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First Year Seminar 125: Vienna around 1900: Cradle of Modernity

1 (Christian Rogowski) EXPECTATIONS:

Fin-de-sicle Vienna is one of the richest, most varied, and most fascinating periods in modern Western culture. I hope ou will en!o encountering new ideas and different perspectives, great works of literature, music or art etc. as much as I do. It is an open secret that what ou "get out# of this course depends ver much upon what ou are willing to "put in.# $or m part, I promise to do m utmost to guide ou through the materials, to help ou understand and appreciate the period%s man comple&ities and to develop some skills that will 'e of continued use to ou as ou em'ark on our li'eral arts education. (ou will find that, es, learning involves hard work, 'ut ou will also find that the rewards increase with the degree of engagement and the kind effort ou are willing to invest. I sincerel hope that ou will discover the !o s of learning and share with me and our fellow students the pleasures of e&ploration that make college so rewarding. I have designed the course s lla'us so that the workload and the pacing is as reasona'le as I can make it) I think I can legitimatel e&pect ou to do our part. *o clarif what I mean ' "doing our part,# here are the "rules# associated with the successful completion of a course.

1) +**,-.+-C,/0+R*ICI0+*I1$ $ $ $ 234 5 of final grade6 (ou are e&pected to show up for each class meeting on time, prepared to discuss the reading. (our grade will 'e marked down if ou have more than two une&cused a'sences. It is our responsi'ilit to 'e familiar with all materials covered in the class meetings. (ou will also 'e graded on the fre7uenc and 7ualit of our participation in classroom discussions. 21<5 of final grade6 Regular short writing assignments will 'e marked "check =# (good), "check# (accepta'le), and "check ># (needs improvement). 21< 5 of final grade6 +s concerns matters of "intellectual propert rights# (i. e. plagiarism), I would like to remind ou of the "8tatement of Intellectual Responsi'ilit # ou received at the 'eginning of the term. (ou will fail the course if ou are found cheating, tr ing to pass off some'od else%s ideas or words as our own. If ou have 7uestions concerning conventions of citing sources and giving proper credit to ideas not our own, there is a useful resource availa'le via the we'site of the +mherst College Writing Center.

3) 891R* WRI*I-: +88I:-;,-*8 (ca. 1 page each) $

?) $IR8* 891R* 0+0,R (ca. < pages) $

@) 8,C1-. 891R* 0+0,R (ca. < pages) 21< 5 of final grade6 <) *9IR. 891R* 0+0,R (ca. < pages) 21< 5 of final grade6 A) $I-+B 0+0,R (ca. 14 pages) 234 5 of final grade6

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