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Project Sunrise / BR 1

Sony Corp.
REVISION 2.4 / 01-MAR-2010

2009 i2 Technologies, PROPRIETARY and CONFIDENTIAL

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Project Sunrise / BR 1

0. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 3 0.1. 0.2. 0.3. 0.4. 0.5. PURPOSE: ............................................................................................. 3 CONTEXT ................................................................................................ 3 SCOPE .................................................................................................... 3 WHAT THIS DOCUMENT ADDRESSES ............................................................ 3 WHAT THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT ADDRESS................................................. 3

1. OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................... 4 2. E2E WORK FLOWS ........................................................................................... 4 2.1. DATA FROM EXTERNAL SYSTEMS ............................................................. 9 2.1.1. Top Level ................................................................................................................. 9 2.1.2. Modeling of Items (ItemMaster, Item Group Master, Item Group Detail, ItemSiteMaster) .........................................................................................................1816 2.1.3. Modeling of Network (Site Master, Supplier Master, Customer Master, BODs) .......2825 2.1.4. Modeling of Manufacturing Network (BOM, Routing / Operation, Item BOM Routing) ...................................................................................................................4340 2.1.5. Modeling Capacities and Constraints (Resource Master, Resource Calendar, Resource Calendars ....................................................................................61 2.1.6 Modeling Demand (Sales Master, Sales Order Master, Sales Order Line, Product Master).......................................................................................................8381 2.1.7 Modeling Time Periods .........................................................................................8581 2.1.8 Modeling Business Rules (ItemSiteRepPolicy, Planning Parameters) Error! Bookmark not defined.82 2.1.9 Modeling Stock (Inventory, Intransitshipments, Distribution Order Header, Distribution Order Lines, Production Orders) ........................................................8782

2.2 MASTER DATA COMING THROUGH NON-KEY UI ......................................... 10788 2.3 DATA COMING BY INTERFACING WITH OTHER I2 SYSTEM ............................ 10788
2.3.5 2.3.6 Demand Planning ...........................................................................................10788 Forecast Netting .............................................................................................10788

2.4 OUTPUTS FROM DSM ........................................................................... 12088 2.5 EXCEPTION / ERROR HANDLING............................................................... 12888
Data Loading Mode and Frequency .................................................................................12888

3 APPENDIX ............................................................................................... 12989 3.1 BLUE FILE DATA AND INTERFACE FREQUENCY ............................................ 12989 3.2 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................ 12989 4 REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................... 12989 5 MAJOR CHANGES SINCE LAST REVISION ............................................ 12990 6 REQUIRED APPROVALS ......................................................................... 13090

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Integration Design Specification defines the data mapping and data workflow issues that would arise in integration of the i2 Demand Planning solution with all other systems. The task of Integration Design involves the following: Data mapping Timing, workflow control and performance issues Data conversion, validation and error trapping/handling

The document covers integration between individual i2 modules, specification of data across these modules and the details of extracting this data from external systems (e.g. extracting data from a staging database to Demand Planning) and the necessary logic to transform data from source to destination format. The document also includes the details of data workflows (e.g. an overall system diagram detailing the individual modules and their interaction) and details of timing (e.g. frequency of data exchange and transformation) and performance (e.g. expected duration of each exchange or transformation). The data conversion and mapping logic, procedures for validating data, trapping and handling errors are also dealt with in this document.

As the integration workflows are designed to support the designed solution, this document goes in tandem with the solution design document.

0.3. SCOPE
The scope of this document is a complete overview of all integration related topics for Sony Demand Supply Management (DSM) solution as part of Sony Sunrise project. It thus gives an overview of all involved systems, tools and technologies used and the relationships and interdependencies of the modules involved.


This document is designed to capture the technical details of the various data flows and integration touch-points for the applications and systems being implemented as a part of the Demand Supply Management (DSM) Planning implementation as part of Sony Sunrise project.


This document does not address the following: The integration architecture components and functions which are common across the tracks. These are defined in the overall integration architecture specification document

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The features / functionality description and the addressed business challenges. These are addressed as part of corresponding Solution Architecture / design documents.

This document provides an overview of different interfaces to DSM and will serve as reference source as part of this. For each interface the following information is provided with appropriate context. Data flow diagram: each interface is described using a data flow diagram to visualize the dependencies between the various components involved in the mappings. Specification of Inbound data: This provides a summary of the logic/scripts for extracting data from Data hub and providing it in the correct format. Specification of Outbound data: This provides a summary of the logic/scripts for moving data from DSM and providing it in the correct format. Pre-processing and Post-processing & Data Mapping Logic: defines, if the data needs to be converted on import or export from the module, what methods and technologies will be involved and specifies the before & after forms of the data. The logic how datahub data or data from other systems is mapped to DSM is specified in the appropriate section of this document. Data Exchange Method or Protocol Used: Describe in detail what methods will be employed to transfer the data to and from the i2 solution. This may include technologies such as FTP, JDBC, flat-files, and methods such as database-to-database transfers etc. Data Load, Timing & Other Considerations define how frequently will the data need is modified or refreshed within the system, what is the size of the data and what is the time taken import & export data from the i2 solution. Error Trapping/Handling specifies how will the errors in the data mapping process be identified and eliminated. There are different areas, where a consistent error handling needs to be done.


The following section provides an overview how the data is transferred around the entire solution. It also depicts how the data gets transformed using rules to populate the output staging / fixed schema needed for different planning engines. Currently the document focuses on the area which is marked in red. This gets updated in the successive phases.

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Diagram1: End to end Architecture A section of the above diagram is further expanded to highlight data movement from Sony systems to Staging area

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Master data will be provided as full load on the Weekly basis and Net-change on the daily basis

Data Hub
Excel Upload Non key UIs

Blue Files

I2 file system

Blue files needs to be achieved before the data is loaded from Sony to the local system

Master Data
BF tables Inbound Table Netchan ge Table Master Table

Sony Source Systems

Outbound Tables

Transaction Table



Blue Files: Blue Files represents the agreed data format protocol to get master / transaction data from Sony systems. Each of these have a fixed layout that contain different columns, data type, length along with which parts of the data represents primary / NOT NULL information. This data will be transferred from the Sony file system (DMZ) to the i2 file system using FTP protocol over secure internet. For an entity, data in blue file layout can be fetched though multiple physical interfaces. So, for a blue file layout, there can be one or more physical interfaces. Data coming through each interface is given with a distinct file name. SQL loader is used to load data from blue files into the staging tables. Data Hub: On collecting data from multiple source systems, Data Hub acts as central repository needed for planning. Different activities like data cleansing, creation of additional data needed for planning is done here. Taking this as source, data is populated to DSM planning engine. Similarly, the output from planning engine is written to hub before being fed to different reports built. Effectively, all data transformations needed to prepare data in the appropriate format for the i2 engines have to be done in data hub. Data hub is powered by i2s Agile Business Process Platform (ABPP). It provides database layer to store the require data, User Interface to perform different operations and application server to facilitate request/response mechanism. 1. User Interface: - All non-key UIs are built leveraging this infrastructure. Using the underlying security framework, role based access control is provided for different UI elements 2. Database :- To facilitate data movement through net-change / full load mechanism, and also to ensure the smooth data transfer, different database entities can logically be grouped as

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Inbound tables: The Inbound tables are where data from external systems coming into ABPP is staged. Master tables: The Master tables contain the correct and validated data in ABPP. Netchange tables: The Netchange tables hold the delta between the inbound data and the Master data for the static data. Transactional data do not go under the Net change process. Error tables: Error tables contain the records that get rejected during the data load due to bad or inconsistent data. Outbound tables: The outbound tables are a database snapshot of the Master tables. This is the placeholder from which data is extracted and sent to downstream applications such as I2 ODS and Demand Planning. Transaction tables: Transaction tables do not have any net-change logic associated and is typically used to store entities such as orders or forecasts. 3. Application Server: - All requests sent to facilitate different operations are served by web services exposed through this application server. The requests can include the ones coming through user interface operations or request/response operations to engines. 4. Naming convention for blue files: - This section contains this naming convention used for blue files. This is to be filled

E2E Example: It is a standard process/workflow in the ABPP product in which data movement happens from the staging IN tables to NC or Net Change tables and then to the master i.e. MST tables. Any error while loading is captured in the ERR or error tables. Taking the example of ITEMMASTER table in ABPP schema, if data is in the following format in IN_ITEMMASTER: IN_ITEMASTER CATEGORY TV TV TV DI ENTERPRISE SONY SONY SONY ITEM KDL26EX302S KDL32EX302R KDL26EX302T ICDSX850 ITEMDESC SONYTV1 SONYTV2 SONYTV5 SONYTVCOMPONENT

After running e2e, data as visible in the different tables will be as follows: Data from the IN tables will be moved to NC where it is compared with the existing data in MST table and the SYS_NC_TYPE field updated accordingly. The NC table will hold those records which are mismatched between the IN and MST tables with appropriate SYS_NC_TYPE status. If it is a new record (new Primary Key), the SYS_ NC_TYPE is updated as INSERT and for the same primary key but different non-key fields, the SYS_NC TYPE will be written as UPDATE. In the example below, the item code KDL26EX302T already exists in the MST_ITEMMASTER table, but its description has changed and hence the SYS_NC_TYPE is UPDATE. There is a record for item

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Thus, e2e will load the data into the MST tables according to the SYS_NC_TYPE column in the NC tables. SYS_ENT_STATE field in the MST tables will give the status of the record as to whether it is an ACTIVE record to be sent to downstream applications or inactive in which case the SYS_ENT_STATE= DELETED. MST_ITEMMASTER Before e2e is run CATEGORY TV Parts ENTERPRISE SONY SONY ITEM KDL26EX302T KDL26EX301R ITEMDESC SONYTV3 SONYTV4 SYS_ENT_STATE ACTIVE ACTIVE


While inserting these records, if any error is encountered, it is entered into the ERR or error tables as shown below. Any violation in constraints, Primary Key, Foreign Key etc will be entered in the ERR tables of ABPP. In the example below, the record for itemICDSX850 has been rejected as the length of data exceeds the column length. ERR_ITEMMASTER CATER GORY ENTER PRISE ITE M ITEMDE SC SYS_ER ROR_ID SYS_ER R_CODE SYS_ERR OR_TIME SYS_ER R_SVRT Y SYS_N C_TYP E

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ORA0000_Refere ntial Integrity Violated

01/10/2010 09:29:07





2.1.1. Top Level

Definition: - The tables listed in this section are necessary tables to construct the supply chain in the engine. Inputs from external systems are not needed to populate these tables. For populating these top level tables, there will be a PL/SQL procedure which populates IN_* tables. From there on, data is moved to master tables through regular e2e workflow. 1. Instance Master (IM):- This table is internally used by i2 data structures to identify different planning engine instances and its related data. No data is needed from externals systems. Using the BITPOSITION value presented in this table, engine is calculated. Effectively all each instance of an application will have an unique engine id, and adaptors (software programs that read data from DB tables and construct appropriate models in transient memory) read data based on engine id. BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD IM.INSTANCEID IM.BITPOSITION IM.APPLICATIONNAME DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC GPSI 1 SCP REMARKS Fixed value Fixed Value

2. EnterpriseMaster (EM):- This is used to define the independent business entity/ To construct the supply chain model, two top level table forms the foundation. They are EnterpriseMaster and SupplyChainMaster. EnterpriseMaster contains information about the enterprise. BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD EM.ENTERPRISE EM.ENGINEID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC SONY 2 REMARKS Fixed Value Computed value based on bit position

Going forward, all the tables will have columns enterprise and engine_id. To avoid repetition, these columns are not included for each table.

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3. SupplychainMaster(SCM):- For a given enterprise, each supply chain is identified with a distinct id. This table contains details related to supply chain. BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD SM.SUPPLYCHAINID EM.SUPPLYCHAINDESC DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC SONY_TV Sony TV Supply Chain REMARKS Fixed Value Fixed value to describe

4. OrganizationMaster(OM):- This table defines different organizations in an enterprise. An organization is a logical grouping of one or more business entities. It also includes the sales and marketing entities that are used in creating the sales and supply plans. BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD OM.ORGANIZATIONID OM.ORGANIZATIONTYPE DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC SONY_TV Manufacturing REMARKS Fixed Value A fixed key word as recognized by SCP engine

5. Plan Master(PM):- This table defines various plans in the supply chain along with different plan specific attributes such as start date, end date, current date etc.,. There will be only one plan stored for one supply chain. This information is populated for each planning run BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD PM.PLANID PM.EFFSTARTDATE PM.EFFENDDATE PM.CURRENTDATE DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC PlanDate(YYYYMMDD) _S/N REMARKS

In Sony, the planning cadence follows the cycle of Wednesday Tuesday. For each week, entries in this table are filled using the following logic. PlanID Arrive using the logic Effstartdate This represents the plan start date. When running this routine to fill the values, arrive at the system date, and from this, arrive at the week to which the current system date belongs to. The start date of the current week (Which is always the Monday) will be the plan start date.

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Effenddate This represents the plan end date. GPSIs plan horizon is 52 weeks. So, if the current week is Week 10, the last week will be W10 of next year. So, the plan end date is populated with end date of W10 of next year. 6. OrganizationSiteRelation(OSR):- Defines the relationship between organization and sites. This is a table that is internally populated by considering the site information given through interface M006. Details around this are in Site Master section. BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD OSR.ORGANZATIONID DSMM006.SiteCode OSR.SITEID LOGIC SONY_TV REMARKS Fixed value as created in organizationmaster above This site id holds a referential integrity with SiteMaster.SiteId define above

7. Calendar Master (CM):- Calendars are used to represent continuous time in Julian Calendar. These calendars can be associated with various entities in the schema to define the time pattern that describe the behavior. Different types of calendars used in Sonys solution are 1. Site Working Calendar: This is used to represent whether a particular site is working for a week or not. The Blue file (IFLayout_DSMM007_Calendar_Master) from Sony will give us the dates on which a particular site is not working and the calendar is derived from this input:

Populating Calendar Master: BLUE_FILE_FI ELD IFLayout_DS MM009_Item_S ite_Master. Site Code IF_TBL_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD CM. CALENDARNAME LOGIC Get the list of all distinct sites where site type in (Supplier Sites, Virtual Sites, Sony Plant, Other REMARKS

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IFLayout_DS MM006_Site_M aste.Site Type Populating CalendarDetail: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Site_ Master. Site Code IF_TBL_ FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA _FIELD CD. CALENDARNAM E LOGIC

Plants, SKD Plants) and create SiteCalendar as WC_Site Code

REMARKS For each site, different calendar entries will be created having the pattern sequence as the effective start date of the week in YYYYMMDD format. Hence if there are 52 weeks, then there will be 52 entries where the pattern sequence for each entry will be the start date of each week in YYYYMMDD format Eg. (Rec 1)20100201 (Rec 2)20100208

Same logic used to create Site calendar in Calendar Master


For the first record get the starting date of the week in which the PlanMaster.CurrentDate falls in YYYYMMDD format. Subsequent records will have the start date of the following weeks for next 52 weeks For the first record get the starting date of the week in which the PlanMaster.CurrentDate falls .Subsequent records will have the start date of the following weeks for next 52 weeks CD.EFFSTARTDATE+7


Eg. (Rec 1)02-01-2010 (Rec 2)02-08-2010


Eg. (Rec 1)02-08-2010 (Rec 2)02-15-2010

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1 EVERYDAY Hardcoded value

Populating CalendarBasedAttribute: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_ FIELD CD. CALENDARNAME CD.PATTERNSEQ ATTRIBUTE VALUE LOGIC Same logic used to create the Calendar Name above Same logic as used in Calendar Pattern Detail WORKING 1. Match the site code used to create the Calendarname with the Site code in IFLayout_DSMM008_Site_Calendar_ Master where Site Calendar Type= Working.Get the Calendar Code 2. Match the calendar code obtained above with Calendar code of IFLayout_DSMM007_Calendar_Maste r, where calendar type= D and get the Off Week Day, which fall within the effective startdate and effective end date. If zero records are returned populate as 1 else populate as 0 Hardcoded value 1 for Working and 0 for nonworking REMARKS

Associating the calendar created above to the Sites is done in SiteCalendar(SC) table.

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LOGIC Same logic used to create the Calendar Name above SiteID used to create the Calendar name above WORKING


2. Capacity Calendar: - This is used to represent the working capacity either in units or in hours for different resource. This calendar is derived based on the number of working days obtained through the above --Considered in the Capacity modeling section 3. Safety Stock Calendar: - This represents the time varying safety stock requirements for an item (either FG or Panel) at a site. There is a non-key UI available for this and the related tables will be populated by UI team. The following figure is an example on how data will be populated in the different tables of fixed schema.

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4. Shipping Calendar: - When the number of working days in a week at a site is defined through Site Working Days Calendar, then number of days the item can be shipped is also guided through this. Currently solution team is checking on whether there is any additional requirement to have additional Shipping Calendar. Need to confirm the need for this. DI Team will need to populate custom table used by UI team to populate this information Whether the Ship to code will be needed in Shipping Calendar is to be confirmed

5. NMI Ramp up Calendar: - For the products which are identified as NMI as part of PLC, there will be a controlled production during ramp up stage. To facilitate this, a dummy resource is attached whose capacity is equivalent is quantity to be controlled. In modeling terms, a new resources is created whose capacity is controlled through this calendar and used as simultaneous resource (Fixed table OperationResourceAdditional table)

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-- UI Populated (Considered in section of Capacity modeling) 6. BCD / Flex Limit Calendar: - To control the panels availability. Near term availability of the panel is controlled through RTF information. However there is a flexibility to get more panels from the suppliers. There is definitive flexibility information against each panel and also at group of panels. The flexibility at specific panel level is controlled through Flex Limit Calendar and at a group is controlled through BCD a. Flex Limit Calendar:- RTF information for a given panel is controlled through inventory with future dates on Panel Series buffer at Suppliers Panel Plant. But for each panel, there is a lso some additional flexibility for near term horizon. This is controlled through a producing operation into this buffer with a Flex Limit resource attached. Calendar attached to this resource would control the same. This is marked as brown in the below picture. -- Considered in section of Capacity modeling

b. BCD Calendar: - Apart from the flex limit, the additional panels that can be obtained are also capped at a group of panels. So, this is controlled through a resource which is simultaneously attached to multiple operations. The brown circled area in the below picture represents the same. UI Populated (Considered in section of Capacity modeling)

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6. FG use up calendar:- As part of engineering change control process, switching from one 8D to another 8D is controlled through Allowed Quantity Range and Cumulative Production. The difference between these would give the quantity that can still be produced using an 8D. This is controlled through attaching a resource with available capacity represented through this calendar. A non-key UI is currently available to show the quantity range that is possible. Cumulative production of that 8D is obtained through interface. Considered in section of Capacity modeling 7. Panel use up Calendar :- Same like FG use up calendar, but it is for panels Considered in section of Capacity modeling 8. Supply Calendar for Local Parts: - In the supply chain planning, BOM information contains just the panel series. However users would like to any other material constraint by dynamically adding another item to BOM structure, and material constraints are placed on this buffer. Material availability on this is controlled through Supply Calendar. There is a non key UI available to control the same. This interface will be populated from UI. The following figure is an example to show how data will be populated in the fixed schema:

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Need to finalize on which calendars are coming through interfaces Vs which are controlled through non-key UI. If the calendars are coming through interface, naming conventions around the same are to be discussed. For each of the above calendar, with naming convention, appropriate mapping to the fixed schema table is to be added.

2.1.2. Modeling of Items (ItemMaster, Item Group Master, Item Group Detail, ItemSiteMaster)
ItemMaster (IM):- This represents the list of items available in the network. Different items part of the present network are LMN , 8D, Panel Series and Dummy item at the supplier site. The areas circled around brown represent the different items.

In the SCM model, all items need to be associated with a site. So, to populate valid records the presence of an item is checked in both ItemSiteMaster and also the corresponding item master. To bring clarity how different items are getting populated each section below specifically addresses loading different types of items. Populating items of type LMN This section addresses populating items of item type LMN.

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For DP Sales Companies, the Blue file used is IFLayout_DP-IM003_LMNMaster BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DPIM003_LMNMaste r IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIEL D IM.ITEM LOGIC Join condition REMARKS Get the list of all LMN Codes where LMNMaster .LMN Product Hierarchy 3= LCD and LMNMaster.Deletionflag <> X Hard Coded value



For non-DP sales companies, the ItemSiteMaster blue file will be used to fetch the LMN data According to the new blue file layout, the LMN data for TV will come in from the blue file IFLayout_DSM-M012_LMN_Master (TV).Hence, no need to refer to DP file for the same. Also ItemSiteMaster will include the item-site combinations for DP sales companies BLUE_FILE_FIELD DSMM009_ItemSiteM aster.Item Code DSMM006_SiteMaster .Site Type IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIEL D IM.ITEM LOGIC Join condition REMARKS List of all items from ISM where ISM.itemtype = 50 and corresponding SiteType in (Sales Company, Sales Company DC, Account Group, FDS) .Match the Item Code with IFLayout_LMN_Master(TV).LM NCode where IFLayout_LMN_Master(TV).Eff ective Start Date >=PlanMaster.EffectiveStartDa te Hard Coded value



Populating the items of type 8D

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BLUE_FILE_FIELD DPM001_Product_M aster_TV DSMM009_ItemSiteM aster DSMM006_SiteMaster DSMM009_ItemSiteM aster



LOGIC Join condition

REMARKS List of all items from ISM where ProductMaster(TV).ProductCo de = ISM.ItemCode and ProductMaster(TV).modeldrop code IS NULL and ISM.itemtype = 10


For all the records which come out with the above, category is 8D; During the process, if productmaster.SKDflag=Y then flag it as SKD instead of 8D

Populating the items of type Panel Series




LOGIC Join condit

REMARKS List of all items from ISM where PSM.Panel Series Code
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es_Master (PSM) DSMM009_ItemSiteM aster DSMM006_SiteMaster DSMM009_ItemSiteM aster IM.category


= ISM.ItemCode and Panel Series Code. Drop Flag IS NULL and ISM.itemtype = 40 and ISM.SiteCode = SiteMaster.SiteCode and SiteMaster.SiteType in (Sony Plant, Other Plant, Hub, and Supplier) For all the records which come out with the above, category is Panel Series

Populating the items of type Dummy





REMARKS A fixed entry dummy A fixed entry dummy

ItemSiteMaster (ISM):- This represents the availability of an item at a site. To do planning, every item should be associated with a site. Populating all ISM entries for LMN

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BLUE_FILE_FIELD DSMM009_ItemSiteM aster DSMM006_SiteMaster DPM003_LMNMaster




REMARKS List of all items where ISM.Item Code = IFLayout_LMN_Master(TV).LM NMaster.LMNCODE and ISM.Site = SiteMaster.SiteCode and SiteMaster.Site Type in ("Sales Company", "Sales Company DC", "Account Group", "FDS"). Current LMN Master is limited to EU DP as of now and IFLayout_LMN_Master(TV).Eff ective Start Date >=PlanMaster.EffectiveStartD ate SiteCode of ItemSiteMaster that results from above Fixed value of 1. This is required for pegging For all items that get a direct demand, this flag has to be set to 1 Hardcoded value


join 1 1

STAGE (custom field)


Populating all ISM entries for 8D at Sales Companies





REMARKS List of all items where ISM.Item Code =

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aster DSMM006_SiteMaster DPM001_ProductMa ster TV ISM.SITE ISM.ISRESPONSEBUF FER ISM.SELLABLE join 1 1

ProductMaster_TV.Product Code and ISM.Site = SiteMaster.SiteCode and SiteMaster.Site Type in ("Sales Company", "Sales Company DC", "Account Group", "FDS") SiteCode of ItemSiteMaster that results from above Fixed value of 1. This is required for pegging How to distinguish items which get demand on 8D and which do not get. To take care of all possible cases, this is set to 1 in all cases. Hardcoded value

STAGE (custom field)


Populating all ISM entries for 8D at Sony Plant / ODM

BLUE_FIL DSMM009_ItemSiteM aster DSMM006_SiteMaster DPM001_ProductMa ster TV




REMARKS List of all items where ISM.Item Code = ProductMaster_TV.Produ ctCode and ISM.Site = SiteMaster.SiteCode and SiteMaster.Site Type in (Sony Plant or Other Plant")

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SiteCode of ItemSiteMaster that results from above Fixed value of 1. This is required for pegging Set as 1, if SKD_Flag = Y (Demand will come in the form of production orders). Otherwise set to zero (then how to take care of PA region. A open question is there with Jefri) Hardcoded value


1 0/1

STAGE (custom field)


Populating all ISM entries for Panel Series at Sony Plant / ODM

BLUE_FIL DSMM009_ItemSiteM aster DSMM006_SiteMaster DP-M003Panel_Series_Ma ster




REMARKS List of all items where ISM.Item Code = PanelSeriesMaster.PanelS eriesCode and ISM.Site = SiteMaster.SiteCode and SiteMaster.Site Type in (Sony Plant or Other Plant")



SiteCode of ItemSiteMaster that results from above Fixed value of 1. This is required for pegging


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This is set to 1 to take care of panel service demands. Currently there is no restriction on plant to put panel service demand Hardcoded value

STAGE (custom field)


Populating all ISM entries for Panel Series at Hub

BLUE_FIL DSMM009_ItemSiteM aster DSMM006_SiteMaster DP-M003Panel_Series_Ma ster




REMARKS List of all items where ISM.Item Code = PanelSeriesMaster.PanelSe riesCode and ISM.Site = SiteMaster.SiteCode and SiteMaster.Site Type in (Hub)


join 1 0 PS_Hub

SiteCode of ItemSiteMaster that results from above Fixed value of 1. This is required for pegging This is set to zero. Hardcoded value

Populating all ISM entries for Panel Series at Suppliers plant

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BLUE_FILE DSMM009_ItemSiteM aster DSMM006_SiteMaster DP-M003Panel_Series_Ma ster




REMARKS List of all items where ISM.Item Code = PanelSeriesMaster.PanelSeries Code and ISM.Site = SiteMaster.SiteCode and SiteMaster.Site Type in (SupplierSite, SupplierVirtualSite)


join 1 0

SiteCode of ItemSiteMaster that results from above Fixed value of 1. This is required for pegging This is set to zero.

Populating all ISM entries for dummy items at Suppliers plant





REMARKS A fixed value as it is created

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DSMM006_SiteMaster ISM.SITE Filter

in ItemMaster. SM.SiteCode where siteType in (Supplier, SupplierVirtual Plant). For every site found through this, data an entry is created with all the fields listed here Fixed value of 1. This is required for pegging A fixed value and is set to zero


1 0

ITEMGROUPMASTER (IGM) The fixed schema ITEMGROUPMASTER is used to define the inventory style and also any custom groups defined during the implementation. Currently there are only three groups defined under this category.

Above diagram illustrates how different buffers are grouped. The one brown indicates the places PFC buffers and in greenish blue (left most) indicates the INFINITE buffers. Apart from this, when a dynamic constraint is added, it will fall under SUPPLY_CALENDAR group. IF_TABLE_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD IGM.ITEMGROUP DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Create a fixed entries PFC, INFINITE, SC SUPPLY_CALENDAR Create a fixed entry INV_STYLE INFINITE Upstream, no supply constraint PFC INV controlled by planning SUPPLY_CALENDAR
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Optional field

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Upstream, regular supplies

IF_PRODUCT_MASTER_TV IN_ITEMGROUPDETAIL (IGD) The fixed schema ITEMGROUPDETAIL contains the association between the groups defined in ITEMGROUPMASTER, and items that belongs to the group. This section is to be further updated with a picture. BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TABLE_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD IGD.ITEMGROUP DATA_MAPPING_LO GIC 1. PFC 2. INFINITE 3. SC IM.ItemCode IGD.ITEM 1. For PFC List of all items where category in (LMN, 8D,PanelS eries,SKD) 2. For INFINITE List of all items where category in DUMMY 3. For SCList of all items where category in DYNAMIC ORGANIZATIONID SONY_TV REMARKS

2.1.3. Modeling of Network (Site Master, Supplier Master, Customer Master, BODs)
Site Master (SIM):- Site usually represents physical location of an enterprise. For planning, there can be some virtual sites being modeled. The following diagram represent mapping of these information to FLO diagram used for planning
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The areas marked in brown color represent the sites. Some virtual sites are chosen for planning. For example, all supplier sites of Sharp are converted into virtual sites specific to each plant to which panels are supplied. The information about what sites to be modeled in the solution is directly taken from SiteMaster (M006) blue file Following tables defines the mapping to get different sites information: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMM006_Site_Maste r.SiteCode IFLayout_DSMM006_Site_Maste r.Site Name IFLayout_DSMM006_Site_Maste r.Site Type IFLayout_DSMM006_Site_Maste r.Site Type IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD SIM.SITEID LOGIC 11 REMARKS





Will contain values like SC, Sony Plant, Other Plant, Hub etc.,. Same as Site Type



The blue file for SiteMaster has changed.Although the above logic remains same, the IF table definition will change Checking with solution team on whether they need any strict site types Manufacturing Network (BODs): The following diagram represents the physical transportation network in Sony. From the different possible routes, the ones modeled in the solution are listed below. All information related to BODs is obtained through Blue file IFLayout_DSM-M011_BOD_Master. This contains all possible BODs along with transport mode, priority and associated lead time using that route. For planning, all air routes are frozen. Only fixed plan can be given as input on air route. ON the fixed schema, this blue file gets mapped to BOD Header and BOD Detail. How to take the overwrites from UI on BOD information into the masters is to be detailed out.

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A: Panel direct shipment from the supplier panel plant to Sony set plant.
B: Panel series transportation from the supplier panel plant to panel Hubs. C: Panel series transportation from panel hubs to set plants. D: Panel series or PCB transportation from a set plant to another set plant (not in scope of DSM Solution.) E: Finished Goods transportation from a set plant to dealer DC directly (Factory Direct Shipment). F: Finished Goods transportation from a set plant to S/Co. DC G: SKD transportation from a set plant to a SKD plant, which will be modeled as delivery operation from a set plant. H: Finished Goods transportation from a SKD plant to S/Co. DC, which is not in scope of SCP system. (Not in scope of DSM Solution.) I: Finished Goods transportation from a S/Co. DC to a dealer DC (not in scope of SCP system.)

Before loading the BODs we need to load the transport mode table which defines the various transportation modes that will be used in BOD definition. Loading the TransportMode (TM) table in the fixed schema BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transport Mode IF_TBL_FI ELD FIXED_SCHEMA _FIELD TM.TRANSPORT MODE LOGIC Get the distinct transport modes from the BODMaster table REMARKS 1 Maritime 2 Rail 3 Road 4 Air 5 Mail 6 Multimodal 8 Inland Water 9 Mode unknown Hardcoded value Hardcoded value


Dummy Dummy

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Hardcoded value

The following section explains how different BODs are to be created. Panel direct shipment from the Supplier Panel Plant / Virtual Supplier Plants to Set Plant / ODM The BOD for direct shipment of Panel Series from the Supplier plant to Set Plant/ODM is shown below. The BOD for this has been marked with Brown color:

Populating BODHeader Table: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Item Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transport Mode IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective Start Date IF_TBL_FI ELD FIXED_SCHEMA _FIELD BH.BODNAME LOGIC From BODMaster, get all the records where the from site is either Supplier or Supplier Virtual and to site is either Sony Plant or Other Plant. From the above result set, for all items, ensure item type is Panel Series and item site combinations are valid. For these items, using the Transport Mode and Effective Start Date, create BODNAME as BOD_Item Code_ Ship From Site Code_ Ship To Site Code_TransportMode Effective Start Date (YYYYMMDD) REMARKS BOD_<ItemCode>_ <FromSite>_<ToSit e>_<Transportmod e>_<EffectiveStart Date(YYYYMMDD)>

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Populating the BODDetail(BD) table in the fixed schema BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Item Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transport Mode IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective Start Date IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD BD.BODNAME LOGIC From BODMaster, get all the records where the from site is either Supplier or Supplier Virtual and to site is either Sony Plant or Other Plant. From the above result set, for all items, ensure item type is Panel Series and item site combinations are valid. For these items, using the Transporation Mode and Effective Start Date, create BODNAME as BOD_Item Code_ Ship From Site Code_ Ship To Site Code_ TransportMode_Ef fective Start Date (YYYYMMDD) FROMID Ship From Site Code as obtained above Ship To Site Code as obtained above REMARKS BOD_<ItemCode>_ <FromSite>_<ToSi te>_<Transportmo de>_<EffectiveSta rt Date(YYYYMMDD)>

IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Item Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast



Item Code as obtained above 11


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er. Priority IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transportation Weeks TRANSITTIME 11

TIMEUOM IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transport Mode IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective Start Date IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective End Date IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Frozen Period Weeks for Departure TRANSPORTMODE


Hardcoded value







If the IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Master. Transport Mode transporation mode = 4Air set value defined in the NUMBEROFBUCKE TS field of BucketPattern Table and update the same here.

IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Shipping Lot Quantity IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er.




Are we using the Shipping Calendar? Shipping Calendar will be created by UI. Need to sync up with UI team



Do we need do this for all the

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BOD for Supplier Panel Plant / Virtual Supplier Plant to Panel Hubs The Supplier plants also supply to the Sony Hub which act as storehouse of Panel Series which are then supplied to the Set Plants. The BOD for this has been marked in the figure below:

Populating BODHeader Table: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Item Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transport Mode IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective Start Date IF_TBL_FI ELD FIXED_SCHEMA _FIELD BH.BODNAME LOGIC From BODMaster, get all the records where the from site is either Supplier or Supplier Virtual and to site is Hub. From the above result set, for all items, ensure item type is Panel Series and item site combinations are valid. For these items, using the Transporation Mode and Effective Start Date, create BODNAME as BOD_Item Code_ Ship From Site Code_ Ship To Site Code_TransportMode Effective Start Date (YYYYMMDD) REMARKS BOD_<ItemCode>_ <FromSite>_<ToSit e>_<Transportmod e>_<EffectiveStart Date(YYYYMMDD)>

Populating the BODDetail (BD) table in the fixed schema

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BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Item Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transport Mode IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective Start Date IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Item Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Priority IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transportation Weeks



LOGIC From BODMaster, get all the records where the from site is either Supplier or Supplier Virtual and to site is Hub. From the above result set, for all items, ensure item type is Panel Series and item site combinations are valid. For these items, using the Transporation Mode and Effective Start Date, create BODNAME as BOD_Item Code_ Ship From Site Code_ Ship To Site Code_TransportMode_ Effective Start Date (YYYYMMDD)

REMARKS BOD_<ItemCode>_ <FromSite>_<ToSi te>_<Transportmo de>_<EffectiveSta rt Date(YYYYMMDD)>


Ship From Site Code as obtained above


Ship To Site Code as obtained above


Item Code as obtained above







Hardcoded value

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IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transport Mode IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective Start Date IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective End Date IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Frozen Period Weeks for Departure









If IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Master. Transport Mode .Transport mode = 4transporation mode = air set this to the value defined in the NUMBEROFBUCKE TS field of BucketPattern Table and update the same here.

IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Shipping Lot Quantity IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er.




Are we using Shipping calendarsShipping Calendar will be created by UI. Need to sync up with UI team OUTBOUND Is this need to be populated for all?


Panel series transportation from panel Hub to Set Plant / ODM Panel series stored at the hubs are transported to the Set Plants. The BOD for this is marked in the figure below:

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Populating BODHeader Table: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Item Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transport Mode IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective Start Date Populating the BODDetail (BD) table in the fixed schema BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Item Code IFLayout_DSMIF_TBL_FI ELD FIXED_SCHEMA _FIELD BD.BODNAME LOGIC From BODMaster, get all the records where the from site is Hub and to site is Sony Plant or Other Plant. REMARKS BOD_<ItemCode>_ <FromSite>_<ToSi te>_<Transportmo de>_<EffectiveSta IF_TBL_FI ELD FIXED_SCHEMA _FIELD BH.BODNAME LOGIC From BODMaster, get all the records where the from site is Hub and to site is Sony Plant or Other Plant. From the above result set, for all items, ensure item type is Panel Series and item site combinations are valid. For these items, using the Transporation Mode and Effective Start Date, create BODNAME as BOD_Item Code_ Ship From Site Code_ Ship To Site Code_Transport Mode Effective Start Date (YYYYMMDD) REMARKS BOD_<ItemCode>_ <FromSite>_<ToSit e>_<Transportmod e>_<EffectiveStart Date(YYYYMMDD)>

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M011_BOD_Mast er. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transport Mode IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective Start Date IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Item Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Priority IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transportation Weeks FROMID

From the above result set, for all items, ensure item type is Panel Series and item site combinations are valid. For these items, using the Transporation Mode and Effective Start Date, create BODNAME as BOD_Item Code_ Ship From Site Code_ Ship To Site Code_TransportMode_ Effective Start Date (YYYYMMDD)

rt Date(YYYYMMDD)>

Ship From Site Code as obtained above


Ship To Site Code as obtained above


Item Code as obtained above





TIMEUOM IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transport Mode IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective TRANSPORTMO DE


Hardcoded value



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Start Date IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective End Date IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Frozen Period Weeks for Departure EFFENDDATE 11



If IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Master. Transport Mode =4For Transport Mode = Air -set this to the value defined in the NUMBEROFBUCKE TS field of BucketPattern Table and update the same here.

IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Shipping Lot Quantity IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er.




Is this needed?Shipping Calendar will be created by UI. Need to sync up with UI team OUTBOUND Is it for all?


Finished Goods transportation from a Set Plant / ODM to S/C DC or FDS The finished goods produced in the set plant / ODM are transported to Sales Company DCs. In some customer cases, it is directly transported to Dealer DCs directly. Dealer DCs can be virtual sites for planning. For PA and CA regions the demand information is taken from Production Plan at the factory with factory ETD. Hence, for these regions the Transit Time in BOD Detail has to be set as 0. Also, for all FGs, the if the BOD effective start date is after the First Shippable date then the BOD effective date will be equal to the given BOD effective start date but if the BOD effective start date is earlier than the First Shippable Date then the BOD effective start date will be overwritten by the First Shippable date. These are marked in brown

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as below:

Populating BODHeader Table: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Item Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transport Mode IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective Start Date IF_TBL_FI ELD FIXED_SCHEMA _FIELD BH.BODNAME LOGIC From BODMaster, get all the records where the from site is either Sony Plant or Other Plant and to site is SC DC or FDS. From the above result set, for all items, ensure item type is 8D and item site combinations are valid. For the above 8D code gets the First Shippable Date from ProductMaster_TV by matching the product codes. -If ProductMaster_TV. Initial Shippable Date> IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Master .Effective StartDate , effstartdate = ProductMaster_TV .Initial Shippable Date -ElseIf ProductMaster_TV. First Shippable Date< IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Master .Effective StartDate , effstartdate= IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Master .Effective Start Date For these items, using the Transportation Mode and effstartdate obtained above, create BODNAME as REMARKS BOD_<ItemCode>_ <FromSite>_<ToSit e>_<Transportmod e>_<EffectiveStart Date(YYYYMMDD)>

IFLayout_DSMM001_Product_M aster(TV).Initial Shippable Date

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BOD_Item Code_ Ship From Site Code_ Ship To Site Code_ TransportMode_effstartdat e (YYYYMMDD)

Populating the BODDetail (BD) table in the fixed schema BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Item Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transport Mode IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective Start Date IF_TBL_FI ELD FIXED_SCHEMA _FIELD BD.BODNAME LOGIC From BODMaster, get all the records where the fromsite is either Sony Plant or Other Plant and to site is SC DC or FDS. From the above result set, for all items, ensure item type is 8D and item site combinations are valid. For the above 8D code gets the First Shippable Date from ProductMaster_TV by matching the product codes. >If ProductMaster_TV. Initial Shippable Date> IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Master .Effective StartDate , effstartdate = ProductMaster_TV .Initial Shippable Date >ElseIf ProductMaster_TV. First Shippable Date< IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Master .Effective StartDate , effstartdate= IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Master .Effective Start Date For these items, using the Transport Mode and EffStartDate, create BODNAME as BOD_Item
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REMARKS BOD_<ItemCode>_ <FromSite>_<ToSi te>_<Transportmo de>_<EffectiveSta rt Date(YYYYMMDD)>

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Code_ Ship From Site Code_ Ship To Site Code_TransportMode_ Effective Start Date (YYYYMMDD) IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Item Code IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Priority IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transportation Weeks FROMID Ship From Site Code as obtained above


Ship To Site Code as obtained above


Item Code as obtained above




Match To Site Code with SiteMaster.Site code and check whereever the ToSiteRegion Name in (LA and CA) ,set transit time to 0 For Others, 11

For LA and CA region the transit time =0

TIMEUOM IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Transport Mode IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective Start Date IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Effective End Date IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Frozen Period Weeks for TRANSPORTMO DE


Hardcoded value


1 1 effstartdate arrived at after applying logic used in BODNAME 11




For transportation mode = Air- If IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Master. Transport Mode

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=4 set this to the value defined in the NUMBEROFBUCKE TS field of BucketPattern Table and update the same here. LOTSIZEINCREM ENT 11

IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er. Shipping Lot Quantity IFLayout_DSMM011_BOD_Mast er.


Are we setting shipment calendar?Shipping Calendar will be created by UI. Need to sync up with UI team OUTBOUND Is it needed for all?


2.1.4. Modeling of Manufacturing Network (BOM, Routing / Operation, Item BOM Routing)
In Sony supply chain modeling, BOM structures are used at 3 locations as marked below

Sales Company DC or FDS DC Set Plant / ODM Suppliers Panel Plant

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1. Manufacturing process at Sales Company Sites:

At the Sales Company sites (marked in brown in the diagram above), LMN could be mapped to more than one 8 digit code which is used to issue PO to the plants in a given planning horizon. It may happen that different 8 digit codes from different plants / different 8D codes from the same plant serve for the same LMN in a given planning horizon. Demand from an LMN will be translated into at least one 8 digit code. The data model creation will include the following steps: BOM data creation at Sales Sites Creating a Routing Defining the Sub-operations in a Routing at Sales Sites Specifying the item to be produced using the specific Bill of Materials with a Resource.

We will explore each point in the sections below: 1.1 BOM data creation at Sales Sites

Above diagram focuses on the manufacturing operation specifically at S/C or FDS locations. Information required to create these BOMs is available through two blue files.

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1. BOM Master This file contains the required information for non-DP sales companies, and manufacturing plants. Whether this includes ODMs, no clarity yet. As per the latest discussions with Sony DI Team, this file will also include the BOM information for DP sales companies. Hence LMN to 8D mapping is not needed. 2. LMN to 8D Mapping This file contains the mapping information for DP participating sales companies. Towards fixed schema, this information is stored in BOM Header, BOM Components. When there exists an alternate, these additional data is stored in BOM Components Alt. For non-DP sales companies :Loading to Bom Header table: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_BOM Master.Assembled Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master .Site Code IF_TABLE_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD BOMH.BOMID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Get the list of all assembled item Codes where item type = LMN and associated site code type is either SC, SC DC, AG or FDS. Ensure these are valid ItemSite combinations. For all these items, create the BOM as BOM_ Assembled Item Code_ Plant code IFLayout_BOM Master .Site code BOMH.SITEID From the above result set, 1 1 between Site Code Site BOMH.QTYPRODUCED Fixed value 1 As there is always 1LMN FG being produced REMARKS

Loading to Bom Components: The fixed schema BOMCOMPONENTS store the BOM information along with the consumption quantities to produce a unit of FG item. For the sales sites at Sony, we load the components, in this case 8Digit codes, associated with a given LMN FG.

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BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_BOM Master.Assembled Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master .Site code IFLayout_BOM Master .Site code IFLayout_BOM Master . Primary Component Item Code



DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC This corresponds to BOMID created in BOMHeader



Same BOMID, Site combination as it is in BOMHeader For the result set obtained, filter for primary component item code- Alternate Component Item Code = NULL where Priority=1. Make 1 1 mapping for component item code 11

IFLayout_BOM Master .Consumed Quantity IFLayout_BOM Master .Effective Start Date IFLayout_BOM Master .Effective Start Date





Loading to Bom Components Alternate table: At the Sales Sites the alternate 8Digit code could be used to produce an LMN. The BOMCOMPONENTSALT table in the fixed schema is used to load the alternate components of the BOMs defined in BOMHeader table BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TABLE_FIEL FIXED_SCHEMA_ DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC REMARKS D FIELD IFLayout_BOM Master.Assembled Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master .Site code BOMC_ALT.BOMI D The logic used to create the BOMID in BOM Header, and only when the PrimayComponentItemCode Alternate Component Item Code is not NULL and priority>1

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IFLayout_BOM Master .Site code IFLayout_BOM Master . Primary Component Item CodeComponent Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Alternate Component Item CodePrimary Component Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Consumed Quantity IFLayout_BOM Master.Priority


The logic to get a BOM at a site in BOMHeader 11





BOMC_ALT.Prior ity

In current blue file, lower the number, higher the priority. Whereas for Fixed Schema, higher the number, higher the priority 11

IFLayout_BOM Master .Effective End Date IFLayout_BOM Master .Effective Start Date




Operation creation at Sales Sites

An Operation models a process, activity, or action that transforms or moves intermediate or final goods (Items) through the Supply Chain. At the Sales sites the operation comprises the LMN to 8D mapping. Populating the Routing Header table in fixed schema which is used to define the routing: BLUE_FILE_FIEL D IFLayout_BOM Master.Assembl ed Item Code IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD RH.Routing ID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC For each item, there BOM created at sales company site, a corresponding route is REMARKS

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IFLayout_BOM Master.Plant Code IFLayout_BOM Master.Plant Code RH.SiteID

created, using Routing ID = RT_ Assembled Item Code _ Plant Code 11

Populating the RoutingOperation table in the fixed schema This table associates the Routing with an operation. Basically, this is used to define the various sub operations for a routing operation. In the case of Sony, it is a single step Operation. BLUE_FILE_FIEL D IFLayout_BOM Master.Assembl ed Item Code Code IFLayout_BOM Master.Plant Code IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD RO.Routing ID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Same logic as used in Routing Header REMARKS

IFLayout_BOM Master.Plant Code


Same logic as used in RoutingHeader 1 Fixed value



Fixed value


Fixed value


Associating BOM and Operation to the Item being produced

The ItemBOMRouting table in the fixed schema defines the association of a bill of material with a routing and defines the output part of the given BOM and Routing combination. This is populated for each item where BOMID and RoutingID is created. The data population logic is given below: BLUE_FILE_FIEL D IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC REMARKS

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BOMID as it is created in BOM Header The final assembled item code

IBR.RoutingId IBR.SiteID

Routing ID as it is created in RoutingHeader table Site ID to which this BOM and Routing belongs to

For DP participating sales companies For DP participating Sales Companies, the BOM information will come from the blue file IFLayout_DP-IM004_LMNto8DMapping. Loading into BOM Header BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8DMapping. LMN Code IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8DMapping. Sales Company Code IF_TABLE_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD BOMH.BOMID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Get the list of all LMN Codes and Sales Company Code .Ensure these are valid ItemSite combinations. For all these items, create the BOM as BOM_LMN Code_ Sales Company Code BOMH.SITEID From the above result set, 1 1 between Sales Company Code Site BOMH.QTYPRODUCED Loading to Bom Components: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8DMapping. LMN Code IF_TABLE_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD BOMC.BOMID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC This corresponds to BOMID created in BOMHeader REMARKS BOMID as created in BOMHEADER Fixed value 1 REMARKS

IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8DMapping. Sales Company Code

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IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8DMapping. Sales Company Code IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8DMapping. Sales Company Code IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8DMapping. Product Code BOMC.SITEID Same BOMID, Site combination as it is in BOMHeader Make 1 1 mapping for Product Code 11 11



BOMC.QTYPER IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8DMapping.Effective Start Date IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8DMapping.Effective End Date BOMC. EFFSTARTDATE BOMC.EFFENDDATE


Loading into Routing Header BLUE_FILE_FIEL D IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8D Mapping. LMN Code IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8D Mapping. Sales Company Code IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8D Mapping. Sales Company Code Loading into Routing Operation BLUE_FILE_FIEL D IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8D Mapping. LMN IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD RO.Routing ID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Same logic as used in Routing Header REMARKS RH.SiteID IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD RH.Routing ID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC For each item, where BOM created at sales company site, a corresponding route is created, using Routing ID = RT_ LMN Code_ Sales Company Code REMARKS


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Code I IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8D Mapping. Sales Company Code I IFLayout_DPIM004_LMNto8D Mapping. Sales Company Code RO.SiteID Same logic as used in RoutingHeader


Fixed value


Fixed value


Fixed value

Loading into Item BOM Routing table: BLUE_FILE_FIEL D IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD IBR.BOMId IBR.Item DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC BOMID as it is created in BOM Header The final assembled item code REMARKS

IBR.RoutingId IBR.SiteID

Routing ID as it is created in RoutingHeader table Site ID to which this BOM and Routing belongs to

2. Manufacturing process at the Set Plants / ODMs: At the set plants, manufacturing will be modeled as only one step. There may be cases where an FG LCD TV is manufactured by different panel series, in which case, it will be modeled as alternate primary routing in plant sites. The following diagram defines the Manufacturing process at the Set Plants which is marked with a brown circle:

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BOM Data creation at Set Plant / ODM

The 8 Digit FG code shown in figure above in blue circle will be located at the Set plants (brown circle in the site location) with the Panel Series components (shown in pink circles). All the TVs in the plants are in 8 digit codes and all panels are panel series codes. There may be more than one panel series used to create a single 8 Digit code in which case, different operations with appropriate priority are created. Loading to BOM Header table: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_BOM Master.Assembled Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Primary Component Item CodeComponent Item Code IF_TABLE_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD BOMH.BOMID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Get the distinct Assembled Item, Primary Component Item CodeComponent Item, Site Code where item type = 8D or SKD and associated site type is either Sony Plant, Other REMARKS

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IFLayout_BOM Master.Site Plant Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Effective Start Date

Plant Ensure these are valid ItemSite combiniations. For all these items, create the BOM as BOM_Assembled Item Code _Primary Component Item Code _SitePlant Code_ <Effective Start Date(YYYYMMDD)> BOMH.SITEID 11

IFLayout_BOM Master .SitePlant code


Fixed value 1

Loading into BOM Components table: At the set plants the components of the BOM comprise of the panel series used to produce the FG LCD TV (8 Digit Code)

BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_BOM Master.Assembled Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Primary Component Item CodeComponent Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Plant Site Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Effective Start Date IFLayout_BOM Master .SitePlant code



DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Same logic used to create entry in BOMHeader



Same logic used to create entry in BOMHeader

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IFLayout_BOM Master . Primary Component Item CodeComponent Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master .Consumed Quantity IFLayout_BOM Master .Effective Start Date IFLayout_BOM Master .Effective End Date


Primary Component Item Code as it is used in creation of BOMID




Effective start date as it is used in creation of BOM ID 11

2.2 Operation creation at Set Plants At the set plants, the assembly operation is modeled as one-step. However, for cases where an FG LCD TV is produced from different panel series it will be modeled as alternate primary routing in the plant sites.

Populating the Routing Header table in fixed schema which is used to define the Routing: BLUE_FILE_FIEL D IFLayout_BOM Master.Assembl ed Item Code IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD RH.Routing ID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Get the distinct Assembled Item, Primary Component Item, Site Code assembled REMARKS

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IFLayout_BOM Master. Primary Component Item CodeComponen t Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Plant Code IFLayout_BOM Master .Effective Start Date IFLayout_BOM Master.SitePlan t Code RH.SiteID

item Codes where item type = 8D or SKD and associated plantcode type is either Sony Plant, Other Plant Ensure these are valid ItemSite combinations. For all these items, create the RoutingId as RT_ Assembled Item Code _ Primary Component Item Code_Site Code_ Effective Start Date(YYYYMMDD)

SitePlant Code as obtained above

Populating the RoutingOperation table in the fixed schema This table associates the Routing with an operation. Basically, this is used to define the various sub operations for a routing operation. In the case of Sony, it is a single step Operation. BLUE_FILE_FIEL D IFLayout_BOM Master.Assembl ed Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Primary Component Item CodeComponen t Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Plant Site Code IFLayout_BOM Master .Effective Start Date IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD RO.Routing ID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Same logic as it is used to create the RoutingHeader REMARKS

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IFLayout_BOM Master.Plant SiteCode


Same logic as it is used in Routing Header 1 Fixed value


Manufacturing 1 2 WEEK

Fixed value Fixed value Fixed Value Fixed Value

2.3 Associating BOM and Operation to the Item being produced The relation between BOM, Routing Id and the final assembled item is maintained in the ItemBOMRouting table in the fixed. Populating ItemBOMRouting: The ItemBOMRouting table in the fixed schema defines the association of a bill of material with a routing and defines the output part of the given BOM and Routing combination. The data population logic is given below: BLUE_FILE_FIEL D IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD IBR.BOMId IBR.Item DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC BOMID as it is created in BOM Header The final assembled item code REMARKS

IBR.RoutingId IBR.SiteID IBR.Priority

Routing ID as it is created in RoutingHeader table Site ID to which this BOM and Routing belongs to In blue file, priority is available at component level. In the model, this needs to translate to route level. Once all possible routes are arrived, the order is to be reversed.

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3. Manufacturing process at the Suppliers Panel Plants: At the Suppliers Panel Plants, there will be one step of Operation in order to consider production capacity of the supplier across the panel series. If the supplier is joint venture of Sony, this capacity is treated as Best Can Do (BCD) of the Suppliers. In the other suppliers, the assembly resource constraint will be reasonable upper limit in each week, which will be decided by the panel planner. Panel series assembly operation will have a dummy item as a component, and there will not be any other material constraint.


BOM Data creation at Supplier Panel Plants

In the figure below, the finished product (marked with pink circles) at the Suppl iers Panel Plants (marked with brown circle) is produced by consuming the component dummy item which has been identified by blue circle

Loading to BOM Header table: BOM header will contain the BOM definition created by the concatenation of final item produced and site code information BLUE_FILE_FIELD DSMM009_ItemSiteMaste r.Item Code IF_TABLE_FI ELD FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD BOMH.BOMID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC List of all item codes and site codes where ISM.Item Code = REMARKS

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DSMM009_ItemSiteMaste r.Site Code

PanelSeriesMaster.PanelSe riesCode and ISM.Site code = SiteMaster.SiteCode and SiteMaster.Site Type in (SupplierSite, SupplierVirtualSite). BOM Id will be generated as BOM_ItemCode_Site Code BOMH.SITEID Site Code as obtained above Fixed value 1

DSMM009_ItemSiteMaste r.Site Code


Loading into BOM Components table: Panel series assembly operation at the Supplier Sites will have a dummy item (marked with blue) as a component, and there will not be any other material constraint. BLUE_FILE_FIELD DSMM009_ItemSiteMa ster.Item Code DSMM009_ItemSiteMa ster.Site Code IFLayout_BOM Master .Site code IFLayout_BOM Master . Component Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master .Consumed Quantity BOMC.SITEID BOMC.ITEM Same as in BOM Header DUMMY IF_TABLE_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA _FIELD BOMC.BOMID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Same logic as it is used in BOM Header REMARKS



3.2 Operation creation at Supplier Sites

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Each suppliers panel plant has one step of operation so that we also consider production capacity of the supplier across the panel series.

Populating the Routing Header table in fixed schema which is used to define the Routing: BLUE_FILE_FIEL D DSMM009_ItemSite Master.Item Code DSMM009_ItemSite Master.Site Code IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD RH.Routing ID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC List of all item codes and site codes where ISM.Item Code = PanelSeriesMaster.PanelSeries Code and ISM.Site code = SiteMaster.SiteCode and SiteMaster.Site Type in (SupplierSite, SupplierVirtualSite). Routing Id will be generated as RT_ Item Code_Site Code REMARKS


Site Code as obtained above

Populating the RoutingOperation table in the fixed schema. This table associates the Routing with an operation. Basically, this is used to define the various sub operations for a routing operation. At Sony Supplier plants this has been modeled as a single step operation with dummy item as component. BLUE_FILE_FIEL D DSMM009_ItemSite Master.Item Code IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD RO.Routing ID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Same logic as in RoutingHeader REMARKS

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DSMM009_ItemSite Master.Site Code DSMM009_ItemSite Master.Site Code RO.SiteID Same logic as in Routing Header


Fixed value

Manufacturing 1

Fixed value Fixed value

3.3 Associating BOM and Operation to the Item being produced The relation between BOM, Routing Id and the final assembled item is maintained in the ItemBOMRouting table. Populating ItemBOMRouting table in fixed schema: The ItemBOMRouting table in the fixed schema defines the association of a bill of material with a routing and defines the output part of the given BOM and Routing combination. The data population logic is given below: BLUE_FILE_FIEL D DSMM009_ItemSite Master.Item Code DSMM009_ItemSite Master.Site Code DSMM009_ItemSite Master.Item Code DSMM009_ItemSite Master.Item IBR.Item The final assembled item code IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD BOMC.BOMID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC BOMID as it is created in BOM Header REMARKS BOM ID as created in BOMHeader

IBR.Routing ID

Routing ID as it is created in RoutingHeader table

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Code DSMM009_ItemSite Master.Site Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Plant code


Site ID to which this BOM and Routing belongs to

2.1.5. Modeling Capacities (Bills of Resource and Resource Capacities) The different locations in the supply chain where the capacities and constraints will be modeled have been highlighted with a circle in the figure below:

At the Panel Set Plants/ODMs At the Supplier Panel Plants

Creating Bills of Resource and associating capacity to the resource is done in following sequence Creating a Resource Creating a Work Center Associating the Resource with Work Center, Load Policy Associating a Resource to a specific Operation Attaching a Calendar to the Resource Modeling Capacities and Constraints at the Set Plants/ODMs:

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The different types of resources at the Set Plants/ODMs are Line Resource: A Resource can be Machine, Tool or People. It can be takt time or quantity based. The Bill of Resources and Capacity modeling for Normal Resources will be done by UI team. DI needs to provide the number of working days information to UI team. Custom table for this is yet to be specified by UI team The figure below is an example on how data is going to be populated in the fixed schema tables: Line Resource Tool Resource SKD Resource NMI Resource FG Use Up Resource Panel Use up Resource

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Tool Resource: As per Jefri,currently, there are no plans to model tool resource SKD Resource: Not confirmed whether it will be modeled. As per Jefri, If Sony decides to maintain resource; it would follow same naming convention as Line resource NMI Resource: NMI Resources are created whenever there is New Model Introduction in the System. NMI Resource creation and associated capacity constraint modeling will be done by UI Team The following figure is an example to show how data will be populated in the different tables in the fixed schema:
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FG Use up Resource FG Use UP or EOL Resource will come into picture when an existing model goes EOL phase and a New Model is introduced. At Sony, EOL is controlled on quantity basis. It means, the remaining quantity that can be produced before production is stopped is determined through total planned quantity and cumulative production quantity. Tota l planed quantity is maintained through non-key UI and cumulative production quantity is obtained through interface.

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The logic for creating the FG Use up Resource is explained below and will be loaded in the Resource Master table in the fixed schema BLUE_FILE_FIELD ISM.Item ISM.SiteId IF_TABLE_ FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FI ELD RM.RESOURCENAM E DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Get the list of all item and site combinations where the item type = 8D and sitetype in (Sony Plant or Other Plant) and create the resource as EOL_ Item Code _Site Code REMARKS There is an open question as to how to identify the EOL items Need to sync up with UI team



Site code as obtained above

Populating OperationResourcesAdditional(ORA) table BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TABLE_F IELD FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD ORA.RESOURCEN AME DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Get the Siteid,Workcentername and Resource Name,RunTimePer from OperationResource (OR)table where OR.Siteid=SiteId obtained above and ResourceName LIKE LNE% Site id obtained above Workcentername obtained above REMARKS Line Resource that is used to produce the FG at the a site


Associated work center for the Line

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Resources ORA.ROUTINGID Get the RoutingID from ItemBOMRouting where Item=Item Code used in EOL ResourceName and SiteId = Siteid used in EOL ResourceNAme and priority=max(priority) 1 Routing to which Line resource is attached


Hard coded to 1 as there is only one operation in a given route FG_use up resource name


FG Use up Resource created above Site Id used obtained for FG Use up Resource Site Id used obtained for FG Use up Resource Runetimeper obtained in above query for ORA.RESOURCENAME

Same properties as it exists for producing this FG + site combination using the Line Resource (which is at a work center)

Loading WorkcenterDetail for FG Use up Resource: BLUE_FILE_FIE LD IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Item Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Site Code IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD WCD.RESOURCEN AME DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Create Resource name using the same logic used to create FG Use Up Resource in ResourceMaster REMARKS Open Question on how to identify for which items this is to be created?

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IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Site Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Site Code


Site Id obtained above

SiteId obtained above



Hardcoded value

Creating the entry in Calendar Master Table: BLUE_FILE_FI ELD IFLayout_DS MM009_Item_S ite_Master. Item Code IFLayout_DS MM009_Item_S ite_Master. Site Code Populating Resource Calendar for FG Use up Resource: BLUE_FILE_FI ELD IFLayout_DS MM009_Item_S ite_Master. Item Code IFLayout_DS MM009_Item_S ite_Master. Site Code IFLayout_DS MM009_Item_S ite_Master. IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD RM.RESOURCENA ME DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Same logic used to create FG Use up Resource in Resource Master REMARKS Need to sync up with UI team Open Question is there on how to identify the EOL items RM. SITEID Site code used to create the Resource Name above IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD CM.CALENDARNA ME LOGIC Get the list of valid item codes and site id combinations where item type=8D and site type in ( Sony Plant, Other Plant) to create the calendar name as RC_EOL_ Item Code _Site Code REMARKS Open Question is there on how to identify the EOL items

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Site Code

IFLayout_DS MM009_Item_S ite_Master. Site Code IFLayout_DS MM009_Item_S ite_Master. Site Code


Site Code as above


Same logic used to create the FG Use up Resource CalendarName in CalendarMaster CAPACITY Hardcoded value


Populating CalendarDetail: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIE LD CD. CALENDARNAME LOGIC Same logic used to create FG Use up Calendar Name in Calendar Master Current date from PlanMAster table in YYYYMMDD format Current date from PlanMaster table Effective End date from PlanMaster table 1 EVERY_N_DAYS Hardcoded value REMARKS





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Populating CalendarBasedAttribute: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA _FIELD CD. CALENDARNAM E CD.PATTERNSE Q ATTRIBUTE IFLayout_DSMT017_Cumulativ e_Quantity_Actu al.Site Code+ IFLayout_DSMT017_Cumulativ e_Quantity_Actu al.Product code UI table to be finalized VALUE LOGIC Same logic used to create FG Use up Calendar Name in Resource Master Same logic used in CalendarDetail AVAILABLE_CAPACIT Y 1. Match the Site Code and 8D code above to the Site Code and Item Code of IFLayout_DS MT017_Cumula tive_Quantity _Actual where Record type= R3 to get the Quantity.Ag gregate the Value to get the total Cumulative Production 2. Get total allowed value from UI table 3. Populate the difference between the above two values i.e, (Total allowed valueCumulative Hardcoded value REMARKS

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Populating CalendarPatternDetail(CPD): BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_ FIELD CPD. CALENDARNAME LOGIC Same logic used to create Panel Use up Calendar Name in Calendar Master Same logic used in CalendarDetail nth No. of days between PlanMaster.Effec tive End Date and PlanMaster. Current Date Hardcoded value REMARKS


Panel Use up Resource Panel use up qty will be modeled as an artificial resource at the set plant. It is treated same as FG Use up Resource. The capacity of such artificial resource is calculated based on the panel use up quantity minus actual production quantity from the effective start date. Panel use up quantity and its effective start date are maintained through DSM UI while the weekly actual production quantity and panel effective start date would come from data interface.

The logic for creating the Panel Use up Resource is explained below and will be loaded in the
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Resource Master table in the fixed schema BLUE_FILE_FIE LD IFLayout_BOM Master.Assem bled Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Site Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Component Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Site Code RM. SITEID IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FI ELD RM.RESOURCENAM E LOGIC Get the Assembled Item Code, Component Item Code and Site Code where Assembled Item Type=8D,Component Item type= Panel Series and Site Type in (Sony Plant, Other Plant) .Create the Resource name as USE_PNL_ Component Item Code_ Assembled Item Code_ Site Code REMARKS Need to sync up with UI team

Site code as obtained above

Populating OperationResourcesAdditional table BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TABLE_F IELD FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD ORA.RESOURCEN AME DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Get the Siteid,Workcentername and Resource Name,RunTimePer from OperationResource (OR)table where OR.Siteid=SiteId obtained above and ResourceName LIKE LNE% Site id obtained above Site ID obtained above Get the RoutingID from ItemBOMRouting where Item=Item code used in Panel Use Up ResourceName and SiteId = Siteid used in Panel use up ResourceNAme and priority=max(priority) 1 Panel Use up Resource created above
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ME ADDRESOURCESIT EID ADDWORKCENTE RNAME ORA.RUNTIMEPER Site Id used obtained for Panel Use up Resource Site Id used obtained for Panel Use up Resource Runetimeper obtained in above query for ORA.RESOURCENAME

Loading WorkcenterDetail for Panel Use up Resource: BLUE_FILE_FIE LD IFLayout_BOM Master.Assem bled Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Site Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Component Item Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Site Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Site Code WCD. WORKCENTERNA ME WCD. SITEID SiteId as obtained above IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD RM.RESOURCENA ME DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Use the same logic as used in Resource Master to create the Panel Use Up Resource REMARKS Open Question on how to identify for which items this is to be created?

SiteId as obtained above



Hardcoded value


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IFLayout_BOM Master.Assem bled Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Site Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Component Item Code


Get the Assembled Item Code, Component Item Code and Site Code where Assembled Item Type=8D,Component Item type= Panel Series and Site Type in (Sony Plant, Other Plant) .Create the calendar name as RC_USE_PNL_ Component Item Code_ Assembled Item Code_ Site Code

Need to sync up with UI team Open Question is there on how to identify these items

Populating Resource Calendar for Panel Use up Resource: BLUE_FILE_FIEL D IFLayout_BOM Master.Assembl ed Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Site Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Component Item Code IFLayout_BOM Master. Site Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Site Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Site Code+ IFLayout_BOM Master. Site Code+ IFLayout_BOM Master. RM. SITEID Site Code used in creating the Resource Name above Site Code obtained above IF_TABLE_FIE LD FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD RM.RESOURCENA ME DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Same logic used to create Panel Use Up resource in Resource Master REMARKS Open Question is there on how to identify these items



Same logic used to create Panel Use Up CalendarName in Calendar Master

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Component Item Code CALENDARTYPE CAPACITY Hardcoded value

Populating CalendarDetail: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIE LD CD. CALENDARNAME LOGIC Same logic used to create Panel Use up Calendar Name in Resource Master Current date from PlanMAster table in YYYYMMDD format Current date from PlanMaster table Effective End date from PlanMaster table 1 EVERY_N_DAYS Hardcoded value REMARKS





Populating CalendarBasedAttribute: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_ FIELD CD. CALENDARNAME LOGIC Same logic used to create Panel Use up Calendar Name in Resource Master Same logic used in CalendarDetail REMARKS


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AVAILABLE_CAPACITY 1. Match the Site Code and PanelSeries code above to the Site Code and Item Code of IFLayout_DSMT017_Cumulat ive_Quantity_ Actual where record type= R3 to get the Quantity. Aggregate the Value to get the total Cumulative Production 2. Get total allowed value from UI table 3. Populate the difference between the above two values i.e, (Total allowed valueCumulative production)

Hardcoded value

Populating CalendarPatternDetail(CPD): BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_ FIELD CPD. CALENDARNAME LOGIC Same logic used to create Panel Use up Calendar Name in Calendar Master Same logic used in CalendarDetail REMARKS


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nth Number of days between PlanMaster.Curre ntDate and EFFENDDATE of the PlanMaster

Hardcoded value Modeling Capacities and Constraints at the Supplier Plants : The production capacity of the supplier across the panel series is treated as Best Can Do of the suppliers if the supplier is joint venture of Sony. In the other suppliers, the assembly resource constraint will be reasonable upper limit in each week, which will be decided by the panel planner and called as Flex Limit

Creating a Capacity Resource at the Suppliers Plants

A Resource can be a Machine, Tool or People. In the Sony, the different types of resources at the Suppliers Panel Plants are: Flex Resource BCD Resource

Flex Resource: RTF information for a given panel is controlled through inventory with future dates on Panel Series buffer at Suppliers Panel Plant. But for each panel, there is some additional flexibility for near term horizon. This is controlled through a producing operation into this buffer with a Flex Limit resource attached. The Flex Limit Value is entered by the user on the UI.

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The logic to create the Flex Resource at the Supplier Panel Plants is explained below and will be loaded in the Resource Master table in the fixed schema. The available capacity will be infinite by default and Users can change the value from UI: BLUE_FILE_FI ELD IFLayout_DS MM009_Item_S ite_Master. Site Code IFLayout_DS MM009_Item_S ite_Master. Item Code IFLayout_DS MM009_Item_S ite_Master. Site Code IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD RM.RESOURCENA ME DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Get the list of all item code and site code where item type =Panel Series and site type= (Supplier Plants, Virtual Supplier) and create the Resource Name as FLX_ Item Code _Site Code REMARKS


Site codes obtained above

Creating a Work Center at the Supplier Plants Workcenters correspond to group of one or more resources that are managed together within a department.We will be defining the Work centers at the Supplier plants in the WorkcenterMaster table. BLUE_FILE_FI ELD IFLayout_DS MM009_Item_S ite_Master. Site Code IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD WCM. WORKCENTERNA ME DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC List of all sites where site type in (Supplier Site, Virtual Site) REMARKS

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IFLayout_DS MM009_Item_S ite_Master. Site Code


SiteId obtained above

Linking a Resource with a WorkCenter and Load Policy at the Supplier Plants The association of a resource with a Workcenter and load policy is done in the WorkcenterDetail table in the fixed schema. Loading WorkcenterDetail for Flex Resource : BLUE_FILE_FIE LD IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Site Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Site Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Site Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Item Code WCD.LOADPOLIC Y FLOW_LIMIT_CALENDAR Hardcoded value IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD WCD. WORKCENTERNA ME WCD. SITEID DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Same logic as used in WorkcenterMaster REMARKS

SiteId obtained above


Same logic used to create the Flex Limit Resource Name in Resource Master

Associating a Resource to an Operation at the Supplier Plants The association between a Resource and an Operation is maintained in the Operation Resource (OR) Table. BLUE_FILE_FIEL D IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Site _Master. Site IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD OR.RESOURCENA ME DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Same logic used to create Flex resource in Resource Master REMARKS

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Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Site _Master. Item Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Site _Master. Site Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Site _Master.Item Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Site _Master.Site Code


Site Id used to create the Resource Name above

OR.Routing ID

Same logic used to create the Routing Id for Supplier Sites in Routing Header table (Use the Panel series code and Site code to create the Routing Id as RT_PanelSeriesCode_SiteCode )

RT_<produce d_item>_<sit eid>

IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Site _Master. Site Code


Site codes obtained above


Will come from UI?? 1 Fixed value


Associating a Calendar to the Resource at the Supplier Plants The association of a Calendar with the attributes of a resource that have time varying profile is modeled in the Resource Calendar(RC) table in the fixed schema. The different resource calendars at the Supplier Plants are defined below: Resource Calendar for Flex Resource Create infinite capacity for all resources, users will maintain from UI for entire horizon Populating Calendar Master: BLUE_FILE_FIEL D IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD LOGIC REMARKS

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IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Site _Master. Site Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Site _Master. Item Code


Get the list of all item code and site code where item type =Panel Series and site type in (Supplier Plants, Virtual Plants) and create the Calendar Id as RC_FLX_ Item Code _Site Code

Populating CalendarDetail: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Site_ Master. Site Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Site_ Master. Item Code CD.PATTERNSE Q Get the effective start date from Plan Master in YYYYMMDD format This is to be populated with the start date of each week in YYYYMMDD format for all 52 weekly buckets Eg. (Rec 1)20100201 (Rec 2)20100208 CD.EFFSTARTD ATE Get the effective start date from Plan Master This is to be populated with the start date of each week for all 52 weekly buckets Eg. (Rec 1)02-01-2010 (Rec 2)02-08-2010 CD.EFFENDDAT E CD.EFFSTARTDATE+7 Eg. IF_TBL_ FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA _FIELD CD. CALENDARNAM E LOGIC Same logic used to create Flex limit calendar in Calendar Master REMARKS

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(Rec 1)02-08-2010 (Rec 2)02-15-2010 CD.PATTERNNA ME DAYS_OF_WEEK Hardcoded value

Populating CalendarBasedAttribute: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_ FIELD CD. CALENDARNAME LOGIC Same logic used to create the Calendar Name above Same logic as used in Calendar Pattern Detail AVAILABLE_CAP ACITY Hardcoded value Infinite: what should be the number for infinite?? REMARKS


Associating Calendar created above to the Resource in Resource Calendar: BLUE_FILE_FIEL D IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Site Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Item Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Site Code IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Site IF_TABLE_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD RC.RESOURCENA ME DATA_MAPPING_LOGIC Same logic used to create Flex resource in Resource Master REMARKS


Site code as obtained above


Site Code as obtained above

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IFLayout_DSMM009_Item_Sit e_Master. Site Code


Same logic used to create Flex limit calendar in Calendar Master CAPACITY Hardcoded value


BCD Resource: Apart from the flex limit, additional panels that can be obtained are also capped at a group of panels. This is controlled through a resource which is simultaneously attached to multiple operations and is called BCD Resource. The red circle in the below picture represents the same.

For BCD Resources, all the Bill of Resource + Resource capacity creation / maintenance is done through UI. The figure below shows how the data will be populated in the different tables in the fixed schema:

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Modeling Demand (Sales Master, Sales Order Master, Sales Order Line, Product Master)

The Demand information need to come in from DP and the flow will be like: Blue files IF tables DF engine tables DF output tables Prioritization SCP input tables.Hence, until how this flow to DP and back will happen is finalized, work on this interface will need to wait For Set plants in PA region, the Production plan will be modeled as demand. For SKD plant in Argentina, the production plan will be modeled as demand at SKD plants. Loading Shipment demand from Shipment Plan: For LA and CA regions the Shipment Plan will be modeled as Demand at the Sales Company Sites with factory ETD as due date. In such cases, the Transit Time in BOD Detail will be set as 0. This is to be updated in BOD design. Panel Service Demand These include the demands for panel series in each plant to meet any service purpose requirements after EOL of panel series. Populating Sales Master table: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD SALESNAME SALESLEVEL LOGIC SERVICE SERVICE REMARKS Hardcoded value Hardcoded value

Populating SalesOrderMaster table:

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BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_Panel_ Other_Demand.S ite Code IFLayout_Panel_ Other_Demand.P anel Series Code IFLayout_Panel_ Other_Demand. Week



LOGIC Get the list of Site code ,Panel Series code ,Other Demand Priority,Week and Required Qty from IFLayout_Panel_Ot her_Demand.Ensur e Panel Series and Site code are valid combinations.Get the start date of the Week and create the SalesorderID as SD_Start Date of Week_Site Code_Panel Series Code SERVICE SERVICE Site Code obtained above

REMARKS Naming rule : SD_<due_date(YYYY MMDD)>_<siteid>_<i tem>


Populating SalesOrderLines table: IF_TBL_FIELD BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_Panel_ Other_Demand.S ite Code IFLayout_Panel_ Other_Demand.P anel Series Code IFLayout_Panel_ Other_Demand. Week SOLINENUM IFLayout_Panel_ Other_Demand.S SITEID 1 Site code obtained above Hardcoded value SO.SALESORDERID Same logic used in Sales Order Master Naming rule : SD_<due_date(YYYYMM DD)>_<siteid>_<item> FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD LOGIC REMARKS

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ite Code IFLayout_Panel_ Other_Demand.P anel Series Code ITEM Panel Series Code obtained above TBD Logic to be finalized using the High/Low value for Priority coming in through Interface


IFLayout_Panel_ Other_Demand.R equired Qty IFLayout_Panel_ Other_Demand. Week


11 Start date of the Week Need to sync up with UI Team DAY/WEEK


2.1.7 Modeling Time Periods 1. Bucket Master (BM):- The continuous plan horizon as defined PlanMaster is divided into discrete time intervals called Buckets. This table is used to define how different buckets are created. This table is internally created by i2 without any need from external sources. BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD BM.BUCKETNAME BM.FIRSTDAYOFWEEK LOGIC SCP_HORIZON 1 REMARKS Fixed value Fixed value. This represents Monday

In the above table, FIRSTDAYOFWEEK represents start day of the week. Valid values for this field are from 1 7, where 1 represents Monday and 7 represents Sunday. In Sony, planning bucket always starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. This is same across the planning horizon. Above table just says, buckets are identified with an id SCP_HORIZON. Details about length of each bucket etc. are presented in the table below. 2. BucketPattern(BP):- This table works always in tandem with BucketMaster to construct required buckets. It gives extended definition of buckets defined and identified by BUCKETNAME BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIELD LOGIC REMARKS

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Same value as it is defined for bucketname in BucketMaster Identifier when multiple patters are to be defined. In Sony, all bucket have uniform pattern definition The size of one bucket for above patternsequence expressed in time units Fixed value. In Sony, all buckets have a uniform length as Week. Valid values over here are DAY and MONTH and YEAR Fixed value, as the Sonys planning horizon is 52 weeks into the future







3. Bucket Calendar: Need to add logic for same 2.1.8 Modeling Business Rules (ItemSiteRepPolicy, Planning Parameters) ItemSiteRepPolicy (ISR):This defines the Replenishment policy or parameters used for buffers or groups of buffers in the Planning process. For Sony, we will be defining it at the group level: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIE LD FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD ITEMGROUP LOGIC 1. PFC 2. INFINITE 3. SC ORGANIZATIONID REPPOLICY SONY_TV 1. For PFC PRODUCING_FLOW_ CALENDAR_FILTER_ Hardcoded Value Reppolicy will be different for each ItemGroup REMARKS 3 rows with different values as given

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as given

Planning Parameters (PP):BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIE LD FIXED_SCHEMA_FI ELD PLANID PARAMETERNAME LOGIC Same logic used in PlanMaster table 1. export_unpegged_ material 2. export_date_range 3. export_unpegged_c apacity 4. report_horizon PARAMETERVALUE 1. 1 2. 52 Week 3. 1 4. SCP_HORIZON 2.1.9 Modeling Stock (Inventory, Intransitshipments, Distribution Order Header, Distribution Order Lines, Production Orders) For each of the ParameterNames , the corresponding value should be populated as given in ParameterValue column REMARKS

Inventory (IM):This represents the amount of physical stock available for different items at different locations. Apart from the physical existing stock, for PanelSeries at supplier sites, RTF information is modeled as Inventory with future dates.

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Populating Inventory entries for LMN/8D code at Sale Company related sites ( non-DP implemented SC sites) The assumption over here is, same inventory is not given at both LMN and 8D code level BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMT005_Product_In ventory_at SCDC. Product Code IFLayout_DSMT005_Product_In ventory_at SCDC.Site Code IFLayout_DSMT005_Product_In ventory_at SCDC.Inventory Quantity IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FI ELD IM.ITEM LOGIC 11 REMARKS Get the list of Item code and site code where item category in (8D or LMN) and site type in (SC, SCDC, AG, FDS) and Item Type=.Ensure its valid combination by joining with ISM. Get the corresponding Inventory qty values. From the result set thus obtained get records with the biggest week which represents current weeks inventory. From these only valid inventory for planning with Status in 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 11 or 12) are to be picked up. Aggregate the quantities obtained to get the final QtyAvailable Serial number can be auto generated number





Use the item and site obtained above to get create the serial number as

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OH_Item Code_Site Code_<serial number> IM.EFFSTARTDATE PlanMaster.Curr entDate Get the Current Date value in PlanMaster Table

The Blue file from Sony will contain the inventory information at two levels: at LMN and SalesCompany DC level for US sales companies and at the 8D Sales Company level for other cases.Hence, logic for populating the two has been given in two different sections: Populating Inventory for US sales companies: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMT005_Product_In ventory_at SCDC. LMN Code IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FI ELD IM.ITEM LOGIC LMN Code REMARKS Get the list of all LMN Code, Site Code, Week, Month ,Inventory Quantity from Inventory file where Inventory Status= 01.Ensure these are valid combinations by joining with ISM. Get the records with the biggest Week and Month which represents current weeks inventory. Serial number can be any autogenerated number

IFLayout_DSMT005_Product_In ventory_at SCDC. Site Code


Site Code

IFLayout_DSMT005_Product_In ventory_at SCDC. Inventory Quantity


QtyAvailable obtained above


Use the LMN code and Site Code obtained above to get the SerialNum as OH_LMN Code_Site Code_<Serial #> Plan Master.Current Date


Populating Inventory for non-US sales companies: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FI ELD LOGIC REMARKS

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IFLayout_DSMT005_Product_In ventory_at SCDC. Product Code IFLayout_DSMT005_Product_In ventory_at SCDC. Site Code


Product Code


Site Code

IFLayout_DSMT005_Product_In ventory_at SCDC. Inventory Quantity


QtyAvailable obtained above

Get the list of all Product Code, Site Code,Week,Month ,I nventory Quantity from Inventory file where Inventory Status= 01.Ensure these are valid combinations by joining with ISM.Get the records with the biggest Week and Month which represents current weeks inventory.


Use the Product code and Site Code obtained above to get the SerialNum as OH_LMN Code_Site Code_<Serial #> Plan Master.Current Date

Serial number can be any autogenerated number


DP-sales Company related inventory Populating Inventory entries for LMN/8D code at Sale Company related sites (DP implemented SC sites) Appropriate SalesCo or SalesCo DC needs to be mapped to the appropriate sites in ItemSitemaster BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DPA001_SCoInvento ry. Product Code IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FI ELD IM.ITEM LOGIC 11 REMARKS Get the list of Product code, SalesCompany DC and Quantity where item type in (LMN, 8D). Ensure all are valid combinations by joining with ISM. From these only valid inventory for planning with Inventory Status =4 are to be

IFLayout_DPA001_SCoInvento ry. Sales Company Code or Sales



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Company DC Code IFLayout_DPA001_SCoInvento ry. Quantity IM.QTYAVAILABLE 11

picked up.


Use the item and site obtained above to get create the serial number as OH_Item Code_Site Code_<serial number> PlanMaster.Curr entDate

Serial number can be auto generated number


Get the Current Date value in PlanMaster Table

Populating Inventory entries for 8D codes at set plants/ODMs BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMT001_Inventory. Item Code IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FI ELD IM.ITEM LOGIC 11 REMARKS Get the list of Item code and site code where item type in ( 8D,SKD) and site type in (Sony Plant, Other Plant).Ensure its valid combination by joining with ISM where itemtype=10. Get the corresponding Inventory qty values. From the result set thus obtained get records with the biggest week which represents current weeks inventory. From these only valid inventory for planning with Status in 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 11 or 12) are to be picked up. Aggregate the quantities obtained to get the final

IFLayout_DSMT001_Inventory.S ite Code IFLayout_DSMT001_Inventory.I nventory Quantity





Use the item and site obtained above to get create

Serial number can be

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the serial number as OH_Item Code_Site Code_<serial number> IM.EFFSTARTDATE PlanMaster.Curr entDate

autogenerated number

Get the Current Date value in PlanMaster Table

Populating Inventory entries for Panel Series code at Set Plant / ODMs BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMT001_Inventory. Panel Series Code IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FI ELD IM.ITEM LOGIC 11 REMARKS Get the list of Panel Series code and site code where site type in (Sony Plant, Other Plant) where Item Type=40.Ensure its valid combination by joining with ISM. Get the corresponding Inventory qty values. From the result set thus obtained get records with the biggest week which represents current weeks inventory. From these only valid inventory for planning with Status in 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 11 or 12) are to be picked up. Aggregate the quantities obtained to get the final QtyAvailable Serial number can be autogenerated number

IFLayout_DSMT001_Inventory.S ite Code IFLayout_DSMT001_Inventory.I nventory Quantity







Use the Panel Series Code and site code obtained above to create the serial number as OH_ Panel Series Code _Site Code_<serial number> PlanMaster.Curr entDate

Get the Current Date value in PlanMaster Table

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Populating Inventory entries for Panel Series items at Hub BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMT001_Inventory. Panel Series Code IF_TBL_FIELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FI ELD IM.ITEM LOGIC 11 REMARKS Get the list of Panel Series Code and site code combinations where the site type= Hub where Item Type=40. Ensure these are valid combinations by joining with ISM. Get the corresponding Inventory qty values. From the result set thus obtained get records with the biggest week which represents current weeks inventory. From these only valid inventory for planning with Status in 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 11 or 12) are to be picked up. Aggregate the quantities obtained to get the final QtyAvailable Use the Panel Series Code and Site Code obtained above to create the serial number as OH_ Panel Series Code _Site Code_<serial number> PlanMaster.Curr entDate Serial number can be autogenerated number

IFLayout_DSMT001_Inventory.S ite Code IFLayout_DSMT001_Inventory.I nventory Quantity





IM.EFFSTARTDATE Inventory of Panel Series at Supplier Sites

Get the Current Date value in PlanMaster Table

The On-Hand Inventory of the Suppliers will be derived from RTF from supplier which is provided in the Blue File BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIEL D FIXED_SCHEMA_FI ELD LOGIC REMARKS

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IFLayout_DSMT011_Panel_RTF. Panel Series Code


Get the list of all Panel Series Code, Ship from Site code, Quantity and Week from IFLayout_DSMT011_Panel_RTF where Ship from Site Type in (Supplier, Virtual Supplier). Need to ensure these are valid item-site combinations Ship from Site Code obtained in the above result set 11

Site type filter needed ??File will anyways contain the supplier sites

IFLayout_DSMT011_Panel_RTF. Ship from Site Code IFLayout_DSMT011_Panel_RTF. Quantity IFLayout_DSMT011_Panel_RTF. Week



If Ship to Site is not removed from Blue file, then we need to aggregate the Qty.


Get the start date of the Week obtained above Get the start date of the Week obtained above, Panel Series code and Ship from Site Code to create the Serial Number as RTF_ Panel Series Code_Ship From Site Code_Start Date(YYYYMMDD)


INTRANSITS Intransits (IT) means the goods which have already been shipped from the source site but are yet to arrive at the destination location. The different points where we can have Intransits have been shown in the figure below:

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As shown in figure above, the different Intransits in the system are: 1. From Supplier to Hub As this is negligible it can be ignored for planning 2. From Supplier to Set Plants/ODMsTBDThis information is not available 3. From Hub to Set Plants/ODMs 4. From Set Plants/ODM to Sales Company DC The data population logics for the different types have been explained in the sections below: 1. Intransits(IT) from Hub to Plant/ODM BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMT002_InTransit.Panel Series Code IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit .Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit .Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit .ETA Week IF_TBL_FIE LD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIE LD IT.DISTRIBUTIONOR DERID LOGIC Get the list of all Panel Series Code, Ship from code , Ship to site code and ETA Week combinations where Ship from Site type= Hub ,Ship to site type in (SONY Plant, Other Plant), Shipping Status=1 and ItemType=50.Ensu re these are valid item site combinations. For the records obtained,create the distributionorderid as IN_ Panel Series Code_Ship From Site Code_Ship to Site Code_ETA week(YYYYMMDD) REMARKS The blue file will have the ETA week. Get the start date of the week and populate the same for ETA(YYYYMMDD)

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IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit. Panel Series Code IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit .Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit. In-Transit Quantity


Panel Series Code from the result set obtained above Ship to Site Code from the result set obtained above 11 In-Transit Quantity for the above item, from site, to site and ETA week combination. For cases where the week falls in two months , there will be two line items with different quantities for same week number but different month number and this needs to be summed up.Hence, aggregate the qty [group by Item,Siteto and ETA Week number]



IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit .ETA Week


Use the ETA week from the result set obtained above and get the start date of the ETA week Ship From Site Code from the result set obtained above 1 1 Ship from site code as obtained above

IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit .Ship From Site Code



Hardcoded value Hardcoded value

2. Intransits from Plant/ODM to Sales Company DC for non-DP participating Sales Companies 2.3. For US case the Ship to Site will be at the SalesCompanyDC level and for others, SalesCompany level (Filtering out SKD data needed???) BLUE_FILE_FIELD IF_TBL_FIE FIXED_SCHEMA_FIE LOGIC REMARKS

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LD IFLayout_DSMT002_InTransit.Item Code IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit .Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit .Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit .ETA Week

LD T.DISTRIBUTIONOR DERID Get the list of all Item Code, Ship from code , Ship to site code and ETA Week combinations where Ship from Site type in (SONY Plant, Other Plant),Ship to site type in (SC,SCDC,AG,FDS), Shipping Status=1 and ItemType=10.Ensu re these are valid item site combinations. For the records obtained,create the distributionorderid as IN_Item Code_Ship From Site Code_Ship to Site Code_ETA week(YYYYMMDD) Item code from the result set obtained above Ship to Site code from the result set obtained above 11 The blue file will have the ETA week. Get the start date of the week and populate the same for ETA(YYYYMMDD)

IFLayout_DSMT002_InTransit.Item Code IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit .Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit. In-Transit Quantity


Item code as obtained above


Ship to Site Code as obtained above


In-Transit Quantity for the above item, from site, tosite and ETA combination For cases where the week falls in two months , there will be two line items with different quantities for same week number but different month number and this needs to be summed up.Hence, aggregate the qty [group by

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Item,Siteto and ETA Week number] IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit .ETA Week IT.SCHEDULEDDELI VERYDATE Use the ETA week from the result set obtained above and get the start date of the ETA week Ship from Site code from the result set obtained above 1 1 Ship from Site Id as obtained above

IFLayout_DSMT002_In-Transit .Ship From Site Code



Hardcoded value Hardcoded value

4. 4. Intransits from Plant/ODM to Sales Company DC for DP participating Sales Companies For the DP sales companies, the Intransits will be coming at the SalesCompany DC level and in daily numbers. The same will be aggregated to get the weekly intransit quantity. BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DPIA003_Incoming_to_SCo. Product Code IFLayout_DPIA003_Incoming_to_SCo. Sales Company DC Code IFLayout_DPIA003_Incoming_to_SCo.E WA IF_TBL_FIE LD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIE LD IT.DISTRIBUTIONOR DERID LOGIC Get the list of all Product Code, Sales Company DC Code and EWA combinations where Product Type in (8D) and Shipment Status= S. Ensure these are valid item-site combinations. Get the week in which EWA falls from Bucketcalendar.All the records which fall in the same week are to be aggregated.Get the startdate of the week. Use this week startdate to create the For the records obtained,create the distributionorderid as IN_Item REMARKS The blue file will have the EWA. Get the start date of the week and populate the same for EWA(YYYYMMDD)

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Code_Ship From Site Code_Ship to Site Code_start dateEWA(YYYYMMD D) IFLayout_DPIA003_Incoming_to_SCo.P roduct Code IFLayout_DPIA003_Incoming_to_SCo. Sales Company DC Code IFLayout_DPIA003_Incoming_to_SCo. In Coming Quantity IFLayout_DPIA003_Incoming_to_SCo.E TA Week IT.ITEM Product code from the result set obtained above Sales Company DC Code from the result set obtained above 11 Aggregated In Coming Quantity for the above Product Code, Sales Company DC Code and ETA Week combination




Use the ETA week from the result set obtained above and get the start date of the ETA weekUse the start date obtained while creating the DISTRIBUTIONORDER ID above


DISTRIBUTION ORDERS: This represents the stock movements that are approved by the planners but are yet to be shipped. As these are approved by the planners, these are considered as frozen for planning. Distribution Orders in Sony will comprise of the following: Frozen Direct Shipments from the Supplier Panel Plant to the Set Plants The frozen shipping plans from the Hub to the Set Plants Frozen Direct Shipments from Set plants to the Sales Co. DCs
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In the fixed schema, this will be loaded into the DistributionOrderHeader and DistributionOrderLines tables. Frozen Direct Shipments from the Supplier Panel Plant to the Set Plants TBD This information is not available The frozen shipping plans from the Hub to the Set Plants/ODMs

Populating DistributionOrderHeader(DOH) table: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Panel Series Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. ETD Week IF_TBL_FI ELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIE LD DOH.DISTRIBUTION ORDERID LOGIC Get the Panel Series Code, Ship From Site Code, Ship to Site Code and ETD Week , Transport mode for which the Ship From Site Code=Hub and the Ship to Site Code in (Sony Plant or Other Plant) and Item type=40. Create the DistOrderId as DO_ Panel Series Code_ Ship From Site Code_ Ship To Site Code_ETD Week(YYYYMMDD) Get the Panel Series Code,Ship from Site Code,Ship to Site Code and Transport mode obtained above and join with BODDetail table to REMARKS The blue file will have the ETD week. Get the start date of the week and populate the date thus obtained for ETD(YYYYMMDD) Data is taken only for the number of weeks defined in Frozen Horizon UI for each Site. By default, this is 2 weeks but need to sync up with UI

IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Panel Series Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan.


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Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan.Transport Mode

get the BODName

Populating DistributionOrderLines (DOL) table: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Panel Series Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. ETD Week IF_TBL_FIE LD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIE LD DOL.DISTRIBUTION ORDERID LOGIC Same logic as used in DOH REMARKS Data is taken only for the number of weeks defined in Frozen Horizon UI for each Site. By default, this is 2 weeks but need to sync up with UI team

DOL.DISTORDERLIN EID IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Panel Series Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Quantity DOL.ITEM

1 Panel Series code as obtained in the above result set 11

Hardcoded value


For cases where the week falls in two months , there will be two line items with different quantities for same week number but different month number and this needs
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to be summed up.Hence, aggregate the qty [group by Item,FromSiteID,ToSite ID and ETD Week number] IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. ETD Week DOL.SCHEDULEDSHI PDATE Use the ETD week in the result set obtained above and get the start date of the week and populate the date thus obtained Ship from Site code as obtained in the Result set above Ship to Site code as obtained in the Result set above

IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship To Site Code



Frozen Shipment plan of 8D codes from Set Plants/ODMs to S/Co DC

Populating DistributionOrderHeader(DOH) table: Need to confirm whether this also includes the DP sitesYes, it includes BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Product Code IF_TBL_FI ELD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIE LD DOH.DISTRIBUTION ORDERID LOGIC Get the Product Code, Ship From Site Code, Ship to Site Code and ETD REMARKS The blue file will have the ETD week. Get the start date of the week and populate the date

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IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. ETD Week

Week for which the Item type =10,Product Type= 8D and Ship From Site Code in (Sony Plant or Other Plant) and the Ship to Site Code in (SC, SCDc,AG,FDS) . Create the DistOrderId as DO_ Panel Series Code_ Ship From Site Code_ Ship To Site Code_ETD Week(YYYYMMDD) DOH.BODNAME Get the Product Code,Ship from Site Code,Ship to Site Code and Transport mode obtained above and join with BODDetail table to get the BODName.Fetch the BOD whose effective date falls in ETD week

thus obtained for ETD(YYYYMMDD) Data is taken only for the number of weeks defined in Frozen Horizon UI for each Site. By default, this is 2 weeks but need to sync up with UI team

IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Product Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan.Transport Mode

Populating DistributionOrderLines (DOL) table: BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Product Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMIF_TBL_FIE LD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIE LD DOH.DISTRIBUTION ORDERID LOGIC Same logic as used in DOH REMARKS Data is taken only for the number of weeks defined in Frozen Horizon UI for each Site. By default, this is 2 weeks but need to sync up with UI team

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T024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship To Site Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. ETD Week DOL.DISTORDERLIN EID IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Product Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Quantity DOL.ITEM 1 Product Code as obtained in the result set above 11 For cases where the week falls in two months , there will be two line items with different quantities for same week number but different month number and this needs to be summed up.Hence, aggregate the qty [group by Item,Siteto and ETA Week number] Hardcoded value


IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. ETD Week


IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship From Site Code IFLayout_DSMT024_Frozen Shipment Plan. Ship To Site Code PRODUCTION ORDERS (PO):


Use the ETD week in the result set obtained above and get the start date of the week and populate the date thus obtained Ship from Site Code as obtained in the result set above Ship To Site Code as obtained in the result set above


These represent the orders which are planned by planners but yet to be released for execution. As a result of this, it will end up in consuming the panel and capacity to finish the production. This represents the frozen production plan. Cross check for state = R

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By default, across all the plant, this is for two weeks. So, from the blue file, data is taken only for two buckets. However, there is a non-key UI, to make this horizon specific to each site. So, the number of periods to be filled for each site is to be updated taking the non-key inputs. BLUE_FILE_FIELD IFLayout_DSMM010_BOM_Mast er.Primary Component Item Code IFLayout_DSMT004_Frozen_Pro duction_Plan (FPP). Product Code IFLayout_DSMT004_Frozen_Pro duction_Plan. Site Code IFLayout_DSMT004_Frozen_Pro duction_Plan. Week IF_TBL_FIE LD FIXED_SCHEMA_FIE LD PO.PRODUCTIONOR DERID LOGIC 1. Get Product Code, Site Code, Week from FPP where Plan Base=2 and Plan Flag=R.and PlanNAme not in (ZAIKI,SKD) 2. Match the Product code and Site code obtained above with the Assembled Item Code and Plant code of BOMMaster table where Assembled Item Type=8Dand Site Type in (Sony Plant, Other Plant) , Component ItemType= Panel Series and Priority= 1 to get the Primary Component Item Code. Create the ProductionOrderId as FIX_ PrimaryComponent Item Code_ Product code_ Site Code_ Week(YYYYMMDD) IFLayout_DSMT004_Frozen_Pro duction_Plan. Site Code IFLayout_DSMT004_Frozen_Pro duction_Plan. Product Code IFLayout_DSMT004_Frozen_Pro duction_Plan. PO.SITEID Site Code as obtained in the above result set Product Code as obtained in the above result set Using the same logic as used in PRODUCTIONORDERI Same logic used to create BOMID in REMARKS Get the start date of the Week



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Product Code IFLayout_DSMM010_BOM_Mast er. Primary Component Item Code IFLayout_DSMT004_Frozen_Pro duction_Plan. Site Code IFLayout_DSMM010_BOM_Mast er. Effective Start Date IFLayout_DSMT004_Frozen_Pro duction_Plan. Product Code IFLayout_DSMM010_BOM_Mast er. Primary Component Item Code IFLayout_DSMT004_Frozen_Pro duction_Plan. Site Code IFLayout_DSMM010_BOM_Mast er. Effective Start Date IFLayout_DSMT004_Frozen_Pro duction_Plan. Production Quantity

D,get the Primary Componet Item Code and Effective start date from BOMMaster table and Create the BOMID as BOM_ Product Code _ Primary Component Item Code_Site Code Effective Start Date (YYYYMMDD) PO.ROUTINGID Using the Product Code, Component Item Code, Site Code and Effective StartDate(YYYYMMD D) obtained above create the Routing ID as RT_ProductCode_ Component Item Code_Site Id _ Effective StartDate(YYYYMM DD)


Same logic used to create Routing Id in Routing Header


11 Aggregate the Production Qty value for the Product Code, Site Code, Week obtained in query above

Production Quantity for the above combination

IFLayout_DSMT004_Frozen_Pro duction_Plan. Week


The week number should be converted to start date of the week. 1 Hardcoded Value


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2.2 2.3



2.3.1 Demand Planning Forecast Netting The forecast netting solution nets confirmed orders and unconfirmed orders from the commited forecast; and nets confirmed orders, unconfirmed orders and commited forecasts from the consensus sell-in forecasts. The purpose is identify the various contributors to the total demand picture (for prioritization) whilst maintaining a stable total demand picture. The details of the forecast netting logic are described in document Error! Reference source not found.[6]. There are two main sources of information for forecast netting: 1. Demands originating from DP (brown area), 2. Demands originating from Sony (dark blue area). All demands are netted at the Forecast Group level. Demands originating from {1} are already at the Forecast Group level. Demands originating from {2} are at the non-DP account level and fall into two sub-categories: A. Demands originating from SEL B. Demands originating from other nationals Demands originating from {A} are mapped to Forecast Groups (a few key nonDP accounts are mapped one to one from non-DP to DP, other non-DP accounts are grouped together under a large catch-all Forecast Group). Demands originating from {B} are mapped to dummy Forecast Groups such that all demands from a S/Co are grouped under a corresponding dummy Forecast Group. The mappings for {A} and {B} above are supported by a DP non-key UI (this UI is a gap the DP team is looking into). All demands are netted in RDD dates at the Forecast Group level (i.e. all demands are sell-in demands). This implies that demands originating from {2} above must be sell-in demands (i.e. no sell-through to sell-in calculation is performed in the i2 scope for these demands).

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All forecasts must be bucketed (weekly buckets). Forecasts originating from DP are already bucketed. Non-DP forecasts need to be bucketed before they are send to forecast netting. The above requirements are performed by the FNE solution:
Bucketized confirmed orders (RDD) Bucketized unconfirmed orders (RDD) Committed forecasts (RDD) Consensus sell-in forecasts (RDD)


Non-DP accounts are mapped to Forecast Groups Non-DP confirmed orders (RDD) Non-DP unconfirmed orders (RDD) Non-DP forecasts Add a box to bucketize the forecasts and orders

Forecast Netting (FNE)

Add a box to bucketize the forecasts Non-DP committed forecasts (RDD)


Net committed forecasts (RDD) Net forecasts (RDD)

Demand Prioritization (SCM Hub)

Figure 112 - FNE information flow

2.3.3 Demand Prioritization This element of the overall solution assigns a priority to each demand. When supply is constrained, priorities are needed to determine which demands should be satisfied and which one may be delayed or shortenned. Priorities are assigned (for the light blue and red areas) to: 1. Orders, 2. Net committed forecasts, and 3. Net forecasts. Net committed forecasts and net forecasts both originate from Forecast Netting for the entire scope (light blue and red areas).
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Orders are the original actual orders (i.e. not bucketized) because GPSI requires individual orders. The logic for assigning priorities is described in Error! Reference source not found.[7]. The above requirements are performed by the Demand Prioritization solution (custom code supported by the SCM Hub):
Forecast Netting (FNE)
Net committed forecasts (RDD) Net forecasts (RDD)

SAP-accounts and nonDP-accounts are mapped to Forecast Groups

Confirmed back orders (RDD) Unconfirmed back orders (RDD) Confirmed orders (RDD) Unconfirmed orders (RDD)

Demand Prioritization (SCM Hub)

Forecast Group to S/Co mappings Model to product category mappings Priority rules (per S/Co, per product category) Forecast Group customer type Model lead times Special marketing events Priority override

Prioritized orders (RDD) Prioritized net committed forecasts (RDD) Prioritized net forecasts (RDD)

Demand Sourcing (SCM Hub)

Figure 213 - Demand prioritization information flow

A UI is supported by the SCM Hub to capture and maintain the rules for assigning priorities. The rules are described in document Error! Reference source not found.[7]. The Forecast Group customer type specifies the importance of the Forecast Group in the prioritizing logic (e.g. CPFR, Key account, non-key account). Model lead times prioritize demands depending on which part of the horizon the demands fall into.

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Loading Process for DF

The following data is required for DF which will be sourced from IOCL existing SAP, Legacy systems and forecast data from i2 Demand Manger will be available in the input tables of the i2 staging database. The master data for DF are Static Inbound data Dynamic data like Forecast Detail, Order Detail, Bucket Detail Static - Dynamic Data like Item (Product), Site, Organization Details Export data (Netted Forecasts will be exported after DF planning)

Data Processing The following sets of data constitute in building the basic model for DF
This section gives the corresponding tables in staging database that contains the data and loading and transformations details. The below table provides the list of ODS tables required for DF.


ODS Table Name


Static/ Dynamic
Static Static Static Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Static-Dynamic Static-Dynamic Static Static-Dynamic


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

InstanceMaster EnterpriseMaster SupChainMaster PlanMaster BucketMaster BucketDetail SiteMaster OrgMaster PlanParameters ItemMaster

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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

ItemSiteMaster ItemGroupMaster ItemGroupDetail ProductMaster SalesMaster ForecastGroup ForecastDetail HierarchyMaster ProductHierarchyMaster SalesHierarchyMaster SalesProductBucketWeight SalesProductDetail SalesOrderLine SalesOrderMaster

Static-Dynamic Static Static-Dynamic Static-Dynamic Static Static Dynamic Static Static-Dynamic Static-Dynamic Static-Dynamic Static-Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic

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InstanceMaster: This table defines various instances of i2 planning engines. Field Instanceid Bitposition Applicationname Reqd Y Y Y Type String Decimal String DF Field Comments Instance of i2 DF engine. This is used to compute engine_id and filter data while importing into engine. Application name like Forecast Netting or Master Planning etc.,

Mappings will be developed to populate ODS.InstanceMaster based on Application Name Forecast Netting. EnterpriseMaster: The enterprise field is required on all records for DF in the TmAPI schema. To avoid repetition, it is not mentioned on every table. Field enterprise Reqd Y Type String DF Field Comments Name of the enterprise

Mappings will be developed to populate ODS.EnterpriseMaster based on Application Name. SupplyChainMaster: Field supplychaindesc supplychainid Reqd N Y Type String String DF Field [supply_chains.description] [] Comments The description of the supply chain Name of the supply chain

Mappings will be developed to populate ODS.SupplyChainMaster based on Application Name. PlanParameters: Field parametername parametervalue Reqd Y N Type String String DF Field Comments Name of the parameter Parameter Value

ItemGroupMaster: This table defines the item groups.

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Field itemgroup

Reqd Y

Type String

DF Field [items_groups]

Comments Name of the group for items that come under a common category; e.g. all end items, all items which have similar level etc Set to INV_STYLE if the item group defines an inventory style, or to ItemClass if its group defined for WebUI purpose. Description of the Item Group





ForecastGroup: Field Forecastname Forecasttype Reqd Y N Type String String DF Field Comments A unique identifier of the forecast The type of the forecast. Use FORECAST or STDDEVIATION.

OrgMaster: Field organizationid organizationname Reqd Y Y Type String String DF Field [] [supply_chains.sites.descriptio n] Comments Unique identified for the organization (DF - site) Name of the organization

HierarchyMaster: Field HierarchyName Reqd Y Type String DF Field [] Comments Unique identifier for the product and seller hierarchies.

ItemGroupDetail: Associates item with an item group. Field item itemgroup Reqd Y Y Type String String DF Field Comments Name of the item Name of the group

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PlanMaster: Field Supplychainid Planid Plandesc Currentdate Effstartdate Effenddate Y Y Y String String String Reqd Type DF Field [supply_chains.plans.owner] [supply_chains.plans,plan_id] [supply_chains.plans.description] [supply_chains.plans.current] [supply_chains.plans.horizon.start] [supply_chains.plans.horizon.end] Comments

BucketMaster: Field Bucketname BucketDesc EffStartDate Reqd Y N Y Type String String Date Time DF Field Comments Name of the bucket Description of the bucket Effective Start Date

BucketDetail: Field Bucketname Bucketid Startdate Enddate Reqd Y Y N N Date time Date time Type String DF Field Comments Name of the bucket An unique identifier of the bucket periods The start date of the time period. The end date of the time period.

ForecastDetail: The forecast data for DF is taken from the DM engine. Field Reqd Type DF Field Comments

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Forecastname Productname


String String

Name of the forecast A unique identifier of the item/family item for which this forecast is defined. This is to specify the level associated with the product. Quantity of the forecast/ std. deviation A unique identifier of the seller (channel, geography). This is to specify the level associated with the seller. Bucket start Bucket end The location where the forecast is made

Productlevel Quantity Saleslevel Salesname Effstartdate Effenddate Siteid SalesOrderMaster:


String Decimal String String Date Time Date Time String

Defines the list of sales orders and header information, including the sales order id, customer, priority, demand type, etc. Sales Order is a document from a customer for a particular end item or a number of end items. Field salesname saleslevel siteid salesorderid Reqd Y Y Y Y Type String String String String DF Field Comments A unique identifier of the seller (channel, geography). This is to specify the level associated with the seller. Location where the order is placed. This is a unique identifier used to track sales/customer orders.

SalesOrderLine: Defines the list of all the line items that have been requested in a sales order. This contains the item, quantity, and due date information for sales lines. Field organizationid siteid Reqd Y Y Type String String DF Field Comments Name of the organization Location where the order is placed.
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salesorderid solinenum quantity priority promisedshippingd ate item latenesstolerance tolernaceuom


String String Dec Int Date Time String Dec String

[] [] [item_requests.quantity] [delivery_requests.rank] [delivery_requests.due] [item_requests.item] Use 0 for forecasts Use DAY when tolerance is specified

This is a unique identifier used to track sales/customer orders. The identifier of a line in the sales order. Quantity of the sales order Priority of the sales order This is the shipping date promised to the customer. The requested item. The maximum allowed lateness tolerance for the sale The unit of measure for the lateness tolerance. Allowed values are: day, week


Supply location is modeled using this table. Field Siteid sitename Sitetype SiteDesc Reqd Y Y N N Type String String String String [supply_chains.sites.locat ions.category ] DF Field [supply_chains.sites.locat] Comments Unique identifier for site (DF location) Name/ description of the site Classification of the site A description of the site

ItemMaster: This table is the master table to define an item. Any item in the supply chain is to be defined in this table. Field Item itemdesc Category Reqd Y N N Type String String String DF Field [] [items.description] [items.category] Comments Unique identifier for item Name/ description of the item Classification of the item

ItemSiteMaster: This table defines the items at the different locations. In effect this defines the buffers in the DF
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model. If an attribute is left blank then the value for that attribute is inherited from the ItemMaster. Site-specific attributes will take precedence over the ItemMaster attributes. Field Item Siteid Reqd Y Y Type String String DF Field [buffer.item] [buffer.location] Comments Name of the item An item-site combination defines the buffer in DF. This is the unique identifier for the site (DF location) (siteid for the site in the SiteMaster table)

ProductMaster: Defines Products by organization. Field ProductLevel ProductName ProductDesc IsDiscrete Reqd Y Y N N Type String String String String DF Field product_root.descrip tion product_root.unit.dis crete product_root.plannin g_horizon Comments An identifier of the product. An identifier of the Product. Description of the product. 1,0

PlanningBucket Name


Bucket based on which split individual forecasts are to be grouped before they are sent to the downstream planning application.

This table is master table to define sellers. Any seller should be defined in this table. Field SalesLevel SalesName SalesDesc AllocPriority AtpBucketName ConPriority Re qd Y Y N N N N Type String String String Integer String Integer seller.rank seller.atp_horizon seller.consumption_r ank DF Field Comments An identifier of the seller. A unique identifier of the seller. An identifier of the seller. Rank of this seller. ATP Bucket for this seller. Consumption priority of the seller when consuming from upper sellers or across the sales hierarchy. Higher the value, higher the priority.
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ConsPolicy FcstBucketNam e SalesDesc


String String

seller.consumption_ policy seller.forecast_horiz on seller.description

Consumption policy for this seller. Forecast bucket for this seller.


Description of the seller.

This table is hierarchy table to define seller hierarchy. Any seller should be defined in this table with its parent. Field SalesLevel SalesName ParentSalesL evel ParentSales Name Reqd Y Y Y Type String String String DF Field sellerorganization Comments An identifier of the seller. A unique identifier of the seller. An identifier of the seller's parent. This is to be left null for toplevel sellers. An identifier of the seller's parent. This is to be left null for toplevel sellers.



ProductHierarchyMaster: Field ProductLevel ProductName ParentProduc t ParentProduc tLevel HierarchyNa me Reqd Y Y Y

Defines the hierarchy in the product dimension.

Type DF Field Comments An identifier of the product. An identifier of the Product. Identifier of the parent of a product. Can be left null for toplevel products. Identifier of the parent of a product. Can be left null for toplevel products. Name of the hierarchy.

String String String



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Field ProductName ProductLevel SiteID FcstPolicy Root NettingSelPol icy FenceUom ConEarlierFe nce SalesName SalesLevel DistBucketNa me

Reqd Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Type String String String String Number String String Number String String String

DF Field


ShipmentHistory: Field sales_orderid so_line_num sku_code ship_date loc_id req_del_date ship_qty SalesName sales_level Reqd Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Type String String String Date String Date Number String String DF Field Comments

FORECASTDETAILS: Field planid Reqd Y Type String DF Field Plan ID Comments

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salesname saleslevel productname productlevel quantity effenddate effstartdate forecastname logdate siteid sourcedate


String String String String number date date String date String date

Sales Name as populated in forecastdetail as part of input Sales Level as populated in forecastdetail as part of input Product name as populated in forecastdetail as part of input Product level as populated in forecastdetail as part of input Forecast quantity Effective end date Effective start date Name of the forecast

Site ID as defined in sitemaster Date Last Modified / Sourced




Meta Data (Dimension Master, Hierarchy Master, Level Master, Level Relationship, Attribute Master and Code_MST_Type) Definition: - The tables listed in this section are necessary tables to construct the supply chain in the S&OM engine. Inputs from external systems are not needed to populate these tables. For populating these tables, there will be a PL/SQL procedure with some transformation logic in it. 1. Dimension Master: - This table is internally used by i2 data structures to identify different dimensions used and its related data in i2 S&OM solution. No data is needed from externals systems. Time is a required dimension, while Seller/Site/Product can be set to INACTIVE if not required. Dimension ID, Code or Leaf Column Name are not changeable.

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REMARKS Fixed value Fixed value



2. Hierarchy Master: - This is used to define the hierarchies in each dimension and each hierarchy in the dataset is tied to a dimension mentioned in DIM_ID field.


REMARKS Fixed value Fixed value


Fixed value

HIERARCHY_ID HIERARCHY_CODE HIERARCHY_DESCRIPTION DIM_ID 10 Seller 20 Site 30 Product 40 52W 50 64W Seller Site Product 52 Week 64 Week 1 2 3 4 4

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3. Level Master: - Each dimension consists of levels defined in the form of a hierarchy and this Level Master is used to define these levels. Each level in the dataset is tied to a dimension mentioned in DIM_ID field. Column Names SITE, SELLER, ITEM, BUCKET cannot be changed.

dimension_member_relat ionship

LEVEL_ID LEVEL_CODE -1 N/A 11 All Sales 12 Sales Company 13 Account 21 All Site 22 Site 31 All Products 32 Product Category 34 Model Number 41 Year 52W 42 Quarter 52W 43 Month 52W 44 Week 52W 45 Year 64W 46 Quarter 64W 47 Month 64W 48 Partial Week 35 LMN


LEVEL_DESCRIPTION DIM_ID DATA_TBL_NAME N/A All Seller Forecast Group All Site Site All Products Product Category Gfk/NPD Category Model Number Year 52W Quarter 52W Month 52W Week 52W Year 64W Quarter 64W Month 64W Partial Week Local Model Name 0 1 dimension_member_relationship 1 dimension_member_relationship 1 dimension_member_relationship 2 dimension_member_relationship 2 dimension_member_relationship 3 dimension_member_relationship 3 dimension_member_relationship 3 dimension_member_relationship 3 dimension_member_relationship 4 time_member_relationship 4 time_member_relationship 4 time_member_relationship 4 time_member_relationship 4 time_member_relationship 4 time_member_relationship 4 time_member_relationship 4 time_member_relationship 3 dimension_member_relationship


33 Gfk/NPD Category GFK_NPD_CAT

4. Level Relationship: - Defines in each hierarchy, how the levels are organized using a Parent-Child relationship.

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Populate the hierarchy id of the level id Level id is corresponding to Root node of Level code in level_master every table for given dimension. dimension is not populated. Level id is corresponding to previous Level code in level_master table for given dimension.

HIERARCHY_ID CHILD_LEVEL_ID PARENT_LEVEL_ID 10 10 20 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 12 13 22 32 33 34 35 42 43 44 48 46 47 48 11 12 21 31 32 33 34 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

5. Attribute Master: - It is used to define attributes. Attributes are free floating levels you can group them in any way (for example size and then color or color and then by size). SITE_LEVEL_ID, SELLER_LEVEL_ID & PRODUCT_LEVEL_ID columns are used to define if it is a site attribute or seller attribute or product attribute.

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ATTRIBUTE_CODE PRDUCT_COLOR CUST_TYPE Region CalendarPref Channel Color LocalCurrency ModelType SalesPerson Scenario_Name SiteCountry Tier Transportation_Mode Resolution Series


PRO DUC COLUM SELLE T_LE ATTRIBUTE_DESC ATTRIBUTE_D N_MAPP R_LEV VEL_ RIPTION BTYPE ING EL_ID ID Product Color Customer Type Region Calendar Preference Channel Color Model Type Sales Person Scenario Name Site Country Tier Resolution Series STRING STRING ATTR02 ATTR01 -1 -1 13 -1 13 -1 13 -1 13 -1 -1 13 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 35 -1 35 -1 35 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 35 35



-1 LOCAL_CURRENCY Local Currency

-1 TRANSPORT_MODE Transportation Mode VARCHAR2(60) ATTR07

6. Code MST Type: - Defines the default value settings used in the solution. For example if user wants some default date format to be shown on the UI, then this table we need to update with user requirement. Master Data (Item Master,Seller Master,Site Master,Time Master, Item Site and Dimension Member Relationship) Transaction Data (Md_Cube_At_Leaf_Level, Md_Cube_Shipment, Md_Cube_Capacity, Md_Cube_Inventory_Peggings and Md_Cube_Supply)


Record ID Site Code Product Code Week Month

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Plan ID Frozen Flag Quantity Cumulative Quantity System Date

PlanId Released Plan QtyProduced

2. FG Shipment Plan
FIXED_SCHEMA_F IELD FIXED_SCHEM A_FIELD BLUE_FILE_FIELD LOGIC Z0Z FromSiteID ToSiteId Item To be derived from DistorderID Planned Shipment Date Planned Shipment Date PlanId Planned Del Date Planned Del Date Released plan Qtyplanned If 1 then Y else N REMARKS

Record ID Ship From Site Code Ship To Site Code Product Code Transport Mode

ETD Week

ETD Month

Plan ID ETA Week ETA Month Frozen Flag Quantity System Date

3. Panel Supply Plan (includes Panel Service Demand)


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Record ID Ship To Site Code Ship From Site Code Panel Series Code Transport Mode

Z1A tositeid fromsiteid item To be derived from DistorderID Planned Del Date Planned Del Date PlanId Planned Shipment Date Planned Shipment Date Released plan Qtyplanned If 1 then Y else N

ETA Week ETA Month Plan ID ETD Week

ETD Month

Frozen Flag Quantity System Date

4. FG RTF (includes the SKD demands)


Record ID Sales Order ID Product Code Planned Supply week Planned Supply month Plan ID

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Record Type

R1:Sales Company Sell in R2:Sales Company DC Sell in R3:Account Group Sell in

Ship from SIte Code Account Group Code LMN Code Original Demand due Week Original Demand due Month Requested Demand Quantity Planned Supply Quantity System Date

Siteid AG based on ShiptoID Item RequestedDelEndD ate RequestedDelEndD ate QtyOrdered QtyPlanned LMN

5. Panel Constrained Purchase Plan


Record ID Ship From Site Code Ship To Site Code Panel Series Code Transport Mode ETA Week ETA Month Constrained type

2009 i2 Technologies, PROPRIETARY and CONFIDENTIAL

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i2 Project Methodology

Project Sunrise / BR 1

Plan ID ETD Week ETD Month Frozen flag Quantity System Date



Data Loading Mode and Frequency

All the data needed for planning is provided through different blue files. The following table indicates how the data is extracted from different backend systems (Either through Full Load / Net Change mechanism and also the frequency with which it is extracted. Depending on this mode NC / FL, workflows will be written / configured to move data from IF_* tables to IN_* table to MST_* tables. Frequency indicates the whether the blue file is processed daily / weekly. Blue File IFLayout_DSM-M001_Product_Master(TV) IFLayout_DSM-M002_Product_Master_Common IFLayout_DSM-M003_Panel_Series_Master IFLayout_DSM-M005_50Code_Master IFLayout_DSM-M006_Site_Master IFLayout_DSM-M007_Calendar_Master IFLayout_DSM-M008_Site_Calendar_Master IFLayout_DSM-M009_Item_Site_Master IFLayout_DSM-M010_BOM_Master IFLayout_DSM-M011_BOD_Master IFLayout_DSM-T001_Inventory IFLayout_DSM-T002_In-Transit IFLayout_DSM-T003_Sell-in Forecast IFLayout_DSM-T004_Frozen_Production_Plan IFLayout_DSM-T005_Product_Inventory_at SCDC IFLayout_DSM-T006_Production_Actual IFLayout_DSM-T007_Product_Shipment_Actual IFLayout_DSM-T008_Panel_Receiving_Actual IFLayout_DSM-T009_Panel_Out_Actual IFLayout_DSM-T012_Sell-in Actual (Non-DP)
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i2 Project Methodology

Project Sunrise / BR 1

IFLayout_DSM-T013_Product_PO-OF IFLayout_DSM-T014_Product Receiving Actual IFLayout_DSM-T015_Sales Co PSI IFLayout_DSM-T016_Product_Factory PSI IFLayout_DSM-T017_Cumulative_Quantity_Actual IFLayout_DSM-T024_Frozen Shipment Plan


3.3 3.4



Revision No. v1.0 Revision Date 2009/11/6 Author(s) Vijayanad Chevendra Comments Draft Document. This document contains the following entities. (1) Product Master TV (2) Panel Series Master (3) Parts Master


Section Topic Short Description of Change
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2009 i2 Technologies, PROPRIETARY and CONFIDENTIAL

i2 Project Methodology

Project Sunrise / BR 1


[Review of key points that the signatories should have reviewed] The signatures below signify [] [Customer] Approval [Customer] Approval

Signature Date Signature


Name (printed)

Name (printed)

Role or Title

Role or Title





[Partner] Approval

Signature Date

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Project Sunrise / BR 1

Name (printed)

[i2] Approval

Role or Title
Signature Email Phone Name (printed)


Role or Title



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