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pP5/8/2m Objective

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Looking for a challenging and Responsible position in the field of Information Technolog and ha!e the fle"ibilit to adapt to an ne# en!ironment and #ork on an pro$ect #ish to %tili&e this e"perience in an organi&ation as part of them' !o"essio#al a#d $%&e!ie#ce '(mma!) (a!ing * )ea!s of )"perience on *ata +areho%sing , design, and de!elopment of soft#are applications %sing +#"o!matica ,esig#e! 7% a#d 8%

)"perience in *e!elopment of mappings %sing needed Transformations %sing +#"o!matica tool' )"perience in the ,ata -a!eho(si#g (si#g ,ata $%t!actio#. ,ata /!a#s"o!matio# a#d ,ata Loading' -sed )TL process to )"tract, Transform and Load the data into stage a!ea a#d data wa!eho(se. Preparing the ,oc(me#tatio# "o! the ma&&i#gs according to the .%siness Re/%irements' 0ood 1no#ledge on ,ata wa!eho(si#g co#ce&ts like 'ta! 'chema. ,ime#sio#s a#d 0act tables' 2ptimi&ing +#"o!matica 1a&&i#gs a#d 'essio#s to im&!ove the &e!"o!ma#ce ' )"tensi!el %sed +#"o!matica clie#t tools 2 'o(!ce 3#al)4e!. -a!eho(se desig#e!. 1a&&i#g desig#e!. 1a&&let ,esig#e!. +#"o!matica 5e&osito!) 1a#age! and Informatica +orkflo# Manager' 0ood 1no#ledge on -3I4 scripting'

/ech#ical 'kills6 $/L /ools ,atabase O&e!ati#g ')stems !og!ammi#g 5e&o!ti#g /ool 3&&licatio#s /ools $d(catio#al 7(ali"icatio#: : Informatica Po#er 5enter 6'7/8'8,2racle *ata Integrator : 2racle 79g : +indo#s ,-3I4 : :;L/Pls/l : 0ood kno#ledge on 2.I)) : Toad

183 "!om 9.:./.; ;#ive!sit) i# <010

-o!k $%&e!ie#ce6

5%rrentl #orking #ith

/o /ill ,ate.

Wipro Technologies, HYDRABAD as )TL *e!eloper from 10=<010

!ojects i# detail6 !oject > 16 !oject 8lie#t $#vi!o#me#t ,atabase ,(!atio# !oject ,esc!i&tio#6 This Pro$ect is a :trateg and 5orporate philosoph that p%ts the c%stomer at the center of b%siness operation, :o as to increase profits b impro!ing c%stomer ac/%isition and retention, #hile a%tomation process to be more efficient and more effecti!e' This application mainl consists of fo%r basic like :ales, Marketing, :%pport and 5ontact Management' 6 :ales <orce =%tomation 6 =bbott Pharmace%ticals, 5= 6 Informatica 8'8, +indo#s 4P and Toad 6 2racle 79g 6 >an ? 297@ To Till *ate

5oles a#d 5es&o#sibilit)6 *esigned the Mapping Technical :pecifications on the basis of <%nctional Re/%irements' 5reated )TL mappings %sing Informatica Po#er 5enter to mo!e *ata from m%ltiple so%rces like <lat files, 2racle into a common target area s%ch as :taging, *ata +areho%se and *ata Marts' In!ol!ed into so%rce code re!ie#, the mappings created b m team members' Prepared deplo ment doc%ment and assisted to deplo ment team #hile migration' -sed +orkflo# Manager for 5reating, Aalidating, Testing and r%nning the se/%ential and conc%rrent :essions and sched%ling them to r%n at specified time' Tested the Informatica mappings #ith man%al testing and assisted ;= team'' *e!eloped different mappings b %sing different Transformations like =ggregator, Look%p, )"pression, %pdate :trateg , >oiner, Ro%ter etc to load the data into staging tables and then to target ' In!ol!ed in performance t%ning in mappings and sessions'

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!oject > <6 !oject 8lie#t $#vi!o#me#t ,atabase ,(!atio# !oject ,esc!i&tio#6 5isco : stems is one of the leading electronic components companies of -:=' The main ob$ecti!e of this pro$ect is to anal &e the sales information' 5%rrentl 5I:52 s stem has o!er @99 distinct s stems associated #ith orders and sales data' These instance are at !ario%s locations thro%gh o%t the global' The data mart gets data from different heterogeneo%s relational i'e 2racle and flat file so%rces' *esign has been done to replace the e"isting code into Inform 5oles a#d 5es&o#sibilit)6 5reating Informatica mappings, mapplets and re%sable transformations' 5reating session B sched%ling of session for loading data' -sed :;L tools like T2=* to r%n :;L /%eries and !alidate the data loaded into the target tables' 5reated !ario%s Transformations like Look%p, >oiner, =ggregate, <ilter, )"pression, Ro%ter, and -pdate :trateg ' In!ol!ed in preparation of test cases and testing of mapping' Preparation of )TL mapping doc%ments' Performance T%ning and *eb%gging of e"isting )TL processes' :%ccessf%ll Implemented :lo#l 5hanging *imensions' -sed T pe 2 dimension to keep the histor changes' 6 =ppro!al Metrics 6 5isco : stems,5= 6 Informatica 8'8, 2rcle79g,Toad 6 2racle 79g 6 2ct- 2977 To *ec-2972

!oject > *6 !oject 8lie#t $#vi!o#me#t ,atabase ,(!atio# : 1no#ledge *atabase on Market : 5 beronics, : Informatica 6'7'7,2racleCi, -3I4 : 2racleCi : 3o!- 2979 To 2ct-2977

!oject ,esc!i&tio#6

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5 beronics is one of the competiti!e companies in Medical *e!ice 5ompan like 4-ra , )50machines, 3e%rological Medicines, Leads, 0enerators, Radiolog , and Radiation 2ncolog etc' 5 beronics need to %nderstand the present/Real time data #hich is p%rchased from different Marketing agents like :M0, IMA, (IMM:, 3)M=' -sing this data 5 beronics comes to kno# the %sage in perception of different c%stomers D(ospitalsE' To pro!ide sol%tion for this #e constr%cted a *ata +areho%se #hich holds the data pro!ided b e"ternal !endors' +ith o%r sol%tion 5 beronics marketing management can came %p #ith competiti!e strategies' 5oles a#d 5es&o#sibilit)6 Preparation and re!ie# of )TL :pecification *e!elopment of Informatica Mapping/+orkflo# to Pop%late :taging area' *e!elopment of mapping/+orkflo# to load data into Target *ata +areho%se %sing 5*5 Techni/%e' *e!elopment of -T5 plan T%ned the mapping for the better performance

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