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Defending The Country

the 21 Century



Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Let us praise God Almighty, for the nation of In-

donesia never ceases to receive His blessings, guid-
ance, strength and protection in striving to achieve
the nation's goals.

Amidst globalization and an ever changing stra-

tegic environment, strive of the Indonesian nation
in facing security issues poses implications to the
life of the nation. In order to anticipate such secu-
rity issues, the state has administer the defence function, in principle aimed
at upholding sovereignty, maintaining territorial integrity of the Republic of
Indonesia, and protecting the nation's safety from all threats, both from
external and internal sources.

In order to provide direction and a guideline for administering the de-

fence function, a set of formulated policies are required. Inspired by such a
concept, the government of the Republic of Indonesia publishes the "White
Paper of Defence" which fundamentally incorporates stated defence poli-
cies in carrying out defence functions, in the future.

The White paper of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia is title: "INDO-

NESIA : Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century". The title implies
that members of the Indonesian nation are willing to sacrifice their lives and
material possessions to defend their country. The meaning gains significance
as we enter the 21st century, as the threats and challenges faced by Indone-
sia have not declined.

Defence policies are formulated based on national interests and goals, in

consideration of the development of national strategic contexts and objec-

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

tive conditions. For that reason defence policies are constantly under review
and evaluation, and necessary revisions are made to adapt to the latest de-
velopment. However, such revisions should always be based on the under-
standing and principles of defence adopted by the Indonesian nation based
on Pancasila and The 1945 Constitution.

With the publication of the White Paper, it is expected that the Republic
of Indonesian (RI) government apparatus and the people of Indonesia will be
able to better understand defence policies.

The Paper is also essential for Indonesia in maintaining international co-

operation. Transparency, in particular pertaining defence policies, is one of
the efforts made to establish mutual trust with other nations.

In conclusion, as the minister and on the behalf of all members of the RI

Ministry of Defence I would like to express my gratefulness to God Almighty,
for His guidance and His light have led us to the successful publication of the
White Paper as previously planned.

I would also like to express my appreciation and gratitude to all parties

who participated in preparing this Defence White Paper. I am certain that
such participations are valuable contributions to our beloved country and
Nation of Indonesia.

May God Almighty endows His blessings to the people of Indonesia.

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Jakarta, 31st March 2003



Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

The Issuance of Defence White Paper In response to global changes, the
Changing global politics in the era Reforms Movement aimed ;at creat-
of globalisation has triggered a glo- ing a more democratic society, free
bal competition between nations. from corruption, collusion and nepo-
This condition has resulted in a com- tism practices. To a certain extent
petition for influence, at global, re- national reform has shown positive
gional, and national levels. This de- signs of change, in the lives of Indo-
velopment nesian society,
has high- through state
l i g h t e d administrative
changes in system reform,
the world's in the fields of
security situ- politics, law,
ation which is economics, so-
caused by the cial, defence,
presence of security and
new security public order.
issues. In the
past, the issue of traditional security In the field of Defence, fundamen-
threats was pre-eminent, i.e. related tal transformations include struc-
to geopolitics and geostrategy, in par- tural, legal, and cultural aspects. The
ticular pertaining to East and West transformation has been incorpo-
spheres of influence. The world's rated in Act Number 3 year 2002 on
main concern then was the develop- Defence. The Act on Defence has
ment of military strength, strategic mandated the formulation of defence
weapons and hegemony. Security is- policies in the form of a White Paper.
sues in the present decade are com- Following in depth analysis and con-
plicated by the escalation in terror- sideration, the published Defence
ist activities, piracy, smuggling, ille- White Paper is title: Indonesia:
gal immigration, illegal fishing, and "Defending the Country Enter-
other trans-national crimes. Such ing the 21st Century". The title
crime has become increasingly com- symbolises Indonesian people's de-
plicated as it is controlled by actors termination and spirit to sacrifice
with strong trans-national networks, their lives and material possesions to
well equipped with the latest tech- defend the sovereignty and territo-
nology, and with strong financial rial integrity of Republic of
support. Indonesia.

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

National and Defence Reform and to include structural, cultural and
National reform is fundamentally value reform as an integrated and com-
a process of transformation driven by prehensive unit of transformation.
the spirit and noble determination of
the Indonesian nation to reform and Structural reform includes de-
achieve a better future. This noble fence organisations related to sub-
intention would be achieved through stantial aspects. Ranging from organi-
a democratic, clean, and just govern- sational structure, authority lines,
ment capable of upholding the su- functions and duties of Ministry of
premacy of law. Through the re- Defence and the Indonesia National
formed government, the practices of Armed Forces (TNI: Tentara Nasional
corruption, collusion and nepotism, Indonesia). Organisational reform is
which had impeded national devel- aimed at achieving better effective-
opment, would be combatted. It is ac- ness, in accordance with the devel-
knowledged that in order to achieve opment of the strategic environment
a democratic society, the path is and the demands of a democratic
winding and the challenges are great. society. Changes in terms of cultural
However, it is believed that the and values, are directed at the atti-
present reform will be an appropri- tude and behaviour of the defence
ate debate and instrument to bring administration, in pursuance of its
Indonesia to the desired civil state. role and duties as a professional de-
In accomplishing the noble intention, fence authority.
hard work and shared efforts are re-
quired to create synergy to allow the TNI's commitment to carry out
agreed reform agenda to be pursued reform is part of TNI's political de-
and in the right direction. In accord- termination and intention to achieve
ance to the commitment, reform professionalism in performing a role
should be safeguarded against anar- as the state apparatus in the field of
chy and the contamination of a par- defence. As a professional armed
ticular interest group, and for the force, TNI has demonstrated its com-
agenda to be pursued in line with the mitment to stay away from practices
The 1945 Constitution and principles of politics, and to stay within the
of Pancasila. democratic framework. As a profes-
sional Armed Force, TNI expects to
In line with the national reform be non-policital, to operate under the
commitment, reform in defence is con- authority of the government elected
ducted conceptually based on by the people through constitutional
Pancasila and The 1945 Constitution. and democratic means, to be well
I.e. defence reform is one of the mani- trained and well educated, ad-
festations of the reform commitment equately equipped, and to have
to be done gradually and constantly proper welfare arrangements.

IV Defending The Country Entering the 21s Century

As the people's military, TNI has found between developed and devel-
to be close to society. TNI should live oping countries in terms of econom-
together and try to get to know the ics, technology and military strength,
people. Therefore, efforts to separate could act as an impediment in main-
TNI from the people is a denial of taining international relations. As a
TNI's nature as armed forces formed result, the rivalries between
from the people, who struggles to- hegemonies are a potential source of
gether with the people, for the peo- conflict in the world today.
ple's interests. This is one of the
pinciples of the territorial functions Anxiety and uncertainty faced by
carried out by TNI to maintain its nations in the world increases in com-
proximity to the people and territo- plexity due to the emergence of new
ries. security issues i.e. non traditional
security issues such as terrorism, eth-
Strategic Contexts nic conflict, sea piracy, plane hijack-
The dynamics of strategic contexts ing, smuggling, drugs trafficking, il-
have been nuanced by various politi- legal immigrants, and other trans-
cal and economic issues, influencing national crimes. After the World
global, regional and domestic secu- Trade Centre (WTC) tragedy on the
rity. Political, economic, and security 11th September 2001, international
issues are inter-related aspects which terrorism became a tangible threat to
are inseparable. the world. Many countries have ex-
pended much effort in combating
On a global scale, the end of cold terrorism; however it seems that the
war has not guaranteed the accom- efforts have not been entirely suc-
plishment of global security and sta- cessful in eliminating terrorist groups
bility. The world is still confronted or in stopping their actions. Even a
with traditional security issues such year after the WTC tragedy, terrorist
as territorial disputes and the prolif- action re-occurred in the Bali bomb-
eration of nuclear and weapons of ing tragedy 12th October 2002. Giv-
mass destruction. The complexity of ing witness to the estimation that for
global security issues has escalated some time to come the threat of in-
with the practice of hegemony, de- ternational terrorism will shadow the
veloped through the strengthening of world. Therefore terrorism has to be
alliances, military capacity, techno- eliminated by the coordinated action
logical and economic advantage. of all nations in the world, denying
terrorism groups safe heaven.
It is recognised that international
relations based on mutual trust and The intensity of illegal activities
respect could minimise potential con- in the form of trans-national crime
flicts. However the discrepancies has also escalates sharply in the re-

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century V

cent decade. Piracy and robbery, among influential factors for social
migrant trafficking, smuggling of il- political and security developments
legal weapons, drugs trafficking, il- in Indonesia. Domestic security is-
legal migration poses a serious chal- sues which have surfaced in the re-
lenge to regional stability and inter- cent decade, cannot be separated
national relations. Intensified trans- from the contribition of external fac-
national illegal activities have been tors, directly or indirectly. Apart from
triggered by the presence of interna- external factors, there are internal
tional networks. In some regions, factors which are potentially threats
trans-national crime networks have to national security. Such factors
become tangible, organised threats. namely, ethnic heterogeneity in In-
The crime is initiated by actors donesia, the economic crisis situa-
backed with technological and finan- tion and political and social factors.
cial support, and wide networks in The accumulation of external and
certain countries. internal factors manifests itself in
varying forms of threats and
In this region, global trends and distubances to national security,
developments are ones of the influ- which on a larger scale could pose
encing factors determining regional threats to the regional stability.
security dynamics. The emerging
trend in the region is the shift of re- Threat Prediction and the Strategic
gional security issues, illustrated Defence Interest
namely by the presence of conflicts Indonesia's geopolitical situation
pertaining territorial claims, maritime as an archipelago situated between
communication channels, and mari- the Asian and Australian continents
time trade routes. Non traditional se- and between the Pacific and Indian
curity issues occuring in the global Oceans, means that the nation is
scale have also become major issues heavily influenced by developments
at the regional level. The interaction in strategic context. This may imply
and dynamics of major countries such contradicting interests between Indo-
as the United States, China, Japan, nesia and other nations. As a result
Russia and European Union, will be- of the dynamic of the strategic con-
come an influential factor in the se- text, at the global, regional and do-
curity map of Asia Pacific. mestic scale, Indonesia in the future
may face traditional and non tradi-
On the domestic scale, Indonesia tional threats. Traditional security
as a nation located in the middle of threats may manifest themselves in
the globe, could not escape from glo- the form of invasion or aggression
•bal and regional developments. Po- from other countries, although this
litical, economic, social and secu- is highly unlikely. The role of UN
rity dynamics in the region, are and the international world's reaction

VI Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

is assessed as being capable of pre- ritorial integrity of the Republic of
venting, or minimising the use of the Indonesia and the safety and dignity
armed forces of a nation to invade of the nation from all forms of
other countries. threats, both coming from external
or domestic sources. Even though
External threats, which are more threat estimates have demonstrated
probable, may come from trans-na- that external physical threats to sov-
tional organised crimes committed by ereignty are unlikely, as an independ-
non state actors taking advantage of ent, sovereign and dignified nation,
conducive domestic conditions. Esti- the strategic capability to defend
mated future threats and distur- ourselves must be maintained
bances faced by Indonesia range from whether the threats are present or
terrorism, separatism, cross border not.
crimes (smuggling, illegal fishing,
pollution and destruction of the eco- Urgent strategic defence interests
system, illegal migration, and piracy), may not be separated from perma-
radicalism, communal conflicts, and nent strategic interests. Actual secu-
the impact of natural disasters. rity issues, such as previously de-
scribed, have demonstrated signifi-
As stated in the Preamble of 1945 cant escalation in the recent decade.
Constitution, Indonesia's national in- Therefore, urgent strategic interests
terest is to safeguard and protect the are directed to address the actual
sovereignty of the state, the territo- security issues required to defend the
rial integrity of the Republic of Indo- nation's territorial integrity, safety
nesia, the nation's safety and pride, and dignity. Hence the priority of
and to actively involve in efforts to defence administration should be
create world peace. Based on the placed at addressing non traditional
mandate given by 1945 Constitution, security issues across borders,
thus Indonesia's strategic defence es- including domestic security
tablishment should be able to ensure threats.
the accomplishments of national in-
terests. In essence, future strategic As part of the international com-
defence interests include permanent munity, Indonesia cannot not escape
strategic interests, urgent strategic external interference. Therefore fu-
interests, and international coopera- ture defence policies, will also be di-
tion in defence. rected at establishing good relations
with other nations, on a regional scale
There are permanent defence in- or broader scale.
terests of Indonesia which are defence
administration efforts to safeguard Defence cooperation with other
and protect the sovereignty and ter- states is based on the principles of

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century VII

Indonesia's foreign relations policy, The majority of threats faced by
and directed towards the develop- Indonesia are estimated to root
ment and empowerment of defence from non traditional threats, both
sector, and to create regional and glo- domestic and trans-national.
bal security and stability. The in- Therefore, strategic defence poli-
volvement of the defence sector in cies should be directed at facing
physical terms will be carried out and overcoming urgent non tradi-
based on the political decision of the tional threats, which should be
government. prioritised. When implemented
TNI takes charge through Military
Strategic Policies for Defence Imple- Operations Other Than War
mentation (MOOTW). TNI carries out MOOTW
Pursuant to the nature of threats together with other national com-
faced by Indonesia, apart from na- ponents in implementing coordi-
tional and defence interests, Indone- nated measures comensurate with
sia's defence policies entering the the level of escalating threats faced.
21st century include policies on the Against security threats and distur-
use of defence force, development of bances, TNI will constantly put for-
defence force and international de- ward preventive measures in order
fence cooperation. to avoid escalating numbers of vic-
tims and more severe impacts.
The use of defence force is di-
rected to face threats or disturbances The use of TNI's forces in per-
againts national security, and to as- forming MOOTW is to address ur-
sist the government in efforts to per- gent defence interests. Such urgent
form national development and in- interests are namely combatting ter-
ternational duties. rorism, facing separatist groups in
Aceh and Papua, facing radical
In anticipation of external threats groups, resolving communal con-
in the form of foreign military forces, flicts, fighting piracy, illegal migra-
TNI carries out Military Operation tion, overcoming illegal fishing and
(MO). Even though it is estimated that sea pollution, illegal logging, assist-
traditional threats of aggression or ing civil government in addressing
invasion from other countries is very impacts of natural disasters, han-
unlikely, defence preparedness dling refugees, providing Search
should be maintained. In this context, and Rescue assistance, safeguarding
defence effort is directed to preven- vital objects, carrying out duties to
tive measures, to prevent and over- maintain world peace.
come greater security impacts
through the presence and prepared- The use of defence force, apart
ness of TNI's forces. from handling domestic security is-

VIII Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

sues, is also aimed at performing in- resolved unless defence force's ca-
ternational duties. Defence coopera- pacity and strength are adequate.
tion is one of many important stra- TNI's current personnel and mate-
tegic defence policies. Appropriate rial conditions mean the develop-
international cooperation would ment of TNI is an urgent matter.
contribute to the success and devel- Conditions are appalling in terms of
opment of defence force. Defence quality and quantity, while future
cooperation is carried out as inte- duties become more difficult and
gral part of Indonesia's foreign poli- complex. Similarly in other defence
cies. International cooperation in components, such as reserve and
the defence sector is a bridge to supporting components, preparation
cultivate trust among nations and and management are far from ful-
to achieve regional stability and se- filling expectations.

The formulation of defence poli-

cies is made after consideration of
geographic and demographic fac-
tors; the availability of natural and
artificial resources, social factors
and state's financial condition.
Apart from that, other major con-
siderations in formulating policies
on defence force development in-
clude the level of technological abil-
ity, especially in terms of main
weaponry equipment systems, real
and potential threats faced by the
country, and the development of
strategic contexts looking at ideo-
logical, political, economical, so-
cial and cultural aspects.
curity. Regional issues would be re-
solved by emphasizing the spirit of The direction and target of Indo-
togetherness and balance of inter- nesia's defence development is not to
ests, built based on equality of increase strength, but to fill gaps
rights, mutual respect, and non in- present. In facing state budgetary
terference. constraint, and estimated unlikeli-
hood of foreign invasion, the devel-
The development of Indonesia's opment of defence force is focused
defence force is an inevitable neces- on establishing the minimum re-
sity. Urgent security issues cannot be quired essential force. Minimum Re-

Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century IX

quired Essential Force in this context Development will not try to en-
is the TNI's strength and capacity large TNI's strength from the exist-
required to address urgent security ing structure, unless urgent and es-
threats. In accordance with the efforts sential matters surface. Replacement
to develop TNI as a main component of personnel and materials are re-
of defence, the development of re- quired to replace depreciated mate-
serve and supporting force should rials, also to fill the gap between real
also be done gradually. conditions and Table of Organisation
and Equipments/Lists of Personnel
Budgetary Support and Equipments. Apart from that it
One of the supporting factors to is also directed to prepare reserves
achieve considerable defence force is and complementary components
the budgetary support to fulfill ur- gradually to ensure the availability
gent requirements. At the present, of the main component's (TNI) sup-
the state has only managed to allo- port.
cate defence budget at an annual av-
erage of under 1 % of the Gross Do- It needs to be understood that
mestic Product (GDP). As a compari- defence requires rational budgetary
son, South East Asian nations gener- support. TNI's professionalism is de-
ally allocate more than 2 % of GDP. manded as times change. The de-
For nations with higher threat esti- mand to be professional is not merely
mates, defence budget allocation may targeted at the interests of the TNI's
range from 4 % - 5 % of GDP. With interest, but also for the entire na-
less than 1 % of GDP it is not only tion's interest. It has to be acknowl-
difficult to develop an adequate de- edged that TNI's professionalism will
fence force, it is also difficult to main- be achieved if TNI soldiers are well
tain the established minimum trained, well equipped, and have
strength required. decent living conditions.

Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

Table of Contents




National Reform 9
Defence Reform 10
TNI's Internal Reform 12


Global 17
Regional 21
The Role of Major Countries 21
The Issues of Regional Waters Security 22
The Issues of Borders 23
National 26
Armed Separatist Movements 26
Terrorism 26
The Issues Communal Conflict 27
Radical Group Movements 28
Social Unrests 29
Maritime Security Disturbance 30
Air Security Disturbance 31


Threat Prediction 35
National Interest 38
Indonesia's Strategic Defence Interest 38
Permanent Strategic Interest 39
Urgent Strategic Interest 40
International Cooperation Interest 41


Strategic Concept 45
The Use of Defence Forces 48
Overcome Traditional Security Threats 49
Overcome Non-traditional Security Threats 50
Assisting Civil Government (Local Government) 59
Territorial Development for Defence Purpose 62
Protect Vital Objects 62

Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century XI

Defence Cooperation . 62
Singapore 63
Malaysia 64
Philippines 64
Thailand 65
Other Members of ASEAN 65
Papua New Guinea (PNG) 65
Timor Leste 66
Australia 66
China 67
United States 67
United Kingdom 68
Other (EU) European Union Countries 68
Russia 68
Development of Defence Forces 68
Current Defence Strengths 69
Direction and Objectives of Defence Force's
Development 70
Defence Force Development and Arrangement 71
Technology and Defence Industry 76


Current Defence Budget Support 81
Future Projections 82

XII Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

The Issuance
of White Paper

Chapter One
The Issuance of White Paper
Progress in information, telecom- of crimes has also become more com-
munication, and transportation tech- plex because it is led by actors with
nology has generated changes in vari- good international networks, with
ous aspects of human life making the technological ability and financial
world becoming more transparent support. In addition, domestic secu-
and open. This openness has made it rity issues such as armed separatism,
possible for universal values to pen- radicalism and communal conflict
etrate and interact with the values of challenge several countries, espe-
nations and cause the formation of a cially developing countries. These
global community. One of the char- world security issues need compre-
acteristics of a global community is hensive handling. Thus, the conven-
inter-dependency among countries, tional methods of dealing with secu-
which often draws countries of the rity issues are less effective.
world into close competition. Along
with this, the world's political map Along with the global develop-
tends to develop towards the domi- ment, there is a process occurring
nation of international influence on all over Indonesian, from
regional as well as global perspec- Sabang to Merauke through
tives. the format of the Reform Movement.
The Reform Movement demands
The implications of global and re- comprehensive change to enable the
gional development changed the establishment of a democratic com-
world's security situation which munity.
caused new security issues. Security
issues in the past, which tended to Cross relations which occur in the
emphasis geopolitical and process of global, regional, and do-
geostrategic aspects such as the ex- mestic changes have caused a spec-
pansion of military force, strategic trum of complex, multidimensional
weapons and hegemony, have shifted threat and challenge to Indonesia's
and become more complex. Security national security. For national devel-
issues such as terrorism, piracy, hi- opment to occur national security
jack, human and weapon smuggling, and stability has to be created, there-
and other forms of crime have in- fore this situation cannot be ignored
creased severely and have become and has to be addressed and over-
worldwide security issues. The form come.

Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

TNI and Police, which in the past the safety of the Nation. The concrete
were accommodated in one institu- threats which challenge Indonesia are
tion as the Armed Forces of the Re- increasing and come from outside
public of Indonesia (ABRI: Angkatan (International) and from within the
Bersenjata Republik Indonesia), have country (Domestic). These security
undergone a reformation with the issues need serious and urgent action
separation of the two institutions, fol- thus became the priority in the De-
lowed by role reorganization of both fence Policy.
institutions. The Act No.3/2002 on
Defence has mandated the govern- On the other hand, regional and
ment to publish Defence White pa- global security issues also require the
per as a Defence Policy which needs active involvement of all countries to
to be recognized by the public, in- create world peace and order. In or-
cluding the international community. der to stop the threat of terrorism
and other international crime, we
Defence Policy is based on the need unity in international coopera-
objective conditions faced by Indo- tion. Therefore, besides developing
nesia which is related to the regional Defence Policy directed to handle
and global strategic context. Indone- actual domestic security issues, we
sia's present national security issues also need security cooperations with
are very complex and have a serious other countries. International coop-
effect on the unity of Indonesia and eration should be created on the prin-

DefendingThe Country Entering the 21 Century

ciples of mutual trust and respect for among countries in the region and
each others sovereignty, and without internationally, security can be
Intervening on other country's inter- created.
nal affair. For Indonesia, security co-
operation with other countries is The government accepts this
based on Indonesia's foreign policy heavy load, even under present con-
'active and free' and Indonesia as an ditions, where it is facing multidimen-
independent country. That coopera- sional problems and challenges. Un-
tion is directed towards bilateral in- der the current circumstances, it is
terest and at the same time creating undeniable that future Defence will
regional security and world peace. face difficult challenges. The realiza-
tion of Defence target needs the sup-
Hence, this Defence White paper port of all parties and all components
has two important meanings. First, to of the nation, as the manifestation of
give a complete understanding of In- rights- and responsibility of all citi-
donesia's Defence and of its imple- zens in defending their country.
mentation. Second, to communicate Therefore, the active participation of
Indonesia's Defence Policy to the in- all components of the nation in De-
ternational community. Through the fence is Indonesia's essential strength
comprehension, trust and respect of in ensuring the existence of the
all components of Indonesia and Republic of Indonesia.

Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

National and
Defence Reform

Chapter Two
National and Defence Reform
National Reform premacy of law, bring an end to cor-
The noble spirit and objective to ruption, collusion and nepotism and all
reconstruct lives and to strive for a other deviations, which hinder devel-
brighter future has driven all of In- opment and damage the national in-
donesian people to carry out the Re- terest. The effort to strive for this no-
form process. The essence of national ble objective is neither simple nor easy.
reforms is to achieve a transforma- There are challenges and obstacles,
tion in all aspects of the lives of the which face Indonesia, including the eco-
people towards a better life. The nomic and monetary crisis, and vari-
transformation has a national dimen- ous conflicts which have yet to be to-
sion and is carried out in all the re- tally resolved. The desired objectives
gions of the Unitary State of the Re- have had consequences in other aspects
public of Indo- of life. The
nesia (NKRI : problems to
N e g a r a be jfaced have
Kesatuan become more
Republik Indo- complex, be-
nesia), and by cause the de-
all compo- veloping po-
nents of the litical climate,
Nation. The and together
course and with a lack of
aim of this re- political matu-
form is at one with the objective of rity has tended to bring about a mood
the August 17th, 1945 Proclamation of democratic euphoria.
of Independence, and is in harmony
with the nation's cultural and univer- The depiction of conditions above,
sal values. illustrates how the path towards a
democratic nation is still very long
The noble objective of reform can with difficult challenges along the
only be achieved through the establish- way. However, we believe that the
ment of a democratic, dean, and au- reforms that have been carried out
thoritative government. The desired now are necessary as the exact means
government is one that could manage and instrument, to lead Indonesian
a democratic life and establish the su- people to the desired civil society.

Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

Even though facing difficult chal- The agenda of structural rear-
lenges, faith in the integrity of the rangement has so far covered the ar-
national reforms has generated the rangement of defence organization
spirit to continue the reform process. that touches on a substantial number
The effort to bring to fruition the ob- of aspects. This arrangement covers
jectives of the reforms needs the organizational structure, authoritative
strong determination and support of structure, the functions and duties of
all the Indonesian people. This deter- the Ministry of Defence and the func-
mination and support demand hard tions and duties of the TNI. The or-
work and collective effort in synergy, ganization of this rearrangement is
so that the reform agenda, which has done so that the conduct of Defence
been agreed upon, can continue and can be more in accord with the devel-
be kept on the right track. Along with opment of the strategic environment
that commitment, any action which and within the framework of a demo-
could hinder or stop the reform must cratic society. In aspects of culture and
be avoided; and the reform movement value, transformation is directed to-
must be kept away from anarchy and wards the attitude and behavior of De-
efforts to serve fence organiz-
group inter- ers to enable
ests. The na- them to posi-
tional reforms tion them-
must be main- selves accord-
tained and ing to their role
carried out and tasks. The
within the transformation
frame of The is applied to all
1945 Constitu- personnel in
tion and the Ministry of
Pancasila philosophical values. Defence and TNI, from the highest
rank to the lowest.
Defence Reform
Along with the commitment to na- The reform in the field of defence
tional reform, reform in the field of began with People Consultative
defence is carried out conceptually, Assembly (MPR : Majelis
and based on The 1945 Constitution Permusyawaratan Rakyat) Decree
and Pancasila philosophy. Defence No.VI/2000, on the separation or-
Reform is the nation's commitment ganization of TNI and Police (Polri:
carried out step by step and continu- Kepolisian Republik Indonesia), and
ously; covering the arrangement of MPR Decree No.VII/2000, which de-
structure, culture, and value as a fined the roles of TNI and of Polri.
whole and integrated transformation. One part of the implementation is The

10 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

Act No.3/2002 on Defence, replacing components.
The Act No. 20 / 1982. The Act No.20/ • The Defence Minister deter-
1982 on the Basic Principles of Defence mines the policy on budget, procure-
and Security is no longer in accordance ment, recruitment, national resource
with the reform. The Act No. 3/2002, management, and training in defence
besides controlling the rearrangement technology and industry needed by
of the defence authority, also conducts TNI and other Defence components.
a basic transformation of future state
organization to support the national Role and Duty of TNI
interest, in accordance with the objec- • TNI has a role as an instrument
tives of the reform and for the achieve- of Indoensia's Defence.
ment of the national goal. • TNI has the duty to carry out
Defence policy to:
Substantially The Act No.3/2002 » Maintain the sovereignty of
regulates the authority and respon- the State and the unity of
sibility of the Defence Minister, de- the regions.
fines the roles and duties of TNI, the » Protect the honor and se-
authority and responsibility of the curity of the Nation.
TNI Commander, democratic values, * Carry out Military Op-
human rights, environmental protec- erations Other Than War.
tion, the role of the House of Repre- • Actively participate in the
sentative (DPR : Dewan Perwakilan task of regional and interna-
Rakyat) in defence, the rights and re- tional peacekeeping.
sponsibilities of the citizen in defend-
ing the country. Briefly, it regulates Authority and Responsibility of the
as follows: TNI Commander
• TNI Commander leads TNI.
Authority and Responsibility of the • The TNI commander organizes
Defence Minister the planning of military strategy and
• The Defence Minister deter- operations, the training of military as
mines the policy for execution of de- a professional force and maintains
fence policy, based on the general operational vigilance.
policy set up by the President. • The TNI Commander has the
• The Defence Minister sets up authority to use all Defence compo-
the Defence White Book and deter- nents in the carrying out of military
mines the policy on bilateral, re- operations by law.
gional, and international cooperation • The TNI Commander answers
within his field. to the President in managing Defence
• The Defence Minister formu- components and cooperates with the
lates the general policy on the use of Defence Minister in fulfilling the
TNI and other Defence Force needs of TNI.

Defending The Country Entering the 215t Century 11

Democratic Values, Human Rights, tificial resources, and national means
and the Environment and infrastructure which have been
• Defence is based on the princi- acquired through a mobilization, in
ples of democracy, human rights, order to expand and strengthen the
public welfare, environment, national main component.
law, international law and interna- • The support component con-
tional customs, and the principle of sists of citizens, natural resources,
living side by side in peace. artificial resources, and national
• The use of all natural and man- means and infrastructure, which
made resources must give attention can directly and indirectly in-
to the simultaneous principles of crease the strength and capability
diversity and environmental produc- of the main and reserve compo-
tivity. nents.

DPR's Involvement TNI's Internal Reform

• The President has the author- Along with the commitment
ity and responsibility for the con- to Defence Reform, TNI also carries
scription of TNI's forces. In the mat- out internal reform. Essentially,
ter of conscripting TNI forces to TNI reform is TNI's determination
tackle the armed threat, the Presi- and commitment to carry out the
dent's authority must have the DPR's reformation of TNI through con-
approval. structive measures, along with the
• The President appoints and dis- development of a democratic Gov-
misses the Commander TNI with the ernment and Nation. The improve-
DPR's approval. ment is carried out conceptually to
• The DPR supervises the imple- rearrange its functions and duties
mentation of Defence general policy. as mandated in The Act No. 3/2002.
The internal reform requires TNI's
People's Involvement to create a professional TNI insti-
• The essence of Defence is an all tution, gradually and continuously.
encompassing universal defensive In accordance with this, TNI has
effort (total defence); its implemen- made various efforts to return to
tation is based on the recognition of its initial identity as an army which
the rights and responsibilities of the comes from the people, fights for
citizens and faith in self strength. the people, and protects the secu-
• The Defence System, in facing rity of the people. The people's
a military threat, places TNI as the spirit is TNI's spirit; therefore
main component, supported by re- TNI must always maintain its unity
serve and support components. with the people, who are the
• The reserve component con- main strength of Indonesia's
sists of citizens, natural resources, ar- Defence.

12 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

The spirit and the zest for im- ties for the sake of national interest.
provement always reside within TNI, • TNI's duty to carry out Defence
responding to the challenges and policies as regulated in Article 10 The
dynamics of the environment. This Act No.3/2002 on Defence is deter-
commitment has been achieved, mined by the Government's political
among others, through activities of decisions. Therefore TNI's political re-
gathering various strategic thinking sponsibility is in the hands of the
materials through seminars, discus- National Leadership.
sions, and examinations; conducted • TNI has the duty to carry out
within TNI or together with other Defence policy by making plans for
parties. From these activities TNI military strategy and operations, by
has compiled a strategic thinking the training of the military profes-
concept, a concept of internal re- sion and military forces and by
form known as 'New Paradigm of maintaining vigilance. (Article 10,
TNI's Role'. The New Paradigm of 14, and 18 of The Act No.3/2002 on
TNPs Role consists of a document Defence).
on Redefinition, Repositioning, and • TNI, as a part of the National
Re-establishment of TNI's Role in system, does not take an exclusive
the Life of the Nation in the Future. position but always maintains col-
This document was signed by the laboration with other components of
Minister of Defence and Security/ the Nation.
Commander of Indonesian Armed • TNI carries out its duties in ac-
Forces (ABRI) on October the 5th, cordance with the level of involve-
1998. The will and commitment to ment determined by the government.
reform, was later formally accom- • Several structural changes are:
modated by the people's repre- Separation of Polri and TNI once
sentatives through MPR Decree No. joined together as ABRI. This change
VI/MPR/2000, regarding the Sepa- was followed by the elimination of the
ration of TNI and Polri, and MPR positions of Chief of Social Politics
Decree No. VII/MPR/2000, regard- Staff TNI and Chief of Teritorial Staff
ing the Role of TNI and the Role TNI, the elimination of ABRI's Dual
of Polri. function, the liquidation of TNI's pro-
ductive function and social & politi-
The Implementation of TNI's reform cal functions, the elimination of the
covers: TNI/Polri Fraction in the legislative
• TNI submits to the political au- body by the year 2009; and changes
thority of the government chosen by in TNI's doctrine and organization.
the people according to democratic TNI and Polri's separation also had
values based on Pancasila and The implications for the Defence and Se-
1945 Constitution. In carrying out its curity Ministry which has become
duties TNI always conducts state du- The Defence Ministry.

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 13

TNI's commitment to carry out people in a democratic and constitu-
reform is TNI's political will and the tional way, is well educated and well
determination directed at creating a trained, is sufficiently equipped, and
professional army, playing its role as a TNI whose budget and welfare is
a state instrument in the field of De- properly provided for.
fence. As a professional army, TNI
already has the commitment to move As the people's army, TNI has to
away from involvement in practical always be close to the people. TNI has
politics, and to be under the com- to know and live with the people.
mand of a government that is demo- Hence, efforts to separate TNI from the
cratically and constitutionally chosen
people are denials of TNI's nature
by the people. as an army that comes from the peo-
ple, fights with the people, and for the
TNI's wishes as a professional people's interest. This is the essence
army, requires a TNI which does not of the territorial function discharged
practice politics, is under the com- by TNI to maintain its closeness with
mand of a government chosen by the the people and its territory.

14 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

Strategic Context

Chapter Three
Strategic Context
At the strategic level, issues of Global
politics, economy, and international The end of the Cold War does not
illegal conduct have national, guarantee World security and peace.
regional, and global repercussions. Inter-ethnic and racial conflicts, ter-
These issues are also influential rorism, money laundering, human
factors in national, regional, and g smuggling and illegal drug traffick-
lobal security. In the strategic con- ing are nontraditional threats to do-
text, issues of politics, economy and mestic, regional, and global security.
security are closely connected and Meanwhile, traditional threats such
affect each other; furthermore these as weapons of mass destruction, in-
issues will al- ternational
ways have the disputes,
attention of and arm
the Interna- races are still
tional Com- latent issues.
munity as Both tradi-
they are re- tional and
lated to the nontraditional
national iriter- threats re-
ests of each main the
country. concern of
the Interna-
Indonesia, as an open country, tional Community because these
also feels the effect of global and threats to World peace could increase
regional change. Indonesia's political, and become of real concern.
economic, social, and security
condition is affected by external World security tends to be domi-
factors and does not stand on its nated by flourishing nontraditional
own. Domestic issues faced by security issues, but traditional secu-
Indonesia in the last decade are also rity issues still cannot be completely
affected by external factors, whether ignored. The complexity of global
direct or indirect; therefore the im- security increased with the effort to
portance of global and regional in- develop and maintain hegemony
terdependence should not underes- through alliance reinforcement, the
timated. advance of military capability, tech-

Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century 17

nological advancement, and also rises in the form of new threats such
through continuation of economic as terrorism, human smuggling, and
superiority. well-organized drug-trafficking.

Globalization, supported by the Relationships among the Interna-

advance of information technology, tional community are based on mu-
has brought about a big change in tual trust and respect. Mutual trust
the lives of world community. Access and respect creates a very good op-
to information becomes faster and portunity for dialog in dealing with
easier, instantly reaching other places difficult issues. Dialog and diplomacy
regardless of distance and state bor- are important means to help soften
ders. Countries' borders have be- conflicts and reach a solution peace-
come less clear, as though creating a fully. However the differences be-
world without borders. The essence tween developed and developing
of National sovereignty faces a chal- countries in the fields of economy,
lenge because a country's authority technology, and military remain a
is reduced in complicating fac-
certain ar- tor in any dialog.
eas. For ex- , Efforts to gain
ample, a support from
country can- other countries,
not fully or to win influ-
control in- ence over an-
formation other country, or
flow which to develop and
affect the maintain he-
conduct of gemony in vari-
its citizens. ous fields, can more often than not
become a source of potential inter-
The simplicity acquired in the glo- national conflict.
balization process urges inter-de-
pendency among countries, but on Since the WTC tragedy in USA on
the other hand triggers interpersonal, September 11, 2001, international
inter-group, and international com- terrorism has become a new form of
petition. Countries and nations with war, an asymmetric and concrete
superiority might be able to win the threat for the World. The definition
competition, and thus be able to pur- of international terrorism and the
sue national interest in an effort to related UN resolution to overcome it
improve the welfare of its people. is an effort by the International Com-
Along with the improvement, inter- munity to battle international terror-
national crime and illegal conduct ism. The global campaign to fight ter-

18 Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

rorism is conducted intensively and tries and may well disturb regional
with concrete measures. Each coun- security and international relation-
try must identify terrorist groups, ships. These increases, among others,
identify and stop the terrorist's are encouraged by political difficul-
source and flow of cash, then report ties, economic disparity, and the ex-
it to the UN. Developed countries give istence of international crime net-
technical aids and training to im- works. Political upheaval and eco-
prove other countries' ability in han- nomic disparity in several countries
dling terrorism. Concrete efforts and have caused the large-scale migration
hard work have not been able to com- of people trying to find work and
pletely stop acts of International ter- better living conditions in other
rorism. One year after the WTC trag- countries. In addition, economic dif-
edy, terrorists came back in action ficulties and unemployment have
with foreigners in Bali, Indonesia, as forced people into extreme measures
their target. This is known as the Bali to survive. A systematic effort and
Tragedy October 12th 2002. international cooperation is required
to overcome international crime,
Besides the two world-shaking which is conducted in an organized
tragedies, acts of small-scale terror- way, within an International network
ism occur in various countries. Ter- and conducted by actors who have
rorism invariably brings casualties technological and financial support.
for civilians and innocent people, and
the risk of chaos that threatens the The collapse of Soviet Union was
security of the nation and its sover- followed by drastic changes in the
eignty. Conflicts in the Middle East, World's power structure. What used
South Asia, and South East Asia still to be bipolar became multipolar and
show forms of terrorism, thus the United States emerged as the only
International terrorist threat is still super power. The world is dominated
shadowing the World. International by the power of the United States, but
terrorism is the enemy of all the Russia, European Union, China, and
World community; therefore it has to Japan are large countries who have
be fought together by International the power to influence international
community. community. With the political, eco-
nomic, and military power they pos-
Illegal activities and international sess, those countries cannot be over-
crime such as human and weapon looked and have significant abilities
smuggling, illegal drug-trafficking, in determining regional security and
money laundering, and illegal immi- world peace.
gration, show sharp increases. Illegal
conduct and international crime nor- Besides polarization of power, in-
mally cause damage to other coun- ternational organizations such as the

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 19

United Nations and the Non-aligned resource and technology, and strict
Movement can have a significant role market regulation have caused anxi-
in keeping world order. The United ety for the developing countries. De-
Nations continues to make efforts to spite the inability of developing coun-
increase its presence and role in solv- tries to compete they are still mar-
ing international problems in various kets for the products of developed
regions. In the last decade, the UN has countries. The disproportionate eco-
striven to develop a human security nomic competition between devel-
concept. This concept is directed to oped and developing countries can
save humans from malicious conduct. cause dissatisfaction and acts of pro-
In this concept, UN Charter Chapter tectionism, which might trigger con-
VII can be used as an instrument to flict and crisis which can threaten
legitimate humanitarian intervention security and stability.
in the regions of a country and disre-
gard that country's sovereignty. How- Issues of environment destruction
ever, UN Charter Chapter VII has not have escalated and drawn the atten-
been accepted by all countries, espe- tion of the World community. The
cially because there are differences of Environment and Development Sum-
interest and because the characteris- mit (Earth Summit) in Rio de Janeiro
tics of countries differ. in 1992 and Johannesburg Summit
in 2002 proclaimed the adoption of
Together with the advance in in- sustainable development principles.
formation technology, which brings Sustainable development principles
ease in information access, economic are intended to save the environment
activity grows fast beyond state bor- from irresponsible conduct. In ex-
ders. This improvement has encour- ploiting the environment to fulfill
aged economic globalization and their needs, people are expected not
formed free markets. Regional eco- to destroy the environment, causing
nomic alliances quickly developed damage for human beings now and
with the formations of economic alli- in the next generation. However, in
ances such as Asia Pacific Economic reality, practices such as forest burn-
Cooperation (APEC), Asian Free Trade ing, forest exploration without pay-
Agreement (AFTA), North America ing attention to the ecosystem, and
Free Trade (NAFTA), and European waste disposal by some countries in
Union (EU). Free market and free another country's waters still con-
trade create close competition and tinue and cause further environmen-
force each country to develop com- tal damage.
petitive and excellent products.
Deforestation is currently not bal-
Limitations, especially in the capi- anced by emission reduction and
tal sector, in the quality of human there is even a tendency for the Kyoto

20 Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

Protocol to be observed half- The United States, the only super
heartedly by certain countries. power, has substantial interests in all
On-going environmental destruction regions of the world, including South
will cause scarcity of natural East Asia; which includes political,
resources, which in turn might urge economic, and security interests. The
mass development of nuclear energy US determination to maintain and
in the future. This would invite achieve its interests is beyond doubt,
danger which has to be faced by because it has the capability to do so.
human. Environment destruction US superiority as the World power is
without any constructive effort in supported by technological mastery,
restoration will cause inevitable economic strength, military force,
misery. Increasing awareness has and domestic politics. The US will
made environment an important maintain this superiority and achieve
global issue. its national interest. Therefore, US is
still interested and still has a signifi-
Regional cant role in South East Asia regional
Increasing globalization is one of and global security issues.
the factors affecting the dynamics of
regional security. Other influential The People's Republic of China's
factors are the roles and interests of great economic progress has posi-
large countries, and, added to that, tioned itself as one of the big and
are the problems of inter-state rela- important states, both regionally and
tions within the region. globally. To maintain this progress,
\f China will make efforts to achieve its
The Role of Major Countries national interest. These efforts will
In South East Asia, there is a shift reach out to different parts of the
in regional security issues, for exam- world and China will use all the in-
ple in various conflicts which started struments of international relations.
from territorial disputes, the security Large and smaller countries in the
of sea communication and trading Asia Pacific region cannot ignore Chi-
lines through the sea, and also na's role in regional security, because
nontraditional security issues such as of its clear interest and strong mili-
terrorism, hijacking and piracy at sea, tary forces. It is reasonable to say that
weapon smuggling, illegal migration, China's interaction with the main
and illegal fishing. Besides affecting forces of the region, namely US, Ja-
the countries within the region, the pan, Russia and European Union, is
dynamics of regional security, es- an influential factor in the map of
pecially in South East Asia, is affected regional security, especially in Asia
by the power of large countries Pacific. Regarding regional security,
because of their interest in South there is still tension between Taiwan
East Asia. and China, and there has not been

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 21

any sign of peaceful resolution. The great economic power and a large
China - Taiwan relation is still a fo- role and influence in the global
cus of attention for the international economy. Economic relations be-
community. tween EU
The uncertainty members and
of a peaceful countries in
resolution be- South East
tween China Asia region
and Taiwan will have devel-
colour security oped in such a
prospects in way that EU
Asia Pacific re- members have
gion and the substantial po-
World in gen- litical and eco-
eral. nomic interest in South East Asia,
both as a market and as a sup-
Japan is a powerful economic plier of raw material. Therefore
force and supplier of industrial prod- South East Asia is of strategic value
ucts, as well as a major importer of for the EU.
oil and natural gas. Japan's economy
reaches the whole world and its in- V The Issues of Regional Waters Security
ternational trade represents part of Based on the year 2001 data from
the effort to pursue its national in- the International Maritime Bureau
terest. The security of Japan's (1MB) Kuala Lumpur, 213 reported
economy is very much affected by the hijacking and piracy cases happened
security of its international trade in Asia and Indian Ocean waters, with
and therefore Japan pays great atten- 91 of the cases taking place in
tion to regional and global security. Indonesian waters. However, Indone-
Thus, Japan has a strong interest in sian Government data shows that in
the World security and stability. Ja- the year 2001 there were 61 cases,
pan also has influence on efforts to which were categorized as hijack and
achieve regional and global security. piracy and which took place in
Therefore, Japan's political stand will locations spread in all regions of
always be calculated by large coun- Indonesia. Even though there is
tries in the world, and will be an difference in numbers declared by
equalizing force for the stability of the 2 institutions, the data shows that
regional security. security in Indonesian waters in the
last decade has faced threats and
The European Union (EU) is an serious security disturbances,
organization whose members are which now need immediate
mainly industrial countries; it has action.

22 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

International Maritime Organiza- transit countries and often causes
tion (IMO) declared that acts of pi- political and socio-economic
racy in Asia Pacific waters, especially problems and international tension.
South East Asia region, are at the There have recently been cases of the
highest level in the world. Pirates use smuggling of workers, babies, and
both traditional weapons and high women.
technology equipment. Security at
sea is complex, as one country's ef- Smuggling activities in South East
fort to defeat piracy cannot be effec- Asian international waters have been
tive and security efforts must involve widespread in the last decade; and
many countries and international include smuggling of weapons,
organization. Therefore, the effort to ammunition and explosives. This
achieve security in the sea needs close illegal activity has political, economic,
international cooperation. and security repercussions in the
destination country. In particular
Besides pi- ,. , ... weapon smug-
racy, human gling can create
smuggling a serious prob-
through Asia lem, threatening
Pacific waters the stability of
also increases. the destination
Australia, on country.
the southern
flank of South Piracy and
East Asia, is one smuggling de-
of target coun- scribed above
tries of illegal immigrants. This means are illegal actions which cause losses
South East Asian, including Indone- for both the countries in the region
sian waters, becomes a sea lane to and the countries that use the waters.
Australia. Human smuggling should These illegal actions are organized
not be regarded as a simple matter, carefully, and thus need international
on the contrary, it is very compli- cooperation to overcome them.
cated because several countries are
involved, and each may have differ- ^The Issues of Borders
ent interests, especially in security, Uncertainty regarding the
humanity, economy, and politics. delineation of borders can. be the
Large scale illegal migration is often source of international disputes.
carried out by mafia organizations In addition, border crossing and
with international networks. Illegal control problems, the stealing of
migration has a negative impact on natural resources and other
both the destination country and geographical considerations

Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century 23

also have the po-
tential to agitate
international rela-

In South East
Asia region, bor-
der issues exist be-
tween several
countries and
there are concerns
in the South China
Sea. Indonesia also
has border prob-
lems with other countries, and shares maritime demarcation line with Sin-
borders with 10 neighboring coun- gapore in the future.
tries: Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand,
India, the Philippines, Vietnam, • Indonesia - Malaysia Border
Papua New Guinea, Australia, Palau, Indonesia - Malaysia maritime line
and Timor Leste. have not been agreed upon in sev-
eral areas of the Malacca Straits.
• Indonesia - Singapore Border Unclearness of this maritime line of-
Sand mining around the area of ten causes frictions between field of-
Riau Island - an area which has a di- ficers, Indonesian fishermen and
rect border with Indonesia - has been Malaysians.
going on since the year 1970. This
activity has dug out millions of tons Similarly in Kalimantan; several
sand and caused tremendous de- border points have not been com-
struction of coastal ecosystem. De- pletely agreed by both parties. Other
struction of the ecosystem caused by problems between the two countries
sand mining has eliminated some are border crossing, illegal logging,
means of livelihood of Indonesian and smuggling. The General Border
fishermen. Committee (GBC) and Joint Indone-
sia Malaysia Boundary Committee
Sand mining also threatens the (JIMBC) are formal bilateral forums
existence of several small islands; which could solve the border prob-
such as in the case of Nipah island. lems between the two countries.
Small islands sink and represent a
great loss for Indonesia, because • Indonesia - Philippines Border
changes on coastal geographic con- One of the issues to observe is the
ditions will result in determining the fact there is yet no agreement on the

24 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

maritime line between Indonesia and the two countries. At the moment
the Philippines in the North and both parties are negotiating to decide
South of Miangas Island. The RJ-The how to delineate the continental shelf
Philippines Forum, Joint Border Com- in the area.
mittee (JBC) and Joint Commission
for Bilateral Cooperation (JCBC) have - '• Indonesia - India border
regular meetings which could be The State line between the two
optimalized to bridge the problems countries lies between Rondo Island
of state lines bilaterally. in Aceh and Nicobar Island in India.
The maritime border on the continen-
• Indonesia - Australia Border tal shelf has been agreed by both
State line agreement between RI countries. However problems some-
and Australia covers the Continental times occur due to violation of terri-
Shelf Agreement and Exclusive Eco- tory by both countries, especially by
nomic Zone which refers to RI-Aus- fishermen.
tralia agreement signed on March
14th 1997. The RI-Australia new state • • Indonesia - Thailand Border
line around the area of Timor gap Geographically, state line issues
should be discussed trilaterally with between RI and Thailand are not very
Timor Leste. complex; because the distance be-
tween the tip of Sumatra and Thai-
• Indonesia - Papua New Guinea land is great. RI - Thailand already
Border have a continental shelf agreement
Indonesia and PNG have agreed on based on 2 particular coordinates in
maritime and land borders. However, northern part of Malacca Strait and
there are some cultural obstacles Andaman Sea. Fishing by Thai fish-
which could cause misunderstanding. ermen in Indonesian territory is a
Cultural similarities and family bonds matter of sea security and indeed,
among people who live on both sides fishing by foreign fishermen is a
of the border may cause claims on tra- socio-economic issue due to the ex-
ditional rights that might develop to istence of Indonesia's coastal commu-
be a complex problem in the future. nity.

• Indonesia - Vietnam Border '•/ • Indonesia - Republic Pala u Border

The border area between Sekatung So far both countries have not
Island in Natuna archipelago and agreed on the Exclusive Economic
Condore Island in Vietnam has a dis- Zone of Indonesia and Palau, which
tance of less than 245 miles, and con- is located north of Papua. This causes
tours the continental shelf with no frequent disagreement over territo-
continental border. This still creates rial violations between fishermen
different comprehensions between from both countries.

Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century 25

• Indonesia - Timor Leste Border disturbances can disrupt regional
Currently, a number of Timor stability.
Leste citizens who live on the border
still use the Rupiah, the Indonesian Armed Separatist Movements
language, and interact socially and One kind of domestic threat is ac-
culturally with Indonesian commu- tion by separatist groups in several
nity. Similarities in culture and fam- areas of NKRI. At the moment there
ily bonds among villagers who live are 2 separatist groups who are try-
on both side of the border, could ing to part from NKRI; they are Free
cause claims based on traditional Aceh Movement (GAM) and Free
rights and develop into a more com- Papua Organization (OPM).
plex problem. Furthermore, a large
number of refugees from Timor Leste The actions of separatist groups
still live in Indonesian territory. This in the form of crime and violence
could become a border problem in have resulted in disruption of the
the future. order of society and have caused not
only caused material losses and casu-
National alties, but also people have evacuated
Careful observation of national and governmental functions have
progress and developments in the been disrupted.
areas of politics, economy, and se-
curity show that domestic issues are The government's concern and
related to exter- priority in the
nal influence, GAM's identity effort to create a
both global and better life for the
regional. Be- people in those
sides external areas is not shared
influence, there by the separatist
are also some groups. The reso-
domestic fac- lution of separa-
tors which have tist issues has be-
the potential to come more com-
disrupt the stability of national plex because the separatist groups
security. These factors are, among hide behind human rights issues, and
others, negative side of heteroge seek support from outside the
neity nature of Indonesia's popula- country.
tion, poor economic conditions, and
political and social factors. Accumu- Terrorism
lation of external and internal Terrorism has become a concrete
factors can escalate as threats to threat to the safety of the nation,
national security and large scale even a threat to democracy and civil

26 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

killed 2 people, injured
22, caused material loss
including destroying 29
• Bombing in front of
Department of Agricul-
ture office building on Au-
gust 30th 2000, destroyed
1 passenger bus.
• Bombing of Jakarta
Stock Exchange Building
on September 13th 2000,
society. Since the year 1999 until the killed 15 people, injured 37 and de-
bombing in Bali on October 12th stroyed 81 vehicles.
2002, terrorist activity in Indonesia • Bombing of Atrium Senen build-
has increased. ing in Jakarta, on December 11th
1998, August 1st 2001 and Septem-
The following is a list number of ber 23rd 2001.
terror acts which occurred in Indo- • Bombing of a number of chur-
nesia: ches on Christmas Eve year 2000 and
• Bombing of Toserba Ramayana 2001.
Jakarta on January 2nd 1999. • Bombing in Bali on October 12,
• Bombing of Kelapa Gading Mall 2002, killed and injured more than
in Jakarta on February 9th 1999. 200 foreign citizens and Indonesian
• Bombing of Hayam Wuruk citizens, and caused material loss.
Plaza Jakarta on April 15, 1999. • Bombing of Me Donald's in
• Bombing of Istiqlal mosque in Ratu Indah Mall in Makassar on De-
1999 which destroyed several rooms cember 5th, 2002, killing 3 people.
and facilities in the mosque. • Bombing of Wisma Bhayang-
• Bombing of GKPI Church in kari in the Police Headquarters Com-
Medan on May 28th 2000 and Catho- plex, South Jakarta on February 3rd,
lic Church on Jalan Pemuda Medan 2003.
on May 29th 2000.
• Bombing of the Attorney Gen- the Issues Communal Conflict
eral Office building in Jakarta, July The composition of the Indonesian
4th 2000. community is heterogeneous, to-
• Bombing of General Election gether with the geographical char-
Committee Office in Jakarta on July acteristic of an island-nation, makes
1st 2000. it easy for communal conflicts to
• Bombing in front of the Philip- happen. Communal conflict could be
pines Embassy on August 1st 2000, triggered by ethnic, religious, racial,

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 27

and inter-group exclusivity, and the /Radical Group Movements
social-economic gap. In addition, mass Indonesia's history of struggle is
migration from one area to another filled with experiences in terminat-
area affects the local culture and way ing various radical movement inside
of life, and could become a source of the country, such as DI/TII, PRRI,
conflict. Conflicts which happened in Permesta, and PKI. These movements
Maluku, South Sulawesi (Poso), have different backgrounds: religion,
Kalimantan (Sanggau Ledo, Sampit, ethnicity or locality, ideology and
Sambas), are concrete examples of politics. The government succeeded
communal conflict. The loss caused by in eradicating these movements by
communal conflict is enormous; it using military force.
causes waves of evacuation, tremen-
dous suffering for the people, casual- Entering the 21st century, ideo-
ties, and large material loss. The big- logical issues are driven aside by glo-
gest risk of a com- bal issues: de-
munal conflict is mocratiza-
ruined national tion, human
solidarity and the rights, and
bond of unity as environment.
a nation. Apart So strong is
from that, large- the World's
scale damage to attention to
infrastructure, global issues
social facilities that ideologi-
and public facili- cal issues are
ties disrupts governmental activities, shifted and no longer popular. For
interrupts community service activi- developed countries whose people
ties, and disrupts education. are already mature in politics, ideol-
ogy is no longer a matter of dispute.
The people of Indonesian are This is not however the case in de-
prone to provocative actions, thus veloping countries such as Indonesia;
making it easy for communal conflict ideology often becomes a national
to develop fast and widely, and cre- matter. Ideology is even manipulated
ating a hindrance to public order to gain special interest or political
which might escalate and disrupt sta- goals.
bility of national security. Heteroge-
neous community structure, low edu- Indonesian history since independ-
cation level, and the residual eco- ence to this day - shows that ideologi-
nomic crisis, create an opening which cal issues emerge from time to time.
could be used by groups who want When Indonesia declared its inde-
to disrupt national stability. pendence, Pancasila was declared

28 Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century


as the state ideology. However, there and convince some groups of believ-
have always been groups who tried ers that their fight is holy, so that
to change Pancasila with other ideol- they do not hesitate to use whatever
ogy. Different efforts were made by means to achieve their goal. These
these groups, through political meth- groups are known as Radical
ods or through armed struggle. These Groups; their existence disrupts
groups' efforts still continue to the public order and in turn will ob-
present day, and will likely continue struct national security.
in the future.
Social Unrests
The ambiance of democratic free- Indonesia's economic condition
dom and respect for human rights has not yet fully recovered from the
seem to give opportunities for radi- monetary and economic crisis in
cal movements to 1997 and has
resurface. By ma- ^ iP caused several
nipulating popu- crucial prob-
lar issues during lems. Lack of
the reform era, employment in
radical groups the midst of a
use new methods g r o w i n g
or sneak into cer- workforce In-
tain groups so donesian, labor
they appear as if issues, fluctu-
they support the ating value of
reform move- rupiah, invest-
ment. Some of the radical groups ex- ment issues, free trade issues, and
isting today are incarnation of other issues, has placed a greater bur-
groups which in the past felt left out. den on the government. Even though
These groups have a network spread- these issues started from economic
ing all over Indonesia, even abroad. issues, they could develop into po-
There is possibility that they are a litical issues. Political issues which
part of an international terrorist create worry and distrust of the gov-
network. ernment and in the future, finally
could create mass unrest which could
Besides those rooted on ideology, escalate to be a disturbance to na-
there is also radicalism in another tional stability and threaten national
form; for instance religious radical- security. The widening of economic
ism. Conflicts in Maluku and Poso gap has the potential to create social
showed the existence of such insecurity, especially if manipulated
groups. Religious faith has been ma- by certain groups who want to
nipulated deviously to influence shatter Indonesia.

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 29

Maritime Security Disturbance Lately, sea security issues have
Indonesia, with more than required serious attention. Sea se-
17,500 islands, is the biggest island- curity issues cover violence threat
nation in the world. Two thirds of (hijacking, piracy, and terror of vi-
Indonesian region is the sea, with tal object), navigation threat (lack
81,000 km coastline and 4 million of and theft of navigation instru-
square meters of Exclusive Eco- ments), resource threat (destruc-
nomic Zone. tion and pollution of the sea and
its ecosystem), and law and sover-
International trade and transpor- eignty threat (illegal fishing, ille-
tation activities through Sea Lane of gal immigrant, illegal exploration
Communication (SLOG) and Sea Lane and exploitation of natural re-
of Transportation (SLOT) in Indone- sources, including treasure taking,
sia's waters keep on increasing. The products and weapon smuggling,
increase in water activities gives the and wood smuggling via the sea).

sea a very important role in the life Sea security issues have the ability
of the Indonesian people and the in- to disrupt Indonesia's international
ternational community. The impor- relations.
tance of the sea is not limited to the
wealth of natural resources, but also Data shows that illegal fishing in
as a tie for the islands spread in the Indonesia's sea territory keeps on in-
Indonesian region. Therefore, sea se- creasing, with total loss if US$2 bil-
curity is vital to Indonesia. lion per year. From smuggling, Indo-

30 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

nesia bears the loss of US$ 1 billion per tage, terror), air violation threat (il-
year. Illegal sand exploitation costs legal flights and surveillance of In-
Indonesia more than 2 trillion rupiah donesian territory), resource threat
each year. Meanwhile illegal logging (usage of air territory by other coun-
costs Indonesia around 30 trillion try), and law violation threat through
rupiah. This worrying loss requires the medium of air (illegal migration
systematic efforts by the people and and human smuggling). In foresee-
government to improve security and ing and securing air territory from
use of Indonesian waters. all kinds of disturbance and threat,
Indonesia still has many weaknesses,
Air Security Disturbance including human resource, and infra-
Indonesia's strategic position in structure.
international air traffic, makes Indo-
nesia vulnerable to different air se- Security of the sea and air is not
curity threats. Potential air security merely Indonesia's interest, but also
issues in the future include violent in the interest's regional and inter-
threats (air hijack, vital object sabo- national security.

Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century 31

Threat Prediction
and Strategic
Defence Interest


Chapter Four
Threat Prediction
and Strategic Defence
Threat Prediction quickly spread round the world, fol-
Indonesia's geographic situation lowing which other countries will
as an archipelago between Asia and respond according to their national
Australia and between the Pacific and interest. On the other hand, infor-
Indian Oceans makes Indonesia an mation about happenings abroad,
area of interest for countries of many especially those in large or influen-
regions. This strategic position means tial countries, or in the countries in
that political, economic, and security this region, will quickly reach all ar-
conditions at both regional and glo- eas of the country and will affect
bal levels are influential factors in national opinion.
assessing Indonesia's position in the
region and the world. In the era of This is also the case with security
globalization which is the 21st cen- issues; threats from outside and in-
tury, the progress side the country
of regional and are inevitably
global strategies linked and
are even more in- should not be
fluential on the regarded in iso-
nation, due to the lation. Distinc-
acceptance of tion can only be
universal values made in the
such as free context of the
trade, democrati- form and or-
zation, human rights, and environ- ganization of threat; while distinction
ment. based on the source of threat is very
difficult to determine. Proceeding
The existence of large countries' from this fact, defence effort does not
interest in the region promotes only refer to traditional security
strong mutual relations between issues - that is to say the possibility
domestic and foreign affairs. Infor- of invasion and aggression from
mation on internal occurrences can a n o t h e r c o u n t r y - but also to

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 35

nontraditional security issues - that political order, and the political eth-
is any action that threats the sover- ics and system to meet the needs of
eignty of the country, unity of the Indonesia.
region, and safety of the nation and
NKRI. v The reform process which aims
to produce a democratic life and
The current strategic environment clean and good government, faces
renders the threat of invasion or mili- difficult challenges. The road to
tary aggression low. Indonesia's ob- reach the objectives of reform ap-
jective condition, the role of UN, and pears to become longer. The spirit
international opinion are preventive of reform slowly fades the empha-
factors, or at least constrains on the sis that surfaces is only rhetoric and
use of armed force against Indone- reform euphoria. The right of free-
sia. The largest foreign threat to In- dom of speech is often abused and
donesia is from organized crime, can insight violence and mass dem-
done by non-state actors to gain onstration. The systematic efforts of
profit by manipulating domestic con- pressure groups irritate govern-
ditions and the shortcomings of gov- ment, creating insecurity and mak-
ernment apparatus. ing the government position unsta-
ble. National security
management is weakened
adversely affecting na-
tional security.

^ The unresolved eco-

nomic crisis has impacts on
other fields, on political
stability and national eco-
nomics, and increasing se-
curity disturbances. The
numbers in the work force
escalates rapidly as a result
There has been dynamic change in of the increase of population, while
Indonesia since 1998 which has af- work opportunity is limited. A
fected community, nation, and state. number of companies are unable to
In this time span, there have been survive and have to stop their busi-
three changes of national leadership ness, making the employment envi-
illustrating a frail body of national ronment worse and increasing unem-
leadership and a political order yet ployment severely. The increase in
to be fully established. Political insti- unemployment contributes to the
tutions are still searching for the right increase in crime figures.

36 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

On the other hand, the growing
fanaticism of ideologies other than
Pancasila obstructs governmental
and social functions and to a certain
extent might grow into radicalism.
The government essentially strives to
increase the quality of life for exam-
ple by the declaration of nine-year
compulsory education, improvement
of health arrangements and other im- which weaken the management of
provements in the quality of life. national security may have negative
However, the quality of human re- implications for the stability of na-
source is still unsatisfactory and far tional security. It is anticipated that
from ideal. As a result, people are this situation will pertain for some
easily manipulated and influenced by time to come.
certain party's provocative actions,
and may even be easily encouraged v In a strategic context, Indonesia's
to actions outside the societal norms. defence interest may be affected in
The unavoidable impact of globali- future by the following predicted
zation weakens the ties of unity of threats and disturbances:
the nation and defence. Unstable • International terrorism which
domestic conditions and multidimen- combines an international network
sional problems faced as a result of and support within the country.
the unresolved national crisis, gives • Separatist movements which
an opportunity for the escalation of try to part from NKRI especially
national security disturbances. armed separatist movements, which
threaten the sovereignty and unity
Unless dealt with appropriately, of Indonesia.
the disturbances described above will • Radicalism with primordial
have a serious and negative impact background of ethnic, race, and reli-
on the sovereignty, unity and safety gion, and ideologies other than
of the nation, and then become a Pancasila, whether on its own or hav-
national security issue. Public order ing connection with foreign influ-
disturbances such as terrorism, com- ences.
munal conflicts with primordial back- • Communal conflicts, which
ground (ethnic, religion), radicalism, may have their basis in social and
chaos or mass protest, the drugs economic matters, can develop into
trade, gambling, and other crimes can large-scale inter-ethnic, inter-reli-
escalate and become threats to na- gion, or inter-race conflicts.
tional security. The changes which • International crime such as
occur as consequences of reform and smuggling of products, weapons,

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 37

ammunition and explosives, human very strategic position between Asia
smuggling, drugs, money laundering and Australia, and between Pacific
and other forms of organized crime. and Indian oceans. On account of In-
• Illegal immigration where Indo- donesia's strategic position, many
nesia may be both a destination and countries, especially large countries,
a stepping stone to get to other coun- have an interest in Indonesia's sta-
tries. bility and security. The importance
• Sea security threats such as hi- of Indonesia means that other coun-
jack and smuggling, illegal fishing, pol- tries maintain a high level of interest
lution and destruction of ecosystem. in its stability and security.
• Air security threats such as air
hijack, violation of air territory, and Furthermore, Indonesia's large
terrorism through means of air trans- population (around 210 million) and
portation. high plurality (ethnic, religious, ra-
cial groups), have both positive and
negative dimensions which help to
formulate Indonesia's national inter-
est. Therefore, the unity of the na-
tion and the wholeness of Indonesia's
region are Indonesia's geopolitical in-
terests. These geopolitical interests
develop two dimensions of basic
thoughts: area as a reality, and com-
munity life as a life phenomenon. The
• Destruction of the environ- struggle to fulfill national interest is
ment such as forest burning, illegal still based on two dimensions of
forest exploitation, disposal of dan- thought. As inscribed on the pream-
gerous and poisonous waste. bles of The 1945 Constitution, Indo-
• Natural disaster and its impact nesia's interest is to protect the sov-
on the safety of the nation. ereignty of the country and maintain
the unity of Indonesia, protect the
National Interest safety and honor of the nation, and
In the essence, Indonesia's na- actively take part in the efforts of
tional interest is to guarantee the world peace.
welfare of all of Indonesian people
who are within NKRI, which is based Indonesia's Strategic De-
on Pancasila and The 1945 Constitu- fence Interest
tion. Therefore, it is important to / The strategic aim of Indonesia's
maintain NKRI with national jurisdic- defence is basically to achieve a de-
tion from Sabang to Merauke. Indo- fence organization which is capable
nesia consists of 17,504 islands in a of guaranteeing the national inter-

38 Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

est. Therefore,
defence has the
role and function
to maintain Indo-
nesia's existence
from every threat
and disturbance,
both from outside
and inside the

Based on threat
prediction and In-
donesia's national
interest, the future strategic interest the political dynamic which may pro-
of defence covers permanent strate- duce a threat.
gic interest, urgent strategic interest,
and international cooperation in the In carrying out permanent de-
field of defence. fence interest, Indonesians will al-
ways maintain a love for peace, in-
Permanent Strategic Interest dependence and sovereignty. The use
Permanent strategic interest of of defence force for war is a last re-
defence is the administration of sort after diplomatic efforts fail. In
defence to guard and protect the resolving every conflict and dispute,
country's sovereignty and the Indonesians will always first put for-
unity of Indonesia and the coun- ward the use of peaceful means.
try's honor from every threat, Along with this principle, Indonesians
from outside as well from inside are against any form of colonialism
the country. and intervention in other nation's
sovereignty. Therefore, Indonesia
Even though the threat prediction chooses an active defensive in its de-
shows little possibility of outside fences.
physical threat directed at sover-
eignty, as a country which is inde- To guarantee permanent interest,
pendent, has sovereignty and dignity, defence administration is done with
it is a duty and strategic interest to integrated system; involving all peo-
be prepared to defend the country ple and resources, and national
without regard for the argument as means and infrastructure in unity of
to whether or not a concrete threat defence. Involvement of all people in
exists. Furthermore, development of defence is the right and responsibil-
defence forces will take longer than ity of all citizens as instructed by

Defend ing The Country Entering the 21st Century 39

The 1945 Constitution, and reflects bance which threaten national stabil-
the dignity and responsibility of a ity, particularly in several areas of
nation which believes in its own ca- Indonesia. These concrete threats and
pability. As a result, Indonesia's de- disturbances are in the form of
fence is based on principles of democ- nontraditional threats and a number
racy, respect for human rights, pub- of actual issues which emerge within
lic welfare, environment, national the country.
and international law, and the prin-
ciple of peacefully living side by side \j Urgent strategic interests of Indo-
with other countries. nesia's defence covers:
• Fighting and overcoming the
Urgent Strategic Interest international terrorist threat at home
Urgent strategic interest of de- and abroad by working together with
fence is basically inseparable from other world forces.
the permanent strategic interest of • Overcome the threats and dis-

defence. Urgent strategic interest is turbances of armed separatism,

directed to overcome actual security prioritized in Aceh to face the Free
issues, which are actions which can Aceh Movement; and in Papua to face
disrupt Indonesia's sovereignty and the Free Papua Organization.
unity, and disturbances to the na- • Counter radicalism which has
tion's safety and dignity. Observing a background of ethnic, race, religion,
present national situation, there are and ideologies other than Pancasila
several concrete threats and distur- and which can endanger the safety

40 Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

and dignity of the nation and the self from a connection with the world
government. in the effort to achieving its national
• Solve communal conflict and interest. Therefore, defence policy is
help rehabilitation in several areas- also directed towards having good
Maluku, South Sulawesi (Poso), and relations with other countries,
Kalimantan (Central and West). Be- regionally as well as globally.
sides that, strategic interest of de-
fence is also directed to prevent any International cooperation is based
possibility of new communal conflict on the principle of government-to-
in all areas of RI. government cooperation, focused on
• Overcome and prevent interna- development and advancement in the
tional crime which might occur on sector of defence, and also to achieve
land, in the sea or in the air. regional and global stability and se-
• Assist Civil Government (Re- curity. In this area, Indonesia's de-
gional Government) in handling fence sector will always contribute
natural disaster, terrorism, commu- strategic thought in order to solve
nal conflict, social unrest or any other security issues, or contribute physi-
acts which cause disruption of gov- cal involvement under the UN. In-
ernmental functions and community volvement in the sector of defence
services (such as transportation, edu- outside the UN can be carried out as
cation services, and health services). long as it is not against the law and
principles of Indonesia. Physical in-
International Cooperation Interest volvement in the sector of defence is
As a part of the international com- carried out after the government's
munity, Indonesia cannot release it- political decision.

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 41

Strategic Policies
for National Defence

Chapter Five
Srategic Policies for National
Defence Implementation
Strategic Concept prepared to counter a threat in the
The struggle of the Indonesian peo- form of military power. It is the duty
ple has succeeded in freeing the In- of the TNI to carry Military Opera-
donesian people from colonization, tions (MO) and Military Operations
founding the Unitary State of the Re- Other Than War (MOOTW). MO is a
public of Indonesia (NKRI), free and military operation in countering mili-
sovereign, with territory from Sabang tary power of an opposing country,
to Merauke. The freedom and sover- either in the form of invasion, aggres-
eignty which is very precious and in- sion and infiltration. MOOTW is a
valuable is the inheritance of the na- military operation being carried out,
tion. It is the honor and the self-re- not in the framework of war against
spect of the Indonesian people. All another country, but in such areas
components of the Indonesian peo- as counter insurgency, in combating
ple are obliged to guard and protect international crime, aid to the civil
their freedom and sovereignty for na- community, humanitarian and peace
tional development. tasks.

In entering the 21st century, Indo- The present strategic context indi-
nesia's defence has three main pil- cates that the likelihood of aggression
lars which are: the use of defence or invasion by another state is a small
force; international cooperation in
the field of defence; and development
of defence force. Therefore, the main
guidance to keep defence at a strate-
gic level is in the form of the three
main pillars above, i.e. defence force's
application policy; the international
cooperation policy in defence field;
the policy on the development de-
fence force.

Traditionally, a soldier is one of the

instruments of national force, being

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 45

possibility. Whereas it is highly prob- MOOTW, the TNI does not always take
able that new threats such as non- a solitary role. In certain situation,
traditional threats, carried out by non the TNI implements the MOOTW to-
state actors, will develop. The non- gether with a functional government
traditional security threat is, at first, agency in synergic and coordinated
a threat against security and public joint operations. In accordance with
order. However, it is possible for a the form of threat, the MOOTW is
threat to develop to such a stage carried out by the TNI by prioritizing
where it will become dangerous to the preventive action, rather than repres-
safety of the people and in order to sive action. The success of the pre-
prevent escalation it may be neces- ventive action will be able avoid casu-
sary to deploy military force. It is es- alties and more negative impact.
timated that
threats are
more likely to
be encountered
by Indonesian
people. There-
fore, the strate-
gic policy of the
Indonesian de-
fence to en-
counter and re-
solve the non-
traditional is an
urgent prior-
ity. This is in
line with the mandate of The Act TNI implement MOOTW through
No. 3/ 2002, i.e. TNI has a duty to active participation to resolve vari-
carry out a Military Operations ous problems that are encountered
Other Than War (MOOTW). by the Nation. Other than confront-
Thereby, defence policy is to carry ing any armed threats, the MOOTW
out an MOOTW when required. In is a manifestation of TNI's participa-
this case, TNI is very experienced tion in overcoming difficulties in vari-
in MOOTW operations, either ous aspects of the community life.
within the country or overseas. The scope of the MOOTW includes,
among others, putting down an
In carrying out the MOOTW, TNI armed separatist movement, counter
will not take over the role of the func- terrorism, overcoming radicalism,
tional government agency. In the overcoming communal conflicts, pro-

46 Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

viding assistance to civil government security peacefully is through the
in restoring public order, overcom- instrument of politics and economy
ing impact of natural disaster, refu- i.e. utilizing diplomacy and or eco-
gees handling, search and rescue, as nomic power or their combination.
well as implementing the tasks of The support of Defence for the
world peace. national security acts as the first
defensive shield. It can change to
MOOTW may create an impression offensive and oppressive function if
on the confusion or an overlap be- the shield fails. Therefore, Defence can
tween the role of TNI with other in- not be separated from a wider secu-
stitutions, especially on the author- rity issue.
ity of the Indonesian Police (Polri) in
the case of general security and pub- In the perspective of a spectrum
lic order. The confusion for some peo- of escalating threats, which may be
ple will not arise if People Consulta- against national security, the institu-
tive Assembly (MPR), Decree No. VI tional separation between the TNI
and VII of 2000 are comprehended. and Polri provides a reason to firmly
The role of the TNI as a defence force stipulate the authority and responsi-
is the use of armed force to overcome bility of the two institutions. For that
a threat, whereas the Polri is to es- purpose understanding and further
tablish security and public order ac- regulations are needed concerning
cording to the rule of law. Defence is the escalation and levels of threats
then defined in The Act No. 3 of 2002, that necessitates TNI's involvement
among others, to stipulate the task as part of TNI's legal authority. There
of TNI. The task of MOOTW that is is a need to form of cooperation be-
mandated is not meant to take over tween the TNI and Polri in overcom-
the task of other functional govern- ing escalating threats, especially a
ment agency, either the Polri or other point of contact of the authority and
elements of the government. Each responsibility. The approach to the
task of defence will be held firmly and review of the authority and respon-
is guided on the objective of defence sibility of both institutions must rest
i.e. establishing the sovereignty of the within the framework of the national
state, maintaining the intactness of interest, and not of any sectoral in-
the national region, and keeping the terests. Ambiguities of authority and
security and the respect of the inappropriateness of responsibilities
nation. will invite risks for the security of the
people and the country. The roles of
In the strategic context, defence is the TNI and Polri in that total secu-
one of many efforts to create national rity framework needs to be stipulated
security through military power. In based on the escalation level and
line with defence, to maintain national threat spectrum.

Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century 47

In the context above, the task of will become greater. In a Military
the TNI in MOOTW is described in the Emergency, the involvement of the
model on the next page. TNI is still of the MOOTW task. The
type of MOOTW that is carried out
The left extreme point shows an by the TNI reflects the type and im-
ideal condition in which there is rela- portance of the threats being en-
tively no threat, thus the presence of countered.
the TNI is not needed. In a condition
where the threat spectrum is in the In a War situation, the conflict that
form of criminal act, the full security occurs is between the two countries
management becomes the authority using armed force, supported by di-
of the Polri. The next step of escala- plomacy and economic power. In this
tion is in form of an unstable and case, the TNI no longer carries out
dangerous situation which can be its MOOTW task, but fully carries out
classified as a low intensity conflict the military task. The elements of
situation. Low intensity conflict is like civil government and Polri are still
an armed rebellion, spreading com- possible to implement their author-
munal conflict, on-going and large- ity and responsibility in regions that
scale disruption that hinders public need their services.
order, governmental function and
public service. Actual examples are The Use of Defence Forces
conflicts which occurred in Poso, Strategic policy for using defence
Maluku, Central force is di-
Kalimantan, rected to coun-
and West ter threats and
Kalimantan sev- disruptions to
eral years ago. national secu-
In this case, rity, whatever
tackling the their types
conflict cannot and forms. De-
be carried out fence force is
in a normal way not only used
or merely by a to counter a
functional government agency, it re- threat, but also helps the govern-
quires special resources. ment in national development and
international tasks. Threat analy-
If a threat keeps increasing to the sis and prediction show that Indo-
point of becoming a critical situation, nesia's strategic interest should pre-
the status of the region is shifting pare to prevent and overcome both
from Civil Order to Emergency traditional and non-traditional se-
Order; the involvement of the TNI curity threats.

48 Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

Illustration the Task of TNI WAR


Overcome Traditional Security Threats threat against the sovereignty and the
One of the main objectives of De- unity of the region, the Indonesian
fence is to defend Indonesia from a defence policy still refers to the prin-
traditional security threat, i.e. a ciple that Indonesian are people who
threat in the from another country's love peace, but they love freedom
military power that endangers the even more.
freedom, sovereignty, unity of the
NKRI region. Although the military Indonesia, will always try to settle
invasion and aggression of Indone- each type of dispute with other coun-
sia is unlikely, it is essential that In- try through peaceful settlement, and
donesia's defence system are kept in as far as possible avoid the use of
place and at good readiness levels. military power. War, as a form of case
This is meant to ensure the existence settlement, will surely create victims
of defence force capable of maintain- and suffering for the Indonesian peo-
ing the sovereignty and the intact- ple. As peace loving people, Indone-
ness of the the Republic of Indonesia sian prioritizes preventive action by
and its territory. In encountering a optimizing diplomatic effort through

Defending The Country Entering the 21s Century 49

the framework of Confidence Build-
ing Measure (CBM) and Preventative
Diplomacy. The use of military power
for the purpose of war must be car-
ried out as the last resort, if peaceful
ways cannot produce results.

To counter the threat of an exter-

nal military attack, defence force is
arranged in the order of the Main
Component, the Reserve Component,
and the Supporting Component i.e.
all national resources of Indonesian
people. The use of TNI which are the
Army, the Navy, and the Air Force as
well as other components of defence
for the purpose of war, is done
through government's political deci-
sion as regulated in the parliamen-
tary law, and adjusted with regard to
the objective and threat escalation non-traditional security disruption.
level that is encountered. The presence of terrorist acts, piracy,
smuggling, illegal immigrants, narcot-
Overcome Non-traditional Security ics and prohibited drugs trade are
Threats indications of non-traditional threats.
Besides countering traditional secu-
rity threats, Defence is also directed Increasing transnational criminal
to counter threats from non-tradi- acts cannot be allowed to develop.
tional security disruption that, for the Therefore the use of defence capabil-
last decade, have shown quite a high ity against transnational crimes is a
intensity. The political dynamics in a priority. Defence sector has deployed
number of countries and the widen- Army and Navy troops, supported by
ing gap in the economy world, have the Air Force, to secure border re-
made imbalance unavoidable. Sooner gions, either land border regions or
or later these force and imbalances sea border regions or other places
develop and creep over state borders with high vulnerability. In encoun-
and create actors who take advantage tering transnational crimes, TNI does
of vulnerable points in each country. not work by itself, but together with
As an archipelagic country, with eth- the relevant government departments
nic and religious variety, Indonesia is and institutions. To create an effort
very likely to be under threat from of national unity, the TNI always

50 Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

prioritize coordination and coopera- the rule and legal stipulation that
tion systems with all governmental apply nationally as well as interna-
functional institutions and related tionally. The policy guidelines are as
peoples components. Given the quan- follows:
tity of transnational crimes, regional # War against terrorism is an
security cooperation with other coun- urgent need and can be carried
tries is now of increasing importance. out to protect the sovereignty
of the Republic of Indonesia
The non-traditional threat that and the safety of other people
arises within the country from separa- who are in Indonesia as man-
tism will first be countered by dialog. dated in the Opening of The
Dialog is expected to be able to influ- 1945 Constitution.
i ence the actors to return and have faith « In trying to eradicate terrorism,
4 in Republic of Indonesia. If dialog does relevant laws are still consid-
1 not produce a positive response, then ered and human rights are not
the use of other, firmer methods is violated.
likely to be carried out for the sake of * The use of defence force, i.e.
maintaining national security, stabil- the TNI, in eradicating terror-
ity and keeping the establishment of ism, is not discriminative;
the Republic of Indonesia. meaning that whoever con-
ducts a terrorism act will be
• Countering Terrorism
Threats from terrorism need
urgent actions and the TNI is
directly concerned to have a
role and function in fighting
terrorism in accordance with
the Spectrum of Threats. In
fighting terrorism, TNI uses a
guideline of Article 7 of The Act
No. 3 of 2002 as a legal um-
brella. The other legal basis is
the Government Regulation
Substituting The Act No. 1 and No. 2 countered without judging his
of 2002 regarding the Eradication of ethnicity, religion or group.
the Terrorist Criminal Acts, which has In overcoming International,
been approved by the House of Repre- local or collaborative terror-
sentative (DPR) as a parliamentary law. ism, integrated and coordi-
nated efforts are required both
In countering terrorist threats, de- across government intitutions
fence sector action will be based on and countries.

Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century 51

In carrying out the policy above, preventative action, the security of
terrorism can be handled the Very Important Person(s), ob-
preemptively, preventively and re- jects and vital installations, pub-
pressively. A preventive effort is car- lic infrastructure, international in-
ried out through infiltration activity frastructure, and other important
or operations to destroy terrorists' facilities will be increased. Sup-
bases in the Indonesia's territory, in- porting activities, early detection
cluding operations to discover the and prevention such as surveil-
whole terrorist network. To support lance, identification and other
such objective, the preparation of technical support will be continu-
special anti-terrorist troops, who are ously equipped in stages.
fully equipped and trained, as well
as improved intelligence units, is im- A repressive effort is carried out
portant. through counter-terrorist military
operations to eliminate networks of
terrorism in
all regions of
Indonesia. The
military op-
eration might
i n c l u d e
amongst oth-
ers: com-
mando attack
on posts and
bases of ter-
rorists to
paralyze ter-
rorists, as well
as to free hos-
A preventive effort is meant to tages and other operational activi-
prevent the region and all people ties to eliminate terrorists com-
of Indonesia, including people of pletely. The implementation re-
other nationalities that are in In- quires through coordination across
donesia, from becoming victims of government and, if it is needed,
terrorist's savagery. To achieve across countries.
this, early detection and preven-
tion by the TNI, either at unit level A rehabilitation effort is needed to
or through the development of restore a place or a region that is af-
communications between units fected by the terrorist activities. The
and personnel are essential. In a rehabilitation implementation efforts

52 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

are carried out through coordination v Countering Armed Separatist Group
across government agencies in Threat in Aceh and Papua
accordance with their respective In the last decade there has been
functions. an increase in the armed separatist
actions carried out by the Free Aceh
To ensure prompt handling of ter- Movement (GAM) in Aceh and the
rorist incidents, it is important to Free Papua Organization (OPM) in
prepare special units which are ready Papua. These separatist groups have
to move at any time. even developed bases overseas to
obtain sympathy and support from
The terrorist threat can be do- other countries. Meanwhile, destruc-
mestic or transnational, thus its tive actions such as crimes and vio-
t handling needs cooperation with lence carried out by separatist groups
y other countries. In waging war on have significantly increased, espe-
.f terrorism, defence cooperation cially in Aceh. The criminal acts and
n must include intelligence and other violence have created public uneasi-
.f technical cooperations. Forms of ness and fear, as well as large num-
e cooperation will be further stipu- bers of refugees.
lated in the future. Having inter-
t national cooperation does not The threat from armed separatist
e mean that Indonesia depends on group is the domestic affair of Indo-
other countries, especially in mak- nesia, thus it will be resolved through
ing conclusions or decisions about methods of the Indonesian people
k an incident which occurs in Indo- and by considering human rights as
d nesia. In each case will be treated universal values that must be re-
independently by Indonesia; Indo- vered. The Act No. 3 of 2002 gives a
nesia always has an independent task to the TNI to overcome armed
attitude and does not wish to be separatist threats. So far the govern-
dictated by other countries. Assist- ment has made an effort to settle in
ance from other countries in the a peaceful manner through dialog. In
form of information will be re- order to settle conflicts in those two
ceived and assessed as necessary. regions, the government has made
However, the decision on the action efforts to improve the welfare of the
to be carried out is still the preroga- people in the regions by giving spe-
tive and right of the Government cial autonomy in the province of
of Indonesia. The principle and at- Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) and
titude of Indonesia in these matters Papua, as well as by improving de-
should be fully understood by the velopment in the those regions.
international community, so that it
does not obstruct good relations Aceh
and cooperation in the future. The restoration of security in Aceh

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 53

is a domestic matter for Indonesia, Papua
however a participatory role for The OPM separatist group in Papua
other party's in pursuit of everlast- has continuously conducted its activi-
ing peace is still appreciated. ties, by patterns of propaganda,
Thereby, the agreement to end hos- provocation, terror, robberies, and
tilities with GAM was signed on 9^ pressure on the public. The OPM ac-
December 2002 in Geneva, and has tions create uneasiness and fear
been accepted as a reference towards among the public. The OPM and its
steps for a further settlement. The sympathizers have increased their
settlement mechanism that has been activity by building an overseas net-
jointly agreed must be adhered to work to seek support from the inter-
by all parties. The Government of the national community. So far the inte-
Republic of Indonesia will respect gration of the region of the Republic
the agreement and continue with of Indonesia still gets strong support
further phases with a sincere wish from the international community
to make GAM to return to the Re- that views the problem of Papua as
public of Indonesia and build the an internal affair of the Indonesian
future of the brighter Aceh society people. However, it needs to be re-
in the frame of the unity of Indone- membered that changes in external
sia. The road towards an everlasting policies by these countries might al-
peace is still very long and it requires ter the balance against Indonesia.
efforts and mutual hard work be-
tween the Government of Indonesia Overcoming the OPM separatist
and GAM. The Government of Indo- group and maintaining the territory
nesia still hopes that the mutual wish as part of Indonesia is a task of TNI.
to realize peace in Aceh will be sup- This is implemented first by persua-
ported by all parties; including the sive approaches. This is meant to
Henry Dunant Center (HOC) or del- make OPM separatist parties return
egations from other countries that and unite with their brothers within
are grouped in the Joint Security the framework of the Republic of In-
Committee (JSC). donesia. However, if such efforts and
approaches do not bring a positive
If in the future, it turns out that response from the OPM, then the
the peace agreement effort cannot Government will consider using other
be well carried out, then the Gov- methods, which may be more effec-
ernment of the Republic of Indo- tive.
nesia, in time, compulsorily has to
take other steps in order to defend ' • Countering Radical Group's Disrup-
the sovereignty of the state, the in- tion and Threat
tactness of the national region, and Besides countering separatist
the safety of the people of Aceh. groups, Indonesia also counters

54 Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

the Don Muang air-
port, Bangkok, on
31st March 1981.

The use of the

power in the past
has subdued radi-
cal groups, which
did not develop.
However, the refor-
mation era tends to
provide an oppor-
tunity for greater
freedom, thus en-
threats and disruptions that are car- couraging new forms of radical move-
ried out by radical groups. Radical- ments, fighting for interests and as-
ism in Indonesia generally stems from pirations that are in contradiction
ideological and political matters. In with the national interest. Such cases
developing countries, including Indo- can be seen from mass demonstra-
nesia, there are several groups of tions that turn into anarchic move-
people who are not politically ma- ments, the destruction of several
tured. Ideology is often developed places of entertainment, provoca-
into a need for radical actions that tions that, in the end, create pro-
disrupt the national security and sta- longed communal conflict, bomb ex-
bility. Due to excessive fanaticism in plosions in various places such as in
standing up for their own ideologies the Kuta Beach, Bali, on 12th Octo-
and a lack of political maturity, the ber 2002.
actors and their followers are driven
to conduct radical actions that can In an effort to assist Polri in over-
threaten national stability. coming these threats, the TNI imple-
ments MOOTW when required. If the
Various radical actions have been threat spectrum increases to the level
experienced by Indonesia, in the form of a threat to national security, cre-
of violence and ideology-based rebel- ated by radical actions, the govern-
lions. Such actions are, among oth- ment needs to take more effective
ers, the rebellion of DI/TII (Darul Is- steps.
lam/Tentara Islam Indonesia), the re-
bellion of PKI (Indonesian Commu- The presence of militia creates
nist Party) in 1948 and 1965 and the uneasiness in the public, particularly,
hijack of a Garuda Woyla airplane in when they have military style equip-

DefendingThe Country Entering the 21st Century 55

ment and accessories and especially then into violent conflict. These con-
if they have sharp weapons or fire- flicts cause waves of refugees in large
arms. The use of armed force and numbers, deaths, material damage
military power to achieve national and great damage to the environment
security is the sole authority of the and infrastructure. The conflict has
TNI. The presence of the militia with lasted for a relatively long period of
attributes and accessories that look time, crippling the structures of lo-
like a military will disrupt the na- cal community and disrupting na-
tional order, especially security and tional stability.
maintenance of public order which
is the responsibility of Polri and the The government has made an ef-
TNI. In pursuit of broader security fort to overcome those conflicts by
interests, then a rule of law needs to uniting all capabilities of the Nations.
be promoted which prohibits public Although the efforts have subdued
organizations from having security the situation, however there still fur-
organizations or forming militias. ther needs before a complete solu-
tion is found. The involvement of the
• Overcoming Communal Conflicts TNI's force in overcoming these con-
The heterogeneity of the Indone- flicts is the implementation frame of
sian people that covers tribes, reli- the MOOTW tasks.
gions, races and groups (ethnic-reli-
gious or SARA) im-
plies a vulnerability
and the chance of
communal conflicts.
Experience proves
that SARA triggers
communal conflicts.
The events that oc-
curred in Central
Sulawesi (Poso),
Maluku, and
Kalimantan (Sampit,
Sambas and Sangau
Ledo) are the results
of provocations from certain parties • Overcoming Social Disturbance
that then developed into widespread Social disturbance is explained in
conflicts. A small dispute among this section as various public distur-
members of the community, initiated bances which then develop into an-
by a socio-economic case, developed archy and destruction, thus causing
into an ethnic-religious dispute and disruption of the government func-

56 Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

tion and community, and education, ion of effort to narrow the move-
health services and trades. Should the ment of the criminals.
TNI need to be involved in this area,
this will be carried out in accordance So far the TNI has made an effort
with the mechanism and applicable to overcome pirates and hijackers;
rules and can be categorized as as- however it has not been able to
sistance to the Civil Government or overcome the cases completely.
assistance to the Polri. These crimes are often
transnational, and involves the in-
\i • Countering Piracy and Hijacking at terest of other countries, which ne-
Sea cessitates cooperation among the
One tangible threat encoun- countries of this region and outside
tered by Indonesia is piracy and South East Asia. Considering the in-
hijacking at sea. In the past dec- terests of Indonesia, cooperations
ade there has been a significant with Singapore, Malaysia and Japan
increase in these crimes which dis- and other countries has been car-
rupts the security and the law in ried out and need to be continu-
the waters of Indonesia. The im- ously developed in the future.
pact is not only felt by Indonesia,
but by other countries using the v/- Overcoming Illegal Immigration
waters of Indonesia. Illegal immigrants have abused
Indonesia's strategic position, be-
Ensuring security and uphold- tween two continents and two
ing the law at sea is one of the oceans, by making Indonesia a tran-
main tasks of the TNI, in this case, sit region for the country of desti-
the Indonesian Navy. However, nation. The illegal activities are well
various functional government organized by an international net-
agencies also have authority in work, either in the originating coun-
security at sea, such as Polri, De- tries or in the countries of destina-
partment of the Seas and Fishery, tion. The waves of illegal immi-
Department of Justice and Human grants have risen sharply as several
Rights and other marine security countries in the Central Asia, Mid-
elements. TNI's cooperation with dle East and other countries in Af-
these institutions is very impor- rica are overwhelmed by conflicts.
tant in overcoming crimes such as Indonesia does not permit its region
piracy and hijacking at sea. In ad- and its citizens to be involved in il-
dition to the government institu- legal immigrant activities. There is
tions, the involvement of all lay- a need to overcome illegal immi-
ers of the society, in accordance grants by having cooperation and
with their own capabilities and understanding from the related gov-
functions, will also support a un- ernments of the countries. To wage

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 57

ment of cooperation between TNI and
related government agencies in the
maintenance of security at sea will
be increased.

• Overcoming Illegal Logging and

As in the case of illegal fishing, the
illegal clearing of forest and log smug-
war against illegal activities, TNI has gling through border regions is quite
increased its patrol intensity and widespread. The Indonesia's limited
observations. ability to conduct observation of land
and sea borders has increased the
• Overcoming Illegal Fishing and Sea opportunity for various smuggling
Pollution activities. This does not only involve
Illegal fishing in the waters of In- log and forest product smuggling, but
donesia by foreign fishermen has in- also smuggling of other goods such
creased significantly. Besides illegal as electronics, machines and even
fishing, sea pollution, as a result of light firearms, ammunition and ex-
waste disposal that occurs in the wa- plosives. These various criminal acts
ters of Indonesia, has caused damages are, directly or indirectly, a threat to
in marine ecosystem. This illegal ac- the security of Indonesia. The smug-
tivity is made possible by the expan- glers have a professional organization
siveness of the sea of Indonesia; as well as a network of transnational
meanwhile the TNI's equipment is contacts and it is possible they have
inadequate. a relationship with terrorist and sepa-
ratist groups.
To overcome this lawlessness at
sea, the capability of defence in this To cut a chain of the smuggling ac-
area must be increased. The tivities, the observation activities and
fulfillment of the TNI's requirements the security of the borders will be in-
for high-speed patrol boats, observa- creased and will gain the attention
tion technology using radios and sat-
ellites, will be carried out in stages.
The lack of the equipment recently
has caused illegal activities to in-
crease, such as poor licensing, poor
observation, and lack of regard for
the law, examination, and trial. To the
future, such weaknesses need to be
addressed. Therefore, the improve-

58 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

of defence sector. Henceforth, border ters difficulties and needs military as-
defence cooperation such as GBC and sistance, then they can make a re-
JBC with Malaysia, the Philippines quest to the regional military com-
and Papua New Guinea, including mander.
operational cooperation between el-
ements will be continuously in- In accordance with the Govern-
creased. ment Regulation No. 16 of 1960, in
the case that local government re-
Assisting Civil Government (Local Gov- quests military assistance, then the
ernment) local government lodges a request of
The civil government here is the assistance to the local military com-
government whose leader is elected mander. Henceforth, the local mili-
by the people, for example as Gover- tary commander will appoint an ele-
nor in his province, Regent in his re- ment of the TNI to provide assistance
gency and Mayor within his munici- in accordance with what is needed.
pality. In the case that the local military
commander feels reluctant, then he
Assisting the civil government in can lodge an objection to the Presi-
this context is to dent, in this case,
help the Gover- hierarchically
nor, the Regent through the Min-
and the Major in ister of Defence.
overcoming diffi-
culties that are The TNI's as-
encountered. sistance to the lo-
The assistance to cal government
the civil govern- can also be car-
ment is the obli- ried out on the
gation of the TNI to establish national basis of an assessment of the TNI's
stability to allow the progress of the regional elements that the presence
implementation of the national de- of a specific situation needs urgent
velopment. The assistance can be handling. For example, natural dis-
made in two ways, i.e. at the request aster, terrorism, disturbances, which,
of the local government (in this case, if not controlled will result in victims,
Governor, Regent, Major) to the lo- killings, violation of the human
cal military command or a coordi- rights, destruction and lootings.
nated TNI program.
The TNI's assistance to the civil
If the local government (Governor, government can be given in various
Regent and Major), in carrying out forms such as:
the governmental function, encoun- • Carrying out the task of police

Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century 59

assistance to maintain security and 1980, and it has continued to the
public order, such as overcoming se- present time. The Service of the TNI
curity disruption as a result of dis- is carried out in combination, or in-
turbance and commotion, terror, dividually by each element, among
communal conflicts, ethnic conflicts others: The "TNI Goes Into Villages"
and other conflicts that disrupt se- Operation as a combination, "Surya
curity and stability. Bhaskara Jaya" Operation by the
• Carrying out the task of humani- Navy, "Pelangi Nusantara" Operation
tarian assistance to overcome the by the Air force, "Bhakti Imbangan"
impact of the natural disaster that Operation that is carried out with the
causes victims in the population and Army, and service activities in a lim-
infrastructure damage in the vicin- ited scale in accordance with the situ-
ity of the natural disaster area. ation and need.
• Carrying out the task of humani-
tarian assistance to overcome an The TNI Service Operation does not
emergency condition such as a wave only involve the TNI, but it is a mu-
of refugees resulting from distur- tual activity with other government
bances and commotion, communal agencies. Since the planning stage, it
conflict, natural disaster or other rea-has involved Regional Government as
sons. well as related government agencies
• Carrying out the task of humani- in arranging their objectives, activi-
tarian assistance to overcome diffi- ties and implementation mechanism.
culties in the The forms of
means of activities that
transport, for are carried
example, on out include
religious holi- non-physical
days, strikes by as well as
transportation physical ac-
workers, or the tivities. The
handling of non-physical
problematic activity has
Indonesian the aim of
Workers . strengthen-
ing the values of nationalism.
The assistance to the civil govern- Whereas the physical activity the aim
ment has been carried out by the TNI of helping overcome difficulties en-
for a long time. The assistance is pro- countered by the public by provid-
grammed and is located in an activ- ing infrastructure, among others:
ity called "Bhakti TNI" or the Service « Helping to build and improve
of the TNI, which was commenced in public facilities, such as: roads,

60 Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

road widening).
• Schools numbering 762 schools
(new buildings and rehabilitation)
• Religious buildings numbering
4,493 (consisting of mosques,
churches and temples, either new
buildings or rehabilitation)
• Bridges: 5,301 (new bridges and
• Irrigation: 5,301 kms
bridges, educational and religious • Rice field making: 563 hectares
facilities, health supporting infra- • Means of drinking water such as
structure, irrigation, markets, houses wells/pump installation: 61,318
and others. • Public Health Center Buildings:
• Providing health service assist- 936 buildings (new buildings and
ance and medicine for the poor and rehabilitation)
f logistic assistance especially the Nine • Family containers and public toi-
Essential Materials. This activity is lets: 5,235
prioritized for isolated areas in all • Means of Bathing, Washing and
regions of Indonesia that are difficult Toileting: 10,927
to be reached by public transport.
• Assisting the government in im- The data provided above is part of
plementing the reforestation of for- the results of the TNI Service that is
ests that have been cleared. carried out in combination of all ele-
• Assisting the government pro- ments in the " TNI Goes Into Villages"
gram in the educational field, such Operation. In addition to those
as carrying out teaching for the illit- shown, there are other physical con-
erate people, so that they will be able structions, especially the physical
to read and write, in the interior re- construction that is resulted in the
gions. TNI Service activity in combination,
as well as those carried out independ-
The TNI Service Activity that has ently by each element.
been carried out since 1980 has cre-
ated a number of physical as well as From the evaluation results and
non-physical constructions. Up to the feedback from the regional gov-
2002, the physical development re- ernment and the public that have
sult that has been obtained through been given the service, they state that
the Service of the TNI, in a combina- the Service of the TNI is very posi-
tion, among others, is: tive and is proper to be continued.
• Roads, total length: 25,795 kms Thereby, the TNI Service activity and
(opening new roads, asphalting and other forms of assistance to the re-

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 61

gional government will still be car- that have a strategic value, either
ried out in accordance with the need. national or international. The vital
objects are vulnerable to sabotage, an
Territorial Development for Defence explosion, or other destructive ac-
Purpose tions. Based on that, securing vital
In the context of the implementa- objects is very important, thus it is
tion of Defence, territory includes the stressed separately in the Govern-
region of the country, population, ment Regulation Substituting The Act
sources of natural and man-made No. 1 of 2002 regarding the Eradica-
wealth, other means and infrastruc- tion of Terrorism Criminal Act that
ture ass well as the social condition of has been approved by the House of
the people. Territory is a container, Representative to become a law. With
means and condition of struggle for the presence of a non-traditional
the implementation of Defence func- threat such as terrorism and riots,
tion. The implementation of defence then steps for securing vital objects
depends very much on the prepared- are needed. So far the task has been
ness and the supporting effort of the carried out and if it is still relevant
territory. To reach the readiness and will be carried out by TNI.
the supporting effort, the territory
needs to be built and managed for the Defence Cooperation
interest of welfare as well as the in- International Cooperation in defence
terest of defence. In line with the En- field is an integral part of the Indone-
tire Defence System such as being sia's overseas policy as one of the
mentioned in The Act No. 3 of 2002, bridges to build mutual trust with other
then the TNI as the Main Component nations. The active involvement of In-
of Defence is required to comprehend donesia in ensuring stability and world
thoroughly and participate in devel- peace has been shown by sending peace
oping the territorial conditions that keeping troops to a number of coun-
supports the efforts of defence. tries in the world that are overwhelmed
by conflicts. The involvement of the TNI
The territorial organization of the in the United Nations missions started
TNI's is currently still relevant and is in 1957 by sending the Garuda Contin-
continuously perfected in accordance gent I (KONGA-I) to Egypt with 559
with the environmental development troops. From that time, the TNI has ac-
and the task demanded by Defence tively been involved in international
requirement. tasks under the flag of the United Na-
tions, by carrying out police observa-
Protect Vital Objects tion tasks, truce, demobilization and
Vital Objects that are meant here disarmament, security protection and
are places, means and infrastructure safety as well as humanitarian assist-
of production, or important buildings ance. For the period of 46 years carry-

62 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

ing out international tasks, the TNI has to be developed in the future.
sent 95 Garuda contingents and Mili- Through the forums, regional cases
tary Observers (or a total of 15,838 per- will be settled by emphasizing the
sonnel) to 18 countries in three conti- spirit of collectiveness, a balance of
nents, i.e. Asia, Europe and Africa. interest that is built based on the prin-
ciple of equal rights, mutual respect
Currently Indonesia is sending and non-intervention. Bilateral coop-
TNI's military personnel to eration in defence field is directed
strengthen the United Nations con- towards building a feeling of mutual
tingents in 5 countries, i.e. Georgia, trust and to resolve defence cases en-
Sierra Leone, Congo, Kuwait and countered together. Urgent security
Prevlaka. The involvement of the TNI cases, to be jointly handled, are to
troops in the future will continue, in overcome transnational crimes and
accordance with the request of the other border defence issues.
United Nations and the government's
political decision. The remote border regions are
often abused by certain parties as a
In an effort to take part in main- gate of illegal activities, such as
taining regional stability, defence co- piracy, hijacking, smuggling, illegal
operation will be prioritized on bilat- fishing, illegal logging, shifting bor-
der poles, and illegal border

The threats above often

occur in the vicinity of the
sea channel of the Indone-
sian archipelago and causes
shipping disruption in the
region. As a result, it is not
only felt by Indonesia, but
also by other countries that
taking advantage of the sea
eral cooperation with countries in channels of the Indonesian archi-
South East Asia, and countries in the pelago.
South West Pacific sub-regions. ASEAN
(Association of South East Asian Singapore
Nations) and the ARF (ASEAN Regional Defence cooperation between In-
Forum) defence cooperation forum donesia and Singapore has long taken
and the South West Pacific Dialog Fo- place through the formation of the
rum is a cooperative area among cooperation committee body of the
member countries that it is important two countries. Defence cooperation

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 63

with Singapore has developed with rity. The scope of the region that has
joint training between elements, such to be secured and natural conditions
as between the Army (SAFKAR- which are very tough, make it quite
INDOPURA), between the Navy (EA- difficult for security officials. Cur-
GLE-INDOPURA) and between Air rently elements of the TNI that are
force (ELANG-INDOPURA) being con- positioned in the border areas are
ducted on a routine basis. still in small task units. In the future,
the force and capability of the TNI
In addition to training, cooperation will be improved in stages in accord-
with Singapore is also carried out ance with the need and situation.
through an agreement on Military Integrated cooperation with elements
Training Area (MTA) which can be from related government agencies in
used by the two countries. To per- carrying out security in the border
fect the process and procedure of the areas is very important and will be
use of MTA of Rl-Singapore, in the increased.
future an evaluation of the agreement
is needed. So far cooperation in the border
region has taken place through a
In encountering transnational mechanism under the commitment of
crimes issues such as terrorism, the GBC and JIMC forum. It is expected
piracies and hijacks, cooperation with that this forum will remain an effec-
Singapore is important. Thereby, it tive place to resolve border cases.
needs to be improved in the years to
come. Defence cooperation in the form
of military training such as KEKAR
Cooperation in defence field with MALINDO, AMANMALINDO and
Malaysia was initiated through a se- DARSASA are very effective in im-
curity arrangement in 1972, which proving defence of the two countries.
later formed the Border Committee. Henceforth, the cooperation will also
The Border Committee is useful for be increased in an effort to overcome
handling defence issues in the bor- urgent defence matters such as ter-
der areas. Defence issues, among oth- rorism, piracy, hijackings at sea,
ers, are piracy, hijacking and smug- smuggling and other transnational
gling, illegal logging, border poles crimes.
shifting, and border crossing cases.
Elements of the TNI are positioned Indonesia enjoys long, strong, es-
in the border area, in cooperation tablished and good relations with the
with Malaysia, in an effort to resolve Philippines especially by the fact of
and overcome issues of border secu- Indonesia's involvement in sending

64 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

military personnel as international
observers on the Moro case.

Up to now there has not been an

agreement on the marine border of
the two countries. The cooperation
between the Republic of Indonesia
and the Philippines in the border is-
sue has been tied in through the JBC
forum, within an agenda that is rou- eration with Thailand is important
tinely carried out. In addition to JBC, and should be developed in a more
there is a JCBC (Joint Commission for operational form in future.
Bilateral Cooperation) forum that dis-
cusses cases that are connected with Other Members of ASEAN
issues of joint defence. Among oth- International cooperation in de-
ers, traditional border crossing, fence field with other members of
smuggling, piracies and hijackign in ASEAN is of no less importance. Co-
the maritime border and other cross- operation has so far taken place in
state crimes. a bilateral mechanism and in future
it is important to continue to cre-
In countering the terrorist issue ate defence stability in the South
and other transnational crimes, de- East Asia region through ASEAN
fence cooperation with the Philip- links.
pines is important should be devel-
oped in a more concrete form. Papua New Guinea (PNG)
PNG is a neighboring country in
Thailand the east with a long land border
Relations and defence coopera- with Indonesia. Bilateral relations
tion with Thailand are long, estab- with PNG have been quite good. The
lished and good. With Thailand, two countries have long agreed
there is a similarity of view, espe- land and maritime borders. De-
cially in responding to non-tradi- fence issue comes from 0PM (Free
tional defence issues in the South Papua Organization) a separatist
East Asia regions. So far Thailand group that is abusing the PNG re-
has significantly helped Indonesia gion. Frequently members of the
in overcoming transnational crimi- OPM enter PNG to avoid being pur-
nals who try to smuggle firearms sued by Indonesia's military force.
to assist the Free Aceh Movement. In addition, the inhabitants who
Specifically, in handing issues of in- live in the vicinity of the border-
ternational terrorism and other line often conduct traditional cross
transnational crimes, defence coop- border activities.

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 65

In handling these defence issues, tions with Timor Leste are compli-
cooperation between the two coun- cate by sentiment over the inde-
tries is needed. The place for the In- pendence of Timor Leste.
donesia and PNG cooperation is the
JBC (Joint Border Committee) which On the longer land borders prob-
is still considered quite effective. lems such as illegal trade and smug-
Various joint agenda are routinely gling arise, as well as criminal dis-
carried out to prevent and handle turbance and traditional border
cases that arise. There is a continu- crossing. Militia issues come to the
ing requirement for the JBC. surface and have the potential to dis-
rupt relations between the two coun-
Timor Leste tries. There are still a number of
In the middle of the Indonesia's Timor Leste refugees in the West
region of West Timor is situated Timor region who also significantly
the Oekusi enclave, which is a influence the settlement of defence
issues in the border area. The de-
ployment of the TNI in the border
region is expected to be able to main-
tain defence and to be a continuing

Bilateral discussion with Timor

Leste is being carried out to decide
the regional borders between the two

Australia is a neighboring
country bordering with Indonesia,
outside the South East Asia region.
Defence cooperation between In-
donesia and Australia is long
standing; however it has had ups
and downs as the result of the up-
and-down relations between the
unique and requires specific han- two countries. Defence coopera-
dling. The human and material tion between the two countries
traffic from Oekusi through Indo- was at its lowest point in 1999 in
nesian territory needs to be regu- connection with the position of
lated in such a way that it poses Australia in settling the Timor
little or no security threat. Rela- Leste case.

66 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

In cooperation in the defence field curement of military equipment was
with Australia, Indonesia still refers restricted to non-lethal weapons mili-
to the principles of CBM that empha- tary equipment.
size the spirit of collectiveness and
interest balance and is built accord- Outside the situation described
ing to equality of rights, mutual re- above, defence cooperation between
spect, and not involvement in respec- Indonesia and the United States is
tive internal affairs. taking place in a limited scale. The
cooperation, among others, is
Future cooperation with Australia through joint maritime operation
will be improved to overcome training. Bilateral relations in the
transnational crime issues such as defence field with the United States
terrorism and illegal immigrants, in- are important for both countries in
cluding the treatment of traditional overcoming global and regional de-
fishing issues. fence issues.

China Efforts to restore relations have

The normalization of diplomatic been made. In September 2001, a
relations between Indonesia and week after the 11th September 2001
China has brought progress in im- event, President Megawati visited the
proving cooperation in various fields, United States, In a Joint Statement
including the defence field. China can with President Bush it was agreed that
be an alternative source of procure- a security dialog should be carried
ment for TNI equipment. Defence out between the two Departments of
cooperation relation is currently at Defence. The first security dialog was
an early stage and it is important that carried out in Jakarta in April 2002
this is continued. and henceforth it will be carried out
United States
Defence Cooperation with the On 13th May 2002 the Minister
United States has taken place since of Defence of the Republic of In-
1950. Up to now the existing coop- donesia, H. Matori Abdul Djalil vis-
eration is through IMET (Interna- ited the United States, meeting
tional Military Education and Train- with Minister of Defence of the
ing) or E-IMET (Expanded IMET). And United States Donald Rumsfeld and
so is cooperation in the form of mili- several members of the Congress
tary training. and Senate. The visit was quite
positive and has yielded progress
In 1999 the United States imposed in several areas, among others, the
a defence cooperation restriction, re-opening of the IMET program as
where IMET was frozen and the pro- of 2003.

t Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century 67
United Kingdom of defence development cannot be
Defence cooperation with the separated. The two policies are part
United Kingdom is long established. of the same unit of policy within the
In the past the cooperation greatly strategic policy context of Defence.
involved a number of purchases of Therefore defence force development
primary equipment for TNI. Cur- must be planned and executed from
rently and in the years to come, de- the earliest stage and be focused, in-
fence cooperation will be based on tegrated, and continuous in one
strategic discussions on the defence policy that is in line with the policy
sector through information exchange of using the defence force.
and comparative study.
Study of the strategic context
Other (EU) European Union Countries reveals several real and potential
The cooperation relation in the threats to the state, and defence
defence field between Indonesia and force development is of key im-
member countries of EU Europe in- portance. The need is urgent
cludes education and purchase of when the present state of person-
military equipment by Indonesia. nel and equipment is considered.
Currently Indonesia is studying vari- Both quality and quantity have
ous possibilities to improve the de- deficiencies, whereas the task de-
fence field with several member mand for the future is getting
countries of Uni Europe. heavier and more complex. The
same applies to other defence
Russia components, i.e. Reserve and Sup-
Up to now there has not been a porting Components, in which the
concrete relationship in the defence preparation and management are
field, and no formal below expecta-
military links. Exist- tions.
ing cooperation is
limited to the pro- The policy formu-
curement of several lation of the defence
types of arms. It is force development is
hoped that coopera- carried out, by con-
tion will continue to sidering geographi-
improve and firmer cal situation, demog-
links develop. raphy, sources of
natural and man-made wealth, and
Development of Defence social condition including the state's
Forces finance capability. Then, other main
The strategic policy of using the consideration in the policy formula-
defence force and the strategic policy tion of the defence force develop-

68 Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

ment also includes the level of tech- number of personnel who retire, die
nological skills, especially in the arms or die on the battlefield or for other
system primary equipment field, real reasons. The quality of personnel is
and potential threats encountered by limited by the educational budget.
the state, as well as the strategic con-
text development that covers aspects The quality of the personnel is also
of ideology, politics, economy and affected by the low level of soldier's
socio-culture. welfare, even if it is measured by the
minimum need standard, on the av-
Defence force development is not erage it is still under the standard.
aimed at increas-
ing power, but at • Materials and
filling the gap be- Main Equipment
tween the real of the Arms Sys-
situation in ac- tem
cordance with The condition
the Organization of material readi-
and Equipment ness and the
Table (TOP) main equipment
and the List of of the arms sys-
Personnel and tem from both
Equipment Composition (DSPP). the quality side and quantity side
have not met the need in accordance
Current Defence Strengths with the TOP/DSPP. The existing
Main Component Alutsista and materials are generally
• Personnel very old. So far the TNI continues to
At the moment the force of the make efforts to maintain existing ma-
TNI's personnel is around 346,000 terial condition so that it can still be
soldiers or 0.15% of the population utilized, through good maintenance
of Indonesia numbering 220 million and repair. However, the service life
people. Of the number of the TNI, of several types of materials cannot
there are 265,000 soldiers of the possibly be extended, thus it causing
Army, 57,000 soldiers of the Navy deficiencies in the total force.
and around 24,000 soldiers of the Air
force. The total force of the TNI has • Software
not met the total need according to Defence reform has brought a
the TOP/DSPP. transformational consequence in
software. This is a result of the change
The recruitment process that is in the strategic context and the real-
held periodically so far has not been ity of the threats encountered, so the
able to fully cover the decline in the existing software generally must be

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 69

adjusted to the new situation devel- The supporting component in-
oping. With the legalization of The cludes all citizens, natural re-
Act No. 3 of 2002 concerning De- sources, man-made resources, na-
fence, substituting The Act No. 20 of tional means and infrastructure
1982 regarding Defence, substituting that, directly or indirectly, can in-
The Act No. 20 of 1982, then nearly crease the force and the capability
all software connected with defence of the Main and Reserve Compo-
needs to be revised. nents. This is the national force that
can be directed to support the En-
Reserve and Supporting Components tire Defence System. Currently the
The Reserve Components that Supporting Component is a poten-
have been formed are still a model tial force that needs further devel-
to be developed in the future and opment in accordance with the na-
are still in the area of the land ele- tional development plan.
ment force. The force is composed
in parties of the Reserve Army that Direction and Objectives of Defence
are located in 8 Military Region Force's Development
Commands with a total number of The Main Component of defence
900 people. Besides the Reserve force development is not directed to
Army, there are elements of univer- maximize force, but it is directed to
sity students and alumni of univer- produce the force and capability that
sity students who
have received mili-
tary basic training
that is arranged in
the university stu-
dents regiment or-
(Menwa) and
alumni of univer-
sity students regi-
ment organizations
(Menwa Alumni).
Up to the present
time, the number
of Menwa and Menwa Alumni can overcome threats and distur-
number 25,000 and 62,000 respec- bance that are real and urgent.
tively. In addition to that mentioned Whereas the objective is to fill the gap
above, in the Defence Reserves are in human resources capacity, as well
members of the Veterans Associa- as the main arms systems, and to fur-
tion number 30,000. nish the software and supporting fa-

70 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century


cilities, the vacuum will take an esti- nel and professionalism in order to
mated one to two years to fill. Not to shrink the TOP/DSSPP gap.
mention if it is confronted with the • The buildup and maintenance
ratio of the personnel separation, and of educational, health facilities and
the high rate of material decrepitude. other supporting means.
Thus, defence force development is
not aimed at adding new force, but The direction of the Reserve and
rather at rectifying deficiencies. If Supporting Components develop-
there is a new addition, it is only in ment will be focused on the national
certain sectors that have very high development planning mechanism in
urgency, as a result of threat devel- accordance with the function of each
opment and urgent strategic need. government institution and the
state's finance capability. The exist-
Being faced with a limited budget ing Reserve Component is in the form
as well as the estimate that a foreign of an embryo of land element, the
invasion is relatively small, defence objective of the future development
force development is not prioritized will be extended and it will cover el-
to counter external threats. It is fo- ements of the sea and air.
cused on the requirements brought
about by internal and inter-state Defence Force Development and Ar-
crime. As a result of lack of resources rangement
it is considered that TNI has the ca- Development and arrangement of
pability only to carry out tasks to Defence force is directed to gain ef-
counter very urgent threats. The fectiveness and flexibility for TNI as
TNI's minimum force development the Defence Main Component. The
needed include: development and deployment is car-
• Perfection of the system, espe- ried out in accordance with the basic
cially in the software field, to carry characteristic of each element in im-
out a transformation in accordance plementing its role and duty, either
with TNI's reformation commitment combat or non-combat duty. Defence
and ability to meet challenges and force development and deployment
threats. are organized according to the real-
• Maintaining primary equipment ity of the challenge and threat en-
of the main arms system (alutsista) countered, based on the state's geo-
of the TNI in order to improve serv- politics and geostrategy, and after
iceability, sustaining or adding to considering national supporting
service life span. efforts.
• The replacement of the alutsista
and other equipment, that has dete- Main Component
riorated and is useless. The defence main component
• The development and person- force development and deployment,

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 71

r *'-
the TNI, is directed to respond to of providing accurate intelligence
the need to fill the gap by information to support the defence
prioritizing the quality organiza- performance task of the state. The
tion, i.e. professional capability; and organization of the intelligence or-
the quantity organization in stages. ganization is an urgent task, con-
The need to build capable soldiers sidering the quick transformation
is an urgent need so that the TNI of the strategic context and the
truly functions as the a professional rapidly increasing need for infor-
tool. Efforts to fill the quantity gap mation. This reorganization covers
will be carried out in stages and the organization, structure, per-
continued to meet the need in ac- sonnel, software and means and in-
cordance with the TOP/DSPP, both frastructure, as well as the budget
in personnel and material. Capabil- requirement.
ity development is focused on four
In the structure of
intelligence, the de-
fence intelligence or-
ganization is directed
to the re-arrange-
ment of the strategic
intelligence organiza-
tion and the intelli-
gence elements. The
arrangement is car-
ried out so that it can
accommodate each
applicable change
capabilities of the TNI that are con- without disrupting the overall work-
nected. Intelligence capability, ing system. In the future, the defence
combat capability to defend the intelligence organization will be pre-
country, the capability to carry out pared to support efforts to defend the
the MOOTW as well as supporting state against actual and urgent
capability. threats in accordance with the esti-
• Intelligence Capability Improve-
ment In the personnel field, the aim is
Improvement of defence intel- to improve the quality of the intelli-
ligence capability is carried out gence personnel including the mas-
through the reorganization of the tery of knowledge and technology,
intelligence organization so that it and raise the quantity to the required
will be more effective and capable level. In the software area, it requires

72 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

legal sets, stipulations and regulations The TNI's force development is not
as well as the need to support the task specially directed at the TNI's capa-
implementation. In the means and in- bility to implement the MOOTW. The
frastructure field, it is directed to TNI's Combat Capability is used to
fulfill the need for the Sensory Per- countering each form of threat. In
ception and Detection System, and the specific tasks, the TNI is trained and
capability improvement of the Com- prepared selectively. The capabilities
mand, Control, Communication, Com- are:
puter, Intelligence, Surveillance and » The capability of enforc e law
Reconnaissance (C4ISR). and security at sea, in the air
and in border regions to pre-
• Combat Capability Improvement vent and overcome each form
Combat capability improvement is of inter-state crime, threats to
required to defend Indo-
nesia from any threat,
either external or inter-
nal. To be able to create
this capability, support
unit or joint level train-
ing, either in the element
level or joint element, is
essential. The objective
of the combat capability
improvement covers:

» Capability im-
provement to prevent and vital objects, and various other
protect, to obstruct and de- forms of threats. To support
stroy each threat. the capability above, the im-
» Capability improvement provement of the force is fo-
against a strategic sea and air cused on the equipment such
attack and being enable to as high-speed patrol boats and
overcome external threats. means of detection, either on
* Capability improvement land, at sea or in the air and
against a strategic land attack. will be carried out in stages.
* Capability improvement of The implementation is regu-
regional defence to counter lated according to the stipula-
continuing resistance. tion of national and interna-
tional law as well as interna-
• Capability Improvement to Carry tional customs.
out the MOOTW » The capability to counter ter-

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 73

rorist threat, either domestic or and to overcome the impact
international in nature. To sup- that has been created.
port this requirement, the ca- » The capability to carry out
pability of the existing anti ter- tasks of world peace at the re-
rorist units will be improved, gional and the international
both personnel and their level.
equipment. » The capability to carry out
The capability to prevent and other tasks in the framework of
overcome threats from armed the MOOTW.
separatists in order to ensure
the integrity of the Republic of • Support Capability Improvement
Indonesia Support capability improve-
The capability to overcome ment is directed to maintain the
brutal and anarchic actions, continuity of defence capability,
due to riots or unrest; and to either in a peaceful situation or in

carry out other duties to assist an emergency situation. It is car-

the tasks of the police. ried out by arranging a rational
The capability to reduce the budget, in order to obtain ap-
impact of natural disasters, proval from the House of Repre-
Search And Rescue (SAR). sentative (DPR) so that defence gets
The capability to prevent and sufficient budget support. The sup-
resolve communal conflicts port capability improvement is di-

74 Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century

reeled towards: expand and strengthen the main
» Development of the integrated force component. The preparation of
surveillance and early-warning the Reserves Component in each Re-
system to detect transnational gional Command is carried out to
crimes and illegal activities in ensure the availability of additional
the border regions, on the land sub-support for the Main Component.
and at sea, as well as in other Its implementation is carried out by
vulnerable areas. the Department of Defence and the
» Development of base logistic
support and, in stages, prepa-
ration for regional logistic ca-
pability, in the interest of de-
fence implementation inde-
pendently and continuously.
» Development of C4ISR to meet
the need for data and informa-
tion for defence implementa-
» Development of educational TNI in coordination with the Regional
and training institutions in Government and related governmen-
each force element to form and tal functional institutions. It is ad-
develop qualified soldiers. justed to the need and the availabil-
» Software organization to ad- ity of the support of the defence
just to the needs and devel- budget. Urgent requirements in
opment as they occur. Arrang- building up the Reserve Component
ing and completing legal in- include:
struments such as laws, per- » The arrangement of legal pow-
manent regulations, perma- ers and laws regarding the Re-
nent procedure, operational serve Component for the
procedures and involving smoothness of defence imple-
regulations. mentation.
• Support improvement of the * Forming the Reserve Compo-
soldiers' welfare, such as health nent and maintaining what is
services, housing, and salaries available in each Regional
in accordance with the coun- Command.
try's capability.
Its implementation is to be car-
Reserve Component ried out at the earliest stage and is
Reserve Component is a national to continue in each region in ac-
resource that has been prepared cordance with the state's finance
through a mobilization in order to budget.

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 75

Supporting Component pendence of the Indonesian
The Supporting Component com- people. To achieve independ-
prises the national resources that can ence in the equipment field for
be utilized to improve the force and defence, the Department of De-
capability of the Main Component fence plays a part in boosting
and Reserves Component. Supporting the growth of the domestic de-
Component preparation is intended fence industry. This is done at
to ensure the readiness of the na- the earliest opportunity and in
tional supporting force, for defence. coordination with regional gov-
ernment and in accordance
The Supporting Component is pre- with available financial sup-
pared by the government through: port.
« The national development in
the human resources field is di- Technology and Defence Industry
rected to develop and maintain The cooperation of the Depart-
the awareness of all citizens of ment of Defence and the TNI with
their rights and obligations in other institutions is an important
defending the state as man- part of the Defence Strategic Policy.
dated by the 1945 Constitu- In accordance with The Act No. 3 of
tion. This is achieved through 2002, cooperation is carried out in
the education of the citizen- the framework of the technological
ship, military basic training education and defence industry that
that must be carried out are needed by the TNI and other de-
through educational institu- fence components. This cooperation
tions of the government or pri- has a strategic value as it can propel
vate agency, service as volun- the speed towards the national inde-
tary or conscript TNI soldiers, pendence in the defence technology,
and service in the profession. including providing space for other
« The national development in sectors to be involved in the imple-
the natural resources manage- mentation of defence.
ment area is carried out as a
basis for the development of Through cooperation, the Depart-
environmental and continuous ment of Defence and the TNI will try
insight. Besides being focused to participate in propelling national
on the welfare and security, it industry development in order to be
is also for ensuring the conti- able to produce its main products and
nuity and preservation of the to develop a capability to produce
living environment. equipment required for defence.
* The national development in
the man-made resources field One of the forms of cooperation
is directed to build the inde- that is carried out is to synergize stra-

76 Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

tegic industry development through system.
a partnership model of three actors • Empowering the national indus-
in Science and Technology, i.e. Indus- try in an effort to create independ-
try, Tertiary Education and Defence ence, and to shrink dependence on
Institutions. The target developed other countries in the defence field.
through the cooperation is: • Cooperation to fulfill the need
• Cooperation in the fields of aero- for other defence equipment.
space, shipping, civil technique, • Cooperation in the function of
heavy industry, automotive, electron- the Research and Development to be
ics, informatics, and other national developed in order to yield studies
industry. on concept of defence that is con-

• Carrying out improvement in the nected with the technology, manage-

quality of the human resources in the ment or human resources.
fields of design and engineering, com-
prising of expertise and development In the framework of managing na-
capability and the construction of tional resources for the interest of de-
military cargo airplanes, special mis- fence, cooperation with departments
sion airplanes, high-speed patrol and other government agencies is im-
boats, combat ships, military combat portant. The cooperation is needed in
vehicles, arms system, communica- organizing and implementing the stra-
tion network system, command and tegic plan in accordance with respec-
control center, as well as information tive function and authority.

Defending The Country Entering the 21st Century 77

Budget Support


Chapter Six
Budget Support
Current Defence Budget the country's economy has not yet
Support fully recovered. Nominally there is
Orientation of national develop- an increase, but due to deprecia-
ment still focuses on the economy. tion of the rupiah, especially
Meanwhile, development in the against the US dollar, and the high
field of defence receives less atten- inflation rate, the real value of the
tion as indicated by the small de- defence budget decreases, which
fence budget. This situation was in limits the scope for the develop-
effect since previous administra- ment of defence capability.
tion will now.
Defence allocations show that
So far, decision of the amount of Routine Budget (Salary, Goods ex-
defence budget is mainly based on the penditures, Maintenance expendi-
capability of state finances and the tures, and Business travel) is larger
priority of development. If carefully than the Development Budget (Sys-
examined, at present defence has a tem Development, Personnel Devel-
heavy load and responsibility, espe- opment, Facilities Development, and
cially with the increase in the poten- Material Development). This data
tial threat based on geographic fac- depicts that defence budget is used
tors, national jurisdiction area, more to fund routine activities
progress of strategic context, and rather than to fund the advancement
standard needs of defence capability. of the defence force and capability.
The low development budget makes
For the last ten years, Indonesia's it difficult to arrange a comprehen-
defence budget has averaged less sive program designed to improve
than 1% of GDP. By comparison, the the professional ability of the TNI in
defence budgets in other countries, an integrated manner.
especially in the South East Asian re-
gion, are more than 1% of their re- Taking budgetary limitations
spective GDP. Several countries even into account, budget priority will be
allocate 3% to 5% of their GDP for directed to finance development
defence. programs in order to reach 'A mini-
mum essential force'. This minimum
The limitations on Indonesia's force is prepared to meet urgent
defence budget are still felt because tasks.

Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century 81

(in billion Rupiah)
Budget Year Average/
NO Description
1999/2000 2000 2001 2002 Year

Development 1.756,76 1.945,31 2.520,85 2.880,11 2.275,76

II Routine budget 8.307,43 6.594,42 9.150,97 9.874,83 8.481,91

Amount 10.064,19 8.399,73 11.671,82 12.754,94 10.722,67

III GDP 1.134.600,00 988.300,00 1.476.200,00 1.685.400,00 1.321.125,00

IV APBN 231.900,00 221.000,00 354.500,00 344.008,80 287.852,20

%GDP 0,89 0,85 0,60 0,76 0,78

% APBN 4,34 3,80 3,29 3,71 3,79

Tabel of comparison of Defence Budget against the GDP and the State Budget in 1999 - 2002 budget year.

Future Projections tional development. National devel-

The National situation will in fu- opment will not run well if not sup-
ture be affected by the dynamics of ported by stability and national se-
fast and disorderly change in circum curity.
stances. In the economic field, pros-
pects for national economic growth In the past, even though defence
are limited for several years to come. budget was small, stability and na-
As a result Indonesia's ability to use tional security was relatively well
economic capacity for developing maintained. This is understandable
defence forces is very limited. This due to the political order which
will make it difficult for the govern- greatly differs from the present con-
ment to meet urgent security threats dition. Therefore, at present and in
and disturbances. This difficulty will the future, a more rational increase
be overcome if there is a political of defence budget, in the more demo-
agreement to increase allocation of cratic political order is very much
defence budget. needed.

Determining the allocation of Projections of the defence budget

funds for defence should not be for the next two to three years are
based simply on the national eco- expected to reach around 2% of GDP,
nomic situation, but also on the need and increase gradually in the next
for defence capability. Fulfillment of five years. In ten to fifteen years a
this will improve defence capability rational defence budget is projected
which will guarantee the ease of na- to be 3.86% of the GDP.

82 Defending The Country Entering the 21 Century

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