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Medway LEA Advisory Service

Rocks and weathering/the rock cycle

8G & 8H
33 min 35 marks
Q1-L3, Q2-L4, Q3-L4, Q4-L5, Q5-L5, Q6-L6
1. The diagram shows a volcano erupting.

not to scale


Look at the diagram. Give the letter which labels: (i) magma; C............
1 mark


li uid lava; !............

1 mark

Medway LEA Advisory Service


old solid rock. "............

1 mark


#hen magma and lava cool$ the% &orm a hard cr%stalline rock. #hat is the name o& this t%pe o& rock' Tick the correct bo(. igneous rock metamorphic rock sedimentar% rock
1 mark


The changes listed below take place when a volcano erupts. #hich one o& these changes could be reversed' Tick the correct bo(. )ld rock is heated to &orm a di&&erent rock. *ulphur burns to &orm sulphur dio(ide. #ater is heated to &orm water vapour.
1 mark


!sh &rom a volcano dropped into a lake. !ll the &ish in the lake were killed and buried under the ash in the mud at the bottom o& the lake. The photograph below shows the remains o& a &ish millions o& %ears later.


The photograph shows the bod% parts which supported the &ish. Give the name o& these bod% parts. +ones.............................................................................................................
1 mark

Medway LEA Advisory Service


Give the name &or animal and plant remains that are &ound in a rock a&ter millions o& %ears. ,ossils.............................................................................................................
1 mark -a(imum . marks


! /apanese volcano erupted in 1012. -olten sulphur poured out o& the volcano. #hen it cooled it &ormed rock sulphur. o ld e r v o lc a n ic r o c k s s o lid r o c k s u lp h u r

m o lt e n s u lp h u r (a) (i) #hich word describes molten rock that is underground' Choose &rom lava or magma or oil. -agma333333333333333
1 mark


#hich t%pe o& rock do volcanoes produce' Choose &rom igneous or metamorphic or sedimentary. 4gneous333333333333333
1 mark


*ulphur is a non5metallic element. 4t is %ellow and melts at 1167C. Complete the sentences about sulphur. (i) *ulphur is a poor conductor o& heat333333333333333
1 mark


!t 1167C sulphur changes &rom a solid 33333333333333 into a li uid 3333333.. 33333
8 marks

Medway LEA Advisory Service


*ulphur burns in air to &orm an o(ide. #hat gas in the air reacts with sulphur when it burns' *ul&ur dio(ide333333333333333
1 mark -a(imum 2 marks


These photographs show how the cli&&s on the coastline b% a church changed between the %ears 1992 and 1010.

the church and coastline in 1992

the church and coastline in 10:;

the church and coastline in 1018

the church and coastline in 1010

photographs b% kind permission o& "unwich museum

Medway LEA Advisory Service



<ow can %ou tell &rom the photographs that the coastline has changed' 4n 1992$ the church was still and the coastline was calm. 4n 1010$ the church is onl% loe&t with a stackand most o& the land has been eroded.
1 mark


#hat made the coastline change' Tick the correct bo(.

the rain

the sea

the *un

the wind
1 mark


)n the seashore$ pebbles that are rough and uneven become smooth and rounded. =(plain how the% become smooth and rounded. 4n the sea$ pebbles move back and &orth. 4n the process the% hit each other and become smooth and round. This process is called attrition.
1 mark


The photograph below shows a carved limestone head. The sur&ace o& the limestone has changed over man% %ears.


#hich process made the sur&ace o& the limestone change over man% %ears' Tick the correct bo(.




1 mark

Medway LEA Advisory Service


>ame a substance in the air which made the sur&ace o& the limestone change. !cid rain ........................................................................................................ .....
1 mark -a(imum 6 marks



)ver man% %ears$ cli&&s ma% be a&&ected b% weathering. "escribe one e&&ect o& weathering on a cli&&.

It is worn away.
41 mark


The photograph shows a piece o& sandstone.


The sandstone in the photograph contains a &ossil. #hat is a &ossil' ! &ossiol is a remain o& a living thing that died &or a million %ears.
1 mark


#hat group o& rocks does sandstone belong to' *edimenatr%..........................................................

1 mark


Granite and basalt are igneous rocks. The% contain cr%stals but no &ossils. (i) <ow are igneous rocks &ormed' #hen magma or lava cools over a long period o& time$ igneous rocks are &ormed.
1 mark

Medway LEA Advisory Service

(ii) =(plain wh% igneous rocks do not contain &ossils. 4gneous rocks are &ormed in places where plants and animal could not e(ist
1 mark


Granite takes much longer to &orm than basalt. <ow will the si?e o& the cr%stals in granite be di&&erent &rom the si?e o& the cr%stals in basalt'

The si?e o& the cr%stals in granite are bigger in an ordered arrangement because granite cools ver% slowl%. +asalt cools &ast so the cr%stals are small and are not in an arranged position.
1 mark -a(imum 2 marks


Linda had a piece o& red sandstone. *he hammered it into pieces and then ground them into a powder using a pestle and mortar.

*he put the powder into a measuring c%linder with water and shook the mi(ture. The contents settled.


Linda said her results showed that sandstone is a mi(ture o& two substances.

Medway LEA Advisory Service

<ow could she tell$ &rom the results$ that sandstone is a mi(ture o& substances' +rown cla% and red sand are at the bottom o& the tube.................................................................................................................. .... .....................................................................................................................
1 mark


Linda then poured the cloud% water &rom the measuring c%linder through &ilter paper in a &ilter &unnel.

*he said there might be salts dissolved in the colourless$ clear li uid that came through the &ilter. (i) #hat could Linda do to &ind out i& there were salts dissolved in the colourless$ clear li uid' <eat the li uid ...................................................................................................... ........ .............................................................................................................
1 mark


#hat would she see i& there had been salts dissolved in the colourless$ clear li uid' The li uid will evaporate leaving salt to stick at the sides. ..................................................................................................... ........ .............................................................................................................
1 mark

Medway LEA Advisory Service


*andstone is a sedimentar% rock. ,our stages in the &ormation o& sedimentar% rock are listed below. The% are not in the correct order. compacted deposited weathered transported

@ut these stages in the correct order. )ne has been done &or %ou. stage 1 ................weathered................... stage 8 transported..................................................... stage 1 deposited..................................................... stage ; compacted.....................................................
1 mark -a(imum ; marks



The list below gives some processes which occur in the rock c%cle. 1. 8. 1. ;. 6. 2 (i) Grains o& sediment collect in la%ers on the sea bed. Large cr%stals &orm as molten magma cools deep below the =arthAs sur&ace. ! glass% rock &orms as molten magma erupts into sea water. Grains o& sediment are cemented together as the% are buried deep under thick la%ers o& other sediments. >ew cr%stals &orm in la%ers as rocks are a&&ected b% high temperature and increased pressure deep in the =arthAs crust. >ew minerals &orm with &lat cr%stals when la%ers o& mudstone are s uee?ed. Give the number o& one metamorphic process. 6......................33..
1 mark


Give the number o& one igneous process. 8......................33..

1 mark


Give the numbers o& the two steps which could lead to the &ormation o& sandstone. 1......................3.. and then ;......................33
8 marks

Medway LEA Advisory Service

Limestone and sandstone are two di&&erent rocks. (b) Limestone is mainl% calcium carbonate. 4t reacts with dilute h%drochloric acid to produce bubbles o& gas. Complete the word e uation &or the reaction. Carbon "ioide Calcium Chloride

h % d r o c h lo r ic a c id

c a lc iu m c a rb o n a te

w a te r

8 marks


*andstone is mainl% silicon dio(ide. Glass &or test tubes is also made &rom silicon dio(ide. *uggest what$ i& an%thing$ will happen when dilute h%drochloric acid is added to a piece o& sandstone. >o reaction............................................................................................................ .............
1 mark -a(imum . marks

Medway LEA Advisory Service


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