'kaunt-&r/ crack /'krak/ /'krak-&r/ cracker crawl /'krol/ cried /'krId/ crisp /'krisp/ crossing /'kro-si[ng]/ crowd /'kraud/ crowded /'kraud-&d/ crown /'kraun crying /'krI-i[ng]/ cube /'kyb/ dance /'dan(t)s/ decide /di-'sId/ decided /di-'sId-ed/ didn't /'did-&nt/ /'din-&r/ dinner doing /'d-i[ng]/ dollar /'dl-&r/ don't /(')dont/

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verb noun noun noun noun noun noun or verb noun noun noun verb noun verb noun noun noun adjective adjective noun noun noun noun noun or verb noun noun verb noun noun verb noun noun noun verb verb adjective noun noun or verb adjective noun verb noun noun verb verb contraction noun verb noun contraction

Word drawing dream dropped dryer dwell each earn easy eight enjoy every exit fable fabric farmer farming father fighting final fired fixes flower forest fossil fresh fried front frost frown frying gallon garden gather gear getting goes goose grabbed grain grand great half hammer happen hardest hasn't hatch hes heard

Pronunciation /'dro-i[ng]/ /'drEm/ /'drpd/ /'drI(-&)r/ /'dwel/ /'Ech/ /'&rn/ /'E-zE/ /'At/ /in-'joi/ /'ev-rE/ /'eg-z&t/ /'fA-b&l/ /'fab-rik/ /'fr-m&r/ /'frm-i[ng]/ /'f[th]-&r/ /'fIt-i[ng]/ /'fIn-&l/ /'fI(&)rd/ /'fiks-&z/ /'flau(-&)r/ /'for-&st/ /'fs-&l/ /'fresh/ /'frId/ /'fr&nt/ /'frost/ /'fraun/ /'frI-i[ng]/ /'gal-&n/ /'grd-&n/ /'ga[th]-&r/ /'gi(&)r/ /(')get-i[ng]/ /'gOz/ /'gs/ /'grabd/ /'grAn/ /'grand/ /'grAt/ /'haf/ /'h[a']f/ /'ham-&r/ /'hap-&n/ /'hrd-&st/ /'haz-&nt/ /'hach/ /(")hEz/ /'h&rd/

verb noun verb noun verb pronoun verb adjective noun verb adjective noun noun noun noun noun or verb noun verb adjective verb verb noun noun noun adjective verb noun noun noun verb noun noun verb noun verb verb noun verb noun adjective adjective noun noun verb adjective contraction verb contraction verb

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 3 Words, continued Word Pronunciation hello /h&-'lO/ helper /'help-&r/ helpful /'help-f&l/ high /'hI/ hoped /'hOpt/ /'hyj/ huge hunter /'h&nt-&r/ /'h&r-E/ hurry Im /(")Im/ Ive /(")Iv/ I'd /(")Id/ igloo /'ig-l/ I'll /(")I(&)l/ isn't /'iz-&nt/ it's /(")its/ I've /(")Iv/ jelly /'jel-E/ jogging /'jg-i[ng]/ join /'join/ /'jl-E/ jolly joyful /'joi-f&l/ knew /'n(y)/ knock /'nk/ knot /'nt/ know /'nO/ ladder /'lad-&r/ large /'lrj/ laying /'lA-i[ng]/ left /'left/ lemon /'lem-&n/ lesson /'les-&n/ let's /(")lets/ letter /'let-&r/ light /'lIt/ lights /'lIts/ little /'lit-&l/ lizard /'liz-&rd/ locker /'lk-&r/ loose /'ls/ loud /'laud/ lunch /'l&nch/ Maine /'mAn/ marker /'mr-k&r/ market /'mr-k&t/ match /'mach/ maybe /'mA-bE/ /'milk-i[ng]/ milking mixes /'miks-&z/

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noun noun adjective adjective verb adjective noun verb contraction contraction contraction noun contraction contraction contraction contraction noun verb verb adjective adjective verb verb noun verb noun adjective verb noun or verb noun noun contraction noun noun or verb noun adjective noun noun adjective adjective noun noun noun noun noun adverb verb verb

Word mopped morning mother movie munch never night orbit order otter our page paid palace paper parrot party paste patch penny perch picnic piglet pilot pinch pitch place planet planned planning played player playful Pluto pocket poster pound prank pray prize puddle pupil pushes quack quick quiet quilt rabbit reader

Pronunciation /'mpt/ /'mor-ni[ng]/ /'m&[th]-&r/ /'m-vE/ /'m&nch/ /'nev-&r/ /'nIt/ /'or-b&t/ /'ord-&r/ /'t-&r/ /r/ /'pAj/ /'pAd/ /'pal-&s/ /'pA-p&r/ /'par-&t/ /prt-E/ /'pAst/ /'pach/ /'pen-E/ /'p&rch/ /'pik-(")nik/ /'pig-l&t/ /'pI-l&t/ /'pich/ /'pich/ /'plAs/ /'plan-&t/ /'pland/ /'plan-i[ng]/ /'plAd/ /'plA-&r/ /'plA-f&l/ /'plt-O/ /'pk-&t/ /'pO-st&r/ /'paund/ /'pra[ng]k/ /'prA/ /'prIz/ /'p&d-&l/ /'py-p&l/ /'push-&z/ /'kwak/ /'kwik/ /'kwI-&t/ /'kwilt/ /'rab-&t/ /'rEd-&r/

verb noun noun noun verb adverb noun noun noun noun pronoun noun verb noun noun noun noun noun or verb verb noun verb noun noun noun verb verb noun noun verb verb verb noun adjective noun noun noun noun noun verb noun noun noun verb noun adjective adjective noun noun noun

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 3 Words, continued Word Pronunciation ready /'red-E/ refill /(')rE-'fil/ remake /(')rE-'mAk/ repay /(')rE-'pA/ replay /(')rE-'plA/ retell /rE-'tel/ reward /ri-'word/ rewrite /(')rE-'rIt/ ribbon /'rib-&n/ right /'rIt/ rinse /'rin(t)s/ round /'raund/ rushes /'r&sh- &z/ sadly /'sad-lE/ sadness /'sad-n&s/ said /'sed/ sailing /sA(&)l-i[ng]/ scare /'ske(&)r/ scared /'ske(&)rd/ seeing /'sE-i[ng]/ /'sev-&n/ seven shake /'shAk/ shaken /'shA-k&n/ she's /(")shEz/ shiny /'shI-nE/ should / (')shud/ shout /'shaut/ sight /'sIt/ since /(')sin(t)s/ singer /'si[ng]-&r/ sister /'sis-t&r/ skunk /'sk&[ng]k/ sleet /'slEt/ sling /'sli[ng]/ slipper /'slip-&r/ slowly /slO-lE/ smart /'smrt/ smash /'smash/ smell /'smel/ smile /'smI(&)l/ smiled /'smI(&)ld/ smiling /'smI(&)l-i[ng]/ smoke /'smOk/ snarl /'snr(-&)l/ soft /'soft/ sound /'saund/ sour /'sau(&)r/ spark /'sprk/ speak /'spEk/

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adjective verb verb verb verb verb noun or verb verb noun adjective verb adjective verb adverb noun verb verb verb adjective verb noun verb verb contraction adjective verb verb noun adverb noun noun noun noun noun or verb noun adverb adjective verb noun or verb noun verb verb noun noun adjective noun adjective noun verb

Word speaker spend spent splint spoon spray spring stage stairs started starting steer stepped stick sticker sting stopped stream street strike string stuck study sudden summer sunny swimming table tackle talk taxi teach teacher tease teasing thanked thats thaw their there thick third thirty three threw throat throne throw thrown

Pronunciation /'spE-k&r/ /'spend/ /'spent/ /'splint/ /'spn/ /'sprA/ /'spri[ng]/ /'stAj/ /'sta(&)rz/ /'strt-&d/ /'strt-i[ng]/ /'sti(&)r/ /'stept/ /'stik/ /'stik-&r/ /'sti[ng]/ /'stpt/ /'strEm/ /'strEt/ /'strIk/ /'stri[ng]/ /'st&k/ /'st&d-E/ /'s&d-&n/ /'s&m-&r/ /'s&n-E/ /'swim-i[ng]/ /'tA-b&l/ /'tak-&l/ /'tok/ /'tak-sE/ /'tEch/ /'tE-ch&r/ /'tEz/ /'tEz-i[ng]/ /'tha[ng]kt/ /(')[th]ats/ /'tho/ /[th]&r/ /'[th]a(&)r/ /'thik/ /'th&rd/ /'th&rt-E/ /'thrE/ /'thr/ /'thrOt/ /'thrOn/ /'thrO/ /'thrOn/

noun verb verb noun noun verb noun noun noun verb verb verb verb noun noun verb verb noun noun verb noun verb verb adjective noun adjective verb noun verb verb noun verb noun verb verb verb contraction verb pronoun adverb adjective adjective noun noun verb noun noun verb verb

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 3 Words, continued Word Pronunciation ticket /'tik-&t/ tight /'tIt/ /'tipt/ tipped /t&-'dA/ today trace /'trAs/ track /'trak/ trailer /'trA-l&r/ trainer /'trAn-&r/ trick /'trik/ tried /'trId/ trim /'trim/ true /'tr/ tulip /'t(y)-l&p/ twins /'twinz/ twirl /'tw&r(-&)l/ under /'&n-d&r/ until /&n-"til/ visit /'viz-&t/ walking /'wok-i[ng]/ washer /'wosh-&r/ wasn't /'w&z-&nt/ watch /'wch/ Set 4 Words Word acrobat action activity actor adult again agree aircraft airplane airport almost aloud already always America anger angry animal another anyone April argue arrest artist

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noun adjective verb adverb verb noun noun noun noun verb verb adjective noun noun verb preposition preposition verb verb noun contraction verb

Word were we'll we've where which who's whose winter won't worker world worry worst worth wrong wrote x-ray yellow you'll you're zipped

Pronunciation /(")wi(&)r/ /(")wE(&)l/ /(")wEv/ /(')hwe(&)r/ /(')which/ /(')hz/ /(')hz/ /'wint-&r/ /(')wOnt/ /'w&r-k&r/ /'w&r(-&)ld/ /'w&r-E/ /'w&rst/ /'w&rth/ /'ro[ng]/ /'rOt// /'eks-"rA/ /'yel-O/ /(")y(&)l/ / y&r/ /'zipt/

contraction contraction contraction adverb
adjective or pronoun

contraction pronoun noun contraction noun noun verb adjective preposition adjective verb noun adjective contraction contraction verb

Pronunciation /'ak-r&-"bat/ /'ak-sh&n/ /ak-'tiv-&t-E/ /'ak-t&r /&-'d&lt/, /'ad-"&lt/ /&-'gen/, /-'gin/ /&-'grE/ /'a(&)r-"kraft/ /'a(&)r-"plAn/ /'a(&)r-"pOrt/ /'ol-"mOst/ /&-'laud/ /ol-'red-E/ /'ol-wEz/, /-"wAz/ /&-'mer-&-k&/ /'a[ng]-g&r/ /'a[ng]-grE/ /'an-&-m&l/ /&-'n&[th]-&r/ /'en-E-(")w&n/ /'A-pr&l/ /'r-gy /&-'rest/ /'rt-&st/

noun noun noun noun noun preposition verb noun noun noun adverb adverb adverb adverb noun noun adjective noun pronoun pronoun noun verb verb noun

Word aunt bacon balloon baseball basket bathtub beach because bedpost bedroom bedside bedtime beetle behind believe belong bench between beware beyond bought bounce bragged breathe

Pronunciation /'ant/, /'[a']nt/ /'bA-k&n/ /b&-'ln/ /'bAs-"bol/ /'bas-k&t/ /'bath-"t&b/ /'bEch/ /bi-'koz/ /'bed-'pOst/ /'bed-"rm/ /'bed--"sId/ /'bed-"tIm/ /'bEt-&l/ /bi-'hInd/ /b&-'lEv/ /bi-'lo[ng]/ /'bench/ /'bet-&rwEn/ /bi-'wa(&)r/ /bE-'nd/ /'bot/ /'baun(t)s/ /'bragd/ /'brE[th]/

noun noun noun noun noun noun noun preposition noun noun noun noun noun preposition verb verb noun preposition verb preposition verb verb verb verb

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 4 Words, continued Word Pronunciation brighten /'brIt-en/ brightly /'brIt-lE/ /'bri[ng]-i[ng]/ bringing brother /'br&[th]-&r/ brushed /'br&sht/ brushes /'br&sh-iz/ bucket /'b&k-&t/ build /'bild/ /'bilt/ built burnt /'b&rnt/ /'bush-&z/ bushes calmly /'klm-lE/ /k&-'ne(&)r-E / canary castle /'kas-&l/ cause /'koz/ cavity /'kav-&t-E/ cereal /'sir-E-&l/ certain /'s&rt-&n/ change /'chAnj/ chased /'chAst/ cheese /'chEz/ children /'chil-dr&n/ /'chz/ choose clothes /'klO([th])z/ clumsy /'kl&m-zE/ cobweb /'kb-"web compare /k&m-'pa(&)r/ complete /k&m-'plEt/ concert /'kn(t)-s&rt/ contest /k&n-'test/ copying /'kp-E-i[ng]/ costume /'ks-"t(y)m/ cottage /'kt-ij/ couch /'kauch/ cough /'kof/ couldn't /'kud-&nt/ count /'kaunt/ crayon /'krA-"n/ /'krA-zE/ crazy crooked /'kruk-&d/ crumb /'kr&m/ daily /'dA-lE/ daisy /'dA-zE/ daytime /'dA-"tIm/ dodge /'dj/ dodging /'dj-i[ng]/ /'d&z-&nt/ doesn't /'d&z-&n/ dozen drawer /'dro(-&)r/

Page 11 Function
verb adverb verb noun verb noun noun verb verb verb noun adverb noun noun noun noun noun adjective verb verb noun noun verb noun adjective noun verb verb noun noun verb noun noun noun noun contraction verb noun adjective adjective noun adverb noun noun verb verb contraction noun noun

Word early Earth earth effort eggnog elbow employ empty erase essay farmland fault fifth finish fireman flavor found friend friendly friends fulfill gentle ground guess guild guilt hadnt havent himself hobby hoping hopped hopping hour house hustle idea inches Indians insect inside invite itself jacket jeans judge juggler July kidnap

Pronunciation /'&r-lE/ /'&rth/ /'&rth/ /'ef-&rt/ /'eg-"ng/ /'el-"bO/ /im-'ploi/ /'em(p)-tE/ /i-'rAs/ /e-'sA/ /'frm-"land/ /'folt/ /'fith/, /'fif(t)th/ /'fin-ish/ /'fI(&)r-m&n/ /'flA-v&r/ /'faund/ /'frend/ /'fren-dlE/ /'frendz/ /ful-'fil/ /'jent-&l/ /'graund/ /'ges/ /'gild/ /'gilt/ /'had-&nt/ /'hav-&nt/ /(h)im-'self/ /'hb-E/ /'hOp-i[ng]/ /'hp/ /'hp-i[ng]/ /'au(&)r/ /'haus/ /'h&s-&l/ /I-'dE-&/ /'inch-iz/ /'in-dE-&nz/ /'in-"sekt/ / (')in-'sId/ /in-'vIt/ /it-'self/ /'jak-&t/ /'jEnz/ /'j&j/ /'j&g-&l/ /ju-'lI/ /'kid-"nap/

adverb noun noun noun noun noun verb adjective verb noun noun noun adjective verb noun noun verb noun adjective noun verb adjective noun verb noun noun contraction contraction pronoun noun verb verb verb noun noun verb noun noun noun noun preposition verb pronoun noun noun noun noun noun verb

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 4 Words, continued Word Pronunciation kindness /'kIn(d)-n&s/ knee /'nE/ kneel /'nE(&)l/ knife /'nIf/ knight /'nIt/ ladies /'lAd-Ez/ /lAd-E-"b&g/ ladybug laugh /'laf/ learn /'l&rn/ least /'lEst/ leave /'lEv/ lilac /'lI-l&k/ listen /'lis-&n/ lively /'lIv-lE/ /'mA(&)l-"bks/ mailbox mailboxes /'mA(&)l-"bks-&z/ makeup /'mA-"k&p/ March /'mrch/ marches /'mrch-&z/ medal /'med-&l/ meddle /'med-&l/ middle /'mid-&l/ might /(')mIt// Monday /'m&n-dE/ /'maus/ mouse mouth /'mauth/ music /'my-zik/ /mI-'self/ myself nibble /'nib-&l/ nobody /'nO-b&d-E/ noise /'noiz/ noisy /'noi-zE/ nothing /'n&th-i[ng]/ notice /'nOt-&s/ /'n&m-b&r/ number nurse /'n&rs/ once /'w&n(t)s/ outside /(')aut-'sId/ owning /'On-i[ng]/ paint /'pAnt/ painter /'pAnt-&r/ /'pan-"kAk/ pancake parties /'prt-Ez/ partner /'prt-n&r/ pencil /'pen(t)-s&l/ pennies /'pen-Ez/ people /'pE-p&l/ /'plEz/ please plural /'plur-&l/

Page 12 Function
noun noun verb noun noun noun noun verb verb adjective verb noun verb adverb noun noun noun noun verb noun verb adjective verb noun noun noun noun pronoun verb pronoun noun adjective pronoun verb noun noun adverb preposition verb noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun verb adjective

Word point poison police popcorn prairie presents pretend pretty program pumpkin punish punished purple quart railroad ranger recycle repaint repair replace reptile reread restart reuse royal ruffle sailor sandbox sandwich scald scanner scarf scene school scratch scream screen search second secret serve serving sewer sewer shadow shallow shampoo shouldn't slight

Pronunciation /'point/ /'poiz-&n/ /p&-'lEs/ /'pp-"ko(&)rn/ /'pre(&)r-E/ /'prez-&nts/ /pri-'tend/ /'prit-E/ /'prO-"gram/ /'p&m(p)-k&n/ /'p&n-ish/ /'p&n-ishd/ /'p&r-p&l/ /'kwo(&)rt/ /'rA(&)l-"rOd/ /'rAn-j&r/ / (')rE-'sI-k&l/ /(')rE-'pAnt/ / ri-'pa(&)r/ /ri-'plAs/ /'rep-t&l/ /')rE-'rEd/ /rE-'strt/ /(')rE-'yz/ /'roi(-&)l/ /'r&f-&l/ /'sA-l&r/ /'sand-"bks/ /'san-(")(d)wich/ /'skold/ /'skan-&r/ /'skrf/ /'sEn/ /'skl/ /'skrach/ /'skrEm/ /'skrEn/ /'s&rch/ /'sek-&nd/ /'sE-kr&t/ /'s&rv/ /'s&rv-i[ng]/ /'sO(-&)r/ / s-r, sur/ /'shad-O/ /'shal-O/ /sham-'p/ /'shud-&nt/ /'slIt/

verb noun noun noun noun noun verb adjective noun noun verb verb noun noun noun noun verb verb verb verb noun verb verb verb adjective noun noun noun noun verb noun noun noun noun verb verb noun verb adjective noun verb verb noun noun noun adjective noun contraction adjective

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 4 Words, continued Word Pronunciation soccer /'sk-&r/ sought /'sot/ special /'spesh-&l/ /'spel-i[ng]/ spelling spoil /'spoi(&)l/ spread /'spred/ sprout /'spraut/ square /'skwa(&)r/ squeak /'skwEk/ squeaky /'skwE-kE/ squirrel /'skw&r(-&)l/ staring /'sta(&)r-i[ng]/ sticky /'stik-E/ /'strAn/ strain straw /'stro/ strong /'stro[ng]/ student /'st(y)d-&nt/ style /'stI(&)l/ Sunday /'s&n-dE/ /'shu(&)r-lE/ surely tadpole /'tad-"pOl/ /'ti(&)r-f&l/ tearful theyve /(")[th]Av/ they're /[th]&r/ /'th&rst/ thirst touch /'t&ch/ travel /'trav-&l/ truth /'trth/ turkey /'t&r-kE/ tying /'tI-i[ng]/ uncle /'&[ng]-k&l/ unclear /"&n-'kli(&)r/ /'&n-d&r-"dog/ underdog unfold /"&n-'fa(&)r/ Set 5 Words Word amazed August autumn beginning birthday biweekly bleachers borrowed brightness brought bruise burglar

Page 13 Function
noun verb adjective verb verb verb verb noun noun adjective noun verb adjective verb noun adjective noun noun noun adverb noun adjective contraction contraction noun verb verb noun noun verb noun adjective noun adjective

Word unfold unhappy unhurt unkind unlike unlucky unpack unsafe untie unwrap useful video violet visiting visitor wagon walnut walrus wasps watched weakly weekend weekly weigh weren't window wisdom would wouldn't wreath wrench wring yawn young

Pronunciation /"&n-'fOld/ /"&n-'hap-E/ /"&n-'h&rt/ /"&n-'kInd/ /"&n-'lIk/ /"&n-'l&k-E/ /"&n-'pak/ /"&n-'sAf/ /"&n-'tI/ /"&n-'rap/ /'ys-f&l/ /'vid-E-"O/ /'vI-&-l&t/ /'viz-&t-i[ng]/ /'viz-&t-&r/ /'wag-&n/ /'wol-(")n&t/ /'wol-r&s/ /'wsps/ /'wcht/ /'wEk-lE/ /'wE-"kend/ /'wEk-lE/ /'wA/ /(')w&rnt/ /'win-dO/ /'wiz-d&m/ /(')wud/ /'wud-&nt/ /'rEth/ /'rench/ /'ri[ng]/ /'yon/, /'yn/ /'y&[ng]/


adjective adjective preposition adjective verb adjective verb verb adjective noun noun verb verb noun noun noun noun verb adverb noun adverb verb contraction noun noun verb contraction noun noun verb noun


Pronunciation /&-'mAzd/ / o-'g&st/ /'ot-&m/ /bi-'gin-i[ng]/ /'b&rth-"dA/ /(')bI-'wE-klE/ /'blE-ch&rz/ /'br-Od/ /'brIt-n&s/ /'brot/ /'brz/ /'b&r-gl&r/

verb noun noun verb noun adverb noun verb noun verb noun noun

Word butterfly caught celebrate character charcoal chimney chocolate Christmas complain coughing courage cousin

Pronunciation /'b&t-&r-"flI/ /'kot/ /'sel-&-"brAt/

noun verb verb noun noun noun noun noun verb verb noun noun


/'chr-"kOl/ /'chim-nE/ /'chk-(&-)l&t/ /'kris-m&s/ /k&m-'plAn/ /'kof -i[ng]/ /'k&r-ij/ /'k&z-&n/

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 5 Words, continued Word Pronunciation December /di-'sem-b&r/ delight /di-'lIt/ dentist /'dent-&st/ destroy /di-'stroi/ direction /d&-'rek-sh&n/ dragging /'drag-i[ng]/ dragon /'drag-&n/ duckling /'d&k-li[ng]/ easel /'E-z&l/ engine /'en-j&n/ enough /i-'n&f/ entrance /'en-tr&n(t)s/ escape /is-'kAp/ expect /ik-'spekt/ explode /ik-'splOd/ faucet /'fo-s&t/ favorite /'fAv-(&-)r&t/ feather /'fe[th]-&r/ finalist /'fIn-&l-&st/ finally /'fIn-&l-E/ fought /'fot/ Friday /'frId-A/ garbage /'gr-bij/ gibbon /'gib-&n/ giraffe /'j&-'raf/ goggles /'gg-&lz/ /'gOld-"fish/ goldfish graceful /'grAs-f&l/ /'ha(&)r-"k&t/ haircut /'h[a']f-'wA/ halfway hamster /'ham(p)-st&r/ happily /'hap-&-lE/ haunted /'hont-ed/ heavier /'hev-E-&r/ /'hb-Ez/ hobbies /'hl-&-"dA/ holiday home run /'hOm/ /'r&n/ hungry /'h&[ng]-grE/ instead /in-'sted/ inventor /in-'vent-&r/ jealous /'jel-&s/ jellyfish /'jel-E-"fish/ journey /'j&r-nE/ knotting /'nt-i[ng]/ knuckle /'n&k-&l/ lemmings /'lem-i[ng]z/ lettuce /'let-&s/ library /'lI-"brer-E/ lightning /'lIt-ni[ng]/

Page 14 Function
noun noun noun verb noun verb noun noun noun noun adjective noun verb verb verb noun adjective noun noun adverb verb noun noun noun noun noun noun adjective noun noun noun adverb verb adjective noun noun noun adjective preposition noun adjective noun noun verb noun noun noun noun noun

Word listener mammal million misplace mistake moist monster movement muscles mystery napkin nickel November oatmeal o'clock October octopus Ohio orange ought pajamas perfect picture plaque plunge prettiest princess property quarrel quickest quickly rainbow really recess recesses referee remember repairing review Saturday sauce scissors shrimp someone squeeze squirt stereo stickiest stitches

Pronunciation /'lis-&n-&r/ /'mam-&l/ /'mil-y&n/ /(')mis-'plAs/ /m&-'stAk/ /'moist/ /'mn(t)-st&r/ /'mv-m&nt/ /'m&s-&lz/ /'mis-t(&-)rE/ /'nap-k&n/ /'nik-&l/ /nO-'vem-b&r/ /'Ot-"mEl/ /&-'klk/ /k-'tO-b&r/ /'k-t&-p&s/ /O-'hI-O/ /'r-inj/ /'ot/ /p&-'jm-&z/ /'p&r-fikt/ /'pik-ch&r/ /'plak/ /'pl&nj/ /'prit-E-&st/ /'prin(t)-s&s/ /'prp-&rt-E/ /'kwor(-&)l/ /'kwik- &st/ /'kwik-lE/ /'rAn-"bO/ /'rE-(&-)lE/ /'rE-"ses/ /'rE-"ses-&z/ /"ref-&-'rE/ /ri-'mem-b&r/ / ri-'pa(&)r-i[ng]/ /ri-'vy/ /'sat-&rd-E/ /'sos/ /'siz-&rz/ /'shrimp/ /'s&m-(")w&n/ /'skwEz/ /'skw&rt/ /'ster-E-"O/ /stik-E-&r/ /'stich-iz/

noun noun noun verb noun adjective noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun adverb noun noun noun noun verb noun adjective noun noun verb adjective noun noun verb adjective adverb noun adverb noun noun noun verb verb verb noun noun noun noun pronoun verb verb noun adjective noun

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 5 Words, continued Word Pronunciation straight /'strAt/ strength /'stre[ng](k)th/ stretcher /'strech-&r/ struggle /'str&g-&l/ stubborn /'st&b-&rn/ /'st&d-Ez/ studies sturdy /'st&rd-E/ subway /'s&b-"wA/ /'shug-&r/ sugar surprise /s&(r)-'prIz/ taught /'tot/ thankful /'tha[ng]k-f&l/ though /(')[th]O/ thought /'thot/ through /(')thr/ thunder /'th&n-d&r/ Set 6 Words Word accident afternoon apartment bandage bathrobe beautiful breakfast bumblebee campground caterpillar classroom community companies continents cupboard daughter difference different dinosaur disease dishwasher doorknob elephant elsewhere enjoyable enjoyment everybody everyone everything expecting

Page 15 Function
adjective noun noun verb adjective verb adjective noun noun noun verb adjective adverb noun preposition noun

Word thyme together tornado torpedo tough tourist traffic trophy trouble voice waiter welcome whistle without yourself

Pronunciation /'tIm/ /t&-'ge[th]-&r/ /tor-'nAd-O/ /tor-'pEd-O/ /'t&f/ /'tur-&st/ /'traf-ik/ /'trO-fE/ /'tr&b-&l/ /'vois/ /'wAt-&r/ /'wel-k&m/ /'hwis-&l/ /wi[th]-'aut/ / y&r-'self/

noun preposition noun noun adjective noun noun noun noun noun noun adjective noun preposition pronoun

Pronunciation /'ak-s&d-&nt/ /"af-t&r-'nn/ /&-'prt-m&nt/ /'ban-dij/ /'bath-"rOb/ /'byt-i-f&l/ /'brek-f&st/ /'b&m-b&l-"bE/ /'kamp-"graund/ /'kat-&(r)-"pil-&r/ /'klas-"rm/ /k&-'my-n&t-E/ /'k&mp-(&-)nEz/ /'knt-&n-&nts/ /'k&b-&rd/

noun noun noun noun noun adjective noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun adjective noun noun noun noun noun adverb adjective noun pronoun pronoun pronoun verb


/'dif-&rn(t)s/ /'dif-&rnt/ /'dI-n&-"sor/ /diz-'Ez/ /'dish-"wosh-&r/ /'dO(&)r-"nb/ /'el-&-f&nt/ /'els-"(h)we(&)r/ /in-'joi-&-b&l/ /in-'joi-m&nt/ /'ev-ri-"bd-E/ /'ev-rE-(")w&n/ /ev-rE-"thi[ng] /ik-'spekt-i[ng/

Word eyelashes fantastic February foreign fragrance friendlier girlfriend governor grandfather grandmother greediness Halloween hamburger happiness Hawaii homework hopscotch January lamppost laughter laundry marvelous mechanic misfortune mosquito mountain naughty neighbor opossum oversleep

Pronunciation /'I-"lash-&z/ /fan-'tas-tik/ /'feb-(y)&-"wer-E/ /'for-&n/ /'frA-gr&n(t)s/ /'fren-dlE-&r/ /'g&r(-&)l-"frend/ /'g&v(-&)-n&r/

/'gran(d)-"f[th]-&r/ /'gran(d)-"m&[th]-&r/

noun adjective noun adjective noun adjective noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun adjective noun noun noun noun adjective noun noun verb

/'grEd-E-n&s/ /"hal-&-'wEn/ /'ham-"b&r-g&r/ /'hap-i-n&s/ /h&-'w-(y)E/ /'hOm-"w&rk/ /'hp-"skch/ /'jan-y&-"wer-E/ /'lam(p)-"pOst/ /'laf-t&r/ /'lon-drE/ /'mrv-(&-)l&s/ /mi-'kan-ik/ /(')mis-'for-ch&n/ /m&-'skEt-O/ /'maunt-&n/ /'not-E/ /'nA-b&r/ /(&-)'ps-&m/ /"O-v&r-'slEp/

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling Bee Word List Set 6 Words, continued Word Pronunciation parachute /'par-&-"sht/ pepperoni /"pep-&-'rO-nE/ photograph /'fOt-&-"graf/ placement /'plA-sm&nt/ playground /'plA-"graund/ /'kwik-"sand/ quicksand /'rAn-"sto(&)rm/ rainstorm rehearsal /ri-'h&r-s&l/ reindeer /'rAn-"di(&)r/ /'ske(&)r-"krO/ scarecrow schooner /'sk-n&r/ scientist /'sI-&nt-&st/ scoreboard /'skO(&)r-"bO(&)rd/ September /sep-'tem-b&r/ shipwreck /'ship-"rek/ sickness /'sik-n&s/ skyscraper /'skI-"skrA-p&r/ snowmobile /'snO-mO-"bEl/ soapsuds /'sOp-"s&dz/ something /'s&m(p)-thi[ng]/ sometimes /'s&m-"tImz/ /s&m-"(h)we(&)r/ somewhere southern /'s&[th]-&rn/ spaceship /'spAs-"ship/ Set 7 Words Word Pronunciation amphibian /am-'fib-E-&n/ batteries /'bat-&-rEz/, /'ba-trEz/ conversation /"kn-v&r-'sA-sh&n/ democratic /"dem-&-'krat-ik/ denominator /di-'nm-&-"nAt-&r/ disappointed /"dis-&-'point-ed/ discontinue "dis-k&n-'tin-y/ discouraged /dis-'k&r-ijd/ embarrassed /im-'bar-&st/ emergency /i-'m&r-j&n-sE/ enormous /i-'nor-m&s/ financial /f&-'nan-ch&l/ foreigners /'for-&-n&rz/ guarantee /"gar-&n-'tE/ gymnasium /jim-'nA-zE-&m/ imaginary /im-'aj-&-"ner-E/ inexpensive /"in-ik-'spen(t)-siv/ intelligent /in-'tel-&-j&nt/ interesting /'in-tr&st-i[ng]/ knowledge /'nl-ij/ laughable /'laf-&-b&l/ laughingly /'laf-i[ng]-lE/ laundromat /'lon-dr&-"mat/

Page 16 Function
noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun pronoun pronoun adverb adjective noun

Word stagecoach stickiness struggling suitcase Thursday toothbrush toothpaste tortoise Tuesday valuable vegetable vegetables violinist volleyball warrior waterproof weakness whatever whether whirlpool wonderful wrestle wristwatch yesterday Word mischievous neighborhood newspaper numerator penicillin pharmacist porcupine punctuation rectangular refreshment resourceful restaurant sandcastles scrawniness somersault supposition thermometer tournament unconscious unfamiliar unimportant Wednesday

Pronunciation /'stAj-"kOch/ /'stik-E-n&s/


noun noun adjective noun noun noun noun noun noun adjective noun noun noun noun noun adjective noun pronoun conjunction noun adjective verb noun adverb

/'st-"kAs/ /'th&rz-dE/ /'tth-"br&sh/ /'tth-"pAst/ /'tort-&s/ /'t(y)z-dE/


/'vej-t&-b&l/ /'vej-t&-b&lz/ /"vI-&-'lin-&st/ /'vl-E-"bol/ /'wor-y&r/ /'wot-&r-"prf/ /'wEk--n&s/ /hwt-'ev-&r/ /'hwe[th]-&r/ /'hw&r(-&)l-"pl/ /'w&n-d&r-f&l/ /'res-&l/ /'ris-"twch/ /'yes-t&rd-E/ Pronunciation /'mis-ch&-v&s/ /'nA-b&r-"hud/ /'n(y)z-"pA-p&r/

noun noun noun adjective noun adjective verb adjective adjective noun adjective adjective noun noun or verb noun adjective adjective adjective adjective noun adjective adverb noun

adjective noun noun noun noun noun noun noun adjective noun adjective noun noun noun noun noun noun noun adjective adjective adjective noun

/"pen-&-'sil-&n/ /'fr-m&-s&st/ /'por-ky&-"pIn/

"p&[ng](k)-ch&-'wA-sh&n /rek-'ta[ng]-gy&-l&r/

/ri-'fresh-m&nt/ /ri-'sOrs-f&l/ /'res-t(&-)r&nt/ /'sand-'kas-&lz/ /'skro-nE-n&s/ /'s&m-&r-"solt/ /"s&p-&-'zish-&n/


/'tur-n&-m&nt/ /"&n-'kn-ch&s/ /"&n-f&-'mil-y&r/ /"&n-im-'port-&nt/ /'wenz-dE/

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Selected Definitions Set 1 Words

Word by Set 2 Words Word all ate Definitions

Page 17 Sentences The school bus goes by my house.

Past, beyond, or near


bear bee been beet blew blue cent cents deer die due eye

fair flea gym


hare herd hole its

Sentences Jane sat up all night. We ate sandwiches and fruit for The past form of eat. lunch. You will need the awl from the A pointed tool for marking surfaces or for making small workshop to make the design on holes (as in leather or wood) the leather. noun: The bear came very near noun : A large animal with a shaggy coat and a very short our campsite. Verb: Dogs bear several tail verb: To give birth puppies at one time. An insect that has four wings and a hairy body. Most bees have a stinger. The bee stored honey in its hive. Joyce has been sick for several Past participle of be days. A garden plant with thick long-stalked edible leaves and usually an enlarged purplish red root used as a vegetable We grew this beet in our garden. Past tense of blow Lucy blew the horn. The color Mary drives a blue car. You can buy one gumball for one A coin representing 1/100th of a dollar cent. A stamp costs thirty-nine cents. More than one coin representing 1/100th of a dollar We saw a deer standing at the Any of several animals that have hoofs and chew their cud. The males usually have antlers. edge of the woods. The plant will die if you don't water To stop living it more often. Owed or owing as a right or debt The final payment is due. What people and animals see with His eye was swollen today. adjective: You were very fair in your decision. adjective: Just; not biased Noun: We had planned noun: an exhibition (as of farm products) usually with to go to the fair on Tuesday, but accompanying entertainment, amusements, and competitions went on Saturday instead. A small jumping insect with no wings A flea jumped off my dog's back. A room for indoor sports and exercise The children played in the gym A slender threadlike growth from the skin of an animal; especially : one that usually contains coloring and forms part of the characteristic coat of a mammal Sarah has very long hair. Any of various swift animals that are like the related Do you like the story about the rabbits but usually have longer ears and hind legs and tortoise and the hare? have young born with open eyes and a furry coat The ranchers will move the herd to A group of animals of one kind, such as cows, that are kept together a different pasture next week. An opening into or through something I found a hole in my shoe. The tree is losing its leaves. The possessive form of it

The whole of or as much as possible

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Selected Definitions, Set 2 Words, continued Word Definitions lain lane made mail main mane meet

Past participle of lie a narrow way or road usually between fences, hedges, or buildings The past form of make Letters and packages sent through the post office The chief part or essential point Long heavy hair growing about the neck and head of some mammals (as horses and lions)

Page 18 Sentences The cat has lain on the porch all afternoon. A lane between the two cottages leads to the lake. The children made little animals out of clay. I was so excited to get your card in the mail.

need new nose one own pail pair pale

pear pen pin plain plane rain read (/'rEd/) read (/'red/) real ring road rode

That is the main theme of the story. The horse's mane was flowing in the wind. We get to meet the new teacher To come face to face; encounter next Thursday. The part of a human being that thinks, feels, understands, Your mind is very busy thinking of and remembers new ideas. to be in want; require You need to walk the dog. Not old; recent Sarah has a new sweater. The puppy sniffs my shoe with his The part of the head that a person or animal smells with nose. A single person or thing You may have one apple. They own several restaurants in To have or hold as property; possess the state. A round container with a handle that is used especially for Each child had a colorful pail to carrying water and sand; bucket carry to the beach. Two things that match or go together I can't find a clean pair of socks. Lacking in color Janie looks very pale. A fruit that is commonly larger at the end opposite the stem and typically has a pale green or brownish skin and The pear was very sweet and juicy. juicy flesh Something used for writing Janie likes to use the purple pen. Mom used a pin to put a flower on A short, stiff piece of wire used to hold things together Jenny's hat. Bob wore a plain white shirt Simple, not fancy instead of the striped one. They flew across the country in a A machine with wings that can fly through the air; an airplane plane. The rain fell gently as we walked Water that falls from clouds to the earth in drops outside. To understand the meaning of words We read for 45 minutes each day. We read many good stories in our Past tense and past participle of read class this year. That is a real pearl. not artificial or fake The elephants performed in the A place where shows or contests take place center ring. There were many cars on the road going to the beach. An open way for people, persons, or animals to travel To go or be carried along on an animal's back or in a vehicle We rode horses at the ranch.

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Selected Definitions, Set 2 Words, continued Word Definitions role

sail sale sea seam see seem seen sell sew some son sow sun tail tale tell ten time toe too tow two way weak

Page 19 Sentences Susan has the role of Cinderella in Part played by an actor the play. noun: The sail on Jed's boat is noun: A piece of strong cloth that is stretched out to catch red, white, and blue. Verb: the wind and move a ship or boat through water verb: To travel on water in a ship They will sail down the river on a We hope to earn lots of money at The act of selling; selling of goods at a reduced price our garage sale. We watched the boats sailing on The body of salt water that covers most of the earth; ocean the sea. The fold, line, or groove made by sewing together or There is a rip in the seam of the joining two edges or two pieces dress. To look at and take in with the eyes Can you see the rainbow? To give the impression of being; to appear You seem unhappy today. Past participle of see Have you seen my mittens? The children sell lemonade in the To exchange in return for money or something else of value summer. I need to sew the button on the To join or fasten by stitches; to work with a needle and thread shirt. A few or a little Dad gave us some oranges. A male child Bob is their only son. They will sow wildflowers along the To plant seed by scattering path. The sun gives heat and light to the The star around which the earth moves earth.

A thin part that sticks out from the back of an animal's body That dog is always wagging its tail. A story Grandma told us a funny tale. I am going to tell you what happened. The opposite of ask Michael invited ten friends to his party. A number that is one more than nine
A certain point in the past, present or future, as shown on a clock The time is 10:30 in the morning. One of the parts that stick out from the foot Also; more than enough To pull along behind with a chain, rope or cable Being one more than one How you do something

week whole wood

Not strong or healthy To have on the body

Seven days in a row

Complete; unmodified; the total sum or entirety

The hard material beneath the bank of trees and shrubs that makes up the trunk and branches

Ann's toe was bruised after she hit it on the chair. I want to go, too. They had to tow the car to the garage. Barbara has two sisters. I like the way you explained that. Janie is very weak after having the flu. I wear a scarf on really cold days. Next week is a special celebration at our school. They only buy whole milk. I want a bench made of wood for my garden.

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Selected Definitions, Set 2 Words, continued Word Definitions wrap write you Set 3 Words Word berry

to cover especially by winding or folding to form letters or words on a surface with an instrument (as a pen or pencil) The one or ones spoken or written to

Page 20 Sentences Wrap the baby in the blanket to keep her warm. He will write an article about the trip. The package is for you.

Definitions A small pulpy and usually edible fruit

board bread


noun: A piece of sawed lumber; plank verb: Get or put on A food made with flour that is mixed with water or milk, kneaded, and baked To place in the ground and cover over for concealment

Sentences Which is your favorite type of berry? noun: We found a board large enough to cover the hole in the fence. Verb: You will board the plane in about 15 minutes. I love freshly baked bread. We will bury shells in the sandbox for the children to hunt. Please buy milk when you go shopping. Please buy chili for the hot dogs. The bird has very sharp claws. Jason will earn $40 each week doing gardening for Mr. Brown. Your number is eight. That was a great game! We heard a very loud noise. It's a beautiful day. We knew all of the answers. He tied a strong knot to secure the boat to the dock. Do you know his name? We spent a month in Maine last fall. It was very quiet last night with everyone gone. That is our favorite place to eat. Unfortunately, he is losing his sight. They have lived in that house since they were first married. Robin ran down the stairs when she heard her the bell. We went to their house for a party. I found the book over there. He threw the ball very hard.

buy chili claws earn eight great

To get by paying for

A spicy stew made of ground beef, hot peppers or chili powder, and usually beans Sharp, curved nail on a the toes of animals or birds
To deserve as a result of labor or service

A number that is equal to seven plus one

Very large in size or number; wonderful

heard it's knew knot know

Maine night

Past tense of hear Another way of saying it is Past tense of know An interlacing (as of string or ribbon) that forms a lump or knob To understand or have the facts about A state in the northeastern part of the United States
The opposite of day


Belonging to us
Something that is seen; spectacle; the process, power, or function of seeing

since stairs their there threw

from a definite past time until now a series of steps or flights of steps for passing from one level to another Of or relating to them or themselves In or at that place Past tense of throw

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Selected Definitions, Set 3 Words, continued Word Definitions

throne The special chair that a king or queen sits on thrown who's whose wrote youll Set 4 Words

Past participle of throw another way of saying who is of or relating to whom or which past tense of write Another way of saying you will

Page 21 Sentences Did you see the beautiful throne made of gold? Sam has thrown the ball through the window. Who's coming to the game? Whose jacket is this? She wrote her name on the board. You'll be glad that you took the class.

aunt build cereal choose clothes

Earth Earth hour

Definitions The sister of one's father or mother to make by putting together parts or materials relating to grain or to the plants that produce it To select freely and after consideration Clothing; coverings for the human body The planet on which we live The soft or granular material composing part of the surface of the globe A unit of time that is equal to sixty minutes

Sentences This is my favorite aunt. Our church plans to build a house in one day. Choose a cereal for your breakfast. Which flavor did you choose? We collected clothes for the families affected by the hurricane. The astronauts have a great view of Earth from the space shuttle. My grandpa says that digging in the earth helps him to relax. The clock chimes each hour.


knight March

meddle scene


weigh would wring

Pants usually made of a strong blue cloth Your jeans have a hole in the knee. A warrior of olden times who fought on horseback, served a king, held a special military rank, and swore to behave in The knight rode a beautiful white a noble way horse. The third month of the year My birthday is in March. A small, flat, often circular piece of metal with a design I hope we win a medal in the and sometimes awarded to honor a person, action, accomplishment or event contest today. It isn't wise to meddle in their to interest oneself in what is not one's concern business. a division of an act during which there is no change of scene or break in time Mike is not in this scene. Another way of saying they are They're leaving after lunch. He weakly raised his head to take in a weak manner a sip of water. Occurring every week They meet weekly to plan activities. Use that scale to weigh these to find the heaviness of apples. Leaving at 7:00 would not have given us enough time to travel. Past tense of will To twist or squeeze to force out liquid I need to wring out the wet clothes

Revised September 2007

2nd Grade Spelling List, Set 5 Words Word Definitions straight free from curves, bends, angles, or unevenness taught through thyme

past and past participle of teach in at one side and out at the opposite side of
Any of a genus of Eurasian mints with small fragrant leaves; especially: one grown for use in seasoning food

Page 22 Sentences Walk in a straight line. Last summer she taught us how to knit. We walked through the park. Grandmother always puts thyme in that soup.

Revised September 2007

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