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The Herald Advertising Columns Carry a Big Stock of Good Shopping Opportunigfes
Jno R Heabnb Presldont Tdokeb Royaix OaBhler


Royall National BanR Special to the Herald

Clinton 111 Nov 2C Two men
Special to the Herald
Berlin Nov 2C Prussian Poland
PALESTINE TEXAS giving their names as Ward Miller is to be Germanized even at the ex-
Capital 9IOOOOOOO Surplus and Profits 55554761 and Edward Davis of Chicago were pense of driving the native land own- ¬
arrested after midnight last night ers into exile If Chancellor Von Bue
charged with robbing the State Bank low has his way A bill has been in- ¬

here of 2000 in cash after locking troduced In the diet appropriating one
Statement at the close of business August 22nd 1907 the officers of lie bank in the vaults hundred million dollars to buy the We want you to try just one of our Guaranteed
Following the robbery the men reg- ¬
native land owners property in Po- ¬
Boys Suits and compare its looks and wear
istered at the hotel and retired to a land compelling them to sell at gov- ¬
with others you have been buying We know
Lull and DlBOOnnts 38592486- Capital Stock iimfiOOJOO
room They first notified the central ernment valuation whenever the chan-
U B Bonds and Promlnms 2325000 Sarplas and Profits 55876
telephone office that the officers of cellor calls on them to do so It is

that we sell the best Boys Suits Made They

Banking Honso and Fixtures 2000000 Clronlatlon 2500000
Cash 8U0182 Deposits 332023 17 the bank had been locked in the vault the kaisers intention to resell to Ger- ¬
are Perfectly Tailored with all the weak points
TOTAL 151317878 Total tS13 < 78 78 1500 of the money was found in the mans wherever the Polish nationalist properly ReInforced and will give the service
room occupied by the men arrested movement Is causing Germany any you are looking for
A large posse searched for the rob ¬
uneasiness Suits in all the late material cut in the new
bers until after midnight est styles including Black and Blues
The above statement is correct HIGH WATER DELAYS TRAINS
Tucker Royall Cashier THE THAW CASE

Will Be Called Monday and Postponed

Trinity River Bridges Threatened
the Big Rise
2 SO to g
Until Next January For Trial
Houston Texas Nov 25 The Trin- ¬ Boys Underwear Hosiery Hats
szzacoc ity river is on a rampage and as a re-
Special to the Herald ¬
Caps and Shoes at LOWEST PRICES
New York Nov 20 When the sult the International Great North- ¬

Todays Opportunities ern trains are running from two to

W B Flanagan
Harry Thaw case Is called next Mon- ¬

day It will be continued unUl next twelve hours lata A freight wreck Is
January While District Attorney Je- said to have occurred early this morn-
¬ ¬

rome gives as his reason for jwstpon- ing at a small station north of Trin- ¬

Ing the trial that it would be impos- ity and this is said to have also caus-

sible to get a jury to serve during theed considerable delay The bridge
A book could be written here but I am not an holidays It is said that some of his across the river at Trinity Is reported
Author I sell Real Estate and write Fire Insur- ¬ material witnesses are beyond his ju- to be In an unsafe condition on ac-
¬ ¬

risdiction and they will not return count of the high water and it is re-
ance Policies that protect But todays opportuni- ¬

ties in these lines are most important If you want home for the trial ported that trains will not be run
to buy or sell Real Estate Todays Opportunities over It until the water recedes and
bid for you an examination made of the structure
BIG DROP GOING IN The Brazos bridge on the Missouri
If you want Fire Insurance Todays Opportunities Kansas Texas near McDowell is an-
say no time is like now Tomorrow may be too late ¬

other bridge which Is causing the

PRICES OF MEATS orrfpany a great deal of trouble and
it requires a watchman constantly on
duty to note conditions The south
inLetjne see you Office in Robinson BankBldg Special to the Herald approach to this bridge is given to
Chicago Nov 2C A sweeping re ¬ caving in whenever a rise occurs in
Rants and Real Estate HUGES and Flro Iniuranci
duction in the prices of meats and life river and trains are put under
provisions is promised within the next snails pace orders over the bridge
two weeks as a result of the decline
in the prices on cattle and hogs inillp HUMMI
nmimmH cent

Reached Chesterton Indiana at Four

This Morning Left at Ten
Special to the Herald
Special to the Herald New York Nov 2C The grand
Biggest Assortment of Home- jury today returned indictments In
Chesterton Ind Nov 2G Edward
Made Candies of all Kinds Payson Weston left here this morning the Jenkins Trust company case from
Ever Shown in Palestine at 10 oclock having arrived at A Brooklyn Tiie indictments contain
completing ninetyfive miles In twen- the names of the men wanted but
Hot Chocolate Ice Cream and Soda all Year Round tyeight hours He almost staggered

will not be made public until actual

Shelled Nuts all Kinds Agent for Lowneys- into the hotel where he obtained six arrests have been made John J Jen ¬

Crystalized Fruits hours sleep without disrobing He kins Jr one of the men Indicted
will stop outside of Chicago tonight wns arrested later and released on
in order to enter the city tomorrow bond
during the daylight
Doctor Testified to Seeing Mrs Brad ¬

mmmmtrnfrnmrnffimmm E UNFA
ley Before She Kilted Brown

Special to the Herald

Washington D C Nov 2C Dr
Isaac Mich testified In the Bradley

The Bank Habit Special to the Herald case today saying he saw the de-
Washington D C Nov 2C Forty fendant in the
five milling companies of Oklahoma
writing room of the ho
tel shortly before the shooting of Sen-
ator Brown Her face was drawn and

Kansas and Missouri have filed

charges before the Interstate Com- at times she
laughed to herself He
Possibly you who read this have never kept a bank account If not let ¬
thought at the time she was some
us suggest that you try the expriment Aside from the fact that your merce Commission against nine lead- ¬

kind of a lunatic
money will be safe from fire and theft such a habit tends to thrift ing railroads alleging discrimatory
Dr Charles Hill of Baltimore the
economy discipline and a general understanding of business principles rates to eastern markets
defenses alienist answering hypothet- ¬

all of which are essential to succecs It also affords a convenient ical questions said the person de
method for the payment of bills and as the checks are always pre- ¬
crlbcd was Insane and was not call ¬

served and returned to you they serve as receipts for the amount paid
i Governor Campbell ojiencd the able of distinguishing between right
Beaumont race yesterday and attend- and wrong ¬

ed a banquet last night Max Brown son of the man killed

Robinson Bros
BanK Tiie North Texas conference jwss- by Mrs Bradley was the first wit-
ed resolutions indorsing the temper- ¬ ness offered in rebuttal by the prose- ¬
ance movement cution The defense rested shortly
The State Epworth League assem- before 2 this afternoon

bled In Fort Worth yesterday

Brakeman Heese accidentally shot TO SHOW CALDWELL PEOPLE
You Wear himself at Columbia
hours later
dying a few
County Commissioners Will Build
Strips of Good Road
The University students are not so
sure their team will win at football I ckhnrt Caldwell Co TexaB Nov
on Thanksgiving day 25 The county coiiimissioners court
Then why not wear good Bonds registered during the past was in session last week and trans-
Strictly high grade Tailor fihcal year were much loss than dur- acted regular business
The motion
ing the previous year
I adc Mens Suits and which was made at a previous meet-
Congressman Cooper says the ef- ing to Issue JIGOOO worth of bonds to
Overcoats ¬

forts made by Alabama jtolltlcians in build some pieces of exiierimental

opposition to W J Bryan are Inspired road was brought tip and after some
by the steel trust which does not discussion was passed It is the In-
want tariff revision tention to take this money andbuild
A meeting of lumber men Is to be
two or Uiree miles of good roads In-
held In Houston Saturday to devise different directions from Lockhnrt at
some plan or keeping the mills going places where the people from differ-
j Ike Poor says the cattle men are ent communities come into the road
All garments are correct in In a very prosperous condition
leading into Lockimrt-
Style perfect in Fit and The Muftis Williams robbery case Ip- By doing this it will be an easy
superior in Quality on trial at San Antonio matter to show the people what can
Mr Cordell of Temple received 500- be done if they will give them suff- ¬

in lieu of a diamond that was recently icient money to do the work

ViS stolen
It is
their intention then to order an elec- ¬

Corner Main and John Sts The GrlnerMooro county judgeship tion and vote on the Issuance of
Phone G8 contest is on at Del MIo bonds for all the roads
The Congregnllontil conference Is
tWtfLW CLtfJiMAJBG Bjp being held at AubUn A Gas Heater Kills the Chill

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