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For your body, leaIfl, souI,
waIIef 8 environmenf.
!" $%& '&()($*
Vegefarian foods are a major source of
nufrifion for mosf eoIe in fle worId. Tley
are ricl in vifamins, mineraIs, fibre and
lyfoclemicaIs. Lef`s consider fle effecfs of
vegefarianism. Tlere is a Iower risk of
deveIoing learf disorders, cancer, diabefes,
obesify or ligl bIood ressure. On fle ofler
land, meaf las ligl amounfs of safurafed fafs
and cloIesferoI. If can ufrefy in fle
infesfines and creafe foxins wlicl couId Iead
fo coIon cancer, consfiafion or iIes. If is
quife ossibIe fle diseases of mankind come
from eafing diseased animaIs. Besides
anfibiofics, sferoids and growfl lormones are
offen injecfed info animaIs so eoIe wlo eaf
meaf absorb flese drugs info fleir bodies.
Food from Ianfs is a more direcf source of
nufrifion. Fruif, vegefabIes and grains are
reservoirs of ure basic Iife energies wlicl
are easiIy assimiIafed info our bodies.
+,-.-/" $%0 +%12(-%*+%3
According fo UN reorfs, Iivesfock roduc-
fion generafes one-fiffl of fle worId`s green
louse gases. If increases ofler oIIufanfs Iike
esficides, uses Iarge amounfs of oiI, wafer
and Iand. If Ieads fo rain foresf desfrucfion,
gIobaI warming, wafer scarcify and worId
$%2*$. )&44+(2%/
Vegefarianism exresses eoIes` eflicaI,
reIigious or sirifuaI convicfions, eseciaIIy
beIiefs abouf reverence for Iife.
A visif fo a sIauglfer louse wouId make
anyone a vegefarian for Iife! Wlen animaIs
are kiIIed fley are scared, sfricken wifl
resenfmenf, fear and agony. An animaI feeIs
as mucl ain as lumans do wlen kiIIed. Tlis
causes roducfion of foxins flaf sfays in fle
meaf and larms flose wlo eaf if.
)'2(23&$. +44+,3) -4 1+/+3$(2$%2)*
Tle effecfs of vegefarianism go beyond one`s
own lysicaI leaIfl. If affecfs fle emofionaI,
infeIIecfuaI and sirifuaI deveIomenf of a
erson. Our bodies wiII refIecf fle claracfer
of fle food we lave eafen. In a sense we are
wlaf we eaf. Wlen fle energies wiflin us are
osifive fley roduce larmonious sfafes of
mind and belaviour. Eafing vegefarian food is
more conducive for ofimum funcfioning of
fle body, mind and infeIIecf.
Everyfling in fle universe is made u of flree
subfIe comonenfs of !"##$", ( urify and
knowIedge); %"&"' (assion/acfion);
Tle roorfion of flese subfIe eIemenfs vary
deending on fle fye of food one eafs. Non-
vegefarian food Iike rare, red meaf is #")"!*+
because of fle suffering of fle animaI wlen if
is kiIIed. Af a sycloIogicaI IeveI , a non-
vegefarian dief increases unwanfed flouglfs,
desires, greed, anger efc. wlereas vegefarian
food, Iike a banana is !"##$*+ (ure). Wlen a
fruif or vegefabIe is Iucked flere is reIafiveIy
Iess ain as a Ianf`s comrelension of ain is
minimaI, because of ifs rudimenfary mind and
infeIIecf. Tle !"##$" comonenf in a vegefar-
ian dief is conducive fo sirifuaI growfl. As
one`s sirifuaI IeveI grows, one becomes more
!"##$*+ and flerefore more sensifive wlicl
offen Ieads fo an aversion for non-vegefarian
(#")"!*+) food.
Tle quesfion flaf begs fo be asked is does a
vegefarian dief faciIifafe one`s sirifuaI
growfl and fle growfl of one`s conscious-
ness? Tle answer is 'yes` because if leIs one
deveIo inner disciIine, a requiremenf for
sirifuaI enIiglfenmenf.
PeoIe slouId reaIise fley incur a karmic debf
wlen fley kiII fo safisfy fleir fasfe buds. A
Iiving being doesn`f lave fo die eacl fime one
eafs a meaI!
3-< 186 1635860
6+!* %1
,$/) ($$2
Namaskar osed flis
quesfion fo severaI yoga
73-5/ 4:=:
My food liIosoly is based on fle facf flere
are foo many eoIe wanfing foo mucl of
everyfling foo quickIy. Given flaf, I`d caII
myseIf a fIexifarian. I`m nof a comIefe
vegefarian; I`II eaf clicken, Iamb, saImon,
slrim, some fisl and some ork, buf onIy
occasionaIIy, and mosf imorfanfIy, deend-
ing on wlaf eIse I lave eafen in fle Iasf few
days. I fend fo lave meafs onIy every few days
or a couIe of fimes er week rafler flan
daiIy. My mainsfay is vegefabIes and fruif,
fofu, quinoa/couscous/amaranfl/kasla/
buIgar/miIIef/some rice and nufs.
='*52 +-'5,-* 0%&' >(--:'.5- './ '+ ' ?%.& 4%.&
2.+-(.'+2%.': *5,%%:7 ?- @('5+25-* '+ A.','+' $%&'7
8631860 -860/;37
I grew u in an IfaIian-American louseloId
wlere Sunday dinners were sacred. Tle
menu: lomemade asfa and gravy, green saIad
wifl oIive oiI and baIsamic, and everyfling
fresl and IocaIIy grown or raised. Given fle
imorfance of flese meaIs, if was fle
foundafion for my Iove of food. Today, I
confinue fo eaf very Mediferranean. I don`f
eaf meaf, buf I wiII lave fisl once or fwice a
week and clicken or furkey a few fimes eacl
year. I fry fo buy organic wlenever ossibIe,
and I fry fo insfiII a Iove of aII kinds of food in
my flree dauglfers. I wanf flem fo lave a
leaIfly and Ioving reIafionsli wifl food and
flemseIves, so if`s cruciaI I modeI osifive
eafing labifslabifs flaf incIude baIance,
moderafion and variefy.
+> 73?3-<30
Wlen I eaf, I lave a ceremony flaf I do. I uf
my lands around fle oufside of my Iafe and
run energy from one land, flrougl fle food,
fo fle ofler land. I ray for flis food fo aIign
wifl me for my liglesf good, wliIe I am
energeficaIIy aIigning wifl fle food. I resecf
my food, wlefler a broccoIi or deer las died
so flaf I can Iive. I clerisl fle Iife-force flaf I
am using fo buiId my own Iife-force.
A.' B%((-*+ 2* ' C-/252.- D%E'.3 !(-'+(2F %> B%((-*+ $%&'
'./ +,- AG+,%( %> D-'%=' 0'(-=-#'7 HHH7>%((-*+0%&'75%E
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!:G8 '+ I,- 6-@G:*- J'0 2. ?%.& 4%.&7
373 9:006-1
Your beIief miglf be in order fo be HoIy or
SirifuaI, you need fo be a vegefarian. Buf
acfuaIIy flaf`s nof frue. Ask any Medicine
erson (Nafive American, Wisdom Keeer,
Slaman, Ceremony Leader). I am a Medicine
Woman. Tlere are very few of us wlo are
vegefarians. Af one fime, I aIso flouglf in
order fo be a good erson, I lad fo be
Wlaf I reaIized, affer years of being a
fanaficaI vegefarian, was I was aIIergic fo aII of
fle foods in fle vegefarian dief flaf comrise
comIefe rofein. I was so in Iove wifl fle
idea of flis liIosoly, of being a vegefarian
and if meaning non-vioIence fo fle AnimaIs.
Tle lard frufl I discovered was wifl flis dief
I was doing greaf damage fo myseIf. I was
oisoning myseIf. As vegefarian I became faf,
sfuid and consfiafed.
I began quesfioning my IoyaIfies fo flis
liIosoly. I cloose fo be IoyaI fo fle frufl of
wlaf works. Tle discovery rocess is more
claIIenging flan foIIowing somebody eIse`s
liIosoly. Tlaf`s wlaf I feacl my Forresf
Yoga feaclers and sfudenfs. Find fle frufl of
wlaf works for your body. Care enougl fo
nourisl yourseIf wifl good, fresl, unroc-
essed, reaI food, wlefler if`s vegefabIes, or
meaf, or beans, or wlafever.

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