Anda di halaman 1dari 1



=ibId of th w nju rori wonld nol hat
fielded their irlrls-
men of the army nary and th reserves who
are mostly tillers of the soil temporarily with-
drawn from their occupation
AS yet thor It no Industrial proletariat in
carltt on
Ho Is
Ilud movcmtlt
leIIn Ills
wheels In ft tone file and
of the south for
lasy but
humor hid
him out for the son of Czar John IV
tbd r army Into Moscow and
crown the Pntendur Czar of ntisita and to-
Implnnt forcibly Roman Catholicism amid the
buah nlana who are Ml of the Finnic
Aryan extraction e not of
The CrtitadrrsGermsn baroni Invadfd the
eastern shores cif the Haltlo In the bllinrlN
roncitioirjrA jjiffcur TO STAKK A-

TnJ onUT ntISI8

there wns people Russia Oreat Russia and liutimny own He IIs a devntod lover of mUAll
empire hall
Kussltn t rople from the consummation of
ave l by the horolo-
the thirteenth century and
their feudal notions and the oppression of the Tina KAit-
It Is wnll known that other pnrts nil peasants nre tbo members of the vil- ¬ nf
Ixsl slniters to the
the world at Iran one prom-
fnch a dlru fiite ttussla was lenderslily lilebo tiil IU Inseparable these After¬
run rxoriK AXD xninxa- nULBD called BlnvUuw who Men before thfilnwn- IlehftsuUfU Interreronco nnd masterly of two
of the nlnlh whichcntury Inhabited the Vntdnl lage commune IntuU lu oin
IIS periodically inent composer Illkn nnd ono remarkable poet valiant Umu Rusntnns Mlnln nnd Prince six centuries of eerrdom from proud Ger- Moner Now l Hlaht fnr h Bnnfl4iipl-
orxn ar ins UVSSIAX AvrocitA- plateau fl11 IMow the great rivers of mon These lands
llnned Hmoint all the tillers of
the nlin the Shetlchenkn Fighter by nature nnd tra- 1olnrsky who 0 the 1ollsh garrison out¬ man barons and their clergy who held WAY
not only over theIr freedom but even over th-
Allulre lliisy llrllllnR the MenNew
Russia tlmt even then Ihnt puoplo
relliilqu nnd rilling
had a
village Howeter nono of Ihoiu po e- dition Ihu Little Russians nre peaceful In of Moscow t wns nfler tMs terrible experi- York to ltHT0 i Olinnce lo Inspect 1W-
rII Foil TItle rroeUtms HIM RoTer lin-
stable civIllatlon
princes Kbntodlnn
I I Arnb writer of tin
11havo seen them him
of a toot of round lt Iho communal lands
nnd It Is on Inh M part of tho common Innd
every day llfo all
tice Their
utcnt 10r
o trulls are that
vindictive In
of Jus-
ence that the Husilnti people cnlled together u-
tepresentntlvo council tlie Kcniky Mobor-
nnd In the yrnr 1013 etetttd a simple IRus
1 lh schools
1lt and over their
I t the local linguage lie taupht
or used In the court rooms thy
HiJnvtimied and lleltornied 1orue
There fcems to bo no longer nny iloutil thai
Rnler of Heore of Peopl lt i r t- tenth century claims llulitnre suspicions cnu- ¬
tlirv Mil nol unlike the Amerlcani
situated at the that tie penianlowns fulls
I bnek whan ho has oppressed conceived the utmost
Inh Is- felt In the city of llitiineS alI nobleman Michael Keodonivllch
1n nationalities will be n parade of the New York pollc
that he In his own rluht The hatredl for their master and learned to relr- there IhU year mid tlmt It will bo A show fll-
t prtlt
rivers no
itlm of All TUene Trlb TVIII Junction of tlio Volga 1nnd ttlio hanin nrlngesNor winters Ielli err longtotally nnd ttio money re- ¬ tit Iho temrnl Mtotcs they would ncicr coin in lio hereditary Ctnr nf RUMln
on tho Russian Government thrra force
lhrCoronntlo rro eol r NleUolII- long since itcinollMiml Tbo
turns tho hind Insufficient In suited hll on tbe throne nnd finally expelled tsllis to onflim Xcw Yorkers In their pride la the
1 mans used to puss thee on their wny to Con of peasant lha from Moscow Soon alter Little trollthototal extinction
l fewThe the Whit Hnn Ortthe U-
Klnnilnopte nnd It these Slav who ap-
pealed to Iho Vnrlnne princes income and title I
meet tho taxes enormous numbers
men co out to tho cities and ply the trades nf-
Russia fctvunted Itself tram Polnnd nnd tin
iler Ilogilnn llmclnltiky joined the Musco- ns In dull
Letts nre IrDwlnl In number as They
fon Iucre vas eomo doubt about the suo-
oven If there wasnt nnf-
te Ktil n-

d the JUe over them nnd In tHits way established the OrUers carpenters tinltiter
forth managing In this vny ncrnpa
mnsons nnd so
to seo romcthlnit- vite kingdom while the Turku bcgaa to press

even threaten their unruly babies with th- CM ts parade

f Th Pott th OernuiB nucleus of n jtrmt Slnvlo Hlntn tho north

IIhomo of tho to tbe tnonoy Poland ery bard from the south elermnlal a particularly terrible bugaboo ab I i nklig place nttcr the Police Coin
for the tnxes Iorhlallocalities ot tho conn
d Cber- This renlral part of Russia of tha nutldo Poland was struimllnir ngnlnst heavy olds on their side ar tonlihe < l-

Appln profesMnij a rnirslbnura Imil fixed upon Juno 1 ns thoilat-

nr ACanA
Great Russian continued the nono of
political Industrial and Intellectual activity
during nnd utter the time of tho republican
try the nuhdlvlslons bclnit called iovern-
in ntc correstionillng lo n Utnte wIth us-
when there
the election occurr it
Internal illfnen lon over
Part of tha peotila
at the perversity of the native
thorough disbelief n their tntelleclunl capac-
Onlr n few days ago when Mr Andrews and
ities since the latter refine conform tol the President lloosovclt woro nsklng holp of th
and lkoy thn tun inlialiltants of wbolo villages Uuvote them wanted lo brine over n foreign iirlnce whllo- of the
as development of NmKorod otherr were for n king elected from the na- nnnucstlnnnbly higher Mayor to get a transfer of manor to replenish
The Ute of the ruler of all tho Raisins to tlio llahe
Russian cities tlmt belonged consolidation celves lo a terlnln lino of ImnUfnclure estab- ¬

tives rorclgn gold nnd the Russian nrmy mans The latter positively rpfiwe to I e1
It Is to proclaimed rolcmnly lu tho Cathedral league lntcr nn with tbo of lished by their fathers In ono
mil that any people not outilght Idiots
their contingent fund they nld that the po-
village they nro all nmkern ot oodcnunre- In the rrluu of nthnrlne the Great Imposed being would liuvu to be mitde without
of Ihe Assumption on May 20 at the time
of the MiiscnutQ kingdom that locality nnturnllv- on Polnnd HtnnlMaii Iollalokr n Polo ns so fall to appreciate the advantages of lice nut into mnncy
wns not forthcoming Hlnc
the croiviilimnf the Czar reads followI
Nicholas U by the grace of God Knuieror
a iitlrnutedfolileis rrnm cither partsoutside
as well ns foreigners from the
Burlnlif nrlttll IcrtnatiH Sttwlej
nf tliu Iniid-
tlielr nuota
In another imlntors nf Images
womt or silversmiths or weavers or makers
of curious tilings out of tha bark nf trees
Ishnid II enumerate tho xnrioits things they
of nalttts on-

klnc and ruler
lltusla fol
lowed IIlllhl exhausted Poland thorotiohly
If Poland bntnccn the three
as good ns
Insist on hohlnl undisputedRussian Govern-
poor vvhlsh the
and coniequontly muslo KOIIIO
sway over

If the

will W
of thn Commissioner
liuvo received
part of thn money they
tills will assure muslo-
cow of Klcf Vladimir Novgorod
and Autocrnt of all the Russlns Cznr ofKazan- At of thine must hnvo
AlI Imprint hnwcvcr sllitht hf thn concrlo turn and Hint with no oilier nslstanto-
Ihan their ow n hands llv no means all grown
largo Prtma and Russia ment objects nnd hcnco
toolt IlyrsAlstrlll 10 secomi In 17IIM nnd- the Germans espvclilly since language
arises the
the Russian Ian or tho police parade
ninnuut to without tho
Vliat would n tmrnde-
bands Ho with the
type nnd character of tbo ilrent Russian Iho ast In As an outcome nf this lajt gunge Mas been declared tho of the
Cznr of Aslrnkhnn Czar of Poland Car peasants know how to rend nnd wrltot still local courts nnd bands euro to Lo ntcontlniird hnnd tin limn unit their
of 17114
menus sclctitlllcnllv proved tlmt
Siberia Crar of Khcrionls oC the Taurus I IIs by 111

Hlav naturo ot the tlrcat Russian has re- It Is fact that education linn made glgnntlo
I partition the rart of Polnnd that Be given realm and Introduced In tho
tn Russia Misilmpfd Into tho Llngdom of the Russian anti theLett Isneuagcs Ire tanirlit
drill masters hne their preparation
tVar of Georgia Lord of Pskov Grand
Duke of Smolensk of Lithuania of
of Podolsk and of Finland i Prince of rsthonla
ceived any moro admixture of foreign blood
tlmn 1ms tlmt of tbo Llttln Rtlisliins who
Poles tbe bervlans nnd other 8las
progress Russia of late eari tho educated
classes IItbo lltiMin people making strenu-
ous etTorU tu foster
It The cause
I not a
mil themselves to a straightforward assertion
or denial It IIs nlwnys I guess and I
Poland utider Ruslnn Kmpernrs
Crnr l x- to
nnder the Urst left to Poland Its former modes ing optional
nnd Its national Parlia-
ment called Ibo Sevm Hit tbe proud Poles nny lumber of traditions
pupils of tbo publlo schools tie later
The Letts It
have n highly developed nntlomxtl Poetry go to cessful
which musty
b with nn enthusiasm tlmt promises success led
cjnpU Anthony
pollen drill
1< lola soldiers during the uar nnd has been n suc- ¬
drilled and
Is In chnrg-
the man for tlielr
reckon with them Concerning the Ircat loss nf freedom cruel of the work of preparing
of Livonia of Kourland of tcmlgnlln of Hamo Ihulnn there n I
I s deepseated distrust < II the
would ont rest patlsllnd under Russian rule
They roso In revolt In 18lo hut that Gorman yoke Tholr language dlsptayn A exhibition march Iollro Cutnmlndnnnr-
Kit of nielostok of Korelln of Tver of
mind of the 1It tie
11elll ho lelll tbe-
II wassupptesied In tho year ls11 Alain rvol groat many Hlavlo root The Esths aro vln nod Irnnt luu taken much Interest
since It has got lo nn ndvnnred tngo ha
In the work
of Perm of the llulgarlans nnd othersf the Low- ¬
Mon- rtmirtniDi tho Ollt the bait attended the drills of the mini almost clnll-
notlvlty nt hi Muscovite neighbor and Is
arch and OrAn Duke of Novgorod the thoroughly convinced that the resourceful yIt Is probiible thnt ho will make nil tha ar-¬
lands rchernlgov Rlnfan Polotsk Rostov- bartering Moscal 1 never nny Iwtter than rangement for tho parndonn the part uf tli-
Ivon- Ilonrd Ever dny nov front 1 oclock to 1-
Varoslav HlcloscrJk Oodorsk Olxlorsk he should bo Stilt Intermarriages between
very frequent nnd turnout quite oclock In tho afternoon the Bounds of march-
dysk Vytcbsk Msllelavsk nnd Commim IhPI are
one or the other party speedily learning Ing hundreds and thoimiimnndsof nlllcers inur-
der of all tho northern lands andKiirtu-h
Itulor of the lands of Iverak
theIotheiB speech I tho Llllle Russlll being a
Klnvlo dialect Very like tbe
be hennt at tho Twelfth Regiment armory at-
Sixtysecond eticet and Ninth avenue This li-
The Lltle ltunlnn has n deeprooted haired wheio dipt Allaire Is carrying on his work
llnsk the Xabardlans nnd the Armenian to the Russian oltlclals nnd employees ns well Last week hu llnliihcd the pre llmlnary work
provinces Hereditary Sovereign and Possessor us a very Just grievance against the Russian of siUnd nnd ciinumny drills und on Monday
of ho briran the battnllon drills When nna re-
of the MounUlueor Principalities and that Government Tho reason of this Is that many members Cint last year there wan no police pa- ¬
nro the bribe takers among tho employees ns
the TcherkcMes the Monarch of Turkestan loo tho St Petersburg Government remember ¬ rade on account of tho minted number of men
Heir to the Throne ot Norwny Duko of Schle- ing the times when tho Ukrnlna was under the In the forcn and tho general demoralisation
zwlgnolstcln of Stornmnrn of Dltmarscn of severely prohibits the UIMI of resulting from tho Loxow Investigation ana
81IY of Poland nn tongue In the schools and that rim e then ninny bonew policemen hnvo e a
Oldenburg Ac c Ac Little Rus appointed It will midcrntood tlmt apt
In the cnse teems to stand for
the courts of thn Ukrnlna In all cfilclal reIn ¬ Allaire has a greater task than uniuil to no-
The c for fear that the UFO of the local npecch
anything on the fnco of the globo that a Czar¬
tons foster t tendencies nmomc the compllsh In order to iiuiko as good a tihow-
of Russia may subsequently clnlm his law
n Little Mart number some thirteen or an In oilier yenrs About ono man out of
four Is now on tho force and a much HI enter
fourteen millions and lead a much moro com- percentage of tho roundsmen Sergeants and
ful possession In case such a claim be dis- ¬ fortable nnd Independent lie than do tho peo- ¬ precinct commanders hicncor Lofnro com- ¬
puted on Ole strength of tlm tact that the Czars ple In tho central parts of country
manded men In a pnrndn Many of them
have never yet styled themselves the possessors THE WHITE ItUnSIANH have not oven mnrchod before In a police pa- ¬
or heirs to the land In cineMlon In this official There nre hardly four millions all toM of rade Thoso wbo havn neon tlio drills now 14- la
title Russian diplomatists could always point the White Hu tans who nre settled In three progress express confident that them will
governments Vitebsk Mohllcv and Minsk no evidences of greenness loft among tho man
to the convenient Ac In the ofllclal title of on the milclo courre of tho Dnieper nnd of the by June 1-

the Czar claiming that the mention of that They derive tholr peculiar Ecry day ten companies of thirtytwo meo-
eftcli with their moper oilUcrs reprt to Clipt-
posscgsorshlp had been for conveniences sake npnMlntlnn from their predilection for wenrlng
Allaire at tho Twelfths armory mid hero
merged In that extensible Ac-
As It Is formidable even now IO the num-
I ¬
white clothlns nnd
Investigators because
olden times nr free from taxes
to learned
occorlll white In
Some of-
work for two hours In thn evolutions of tha
battalion As the police forcj Is now about
bers represented liy the subjects of tho Czar tbo binds of Vhlto Russia were plllngcd by the up lo Its full local strength It Is bellove1 tlmt-
ofllclal returns as pub Tartars hut tho latter did not establish their tbe number of men who will be In linn for the
According to the lat yoko there However the Vlilto Kufslans- piirndo will bo about tho name an two years ngo
when 2500 turned out The other 1OOor so
lulled In 1800 there are no less than 121 dlu not retain their Independence but lellnl- ¬

177000 men women nnd children living lor the rule of the mighty bad to remain In their precincts no as not to
of Ltthuuta Thou nt the Instigation of the leave the city without pollen protection
within tho confines of the Russian empire Lltbuiilnns together they Joined Poland Of- Vhnroer one goes llmtnghout tho city It
Subdivided at to their nationality the subjects tourio tho Iolieh aristocracy and landed pen may bo noted Unit tho policemen are In new
of the Czar are grouped follows There are try soon had thor under their thumb they uniforms anil looking particularly spick and
among them 83000000 Russian Slavs 8000A SEA
wore soon serfdom and
Iho landed proprietors taxes nnd hit
span Within a few davn they have swarmed
nt Headquarter llrst gottlug Ihtlr new uni- ¬

000 Poles 0000000 Finns 4500000 Llthu GREAT RUSSIANS OF THE WHITE REGIONS etcrythlng e > en on weddings In tbo family
forms Inspected and pnsaed und then culling
clans 4000000 Hebrews 4000000 Germans and on ciery child born to them The hnrd their now summer helmets Thopnrnile will
tie helped on by the vonns mon who return ships endured by the Israelites under Kgy- revolted In tbe itlxtles and then their revolt dictive ind tnclturn but make mot sturdy not Inck for tine uniforms and plenty of new
0000000 Tarlsru 2000000 Caucasian moun- ¬
live In asclose proximity vrlth Turks Hungar- ¬ plln bundiiKO bardly exceeded Iho misery to was put down with very harsh measures Every enpablo fearless sailors especially when gold bnild Chief Conlln It Is cxpHcteJ nlll
taineers and 7000000 people of various other ians all Germans nnd hale llkewlte felt hume to the villages after having served their which the Lltllo Russians were subjected by step In tho Internal politics of Poland as re- drafted
¬ tn the Russian navy and taught the head he parade althiinuh no olllrlnl pro ¬

tliowelpht of tho Tartar Invasion Still the terms In the army where they aro Instructed lated to tho bated Russian rule Is further right way gramme has yet been announced It Is bo-
races and tribes hereditary political fncs of Russia the 1olcs by the officers Many of the young poldlcis and thn POll Hero too tho question of re- ¬
complicated by the fnct that thn craftiest nnd THE LITHUANIANS lleved that tho details of former years vvlll 1

On May 21 takes place the triumphant entry for Instance would fain read tho Russians nut sailors display remarkable talents for mathe- ¬ ligion entered largely Into the common con-
cerns of life It must be romotnbcred thnt most persistent Instigators of discontent and Tlie Lithuanians Ire such nn ancient people followed The programme In tho past ha
of the Czar Into the ancient capital of Russia of the blir Klnvlo fnmllv 011 tho vlol that tho matics and mechanics revolt aro tlio women ot tho Polish nobility that according to linguists their tongue made the cnthcrlnifplncniif tne forcu at Hattery
admixture of strange blnod In precludes It IU a n ellknown tact Dint the people of Catholicism In Poland ono may rather cay Park and tho ftnrt has been made from there-
There will be many splendid fca- In the whole if Kuropo ls quite a different and the Catholic clerJ Resides the Poles are Is of all to tbn Sanscrit
their claim to the title of genuine Slavs enmity but It Russia are divided Into clashes that of tho wellknown thing that that revered ancestor oth1 tlio IndoKuro
the nearest
Moscow I
hereditary noblemen titled nnd untltledi the thing from tbo Roman Catholicism of the also blavs nnd at 1 ocloek Theplace line of march was nn Huwd
tnres In the procession that Is lo welcome and must be remembered thnt there is no
who up to the year 1N01 wero srrla Cnlted States whoru it Is greatly purified there Is no such violent hatred an among near penn languages Thy ao related to the Lens way to Clinton ucrus to WnshltiKtna
so violent unreasoning nnd enduring as
On the of antsormer the potty tradesmen and mer- ¬
accompany Nicholas II on this occasion As from all tho dnluiBlniaccumulations nnd In- relations tbo Yetvlniry and Vmoodlna the two square and Ilfth avenue up fifth avenue to-
enmity among near relations fluences that cling to It In Kurone a mot However the Russians now unnor trtbcK howoor are almost extinct Twentythird ttrect ncro n to Madlioh ave- ¬
rumor has It the Knsslan Government alone other hand thl very admixture of foreignIs chants from peasant who have made blnlfoes with In- hitter
has expended no less than a million dollars In racial traits to tbo bulk of this Slav nature
credited the undesirable fact that tho tireut
their wa vuf
tho world nnd finally the
clergy which only lately 1ms been allowed to
pernicious legacy of tho discredited Papay of
tho Middle Ages The Vlnt Russians luck- ¬
mot they recird their
difference although with never abating dis-
The Llthuanlun
Nlonmn and 8etllment extend
along tbo- nue up Madison incline to Fortypccond street
forests thence lo Ilfth avenue and down past the
preparations lo make that function a success Russian has developed the Kturdlness the en- lie recruited from all otherway cla sei of tho peo- ¬ ing tbe backlKine of the LIttIo Russians were trust while the Poles constantly mine nt the for which that locality I celebrated It Is there iVortn monument at Turntytlfth inually
Mtreet wbero
oat to speak of the ex perues of foreign Govern- ¬ terprise tbo energy that distinguish him from ple Still In Russia thu Is wide open to unable ti otTcr as strong resistance ns the restrictions put over them nnd nt the prohibi- ¬
that I
I s thn renowned Hlelotejsknja Pooschn- the rcvluAIni utand BUiod II will lx- >

latter did to the prcsturo brought to lienr on tion of tho fren uso of tho Polish language in a forest covering over SOOO squarn verxts the Interestlnu to ecryboily tn seu hmr tbe relu-
ments whose tpeclal envoys are to figure In other members of the Slav family as well as- the lowest of tho low to attain the highest their country by the Russian noeriior al vennted force conipires In lt Bvlfltutcs of ills
tbe irenlus for colonizing that has helped dignities under tho Czar Not Infrequent nre Ihem by their landlords and gave up their ¬
favorite hunting ground of tlm Russian Im-
that procession together with their numerous hlmaftcr acquiring contiguous territory uy tho instances of sons of t onnns nnd of priests original Inlth to enter Roman Catholicism ways on the lookout for some now 1ollsh In- ¬ perial family also celebrated for tbo variety clnllne nnd In Its physical citinlltles with tha
mites gotten up In most gorgeous style And tho sword or by treaty to reconcile thenbor to be Ministers of blato distinguished thinly dhguised ns the tirotonded union of trigue that would plt Russia at a dibttdvaji- of Its cgetntInn ns less than lOi different police force of thrpu t Tho ncv men diiuliC-
there will be ono feature In that procession Bines to the Ihl8111 rule It Iis n wellknown rllnlIn the professions or savants A couple the Ruslun Church with tho Roman tagu in her foreign relations
Apart from this danger Hussllslron rule
plants helng found within Its limits 8- to Im Imndvimer Ihan tho new men of thn past
times for tlio prr9entlioirdialseil thn tntid-
many lands acnulied by Rnpla of yearn ago tho writer of this tollln these ivnods ttio Lithuanians nnd nshunt
Small I s the wonder that too Vhlte Rus- were

which unique In llcolf ought to give food for thing that In ¬

over Poland IIs fortified ny free ard of botli nhyikil and mental ruqulr-

t t
sians succumbed to tho pressure thnt was
reflection even the superficial observer and
within tho present century KIVO her no trou RuBnla wan greatly surnrhcd to
ble whatever and do not show any tendency stanccthat of the HOO odd students of tho Tech-
¬ brotigjt to bear on them In this Instance
Living as they do u a marshy debilitating ID
that the Russian authorities have to shield tho from
rural and poorer classes Inhabiting IVlnnd Germans tho 1olcs and tho Russians alike
Ishemcnhrln A lon defied the menta for candidates for appointment
convoy the shallowest mInd some sus- to eeparattim nological Institute of 8t Petersburg there from the selllsh and domineering IollMinrU-
picion as to the fact that It Is not such an easy were 600 sons of peasants nnd puople hut ono
rrndo removed from the tillers of tho full tocraey which real Is of dlllercnt blood from
task to provide government to the Russian Universal military conscription nlso does a- Ihe common and shows llttte forbear- ¬
creat deal to foster democracy by means no-of ance toward them For the Polish nobility Tbe Trnnk IVIilcIi Mervril H tlir InttMtt-
nation and that really tbe Imperial crown to descends from the Sarmntei a haughty aris- ¬ loaM I > vpun1t Vault In 1arlv lliky
on May the 20th on the 28year the forced companionship and mutual hud conquered Ibo agricul- ¬
bstwe qcalntance between men of entirely differ- ¬ tocratic raco
tnt The Dowery Savlucs Hank directors liavn pre- ¬
shoulders to
a symbol of a Tltanlo burden for his
In this procession there will figure delegations
ent standing recruited from ariou parts of
the country
tered In tho
are hardlr ever quar-
country from which
tural Slavic
tled on tho Odor and the
curred In the tenth
culled tbe Inkl fcnd set-
That oc-
hlnco tlat time
tho Invadcis hBo merged In tbe local 11otllll

ClI4- served In their flno new buIIdhiK some relics of
the days when tbe Institution as utruggllnf-
from all the peoples and tribes Inhabit- ¬
the majority of tholr mon were drafted fagalniitheavyoads forexlsteuce elitytwo ycnrj
ing the Hunlan empire somft of which to but tbo neighborhood of
travel thousands and thousands of hn on THE LITTLE lltSIAN3
Thoro Is hardly any especial difference t o be
lon frequency of Intercoune with It Implanted
tho spirit offeudallsm In Poland that dug an
ago The etoop of tho drnl hniik liullillnc Ii
leaving their Arctic tundras or their torrid built Into tbe mammoth new vault and a curi- ¬
the cue may be in order to come noted In the external appearance of the Little abyss between the higher classes and tho lower
desert as ous assortment of quaint business papers ar

avllllo witness nnd to tlirure In tho Russian as compared with hU nelahlwr of there wldlo feudalism never great found its nay =
proceulon well calculated to dazrlo Urea Russia still more at 1 rule tho Ltttlo His Into RuKsla proper gamo whore the mass of the zealously kept under lock and kry In the trus-¬
the eves ot tat 1 surfeited observers Side sia Is handsomer erect has clearer

nobility was of tbo blood and of tbo sitno

religion as tbo lower elates a fact Hint
tees room Ill rullo most prized Is a little
brassstudded leather trunk nut more than a
by slda will march Bamoyeds and Moldavians features and looks more prosperous on the cubic font In ile ultlcb Is preserved In a ulass-
Lapps and Tartars Karalms and Ostink- whole Dwellers of ilttlu Russia or the mndo Itself nlwayj felt on both sides greatly
sliulgartans and Kalmucks Finns and Geor- ¬ Ukralna are located In the KmornmeutF couth Inducing mutual understanding The Polish hI ca90 upon tho biK tublo around which
gians Persians and Zyrlanes Sarts nnd Llthn- of Kunk nnd north of thn Crimea aristocracy dlllers essentially from tho com ¬ tliu directors discuss thn bunk alTalrs
ments of them are found in many butetto mon people even In looks they lme more This trim um the liankV first do-
Kabalnllthe t
nlans the wild linshklr may ride in close
the daintily elegant Ourlan the
rub shoulders with a Kirghiz and
seventy odd tribes ami nation-
alities Inhabiting Iluksla file by In the person
of their representatives attired in their pe- ¬
central governments in th lands of the Col
sacks of the Don in lesnrhll on tho west
and tn some OfT the
in tho cast Little I rnn Is u ed
local selfgovernment carried on thrnuuh
clonrly cut features and
prrud and dooted to their
from the spurs of the
are ery handsome accolplsbul


their 1 1
Tho land settled bi the Poles nnd extending They Ruccumlied at last before the German It was purchased Plionly
P jioMt vnult and held all the
notes checkn legal papers and huslniMs corre-
ppondeiift of the in1 Itntlon for several years
chartered In 1NMI hy im economlciil Mcretnry
cash Pcurltlea

lifter tho bank wa

culiar national c08tume In sklnx turbans medium of the councils Uromada to tlie HftUlc Sea has been thn Brent highway Crusuderx und siiheiuently in the who hud been
IflUth- trunks fnr the use of tliu bank iiuthorlzed to purchase tno
highpeaked CBp brightcolored gor- wider ranee of action than ban tho lllaga- over which paired a numlwr of tribes peo- ¬ ntUI annexed themcelves to but who re-
CHEAT I1USSIANS AT TEA great transmigration oldtime ft lends tho White Ktnntims fused to buy more limn one on the cronnd that
Keous Ilk robes formidable array of murde- nilr or of peasant householders in ples In the ioiirxe of the
ruIlooldul weapons I at the belt TYPES Or VT1I1TB ItfSSIAI 9 tho rural cOlncl Great Russia Tho iro- cnUty oppreufed by thn hnuchlv Poles and of nations thnt continued for tbo whole of tho with them Into that union Now after four onlv ono wis needed TIO trunk w is htored-
Looklnl divergent these representatives of so many
ns their racial
the levsl of their civilization and tcndencle past
The Russian seems Instinctively lo concede
Ihe right of the aborigines to their peculiari-
mndas PAt A very preat II the Cossack
settlements that abounded In
¬ ruralimnnd
so graphically described In the works of-
pillaged ny tbe Hebrews who hold Iho en-
tiro trude of that> part of the country In thtlr
hands and offer e crv Inducement to the poor
600 last yearn of the lomlnlol of Rome Ilenco- centuries
tbo Saxaim hold the to
race Indeed nnd suppose thai in merged
of n cry mixed broken
of the Polish yoke the Lithuanian
down in tplrlt
Ihose parts dued to the will of his landlordIncluding
and thoroughly nu1- I nlghtlv In tho vnulm of tin Kutuheis and In-
they have Institution rented riimrturs hulldlnc
vurs Hank In whn e old the eavlnci
history could make them or following them ties and customs not Infrequently he even are Illnaers to run Into debt to thom and get nil many dlllerent nationalities hBO Into adopted much that Is Polish tbe The trunk has been a mule witness of many
conforms himself to the latter Whether from Oogol There were also Cossack settlements
In ones minds eyo In reading them delicacy or from pride that mnke him bhrlnk to which Hocked adventurous spirits from tbo liquor they want frfe on promises to pay ono that bud adnpcd the language nnd the Catholic religion although they have IIMI re- ¬ singes In tho hanks hlftoix1 ulnm that time
tine Is neoeirarlly struck by the abut of the from thrustlne bis most intimate religions be- Great Russia In fact It must be remembered nt hare t tlrao the tlmn of nil others when civilization of the one that was the hUlier do- turned under Russian rule after the third par- When
It first did service the forty Incorporators
b The Lithuanians remain of the bnnk hud KO little working canital that

tremendous difficulties lying in the WRY of any liefs on unnppreclntlie strangers tbe Rusnlan thnt the word Cossack IIs not tho term for nny there 1lcot money In the rural districts und clopcd and that proved to the Polish one tition of Poland
faler or legislative council tlmt would attempt- Is noL given to proclj tlsm ho docs not try to separate tribe or nationality Tie CosiacKs were the creditor may foreclose on his own terms ¬ Tho Poles do nut like purity of their Catbnllcr but have retained n greit many thev performed nil thn clerlcil Iduties them-¬
to devise rule belt calculated to govern ech Slavic extraction to lw questioned hnnthenUli observances as for the matter of selves without pav Mnco then In hank ha
make converts to his rellclon but wherever all Russian runaways from part of the The lot nf the White Russians Is ml crablo In- s III uven-
that have a great many ot other people reg- been enlarced several time iiid inliiillt twice
ft these heterogeneous tribes according to the be fettles ho nreserxcs religion bin cus- ¬ county or another all belonged to the estab deed a condition vouched for by tholr very ap-¬ nt tho present day themfelvos distinguish sev- ¬

laws of equity and yet without detriment to

the combined strength of the notion und Iho
toms and his inngunire hl
nil iu purity And Orthodox Church or to the Dis-
as the ncthc pushing enterprising Orcat Rns sent nnd led a free and untrammelled llfo in
¬ pearance They nre of suiMiro light
hatred puffed In the 111look Ins altogether
eral groups of nationalities amid tho local
population namely the Mazoory the purest The fact Is that those
istered ns balonglng to tho Huplal Church A history of the Ito erv Hnnk recently piili-
are 800100 llshed for prlvnn circulation rccoid tho fnit
big unit called thn Ruialan empire Ian la to be found all over tbe dominions of the their military sclllninnnt frequently Arrlnl faded and orcmaturely aged ixitlia ery ecant that ut on tlino tlit director conteinpliteil
growth of card They eat > my poor ctutf winding nu the liu lnes This was durini the
I fairminded person Here can hardly
be any question of thn utter tmponstblllty of
Czar Ihe language of ireat Russia co the cen-
tral part of tho empire reigns supremo from
iir with their neighbors or with

their own account and returnlnz homo with and arocxtremely filthy In their ways of liv ¬
they still follow the general rule
panic nf 1SI7 ttlioi le i lt snnl l nlmnst
nothing and nnlv timely loan of SlOooo nt-
treating the many halfcivilized and nomad the frontier ot Prussia to the shores of the valuable booty until they willingly acknowl- Inlthealthough

peoples and tribe living within the Russian Paclrtc over nn extent of territory thnt Is two edged the supremacy of tho Cnr they form Russian peasants and take Mr am baths innrkotultlt cit bonds frmn tho Hank for Sav-a-¬
tmplro In any other way than ns wardf of only not eiery werfc as ilo the common people ings iirevt nted dissolution It Is out of Biich
and a half times bigger tlmn Kuropo anlllover now the irregular Russian Brmrlro warriors stoimy peruid that thu hank lias pronn to bo-
The Government the lands of the most wnrllKn onesixth part of tbo IInu land of from choice and IOt conscrip- ¬ of the other parts of Russia having a predilec- ¬ onn uf the mot iro perous In the city
and turbulent to be for their own good
ant It cannot bo gainsaid alia that culture among tion and live In times of peace In their own tion fur nonrlns lone hall they nre frequently In continst lth the trunk tlmt heU tlm-
ecurlty constantly patrolled by strong Great Russian ha attained if router heights military settlements wIth their own families KUirerlnc from a erv pnlnful and disgusting nucleii oi I hu banks wealth which ni wtniS-
uf Iroope preferably CossackH iheie unfail- ¬ tho latter IUcoiuliiu lnfu ed
dleafo of tho Imlrhonelessiy nn liMiiicnt Minit me the bit trustees tuoln
ing pioneers of Rutslnn nationality Russian with bloo1 nnd matted Notwltn-
and the remnrkiihlnrni thnt dcidcns theiound-
customs and the
nil Russian
Hllnlanllale toHowever tho out ¬
Btandlnenll Uicso ilrawbacki tbo Little Rus-
slans arc very good nntiiredoen Jolly patient ot the trustee feet Thu tauln Is mid to be the
largest and hundsomcst in thu world with the
lying eastern and ouuthurl provinces of the but careless kindhearted pious hospitable
empire through very easy golnz dliposl- nnd fo honest nnd law abiding that there Is little single execution of one In the drawlnic room of-
timi serve the purposes of the emplreV conwill- for the ofllccrs of thn law to do among VliiiUiir Ca tle KncUnd It Is of highly pol-
iatlon for the roimon Hint they invariably make they live In pcn o with all thnlr tlml Uhed ri f od W fiet lone by 1 wide and the
lop Is so Ingeniously devised HH to appear to he
Mentis Alth the natives and reconcile the lat- ing bosed by nil who feel 1irllncd tn exploit made of one holld ptece of wood Tho rutf U
ter to Rusiuin rule unless they be thwarted tn them but lire Miry Industrious withal only almost fortv feet square nf coMlv pattern and
this unconscious missionary work of theirs somehow notio of their earnings I remain long
fahrlc imil wiis mule tn order In liormany It-
by stupid regulations and blundering on tho In their hands Sooner or later the Jws net
part of their petty Iitnorant officers Rut how them all- Is said lo livu tnien 1 jiar tu make
about Russian land settled entirely
Russians uttlo Russians and White RIlanl1
byrttt Such nro In thi main thn Rus Hn of the
three limnetic nil inhabiting Iuripean lins-
Or about the Haltlo provinces of uro sli IheOraat Russians nlonn mirend nil over
ly IK firmly enough Implanted
to clllzalonl narts of the empire rely for
tha empire and havo colonled Slbeila nnd all
Ihe outskirts of their country It is thor who
ltlh representation at tho higher councils
empire ant the task of governing
should by no means he ns difficult ns thethor
of governing the nfnredc crlbed parts of tho
halo mado Rus tn tn fnct Many are the dl
branches IIDnl Russlins of different
I on thn Russian ioernment
RStaying Power
empire where the oldestablished Kws cus- tint devolcs tno linrd nnd delicate task of do-
Mng means for ililuldlnc Ilite wens from the
toms religions nnd hereditary feuds of the uncronehments of tho smnrt nnd thn nn-
had to lie considered
all humored nruplous at tlie ine tlmo repressing by-
a lino of policy necessarily
fering in different provinces and hardly capa- dif ¬ veiv tiar h menns snmetlmes nny tendencies LITTLE RUSSIAN PEASANTS
tilu of upheld otherwlso thnti when sup- ¬
that mny tostir sipuatlst Ideas nmong tho peo- ¬

ple of thn localities horllerlnl on Austria and

ported blll stroiu military force Germany
of thu local typos and the nearest related to the ly ns oolnted with the entire folklore of such
It blnl not within tho province af tho llowovor all the llttlo enmity and mutual people that very little tlmt Is new occurring In
distrust ImOI ttio Rulans if the Itire- longinaded raeo found tn the prehlatorto-
wrier of speculate on the merits of different
Kovurmnent even In any putative ejanchS nprenr as by ui iule as soon as there mounda of Itumtanid central iurope They their lives such thserances nnd traditions
application to Itusiti but rathtir to present nrlsns the question of Ihu Interests or of tlie ara blond sturdy ind mm h shorter limn tbe cpaotttutn most of tho romance to be found lu
especially their prosy exlitonoox
flt In such wav ns best to put the reader
position 1 draw conclusions foe himself
1 may still facilitate tha latter proeem by ad-
great nm of Russia us a whole Nowadays
Dm nation Is fully consolhlnfd
Ru sHns always olter n tinlml-
dark awiirlhv
Iho tall IHhunlJii
tmuihorn 1ob und
They nre very dltlorent
from the Letts Ibo Maoory ato considered
tho most ancient loUol people on the dace as
vising any amateur American arbiter of Hue
slan affairs to try and never low sight of the
primary fact that wlmtsver
trnnttotbe common enemv
such inioi thero 10 morn
from without In
ireat Russians
Ltttlo Russians 1fWhite Itusttlnits ttiey feel
they am tbo
tiro tlio handsomest ofill
while tbo Krakovluks-
Then there iuo the
Kityiivy the KrukovtakH ibo Lubllmv the
How the nrmidmotber of the Khedlvo ol- Strength FO-
weaken the emidie ns
s to liberalism or nhsolutlrm
must neressnrlly adapt tlietnsolves
the vital eiUonele of the Stntf which
llrnt of all to avohl
al that could possibly
prrstlue of Runia abroad or In endaniter nny war In-
than among any other Slavic peonle tnch
names as that of loo likln Tuiuenef Iot-
In science
Tolstoi In literature Mendeleyoif-
Tehalkofsky In muxle nre well
The Little Russians did not milTor much
from the Tartar Invnidon they fought BOIIIO
Unties with tbe Invader but the littler did
not nettle amonit them Iho real und bitter
they nre nolhlla but Riwl ins rtriigulliu alike
to protect
t common fntheilnnd or
Us strength or ilory abroad
TIC roir- <
Voono rcalles bntler thnti tho Poles the
con yandomlrtv the Koonlkn and the Padllacks
a crwsln with thn Wlutn Itussliins
thu Poles of wlmtewr nubdlvlvton are
f 1 ciy bright lmpress mublu disposition
They aru luri eiiterprlMni liut nlinw little
bcxwt Ilicame n Widow
iom IA IMllmort iun
The reconl arrival of an Eiryptlan Princess
rla did not a llttlo ttr up Unit coital
which Is so accustomed to royal Isltors that
advertently lend to the future dlilnteernllon- this tlllllllnlllllltv nt- peraevtrance They delleht In dancing min b- most of them do lot attract tho least atten
of the ralshty iiiplro built nn by the force of
enough known the world over to remind people foes of the llttli Itumlan peasants were Slavs
like Ihonisnlvcuthe Poles Mho Invaded the
nllthe trIllht and poetry Tlie incmt poetic and passionate tion unlesH It b that of IU curious Kue ts
in Training ntul in nil important
he huo a Lleut ileilIrl dsklt In Iho Little
to what a high plnnaelu have rons of llreat iiiuonu ull ilAiicos U their national duliceihe far Games nnil Kacvs tlu Athfutts of-
armolllt tlie THC- dlnlumatlo ueulm Inherent to Accomtwnleil by a lame suite tliu iirunduother-
Russia rald tho colors of their fatherland
IM to proofs nf thn military and liuhtlnx quali-
beautiful I kralna ret their loku oirrthn peo-
ple nne ntiproHsed them unmercifully Intnnt- RusslMisnnd ontempl for tho White ItiiKslunn fameil inniurka However hoth muslo and of the Khedive allKhltsl at the Hotel Mlrabeau- Yalo Cornell tho Iniwiilty ot-
OTlie Riuilani are bv poetry with them aisumo the lyrlo form tend wbcro HID irononwl to remain for omo time
occupy the lands that f means tho nrst to
to hom ties of tho Cult ltu lan I hardly lieeit cite
llndetzky Hkohelol or the
ns Ih nore on making them rnounce tl elr-
ailuulnncn to the Hunilan Church and embrace
Kiev hiiMi not cl Kllen up the Idea of wlniilnir
over tln llr t bv foneei lons and Iliittery nnd- to five exproslon to temporary ensatlon durlni bur sojourn In frunie Her name Is rontihyKanla etc li ni upoutho
f Ieople nf several
prtnf Kfl h rle IclfilInhabited
the fact U clearly
e t bll led tiy the most conscientious ethno
huh nlmcs of tho
NnchlmolT It Is
I enough
to be nnneniberrd-
Roman Catholicism
Later on the Little Russians fhooi off the
it otercomlng and nnnuxtnv thn hitter by-
methoiH iisii on fnrmui ICII11 It N for I
and not to tiny duepecateU and long cartlcdnutl-
du With tlioin It fa mottly tonnets elegies
nocturnes miuurkns nnd no In rue epia works
hi Ilitml and she
the daughter of thn late
Abdul Medjld of Turkey and widow tonicsti-
great AJJticuu
thnt It was tho GrMt ItUBMan who Ixirn on his Polish dominion hut not the voko nf thn cruel tlm ireat Itu ilun Hint lintred- of the Prince El Hamt a son of Khedive Ab
not many operas nnd symphnnles It Is to the
I louto and archiPotoKlu Iicsearches of ltua > lun
and forelun InYllthcalof of the second pattof
tbli eenlnry
tntuht shoulderH thn brunt ot thu liuudou of
thn AnUtlo hordes of lienuhls lilmn who In
vailed Kupola In thn early part of the thirteenth
landed estiitrt
Polish nrlslocrne
In the llr
Tho tl geiit
inn nelonued to
haughty Iollfh Iutholli proprietor ihocon-
I re errid mr It IIs thl drent Huitatis ami

their IVnrs that were rhlcth Insti uinentul In


hrln lin nbnui til fall nf the onro powerful

I ile Unit euro Indebted for
Uoulivnkv and sueli musicians as Paderewtki- Ilst
ban 1 nf Kuypt
Her widowhood tn hellove a Paris correst on
dent of the l iuW of Mexico oltv was of her
Kuropunn Hussla IIs thickly vtudded with kingdom nt Idand nnd tho consequent loss of aud the lie Kcxzkes- own luaklnK
quetto that the husband nftbe Ia
innturr wern It nut fur tlA Oirat KusKlnus Ider I thn Ltttlo Russian and rented them Throuuhoui tho t It > eti-
In cases of Tinly Convalescence
inouiuU ol the Mime prehistoric orlktnns thn n the raiuun Huns ntnl tho hordes Uttlo better than thu dirt unilei tlielr tret- Pulnndd independence daiikhwr of a
that extend all over Uurnmny nnd iwntro-
lrurnpes ma of thiwe mouniU when oi ned
would Htiiely hao swooiwd
htrojrd Its tarty clvllUilloi
lellnll and de- Thl < last oka of tiorfdom asat last nliollshel-
by Cnr Alexander Ihu Hemml
Them Is unnther nation settled among the
full n should fcmr restrict hlmnolf to one spouse In-
IthorUed by Hut pronhuU-
Delnlity Mitsculti WcaUncss Men-
M As lo tho HUH Mill tho ha Vf1 tal Iiujirfssio Anainiu Nervous
f ciiid
Illnlloltbehai dlsjlooenl I rh I reserved
stone uito in the Implements
I have iMirtio the Tartar yoke for well
nlKh threo centurlesi for fullv that lutigth of
tied of HIP lltth Human for thu Pointeen Ilo
day II s as vivid us ver To be ure there l no
Poles that neiei nrlly rall for tho Inturfur-
viu u of Ihu KUMliui authorities In outer to-
1rlncoKI Haml liowavor chon lo lenmv ihls
rub and Introduced a benuiKul Circassian- Dyspftisln fiiiKuniil Ilcntt AfTw
BKusL rhonlnic u ruela ftructure rominou to
the nil Altai line
them testllird other mounds
of tutor orluln have j leldrd botturiiresor e- 1
onlu4 whole truest
tlnm t not fir a lonirnr urlral 1ms their bud
dint I IvllUntlon
hIl ret back nirv has
lheen fastenelI cu hem abolutltm nnd
turlfin hate brvu foreed on them and mi
lute hint either 11101 ihe Llttlfl Ituxitan or-
tln lernian the liniilllv
terribly nutred up nnd are fnitiur Uiirtini of

the ipeitorltv of Itheir ulviliiiilun

lui um
Tim Lit
nbelter It Irom tho iipprnnstiin in which it I
constantly etpovnd Thl nation In that of-
tho Lett kindred to tlieoncn might Ilthii-
nlan nation iluscandud u tlmy nro loth Irom
udalUuue aniiouncliiK t the nmo time that ho
hud thu atenu of nmklnu her Ilia keLond-
wlfi Iho rrlnc n ho eer mainuiy klinrt
work of tier Imthaml and of ibo i l w liom he
turns Mvlntuhiilia Astlsiui nnd tho-
uKlni t nnil iifbkicw ui AKO this
jireparalton liii proved itself to bo a-
f i
repre untntiuii nre the Finns of the Noith- heirtlly despUes Ihu leh who the greut ludoluropoin rai1 irouiHhlli ilo- Imil inrel to InlrtHliuo Inmnth li r luif tun c iiiiftirunt viln uer
Mtwt of ItussLt while mill othar tnonndi Inlil
lira natural pentus of the nation Ill
reeteil Into cliannulii dltrireut from tlumo In
beun ill tb
hWIrl us money ilit Iruralna nnd Vhlt ltu scended tho Tcutimd lliuMnvn und the Llthii- Bhe had them Unit nwn up in hacks beaUIr-
ciougthunvr ot tlm Uifjlicbt efficacy
skeletons ot esicllv the ratne formnilun und whhh It might nthorwlm I liao prrrendid nliins tueether with their iieariDt of km tlm- idiliu l and nut bv her euiiuihn Into the
mnuuromoits us those of the mllity ludn- These finIs ought to w riineinlmreil by the Illln

iundei IILI middlemen
at hurun UmO troll one vllliuo
LmmIll- Lett th latter having ulso settled lu Iluluo- sen in front of her palace on tlio iml leu Horn and adapted for thu Uiu of-
Kuropean race from which havo dlIenlp1
the Isrinan tie Hlavi and tho
severe erlths ot Russia and tlu Russian
wlieii limy Kit out t wold und to wonder Mliy
on their
burroU of hOIIII land e I
they Induce
vrovlnciS ot Russia ft proiwr-
giiveriiinenUof Russia
ol iu In some of the lii thu iliv follow tin thu fudi nhlchshei-
llil iol iiinko tlm slUutinl iiltiniipt t leuji-
k It Is not oiwn to queUII that In the hlav It Is Dint Ituilu i not
lhl the rott of Knrope- OIInll tu ilrlnk or tul u und uxrlmnna- Tlio IAIUS have nover been able to iroteit Mciet hle riirrtel n TurkUu olllier nf Mkii of

blrxxl of the llu
nomu parts of tbe
Ireat Rumlnnn esi eclallvthei
h n tllcht iidiiiixturu of clntilili bloodi then
thurnmiut he nm ktrnuLs of 1irtnr I 00111
Is hv thl time and
If I may inuKo bold to predlcl slnen
riD eel to b Intent on
never A
pnuredlii us
tioikliu out their mliitlon ac
I Ih-
tor tnu luttxrV newl mtllicrd main
Iho lllto RuHHlmi
nt thu Hebrew In Ms tiitea
bo In llluwlne
very superior llr iintltliesls-
di illius-
In hit tihl-
lor neverHurceisled In
lnur cneigeile nelU-
them elc4 from llnir prcmurvlngnational
Miiuh a tliV kiifiereil from ha
oppression of their polith landlords iirlnn iho
rank Sim m ecral clilldiou ly her tint
hiiKlrmd JHIMT onoof uhiiinls Iho inotbor
I hu t es lt VOIIIIK Khedive
the latu Khedlvu Tcnllk
HM fattier
as alw < praUisl
or condition
ariloa Is p radln ud siiKialiiiiip m4
followed IM nolindutiit liituKktrcnctB
them that biu tittered lito ilia miiMes
canrne of thu Tartar dominion iilthouKl IM th
cording tu their not ral l el and not ut all IKI
cording to preerdenu e tahll liii ly ueople of
tal conception
iiiiuit iireat
to llu aveiago hrulI und
Thu IIt tie Russian Mil AN lT lt > eiilih
time nf terfdom their etlsleiicu In hnrdly nny-
pweelur at the present day in thu Knltlc prov-
In Luropu jur bis uinrulliy in ii > tiltiltitj him-
self to one fe und w ib laid u no a uiy
tu tlu htroiiK it vwis iirat r uioportC
atOktrtnutbU tin Wcuk
lower olat ej that exceedingly rare Of-
re not Infrooueut
other races IIIIaello > ero end and rent l DO honoit 11ln
thlt In even nn name for TliKiiiiuhtn ohind 11r inces of Rilktlu llioroughly dejpltd nnd Uimud-
as thn am by the Herman population
pattern of OiUntal Urtue on tlmt ui count
Iberu U everk ruuoii tn beliuiu huwutcr Sold ny llrufirtnts generolly
courin IIUMlan women
lv appropriate
Ire Idoiils the
rhnilyqticslloueil < nl bv lu to lie iu
competent thinkers the thief In hh laniaiMml tnMureiaor In Ibis der Klnti btephen llnturu riillS8ili-
> > Tlm-
that It wiu not ninrullu but fenv uliltli liu-
by thu Invaders but tholr Hue are slmplv Urniml nmUlietois Ih- the 1111 nut uf the dMiaitv of tle Yvuellons- Letts ur tall bioid ileur of featutes and do pelled Ivwllk In tliU moderation In matri- Brunswick Pharmaoal CoJ-
proceny went In replenish tho Tartar hoido t world ONe- Mdes be Is serenely Indltfiiient to RII ami- kuiR ulivtul liy thu Iolib Atone tlmo not display the promlnrnt cheukboies com-
rllu la IIs eentlilly mon among iho other people lhit form tlie monial matlurs for bis wife u as inerurtli- UHMJON JiiiissuN ritlinitf Az
I the Haitian IIblu nf that period who
married women of Khans families all tho Hirrlcultiirlsts In It 1 fall of pearaniai
ilesplees tral
knuwleilgei Inll t
only irailn ho oVlr II
tcliumittcbestvo et
Ibo IoleH
of their OWIrnIvnel even lu Imtosn a king
making nn the 111111 and lower clinset in the Hftltlo provinces tmmoh- tnusteiful aud Iwpcrloua as bt WM tliulj auu- 0 Wtlllaio St Now Yttt
surely not the couiimn people to whom oc- people to whom must to idded tbt 60U000 HUB out a train of a hundred or
e creaky Picking up pretender Illtry gave tbe Esths the Koora or Korsesj und the Livo vuclllatlnK


nr1 C 2 U i <

lfr 1

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