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Name____________________ Global Studies 3 Interim Assessment #2

Date________________ Mr. Blum

Part 1 Multiple C oi!e " Please fill in your scantron carefully using a number #2 pencil. Carefully read each question. Using test-taking strategies discussed in class and choose the best possible answer for each question. You may write on the test paper. owe!er" only answers place on the scantron will be graded. #$$% &UC'" ()'* Y$U+ (,-* ).% +*/,*0 Y$U+ 0$+' ).% ).10*+1. 23 *nlightenment thinkers encouraged the impro!ement of society through the )3 43 C3 %3 teachings of the church use of reason de!elopment of absolutism establishment of a rigid social hierarchy

23 0hich statement about the 1cientific +e!olution in *urope is accurate5 )3 43 C3 %3 (he e6istence of natural laws were re7ected 1cientists questioned traditional beliefs about the uni!erse (he 4ible was used to 7ustify new scientific findings .ew ideas supported the geocentric 8earth center3 theory of Ptolemy

93 $ne way in which Peter the #reat and &ouis :,/ are similar is that each was )3 43 C3 %3 an important religious reformer a supporter of laisse;-faire practices a leader of independent mo!ements an absolute monarch

<3 (he theory of 7ustifying a monarch=s rule by #od=s authority is called )3 43 C3 %3 %i!ine +ight Predestination (otalitarianism &aisse; faire

>3 0hich factors protected +ussia from control by .apoleon=s army5 )3 43 C3 %3 religious and cultural similarities industriali;ation and moderni;ation geographic si;e and location political and economic stability

?3 (he heliocentric model" the de!elopment of inducti!e reasoning" and the work of

%escartes and #alileo are al associated with which re!olution5 )3 43 C3 %3 1cientific @rench #reen )gricultural

A3 $ne of the main goals of the Congress of /ienna 82B2<-2B2>3 was to )3 43 C3 %3 establish a balance of power in *urope create a *uropean court of Custice rebuild the @rench economy promote the ideas of the @rench +e!olution

B3 (he *nglish 4ill of +ights and the political philosophy of Cohn &ocke both support the idea of a )3 43 C3 %3 coalition go!ernment fascist dictatorship -ar6ist dictatorship #o!ernment by the people

D3 +ead the following statementsE F)ngry -ob %estroys 4astilleG F+obespierre=s *6ecution *nds +eign of (errorG F.apoleon 1ei;es PowerG 0hich country=s re!olution is referred to by these headlines5 )3 43 C3 %3 1pain )ustria @rance +ussia

2H3 0hich pair of ideas were central to the 1cientific +e!olution5 )3 43 C3 %3 1ocial stability and economic self-sufficiency $bser!ation and e6perimentation (echnology and military e6pansion 1carcity and interdependence

223 3 Cean-Cacques +ousseau and Cohn &ocke both agreed that a go!ernment should be based on

)3 43 C3 %3

the separation of nationalities the religious !alues of the people the equal distribution of wealth people choosing their leaders

223 (he social class system in &atin )merica during the 2?th and 2Ath centuries reflects the )3 43 C3 %3 dominance of 1panish-born nobility emerging equality between classes influence of mesti;o economic power increasing social mobility of .ati!e )mericans ,ndians

293 Under the $ld +egime and 'ing &ouis :/, of @rance" the burden of ta6ation fell mostly on the )3 43 C3 %3 monarchy clergy nobles commoners and peasants

2<3 $ne way in which (oussaint &=$u!erture" 1imon 4oli!ar" and Cose de 1an -artin are similar is that they )3 43 C3 %3 supported +econquista led independent mo!ements fought for .ati!e )mericans suffrage defended the encomienda system

2>3 (he *nlightenment and @rench and )merican re!olutions were both ma7or influences on 2Dth century uprising in )3 43 C3 %3 &atin )merica (he -iddle *ast Capan /ietnam

2?3 (he breakdown of traditions" increased le!els of pollution" and the e6pansion of slums are negati!e aspects of

)3 militarism 43 pogroms C3 collecti!i;ation %3 urbani;ation 2A3 (ransportation in the 2BHHs was re!olutioni;ed by the de!elopment of the )3 cara!el 43 airplane C3 astrolabe %3 steam engine 2B3 0hich statement represents a central idea of laisse;-faire economics5 )3 Class struggles are based on inequities. 43 0orkers should form unions to better their conditions. C3 Prices are best determined by supply and demand. %3 (he go!ernment should own all means of production. 2D3 0hich pair of natural resources were used to change transportation and manufacturing in #reat 4ritain during the ,ndustrial +e!olution5 )3 gold and salt 43 diamonds and petroleum C3 copper and tin %3 coal and iron ore 4ase your answers to questions 2H and 22 on the speakers= statements below and on your knowledge of social studies. 1peaker )E ,f the rate of population growth continues to e6ceed the growth in the food supply" there will not be enough food for all of the people. 1peaker 4E (here are people who are wealthy and people who are poor. (his is 7ust how things are. 1peaker CE istory is the story of class struggle. *!entually" the working class will rise up and re!olt against the wealthy. 1peaker %E (he go!ernment should do what is best for most of its people.

2H3 0hich speaker best represents the !iews of 'arl -ar65 )3 )

43 4 C3 C %3 % 223 (o which situation are these speakers most likely reacting5 )3 growth of Iionism 43 rise of industriali;ation C3 di!ision of )frica %3 formation of military alliances 223 0hat was a result of the ,ndustrial +e!olution in *urope5 )3 the growth of the middle class 43 an increase in nomadic herding C3 a decline in urban population %3 a decrease in international trade 293 0hich written work critici;ed the capitalist system during the ,ndustrial +e!olution5 )3 Communist -anifesto by 'arl -ar6 and @riedrich *ngels 43 F0hite -an=s 4urdenG by +udyard 'ipling C3 (he 0ealth of .ations by )dam 1mith %3 (he $rigin of 1pecies by Charles %arwin 2<3 ,n *urope" 7oint stock companies" shareholders" entrepreneurs" and the bourgeoisie contributed to the )3 rise of capitalism 43 de!elopment of feudalism C3 decline of communism %3 increase in power of the guilds 2>3 %uring the 2BHHs" reform in labor laws passed in #reat 4ritain led to )3 greater equality for men" and establishment of a banking system 43 legali;ing trade unions" setting minimum wages" and limiting child labor C3 go!ernment-owned factories" establishment of fi!e-year plans" and limits placed on immigration %3 bans on o!erseas trade" mandatory military ser!ice" and uni!ersal suffrage for women

2?3 (he slogan F4lood and ,ronG and a united #ermany are most closely associated with )3 Prince -etternich

43 1imon 4oli!ar C3 Camillo Ca!our %3 $tto /on 4ismarck 2A3 (he unification of #ermany under $tto /an 4ismarck demonstrates the )3 influence of -ar6ism 43 impact of nationalism C3 force of ci!il disobedience %3 power of democratic ideals 2B3 $ne political ob7ecti!e of both $tto /an 4ismarck and #iuseppe #aribaldi was to )3 o!erthrow di!ine right monarchs 43 unify their nations C3 establish communist systems %3 form an alliance with #reat 4ritain 2D3 J &ocation K included lands surrounding the eastern -editerranean 1ea People K (urks" )rabs" #reeks" -uslims" Christians and Cews .ickname during the 2Dth and 2Hth centuries F1ick -an of *uropeG

0hich empire is described by these characteristics5 )3 )ustrian 43 -ongol C3 $ttoman %3 +oman 9H3 0hat is meant by -achia!elli=s belief that the Fend 7ustifies the meansG5 )3 &eaders may use any method to achie!e what is best for the state 43 Pleasing all of the people at any gi!en time is possible C3 &eaders must always act for the common good %3 (he general public always acts in its own best interest. 923 0hich document limited the power of the *nglish monarchy during the -iddle )ges5 )3 -agna Carta 43 (wel!e (ables C3 +ig /eda %3 Custinian Code 923 (he industrial re!olution contributed to imperialism because )3 *uropean nations needed natural resources and new markets to sell their goods

43 ,ndustrialism created many protectorates around the world C3 ,ndustriali;ed countries wanted to build factories in )sia and )frica %3 .on-0estern nations needed natural resources from *urope 993 (he 1ue; Canal )3 made tra!eling and trading with )sia shorter 43 made tra!eling and trading with )sia longer C3 was controlled by 1pain %3 made no difference in tra!el time to )sia 9<3 ,n what way did ,ndia=s di!ersity help the 4ritish take control of ,ndia5 )3 ,ndia" with many cultures and religions" could not unite to resist the 4ritish 43 ,ndians were busy fighting regional wars C3 1ome cultural groups in ,ndia supported 4ritain %3 4ecause of language differences" the -ughal rulers could not e6ercise authority 9>3 *uropean meeting" in which *uropean nations came together to discuss imperialism in )frica was called the )3 Paris Conference 43 (reaty of /ersailles C3 4erlin Conference %3 Peace of *urope 9?3 $ne reason for Capan=s rapid industriali;ation during the -ei7i +estoration was that Capan had )3 re7ected 0estern ideas 43 used its access to the sea for fishing C3 relied on traditional isolationist policies %3 modeled themsel!es after 0estern imperialists 9A3 %uring the 2Dth century" *uropean nations established spheres of influence in China mainly to )3 profit from the i!ory trade 43 introduce ,slam to the Chinese people C3 gain trading ad!antages in China %3 obtain human rights for Chinese citi;ens 9B3 0hat was a direct result of the $pium 0ar in 2Dth century China5 )3 Capan gained control of ong 'ong

43 'ublai 'han rose to power in China C3 Chinese ports were opened for trade with *uropean powers %3 Ciang Cieshi fled to (aiwan 9D3 ) result of Commodore Perry=s e6pedition to Capan was )3 increased the economic isolation of Capan 43 promoted democratic go!ernments in )sia C3 established *uropean colonies in China and Capan %3 increased 0estern trade and influence in Capan <H3 (he moderni;ation of Capan during the -ei7i restoration resulted in )3 a return to feudal system of go!ernment 43 the rise of Capan as an imperialist nation C3 an alliance between China" 'orea" +ussia" and Capan %3 a strengthening of Capan=s isolationist policies

Part 2 " #$tra Credit Your answers to the following #lobal 2 L 2 questions can help you earn additional credit. (here is no penalty for the wrong answer to these multiple-choice questions. <23 What was one goal of mercantilism? )3 remo!al of trade barriers 43 elimination of pri!ate property C3 establishment of subsistence agriculture %3 creation of a fa!orable balance of trade <23 . M Classical #reco-+oman ideas were re!i!ed. M 0ealthy patrons supported the arts and education. M umanism spread throughout western *urope. 0hich period in *uropean history is most closely associated with these statements5 )3 *arly -iddle )ges 43 +enaissance C3 ,ndustrial +e!olution %3 ellenistic Period <93 ) study of the fall of the +oman *mpire 8<A?3 and of the collapse of the 1o!iet Union 82DD23 shows that powerful empires can

)3 lose strength when mercenaries enforce reforms 43 be threatened only when directly attacked by outsiders C3 conquer more than one continent and remain stable %3 be weakened by both internal and e6ternal pressures

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Part 9 - ( *-)(,C *11)Y NU*1(,$.

(hemeE Conflict

,n de!eloping your answer to Part ,," be sure to keep these general definitions in mindE 8a3 des!ribe means Fto illustrate something in words or tell about itG 8b3 dis!uss means Fto make obser!ations about something using facts" reasoning" and argumentO to present in some detailG %+#MA%IC #SSA, -.#S%I/N Dire!tions0 0rite a well-organi;ed essay that includes an introduction" se!eral paragraphs addressing the task below" and a conclusion. % eme0 Con'li!t Conflicts between groups of people and P or countries ha!e threatened peace in many nations and regions %as10 J ,dentify one conflict that has threatened peace in a nation or region and 23 %iscuss at least t2o ma7or causes of that conflict 23 ,dentify t2o opposing groups in!ol!ed in the conflict and discuss at least one !iew point of each group 93 %iscuss the ma7or people" e!ents" turning points" or key e!ents in the conflict <3 %iscuss the e6tent to which the conflict 2as or 2as not resol!ed J You may use any ma7or conflict from your study of global history. 1ome suggestions you might wish to consider include the Crusades" the @rench +e!olution" .ationalism and unification in #ermany" (he Crimean 0ar" (he $pium 0ar" (he 1epoy +ebellion" 0orld 0ar , and the +ussian +e!olution J ,ou are not limited to t ese su&&estions. Do not use !on'li!ts t at o!!urred in t e .nited States in 3our ans2er. Guidelines0 In 3our essa34 be sure to M %e!elop all aspects of the task M 1upport the theme with rele!ant facts" e6amples" and detail M Use a logical and clear plan of organi;ation" including an introduction and a conclusion that are beyond a restatement of the theme.

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