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In todays world, the management ability is so demanded in the company. For doing the better managerial work, the person must have the knowledge of management. This knowledge is not only based on theoretical but also on practical. In short for being a good manager a person must have both the knowledge. Management teaches us what to do, when to do and where to do through industrial training. We can know practical action of business that how the work is done. Industrial training assists us to study the organi ation and observe the real life situation e!isting in a company. This will help us to relate how to put the theory in to practical use. Thus, this practical training will be of great help to us to survive in such a cutthroat competition and to be successful. I got opportunity to make "randpro#ect on $%griculture Finance in India& which give me so much knowledge about schemes for farmers and various banks which provide loan to farmers. This pro#ect report is comprehensive work and covers all function of management and research. I had laid special emphasis on finance management' have been observed, studied, learnt and beholden by me. (uring my "rand )ro#ect duration, I came to know about various loan scheme for farmers, their rate of interest, banks provide agriculture finance etc.


It gives me immense pleasure to present this pro#ect report on working capital management. In partial fulfillment of post*graduate course ).".(.M. +o work can be carried out without the help and guidance of various persons. I am happy to take this opportunity to e!press my gratitude to those who have been helpful to me in completing this pro#ect report. %t the outset I would like to thank MR. SACHIN GHADAGE for their valuable advice and guidance during my pro#ect completion, for timely help concerning various aspects of pro#ect. I also thank to all staff members for the help to complete the grand pro#ect I would be falling in my duty if I do not e!press my deep sense of gratitude to prof. N.K.KAPOOR SIR (DIRECTOR) without his guidance it wouldnt have been possible for me to complete this pro#ect work. ,astly I would like to thank my parents, friends and well wishers who encouraged me to do this research work and all those who contributed directly or indirectly in completing this pro#ect to whom I am obligated to. UPENDRA PATEL P.G.D.M. (2nd year)


I undersigned )atel -pendra student )"(M .th *semester hereby declare that the pro#ect work presented in this report is my own work and has been carried out under the guidance of / supervision of )rof. 0achin"hadage, )arul Institute of Management 1)"(M2 This report has not been previously submitted to any other university for any other e!amination.





0ettled agriculture in India has had a long history because of the fertile plains of +orthern India irrigatedby the Indus, the "anga*4amuna river systems and the 5rahmaputra in the 6ast. 0outhern India has its ownriver systems and has, moreover, been characterised by its impressive history of sophisticated water management systems3 perhaps among the most developed historically. %s a conse7uence of this natural fertility and abundant availability of water, ironically, population density grew early in India, and along with that different degrees of poverty. The e!isting agricultural credit system is geared to the needs of foodgrains production3 with the share offoodgrains production falling as a proportion of total agricultural production, it is all the more creditable thatagriculture credit has not fallen as a proportion of agricultural "(). With the share of agriculture in "()falling continuously, from 89 per cent in :;<: to =; per cent in :;;: and == per cent in =>>:, it is to be e!pected that the share of agricultural credit would also fall as a proportion of total credit, unless this trend is corrected by increasing commercialisation of agriculture.








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Introduction ?istory %griculture "rowth @ate in India 5

Da+a Ana(y0,0

Aredit needs of The Farmers 0tructure of %gricultural Aredit 0ystem in India Types of Aredits Arop ,oan %gricultural ,oans ,oans Types 0chemes For %griculture Finance


Finance For %griculture SWOT Ana(y0,0



O"9ECTI ES OF RESEARCH: Bb#ectives of research report on mergers and ac7uisition on pharmaceutical industry as follows3 To know about various finance schemes for agree culture Focus on financial banks in India. To know about types of loan. To know about various schemes for farmers. "rowth of agriculture and banks. To know about agriculture loan and their rate of interest. Carious new plans for farmers. To know about credit schemes for agriculture.

Re0ear$1 de0,)n: @esearch is based on secondary data. %ll data are collected from the different websites, maga ines, #ournals and newspapers.

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