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Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

NAKINu NAuIC -The concept of seivices

-Customei seivice: !"#$ !"#$%&
S=Smile anu Say Bello !"#$%& '()%* ,!+(,$-.&
E=Engage with guests !"#$%" &' ()*+,-"
R=Responu to questions !"#$%&' !"#$%& '(
v=value guests opinions !"#$%# &'( !)*+,
I=Inteiact with guests, Nake the fiist move !"#$% &'()"*+ ,-."% ,/%#0"% 12 34*56"%
C=Conuuct youiself with piofessionalism at all times !"#$%& '()* +, -."/)0 12345&
E=Enthuse guests to tell theii fiienus anu families about theii expeiience
! "#$%& !"#$%&' ()*+, -. /0123#.4 /03#5678 "#9:; "'4%&

-What aie the benefits of pioviuing excellent seivices to me peisonally.
#$%&') ()#*+, -#,./ 01.23 .4567
1- I'll feel satisfieu about the seivices am pioviuingoffeiing !"#$% &' ()*+,- ./0,-
2- I'll feel moie confiuent !"# $%&'
S- I'll be moie self-motivateu to pioviue even bettei seivices in futuie !"#$%& '()%&*

"#$%&' ()* +' ,-./ 0'12
4- I'll eain the excellence in pioviuing seivices among my colleagues !" #$%&'( )*+
!"# $%&'() *+&,- !"#$%&

-What aie the benefits of pioviuing excellent seivices to the guest.
!"#$%&' ()*+,- .-/0 12/34 /#$56
1- We will have loyal guests !"#$%& '#()*+ ,-%.
2- We will encouiage them to come again anu spieau a goou feeuback about oui
seivices !"#$% !"#$%&' ()*$+ ,* -./0123 1456 71+8 91* !"#$%&' 9:)#; <& :'6=&'
S- We will have happy anu satisfieu guests !""#$%& '$()* %$&+
4- Belps oui guests enjoy making wonueiful memoiies anu gieat fun expeiience
!"#$%& '"()* +,-./0 1234 5,#$#678 *)&98) :;<,=%

-What aie the benefits of pioviuing excellent seivices to Al Ain Z00The 0AE.
!"#$%&'( )*+,-'( .(/012( / 3*-'0+ .04(5*$'( )67#8 9: ";0%&1 )1#< =7#6> #?(5: 9@ 01
1- Al Ain Z00 will get a gieat ieputation !"#$% &'()
2- We will encouiage the touiism in Al Ain cityAl Ain Z00 anu the 0AE in geneial
!"# $%&' ()*"+,) -./0 12 / ("3)456.) -789: / ;5<.) -=89+ 12 1:"5>.) ?"@7.) A5B&C
S- We, as the woiking employees of Al Ain Z00 will cieate bettei image of ouiselves
anu get bettei expeiience, anu then bettei the Image of Al Ain Z00
!"#$%&'($ )*+,'( -./0 12%3 4&5'67 ,-./0 )89:;8 ,"<5=#> -./0 12%3 ?@9<@ ,4&=A%B CD
4- Al Ain Z00 coulu eain the title of the best Z00s in the iegion anu inteinationally
!"# $"%&'()!& *+,-)! ./0, .!"#$%&' ()*+' ,-./ 0)1 023 4&5

-The coineistones of seivice excellence = unuei piomise, ovei uelivei =Exceeuing
expectations anu going an extia mile
!"#$%%&' ()*+&' *,'-. !"#$% &'(%)* +",-./%) &012 = 3456/%) 758 ,98.%) :;2 =
Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

-Kinus of seivices: !"#$%&' (')*+
-0nbelievable !"#$%& '( )*+, -
-uoou seivice !"#$ %&"'
-Aveiage seivice !"#$% !&'(
-0nbelievable !"#$% !&'(

Customei seivice STAR - Seivice behavioi

Seivice STAR - !"#$%& '()
1- Senuing positive signals to customeis !"#$% &#$%' !"#$%" &%' ()*+,-"
2- Taking anu encouiaging feeuback !"#$%&' (%) *+,-%. /0-1.2
S- Action-ing customeis pioblems !"#$%" &'()* +,
4- Repeat ielationships uevelopeu !"#$%" &' ()*+,%" -./01# 2-,3%"
S- Seeking to exceeu expectations !"#$%&'( )*+,- .%/%'(

0npiofessional Piofessional
"I uon't know" "I'm not suie, but I'll ask foi you anu get
back to you iight away"
"That's not my job" "Let me take you to the peison in chaige
so you can get the help you neeu"
"It's not my fault" "I apologize"
"Call back latei" "I'll call you back in 1u minutes"
"You have to ...." "Why uon't you .."
"Come" "Please follow me"
"Tell me" "Nay I ask what's youi issue."
"Bave a seat" "Please have a seat"
"Ny ueai" "Ni.Ns.Nis.Sii"
"Aie you uone." "Please let me know when you aie uone"

III: I Want To See the Nanagei: Seivice Recoveiy

Reasons of complaints. !"#$%&' (#)*+
- Bisiespect !"#$%" &'(
- Bau seivice !"#$ !%&'
- Inattention !"#$%& !'(
- no time !"# $
- Reaction of the employee !"#$ %&' ()*
Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

- Behavioi of the employee !"#$ %&'(
- Attituue of the employee !"#$ %#&'
- Wiong Infoimation !"#$% &$'()*'
- Not meeting theii neeus oi expectations !"#$%&'# () !"#$*$+ ,-./# 012
- Not listing to them !"#$% &'()*+, -./

Bow to know that they want to complaint. !"#$% &'()* +, -#./0' &123 4,056 47879
- Keep iequesting !"#$% &' (%)*+,-% ,./0$1%
- Bouy language !"#$% &'$
- 0pset !"#$
- Inteiiupting !"#$%&'(
- voice tone !"#$% &'(
- If they say "I want to see the managei" "!"#$%& '() *) #"()" +,-
- Suggestions box !"#$%&'($ )*+,-

Pievention: Bow to avoiu ieceiving a complaint. !"#$% & '()* +,-* ./0/1 :.234#56
- Leaining to uo the job piopeily !"#$ %&'( %)*+, -,./( 01*2+,
- Boing the job iight eveiy time !"# $% &'()*+ $,-*./ 0.'1*+
- Woiking as a team !"#$% !"#$ %&
- Iuentifying anu solving pioblems !"#$%&' ()* +,-./
- Looking out foi solutions !"#$ %& '()*+
- uiving feeuback on guest comment !"#$%" &'()*+,% -'+./ 0#0!
- Naking suggestions on how to uevelop pioceuuies !"#$% &'(') *+ ,-./!01/

Benefits of Complaints: !"#$%&' ()'*+
- Nove fiom negative to positive case !"#$%&' !" !"#$ !"#$% !"# !"#$ !"#$%&'
- Avoiu same situation (next time) !"#$%&' (')*&' +, -./0 123*&' 4567
- Biscovei weakness !"#$% &'() *'+,-%
- Evaluate the employee ! "##$% !"#$%
- Impiove the seivice !"#$%& '()*+
- Best ieaction !"#$ !%# &'(
- Impiove & uevelop the oiganization !"#$%&' ()*+,
- Neet customeis' neeus !"#$%& '()(*+,& -*./0
- Nake the guest happy !"#$%# &'()*
- Customeis satisfaction !"#$%& !'()*

Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

Reasons of why customeis' complaint. (0ncontiolleu) !"#$% & '()*+) ,-./012 3"4% 25(/1
(!"#$%& '()*
- Not willing to seek a solution !" #$% !&'()$ *+,-(.+ #)/ 01$
- Not keeping the guest with the upuateu infoimation !"#$%&'() *+),() -"./0 12/
!"#"$%& !'(")%&
- Bau pioblem with family !"#$%&' () !"*+)
- Bioking piomise
- Bau attituue !"# $%&'
- Bau a ioau iange attack !"#$%& '( )*+,( !"#$%&' (&) *+,+&' !-+.,

Complaint Banuling Bo's (BLAST) (!"#$) %&'()$ *+ !+,"-)$
B - Bouy Language !"#$% &'$
L - Listen actively !"#$%& '"()*+&
A - Apologies sinceiely !"#$%& '&()*+&
S - Say what I will uo !"#$% &'( )*+% ,- .'/0
T - Thank the customei !"#$%& '()
Complaint Banuling Bon'ts (ABI0S) (!"#$ %) &'()*+ ,- !-."/*+
A - Aigue !"#$%"
B - Befensive !"#$%&
I - inteiiupt !"#$%&'(
0 - 0ffei excuse !"# $%&'(
S - Smile !"#$%&'(

Foi eveiy 1u complaint ieceiveu, theie aie 26 othei not ieceiveu.
!" #$ !" !"#$ , %&'()* +,"-. !" !"#$% !& '()* +,-.
A uissatisfieu guest tells 1u otheis.
!"#$ %& '()$ !"#$ %&'( !)* !" !"#$% &'()*
If the compliant iesolveu 7S% of the guests will ietuin.
, !"#$%& '(#$) *(+ &,- !" !"#$%& '$( )*"+,* -. %
If the complaint iesolveu in the spot 9S% of the guests will ietuin
, !"#$% &'( )"*+$% ,'*+- .'/ %01 !" !"# $%&'(% )* % !"#$%&

Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

Iv: Tuneu In 1: Communication Skills

What is Communication. !"#$%&'$ %( )*
Exchange infoimation, thoughts oi messages thiough speech, wiiting, signals oi
behavioi. .!"#$%& '( )&*+,-& ,./+01%& ,2340%& 567 89+:5%& '( *+1;<& ,)+="#>?%& @A+6B

Two types of communication: !"#$%&# '#$()
1- Effective !"#$%&
2- Ineffective !"#$ %&'()

Effective communication: :!"#$%& '(&)*%&
When both senuei anu ieceivei unueistanu the message in the way intenueu.
! "#$%&'() "'(*%'! +,-./'!0 1*%/'! 23 45 +67$ (389: !"#"$%

Bow. !"#$% &'()*+( ,)-. /01
Exchange infoimation - questions anu answeis - iight infoimation. !"#$%&'() *+",- -
!"#"$%& '()*+,-%& .(/01 !"#$%& !'()%

Consequence of infective communication: :!"#$ %&'() *+),-() ./),0
- Wasting time anu iesouices !"#$%&#' ()$&# *+,-
- wiong iesults !"#$%&' ()$*+&'
- Nay cause conflict !"#$%&"' ()*+&,
- Not getting any infoimation !"#$%&# '() *%+ ,$-./0 12+
- Selective listening !"#$%&'( )#*%+'(
- Lost piofit customeis !"#$%&' () *#$+,' -+#./
- uetting complaint !"#$%&'
- Nisunueistanuing !"#$% &'(
- Bau ieputation !"#$%& !'($%&

Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

The communication cycle :!"#$%&# '()#*

choose how will uelivei
the message
"#$%&#' (%&)% *)+ ,$-./
channel useu to senu
0$%,1 23.-45 67% "8/&9 :'

they woik out what the senuei
mean + Replay
();75 "8/&9 <= $>?>@/A "#$%&#' BC-4/
$>)C= "D$E1'A "#$%&#'

evaluate expeiience -
FG$-H#'A "D&I-#' B))85
Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

Encouing !"#$%&'
Say oi Piesent the message in a way that the ieceivei will unueistanu it. !" #$% !"#$%
!"#$%"& '()*+"& #,- ',./ ,#0 !1/%2 3- !"#$%"&
Becoue !"#$%& '(
Bow the ieceivei unueistanu the message unuei his-hei own peiceptions. !"#$ %&'
!"#$% &'()* +,-./ ,-012 34/ , 5$"67$% 89:;'$%

Typical communication skills baiiieis: !"# $#%&'( )*#+, :!"#
- Listenei !"#$"%&
- Speakei !"#$%&'
- Enviionment !"#$%&
- Natuie of the message !"#$%"& !'()*
- Time piessuie !"#$% &'(
- Nethou useu !"#$%&'() !*+,-()
- Language ability !"#$%&' (')*+&'
- Lack of iappoit (feeuback) !"#$%&'() *%+

Impiove communication skills !"#$%& '&(")* +,-.$
- Listening !"#$%&'
- Avoiu assumptions !"#$%&'( )*"&+
- Questioning anu checking !"#$%&'( )*+,-'
- Summaiizing !"#$%&'
- 0sing the iight methou. !"#"$%& !'()*%& +,-./0&

The use of each one in communication skills: :!"#$%&# '#()*+ ,- .+ !/ 0)12%3#
Bouy language - Postuie , gestuie, facial expiession = SS%
!"#$% &'$ = !"#$% &'()*+ ,,-.)( ,/0#1 !! %
Tone - Speeu, volume, emphasis = S8%
!"#$% &'() = !"#$% ,&'($% )*+ ,,-./$% !" %
Woius - Language = 7%
!"#$%&' = !"#$% ! %

Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

Email !"#$%
Words / !"#$%& !"#$%&'
Accurate information / !"#$%&# !"#$%
Time / !"#$%& !"#$%
More details / ! !"#$% !"#$

Misunderstanding / !"# !"#
Not instant / !"# !"#$ ) !"!#$% ! !"#$ !"#$%& !"
!"# !"#$% (
No body language / !"# !"#$%

Face to face !"# $% &'"#
Body language / !"# !"#$%
Voice note / !"#$%
Words / !"#$%&'
Physical appearance / !"#$%&
Money / !"#$%
Time / !"#$%
Distance / !"#$%&'

Mobile - !"#$%&
Urgent / !"#$
Voice tone / !"#$%
Words / !"#$%&'
Fast / !"#$%&
Easy / !"#$%"&
No body language / !"# !"#$% !"# !"#$#%
Accent / !"#$%& ) !"#$% !"#$% (
Not clear / !"# !"#$

Tuneu in 2: communication skills

Behavioi styles: :!"#$%& '()*+
1- Passive = When you fail to stanu up foi youi iights in a way that otheis can
uisiegaiu you
!"#$ %&'()* +,-!./0 120'3 4$ +5627 89 :!$;<* 4$ =>?@ !A;B9 :1#C,D
2- Aggiessive = When you stanu up foi youi iights in a way that ignoies the
otheis iights when you expiess youiself in inappiopiiate way
!"#$%& '()* +, $-./012 34, +#$562 78"9 :;& <=:>0? !"#$@ AB 'C8"9 +, D:B3E1 F"? :G34, :A*2H3,
!"#$ %&'
S- Asseitive = When you stanu up foi youi iights in a way that takes into
account the iights of otheis
!"#$ %&'()* +,-. /(01 2-&'3 4$ 56,-. %7 8!$9:; <-1 !=9>7 :?@!.
Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

Bow to iefuse a iequest. !"#$ %&'( )*+
1- Stait with positive - !"#$%&'# ()*+,
2- uive a ieal ieason why you can't say "yes" - "!"#" $%& '(") *+,+- ./0 12345
S- State the iefusal - !"#$% &'(
4- 0ffei an alteinative - !"#$ %& '() *+,( -+./0
S- Enu on positive - !"#$%&'# ($)*+,

The asseitive uiill:
1- Ask foi Belp !"#$%& '()
2- Explain the situation factually !"#$%&$ '(%&$ )*+
S- Spell out the consequences objectively anu uon't accuse !"#$ ,%&'()*' +,+-.
4- Specify the effect on you !"#$%& '()*+%& ,-,./
S- Recommenu a solution that has a win: win outcome !"#$%&' ()&' *'+,-'

Active listening techniques: :!"#$%& '"()*+& ,"-./0
1- Encouiaging !"#$%&'
2- Re-Stating !"#$% &'()*
S- Reflecting !"#$%
4- Summaiizing !"#$%&'

Five keys of listening: :!"#$%&' ()*"+, -.#/
1- Pay attention !"#$%&' ()*
2- Show that you aie listening !"#$%&'
S- Pioviue feeuback !"#$%& '()*+
4- Befei juugment !"#$% &'()*
S- Responu appiopiiately !"#$ %&'( )*+, -. /(01234,

The social styles:
1- Analytical
2- Biiving
S- Amiable
4- Expiessive

Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

The chaiacteiistics of social styles:

Analytical Biiving Amiable Expiessive
Befinition A peison who is
analytical, coulu
also be uesciibeu as
a thinkei anu a
technical specialist
A peison who is
Biivei, coulu also be
uesciibeu as a uoei
anu a commanu
A peison who is
amiable, coulu also
be uesciibeu as a
feelei anu a
A peison who is
expiessive, coulu
also be uesciibeu
as an intuitoi anu
social specialist
Chaiacteiistics -Seiious
-Stiong willeu
veibalvocal -Speaks slowei
-Softei tone of voice
-Fewei statements
- 0ses factsuata
-Speaks fastei
-Nakes moie
-0ses factsuata
-Focuses on people
-0ses opinions
-Speaks slowei
-Softei tone of voice
-Nakes statements
-Focuses on
-Speaks louuei
-vocal inflection
None-veibal -Banus ielaxeu oi
-Inuiiect eye contact
-Leans back while
-Contiolleu facial
-Pointing at otheis
-Closeu hanus
-Biiect eye contact
- Leans foiwaiu to
make a point
-0pen palms
-Casual postuie
-Inuiiect eye contact
-Leans back while
-Leans foiwaiu to
make a point
-Biiect eye contact
-Casual postuie
Recognizeu by -Slow ieaction time
-Ninimum concein
foi ielationship
-Cautious action
-Neeu foi:
-maximum concein
foi ielationships
-Swift ieaction time
-Naximum effoit to
-Biiect action
-Neeu foi:
-Ninimum concein
foi caution in
-0nhuiiieu ieaction
-Nakes maximum
effoit to ielate to
-Tenuency to avoiu
-Neeus foi: co-
opeiation peisonal
-Ninimum concein
foi effecting change
-Rapiu ieaction
-Naximum effoit
to involve
concein foi
-Impulsive action
-Neeu foi:
peisonal appioach
0sual stiess
Avoiuance of people
oi situation which
makes them feel
0ses of autociatic
Compliance Peisonal attack
Be moie asseitive Listen moie Shoulu take the
initiative moie often
Refiain fiom
ieacting too
quickly to
Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

What shoulu I uo. - Becision making
!"#$%" &'()"

-uoou uecision-making iequiies a mixtuie of skills, cieative uevelopment anu
iuentification of options, claiity of juugment objectively, fiimness of uecision, anu
effective implementation.

The skills that aie neeueu to take goou uecisions: !" #"$%&'!" :!"# $%&' ()*+, -)./+ 0.
- Cieative uevelopment !"#$%& '()*+%&
- Iuentification of options !"#$%&'" ()*+,
- Claiity of juugment objectively !"#$%" &'()* +, -'.)()/%"
- Fiimness of uecision !"#$%" &'(
- Effective implementation !"#$%& '()*+%&

Conveigent pioblem= It have one solution !"#$ %" &'( )*+,-
Biveigent pioblem = It have many solutions !"#$% &'() *+, -(./0

S Nain appioaches foi Conveigent pioblem !"#$ %" &'( )*+,-( !"#$#%& '()*& +,-*&
1- Engineeiing baseu !"#$%& '$()*
2- Nath baseu !"#$% !"#$%&
S- Eviuence baseu !"#$% &'()*

Steps to follow in solving Conveigent pioblem: !"#$%&' () *+ ,-./%&' !'012&'
1- uathei all the infoimation !"#$%&'() *'+
-Talk to expeit !"#$ %&' ()*+&,
-Reseaich !"#$%
-0se expeiience !"#$%&'
2- Analyze anu ueciue on the its ielevance usefulness !"#$%& '()* +&,- ./01&2 3"451
S- Logical piocess !"#$%&
4- Eliminate options baseu on eviuence !"#$% &'()* +("% ,%-./0"% 123 45 670("%
S- Bevelop a testing piocess !"#$%&' ()*+, -./01

Pioblem solving anu uecision making piocess have 6 stages: !"#$ %&'()*+ ,- ,-+./
1- 0nueistanu (oppoitunitychallenges) !"#$%&'() *+,'( -./
2- ueneiate alteinative !"#$%&# '()
S- Evaluate each alteinative !"#$%&# !' ())*+
4- Nake uecisions !"#$%" &'(
S- Implement !"#$%&'
6- Review !"#$%&'$ - !"#$%&'

Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

What makes a goou uecision makei. !"#$% &%'($% )*+,
1- 0nueistanuing the pioblem !"#$%&' ()*
2- Be iesponsible foi consequences !"#$%&# '( )*+,-
S- Action oiienteu peison !"#$% &'( )*+
4- Exploie alteinatives !"#$%&# '()*+#

What aie baiiieis to effective uecision-making. !"#$%&# '() *+&,-. /,01-2
1- Emotion ovei minu !"#$% &'( )*+,-$%
2- Nisunueistanuing the pioblem !"#$%&' ()* +,-
S- No facts !"#$ % !" !"#$%
4- Feai !"#$%
S- Stiess !"#$%&

What coulu we uo to make oui uecision-making moie effective.
!" !"#$ !"#$%&' ()*+ %,-.$ /0(1$0 2,3 "#456 7&8$ 9: ;%#1$0 %,,<5-
1- Ask expeits !"#$%&" '()"
2- Expeiience !"#$%&
S- Explain options !"#$%&'(" )%*+,
4- Team woik !"#$%&' ($)&'
S- Analyze !"#$%&'
6- Reseaich !"#$%
7- uathei infoimation !"#$%&# '()

Eveiyone sells - !"#$ %&'(

What aie the qualities of successful sale peison. !"#$%& '( )*+,%& -./%& 0+12
1- Knowleuge of piouuct - !"#$%& '()*+
2- Confiuence - !"#$%
S- Positive attituue anu bouy language - !"#$% &'$ ( )*+#,-% ./01$%
4- uive options anu suggestions - !"#$%&'$( !$)"*+ ,"-./
S- The ability to convince customeis - !"#$%&' (#)*+ ,-. /012&'
6- Listen actively - !"#$% &'()*+%
7- Welcome anu gieet the guests - !"#$%&' ()*+,%"
8- 0nueistanu the neeus anu wants of the customei - !"#$%& '()*+ ',-. /01

Sales staiicase - !"#$%&'( )*+

52+0" )*" !42" 6 !"#$/!%&'(
0p sell sell on - !"# $%&'(/)( $%&'(
7.0)"# 8+% 9#""$0 4#$ :4#)0; 6 !"#$%&' ()* !"+$,&-&. /!)012&.
Assess neeus anu ask questions - !"#$% &'()*+,+- ./#0 &1234
uieet anu builu iappoit - !"#$%&' ()*+, -./0
Know youi piouuct - !"#$% &'()*+
Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

Bow will the guest benefit fiom the employee's knowleuge of piouuct. !"#$%& '"(
!"#$% &% #'()*( !"#$%&'/()*+&,- ./0+&'

1- Bappy anu satisfieu customei - !"#$%" &'()*# +',!*
2- The customei will gain the knowleuge he neeus - !"#$%$ &'() *!+,-./(!0 %1)2() 34%.+
S- The customei will be able to tiust the piouuctemployee - /!"#$%&' ()*+%* !,-
!"#$%&' ()*$%&
4- The customei will enjoy goou shop expeiience - !"#$%&/'()*%& !+,-(+ ,.&/%& 01(*(2&
S- The customei will be able to make the best uecision among the uiffeient
piouucts !"#$%/!"&'(# )$* +,- ./0123 4",'%0 5678

Bow will the Z00 employees benefit fiom the knowleuge of piouuct. !"#$%& '"(
!"#$%&'/()*+&' ",-.# /# 012'345&' "67$8 9:;3#

1- Time management - !"#$% &'%()
2- Bettei team playwoik - !"#$ !%& '()#
S- The employees will be moie confiuent when uealing with customeis - !"#$%
!"#$%" &' (')*+%),
4- The employee will peifoim bettei - !"#$ !%&' ()*+)

Bow will Al Ain Z00 benefit fiom the employee's knowleuge of piouuct. !"#$%& '"(
!"#$%&'/()*+&,- ,./012# "345# 6# 7,8'2/9&' ":;$<
1- Inciease the sells !"#$%&'( )*"+,
2- Bettei ieputation !"#$%& '()*%&
S- Noie visitois !"#$% !"#$%" &'(
4- Bettei seivice !"#$ %&'() *+(,-

Types of questions: !"#$%& '&()*
- 0pen questions (!"#$%&#')!()*+, !-./0
- Closeu questions (!"#$%$&'()!)*+, !*-./
- Alteinative questions (!"#$ %$ &'()*+ &*,)-) ./'0123 %$ .'()*4+53 ./6783

0pen questions (What.. - Bow.. - Who.. - Wheie..) = The kinu of questions
which helps you gains infoimation. !"#$%&'() *'+ ,%- ./-"01 2%345 (...678567#69:;6)<"#)

Closeu questions (Is.. - Will.. - Aie.. - Woulu.. - Can..) = The kinu of questions
that aie useu foi checking uetails oi accuiacy. !"#$%& '()*+ (,-".+ ,/01$*2 ,34 ,54 ,64)

Alteinative questions (Woulu you.oi.. - Bow about.oi..) = These questions
give a choice of this oi that. ..!"#$ %&) . ...!" #$%& ! .!"# $% &'( )*+,- .,*/ 0123% (

Active listening: !"#$%& '"()*+&
- Listen foi neeus anu piefeiences !"#$%&'( )*+*"%,-' .&/ 0*1%2-'
Bone by: Nouia Al Shamsi, Salama Al Nusaabi, anu 0mian Al Baloushi

- Bon't inteiiupt !"#$%&'( )*+
- Concentiate - Keep an open minu !"#$%&'
- uive veibal anu none-veibal feeuback !" #$%&'( )$*+, !" !"# $
- Repeat key points !"#$% &'!() !"#"$%&' (
- 0se guest's name as much as possible !"#$%& '() *+&,-& ./& 0&(12/&

0p-Selling is: Selling a piouuct oi seivice of gieatei value than the one oiiginally
!"#"$% #&'(" )* '+,- '(" ./ 0*12 3- 456* 78/ :78+9% :;#<=/>?@
Selling-on is: Suggesting moie piouucts anu seivices above the oiiginal oiuei that
complement the oiiginal oiuei
.!"#$%&'( !)*+'( /,-.&/' 0&1) !)*2 34 ,-.) 5) %674 8(%-9( ::;<'( :)

<*" =+2$"# ,12" ((Nevei 0p-sell oi Sell-on without peimission))
! "#$) %&'()*+ ,#$-.*+ (!"#$%& '() *& +(,-$ !#./0 12 34.5

Buying Signals: !"#$%" &"'()*
1- visual = Facial expiessionNouuingappioaching wallet
!"#$ %&'( ,)*&'(+ ),-#$ '"./01 =/2*345 6783:9':.
2- veibal = "W0W", "Wonueiful", "Sounus inteiesting"
!"#$ %&'(:)#*+
S- vocal = "mmmm", Tone of voice
!"#$% &'() *+,-:./+0

Example of Poweiful woius:
1- Attiactive !"#$
2- Beneficial !"#$
S- Fiee !"
4- Convenient !"#
S- Bynamic !"#$
6- Extiaoiuinaiy !"#$%&'(
7- uigantic !"#$
8- Tasty !"!#
9- Fiesh !"#$ - !"!#
1u- Exotic !"#$

Testing Questions: !"#$%&' ()*+,
-Bow uoes that sounu. !"#$ %&'( )*+
-What uo you think. !"#$% &'

Closing the sale: :!"#$% &'()
-0ne oi two. !"#$%& '( )*&+
-Aie you going foi the Reu coloi. !"#$%& '()*& +,-.-/ 01

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