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Objective: Practicing dynamic behavioral study in commercial vehicle design &
development and to produce vehicles with excellent ride and handling characteristics.

Patent No. 201 !0"# $0 201 !0*01#0 ,ill be 'iled in 201 Title %&tructure o' lea' spring (nstallation% %+nited type o' bearing% -ormed &heet .etal /anger 'or 0ea' &pring (nstallation Country )apan )apan 1ermany

Personal profile:
Nationality 0anguage 5nown 2 (N3(4N 2 T4.(06 7N10(&/6 )apanese 8)0PT!N*9

Work Experience:
C:.P4N; Client Company 37&(1N4T(:N P7>(:3 2 2 2 2 .ercedes!<en= >&3 (ndia Pvt. 0td.6 8 34(.07> 419 Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Buses Corp, JAPAN Technical Team 0ead ? 8Chassis & &ub!&ystem9 1#th 4pril 2010 to Till 3ate

RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. 3elivering high @uality designs in &uspension & &teering teams with proper 'undamental manual calculations 'or C4NT7> TrucA & >:&4 <us. 2. TrucA layout design 'or achieving good ride6 handling & vehicle Per'ormance. . 3esigning concept 'or various components with appropriate material to achieve target cost & 'unctionality. ". Behicle dynamics manual calculations 'or evaluating ride & handling characteristics. *. Target setting 'or team members6 .id!;ear & ;earend review. C. Coaching & mentoring team members to achieve company techno commercial target along with engineerDs goals. E. Preparing onsite rotation plan according to the customer re@uirement and budget constrain. $. :rgani=ing regular meeting between customer and engineers 'or tasA tracAing and Anowledge trans'er. C:.P4N; 37&(1N4T(:N P7>(:3 2 Bolvo (ndia Pvt. 0td.6 2 &r. 3esign 7ngineer ? 8Chassis & &uspension &ystem9 2 1#th )an 200# to 1*th 4pril 2010

RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Heavy Duty Truck Suspension Steerin! Syste" # Behicle 3ynamic excel based manual calculations6 Component Concept 3esign o' Casting -orging and &heet .etal6 -inite 7lement 4nalysis6 &tructural :ptimi=ation6 &election o' >ubber <ush6 <all )oints & .anu'acturing 3rawing with 13&T. 2. Tea" $ana!e"ent: ;early target setting 'or engineers6 onsite rotation plan according to customerDs re@uirement and budget limits6 customer 'eedbacA collection and preparing the action plan 'or in line with company road map. C:.P4N; 37&(1N4T(:N P7>(:3 2 Taco ? /endricAson &uspensions Pvt. 0td.6 2 7xecutive 7ngineer ? 3esign 2 rd :CT 200C to 1Cth )4N 200#

PROJECTS WORKED ON & RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. T%&'( )O*+E S&SPENS+ON S,STE$ ? Behicle 3ynamic Calculations6 Component Concept 3esign o' Casting -orging and &heet .etal6 -inite 7lement 4nalysis6 &tructural :ptimi=ation6 &election >ubber <ush & .anu'acturing 3rawing with 13&T. 1. WA-(+N* )EA$ S&SPENS+ON S,STE$ # 4pplication 7ngineering 'or 7icher .2* Cargo TrucA. 1. )&S .%ONT A+% S&SPENS+ON S,STE$ /$u0ti -ink1 # &ystem 3esign & Component 3esign and 4pplication engineering done 'or T4T4 .otor 0P: 1C1C. C:.P4N; 37&(1N4T(:N P7>(:3 2 71& Computers (ndia Pvt. 0td.6 2 &enior 7ngineer ? 3esign 2 2nd .4; 200* to 0th &7P 200C

PROJECTS WORKED ON & RESPONSIBILITIES: 7xecuting proFects 'or various customer ranging 'rom small scale industries to de'ense structural design6 C47 and 'atigue calculations. <elow are the same sample proFects2 HEA2, 2EH+'-E 'HASS+S ? Chassis 3esign6 0inear &tatic 4nalysis and -re@uency analysis with post dynamic responses. H,D%A&-+' T+-T+N* .+3T&%E ! &tructural 3esign6 -inite 7lement 4nalysis6 5inematics 4nalysis & .anu'acturing 3rawing >elease 'or 0arson & Toubro 0imited. $ATE%+A- HAND+N* E4&+P$ENT ! 3esign6 4nalysis & .anu'acturing 3rawing >elease 'or <., car plant throD 3urr 81ermany9 T%ANS.E% %+N* 'A%%+A*E ASSE$)-, &nit o5 Tire )ui06in! $ac7ine ? 3esign6 -inite 7lement 4nalysis 8&tatic and -re@uency9 'or 0arson & Toubro 0imited. H,D%A&-+' *AN* P%ESS ! 0inear &tatic 4nalysis 'or &undaram <raAe 0ining. A+%'%A.T $O&NTED A&3+-+A%, *EA% )O3 ? .odeling6 0inear static analysis & &hocA 4nalysis :' 8Casting model ! 1"**G1*** -eatures on 2 parts9 ? 0ight Combat 4ircra't 3ivision 8CB>379 STEE%+N* T%A'( %OD /Heavy 2e7ic0es1 ? 0inear &tatic analysis6 -atigue Calculation 'or 'luctuating load 'or 4shoA 0eyland.

1. 2. . ". *. C.


$. )ATTE%, $O&NT+N* .%A$E ? 3ynamic 4nalysis 8Tri ? 4xial &haAer Test9 'or (ntegral Coach -actory. #. A&TO$O)+-E 'O$PONENT STO%A*E %A'(S ! 3esign & 4nalysis 8used to transport the Car 3oors9 'or -ord .otor (ndia & 1eneral .otors. 10. A--O, WHEE-S ? 0inear &tatic analysis 'or Corner -atigue test & -atigue Calculations 'or ,heels (ndia 0imited. C:.P4N; 37&(1N4T(:N P7>(:3 2 0arsen & Toubro 0imited6 0T. <usiness +nit6 Chennai. 2 1raduate 4pprentice Trainee 2 rd :CT 2002 to 1st :CT 200"

PROJECTS WORKED ON & RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. 2. . ". *. .anu'acturing o' Portable 4luminum <ridge & 0aunching .echanism. 8.abrication1 .anu'acturing o' >ig Testing o' 4luminum /inges 'or Portable <ridge. .anu'acturing o' /elicopter 0anding 1rid 'or Navy &hips. Concept 3esign & Costing o' -lame Proo' >oller &tand. .anu'acturing o' .obile /ydro!Pneumatic 0auncher 8P/40C:N 0auncher9.

Desi!n Ski00s:
89 Good Knowledge in Vehicle Dyn !ic" nd C lc#l $ion" %S&'ing ! "" d !&e' 'e"&on"e( Weigh$ T' n")e'( Roll o*e' c lc#l $ion( B' +ing & ,ccele' $ion Lo d( e$c-(. :9 Bol$ & $$e'n & /oin$ de"ign wi$h )#nd !en$ l c lc#l $ion" nd &lo$$ing 0ol$ /oin$ di g' !;9 ,1le P $h de"ign nd c lc#l $ion o) c "$o' ch nge( Ro"" &oin$ & Ro"" ' di#"<9 De"ign & o&$i!i2 $ion o) C "ing( 3o'ging & Shee$ 4e$ l" %D34.=9 3 $ig#e & D ! ge c lc#l $ion" o) co!&onen$" )'o! Ro d Lo d D $ >9 Bloc+ Cycle De'i* $ion )o' Rig Te"$ing?9 Rigid 1le $ie5'od 0 ll /oin$ &o"i$ion o&$i!i2 $ion@9 S$ee'ing col#!n $o'6#e )l#c$# $ion & &h "ing c lc#l $ion o) CV /oin$A9 ,'$ic#l $ed *ehicle Ch ""i" de"ign8B94 $e'i l 7 ndling E6#i&!en$ de"ign nd gene' l P#'&o"e S$'#c$#' l de"ign 11. Preparing 3-.74 'or &ystem & &ub &ystem 0evel. 8:9C lc#l $ing $he g' d 0ili$y o) P'i!e !o*e' nd 0 ll "$ weigh$8;9Selec$ion o) P'i!e !o*e'( 3i)$h wheel Co#&le'( Ty'e" nd S#"&en"ion" )o' T' ile'"8<9Winch de"ign )o' $' c$ion &&lic $ion"-

89 :9 ;9 <9 =9 >9 ?9 @9

%i! Testin! Ski00s:

Good +nowledge on 3ini$e Ele!en$ 4e$hod %$heo'y o) * 'io#" ele!en$".Sh &e )#nc$ion de'i* $ion( di"&l ce!en$( "$' in & "$'e"" 3E4 0 "ed c lc#l $ionE1cel 0 "ed ! n# l 3E4 c lc#l $ion )o' T'#"" ele!en$ & Be ! ele!en$ Line ' & Non 8 Line ' ,n ly"i" wi$h Con$ c$ ele!en$"4od l( B#c+ling & Shoc+ ,n ly"i" o) S$'#c$#'e"Kine! $ic ,n ly"i" o) !ech ni"!"- %Wi$h ! n# l c lc#l $ion" )o' *e'i)ic $ion. Co''el $ing $he 3E, 'e"#l$ wi$h c$# l $e"$ing #"ing S$' in G #ge" nd Di l G #ge"Shell 4e"hing nd Solid 4e"hing-

Hy6rau0ic Ski00s:
89 :9 ;9 <9 7yd' #lic ci'c#i$ de"igning4 ni)old de"igning )o' &l $e !o#n$ing nd c '$'idge * l*e"Cylinde' &o'$ "i2ing & Pi&e di !e$e' c lc#l $ion" nd 'o#$ing o) &i&e line"Selec$ion o) )i$$ing nd * 'io#" hyd' #lic cce""o'ie"-

$anu5acturin! Ski00s:
89 :9 ;9 <9 =9 >9 4 n#) c$#'ing P'oce"" S&eci)ic $ionCoo'din $ing PP,P & ,P9P !ee$ing" )o' TS doc#!en$ $ionP'e& 'ing 9# li$y ,""#' nce Pl nKnowledge in * 'io#" $y&e o) welding &'oce""In"&ec$ing $he co!&onen$ $ ) 0'ic $ion( ! chining nd ""e!0ly "$ ge"7 nding ll $y&e o) !e "#'ing in"$'#!en$"-

$ana!e"ent Ski00s:
89 :9 ;9 <9 =9 4en$o'ing & de*elo&ing $e ! )o' )oc#"ing $ow 'd" enginee'ing e1cellenceB#dge$ing & &l nning on"i$e 8 o))"ho'e 'o$ $ion &l n" )o' enginee'"C &$#'ing e))o'$ o) &'o/ec$" in $echno5co!!e'ci l "en"ePe')o'! nce 'e*iew )o' $e ! !e!0e'" long wi$h 7ODO'g ni2ing wee+ly !ee$ing 0e$ween c#"$o!e' & enginee'" )o' &'o/ec$ #&d $e"-

Tec7nica0 4ua0i5ication:
1 2 .echanical 3esign Tools -74 & .athematical &o'tware 2 2 >oad 0oad 3ata 4naly=ing so'tware 2 4N&;& 11.0 Classical Bersion H ,orA <ench &imulinA 8.atlab9 ! <asic C:&.:& . H .otion H C-3 Catia B* ? 4nalysis .odule Pro! 7 H &olid ,orAs H C4T(4 B*

1lyph ,orAs 8'or 'atigue damage calculation9

E6ucationa0 4ua0i5ication:
8Bt7 8:t7 )9E &.&.0.C ! &tate <oard 8Tamil Nadu9 /.&.C.C ! &tate <oard 8Tamil Nadu9 ?B9B @=98? C C (n 1##C (n 2002

(n 1##$

<achelor o' 7ngineering in .echanical ?;9: C &t.Peters 7ngineering College6 .43>4& +N(B7>&(T;6 Chennai. /Wit7out any back0o! in a00 t7e se"esters1 3iploma in Cash -low & ,orAing Capital .anagement in the Bolvo 1roup ? A) 2O-2O 8BB C


(n 2010

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