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Saturday, November 27, 2010

20101127 - Conceptual/Theoretical Framework (wikipedia)

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Mobile 'W('')* pros & !ons Mobile P+one is "ore !on$enient t+an #oteboo, -o"p... rea/ing Bible on Mobile p+one in !+0r!+ 20101121 2 -on!ept0al3'+eoreti!al 4ra"e5or, (5i,ip... Usability 4ra"e5or, (6+a!,el) 20101121 2 !on!epts & /e7intions o7 )$al0ation res... 20101121 2 )$al0ation resear!+3"et+o/ (Patton) 20101121 2 )$al0ation *esear!+ (Wi,ipe/ia) 20101121 2 )$al0ation *esear!+ (Po5ell) 20101121 2 )$al0ati$e *esear!+ (Winsett8 #A'-9) 20101121 2 '+e Planning2)$al0ation -y!le (6o!ial*e... 20101121 2 )$al0ation *esear!+ (6o!ial*esear!+Met+... 2010112& 2 iagra" 2 4o!0s :ro0p as a ;0alitati$e ... 2010112& 2 Pee, & 4ot+ergill8 Using 4o!0s :ro0ps 7...

Conceptual Framework
Comments: also known as Theoretical Framework
A conceptual framework is used in research to outline possible courses of action or to present a preferred approach to an idea or thought. For example, the philosopher Isaiah Berlin used the "hedgehogs" versus "foxes" approach;[1] a "hedgehog" might approach the orld in terms of a single organi!ing principle; a "fox" might pursue multiple conflicting goals simultaneousl". Alternativel", an empiricist might approach a su#$ect #" direct examination, hereas an intuitionist might simpl" intuit hat%s next.[&] Conceptual frameworks (theoretical frameworks) are a t"pe of intermediate theor" that attempt to connect to all aspects of inquiry (e.g., problem definition, purpose, literature review, methodology, ch!"pdated#ma$%2010#11#2&'2(:49:00#0):00*ma$# es"lts%&


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2010112& 2 4o!0s :ro0p resear!+ "et+o/ (:ibbs) 2010112& 2 4o!0s :ro0p reporting ((o5a 6tate Uni$)... 2010112& 2 4o!0s :ro0p resear!+ "et+o/ ((o5a 6tate... 2010112& 2 4o!0s :ro0p 2 a =0alitati$e resear!+ (>... 2010112& ? 4o!0s :ro0p resear!+ "et+o/ology (Up4ro... 2010112& 2 4o!0s :ro0p resear!+ "et+o/ology (Wi,ip... 20101122 2 @an/ling -o""on 'as,s 7or iP+one 2 part... 20101121 2 -o""on 'as,s 7or iP+one 20101121 2 Usability & esign :0i/elines 7or iP+on... 20101121 ? Apple8 iP+one @0"an (nter7a!e :0i/eline... Prototype o7 Mobile Learning PortalApls !riti!ise3... 20101120 2 6tart eBperiential.."obile apps & M2Lea... 20101120 2 'e!+*a/ar: Mobile 5eb /esign: plat7or" ... Mobile Learning portal [prototype] WAP Blog & )1 !lone 20101114 2 >oo8 9nline -ollaborati$e Learning... /C ay 1D #o$ 2010 Proposal3Wor, e7ense 6e"inar 2010110E 2 'ri7ono$a8 ..@oar/ing -ontent in Mobile... 5riting & s0b"itting Fo0rnal Paper...7ire2n27orget... Usability (nspe!tion -riteria 7or e2Learning Porta... Paper 7or Fo0rnal: Usability (nspe!tion -riteria 7... iF)' 2010

data collection and analysis). Conceptual frameworks can act like maps that give coherence to empirical inquiry. Because conceptual frameworks are potentially so close to empirical inquiry, they take different forms depending upon the research question or problem. Several types of conceptual frameworks have been identified,[3][ ] such as < !orking hypothesis < Descriptive categories < "ractical ideal types < #odels of operations research < Formal hypotheses $hese are linked to particular research purposes such as%[&] < '(ploration or '(ploratory research < )escription or )escriptive research < *auging < )ecision making < '(planation < "rediction "roponents claim that when purpose and framework are aligned, other aspects of empirical research such as methodological choices and statistical techniques become simpler to identify.

. 9!tober (42) . 6epte"ber (&2) . 200D (212)


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Lion Mick Yap

Conceptual System
A conceptual system is a system that is composed of non-physical objects, i.e. ideas or concepts. In this context a system is taken to mean "an interrelated, interworking set of objects".

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A conceptual system is simply a conceptual model. There are no limitations on this kind of model whatsoever except those of h man imagination. If there is an experimentally verified correspondence between a concept al system and a physical system then that concept al system models the physical system. "values, ideas, and beliefs that make up every persons view of the world"! that is a model of the world" a concept al system that is a model of a physical system #the world$. The person who has that model is a physical system. In psychology and social work, when they talk abo t a concept al system, they are referring to some person%s model of the world, b t if they try to nderstand that model, they end p making a model of that model, which is j st a model of the person%s behavior. In any case, this is exactly the p rpose of the general term "concept al systems".

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&xamples of concept al systems are! < &ntity-relationship model < 'bject-oriented programming! allows concept al systems to be defined in a rob st manner. < (etalogic < )nified (odeling *ang age

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A concept is an abstract idea or a mental symbol, typically associated with a corresponding representation in and language or symbology, that denotes all of the objects in a given category or class of entities, interactions, phenomena, or relationships between them. Concepts are abstract in that they omit the differences of the things in their extension, treating them as if they were identical. They are universal in that they apply equally to every thing in their extension. Concepts are also the basic elements of propositions, much the same way a word is the basic semantic element of a sentence. Unli e perceptions, which are particular images of individual objects, concepts cannot be visuali!ed. "ecause they are not, themselves, individual perceptions, concepts are discursive and result from reason. They can only be thought about, or designated, by means of a name. #ords are not concepts. #ords are signs for concepts.

Conce#tual schema
$ain article% Conceptual schema A conceptual model is a representation of some phenomenon, data or theory by logical and mathematical objects such as functions, relations, tables, stochastic processes, formulas, axiom systems, rules of inference etc. A conceptual model has an ontology, that is the set of expressions in the model which are intended to denote some aspect of the modeled object. &ere we are deliberately vague as to how expressions are constructed in a model and particularly what the logical structure of formulas in a model actually is. 'n fact, we have made no assumption that models are encoded in any formal logical system at all, although we briefly address this issue below. $oreover, the definition given here is oblivious about whether two expressions really should denote the same thing. (ote that this notion of ontology is different from )and wea er than* ontology as is sometimes understood in philosophy+ in our sense there is no claim that the expressions actually denote anything which exists physically or spatio-temporally )to use #. ,uine-s formulation*. .or example, a stochastic model of stoc prices includes in its ontology a sample space, random variables, the mean and variance of stoc prices, various regression coefficients etc. $odels of quantum mechanics in which pure states are represented as unit vectors in a &ilbert space include in their ontologies observables, dynamics, measurement operators etc. 't is possible that observables and states of quantum mechanics are as physically real as the electrons they model, but by adopting this purely formal notion of ontology we avoid altogether this question.

Conce#tual $ramework
$ain article% Conceptual framewor A conceptual framewor is used in research to outline possible courses of action or to present a preferred approach to a system analysis project. The framework is built from a set of concepts linked to a planned or existing system



,ichael 4eap...1h5 'andidate

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of methods, behaviors, functions, relationships, and objects. A conceptual framework might, in computing terms, be thought of as a relational model. For example a conceptual framework of accounting "seeks to identify the nature, subject, purpose and broad content of general-purpose financial reporting and the qualitati e characteristics that financial information should possess".!"#

$ource% http%&&'onceptual(system

Concept Map
A concept map is a diagram showing the relationships among concepts. )hey are graphical tools for organi*ing and representing knowledge. Concepts, usually represented as boxes or circles, are connected with labeled arrows in a downwardbranching hierarchical structure. )he relationship between concepts can be articulated in linking phrases such as "gi es rise to", "results in", "is required by," or "contributes to".!"# )he technique for isuali*ing these relationships among different concepts is called "'oncept mapping". An industry standard that implements formal rules for designing at least a subset of such diagrams is the +nified ,odeling -anguage .+,-/.

A concept map is a way of representing relationships between ideas, images or words, in the same way that a sentence diagram represents the grammar of a sentence, a road map represents the locations of highways and towns, and a circuit diagram represents the workings of an electrical appliance. In a concept map, each word or phrase is connected to another and linked back to the original idea, word or phrase. 'oncept maps are a way to de elop logical thinking and study skills, by re ealing connections and helping students see how indi idual ideas form a larger whole.!0#



+ichael 9eap...8h, Candidate

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Concept maps were developed to enhance meaningful learning in the sciences. A well-made concept map grows within a context frame defined by an explicit "focus question," while a mind map often has only branches radiating out from a central picture. There is research evidence that knowledge is stored in the brain in the form of productions (situation-response conditionals) that act on declarative memory content which is also referred to as chunks or propositions [3 [! . "ecause concept maps are constructed to reflect organi#ation of the declarative memory system$ they facilitate sense-making and meaningful learning on the part of individuals who make concept maps and those who use them.

Concept mapping versus topic maps and mind mapping

Concept maps are rather similar to topic maps (in that both allow to connect concepts or topics via graphs)$ while both can be contrasted with the similar idea of mind mapping$ which is often restricted to radial hierarchies and tree structures. %mong the various schema and techni&ues for visuali ing ideas, processes, organi ations$ concept mapping$ as developed by 'oseph (ovak is uni&ue in philosophical basis$ which )makes concepts$ and propositions composed of concepts$ the central elements in the structure of knowledge and construction of meaning.)[* %nother contrast between Concept mapping and +ind mapping is the speed and spontaneity when a +ind map is created. % +ind map reflects what you think about a single topic$ which can focus group brainstorming. A Concept map can be a map, a system view, of a real (abstract) system or set of concepts! Concept maps are more free form, as multiple hubs and clusters can be created$ unlike mind maps which fix on a single conceptual center.

The techni&ue of concept mapping was developed by 'oseph ,. (ovak[- and his research team at Cornell .niversity in the /012s as a means of representing the emerging science knowledge of students. 3t has subse&uently been used as a tool to increase meaningful learning in the sciences and other sub4ects as well as to represent the e5pert knowledge of individuals and teams in education$ government and business. Concept maps have their origin in the learning movement called constructivism. 3n particular$ constructivists hold that learners actively construct knowledge. (ovak6s work is based on the cognitive theories of ,avid %usubel (assimilation theory)$ who stressed the importance of prior knowledge in being able to learn new concepts7 )The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. %scertain this and teach accordingly.)[1 "ova# taught students as young as six years old to ma#e concept maps to represent their response to focus questions such as "$hat is water%" "$hat causes the seasons%" 3n his book Learning How to Learn$ (ovak states that "meaningful learning involves the assimilation of new concepts and propositions into existing cognitive structures!"



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Various attempts have been made to conceptualize the process of creating concept maps. Ray McAleese, in a series of articles, has suggested that mapping is a process of off-loading. In this 199 paper, McAleese dra!s on the !or" of Sowa and a paper by Sweller & Chandler. In essence, McAleese suggests that the process of making knowledge explicit, using nodes and relationships, allo!s the individual to become a!are of !hat they "no! and as a result to be able to modify !hat they "no!.# $ Maria %irbili applies that same idea to helping young children learn to thin" about !hat they "no!.#9$&he concept of the Knowledge Arena is suggestive of a virtual space !here learners etc. may e'plore !hat they "no! and !hat they do not "no!.

Concept maps are used to stimulate the generation of ideas, and are believed to aid creativity. (or e'ample, concept mapping is sometimes used for brain)storming. Although they are often personalized and idiosyncratic, concept maps can be used to communicate complex ideas. (ormalized concept maps are used in soft!are design, !here a common usage is *nified Modeling +anguage diagramming amongst similar conventions and development methodologies. ,oncept mapping can also be seen as a first step in ontology)building, and can also be used fle'ibly to represent formal argument. ,oncept maps are !idely used in education and business for .ote ta"ing and summarizing key concepts, their relationships and hierarchy from documents and source materials .e! "no!ledge creation- e.g., transforming tacit "no!ledge into an organizational resource, mapping team "no!ledge Institutional "no!ledge preservation /retention0, e.g., eliciting and mapping e'pert "no!ledge of employees prior to retirement ,ollaborative "no!ledge modeling and the transfer of e'pert "no!ledge (acilitating the creation of shared vision and shared understanding !ithin a team or organization Instructional design- concept maps used as Ausubelian 1advance organizers1 !hich provide an initial conceptual frame for subse2uent information and learning. &raining- concept maps used as Ausubelian 1advanced organizers1 to represent the training conte't and its relationship to their 3obs, to the organization4s strategic ob3ectives, to training goals. Increasing meaningful learning ,ommunicating comple' ideas and arguments'>9;1;)11)96&9?-<9-;;); -;;@ma')results>6


1ichael 2eap...-h3 &andidate

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Examining the symmetry of complex ideas and arguments and associated terminology Detailing the entire structure of an idea, train of thought, or line of argument (with the specific goal of exposing faults, errors, or gaps in one's own reasoning) for the scrutiny of others. Enhancing metacognition (learning to learn, and thinking about knowledge) Improving language ability nowledge Elicitation

!ssessing learner understanding of learning ob"ectives, concepts, and the relationship among those concepts #ource$ http$'mapping

Conceptual Schema
A conceptual schema or conceptual data model is a map of concepts and their relationships. (his describes the semantics of an organi)ation and represents a series of assertions about its nature. #pecifically, it describes the things of significance to an organi)ation (entity classes), about which it is inclined to collect information, and characteristics of (attributes) and associations between pairs of those things of significance (relationships).

*ecause a conceptual schema represents the semantics of an organi)ation, and not a database design, it may exist on various levels of abstraction. (he original !+#I four,schema architecture began with the set of external schemas that each represent one person's view of the world around him or her. (hese are consolidated into a single conceptual schema that is the superset of all of those external views. ! data model can be as concrete as each person's perspective, but this tends to make it inflexible. If that person's world changes, the model must change. &onceptual data models take a more abstract perspective, identifying the fundamental things, of which the things an individual deals with are "ust examples. (he model does allow for what is called inheritance in ob"ect oriented terms. (he set of instances of an entity class may be subdivided into entity classes in their own right. (hus, each instance of a sub-type entity class is also an



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instance of the entity class's super-type. Each instance of the super-type entity class, then is also an instance of one of the sub-type entity classes. Super-type/sub-type relationships may be exclusive or not. A methodology may require that each instance of a supertype may only be an instance of one sub-type. Similarly, a super-type/sub-type relationship may be exhaustive or not. It is exhausti e if the methodology requires that each instance of a super-type must be an instance of a sub-type.

Example relationships
Each !E"S#$ may be the vendor in one or more #"%E"S. Each #"%E" must be from one and only one !E"S#$. !E"S#$ is a sub-type of !A"&'. ()eaning that e ery instance of !E"S#$ is also an instance of !A"&'.* Each Employee may ha e the supervisor +ithin Employee.

Data structure diagram

A data structure diagram (%S%* is a data model or diagram used to describe conceptual data models by pro iding graphical notations +hich document entities and their relationships, and the constraints that binds them.

Source, http,//

Conceptual Model
In the most general sense, a model is anything used in any way to represent anything else. Some models are physical ob0ects, for instance, a toy model +hich may be assembled, and may e en be made to +or- li-e the ob0ect it represents. 1o+e er a conceptual model, may only be dra+n on paper, described in +ords, or imagined in the mind. &hey are used to help us know and understand the subject matter they represent.



$ichael *eap...&h+ Candidate

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Type and scope of conceptual models

Conceptual models range in type from the more concrete, such as the mental image of a familiar physical object, to the formal generality and abstractness of mathematical models which do not appear to the mind as an image. Conceptual models also range in terms of the scope of the subject matter that they are taken to represent. A model may, for instance, represent a single thing (e.g. the Statue of Liberty), whole classes of things (e.g. the electron), and even very vast domains of subject matter such as the physical universe. The variety and scope of conceptual models is due to the variety of purposes had by the people using them.

Metaphysical models
A metaphysical model is a type of conceptual model which is distinguished from other conceptual models by its proposed scope. A metaphysical model intends to represent reality in the broadest possible way. This is to say that it e plains the answers to fundamental !uestions such as whether matter and mind are one or two substances" or whether or not humans have free will.

Epistemological models
An epistemological model is a type of conceptual model whose proposed scope is the known and the knowable.

Ethical models Logical models

#n logic, a model is a type of interpretation under which a particular statement is true. Logical models can be broadly divided into ones which only attempt to represent concepts, such as mathematical models" and ones which attempt to represent physical objects, and factual relationships, among which are scientific models.

Mathematical models
$ain article% $athematical model $athematical models can take many forms, including but not limited to dynamical systems, statistical models, differential e!uations, or game theoretic models. These and other types of models can overlap, with a given model involving a variety of abstract structures. 1,('(0''0,2T,3%.)%((0(4%((5ma 0results12


Michael /eap...-h0 1andidate

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Scientific models
Main article: Scientific model A scientific model is a simplified abstract view of the complex reality. A scientific model represents empirical objects, phenomena, and physical processes in a logical way. Attempts to formalize the principles of the empirical sciences, use an interpretation to model reality, in the same way logicians axiomatize the principles of logic. The aim of these attempts is to construct a formal system for which reality is the only interpretation. The world is an interpretation (or model) of these sciences, only insofar as these sciences are true. !"

Data models
Domain Models
A domain model is a type of conceptual model used to depict the structural elements and their conceptual constraints within a domain of interest (sometimes called the pro#lem domain). A domain model includes the $arious entities, their attri#utes and relationships, plus the constraints go$erning the conceptual integrity of the structural model elements comprising that pro#lem domain. A domain model may also include a num#er of conceptual $iews, where each $iew is pertinent to a particular su#%ect area of the domain or to a particular su#set of the domain model which is of interest to a sta&eholder of the domain model.

Social and political models

Economic models
Main article: 'conomic model (n economics, a model is a theoretical construct that represents economic processes #y a set of $aria#les and a set of logical and)or *uantitati$e relationships #etween them. The economic model is a simplified framewor& designed to illustrate complex processes, often #ut not always using mathematical techni*ues. +re*uently, economic models use structural parameters. Structural parameters are underlying parameters in a model or class of models. !" A model may ha$e $arious parameters and those parameters may change to create $arious properties.

Source: http:))en.wi&,(a#stract)
Posted by Michael of MMU at 7:50 AM No comments: Links to this post Labels: conceptual framework research method theoretical framework wikipedia



Michael /eap...-h0 1andidate

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Usability Framework (Shackel)



Michael /eap...-h0 1andidate

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Human factors for informatics usability

!y !rian "hackel "imon #$ %ichardson Chapter 2 Usability - Context, Framework, Definition, Design and E al!ation "rian Shackel
http:&&books$'oo'le$com$my&books( hl)en*lr)*id)+",rP'LlM#-.*oi)fnd*p')PA/0*d1)usability2framework*ots)-34m%U"5!6*si')5150cAypu,7 8-0LN9+P4t%%-o:s;<)onepa'e*1)usability=/0framework*f)false
Posted by Michael of MMU at /:57 AM No comments: Links to this post Labels: framework "hackel usability framework

20101127 - concepts (Stern)

!efintions of "#aluation research

2. Can evaluation be defined?



Michael /eap...-h0 1andidate

-age !4 of !.

Stern, E. (2004). Philosophies and types of evaluation research. In Descy, P.; Tessaring, M. (eds), The foundations of evaluation and impact research. There are numerous de initions and ty!es o e"a#uation. There are, or e$am!#e, many de initions o e"a#uation !ut or%ard in hand&oo's, e"a#uation guide#ines and administrati"e !rocedures, &y &odies that commission and use e"a#uation. (## o these de initions dra% se#ecti"e#y on a %ider de&ate as to the sco!e and ocus o e"a#uation. ( recent &oo' identi ies 22 oundation mode#s or 2)st century !rogramme e"a#uation (Stu #e&eam, 2000a), a#though the authors suggest that a sma##er su&set o nine are the strongest. *ather than &egin %ith ty!es and mode#s, this cha!ter &egins %ith an attem!t to re"ie% and &ring together the main ideas and orientations that under!in e"a#uation thin'ing. Indicating !otentia# !ro&#ems %ith +de inition+ &y a ,uestion mar' in the tit#e o this section %arns the reader not to e$!ect straight or%ard or consistent statements. E"a#uation has gro%n u! through di erent historica# !eriods in di erent !o#icy en"ironments, %ith in!uts rom many disci!#ines and methodo#ogies, rom di"erse "a#ue !ositions and rooted in hard ought de&ates in !hi#oso!hy o science and theories o 'no%#edge. -hi#e there is some agreement, there is a#so !ersistent di erence. e"a#uation is contested terrain. Most o these sources are rom /orth (merica %here e"a#uation has &een esta&#ished 0 as a disci!#ine and !ractice 0 and de&ated or 10 or more years.
2.!. Assessing

or explaining outcomes

(mong the most re,uent#y ,uoted de initions is that o Scri"en %ho has !roduced an e"a#uation Thesaurus, his o%n e$tensi"e hand&oo' o e"a#uation termino#ogy. '"evaluation" refers to the process of determining the merit, worth or value of something, or the product of that process 234 The evaluation process normally involves some identification of relevant standards or merit, worth or value; some investigation of the performance of evaluands on these standards; and some integration or synthesis of the results to achieve an overall evaluation or set of associated evaluations.+ (Scri"en, )55); !. )15).



Michael Yeap...PhD Candidate

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This definition prepares the way for what has been called 'the logic of evaluation' (Scriven, 1991; Fournier, 1995). This lo ic is e!pressed in a sequence of four stages: (a) establishing evaluation criteria and related dimensions; (b) constructing standards of performance in relation to these criteria and dimensions; (c) measuring performance in practice; (d) reaching a conclusion about the worth of the object in question. This lo ic is not without its critics (e. . Schwandt, 199") especially a#on those of a naturalistic or constructivist turn who cast doubt on the clai#s of evaluators to $now, to %ud e and ulti#ately to control. &ther sta$eholders, it is ar ued, have a role and this chan ed relationship with sta$eholders is discussed further below. The #ost popular te!tboo$ definition of evaluation can be found in 'ossi et. al.(s boo$ Evaluation a systematic approach) (Program evaluation is the use of social research procedures to systematically investigate the effectiveness of social intervention programs. *ore specifically, evaluation researchers (evaluators) use social research methods to study appraise and help improve social programmes in all their important aspects including the diagnosis of the social problems they address their conceptuali!ation and design their implementation and administration their outcomes and their efficiency.( ('ossi et al., 1999; p. +). ,sin words such as effectiveness rather than Scriven(s favoured (merit worth or value( be ins to shift the perspective of this definition towards the e!planation of outcomes and impacts. This is partly because 'ossi and his collea ues identify helpin i#prove social pro ra##es as one of the purposes of evaluation. &nce there is an intention to #a$e pro ra##es #ore effective, the need to e!plain how they wor$ beco#es #ore i#portant. -et, e!planation is an i#portant and intentionally absent ele#ent in Scriven(s definitions of evaluation) (.y contrast with evaluation, which identifies the value of so#ethin , e"planation involves answering a #hy or $ow question about it or a call for so#e other type of understandin . &ften, e"planation involves identifying the cause of a ea!ch"#pdated$ma%&2010$11$2'(2):49:00$0*:00+ma%$!e #lt &'


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phenomenon, rather than its effects (which is a major part of evaluation). When it is possible, without jeopardizing the main goals of an evaluation, a good evaluation design tries to uncover microexplanations (e.g. by identifying those components of the curriculum package that are producing the major part of the good or bad effects, and or those that are having little effect). !he first priority, however, is to resolve the evaluation issues (is the package any good at all, the best available" etc.). !oo often the research orientation and training of evaluators leads them to do a poor job on evaluation because they became interested in explanation.# ($criven, %&&%, p. %'(). $criven himself recognises that one pressure moving evaluation to pay greater attention to explanation is the emergence of programme theory, with its concern about how programmes operate so that they can be improved or better implemented. ) parallel pressure comes from the uptake of impact assessment associated with the growth of performance management and other managerial reforms within public sector administrations. !he intellectual basis for this work was most consistently elaborated by Wholey and colleagues. !hey start from the position that evaluation should be concerned with the efficiency and effectiveness of the way governments deliver public services. ) core concept within this approach is what is called 'evaluability assessment' (Wholey, %&(%). !he starting point for this assessment is a critical review of the logic of programmes and the assumptions that underpin them. !his work constitutes the foundation for most of the thinking about programme theory and logical frameworks. *t also prefigures a later generation of evaluation thinking rooted more in policy analysis that is concerned with the institutionalisation of evaluation within public agencies (+oyle and ,emaire, %&&&), as discussed further below. !hese management reforms generally link interventions with outcomes. )s -ossi et al. recognise, this takes us to the heart of broader debates in the social sciences about causality. #The problem of establishing a program's impact is identical to the problem of establishing that the program is a cause of some specified effect. Hence, establishing impact essentially amounts to establishing causality.# (-ossi et al., %&&&). ea!ch"#pdated$ma%&2010$11$2'(2):49:00$0*:00+ma%$!e #lt &'


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The difficulties of establishing perfect, rather than good enough, impact assessments are recognised by Rossi and colleagues. This takes us into the territory of experimentation and causal inference associated with some of the most influential founders of North American evaluations such as Campbell, with his interest in experimental and uasi!experimental designs, but also his interest in later years in the explanatory potential of qualitative evaluation methods. The debate about experimentation and causality in evaluation continues to be vigorously pursued in various guises. "or example, in a recent authoritative text on experimentation and causal inference, #$hadish et al., %&&%' the authors begin to take on board contemporary criticisms of experimental methods that have come from the philosophy of science and the social sciences more generally. (n recent years, we have also seen a sustained realist criti ue on experimental methods led in )urope by *awson and Tilley #+,,-'. .ut, whatever their orientations to experimentation and causal inference, explanations remain at the heart of the concerns of an important constituency within evaluation.
2.2. Evaluation,

change and values

Another important strand in evaluation thinking concerns the relationship between evaluation and action or change. /ne comparison is between 'summative' and 'formative' evaluation methods, terms also coined by $criven. The former assesses or judges results and the latter seeks to influence or promote change. 0arious authors have contributed to an understanding of the role of evaluation and change. "or example, Cronbach #+,1%, +,1,' rooted in policy analysis and education, sees an important if limited role for evaluation in shaping policy 2at the margins2 through 2piecemeal adaptations2. The role of evaluation in Cronbach2s framework is to inform policies and programmes through the generation of knowledge that feeds into the 'policy shaping community' of experts, administrators and policy!makers. $take #+,,3' on the other hand, with his notion of 'responsive evaluation', sees this as a 'service' to programme stakeholders and to participants. .y working with those who are directly involved in a programme, $take sees the evaluator as supporting their participation and possibilities for initiating change. This contrasts with Cronbach2s

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position and even more strongly with that of Wholey (referred to earlier) given Stake's scepticism about the possibilities of change at the level of large scale national (or in the US context Federal and State) programmes and their management Similarly! "atton! (#$$% and earlier editions) who has tended to eschew work at programme and national level! shares with Stake a commitment to working with stakeholders and (local) users &is concern is for 'intended use by intended users' 'irtually everyone in the field recognises the political and value basis of much evaluation activity! albeit in different ways While Stake! (ronbach and Wholey may recognise the importance of values within evaluation! the values that they recognise are variously those of stakeholders! participants and programme managers )here is another strand within the general orientation towards evaluation and change which is decidedly normative )his category includes &ouse! with his emphasis on evaluation for social *ustice and the emancipatory logic of Fetterman et al (#$$+) and 'empowerment evaluation' Within the view of Fetterman and his colleagues! evaluation itself is not undertaken by external experts but rather is a self,help activity in which - because people empower themselves - the role of any external input is to support self,help So! one of the main differences among those evaluators who explicitly address issues of programme and societal change is in terms of the role of evaluators! be they experts who act! facilitators and advocates! or enablers of self help

Source: Comments: Boring. Reading thru all these concepts and definitions on Evaluation Research.
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