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Assalamu ' alaikum wr.wb Good Morning everybody! !

First of all , I would like to introduce my self , my name is Octa !ela "arlin #ukit, I'm come from senior !ig! sc!ool $urul Ilmi , %adangsidim&uan $ort! umatra . econdly , let's t!ank to Alla! w!o !as been giving us mercy and blessing in !ere after . '!irdly , salawat and salam may be wit! our &ro&!et Mu!ammad A( w!o !as guided as from darkness to enlig!ment . )ear *ury , '!ank to +ommittee w!o give me a c!ance to deliver my s&eec! and t!e tittle is ,ducation in $urul Ilmi . ,ducation is a teac!ing and learning from one &erson to one &erson or to a grou& . #ut !ere I am going to bring about education in $urul Ilmi . $urul Ilmi was founded on -. )ecember /001. ,stablis!ed by dr.#ad2ora w!o !ad survived u& to /1 years for t!is moment . $urul Ilmi located on t!e road #.M. 1 young %adangsidim&uan $ort! umatra . dr.#ad2ora is t!e first surgeon in t!e $ov. -- %adangsidim&uan t!e .3 4year 4old . 5ere t!e sc!ool curriculum is divided into two , namely 6 4 Fulldays c!ool 4 #oarding c!ool Fulldays c!ool is a learning system w!ic! will begin at .6/7 am until /86/7 &m . In one day Fulldays c!ool study in // sub2ects taking a break twice at /7677 and /-697 are used for midday &rayers lunc! fund . #oarding is t!e fancy learning system starting at 7.6/7 until /36/7 . In 2ust one day of lessons learned in 0 . (!en clock /36/7 #oarding c!ool back to t!e dorm . #ut most &eo&le t!ink t!at studying for it makes tired and weary , and so are forced to learn , but in fact it is wrong . For generations because it was more &ersistent and enter&rising Indonesia and not too mingle freely wit! t!e e:cessive time and su&ervised by teac!ers . ,:cess #oarding c!ool is a sc!ool t!an Fulldays , t!ey are more inde&endent and learn to be given a regular evening sc!edule . c!edule of learning t!e nig!t after Is!a a&&ro:imately -7677 until --677 . After com&letion of t!eir learning back to t!e !ostel to rest . And on aturday !eld at $urul Ilmi a&&ro&riate e:tracurricular talents and interests of students . And t!e system administration and #oarding Fulldays different . If Fulldays already set

and wear #oarding grou& , for &arents in terms of economy . And ot!er advantages , $urul Ilmi dormitory at boarding sc!ool different from ot!ers because !ere forbidden to carry communications e;ui&ment and electronics , and all !is clot!es by !and wi&ing . In $urul Ilmi , boys and girls classes are distinguis!ed and forbidden to communicate . And daug!ter must wear clot!es t!at cover t!e c!est and !ead scarf long dress !er . below t!e knee . And men must wear clot!es . batik dress s!irt and long &ants e:ce&t lengt! . 5owever , $urul Ilmi also !as t!e disadvantage t!at t!e environment is less clean , and t!e facilities are lacking . #ut look at it from our side s!ould not be too condescending , because everyt!ing must !ave flaws and no one is &erfect . My !o&e for t!e future, !o&efully $urul Ilmi more advanced and develo&ed for education in Indonesia and t!e world . $ot only $urul Ilmi , I also !o&e t!at Indonesian education better and can cover u& to t!e entire world . From t!is I can conclude wit! t!e sc!ool system full day boarding and better in terms of t!e curriculum and t!e learning &rocess of t!e students t!an a regular sc!ool . And it will all be good if t!ere is awareness wit!in ourselves. I t!oug!t , my s&eec! ;uite u& !ere if t!ere is a mistake I 'm maa& and !o&efully we can meet at anot!er time . '!ank you for your attention . Good Morning Assalamu ' alaikum wr.wb .

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