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Committed to Nurturing Student Success and Focusing on Achievement-Oriented Outcomes


Our Mission Option 1: The Mukbadhir Matimand Nivasi School for the Physically Disabled is committed to workin in partnership with people with disabilities to develop their potential to the fullest so that they can be self!reliant and independent" Option #: The Mukbadhir Matimand Nivasi School mission is to develop child with active and creative minds$ a sense of understandin and compassion for others$ and the coura e to act on their beliefs" %e stress the total development of each child: spiritual$ moral$ intellectual$ social$ emotional$ and physical" Option &: The Mukbadhir Matimand Nivasi School reco ni'es that each child is an individual( that all children are creative( that all children need to succeed" Therefore$ The Mukbadhir Matimand Nivasi School respects the individual needs of children( fosters a carin and creative environment( and emphasi'es the social$ emotional$ physical$ intellectual development of each child" Option ): *mpowerin the disadvanta ed to ma+imise their potential to lead di nified and independent lives Option ,: To be a leadin amon st all schools of Solapur District to assist persons with physical disability$ helpin them to realise their full potential and to lead a life with respect" -ision: Option 1: The Mukbadhir Matimand Nivasi School will challen e children of all abilities to achieve e+cellence in a wide ran e of academic$ cultural and sportin activities" .t will e/uip children for the demands and opportunities of the twenty!first century by offerin a differentiated$ effective and ri orous curriculum as an entitlement to all" 0 professional and hi hly motivated staff$ in partnership with parents$ will encoura e each child to achieve his full potential" .n a disciplined and carin environment$ based on mutual respect$ each child will be valued as an individual in his1her own ri ht and his1her moral development encoura ed"

Our Five Core Values form the a ron!m



Stren th of 2haracter Mutual 3espect and 4nderstandin .nte rity 5ifelon 5earnin *+cellence

Stren"th of Chara ter$ we strive strivin for fortitude to do ri ht in bi and small thin s$ every time Mutual Res#e t an$ Un$erstan$in"$ we value 3eco ni'in the value of every individual as bein uni/ue and special Inte"rit!$ we believe 4pholdin inte rity as a value in our thou hts$ words and actions Lifelon" Learnin"$ we embrace 5earnin new skills and embracin new e+periences for an enrichin life E% ellen e$ we aspire Strivin for and ivin of our best with passion and commitment Lo"o&

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