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Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE CITY PROSECUTOR Manila

GIL Y. GARCIA & RAYMUNDO M. MELEGRITO, Complainants, -versusI.S. No. XV-07-INV- !"-0#$%% "or& 'ibel ()P *eresa +elin,a -. *an-Sollano


/01 ELIZABETH H. ARENAS an, CELSO M. NIERRA1 both of le2al a2es1 marrie,1 "ilipino citi3ens an, 4ith postal a,,resses at )olle2e of 0,ucation1 5ni6ersit7 of Santo *omas1 0spana1 Manila an, 5ni6ersit7 of Santo *omas1 0spana1 Manila1 respecti6el71 ,o hereb7 ,epose un,er the la4 an, state1 that&

(. /e are one of the respon,ents in the abo6e-captione, case8 +. /e 6ehementl7 ,en7 the material a6erments state, in the )omplaint-(ffi,a6it ,ate, 9 June !0 ! as the same are un4arrante, conclusions of facts an, pure machinations inten,e, to harass us8

Pa2e ! of #

). *he truth of the matter is hereun,er set forth1 to 4it&

/e are facult7 members of the 5ni6ersit7 of Santo *omas an, also officers of the 5ni6ersit7 of Santo *omas "acult7 5nion :5S*"5 for bre6it7; electe, as Director an, Ser2eant-at-(rms1 respecti6el78


In !00%1 ,ue to the un,isclose, Php%.< million ,isbursement of 5S*"5 "un,s in 4hich Mr. -amilla an, complainant -arcia 4ere in6ol6e,1 4e1 to2ether 4ith se6en :7; other 5S*"5 officers an, ,irectors1 ,eci,e, to ,isassociate from the lea,ership of Mr. -amilla an, complainant -arcia. "rom then on1 -amilla "action an, complainant -arcia1 ,espite their earnest effort1 4ere not able to summon support from us8


=n !

Januar7 !0 01 +oar, Resolution !0 0-00

4as issue, b7 the

5S*"5 +oar, of =fficers an, Directors upon the call for assistance of Mr. -il -amilla1 the then sittin2 5S*"5 Presi,ent1 to settle 4ith finalit7 all ,isputes brou2ht about b7 the alle2e, misappropriation of 5S*"5 "un,s un,er his ste4ar,ship. Please see machince copy of Board Resolution 2010-001 attached as Annex 1 hereof;


(nother +oar, Resolution !0 0-00! 4as issue, initiatin2 the mo6e to create a )ommittee of Peers :)oP for bre6it7; tas?e, to 2ather facts1 hol, hearin2s1 recei6e e6i,ence1 call 4itnesses an, recommen, or a,opt measures about the alle2e, e.cesses committe, b7 5S*"5 members. Please see machine copy of Board Resolution 2010-002 attached as Annex 2;

Pa2e # of #


=n # Ma7 !0 01 b7 6irtue of 5S*"5 +oar, Resolution !0 0-0071 a factfin,in2 committee amon2 peers1 other4ise ?no4n as the Committee of Peers (CoP 1 4as formall7 create, b7 the 5S*"5 +oar, of 0.ecuti6e =fficers an, Directors8


+ase, on the 5S*"5 +oar, Resolution !0 0-0071 the functions an, ob@ecti6es of the )oP are&


'oo? into the alle2ations of ille2al ,isbursements of 5nion fun,s b7 some 5S*"5 officers8


Recommen, to the 2eneral assembl7 sanctions1 if 4arrante, b7 e6i,ence1 a2ainst current an, imme,iatel7 past 5S*"5 officers foun, 2uilt7 of 6iolatin2 the 5S*"5 )onstitution an, +7-'a4s an, other pertinent la4s8 an,


Ma?e polic7 recommen,ations to pre6ent the same inci,ent from happenin2 in the future8

!ereto attached and made part hereof is the machine copy of the Board Resolution as Annex 3;

7. =n 0% Jul7 !0 01 the 5S*"5 +oar, hel, the referen,um for the final selection of the )oP members 4hich e6entuall7 4as compose, of (sst. Prof. Rafael J. +autista1 'l.+. :)hair;1 (sst. Prof. (polinario D. +oba,illa1 )P( :Vice-)hair;1 (ssoc. Prof. Pablito (. +a7ba,o1 Jr. :Member;1 (ssoc.

Pa2e > of # Prof. Jacinta +. )ru3 :Member; an, Prof. "ortunato +. Se6illa1 III1 Ph.D. :Member;8

9. 5S*"5 +oar, Resolution !0 0-007 inclu,es the Rules of Proce,ure -o6ernin2 5S*"5 Peer In6esti2ation 4here pertinent pro6isions of 4hich are state, belo4&

Sec. 6. Testimony Under Oath "ll #itnesses #ho testify as to matters of fact shall $ive such testimony under oath or affirmation.

%itnesses may &e called &y the Committee on its o#n initiative or upon the re'uest of the petitioner or person $ivin$ the information or any person #ho feels that he may &e affected &y the said in'uiry. Sec. 11. Powers of the Committee (he Committee shall have the po#ers of an investi$atin$ committee, includin$ the po#er to summon #itnesses and ta)e their testimony and to issue su&poena and su&poena duces tecum, si$ned &y its Chairman, or in his a&sence &y the "ctin$ Chairman.*

%. *hus1 4e recei6e, a letter from the )oP reAuestin2 that 4e appear before them in their meetin2Bin6esti2ation to ai, them in their search for truth on the alle2e, ,isbursement of 5S*"5 fun,s. =ur atten,ance to the sai, meetin2 4as treate, as official business or in the performance of an official ,ut78

Pa2e < of # 0. /e atten,e, the sai, meetin2 an, 4e ans4ere, the Auestions of the )oP truthfull71 factuall7 an, in all honest7 on the belief that 4e are ,oin2 official1 moral1 le2al an, social ,ut7 to the 2eneral membership of 5S*"58

. Co4e6er1 4e 4ere appalle, upon learnin2 that 4e 4ere maliciousl7 implicate, in this case base, on our testimonies 2i6en on the !th )oP hearin2 as alle2e, in par. #0.-.<.e of the )omplaint-(ffi,a6it1 to 4it&

D9$# *he commitee informe, the 2roup that man7 ,ocuments submitte, to them 9$> bear no recei6e, stamp. Mr. Nierra sai, that there must be somethin2 4ron2 9$< 4ith the /ise )I*)= ,ocuments appearin2 after the in6estment an, submitte, 9$$ to the e.ternal au,itor onl7 upon inAuir7. Ms. (renas sai, that she al4a7s see 9$7 the 5S*"5 staffs embe, the recei6e, stamp on all incomin2 ,ocuments an, so 9$9 she fin,s it fish7 that some ,ocuments ha6e no recei6e, stamp. Mr. Nierra 9$% a,,e, that these ,ocuments mi2ht not ha6e passe, throu2h Ms. +ernal an, 970 thin?s that Mr. -il -arcia initiall7 ha6e these ,ocumentsE.

!. *hat I :respon,ent (renas; ,i, not maliciousl7 impute an7 ,ishonor or ,iscre,it to the persons of complainants herein8

#. M7 comment that1 5S*"5 staff al4a7s embe, recei6e, stamp on all incomin2 ,ocument an, so I fin, it fish7 that the ,ocuments ha6e not passe, throu2h Ms. +ernal1 4as an honest ,iscernment on m7 part. /hen I sai, Dfish7E I honestl7 mean Dirre2ular or stran2eE8

>. I honestl7 belie6e there is irre2ularit7 in the transaction since the alle2e, certificates ha, no proofs of receipt b7 the 5S*"5 =ffice. )ertificates of

Pa2e $ of # Placement for the alle2e, 5S*"5 in6estments 4ere ,ocuments of si2nificant 6alue consi,erin2 that the same in6ol6e millions of 5S*"5 mone71 hence1 it must be formall7 recei6e, b7 5S*"5 office8

<. Moreo6er1 I ,i, not mention the names of complainants as the persons 4ho 4ere behin, the irre2ularit7. I 4as @ust particularl7 referrin2 to the mo6ement of incomin2 ,ocuments insi,e 5S*"5 office an, the certificates of placement itself.

$. *hat I :respon,ent Nierra; blurte, out ,urin2 the inter6ie4 that there must be somethin2 4ron2 4ith the /ise )I*)= ,ocuments because it appeare, lon2 after the in6estment 4as ma,e an, submitte, to the e.ternal au,itor onl7 upon inAuir78

7. Such remar?s 4ere ma,e after 4e ,isco6er that the )ertificates of Placement issue, b7 /ise )I*)= to 5S*"5 ,i, not bear the 5S*"5 recei6e, stamp 4hich shoul, contain the ,ate an, time of receipt an, the name of recei6er8

9. "urther1 the remar?s that complainant -arcia ma7 initiall7 possess these ,ocuments is not libelous. (s mentione, b7 complainant -arcia in his )omplaint-(ffi,a6it par. #0.-.<.e1 the concern on placement instruments 4as rela7e, to him an, he1 after a fe4 ,a7s1 came out 4ith the )ertificates of Placement8

%. *he 0.ternal (u,itor1 ,urin2 the )oP hearin21 also testifie, that the certificates 4ere not inclu,e, in the 5S*"5 !00$ "inancial Statement

Pa2e 7 of # ma,e in Jul7 !007 since it 4as submitte, b7 complainant -arcia onl7 after sometime.

!0. )learl71 there 4as no malice on m7 statements as it 4as the truth8

! . *he !th )oP hearin2 4as con,ucte, close,-,oors an, be7on, public ?no4le,2e 4ith onl7 the fi6e :<; )oP members an, secretaries ta?in2 notes. /e e6en 4aite, for our turn to be calle, an, it is ,one one after another 4hen the 4itness is throu2h an, ha6e left the room8

!!. /e therefore ,en7 to ha6e publishe, or cause, to publish an7 malicious imputation a2ainst complainants. *he )oP "inal Report 4here

complainants base, their causes of action is not our o4n personal actions. =ur onl7 participation therein 4as to 2i6e our oral testimonies concernin2 our ?no4le,2e an, insi2hts on the ,isbursement of 5S*"5 fun,s8

!#. Moreo6er1 the ,ocument alle2e,l7 containin2 the ,efamator7 imputations1 in fact an, in truth1 ,oes not contain ,efamator7 matters that can be consi,ere, libelous. +ein2 so1 the )omplaint-(ffi,a6it faile, miserabl7 to (''0-01 M5)C '0SS 0S*(+'ISC1 that the alle2e, ,efamator7 imputatons in the !th )oP hearin2 can be consi,ere, libelous8

!>. (lbeit1 4hate6er factual1 truthful an, honest oral ans4ers or remar?s I ma7 ha6e 2i6en before the )oP an, percei6e, b7 complainants to be a2ainst them shoul, not be ta?en a2ainst me for such ans4er is pri6ile2e, communication8

Pa2e 9 of # !<. I 4as informe, b7 m7 counsel that e6er7 ,efamator7 imputation is presume, to be malicious1 e6en if it be true1 if no 2oo, intention an, @ustifiable moti6e for ma?in2 it is sho4n. There i , h!"e#er, $% e&'e()i!% )! )hi (re *+()i!% !, +$-i'e i% -$" "he% )he $--e.e/ /e,$+$)!r0 i+(*)$)i!% i $ (ri#$)e '!++*%i'$)i!% +$/e 10 $%0 (er !% )! $%!)her i% )he (er,!r+$%'e !, $%0 -e.$-, +!r$- !r !'i$/*)0.28

!$. Thi e&'e()i!% re,er )! $ (ri#i-e.e/ '!++*%i'$)i!% 4hich1 thou2h it ma7 contain ,efamator7 imputations1 "!*-/ %!) 1e $')i!%$1-e3 i, i) i i% re (!% e )! /*)08

!7. Moreo6er1 m7 la47ers e.plaine, to me that m7 ans4ers to the Auer7 of the )oP DAualif7 as a con,itionall7 or Aualifie,l7 pri6ile2e, communication1 4hich (rticle #<> of the Re6ise, Penal )o,e limits to the follo4in2 instances& : ; ( pri6ate communication ma,e b7 a person to another in the performance of an7 le2al1 moral1 or social ,ut78 an, :!; ( fair an, true report1 ma,e in 2oo, faith1 4ithout an7 comments or remar?s1 of an7 @u,icial1 le2islati6e1 or other official procee,in2s 4hich are not of confi,ential nature1 or of an7 statement1 report1 or speech ,eli6ere, in sai, procee,in2s1 or of an7 act performe, b7 public officers in the e.ercise of their functions.E

!9. *o Aualif7 un,er the first cate2or7 of a con,itionall7 or Aualifie,l7 pri6ile2e, communication1 it must fulfill the follo4in2 elements& : ; the person 4ho ma,e the communication ha, a le2al1 moral1 or social ,ut7 to
"rt. +,- .&id. /rfanel vs. People, 0-21233, 4ec. 21, 1515, +0 6CR" 215-220 cited in Boo) .. of 7ustice 7.B.0 Reyes8 Revised Penal Code.

Pa2e % of # ma?e the communication1 or at least1 ha, an interest to protect1 4hich interest ma7 either be his o4n or of the one to 4hom it is ma,e8 :!; the communication is a,,resse, to an officer or a boar,1 or superior1 ha6in2 some interest or ,ut7 in the matter1 an, 4ho has the po4er to furnish the protection sou2ht8 an, :#; the statements in the communication are ma,e in 2oo, faith an, 4ithout malice. :J0J=M(R ). +IN(F1 for an, in behalf of his minor ,au2hter1 J=(NN(G M(RI0 +I(N)( S. +IN(F6s.*C0 S0)R0*(RF =" J5S*I)01 -0NIVI V. "()*(= an, VI)0N*0 -. *IR='1 -.R. No. 70$>#1 September 91 !00$;8

!%. *hus1 the criminal complaint for 'I+0' file, a2ainst me shoul, be ,ismisse, outri2ht. *he ,ocument concerne,1 bein2 pri6ile2e,

communication1 is1 therefore1 not actionable. +etter 7et1 it ,eser6es to be thro4n out of the 4in,o4 for bein2 ri,iculous an, farcical8


#0. *he )oP "inal Report 4as recei6e, b7 5S*"5 =fficers on

March !0

,urin2 the 5S*"5 +oar, Meetin2. )omplainant -arcia a,mitte, recei6in2 cop7 of )oP Report before !# March !0 . =n !# March !0 1 he sent a

letter a,,resse, to Ms. 06an2eline *imban21 5S*"5 Secretar7 -eneral reAuestin2 for cop7 of (nne.es8

# . "rom !# March !0

1 the perio, of prescription commences to run because

there is alrea,7 ,isco6er7 on their part tantamount to publication. =n or before !# March !0 or 4ithin one : ; 7ear from ,isco6er7 or publication

Pa2e 0 of # thereof1 complainants shoul, ha6e file, this case before the =ffice of the )it7 Prosecutor an, not on 9 June !0 !8

#!. *he Supreme )ourt in ROBERTO BRILLANTE 6s.COURT OF APPEALS $%/ THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES 41 succintl7 ,iscusse, that&

D/ith respect to the issue of prescription1 the fourth para2raph of (rticle %0 of the Re6ise, Penal )o,e pro6i,es that the Hcrime of libel or other similar offenses shall (re 'ri1e i% !%e 0e$r.H In ,eterminin2 4hen the one-7ear prescripti6e perio, shoul, be rec?one,1 reference must be ma,e to (rticle % of the same co,e 4hich sets forth the rule on the computation of prescripti6e perio,s of offenses&

Computation of prescription of offenses.9*he perio, of prescription shall commence to run from the ,a7 on 4hich )he 'ri+e i /i '!#ere/ 10 )he !,,e%/e/ ($r)0 1 the authorities1 or their a2ents1 an, shall be interrupte, b7 the filin2 of the complaint or information1 an, shall commence to run a2ain 4hen such procee,in2s terminate 4ithout the accuse, bein2 con6icte, or acAuitte,1 or are un@ustifiabl7 stoppe, for an7 reason not imputable to himE. :5n,erscorin2 ours;.


*he s4orn statements of 'ilia De Jesus an, +ene,icto Ducat 4ere insi2nificant since prescription commences to run the ,a7 on 4hich the alle2e, crimes of libel 4ere ,isco6ere, b7 the complainants an, not b7 them8

G.R. N! . 225676 & 232762, O')!1er 28, 399:

Pa2e #>.

of #

(ssumin2 that the crime of 'ibel e.ists1 there bein2 prescription of complainantsI cause of action1 the criminal liabilit7 is alrea,7 e.tin2uishe, pursuant to (rt. 9% of the Re6ise, Penal )o,e on *otal 0.tinction of )riminal 'iabilit78


/ith the fore2oin21 this Conorable =ffice has to ,ismiss the case pursuant to the sai, pro6ision of la48


*he purpose of a preliminar7 in6esti2ation is not onl7 to ,etermine probable cause1 but to secure as 4ell1 the innocent a2ainst hast71 malicious an, oppressi6e prosecution.: /hile a preliminar7 in6esti2ation is in,ee, not the occasion for an e.hausti6e ,ispla7 of respon,entsI e6i,ence1 the ,etermination of probable cause shoul, be ,etermine, in a summar7 but scrupulous manner to pre6ent material ,ama2e to a potential accuse,I constitutional ri2ht to libert7 an, the 2uarantees of free,om an, fair pla787


In the fairl7 recent case of )abahu2 6s. People$1 the Supreme )ourt hel, that&

D/e cannot o6eremphasi3e the a,monition to a2encies tas?e, 4ith the preliminar7 in6esti2ation an, prosecution of crimes that the 6er7 purpose of a preliminar7 in6esti2ation is to shiel, the innocent from precipitate1 spiteful an, bur,ensome prosecution. *he7 are ,ut7-boun, to a6oi,1 unless absolutel7 necessar71 open an, public accusation of crime not onl7 to spare the innocent the trouble1 e.pense an, torment of a public trial1 but also to pre6ent unnecessar7 e.pense on the part of the State for useless an, e.pensi6e trials. *hus1 4hen at the outset the e6i,ence cannot sustain a prima facie case or that the
4rilon vs. Court of "ppeals, 2,2 6CR" 220 (1551 cited in the Counter-affidavit of 6herilyn Bernardo < .d. $ Ca&ahu$ vs People +31 6CR" 11+ (2002

Pa2e ! of # e.istence of probable cause to form a sufficient belief as to the 2uilt of the accuse, cannot be ascertaine,1 the prosecution must ,esist from inflictin2 on an7 person the trauma of 2oin2 throu2h a trial.E

#9. (s enunciate, in the case of Sal6acion 6s. San,i2anba7an1 Dthe in,elible stain upon :respon,entsI; name1 4hich is ne6er Auite 4ashe, a4a7 b7 time1 shoul, caution all concerne, to a more careful an, conscientious scrutin7 of all the facts before the fin2er is pointe, an, the stone is cast.E6

#%. -i6en the abo6e ar2uments1 it is apparent the instant complaint1 as 4ell as the e6i,ences attache, thereto1 is not sufficient to en2en,er a 4ell-foun,e, belief that an offense has been committe,. *here is no probable cause to hol, me liable for 'I+0' as ,efine, in the Re6ise, Penal )o,e. *hus1 the present complaint SC=5'D +0 DISMISS0D "=R 5**0R '()J =" M0RI*.

(ffiants sa7eth nau2ht.



S5+S)RI+0D (ND S/=RN to before me this KKKK ,a7 of (u2ust !0 !. I C0R0+F )0R*I"F *C(* I C(V0 P0RS=N(''F 0X(MIN0D *C0 R0SP=ND0N* (ND I (M S(*IS"I0D *C(* C0BSC0 5ND0RS*==D (ND V='5N*(RI'F 0X0)5*0D CISBC0R )=5N*0R-(""ID(VI*.

6alvacion vs. 6andi$an&ayan 1-2 6CR" 303, i&id.

Pa2e # of # ASST. CITY PROS. TERESA TAN-SOLLANO .nvesti$atin$ Prosecutor

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