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Corazn Salvaje

Univision (2/5/95 - 5/26/95 rerun) Galavision Rerun 7/13/03 -

===================================================================================== ==================== These English summaries were posted on one of our predecessor Web sites, Yolette Nicholsons, during the 1999 U.S. showing of the novela. You may distribute the information freely (you may not sell it) but must give credit to this Web site (,, and the authors.

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Summary by Yolette Nicholson: Juan del Diablo grew up a savage on the beaches of San Pedro. He was abused by the man who raised him because he was the bastard of his wife and the wealthy landowner Francisco de Alcazar y Valle. Don Francisco did no know he had a son, and shortly after finding out, he dies, leaving behind a letter with his wishes of giving Juan his name. Its a letter his wife Sofia hides. 15 years later, Monica, one of the two daughters of a penniless countess, is about to be married to Don Franciscos legitimate son Andres. But Andres falls in love with her sister Aimee and, although Aimee has begun an affair with Juan, shhe cant pass up the opportunity to marry so well. Juan is just a poor wretch and a smuggler to boot. She marries Andres when Juan is away and Moncia decides to enter a convent to hide her humiliation. However, when Juan arrives furious and determined to abascond with his halfbrothers new wife, Monica steps in the middle to prevent a tragedy. To cover for her sister, she says that she was the one who has been seeing Juan, and her sacrifice compels her to marry him. Although Juan is a violent man, without manners, education, or even a last name, Monica falls in love with him and discovers that beneath his tough exterior lies a heart-wild, yes, but a heart of gold.

Summaries from ~~~Summary~~~Episodes 1 & 2 ---------- May 10, 1999 Author: Melinda Date: 05-11-99 02:26

The first episode takes place in San Pedro, a fishing village in Mexico, in 1885, some 15 years before the main action of the story. FRANCISCO DE ALCAZAR Y VALLE, accompanied by his friend and lawyer NOEL MANSERA, is summoned by a ragged boy, JUAN, to the deathbed of CARMONA. Carmona reveals that the boy is Don Francisco's bastard son, the fruit of Francisco's seduction of Carmona's wife. Carmona has fostered in Juan a loathing for the Alcazar family and has charged him with avenging the dishonor of his mother by killing Francisco. When Francisco returns to Campo Real, his hacienda, we meet his wife SOFIA and son ANDRES, to whom he gives a gold watch. Visiting in the house are CATALINA DE ALTAMIRA, a distant cousin of Sofia's, and her two daughters, MONICA and AIMEE. The death of Catalina's husband has left her nearly penniless, with no dowry for her daughters, but with a hereditary title of Countess of Altamira. Sofia and Catalina arrange a marriage between Andres and Monica. In a meeting with his overseer BAUTISTA, Francisco arranges to acquire convict labor for the hacienda. Sofia and Francisco have an argument in which he accuses her of overprotecting Andres, of castrating him and not allowing him to develop the fortitude he will need to run the hacienda when he's grown. She in turn wants him to grow up to be a gentleman, not a womanizer like his father, who from time to time visits La Venta, a local brothel. Carmona dies, and Francisco takes Juan in as a companion for Andres. Sofia is not pleased; she suspects that Franicsco has an ulterior motive for bringing Juan into the house. Noel tells Francisco that Juan is a strange child--intelligent, but reserved and with a certain dignity. Juan cleans up well, and Noel remarks to Francisco that blood will tell. Francisco is in a bind--Sofia isn't going to want Juan in the house, but he can't very well leave the boy in the street. Juan is uncomfortable in the atmosphere of Campo Real, but Francisco convinces him that in order to be a real captain instead of just a sailor, he will need to learn to read and write, and offers him the chance at an education. Juan in his turn is offering Andres an education of a different sort--he tells Andres that he has been living like a bird in a cage. Sofia has overheard them talking, and takes to her bed with a sick headache that lasts for days. She confronts Francisco, who tells her that yes, Juan is his son, conceived before they were married, and that he intends to recognize him and give him the Alcazar surname. He has written a letter to Noel asking him to process the paperwork for this, but on the way to deliver it is thrown from his horse and dies. On his deathbed he charges Andres with the care of Juan. Sofia whisks Andres out of the room before Francisco can reveal to him the truth about Juan's parentage and the existence of the letter. Before Francisco's body has cooled, Sofia is looking through his jacket for the letter. She summons Bautista (who is busy tormenting young Juan with the loss of his good fortune) and he hands over the letter to her.

Over Andres' protests, Sofia throws Juan out of the hacienda. Andres seeks him out, and they make plans to run away together and buy a boat with money Andres has saved, but Bautista discovers them and drags Andres home to his mother. Sofia summons Noel and fires him as the family lawyer, requesting the return of all of Francisco's papers. She makes arrangement to send Andres off to France to be educated, and also takes care of the future of Catalina's girls: Aimee is to live with a relative in Mexico City, and Sofia will undertake the education of Monica, preparing her to be a good wife for Andres. Now the story moves 15 years forward. Monica is awaiting the return of Andres and their subsequent wedding. She has lived a sheltered life and is quite innocent. In Mexico City, Aimee--grown frivolous and flirtatious--meets Andres, just returned from Europe. She is accompanied by her cousin DOLORES. They are introduced by ALBERTO DE LA SERNA, a friend of Andres. Alberto, who comes from a good family but has frittered away his fortune, is looking for a rich homely girl to marry. Aimee tells Dolores that she can't imagine how Monica and Andres can be in love, since they haven't seen each other in years, and in any case Monica is such a prude that she is sure they've never even touched each other. News of Andres' return, and of his handsomeness, reaches Monica in San Pedro. She has spent her whole life dreaming of his return and fantasizing about being his wife, but is starting to be anxious that he won't want to go through with the marriage. Catalina tells her not to worry that Andres hasn't written to her, some people just don't like to write letters. Meanwhile in MC, Andres is falling in love with Aimee, who in her turn is dreading her return to San Pedro--in her view a stifling little one-horse town where she hasn't a hope in the world of finding a husband. Andres returns to Campo Real and tells his mother that he wants to marry Aimee. ********** I find the coffin with the little face-window creepy in the extreme, and wonder if such coffins are/were a commonplace in Mexico. Those of you watching this novela for the second or third time will recognize the voice of Francisco, who is played by Eduardo Palomo. Much will be made in future episodes of the remarkable resemblance between Juan and his dead father, of whom he is the "vivo retrato." A recurring theme is the idea that noble blood will reveal itself even under adverse circumstances. It is stressed in this and future episodes that Juan's mother was a lady, not a woman of the streets. Presumably Juan is not the only wild oat that Francisco Alcazar ever sowed, but he is the only one whose lineage is "good" on both sides.

The watch that Francisco gave to Andres, which Sofia comes across after Francisco's death, will make its reappearence in the very last episode of this novela.

RE: Episodes 3 & 4 ---------- May 11, 1999 Author: Melanie Date: 05-14-99 11:18 Andres, now home, tells his mother he saw Aimee in Mexico City (DF) and wants to marry her. She objects, saying he is promised to Monica and has been since they were children. She tells him about all of Monica's good qualities and how she would be a good wife and mother, but Andres makes it clear he will marry no one but Aimee. Catalina meanwhile meets with Noel Mansera to talk about financial arrangements and Monica's upcoming marriage to Andres. At tea, Theresa tells Monica of Aimee's frivilous and flirtatious lifestyle, but Monica doesn't seem to mind. Again, after shopping, la dona Sofia begs Andres to reconsider. He says no, that he thinks Monica is probably as good as his mother says, but they wouldn't match and it wouldn't be a good match for Monica. Monica returns home from DF and is greeted by Monica. Over tea, Catalina and Monica talk about the happenings in DF and about the upcoming wedding and Aimee interupts and says she saw Andres in DF- that they just spoke a little. Later, Monica tells Aimee how excited she is to be married and Aimee tells her she knows from "outside of school" about men- she must respect them. Thinking it is an inappropriate subject, Monica gets upset and leaves the bedroom. Walking on the beach to rid herself boredom, she catches a glimpse of Juan del Diablo bathing in his beach house and watches him behind a tree. He sees her, but goes on about his business as if he doesn't. His manservant tells him she is one of the daughters of Catalina. Aimee inquires her servant, Lupe, about the man who lives on the beach. She says he's Juan del Diablo, the demon of whom everyone is afraid and to stay away from him. Sofia sits with Catalina and tells her about Andres' decision. Cat is shocked, especially to know that it is Aimee he wants. Sofia tells her he is adament about his choice and begs Cat not to tell Aimee. Aimee returns to the beach & Juan finds her lounging under a tree spying on his house. He asks if she knows who he is and she says no. He says people say he's "of the devil" or a "guy looking for a life". He assures her this is not so and invites her for wine. He asks her name and she tells him; he says that's a weird name. She wants to know his real name, but he says he doesn't have one; no father would give him their name- Juan "whoever". She says she is not married or even engaged, but that her older sister will marry soon. She leaves and he escorts her. Catalina goes back to her home in San Pedro, but does not tell Monica about Andres her first chance.

Aimee returns from the beach and Monica asks for forgiveness for the way she acted in the bedroom the other night when Aimee was talking about men. Aimee says it was nothing. Cat interupts and tells Monica to sit. She tells her about Andres and Monica says she can't imagine why- "why is he being so cruel?" She doesn't go to dinner. Aimee asks her mother what plans she has for her and says life in SP is boring. Upset about Monica, Cat leaves. Aimee asks Lupe again about Juan, if he has a woman. says he is a womanizer and to stay away. Monica prays to la virgin de guadalupe for guidance. At the tavern, Juan meets with a Lic. (I'm sorry I didn't catch the name) and they talk about some illegal activity that will take Juan away for a while. Aimme returns to Juan's house the next day and he is shaving without his shirt on. He says he can dress if it offends her, but he doubts she has never seen a guy without a shirt. She tells him "not a gentleman". He says he's not a gentleman but will respect her. On the beach, the two kiss. She runs home, splashing water on her lips after the kiss. Monica goes to see her madrina Sofia and tells herher job in life is to serve God and she has decided to enter a convent. Monica meets with the Rev. mother at the convent and she begs to be admitted, that she has been called to serve. Aimee's mother tells her about they have decided not to marry and Aimee can not believe it either. When she asks why, Cat just says it was a change of heart and to mind her own business. Monica meets with the priest and they chat about her being able to enter. He agrees, although hesitantly, and she returns home for her belongings. She tells her mother she'll have no husband if not Andres and die of shame now if she is not allowed to enter the convent. Juan tells Susanah not to hang around the men that have been coming into the tavern. Aimee decides to lay out on the beach in the clothes made from the fabric she bought in the mercado the day before (where she saw Juan). Coming in from a swim, Juan sees her. "Enjoying the sun?" he asks over her sprawled out body. She is invited for a swim, but says she is afraid of the water, so Juan invites her somewhere peaceful nearby; nevertheless the two are seen coming out of the water later, she in her undergarments and him without shirt. They begin kisses on the beach. He brings her an apple (or plum...) and the y chat. She says Mon. will no longer be marrying Andres and has decided to enter the convent. She says she saw Andres and a party in DF and asks "Are you jealous?" He grasps her throat and reminds her not to play games with him. The priest at the convent speaks with Cat about her daughter's sudden change of heart. Cat persuades him to allow Mon to enter so she will be happy. He agrees and Cat tells Mon she can enter whenever she wants. She says "tomorrow. I want to be there before Andres returns."

Aimee comes home, hides her "beach clothes" and goes to see Mon. She tells her she can't understand why she has changed her mind after speaking so lovey dovey of Andres just a few days before, but Mon leaves not wanting to talk about it. Juan meets again with the men at the tavern to talk about illegal interests. Aimee is bathing in rose petals "for their perfume" she tells Lupe. She asks Lupe if she knows of a Carrandera (or someone who practices medicine with remedies....) and Lupe says yes, a good one, la dona Tegua. She asks Aimee why she wants to know and Aimee says to get something for her headaches. But Lupe says for her to take more baths and that her mother wouldn't like her around there. "I won't tell if you won't" says Aimee. Aimee tells her mom she can't believe what Mon has decided. Her mother asks how she "fell with Andres" and she says pretty well. Even at the convent as she is going there to stay, Cat begs Mon to reconsider. Mon says she has been around the convent her whole life and she knows she will be accepted and have a nice life there. Susanah goes to see Juan and asks if she can live with him. he refuses her and asks her to get a job working for a family. He says they made a mistake together and that he wants to see her marry and have kids, but she says she'd rather live there- she could take care of him and his home. He is carressing her cheek and says he will find work for her when Aimee walks in "Pardon me. I didn't know you where busy". She goes home and throws her It is Azucena and not Susanah..sorry, I misunderstood!

RE: Episodes 5 & 6 ---------- May 12, 1999 Author: Laura Date: 05-13-99 18:31 Recap: Monica tells Sophia she has decided to join the convent which is her true calling. Juan asks Aimee if she would like to go swimming in a secluded and quiet beach... Aimee smiles. The Mother Superior tells Monica her new duties as a novice. Aimee returns to her house upset with Juan over Azuzena. Andres returns to the hacienda and asks Sophia what happened with Monica and Aimee. He asks if she has asked Catalina for Aimee's hand. Sophia says it is too soon, the town would talk about it. Plus, poor Monica would be very hurt. Andres asks how Monica is. Sophia tells him not well. She has decided to join the convent. Sophia tells him she has seen Aimee and she is very beautiful but Monica is so much better. He agrees but tells her no one can rule the heart and he loves Aimee. I marry her or no one at all. Sophia says fine but for Monica's sake, go along with the story that she broke the engagement. The Friar tells Monica that joining the convent to flee hurt and shame is wrong. She says she would've considered joining on her own if she hadn't always been told she was going to marry Andres. The Friar tells her that is not neccesarily true.

Don Noel comes to Dona Catalina's house to tell her Monica small dowery is ready. Catalina tells him there is no longer to be a marriage. Monica has joined the convent, her true calling. Monica prays to the Virgin to help her be accepted into the nunnery. She begs the Virgin to rid her of any human passion or desire she might have. Andres wants to know how long before he can ask for Aimee's hand. Sophia says at least 2/3 months so as to let the scandal with Monica die down. He does not want to wait. He wants to at least let Aimee know how he feels and not make it official for 2/3 months. Sophia resigns herself to his wishes. The servants discuss how refined Andres is. Bautista just says its worthless things he's been taught. He won't know how to run the hacienda and he'll try to change the way things have been. Juan sneaks into Aimee's bedroom to explain about Azuzena and he not being involved. Aimee acts hurt. Juan suggests a walk where they won't have to fear being overheard. They go out into the night. Andres asks Sophia if Don Noel is still in San Pedro. Sophia says yes but what would you want with him. Juan asks her if she remembers the boy his father brought home, Juan. She says yes how could she forget. Andres tells her he has been thinking about Juan alot lately and the promise he made his father to take care of Juan. Sophia says Juan is a no good dangerous assassin. Andres says he doesn't want to hear his mother speak bad of his father anymore and that he will keep his promise to his father. Juan and Aimee make love in Juan bed. (Very romantic with satin sheets and all) Monita tells Andres that Dona Sophia has suffered a migraine that has kept her up all night and she will not come down for breakfast. Andres goes and apologizes to his mother for the way he spoke to her the night before. He says the subject will never be brought up again. She says good b/c she never wants them to argue. Monica begs the Friar to let her stay in the convent. He tells her that she may remain there for awhile and then they will see what happens. Aimee goes to see a curandera about birth control. As she is leaving, she is spotted by Monica's friend who asks her why she is dressed like a peasant and what she is doing in that part of town. Aimee doesn't say anything. When she visits Monica in the convent she tells her about Aimee and both are puzzled as to Aimee's actions. After a tour of the hacienda by Bautista, Andres tells his mother he doesn't like the way the peones are treated. She says these people are different that the people in Europe. They have to be mistreated to get them to work. She doesn't want to discuss it unless he wants her to get another migraine. Andres tells her he is not going to wait months to ask for Aimee. He wants to do it the following week. Sophia says fine.

The week goes by with Aimee seeing Juan and Monica fulfilling her novice duties. Monica gets a letter from her mother asking her to come home b/c she is ailing. The Mother Superior gives her permission. Andres and Sophia come to San Pedro to see Catalina and Aimee. Aimee goes to Andres decides to stop by and invite them to dinner. As he is waiting for Dona Catalina, Monica enters dressed as a novice and is surprised to see him in her house. They are polite to one another but visually awkward. Catalina comes out and sees the two. Andres invites her to dinner at his town home and Catalina agrees. Andres says goodbye and hurries out. Monica is furious with her mom. She accuses her of having tricked her into coming by telling her she is very sick and here she is going to dinner at someone else's home. Catalina apologizes and says she did not know that Andres would already be in San Pedro. And Cata tells her she is very sick. Sick with worry and concern over Monica's decision to go to the convent. Aimee interrupts and wants to know what is going on. She is excited to hear that Andres is in town and has invited them to dinner. Aimee begs Cata to let her go to the dinner. Cata asks Monica to come to, Monica says no and goes into her room to pray for strength. Andres tells Sophia that he has seen Monica and that she is indeed very pretty with beautiful eyes. Aimee asks Monica to help her choose a dress to wear to the dinner. Aimee asks Monica to please put away her dresses for her so that she won't keep her Aunt Sophia waiting. Monica goes into Aimee's room RE: Continuation of summary Author: Laura Date: 05-13-99 19:16 (sorry guys my computer froze and posted the above) Correction: Juan went on a trip for a week and Aimee pined away on the beach wating for his return. So as Monica goes into Aimee's room to put away her dresses she is confronted with Juan. She yells at him and tells him to leave. He says not to worry he is looking for Aimee. She tells him she is none of his concern and to leave. He asks her if all nuns are so rude (she is still in her habit). She tells him not to insult her. He tells her he did not know nuns could be so pretty. He tries to touch her arm and she freaks out and tells him to leave. He says fine but to tell Aimee he was looking for her. Juan tells Monica, "May God keep you safe, Saint Monica." He smiles to her as he goes out the balcony. Monica describes Juan to the maid who tells her he is Juan del Diablo. At the Alcacer home, Andres shows his interest in Aimee. He asks her if he may visit her tomorrow. Cata says it is okay with her and Aimee agrees. He asks her to accompany him into the study where he has something to show to her. Cata worries about Monica finding out about Andres' interest in Aimee. Sophia tells her not to worry. In the study, Andres gives Aimee an engagement rings and tells her he broke the betrothal with Monica b/c he fell in love with Aimee in Mexico City. Aimee thinks of Juan but tells Andres she will marry him. Andres slips the ring onto her finger.

Juan wakes up Don Noel and asks him to help him find a home for Azuzena to work in. Noel says fine bring her by tomorrow. They discuss Juan's contrabanding. Noel repeats his offer to give Juan his last name. Juan says no, there is only one name that he will ever accept and that is Alcacer. Monica dreams of Andres' caresses and kisses. She wakes up terrified at having such dreams. She begins to pray. Andres brings Aimee and Cata home, he tells her he will call tomorrow. Cata tells Aimee to be discreet with Monica about her engagement. Aimee thinks it's a dumb idea since Monica was the one who broke the engagement (she knows the truth though). Monica hears Aimee go to bed and enters her room just as Aimee has removed the engagement ring. Monica tells Aimee of Juan's visit. Aimee pretends she does not know what Monica is talking about. That she only met Juan in the market and he tried to sell her a fish. They exchanged a few words but she doesn't know why he would come to her house. He must be crazy. Monica tells her she does not believe her. And that maybe in the capital she was able to flirt with rocks (I guess that's supposed to mean the lower classes) but it won't be tolerated in San Pedro. And she won't let her spoil the family name or hurt her mother. Monica storms out and Aimee laughs and calls her a hypocrite. She smiles as she thinks of Juan and goes out on the balcony to find Juan. Juan just arrives home as Aimee runs in and they begin to kiss. Monica prays for help in fighting feminine weaknesses. Juan and Aimee lay in bed. Juan gives Aimee a pearl necklace. Aimee tells him this is the only way she is going to forgive him having come to her house. They laugh over Monica's reaction and Aimee's story of Juan being a crazy fisherman she met in the market. Juan tells her he is falling in love with her. She tells him she cares for him but they are very different people. Juan laughs but then turns serious and tells her that she was the one who looked for him. he reminds her that she belongs to him now and no one will ever take away what's his. Juan brings Aimee home and asks to see her tomorrow. She says she is busy and he asks her what she is doing. Aimee tells him she can see him in the afternoon. They embrace, and Monica who has been up praying spies them through her window. In her room, Aimee removes the pearls and Monica comes barging into her room. She wants to know if Aimee is crazy? Juan is a dangerous killer. Aimee tells Monica she is a liar, to everyone, even the Church. She knows she is there hiding b/c Andres rejected her. Monica wants to know how she knows that. Aimee tells her Andres told her tonight. He broke off their betrothal b/c he fell in love with her in Mexico City and they are now engaged. Aimee (maybe realizing she's gone too far) tells Monica that Andres never knew he was engaged to her and that she never did anything to make Andres fall in love with her. She never even suspected it until tonight when he proposed. Aimee shows Monica the diamond ring Andres has given her. Aimee asks Monica to understand that Andres is well-off, he cares for her, please don't ruin my future. She promises Monica that she will no longer see Juan. Monica runs

out of the room, out of the house and down to the beach where she collapses crying on the edge of the water. The next day, Aimee finds Monica unconsious and feverish. The doctor is called in. Andres tells Sophia he is going out to look for Juan. She asks him not to go but he ignores her. He goes to see Don Noel to find out where Juan might be. He tells Noel about the promise he made to his father and how he now wants to honor it. Noel tells him that Juan is a grown man and won't like the idea of someone trying to help him. Andres asks Noel if it is true what they say about Juan. Noel tells him that Juan does contraband and can fight.... he always had to fend for himself. But he can also be very generous to the poor. He's got a good heart. Andres says maybe he can make Juan the manager of the hacienda. Noel says Juan does not take orders that are not his own. Juan says he will try anyways. Noel tells him he can find Juan in Tuerto's Tavern. Segundo finds Juan in his boat counting money. Segundo asks him if everything has been sold. Just about answers Juan. Segundo asks Juan if the pearls were for Aimee. Juan says yes, she is accustomed to better things. Segundo asks if he is falling in love. Juan says maybe. Andres comes to see Aimee. She tells him Monica woke up feverish and it is not a good time to visit. He tells her he will come again tomorrow but can he at least get a kiss. She smiles coyly and gives him a peck on the cheek. Juan takes Azuzena to Noel's house. Noel tells Juan that Andres is looking for him. Juan asks if Andres knows they are half-brothers, Noel says no. Noel tells Juan about Andres' promise to his father on his dying bed. Juan listens and only says Andres' help is 15 years too late. Monica wakes up from her feverish and Aimee apologizes for what she said the night before. Monica tell her not to worry, better to forget the whole thing. Aimee tells Monica Andres will come tomorrow. She wants Monica to tell Juan she is okay with Aimee's and his engagement, and that she is happy in the nunnery. It will be better for everyone that way. Andres waits for Juan in Tuerto's Tavern. Tuerto pretends not to know who Juan is. Juan walks in with Serafin and sees Andres. Andres stands up. To be continued......

Episodes 7 and 8: ~~~Summary~~~ Author: Maggie13 Date: 05-16-99 06:34 Corazon Salvaje Episodes 7 & 8 Andres is waiting for Juan at El Tuerto's, Andres is happy to see him, but Juan is annoyed, he gives Andres the money he borrowed when they were younger without listening to what Andres has to say.Monica is in bed looking pale and dejected, Aimee asks Monica she agrees with her plan, Monica accepts but repeats that her vocation as a nun is not a lie, if she never had the engagement with Andres,

she says she would be a nun right now. (yeah right!)Monica warns Aimee he philandering days are over and Aimee promises never to see Juan again (okay, sure, aha).Alberto, Andres's friend from the city arrives in townCatalina (Monica's mother) is convinced Monica should not become a nun.Monica declares she hates men.. Aimee breaks her promise (in 30 seconds or less <g>) and goes to see Juan at the beach house.Sofia makes Andres promise not to go looking for Juan's friendship, Andres says he will not deny Juan his friendship if he ever asks for it.Aimee is annoyed Juan went swimming while she was there waiting for him, Juan is still miffed about Andres' visit to El Tuerto's and snaps at her, then he apologizes and they kiss (which would be just lovely if Aimee wasn't Virginia's Great Great Grandmother of Evil & Deceit)Juan asks Aimee why she was upset and he mentions he saw Monica, he says Monica is cold and he likes women with hot blood in their veinsJuan asks Aimee if he is just a game to herJuan still thinks that Monica rejected Andres to become a nun (he still does not realize he is just a pawn in Aimee's evil web of deceit!) Juan asks Aimee if he had $ and a last name, if she would marry him. Alberto asks Andres to help him find a, uhm, how shall I say it? - Brothel (Ave Maria Purisima!)skipping the part where Alberto and Andres go to entertain themselves(Men!) Juan is back at El Tuerto's, he tells his buddies people like Andres don't do anything with good intentions and blames the Alcazars for who he is todayAnother patron of the pub, Guadalupe Cajigas [yucky Brothel keeper guy], challenges Juan to a card gameCajigas and Juan get to their final game and Juan no longer wants to continue, Cajigas insists on playing All or Nothing with Juan del Diablo (never a good idea if you ask me)Juan stabs Cajigas' hand for cheating and they are now declared enemies for the rest of la novelaDon Noel is very upset at Juan's rash behavior especially since it turns out Cajigas' best friend happens to be the Captain of the Jail.and Juan has been arrested and it's Cajigas' word against his.Juan decides to sell his ship, El Satan, to pay the bail Meanwhile, Segundo (Juan's second in command) wants to take up a collection to help Juan (where do I sign up? <g>)El Tuerto suggests they contact Andres for help insteadAndres agrees to pay the bail, but Alberto has a plan he wants to try first. Alberto, Noel, and Andres visit the Jail Captain and Alberto goes into actionBim, Bam, Boom! Juan's sprung! Juan thinks Andres bribed the authorities but Noel explains he just used his influence and the Alcazar name, and that was enoughJuan is annoyed he is now indebted to Andres Meanwhile, Monica prays for strengthwhy did Andres have to choose HER?? She asks Godshe wakes up early and puts on her nun's ensemble, she announces she is returning to the convent todayCatalina visits the convent and asks the Mother Superior for permission for Monica to stay at home one more weekshe gets permission, but boy does that nun drive a hard bargain! Monica is not pleased that she gets to stay with her mother and beloved sister another week.Catalina asks Aimee to help her convince Monica that she should not become a nun

Juan is still upset that Andres' influence got him out of jail and plans one last trip on El Satan to return rich or not at all.Azucena escapes from Noel's house and goes to see Juan, he wants her to be a good little girl and stay put at Don Noel's.Don Noel tells Azucena he is sending her to the convent for schooling and disciplineShe tells Juan she would rather kill herself and he responds with an evil grin: matate ;o) Monica is standing on the edge of cliff at the beach praying (she hates how Aimee humiliates her constantly and asks God again, Why did Andres have to pick Aimee of *all* people!?!?) Juan sees her and asks what is wrong Santa Monica? She stumbles and he holds her tightly so she does not fall. Monica is upset Juan interrupted her reverie and he tells her it's a Sin to be cranky (mal humorada)She warns him not to attempt to take advantage of her and he says she wouldn't tempt a mummy then he apologizes and says he doesn't understand why such a pretty girl would want to become a nunMonica is not amused and walks off in a huff. Aimee visits Juan (again) and he asks her why he saw Andres visiting her house earliershe invents a story that Monica invited him over and that Monica is very proud and calculating (hmmm, in La Mentira Virginia used to do the same thing, blame her evil deeds on Veronica)Juan thinks the whole thing is silly and wants to know if Andres is romantically interested in her, she asks him how could any other man interest her, if she has him? Juan says that if Andres even dares so much as a passing glance at her, he will kill him (okay, it sounds kind of drastic in English, but he really said that, somehow in Spanish it sounds perfectly logical. Really. It does. <g>) Monica finds the pearls Juan gave Aimee and asks her where she got them. Aimee says Andres gave them to her and Monica replies, "Fine, next time I see him, I'll ask" (go, Monica!) Aimee invents another story (too bad the title "La Mentira" was taken, would have gone perfectly here too hehe) that they were a gift from her cousin. Monica doesn't believe a thing and after Aimee rubs it in Monica's face that Andres chose her, Monica tells her that if she wants to keep him, the lying ends now, the strolls on the beach are over. She also tells her that she will not let Aimee disgrace the family and that if she doesn't head this warning, forget about the marriage, Monica will destroy it herself. Juan visits Don Noel and apologizes for snapping at him when he was in jail. He thanks him for all he has done for him all his life and Noel asks him to forget his hatred for the Alcazar family. Juan blames them for having no family, no last name and the hard life he has livedLater Noel visits Juan at El Satan while he is planning his big trip abroadJuan tells Noel he thinks he is in love and now has a reason to change his way of life. He asks Noel if after his trip, he can take him up on his offer to give him his last name so he can marry the girl he loves and buy lands and establish himself. (pobrecito! No sabe lo que le espera!) Aimee wants to postpone the family visit to Campo Real at least another week (supposedly to have some dresses made, but seems like for a few more strolls on the beach if you ask me!) Monica tells her mother she has chosen a nun's life and to watch over Aimee and make sure she behaves like a ladyDon Noel leaves Azucena at the conventAndres visits Aimee and kisses her - she thinks of Juan -

Catalina visits the priest at the convent and tells him she thinks Monica doesn't really have a religious vocation. The priest meets with Monica and tells her both he and her mother agree her vocation is not sincere.. To Be Continued

RE: Episodes 9 & 10 ---------- May 14, 1999 Author: Iria Date: 05-16-99 06:31 Juan tells Ayme that a woman has to pay to find a husband, he on the other hand would give a fortune to have her forever. Juan asks Ayme that if he had an honorable last name & money, if she would marry him. Ayme replies that if that were to happen why not. Juan is playing cards in the cantina with Cajiga and gets upset, stabs him in the hand & yells at him that he is cheating. Pedro goes to let Don Noel know that Juan is in jail. Don Noel asks if he was caught smuggling. Pedro explains why he is jail. Noel gets upset & asks if there is no other way to solve things. Pedro replies, Juan was already upset when he came. Noel says that it's no excuse, Juan has a bad attitude & is very heard headed. Noel will go with Pedro to see Juan, he asks who he fouhgt with. It was Cajiga friend of Espindola. Juan tells don Noel that Cajiga is a thief & his people didn't steelthe money. Noel doesn't doubt that but in this town there is no law. Juan dosn't have enough money to pay for bond & neither does Noel. Juan will sell the Satan. Asuzena finds Andres & asks if he lives there. She needs to speak to Andres, he is Andres. She explains that Noel needs to see him. don Noel is ok but Juan is in jail. Andre, Noel & Alberto visit Espindola on Juan's defense. Alberto wonders why there is such an irregularity with a detained by the name of Juan Del Diablo. Espindola tells him that he was informed wrong. Juan refused to pay a gambling debt, sabbed his oponenent & stole the money. Alberto tells him there are witnesses that saw Cajiga cheating, Cajiga says it's not true. Alberto says that if we have a balance between Juan's version of the facts & Cajiga, of course you being his friend the balance would be on his side. But if Andre & I were on Juan's side. Espindola cuts the conversation & tells him that this is about respecting the law. Alberto replies,in that case we should have a trial or we could come to an agreement. Espindola gets offended and Alberto tells him that either way he will loose. If Juan is declared

innocent you will ahve lost your time & if it's guilty it will cost you your job. You are speaking with the nephew ofGeneral Gustamante. Juan asks Noel if Andres bribe was in his honor, it must have cost him a lot of money. At least the blood of ten slaves. Noel replies that only his presence & honorable last name was enough. Juan would have preffered to stay in jail. The priest tells Monica that her mother & him agreed that her vocation is not real. AS per Monica is not true, there are alot of ways to reaching God. In the beginning it was due to pride & despair, but now she feels that she belongs. She wants to stay in the convent. The priest asks about her feelings towards Andres & she replies that she saw him & felt a bit nervous but it wasn't bad. The priest tells her she should go to the hacienda with her mother, confront her feelings towards Andres.She can't come in to the convent due to a broken heart. When she is sure she doesn't love him then she could come back. Ayme feels that Catalina buts into Monica's life too much. It was Monica's decision to become a nun. Catalina replies that Monica did it because of pride & dissapointment. Maybe she's regreted going to the convent. Ayme feels that Monica will ruin their stay in Campo Real, she will be telling her what to do & not to do. Catalina tells her that if Monica does that it's only to correct her behavior. Ayme thinks her mother would have preffered Monica to marry Andre rather than her. Catalina replies that she is happy that Ayme is getting married but she wants to see Monica married to a good man. Ayme leaves claimimg to have a headache. Ayme goes to see Juan. he is happy that she went to visit. Ayme claims she needed some distraction, she can't stand her sister any longer. She is always telling her what to do. She can't imagine her sister married to Andres, she is such a prude. Juan doesn't like that Ayme is talking to much about Andres. He asks if she's becoming interested in him, she replies no. After meeting Juan,she will never find anyone who will attract her so much. Juan will go on another trip but this time he will make alot of money & Ayme could buy whatever she wants. They could even live in Europe. He will be away for 2 months and wants to know if Ayme will wait for him. She tells him she will. Juan & Noel take Asuzena to the convent. Juan promises to come back for her & to bring her somehting real nice if she behaves well. At the time Monica was walking out & Noel says hello to her. Noel introduces Juan & Juan himself adds Del Diablo. Monica leaves. Don Noel wants to know why Juan is so nosey. Ayme receives flowers from Andres, he will leave to Campo Real. Monica arrives in her house & asks her mom for an explanation. She will return to the convent as soon as they return from Campo Real. Monica goes to the garden & starts crying. Her friend arrives & Monica tells her the truth of her decision to go into the convent. She feels very hurt & thinks that God is punishing her. Her friend suggest that Monica take Andres away from Ayme as she did to her.

Don Noel visits Catalina to ask what to do with the dowry money which was going to be used for Monica. Catalina replies that it will be used for Ayme. She will marry Andres since Monica decided not to. Juan goes to say goodbye to Don Noel & asks him to take care of Asuzena. He will depart at sunrise. In the meanwhile Noel will prepare the documents for Juan to receive Don Noel's last name. Don Noel asks who he is marrying & Juan tells him it's a surprise. Juan asks Ayme to swear that she will wait for him, and so she does. Meanwhile in Campo Real Andre is unhappy about the treatment the workers get, the working conditions are terrible. Sofia tells Bautista to give the accounting to Andres from now on. Andres is not used to the ways things are around here, in the meantime don't be so drastic with the punishments, or atleast do them without anyone seeing you. Catalina, Ayme & Monica arrive at Campo Real. Sofia is happy that Monica decided to come & asks if she has changed her mind on becoming a nun. Sofia wants to plan the wedding and suggests it should be in four months. She will prepare everything. The wedding will be in the chapel at Campo Real. Sofia only wants Ayme to love & respect her son. Andres arrives & greets everyone. He tells Monica that she looks real pretty. Ayme jumps in & says that eventhough she isn't wearing the nun's outfit Monica still looks like one. Andre doesn't like the fact that Ayme is not delicate with her sister. Sofia show them to their rooms. Monica tells Ayme to let that be the last time she treats her like that in front of anyone. Monica goes out for a walk. Andres sees Monica in hte garden & walks towards her. They talk about San Pedro & Campo Real. Andre & Monica discuss the fact that neither one of them have many friends. At dinner, they are talking about the different social differences. Andre says that everyone has blood inside them, only that some are more fortunate than others. Some people lack of things that other have plenty of. Monica thinks to herself that Andres is such a good man, Ayme doesn't deserve him, he has a generous clean soul. Ayme will never appreciate him. Why did he have to fall in love with her? Monica dreams with Andres. The next morning, Sofia & andres discuss the wedding. Sofia wants to know if he changed his min about marrying Ayme. He has not and will marry her. He is in love with her. Monica on ther other hand has alot of qualities & he cares for her.

At breakfast Andre discusses with Alberto that Monica would have been a good, honest caring wife, but he wants more. Ayme on the other hand is full of life & has a certain flirtatiousness that drives anyone crazy. Alberto would love to conquer Monica, but Andres warns him that he would not allow him to play with Monica. Monica went to the chapel to pray(naughty dreams). There she meets a small girlwho doens't talk to her but takes her to an abandoned house. Here she finds the girl's grandfather tied up in horrible conditions she's shocked. Second Part Monica runs to find help and finds Bautista. She tells him there is a man in the house & orders him to let him loose. Bautista will not until he serves his punishment. Monica doesn't care who punished him, she wants him loose now. Monica gets a long broad-bladed knife. Andre arrives & Monica explains. She wants to know if he is also heartless & cruel. Andres tells her he will let the man loose. Andre & Monica go into the house & discuss the conditions the man was in. andre asks Monica to treat him & trust him like friends. Andre explains the punishments are needed to maintain discipline. Monica agrees but feels that they shouldn't be so cruel. Both of them end up laughing & Ayme walks in, she wonders why they are laughing. Monica leaves the room. Ayme wants to know if they are addressing each other less formal now. He wants to know if she is jealous, she isn't. He says he is very jealous but she tells him he has no reasons to be. Ayme asks Monica what her intentions are. If she wants to take Andre away from her. Monica would never do that. Ayme says she didn't take him away from her becuase he never loved her, Monica agrees. Ayme says that you can't order your heart to love someone. Monica tells her that she doesn't love Andres, and Ayme replies that she does in her own way. Ayme will not argue about it. Ayme says that she will make Andres very happy, in bed. Men only care about a well warmed bed and Andre will feel more than satisfied with her. Andre asks Bautista the fate of the elder man and the cause of such punishment. Nobody ordered Bautista to give such punishment, he took it upon himself. Andre doesn't agree with the punishments. Things will change from now on. Bautista will no longer be the administrator of CR. Andre orders Bautista to leave. Bautista wants to speak to Sofia but she doesn't, she will speak with him later. The elderly man is being cured inhis house by his sister. Apparently he was punished because of Meche, his grandaughter who was taken away from them by Bautista. She was taken to a whore house not by own free will. Monica visits the elders & takes them some food. She wants to know how she can help & tells them that the such punishments will no longer take place. Bautista walks in & Monica leaves. He wants to know if they told her anything about Meche. He threatens them that they will never see Meche again if the open their mouths.

Lupe tells Ayme what Monica did & Ayme can't beleive it. Monica speaks to Alberto about the unfairness of the punishments. Alberto can't understand why she wants to be a nun. He wishes she would change her mind. Ayme tells Sofia & Catalina that Monica threatened Bautista & even Andres. Monica & Alberto walk in & Catalina tells Monica she owes Sofia & Andres an an apology. Alberto later on tells Ayme that andres is not upset with Monica but is with Bautista. Sofia asks Bautista to explain what happened with the elderly man, He explains & also tells her he is no longer the administrator, he asks her to give him his position back but she can't do it. Bautista tells her that he's always helped, specially when the boss died. He helped her to recuperate a letter for Noel Mancera. He claims that if the letter would have reached it's destiny CR would have 2 owners since the letter stipulated that half of the lands would be for his other son Juan Del Diablo. Sofia can't beleive he read the letter. Sofia will speak with Andres. Later on she tries to open a locked box but can't because it's stuck. Ayme tells Monica that she will never be the lady of the house because she will marry Andres not her. She tells her that she wants Andres for herself and that she did that scene so that Andres could see how noble & kind she is, also to get his attention. Monica leaves the room she doesn't want to argue. Monica is in the stables and Andres walks up to her. He asks if she likes horses & she replies that she does. Monica wants to apologize about her attitude earlier. Andres replies that he's grateful that she did that. Thanks to her he knows wha Butista is doing behind his back. He also says that she can do or say as she pleases in his house not only because she is Ayme's sister but because he cares for her. He wants to be friends. Ayme is upset at Monica's attitude & can't understand why andres puts up with it. She feels that he has more attentions with Monica than with her. He tells her that he loves her with all his heart. Sofia goes to talk with Andres & tells him that she is aware of the situation and what he did to Bautista. Andres repies that Bautista doesn't listen to him & went on behind his back. Sofia defends Bautista but Andres will not change his mind. He is not capable of being the administrator, he is not well prepared for that position. Andre wants Don Noel to be the administrator of CR again, but Sofia doesn't like that idea. She doesn't like Noel & asks Andres to not make her have to see him every day. Catalina tells Monica that she looks better, she has a much better resemblance. Monica tells her she would have liked to stay in San Pedro but the days will go by quick. Catalina wants to now why she wants to go back to the convent, she should try to start again. Monica wants to go back, she can't think about love again. For her love has always been Andres. Sofia tells Bautista that Andres will not change his mind. His salary will remain the same & she will give him gifts every now & then.

Andre discusses with Alberto, Ayme & Monica about Don Noel. Andres always felt affection towards Noel. He is good man. Monica asks Alberto how he knows Don Noel & he replies that he just recently met him when they went to help out a man that was in jail. Andre also went because he's always felt affection for him since they were kids. Bautista goes to the bar & asks for Guadalupe. He wants to know about Meche. Meche is still crying & will not let anyone touch her. Bautista tells Guadalupe that he is no longer the administrator of CR. Alberto arrives & Bautista presents Guadalupe to him.(gosh, what an ugly nose Bautista has). At night Ayme complaints to Monica about the heat. She wants to move to San Pedro once she marries Andres. Monica doesn't think Andre will agree, after all he wanted to return to CR to become in charge & to be with his mother. Ayme replies that she wants to be the only lady of the house & with Sofia she won't be. Monica asks if she's dicussed this with Andres.Ayme will discuss it after they marry. Monica thinks she should do it before. Ayme then tells Monica that she would probably love for Andres to call off the wedding so that she could throw herself at him. Monica answers her that if that would have been the case, she would have already told them about her friendship with Juan Del Diablo. Ayme wonders why she hasn't. Monica hasn't because she doesn't want to upset her mother. ayme tells her that she knows Andres will never beleive her. Ayme tells Monica that she could never compete with her. No man will ever look at her once they've met her. Monica thinks to herself (how I would love for you to eat your words someday). To be continued*********

~~~~~~Summary 11 & 12~~~~~~~~ Author: Melinda Date: 05-18-99 01:13 Andres goes in to see his mom, and tells her she needs to see a doctor about these migraines. She says I don't need a doctor, it's these upsets that are causing them. Andres refuses to back down on the issue of firing Bautista as administrator, but Sofia insists that she won't have Noel in the house--he was always complicit in the infidelities of Francisco. OK, says, Andres, I'll find someone else. Andres tells Aimee that maybe his father had his reasons for being unfaithful . . . but he'll find a different administrator. He knows of someone . . . He pushes Aimee to set a date for the wedding, but finds her timidity [HAHAHAHAHA Andres you FOOL!] charming. Monica tells Alberto that she's disappointed in Andres for his treatment of the peones, she had thought he was different. Alberto tells her she's overromanticized her image of him, that it's the way of the world. Aimee and Andres arrive and announce that they have fixed their wedding date for three months hence.

Monica returns to the convent and the mother superior tells her about Azucena. Monica recognizes her and asks her about Juan--is he related to her? He's my man, says A. When he gets back from his trip, he's going to take me to live with him. Catalina fusses at Aimee and tells her Sofia has complained about her laziness. Pedro and El Tuerto visit Don Noel and tell him they've heard a rumor that Juan has been arrested in the Dominican Republic and sentenced to 10 years' hard labor. Monica relates the business of Azucena and Juan to the MS, who tells her that Az is only 16 years old. Monica resolves to go and talk to Noel about it--that he will surely tell her the truth. When she tells Noel, he tells her that Juan is not the ogre that people think he is. DN is reluctant to talk to M about Az's past, and what poor people have to do to live. He tells her that Juan rescued Az from the life of a prostitute. Az has a big crush on Juan because he's the only person who's been decent to her. Nobody knows Juan like I do, he says. He's educated, even. He has a heart of gold. When he gets back I'm going to give him my name--it would make me proud to call him my son. Alberto sucks up to Bautista, and asks him why Campo Real doesn't use convict labor. Bautista says, because Don Francisco didn't like it--and besides, we'd have to import them: the ones from San Pedro are just a bunch of drunks. Alberto goes to see Cajiga, and they cook up a scheme to arrange with Espindola for the arrest of able-bodied men without resources or family to speak for them, and to take a commission on their indenture. Catalina and Aimee go to the convent to visit, and Azucena recognizes Aimee and tells Monica that she is one of Juan's women. What Az tells her about the way Aimee was dressed jives with what Monica's friend told her about having seen Aimee dressed as a peasant woman. Monica begs Az not to mention this to anyone. In the Cantina of El Tuerto, they are discussing whether the rumor of Juan's imprisonment is a rumor. When an officer from the jail suggests that he had it coming to him, they throw him out. Aimee goes to Juan's house, and Pedro tells her the 10 years' hard labor rumor. Monica goes home and confronts Aimee. Aimee convinces Cata (who has her denialators running at full tilt) that Monica has made all of this up out of jealousy. Monica insists that she won't let Andres marry Aimee. Fine, says Aimee, he's yours. Catalina tells Monica that even if it's true, they have to protect the good name of the family. She forbids Monica to speak of it again. Serafin tells Az about Juan's imprisonment. Az is desperate to escape the convent and go looking for Juan. She manages to slip through the front gate as Catalina is entering. Pedro and ET want her to go back, but she refuses. Andres visits Aimee and invites them to MC for the fittings of the bridal gown.

Cajiga asks Alberto why Anres is so interested in Juan del Diablo. Alberto says he thinks they were childhood friends. After Alberto leaves, Cajiga suggests to Espindola that Juan may be the bastard son of Francisco de Alcazar. Espindola says, what does it matter? He's in prison for 10 years in Santo Domingo. They decide to take advantage of Juan's absence to arrest his friends. Catalina questions Aimee about about Az and Juan. She denies everything. Noel goes looking for Az in the cantina, and finds out that ET, Serafin, and Az have been arrested. Espindola tells Noel that they all escaped. In jail, ET, Pedro, and Serafin worry about what has happened to Az, who has been set aside for sale to Cajiga. Back at the convent, FD is worried about Monica, who isn't eating. They go into her cell and find her passed out on the floor. That's it, says FD. She's not cut out to be a nun--back home she goes. Aimee and Cata return from MC with their purchases (which Andres has paid for). Lupe tells Cata that the nuns want her to go pick up Monica. Noel has been to Santo Domingo but has been unable to get any news of Juan. His housekeeper says, there hasn't been news here either about ET and the rest, not even Az. Bautista tells Andres that the prisoners have arrived. They go off to look at them, and pass Monica, who is teaching some children. They remark on the change in her, and Andres confides to Alberto that his conscience bothers him for what he did to her. Andres recognizes ET and Serafin from his visit to the cantina. Alberto reminds him that tomorrow is his wedding day--he shouldn't be making plans to work. Aimee and Catalina present Monica with her bridesmaid's dress. When the moms have left, Aimee tells M that she can't wait for the wedding, so that she won't have to see her face again. Juan arrives in San Pedro!!! His boat is packed to the gills, and he's dressed to the nines. [Melinda thinks he looks like a pimp, but other times, other customs, what the heck]. He goes to see Noel, who has the flu. He wants to know what's happened with Pedro and ET. Noel tells him the rumors about his imprisonment, and Juan says they were all false. He was delayed by a storm, but has made a pile of money. Juan swears to find his friends, dead or alive, and to make those responsible pay. Noel asks if he is still planning to marry and he says, of course. That's why I made the trip. Andres and Aimee marry, with Monica as Madrina de Lazo, in a dress that makes her look like Little Bo Peep. She catches the bouquet. A servant brings food to the prisoners. He tells them that only the nia Monica is goodhearted, and that she is the sister of Aimee. Pedro et al discuss among themselves the possibility that it's the same Aimee--after all, it's not a common name. Juan goes to Aimee's house and finds it empty.

Lupe procures for Aimee a flask of animal blood and hides it in the bedroom where she will pass her wedding night. Monica has a nightmare [more hot dreams of Andres? She's saying no, no.] Meanwhile, in the nuptial chamber, Andres is sleeping like a baby while Aimee lies awake with a sick look on her face. Bautista comes for the prisoners. ET asks if the shackles are to be removed and Bautista smacks him. Andres wants some early morning lovin', but Aimee tells him not by the light of day. Juan buys a horse. He goes to see Noel and asks him what he knows about the Altamira family. Juan tells Noel that Aimee is the woman he has been planning to marry. Noel says, are you crazy? Aimee got married yesterday--to Andres Alcazar!

RE: Episodes 13 & 14 ---------- May 18, 1999***SUMMARY*** Author: Carla Date: 05-25-99 07:50 Tuesday's episode began with Juan de Diablo looking for Aimee, but unfortunately she is getting married to Andres. The bride and groom are being congratulated by their invited guests. Inside the hacienda, Aimee tells Lupe to hide a mysterious bottle in the bedroom. The prisoners are awaken and taken by Bautista to go work (I presume). They were taken prisoners because of venganza. Juan meets with Lic. Noel and tells him about the horse he bought. Lic. Noel tells him that he is there to sign the papers accepting Lic. Noel last name as his legal name. Juan asks about the Altimira family. Lic. Noel asks why he wants to know. Juan responds that he went over there to look for Aimee. Aimee is the woman that he is going to marry. The Licensado asks Juan if hasn't gone crazy, telling him that Aimee got married the day before to Andres. Juan get made and accuses Lic. Noel of lying to him. Dona Catalina encounters Monica returning from her morning visit to the chapel. Dona Catalina tells Monica that she wants to speak to her and that its rather a delicate matter. Dona C. reminds Monica that Aimee got married and that she is worred because Dona C. is sure that Aimee lost her virginity on her wedding night. She says that she is preoccupied over what Monica said about Aimee and Juan and is afraid that Andres may have noticed that Aimee was not a virgin. She wants to know the truth. Monica tells her that Azucena told her and besides she also saw them. Dona C. is worried about the embarrassment and the scandal that they will suffer if it is true. Andres enters the room and tells Dona C. and Monica that Aimee is dressing and notices that Dona C. is nervous but Monica covers by telling him that she is still getting accustomed to the idea that Aimee is married. Licensado Noel and Juan are talking as to why Aimee married Andres. Juan tells him that Aimee promised him that she would wait for him. Lic. Noel says that she was promised to Andres since before Juan left. Juan says that it was Monica who was promised to Andres not Aimee. Lic. says that is probably why Monica entered the convent-because of deception, Andres preferred Aimee. Juan leaves to go look for Aimee hoping that she has not left on her wedding trip.

Aimee sends Lupe to go throw the bottle in the trash (same bottle she hid on her wedding day). Lupe doesn't throw it in the trash but puts it underneath a pile of grass. Lupe thinks she goes unnoticed, however, Juanita is watching. After Lupe leaves the trash area, Juanita goes and uncovers the bottle and takes it with her. Meanwhile, Dona C. is asking Aimee how her wedding night went. Aimee tells her that Andres was nice to her and assures her that it is certain that she at one time she only talked with Juan. Dona C. advises her that she is married and for her not go do good things that look bad because they are misinterpreted and people talk. Aimee tells her not to be preoccupied, that it will be several years before Juan comes back. In the meantime, Juan is on his way to look for Aimee. Back at the ranch, the detinidos are working when they see Juan ride by on his horse. Juan meets with Monica and asks if Aimee is still in the hacienda. Monica tells him how dare him come to the hacienda. Juan tells her how dare Aimee tease me, tell me that she would wait for me. Did you know she was my lover? She dared to marry someone else even if she promised me, she made me look like a fool. I left on my trip so that I could have money to get married. Monica begs him to leave, that she will give him anything he wants. But, they continue to argue, with Monica trying to keep Juan from entering the hacienda. She tells him that Aimee left on her wedding trip to Europe the day before. Just then, Andres shows up and Juan knows that Monica is lying to him. Andres invites Juan to meet his new wife. They go inside and when Andres introduces Aimee to Juan- Aimee faints. Everyone is speculating, including the servants, why Aimee fainted. Everyone thinks that Aimee is pregnant and that is why Andres married Aimee and not Monica. Aimee and Monica are talking in the bedroom and Aimee asks why Juan was there. Monica tells her that he was there to tell Andres the truth. Dona C. and Sofia are talking about Aimee fainting. Sofia asks who was the man that was there. Dona C. tells her that she doesn't know but must be a relative of Sofia's family. She says that Juan must related to them because he looks so much like her deceased brother Francisco. In the office, Andres is asking Juan to accept his proposal and not to leave. Andres has proposed to Juan that he become the administrator for "Campo Real." Juan accepts and Andres tells him that he will stay and live in the hacienda-Andres arranges to have a room prepared for him. Sofia enters the office and Andres tells her "I see you remember him." She asks what is he doing there and Juan tells her that she hasn't changed a bit. Sofia forbids Juan to stay and Andres tells her that he is abiding by his fathers last wishes. Dona C. asks Aimee if she isn't pregnant and if that wasn't what caused her to faint. Aimee assures her that Andres has been the first man in her life (Sweet Sixteen and HAS been Kissed). Juan, Andres, and Lic. Noel are talking. Juan tells Andres that his mother doesn't like him very well. Andres tells him that his mother lives in another world (he makes it sound as if she's waco or something). Andres tells Juan that there is something else that he wants to tell him. They are the final words from his father before he died-they were for him. His father asked Andres to always help Juan and to never abandon him and now he was doing what his father's last wishes were. Bautista enters and is introduced to Juan. In the bedroom, Aimee tells Lupe about her friendship with Juan and asks her to look for him and tell him that she wants to speak to him. Meanwhile, Sofia tells Bautista to chase Juan from there, to do what it takes to get rid of him. Lupe reports back to Aimee about the where abouts of Juan and informs her that he is the new administrator. Aimee goes into Juan's bedroom. Juan wants to know what she is doing there. He tells her is she there to tell him that she loves the noble gentleman Acasa (?), that she is

happy and the owner of a hacienda. Juan insults her-he tells to yell and tell her husband the truth. He tells her to leave and that she doesn't interest him. The only thing she can do for him to forgive her and forget what she did to him is for her to leave with him. Juan meets up with Monica and tells him that he shouldn't have accepted Andres proposal. She tells him that Aimee is regretful. Juan tells her that Aimee looked for him, spied on him at his house when he was naked (possibly more buns of steel)-what man with blood in his veins resists. Not only was she able to get what she wanted, but she made him go crazy like an imbecile. That's why he made a trip, even though she was playing with his life every minute. Want to know why I did it-so that I could have come near with clothes like a gentleman, so that she wouldn't be embarrassed with me, so that I could do all those things that are important to you like family, convenience, and religion. I also did it because she told me she loved me. Dona C. and Monica talk about the relationship between Aimee and Juan. Dona C. suspects that Juan is Francisco's son. They wonder if Andres and Juan know the truth. Dona C. says that only a blind man won't be able to see the resemblance. While eating dinner Alberto insults Juan about him being poor. Monica comes to his rescue defending Juan to Alberto. She tells him that there are many who have nothing and deserve it and then there are those who have everything and don't deserve it (you tell him girl) (Lic. Noel expression was priceless, he wanted to laugh at Alberto). Juan returns to his office and waiting for him is a friend. Juan inquires about his friends and Azucena. His friend asks why he is working there since is now he's rich and doesn't need to work. Juan tells him that Aimee married Andres and that he and Andres are half-brothers, they are the sons of the same father, Francisco. Juan tells his friend that because of these people, he has nothing (a family, not even a last name). Now that I wanted to change my life I had illusions of myself getting married, having a children, and then this man steals away the woman I had chosen for me. He asks why he always has to be the loser. He says Andres will not have a fruitful life with Aimee. Juan says she promised him that she would be mine and she will keep her promise. Dona C. is asking Lic. Noel for the truth. Is Juan Francisco's son? She asks about his promise to marry, did he tell the Licensado the name of the woman. Lic. Noel tells her the truth about his paternity but doesn't answer who the girl is. He tells her that Juan knows the truth. Dona Catalina asks the Licensado to speak to Juan and tell him about the consequences if the truth comes out. Back in the bedroom, Virginia is at work-Oh excuse me, Aimee is at work. Aimee tells Andres that Monica isn't the saint she appears to be. She is calculating, cold, and a liar. I prefer that she leave, she is only here to pester me, make me look bad with Sofia and with you. The next day Aimee and Andres are walking when she seems startled. Aimee recognizes the prisoners and wants to return back into the hacienda. Sofia orders Bautista to fire all the servants that know the truth about Juan. However, the servants that are fired think that Juan is the one that ordered them fired because they are old. The fired servants tell Monica that Juan fired them because they are no good for nothing. Aimee finds Juan and tells him about his friends. That she saw them there at the hacienda and that they had cuffs on their feet. Monica meets up with Juan and tells him that he is heartless, he fired the servants-but Juan doesn't know what she is talking about. He doesn't have time to argue with Monica, he has more important things on his mind, like where are the workers. He asks for them, but they have already left. He then

turns to Monica and asks where are these people that I supposedly fired? It ends with Monica taking him to them.

RE: Episodes 15 & 16 ---------- May 19, 1999 Author: Maria C. Date: 05-23-99 10:43 Juan is talking with a woman and Bautista about getting ready the house of the administrator after Juan leaves, the woman says that hes just like the first patron and Bautista threatens her. Meanwhile, Sofia is in her room trying to open a box in comes Bautista and she tries to convince him to do something bad to Juan, anything put the laborers against him, make him fall of his horse, anything. Bautista tells her that thats no problem because even Alberto doesnt like him he thinks that hes not trustworthy. Sofia asks him about the older worker, the ones that knew her husband and she orders him to fire them and to make disappear that maldito diablo. Andres talks with Aime about the promise he made to his dad (taking care of Juan), she asks him if hes going to fire him and he tells her that he isnt because his mom got to learn that she cant always do what she wants to. At that moment Aimee sees Pedro and she tells Andres that she has a headache and wants to go back to the house. In the meantime Bautista tells two older people to get out of the property because they are not useful anymore. The mans granddaughter goes to tell Monica and she demands to know whats wrong and who made that order when they tell her that is was Juan she gets very upset. Aimee goes to see Juan and she tells him that she saw Pedro and he runs out of the room to find out why he is a prisoner, he runs into Monica that claims about firing the old people of the hacienda (is an hacienda isnt it?? cause I have still visions of La Mentira so please check me ok? ). He tells her that he has more important things to think about and not to believe everything she hears about him. They go to the house of the workers and he tells them that he didnt make that order and that they can stay. When he and Monica leave they (the older people) talk about the resemblance he has with the first patron. Monica is worried about whats going to happen with Juan now that he contradicted Bautistas orders. He tells her not to get worried about him, also he excuses himself for what happened in the morning. Juan: Of a gentleman as you can see I only have the clothes. But I also want to tell you that if I had you, only becoming blind, deaf or imbecile I would have left you for another woman and less for a who== like your sister.... Juan goes with another worker (leaving Monica alone) to find his friend Pedro and to ask him about Serafin and El Tuerto.

Meanwhile, Alberto is talking with Andres about Juan, he tells him (alberto) that now hes seeing Juan more like a rival because hes been like flirting with Monica. Andres tells him that she is a lady and that she wouldnt fall for him (jajaja). Monica talks with her mom about trying to convince Juan to go away and asks her if Juan is really Franciscos son, Catalina tells her that no that they resemble a bit but he is not. Aimee arrives and Catalina leaves to see Sofia. Aimee tells Monica that no man will look at her (Monica) after being hers. Monica: so you finally admit that Juan was yours Aime: Yes, so what are you going to tell Andres so that he fights with Juan and gets killed or injured? Monica: Juan was right about you when he said that you are an hypocrite and the worse and even with that he wants to runaway with you. Aimee: that shows how much he loves me Monica tells her that if she wants to go away with Juan she will have to pass over her dead body, her sweet sister answers that it would be a pleasure. Monica tells her that she wanted Andres and she got him so now shell have to stick with him and if she does anything with Juan, shell have to humble herself and take him with her. In the meantime, Bautista is taking Serafin and El Tuerto to the posada where Azucena is. The owner (Guadalupe) tells him that it would be a pleasure to kill Juan. In the house Sofia talks with Andres and she tells him that she wont eat with Juan, Andres gets out of her room and founds Monica, she suggests him to send Aimee and her aunt to San Pedro where they can be with she and her mom in peace and without Juan. Juan goes to talk with Sofia and demands her to stay of his businesses and not to fire the older people that knew HIS father, in his way out he tells her to go out and get a little sunshine and breeze it would make her look more beautiful. Two of the servants (sorry I didnt catch their names) talk about Juan and also about a little bottle with blood that Lupe dropped in the garbage the next day of the wedding between Aimee and Andres, they think that they are doing witchcraft to Andres. In their room, Andres is talking with Aimee about Monica suggestion, she tells him that she doesnt want to go to San Pedro, she would miss him too much, why not send your mom, Monica and my mom???. Monica finds Juan in Andress office and she talks with him about the older workers, she tells him that she is the responsible one and that her aunt must know that its not his fault.

Juan: You know what your problem is Santa Monica? That you have the soul of a martyr you are willing to face up with Doa Sofia to get me out of trouble, you bear up with my desplantes (couldnt find the word in English) and my presence just to prevent Andres the shame of knowing that hes wife is a whor===. Dont you notice that the others may take advantage of you? In comes Andres (darn!) and Monica leaves, he and Juan talk Monica and love, Juan admits that Monica is very pretty but he is not going to fall for a woman again he had a bad experience with them (you poor thing). Aimee talks with Juan and she tells him that hes the one she loves and that she would like to talk with him in his room before dinner. Meanwhile in La Venta Guadalupe goes to Azucenas room and he makes her pay for all he spent in her (not precisely in money). In Andress house Pedro thinks that his friends didnt escape because they would have told him. Don Noel goes with the other man to put their papers in order. Juan is out in the forest with Bautista and other workers searching for Serafin and El Tuerto. Back in Andress house Monica is alone in the living room and in he comes Andres, he tells her that he spoke with Aimee about her suggestion of sending her (Aimee) with Sofia to San Pedro and that she doesnt want to go. If Sofia is the one having problems with Juan shes the one that should leave. And what do you think about it? asks Monica, well says Andres I would like for Aimee to stay here with me. Monica looks really sad. In the forest Juan is still looking for his friends, he asks Bautista if something is near there like a house or something and he answers that no. Another worker says that the nearest thing is La Venta, so they go there. Again at Andress house: Sofia is in her room getting ready for dinner and one of the servants of the kitchen tells her about the bottle with blood she found after Andres and Aimees wedding. Sofia asks who did the bed of his son after the wedding, it was me says the servant girl, was there THE proof of Aimees purity, of course says the girl. Sofia takes the bottle and tells the girl to go to iron her dress, she stays with an ugly face (ugliest than her usual face). Catalina talks with Aimee and begs her to talk with Andres and convince him to fire Juan. Aimee plays the innocent but her mom doesnt believe her anymore. Aimee accepts, but she wont talk with Andres but with Juan, shell try to convince him to leave. Meanwhile Juan, Bautista and the workers arrive to La Venta. Inside Guadalupe talks about his experience with Azucena, he wasnt her first man and hes going to sell her.

In her room, Azucena is taking care of her wounds (I suppose Guadalupe beat her) shes also trying to convince Merche (sp) to run away with her in the night and hide in Andress house. Downstairs, Juan comes in and Bautista tells Guadalupe that hes looking for two prisoners that escape. Juan asks if he can look around and Guadalupe doesnt let him, he wants to talk with Mr. Alcazar first. After Juan leaves Guadalupe and the bartender plan to move the prisoners somewhere else. The night comes and in the living room Catalina and Monica are talking about Aimees behavior. Catalina is very worried about Sofia finding the truth shes really bad with them now, so you can imagine how she could get if she finds Aimees past. Monica decides to go talk with Aimee she has to put an end to all she caused. In their way Aimee sees them and hides to go meet with Juan in his room. He is with Pedro who leaves them (Aimee and Juan) alone so they can talk. In the living room, Sofia tells Monica that she shouldnt think so bad of her sister, maybe shes with Andres. In comes Andres who asks about dinner, also Sofia comes in and she says shes going to eat with them, better give Juan a chance. She asks about Aimee and Monica says that shes probably in her room so shell go looking for her. Obviously she goes to Juans room. There, he is talking with Aimee about Monica, Aimee asks him if he wants to maker her jealous and he says that Monica is very beautiful and who know what shes willing to do just to save the familys name. Some knocks at the door and Aimee hides in Juans room, Monica comes in. Monica: we were about to start dinner and Andres asked about Aimee. Juan: The only thing you do is worry about Andres right? Im sorry but your sister is not here. Monica: Shes not in her room or anywhere else of the house Juan: Shes not here either Monica: I dont believe you She tries to go to his room and he grabs her. Monica: Dont touch me J uan: Then, Santa Monica, never enter to a mans room if you dont want him to touch you... She goes. Aimee gets out and claims why he talked with her like that, he tells her that he is free to do whatever he wants to do. She goes too. In the dinner Sofia says she doesnt want to leave to San Pedro is very boring. Alberto suggest to send her to Mexico and Aimee agrees is really good at the capital. Juan thinks how could he love her and stares at Monica who is really ashamed (Gosh his eyes are really something!!!!!).

In their room Monica and Catalina talk about Aimee and Juan, and Catalina make Monica swear not to tell anyone that Juan is Franciscos son, everyone knows it except Andres. In their room Aimee is trying to convince Andres to send Sofia, Catalina and Monica to Mexico. Juan decides to go back to La Venta with Pedro. Meanwhile, there Azucena and Merche (sp) finally escape and Azucena sees Serafin. Juan and Pedro arrive to La Venta (too late) and Juan threatens Guadalupe and makes him show them the whole place so they can look for their friends. He doesnt find them and they left. Guadalupe goes to Azucenas room and discovers she and Merche escaped. Meanwhile they (Azucena and Merche) find a little house and stay there, Azuce is really ill and coughs a lot. Serafin and El Tuerto beat the bartender (who is taking them to another place) and run away. In the morning, Sofia is at her room and she tells the servant that she cant speak to anyone about the bottle she found. In the dining room, Andres is taking breakfast and Monica comes in, they talk about she getting married and she says she wont marry anyone because only God is in her heart (yeah right). Sofia talks with Juan (sorry I didnt get it, I think it was about Juans last name). Then he goes looking for Serafin and El Tuerto (again) and he meets with Merche. Well, sorry if I cut the last part but I was really tired, hope you like it. This is my first time doing summaries so youll have to forgive me, pleeeeeasseeeeee?

Episodes 17 & 18 ---------- May 20, 1999 ~~~~~~~Summary~~~~~~~Author: Mimi Date: 05-21-99 04:46 When Meche attempts to go back to La Vent, Azucena takes off. Meche sees Bautista talking to Guadalupe Cajiga and changes her mind. Azucena is no longer in the shack and Meche runs into the search party. Juan sends her back to her grandfather, Florindo. Sofia summons Catalina to her room. She wants to know if Cat has mentioned the resemblance between Juan and Francisco to anyone. Only Monica. Sofia says that event though Juan was born before her marriage, it still shames her. She swears Cat to secrecy and tells her that shes offered Juan money. Before Cat leaves she asks if Aimee practices witchcraft. Cat has a fit- her daughter were raised devout Catholics and would never commit such sacrilege! Sofia tells her to calm down. The servants are also speculating as to whether or not Aimee used witchcraft to take Andres away from Monica. Monica is outside reading when Azucena breaks down at the gate. Monica has her taken up to her room and leaves a message for Bautista to get a doctor. Cat is worried Az may tell on Aimee, but Monica is more worried about her health She takes off in search of Juan. Bautista goes up and starts to take Az

out of the room when Juan and Monica arrive yelling at him. Bautista takes off for the doc, but stops at La V to warn Cajiga who tries to play tough. Bautista tells him now is not the time to try to be brave cause Juan is definitely going to come for you. Cajiga agrees to leave. Juan takes Az into his arms and starts rocking her gently and Monica is moved by his tenderness. Downstairs now, Juan is asking Monica if Az said anything. Sofia and Alberto show up. Sofia is irate that her home is being turned into a refuge for undesirables (Juan is bringing in his entire crew!) She takes Monica to task and say move Az into the servants quarters. NO! states Juan with a firmness that surprises everyone. (Is there any doubt in any of their minds as to whos running things?) Juan says hell take Az to his quarters which raises a few eyebrows. He informs Sofia that hes not the type to take advantage of defenseless girls and takes off. Monica goes after him. Alberto is indignant but Sofia thinks twice and tells him to let it go. Duplicitous-two-faced-forked-tongued-two-headed-bad-penny-Alberto runs to Andres and complains about Juans haughtiness, his crudeness and so on. He tells Andres that Monica is in Juans room even as they speak. Andres decides its too much. He hasnt like the atmosphere since Juan arrived. The doc tells Juan that pneumonia is always dangerous but that if she makes it through the night then she has a chance. Monica is nursing Az and tells Juan to keep faith. He tells her if Az makes it, it wont be because of divine or medical intervention, but for these hands (he takes both of hers in his), capable of performing whatever miracle and the he plants a kiss on her hand. Monica is trembling. (talk about a weak in the knees moment). Monica tells Juan that God doesnt let anything happen that isnt his will. Juan asks if she really believes that. Yes says Monica. Then Ive got a lot to be angry with him about. Dont say that says Monica, we should be thankful to him. For what? For being the son of an adulterer? For not knowing the warmth of a family? For not even being able to hope to marry a decent woman and start one of my own? (sniff) I dont see why not says Monica. Because I dont even have a name to offer, what are you without a name? As you can see, I dont have a lot to thank God for. Andres enters with a pissy attitude and starts in on Juan for allowing Monica into his room. Its no place for a decent young woman. Juan says shes taking care of a sick girl, whats the big deal. Things escalate and Monica starts to panic and tells Andres its her fault, shell leave with him now (I must say the amused looks Juan gets on his face when talking to Andres crack me up). Andres tells Juan hell talk to him tomorrow and escorts a reluctant Monica out. Alberto is telling Aimee about Juan and doesnt understand why Andres doesnt kick him out, especially since hes being so forward with Monica. Aimee jealously blames Monica mad says she should be the one to go. Andres is talking to Monica. Noel warned him about Juan, hes way to proud and haughty, but you wont let me put him in his place- why not? Andres asks if its because shes in love

with Juan and keeps applying the pressure. Poor Monica gives in and says yes rather than tell the truth which she almost spilled. Andres is horrified- hes so far beneath you; he doesnt even have a name! Monica runs up to her room in tears. Cat wants to know whats up. Monica feels completely humiliated. Cat says shell speak to Sofia wholl clear things up with Andres. Sofia thinks Monica is a silly girl to have said she was in love with Juan. Cat tells her shes only trying to protect Andres and keep him from finding out that Juan is his brother (& much more!) It isnt right for Monica to have to sacrifice herself for Andres sake says Cat. Andres runs to Aimee with the news. Juans got to go. Aimee only wants to know if Juan returns Monicas feelings. Andres says Juan is too insolent- hes going to send him away. Aimee thinks Monica is the one who should go (dont you just hate her!) As soon as Andres leaves the room she off to Juans (can we say reckless?) Whats this about Monica being in love with you. Juan says he doesnt have time for her games. She told Andres shes in love with you, why? Ask her says Juan. Well, Im asking you replies Aimee- youre doing this to get back at me arent you? Juan says- you think Im hanging around here on your account? Thats why I came, but Im over it. Aimee wants to know what hes still doing here then- is it Monica? Juan is ticked off and says enough with Monica. Well Andres wants to fire you. whats it to you if he does, says Juan? Aimee says- its because I love you, truly. I miss you so much. Therell never be another like you (I bet!) Tell me something says Juan, you never planned on marrying me did you? (heartbreak moment, sniff) Aimee looks away. Juan continues- I dont doubt that you love me in your own way, but you never would have abandoned your social position and chanced a scandal for someone like me..... Juan, you have no name answers Aimee( I dont know about you all but I hate her more than I ever did Virginia- can she twist the knife a little more?) And there it is, replies Juan, the name. Sofia enters. What are you doing here? she asks a startled Aimee who lies and says just checking on the patient and runs out. Sofia has a new proposition for Juan, not only money but a bride- none other than Monica. Juan wants to know if Monica expressed a desire to marry him (3rd person talking to him about Monica tonight, at least theyre all on the same page). I dont have a name, how can I get married. Don Noel would give you his- Juan knows all about Noels offer already but Mansera isnt the name he wants- its Alcanzar! He chastises Sofia for tossing Monica around like some merchandise shes trying to dump by asking her to sacrifice herself in the name of love for Andres. He says it isnt t that he doesnt appreciate Monica, quite the contrary, hes just not used to being purchased for women! (Oh man he has got some great lines) He goes on to insult Sofia and her class and then tells her that she and Noel can bear witness to the local magistrate and clear up the matter of his name. He doesnt care what she tells Andres- long-lost relative, whatever, but its Alcanzar or nothing! (Its nice when you have the upper hand) Sofia says shell think about it but please not a word to Andres. By the way how s the patient- if you need anything let me know. Over in San Pedro, Don Noel and the captain have been playing a game of cat and mouse over the missing court papers which supposedly show the convictions of Serafin, Pedro and El Tuerto. the captain insists that Az was set free so its not his fault if shes disappeared. Noel tells him hes playing a

dangerous game as it involves Andres and Juan. Capt. says hell tell Andres the same, and as for Juan, tell him Im waiting for him (Big words little man). Monica is too ashamed to go down to dinner. She wonders why God doesnt help her. What will Andres think? What about if Juan finds out? Juan is up into the wee hours nursing Az. He is lying next to her exhausted when a knock wakes him up. He kisses her forehead and Az wakes up-Juan! Shes not dreaming! He hugs her. Juan is holding Az as she recounts her story an she tells him that she never let any of the men touch her. What about Cajiga? Az lies and says no, he just beat her, but Juan, she says, you have to kill him. Juan asks for details about Serafin, but Az says she didnt see that much, but Juan has to kill Guadalupe Cajiga. Juan turns a deadly stare towards Pedro. Later on he is loading up his pistol and takes off to settle accounts. Cat goes in to see Sofia and wants to know what shes going to do, has she spoken to Andres? No not yet, but I had to promise Juan a thousand and one things to cover for Monicas blunder. She tells Cat shes going to dress. Meanwhile, Monica has had enough, shes done covering for Aimee, let the chips fall where they may. Lets go home Aimee can figure it out for herself. Cat is afraid of a tragedy, Andres might kill Aimee, Well if hes going to kill her, let him kill her then!!(my thought exactly but is this Santa Monica talking?) Aimee is still trying every argument she can with Andres, to keep Juan within her claws. She tells him that theres no logic in sending Juan back to San Pedro, since Monica lives there- theyd only see each other more often. Andres figures shes right and Aimee smiles to herself. A much calmer Monica tells Cat how her heart went out to Juan when he said he couldnt even marry & have kids of his own. Such a strong, generous and good man (catch her shes falling....), because deep down he is good she says smiling the whole time. Cat says if he were so good he would have forgiven Aimee (que facil, as if she deserves it) and taken off rather than have them all here with their hearts in their throat at all times (con el Jesus en la boca! she says) Monica says its just that theres so much anger and frustration inside him. How horrible to know your father was a rich and powerful man and yet you live like he had to , a pariah. Its an injustice, it might have been better if hed never known. Aimee is having another of her vanity sessions when Monica walks in. Theres a confrontation about Monica telling Andres shes in love with Juan. Monica tells her she was trying to cover her butt; Aimee insists that its a pretext. Monica says too bad he isnt a decent man or I wouldnt hesitate to take him away from you. Aimee laughs- a holier than thou wanna bee nun like you? Juan likes his women hotblooded- a good lay (does Aimee ever listen to herself?) Monica tells her she talks like a wh*re. She answers that this wh*re took away your fianc and managed to marry no less than an Alcanzar del Valle. Monica tells her that Az is the one who they found and shes likely to talk. Aimee bolts downstairs (shes not much in the brains dept., is she?) She asks a servant for Juan, who isnt there. Out comes Sofia, followed by Az who recognizes the voice. A horror struck Aimee tries to shut her up, but its too late, Sofia wants to hear. Shes Juans lover

says Az. Sofia slaps Aimee- TRASH- go into my room and wait for me. Sofia wants details. Az says Monica knew also. Meanwhile Andres is having a fit because Juan took off even though he left word he wanted to speak with him. Alberto takes a cheap shot at Juan. Sofia goes into her room and pulls out Aimees blood bottle This is what you used to dupe Andres into thinking he was the first. How could you and with that bastard no less. Sofia goes for Aimees throat, but Aimee starts to brag. Yes, I did it, so what? Juan is 1000 times the man Andres is and I love him! Sofia lunges at her again, but Aimee dares her- Go ahead- let Andres know- let everyone know, Ill just leave with Juan. Sofia tells her shes not going anywhere. Ill kill you first, she tells a frightened looking Aimee. In comes Monica and Sofia tells her off as well. Back in their room, Aimee is finally speechless. Juan is at La Venta with a knife to the bartenders throat looking for his friends and Cajiga who is actually in San Pedro, trying to cook up more criminal activity with the capt.The bartender knows nothing and Juan leaves. On Andres orders, Bautista is waiting for Juan. Juan tell the groom to gather the men. Bautista comes forward yelling that people are busy. In one move (I kid you not) Juan jumps off his horse and slams a fist into Bautistas face (I heard teeth rattle) and pulls a knife on him. Now is not the time to mess with this son-of-a-bitch- thats what he is and who wont deny it but if Bautista wants to test him... Bautista is nearly crying in vexation. Andres wants to know what happened to Juan, and Bautista can only say well hes back- Andres goes to look for him and overhears part of Azs retelling of what happened with Aimee and Sofia. He jumps to the conclusion that they are talking about Monica (what kind of dense fog is he living in anyway?) Andres is upset and pours himself a stiff one. Sofia is in her room pacing when Juan walks in, making himself comfortable in a chair, very much lord and master of his domain. He tell Sofia that he didnt know about Andres and Aimee until after they were married. Sofia says any decent man would not have taken advantage of a young lady. Shes no lady and I didnt take advantage- I merely accepted what was offered to me (Im in awe of his lines). Sofia says she fooled them all, is that why you came. Juan says yes, but now hes no longer interested, shes not worth it. (Hip Hip Hooray). He will take advantage of the situation. The name Alcanzar or he tells Andres that his wife was Juans lover. Sofia gives in. Send for don Noel. Meanwhile Andres summons Cat. they have to do something about Monica. She should marry Alberto. Sofia goes to tell the girls its all settled. Aimee is never to speak to Juan again in her life and Monica and Cat are to pack their bags and get out. Andres meanwhile is insisting that Monica and Juan are an item. His mother comes in and he tells her that he overheard part of a conversation. Cat says that it doesnt mean they were talking about Monica. Andres says they were talking about a young lady under this roof, who else can it be?

To be continued...... ---------------------------------okay everybody, how quickly can you say shotgun wedding? And who would pick Alberto (YUCK!) over Juan? Certainly not our fiery Monica. I am going to love seeing Aimee eat her words..... Myriam

~~~~~~~~ Summary Episodes 19 & 20~~~~~~~~~~Author: Iria Date: 05-22-99 10:52 Sofia replies to Catalina that Monica herself admitted liking Juan. Andres tells Catalina not to worry, the marriage to Alberto would be the solution. Once she's married she'll forget about Juan. Catalina leaves the room upset. Andres aks Sofia what she thinks, Monica doing such a thing. Andres tells his mom that Juan's relationship with Monica has been going on for a while. He wonders if anything went on between them. Sofia tells him to forget about it, she knows Monica very well & she would never behave like that. Andres is not to sure about that because of Juan's ways with women. Andres will talk to Alberto & fire Juan. Sofia asks him not to since he could say something to compromise Monica. Juan finds El Tuerto & Serafin. Catalina & Sofia talk about Monica's wedding to Alberto. Catalina says it's unfair , Sofia on the other hand says that what they've done to her & Andres it's not fair. If they would have told her the truth, she wouldn't have allowed that wedding. Sofia will talk to Monica, that marriage is the best thing for her. Sofia is thankful that andres thought it was Monica. Now she has to go through the humiliation & embarassment of admitting in public that Juan is the bastard son of Francisco. Monica's sacrifice is nothing compared to hers. Catalina explains to Monica. She doesn't agree. She doesn't want to get married & least of all to Alberto. She doesn't think it's fair that she has to pay for what Aimee did, but Sofia & Andres think that with the marriage to Alberto Monica won't be tempted. She also tells Monica that Sofia will give Juan his last name. He demanded it and in return he won't say anything about his relationship with Aimee. In the meantime Andres talks to Alberto about Monica. Alberto isn't satisfied with the idea of marrying her until Andres offers him a dowry.

Bautista complains to Sofia about Juan. Sofia replies that he'll have to put up with alot of things because Juan will soon be an Alcazar. Bautista wants to kill Juan but she doesn't agree. Andres tells Aimee he feels lucky he married her & also that he just found out Monica & Juan had a relationship. Monica tells Sofia she will not accept a wedding with Alberto. She's innocent and will not pay for Aimees doings. Sofia replies she doesn't have a choice, she has to marry him. She then yells at Catalina & Monica gets upset. Sofia says that if Andres finds out everyone will know that the distinguished Altamira countess are vixen. She blames them for this situation. Her son married a low woman, his kids will have her for a mother & now she has to give Juan his last name. Aimee agrees that Monica should marry Alberto. As per Aimee, her sister is a liar. Always told her it was her fault Andres broke up with her. Andres says Juan can't stay in the house. Aimee is in the garden & Juan passes by, he doesn't want to talk to her. She explains that Andres thinks he had a relationship with Monica. The'll meet later on to talk about it. Juan apologises to Andres for not going to talk to him in the morning. He found the prisoners. Don Noel will come today and we'll see what information he brings from the San Pedro jail. Juan asks what he wanted to talk to him about & he replies it's no longer important. Juan walks out to meet Aimee. Catalina tells Monica that she should marry Alberto. What will happen when she dies. She'll have to take care of her sister's kids and stay in CR with Sofia & Andres. Monica says if she'll marry then it has to be worth it. She suggest marrying Juan who will soon be an Alcazar. Aime tells Juan that Monica will be married to Alberto. It's best for her. She tells him to leave to San Pedro, she can visit every now & then. He replies that once she's sick of her husband's bed she'll happily jump into his. He also says she's no longer important in his life. Aime blames Monica for this. Catalina tells Sofia that Monica will sacrifice and marry Juan. Sofia will then talk to Andres & Don Noel. Don Noel is happy Juan will receive his name. Sofia talks to Don Noel, she asks him to help her tell Andres, she hopes Juan will not claim his part of her husband's will. Noel tells her Juan is a rich man. Sofia also wants him to convince Juan to marry Monica. Don Noel tells Juan that Monica prefers to marry him. She's aware that he's an Alcazar. Sofia as well as Catalina agree. Juan agrees to marry Monica.

Catalina is worried that Juan will mistreat her daughter, and Monica reminds her how tender he was when he saw Azusena. Catalina appreciates that she's willing to sacrifice herself. Monica thinks to herself(Sacrifice, Am I really sacrificing myself or is it that I want to marry him). Aime comes in says Don Noel wants to speak to her mom. Aimee insults Monica & tells her she'll never separate them. Don Noel tells Catalina that Juan accepted. He asks why she wants to marry Juan and if she does it to separate Aimee & Juan. Catalina confirms it. Catalina tells Monica that Juan accepted. Juan tells his friends that Francisco Alcazar was his father & that he'll be marrying Monica. Don Noel tells Andres that Juan is his brother and Sofia will give him his last name. They explain everything to Andress. He isn't very happy about it and is in shock. Azusena wants to know why Juan is marrying, he says he wants to and she won't understand. Don Noel visits Monica in her room to ask why she wants to marry Juan. She is very fond of him. He's kind and generous. Juan is not an easy man he warns her. He could make her very happy or unhappy. Andres tells Aimee that Juan is his brother and her sister will marry him. Juan has always known they are brothers. Aimee doesn't want her to marry Juan. Don Noel tells Alberto that Moncia wants to marry Juan rather than him. He's not very happy. Juan walks in and they argue over Monica. He challenges Alberto but he doesn't accept. Aimee says her sister is crazy & should be put away in a mental institution. Then she looks for Juan & doesn't find him. She tells Monica that she won't marry Juan. Andres asks Juan why he never told him they were brothers and how he convinced his mother. Perhaps Dona Sofia was touched by his similar looks to Francisco. Juan will leave as soon as the papers are ready. Andres wants to know if he loves Monica & he replies that his feeling s don't count, only Monica's. The next morning Aimee goes to Juan's room. She asks why he didn't say anything to her & why he agreed to marry Monica. She'll never love him, will always look down on him. She's bad tough & arrogant. Juan tells her that Monica is just like her. She hopes he's as unhappy as he deserves. Juan & Monica see each other in the hallway, they sit to talk. He wants her to address him less formal, and wants to know since when she knows he's an Alcazar. Also why she wants to marry him. Monica knew since he arrived at CR & her mother mentioned the similarity between him & Francisco. She tells him that if she's not to his liking she'll understand. She is to his liking, she's very pretty, sweet and soft. She replies he is handsome. He appreciates it but wants her to answer his question. She tells him that if she must marry, she beleives they will get along well. Catalina walks in ,Juan is very grateful. He wants to marry asap. The wedding will be simple. He will not accept a dowry since Monica herself is a gift. He kisses her hand and walks away.

Aimee tells Monica that she's doing this to get back at her. Juan will think of her when they're making love. Monica doesn't care, he could think of the devil for all she cares. Andres wants to talk to Monica. (Juan heard this conversation from behind a tree). Before seeing Andres, Monica sees Juan. They walk together to the house and Juan asks if she's changed her mind. She doesn't answer him. Andres wants Monica to think about her decision very well. Her mind is made up. Aimee begs her mom to tell Monica not to marry Juan, she won't do it. Monica will marry him. Aimee yells at her you dammed witch. Catalina tells Sofia they'll be leaving to SP. She also asks Juan if he'll treat her daughter good. He says he has many defects but he'll never hit a woman. Asuzena tells Meche to leave with her to SP. She'll be better off. Monica gets there & is told about Bautista & what he does with the young poor girsl. She's shocked. Monica goes to tell Juan and asks him if he'll do something about it. He'll do his best. She should calm down. She doesn't think Andres knows about it. Juan says Andres is a sopiled little boy & so is she. He tells her a few horrible stories and then apologises. He kisses her tenderly and at the end of the kiss she walks out. To be continued**********

~~~~~SUMMARY 21 & 22~~~~~~~~Author: Melinda Date: 05-25-99 05:53 Whew! Sorry this is so long! The trouble is, this novela just doesn't waste words, and I feel like I have to include it ALL. ******* Juan, Sofia, and Noel go to the civil registry and change Juan's name. Juan tells Noel he plans to legitimize his business. He's going to buy a house worthy of a lady. Noel tells Juan he's worried that their marriage will be a disaster. Juan admits that he knows Monica is only marrying him to protect Andres, but he is determined to get married. Monica tells Teresa about her engagement. Catalina expresses her concern about the marriage, too, but Monica hushes her. Andres admits that now that he knows Juan better, he doesn't like him as much as he remembered. Alberto says that the romance b/w Monica and Juan just doesn't ring true to him--perhaps if it had been another type of girl, but not Monica. And besides, how is it you were willing for me to marry her, knowing that she had been involved with Juan? Andres says, I'm sure nothing truly compromising happened between them. Nevertheless, says Alberto, suppose it had been Aimee? Would you still have married her? Look, says Andres, I've already apologized.

Alberto asks after Aimee and Andres tells him she is in bed with a migraine--the truth is that her sister's behavior has upset her terribly. Andres goes to see her and she begs him to let her go to San Pedro with Monica to help her and Catalina with the wedding preparations. Juan goes to see Monica, who is nervous about being alone with him now that they're engaged. He says, don't be silly--I'm not planning to take advantage of you, I just want to agree on a few things. He tells her that the surname is a done deal. Has she changed her mind? No. He arranges to pick her up the next morning to go to the church and publish the banns. Who will be her witnesses? he wants to know. Her mother and Don Noel, she supposes. What about relatives? asks Juan. Andres and Aimee? No, says Monica. I don't think so. She says she will invite them but doubts that they will attend. Juan gets impatient with her reticence, and says that when she chased him all over Campo Real trying to keep him from hurting Andres, she wasn't so sparing of her words. M: It's that then, there was something important to discuss, whereas now . . . J: So, you think that our marriage is less important than Andres' happiness? He tells her that he wants them to talk, to get to know each other. He wants to know what pleases her, what she expects of him. M: I hope that you'll be a good husband. J: So tell me in your own words what makes a good husband, thinking about our life together. M: Well, that you not raise your voice to me, that you have good manners, respect me, and be an honorable man. J: That sounds fine for a father, or a brother. But between husband and wife there also exists--I won't say love, since evidently there isn't any between us, but at least intimacy. Do you think about that? M: Yes, but one shouldn't talk about those things. J: I can see that you're very different from your sister. He rises to go and says to her, "What a relief, right?" At the door, he takes her hand to kiss it, then pulls her to him and lays one on her. Alberto asks Aimee why she wants to go to San Pedro. She tells him that she's hoping to change Monica's mind, though she's stubborn as a mule. Even though Juan has his surname now, he'll never be a real gentleman. Andres and Sofia return with the news that the business of the name has been taken care of. Alberto is watching Aimee's reaction, and you can see the wheels turning in his head.

Catalina fusses at Monica for having entertained Juan alone and not sent for her. It's hard to argue with him, says Monica. Catalina tells her that she would have preferred to meet Juan at the church, because she's ashamed to be seen in the street with him. Monica says she's being unfair, that there have been princes and even kings born out of wedlock. Catalina hasn't resigned herself to the marriage yet, but Monica has--she's even growing to like the idea (bet that smooch at the door had something to do with it!) Sofia tells Aimee that no way will she permit her to go to San Pedro--she knows she's only going to see Juan. The only reason Andres is permitting it is that he doesn't know. Sofia calls her a slut, and Aimee says, I'm the wife of your son, and the mother of your future grandchildren--as a matter of fact, I think I'm pregnant already! Sofia says, so soon? Whose child is it!? Aimee insists that it's Andres' but Sofia says she doesn't believe her. Andres comes in and Sofia tells Andres about the pregnancy and that she doesn't think Aimee should go to San Pedro. Once Sofia leaves, Aimee tells Andres that obviously his mother is in control. Right on cue, Andres goes to see mom and tells that she's too hard on Aimee--and Sofia tells him that he's too soft. When a man spoils his wife with too much kindness, she takes advantage and learns to manipulate him. Aimee is a married woman now and can't go running around wherever she wants. You're not man enough to control her. Andres wants to know what this is all about and Sofia backs down, saying that she's in a bad mood because of the business with Juan's surname. How come? asks Andres. No one made you do it. Sofia: No, I did it because it seemed fair. Give my excuses to Alberto, but I won't dine with the family. I'm very tired. Catalina, Juan, and Monica make their way through San Pedro to the church, surrounded by curious eyes. Monica takes Juan's arm. Boy, the tongues are wagging now! Meanwhile, Andres drops Aimee off at Catalina's house and Lupe tells them that the others have gone to the church. Aimee is upset that the wedding is to be so soon. Aimee says, if only I had known earlier that Juan was Andres' brother . . .she pumps Lupe for information. Lupe tells her that Juan seems happy with the arrangement. At the church, FD is introduced to Juan and congratulates the happy couple when he learns that they are to be married. Catalina nearly has a stroke when Juan reveals that he's never been baptized nor received his first communion, a "detail" that must be taken care of before they can get married. Sofia sends Juanita for a workman to open the stubborn drawer. Juanita passes this info on to Bautista, who goes to Sofia and tells her that Rafael isn't available, but if he can be of help . . .No, says Sofia quickly, there's no hurry. Send Rafael to me when he gets back. Juanita tells Bautista that Sofia's been trying to get that drawer open for a while. Back at her house, Catalina's having a hissy fit over how embarrassing Juan's unbaptized state was. Monica comes to Juan's defense, and Cata goes into the kitchen to get something to drink (probably to have a nip or two of the cooking sherry . . .) When she's gone, Juan asks Monica if it was terribly

embarrassing for her. When she says no, he says, don't lie. Well, says Monica, it's just that it's pretty rare to come across someone who's never even been baptized. On the contrary, says Juan. The world is full of people who've never even heard of such a thing. M: Yes, but they are of different races, those who don't believe in our religion. At this point Aimee comes downstairs and Monica asks her what she's doing here. She says she's come to stay a few days, and Juan asks where her husband is. Juan takes his leave, and kisses Monica. He did that to bother me, to make me jealous, says Aimee (it's all about her, apparently). Oh yeah? says Monica. He kissed me yesterday, too, and you weren't even here. Catalina comes in and demands to know why Aimee has come. Aimee says, if I had known that you all were getting along so well with that bandit, I wouldn't have bothered. She goes up to her room and finds Juan there. We have to talk, she says. You can't marry her. He says, I want to talk to you, too. Monica is knocking on the locked door. You see? says Aimee. She's a harpy. I'll come to see you tonight at the beach house. I won't be there, says Juan. The only thing I want to tell you is not to try to interfere with my plans to marry your sister--because this time I swear to you I won't forgive you. He leaves, and Monica, to her great distress, sees him go out the window. Andres comes upon Bautista, who is waiting for Rafael to get the drawer open. When Andres comes in, Sofia tells him to leave it for tomorrow. Andres wants to help, so Sofia drags him off and tells Rafael to let her know when he's done. She tells Bautista to make sure Rafael doesn't take anything from her room (talk about setting the fox to watch the henhouse!) so Bautista goes in and takes the key from Rafael when he finishes. He finds the letter from Francisco and takes it, then relocks the drawer. Aimee is tormenting Monica with her knowledge of Juan's personal life. You're not going to live in his beach house? she says. M: No, he says he's buying a house. A: Will there be a honeymoon trip? Maybe he'll take you on the Satan. M: Satan? A: It's the name of his boat, didn't you know? Don't look so scared, it's only a name, although it does remind one of its owner--Juan *is* such a devil. You know, we may not come to the wedding. I'm pregnant . . . and the trouble is, I really don't know if it's Andres' or Juan's. I hope you won't be a little gossip and repeat this to our mother. You're lying, says Monica, and Aimee flounces out of the room.

Sofia looks frantically for the letter, and summons Bautista and accuses him of having stolen it. She pounds her little fists on his chest and smacks him about the face, but to no avail. At breakfast, Aimee insists to Catalina that she was never actually Juan's lover, that it was all a fabrication by Azucena and Monica. And furthermore, there's no need for Monica to sacrifice herself in this absurd way (oh, Aimee, you're so altruistic!) since whatever feelings she had for Juan are over with. And even more so now, since I'm going to have a baby. Sofia goes to Bautista's house and offers him money for the letter, which she claims is useless anyhow since Juan already has his surname. Bautista points out (thus revealing that he HAS read the letter) that Don Francisco also promised to give Juan part of Campo Real. He tells her that he would never be disloyal to her . . . but things have changed, and he needs some insurance against Andres, who doesn't like him. He was born here and wants to say here. Furthermore, what if Sofia changes her mind? He'll keep the letter, but somewhere they'd have to kill him to find it (eejit, don't put ideas in her head!) Catalina tells Monica she needs to forgive her sister. And it's not to late to change her mind about the wedding--they can sell the house and move far away. Aimee is in her room playing with a doll (!) when Lupe returns with the news that she hasn't been able to find Juan and deliver her message --he's moved from his house to the Posada del Tuerto. Aimee wants her to go find where that is. Lupe is worried that she will get in trouble with Catalina, but Aimee promises to cover for her. Noel arrives. He wants Monica to delay the wedding, and Catalina agrees. She tells Noel about the (supposed) pregnancy. Aimee torments Monica with the pregnancy and says, don't think that just because he's given you a couple of kisses that that means anything--Juan loves *me*! If he makes love to you, it will be only to satisfy his baser instincts. Monica tells her to shut up--all of this has come to pass because of her, why didn't she keep Juan when she had him, and leave her Andres. She goes flying off, and Juan sees her and catches up with her. He tells her to calm down, that he doesn't like to see her upset. He puts his coat down on the ground (oh, man, I am such a sucker for these romantic gestures!) for her to sit down--he wants for them to talk alone, not go back to the house where Aimee and Catalina are. She tells him she was crying because of an argument with Aimee, and he insists on knowing what it was about, but she blows it off. Juan wants to know why Aimee has come to San Pedro--to keep them from getting married? Did she convince you? Passionate kisses! Monica gives in for a minute, lies back on the grass--then runs away. In the evening, Aimee dresses like a peon and goes to see Juan. When she asks to sit down, he says, Which do you prefer--the chair or the bed? Aimee chooses the bed (surprise, surprise!) and he asks her, is that an invitation?

A: why not? J: I'm engaged, and you're a married woman. A: so? J: What did you come here for? to tell me again that I shouldn't marry your sister? A: Yes. J: You're wasting your time. And frankly, you're annoying me. A: I know I've hurt you. You don't know how sorry I am. But it's crazy for you to marry Monica just for revenge. J: I told you it's not for that. A: Whatever, you shouldn't do it. Monica doesn't love you, shell never love you. You can't marry a woman who's in love with someone else, who weeps for someone else. Just today she came to me with tears in her eyes, and said, "Why didn't you keep Juan and leave Andres to me?" Juan turns a look on her that could cut through steel. "When did she say this to you? What time?" A: A little bit before we ate, why? Please, don't marry her. We can see each other as much as you want. I'll convince Andres to let me come to San Pedro-Juan brushes her off, and says, you and your sister are two of a kind. Get out of here! Fine, says Aimee. But I love you, I really love you, and that's a reality you'll never escape, Juan. She leaves, and Juan pours himself a drink. The next morning he goes to see Noel, who says, before you go buying this house you'd better talk to Monica--apparently she no longer wants to marry you. J: One sister already left me waiting, I'm not going to permit this one to do it too! Noel tries to restrain him, but Juan says, I won't be converted into a clown for those two. If Monica doesn't want to marry me, let her say so to my face. This is worse than the time before, because now we've set a time for the wedding, the whole town in seething with gossip about it. Noel tells him that the marriage was always a bad idea, for the wrong motives, but Juan insists that he wants to go through with it, "porque s". Juan goes to see Monica and insists on talking to her alone. Catalina is hoping it will be to break the engagement.

Juan insists on knowing what has changed her mind--when he met her he thought she was different from her sister, but now he realizes that the two of them are just alike. M: That's not true! J: Then prove it to me by doing the opposite of what she's always done--by telling me the truth. Why don't you want to get married anymore? M: Because Aimee is expecting a baby. J: So? M; She says it's yours. J; You believed her? M: Why not? Since I myself saw you leave her bedroom the day before yesterday, the very day she arrived. That means that you're still seeing each other. Aimee comes downstairs and Juan grabs her and tells her to repeat in front of him what she said to Monica. How can she say the baby is his when there hasn't been anything between them for many months? Aimee claims it's all an invention of Monica's: If you were looking for a pretext to call off the wedding, you could have invented some other thing! (The girl really has no shame.) In any case, says Juan, now that we've cleared up this paternity issue, there's no reason to cancel the wedding. Aimee starts to object, and Juan interrupts her and makes her tell Monica that the only reason he went to visit her was to tell her to butt out of the wedding plans. He tells Aimee that he doesn't care what she thinks, and she says, Well, you should, because only a fool would marry a woman who feels only disgust for him. J: Enough! Don't embarrass your sister with your lies. A: Lies? (to Monica): tell him whether they're lies! M: Yes. They're lies. J: (to Aimee) You see? so stop spitting your venom. A: You two who have spoken so ill of me are a thousand times worse. Hypocrites! I hope you're as unhappy as you deserve. She leaves, and Juan says to Monica: Don't let it bother you. We both know how Aimee is. I'm going to buy the furniture for the house--I hope when I get back you won't have changed your mind again. I wouldn't want you to leave me in the lurch a few days before the wedding.

M: No. J: Do you swear it? but for real, not like your sister. Swear it, in the name of God. M. Yes. I swear it. Later, Catalina wants to know why Monica didn't break the engagement as they had agreed. I couldn't, says Monica. I want to marry him. I love him. Catalina says, but just yesterday you were in love with Andres. M: Not any more. I love Juan now. C: Are you sure? M: Yes. Catalina mentions Aimee's pregnancy in front of Lupe, who later says, Why didn't you tell me? Because it's not true, says Aimee. Don't be a pest. Aimee finds a picture of Andres with a romantic inscription on the back, and hides it in a hatbox. Andres arrives and she tells him that the pregnancy was a false alarm. Andres tells her that he's decided his behavior with Juan was selfish and unjust--that when you help out someone weaker, that reinforces your strength, but when that person turned out to be his equal, he felt humiliated. He's decided to do his best to integrate Juan into the family as an equal. Great, says Aimee. After the wedding, let's invite them to stay at Campo Real. Andres: I don't think that would please my mother. Aimee: Again with your mother! I know you two don't get along--that's why I've decided that you and I should come to San Pedro to live. Alberto goes to see Cajiga and Espindola, who are commiserating over Juan's good luck. Alberto suggests that they set a trap to prove that Juan's fortune was illegally gained--that way they can confiscate it. They come up with the idea of putting a spy in Juan's house--some poor orphan that he can talk the charitable Monica into accepting. Juan gives Monica an engagement ring. They kiss, and Aimee comes downstairs just in time to see. She tattles to Catalina, saying it wasn't a simple kiss either, the only thing left was for them to tear off their clothes (well, that's certainly what Melinda would have been doing if Juan kissed her like that, but that's another story). Catalina goes and fusses at Monica, who says, that's just how Juan is, Mama, and besides, we're going to get married in a few days. That's no excuse for such behavior, says Catalina. If you allow him to take these liberties, later he'll try for more.

M: More? (you mean there's more?) C: other intimacies. Monica says, now you mention it, there are some things I don't understand that I wish you'd explain to me. Catalina tells her she should talk to her sister, that these things are not for a mother and daughter to talk about. Better ask your husband, after you're married. And no more kisses! Andres goes by the new house to see Juan, who isn't there. Azucena tells Meche he probably came by to settle accounts with Juan because his wife was Juan's lover. Juan comes home and they tell him of Andres' visit. Meche tells Azucena that it's normal for a gentleman to want to marry a woman of his class. Juan's no gentleman, says Azucena, he just has better clothes now. He and Monica won't be happy, she's no good. Meche disagrees, saying that her grandparents say that Monica is a good woman, and in any case, there's nothing they can do. Monica, now desperate to learn about the birds and the bees, asks Lupe, who is overcome with embarrassment and won't tell her.

RE: Episodes 23 & 24 ---------- May 25, 1999 Author: Lupita Date: 05-26-99 05:08 San Pedro: Juan meets Andres in his study. They make small talk about Juan's new house and furniture. Juan gets to the point and asks Andres if he asked him over to talk about his upcoming marriage. Andres says no, that he wants to talk about his father - how he grew up thinking he was the only son only to find he now has to share with another. Juan replies sarcastically "Yes that poor devil you so generously wanted to help. Don't worry, you're the legitimate son and I'm the bastard". Andres asks Juan since he knew, why he didn't tell him before? Juan replies that he never thought he'd be recognized and that he didn't want to be pitied: "The person who comes from nowhere and makes something of himself is admired, but if you have a good name and fail in life, everyone feels sorry for you". Andres asks Juan why didn't you think we would recognize you? It was the circumstances replied Juan. What circumstances? asks Andres. Luck, says Juan. Andres goes on to offer Juan his sincere friendship "To show my sincerity, I'd like to be your best man". Juan looks surprise and a bit skeptical. Aimee and Catalina are sewing and discussing Monica and Juan kissing. Catalina asks Aimee to inform Monica of the facts of life. Aimee smirks like the cat that just ate the canary. Aimee goes to Monica's room, and proceeds to tell Monica how unpleasant it is to please your husband. "Don't you know what happens between a man and a woman in bed". No, what? replies Monica.

Downstairs, Don Noel has arrived and is conversing with Catalina about Juan and Monica. They hope that Monica loves Juan. Don Noel says that Juan is very noble and that he'll be a good husband. Catalina asks if Juan is marrying Monica to improve his social position or because he wants to forget Aimee. Upstairs, Monica and Aimee have had their tete a tete about the birds and the bees. It's not true, Monica says, horrified. You're just being mean. I don't believe you! Juan goes to Don Noel's house. They discuss the brotherly conversation with Andres. Juan is still skeptical. By the way, Dona Catalina says that Monica loves you. Juan is obviously pleased and smiles shyly. " How can she though, if she still loves Andres? No, she just likes me and my kisses". "Don't be rude and stubborn, Juan, why can't she fall in love with you?" . Don Noel says that Catalina wants to know why he agreed to marry Monica. "At first there were many reasons, but now the most important one is that I like her. But if Monica doesn't feel the same way, it will go badly for us". Evening at Dona Catalina's house. Monica is still stressing out about the wedding nights. She grills Catalina about her relationship with her husband - Did you love him? Was it better before or after marriage? Aimee told me some things, but I think she wants to scare me. Dona Catalina tells Monica that love comes with time and that losing your virginity is necessary have children "Don't be afraid, don't worry, it'll be all right". Next day. Juan visits Monica, who is rather withdrawn. Juan says "I don't understand you - you change from day to day. One day you're loving, the next you close up like a clam. What has Aimee been telling you? Why don't you trust me? I know it's got to do with your upbringing, but it's not too late to change". Monica answers "Please be patient with me". Juan says that patience isn't his strong point, but he'll try. Monica replies " I'll try to be a good wife and submit". A frustrated Juan answers" I don't want you to submit, but to love!". Campo Real: Andres and Sofia discuss all the gossip about the wedding. Sofia is scandalized that Andres offered to be the best man. Sofia refuses to attend the wedding. Andres and Alberto return to San Pedro. Juan is dressing for the wedding. Azucena is crying. Juan tells her not to be sad, that he still loves her, but in a different way. Azucena asks Juan why he's marrying Monica. Juan replies he doesn't really know, or maybe he's just scared to admit his feelings Monica is dressing for the wedding. Aimee comes in and tells her "It's nice now, but just wait till tonight!". Monica, with a dreamy expression "Whatever happens, it will be wonderful!" Wedding scene. In a haze (or was it the veil?), Monica approaches the altar and a very serious Juan. They exchange vows to wonderful Bach organ music. After the wedding, Alberto and Andres discuss the ceremony. Alberto comments that Aimee sure was in a bad mood!

Monica, in very sexy corset, waits nervously for Juan. Juan enters the room. He tries to put her at ease by making small talk about the wedding and party. Monica admits she's scared, she doesn't know anything about these things. Juan says he doesn't either. Monica looks surprised. After all, says Juan, it's the first time I've gotten married, too. Don't be afraid. He kisses her tenderly " Let's forget everything and start a new life". He initiates her into the pleasures of love. The next day, a radiant Monica is in the dining room. Juan enters and kisses her. Monica is embarrased that the maids might see them. Juan realizes just one night isn't enough to loosen her up. Aimee and Catalina are at breakfast. Catalina tells Aimee that she should go back to Campo Real with her husband. Aimee says she still has things to do in San Pedro, but plans to invite Juan and Monica to the hacienda. Catalina thinks it's a bad idea. Aimee leaves the table and goes to her room. She gets a picture of Andres out of her hatbox, takes it to Monica's room and hides it in Monica's luggage. At the jail, Alberto and Espinoza have blackmailed Joaquin into agreeing to spy on Juan. Alberto is going to try to get Monica to take him in as a servant. Alberto leaves. Espinoza tells Joaquin to come to him first with any information. Juan and Monica are sorting things out. Juan tells Monica that his friends are simple folk and that Azucena should not be treated as a servant, but as part of the family. Monica asks why they can't send Azucena back to the convent to finish her education? An angry Juan replies that he's not going to put up with Monica's uppity, aristocratic ways. Monica says that it's not that, but that how can Juan expect her to live under the same roof as someone who's been "something" to Juan. Juan is taken a back "Let me explain". Monica says "I don't blame you, it was a long time ago". Juan asks Monica "Is this prejudice or jealousy, I need to know!". The doorbell rings - it's Aimee with Monica's luggage. Juan leaves, saying that Aimee probably has some personal questions for Monica. "I hope your answers satisfy her", he leers. Aimee says "So tell me, how did it go?" Monica just smiles and Aimee looks crestfallen. Azucena unpacks and finds the picture of Andres that Aimee hid in Monica's luggage. Monica and Aimee continue their chat. " So, was Juan what you expected?" Monica replies that he was very sweet and tender. Aimee says "That means he's going to get bored soon. With me he was so passionate!". Monica says that they shouldn't be discussing these things. Aimee says "Why not, after all we have Juan in common". "Not anymore" says Monica. "He's my husband now". Aimee replies "But for how long - do you think he's just a one woman man?" Azucena comes in and is snippy. Aimee says she can't believe Juan already has Monica's replacement in the next room. Monica tells Aimee that she's heard enough of her poison! Aimee leaves. As Aimee and Lupe walk through the pueblo, Lupe tells Aimee she wasn't able to put the picture of Andres under Monica's pillow. Don't worry, says Aimee, Azucena will take care of everything for us. Andres goes to Catalina's house looking for Aimee. He informs Catalina that they will be moving to San Pedro, because Sofia and Aimee don't get along. Catalina asks who's idea was it, Aimee's or Sofia's?

Azucena shows Meche the picture of Andres that she found in Monica's luggage. Meche reads the inscription "You are. and always will be, my only love". Meche tells Azucena the whole story about Andres and Monica's broken engagement. At el Tuerto's cantina, Segundo and Juan are talking about the girls. Juan still has his doubts about Monica. Segundo asks Juan if he's having second thoughts. Juan replies "No, I'm just afraid I might get too fond of her". Segundo tells Juan to enjoy his luck at finally getting his rightfull name and getting such a lovely wife. Just let life take its course. Juan says "Maybe you're right. One has to take advantage of what life offers you". Juan leaves. Tuerto asks Segundo how Juan likes his little dove. Segundo replies "More than he realizes, he's already starting to feel jealous! Alberto goes to see Catalina and convinces her to talk to Monica about hiring Joaquin. Juan returns home to find a beautifully set table. "So, you know how to cook?" They kiss and Juan murmurs that Monica is a little witch out to trap him any way she can. Monica says" I thought you were hungry?" "Yes, hungry for you". Monica says "I never thought it would be this way". Juan starts to say that when you love each other - he stops in mid-sentence. He goes on to ask her what her feelings are. A disconcerted Monica replies that she's not comfortable speaking of these things. Juan backs off " Ok, let's see how good a cook you are". Back at Campo Real, Andres and Sofia discuss Aimee. Andres informs his mother that they are moving to San Pedro. Sofia begs them not to and apologizes for her harsh treatment of Aimee. Andres feels bad and thanks Sofia for her sacrifices. Juan and Monica are chatting at the table. Juan makes fun of Monica's housewifey skills. She's insulted. He says he's sorry, but what her class thinks is important, really is not. "It's not just being a wife, but being a woman. A being who thinks, has opinions, makes decisions". Monica replies that she's been taught that a wife always obeys her husband. Juan is disgusted " Don't be a martyr! I wan't a woman, not a slave! So argue, discuss, tell me what you think!" Monica replies " But why? Since I'll always do things your way". Juan smiles and says "Don't you think you could make me change my mind?" Alberto and Joaquin get their stories straight. Alberto wants all the poop. He thinks there's an important secret that Joaquin has to discover. Azucena is in the kitchen with Meche. She's upset and spills out her feelings. Meche's lends a sympathetic ear. At Campo Real, Andres tells Aimee the move to San Pedro has been postponned. Aimee goes ballistic and demands that Andres keep his promise to move. Andres stands firm and leaves the room. " We'll see about that! I'll get my way!" Juan and Monica happily return from touring the Satan. I'm going to get a new boat and name it Santa Monica, Juan jokes. Juan again asks Monica about her feelings towards him. Monica says that he's good, noble and that she loves him very much. Juan is thrilled! Monica is embarrased. Juan tells Monica

to never be embarrased with him "You're getting under my skin, like a sickness. I don't know what I'm going to do with you". "Whatever you want" flirts Monica. Juan, intensely " Don't dare deceive me. From you, I wouldn't be able to stand it". Monica swears never to deceive him. Aimee is in bed, pouting. She rants and raves at Andres that his mother can't stand me and you should've married Monica, and that she can't abide staying in Campo Real. Juan and Monica are in their bedroom discussing Azucena. Monica informs Juan that she's aware of their past. Juan asks Monica if she thinks he was an ogre to take advantage of Azucena "I know it doesn't justify anything, but all men do it. There are thousands of women like Azucena, who have no other choices in life. We are a lot a like - both homeless, subjected to beatings, hunger and cold. We've both fought to get ahead, but she had the bad luck to be born a woman. When you're poor, it's easier to defend yourself if your're a man. So please don't judge her. I want to marry her off, but haven't found anyone. I can't send her back to the convent because she'll escape and go back to her old life". A subdued Monica tells Juan that of course Azucena can stay. Juan tells Monica "It's your decision. I want you to be happy and never regret having married me". Andres tries to reach a compromise with Sofia about Aimee. Andres seems to feel that Monica is cheating on him by marrying Juan. He asks his mother if she gave Juan their name to make Monica feel better about Andress having dumped her. Catalina visits with Monica. Monica tells her how wonderfull Juan is - good, tender, he makes me laugh. Catalina is relieved "Do you love him?" "Yes, very much" replies Monica. "Does he love you?. "I don't know, but he respects me, pampers me and even asks for my opinion." Aimee tells Sofia she's bored with Campo Real. That Sofia did just fine on her own for so many years. Sofia tells Aimee that if she got pregnant, she wouldn't be bored "And besides, I know exactly why you want to move to San Pedro". Sofia calls Aimee a bad seed. Aimee goes running to Andres in tears. Sofia follows and tries to apologize. Catalina has convinced Monica to take in Joaquin, the poor orphan boy/spy, but not to tell Juan that it was Alberto's suggestion. Catalina goes on to inform Monica that Aimee and Andres are moving to San Pedro. Monica thinks it's because of Juan. She tells Catalina about Aimee's accusation that Juan was the cause of her supposed pregnancy. Monica wonders if Aimee is becoming obsessed with Juan. Catalina says the decision to move is not definite. I hope not, says Monica. To be continued

RE: Episodes 25 & 26 ---------- May 26, 1999 Author: Laura Date: 05-28-99 15:02 RECAP:Juan and Monica lie in bed. Juan tells Monica why he feels a bond with Azucena. They are both survivors/fighters... Azu had the misfortune of being born a woman. Monica tells Juan that she

understands and is ok w/ Azu staying. Juan tells her to first talk to Azu and then decide whether she stays or goes. Sophia and Andres dine alone since Aimee is angry that Andres has gone back on his word about moving to S.P. They discuss whether Monica began to see Juan before or after he broke off the engagement (just like a man to feel hurt even after he was already in love with Aimee!). Cata comes to see Monica at her new home. She is surprised to hear Monica's claims of happiness. Monica tells her that Juan is wonderful, good, tender, and he makes her laugh. Cata is open-mouthed, she tells Monica about when her husband used to get in bad moods. Monica laughs and says she knows his bad moods, but the good times more than make up for them. She admits that she really does care for Juan. Cata asks if he feels the same for her. Monica says she does not know, Juan hasn't said anything yet. He respects me, is considerate of me, wants me to think for myself and stand up for what I believe in. Cata stares at her in awe. She then tells Monica about Aimee & Andres planning to move to SP. Monica tell Cata about the story Aimee made up about the baby being Juan's. She confesses that she thinks Aimee even made up that she was pregnant to prevent J/M marriage. Cata is horrified and says that Aimee has lost her head...she's become obsessed with Juan. Monica becomes very distressed and tells Cata that it's not fair...she suffered alot when Aimee took Andres away from her. She couldn't live with her taking Juan away now. Cata tries to calm her by telling her that Juan loves her, doesn't he? Monica confesses that she does not know, he hasn't told her anything along those lines. Aimee and Sophia are left alone by Andres. Aimee begins to make jabs at Sophia about not staying in Campo Real. Sophia tries to remain calm but blows up calling Aimee a bad seed. Aimee then feigns tears and runs to tell Andres what Sophia has called her. Sophia runs into the despatche and tries to tell Andres it was a misunderstanding. Andres just stares at his mom. Andres takes Aimee to the bedroom to get her to calm down. She cries that she can no longer live in CR. How does he expect her to become pregnant when she can't even relax. Andres returns to the despatche to demand an explanation from his mother. Sophia tells him that she was very rude to her. She acts one way with him but another with her. She's a hypocrite. Andres becomes angered by this. Sophia backs down and tells him that if someone is going to leave, it will be her. He has to stay to run things and Aimee's place is with him. A quick cut to Aimee shows finds her screaming, "No! No! No!" She tells Andres that its just a trick on Sophia's part. She'll go SP and then come back in a few weeks and blame it on the heat. She tells Andres to not let his mother change his mind again. Monica is in the living room waiting to speak to Azu. Azu walks in and is on guard. She asks is she is being kicked out. Monica says no, but she wants to talk to her about her rude behavior and her future. She reassures Azu that Juan cares for her. Azu response is, "Yeah, but her married you, and for that I'll never forgive him." Monica resigns herself to speak bluntly to Azu. She tells Azu that Juan has left it up to her whether to kick Azu out or not. If you behave, aren't rude, and go to school at the convent everyday, you can stay. If not, then you can go. Azu gives just stares at Monica and runs out of the room.

Juan enters the house to find Monica looking in the direction Azu ran. She tells him about Cata's visit and Joaquin, the boy who needs a job. She also tells Juan about what she offered Azu. In the kitchen, Azu tells Meche about Monica's ultimatum. She mimics Monica and then tells Meche that she acts like she's the boss. As if Juan ever let a woman run his life. Meche tells her things are different now, she's his wife. Azu laughs and says, "A wife who's in love with someone else? What about that picture?" Don Noel comes and visits Catalina. She tells him that Monica has told her she is really beginning to care for Juan. Noel is happy and knew Juan would be good to her (how many days have they been married? one?). Cata then confides in him her and Monica's fear of Aimee/Andres (A/A) moving to SP. They are worried she will try and rekindle things with Juan. Noel tells her not to worry. If Juan is falling in love with Monica, like he thinks, then Aimee could be jumping loops and Juan wouldn't notice. Cata rolls her eyes and tells him, "If only men could be so trusting." Joaquin has arrived at Juan/Monica's (J/M). She takes him into the kitchen where she introduces him to Meche and just as she's about to say Azu - She cuts her off and says that she's no maid. Monica, holding back her anger, agrees and tells her she was going to say she was a guest in the house. After Monica leaves, Azu begins in on Joaquin. Who is he? He's not one of Juan's men. Is he here to cover up for Monica as her confidante? Joa tries to tell her that he's here only to work. Azu tells him to leave now. Meche cuts in between the two of them and tells Joa not to listen to her. Monica says he better listen to her. All that's left is for the Nina Monica to deceive Juan like her sister did. She storms out and Meche very nervously tells Joa not to listen to her. She talks just to talk. Joa leaves work and goes to the Capitan of the jail (what's his name anyways?) to report that he's in but has not learned anything yet. He has met the wife and 2 girls. One works, one just living there. Capitan asks if her name is Azu. And that she probably knows lots about Juan's contrabanding. He should buddy up to her to get info. Joa visits his brother in the jailcell and talks about how the work he's being forced to do for him. Meche scolds Azu for being so nasty to Monica, after all she has been nice to her. Azu says she's nice b/c of Juan not b/c she wants to. Meche warns her against doing something stupid with that picture. She'll tell Monica before she lets Azu do anything. Azu gives Meche a guilt trip about getting her out of the brothel. Monica and Juan have dinner. Monica tells Juan why Aimee was sent to the Capitol. Juan asks Monica if Aimee was already engaged to Andres in DF. Monica says she does not know but they had already met while there. Juan prods her about Andres breaking the engagement. She tells him that he did, he did it b/c he was in love with Aimee. Juan asks if it hurts. She says no, but Juan tells her she is lying. That any such deception would hurt, hurt your pride. He continues to push her even though she is becoming visually agitated. He asks her if the break-up led her to join the convent. She answers him that it is better to forget everything that's happened. Juan tells her nothing has been forgotten and that its better for them to talk. She says she is not ready... does not trust him enough and is afraid and ashamed that

he wouldn't understand. Juan gives her one of his piercing looks and tells her never to fear him, there's no reason to. She agrees but still feels the same way. Juan relents and tells her that they will have to speak of it eventually. He'll wait. On return to her house, Catalina finds Aimee waiting. She tells her that she and Andres are moving soon and she has come to prepare the house. Cata tells her she is not happy about this and knows she is really here only to try and take Juan from Monica. She tells her she knows about the baby incident. Aimee denies it and claims that Monica is insane. Cata walks away from her. Juan goes to visit Noel in order to begin legitimizing his buisinesses. Noel asks him how Monica is doing. Juan answers that he is not sure. She so quiet, reserved, afraid of him. Noel asks him if he'd rather she be more like her sister. Juan answers back that there is a difference between having character and being sly and manipulative like Aimee. He is no longer interested in Aimee. Noel tells him about A/A moving to SP. Noel tell Juan that Cata and Monica think it is so that Aimee can try and be with you. Juan wonders if Monica worries for Andres or for him. Noel laughs at Juan and says he's showing signs of jealousy. Juan tells him it is caution. Monica was in love with Andres yesterday. Noel returns, "And you with Aimee." (touche!) Juan just says he knows why she married him and would now find it a stretch to think she could actually care for him. Noel nods his head in disagreement and tells Juan, "You can add jealousy to your list of defects. Change your ways or you'll never be happy - and you'll make her a very damned person." In a moment of being alone, Alberto tells Sophia that he wishes to visit her often in Campo Real when A/A move. A woman so lovely should not have to be alone. Sophia is taken aback, but you can tell she is pleased at the comment. Azu comes into the kitchen where Monica and Meche are cooking. She tells Monica that Andres is there to see her. Azu smirks at her, insinuating a deeper purpose for the visit. Monica very nervously walks out. Meche scolds Azu for her rudeness in front of Joa. Azu says what does it matter what he hears, he's her personal servant. Joa denies it but Azu storms off. In the living room Monia nervously greets Andres. They sit and make small talk. Andres finally breaks down and asks Monica if she met Juan before he broke off the engagement. Monica says no. Andres is relieved and asks if she joined the convent b/c she could not really be with Juan. She says yes. Andres smiles and tells her he is glad Sophia gave Juan their name. Andres tells Monica that Aimee has come to stay and prepare the house for them to move. Monica looks uneasy. Just then Juan walks in and sees Andres. He gives Monica a pointed look. All become uncomfortable. Joa uses the excuse of having to go buy a chicken to meet with Alberto. Joa tells Alberto about the insinuations Azu made about Juan and Aimee. Alberto is happy to hear everything. Unbeknownst to them the Capitan has seen them talking. After Andres leaves Juan follows Monica into the bedroom and asks her why she seemed so nervous when Andres was there. She tells him b/c they are going to be moving to SP (is it just me or do you guys want to call this Pueblo Alegre?) and she fears Aimee will search out Juan. Juan stares at her and asks if

it bothers her b/c of Andres or b/c of him. She says for him b/c you're my husband... and for him b/c he deserves better. Juan angrily asks her why she cares for a fool...besides he wanted to marry a shameless woman. Monica retaliates by telling him, "And so did you." Juan smiles and says, "Very good. The time has come to talk.You know my story. Your sister sought me out. We became lovers. She promised to marry me. She didn't come through. The rest you know. Your turn." Monica begins, "Since I was a little girl, I was told I would marry Andres. Our mothers made the arrangement. I grew up full of dreams and thoughts of Andres. I should've known something when he never wrote. I didn't write either thinking it was the man's role. When he came back from Europe he stayed in the capital and met Aimee. When my godmother returned from visiting him she told me he had broken off our engagement. Later I found out it was b/c he was in love with Aimee. It hurt very much. He was my dream, my illusion of a husband." Juan turns away from Monica hurt by her description of her feelings for Andres. "Please understand me. In addition, I felt such humiliation. I wanted to die, so I decided to join the convent to hide." Juan asks what Andres thought of all this. Did he feel guilt over inspiring such an absurd decision in you? Monica tells Juan that she told everyone she was relieved about not having to marry Andres and how she faked a calling in the Church. Juan just smiles cynically and tells her, "Now that's pride. Did you hate Aimee? (Monica replies no) You lie! But lets say she angered you. She took your prince charming, shattered your dreams. But just as she had done to you, you decided to do to her. (Juan grows angry at this point.) And since you knew she still wanted me even after getting married you decided to take me away from her, like she had done w/Andres. Of course this was after you knew I was an Alcazar and would get the name. B/c no matter how much you hated her and wanted to protect Andres you would never have stooped low enough to mary a filthy sailor with a no-name like Juan del Diablo." Monica stares at him in awe. "It wasn't like that. She was always laughing at me saying that I was uptight. What man would look at me after having met her. And why not? She's prettier, knows how to speak/flirt, and (she looks at Juan with a smile and the verge of tears falling out) entertain." Juan exclaims that she has a thousand times better qualities than that. Monica smiles mockingly and says, "How kind of you. And it was in one of those fights that I said those things to her. To hurt her like she'd hurt me. But underneath it and what I later found out was...I felt, I don't know what, I didn't know what it was but something that I liked very much." Juan gives her a doubting look. "It's the truth! You know it, that's why you would look at me the way you would." Juan, acting as though he doesn't really care (but looking like he does) asks, "And when was it when you started to feel that I-don't-know-what?" Monica replies, "The day you told me that if you had been my fiance you would never have left me for another woman unless you were dumb and blind." Juan grabs her and asks if she is lying. She scream out no, why do you always doubt me. "B/c I'm afraid that everything you've said is a lie. A merciful lie or b/c I've backed you into a corner and you have no other options." Monica pleads, "It's not like that. I love you. I love you very much. I don't know how long, but it's all I care about in this world. You have to believe me." Juan soften but is still as intense as he answers, "I do believe you. I want to believe you b/c I need

to. But never let me doubt you, Monica. Lose faith. Please I beg of you." "Never. I swear." Music rises as they begin to kiss. (ooh gave me chills) Andres returns to his house in SP, he tells Sophia Alberto and Aimee about Juan's plan about going into commerce. Sophia on hearing that Aimee will visit Monica tells her she'll go to. Aimee throws her dagger looks. Andres decides to return to CR tomorrow and Sophia tells him she will stay with Aimee until he returns b/c it's not proper for a woman to stay alone. Aimee tries to say that Lupe can stay with her. Sophia finds it unsuitable. Aimee then says she will stay with J/M. Sophia says absolutely not and Andres agrees. When Andres and Alberto step into the den, Aimee asks Sophia what she is going to speak to her mother about later on. Sophia replies at what a harlot she's raised. And in no way will she be left alone in the house. In the den, Andres confides in Alberto how bad the situation is between Aimee and Sophia. He is beginning to think they hate each other. Alberto prods as to when the animosity began, was it when Juan arrived in CR? Andres doesn't understand and Alberto drops the questions (Boy, is Andres dense or what). When Sophia goes to visit Cata, Alberto follows her and sneaks into the Altamira house through Aimee's old room (ironic). He overhears Sophia yelling at Cata all of the humiliations she's had to endure to cover up Aimee's affair with Juan... even giving that bastard her name. Alberto sneaks out and runs into Noel who is coming to visit. He looks at Alberto suspiciously after Alberto says goodbye. Juan is at his desk in the house writing when Monica walks in and tells him she is ready. He turns around and stares and how beautiful she looks (blue dress with lace sleeves and a pretty straw hat). She twirls around for him and he tells her she is the prettiest woman. She giggles and says he's lying. He tenderly tells her she is the prettiest to him. She tells him that she wants to be seen on his arm. That people see them and see how proud she is. They tenderly kiss and Juan escorts her out. On the street they run into A/A and they all go back to their house for refreshments. Back at the Altamira house, Noel sees how upset Sophia has made Cata. Sophia tells him to leave. He defends Juan and Catalina against Sophia's terrible remarks. Sophia call him a poor nobody who should mind his business. Noel tells her it's his fault b/c if she hadn't kicked Juan out as a boy things would be different. Sophia answers, "Aimee would've laid down with somebody else. Once a harlot, always a harlot." Cata shows some nails and yells at Sophia, "To be quiet. None of this would have happened if Andres hadn't broken it off with Monica." Sophia says that the only wrong thing Andres did was fall for a loose woman. If Cata can't control Aimee then she'll tell Andres everything. Sophia then storms our. Noel reassures Cata that Sophia would never do that. In the jail house Cajiga comes and visits Espindola. Espindola tells him that Azu is in Juan's house. Cajiga lustfully lights up. At J/M's house, Monica is surprised to find an unknown boy in the kitchen. When she begins to ask who he is, Azu cuts in that he's her friend and she doesn't have to ask permission to invite someone

over. Serafin is uncomfortable and tells Monica he is Juan's friend. Monica is ashamed and walks into the living room. In the living room Aimee is being very sociable and tells the couple she is staying in town until Andres can move too. She won't be lonely with her mom and them for company. Aimee is clearly looking at Juan. Juan looks at Monica, who looks uncomfortable. After they leave, Juan nuzzles up to Monica who smiles and says she's glad they left. While everyone was out, Alberto seizes the opportunity to tell Sophia he knows what's happened between Juan and Aimee. And it would be very dangerous if Andres found out. But not to worry since he won't say anything. Sophia basically cries on Alberto's shoulder. Alberto then uses the chance to declare his feelings to Sophia. He is experiencing something new and wonderful (barf!!) Andres and Aimee walk in and Aimee tells them that Juan and Monica have offered to keep her company when she stays behind. Andres corrects her by saying she was the one who offered herself and that Monica didn't look pleased at the idea. Aimee just laughs and says that Monica is incapable of opening her mouth to state an opinion. She adds that she doesn't know what a man like Juan saw in her in the first place. Everyone just looks at her. Juan asks Monica why she is afraid of Aimee. Monica answers that Aimee is capable of anything to get him back. She tried everything to get me to not marry you. She even told me that to make love was horrible. Juan laughs at this and asks her if it was horrible. She tells him it wasn't funny and that she really was terrified. Aimee is capable of anything. Juan tenderly looks at Monica and says, "That might be. But I am no longer interested in her." Monica decides to talk to Aimee. Juan then turns serious and asks Monica how she feels about Andres. Monica looks at Juan and asks if her sincerely wants to know. He nods. Monica replies, "It hurts me. Does it bother you?" Juan looks away and says, "Don't know. I hated him for so long. Don Noel says it's a complex. Envy. And then when Aimee married him, I could've killed him. But now that I have you I can be generous." Monica smiles and tells him she's happy. Juan responds that she makes him happy. He loves her (what he says is "te quiero" which has many interpretations but I choose to think that he did not tell her he "liked her" ... that's no good nor romantic). They kiss. (Sigh) Joa reports to Espindola and Espindola attacks him. He tells Joa that he saw him meet Alberto in an alley. Joa tells him that it had nothing to do with contrabanding, just gossip. Espindola and Cajiga reply that they also like gossip. Joa tells them about Aimee and Juan. Cajiga laughs and says the rich act holier than thou but are the same as everyone else. Espindola doesn't think much of the gossip. Later in a tavern, Joaquin tells Cajiga that he's worried Espindola no longer trusts him. Cajiga tells him not to worry. Cajiga asks about Azu, Joa asks him how he knows Azu. Cajiga tells Joa about the Venta. Don Noel is still at Catalina's. He is saying goodnight and tells her that he does not agree with her decision regarding Aimee. Going to live with Sophia is a big sacrifice. Cata agrees but can't think of anything better. Noel tells her to at least defend herself.

Juan waits for Monica in bed. She is fussing over some clothes. Juan asks her if anything is wrong. She says yes, Azu has been very rude to her, especially in front of others. She tells him what happened in the kitchen with Serafin. Juan says that he is a friend of his. Monica says that's fine but she answered me in a way so that Meche and Serafin would clearly know that she paid me no mind. Juan says he will talk to Azu. Monica asks him not to be too hard. Juan bitingly says that he knows how to handle Azu. Then he softens up and asks her never to keep anything from him. "You belong to me. If someone offends you, they offend me." She sits down on the bed and hugs him. The next morning, Meche walks into the kitchen and finds Azu throwing up. She tells her that she knows she's thrown up before and since they live together, also knows that she has not had her period in two months. (wow, how long was everybody at the hacienda?) Is it Lupe Cajiga's? Azu threatens she'll kill her if she tells anyone. Catalina goes to A/A house to tell Sophia she has a plan to control Aimee. Joa comes into the kitchen and asks Meche how she and Azu know each other. Meche kind of awkwardly tells him that they met while working at an inn near where she was born. Little does Meche know that Joa knows what "inn" she's talking about. Juan walks in looking for Azu and sees Joa. Joa nervously introduces himself and Juan walks out. Meche laughs at his fear. Juan tells Monica Azu is out. Monica asks Juan for one last chance with Azu. Juan tells her it will do very little, but since she commands him, he agrees. Monica laughs and says she does no such thing. Juan leans on one of the posts of the bed. He says, "It's true. She's bewitched him." Monica tries to lean on the post and kiss him, he playfully pulls back. They both laugh and begin to kiss. To Be Continued..................

~~~~~Summary ~~~~~ Episodes 27 & 28 Author: Maggie13 Date: 05-30-99 05:08 Monica and Juan start the day by kissing at the Bedpostahhhhh. Meanwhile back at the farm. Sofia tells Aimee she is trash.Noel and Andres are looking for an Administrator for Campo Real, Andres does not trust BautistaHe is also upset because things are not working out as he planned, his mother and his wife do not get along (understatement!) Noel offers to help with CR (Campo Real) and Juan arrives as Andres is leavingNoel tells Juan that Andres is depressed that things aren't turning out as he imagined and he warns Juan that Aimee is planning to move back to SP (San Pedro)Juan says that if Aimee tries to bother Monica, he will teach her a lesson she will never forgetNoel tells Juan that Joaquin was planted in Juan's house by Alberto They are concerned that Cajiga and Espindola are in cahoots with Alberto and Juan worries about Monica's safety.

Monica tells Azucena she must behave like a decent young lady and that she is the lady of the house whether Azucena likes it or not.Aimee visits her mother and Catalina informs her that they are ALL going back to CRAimee cries those Expert Crocodile Tears and says everyone hates her. Dona Catalina in a rare moment of lucidity and wisdom says, "It can't be daughter, that everyone else is lying and you are the only one saying the truth." (as I was writing this my mom called Aimee -Una Virginia cualquiera, thought you'd like to know ;o)) Aimee storms off in a huffMeche tells Monica that Azucena has gone to see Juan and taken The Picture (of Andres that Aimee planted in Monica's suitcase). Azucena arrives at El Tuerto's and shows Juan the picture. He is not pleased. (Incensed would be more like it actually.) He tells Azucena to go home and not say a word to anyone. (Seems to me Juan should sign up for those Anger Management Classes that made Deme's evil twin disappear <vbg>) Aimee is at Monica's house, trying to get Monica to let her stay with them while the rest of the family goes to CR. (that girl ain't to proud to beg! Sheesh!) She even pleads for forgiveness from Monica. Fine, Monica says, I will forgive you. But under NO circumstances will I let you stay here. In walks Juan (take deep breaths people, it's not gonna be pretty). Juan ignores Monica and fawns over Aimee. She asks again for permision to stay with them and he not only agrees, he would be just DELIGHTED. (Monica is in the background holding back tears at this exchange.) Aimee leaves satisfied and Monica asks, how could you do that??? He tells her she is worth less than hers sister, that at least Aimee does not hide what she is. (yeah, right.) Monica is bereft AND confused, What have I done??? She asks. Juan shows her the picture and asks, What! Is! This!? And reads the back which something to the effect of My one and only loveMonica, crying says she doesn't know what he's talking about, that is an old picture, whatever he is thinking, it's not true. Juan says, I'll tell you what is True. You still love Andres and made the Enormous sacrifice of marrying MEMonica still crying insists that's not true and he says, the only truth is THIS and throws the picture in her face.He then asks Azucena about Joaquin and tells Monica, she deserves nothing and forbids her to speak in his presence. (In case anyone was wondering WHY he is called Juan del Diablo, now you know.<g>) Juan leaves and Monica asks Azucena (rather forcefully) where Azucena found that picture.She's off to her mother's house.Juan goes to El Tuerto's and tells Segundo to have Serafin go to his house and find out what Joaquin is up to.Monica tells her mother she is positive Aimee planted that picture to cause problems between her and Juan and if she loses Juan over this, she will never forgive Aimee.Juan is at his room at El Tuerto's with a waitress named Rosa, he is tempted to sleep with her but decides not toMonica goes to El Tuerto's and insists on seeing Juan. Juan tells Segundo to tell Monica to leave AND that he Forbids her from ever coming to a place like this again. (He seems to be in Forbid-Mode today.anyone remembering when Demetrio told Teodoro not to let Veronica help with the hurricanewhat is it with the forbidding thing anyway?).Monica, who will not be daunted easily, continues to insist and only when Segundo explains that Juan has female company upstairs, does she

relent and go home. (Monica is even more upset of course and Juan is annoyed because after all, nothing happened.) Cajiga and Espindola plot against Juan. Alberto woos Sofia. Aimee informs Sofia and Andres she will be staying with Juan and Monica. Andres wants Aimee to go to CR until the harvesting ends. She complains. He puts his foot down on this one. She is coming with the rest of the family and that's the end of that. (if you ever wondered if they were truly brothers - well, now you know <g>).Cajiga meets with Bautista and confirms his suspicions about Juan and Aimee being lovers, they plan to blackmail Aimee and then tell Andres the truth anyway (Cajiga reincarnated as Don Nato, I am sure!)Cajiga gives Bautista a letter to give to Aimee to begin the blackmail plot.Dona Catalina and Aimee argue (for a change!).Bautista asks Andres for his old job as administrator back.Aimee begs Andres to back to SP. She says she hates CR. Don Noel goes to visit Juan at El Tuerto'sHe gives Juan the scoop, that the picture was planted by Aimee to cause trouble and he tells Juan he is sad about the whole thing, he thought Juan was finally happy - successful and with a good wife, in loveJuan says, yes, in love, but not with me. Noel asks him if he really believes that. Juan says he doesn't know, and that is what does not let him live. He explains how he fell in love with Aimee and how much her betrayal hurt him - and then there was Monica. She was like an Angel, Sweet, Tender, Soft. And she would defend Andres so vehemently and he thought: Why can't I have a woman like that? Who will love me so intensely? Noel responds, you already have her. Her body, yes. Juan says, but her soul? Noel warns Juan to get over his jealousy or it will ruin his marriage. He tells Juan to go home and ask for forgiveness. Monica goes to sleep crying on Juan's side of the bed. The next day. Monica asks Serafin why Juan sent himhe says he doesn't knowAzucena visits Juan at El Tuerto's, she want to go on Juan's next trip. Juan tells Azucena he is getting tired. "She is pulling too tightly on the string and it may snap" He tells her Monica is his wife and she must be respected as such, if she is not willing to do that, then she shouldn't come back to the house. Juan goes back home (Finally!) and Monica is eatingShe tells him she went to church and to the market with Joaquin, he tells her to go out with Meche and Serafin instead. He is concerned because Joaquin was recommended by Alberto and he has enemies who would do anything to see him suffer.. Monica tells Juan she is tired of his doubts, accusations and insults and she didn't bring that picture and that if he doesn't believe her, she doesn't care (go Monica!) but what HE did.she starts crying and walks out of the room He follows her upstairs. He asks for forgiveness for his doubts and for everything he said (I'm assuming this means all that Forbidding business.) He says he was very hurt by her sister. She says that is not her fault, that she has shown him how much she loves him repeatedly. He says he loves her but that he is jealous. She says she is jealous too and she doesn't care what every other man does (i.e. sleeping with other women) He says, how could he be with anyone else when she is the one who drives him crazy? (aaahhhh) She asks him if he will doubt her again. He says no. (and quick

too! He gets points for not having to ponder!) She says she never thought she would feel a love like this and he says.(break out the hankies) Monica, I don't know what you have done to me. I would let myself be killed for you. (all together now.<Wistful Sigh>) She saysyo tambien (me too sounds too anti-climactic don't ya think?) And they KISS. Bautista gives Andres The Letter. Juan is going on a trip and Monica wants to come along. He says this is a work trip but when he returns they will plan another one, with only a few sea men, who will leave them alone at all the appropriate moments <g>. They KISS again.. Azucena waits until Juan leaves to drop the next bombshell. She is pregnant, she tells Monica and Juan is the father. Monica (who has been through this before) says it can't be. Azucena has her plan all set, she tells Monica if she tells Juan, she will deny everything and say someone else is the father. (which, of course, someone else is) Andres has words with Alberto about the courting of this mother and warns him, should they get married, Alberto will not see a cent of Andres's money. To be continued. Sofia and Alberto plot against AimeeThey tell Andres they are all going back to CR including Catalina.

~~~~Summary 28 & 29 ~~~~Author: Maria Krane Date: 06-01-99 15:37 The scene opens in the bedroom with Monica and Juan. Juan tells her that nothing happened between him and the girl at the tavern.Juan tells Monica, How can I want anyone else when I have you? She asks him if he will ever doubt her again (referring to the picture of Andres that Aimee put in the suitcase with Monicas clothes that started the whole business). Juan replies that he will never doubt her again. Monica says, Really? and he says really. Juan tells Monica that he would die for her, and she replies that she too, would die for him. They kiss. Bautista brings a letter to Andres that is addressed to Aimee. Andres doesnt think much of it. Juan tells Monica that he is going on a business trip on his ship, but that the next trip he goes on he will take her with him. It will be a very intimate trip with few hands on board so that theyll have privacy.

He tells her that he needs to leave for a little while and will be back soon. They tell each other that they love each other and kiss. When Juan exits, we see Azucena waiting outside the house for him to leave. She rushes in and tells Monica that she is pregnant and that the father of her baby is Juan. Monica doesnt believe her. Azucena tells her that Juan is the only many she has ever loved. Monica wants to know if Azucena has told Juan. Azucena says that she has told Juan and that Juan warned her that if Monica found out, he would run her off and deny that the child was his. Monica wants to know why Azucena is doing this. She wants to know if Azucena wants to hurt her. Azucena tells her yes, I want you to hurt as much as I do. Monica tells her that someone once tried to trick her with a similar lie and that perhaps Azucena is also lying. Azucena tells her that these things cant be kept a secret for long and that soon everyone will know she is pregnant. Azucena also tells her that if she tells Juan, shell deny every having said anything.

Andres summons Alberto to his library to discuss Albertos relationship with Sofia (his mother). Andres feels that Alberto is only using his mother and doesnt care for her. Andres warns him that if he does marry Sofia he will not see a dime from him. Juan and Segundo are talking about what to do with Azucena who is causing a lot of trouble between Juan and Monica. Juan wants to do the right thing and get her married to a decent man. Serafin enters and tells them that he believes Joaquin is a liar because he has denied knowing el Capitan Espindola. Joaquin also denied having a brother in jail. Joaquin sees his brother in jail. His brother tells Joaquin to confess what is happening to Juan del Diablo, because Espindola is corrupt and Juan will help him. Monica finds Azucena in the kitchen and tell her that tomorrow she will take her to the doctor, and that if it is true that she is expecting a baby, Monica can stay there no matter what Juan says, even if it is Juans baby. Monica cant understand how Juan could have had sex with Azucena when she was so sick at Campo Real. Monica says Juan is kind and sincere, he is not like that. She cant believe that Juan threatened to throw Azucena out on the street if she told Monica that her baby was Juans. Azucena tells her that she doesnt know Juan and that he becomes a real demon when he is angry. Andres and his mother are discussing her marriage with Alberto. They also start discussing the possibility of Aimee living in San Pedro part of the time while he is at Campo Real. Sofia insists that a young wife needs to be with her husband in order to avoid any temptations. Andres tells her that this is the second time she makes these insinuations and he wants to know why. He adds that this cant happen to someone like Aimee with her upbringing and high moral code. Alberto and Sofia talk about Aimee and what to do with her.Bautista goes to the library and looks on Andress desk and notices that the letter has not been read. When Juan returns from his outing, Monica demeanor has changed. She fakes a headache in order not to have to say too much to him. Juan is worried about leaving on a trip with Monica being so cold

toward him. He asks her if something happened during his absence butt she tells him no. He kisses her cheek and she feigns sleep and turns off the light. The next morning he kisses her goodbye while she pretends to sleep. Andres sees the letter on his desk, opens and reads it. He runs to Aimee and asks her if it is true. She doesnt know what he is talking about. He runs out of the room. Catalina comes in and Aimee tells her that she thinks the cat is out of the bag! Andres goes to Bautista and asks if he knows who gave him the letter. Bautista says that Guadalupe Cajiga gave him the letter but that out of respect for Andres he gave the letter to him instead of to Aimee. Andres wants to know if it is true (what is in the letter). Bautista says that yes it is true, that he himseld overheard Aimee and Juan talking one day. Aimee told Juan that there was no need for them to run away together because she could go to San Pedro with the pretext that her mother was slone and that they could see each other there. He also adds that this happened shortly before Juan was given the surname Alcazar y del Valle. Bautista tells Andres that he didnt say anything to him because he was afraid of what Dona Sofia might do to him if she found out he had told since she didnt want Andres to find out that Juan was his brother. Andres returns to Aimee and tries to choke her. Catalina calls for help and Sofia and Alberto enter. They break things up. Andres wants to know why his own mother kept the truth from him. Sofia continue to deny knowing what is going on. Andres goes to his library and gets a gun and leaves with Bautista to San Pedro. Sofia throws Aimee and Catalina out of the house. The doctor confirms that Azucena is pregnant. Andres goes to Juans house but finds out that he is out of town on business and that Monica is not at home. He decides to wait for Monica to return. When Monica and Azucena arrive, he confronts Monica and tells her tht Juan is a delinquent and a ruffian. Monica tries to explain how things actually happened but Andres believes that Monica married Juan to protect him (Andres) because she is still in love with him. Monica goes to look for Don Noel for help. Meanwhile, Joaquin is searching through their house to see if he can find any signs of contraband to help el Capitan Espindola. He finds nothing. Dona Catalina worries about what people will say when the word gets out. Monica tells Don Noel everything that has happened and asks for his help. Andres goes to find Aimee at her mothers house and tells her mother that he repudiates her and that he is going to divorce her. Furthermore, Aimee is not to use his surname anymore. Dona Catalina is very upset but Aimee says that she is very happy and that she is glad it is finally over and that she can do what ever she wants. Alberto visits Espindola and they talk about Cajigas sending the letter to Andres. Cajiga wants Juan in jail and if Andres is in good terms with Juan, Juan wont stay in jail for long. That is why the letter was sent. Cajiga wants to entrap Juan and use contraband to put him in jail. If that happens they can

confiscate all Juans money and property and split it amongst themselves. Once in jail they can do away with Juan. Monica and Don Noel talk devising a plan to help Juan. Monica wants Juan to stay away for a while. Andres tell Alberto he is going to kill Juan to free Monica from him. Alberto says theres a better way. He gives Andres a capsulized version of the plan he has devised with Espindola, not mentioning names. El Tuerto finds Joaquin at Juan and Monicas house and wants to know why he is still working there. El Tuerto tells Joaquin that he is being watched and that Juan has decided to fire him. To avoid Juan and Andres getting into a duel, Alberto tells Dona Sofia of Espindolas plan to which she agrees. Don Noel decides to send Juan a telegram warning him of wht has happened. Alberto tells Espindola that he wants Juan arrested as soon as he returns to San Pedro. Albertp says that Dona Sofia is willing to help out financially. Espindola says that once in jail, they can even get Juan for murdering someone. Espindola changes a document that says he received 10 boxes of contraband arms, to reflect only 8. That way he can use the two boxes to put in Juans warehouse with other contraband. Theyll add a dead man too. Sofia and Alberto talk about the plan that has been devised to arrest Juan. Sofia also wants Alberto to come up with a plan so tht Andres wont divorce Aimee. She tells him to do ANYTHING to avoid that divorce. Monica asks Meche if she knew tht Azucena was pregnant. Meche says yes. Monica wants to know if Meche knows who the father is. if Azucena told Meche who the father of the baby was. Meche tells her that she suspects that the father of Azucenas baby is Guadalupe Cajiga the owner of La Venta where they both worked. She tells Monica that Cajiga forced himself on Azucena, shortly before they escaped. (This may be incomplete due to an error in transmission, I will try to clarify this asap--AnnaRosa) RE: ~~~~Summary 28 & 29 ~~~~Last two lines Author: Maria Krane Date: 06-02-99 14:04 Monica wants to know if Azucena told Meche who the father of her baby was. She (Meche) tells her no, but if not Cajiga, then who? The End

~~~~summary 31 & 32 ~~~~~~~~ Author: Melinda Date: 06-01-99 10:07 Juan tells Segundo he's worried that Aimee or Azucena is behind Monica's estrangement from him.

Joaquin tells Cajiga that he's been fired, and is afraid of Espindola. Alberto gives Espindola a wad of cash from Sofia, and tells him that he gets the other half when Juan is imprisoned. And no one is to know that she is involved. Alberto leaves, Cajiga arrives, and tells Espindola that Joaquin has been fired. Monica leaves a message for Noel, who is visiting Sofia, planting in her mind the idea that if there's a duel, Juan will win. She is calm and convinced that nothing can happen to Andres, who appears at this moment, grubby and disheveled after days of nonstop drinking. Noel tries to reason with him, he insists that Juan and Aimee were lovers after they were married. Andres tells him he's planning to take the Alcazar surname away from Juan. Catalina begs Sofia to talk Andres out of a divorce. Sofia tells her that Aimee deserves to be dead. Monica comes to Catalina's house, and Aimee tells her that she hopes Juan will kill Andres so that she'll be free to have Juan. She tells Monica that she can't hope to compete with her. Monica says, you may be prettier, but I have the love of Juan. Juan gets the telegram and decides to return to San Pedro immediately. Catalina begs Aimee to go on her knees before her husband and her aunt to beg them to prevent a duel, so that there won't be a scandal and the family won't suffer social rejection. Noel tells Monica that Andres is determined to go through with a duel. Monica asks Noel about Cajiga, and tells him about Azucena's pregnancy. He says, don't tell Juan, because he'll want to kill Cajiga. And what if it's someone else? asks Noel, but Monica doesn't want to go there. Alberto and Andres talk about divorce--currently in Mexico, civil divorce is possible but since it doesn't dissolve the religious marriage, the husband is not free to remarry. Andres thinks he can push a new law through the legislature changing this.

Noel and El Tuerto make plans to cut Juan off at the pass. Sofia tries to change Andres' mind, but he's really ticked off at her for not telling him about Aimee before, and politely tells her to buzz off. Alberto asks Sofia if she thinks Monica still loves Andres. He says he has a solution that will avoid scandal, but will only tell her about it if he succeeds. It'll be his wedding present. Andres, looking like he has a section of rebar up his behind, arrives to visit Monica. She begs him to abandon the idea of a duel. He says, maybe Christ could forgive, but I'm not Christ. She tries to convince him that Juan never did anything with Aimee under his roof, that she loves Juan now, but the unbelievably egotistical Andres insists to her that she is lying, that in her heart she loves him. She tells him that if harm comes to Juan by his hand, she will never forget it and Andres will never see her again in his life.

Noel and ET go to intercept Juan. Espindola plants the illegal arms and the stiff in Juan's warehouse. Monica prays. Noel tells ET that Azucena is pregnant. Juan arrives at full gallop and is diverted so the guards won't catch him. He arrives home and someone sees him enter and leaves to inform Espindola. Monica pleads with Juan to leave immediately. He refuses--he tells her to trust him, that to run away would be to admit guilt. Besides, fleeing is contrary to his manner of thinking. Juan wants to set up a meeting at the beach house with Andres, but soldiers arrive to arrest him. Noel and El Tuerto struggle with the guards. One of them shoots at Juan, wounding him in the head. He loses consciousness. The next morning Monica is at the jail, but Espindola won't let her in to see Juan. She sends Meche off to Catalina's to try to get Andres' help. Juan regains consciousness, in a cell with ET and Noel, who tell him that the head wound was superficial but that he has lost a lot of blood. Alberto tells Sofia that the plan has succeeded. Better to let Andres find out from someone else. Noel tells Juan that he thinks Alberto and Sofia are behind it, in an effort to save Andres' life. Catalina tells Andres the news. Aimee arrives at the jail. She goes in to see Espindola and tells him that she is there on Andres' behalf. Meanwhile Andres arrives, and gets Espindola to tell them that the wound was not serious. Andres sends her home. Catalina is asking Sofia for help with Juan, but she is implacable. Alberto makes a show of helping Catalina. A guard comes and releases Noel. Juan asks him to tell Monica not to worry, that he'll be out soon, and that he loves her like no one. Noel leaves and finds Andres talking to Espindola. He tells Andres that he is sure this is a frame-up engineered by his mother. Espindola says the corpse hasn't been identified, and tells Noel that he's noted a change in Andres' attitude toward Juan. Aimee and Monica discuss the situation. In the kitchen, Meche commiserates with Joaquin, who says he can probably find out something since his brother is in the jail. Aimee tells Monica that none of this is her fault since what happened between her and Juan was before she was married. Monica says, don't think that I'm stupid. I can fight you, and with your own weapons. Andres arrives and upbraids Aimee for having used his surname. He tells Monica that she needs to open her eyes--Juan is a criminal. Andres refuses to help her to see Juan, and says that Juan is getting what he deserves. He tells her that Juan will never return with her.

Noel returns to the cell, and gives Juan the news that there are witnesses who claim to have seen Juan putting the arms in the warehouse. Juan thinks that Andres is behind it, but Noel says he thinks not--that he thinks that it was Sofia, to avoid a duel between them. Juan asks Noel to tell Monica that he is innocent, not to let her doubt him. Aimee comes home and scolds Lupe for having told her secrets to Catalina and Monica. Lupe promises it won't happen again, and Aimee says she will test her--she gives her a letter to carry. Joaquin goes to the jail to see his brother and Espindola tells him he won't be seeing his brother for a while, as punishment for getting fired from Juan's and that if he tells anyone he'll never see his brother again. Andres comes to the jail and asks Espindola not to grant Monica's requests to see her husband. And that by the way, Aimee is nothing of his. Juan speculates that there's a way to trace the serial numbers on the guns. He's worried about Monica, that they will turn her against him. Dona Sofia has never forgiven him for the matter of the surname. He wonders whether Monica really loves him. Noel arrives at Monica's house and asks her what time Juan got home. She tells him about 4:15 or 4:20. He says that that's the time he was supposedly seen putting the guns in the warehouse, and that he is sure Sofia is behind all this. At the Alcazar house, Catalina is still begging for Sofia's help when Andres gets home. He takes Alberto aside and says, it's a big coincidence that just yesterday you were saying it would be better if Juan were in jail . . . did you have something to do with this? Sofia comes in and Andres tells her that he is convinced that Noel is correct. Sofia claims to be incapable of such a thing, but Andres tells her he's tired of her meddling in his life as if he were a child, and he prohibits her from further interference. Espindola takes the letter from Lupe and says, tell your mistress I am at her disposal. Lupe carries the message and Aimee says she may have to make use of some of the jewels Andres has given her, but not a word to her mother, you understand? Alberto tells Sofia not to worry. Espindola discusses with Cajiga the plans to confiscate Juan's fortune, and to have a little fun with Aimee while he's at it. A servant brings water to Juan and ET, who asks him about the cantina--he has seen him there from time to time. Juan thinks maybe they can make use of him. He urges ET to leave if he can, since he'll be more use to him outside than inside. If they convict Juan, he wants them to plan an escape. Andres reinstates Bautista as administrator. Sofia demands the letter from him, but he claims to have burned it. She tells him she hopes he breaks his neck on the way to Campo Real.

Monica arrives to talk to Sofia. Bautista tells Andres, who gives him a telegram to send. Monica asks if they are behind Juan's arrest, and Sofia flies into a rage, but Andres shuts her up. Andres swears to Monica that he had nothing to do with the matter. He tells her that Juan is in jail by his own fault, and she says that if she finds out they had anything to do with it, she will never forgive him.

RE: ***Summary***Episodes 33 & 34 ---------- June 1, 1999 Author: Carla Date: 06-03-99 05:11 Tuesday's episode resumed with Juan and Tuerto in jail-they are brought water, but obviously it tastes like crap. Juan tells Tuerto that he has to go free if they release him. Tuerto doesn't want to leave Juan, but Juan tells him not to be stupid, that he is more valuable to him on the outside. Juan says that if he is condemned he needs their help in helping him escape from jail. Andres appoints Bautista Campo Real administrator again. He tells Sofia his good news and she asks him for the letter he stole from her. Since he is administrator again she wants him to return it back to her. Bautista refuses telling Sofia that he burned it, she doesn't believe him. Monica goes to see Sofia and Andres. She asks them for the truth, were they responsible for Juan's entrapment. Monica tells Andres that they better of not have been involved because sooner or later they will pay if they were responsible. Alberto pays off Capitan Spindola. Juan wonders about Monica, what is she doing, how come she hasn't gone to see him, she must think he's guilty. He fears that she is going to suffer because of him. Don Noel tells Pedro about Juan and the situation. Mitche tells Monica that Joaquin is going to see if he can see his brother who is in jail and will try to see Juan while there (little does he know that his brother is very DEAD). Police officers show up at Juan & Monica house. They tell her that they are there to put un embargo against the house. They ask for her signature but she refuses and throws them out. Alberto tells Monica that the situation is in her hands. She asks Alberto to be honest with her, was Sofia responsible for Juan's situation. He denies her involvement. Alberto tells Monica that he spoke to Spindola and that Juan will be sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment. But there is a possibility she can help. Alberto tells her about Andres impending divorce and annulment. He tells her (in not so many words) that if Juan's last name is taken away that her marriage is invalid and hints to her that she and Andres could then marry. Sandovino returns to Juan's cell. He brings him a bottle to clean Juan's wound. Monica tells Alberto that she will not marry Andres. Alberto wants to leave, but Monica tells him to stay and explain what he meant. How is the situation in her hands? Alberto hesitates, but says she has influence over Andres and that he will do anything she wants. Monica tells Alberto she asked him for help and he refused. Alberto tells her that he refused because she didn't offer anything in return. If she were to insinuate to Andres that she shares in his feelings, he might set Juan free (sounds like Alberto is playing devils advocate). Pedro asks Azucena and Sarafin to ask everyone in the community to see if they saw anyone who put those boxes in Juan's warehouse. Azucena asks who the dead person was. Pedro tells her that he

doesn't know but if he is from San Pedro it won't be difficult to know who he is. When someone disappears they know. Monica goes to see Don Noel and tells him what Alberto told her. That Andres is going to take away Juan's last name so that her marriage to Juan won't be valid. He is also going to pull strings at the capital for his divorce/annulment so that he can marry again-he wants to marry Monica. She goes on to tell him about the embargo against the house. She asks Don Noel to tell her everything. He explains that the government could take all his belongings including his money. Monica tells him that the only way to help Juan is for her to go with Andres. Don Noel tells her not to dare do that-it will be a million times worse for Juan than death. Alberto and Spindola are talking about the situation and Spindola asks Alberto if anyone is suspicious. Alberto tells him that Lic. Noel, Spindola tells him that he already knows because Lic. Noel told him. Alberto asks who was the dead man. Spindola tells him that he was un rheo (I think this means a prisoner/criminal). Alberto inquires about his family and Spindola tells him that he has none. Mitche and Joaquin are talking and Joaquin tells her that he is going to tell her something but for her not to go tell anyone. Joaquin tells her that he was put there to work so that he could spy on Juan. Joaquin tells her that Alberto and Spindola put him there so that he could discover something so that they could put Juan in jail. He tells her that he didn't do it but she says that he is in jail and Joaquin replies that its not because its his fault. Mitche tells him that he has to tell Lic. Noel. Joaquin says he can't because they will kill his already dead brother. Back at the jailhouse, Sandovino brings food and Juan asks him if he knows him, he asks him if he is going to help. Monica goes to see Dona Catalina. She tells her that she is desperate and that Andres has gone completely crazy. She tells her about Andres wanting to take away Juan's apedido so that her marriage to Juan won't be valid and that he wants her to marry him. Andres asks Sofia what proof she has that Juan is his brother. She says none just that he looks identical to his father. Andres asks her doesn't she have any documentation, and did she gave Juan their name because Juan forced her too. Sofia answers yes. In enters Don Noel, madder than a hornet. He tells Andres that he is a rip-off and how dare him want to take away their apedido from Juan so that he could marry Monica. Andres fires back that he didn't say that but Don Noel tells him that no he didn't, but he sent his puppet Alberto. Alberto of course denies it and says that it's a misunderstanding. Don Noel tells him that it is always a misunderstanding. He says that his father wanted to recognize Juan as his son and he knows this because his father told him before his died. Don Noel tells Andres that his father must be turning in his grave and that this is something that God will not even forgive him. Andres turns to Alberto and demands an explanation. He says he did visit Monica and that she misunderstood what he told her. Sofia doesn't agree with Andres about taking the name away. Aimee goes to the jail to see Juan. Spindola tells her that he received her letter and he is at her services. She gives him a sad sobbing story about Monica not being able to go see Juan because she is sick. Somehow she manages to get permission to see him and takes him food. She tells him that Andres wants an annulment and wants to marry Monica. She also says that Andres wants to take away his

apedido. She spills the beans about everything else, the fact that he will be sentenced to 20 years. Meanwhile, Monica is asking Spindola for permission to see Juan while Aimee is there. Spindola denies her request. He also tells Aimee what Andres told him about her and that he requested not to give Monica permission to see Juan. He tells Aimee that she can see Juan anytime. Andres tells Dona Catalina that he did not send Alberto to tell Monica anything. He tells her that it is true that he wants to marry Monica. Don Noel goes to Posada de Tuerto. Pedro tells him that there is a man who saw several men with a wheel barrel/cart. They are still trying to figure out who the dead man is. Monica goes to the convent for a visit. She is talking with Mother Juliana and she asks her for a favor. It seems that occasionally they take food to the prisoners. Spindola is having a hissy fit. Lic. is telling him that he has to wait for the new evidence. Spindola wants him to sentence Juan before the new judge gets there. Lic. responds that will be difficult because he will arrive at the end of the week. Sofia does not agree with Alberto's thinking, but he suggests that if Aimee dies there's no embarrassment because of a divorce. Don Noel goes to see Juan and tells him that Tuerto will be freed the following day. Juan asks about Monica, Don Noel tells him that Spindola won't giver her permission to see him. Juan tells Don Noel that he is lying. He says that he knows about Andres, and what he wants to do-that's why Monica won't go see him. That she believes he is guilty. Don Noel wants to know who told him. Juan wants to know what Monica thinks. He tells Juan that Monica thinks he is crazy. Don Noel tells Juan about the new judge. Mother Juliana and some nuns show up at the jail with food. They tell the officer that they have brought food for the prisoners. He tells her that Spindola didn't leave any order and that he can't let them in, for them to return back the following day. Mother Juliana replies that the food will spoil. She says that if he lets them take the prisoners the food that the Virgin Mary will be very happy (a little guilt trip here). He allows them. At last Monica gets to see Juan-they kiss. Juan asks her about Andres. She tells him that he has gone crazy and that he doesn't know what he is saying. She will never leave him-he is her life. Juan tells her never to take her love away from him. Monica says never. Juan tells her that if he escapes from jail will she go with him and Monica says to the end of the world. He tells her not to let anyone convince her of anything. Remember, he would prefer death-even if she does it to free him. He will not see her with Andres. Monica tells Juan that her love is his forever. Juan says not to lose faith and to have confidence in him. He swears they will see each other soon-I Love You; Monica-me TOO. Segundo goes to see Aimee. She asks if Spindola can be bought? She tells him she wants to help Juan, even help him escape. Sofia wants to have a serious talk with Andres. She tells him its all her fault for his situation. She tells him that if she had told him immediately about Juan he wouldn't have their name. But for your father and grandparents, the most important thing to them was the prestige and the good name of their family. But with what you are proposing, the Alcazar good name will come to an end. The whole world

will turn their backs on them, they will talk bad about us, and we will be surrounded with embarrassment. Lupe shows up with a letter for Andres from Aimee-she wants to talk to him about Monica. Tuerto is set free. Andres is waiting to see Aimee-he wants to know what she has to say about Monica. Aimee tells him even though he takes their name away from Juan, that it won't be enough for Monica to leave Juan. She proposes that they simulate an accident so that everyone thinks that he and Juan are dead-they will leave and start a new life with new names. Therefore Andres and Monica will be able to marry because would be widowed. But in order to do this he has to set Juan free. Andres laughs at her face and says never. That they have already made a fool out of him and he won't have them living a happy life. Gaudalupe and Spindola are worried that they may not get anything from Juan. Lic. Noel presented documentation that proved that Juan bought and sold his merchandise. Andres shows up to see Juan. Sandovino is giving water to Juan-he asks about Tuerto. Juan tells him that he was freed. Juan says that he too will be free if someone helps him. Sandovino says that will be difficult because he is afraid. Juan offers him money so that he can go far away to live. He tells him to see Tuerto and to listen to him. Andres sees Juan and says finally we get to see each other face to face. Juan asks why he went to see him. Andres answers to tell him how ungrateful he is, that he is a dog that bites the hand that feeds him. Juan says he never fed him. Furthermore, he still hasn't paid him the time that he worked for him. Andres tells him that he is going to take away their family name and Monica. Juan tells him that when he took Aimee he wanted to kill him but someone asked not to. But if he takes Monica he swears that he won't have any compassion toward him. Azucena won't tell Tuerto who the father of her baby is. Sofia wants to know what Aimee wanted with Andres. Andres tells her about her proposal and tell her that Lic. Galvan is coming to initiate the divorce papers and to take legal action to take the Alcazar name away from Juan. Sofia runs to Alberto and says she has the solution to their problems-the same solution that Aimee proposed. She asks if Alberto is going to speak to Spindola, he says yes, but before he wants to finalize their compromiso. Sofia doesn't think now is the right time with all their problems. She tells him that he is pressuring her but agrees to set a wedding date. Don Noel goes to see Juan-tells him they are dropping the charges of the contraband. Segundo tells Tuerto about Aimee and that she wants to help. He says that Aimee really cares about Juan and seems that Monica isn't willing to help Juan much. Tuerto tells him that Monica isn't helping much because Juan forbids her to. Juan asks Don Noel if he saw the dead man. Don Noel says yes. Juan wants to know what he was wearing, was he young or old, fat or thin. Juan says that maybe he was rheo that why no one is missing. Monica is thinking about giving in to Andres in return for his help. Dona Catalina tells her that the only one that can break her marriage vow is God. That she can't do that. Alberto goes to see Aimee. He tells her about her preposition. Alberto tells her that both he and Sofia agree with her.

Mitche tells Monica about Joaquin and why he was sent to work there. Monica immediately goes to see Don Noel but he is out of the pueblo and won't be back until later in the day. She leaves word to see her immediately when he returns. Spindola is with the Lic and wants him to sentence Juan immediately. Lic. relunctantly agrees and Spindola says when the paperwork is ready to take it to him. Sandovino is talking with Juan and asks him about the rheos and if any of them has died. Sandovino tells him that only one and that they took him at night around the same time they took Juan prisoner. Sandovino agrees to meet Tuerto-he says he wants to help him because no one has helped the poor like Juan. Aimee goes to see Juan again. Spindola tells Aimee that her visits are probably going to be ending because once they sentence him it won't be as easy. However, he and Aimee can come to a compromise.

RE: Episodes 35 & 36 ---------- June 2, 1999 Author: Maria C. Date: 06-06-99 09:10 SUMMARY Merche tells Monica that Joaquin entered to work at the house because Alberto and the chief of the jail made him so he could tell them anything bad about Juan, but he didnt do it and if Juan is in jail is not his fault. Monica goes with her mom to find Don Noel. Meanwhile in Sofias house she asks Alberto to bribe captain Espindola. Monica and her mom go to Don Noels but he is not there, he went to Buenaventuras quarter, so Monica and her mom go away. In Buenaventura Don Noel demands to talk with the lieutenant Miguel something. In the Registro Civil the captain threatens to beat the lawyer if he doesnt condemn Juan. In the jail Juan talks with Valdovino and he tells him that someone dissapeared the night he entered. Juan makes him do a date with El Tuerto tomorrow at 10:00 p.m. Aimee goes to talk with the captain and asks him if she can see Juan. He tells her that this visits are going to be restricted. But they can make an arrangement. Monica tries to see Juan but she cant the guardians wont let her. Alberto talks with the captain and tells him that the planes have changed and that Sofia wants to free Juan and make believe the people that he died. The captain asks him what if they would really kill him? Aimee tells Juan about the wonderful news. They could go live in the abroad with false names. And Monica and Andres would be widowers? And could marry each other?? No!! Says Juan I dont agree. Juan asks her if Monica knows and she says that shes not going to tell her because shes a mojigata and his only thing left is her (Aimee).

Alberto tells the captain that if he doesnt do what Doa Sofia says he would get someone from Mexico to take his place. Monica returns home and tells her mom that she couldnt see Juan and that shes going to at least try to send him a letter. Monica goes to the kitchen and finds Merche crying because Joaquin got mad when he knew that she had told her the real reason of him working there. Back in the jail Juan talks with Valdovino (sp?) about Joaquins brother Jesus. The lawyer gives the captain the sentence of Juan and leaves. In comes Joaquin to ask if he can see his brother but the captain throws him out. Then he goes down and tells Juan that hes going to stay there for at least 20 years and shows him his sentence. Aimee is talking with her maid and tells her that Juan doesnt want to escape because of Monica and the maid tells her that he must be in love with her (Monica of course). Alberto tells Sofia that the captain Espindola wants to kill Juan but thats not possible because Aimee is still left, Sofia says that they got to hurry because the licenciado from the city could arrive any moment and so Andres. Juan tells Valdovino (sp?) that hes got to go to the cantina (Valdo...) ASAP because he doesnt want to wait anymore. In come Don Noel and Juan tells him that the lawyer already made his sentence. Don Noel says they are going to fight. Juan says he cannot wait so hes gonna escape before Espindola kills him. Espindola sends a soldier with a soldier to Albertos house. In comes Don Guadalupe (at the jail) and they talk about his share in Juans reward. Espindola tells him Sofias plan and they plan Juans death. In Monicas house she is writing a letter to Juan and she tells her mom that if they condemn Juan hes going to escape and shes going with him. Alberto receives the captains letter and flirts big time with Sofia, but she stops him. He goes to see Aimee. Don Pedro and Segundo are talking about Azucenas baby, in comes Valdovino and tells them about Juans sentence. Monica keeps talking with her mom and tells her that she made up her mind. Catalina tells her that Juan is an irresponsible man proposing her that. Why? Asks Monica, because its going to be a dangerous life? Well Id rather do that than living without him. What if they catch him? Asks Catalina. Aimee tells Alberto that Juan doesnt want to follow their plan, shes so angry with him. Hes not doing that because he loves Monica (says Aimee) hes doing it because he doesnt want to dar su brazo a torcer. Aimee thinks of a new plan. Theyll convince Monica to go to a convent and never see Juan again. In comes Don Noel and tells her that Juan accepts, Aimee smiles diabolically. Don Noel tells them that

Juan made up his mind after knowing about his sentence. He also said that it would be better for Monica to know him dead that in prison, and that he promises that he wont look for her after he escapes. Don Noel goes to see El Tuerto and the others and tells them that Juan wants to escape the next day although Sofias plan is for the day after that. Aimee talks with her maid about their plans, she is so happy (that witch!!!) Sofia is happy too and Alberto asks her about the date of their wedding. He tells her that she fooled him and she gets mad and goes to sleep. Valdovino (sp?) tells Don Noel, Pedro and Segundo all about the security of the prison. The next morning Juans partners carry the food to the jail and Valdovino gets the poison to the guardians food and Segundo (I think) enters to the jail. Monica goes to talk with Don Noel and tells him about Joaquins connection with Alberto and Espindola. He tells her about the escape and she tells him that she will go with him. Alberto threatens Sofia to tell Andres all her plans if she doesnt marry him. She accepts but if they really kill Juan and Aimee. Valdovino tells Juan that the plan is due for that night and gives him a knife. Monica tells Don Noel that shes willing to do anything and gives him a letter for Juan. In comes El Tuerto and tells them that the plan is going OK. Alberto tells Don Guadalupe and Espindola that Juan must die and that a lady is going with him and she must die too. When he goes Espindola sends a letter to Aimee to warn her. Don Noel gives Juan Monicas letter and tells him that shell go with him. Hes (Juan) afraid of what Andres could go with Monica if she doesnt go with him. He tells him that Aimee betrayed him and now hes thankful for that because he met Monica () shes so sweet, tender, soft.... Don Noel leaves and wishes him good luck. Juan reads Monicas letter. A soldier goes to Aimees house to leave her a message from Espindola. She tells him that shell be there, this night after 9:00 o-clock. At the jail, Valdovino visits Juan and tells him that he already fed the guardians and wishes him good luck. Espindola tells a guardian to be ready to receive the lady thatll arrive at 9:00. Valdovino talks with Segundo and tells him that Juan said to be careful. Then he sees the guardians and says good night and goes. Don Pedro and El Tuerto tell Azucena that Juan is going to escape at night.

Aimee is getting ready to go meet with Espindola her maid says that shes worried because everyone says bad things about him. Aimee doesnt think hell harm her. Azucena wants to go with El Tuerto and Don Pedro to help. Meanwhile at Sofias house she asks Alberto when is he going to tell Aimee to be ready. He says he doesnt want to see her because after all he appreciates her. How can you appreciate a sinverguenza like her? Asks Sofia. Well, says Alberto if shes a sinverguenza for cheating on his husband, how could we call the people that order others deaths??. You have to understand me Alberto! Shouts Sofia. In the jail, two of the guardians are asleep and the other one thinks they are drunk. Monicas getting ready in her room. In comes her mom that cant believe shes going away with Juan. Azucena dresses up like a boy and Don Pedro, El Tuerto and she go to the jail. The sober guardian tells Espindola about the drunk guardians and he (Espindola) asks him about the lady. Azucena, El Tuerto and Don Pedro watch. Juan reads Monicas letter again. Don Noel arrives at Monicas house and her mom tells him that they cant accept that Monica is escaping with Juan, that he is an irresponsible man (blah, blah, blah). Monica goes to the kitchen to get coffee for Don Noel and tells Merche that shes leaving San Pedro that night and she cant take her. From the distance Don Pedro, El Tuerto and Azucena see as Aimee and her maid arrive to the jail, but they cant back off now. Espindola makes Aimee enter alone to his office and starts flirting with her. He tells her that he appreciates her but some people want to see her hurt. Who? Asks Aimee. In Monicas house Catalina is till blabbing about Monica escaping with Juan. Monica says its almost time. Aimee is horrified to know that they (Alberto and Sofia) wanted to kill her and Juan. Espindola says hell help them but nothing is free in this world. I have some jewels says Aimee. No I want YOU says the captain. He goes to look for some wine and he sends a soldier to get it. They start the escape and Juan goes look for Aimee (why???). All of the prisoner escape too. Espindola starts kissing Aimee and she shouts in comes Juan and Espindola shoots him and El Tuerto shoots HIM (Espindola). In Monicas house she is really worried and so is Don Noel and her mom. Juan is taken to Aimees house and they start to try to cure him. Aimee is crying big time and she doesnt want to leave him.

Monica is still worried and Don Noel says that hell appealed the sentence and hell clean Juans name. Azucena goes to look for Don Noel while Aimee is furious because Monica was going to escape with Juan. They start to take out the bullet. Don Guadalupe goes to Sofias house and demands to see Alberto. Don Noel goes to the cantina to find out what happened. Back at Sofias house Don Guadalupe tells Alberto everything he know about the escape. In Monicas house the guardians enter and search for Juan. Don Guadalupe tells Alberto his suspicions about Aimee helping in Juans escape. Azucena goes to Monicas house and after the guardians leave she tells Don Noel, Monica and Catalina that Juan is dead. Monica faints and Azucena tells Don Noel that hes not dead but is about. Don Noel leaves with Azucena. Monica gets up and starts crying. She wants to see the body to believe it. Alberto goes to Aimees house and tells her everything he knows. In comes Don Noel and El Tuerto threatens Alberto. Monica is still crying but shell go look for Juan with her mom. Alberto propose to Don Noel to make believe that Juan and Aimee are dead. Don Noel accepts. Sorry for the delay. But I had a busy week. Thursday my best friend arrived from Houston and I had to see her. Then I made myself a piercing in my left ear (in the cartilage) and it got infected so I had to go to the doctor to see it (its OK). Then Saturday my brother and my mom kept the two t.vs for them and wouldnt let me use it. Im so sorry and I promise it wont happen again.

****Summary Episodes 37 & 38 ---------- June 3, 1999 Author: Mimi Date: 06-04-99 13:15 Alberto shows up at the de Altamira home; Aimee tries to pay dumb (and cant even do that right). Alberto tells her he knows about the visit to Espindola and all the rest. Don Noel shows up, Alberto says just continue along with the plan. Noel agrees that faking Juans death is the best solution. He goes in to see Juan who is pretty bad off with a temperature also. The curandera Tegua shows up and tells them that Juan has to go with her- hell die if he stays. Of course Aimee objects, but Juan is taken out of the room. Tegua asks for a blanket so she can pretend shes carting off a leper if shes stopped.

Noel has a talk with Aimee- he wants to inform Monica, since Juan wanted her to go with him. La vibora Aimee, paints a picture of a hysterical Monica who would lead the soldiers straight to Juan. Noel asks if she doesnt care that her mother would be sick to believe she was dead. Aimee doesnt care about that, besides, if Noel insists, shell go straight to Andres- shed rather see Juan dead than with her sister. (Are some of you still calling this love?) Alberto pays a visit to Cajiga and lies to him that Juan hasnt been located and that Aimee wasnt home either. Lets just continue with the original plan and dynamite your boat- Cajiga will get paid for his part. Noel goes to Monicas, but she took off and Cat went after her Meche tells him. Tuerto, Pedro, Segundo and Az are back at the posada in the little room upstairs. Az blames Aimee for everything since she went to meet Espindola (Az has redeemed herself in my eyes!). They are discussing the next step. They decide to play dumb and Tuerto tells Az not to shoot her mouth off in the usual manner. Pedro and Segundo decide to go home. Az is upset that Juan might leave with Aimee. Tuerto says since Juans in love with Monica and its not in his nature to leave with another wowan. What about me asks Az. Tuerto tells her that was a long time ago when Juan didnt know anything about her and whats this about Juan being your babys father. Its Cajiga isnt it. Az throws a fit- Cajiga will never be a father to her child- only Juan and he himself will them so. Aimee is wondering why the curandera wouldnt let her come along. Lupe says its probably so she can practice her witchcraft (hanging out with Aimee is Lupe, the other brainless wonder), because that type of wound is fatal- Aimee decides shes going over there. Tegua is talking to Juan- youre bad off, I wont try to fool you. The fever may eat you alive, but you have such inner strength- you can command your body to heal- be born again....- she is plying him full of some liquid as she says all this., coaxing him to summon up his will. Aimee shows up and insists on being allowed in. She rushes to Juan and asks him: how are you? how do you feel? speak to me. Tegua asks her how she expects him to answer her in the condition hes in. Tegua prepares a poultice which she places on the wound. Andres returns to the house in San Pedro and asks after his lawyer friend and Monica. Cajiga goes to declare his ship stolen by Juan- there were witnesses. Lupe goes to Monicas and tells Cat that Aimee fled with Juan. Cat is distraught and begs Lupe not to tell Monica and say that Aimee returned to the D.F. to her aunts. Cat goes off to Don Noels. A smiley Cajiga meets with Alberto and fills him in- the plan went over fine wheres his money (Is it me or has Guadalupe gotten over the death of his compadre right quick?) Lic. Lucio Galvan arrives to see Andres- he informs them that the new judge has arrived; Andres doesnt seem too pleased. Alberto comes back and lies to Sofia that the plan is set to go ahead. has she

spoken to Andres about their engagement he asks? Not yet she replies. Alberto says there is still time to cancel. No says Sofia, she wants reassurance that Aimee will be with Juan when it all goes down. Catalina cant believe Juan would be so dastardly as to fool and betray Monica that way. Why did he have to be so cruel to her she asks Noel, poor Monica, rejected once again. Cat asks why Noel didnt tell her, but he says he didnt know about it. Cat says we have to paint a horrible picture of Juan so Monica will hate and forget him. Hes so low, he even fathered Azs baby. Noel says he cant help her do that and that he doesnt believe it about Az. Andres is insisting to Galvan that adultery took place, never mind the scandal, he wants a divorce which will dissolve his marriage, wants Alcazar stricken from the record as Juans legal name and wants to annul Monicas marriage via the Church as its the only way Monica would consider marrying him. Galvan is surprised (and Im disgusted). Sofia hands over the cash to Alberto who leaves. Bautista comes in a few minutes later crowing with news of Juans escape during the night and that Espindola was killed. Monica returns home and Meche tells her Cat left and was pretty shaken; didnt say where she was headed. Juan is delirious. Tegua asks Aimee youre not his wife right? Aimee says no, but its as if she were (sure). Tegua asks if the time she came looking for birth control if Aimee was with another man. No says Aimee- the only one shes ever loved was Juan- she was obligated (gag) to marry someone else, and Juan married her sister out of anger. Aimee asks Tegua if she has a potion to make a man forget a woman (always plotting arent we). Tegua says no one forgets unless theyre insane or dead. Aimee then wants something to make a man docile, make him do things he wouldnt normally do (why doesnt she just castrate him- ughhhhhh); she offers Tegua money, clothes, her hats....Juan calls out for Monica. Tegua asks if thats her sister- yes answers a teary-eyed Aimee and you can see the light bulb go off in Teguas head that shes got a jealous female on her hands. Cat tells Lupe to get rid of Aimees belongings and runs the DF story by her one more time. Shes so ashamed of that girl. Alberto fills Noel in on the latest and tells him to get Juan and Aimee out of San Pedro fast because Andres arrived earlier. The new Juez, Marcelo Romero Vargas is having a hissy fit at the municipal building because Lic. Esperon hasnt vacated the judges residence yet and theres no hotel in San Pedro so his family has nowhere to go. Andres shows up with Galvan and offers to put them up. Marcelo is reluctant but accepts. (too bad Aimee didnt play it cool- this conquest looks like he could have been the perfect combination of her dream husband/lover- though he seems like the type not to be trifled with.....). Andres demand an explanation from Esperon as to what went down with Juan. Esperon says Juan fled with a woman, likely his wife. Andres takes off.

Alberto returns and Sofia calls him a liar. Shes upset about him lying to her about what went down. Alberto wants to know what the big deal is- so the plan went on ahead of schedule- he kept his end of the bargain, now its his turn. Sofia says all bets are off- shed never marry a liar (two in the family would be too hard to handle huh). Alberto warns her not to cross him, he can be a powerful enemy. So can she, replies Sofia (dog eat dog time). Andres is relieved to find Monica and is all too eager to inform her that Juan ran away with Aimee and that she had even suggested the plan to him. Monica is incredulous and Cat shows up only to corroborate Andres version. Monica accuses them of lying to her and runs off to her bedroom on tears. Cat breaks down as wellshe never could have thought Aimee would behave so shamelessly. Romero arrives with his sister and his niece at the Alcazars and apologizes to Sofia for putting her out. Sofia says they have plenty of room. Romeros niece wants to know who JDD is. Sofia volunteers that hes the outlaw, bastard son of her late husband. Cat and Andres are discussing the situation. Monica knew about the escape plan- she was supposed to go with Juan. Why would he make her believe that if he knew he would leave with Aimee wonders Cat. Andres wants to know if Don Noel helped Juan escape. Cat doesnt know. Why the lie, the betrayal she wonders- Andres volunteers that its because Juan has a rotten soul; hopefully Monica will be disillusioned once and for all and agree to an annulment, he continues. Cat must convince her. Catalina is against this- why not just say that Aimee went to the D.F.? No, says Andres, we have to stick with the truth (if that statement isnt ironic, I dont know what is). Noel goes to see Esperon and tell him he needs the paperwork to complete processing his appeal and also gives the crooked juez a piece of his mind. Monica is in her bedroom, distraught. This isnt the action of the same Juan who begged her never to stop loving him the other day(exactly--- think girl, THINK!), she cant believe it. Cat is insistent- hes no good, he was never worthy of you, forget him, she says. Monica asks how can she. Cat says shell get over him, just like Andres. Monica answers that Juan was the reason she got over Andres. How could he be so cruel to her- he was so loving, said hed rather die than go on without her. Cat says he tricked her. Monica wants to know why. Cat says its because hes no good (with an evil wench like Aimee for a daughter, you can talk about no good). Andres goes home and tells Sofia that Aimee followed through with her plan. Romeros niece thinks Andres is attractive. Romero comes in and tells her to mind her business and not to enter into conversations- in other words not to speak unless shes spoken to. He tells his sister not to get too close to the hosts, no matter how hospitable. His sister says shes heard of the Alcazar y Valles. So has he, but that doesnt mean theyre decent people (go with those instincts Marcelo!).

Aimee is upset that Juan cried out for Monica. Juan is still bad off, the wound is now infected. Noel arrives-and is told that Juan hasnt come to yet. Aimee wants to know the latest news. The pain is piercing through Juans delirium and he cries out in anguish. Noel wants to know if Tegua thinks hell make it. She says it depends on his will to live. Andres asks Marcelo where hes from because of his accent- hes part Cuban and grew up in Havana. Andres wants to fill him in on Juan Alcazar aka JDD and Noel Mansera. Marcelo jumps when he hears Don Noels name- he tells Andres that hes heard it in passing before. Andres goes off on his betrayed friend/brother binge and paints a one-sided picture of Juan which draws an angry reaction from Romero- jail is too good for Juan he says- and of course Noes is his defender? Andres says hes always been Juans protector, practically raised him- he wouldnt be surprised if Don Noel had a hand in the escape. Marcelo tells Andres not to worry, the guilty shall be punished (Im expecting nothing less). Andres backtracks and says hes actually fond of Noel. Alberto meets the Romero Vargas women= Amanda is Marcelos sister and her daughters name is Mariana. Joaquin shows up at Monicas and spreads the news that the ship went up in flames no bodies but everything was blown to bits- tears all around.... Mariana is upset that she cant even socialize. Marcelo tells her to go to his room because theres a man he doesnt know downstairs (Alberto. This Marcelo guy is one PARANOID control freak- yikes! plus I get the feeling hes not too keen on his niece). Guess who I just found out lives in town he asks Amanda: Noel Mansera! After all these years Ill finally get to see his face. (!) Hes still carrying on in the same shameless fashion- hes the one who helped this infamous bandit JDD escape from jail. Amanda is blaming herself for what happened with Don Noel (!?!?) Shes the one who surrendered herself to him of her own free will- Marcelo insists that Noel seduced her (!!!), took advantage of her innocence. No, I loved him answers Amanda. M: But he didnt love you, he was just looking to climb the social ladder and force a marriage- he was much older than you, he knew what he was doing, that corrupter of innocents. (Don Noel, we thought we knew you! Why do I get the feeling that theres something wrong with this portrayal? Shades of Juan?) Im going to destroy him vows Marcelo, hes going to pay with his life because of the unpardonable crime he committed against you. (Uh oh- another Andres?) Amanda is stunned Marcelo tell her to control herself is she doesnt want the world to know. (Boy, and I thought Dona Sofia had cornered the market on skeletons in the closet!) Noel is at the Alcazars, fills Alberto in on the latest. Alberto wants to know if theyve left yet. Noel says just Juan and Aimee,. Don Noel says hes keeping his promise to keep quiet, but that Juan isnt bound by that promise. Juanita (Bautistas niece) is listening behind the grille work in the next room. Alberto says that if Juan comes back from the grave, there are some who will be all to happy to put him back in for keeps, such as Sofia says Noel. Marcelo enters and after introducing himself Alberto takes off. Don Noel introduces himself to Romero, but Marcelo is very standoffish. Noel attempts to talk to him about an unjust case. Marcelo

says hes heard all about JDD and is filled with animosity though he denies he was influenced by Sofia or Andres. Noel tries to go on about the irregularities and trumped up charges. Marcelo interrupts and says that the escape will also be investigated, including finding out who was responsible for Espindolas death. Did you have anything to do with it? he asks Don Noel, who replies- I thought I could count on your impartiality, but I see that I was wrong, and leaves. Mariana is suffering from cabin fever. Marcelo comes in and tells the ladies they are not allowed out of doors without him because there are too many undesirables in town. Mariana figures something is wrong because he never accompanies them. Juanita tells Bautista what shes heard. Later, after Bautista informs Sofia that hes heard Juan is dead, Juanita expresses her doubts. Bautista tells her to keep quiet to which she responds that he cant order her around. Az is back at the house and Meche is relieved to find out shes alive. She cant believe Juan would leave with Aimee- both Cat and Monica are broken up about it. Its all over the street. Meche tells Az to be nice to Monica an apologize for the past and maybe shell have a decent home for her baby. Monica feigns sleep rather than listen to another barrage of insults from Catalina. Don Noel comes over- he tells Meche to send Joaquin over to see him tomorrow. Cat comes out and is going on abut the tragedy. She and Monica will return to the Altamira home- better to sell this place, itll only bring painful memories. That man has been nothing but a source of suffering for her family. Noel insists that Juan is the one whos suffered the most (heck those Altamira girls have been nothing but bad news where he's concerned). Galvan tells Andres that as long as theres no concrete proof that Juan is Franciscos son and that he blackmailed Sofia, that it wont be problem to reverse the court action re: the name change. At night, Monica is unable to sleep- she pulls out one of Juans shirts and breathes in his scent, caressing the shirt before wrapping herself up in it and climbs back into the bed in tears. (Im in tears too...sniff) Tuerto goes in to see Noel- hows Juan? Bad says Don Noel- Im thinking of getting a doctor. Tuerto thinks its a bad idea as they would turn Juan in. Noel thinks it might be better to have him alive in jail than dead out of it. Noel also wants to know whats this about Azs baby being Juans. Tuerto says she told him the same thing. Noel wants to see Az, but not to tell her whats it about. Tegua has been up all night nursing Juan while Aimee slept. Monica and Cat return to their old home dressed in mourning. Monica goes up to her room, pulls out her wedding picture, looks at it a long time before ripping it to shreds. Meanwhile, Juans fever has broken. Aimee runs to him, elated and starts speaking to him. He opens his eyes- Monica, send for Monica, he wants to see her. Aimee is not pleased (what evil lie will she come up with now) To be continued.....

------------------------I dont know about the rest of you, but I would have preferred for Aimee to bite that bullet rather than Espindola- I HATE that girl. sorry about the poison pen routine, but IMO she makes Virginia look almost saintly and generous! OK- I'm guessing that Mariana is Don Noel's illegitimate daughter and that's why Marcelo is such a rough nut. Myriam

~~~ Summary: Episode 39 ~~~~Author: Maria Krane Date: 06-08-99 01:04 Juan is regaining consciousness and asks for Monica. He insists that he has seen her. He is delirious. Mariana (Marcelo's niece) feels like a prisoner. She wants her mother to talk to Marcelo about letting them go out. Marcelo walks in and tells Mariana to leave. He tells his sister-in-law, Amanda, that they cannot go out. She pleads with him to let them go out that Mariana is really restless. He says, do you prefer to tell her the truth, that her father is a good for nothing, a nobody? (referring to Noel Manzera). Amanda begs him to take them away from SP if that is the case. He tells her not to worry. They won't be there long. Amanda tells Mariano that she never lied to his brother, that he accepted her the way she was (pregnant). Juanita is in Amanda's room. Amanda asks her if Noel is the judge that Marcelo is there to replace. She says no. Amanda finds out that Noel has never married, has no wife or children. Sofia sees Alberto and Mariana in the living room talking and asks about Andres. Alberto tells her that he went to the civil registry to see about the "surname" problem. Noel tells Azucena to go tell Monica the truth about her baby. (That it is not Juan's) Monica and Catalina are talking about money. She reminds Monica that Juan's properties are now her's and that they need money. Monica tells her she won't touch a cent of Juan's money, that she will work. Catalina is horrified, after all no woman in their family has ever worked! Andres and the judge are discussing revoking Juan's surname. Andres wants to know if Monica and Juan's marriage will still be valid after Juan loses his name. The judge says that Juan and Monica will have a short time in which to rectify the problem legally, if that isn't done, then yes, it would be annulled. Marcelo discusses the prison break with one of the guards. The guard finally confesses that Aimee de Alcazar went to see Espindola the night of the prison break.

Aimee wants Tegua to tell her long before she and Juan can leave. Tegua tells her about a month. Noel arrives and tells Aimee that they will wait until Juan is conscious and speak for himself. Noel will be gone for a couple of days. He is going to talk to a lieutenant about some contraband. Juanita and Sofia are talking. She wants to know if Juan is alive because she overheard Noel and Alberto talking about Juan. Alberto was saying that Juan could come back from the dead if he wanted to but that it would not be advisable because there was someone who wanted him dead--badly. Noel asked if it was Sofia but Alberto didn't answer. Monica sees Lupe cleaning and asks her if Juan came for Aimee to the house. Lupe tells her that no, that Aimee went to him. Azucena goes to see Monica and tells her that her baby isn't Juan's. Monica wants to know why she lied to her then. Azucena tells her that she wanted Monica to hurt as badly as she was hurting. Monica asks her why she is telling her at all. Azucena tells her that Don Noel is making her tell her the truth because he doesn't want Monica to think badly of Juan. Monica asks Azucena if Juan came for Aimee. Azucena says no. She is the one who ran after him. Juan wouldn't still be interested in a woman who betrayed him. Monica tells her, "You speak in the present as if Juan was still alive." Azucena denies this and gets nervous. Monica tells her, that she had told her that Juan was dead. Azucena replies that Juan ordered her to do that. Monica asks her "when did he do that?" and Azucena tells her right here the night he escaped. Then Monica says, then he is alive isn't he? Azucena denies this and runs away. Sofia wants to know why Alberto lied to her. She asks him if Juan and Aimee are alive. Monica goes to see Noel and El Tuerto is there. She quizzes him about the escape and about Juan. She wants to know if Juan planned to escape with Aimee all along or with her. He tells her that they all thought it was with her. He also tells her that Aimee visited Juan in the prison before she did. Noel arrives and Monica tells him that she has decided to sell "El Satan," Juan's boat, and their house. Noel tells her not to jump the gun. She asks him why? Is Juan still alive? Noel denies this. She tells Noel that she is selling his things because if Juan has a shred of decency, he'll come out to face her and tell her the truth. That he is a ruffian and a no good ------- . Monica thinks that Juan and Aimee purposefully ran away together. Monica tells Don Noel that she wants to believe that his love for Juan has blinded him, and not that he is part of this scheme Juan has plotted. Noel receives a notice to appear at the civil registry in regard to revoking Juan's surname. He and El Tuerto decide to go see Juan. Monica arrives from Noel's house and tells her mother that as Juan's widow she is going to sell his house and ship. Andres who arrived minutes before tells her that he doesn't think she'll be able to do that because Juan's surname is about to be revoked which would invalidate her marriage to him. Monica tells him that he will do no such thing. She prefers to be the widow of a ruffian with a last name rather than the mistress of Juan del Diablo. Andres asks Monica to marry him in order for him to right the wrong he did to her by breaking his engagement to her. Monica tells him she'll think about it.

Juan awakens and wants to know what he is doing at Tegua's. They tell him. Aimee tells him that Don Noel decided that she should run away with him and that everyone should think they are both dead. Juan wants to see Noel. Noel meets Mariana (his daughter-he doesn't know this) by accident at Dona Sofia's house. Sofia and Noel have an unpleasant exchange which Mariana later tells her mother about. Noel sees Andres and wants to know why they are revoking Juan's name. Marcelo is present and gets involved in the conversation telling Noel that his word alone won't prevent Andres from revoking Juan's name. Noel retorts that he doesn't know Marcelo, but Marcelo replies that HE knows Noel. Noel says "I've never seen you in my life." Marcelo says you don't always have to have seen someone to know him. Andres stops the conversation by announcing that he no longer wants to revoke Juan's last name. Noel leaves. Sofia asks Andres why he changed his mind. He tells her that Monica asked him to and that she has accepted his offer of marriage. Catalina tells Monica that she is surprised at her change of attitude, not only agreeing to sell Juan's belongings, but also to accept the proposal of marriage Andres made. Monica says that she simply said she would think about it. Dona Catalina tells her, "Don't you know that when a recently widowed woman is offered marriage, and she says she will think about it, it means she is accepting, but gives that reply because it is not socially acceptable to accept another man so soon after?" She also tells Monica that Andres probably considers her, his fiance already. Juan asks Tegua about Aimee's whereabouts. Aimee went outside for a while. He wants to know who knows that he is living. Tegua tells her that his people and the lawyer (Noel) know. He asks her, "My wife, my wife, does she know I am alive?" Tegua simply replies, "No."

To be continued.....

~~Summary Episode 40 ---------- June 4, 1999 Author: Sandy Bell Date: 07-16-99 00:53 Juan wonders why Monica thinks he is dead. Aimee comes into the room, Juan wants to know what was she doing there. Bautista tells Sofia that the owner of the boat that blew up is the same person that sent the letter that exposed Aimees secret. Aimee explains to Juan all that happened and why the story that he was dead got started. Juan says that Monica needs to know the truth. Aimee gives Alberto all the credit for all the intrigue, that was really her idea, that su

ites her presence there, and that will keep Juan away from Monica. Juan tells her that Monica must think the worst of him, that he ran off with Aimee and both are dead. Now Monica is free and hates him and may turn to Andres. Monica asks Meche if she can confide in her. She tells her she thinks Juan is not dead. Meche replies that for a fact she was talking with Lupe and she was not the least bit sad over the news that Aimee was dead. Monica sends Meche on a mission to tell Azucena that she was putting Juans boat and the house up for sale with Andres. She figures this will flush him out if alive because Azucena will tell Juan. She wants to see him face to face even if he has to be hiding when he does it. Marcelo and Sofia start talking. He asks about a house to rent. She said he did not have to leave but he said he did not want to impose too long. She brings up tha fact that he had spoken most disparangely about Don Noel and was wondering why he had done that. Marcelo said how low a person Noel must be to have abused a fine young lady for the sole purpose to marry into a fine family. He was sure it was the same person, but could be wrong. Azucena and El Tuerto comes to see Juan. Aimee, wanting to keep Juan in the dark, tries to get them to leave. Juan calls El Tuerto closer and says he doesnt want Monica to believe he is dead. He must go and tell her. Aimee jumps in that she was not at her home (no, she is at her mothers home), that she was at Campo Real. Juan involuntarily reacts with a jerk at these words and moans in pain. As they decide they better leave, Aimee rationalizes with El Tuerto and Azucena that they can not tell Monica. She would give it away. Azucena asks her why she said Monica was at Campo Real. To gain time. So he would not keep insisting on seeing her, says Aimee. Juan insists on speaking, says he wants Don Noel to come and see him. Wants Monica to know....... Aimee tells them to only speak to Don Noel and dont come back. El Tuerto goes to Don Noels house but he is out of town. Monica tells her mom she is going to Andres about the house and boat sale. She sends Meche to Azucena to get her reaction to her planned sale. Aimee is worried at Juans concern about Monica. Whats to become of me? He tells her not to worry and in his gentleness, he brings his hand up for her to hold and softly tells her: you must understand, I can not give Monica up, I love her like no other. She sobs and he reminds her, if you had waited for me. Monica and Marcelo meet while she is waiting for Andres to arrive home. Meanwhile, Sofia and Juanita are at Cajigas house. She wants to know where Juan is. He said they are out of the city limits as far as he knows. Were they in the boat? Didnt you know? She wants to know if he had told Bautista that Juan and Aimee were alive. Oh no, says he. As luck would have it, Bautista is passing by and sees as Sofia and Juanita is leaving. Marcelo is explaining to Monica why he is in charge of the investigation. She should not feel guilty, it is not her fault. Conversation comes up that Monica has a boat and house for sale. Marcelo shows much interest, but only to rent until his house is ready while she is trying to sell it.

Meche tells Azucena about Monicas plan to sell boat and house. Azucena says she should wait. Wait for what? asks Meche. (Took the bait) Andres & Monica: She asks him if they have found the bodies. Andres shakes his head. He asks her what she thinks about what happened. Monica answers that she never could have believed it. She asks can someone lie like that? Andres asks, youre asking me? These are two very hurting souls that you really can not help but feel for. He goes into a rant, finally releasing all that is in him. Wanting to know why she never told him before he got married. She whispers back, you never would have believed me, you would have thought it was jealousy. He offers to be there for her. Only we two know how it feels, and we have the right to redo our lives. (If it were totally true, you would have to say amen to that.) Tegua asks Aimee if the food makes her sick. You are pregnant, arent you? Yes Its her husbands, but, if Tegua would help her, she needs to be intimate with Juan just one time so she can say it was his. Tegua tells her that she doesnt think Juan was in any condition to even if he wanted to and then, not to her. Aimee threatens to turn them all in if she doesnt help her. Cajiga is reprimanding Bautista about having given the letter to Andres instaed of to Aimee. Bautista lies but does not fool Cajiga. Cajiga is only mad because he lost out on blackmailing Aimee. Sofia wants Juanita to find the letter that Bautista stole from her. I never could figure out why she kept it in the first place. Murphys Law very specifically states that...... Bautista wants to know how Juan stole Cajigass boat. You lost a lot of money, didnt you? Well, yes, but who can I go to to collect damages? The government or the widow? Another great Cajiga moment. Marcelo places guards on Don Noels house as well as Dona Catalinas. Tuerto tells Juan Don Noel is out of town for a few days. Juan figures out he went to check on the so called contraband rifles. He tells El Tuerto he must find Joaquin and inquire about his brother. He tells Azucena to go to Campo Real and tell Monica....she isnt there, breaks in Azucena. Juan turns and gives Aimee a look-the bad eye- if ever I saw one. Azucena tells Juan that Monica is going to put his boat and house up for sale. What can he say??? Juan tells them to keep an eye on Dona Catalinas house to see if it is being guarded. He makes Azucena promise she will tell Monica the truth, because he needs it. Aimee is not at all pleased. And the saga continues.....

RE: Summary for Episode 41 ---------- June 7, 1999 Summary for Episode 42 to follow. Author: Lupita Date: 06-08-99 06:09 *** Altamira Residence

Marcelo's spy, disguised as a basket seller, sets up shop in front of Dona Catalina's house. Azucena arrives to see Monica and is told by Lupe that Monica has gone out. They chat and Azucena informs Lupe that Juan and Aimee have left town. *** Alcazar Residence Andres informs Marcelo that Monica is willing to rent her house. Marcelo tells Andres that the death certificates for Juan and Aimee have been issued. They are joined by Dona Sofia. She had another one of her migraines last night and really wants to go back to Campo Real. Andres replies "We'll go back soon the nightmare is over. Of course, I'll have my doubts until the bodies are found, but even so, they're long gone. I hope their happy" he says, sarcastically. Sofia and Andres go on to discuss Monica's marriage acceptance. Andres insists it's the only logical thing to do. Upstairs, Marcelo and Amanda discuss their pending move. He leaves. Mariana enters and wants to know why he treats them so badly - what did they do to deserve it? *** Altamira Residence Segundo is in the bushes spying on the spy. Bautista goes in with a message from Andres wanting to know when Monica can show her house to Marcelo. *** Tegua's Juan tells Aimee that he wants Don Noel to continue trying to clear his name. He doesn't want to live as a fugitive from justice, he wants a normal life with wife and children. He admits that he made an error in accepting Aimee's plan. Aimee: "What about me? What'll happen to me if you tell Monica?" Juan: "Don't worry. We'll find a solution". Aimee: " All because of that stupid girl. That holier-than-thou nun won't lift a finger for you. She's not going to get her way. I won't permit it!" Aimee goes out. Tegua feeds Juan and mentions how problematic Aimee is. Tegua: "What about the other one? What's she like?" Juan: "It doesn't matter what she's like. She's the one I love". Tegua: "And does she love you?" Juan nods. "Then be careful, a spurned woman is capable of anything". *** Cajiga Residence/Soon to be Brothel Cajiga tells Joaquin that he'll help him find his missing brother. He offers Joaquin a job, but first Joaquin has to do him a favor. Cajiga goes on to say that Sofia thinks Juan is still alive. Joaquin is surprised. Cajiga asks Joaquin how he gets along with Azucena and Meche......... *** Tuerto's Cantina The gang speculates on the reason for Joaquin's visit to Cajiga. Tuerto mentions that Cajiga knows that Juan was not on the exploded boat. Tuerto asks if Azucena has talked to Monica yet. *** Military Barracks a few towns away

Don Noel is investigating the contraband found in Juan's warehouse. He verifies that 2 boxes of rifles are unaccounted for. *** Alcazar Residence Sofia's maid tells Sofia that she did not find the letter among Bautistas things. Alberto enters and he and Sofia go into the study. Sofia: "Why did you deceive me? Cajiga tells me that Juan and Aimee are still alive". Alberto: "Let me explain". Sofia: "Don't bother. Don't you see the mess we're in? Monica has agreed to marry Andres. Once the engagement is made public, the people who know about Juan and Aimee might take advantage of the situation". Alberto: "I don't think so. He's a fugitive and his people will protect him". Sofia: "What about Cajiga? It'll be my money that keeps him quiet, right?" Alberto: " I had no option" He tells Sofia what happened the night of the escape. *** Altamira Residence Azucena tries to see Monica a second time. Catalina kicks her our and tells Lupe never to allow her back in the house. The spy is still outside and Segundo is still in the bushes, spying on the spy. *** Alcazar Study Sofia and Alberto continue their conversation. Sofia is concerned that Juan will try to contact Monica and throw a wrench into the wedding plans. Alberto reassures her that Juan is long gone and only interested in Aimee. Sofia goes on to mention that Marcelo told her something about Don Noel. Years ago he seduced a young lady of good name in order to force her family into accepting him as her husband. Alberto looks crafty and shifty eyed "You don't say!" *** Tuerto's Cantina Tuerto is giving Joaquin the third degree. Tuerto tells Joaquin that his brother dissappeared from the jail the night of Juan's arrest. That same night a body was placed in Juan's warehouse. They put two and two together. Joaquin swears he didn't do anything against Juan. *** Altamira Residence Monica and Catalina are discussing Andres. Monica says she is fond of Andres. Catalina reassures Monica that marriage to Andres is the best option. Monica is afraid that she won't forget Juan - that she'll always look for Juan in another man. Catalina is aghast, since Juan has deceived Monica. She continues to console Monica, saying she only wants what's best for her. *** Tegua's Juan is grateful for all Tegua's help. He tells her he feels responsible for Aimee. Tegua informs Juan that Aimee is pregnant with Andres' child and that Aimee plans to sleep with Juan to make him think

that the child is his. If Juan doesn't agree, she'll spill the beans. Tegua thinks it's best that Juan leave town. *** Mancero Residence Pedro, in the bushes, notices that there is also a spy in front of Noel's house. *** Altamira Residence It's a dark and stormy night. Monica dreams about making love with Juan. She wakes up and puts on her engagement/wedding ring. She says to herself "I can't believe this is happening. Something is going on." She dressses and leaves the house. The spy follows her. *** Tegua's Tuerto and Segundo are giving a much improved Juan the scoop about the spies and Joaquin. Juan wants to know if Monica has been told yet. Tuerto says that Azucena has tried twice, but was turned away by Catalina. *** Mancero Residence A cloaked Monica arrives. She is seen by the spy. She leaves shortly thereafter. Pedro, in the bushes, sees Monica and the spy. The spy follows Monica. Pedro follows the spy. *** Tegua's Juan hopes Joaquin will testify in his favor. He tells Segundo that he wants to see Don Noel upon his return. Tuerto and Segundo leave. Juan asks Aimee if she'll go back to Andres. "How can you ask me that, Andres would probably stick me in jail". Tegua leaves to collect herbs, even though it's a dark and stormy night. Aimee agrees to leave San Pedro, but insinuates that she wants a memento, something to remember Juan by. Juan says "There's no love between us anymore". Aimee replies "But there is desire" and seductivley takes her clothes off. Being the man he is, Juan gets an eyeful. Aimee says "You can't deny me". Juan is diplomatic "You're tempting, I agree, but right now, even if I wanted to, I couldn't". Aimee cuddles up to Juan and responds "All right, I'll wait. Then I swear I'll leave forever". *** Licenciado Romero's Office The corporal makes his report to Marcelo about the comings and goings at Monica's and Don Noel's houses. *** Tuerto's Cantina Pedro makes his report to Tuerto about the comings and goings of the spies. They conclude that the authorities suspect that Juan is still alive.

*** Alcazar Residence Marcelo is bringing Amanda up to date on the Juan/Andres/Monica/Aimee saga. Mariana comes downstairs late and Marcelo snaps at her. They leave *** Diablo Residence Marcelo, Amanda and Mariana come over to tour the house. Meche and Joaquin are in the kitchen. Monica brings Marcelo and Amanda into the kitchen and Joaquin finagles a job from Marcelo. Monica is not pleased. In the living room, Mariana tells Catalina a bit about themselves and how Marcelo won't let them out of the house. They are joined by Monica, Marcelo and Amanda. Marcelo plans to move in the next day. Catalina insists that Amanda and Mariana come to tea. *** Tegua's Pedro tells Juan about Monica's midnight visit to the absent Don Noel. They discuss the spy situation. Juan, in pain, gets up and writes a letter to Don Noel. Aimee thinks he's hiding something, otherwise why can't Pedro relay the message verbally? *** Alcazar Residence Marcelo throws Amanda's past in her face. He accuses her of being a woman of uncontained passion that the only reason she doesn't succumb is because he is controlling her. Amanda tells him he can treat her anyway he wants, but to please let Mariana have a life, even if only to go to church. They could find her a chaperone. Marcelo agrees to think about it. Mariana is thrilled when she hears the news. *** Altamira Residence Meche, speaking to Monica, puts in her two cents in favor of Joaquin. *** Mancera Residence Don Noel is back from his trip. Serafin informs him that Monica came to see him in the middle of the night and he also gives him Juan's letter. Don Noel reads the letter " What's wrong with him? He's gone crazy!" *** Tegua's Juan tells Tegua he plans to leave day after tomorrow. He's not taking Aimee To be continued Reply To This Message New Topic | Go to Top | Go to Topic | Search | Log In Newer Topic | Older Topic RE: Summary Episodes 42 ---------- June 7, 1999 Author: Lupita Date: 06-09-99 06:17 ***Alcazar Residence

The Romero Vargas' take their leave, thanking Andres and Sofia for their hospitality. Mariana is obviously smitten with Andres. They leave and Andres is off to see Monica. Sofia and Alberto gossip about the Romeros. Alberto thinks it's odd that a brother and sister in law live together. Sofia wonders if there is something going on between them. Alberto says that Marcelo is Mariana's guardian and trustee until her marriage, but for some reason doesn't want her to marry. He adds that Amanda never even opens her mouth, always looks guilty about something and that her husband was a rich man.... Sofia changes the subject and asks him if he is going to see Cajiga. Alberto nods and wants to know when their relationship will be formalized. Sofia replies that maybe when they get back to Campo Real. Alberto hopes she doesn't plan to change her mind. ***Tuerto's Cantina Noel visits Tuerto. Don Noel is confused about Juan's letter. Why would Juan want him to make sure that Monica and Catalina aren't home tomorrow night? ***Tegua's Juan tries out his new crutch. Aimee giggles. She asks Juan when they're going to leave. In a week, says Juan. Where? asks Aimee. I don't know, replies Juan, I have to speak to Don Noel. Aimee begs Juan to take her with him. ***Tuerto's Cantina Don Noel tells Tuerto and Serafin that the missing gun boxes are the same ones that were found in Juan's warehouse. The lietenant at the barracks, who seems honest, will verify the paperwork. Tuerto tells Noel that the dead guy in the warehouse was probably Joaquin's brother and that Joaquin is willing to come forward and testify on behalf of Juan. Noel thinks Marcelo is behind all the spying. He also thinks Marcelo is purposely delaying the proceedings, since he hasn't sent the appeal to Jalapa. Noel hopes that Juan hasn't been declared officially dead since it would complicate things. ***Altamira Residence Andres pays a visit to a reluctant Monica. Monica inquires about the status of the boat sale. Andres tells her that Juan's death certificate is at City Hall and she can send someone for it anytime. Monica cringes. Andres: "What hurts you more, Monica, his death or his betrayal? Monica: "Both things" Andres: " I think justice has been done. People like him don't deserve to live" Monica: "Don't say that! Never say anything like that again!" She runs out in tears. Catalina comes in with refreshments and wonders where Monica is. Andres says he must have said something that bothered her and mentions that Catalina once said that Monica had stopped loving him and fallen in love with Juan. Catalina hedges and reassures Andres that Monica is sad and hurt, but she's a sensible girl and it'll pass. ***Cajiga's Cajiga asks why Alberto tricked Sofia into thinking that Juan was dead. Alberto replies Sofia didn't need to know. Alberto asks Cajiga if he's discovered Juan's whereabouts. Cajiga says he has Joaquin

working on it. He goes on to tell Alberto that Bautista came to see him. Bautista thinks that devil isn't dead. ***Court Office Marcelo asks the corporal if Azucena has tried to see Monica again. The corporal says no, but she did try to see Don Noel around midnight last night. Out in the foyer, Don Noel runs into Joaquin. Out of hearing, they discuss Joaquin's new job with Marcelo. Joaquin says he will do anything to to help. Don Noel goes into Marcelo's office. He complains about how quickly Juan was declared dead, even though there was no body. Marcelo says the case is closed. Don Noel: "Your problem is with me, not Juan. Why did you say those things about me at the Alcazar's the other night? Marcelo: "You must have a very bad memory". Don Noel: "I don't like riddles!" Marcelo: "See here, licenciado, I'm a defender of justice. I search for justice even beyond the scope of the law. And I don't rest until I make the guilty pay. And pay you will!" Don Noel: "Are you referring to my alleged involvement with Juan's escape?" Marcelo: "No, I'm not talking about that" Don Noel: "Just come out and say it, then. What crime have I committed?" Marcelo: "Think about it..." Don Noel: "What I think is that you are a sick man!" ***Alcazar Residence Alberto asks Bautista why he talked to Cajiga about Juan. He tells Bautista not to give Andres any silly ideas about Juan or he'll have him fired. Bautista says "who you?". Alberto replies that he'll soon marry Dona Sofia and then Bautista will know who's boss. Bautista looks like he's about to explode. ***Altamira Residence Don Noel is with Monica. Monica begs him to tell her if Juan is still alive - there are so many strange things going on. Why didn't he escape on his own boat? Why does Azucena speak of him in the present tense? Why don't you want me to sell off his property? Why did you make Azucena tell me her child was not his? Noel tells Monica Juan was not as evil as she thinks. Monica reminds Noel that Juan betrayed her with her sister. Noel replies that it wasn't like that. He tries to change the subject by inviting Monica and Catalina to supper the next evening. Monica won't be detoured "Juan's still alive, isn't he? Have pity on me. I don't sleep, I don't live because of the doubt". Noel finally admits to Monica that Juan is alive, but she musn't tell anyone, not even her mother. Monica runs to her bedroom, laughing and crying with relief. ***Tegua's Juan and Aimee have a heart to heart chat. Aimee: "Juan, I'm the one with the bad luck. Because you fell in love with Monica" Juan: "It's not my fault. You could've rejected Andres' marriage proposal. He would have reconsidered and married Monica. Why did you accept him?" Aimee: "Because I didn't want to stay single. Why didn't you tell me Andres was your brother? If you'd told me, I would've waited for you for a hundred years." Juan: " I've always wanted to be accepted for who I am, not because of my name" Aimee: "But Monica decided to marry you only after she found out you are an Alcazar. Not before. Juan: "That's right" Aimee: "So?" Juan: "The unexpected happened. We fell in love." Aimee: "Do

you think I love you?" Juan: "In your own way." Aimee: "And Monica?" Juan: "Also" Aimee: "Who loves you more?" Juan: "It's not a question of who loves me more, but of what I feel. Aimee, please accept it. What we had between us was over a long time ago." Aimee: "Not for me. Besides, she doesn't love you. She's false and a hipocrite. I don't want you to go back to her. Don't dare do it, because if you do I'll do something terrible." Juan: "You won't do anything. If you dare hurt Monica......" Aimee: "What? Will you kill me? You're not as bad as they say." Juan: "Don't provoke me, Aimee." Aimee: "Then kill me. Kill me! Because if you don't, it will go badly for you. For you and for her!" ***Ex Diablo, now Romero Residence Amanda has told Mariana all about the Andres/Juan/Monica/Aimee saga. Mariana wants to know if Marcelo will accept the invitation to Campo Real. She says Andres pleases her and he's also a widower. ***Altamira Residence Noel and Catalina discuss the wedding. Don Noel goes on to ask about the Romero Vargas'. Catalina tells Don Noel that Marcelo's sister in law's name is Amanda Monterubio. Don Noel is visibly shaken. He recovers enough to reconfirm the invitation to supper the next night. He leaves. Catalina and Monica discuss Don Noel's strange reaction to Amanda's name. Monica can't hold back any longer - she blurts out that Juan is still alive. Catalina says that means Aimee is alive too. ***Romero Residence An indecisive Don Noel is hanging around the front gate. Inside, Marcelo tells Amanda that it's a good idea to accept the invitation to Campo Real since Noel is back in town. Amanda suggests that she and Mariana go back to the capital and try to find a husband for Mariana. Marcelo says, since you brought it up, I don't think Mariana should marry because I don't feel it just that the Romero Vargas patrimony, in the family for generations, should go to someone who's no relation. Amanda retorts that her husband gave Mariana his name - does Marcelo want her inheritance? Marcelo replies that he's not interested in money, it's a question of justice - if Amanda had given his brother a son none of this would've happened and Mariana could marry anyone she wanted. An angry Amanda reminds Marcelo that Mariana is legally a Romero Vargas and nothing can prevent her from marrying. Marcelo retorts that he's her guardian and she needs his consent in order to marry. ***Alcazar Residence Sofia is afraid that Juan will show up and disrupt her plans for Andres and Monica. Alberto suggests that Andres marry someone else. Someone like Mariana, who's of good family and seems to please Andres. Sofia says she sees no reason why Andres has to marry Monica. Besides, she's had it up to here with Catalina and her daughters. It's a question of convincing Andres. ***Altamira Residence An ecstatic Monica is talking to Catalina about Juan. Catalina hopes Juan doesn't come back. Monica says that Don Noel told her that Juan did not betray her. What do you mean, says Catalina, Lupe said he

ran away with your sister! Monica thinks it may be a misunderstanding, but they decide not to talk to Lupe because no one must know that Juan is still alive. Catalina agrees to see what Don Noel has to say at supper the next night. But she warns Monica that Juan will return only over her dead body. ***Tegua's Juan tells Tegua he plans to find a hide-out close to town. Tegua is afraid his condition might worsen. Juan says he has to go, the police might find him at any moment and that Tegua's has already done enough, he can't risk putting her in danger. Juan says he's worried about Aimee and also feels sorry for her. Tegua tells Juan Aimee's love is the kind that always brings trouble, that there's a shadow of death around her. Juan asks whose death? Tegua doesn't answer. ***Court Office Marcelo is suspicious of all the activity between Noel and Juan's people. He tells the corporal to keep an eye on the cantina. ***Tuerto's Cantina Noel tells Joaquin that it is almost certain that the dead body is his brother. They plan to exhume the body. Joaquin feels very guilty. Noel tells Joaquin to be careful in his new job at the Romeros. **Alcazar Study Andres asks Sofia whether she thinks Monica really loved Juan. Sofia suggests he think about a replacement. Andres insists he wants Monica. Sofia tells him that he wants to marry Monica out of revenge and that Andres would come to resent the fact that Monica was Juan's wife and shared his bed. ***Tegua's Tegua has slipped Aimee a mickey so that Juan and Segundo can discuss the escape. Juan asks if the cantina is under observation. Segundo says no, not yet. Juan decides that Pedro should go to the beachhouse and under no circumstances go to the cantina, as it may be watched. He tells Segundo to come for him at 8:30 the next night, and if Monica doesn't leave the house to tell Pedro. Segundo asks Juan if he plans to sneak into Catalina's house. ***Romero Residence Joaquin has gotten Azucena a job at the Romeros and they show up for their first day of work. ***Tegua's Juan is shaving. He suggests to Aimee that she go back to Andres and tell him she's expecting his child. Aimee wants to know who told him that lie. Juan: "So you don't plan to return to your husband?" Aimee: "He kicked me out because of you. You're confused, Juan. Monica doesn't love you." Juan: "That's enough, Aimee! Even if I knew Monica didn't love me, or if I didn't love her, what I felt for you no longer exists. It's dead. Forget it. Aimee: "What do you plan to do. I suppose you'll take Monica far away.

But if you do, you'll be sorry! I'll say you killed the chief of police and brought me here against my will. I'll turn all your people in, even that witch!" To be continued

~~~ Summary Episodes 43 & 44 ---------- June 8, 1999 Author: Melinda Date: 06-11-99 00:01 Sofia suggests to Andres that over time, it would bother him to be married to Monica knowing that she had shared Juan's bed. Juan expresses to Segundo his concern that Monica be told the truth about the escape. They make plans for Juan to leave Doa Tegua's. Joaquin and Azucena arrive at the new judge's house and meet Amanda. Aimee tells Juan that Tegua made up a lie about her being pregnant. She says she was thrown out of Andres' house on account of Juan, and that he shouldn't kid himself--that Monica doesn't love him. IT doesn't matter, says Juan--what was between you and me is dead. She threatens him that if he takes Monica away, she will tell everyone that he abducted her by force, and that it was he who killed Espindola. Tuerto is upset that Azucena has gone to work and spy at the new judge's. Monica has a nice bubble bath and dreams of Juan. She should never have doubted him. Juan tells Tegua that because of Aimee's threats, he doesn't plan to take Monica with him. She says, "Once you give in before a threat, it begins a chain that later is very difficult to break." Mariana meets Joaquin and Azucena. Sofia tells Alberto that she is more convinced than ever that Mariana is the best choice for Andres, and Alberto tells her that he suspects that the uncle doesn't want to part with her fortune. Tegua drugs Aimee so that she'll sleep, and gives Juan a potion to give him some temporary strength for the journey. Pedro arrives, and Juan thanks Tegua, saying he'll never forget that he owes her his life. They leave. Catalina and Monica go to see Noel, who tells them the truth about Aimee and Juan, and that they've never left San Pedro. Catalina is upset when Noel suggests that Sofia was behind the plot. He tells them that he is going to get the proofs that the arms in the warehouse were from Espindola. Catalina worries about what will happen to Aimee and says, Why couldn't they have really disappeared? When Noel tells them their house is being watched, Catalina says we're being treated like criminals and all because of that delinquent. Monica accuses her of being unfair to Juan.

Bautista tells Juanita that it's better to take Andres' side than Sofia's. He's not too keen on this marriage with Alberto either, and says that if Sofia and Alberto were behind the feigned deaths of Aimee and Juan, that Andres isn't going to take it too well. Juanita reveals that she knows about the stolen letter. Juan sneaks in the back of Catalina's house (apparently Mexican police are unaware that houses have back entrances). Monica and Catalina arrive home, arguing, and Monica tells her mother that married or not, she's going with Juan. Juan meets Monica in her room. Big smooches. They lie down together and he tells her that he never deceived her. She doesn't want him to leave, and insists on dressing his wound. He says, you are my life, there is nothing and no one in this world more important to me than you. Monica sends Meche for bandages and some soup. Out in the bushes, Pedro and Segundo wait in vain [thinking that must have been SOME potion Tegua gave Juan]. Joaquin tells Azucena that he suspects Juan is alive. HE tries to convince her that he's not a bad person--just poor, and that poor people sometimes have to do things they'd rather not do. Az says, I've never done anything by force. Joaquin replies, Oh yeah? weren't you working at La Venta? He tells her that he would never hold that against her or Meche--that he knows that sometimes you do things because you have no alternative, or from fear. He likes Meche, but only as a friend . . . Marcelo suggests to Amanda that Mariana marry him in order to keep the money in the family-although to tell the truth, the idea doesn't appeal to him that much because of who her father is, and she's not the class of wife that he would choose. [what a sweetheart he is! why, any woman's dream would be to marry him!] Maybe it would be better if she became a nun. He threatens Amanda that although she can leave if she wants, Mariana must stay with him, since he's her guardian. Sofia wants Andres to take her on a trip to relieve his depression. She tells him that Aimee and Juan treated him the way they did because they had rotten souls. He just needs to make an effort to get over it. He tells her he's sorry that Juan died--it robbed him of his vengeance. Now he's just left with a belly full of anger and bitterness, while the dead get to rest. Juan falls asleep. Out in the back yard, Pedro and Segundo accost somebody, but I can't tell who or why. Pedro comes in the back window and Monica tells him that Juan is in no position to be moved. They decide to keep watch out back, and that Noel will decide what to do tomorrow. Segundo tells Noel that Juan is staying at Monica's, which seems a bad idea to Noel. Noel takes this opportunity to send Amanda a letter via Pedro and Azucena. Oh, boy, Juan in the tub--ladies, who could ask for more? Juan tells Monica that they are but a single person, that when she breathes, he breathes. He has such desire to make love to her . . . Monica giggles

and Meche knocks at the bathroom door to tell her that Catalina is awake. Monica washes Juan's back . . . nice work if you can get it! Juan tells her that Aimee is expecting Andres' child. Back at Tegua's, Aimee wakes to find Juan gone. Boy, is she mad. I'm going to be the only unhappy one, she says. I'd rather have seen him dead or rotting in jail. She says that if Juan has lied to her about Monica, Tegua and everyone else are going to jail. Juan breaks the news to Monica that he's not planning to take her with him. He explains about Aimee's threat, and says he's worried for Tegua's sake, he doesn't want to run the risk. He promises her that everything will be worked out. Only death would keep him from reuniting with her, and that's not going to happen. Aimee arrives home, and asks Catalina if Monica has left with Juan. She won't believe when Cata says no, and tells her that Juan abducted her. She tells her that she is pregnant and swears that the child is Andres'. Noel arrives, and Monica shows him into the bedroom. Meanwhile, Catalina is upstairs putting Aimee to bed. She tells Aimee she doesn't know whether to believe her, she's told so many lies before. Aimee swears she's telling the truth, and that she's afraid of going to jail as an accessory. She tells Catalina to ask Alberto for help, and to beg Andres to take her back. Noel tells Juan that the problem is that his case can't be reopened because he's been declared officially dead--he must make a public appearance to prove that he is alive. He also says that they have a great enemy in Licenciado Romero Vargas, and that it is not because of Juan but because of him, Noel, having to do with Amanda. Catalina knocks on Monica's door and gets upset when Monica won't let her in. Let her in, says Juan, and boy does Catalina get a big surprise. She goes immediately to inform the guard, and Monica tells her, If you do that, I swear you will never see me again--not even on the day that you die. Catalina tells her that Aimee is home. Bautista tells Cajiga that Sofia wants to know news of Juan. Azucena delivers Noel's letter, in which he tells her that he wants to see her, that he wants her pardon for all she has surely suffered, and he wants her to know that he has suffered, too. Juan wants to leave immediately--he doesn't trust Catalina (smart guy!) More big smooches. He promises to visit her one of these nights. Sofia goes to visit Amanda, and recognizes Azucena. She invites them to CR, and tells them bad things about Azucena. Lupe summons Alberto to Catalina's house. Bautista tells Andres that the deaths of Juan and Aimee were faked, and that they are still alive. Andres goes flying out the door.

Monica goes back to Noel's office, and he comes clean with her about Amanda: I loved her very much, so much that I've never felt the same way about another woman, that's why I've never married. She has a daughter, right? How old is she? Around 20, says Monica. She may be mine, says Noel. Monica urges him to go and see Amanda and ask for her help with Juan. He thinks it's better to wait and see how she responds to the letter. El Tuerto arrives, and Noel tells him that Juan and Segundo have left San Pedro. Amanda confronts Azucena with Sofia's allegations and Azucena says, Doa Sofia is the one you can't trust--you ask Don Noel. Sofia goes to see Marcelo. She repeats the invitation to CR, and tells him she wants Andres to marry Mariana. Marcelo tells her that won't be possible, as Mariana is already engaged--to him! Andres and Bautista go to La Venta, where Andres confronts Cajiga about the plot. Andres doesn't want to believe that his mother and Alberto were behind it. Once again Andres finds out he's behind the 8-ball--everybody has known about this except him. Monica goes to Amanda's and tells Azucena that it's not a good idea for her to be working there. She asks Az about the father of her child, and Az says only, "I don't want that father for my baby." Monica asks Amanda why Marcelo is so against Juan. Amanda says she has no influence with Marcelo--he's a very difficult person who takes advice from no one. In fact, she's afraid of him. Monica tells her all about Juan, and waxes eloquent about Noel as well. She asks Amanda to have Marcelo visit her. Catalina swears Meche to silence (excuuuuuse me? who's the boca abierta here?). Alberto arrives. Aimee tells him that Juan has abandoned her, that she is pregnant by Andres. Sofia arrives home to find Tegua waiting for her. Tegua tells her that Aimee is expecting a baby by Andres, but won't say any more (so far I think Tegua is my favorite person in this novela). Marcelo arrives home and interrogates Amanda in the usual way. He tells her that in order to scare Sofia off with her matrimonial notions, he had to tell her Mariana was already engaged to him. Amanda is very distressed and sends a message to Noel by Azucena. The lieutenant brings Noel the documents proving that Espindola skimmed 2 cases of rifles off the shipment of smuggled firearms. Noel thanks him, and tells him he has saved an innocent man from prison.

~~~Summary Episode 45~~~Author: Margaret Date: 06-10-99 23:52

Joaquin plans to visit Noel to relay Amanda's message to Noel once Marcelo leaves.. If asked why he was there, he'd simply say he was asking for news about his brother. Azucena worries that Marcelo will wonder why he didn't ask him for the info. Joaquin has that coverd too, he'll just tell him that he didn't want to bother the judge. Azucena agrees with the plan and will let Joaquin know when Marcelo leaves. Sofia asked Juanita if Alberto has returned. Juanita tells her that it was Lupe that had come for him, so he must be at Cata's house. Sofia concludes that it must have been Aimee that summonzed him. Juanita gives Sofia the low down on who the woman who told her about Aimee. Her name is Tegua and she's a faith healer and is rumored to be a witch. Sofia thinks she should have forced her to stay and make her give up Juan's whereabouts. Sofia doesn't want Andres to find out about Aimee's resurfacing and decides to go to Cata's house. Sofia leaves Juanita with a message for Alberto in the event he shows up while she's out, he is not to leave until she returns. She also instructs Juanita to not let Andres know where she has gone "If he asks, tell him you didn't notice when I left." Monica returns from her visit with Amanda and is met at the foyer by Meche. The girl tells her that Cata wants to see her and informs Monica that Alberto his in the house. Monica figures that he's there to see Aimee. Meche is surprised to hear that Aimee is in the house. "At least she was here when Noel and I left," Monica tells her faithful servant before she heads up the stairs to see for herself. Cata and Alberto are in Aimee's bedroom as Aimee tries to convince Alberto to help her. "What do you want, for me to really die?" (Let her ask me that question.) Alberto tells her of course not, but her return wasn't part of the agreement. Aimee pleads her case to him telling her that it wasn't her fault. It was Juan who decided to return, despite her begging and pleading. This is news to Cata, who believed that Juan had taken Aimee by force. An angy Cata, says that Aimee is uncapable of telling the truth and verbalizes her doubts about the paternity of Aimee's child. Aimee insists that it really is Andres' child. A knock at the door from Monica, interrupts the conversation. Cata lets her in and she and Aimee excange long looks. "I'm happy to see you," says Monica in a sincere tone (Well, as sincere as she could be under the circumstances). Alberto tries to feign ignorance of the whole plot, but Monica shoots down his attempt. She tells him that both she and Cata are aware of what's going on. She then turns to Aimee and sternly advises her sister to take advantage of her present "condition" and seek Andres' forgiveness. An agitated Aimee asks her sister how did she know about her pregnancy, "Who told you? Juan, right? You've seen him, where is he?" Cata tells Aimee that it was she who told Monica about the pregnancy. Aimee is still not convinced and asks Monica if she's seen Juan. Monica tells her that she found everything out from Noel and reiterates the importance of Aimee reconciling with Andres because Juan no longer wishes to be presumed dead. Alberto tries to convince her that it's best to keep things the way they are, but Monica stays firm pointing out that the case can't be re-opened while Juan is still considered dead. It is the only way to prove his innocence, spits a defiant Monica. She tells Alberto not to interfere and if he wants to do something constructive, he should try to convince Sofia and Andres to let Aimee return to their home. Monica assures Alberto that the child is Andres' and Juan couldn't be the father because he was never unfaithful to her. Aimee hysterically exclaims. "Then you have seen him." Monica coldly repeats to her that she has not. Aimee now visibly disturbed, "Then how can you be

so sure of what you are saying if you haven't spoken with him?" A fed up Cata interrupts. She doesn't understand why if Aimee insists on disputing what her sister is saying. Alberto tells them all that things aren't going to be easy because everyone in SP thinks that Aimee escaped with Juan. Now that she's back and pregnant everyone will naturally assume that child may not be Andres'. Aimee insists once again that she can say Juan kidnapped her. Monica fumes at the thought and will not sacrifice Juan to maintain her Aimee's immaculate reputation. Cata disagrees and doesn't feel that they should be made to suffer. "Maybe he didn't force her to go," says an angered Cata "but he did seduce her, enamored her and drove her out her mind." Monica accuses her mother of being unjust. When Cata returns the accusation and chides her for only thinking about the man that has brought nothing but unhappiness to this family and not thinking of her own mother, sister and family name. Monica tells her mother she does think of them, but she also thinks of Juan, who has suffered too much already because of Aimee. She refuses to accept any more suffering on his part. She leaves the room and Aimee begins to cry and accuses Monica of being selfish. All this because Monica hates her pouts Aimee. Andres returns home with Bautista and barely containing his anger he asks Juanita for Sofia and Alberto. Juanita follows Sofia's instructions and tells him that she doesn't know where Sofia is and didn't notice when she left. Andres stomps his way to his den and Bautista follows him. He motions Bautista to leave the sacks containing the hush money on his desk. Bautista then leaves and is met by Juanita who asks him what happened. Bautista tells her that Andres know everything about Juan and Aimee's presumed deaths, as well as the roles Sofia and Alberto played in the plan. Juanita is upset because Sofia is going to know it was her who told Bautista. Bautista reiterates that Sofia has already been suspicious of her, then walks off. Alberto tries to convince Cata that the best thing to do is for Aimee to still be presumed dead. That way she and Aimee can go live far away, because Andres is never going to believe that the child is his. Cata doesn't want to leave Monica and doubts that Juan would let Monica go with them. Alberto tells her that is why she has to find out where Juan is from Noel or Monica, so he can go and talk to him (If she falls for this, then she really is a natural blonde.) Sofia storms into the house and demands to know what the heck is going on, especially about the pregnancy. Cata tells her that Aimee is expecting Andres' child. "Don't make me laugh," says an angry Sofia. She demands to see Aimee. Cata sends Lupe for Aimee. Sofia blames Alberto for this whole situation. Alberto asks her to never say that, after all Noel gave his word that Aimee and Juan would never return. Sofia wants to know where is Juan. Lupe genuinely pleased to see Aimee tells her that she'd never thought that she'd return. Aimee tells Lupe that she too thought she'd never return. Lupe wants to know if it's true that she's expecting a baby from Andres. Aimee asks how she knew. Lupe tells her that she learn it from Sofia. A shocked Aimee asks Lupe if Sofia is in the house. Lupe tells her that she is and that Cata is calling for Aimee to come downstairs. Aimee is mortified. Monica arrives at Sofia's house and is greeted by Juanita. When Monica asks to speak to Andres, Juanita asks her why. "That's my business," Monica tells her curtly and begins to walk through the house. Juanita follow her and begs her not to if it's about Aimee expecting. Juanita continues to tell her that Sofia is at Cata's house now. When Monica asks how did Sofia find out Juanita tells her. She also

warns Monica that Sofia doesn't want Andres to know and will be very angry if Monica tells him. "Let her get mad then," fires Monica as she knocks on Andres' door. Andres calls her in. They exchange very few pleasantries before Monica tells Andres that Juan and Aimee are not dead. Andres tells her that he already knows. Monica asks how did he find out and he responds that it doesn't matter. "The question is how did you find out, or did you all ways know,"Andres asks bitterly. She firmly denies knowing and tells him she just found out in the morning when Aimee arrived at the house. He asks if they both returned and Monica tells him only Aimee has returned "Because she is expecting your child." Andres laughs mockingly and asks her if she thinks he really is that stupid (Once again, why don't they ask me this questions). She says she's never thought of him as stupid. He says everyone else thinks he is and they're probably right, because each one has lied to him time and time again. He's tired of the lies. She says that she was lied to also. She tells him that she was made to believe that Aimee and Juan had left together and died. She tells him the whole story about the escape and his subsequent injury. She says that the intent was for Juan to leave with Monica not Aimee because Juan loves her, not her sister. Andres doesn't believe a word she's saying. Sofia say's that she'll never be convinced that Andres is the father of Aimee's child. Aimee tells her very simply and calmly that it's the truth. She continues to tell her disbeliever mother-in-law that since the day she was married, Juan has rejected her despite her pleas and treats (Goodness gracious, it only took 42 episodes for the truth to come out of her mouth.). She tells Sofia the truth about the foiled escape plan and Juan's constant thoughts of Monica. She tells her Sofia that she wishes the child were Juan's, because he would have never left her knowing that she's carrying his child. She finally tells Sofia angrily that the only reason she's there now is because she doesn't have a choice. "If you don't want the kid, if you don't care, I care less." She angrily runs back to her room. Cata looks worried and Sofia is uneasy. Monica continues to try to convince Andres. She points out that he and Aimee have had "marital relations" until recently and that although Aimee has behavior has been despicable, "The child is innocent, and that child could be yours." Andres looks pensive. Joaquin relays Amanda's message to Noel. He tells Noel that she wants to see him now, because Marcelo isn't in the home. The boy tells Noel that he has to find a way to get rid of the guard but he can enter through the back of the house. Noel agrees and sends Joaquin to tell her that he'll be there. He looks at what he's wearing and decides to change his suit. Cajiga tries to convince Bautista to kidnap Azucena and force her to tell about Juan's whereabouts. Bautista thinks that it would be futile, Azucena is too stubborn and can't be forced to talk. Cajiga insists that he'd have fun trying. Bautista thinks Serrafin would be a better candidate. Cajiga lament's that it doesn't matter because in any event they'd have to get them from ET's tavern. He wishes that Espindola was still around so he can storm ET's and grab them at will. Maybe Hernanzez will help them out. Azucena tells Amanda that Noel is on his way. Amanda asks if he's coming through the back and Azucena tells her he is. Amanda tells her that he is to stay in the kitchen when he arrives, then let her know that he's there.

A guard follows Noel to Amanda's house. Noel quickly turns around, then laughs at the guards attempt to look inconspicuous. He approaches the gate and rings the bell. Amanda after hearing the bell, tells Azucena that if it's for her to tell them that she isn't home. "Yes, Ma'am," says Azucena respectfully and goes to answer the door as Amanda darts to the kitchen. To Azucena's surprise Noel walks through the front door. She tells him that they were expecting him to come through the back door. He calmly takes of his hat and tells her, "I'm too old to be sneaking through the back door." He then hangs his hat and cane and sends Azucena for Amanda. A moment later he catches her in his sight. They stand for a long while holding their stares. She smiles, as does he. They greet one another and he tells her that she is lovely. She looks down and tells him that she isn't lovely anymore. He tells her not worry about Marcelo, if he asks what Noel was doing there she can tell him that he came to look for the Judge. She begins to smile then offers him a seat. They discuss what happened after they split. She confirms that she is a widow. She further tells him that her parents sent her to Puebla and she then married Joaquin Vargas. He tells her that he looked for her a long time and she says she never knew. He then asks her how old is he daughter and she tells him 19. When he asks if she is his daughter, Amanda tells him that she is, but doesn't know it. Amanda pleads to him that she is desperate and doesn't know whom to turn to for help. Noel is concerned, "Why? What's happening?" Joaquin and Azucena are in the kitchen. Azucena says that she's never seen Noel look so different. Joaquin shyly tells her that he thinks she looks different too. Azucena is a bit taken aback by the comment and asks how different. Joaquin looks at her and tells her, "Well, I think you're prettier." Azucena flustered and angry asks him if he has anything better to do, he says no. She tells him that she does and as she storms out of the kitchen, she pauses for a moment and they look at each other. She leaves. Amanda says that it's not the money that Marcelo is not after, but is out for justice. She tells him that she's tried everything to get him to stop the way he thinks. He is Mariana's trustee until she is married, but he doesn't allow her to court anyone and now he plans on marrying her (Ee gads!). Noel gets angry. She describes him as a cold man, heartless and without ever a kind thing to say. Mariana hates him, and Amanda is scared of him. She tells Noel about Marcelo's theory about his intentions with Amanda. Noel wants to know if she believes it. No she could never believe that of him. She continues to tell Noel that Marcelo isn't physically abusive to them but his words are hurtful and cruel. She is desperate and doesn't know what to do. She doesn't want Mariana to marry Marcelo, but she also doesn't want Mariana to know that Noel is her father. Not because of Noel, but because of her love for the man she believes to be her father. Noel understands, but tries to convince her to tell Mariana the truth. Mariana walks in on the two and introduces her self to Noel again. Noel looks at her gently and she looks at him with curiosity. Monica returns home and is told by Cata that Sofia was by and had just left with Alberto. Monica says she just ran into them and told them that she had just come back from visiting Andres and telling him about Aimee. Cata wants to know if he's going to accept Aimee. Monica doesn't know. He's really hurt and angry now, but at least he's not completely convinced that the baby isn't his.

Segundo is supporting Juan as they walk trough the countryside and approach a stone cottage. Segundo gently sits Juan on a rock to rest after the long walk has left him weak and winded. Segundo uses Juan's knife to pry open the door to the cottage. Juan asks if he's sure that he gave Pedro proper information about where they were staying. Segundo assures Juan that he told Pedro that they'd be at Pancho Agyayo's ranch. Segundo helps Juan into the house. Juan says his injury hardly hurts. He's hoping that not too much time has passed so that Joaquin can identify his brother's body. He must start planning his reemergence in SP, but it must be in a public place. Juan says that it would be at the church, during mass. Noel returns to his house to find Pedro they're waiting for him. Pedro asks what time Juan left a few times before a distracted Noel tells him that he had left in the morning. Pedro tells Noel that they should be at Pancho Agyayo's old ranch by now and Juan had left instructions for him to send a few things. He asks Noel if he would like to send Juan a message. It takes a while, but Noel finally snaps out of his trance and tells Pedro to let Juan know that they have proven that Espindola forged the documents so that he had two cartons of arms at his disposition. Pedro figures that with that and Joaquin's testimony, Juan is in the clear. Noel agrees, but now the one that's in trouble now is ET because of Espindola's death. Because we don't tell the authorities the truth, it will be Juan who will be accused of Espindola's murder. "Well, he's just going to have to leave town," laments Pedro. "Poor Tuerto." Alberto and Sofia arrive home. Juanita runs to Sofia and tells her about Monica's visit and that Andres knows about Juan and Aimee still being alive. When asked how he found out Juanita told Sofia that Andres and Bautista paid a visit to Guadalupe Cagiga? Andres comes storming in the room and demands that Alberto pack and leave immediately. When asked why, Andres becomes angrier. He tells his mother and Alberto that he knows all about their involvement with the escape and the payoff for the murders of Juan and Aimee. Sofia pretends she doesn't know anything about it and acts offended at the suggestion. He says he's fed up with they're repeated lies to him. He angrily tells them that if they want to get married he doesn't care, they're made for each other. He want's them both far away from him, out of his sight. He storms off leaving the words hanging in Sofia's mouth. She goes after him and Alberto tries to stop her. She refuses to have her son have such a low opinion of her, absoloutly not! She goes right after him. Andres is seething in his chair as Sofia walks in. He doesn't want to talk to her, but she doesn't need his permission to talk to him. She's his mother and he's got to respect her. Respect is earned he says. Sofia begins to tell him about the love and devotion that she's felt for him since the moment she discovered that she was pregnant. She goes on about the sacrifice of her personal happiness for his success. She appeals for him to maintain the good names of his father and grandfather. How does she maintain the good name of Alcazar? By murder? Sofia coolly denies involvement in the murder for hire. She want's to know what his plans are in regards to Aimee. Even if the child was his it's not like anyone would believe it and he doesn't want her in his home anyway. Sofia agrees, but what if the child is his, one of their own, he can't abandon it. Andres' anger turns into confusion. Sofia tells them they must try to make things right again, to return to normalcy and calm. She says if they stick together, it can be done. She leaves him alone, in thought.

Alberto is waiting for her. She tells him they must think of a way to clean Aimee's name without necessarily implicating Juan, because of Monica's threats. Alberto comes up with a plan (This guy is always thinking.). The can say because of his injuries, Juan did stay at Cata's house, but because his friends were worried about his safety they kidnapped Aimee as insurance that he wouldn't be turned in. They released her when, Juan was able to leave SP. Sofia likes the plan. Marcelo visits Monica. She confesses that Juan still is alive and that his "death" was a plot devised by Alberto and Sofia. She further tells him that they too are responsible for the false charges against Juan. She tells him that Amanda says that he is a man who seeks justice, and that is why she wants to tell him the whole story about her husband. He agrees to hear her out. Juan understands how Andres feels. He'd like the opportunity to talk to him. He's sure Andres is a good person and would like to clear things up. Segundo reminds Juan that he once hated Andres. Juan admits that was because he was jealous because Andres had it all and Juan had nothing. Now it is Juan who is the fortunate one. He says his current situation aside; he's excited about his future with Monica. He has a family now and he'll soon have children. "When one has finally found peace," says Juan. "His only wish is that others can be as happy." That's why he wants to set things straight with Andres. He wants to be able to put things in the past and forget about everything and give him a hug, like brothers do. They hear Pedro's whistle in the dark. Marcelo agrees to investigate Monica's charges against Sofia and Alberto, but warns her that the Juan is still under suspicion for the murder of Espindola. Monica tells him she doesn't know who did it, but it wasn't Juan. When asked how she knew this, she says because Noel told her so. He thanks her for her time and the information she provided, but he must leave. As she walks him to the door, he makes the supposition that since Juan is alive, then too must Aimee. Monica confirms this is so and Marcelo bids her goodnight. After he leaves a panicked Monica runs to Aimee's room. Monica asks Aimee who shot Espindola. Aimee tells her that it was Juan. Monica doesn't believe it and Aimee doesn't care what she believes. She was there that night and if they ask her who it was, she's going to tell them it was Juan. Monica asks Aimee why is she so bad and full of anger. Aimee feels that Monica has destroyed her life. She tells Monica that she damns the day she left the convent, she damns the day Juan met her, and she damns the day that she was born. Monica tells Aimee that she scares her. Aimee coldly looks at her sister and tells her that she should be scared because as long as she lives, Monica will never be happy. Monica warns her, "Don't make me wish you were dead."

~~~Summary Episode 46~~~ Author: Margaret Date: 06-11-99 16:22 Juan, Segundo and Pedro are eating by a campfire. Pedro fills Juan in the situation in SP. He tells Juan that they have to tell the authorities that ET was the one who shot Espindola or else they will charge Juan with the murder. Juan refuses to allow ET to accept the blame for shooting Espindola. He doesnt want him to loose his friends, his business and freedom for having saved Juans life. Juan says that he is

going to be the one who accepts responsibility for Espindolas death. After all, he can claim it was in selfdefense. Amanda asks Mariana what was her impression of Noel, but the girl is more interested in knowing what Marcelos answer to Sofias proposition was. Amanda decides to tell Mariana about Marcelos plan to marry her and is surprised by her daughter's reaction. Mariana is actually pleased with the news! After all, he is a gentleman and a fine catch. She says that all her friends had always thought he was handsome, but she never saw him as anything but her uncle (Yuk!). But now she sees the attraction. Amanda was certain that Mariana would refuse to marry him, she was under the impression that Mariana hated him. Marian says that sure he can be difficult but with love he will change, at least his attitude towards her will change. Amanda tells her daughter that nobody has mentioned love here. Marcelo walks in and is met by a wistful stare from Mariana. He asks to speak to Amanda alone. Mariana walks out of the room, but gives one long look to the baffled Marcelo. When they are alone, he asks Amanda if shes told Mariana about the engagement. Amanda tells him that Mariana is naive and she thinks this is like some kind of fairy tale. She continues to tell Marcelo that Mariana is excited about the prospect. Marcelo is stunned. Pedro tells Juan that Azucena is working as a servant at the judges house and that she is pregnant. Juan guesses correctly that it is Cajigas child. Monica and Cata discuss Marcelos visit. Monica tells Cata that she told him everything, including Sofia and Albertos involvement. Cata cannot believe that Monica would put more importance on Juan than her family, and decent people. Monica tells Cata that Juan is her family now and she refuses to like to protect decency that doesnt even exist. Cata protests and says that the allegations against Sofia and Alberto havent been proven and that Aimee has repented (Yea, right!). Besides that, the child Aimee is carrying is innocent and shouldnt have to carry his mothers shame. Monica firmly tells her mother that neither she nor Juan will carry that shame either. Cata tells Monica that she thinks it would be best if she didnt return to Juan anyway. Monica tells her not to even dream of that. Lupe brings Aimee her dinner. Aimee tells Lupe to not tell anyone that ET was the one who shot Espindola, because it was really Juan who shot him. Lupe is confused because Aimee had told her that it was ET. Aimee harshly says that she lied that day, it was Juan Understand. Lupe says she does. Mariana and Marcelo are at the dinner table. Mariana asks Azucena if her mother will be eating dinner. Azucena tells her she offered to take her something, but she refused. Azucena asks if there is anything else she can do before she leaves the two alone. Marian cant take her eyes off of Marcelo and watches his every movement. He brings up the topic of their engagement. He insists that the only reason shes so willing to marry him is because she hasnt entertained any other offer. He asks her what she thinks of Andres. She tells him that she likes him and that he has a certain look of sadness about him. Marcelo asks if she likes men who have a sadness about them. She replies that she is attracted to those who need affection, Like you. Marcelo rebuffs the suggestion and tells her that he needs nothing. Mariana insists that everyone needs affection. She admits that she isnt as experienced in these matters, but there are certain things that one can just feel. He then asks her how does she feel about

him. She admits that when she was younger that she was frightened of him, but now shes grown and he has taken notice of her and she likes that. She is looking straight into his eyes as she tells him it makes her feel grown, like a woman. He tells her that she doesnt seem to be frightened anymore. Of course not, she says softly as she moves in closer to him, Because now I see you in a different light. Youre a man and Im a woman and you love me. A flustered Marcelo orders her to go to bed. As she walks past him she puts out her hand to be kissed. He stands, takes her hands and barely kisses it. She leaves the room, but once again gives him a long penetrating look. A confused and exasperated Marcelo falls into his chair. Pedro tells Noel that Juan doesnt want ET to stand accused of Espindolas death. Juan himself wants to take the blame and plead that it was done in self-defense. Azucena overhears as Hernandez is giving Marcelo a report of the surveillance of Catas house. He tells the judge that the guard saw a woman enter the house in the morning and was certain it was Aimee. Marcelo tells Hernandez that Monica told him that Juan is alive as well. He orders Hernandez to continue the surveillance, although it has proven to be futile, and to put patrols on the outskirts of town. Hernandez adds to his report that Noel was visited by a calvary man, but he figures the judge probably knows this since Noel came by last night. Marcelo gets upset at that news, but before another word is said Andres is at the door. Hernandez leaves to follow Marcelos orders, leaving Andres and Marcelo alone. Azucena continues to listen as Andres tells Marcelo that Juan is still alive and demands that Marcelo let him find Juan and kill him. Azucena panics and leaves. Marcelo tells Andres that he understands his anger, but he must let the authorities handle the situation. Justice will prevail and see to it that Juan will pay for his crimes, as will others. Andres wants to know what Marcelo means by that. Marcelo tells him that someone has accused Sofia and Alberto of fabricating the evidence that implicated Juan. When Andres demands to know who made the accusation, Marcelo refuses to tell him (Amen, brother!). Andres accuses the judge of persecuting his family and taking Juans side in this matter. Marcelo insists that he is on the side of the law and warns Andres not intervene. Andres fires back to the judge not to get in his way. Marcelo barges into Amandas bedroom as she sits at her dressing table. He wants to know why she didnt tell him that Noel came to the house. Unaffected by his anger, she tells him next time to please knock before he enters her room. He demands to know why Noel came by. She tells him that Noel came by to speak with him. He doesnt believe her and asks if they talked. She doesnt answer. An enraged Marcelo forbids Amanda to ever see Noel again. An equally enraged Amanda tells him that she forbids that him t marry her daughter. He leaves without saying another word. Monica is at Noels. He tells Monica that Juan is fine and sends her his love. He also assures her that it was ET not Juan who killed Espindola. She tells him that Aimee is saying that it was Juan and is fearful of her testimony. Noel dismisses Aimees hysterics and tells Monica that if Aimee wants to return to Andres, it is in her best interest to keep out of this. The problem that Noel sees is that Juan has already decided to accept blame for the shooting and plans on pleading self-defense. Monica is worried about this and ask Noel if ET has agreed to go through with this. Noel tells her of course not, which is why Juan

forbids anyone to tell him about it. Monica tells Noel that she told Marcelo everything that has transpired and that he will be investigating. Noel expresses his fear to Monica that Marcelo may go after Juan to get to Noel. A knock on the door interrupts them, its Azucena and she is in a panic because Andres knows that Juan is alive and he wants to kill him. Noel asks the ladies to remain calm, after all this isnt anything new. He asks Azucena where she heard this. Juan is in SP wearing a straw hat and pheasant clothes (Kind of looks like the guy in Kung Fu.). He is walking with less difficulty, yet he is still obviously hurting. He enters the church and kneels behind a pew. A woman comes out of the confession boot and Juan goes in. Juan tells Padre Domingo who he is and the priest is shocked to see him alive. Juan needs his help. Padre Domingo is confused because Monica held a mass for his passing. Juan explains that Monica didnt know he was alive and that he never fled with Aimee. He asks the father to hear him out, then decide if he will help him or not. Padre Domingo tells him that the house of God is always open, even for the worst of sinners. Juan assures the priest that his sins arent that bad. The priest agrees to here him out, but they not in the confessional. Andres comes home angry and asks Juanita for Sofia, who Juanita says isnt home. He then asks for Alberto, who is coming down the stairs and announces his presence. He sends Juanita to go get Bautista and asks Alberto to follow him into his den. Andres angrily says that Alberto and Sofia have been accused of falsifying the documents that were used to convict Juan and for orchestrating his fake death. Alberto is indifferent to the accusation because there is no way to prove the charges. The only witness were Espindola and Cajiga. Espindola is dead and Cajiga wouldnt tell because he too would be implicated. Andres blames him for getting his mother caught up in this whole mess. Alberto refuses to accept responsibility and tells Andres that he should be grateful to him for stepping in because at the time a desperate Sofia could have turned to someone less scrupulous than he. Andres tells Alberto that he has no scruples. Bautista arrives and Andres tells him to enter. Andres asks Bautista if hes taken care of the matter they discussed. Bautista says that hes working on it and he was going to ask Andres if he can use a couple of men from CR. Andres grants him permission to do so as long as he gets results and quick. Bautista takes his orders and leaves. Alberto asks Andres what hes planning on doing and Andres tells him its none of his business. He tells Alberto to focus on a way of getting Sofia out of the mess he got her into. Alberto agrees to do so, but warns Andres to watch his tone. Andres asks him if hes supposed to be elated with all that Alberto has done. Alberto tells him that he will not accept the blame for all their problems. Andres angrily asks him why does he get involved then. Alberto says hes already explained that and that hes going to get pushed to far and leave them all to figure all this out for themselves. Juan is still in the church talking to Padre Domingo who cannot bring himself to believe that Sofia is capable of such dastardly deeds. Juan points out to the priest that even the most dignified and respected people often resort to any means to maintain their prestige and influence. Padre Domingo agrees, but is still not convinced of her involvement and focuses on Alberto. Juan argues that even if

Alberto was the one that planned the whole thing, Sofia had to have known about it and must have agreed to follow it through. The priest gives it some though and asks Juan if Andres knew anything about this conspiracy. Juan doesnt know. He tells the priest that Noel has the evidence to prove that he is innocent and that he must show himself to be alive in order to re-open the case and clear this all up. Padre Domingo wonders why he just doesnt turn himself over to the proper authorities. Juan tells him that they will imprison him again and that there anything can happen. Padre Domingo finally agrees to help him. Before Juan leaves he asks Padre Domingo if the 10:00 mass is the one Monica regularly attends. Padre Domingo tells him yes. Juan tells the priest that hell see him then. Cajiga pays Hernandez a visit and asks for his help. He wants him to storm ETs tavern like they did before, but this time theyll only nab Azucena. Hernandez says he wont for two reasons. The first is that Marcelo Romero-Vargas isnt like the other judge and would never tolerate that action. The second is that Azucena isnt staying at ETs, shes at the judges home working as a servant. Marcelo is in his office issuing subpoenas for ET, the employees of the ET and JDD, Noel and Cajiga. He then asks his clerk if theres any word on who Espindola's replacement. No says the clerk. Marcelo then asks for the status of the municipal president. The clerk says that he is still in danger of dying. As soon as he his dismissed, the clerk comes back into his office to announce the Noel is there to see him. Marcelo tells the clerk to send him in. As soon as Noel enters Marcelo demands to know what he was doing at his house. Noel lies and says he was there to see him. Marcelo tells him that that is a lie, he knows that Noel went there to see Amanda. Noel agrees and adds that he went to see his daughter as well. Marcelo objects to Noel calling Mariana his daughter. Noel laughs off Marcelos indignation and tells Marcelo that hes playing on both sides of the game. Hes threatening Amanda with telling everyone that Mariana isnt a Romero-Vargas, but at the same time doesnt want anyone to know. Noel shrugs and says that this is a subject for another time, hes there to discuss Juans appeal. Marcelo tells Noel, that Juan needs to turn himself in to the proper authorities in order to confirm that he is alive. Noel tells him that Juan refuses to do so because he doesnt trust them and he gives him Lieutenant Garcias affidavit that Espindola falsified the invoice so that two boxes of riffles remained. He then hands over a request to exhume the body of the man they found with the riffles, so he can be identified as a prisoner that had disappeared around the night that Juan was arrested. Marcelo agrees that everything seems in order except for the death of Espindola. Noel tells Marcelo that Espindola fired the first shot badly injuring Juan. He in self-defense returned fire mortally wounding Espindola. Marcelo asks who will be his witness, Aimee? Noel feigns ignorance and asks why her? Marcelo tells Noel that she was with Espindola the night of the escape. Monica returns home to find that Sofia, Cata and Aimee agree on a story. Sofia will allow Aimee to return to the house, provided that Andres is the father of the child she is carrying. However, they first must come up with a story that will allow Andres to retain his dignity. They will say that when Juan escaped he was badly injured and came to Catas house. When hes men were ready to take him, they took Aimee too out of fear that shed turn him over. She was set free after Juan was safely out of SP. Monica refuses to let them follow through with this story. Cata is infuriated that shes willing to protect those paupers, before her own sister. Monica it insists that its not only untrue, its unfair to place the blame on innocent people. Aimee left, because she wanted to. Even after Sofia orders her to do as shes

told and tells Monica that she isnt going to jeopardize Andres position because of their shameless actions. Monica remains adamant and tells Sofia that Juan is in the position he is in now because of the shameless actions of others that put him in jail unjustly, and she wont be convinced to follow their plan. She briskly leaves to her room. Sofia is unfazed by Monicas reaction saying its her word against theirs. She orders Aimee to go to her house in the morning so the doctor can examine her. Cata thanks Sofia, but she ignores Cata and walks straight out of the house. A worried Cata asks what are they going to do with her sister? Kill her, coldly responds Aimee. Cata tells Aimee she wont allow her to say such a thing, even in jest. An unaffected Aimee heads to her room, while Cata goes to Monicas. Monica is still upset about the conversation. Cata comes into her room and chides her daughter for not listening to reason. After all, Monica got her way and Juan will not be blamed. Monica tells Cata that she doesnt understand how she can lie and slander innocent people to protect the dignity of someone with no shame. Cata reminds Monica that this concerns her daughter and Monicas own sister. Monica tells Cata that she knows these people. They are noble, kind and faithful, and they dont deserved to be accused of something they didnt do just to cover Aimees lust. Cata argues that Aimee is expecting and that those people are delinquents and bandits. Monica tells her mother that they will never agree about this and she thinks it would be best if she moved out. Cata says fine! She angrily tells Monica to flee with the scoundrel that would bring her nothing but misery, but if she does so Cata will no longer consider Monica her daughter. She bolts out the room nearly in tears. Alberto confronts Cajiga telling him that he is the lowest of men and cannot be trusted. Cajiga presumes that he is referring to his conversation with Andres and Bautista. Alberto was surprised to learn that Bautista was with Andres and wanted to know how they found out. Cajiga didnt have any idea. Alberto tells Cajiga that Marcelo is investigating Sofia and himself. Cajiga assumes that Marcelo found out through Hernandez, since he no longer is being as cooperative as he once was. Alberto asks if thats the man who saw Aimee with Espindola. Cajiga acknowledges that he is the same man. Alberto tells Cajiga that Hernandez could be a liability to all of them. Marcelo quizzes Hernandez Sofia, Alberto and the night of the arrest. He can only say that hes seen Alberto with Espindola every now and then. He also tells Marcelo that on the night of the arrest, he saw some of Espindolas people unload some crates from storage. He only knows one of the men and he lives near the canyon thats on the other side of the pueblo. Marcelo tells Hernandez that he wants him to get that man in the morning and that he wants everything he just said in writing. This includes Hernandez confirmation that Aimee was with Espindola the night of the escape. He asks how many soldiers does he have searching for Juan. Hernandez tells him that he has two patrols consisting of 5 men per patrol. Marcelo sends him on his way. Azucena and Joaquin are in the kitchen when Juan comes in. Azucena is overjoyed and embraces Juan. Juan orders her to leave the house the first thing in the morning and to go to Monica. At first she tries to convince him to let her stay, but then agrees. Joaquin looks on in shock. Juan gently touches her stomach and asks her if its Cajigas. She says it is, but she doesnt want Juan to kill him because Cajiga isnt worth the effort. Juan kisses her gently on the forehead then says goodbye. Joaquin tells Azucena that he thought that he was dead! Azucena doesnt respond.

Sofia enters Andres den to talk. He doesnt even allow her a word and leaves her. Alberto walks in and Sofia tells him what just happened. Alberto tells her that he thinks Juanita told Bautista about Cajiga. Sofia seethes! Juan is out side and spots the guard at Catas house. He sneaks through the greenery. Monica is getting ready for bed and to her surprise and delight. Juan comes through the door. She rushes to embrace him. He grimaces and she asks whats wrong. He looks at her and tells her, I told you Id come. They kiss passionately then look on to one another with love in their eyes. To be continued..

~~~Summary~~~ Episodes 47 & 48 ---------- June 10, 1999 Author: Maggie13 Date: 06-13-99 14:16 Summary Juan had told Monica he'd be back.and he always keeps his word...<sigh> Monica is scared that Juan is taking chances coming to see her but she is nevertheless glad he cameHow is your injury she asks himBetter, he responds with a grin. Do you want me to show you? They both giggle and fall upon the bed in a truly Demetresque moment <g>. Meanwhile Marcelo is having dinner with Mariana and Amanda and tells them he is going to re-open the case against Juan, because both Juan and Aimee are alive. Marcelo asks Mariana what she thinks of Noel and he tells her that Noel is a delinquent and that she should stay away from him. Mariana asks when Marcelo is going to give her an engagement ring, which he thinks is a frivolous detail (whether he is a good judge or not is debatable but his courting skills could take a lesson or to from the Juan del Diablo school of romance <g>). Mariana says its logical for her to want a ring and talks excitedly about getting married, she also asks him where they will live because once they get married, she is not going to want to be moving around from town to town.Later, Amanda wonders why Mariana likes Marcelo and is receptive to his proposal, Mariana thinks all Marcelo needs is some affection. Azucena frets about not wanting the baby. Joaquin tells her if she needs a friend, he will be there for her. Juan and Monica, enjoying a night together after being apart so long, pledge their undying love for one another and kiss passionately.. Juan tells Monica what happened the night of the jail break and why he can't let ET go to jail. He tells Monica if the judge takes a while to move out of their house, they will live at the beach house. She says she would follow him anywhere. They discuss Azucena and Juan wants Azucena to move to Monica's house, Monica says that is fine, but that she doesn't want to stay there. She wants Juan to take her with

him. She tells him she learned to adapt to rough living at the convent. He says he is in constant danger and would be worried about her safety. He needs to be clear headed and alert right now. He wishes he didn't have to put her through this, he promised her a peaceful life. [I would be remiss in my summary writing duties if I didn't mention they had this whole conversation in bed.<g>] The next day, Monica tells Juan about how Sofia wanted to blame him for kidnapping Aimee and now wants to at least blame it on his people. She also tells him that Noel is Mariana's father and asks if Juan is comfortable at his hideout. She asks him to be careful, to do it for her. He responds (in Classic Robin Hood mode) everything I do, I do it for youuuuuuu. <g> He tells her go to the 10 a.m. Mass. Monica repeats that she is happy to see him but is scared for his safety and they kiss again (& again) and he leaves. Azucena is kidnapped on her way to Monica's house. Amanda visits Monica and confides that she is worried that Marcelo only wants to marry Mariana to keep her inheritance in the family..Juan and Segundo are out in the valley and see some soldiers and stumble upon a house with armed men. They don't know who it belongs to, so they decide to investigateET visits Noel, he is still under police surveillanceSerafin brings the Summons for ET & Segundo that were served at the Pub.Monica and Amanda go to Marcelo's office to report Azucena's kidnapping. Amanda asks if he gave the order to have Azucena taken. He didn't. Noel visits Monica's house and Meche reports Az's kidnapping to him. Three men assaulted her on the way to Monica's house. They believe Cajiga is responsible.The only witness that Aimee was in the jail the night of the escape was killedMarcelo thinks that death is very convenient for JuanRoque (Cajiga's Assistant) taunts Azucena, she warns him that when Juan finds out, both he and Cajiga are dead men. Juan (and his gun) wait outside Cajiga's house while inside Cajiga asks Azucena if she knows where Juan isSegundo and Juan knock out RoqueCajiga wants to make his relationship with Azucena more permanent. He wants to buy her a house and tells her to forget about Juan. He tells Azucena Andres wants to know where Juan is and that Bautista was going to kidnap her, but since he likes her, he offered to take care of the kidnapping. Cajiga asks again where Juan is. Azucena says, okayyou want to know where Juan is? Well, he is here. Here? Cajiga asks (with a smirk on his face). Right behind you Juan says, pointing a gun at Cajiga's head. Noel visits Marcelo and demands that he investigate Azucena's disappearance. Marcelo says he doesn't have the resources available. Noel says he would if he didn't have so many police officers wasting time watching him and Juan's people. They argue. Juan questions Cajiga and Roque, the latter being very properly tied up at the time of course <g>. Cajiga denies ever touching Azucena and when he finds out Azucena is preggers he offers to marry her

and promises -- never to hit her - LOL! Juan makes Cajiga promise to give the child his last name and Cajiga says he is switching sides, he tells Juan Bautista is planning on kidnapping Serafin Monica warns Noel the guard who saw Aimee at the jail was killed and asks Noel to warn JuanMarcelo asks Amanda what she told Noel, she says she told him everything and that she will do anything to stop him from marrying her daughter. She then tells Mariana the only thing Marcelo wants is her inheritanceMariana has a bewildered look on her face Noel goes to visit Aimee at Andres' house. Andres tells Noel he wants to see Juan. He wants to challenge him to a duel. He wants Juan dead or for Juan to kill him, but he says both of them cannot remain in this world. Azucena tells Juan Monica has made him a weakling, she is upset Juan accepted Cajiga's help. Juan explains that killing is not the only way to show strength, and that Cajiga has a responsibility to the child she is carrying. He says if she doesn't want any help from Cajiga, she can get married to someone who will support her and her baby. To be Continued.. ***********Summary Episodes 49 & 50 ---------- June 11, 1999********** Author: Iria Date: 06-14-99 08:57 Don Noel tells Andres he has no forgiveness from God. According to Andres they are the ones that can't be forgiven for what was done to him. Noel tells him that once Juan finds out what was done to Serafin he won't refuse. He also tells him he will regret what he's doing. He's wrong, Juan has not betrayed him. Andres will wait for Juan in CR. Noel advices Andres to send someone to CR & warn Bautista not to hurt the boy. Andres will do that. Pedro & El Tuerto discuss the summoning. Noel walks in & tells them that Andres did take the boy to CR. He promissed not to hurt him but wants to see Juan. He asks them not to tell anyone about this, specially Monica. He also tells them Cabo is dead.

Bautista is told not to hurt Serafin. Catalina tells Monica that she should go with them to CR. Atleast until Juan's problem is solved. Monica wants to stay. She doesn't want to see Alberto or Sofia. Their attitude towards Juan & her has been rotten. Mariana can't believe her uncle wants to marry for money, he doesn't need it. Her mom tells her she's excited with the idea of a wedding. She'll speak to Marcelo about letting her see other guys. Mariana prefers to leave things as they are. She is very attracted to him. Marcelo is being informed about all the people who went to Noel's home, he is also told that Aimee was raptured by Juan's men.

At church, everyone is sitting listenning to mass when all of a sudden Juan appears & walks towards the priest to get the basket for the donations. He collects money from everyone, then goes to the sacristy to read a note Noel gave him. Marcelo is told that Juan is alive & was in church. His death certificate will be revoked tomorrow morning. Marcelo asks Noel about Asuzena & about Aimee returning with Andres. Noel explains Aimee is pregnant. He tells Noel that he knows the whole story since Monica told him. Noel asks who else would want to hurt Juan. All of this was done to avoid a confrontation between them and also to avoid a scandal. Noel doesn't have proof but even if he did, who would imprison Sofia. Marcelo will. If she's guilty she will pay. He thinks that Noel is the responsible person for Juan's escape, he replies that once he meets Juan he will understand. Juan planned everything on his own. Marcelo tells him that someone had to help him. He replies to find out on his own since he is the judge. The priest & Monica talk about Juan, Sofia & Andres. He suggest they forgive them. Monica feels afraid & is worried they'll make up some more lies to hurt Juan. Aimee & Catalina arrive at CR. She will stay there until the baby is born then who knows. Everything came out wrong. Lupe tells her things could have been worse, if her husband didn't take her back. Aimee isn't happy, she's in love with Juan. She loves him more than that sister of hers. Lupe advices her to forget Juan & try to conquer her husband's love again. Andres sees Serafin and tells Bautista to give him food and to take the chains of his legs. Noel visits Monica and tells her he sent Juan a note to meet him here after mass. They go to the room and Juan is waiting. Noel wants to speak with him alone but Juan wants Monica to know everything. Noel tells Juan that Serafin was captured and is in CR. Andres is willing to let him go but he wants Juan. He agrees, Monica doesn't. Noel tells him that Andres wants a duel to death. Juan wonders how this happened, Cajiga betrayed them. Noel thinks he was captured before. Monica begs Juan to find another way to recuperate Serafin. Juan tells her there is no other way, this is what Andres has wanted from the beginning. She suggest telling Sofia, she wil let the boy go to avoid the confrontation. Juan will go see Andres. Monica asks him to stay for the night. Juan will stay. El tuerto is being questioned by Marcelo. He wants to know if Aimee was in jail the night Juan escaped, who killed Espindola and if they raptured Aimee as she claims. He answers that he doesn't know if Aimee was in jail that day, he doesn't know who killed Espindola and that Aimee left with Juan because she wanted to. Marcelo asks why Segundo & Serafin didn't come to declare. He doesn't know where Segundo is but Serafin was taken by Andres. Taken to be exchanged with Juan because Andres wants to kill Juan. Noel tells Juan that his death certificate will be revoked. He explains Marcelo wants to imprison Sofia. He wants Juan to avoid the confrontation, but Juan doesn't see a way out. Noel will go to CR first hing in

the morning, Monica will accompany Noel. Juan doesn't agree. He will not be able to concentrate if she's there. Alberto visits Guadalupe, he doesn't trust the new judge. He tells him Bautista's plans about rapturing Serafin. Alberto doesn't know anything. Bautista goes to find out who are the men surrounding CR. Andres worries Juan will not come if they're there. Andres tells Sofia he doesn't want to see Alberto anymore and that he doens't want her to marry him. Marcelo will travel to CR to order Andres to release Serafin and also to order him to turn Juan in should he show up. He tells Amanda he's still a fugitive and should be in jail until proven innocent. He wants to be fair. Monica brings Juan his clothe. She's worried something could happen to him. She wouldn't be able to deal with it. Juan tells her that if he knew any ohter way to avoid it he would. She suggests going to CR at night with his men and taking the boy. She tells him that one of the two will be hurt and he's still not well from his wound. He feels fine and besides he will win. He doesn't doubt that Andres will defend himself but he is the lucky one. He asks her if she hasn't noticed, she hasn't. He tells her, Isn't it fortunate the man who prides himself of having the love of the most marvelous woman in the world? He asks her for a favor, not to talk about this again. Whatever time they have left it should be one they will not forget. Monica tells him she's been the lucky one, but she wants this one to last for ever. She kisses him. Sofia asks Andres what he'll do once the boy tells him where Juan is at, he replies he will challenge him to a duel to death. Sofia suggest Bautista kills Juan but he wants to do it himself. Marcelo arrives at CR. He wants to search the house, he tells Andres that the men surrounding the house are to capture Juan. Marcelo tells him to let the boy go. He will make sure Juan goes to jail. Andres doesn't want to see him in jail but dead. He's told that if he kills Juan he will go to jail. Andres doesn't care, he will not let the boy go and will not allow his men to surround his property. Sofia tells Andres to leave CR. Marcelo meets Aimee and asks why she was in jail the day Juan escaped. She denies it. He tells her Andres will challenge Juan. Sofia speaks with Marcelo in private. She tells him she could help and give him the boy. She asks him to stay in CR but he will not. He'll stay in La Venta. Marcelo will tell his men to hide. Andres tells Bautista not to let the soldiers search the house and to shoot to death should they try it.

Amanda tells Noel that Marcelo went to CR. She also tells him that Mariana accepted the marriage with Marcelo. He tells her to say the truth, she feels afraid of Mariana's reaction towards her. Noel can't help her until she does. Aimee tells Alberto she's happy Andres and Juan will fight. Alberto tells her he won't marry Sofia and asks her if she was to become a widow if she would marry him. Sofia interrupts the conversation to ask Aimee what she told Marcelo. Aimee tells her and also says she will pray for Andres to be the one who dies. Juan tells Monica he's never liked that house, it's too small. Monica likes it, that's where they fell in love. He wants to live in a more oppened home, one where you look outside and see alot of space, by the sea. He asks about the papers to his boat, she explains she gave them to Andres to get back at him when she thought he had left with Aimee. To make him return. But she'll ask him to return them. Noel tells Juan that Marcelo is in CR. For the moment he can't go to CR. Monica is glad. Juanita tells Sofia that she has the boy in one of the guests rooms. Monica asks Juan why he is so worried. Juan has a feeling that things are not right. Marcelo may preassure Serafin to speak even fool him to say the truth. He's after all a boy and could be easily fooled. Sofia sends Marcelo a note. Andres goes to SP and waits for Noel in his house. He wants things to go on as planned. Since Marcelo is in CR things should take place here is SP tomorrow in the middle of the night. The duel will be to death, Noel doesn't agree. He tries to convince Andres but he will not listen. Serafin will be brought back tomorrow. Aimee tells Catalina she wants Andres to die. He will never forgive her, they treat her like a dog. Noel tells Juan his conversation with Andres. Juan's witnesses will be Pedro & Segundo. Monica begs him not to go. Juan wants to see Andres before to speak to him, try to convince him. But if he can't he want's Monica to be strong. He tells Monica to go outside so that the cop will follow her and he could leave. While she's getting her purse he asks Noel to take care of Monica should something happen to him. Also if by any chance she happens to have his son, he wants her to leave to another city, that way the baby will not know what happened to his father. Noel agrees. He will insist on ending it once one of them gets hurt. Monica comes back and hugs Juan. He will not spend the night with her. He needs to think clearly. He'll send one of his men to tell her the decision after he speaks to Andres. She asks him to swear he'll come back, he says he'll do the impossible to come back. She tells him to remember that he's her life, her love and that she wants him to come back. They kiss and she leaves. Alberto tells Aimee he thinks Andres went to SP, also that Marcelo arrived to speak with Sofia. She hopes Andres dies, that way she'll finally be rid of him.

Marcelo asks Sofia if she had anything to do with Jaun's imprisonment, she denies it. Juanita brings Serafin. Marcelo will return him to SP. Juan arrives to speak to Andres, he came in through a window. Juan tells him he doesn't want to confront him, they're brothers. Andres is hurt that his fahter's son took his honor. He tells him he hates him. He took his wife, his honor and even his mother. Juan tells him he's never had anything in his life until now. He has a wife, which is why he doesn't want to risk his life. Andres will not sit and watch him be happy, he says he never took advantage of Monica as he did with Aimee, in his own house, while he thought they were friends. Juan swears he didn't betray him, Andres doesn't beleive him. Juan wants all the hatred to end between them , he asks him in his father's name. Andres tells him not to mention his father's name. Juan says ok, he'll let fate decide. To be continued******

~~SUMMARY Episodes 51 & 52~~~~~~~Author: Melinda Date: 06-23-99 11:32 Marcelo tells Sofia he suspects her of being behind Juan's arrest, but she denies it. Serafin presents himself. Sofia tells Bautista she's going to give him a letter to carry. Juan sneaks in a window and confronts Andres, trying to persuade him to call off the duel. Andres, well in his cups, says he has lost everything on account of Juan. Juan replies that he has never had anything--but now he has a wife, and for this reason doesn't wish to risk his life. He tells Andres he understands how he feels, and swears he never touched Aimee after she and Andres were married. Andres believes nothing, and insists on the duel. Bautista tells Sofia that she and Andres have put him in a difficult position, and that he doesn't want to be fired--that's why he's keeping the letter and threatens to show it to Noel. Alberto prepares to leave, and tells Aimee that if Juan loses the duel she is sure to be able to entrap Andres again with her charms. Pedro tells Noel that Juan was unable to convince Andres. Noel says, OK--but above all I want us all to agree that under no circumstances is this to be a duel to the death. Segundo tells Monica that the duel will go forward. She wants to go, but Segundo insists that Juan doesn't want her there--it's better for him to have a cool head. Marcelo brings Serafin back to his house and feeds him. Serafin tells him that he doesn't know whether to tell him things or not. Marcelo tries to convince him of his honesty. Noel talks to Andres' seconds, who aren't too pleased with the social class of Pedro and Segundo. They agree that the duel is not to be to the death, but insist that Andres says it should be until one of the parties is unable to continue.

Alberto arrives at the house in San Pedro and finds Andres in a drunken stupor. Alberto tells him that if he doesn't want to die, he better stop drinking and get to bed. Andres tells him of Juan's visit. Pedro and Segundo arrive where Juan is staying. They tell him they checked out the pistols thoroughly and loaded them, and that they visited Monica. They want Juan to go to bed but he says he can't sleep. At least try, they say. P and S go outside and reflect that Juan is a very good shot, but Andres is going to have the first shot. Bautista finds out that Sofia got the key to the storehouse. HE demands from Juanita to know where Serafin is. She stands up to him and says, it was the order of Dona Sofia--you wake her up if you dare. Bautista says, I'll kill you. She says, go ahead, kill me--then see how it goes with you. Bautista wakes up Sofia and demands to know where Serafin is. She tells him to get out of her sight-he is forbidden to speak in her presence. And if he doesn't obey she'll order the peones to chain him up for disrespecting her. [My note about the duel--Andres needs to learn to wear his pants a little lower on his hips. He looks like Irkle. Fernando Colunga had this same problem in Esmeralda.] THE DUEL!!!!!!! Andres shoots and misses. Juan shoots and deliberately misses. Andres shoots and misses again. Juan shoots Andres in the hand. Boy, is Andres mad--he says, He did it on purpose, damn him! He wants to go on with the duel, but his seconds insist on stopping it. Juan asks P and S to tell Monica, and to ask Noel to go pick up Serafin at Andres' house. Monica asks Azucena who won, but Azucena says she wasn't there. Meche offers to go see what she can find out. Azucena says don't worry, Juan won't let him beat him. Pedro arrives with the good news that both duelists survived. Andres goes home, furious at the humiliation, and finds out that Serafin is gone--now he's REALLY ticked! He gave his word of honor to Juan, and he prohibited his mother from interfering. Alberto says, apparently you don't know your mother too well. Juan says to Segundo, I hope Andres didn't deceive me about Serafin. I don't trust anyone anymore. Segundo asks if he thinks Andres will be satisfied now, and Juan says no: this fight will only be over when one of us is dead, I'm sure of it. Noel goes to CR to get Serafin, but Bautista refuses to help him. Alberto and Andres go to Marcelo's house, where they are greeted by Joaquin. Marcelo admits that he has Serafin, but refuses to give him up to Andres, saying that Serafin is now in the hands of justice--that he is sure Serafin knows the truth

about Espindola's death. Andres whines about his word of honor, and Marcelo asks about his hand. What's it to you? says Andres, and leaves. Alberto stays behind to warn Marcelo that Andres has powerful friends in the capital. Joaquin tells Amanda that Azucena has been found. Marcelo takes Serafin to jail, and Amanda accuses him of doing it to spite Noel, knowing full well that Juan is innocent. He leaves, and Amanda says to Mariana, your uncle is vengeful and cruel--is that the husband you want? Mariana wants to know whom Marcelo wants revenge against, and Amanda says, why don't you ask him? Mariana tells Joaquin that Marcelo is her fiancee. Sofia is wondering what has happened, and sends Juanita to find out. Andres and Alberto get back, and Andres tells Noel to tell Juan he will never forget what he did to him, and that he demands a rematch. Alberto confirms to Noel that Marcelo has Serafin. Monica and Azucena are talking about the baby--Az says that Juan wants her to marry Cajiga--when Juan comes in. Big smooches. Monica thanks him for not harming Andres [!!!!!!!!] and he says I couldn't-but I'm afraid he'll take it as a humiliation and that he would rather have died. Monica wants them to leave San Pedro but Juan says that would never work, he has enough money to follow us anywhere. What if this never ends? I promised you a peaceful life, and one of these days you're going to be sorry you married me. Never, she says. She asks why Andres has to vent his rage on Juan, why can't he take it out on Aimee? It's not fair for the two of us to keep paying the price forever. Marcelo's secretary tells him about the duel, and that Juan has been declared legally un-dead. Marcelo worms part of the truth out of Serafin, and Noel arrives and interrupts. Mariana comes in, saying it's urgent that she talk with Marcelo for a few minutes. He's very rude with her, and orders her back to the house. Noel says, don't talk to her that way. Marcelo: Don't interfere. Noel: I will interfere, and you know why. Marcelo backs down and asks Mariana politely to go back to the house. Back at Catalina's, Joaquin arrives with the news that Serafin is in jail. Juan says he's going to turn himself in so that Serafin can go free. No, Monica says. Juan is convinced that Andres has double-crossed him, and wishes he had killed him when he had the chance. Monica offers to plead Juan's case with Marcelo, but Juan is insistent--Joaquin is a prisoner on his account, and what if he talks? He could implicate everyone, even Azucena--does Monica want to see her in jail, in her condition? Monica is near hysteria--she tells Juan she has had it with all of this anguish, that she couldn't bear to see him in jail again. See? he says. The life I promised you was very different from this. She says, it's just that so much has happened, we haven't had a moment's peace.

Juan: I've been very selfish, only wanting to feel that you are mine. Monica: I am, we're made for each other, you're my husband. Juan: A fine husband you ended up with. Monica: I love you, I just beg you to find another solution. I couldn't stand to see you in prison again. Juan: You won't see me there. I promise. Amanda takes Mariana to task for disturbing Marcelo at work. She used to be so docile, but now she has become willful. Mariana wants to know why Amanda stuck her nose in with the Juan business, then. She says Amanda is unfair to her uncle, and that she can change him, make him loving and tender. Amanda says no, he's the one who will change you, and make you hard and bitter. Noel arrives at Catalina's and says he has secured Serafin's freedom, that he didn't reveal anything too damning, and that it was Sofia, not Andres, who turned him over to Marcelo. He tells Juan he will have to turn himself in in a few days, that he's not officially dead anymore, and that they are going to exhume the body that was found in his warehouse. Marcelo has agreed to lift the guard from the house. Juan will only have to spend 24 hours in jail for the old business, but there remains the matter of Espindola's death. Juan says, better not to talk here--I don't want Monica to know I have to go back to jail. Azucena comes in and says it's true, there's no one watching the house anymore. Juan gets ready to leave--he doesn't want to stay in Catalina's house. Monica wants to go with him but Juan says no, he'll feel freer to do what he needs to do by himself. Marcelo asks Joaquin if his brother had any identifying marks. Joaquin says he was missing a chunk out of his big toe, that he sliced off with a machete once. Marcelo takes Amanda off in another room and reads her the riot act about Mariana's behavior. Amanda says, it's your fault--she was never like this before you got this idea to marry her. She says she's going to tell Mariana the truth, even if it makes her judge her harshly, because she refuses to allow this marriage to go forward. Andres confronts Sofia about the matter of Serafin, and calls her a liar. It's her fault that everyone is going to think his word is worthless. Juan has made a joke of him, and it's all her fault. Noel talks to Juan about Serafin's statement, and Juan tells him he's thinking about separating from Monica--all he's done is made her suffer since they married. I was born under a bad sign, I'm not made to be married. I need to separate from her before it's too late, and I'm going to tell her today. What future awaits her at my side? Noel is aghast. Have you lost your mind?

Juan is adamant that he won't implicate ET, who saved his life. And even if he gets out of jail in a few weeks, does Noel think Andres is going to leave him alone? He can find a thousand pretexts to kill me-and what about his mother? Wasn't she the one who wanted to blow up the boat with me and Aimee on it? They hate me, they're never going to leave me alone. It's not fair for Monica to suffer all of this on my account. Noel tries to convince him that abandoning Monica will cause her to suffer her even more, but Juan thinks one big pain will be better that a life of constant anguish. Andres lies in bed and drinks. Sofia comes in to dress his hand. He tells her that the Dr. already looked at it. Sofia says that Juan wasn't worthy of a duel, he should have had him beat to death. Andres is mad with the idea that Juan and his buddies are whooping it up, laughing at his humiliation. He says Juan must be squashed, he's even willing to bribe Marcelo [as if!!!!!!!]. He sends for the papers of Juan's boat, that Monica left with him. Alberto tells Aimee that Juan's shot to Andres' hand was so precise that it must have been deliberate. Aimee says, damn him--why didn't he kill him? Alberto tells Sofia that he releases her from her promise of matrimony, and that he's leaving tomorrow. Sofia says she'll miss him--he should never have proposed to her, is all. She needs a friend, not a husband. She asks him not to leave. She offers him money, and he says, I'm a gentleman, I do favors, I don't work for money. Azucena tells Meche that she thinks Juan is getting tired of Monica. Meche tells her to shut up with that foolishness. ET tells Juan that no way is he going to let him take the rap for Espindola's death. It's not the manly thing to do. Everyone will think he's a coward, he's not going to hide behind Juan. OK, says Juan, but wait until the matter of my sentence has been resolved. Bautista goes to La Venta, and gives him hell for giving up Serafin to Sofia. He accuses Cajiga of lying to him and double-dealing him. Cajiga says, I was caught between Andres and his mother--what was I to do? Bautista says, I understand--I'm in the same boat. And I love and respect the patrona . . . but the patron is the patron. Cajiga says, she'll fire you sooner or later. Bautista says no, that he has a letter, but won't tell Cajiga what it is. Marcelo visits Monica. While they are talking, Juan comes in the back window. Monica is upset to hear that Juan must go back to jail and is on the point of telling Marcelo that it was ET who killed Espindola when Juan walks in.

RE: Episodes 53 & 54 ---------- June 15, 1999****Summary*** Author: Carla Date: 06-17-99 05:20

Tonight's episode begins with Marcelo goes to visit Monica. He tells her that Azucena appeared and believes that Monica has seen her husband. They discuss Juan and he tells her that he should turn himself in. He will have to go to jail for a day or two because his innocence has been proven. However, he will probably stay longer because they need to determine the situation over the death of Spindola and that could take months. Monica argues on Juan's behalf. She tells Lic. Romero that Spindola is the one that shot Juan and left him injured. Lic. Romero says, then it was someone else that shot Spindola? For her to tell him who he wants the truth. Monica denies she knows who it was but Juan enters the room that they are in. Monica tries to cover for him saying that he is family, her mother's brother. Juan introduces himself and says that it was he who shot Spindola. That he was defending himself. Lic. Romero tells him about Aimee being there-Juan denies seeing Aimee. He again reiterates that Spindole shot at him first and he shot back, defending himself. Lic. Romero doesn't believe him because if Spindola was going to kill him, he would shot him in the hallway where he would have seen him trying to escape. Lic. Romero tells Juan that he understands that he and Andres had a duel early that morning. He reminds Juan that too is against the law. Juan asks Monica why she told Lic. Romero that the bullet left him unconscious. Monica says why is it that he has to take care of all of them. Why did he lie about Aimee? Where does she belong in all of this? Juan says that they were helping him that's why he feels responsible. He tells Monica that they should never have gotten married. That his life was not made to share with anyone, his life is always in jeopardy. It's not right that she has to deal with all his problems. Monica replies "what are you trying to say?" Juan, it is time for you to forget about me. Monica, forget you, have you lost your senses. Juan, I lost them when I illusioned myself having a wife, children, a normal family, but people like me can't aspire having this. Monica, you don't know what you are saying. What are you proposing? Juan, that we separate, that we not see each other, and if I don't come out free from this situation, you are free to ask for our marriage to be annulled. Monica, NEVER! I will never do it. Juan, if Lic. Romero becomes stubborn, I could spend years and years in jail, and if this doesn't happen, do you believe that Andres is going to let me have peace? Andres will find other things to accuse me of again. Monica, okay then don't accept. Juan, I don't accept, then what? You think that Andres is going to be satisfied? We can go to another place and live. Juan, yes, then another, another, and another. I don't like to run. Is this the type of life that you want for you and our children. Monica, with you, whatever it is. Juan, but not me. Whatever it is, I prefer to do it alone. Monica, Juan wait. Juan, don't follow me. Monica wants to see each other again to talk. Juan says no, I am not going to change my mind. I Love You. Bautista is telling Guadalupe about Juan's boat and what they are planning to do with it. Juan goes to see Don Noel. He tells Don Noel that he wants Monica to leave from there. Aimee is talking with Alberto. She tells him that he is the only friend she has. He tells her that he is leaving, that he is fed up with all the things that are happening. Alberto says that if is she wasn't pregnant that he would ask her to leave with him. Aimee says she wants to leave and start over. Sofia tells Juanita that if it weren't for that letter that her tio Bautista has, she would have fired him long ago. Juanita tells her that he must have it hidden pretty well because she went to look for it again and couldn't find it. Sofia tells Juanita for her to go check on Andres and see if needs anything. Juanita goes to Andres's room, knocks, asks if he wants something for dinner. She walks in and finds Andres drinking as usual. She says your mother

wanted me to see if you need anything. He pulls her close to him, put his arm around her, and says, yes, I need something (don't all men). Juan is talking to Don Noel. He tells Don Noel that he has to do something because there is no need for him and Monica to continue suffering like they were condemned. Monica is always crying for me all day, anguished for me, and my luck. I am desperate because I can't do anything. Don Noel says either way, she is going to suffer. Juan, I don't want her to go see me in jail. We need to get her away from San Pedro, at least until the situation is settled on Spindola's death. I am responsible for everything. I asked Tuerto to get into the jail to help free me. If he shot at Spindola it was because he wanted to avoid that I shoot him as well. He is a friend, a partner who would kill to save a life. He is a fine friend who is unconditional. Put yourself in my shoes, what would you do? Juan tells Don Noel that he doesn't know how he feels. I love Monica more than my life, but I also love my people. They respect me, obey me, and are ready to do anything for me. Lupe is combing Aimee's hair. She tells her that she is pretty and that if she would "ponese mona" with Andres, that he will forgive her. Aimee says don't illusion yourself. Lupe says that she thinks Andres will forgive her. He was so in love. Where there is fire there are ashes, and there isn't a worst fight than those that never happen. Aimee says that he doesn't matter to her anymore. Lupe tells Aimee that it is better to reconquer him, for her to go see him. Aimee asks Lupe what should she say. Lupe tells Aimee whatever. It is night and Andres must be in his bed. Aimee tells Lupe you think so. Lupe responds yes. Aimee agrees to go see Andres. She gets to his bedroom and opens the door. She walks in and can't believe her eyes. She finds Juanita the servant getting dressed. She asks Juanita what is she doing there? Aimee wakes up Andres and tells him you are the one that accuses me. Andres tells Aimee no one invited you to my room, get out. Aimee tells Andres lets see what you mother has to say about her distinguished son who rolls with una creiada. Aimee runs to Sofia's room and wakes her. She tells Sofia how dare they pass judgement on her when Andres is doing the same thing with the servant Juanita. Sofia goes to Andres room. She asks Andres if Juanita was there. He doesn't deny it. He tells Sofia that if he is going to have a child he wants to be certain that it is his. Sofia tells him that's fine but she would have preferred another type of lady. Andres says at least she is a decent girl and I was her first. As soon as Aimee has her baby I want her to leave from her, I want her to disappear. Juanita goes to see Sofia. She apologizes and asks if she is going to fire her. Sofia says no, but that her son needed a distraction and if he noticed her, than so be it. But she wants to be very clear on some things. She is not to have any children. Don Noel is with Joaquin. They are going to find out if the dead person that was planted in Juan's warehouse is his brother. Bautista goes to see Monica to deliver the money for Juan's boat. Monica isn't home so he tells Meche that it has been sold and Andres has sent the money from the sale. Azucena goes to see Juan and to tell him about his boat. Bautista reports back with Andres, tells him he delivered the money. Andres tells him to take the boat and sink it. Monica goes to Andres and returns the money for the boat. She doesn't want it sold. Monica wants the sale cancelled. Lic. Romero tells Lic. Noel that there is enough evidence to prove that Juan is innocent. The paperwork will be done by the afternoon declaring Juan's innocence. Lic. Romero says but there is still the situation with Spindola's death.

Juan goes to see Dona Catalina. He wants to see her at the chapel. He tells her that he wants Monica to forget him. He asks her that she never approved of him, that she hate him. Dona Catalina says no, she doesn't hate him, she hates the worries and embarrassments. She tells Juan that she wants Monica to avoid any more embarrassments and worries. Juan tells her that he needs her help so that Monica can forget about him. Dona Catalina tells Juan that he should of known the kind of life they were going to have. Juan says that is why he wants to separate; at least for a while. Dona Catalina says no, if there is going to be a separation it is going to be definite. Juan says what has happened isn't his fault. Dona C. says that she will sell her house so that Monica won't have a place to live and will have to follow her. But there is more that Juan has to do. Dona C. wants to save her life from a life of anxiety. You should of found a lady who had more experience in life, one who was accustomed to life's bumps, someone who was stronger. I think your marriage was an error. Not even her friends come to visit her since she married. Dona C. agrees, she tells Juan that she will return back to San Pedro, but Juan must deceive her, make her believe that he never loved her. Dona C. tells Sofia that she is returning to San Pedro. Sofia asks what is the matter? Sofia wants to know if Aimee is staying (of course you fool.) Dona C. says nothing, but Sofia doesn't believe her. Sofia is giving Juanita lessons on how to act. Dona C. tells Aimee she is leaving back to San Pedro. Aimee is upset because she will be alone. She wants to leave with Dona C. but she tells her she can't. Monica goes to see Don Noel. He is not there but Tuerto is. She asks him if he knows where Juan is. She tells him to take her to him. Andres returns the money back to Monica for the boat. Alberto tells Andres that he is leaving and isn't going to marry Sofia. Azucena tells Juan about the boat. Juan takes off to see what he can do to save the boat. On his way, he meets up with Tuerto and Monica. Monica tells him about the boat. He tells her to leave and go home, that they have nothing to talk about. He is upset with her because she sold the boat and that is something he will never forgive her. Meche tells Don Noel about the boat. He takes the money and goes to see Andres. Andres tells him that Monica did not sign a bill of sale. Bautista enter the room. Lic. Noel tells Andres than he can't sell the boat. Andres looks at Bautista and Andres tells Lic. Noel that it is too late, the boat sank. Lic. Noel is upset because legally it wasn'' his. Andres stole it. Juan tells Azucena to go stay with Monica and that this should be the last time she goes to see him. Monica is upset because of the boat and because Juan wants to separate. Dona C. goes to see Lic. Noel to talk about the sale of her house. She tells him she wants to sell her house. Lic. Noel tells her to find someone interested in buying the house. She says she already has a buyer. Dona Catalina tells Lic. Noel that it is Juan who will buy it. Lic. Noel ask why; she says that Juan will tell him. Dona C. says that he must not tell Monica. Lic. Noel says that Dona C. is being unjust with Juan. That Juan has asked her to do this. Lic. Noel tells her he will have her paperwork ready by that night. Dona C. doesn't plan to tell Monica that Juan bought the house and asks that he not tell her. Tuerto and Meche are talking. He asks her where she is from, how she met Azucena, how she ended up at the Veta de Cajiga. He says she is a better cook than the one in his bar. Meche tells him that she was at the Veta because Bautista took her there. Tuerto says that he is fed up with Bautista and that one day he is going to pay for everything he has done. Tuerto thanks Meche for the food and leaves.

Bautista is telling Guadalupe about sinking the boat. He asks Guadalupe why he left Azucena go so soon. Guadalupe tells Bautista that it was because she is pregnant with his baby. Dona Catalina goes to Monica's room. Monica asks how Aimee is doing. Segundo is there with Lic. Noel. They are talking about the boat. Don Noel tells him that the boat sank and that they need to take thinks calmly and that they can take legal action against Andres. Juan goes to see Lic. Noel. Juan asks that if Segundo told him to offer twice the amount that they sold the boat for to get it back. Lic. Noel tells Juan that Bautista sank the boat. He was following Andres' orders. Lic. Noel tells him that he could take legal action but he doesn't recommend it. That Juan has too much to deal with and another situation would be too much to deal with. Juan asks how come he is always the one that has to swallow all the offenses. Lupe tells Aimee that Andres has returned. Lupe is complaining about Juanita. Aimee asks Lupe if she told the cook. Lupe says yes. Lupe says that the cook said she thought that Juanita always had an eye for Andres. Lic. Noel and Juan are talking. Juan tells him that Andres is never going to let him have peace today it was my boat, next time it will be something else. No one is going to be at peace until one of them dies. Juan tells Don Noel that he needs to do this alone and not with a family. He always wanted to have children and be able to give them everything that he never had. But if they are going to have to go through anguish, problems, and rejection from people, than he has to sacrifice himself and sacrifice Monica even if it hurt his soul. Monica is telling Dona Catalina about Juan and that he wants to separate. Dona Catalina and Monica argue about Juan. Dona C. tells her that she thought of selling the house and that her and Monica would leave San Pedro. Monica tells her not to dare. Aimee is in her bedroom in pain. Lupe brings her dinner. She wants to go get Aimee help but Aimee doesn't let her. Aimee tells Lupe that she is in terrible pain. Until next time

RE: Episodes 55 & 56 ---------- June 16, 1999 Author: Maria C. Date: 06-21-99 11:49 Monica talks with her mom about Juan. Catalina tells her that hes only going to make her suffer. I love him says Monica, but what if you have kids do you want them to be as miserable as you are? Hes always in trouble and hell always be. No says Monica he wants to have a quiet and normal life, he wants to live in peace now. But he wont, replies Catalina, he just cant its in his naturaleza. You know thats not true, replies Monica, all the bad things that have happened to him have been because of my godmothers influence or Aimees or even Andress. Catalina tells her that shes been thinking of selling the house, she wonders if its true that Juan doesnt want her (Monica) to suffer or if hes tired of her, he has always have a busy life, full of women, drinks, etc. No! Says Monica he loves me he has tell me 1000 times that and he has prove it too. Meanwhile, Aimee is in a lot of pain in comes her maid and tells her that it must be the baby so shell go for help. No says Aimee, no one must know about this. What do we do then? Asks the maid I dont know says Aimee.

In other part of the house Catalina is talking with Andres about his decision of buying Juans ship she wonder if he could take it as a provocation, like I care answers Andres. And why do you want a ship? Asks Catalina Para lo que se me antoje (what happened with this boy???) then they talk about Alberto and Sofia tells him that she decided to end her compromise with him, she also tells him that she invited Juanita to eat with them, that doesnt bother you, does it? in comes Juanita and they start eating. Aimee is still in a lot of pain, her maid tells her that they should call a doctor, what for it' too late now, answers Aimee, besides Im only here because of the baby and if they find out theyll throw to the street. Go to the kitchen and bring me some tea, something that takes away the pain. The maid goes to the kitchen and Bautista is having dinner, she tells him that God will punish Juanita because she is trying to steal Aimees place in the house, the other maid tells Bautista that Sofia knows about all this and she keeps her as dama de compaa and has dressed her with her old dresses. Juan is with Don Noel in his office talking about Monica he tells him that Monica would be the perfect woman for him if he had a normal life, but as her mother said, shes accustomed to other things shes not like Azucena who has even face the jail, that doesnt mean she isnt a strong and brave woman says Don Noel. I dont doubt it but I dont want this life for her maybe Im being selfish but I would rather have her absent than seeing how she consume herself every day after day for the pain. I promised to make her happy and if I cant make it I better let her go, Don Noel tells him not to let years passe by and he tells him his experience with Amanda and Mariana. Marcelo get is in house and talks with Joaquin about Juans reputation, Joaquin tells him the way he entered at Juans house and confess that Alberto and Guadalupe tried to blame Juan for anything, anything at all. Monica is in her room and Catalina is giving her a party because of Juan. She tells her how can she love him and to think of their kids (blah, blah) Monica makes her go to sleep and leave her alone. The next day at Andres house Aimee is really bad and asks for water. Her maid thinks that she might have a fever. Aimee is really sad and wonders why this happen to her. Bautista talks with his niece and tells her not to dream, what are you planing on giving him a kid? Why not asks her and leaves. At Marcelos house Amanda tells him that she and Mariana will go back to the capital. She tells him that shes glad hes father didnt live him any inheritance, he gets mad and leaves. Catalina is at Don Noels office and she agrees to sign the papers. Juan comes in and salutes Doa Catalina he signs but first he asks her about Monica knowing the selling of the house she tells him that shell convince Monica to go with her, she also tells him that he should make Monica feel and think that he doesnt love her anymore. Someone knocks at the door and Juan hides, Don Noel opens the door and in comes Monica who asks her mom what shes doing there. Juan listens behind a wall. Doa Catalina goes and Monica stays although her mom doesnt want her to. When her mom leaves Monica asks Don Noel about Juan:

M: have you seen him? DN: Yes, yesterday M: What have he said about his ship DN: He was hurt, of course. M: Im so angustiada for him, no Im more desesperada (Juan goes away). At Marcelos house Amanda and Mariana talk about him and Mariana tells her mom that she doesnt want to leave and she likes him. Amanda makes her sit down and tells her that Marcelo only wants her (Mariana) because of her inheritance he thinks that it belongs to him because shes not her brothers daughter. Were you a widow when you marry him?, asks Mariana, nope, answers Amanda, when I married him I was pregnant of you. Monica is still at Don Noels and makes him promise that hell tell Juan that they (Monica and Juan) need to talk, she thanks him and leaves. Juan comes out and Don Noel asks him if he heard no, says him and I dont want you to tell me anything. Joaquin is signing some papers at Marcelos office and he orders to arrest Don Guadalupe and De la Serna. Monica arrives at Andres house and demands to talk with him but the maid tells her that yesterday he left to the hacienda, she goes. Back at Don Noels house, Juan tells him that hell move to the house as soon as Catalina and Monica are gone. Are you sure you dont want to talk with her? Asks Don Noel, yes. Don Noel goes and tells him that if anyone knocks at the door not to open it. Mariana is thinking with a sad face and her mom asks her what is the thing that most hurts her. Everything, she thought Marcelo loved her. And what about me? Asks Amanda, I am so ashamed. Mariana tells her no to worry that she still loves her and when someone is in love they can lose their heads, she asks her about her father, what was his name? Was he handsome? Did he love you? Is he still alive? Yes. Does he have his family, his children? Nope. I want to meet him. Azucena is talking with Merche and she tells her about Juans ship, is all Doa Monicas fault, in comes Catalina and tells Merche to pack her things (Catalinas). Monica comes back to her house and tells her mom that she is going with her to Campo Real, she wants to convince Andres to return to Juan his ship. Azucena is in the kitchen and Catalina tells her that Monica is going with her, she tells her that as soon as they leave she must tell Don Noel, she also tells her that she can stay at the house if she wants to.

Don Guadalupe comes into Marcelos office and demands him to tell him why is he there, What is he accused of? Marcelo answers him that he is acussed in the complicity of making false clues against Juan Alcazar. At Don Noels house, he (Don Noel) tells Juan that Marcelo wants to arrest Alberto de la Serna and he thinks that Marcelo is a stupid man. Someone knocks at the door, is Azucena who tells them that Monica and Catalina left to Campo Real, Juan gets a little mad because he cant accept it. Don Noel tells Azucena to make them dinner. Juan is at the kitchen playing with his wedding ring (at least I think so) in comes Azucena and he asks her about Monica, she doesnt know anything, she didnt saw her. Don Guadalupe talks with Marcelo and tells him that he had nothing to do with Espindolas bad actions. Marcelo sends him to jail anyway and Don Guadalupe demands a lawyer. Back at Don Noels house, Bautista talks with Juanita and tells her that they have to take advantage of the situation. What if Doa Aimee lose her baby and she (Juanita) got pregnant? He would be the uncle of the new patron of Campo Real and she would be his mommy. Aimee is still sick but she decides she will dress and go out of her room, if they doesnt see her, they could think she is sick and they would go ask for the doctor, she starts brushing her hair. Downstairs Catalina and Monica arrive and Monica asks Sofia where Andres is, she wants to talk with him about Juans ship it was all her fault, not his. Andres is at his office and is really glad when he sees Monica. Catalina and Sofia go to Catas room and Sofia tells her all about the sell of the house and her plan, Monica will have to go to Mexico with her because she wont her house and no one will receive her. She (Catalina) must promise her that she wont let her their house, Sofia agrees. Andres tells Monica that the ship flooded, and she starts sobbing. He asks her whats the value of a ship, she replies that for Juan was really important, it was his life, his work for years and her will never forgive her. Thats good says Andres. Monica asks him why is he so cruel, what has she done to him, nothing he answers but he destroyed my life and I want to do the same with his. I will never leave in peace, never Monica leaves. Catalina is still talking with Sofia about her plans, in comes Monica and demands a coche to go back to San Pedro. Catalina tells her that she cant go back because the house is not theirs anymore, Monica doesnt believe her. Sofia tells her that is too late and its not good to travel at night, Monica agrees to spend the night but if they dont let her a coche for tomorrow, shell go back walking. Monica goes and Catalina and Sofia go tell Andres. Monica runs through the hallway where is Aimee trying to cover the truth, Catalina tells her that Monica is mad because Andres bought Juans ship. What for? Asks Aimee. Monica keeps walking and starts crying.

Sofia tells Andres the news and she thinks that Juan got tired of Monica and Andres agrees, he is glad for her. Aimee is talking with Catalina about Juan and Monica. Catalina asks her how things are going for her with Juanita, dont worry when the baby is born everything will change, in comes Monica and Catalina makes her talk with Aimee, in comes Sofia too, Catalina and Monica leave and in comes Juanita too. Sofia makes her sit next to her, Aimee leaves. Monica is talking with Catalina and Aimee comes in and tells Catalina that she wont have Juanita next to her and she (Catalina) must tell Sofia and Andres that or shell do something bad. Aimee goes and Catalina tells Monica that she saw Juan at Don Noels at the morning and he hide when she saw her because he didnt want to see her. He was glad that hey sold the house because he didnt want her to be with him anymore a wife is an estorbo for him. Monica doesnt believe her because those things he should say it in her face, she thinks all is a conjura of her, Juan and her godmother. She wont let Juan do this things to her. I will continue as soon as I can, sorry for the delay again.

*****Summary, Episodes 57---------- June 17, 1999***** Author: Mimi Date: 06-18-99 10:52 Recap: Aimees death throes are witnessed by half a dozen vipers (pardon me if I dont shed any crocodile tears). Marcelo arrives at Campo Real with two officers looking for Alberto. Juanita tells him Alberto left a few days prior and that Aimee has just died. Sofia and Andres enter and want to know what Marcelo wants with Alberto. Marcelo tells them that Don Noel submitted proof of Juans innocence re: the trumped up charges- the case is still pending re: Espindolas death- Juan alleges self-defense. Marcelo informs them about Albertos plot to have Jaoquin spy on Juan and Andres ask him into his office. Don Noel goes to his place and tells Juan about Aimees death. Juan is visibly shaken as Don Noel fills him in on the details. Cata and Monica are mourning Aimee- Cat says its just the two of them now- theyll start over far away from this place. Marcelo tries to reason with Andres, justice must be served and the guilty punished. Andres only cares about his mother and will not allow that she be interrogated. He threatens Marcelos career with his influence and fathers powerful friends. Marcelo isnt pleased with the threat but doesnt respondhe asks to see Monica and Cata instead. Juan is concerned that Cata may have changed her mind; hes sad about Aimee- she was so full of life (and venom) she should have been luckier in life. Don Noel will head out to CR.

Marcelo offers condolences to Monica and then Cata. Lupe tells Monica that she tried to talk Aimee out of doing it- she only wanted to hurt herself enough to cover up the fact that she had lost the baby. Monica still blames herself for spooking the horse (Juan apparently didnt completely shake her out of her martyr complex). Cata tells Marcelo that she and Juan decided it was best for Monica to leave town. A startled Marcelo asks if this means Juan is abandoning Monica- not abandoning, says Cat- liberating. Andres and Sofia discuss Alberto- not to worry says Andres- Alberto knows half the capitol. Sofia insists that there cant be any proof because she hasnt done anything. Mariana wants to know about Monicas husband. Amanda says some say one thing, others say different. Mariana wants to know what Amanda thinks. A: I think hes an unfortunate, unlucky man. Don Noel and Monica both say that all those stories about him are untrue- even your uncle says hes innocent of those charges against him. M: Poor thing- looks like things are clearing up at least. Monica must love him very much- hes a very handsome man. A: Where did you see him? (startled at Marianas comment) M: In church- he was the one taking up the collection. Joaquin told me. Don Noel shows up during the wake and takes Monica aside. After offering his condolences, Noel tells Monica that Juan heard about the death. Monica asks if its true that Juan was in the office the other day and didnt want to speak with her. Don Noel says yes and Monica answers that shes so tired and so sad that she wishes she could go to sleep, wake up and find out it was just a nightmare. Time heals all wounds says DN. Monica says, tell Juan not to worry, she wont beg and plead anymore. Too much has happened- were over, he can decide to do whatever he wants regarding me. Don Noel relays the message to Juan -its an absurd sacrifice he rails, thumping his beloved cane into the ground a few times. Juan says no- its better for her to go- things will change for now- shes suffered too much. Juan tells Don Noel about Marianas visit and her positive reaction to the news. Don Noel cant believe it. Whats he going to do? Say to her? Juan says talk to her- when she sees the type of person you are, shell love you. Juan puts his arm around a teary-eyed Noel I dont think itll be hard for you to win her love. ( Not half hardly, how can anyone not love Don Noel?) Mariana and Amanda decide to stay in SP. Marcelo returns with news of Aimee. Andres gives Catalina the address to where he stayed in the DF. Cata says shell be staying w/her sister-in-law until she and Monica can get their own place. Andres offers assistance any time they need it. Monica, Cata, Lupe leave CR- Andres tells Monica hell come see her in the DF. Andres wants Sofia to accompany him to SP- he wants to strip Juan of the Alcazar name. Bautista wants to know whats wrong with Juanita- she thinks Aimees death is going to backfire since Andres is now free to look for a new wife. Bautista says then hop-to-it, or arent you woman enough? Why do you think I did what I did? Juanita says for him not to mix her up in it. Sofia wants to let sleeping dogs lie regarding Juan. She wants to know if Andres is doing this with an idea of marrying Monica- Andres isnt sure yet- he appreciates her fine qualities, but Sofia thinks she might be better of back in the convent. Andres wonders how his mother can be so unfeeling ( if youd

lay off the bottle long enough you wouldnt wonder) Sofia says shes not a hypocrite, thats all ( the lies we tell ourselves). She feels bad about Aimee, but after all Andres is now free; as for Cata and Monica, they brought their misfortunes on themselves. Andres insists on going to SP re the name change. Segundo tells Juan that Aimee really loved him. An irritated Juan asks what he means by that- that Monica doesnt? Well says Segundo, shes abandoning you (and Aimee didnt when she married Andres?). Juan says she isnt abandoning him, hes sending her away for her own good. He changes the subject- does Segundo think Joaquin will marry Azucena? Mariana is now on a mission to find out all she can about Juan. Joaquin doesnt know too much, just that the people love him and hes always helping them and that hes a very bold individual. Mariana wonders how long he and Monica have been married. Cata and Monica make it back to the house in San Pedro, Meche and Azucena are surprised to find out about Aimee and the move. Meche cant believe it when Monica tells her about the separation. Azucena seems pleased to hear about the break up. Tuerto and Segundo are concerned about Juans depression. They dont understand Monicas leaving but Juan isnt talking. Tuerto says that he loves Monica way too much for it to be a question of Juan tiring of her- hes never seen him so crazy about a woman before- he was desperate to see her when they were in the jail cell together and when Monica finally snuck in, Juan was in tears- Something must be up. Tuerto decides hes not letting Juan take the rap for Espindola and walks out of the little room at the posada. Azucena goes to Don Noels to fish for information about the break-up. After answering a couple of questions, he sends her back. Serafin stares a long time at Don Noels, who doesnt seem his old self. Tuerto goes to el juez and surrenders. He killed Espindola who had shot Juan- he didnt see Aimee and no one else was there. Marcelo and Amanda have another argument about Don Noel- Marcelo believes only a dirty rotten scoundrel takes advantage of/seduces women. ( Not to be crude but when was the last time Marcelo found himself in a woman's arms? He seems to have forgotten what it's like) Cata builds up the move to the D.F. Monica prefers to rent a place rather than stay at her aunts to avoid having to explain her marital situation. Later as she sleeps, Juan goes in to her bedroom and sits in the chair near her bed and just watches her. to be continued...........

*****Summary Episode 58 ---------- June 17, 1999***** Author: Mimi Date: 06-19-99 11:42

Andres chastises Sofia for the way she is treating Juanita. Sofia insists he should look for a new wife and stay away from Juanita. Andres doesnt want her sent back to the kitchen- that would be too humiliating. Pedro and Segundo are worried about El Tuerto. Segundo figures neither Juan nor Tuerto should pay for Espindolas death, but if someone has to it should be Tuerto, since he actually did it, even if it was to save Juan. Pedro says Juan figures he has a better chance; Segundos not so sure. They leave the posada to find out the latest. Monica writes a recommendation letter for Lupe who will ask Amanda for a position. She asks Lupe to keep quiet about the details of Aimees death. Don Noel stops by to pick up the keys to the house. Monica tells him that shell have to make use of the rent money from the Romero Vargas until she and Cata are settled and hands him the papers to her and Juans house. DN informs her that Juan will send money on a monthly basis which Monica insists on not accepting. He sees them out. Pedro goes to DNs who isnt there and tells Serafin that Tuerto is in jail. Amanda tells Mariana that Marcelo agreed to allow them to return to the DF. Mariana doesnt want to go but Amanda insists. Lupe shows up, Amanda offers her the job and while she is taken into the kitchen, Mariana- who just heard that Monica left town, takes off. Sofia and Andres are at the registro civil re: revoking Juans name. Lic. Mondragon is surprised since Sofia and DN had given their word regarding Juans paternity. Andres says Sofia was tricked and Sofia says theyll be grateful. Mariana joins Pedro in the wait for DN. Joaquin is surprised about Aimee, Monica leaving with Meche and asks about Azucena. Lupe tells him that she stayed behind. Don Noel arrives- Pedro tries to talk to him, telling him its urgent, but DN is impatient to talk to Mariana and asks Pedro to wait in the kitchen. DN asks Mariana not to be too hard on Juan for telling him about her previous visit- Juans like a son to him. DN says Juan told him the two had a long talk. Mariana says her mother wants to take her away and that Amanda is still denying that shes his daughter. DN asks her not to be so hard on her mother- after all, hes only a man of modest means. Mariana says she believes hes a generous and kind man and that she understands about her parents because love is the most powerful and wonderful emotion of all. DN doesnt think the engagement with Marcelo should continue- Mariana tells him its over because he doesnt love her- shell wait to bestow her affections on someone who truly deserves her. Juan shows up and tells DN that Tuerto is in jail; hes impatient that DN didnt let Pedro tell him. Juan says hes going to surrender himself and deny Tuertos culpability. Juan is at fever pitch and DN is shouting at him to let him decide what to do since hes the lawyer! DN will visit Tuerto. Juan leaves the room in a huff as DN is reluctant to leave Mariana and takes a while to say goodbye to her. (Juan honey, I know you get very high strung and your life is in constant crisis lately, but can Don Noel deal with his own life for a while?).

Andres and Sofia return. Sofia asks what if a document proving Juans paternity exists? Andres says that Don Noel would have presented it by now, besides, even if his father had wanted to recognize Juan, he would have regretted giving his name to a ruffian, an outlaw. Andres decides he will send money for Cata and Monica over Sofias initial objections. Juan and Mariana chat at DNs- she didnt stay to wait for papa but to offer Juan her help- perhaps she could talk to her uncle. Thanks but no thanks says Juan. Marcelo wouldnt like it that shes on speaking terms with him. If you want to help, he tells her, dont tell your uncle what youve heard today. Mariana swears she wouldnt betray him. Mariana wants to know what happened with Tuerto. An impatient Juan tells her to go home. Mariana would like to stay and chat- shed like to make new friends. Juan tells her that hes not the right sort of acquaintance for a young lady of her class. Mariana doesnt understand why- Youre a man who is..... she stops short when Juan flashes her one of his soul-piercing stares. She decides she should leave. Amanda is upset that Mariana left w/o saying a word- where did she go? To see her father answers Mariana. DN returns and tells Juan he has a copy of Tuertos statement. Juan says what if he states its a lie. DN says that Tuerto would have to retract his statement. Juan says hell order him to. DN gets impatient. Mondragon has sent a notice advising DN of the petition to strip Juan of his legal name. DN is outraged at the injustice, but Juan says let them- maybe then hell have some peace. What about Monica? asks DN- Andres is a widower and if Monica is available he may just go after her. Juan says Monica wouldnt marry him. DN asks how he can be so sure after rejecting and humiliating her and blaming her for losing the ship. The ship was just a pretext Juan used to send her away. Seeing her suffer would be worse than being in jail- its tearing his soul apart but he promised her happiness. He hopes that fortune will smile on him and hell be able to fulfill that promise. DN thinks hes taking a risk- what if he waits too long and its too late? In that case says Juan, it will have been his destiny to lose her. Amanda is amazed and happy at how well Mariana is taking the news. Mariana says now they have no reason to leave and to live in fear of her finding out the truth. Shes very mature about the whole thing; she wants to meet people. Amanda thinks the capitol would be better since there are more eligible young men of her class- Mariana says shed like to stay and get to know..... her father (but you can see shes also thinking Juan). Juan and Noel go down to the courthouse so Juan can surrender. They are shown into Marcelos office. DN still thinks its a foolish move on Juans part. Marcelo is surprised but ready to take Juans statement. Juan takes a seat. Marcelo tells him that detainees remain standing, but Juan says he feels like sitting ( shades of the cocky Juan we used to know). Don Noel smiles cockily as well, though he tries to hide it by stroking his mustache and beard. M: Your name J: Juan del Diablo Marcelo is surprised M: I understand your name is Alcazar. J: It was; my half- brother stripped me of it. M: Why? DN: When you have money and influence you dont need reasons Marcelo looks confused and Juan smiles in amusement. J: Seems like you live in a different world Licenciado. Thats how all matters are handled. M: Not all...

Pedro and Segundo are back at the room in the posada. Serafin informs them that Juan has surrendered. They look at each other in disbelief. Juan is brought to his cell; he wants to know if DN informed Monica that hell be sending her money each month. Don Noel says he did but that she didnt want it. Juan doesnt understand why if she and Cata arent doing too well financially. DN tells him its because she has her pride and when she finds out that hes not lifting a finger to prevent the annulment of their marriage, she wont even want to know about him. Theres still time, he says- youre making a big mistake. Juan asks if DN would still give him his name (weve come full circle havent we?) Of course answers DN; then Monica would become Mrs. Juan Mansera. DN figures she might not want to. Juan says why not if after the ordeal is over he goes to her and explains and asks forgiveness. DN doesnt think itll be that easy. Juan asks him not to make him feel any worse since hes allowing himself to be humiliated, bending to Andres will just to keep the peace. DN says fine, but he disagrees with Juan not having explained things to Monica. DN goes over to see Tuerto in a nearby cell and admonishes him for what hes done because Juan is also in jail. Dealing with such hard heads is exasperating. Tuerto admits to having a hard head and DN says Juans is even worse. Sofia tells Juanita she wants to speak to her uncle and also that since her daughter-in-law died, things are different. She is no longer to have intimate relations with Andres- he needs to find a new wife from among his class. Juanita doesnt need to join them at dinner either and shes to tell Andres its her own decision. (Talk about being taken down a few pegs- this was one of the few things Sofia has done that I truly enjoyed watching) Juan and DN are talking- Tuerto doesnt want to retract his confession- DN chastises Juan for surrendering before the agreed time. He understands that Juan wants to show loyalty to his friends but now he may spend two to three months in jail. Hell be back w/food- hopefully the new prison chief isnt like Espindola. Juan thanks him for everything. Juanita is moping in the kitchen when Bautista arrives. She blames him for everything- now that Aimees dead, Sofia has ordered her to stay away from Andres. Bautista is upset- ignore her and do it any way- be daring for a change! Juanita says hes a fine one to talk since he never goes up against the patrones. Bautista says not openly, but for ex. he has a letter regarding Juan that causes Sofia to tremble and theyll never dare fire him because of it. Sofia is feeling bold since Andres told her he didnt care about any documents regarding Juans paternity, so if Bautista doesnt fork over the letter shell fire him. DN comes in and Bautista is sent out of the room. DN says that since he doesnt want to repeat himself, hed like to tell both Sofia and Andres at once- they got the office. Andres starts going off about Juan and DN cuts him off in a disdainful tone. Andres is haughty but surprised when Noel tells him that

Juan and he wont oppose the petition. Andres regroups and says they wont oppose it because they cant. DN turns to look at an uneasy Sofia and says between Carmona telling the world about his wifes affair with Don Francisco and Juan being the spitting image of his father alone, they have enough to go on. But Juan says keep the name that Dona Sofia knows better than anyone is rightfully his. He wants only one thing in return: to be left ALONE. Fine says Andres but hed better not cross my path. DN says fine, but youd better not cross his either. Sofia says shes pleased its over and is now concerned about Alberto- Andres sent a telegram warning him. Mariana is choosing new clothes- she wants a more womanly look. Marcelo comes home and tells her and Amanda that Juan surrendered though he will probably be released shortly. The ladies inform him that they are staying in SP. Mariana says its to keep him company (smart girl- must get it from her papa). Sofia receives notification that the name change has taken place and brings it to Andres: Juan is no longer named Alcazar. Mariana goes to see her father and they discuss Juan. DN also receives notice of the name change and is visibly upset. Mariana wants to know whats wrong. He tells her; she cant understand why Sofia and Andres would do such a thing. Because theyre bad people- anyway hes going to give Juan his name: Mansera. Mariana is pleased and later informs her mother who is confused by the whole name thing- whats going to happen with his marriage? Sofia tells Bautista its his last chance to fork over the letter- Bautista says sorry, he doesnt trust her (must be that evil twitch of her eyes). Andres enters the room wanting to know whats going. Sofia says this traitor stole a letter of your fathers from me, one concerning Juan. Andres is upset because she told him no such thing existed- Sofia adds that Bautista threatened to give it Don Noel. Andres demands that Bautista hand over the letter. B: Sorry, but Im not doing it. Andres looks incredulous..... to be continued.......

*****Summary Episodes 59 & 60 ---------- June 18, 1999***** Author: Iria Date: 06-21-99 03:46 Bautista will not give the letter to Andres. He said he was born in CR and will stay there. If he gives the letter away he knows Andres will fire him. He wants to die in CR. After he leaves, Andres tells his mom that they are in his hands. He wants to know what the letter said and who it was addressed to. She replies it had instructions to give Juan his last name as well as give him half of everything in CR. Sofia wants to preassure Bautista to give the letter back. Andres says he'll probably die before returning it, or he could have given it to a friend to keep. She made another mistake Andres says, which he won't forget.

Bautista gives the letter to Guadalupe to keep. He tells him not to open it or he'll kill him. Noel visits Juan and tells him he is no longer an Alcazar. As soon as he gets out, the papers will be done for him to receive Don Noel's last name. Juan wonders what would have been of his life, had he not met Don Noel. Noel feels the same. Juan thinks Andres or Sofia will run to tell Monica he longer has a last name. Meanwhile in the capital, Monica & Catalina arrive home to find Dolores waiting. She tells Cata after Monica goes to the kitchen that Andres sent the money and she picked it up. Cata asks her not to tell Monica, she agrees. Dolores wonders if Monica should know that she's no longer married. Cata says she's still married under gods eyes which is the most important to them. Dolores tells her that her mom spoke with the archbishop and explained the whole story. His response was that the religious marriage could be annulled. It would only take 1 year. Cata is happy. Monica comes in after a while and talks to dolores. She wants to find an apartment to live in. The properties in the capital are very expensive. Dolores asks her if she's thought about returning with Juan. She won't. Monica doesn't want to know about Juan's situation. Juan is finally out of jail and his friends are all waiting for him outside. Sofia, Amanda & Mariana are talking while drinking tea. Sofia is happy that Monica & Juan are not together. She wants to know if Mariana has a boyfriend. She's doesn't. Juan arrives in his new home. He's told Mariana helped with the decoration of the house. Juan wants to know about El Tuerto's trial. Amanda is upset at Mariana. She shouldn't have mentioned Juan. She'll have to speak to her father about those new ideas she's got in her head. Mariana asks Joaquin about Juan. They'll visit him later. Andres visits Marcelo, who wants Andres to declare what he can for Facundo's trial(El Tuerto). Andres doesn't want to be mixed up in that but asks Marcelo if he'll say Aimee was there. He replies he probably will even if he doesn't have any proof. Andres tells Sofia he'll declare in 1 week, but in the meantime he's going to visit Monica & Cata. He's also going to see Alberto. Apparently he's in trouble and needs his help. Noel tells Juan that Cata is the only one that has wrote to him. She wrote a while back to tell him they had not found a home. Juan wonders if Monica knows that their marriage was annulled. Noel replies she may not know however she could know and be resigned to not be his wife. Juan says that if she really loved him, she couldn't have resigned in a couple of months. He asks if Andres has visited her. Noel doesn't know. Juan wants to find out Monica's address, he will look for her and explain everything that happened and why he did it. He now has a bright future and could make her happy. Mariana visits Juan.

Andres arrived at Monica's house. He tells her he didn't come earlier to give her time to assimilate things. He asks if she's ok with her marriage being annulled. She's in shock. Andres explains she's no longer married to Juan, he accepted to have his last name removed to end all the hatred between them. He also tells her Juan's out of jail and that Juan bought her mother's house. Monica tells him she should have been told. Juan has visit. It's Mariana. He sees the way she looks at him and tells her not to visit him. He doesn't want people talking. Andres asks Cata why she didn't tell Monica, as per Monica she didn't want to know anything about Juan. Cata explains that Monica's marriage will be annulled. She's grateful for the money he's sent them. Andres feels comfortable with Monica and wants to marry her. Cata is very happy. Amanda visits Sofia. She tells her that she would like Mariana to marry her son. Amanda also likes the idea. Sofia invites them to CR. Amanda will talk to Mariana. Monica tells Andres she is afraid, her mother is sick. He offers to take her to the doctor. Amanda visits Noel. She tells him about Sofia's intention. He replies she's a difficult woman but Amanda says Sofia has been very good to them. Marcelo asks Mariana where she went. She says she went to the dressmaker. He wants to see the dressmaker to make sure she's saying the truth, then Mariana tells him she went to Noel's house. Marcelo fires Joaquin. Mariana defends Noel, he's a good man. she's not ashamed of who and what she is, or what her mom did. Amanda walks in and tells Marcelo she's given her permission to visit Noel. He's upset because its been done behind his back. Amanda tells him it had to since he's a hard man and doens't have feelings either. He leaves and Amanda asks her daughter where she was. She admits to see Juan and also that she likes him alot. She's fallen in love with him. Cata tells Monica to get her religious marriage annulled. The archbishop adviced her it could be done. Juan goes to talk to Guadalupe to find out Monica's address. Bautista could know. Joaquin tells Amanda the truth about her daughter's visits to Juan. He also tells her she did the decoration of his house and that Noel is aware. Lupe heard the conversation. Juan tells Noel he spoke with Guadalupe. Noel then tells him about his conversation with Amanda. Juan replies he feels affection towards Mariana. He wants Noel to speak to her and forbid her to visit him again. He's worried she likes him. He couldn't feel the same for her. Even if Monica didn't exist, he wouldn't be a good man for Mariana. Juan is only interested in Monica and asks Noel not to tell Mariana of this conversation. Andres goes to see Alberto. He'd been drinking. Alberto tells him he's lost everything, he doens't have a penny. He can't even afford to pay the beer they're drinking. Everyone has turned their backs on him. Marcelo is still looking for him and asks him to help him. Andres tells him Aimee died.

Juan asks Asuzena when its her due date. He says Guadalupe is still interested in marrying her. The baby should have a last name. She doesn't want to marry him, and asks Juan to give her baby his last name. He would love to but he has to talk to Monica. He's going to get her as soon as he finds out where she's at. He advices her to marry someone or let Guadalupe register the child as his. Mariana asks her mom to atleast meet Juan, she won't. According to Amanda she doens't know what she wants. Mariana insists she loves him, he's a good man. Juan goes to see El Tuerto. He would be happier if he wasn't in jail. El Tuerto tells Juan that Meche's relatives in CR may know the address. Cata came from the doctor where she was told she's sick. She doesn't think she is. Monica invites Andres to stay for dinner, he accepts. Andres tells Cata that she & Monica should go to SP for a couple of days. Cata doesn't agree, Juan is out of jail. Andres replies that if Monica decides to annull her religious marriage and go to SP as his fiancee, Juan can't say or do anything. Cata thinks it's too soon to talk about an engagement. Andres will help Monica to forget Juan. Amanda tells Noel that Mariana is in love with Juan. He tells her Juan is in love with Monica not to worry. He begs her not to think bad of Juan. Bautista tells Juanita that Andres probably went to look for Monica to get back at Juan. Juan goes to CR, Juanita sees him and goes to tell Bautista. Juan asks Meche's relatives if they know the address. They don't know. Bautista walks in and tells Juan that Andres went to the capital to take personally the money he sends her monthly. Juan explains he wants to find out where Cata is staying because her furniture bothers him and wants to get rid of it. Bautista has the address and will give it to him. They go to his house and Bautista gives him the address. Juan wants to know why he's so kind all of a sudden. Bautista replies he wasn't told not to give him the information. Then Bautista tells Juanita to take advantage of the situation and get closer to Andres. Monica tells Dolores that her mom is sick. She has high blood preassure, a weak heart and also problems with her bones due to lack of calcium. They will have to move to another place. Mariana goes to see Noel and tells him her feelings towards Juan. He tells her that Juan is still in love with Monica and will go get her as soon as he finds out where she's at. Mariana tells him she loves Juan. Noel replies he doesn't love her. Monica tells Dolores that Juan left her so that she wouldn't see him in jail. She only accepted the separation because she swore to Aimee she would leave Juan. She feels guilty, she once wished Aimee's death. Dolores tells Monica to annull her religious marriage, Juan may want to get married again or may come looking for her. Andres tells Alberto that everything was taken care of. He must go to SP and tell Marcelo everything was a lie. His file will be closed. Alberto will leave to SP with Andres.

Juan tells Noel he doesn't like the idea of Andres sending Monica money every month as well as his visits. He'll go see Monica and talk to her. Noel tells him to be calm. She may not want to see him or talk to him. She may have forgotten him. He'll be calm and if Monica gives him a logical explanation why she won't go back with him, he'll think about it. Monica tells Cata she'll annull her religious marriage. Cata is happy. She wants to go to SP and explains Andres invited them. Monica doesn't want to go. Andres arrives and Cata tells him to convince her. He assures her she won't be bothered. Monica says no. Sofia wants to know if Amanda has spoken with Mariana. She hasn't and tells her Mariana likes Juan. Sofia warns her aginst Juan. Cata asks Dolores to convince Monica to go to SP. Andres wants to marry her. She asks Monica to think about it, she wants to go to SP. Juan went looking for Monica in Dolore's house. He says he has an urgent message to give Monica from Noel Mancera. Dolores offers to give it to her, Juan wants to talk to her. Dolores tells Juan that they've moved to Puebla. She doens't have the new address. He replies she's lying. Dolores goes inside and Juan asks if Monica told her she doesn't want to see him. She tells him Monica has dignity, after the way he behaved with her what does he expect. Juan stays around there. To be continued**********

~~~~~summary Episodes 61 & 62~~~~~~~~~~Author: Melinda Date: 06-22-99 11:27 Amanda tells Sofia that Mariana has become infatuated with Juan. Sofia is appropriately horrified. Dolores tells Monica that the archbishop will hear her case for annulment. Catalina tries to convince her to return to San Pedro and possibly marry Andres. Monica is concerned about how Sofia will receive them. Catalina tries the old emotional blackmail: "You don't care about my health" but Monica says yes I do, we can move to any other little coastal town. Dolores intercepts Juan at the door of her house, and tells him that Monica and Catalina have moved to Puebla. When he accuses her of lying she tells him that Monica has her pride, and no way will she receive him with open arms after the way he's treated her. Lupe offers to accompany Mariana, but Mariana says she has nowhere to go. Lupe tells her that Monica never loved Juan, that she just tried to take him from Aimee. She tells Mariana that she knows Juan well. Marcelo has recused himself from Juan's case because he feels emotionally involved, and has sent for another judge who will arrive the day after tomorrow.

Juan hangs around on the street outside Dolores', looking melancholy and gorgeous. He rings the bell again and asks to speak with Amalia. Dolores intercepts the maid and sends the same message that Monica doesn't live there anymore. Alberto arrives home with Andres, who exacts from him a promise to reveal nothing of what Andres has told him about Monica, and not to pay court to Sofia. Alberto tells him that he may be overconfident in Monica's acceptance of him. Andres tels him that he knows there is no passion between them, all that he wants is friendship and respect. Love is too painful. Sofia shows up and Alberto gets ready to tell her his whole sad story. Mariana pleads El Tuerto's case with Marcelo, and asks him what he would have done in the same situation. What would he do for example if someone tried to hurt her? It's not the same, says Marcelo. Mariana says he has a very ugly job--has he never condemned an innocent person? Not knowingly, says Marcelo. Noel tells Juan's people to send Juan to him as soon as he arrives. After Noel leaves, Pedro tells Azucena it's time she learned to keep her mouth shut and stop speaking ill of Monica. Andres, Sofia, and Alberto discuss Catalina's ill health, and Andres tells Sofia he has invited them to stay in CR. She says it's not proper, especially now that Juan's out of prison. If they bring Monica to CR, Juan will be hanging around all the time. Monica gives Meche instructions about preparing Catalina's diet. Dolores arrives, and Monica tells her that Catalina is pressuring her with tantrums. Dolores tells her about Juan's visit. Monica is desperate to have news of Juan--how did he seem? She tells Dolores that she is afraid that if she sees Juan she will give in to him--and be sorry later. Dolores tells her she needs to consider the pros and cons and make up her mind what she is going to do. Marcelo receives a dispatch from the capital, apparently ordering him to lay off Alberto's case. Marcelo says, this is why there's no justice in this country. Andres and Alberto arrive and Marcelo tells them he had wanted justice but apparently influence is more important. Andres, wearing his best arrogant manner, stays to gives his statement about El Tuerto. He tells Marcelo about the quarrel b/w Juan and Cajiga over the card game. Sofia and Amanda discuss a possible visit to get Mariana and Andres together. Dolores is surprised at how affected Monica is by Juan's visit. Monica thinks it is possible he still loves her, despite what Catalina told her. Dolores says, maybe it's not that--maybe he came to arrange about the annulment. Monica says she won't hide from him anymore--Dolores should tell him that she wants to talk with him. And if he doesn't return, Monica will go to San Pedro and find him. Joaquin visits Azucena and tells her that he was fired for helping Mariana visit Juan. He's looking for work. He tells her he hopes Juan and Monica get back together. Cajiga arrives, and Azucena tells him he better not say anything bad to the new judge about ET. Cajiga has brought Azucena a present, and tries

to talk her into marrying him, and says, "Who'll marry you with that belly?" and Joaquin appears and says "I will, if she'll have me." Cajiga says, you can forget El Tuerto's ever getting out of jail, then. Andres tells Alberto that Monica has promised she won't return with Juan. Alberto tells him that women say a lot of things and change their mind later. Marcelo has asked Andres not to leave town, so he sends Alberto to Mexico to bring Monica back so she will be under his protection as her only male relative. Juan will have to leave her alone, because he has promised not to cross paths with Andres. If he does, he'll have to suffer the consequences. Sofia tells Alberto she's happy he's back so she'll have someone to talk to. She wants his help getting Andres to marry Mariana. [She is so STUPID! Why in the world is she trying to fix him up with yet another woman who is infatuated with Juan????] Catalina, amid complaints about her aching bones, tells Monica she may die any day, and she wants to see San Pedro. She admits that she's been thinking about the possibility of Monica's marrying Andres-where would be the harm? Mariana has gone with Lupe to visit Noel, but he is not in his office. Just as they are getting ready to leave, Juan arrives. Mariana asks him if he's seen Monica and he says no. She leaves. Marcelo arrives home and is upset to learn that Mariana has gone to see Noel. He blurts out that his brother may have forgiven Amanda, but not his own mother. It turns out that their mother was raped (is Marcelo the product of this?) and that his father and older brother both blamed her. It really sticks in his craw that they forgave Amanda. Mariana arrives home. Azucena tells Juan that she'll marry Cajiga if he wants, but he says no--Cajiga was just trying to scare her. Noel and Juan talk about the new judge, and Juan tells Noel that he couldn't get in touch with Monica. He repeats what Dolores said about Monica's dignity. Noel says, what if she doesn't want to get back together with you? Juan says, she has to hear my reasons. I love her, I thought about her all the time while I was in jail. What's more, she's mine, papers or not, and I'm not going to give her up. Alberto tells Andres that Sofia wants to know about his intentions toward Monica, and Andres says that if she starts plotting against him, he will separate from her forever. Azucena is worried that Cajiga will hurt ET--Juan tells her that he won't permit her to sacrifice herself for ET or anyone. At La Venta, Cajiga opens the letter that Bautista left with him, and reads it. Holy cow! Not only does it entitle Juan to the Alcazar surname, but also to inherit part of Campo Real. Imagine what Juan del Diablo would give for this letter! Monica tells Meche to go to the market alone, as she is expecting a visitor.

Amanda wants to talk to Marcelo to see if they can straighten out their misunderstandings. He leaves, and Mariana asks her what's wrong with him--he's acting very strange. She asks for permission to go out. Amanda tells Lupe that if she wants to keep her job, she will not help Mariana see Juan del Diablo. Sofia talks to Andres about Amanda and Mariana. He tells her she better behave herself if Catalina and Monica visit. He is convinced that Monica wants nothing more to do with Juan, and needs their protections. He wants them to come and live in CR--days, months, or years, and if Sofia doesn't like it, then she can leave. He warns her, if she doesn't feel she can be civil to them, she doesn't have to suffer their presence. Joaquin tells his story to Juan, who offers him work. He wants to know why Joaquin offered to marry Azucena. Does he like her? Yes, says Joaquin, even though she's got a character of a thousand demons. And the baby? It's not the baby's fault, says Joaquin, and besides, you know how Azucena is--she'd never let me mistreat her child. Noel meets the new judge, who begins to hear the case. The totally untrustworthy Lupe and Mariana arrive at Juan's, but he tells them he has to leave. Furthermore it wouldn't be prudent for them to be seen in the street together. There is a knock on Monica's door but it's only Dolores, who tells her that Juan never came back. Amanda and Mariana visit Andres and Sofia. The ever-indiscreet Mariana asks about Monica's annulment and her plans (or not) to return to Juan. Noel tells Juan about Andres' declaration, which included information about ET's forced labor at CR. Noel is afraid they will think ET killed Espindola for revenge. Back at home, Amanda fusses at Mariana for her questions about Juan, and says, if you don't get him out of your head, I'll talk with Marcelo about taking the appropriate measures. Juan tells Noel about Mariana's visit. Didn't Noel talk to her? Yes, but he'll try again. MC: Alberto is visiting Dolores, who refuses to hide anything from Monica. Monica arrives (Dolores has sent for her so they can talk without Catalina being present). Alberto tells Monica that Juan is courting Mariana. Mariana wants Noel to tell Juan what she learned about Monica's annulment plans. He doesn't want to, but Juan arrives and she spills the beans. Juan is not pleased. Catalina tells Monica they have to go back to San Pedro to get her marriage certificate to present before the archbishop, and much to her surprise, Monica agrees.

Cajiga meets with Bautista, who tells him that he gave Juan Monica's MC address, to get back at Andres. He wants the letter back. He's figured out where to hide it. Boy is he ticked when he finds out Cajiga has opened it. Cajiga tells his bartender, he'll be even madder when he finds out I put a blank sheet of paper in the envelope. Juan visits Fray Domingo, who tells him he hasn't heard from Monica. He tells Juan that they are still married according to the church, and is shocked to learn that Monica plans to have the marriage annulled. Juan confesses that he broke up their marriage. FD says that if the marriage is to be annulled, they will have to get in touch with him, since the wedding took place there. He will get Monica's address, because he wants to talk to her too. Monica is distressed by the "news" of Juan and Mariana. She's not going to hide anymore--she has a life to live, and she plans to be a different person. Dolores says, you go, girl. She agrees to accompany them to CR, and tells Monica she needs to put on a happy face--she doesn't want everyone thinking she's dying of shame because Juan has put his eyes on someone else. Juan is not paying attention to Noel--his mind is on Monica. He's worried that she's gotten over him just like she got over Andres. After all, he disappointed her just like Andres did. Maybe Dolores has handsome friends that she will introduce Monica to. If only Andres hadn't taken away his surname--Noel tells him not to go blaming others--it has been his fault. And by the way, he should dress like a gentleman for their appointment with the judge tomorrow. [You tell him, Noel!] Catalina and Monica return from their appointment with the archbishop, where Catalina has delighted in enumerating Juan's many defects. Once she's out of the room, Monica tells Dolores that it was horrible--her mother said awful things about Juan and she didn't contradict her. Dolores says she will accompany them to SP, and help Monica convince everyone of how happy she is. Juan and Noel appear before Marcelo and the new judge, whose first response is that he expected a different sort of person. When it is over, Noel tells Juan that it went well, and that he hopes ET will be sentenced tomorrow. Mariana is upset that Marcelo won't exert his influence to help ET. Marcelo tells Amanda that Noel has been a bad influence, and that he is going to request a transfer out of SP. Amanda says, maybe that would be best. She urges Marcelo to discuss his past with her. He thinks it's better to keep everything under wraps, that he himself would have been better off never to have known the truth about his mother. Amanda starts to say something in favor of her husband, and Marcelo says "Joaquin era un miserable." and leaves. Cajiga goes to Noel and shows him the letter. Noel reads it and is stunned by the contents.

~Summary Episode 63- June 22, 1999~ Author: Melanie Date: 06-24-99 10:27 At Noel Mansera's, Cajiga asks him if he may speak with him. Noel asks "and them" (referring to the two men around Cajiga. C: "They're for protection" N: "From me?" C: "Bautista". He asks Noel if he remembers the letter Bautista had and he says he does and looks at it. "Yes, it's from Don Fransico; he recognizes Juan as his son...." At Juan's residence (old Altamira residence), Sarafin comes in to offer Juan food/drink and goes to get Juan coffee. Juan goes to answer the door and it is Noel. He tells him about the letter and that it recognizes him as the son of Don Francisco and says he owns part of Campo Real (CR). J:"Where is it?" N: "Cajiga has it, but I read it." J:"Then Monica is still my women. What's Cajiga want? Money?" Noel says he wants to marry Azucena, but Juan objects. Juan asks if Sofia knows about it and he says he guesses she does because it is dated around the time of Francisco's death and that Cajiga is afraid Bautista will come after him. Juan says the apellido doesn't mean as much as the fact that he and Monica are still married and wants to retrieve the letter right then. Noel urges him to wait until after Tuerto's trial is over, but Juan runs out anyway to Cajiga's. He asks Cajiga where Bautista got the letter and Cajiga thinks he stole it from Sofia. Cajiga wants to know if Juan has reconsidered letting him have Azucena. He says he would treat her like a queen and respect her. After all, as father he has rights to the child, but Juan retorts, "No good man would take a woman by force." Cajiga says Azucena said she didn't want the kid anyway. Juan wants to play (cards, I assume) for the land, house and letter. Don Noel won't permit it and Cajiga laughs. Juan and Noel return to Noel's. Juan says Cajiga is a liar, but Noel assures him they'll have other chances; the letter is that important to Cajiga. Juan says he needs the letter to get Monica back, but Noel reminds him of what he just told Cajiga about taking a woman by force. "If she wants to come back to you, it'll be because she loves you, not by force." Juan leaves. Catalina is packing to go to CR. Monica comes in- she has been to Dona Rosario's to see about keeping the house for later- she doubts she can stay too long in CR. Alberto arrives to escort them on the trip. Cajiga goes to see the priest. "The clergy keep secrets, don't they?" "Yes, have you come to confess?" "No!, I mean I need a favor" Cajiga requests that the priest keep the latter because he says he has enemies that would kill him to get it. He says Andres shouldn't see it either. A telegram arrives at CR for Andres. Sofia wants to know how long the guests will be there and he replies for as long as they wish- long enough for Monica to dissolve her religious marriage to Juan. Andres goes to see Juan, but Serafin says he is not home- he's a Tuerto's trial. He tells Serafin he needs to talk to Juan today and leaves. Serafin asks Joaquin if he knows of the letter Cajiga has and he says no. "Aren't you a friend of Cajiga's?" "No, never."

Don coms to Azucena, Juan, Pedro and Segundo who are waiting for the verdict of the trial. His four years without parole has been overturned and he may leave. They are happy. Mariana and Lupe are in the kitchen talking about Juan. Lupe makes it well evident that she doesn't like Juan after what he "did" to Aimee. Juan and Azucena return home and tells the others about Tuerto and Azucena wants to throw a party for him. Joaquin tells Juan Andres must see him today before he leaves tomorrow. Juan goes to CR and Sofia is POed to see him. She wants to know what he is doing there and he says Andres called for him. She says, "If you still want Monica, I can help you..." Andres enters and they go to the study. Juan tells him Tuerto is free. "I wanted to tell you Monica is coming tomorrow." "Really?" "Yes. I heard you went to see them in DF." "I did, not that it's of any importance to you." "Wrong. They are my relatives and as oldest male in the family, it is my job to take care of them. My aunt is sick and el medico has advised her to move to a lower altitude. That's why they're coming. I hope you'll respect everyone's wishes and stay away." Juan doesn't argue. He leaves. Sofia doesn't understand why he doesn't argue. Andres says it appears he no longer cares for Monica. Sofia asks if Andres has intentions of marrying Monica and he says he does. She begins to tell him how she thinks it not a good idea--, but he cuts her off and says her opinion doesn't mean anything to him and walks out. Mariana tells Amanda she wants to go to her father's to see what happened to Juan's friend. Amando says they can find out from Marcelo when he returns, but she is anxious. Amanda tells her they've decided to all move to another city; they don't like the fact she chases Juan around, especially since he has no interest in her. Besides he's basically a criminal. Mariana assures her that was his past and that NO ONE else interests her. Amanda tells her Sofia said Andres IS interested in HER. Juan tells Noel about the meeting with Andres and he says he wants to see Monica anyway. Noel agrees to help him get a time to speak with her. Mariana and Amanda come and she introduces her mother to Juan. Juan acknowleges her, shakes her hand and leaves soon after. "I've come to speak to you about Juan" Amanda tells Noel. Joaquin and Azucena are in the kitchen talking when she has a contraction, but tells Joaquin that it is too early and not to worry. He takes her hand and says "I...". Azucena wonders what is wrong with him and is bothered. She's not the affectionate type she says and tells him to go find a "novia". He tells her he has one- her. She says he wouldn't want her, especially with another man's child, but he says he doesn't mind. She assures him he would mind and says she doesn't want to talk about it again.

Mariana, Noel and Amanda are at Juan's house. Mariana says she doesn't understand why she can't have him if he and Monica are no longer involved. Amanda says she doesn't want her to marry Juan, but Mariana tells them "If I don't marry Juan, I will never marry anyone!" and leaves. Amanda is upset and asks Noel why he won't help her. He says he would never speak badly of Juan, ever. She too leaves.

Juan tells Pedro about the letter when Mariana comes in. She is upset about her mother not wanting her around Juan and he says he's marrying Monica and says he wouldn't just go after someone of her class. 'What class? We are both children born without our fathers." He says that's not what he means, that he has enemies making life difficult. "You don't even know me." "I DO know you and you CAN forget Monica." Pedro takes Mariana home and Juan lets her know he'll advise her Juan she may see him again. Juan goes into the kitchen where Joaquin tells him about Azucena's pain. Juan asks him to take her to the doctor AND to go to CR to tell him when Andres leaves. Amanda gets upset when Mariana comes home and lies about where she has been. She tells her she can't understand what has gotten into her. "The same thing that happened to you when you met my father." The next morning, Juan is shaving when Joaquin comes in to tell him Andres left early that morning. Sofia tells Bautista she knows about the letter and that he is fired. Juan and Noel go to the jail to free Tuerto. They all hug and Tuerto is met by Azucena and the others at Juan's while Juan goes to CR to wait for Monica's coach to pull up. He hides behind a tree and watches from a far. Andres helps them out and they go inside. (The Mijares "CS" song plays) END of ep. 63...

~Summary Episode 64- June 22, 1999~ Author: Melanie Date: 06-24-99 15:21 After Alberto, Monica, Catalina and cousin Dolores de Altamira arrive at CR, they go inside with Andres and Dolores is introduced to Sofia. She tells Sofia she has a lovely home in lovely surroundings. Sofia says "Oh, no it's really a boring little village" but Monica says it's really a very nice village with beautiful beaches. "I've missed it too" says Catalina. Noel goes to see Juan. Juan tells him he saw Monica and that she looks "different", but the last time her saw her she was crying over something he'd done. He also tells him about Mariana coming the night before & Noel can't imagine what's gotten into her either. Juan wonders why Noel doesn't marry Amanda, but he says no, whatever they once felt for each other had passed and at their age people have to think of other things other than romance. Noel says his first priority now is Juan and his happiness; he is like a son to him. Dolores talks to Monica about how she feels about being back and she says ok. She tells Monica she must get her life in order; forget Juan and marry Andres. Andres would be great for her and her future lies with him; "Forget Juan. He is the past Meanwhile, Andres is telling the staff to advise him immediately if anyone comes looking for Monica& to tell that person she is not home. Sofia and Alberto talk in the living room and she tells him Andres intends to marry Monica and Juan intends to get both the apellido and Monica back using a letter written by Francisco.

Bautista tells Andres about the letter & that Juan wants it. Andres explodes and has Bautista call for his mother. He goes after her and she asks him what he is doing still hanging around if she fired him. "I beg you to kill him. I want to see him dead," she tells Alberto. Andres walks in to speak with her, but Alberto says they need to take it somewhere private. In the study, Andres tells Sofia he knows she gave the letter to Juan so he could reclaim the apellido, but she vehemently denies it. Alberto suggests trying to get the letter back but Andres doubts Bautista still has it. Alberto tells them Bautista has a friend, Cajiga... Pedro goes to Cajiga's "casa de cualquieras" under the pretext he is looking for a job. He tells one of Cajiga's men that Juan threw him out. Juan tells Tuerto that if Monica doesn't accept Noel's invitation to dine, he will find another way to see her. At breakfast the next day, Dolores and Monica decide to take a walk around the village and Andres offers to accompany them, but Monica says no thank you, she is sure he has much to do around CR. He says they are more important than any work and insists. Don Noel comes to the door and asks to say hello to Monica. Juanita advises Andres and he goes in to the living room to see him. Noel tells him he'd like to see both Catalina and Monica to greet them, but Andres says they are still sleeping- resting from their trip the day before. At Noel's, Juan knows Andres was lying about the women resting, but Noel says maybe not. Tuerto comes in to tell Juan that Dolores and Monica have left the house and Juan hastily runs out. Meanwhile, Andres is escorting the ladies through the market. Juan steps up behind them and to Monica: "Good Day. How've you been." A shocked Monica replies "Good". Andres is upset and says "Ok, we're leaving now". Juan says he'd like to speak to Monica but Andres says she doesn't want to speak to him. "Let her answer," says Juan. "Andres is right. You and I have nothing to talk about," and the three leave (Andres has a freaky smirk going on). They leave Juan standing in the center of the market. Alberto tells Sofia they;ve set a trap for Bautista where he'd be beaten so his clothes could be looked through. "Then bring him to me", says Sofia. "I'll see what I can do," says Alberto reluctantly. Amanda leaves the house and won't tell Mariana where she is going, but tells her daughter not to leave the house. Mariana sits down and begins writing. She takes the letter to Lupe to take to Monica who is staying at the Alcazar's guest house. Alberto goes to see Cajiga. He tells him about Bautista being fired for stealing a letter from Dona Sofia from Don Francisco. Cajiga plays dumb. Lupe brings the letter to the Alcazar's and is met by Meche. Juanita tells her they're not home and takes the letter. Catalina and Sofia are coming down stairs and Catalina tells Sofia how good Andres has been to all of them. Sofia starts something about like "Well, he certainly had to put up with enough BEFORE." "If you're referring to Aimee," says Catalina, "she's already paid with her life." Sofia wonders if Monica will return to Juan but Catalina says she doesn't know- anyhow Sofia says she thinks it not such a

good idea for Andres and Monica to marry. Aimee might be dead, but Juan is alive and they'd never have peace; they could never be happy. Cat tells her it's not her decision. They start arguing. "Monica married Juan in the first place to protect your son" "From your daughter!", they are arguing and then stop abruptly when Don Noel comes in to see Cat. She tells him Monica will marry Andres and she hopes they all can finally be at peace. Amanda is waiting for Juan when he arrives to talk about Mariana. She doesn't want her daughter mislead and with someone like Juan. he tells her it's not his fault he was born a bastard without a last name and rights to what should be his. He apologizes, but assures her he respects her wishes and will help her wing Mariana from him. She says she, if no one else, doesn't think badly of him. Andres, Monica and Dolores return to CR & Andres wants to talk alone with Monica. Alberto wants to know what happened & Dolores tells him about their encounter with Juan (these two make a great match IMO!). In the study, Andres wanst to know what Monica plans on doing about Juan and she says "nothing", but maybe it was a mistake for she and Catalina to have come. Andres says Monica would've seen Juan sooner or later but at least there she had him to protect her. She says she doesn't want problems between the two, especially over her. Maybe she should have heard him out in the market, she says, but Andres told her she already knew that he wanted her to come back to him. "It might have been something else" she says. Andres says he doesn't expect her to love him, but if they marry, there would be affection and respect between them- what's more, they wouldn't live there with Sofia, or in San Pedro, but in DF and they would take Cat with them (where is just where Cat and Monica left because of the altitude...?...) She tells him to give her a few days to think about it so she gives the right decision, and Andres assures her in this marriage he would have no aspectations. Monica tells Dolores that Andres has proposed and Dolores says this is the only way to rid herself of Juan, but Monica says she's not sure she wants to be rid of him. They agree she must speak to Juan. Noel goes to see Juan the next morning at breakfast and tells him Monica and Andres are engaged. Juan can't believe it. "No, never."

~~~~~~~~Episode #65~~~~~~~Author: Margaret Date: 06-25-99 16:36 Noel points out that to Juan that because of all hes done it may be true that Monica has accepted Andres marriage proposal. He advises Juan as an uninfluenced party that if Monica isnt engaged then yes, he should beg for forgiveness and try to win her back. But if she is already promised to Andres, he has to accept it and renounce his rights to her. Noel further tells him that if Andres is engaged to Monica and Juan interferes, this time it is Juan who is in the wrong. Juan has no response, but is pensive. Andres and Alberto discuss Sofias intention of having Andres and Mariana marry. Andres gets upset that Sofia is trying to run his life again. Alberto explains that is Amanda that is worried because of Juan and Marianas relationship. Andres insists that its just a crush on Marianas part. Alberto tries to convince Andres that its in his best interest to have Monica think that Juan and Mariana are an item.

Andres doesnt like gossip and lies. Andres reminds him that he did lie to the judge about not having any proof that Juan was Franciscos son. Andres tries to justify this by saying he didnt know about the letter at the time. Alberto reminds him that he knows now. While theyre on the topic Andres wants to know if Alberto has spoken with Cajiga. Alberto tells him that he has and told Cajiga that he offered him money and he thinks its best to wait a couple of days and see what Cajigas reaction. Alberto claims hes no longer comfortable just living under their roof, he asks Andres if he can be the administrator of his assets. Andres reluctantly agrees. Juanita brings in Marianas letter to Andres. Andres tells her to give it to Monica. Meche is telling Monica about the letter. Just as Monica wonders why she hasnt brought it Juanita delivers it to her. Monica admonishes her for not bringing it to her and tells her that from now on Meche is the one that will handle all her messages. Meche and Juanita leave. Monica reads the letter. She tells Dolores that Marian wants to speak to her alone. Dolores tells her that she probably wants to tell Monica to leave Juan alone. Amanda tells Marcelo that Monica and Cata are back and staying with Sofia and Andres. Marcelo is surprised. He notices that Mariana is uncomfortable. When he asks her whats wrong, she tells him that she as a headache and excuses herself from the breakfast table. Marcelo asks Amanda whats wrong with Mariana. Amanda says that shes gotten rebellious. Marcelo thinks that its Noels influence. Amanda defends him Noel, then insists that they marry off Mariana with Andres. She tells him that she thinks that once she and Andres spend time together that, Mariana will like the idea. Marcelo is not happy. Amanda tells him that he need not worry about the inheritance. Marcelo gets angry and says that the inheritance money isnt the issue, Andres is the issue and he doesnt like the idea. He walks out in a huff. El Tuerto is staking-out the Alcazar house and spots Meche. He walks her to deliver Monicas response to her letter. Dolores and Alberto gossip about the situation and flirt a little. Meche gives Lupe the letter. She in turn gives it to Mariana. Mariana is eager and tells Lupe that shell be going out. ET walks Meche back home. He very coyly gets Meche to show him the layout of the house, by coming up with the preface that theyre going to count the rooms. Meche and he begin to walk around the house. Marcelo goes to see Juan to give him the rent money for the house and informs him that hell be leaving at the end of the month, as his transfer has gone through. Juan refuses to accept it, saying that it belongs to Monica. Marcelo is confused and Juan explains that he has signed the house over to Monica. He tells Marcelo that hed appreciate it if Marcelo takes the money to the Alcazars and give it to Monica.

Dolores agrees to go with Monica to see Juan. As they sit in the bed room and think of ways to get out of the house without Andres (the shadow) going with, Meche announces that Mariana is there to see her. Monica asks that she send her up. Dolores tells her to stay strong, be calm and let Mariana do the talking and to tell her that she can care less about Juan because shes engaged to Andres. Monica refuses to do that. Meche escorts Mariana to the room. Mariana enters the room and is introduced to Dolores, who soon leaves. They exchange pleasantries and a few deep stares. Monica is stoic and Mariana is antsy. Mariana asks Monica if she still cares about Juan. Monica asks her why she wants to know. Mariana tells Monica that she met Juan days before he went to jail and tells a shocked and hurt Monica that she went to visit him. She tells Monica that she is Noels daughter. Monica holding back her anger/sadness tells her that she already knew. Mariana shamelessly tells Monica that she accompanied Noel to visit Juan and helped decorate the house he bought from Cata. Juan very much liked the way it turned out, spits a triumphant Mariana. Monica stoically replies, How nice. It doesnt bother you? asks Mariana. Why should it bother me, responds Monica cold and flat Theres nothing left between Juan and I. You dont know how much I thank you. I was so worried. Mariana says (in manner that makes this writer want to slap her). Its that I love him so. Mariana continues to gush about Juan to Monica who just sits there taking in every word feigning indifference. Mairana tells her that all that Juan wants is to settle down and raise a family. With you? asks Monica. You dont think I can make him happy? Mariana replies spitefully. In a cool and calm manner (too cool and calm for my taste) Monica tells Mariana, If you love him and he loves you, Im sure you will be happy. Meche knocks on the door and tells Monica that Marcelo is there to see her. Mariana asks that Monica not let Marcelo know that shes there. After making sure Meche hasnt told Marcelo that Mariana is there, Monica tells Meche to let Marcelo know shell be right down. Juan is at Noels office getting the house transfer straightened out. Noel warns Juan that she might take it as an insult. Juan is unnerved and tells Noel that he welcomes a reproach from Monica. All he wants is for her to tell him to his face that she wants nothing to do with her face-to-face. Marcelo, Andres and Monica exchange greetings. Marcelo tells Monica that he is saddened to hear about her mothers ill health. He tells her that hes there to give her the rent. She tells him that that money belongs to Juan. He then tells her that Juan has signed the house over to her. Monica is shocked that Juan gave her the house. Andres interjects (nothing new) and tells Marcelo that Monica will not

accept anything from someone that has no ties to them. Monica agrees. Andres begins to tell Marcelo to relay a message to Juan. Marcelo doesnt even let the next word come out of Andres mouth, before he tells Andres that he wont get in the middle of this mess. All he wants to know is what is he going to do with the rent money. Monica tells him that it belongs to Juan, telling Marcelo that Andres is right, she wont be accepting gifts from Juan. Andres smirks victorious (I hate that grin). Marcelo leaves. Once Marcelo is gone Andres has a fit and tells Monica that Juan did it to insult her and provoke him. Monica tries to reason with him, but Andres is fuming (what an idiot). He tells her that Juan will answer to him for this. Monica tells him that he will do nothing of the sort! Andres says that it is his duty as her only male relative. Monica sternly tells him that he has no rights to her and reminds him that Juan WAS her husband. This is a problem that SHE will fix. Andres (in spoiled pain in the butt manner) tells her that when she meets with Juan, that hes going with her. He refuses to accept no as an answer. A disgusted Monica leaves. Juan tells Noel that if he wont handle the title exchange on the house that hell go to another lawyer. Do what ever you want, but youre just adding to the mistakes you have already made with her. Monica tells Mariana that Marcelo has left and that she can leave now. Mariana wants to know what Marcelo wanted. Monica tells that it was about the house. Mariana thanks Monica for her patience and leaves. Monica is still disgusted. Juanita tells Sofia that Mariana went to see Monica. Monica and Dolores discuss the house. Monica tells her cousin that Andres thinks that Juan did it to publicly shame Monica. Monica wonders why he would do that, since shes done nothing to him. Dolores tells her that she should have told Mariana that she is going to marry Andres. Monica refuses to do that, saying that she refused to do anything like that until she as decided. Dolores tells her that she hopes that she hasnt changed her mind about Juan and goes back to him begging, especially if he has fallen for another woman. Monica assures her that shes not going to that. Sofia enters the room and Dolores leaves. They talk about Marianas visit, but Monica doesnt specify what the visit was for. Sofia tells Monica (quite amicably) that she should go back to Juan. Noel will be more than willing to give Juan his last name and he and Monica can then be re-married. Monica is in shock to hear Sofia speak like this. She tells Sofia that maybe Juan wouldnt want to do that. Sofia tells Monica that she cant see any reason why he wouldnt, hes crazy about Monica. Hes told them so, right before Monica returned from the capital. She tells Monica that Andres more than likely invited Monica and Cat to stay there to bother Juan somewhat. Monica is incredulous to Sofias sincerity and tells Sofia point blank that Andres asked her to marry him, and that is something that Sofia doesnt want. Sofia tells her that it would be different if he loved her, but hes only doing it to hurt Juan. She further tells Monica that it would be best if Monica and Juan reunited---Shes even willing to help, by arranging a way they could. Monica tells her not to do it, because it would only mean humiliation for her.Sofia leaves, telling Monica to think about what she has said and to not tell Andres about the conversation. Monica tells her not to worry. Dolores enters and wants to know what happened. Monica lies and says that Sofia just wanted to talk about Catas health.

Mariana sneaks in through the back door. Lupe has covered for her with Marcelo and Amanda. Marcelo is wating for her in the living room. He wants to talk to her. He tells her that shes changed. First she feared him. Then she began to trust him and he thought that she even liked to talk with him. Mariana doesnt want to talk about it. But he does! Mariana wants to know what for-she assures him that she doesnt want a dime of the Romero-Vargas money. Macelo wants to explain. Amanda walks in and he asks her to hear his explanation as well. Lupe brings him his coffee then stands with an ear to the coridor, listening to Marcelo explain. His mother too was a Romero-Vargas. It was a marriage between 3rd cousins. It was her side of the family that had the money. When she married, the other Romero-Vargas were the ones that had benefited financially from the union. As they were all but ruined, it was his mothers money that saved them. Mariana and Amanda are hanging on his every word as he tells them that a so called friend of his father had raped his mother. ET, Azu and Serafin talk about Monica. Azu is certain that Monica no longer loves Juan, because she hasnt looked for him and is staying with Andres. Serafin tells her that maybe shes there because she doesnt have anyplace else to stay. Azu gets mad that Serafin is defending Monica. Im just telling you what I think, replies Serafin. Juan arrives and ET goes to see him. ET gives Juan a report about his conversation with Meche. He tells Juan that he went with Meche to deliver a response to a letter that Mariana had sent Monica. Juan is baffled. Marcelo continues to relay the details of his family history to Amanda and Mariana. He had chose to live with his mother and maternal grandparents, while his brother lived with his father. His father would ask for him to join him and his brother Joaquin, but his grandparents refused. Marcelo softly and painfully tells him that he grew up in an environment of hate, recriminations and rancor. If they want him back, theyd have to take his mother too and apologize to her for having offended her. He says that both his father and brother refused to have anything to do with her. His grandparents asked that they return her money to their side of the family, but they refused that request as well. Marcelo tells them that his father had disinherited him because of his loyalty to his mother. He can understand why his father did what he did, but he can never forgive his brother. His mother lay on her deathbed pleading for him and Joaquin never came. He cant understand how it is possible the he did this, yet welcomed Amanda and her child with open arms after she willingly gave herself to Noel. Amanda doesnt know what to say and she herself cant understand why Joaquin was so cruel to his mother. Marcelo apologetically tells Amanda and Mariana that all of this doesnt excuse his behavior with them, after all its not their fault. Nevertheless, he felt it is necessary that they knew the whole story. He excuses himself and he leaves the two women. Mariana tells her mother that she always knew that deep inside he was a man that was deeply suffering.

Juan and ET discuss the situation with Cajiga and the letter. ET updates Juan that Pedro is working with him, but if it were up to ET hed go shake it out of Cajiga. Juan gives his loyal friend a pat then goes to the kitchen where Azu and Serafin are sitting at the table. He tells her that he is going out, then asks Azu how things went with the doctor. Azu tells him that she didnt go. He tells Azu that she will go the first ting in the morning, without excuses. Azu agrees-Juan leaves. Azu asks Serafin about the letter that Cajiga has and that Juan needs. Serafin gives her no info. Andres is still fuming to Alberto about Juan giving Monica the house. Alberto tells Andres that his problem is that even after the pact that he made with Juan to keep out of each others way; hes still looking for ways to vent his anger. Andres tells Alberto that it was Juan who broke the pact by trying to see Monica, who is his relative and his future fiance. Alberto points out to Andres that Juan can see it that it is Andres who is messing with his ex-wife. Andres says that Monica is his EX-WIFE and now they have no ties, besides that Juan is supposedly courting Mariana. He asks Alberto if he was able to get any info from Dolores about Monicas meeting with Mariana. He said that he hasnt has the chance to yet, hell do it the following day. As they leave Andres' study, Andres tells Alberto that hes going to talk to Juan anyway to make things clear to him that he no longer has any rights to Monica. Jaun is standing outside the Alcazar home. He watches as the lights go out. Monica and Dolores are talking. Dolores still wants to know what it was that she and Sofia were talking about. Monica tells her not to worry about it, that shes learned not to believe a word that comes out of Sofias mouth anyway. She tells Dolores that she would tell her about it, but she gave her word to Sofia. Monica turns off the light to go to sleep. Juan checks his watch and waits patiently outside. Sometime later, he walks into Monicas room through the balcony. He slowly walks over to her bed and covers her mouth so she doesnt scream. Monica awakes wide eyed and shocked to see Juan standing over her.

~~~~~~~~Episode #66~~~~~~~ Author: Margaret Date: 06-26-99 20:33 Im not going to hurt you, I just want to talk Juan tells her softly as he slowly takes his hands off her mouth. She springs up and tells him that this isnt the time or the place. He didnt have any other choice. She threatens to scream, he tells her to do so. Monica is angry! You always have to force your will on others. You have no respect for anything or anyone. I wasnt allowed to do these things in another way, he tells her softly and regretfully. Im not going until we talk.

Monica looks over to Dolores who is still sleeping, then tells Juan to wait for her outside. Juan tells her no. She tells him that she needs to put something on. He asks her if shes afraid of him seeing her. She tells him to hand her a robe. Juan holds up her robe as she slides her arms into the garment. As they walk towards the grand staircase Juan asks Monica, You dont want anything to do with me anymore, do you? Of course I dont, fires an enraged Monica. How can you ask after you pushed me aside, left me without a roof over my head, told my mother I was bother to you and did nothing to protect our marriage. Id be stupid if I still.. Juan interrupts and acknowledges that he knows that hes hurt her and that he has made a huge error, but he is repentant. She tells him that his repentance came too late. Really, Monica? Do you really mean that? asks a desperate Juan. What do you think? Youve humiliated me in front of everyone. You intend to insult me further by just giving me your house. Well Im not going to accept it! she brushes past him as she goes down the stairs. He runs to catch her and explains that he only did it so that shed be forced to talk to him, even if it was to insult him. He is standing behind her and softly tells her, I love you, Monica. Youre my entire life. He softly kisses her neck then, touches her face gently to pull her into a kiss. Monica stands there mesmerized by his touch, then she tells him no. Why do you resist? You want it too. Monica just tells him that she cant and continues to walk down the stairs. I can feel it, he continues to tell her You still love me the same, or more than before. He looks at her longingly. You have to come back to me, he says as he pulls her close to him, Now. She turns her back to him and walks away, You think with one touch, everything is forgotten, she says angrily. He tells her that he just wants to explain. Are you going to EXPLAIN whats going on with you and Mariana? He tells her that there is nothing going on with Mariana. She tells him that thats a lie because Mariana herself told her that he and she were in love. Juan becomes anxious, desperate to explain, Thats not true! Its not true! He explains to her that it was Mariana that has expressed enthusiasm for him, not he for Mariana. When she asks why should she believe him, he tells her because its the truth. If she wants hell demonstrate it to her in front of Mariana or Noel. He tells her that he too had been told that she is engaged to Andres. Monica is shocked and asked him who told him that. He tells her that Cata told Noel. He tells her that he doubted it at first, but now I dont. Why not? spits an angry Monica. Do you think you have me worshiping you at your feet? Do you think youre the only man on this earth? A putt off and hurt Juan tells her, I thought for you, I was. Monica tells him that thats why he took advantage of her. He humiliated and offended her with the expectation of being forgiven in the end. She tells him about her suffering and desperation. That he

made her fell as if his boat was more important to him that she was. She reminds him of how hard and cold he was to her in front of El Tuerto. He tells her softly and tearfully that his action hurt him more than her. He didnt want her to suffer seeing him imprisoned again. You didnt want me to suffer, Monica says incredulously. Do you think Ive been rejoicing theses past couple of months? I beg of you to forgive me pleads Juan no longer holding back tears. At that time I wasnt well. I was depressed and you had told me that you couldnt bear to see me in jail. Monica tells him that she went looking for him to tell him that she didnt care. That she was willing to take anything, but he never even gave her a chance. He tells her that he did that because he thought it was best that way. She tearfully tells him how she tearfully tells him how she went to Campo Real to beg Andres to return The Satan. How her mother told her that the house was sold and that they wouldnt be returning to SP because they didnt have a place to live. She was going to walk back to SP to be with him if she had to, but thats when the tragedy with Aimee happened. She blames her self for Aimee because she wished her death. Juan tells her that thats not true, but then he is interrupted by the sound of Andres who hears voices. She begs him to leave and shoves him out of sight. She tries to make up excuses as Andres comes down the stairs. Juan comes out of the shadows to show himself to Andres. When Andres asks why hes in HIS house, Juan tells him that hes there to talk to Monica. Andres asks Monica if she let him in. She says yes, but Juan tells Andres that he entered through the window. Andres begins to insult Juan, but Juan fires back at him. Disregarding Monicas pleas, the banter escalates into a physical brawl. The two men are rolling on the floor ignoring Monicas cries to stop. Bautista enters the room and points his gun. As Andres rolls off of Juan, Monica rushes to Juan and Bautista shoots. Monica is the recipient of the bullet meant for Juan. Juan holds on to her desperately and in a panic. The bullet hit her arm. Andres is still trying to get him out of the house as he cradles Monica in his arms, then carries her over to the sofa. He orders Bautista to get a doctor. Everyone in the house awakens and rushes to the scene. Juan is tending to Monicas wound. Andres orders him out of the house, or he will kill him. Monica begs Juan to leave. Juan leaves enraged. Cata runs crying to her wounded daughter. Juan comes home emotionally and physically exhausted. He drowns his sorrows in alcohol. The doctor tells Andres that Monica is fine she just needs a couple of days rest, but he is concerned about Cata. Her blood pressure has gone way up and in the state shes in its very dangerous. Sophia tells them that shes taken some pills and is fine now. The doctor leaves.

Sofia tells Andres that this situation is intolerable and that it will continue as long as Monica and Cata live there. Andres tells Sofia that if she tries to kick them out it would be he who will leave and she will never hear from him again. Sofia leaves. Alberto tells Andres that he has a huge problem with his mother. Andres says hes sick of her and everyone else. Meche is seeing to Monica as she gets confirmation from Monica that Bautista wanted to kill Juan. Just then Dolores walks into the bedroom. Monica asks about her mothers condition, Dolores updates her. Meche leaves. Dolores asks Monica what is she thinking about. Monica tells her firmly and decidedly that shes sick of BOTH of those wretched men that have been using her as a pretext to unleash the hatred they feel for one another. She means nothing to either one of them. Neither of them cared to listen to her cries and pleas as they were clinched in battle. She now knows that Sofia was right when she said that Andres just wanted to marry her to get to Juan. Dolores is shocked to hear Sofia said that. Monica thinks maybe Mariana did lie, but even if it was true she doesnt care anymore. Really? says Dolores. Monica screams to her cousin, Its that I dont want to care. Is that clear? Dolores acknowledges that she gets the message and asks Monica not to get upset. Monica continues her rant; Hes violent, aggressive and always wants his way. "He thinks that all women have to fall in and worship at his feet. Shes tired of the both of them. If they want to kill each other, then let them! But they wont be using me as a pretext to do it. Dolores thinks that good thinking. Monica assures her that all this is over! Shes going to think about what her next step is. Alberto tells Andres that him marring Monica isnt going to stop Juan from trying to get to her. Andres says then hell just have to kill him. Alberto suggests he contract Bautista to do it. Andres wonders what about the letter. Alberto has a plan. Andres can send Bautista on an errand or something then some thugs rough him up and while hes unconscious, get the letter. Andres agrees with the plan. Juan is in his room. Azucena comes to let him know that Don Noel is there to see him. Juan tells her to let him know that hell be right there. He also orders her to take Joaquin with her to the doctor. She agrees after a small protest. Noel tells Juan that he went to Lic. Maldragon and that he was told that Juan didnt show up. He wants to know if hes changed his mind about signing the house over to Monica. Juan tells him that he has. Noel says that is good news. Juan tells Noel that Mariana went to see Monica and told her that they were in love. Juan asks what is he going to do with Mariana. Noel assures Juan that he and Amanda will give her a good talking to. He apologized to Juan for Marianas actions then asks if Juan was able to clear things up with Monica. Juan tells him that he cleared up everything in reference to Mairana. Noel asks him about Monicas engagement to Andres. Juan tells him that he doesnt know about that, nor does he care. He found out what he need to know, Monica hasnt forgotten him. He doesnt care if the whole world is against them; hes never going to give her up. Hes tired of Andres, Cata and everyone. If Monica doesnt comeback to him because of her scruples or for whatever reason the easy way, shell have to come back even if its the hard way. Noel shakes his head in frustration.

Cata desperately tires to get Monica to marry Andres to put a stop to all of this and get that man out of their lives. She refuses to accept no for an answer. She as her mother will order her to do marry him. Andres goes to Marcelo to file charges against Juan for assault, illegal entry and destruction of private property. Marcelo listens to Andres version of the previous nights events. He tells the Marcelo (who seems none to pleased) that Juan sneaked in through the balcony, forced Monica to go downstairs and when Andres ordered him out of the house he refused. Andres tells the judge that he had no choice but to kick Juan out by force. He also explains how Bautista shot Monica. Marcelo looks at Andres with disgust and skepticism, then agrees to the order. Cata pleads he case to Monica telling her that last night is a good indication that Juan will never let her be. She calls him a savage and blames him for Monica coming close to losing her life. Monica defends Juan of the latter chare and blames Bautista. Cata doesnt care. Juan was the one who instigated all of this. She says that Juan is marked by the devil and is the cause of Aimees disgrace (je, je yea right!). She breaks down and cries telling Monica that she wont let the same happen to her. Monica asks her mother to calm down. Cata refuses to calm down until Monica agrees to marry Andres. Monica will not be forced into a marriage that she doesnt want and besides that Sofia doesnt want it. Cata can care less about what Sofia wants. Cata blames her and Juan for everything. She says that Sofia is selfish and doesnt love anyone, not her son or her dead husband. Monica tells her that it is for that very reason that they should both leave. Cata firmly tells Monica that they will leave after she marries Andres. Monica tells Cata that shes taking advantage of her illness to force Monica into marrying Andres, but even still she refuses to marry him (Good girl). She tells Cata that it should set her mind at ease that she will not go back to Juan (stupid girl), but she has no intention of ever getting married. Cata can stay in SP if she wants, but Monica is leaving. Dolores tells Alberto about Monicas decision to not have anything to do with Juan or Andres. She also tells him that Sofia has even told Monica that she doesnt want them to marry, but she asks Alberto not to tell Andres that Sofia told that to Monica. They flirt a little then Sofia walks in and asks to speak to Alberto alone. Sophia smirks at him and ribs him a little about courting Dolores. Its not a bad idea says Alberto. Sophia wants him to help her get the letter back from Bautista so that Juan can get his name back and force Monica to return to him. Alberto politely refuses to help her because of Andres. She calls him a traitor and walks off. Cata tells Monica that shes not going anywhere with out her and that shes going to do as shes told. Monica asks if its because of the money. Cata says it because of that and because no decent woman lives alone. She storms off leaving Monica angry. Andres signs his statement and Marcelo orders his clerk to put out a warrant for Juans arrest. Andres is pleased until Marcelo tells him that hell need to get statements from all that were present, including Monica. Andres protests saying that Monica is injured and cannot leave the house. Thats not a problem for Marcelo, hell go see her. Andres is in a snit and starts to walk out of the office when Marcelo

demands to know why hasnt he asked him permission to marry Mariana. Andres thinks very highly of Mariana, but apologizes for Sofias nerve in arranging the marriage. He says that this was all arranged without his knowledge or approval. He plans on getting married, but it is Monica who will be his bride. He excuses himself, leaving Marcelo confused. Pedro tells Juan that Roke will never betray Cajiga out of fear, not loyalty. Juan decides to go see Cajiga and offer him everything in exchange for the letter. Serafin over hears. Noel goes to see Amanda he tells her about Marianas visit to Monica. Amanda is ashamed that Mariana would do such a thing. Lupe and Mariana sit at the kitchen table. Lupe suggest the romantic notion that Mariana marry Juan and that Amanda marry Noel. Mariana is shocked at the suggestion. Lupe tells her that she knows that Mariana is Noels daughter. Marian orders Lupe to keep this to herself, she doesnt want to be the subject of gossip. Amanda calls Mariana into the living room. A smirking Lupe is left alone in the kitchen. Amanda tells Mariana that they are both aware that she went to Monicas to tell her that she and Juan were in love. Mariana denies the charges and begs that Noel believe and defend her. She tells admits that she told Monica that she loves Juan, but she never said that he returned the sentiment. Monica made that up to make her look bad to Juan. She tells her parents that she is hurt that they believe Monica over her. Noel wants to put an end to the futile discussion. He tells Mariana that Juan is fond of her, but nothing else. He is in love with Monica. Mariana tries to plead her case by telling them that Monica doesnt love Juan. Amanda tells her it doesnt matter if Monica loves him or not, Juan just isnt interested in Mariana. Mariana gets upset and says its because she hasnt been given a fair chance. She says that if only hed let her get close to him, hed forget all about Monica. A frustrated Mariana tells her mother that she doesnt care about her happiness, she just wants to force her into a marriage that she doesnt want. Mariana says she wont allow that to happen and she storms off. Amanda doesnt know what to do. Noel tells her that all they can do is wait till this passes. Juan meets with Cajiga. Juan tells Cajiga that he wont give up Azucena or the child for the letter, so theyll have to come up with another arrangement. Cajiga tells Juan that Andres is also interested in the letter. He also tells Juan how he came in to possession of the letter. Juan warns him that Bautista is going to be none too pleased when he finds this out, and tells Cajiga that his little guard isnt going to be much protection against Bautista and his men. Juan tells him that he can offer him whatever amount of money that Andres offers and his gratitude as well. He further tells him that if he gives Andres the letter, Andres may have him killed. He says that Andres will destroy the letter then not want any witnesses to his father's last will and testament. Cajiga is nervous. Juan tells Cajiga that he can solve the problem simply, by having his men attack Bautista and steal the envelope. That way Bautista wouldnt know that it was Cajiga that gave him the letter. Juan says that once the letter is in his hands, that Cajiga will no longer be involved. Azucena and Joaquin come back from the doctors and join Serafin in the kitchen. Azucena tells Serafin that she is fine, but Joaquin tells him that is a lie. The doctor told her that she should take it easy. Azucena tells him if thats the case that, HE should be the one to go tend to the laundry. Joaquin says

hell do just what the lady orders and walks away. Azucena smiles at him as she watches him leave. Serafin asks if she likes Joaquin. To which Azu angrily asks what importance it is to him. Serafin tells her that he was just asking. A serious and worried Serafin tells Azucena about the letter and tells her that she can help. He tells her that Cajiga will give Juan the letter if she marries him or gives him the baby. Serafin tells her that Juan of course doesnt want to do that, but he was thinking that they can come up with a plan to trick Cajiga. Meche delivers a letter from Monica to Don Noel just as Juan arrives. Noel reads the letter and is confused. It seems Monica has decided to accept the house that Juan is going to give her. Juan is also confused.

~~~~Episode #67~~~~Author: Margaret (substituting for Sup Date: 06-29-99 14:27 Noel and Juan try to figure out Monicas reason for changing her mind about the house. Noel tells Juan that he talked to Mariana denies ever telling Monica that Juan loved her. He says she only confessed her own feelings of affection toward Juan after Monica said she didnt want to have anything to do with him. Juan doesnt believe it. Hes sure that shes hurt by this whole situation and he doesnt blame her. He wants Noel to invite her over to his office for the signing over of the house. He feels he can talk to her then. He tells Noel about his visit to Cajiga and tells him that Andres suspects he has it. Juan tells Noel that he matched Andres offer. Noel cant believe that Juan would be willing to give up everything he owns to Cajiga. Juan feels it might not be necessary because Cajigas life will be much safer if he gives the letter to Juan Azucena and Serafin tell Joaquin they are going to see Meche. He doesnt seem to believe them. Cajiga denies he has the letter to Alberto. He asks Alberto what their (his and Andres) plans are now. Alberto says its none of his business and slithers out of the brothel. A rattled Cajiga sends for Juan. Sofia arrives at Juans house and is told by Joaquin that he isnt home. Soon a troop of policemen ring at the door to announce they are there to arrest Juan. Joaquin tells them that Juan isnt home, but they want to search the house anyway. Sofia asks what is the reason for his arrest. One of the policemen tells her that Andres Alcazar has filed charges against him. She tells them to do as they wish. She is seething in anger at Andres latest stunt. Joaquin tells her that someone has to warn Juan, he tells her that hes probably at Noels. Sofia leaves. Dolores warns Monica that she may be going too far and that she may cause her mother to get ill. Monica tells her that she worries about her mother but wont Catas puppet. Dolores thinks that if anything were to happen to Cata that the town will think ill of Monica. Monica says she doesnt care because she has been the laughingstock of the pueblo for months. Shes tired of being everyones victim. Andres comes to the room and tells Monica that Marcelo is downstairs to take her statement, as he filed charges against Juan. Monica asks him why he filed the charges. Andres tells her the Juan broke

into the house like a common thief, forced her out of bed, caused destruction of his house, and is the sole reason for her injury. He says he thinks those are sufficient reasons enough and tells Monica that he tried to prevent Marcelo from bothering her with this, but Marcelo insisted. Monica is holding back the anger and tells Andres that shell be right down. Andres leaves rather smug. Monica tells Dolores that theyre off again! Andres is going to send Juan to jail, then Juan is going to try to get even and then this drama will continue forever. Meche comes into the room and tells Monica that she delivered the letter to Noel and that Juan showed up. Monica asks Meche to help her get dress then return to Noels to deliver a message to Juan. Azucena and Serafin arrive at Cajigas. Azucena tells Cajiga that shell give him the baby in exchange for the letter. She wants him to give the letter to Serafin and shell stay with him until the child is born. He says he wont give her the letter until the baby is born. No deal, says Azucena. Then theres no deal agrees Cajiga. Azucena give Serafin a concerned look. Marcelo asks about Andres wedding plans to Monica. They will wait until the year of mourning is over then move to the capital city. Marcelo asks about Campo Real. Andres tells him that he will leave an administrator and visit every now and then. What he most wants is to get away from his mother and Juan. Monica comes down to the parlor and is greeted amicably by Marcelo. She introduces him to Dolores and he asks them both to be seated. Joaquin answers a ring at the door and it is Roke (Cajigas man) looking for Juan. Amid several objections and interruptions by Andres, Monica tells Marcelo that she opened the door for Juan after receiving a message from him delivered by ET through Meche. She destroyed the letter but did meet Juan. Andres keeps on telling her that shes lying to protect Juan. She coyly tells Andres that she acknowledges that she should have shown more discretion considering that shes staying in his house. Maybe if she had Andres wouldnt have been so shocked to see Juan and would not have advanced on him as he did. Marcelo asks Andres if it was he the first to advance and not Juan. Andres says that he told Juan to leave and that Juan refused, it was then when Andres felt he had to remove him. Monica in mock innocence tells Marcelo that the whole situation is nonetheless her fault and asks for forgiveness. Using all the femininity and charm she can muster, asks Marcelo if she will be charged with a crime. Marcelo smirks in amusement. Sofia warns Juan that the police are looking for him because of what had happened the night before. Shes tired of all of this. Juan says that he is too, but it is Andres who is the one who is provoking all this madness. Sofia agrees which is why shes there to see him. A knock on the door interrupts the conversation. Sofia doesnt want her presence known and is promptly escorted out of plain sight. Meche tells Juan what Monica told Marcelo. Juan is breathless and Noel smiles, Shes trying to protect you. An anxious and hopeful Juan thanks Meche then asks for more information about Monica. He asks Noel when will the house papers be ready. Noel tells him that more than likely in the morning. Juan tells Meche to ask Monica to meet at Noels in the morning to sign the document that she already

knows. Meche agrees, but before she can leave Juan asks if Monica is engaged to Andres. Not as far as she knows Meche tells a beaming Juan. Meche leaves. Juan confidently that he knew that their love was real and that it will survive everything. Noel is happy to her it and Juan can barely contain his joy. Noel leaves Sofia and Juan alone. Sofia wants to know what Meche wanted. Juan lies and tells Sofia that she just came to leave a message for Azucena. Dolores tells Monica that she did very well. Monica is very pleased with herself until Andres comes into the room. He chides her for having lied. She flatly says that she did what was best to stop all the hostility between Juan and Andres. Andres asks her that whats going to happen the next time Juan pulls another stunt like that. Monica assures him that there wont be a next time and leaves the room. Andres asks Dolores if Monica still loves Juan. Dolores tells him that Monica is changed. Shes tired of anguish and suffering. Monica is becoming an Emancipated Woman. Sofia tells Juan that she wants Monica to return to Juan. She tells Juan about the letter and about Andres plan to jump Bautista for the letter then destroy it. As far as she knows, it can happen tonight. Juan must act fast, advises Sofia. Serafin arrives at the house without Azucena. Joaquin gives him the third degree, asking for her whereabouts. Serafin tells him about Cajigas offer of the letter in exchange for Azucenas baby. He tells Joaquin that they were going to try to trick Cajiga, but he insisted on her staying with him until the baby is born. Joaquin runs out. Juan questions Sofia about keeping his fathers will and denying him his name and what was rightfully his. Sofia tells him that it doesnt matter because hell get it all back and Monica too. All she wants is to get Monica and Cat out of her house. Shell send Bautista on an errand to deliver Noel a message. Juans men can intercept him at that time, then get the letter from him. She also hopes that he will try to be a gentleman and not reveal her involvement to Andres. Or as Juan put it, betrayal. He agrees. She hopes to never see him again. He feels the same and offers her a warning to get Andres out of his way. If Andres keeps on messing with him, it will be Juan who will demand a duel. This time he wont be as considerate as he was the first time. Meche arrives at ETs Tavern. She tells him that shes there to deliver a private message from Juan. He asks his men to leave and he and Meche sit. Sofia visits Amanda. Amanda is surprised to see her unaccompanied. Sofia tells her its that she trusts nobody. She tells her that she cant trust Juanita or Bautista then she relays the previous nights events to Amanda who listens in shock. Noel is at Marcelos office telling Marcelo that things arent the way Andres described them to be. Marcelos clerk interrupts and announces Juans arrival. Marcelo asks him to come in. Marcelo already knows what his story is going to be. He didnt break in. It was Monica who let him in..Monica told him the whole thing. Marcelo tells the two that he doesnt believe a word of the story but will allow it. It seems in this town everyone covers for each other. Marcelo tells Juan to sign his statement then hes

free to go. Juan thanks him. Marcelo just asks that he stay out of trouble. Juan tells Marcelo he doesnt look for trouble all he wants is to live in peace. But it seems that others just wont let him be. ET figures that if Monica is protecting Juan then she must be thinking of returning to him. Meche doesnt know. She must still love him if shes doing all of this for him, ET tells a smiling Meche. Meche says that Monica hasnt told her anything about it. As she leaves ET asks her when they can go out. A blushing Meche says she doesnt know. She tells him that Sunday is her day off, but she plans on seeing Azucena. He tells her that theyll go together. Until then, Meche says as she beams with delight and leaves the tavern. ET is whistling happy! Amanda is relieved to hear from Sofia that Monica will return to Juan. Shes been so concerned because Mariana is still infatuated with Juan. Sofia tells Amanda to relay to Mariana what she has just told her. Sofia in turn will convince Andres to return to Campo Real and Mariana and Amanda can visit there. Sofia tells Amanda that once shes married, Mariana will get all those silly romantic notions out of her head. She also feels that once Andres has a family of his own to consider, hell forget about the stupid rivalry with Juan. Dolores asks Monicas opinion about marring Alberto. Monica tells her that is a decision only Dolores herself can make. Dolores says shes not kidding herself. She knows shes smart, prepared and has a good dowry, but shes also not exactly a jobencita. Monica warns her that Alberto did at one time court Sofia and may not make her happy. Then theres the fact could have had something to do with Juans frame-up. Dolores tells Monica that if Alberto did have something to do with it was on Sofias orders. She knows know why Monica refused Andres proposal. A mother-in-law like that would drive her to suicide, says Dolores. Theres another advantage; Alberts parents are no longer living. She still has some thinking to doShe makes the observation that Marcelo is rather elegant. As Monica giggles in agreement Meche enters the room. She lets her know that she delivered Monicas message, she also gave her Juans message about the signing of the document. Monica asks her to check if Cata is okay, and she does so. Dolores asks Monica what her next step is. Monica is going to give at it once more with Cata, but shes not going to tell her about the house because Cata will tell Andres. She doesnt want them to take away her only shot at getting out of there. Andres is infuriated because Monica lied to protect Juan. Alberto tells him that he needs to get over it. Andres cant get over it; he feels that she did what she did because shes still in love with Juan. He feels his hand in marriage and she didnt refuse. Now shes going to offend him by returning to Juan. Alberto tells him that he hired a few thugs to get the letter from Bautista. He of course will be accompanying them on this mission, but they will need to find a way to get Bautista out of the house. Andres will send him out to get some booze. Alberto tells him that at that time of night the store is closed. Andres angrily tells Alberto that Bautista will just have to wake the owner up. Alberto tells him that he is behaving rather contemptuous. Andres tells Alberto that Monica is becoming a liar like her sister, but there is no way hell ever let her go back to Juan. Joaquin is at Cajigas demanding the return of Azucena. He says he is acting on Juans orders. Cajiga kicks him out. Roke asks Cajiga what will he do if Juan really did send for her. Cajiga says that he cant do

anything, it was her decision. If he wants to clear things up, hes going to have to come himselfThat is of course if hes not in jail. Juan tells ET and Segundo the plan to get the envelope from Bautista. ET will stakeout the Alcazar house and follow Bautista when he leaves to deliver Sofias letter. Segundo, Pedro and Juan will be waiting for them to show and knock Bautista unconscious. ET will do so with pleasure. After Juan leaves a gleeful ET tells Segundo that hes going to have Meche for a girlfriend. Segundo points out that she was once one of Cajigas girls. ET gets defensive and Segundo keeps mum! Sofia arrives home and is enraged to find out that Bautista returned to Campo Real. She demands that some one go get him and that he HAS to return immediately. Joaquin tells Noel that Azucena is with Cajiga in exchange for the letter. Noel is furious that she and Serafin would do something so stupid like that. Juan arrives at the office and Noel tells him of Azucenas latest stupid stunt. Amanda asks Marcelo what happened with Juan. Marcelo told her that she had to let him go because Monica had said she was the one that let Juan in. Amanda wonders if she still loves Juan. Marcelo tells her if she was she wouldnt have gotten engaged to Andres. Amanda is stunned at the news. Marcelo tells her that Andres told him that he never was in agreement with Sofias plan to have him marry Mariana. He then takes in a deep breath and asks her if he can court Mariana. A stunned Amanda cant respond. Marcelo is hurt thinking that it is because of his previous behavior. Its not that Amanda assures him and hesitantly tells him that Mariana has fallen in love with another man. When a confused Marcelo asks who, Amanda painfully tells him Juan del Diablo.

~~~Summary Episodes 69 & 70~~~Author: Maria Krane Date: 06-28-99 00:45 The scene opens with Andres and Alberto interrogating Bautista about the letter Juan's father wrote before dying. Bautista says he left the letter in the lining of his hat. Andres beats Bautista and throws him out. Juan and Noel are talking about the same letter. Juan says that if Monica returns to him he won't need the letter. Noel tells him that perhaps Juan doesn't care about the letter but that he does because it was his father's last will. Monica and Meche arrive at Don Noel's house. Monica and Juan sign the document that gives Monica ownership of the house she and Juan lived in. Monica thanks Juan and gets up to leave but Juan tells her that they have to talk. Monica won't let Meche leave them alone and finally Juan escorts Meche to the kitchen to be alone with Monica. Don Noel has already excused himself. Monica insults Juan for taking Meche out of the room without her approval. Juan asks Monica if she is marrying Andres. She tells him no. He wants to know then why she won't go back to him. Monica tells him that she realizes that it wasn't his fault but that she has not had any peace since she met him. He wants to know if it is because

of the problems between Andres and himself. She tells Juan that he causes the problems as much as Andres does. After all didn't he go into Andres's house in the middle of the night to talk to Monica? Juan tells her that he had to see her. He had to tell her how much he loved her and wanted her. Monica wants to know why he can't leave things the way they are. Juan says that he doesn't understand why they should be separated just because of Andres's desire for revenge. Juan pulls Monica close to him. Monica tells him that for once in his life he should behave like a gentleman. He tells her, "I'm not a gentleman and that is how you loved me." She says, "That's just it. I loved you. I no longer do." Juan pulls her up close and says he doesn't believe her. He tells her that she is shaking. Someone knocks on the door. Juan tells her that he is desperate. He wants her back. The knocking continues. It's Mariana. Monica smirks and walks off to the kitchen. Monica comes back out with Meche and exchanges pleasantries with Mariana and starts to leave. Juan tries to stop her. He offers to walk her home. Monica thanks him but says she prefers to walk alone lest someone gets the wrong idea seeing them together. Monica tries to leave and Juan puts his arm out and gently says "Monica." She pushes his arm away and walks out with Meche. Juan excuses himself and tells Mariana that he too has to leave. Mariana says he promised that they could talk. Mariana tells Juan that she is willing to console him and that she didn't tell Monica that he loved her (Mariana). Juan tells her that she is lovely and has many wonderful qualities that any man would be proud to be with her. However, he only feels affection for her. She insists on being there for him and Juan tells her that true love gives all and demands all in exchange. He tells her that when you can have that you might as well move on. He exits. Catalina and Andres discuss Monica's leaving. Catalina blames Sofia. Andres makes his mother apologize for her behavior to Catalina. Monica goes to see Fray Domingo and tells him about Catalina's wanting to force her to marry Andres. He agrees that it is wrong. Fray Domingo tells Monica that Juan went to see him shortly after he got out of prison. He wanted to find Monica. Fray Domingo reprimands Monica for trying to get her marriage annulled. Monica tells F.D. that she does not want to be the bone of contention between Juan and Andres. She also tells him that she can't return to Juan because she promised her sister Aimee on her death bed that she'd never go back to Juan. F.D. tells Monica that she doesn't have to abide by a promise she made under duress. Andres and Alberto talk about Bautista's missing hat. (AGAIN)!! The scene shifts to the house of ill-repute. Cajiga is talking to a distraught Bautista trying to find out who took the letter from him. Mariana and Lupe are discussing Juan. Lupe thinks Monica has bewitched Juan. Lupe suggests that Mariana visit Juan at night like Aimee used to do and compromise him. Juan arrives at the house of ill-repute and talks to Cajiga about the letter. He also talks to Bautista and asks if it was Andres who did this. Bautista says no, but that the men who attacked him were probably paid off by Andres. Juan goes to Cajiga and tells him that Andres beat them to the punch. Andres had

some men jump Bautista. Cajiga is worried that then Andres knows that the envelope is empty. Juan tells him that it's not likely since they can't find the hat. Juan asks Cajiga for the letter. They bicker. Cajiga says that he doesn't have the letter. He has given it to a very respectable person who wouldn't dream of reading it. Monica goes to see Marcelo and tells him she has accepted the house Juan offered her. Marcelo gives her the rent money. Marcelo wants to know if Andres knows that Monica accepted the house. She tells Marcelo no, and that she is moving out of Andres's house. She also tells him that she and Andres aren't engaged as Marcelo thought. When she gets up to leave, Marcelo tells her that they will be leaving San Pedro soon as he has received his transfer. Monica inquires if they will ALL be leaving. He tells her yes. He wants to know if she has heard anything about Mariana and Juan. Monica says no and leaves. Andres and Alberto are talking about the hat problem again. Dolores enters and she and Alberto sit down to talk and flirt. Monica goes to see the room she is renting. It has a nice balcony. (Foreshadowing if ever I saw it). Juan arrives and Sofia is waiting for him. Juan tells her that he doesn't have the letter because it was Andres and not him who jumped Bautista. Monica goes back to Andres's house and tells her mother she is moving out. Catalina becomes ill. Catalina forbids Monica to move out. Monica tells her she is welcome to come with her. Marcelo is at Juan's house and they argue about Juan's supposed interest in Mariana. Juan tells Mariano that he's not responsible for Mariana's infatuation with him. Furthermore, the only woman he loves and will ever love is his wife, Monica. Catalina and Andres try to dissuade Monica from leaving. She is packing with Dolores and Meche. Sofia is talking to Alberto and wants to know if Andres destroyed the letter. Alberto tells her no because it's in the hat and they can't find it. Juan and el Tuerto are talking about the missing letter. They're are sure Alberto doesn't have it. They look inside the hat and find it. The envelope is there but there is a blank sheet of paper inside. Catalina, Sofia, and Andres are arguing about Monica's leaving. Monica finds out from Meche that the servants have been instructed not to take her luggage downstairs and that Juanita is by the door to impede her from leaving. Monica sends Meche to Marcelo's house so that he can go help her. Meche runs into el Tuerto and tells him what is happening. El Tuerto goes and tells Juan and Don Noel. Juan wants to go help Monica but Don Noel stops him telling him he'll cause even more problems. Marcelo goes to help Monica and escorts her to the room she is renting. Juan and Noel talk about the letter and about Juan's parents. Juan sends a message to Sofia and asks her to see him at his house. He tells el Tuerto to give it to Juanita. Juanita reads it first and then gives it to Sofia. Juanita tells Andres where his mother went.

Marcelo talks to Mariana and Amalia and tells him that the more he knows Monica, the more he admires her. This seems to bother Mariana (more foreshadowing). Back at Juan's house, Juan and Noel are trying to figure out who Cajiga gave the letter to. Sofia arrives. Juan tells her he's found the letter and shows her the envelope but not the letter. Andres arrives shortly afterward and pulls a gun and takes the envelope with the bogus letter. Andres gets home and opens it and is upset when he sees there is only a blank piece of paper in it. Andres and Alberto can't figure out why the letter is missing. They don't understand why Juan would put a blank piece of paper inside the envelope. Juan and Noel discuss Sofia. They wonder if she knows the letter is missing and that they don't have it. Azucena seems to go into labor. Juan goes to visit Monica in the room she has rented. He wants to know if she is alright. Monica tells Juan that as soon as their house sells, she's leaving. She doesn't know where to. Monica tells Juan she is starting to like being on her own. Juan asks Monica if he got his last name back if she would return to him. She tells him that there is no sense in talking about something that isn't going to happen. Juan tells her, "What if something like a miracle happens and I get my name back?" "Would you come back to me?" She tells him she doesn't think so. She wants to know if he would force her to return to him if they were still married. He says, "I love you so much that I think yes, I would make you come back to me." Monica tells Juan she has to go out. He tells her he'll be back later that afternoon. She tells him she won't be home. He walks up very close to her and whispers softly "Then you'll excuse me," and walks out. Monica says softly to herself, "I'm so stupid." Cajiga and Alberto talk about Bautista. Alberto tells Cajiga to tell Bautista to go see him. Juan and Noel are at Noel's place discussing Monica's living arrangement. Juan is concerned that she doesn't have enough to live on. They begin discussing the possibilities of who may have the letter. It hits Noel, maybe Fray Domingo has it. That's all folks!

~~~~~~~~~~~71~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author: melinda Date: 06-29-99 03:32 Marcelo defends Monica's independence, and it looks like Mariana is a little jealous. Azucena goes into labor, and Joaquin sends Pedro for the midwife. Juan comes to visit Monica in her new quarters. He tries to make small talk, but she's not very responsive and tells him she's going out. She tells him she is enjoying living alone. He asks if she would return with him if something happened that enabled him to recover his surname.

M: Would you oblige me to? J: I love you so much that I just might. He asks permission to return in the afternoon, but she says she won't be there. After he leaves she whispers to herself, "I'm a fool." Alberto visits Cajiga looking for Bautista and tells Cajiga to tell him not to fear reprisals. Juan tells Noel he's concerned about how Monica is living, that she doesn't have enough money. He and Noel try to figure out who has custody of the letter--there aren't that many honorable men about. It's probably a lawyer (hahahahaaha) or a priest--they are on the point of paying FD a visit when Joaquin arrives with the news of Azucena, so Noel goes on, and Juan heads home. Marcelo goes to visit Monica (what must Doa Prudencia think!?) and talks about Mariana's infatuation with Juan, which disturbs him. He says he went to see Juan, who told him he had no interest in Mariana. What does Monica think--was he sincere? Monica says Juan is a difficult person to figure out, but he is honest. Marcelo tells Monica that Juan said he still loves her and considers her his wife even though their marriage has been annulled. They talk about the feud between Juan and Andres--both sides are understandable. Dolores arrives and says, after Marcelo leaves, Don't tell me he's courting you! She relays to Monica a conversation she overheard b/w Andres and Juanita about the letter. Andres tells Sofia he doesn't want Juan to get the surname back, and besides he doesn't think he has the letter. Sofia tells him that Juan is willing to give up Valle Chico in order to cease hostilities and get his surname back. Andres won't have it--he refuses to be the only loser in all of this. Noel goes to see FD, who is out visiting Catalina. He is disturbed to learn that Monica is living alone, and she tells him that Monica has been a real cross to bear. FD is not sympathetic, and tells her that she should remember that in the eyes of God, J and M are still married. Besides, the basis for the annulment was Juan's criminal activity, of which he has now been exonerated. FD tells her she is being selfish (You go, Domingo!) Juan arrives home and the midwife tells him that the baby is turned sideways and they should call a doctor. Pedro, ET, and Segundo discuss the possibility of a caesarian, which almost always kills the mother. The midwife tells the doctor that she thinks the cord is wrapped around the baby. The doctor wants to try a forceps delivery. Meche arrives. The doctor says he wants to try a caesarian--the important thing is to save the baby--a new life is more valuable. Juan says, save Azucena--she is more important to us. The doctor doesn't agree, but will do what he can. FD arrives back at the church to find Noel waiting for him. He confirms to Noel that Cajiga left a letter with him. Noel tells him the content of the letter. FD won't give it to Noel, and says he will return it to Cajiga and urge him turn it over to Noel. Understandably Noel is skeptical that this will happen, and says to FD that this may mean Juan never gets his name. FD says, God would never let such and injustice

happen. Noel says, he permitted it for many years. If every sinner repented his actions, Hell would have no reason to exist. Andres arrives at Juan's. He demands to see the letter before coming to any agreement. Juan refuses, and Andres says, it's because you don't have it. They exchange words, Andres goes for him, and Juan punches him in the nose. Andres says, you better kill me if you have a chance, because I'm going to avenge myself where it hurts you most. Juan says, if you put a hand on Monica you won't live to tell about it. Meche comes out with the news that the baby was a girl, and was stillborn. Azucena is still unconscious from the chloroform, and the midwife asks Juan if she should take the baby with her, but Juan says no, we'll bury her, the way it should be. Cajiga tells Bautista that Alberto wants to talk to him. Catalina comes to see Monica, who is not home. She decides to wait. Noel arrives at Juan and receives the news of the baby. Sofia tries to fire Juanita, but Andres intervenes and tells her to go to the house in San Pedro. Andres and Sofia have a big argument. Bautista arrives, and they tell him that there was only a blank paper inside the envelope. Bautista suddenly realizes that Cajiga must have stolen the letter. Bautista wants to kill him (his solution to everything) but Andres says no. Monica arrives home and finds Catalina there. Monica tells her that if she has come to fuss at her or try to get her to return, she is wasting her time. Furthermore, Catalina has been unjust with her, always intervening in her life--first getting her thrown out of the convent, then pressuring her to marry Alberto to protect Aimee. Juan on the other hand has been the only good thing that has happened to her, and Catalina has no business trying to separate them. She tells Catalina that Aimee went out on the horse deliberately to fake an accident. Catalina is having (or faking) chest pains, and calling Monica a liar, when Juan arrives. Catalina says, now I know why you wanted to live alone--to keep seeing that delinquent. Juan comes in to defend Monica, and to tell her that there is a letter that will give him his name back.

~~~~~~~~~~~72~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author: melinda Date: 06-29-99 03:34 Catalina and Juan have a big argument, and Juan reveals that Catalina pressured him to reject Monica. Juan tells Monica that the existence of the letter will undo the legal dissolution of their marriage. Catalina says it's all a trick, and that Andres would be incapable (!!!!!!!!!!!) of such trickery. Alberto and Andres go to Cajiga and threaten him with the destruction of his business if he doesn't hand over the letter. Andres starts right in, and Cajiga tells them that FD has the letter. Meche tells Monica about the dead baby, and asks permission to go and see Azucena. Monica says they'll go together.

Joaquin breaks the news to Azucena. Noel tells Juan's guys about FD's possession of (and refusal to turn over) the letter. Juanita is despondent--she's lost everything. Sofia comes in, and sends her out. She interrogates Bautista about the letter. He tells her that either Cajiga or Juan must have it. Catalina arrives and demands of Sofia to know about the letter. Sofia looks her in the eye and says, this is the first I've heard of it. She tells Dolores that Monica has lost her mind. Dolores is skeptical. Andres and Alberto go to the church with Cajiga to see FD. Noel tells Juan about the letter. The two of them decide to drag Cajiga to FD's tomorrow. Azucena has fever, and they decide to move her to a cooler room and to send for Tegua, who turns out to be out of town. FD tells Cajiga that he knows what's in the letter. Cajiga denies it, but won't give FD permission to read it. FD says, fine, come back tomorrow with Don Noel and we'll show it to him. Cajiga changes his story again, and says it belongs to a friend. FD says, I'm not giving this letter to anyone until I know to whom it belongs. Cajiga gives the bad news to Andres. Monica arrives to see Azucena. She asks Juan if the business about the letter is true. He tells her about it, and asks her if she's going to come back with him. She doesn't want to give him an answer right away, she doesn't think he'll understand. She asks him to respect her wishes, and not force her. He says, I don't want to force you but to convince you. She says, and if I don't want to be convinced? What about the business between you and Andres? Juan says, I need you. But Monica says, you didn't need me before. Andres isn't going to resign himself, and I'm not going to have on my conscience the ruination of you two. She insists that she doesn't want to get back together, but Juan refuses to agree--we were made for each other. All the time they're talking, they're getting closer and closer, and there's finally a terrific KISS! At home we're all thinking, Monica, you're an IDIOT! when she says she won't stay. Meche comes in with the prepared remedies and they go in to see Azucena. Andres and Alberto get home and send for Bautista. Sofia lurks in the hall, eavesdropping. Andres tells Bautista he must sneak into FD's house and force him to give up the letter. Alberto refuses to have any part of it, and Andres says, you didn't have such scruples before when you did all those things for me. Alberto says, believe it or not, I have certain limits, and a priest is a priest. Andres forbids him to tell Sofia, but when Alberto leaves, Sofia corners him. She has been listening. Alberto refuses to help her either--he's tired of all this business. Sofia fakes a migraine and goes out. She goes to Noel and tells him what Andres has planned. In return she asks that when Juan presents himself to Lic. Mondragon, he not reveal that she knew all along about the existence of the letter. Andres tells Catalina that the letter doesn't exist--that Juan made it all up. Sofia sneaks in.

Meche talks with Juan's people about a possible reconciliation, and Meche says, Juan has to suffer a little, doesn't he? Monica is attending Azucena, and Noel arrives. Azucena tells Monica that God has punished her for saying she didn't want the baby, and Monica says, God doesn't punish in that way--he is good and just, and if he took the baby it was for a good reason.

Noel tells Juan what Andres is planning, and says this means he's desperate, which worries me. Monica comes out, and Juan says that he and Noel will accompany her home. Before leaving, Juan sends ET and Segundo to stand watch over the house of FD. At Monica's, she and Meche wonder why Noel and Juan were so nervous. At FD's Juan et al intercept Bautista and injure him. After it's all over, Juan sneaks into Monica's.

~~~Summary Episode 73 Author: Carla Date: 07-02-99 02:49 Tonights episode begins with Juan, Don Noel, and Tuerto waiting for Bautista to go see Frey Domingo. They spot him coming and approach Bautista. Bautista, being the tough guy he thinks he is, attacks Juan, throwing the first punch. Juan defends himself, punches Bautistathe big baboon falls, Juan stabs his upper arm/shoulder. He leaves Tuerto watching to make sure Bautista doesnt return. This scene reminded me of Sleeping Beauty. Juan the prince goes to see Monica the sleeping beautyshe is asleep. Prince Juan takes off his shirt (yes!), washes/refreshes his face, and walks over to Sleeping Beauty Monicas bed. He starts to lay next to her, getting close to her body. As the Prince is about to kiss his Sleeping Beauty, she wakes up and finally gives in to their love. After they enjoy each others passion, they talk about reconciling. Juan is adamant that she return with him. Monica resists, she wants to think about it. Juan tells her not to say anythingthey begin to kiss. After all is said and done, Monica tells Juan that he shouldnt of done this to her, that he took advantage of her. Juan: You didnt leave me another alternative. I just wanted you to see that you love me like I love you. Monica: But I told you that I didnt want to return. Juan: You havent returned yet. Monica: You know what I am talking about. They discuss. Monica says that they have everyone against them, her mom, Andres, etc. She tells him that she love him that she would be dumb if she said she didnt. They share their feelings and talk about everything that has happened. She would rather see him from far and alive than dead. She doesnt want anything to happen to him. Juan tells her that she is the only one for him and that he will not denounce her, I dont want to do itshe belongs to him. Tuerto goes to Juans house. He asks Joaquin for Azucena and how she is doing. He reports to Juan that Bautista didnt return in all night. Juan asks when he will open up his bar. Juan asks him if it is

money that is holding him back? Juan offer him money, but Tuerto tells him thanks that he is appreciative. He says that he has money; it may not be much but he has some. He tells Juan that he wants to get married. Juan says with Meche? Tuerto says yes. They giggle and Juan congratulates him. Tuerto: and you? Juan: I am already married. Tuerto: I know, I meant when is Monica going to return? Juan: when I get my apedido back and I hope that it is soon. Sofia is asking the servant for Andres. She tells Sofia that it appears that he hasnt slept at all. Sofia goes to his office and sure enough he is passed out from drinking. He asks for Bautista, wants to know where he is. He was to report back to him last night. Sofia asks Andres if he sent him out somewhere. Juan, Segundo, and Pedor go to Don Noels. Don Noel ask for Azucena. Juan says that she is doing better. They all leave to go get Cajiga. In the meantime, Cajiga is leaving the pubelo until the heat calms down about the letter. He leaves for a few days and tells his buddy-ole-pal that if somethings happens he knows where to locate him. Cajiga leaves him in charge of the business. The servant tells Andres that Bautista is nowhere to be found. That he hasnt been seen since the night before. Alberto is walking downstairs with Delores. He is asking where she is going and that if he can accompany her. Delores tells Alberto that she is on her way to see Monica. Andres meets up with them at the bottom of the stairs and tells Andres that he needs a favor. Alberto tells him that he was going to accompany Delores. Andres asks Delores to excuse him. She obliges. Andres tells Alberto that Bautista didnt return ad tells him to go check on him. Alberto asks Sofia if she told Juan and she admits that she did. Shel tells him that if he keeps his mouth shut she will compensate him enough so that he can marry Delores. Any way isnt that what he wants. Juan and company show up at Cajigas, but unfortunately they are too late. Cajiga has left. His buddyole-pal tells them that he has left the pueblo and will return in a few days. He says if you dont believe search the house. Delores is talking with Dona Prudencia. Dona Prudencia tells her that a man came to see Monica during the night. Delores goes up to see Monica and asks her if it was Juan that went to see her. She tells her that Dona Prudencia told her. Monica is hesitant to say anything, so Delores says tells me later. Delores then begins to tell Monica about Andres. Juan and Don Noel are talking about the letter. They decide to go ask Marcelo for help. They think that he might be able to intervene since the letter was stolen. Juan says let go see him. Don Noel tells Juan okay, but dont expect him to help. Monica and Delores are talking. Delores tells her about the letter. She asks Monica about Juanfor her to tell her what happened. Monica blushes, Delores says how romantic, that Juan is very decidido. Don Noel and Juan are telling Marcelo about the letter. They tell him that Frye Domingo has the letter but wont give it to Don Noel. They tell Marcelo that the letter was addressed to Don Noel and that it was stolen. Marcelo wants to know how he knows that the letter says. Juan tells him that Don Noel read it because Cajiga showed it to him. But he gave it to Frye Domingo for safe-keeping and Frye Dominge

wont give it to them. He wants to return it to Cajiga. Andres is also looking for it so that he can destroy it. They go see Frye Domingo. Don Noel introduces Marcelo to him. Marcelo asks Frye Domingo about the letter. Fry Domingo tell them that Cajiga went for the letter but he refused to return it back to him. He told Cajiga to go get Don Noel so that they could settle the situation. Juan tells Frye Domingo that Cajiga isnt going to return because he left the pueblo for a few days. Juan is anxious and doesnt want to wait. Marcelo intervenes and asks the padre to show him the letter. That there is a possibility that a crime has been committed and he cant allow that to happen. Marcelo asks to see the letter to see if it is what Don Noel and Juan claim it is. Marcelo says if it isnt, then I will return the letter back to you. The padre agrees and goes for the letter. Marcelo reads it and confirms what Don Noel has said. Juan wants to see it. Juan says he cant believe itfor it to appear at a time when he needs it the most. Marcelo wants to bring charges against the culprits. A discussion ensues between them. Marcelo wants an acta announced. The Padre doesnt want more problems. Marcelo insists so that an investigation can be done. Padre says what for, the harm has already repadado. Marcelo says repadado, and what about all those years that a man was prohibited a name, the prestige, and being a decent person. Juan says I am a decent person. Don Noel, Juan, and Marcelo return to Marcelos office. They continue to discuss. Marcelo tells them that he wants to talk to them as friends instead of the judge that he is. They tell Marcelo how the letter came about and how it was stolen. They tell Marcelo about Sofia and her part in this situation. They decline to press charges because Juan says that he is doing it for Monica. Delores is being nosey. She wants to know about Juan. Monica defends him and says that he is a decent man and that he never stopped loving him. Amanda goes to Monica. She introduces her to Delores. Monica tells Amanda about Azucena and that her baby was born stillborn. Andres is fit to be tied. He wants to know where Alberto is. Dona Catalina comes downstairs and asks Andres he if has gone to see Monica. He says not yet. Dona C. says that he has to go see her ASAP so that he can tell her about the letter that Juan lied about it. Andres says that as soon as Alberto returns he will go see her. He excuses himself. Dona C. asks Sofia why she doesnt want Andres and Monica to marry. That they would be happy together. Sofia: Why dont you understand. What is wrong with your head? Dont you notice that Andres doesnt love Monica and the only thing he wants to do is take her away from Juan. Dona C.: That isnt true. When we were at the Capital Andres told me that he had a lot of affection for her, that she was the only one who would understand him and if you would help instead of impede. Sofia: Help for what? Help disgrace my son. You think que ese demono is going to let Andres take away his wife. Dona C.: Es que Monica is not his wife. Sofia: Yes she is. That letter exists. Frye Domingo has it and if you dont believe me go ask him. Dona C.: No thats not true. Eres preventa and indignant.

Sofia: Any you Una Tonta. You want to cover the sun with one finger. I saw the letter and had it in my hands when Francisco died. Monica whether she wants to or not will have to return to Juan because when he presents that paper he will once again be un Alcazar) and Monica will still be his wife. Where are you going? Dona C.: To go ask Andres. Sofia: He me once and for all. I have been very tolerant with you, have opened up my home to you, and have supported that you have put me inviensa in front of my sone, but my patience has reached the end. Dona C.: And dont you see that you too has made our lives impossiblemy daughters and me. Sofia: Let me remind you that you were the one who committed the first error by covering up that Aimee was Juans lover. Dona C.: Y tu? You should of never allowed Andres to break his promis with Monica. Sofia: That finewhats happened has happened and what is going to happen is inevitable. So the only remendy left for you and me is to try and save our families. I want to live in peace with my son and you should, instead of looking for excuses, look for the same with Monica because if you dont reconcile with them you are going to stay alone like a stray dog. Juan and Don Noel convice Marcelo not to press charges. His secretary comes in and delivers a telegram to Marcelo. Marcelo tells Don Noel and Juan that his transfer has been approved and that it will become effective in a week. Amanda apologizes to Monica for the manner that Marianna has been with her. Monica tells Amanda that there is not need. That she told Marianna that Juan didnt matter to her. Amanda tells Monica that they will be leaving the pueblo soon but she doesnt know exactly when. Don Noel and Juan go to see Licensado Mondragon. They telll him that they are there to have Juans last name reinstated. Lic. Mondragon says that is was revoken because Andres and Sofia requested it. Don Noel says that it was done in error. Don Noel says that he received a letter from Don Francisco Alcazar in which he requests that Juan be recognized as his son. Furthermore, he left Juan an inheritance named Campo Chico which is part of Campo Real. Lic. Mondragon want to know where he encountered the letter. Don Noel says that is was between paperwork that he had from Don Francisco. Don Noel says he can verify Don Franciscos signature with other paperwork that Lic. Mondragon has in his office. Lic. Mondragon agrees. Juan also asks Lic. Mondragon that he needs his marriage to be validated/reinstated with Monica.

~~~Summary Episode 74~~~ Author: Carla Date: 07-02-99 02:51

Marcelo goes home and over hears Lupe talking to Marianna. She is telling Marianna that Marcelo could have lied to her, that all men are alike. That she needs to be more like her nina Aimeedo whatever she wants. Lupe tells Marianna that she should never echase para atraz. That Juan is more man than anyone. She tells Marianna to look for him and make him compromise her. Marcelo charges in and throws Lupe out. Marcelos tells Marianna that how could she let herself be influenced by someone who is a servant and ignorant. I believed that you were decent and good and thought that you were disillusioned because of your youth. I was ready to have patience with you because I wanted you for me. I had thought of giving you my love. You ended up being *?*?*?*?*?. Marianna begs him to please not to think that way of her. She says that she didnt do anything. For him not to go. Meche is dusting when Juan arrives to visit Monica. He asks for Monica but she is talking with Dona Prudencia. Meche asks if she should go and call her and he says no that he will wait. Sofia and Alberto are talking about Andres (what else is new). She says that somehow they need to make Andres understand. Don Noel arrives and gives them the news about the letter. He is there to tell Andres about the letter appearing and its contents. Monica returns and Juan tells her that Padre Domingo turned the letter over to them from his father. He tells her that he will officially regain his name Juan Alcazar and will become official the day after tomorrow. He wants to know if she will tell Dona Prudencia that she is going to leave her room or does she prefer that he do it. Juan tells Monica that she needs to return with him that she is his wife. Monica would like sometime to think about it. Juan says there is nothing to think about. Monica says that she wants to think about it because she hasnt decided whether she accepts him or not. Juan says you accepted me last night and that there isnt any reason for them to be separated. Monica says that she is afraid. Juan tells her to have faith in him. Monica asks Juan to promise and swear that whatever Andres does to provoke him that he not respond to his provocations. Juan says depending on the type of provocation. Monica says it doesnt matter, swear to me. Juan: You cant ask that from me, it is not justice. But everything has a limit. I have tried to put myself in his shoes to see how he thinks. Monica: You are the older brother and wiser. If Andres challenges you to a duel and if you should die, my life will have no feeling. But if you win, could you live in peace knowing that you killed you brother. Be sincere please. Juan: No, but I would prefer to suffer those worries on the day of my death than for you to leave my side. I miss you like air, I have never taken you out of my head; I may be think of other things, but you are always there with me in my mind and soul. And if you didnt feel the same for me, I am so egotistical, that I would force you and if you belonged to someone else, I would steal you. I swear. Monica: Dont tell me that, you make it more difficult. Juan: I tell you because that is what I feel and I tell you so that you can take that absurd notion from your head of not returning with me. I am not going to allow it, understand.

Marianna asks Amanda to talk to Marcelo. For her to explain to him that it wasnt her fault. Amanda agrees and tells Marianna that she too will have to give him an explanation. Amanda goes to pay Lupe and tells her to leave, Lupe tries to deny that she didnt do anything, that the Licensado misunderstood. Amanda says that she doesnt want to discuss it. She says take the money and leave before I get mad. Lupe asks if she will give her a letter of recommendation, but Amanda says that she has some nerve to ask (Ill say). She tells her to leave because she doesnt feel like wasting her time with her. Don Noel is talking with Andres. He says that he has noticed how he has changed. He remembers when he was full of enthusiasm, with good intentions, and generous. Don Noel says that he has known him since he was a child and now he is full of resentment and full of hate, it hurts him to see Andres that way. Andres: Time passes, I am not a young boy. Beside you didnt come to talk to me about my character. What is this about? Juan, right? Don Noel: Yes. He tells Andres about the letter and its contents. Andres tells Don Noel that if he cant be happy he wont allow Juan to be happy. Andres says that he loved Aimee, that he adored her, he chose her to be his wife the mother of his children. Then Juan ripped those illusions ridiculed him. He tells Don Noel that he doesnt believe him about the letter. Don Noel tells Andres that it is true and for him to come to terms with it if he doesnt want his life to terminate being crazy. Sofia wants to know what happened. Don Noel says that he doesnt understand reason and that they should look for a way to calm him down because Juan is tired of him. Sofia wants to know how he received the news. Don Noel tells her that he refuses to accept it. Don Noel tells Sofia that if Andres provokes Juan that Juan is going to defend himself. Dona Catalina is blowing a fuse over Juan and Monicas marriage. She doesnt want Monica with Juan. Dona C. says that she just wants to die and be along side Aimee. Don Noel goes to tell Juan what Andres said. He told Juan that Andres wont accept it. Juan tells Don Noel that he went to see Monica and that she is afraid. However, Don Noel tells Juan to excuse him because he is preoccupied with what Marcelo said about them leaving. Lupe goes to see Monica about a job or a letter of recommendation. Meche goes to tell Monica about Lupe and Monica tells Meche to tell Lupe that she is sorry but she cant help her. Don Noel goes to see Amanda but she tells him that she cant talk because she is waiting for Marcelo. Don Noel tells her that he will leave but for her to let him know when they can talk; hopefully before they leave. Juan goes to check on Azucena. He asks Joaquin how she is doing. Joaquin tells Juan that better. She hardly had a fever and she was eating better; she had just gone to sleep. Juan goes downstairs and talks to Segundo and Pedro. He tells them that the letter has been returned to him and warns them that they need to be careful with Andres.

Andres leaves the house drunk. Juan, Segundo, and Pedro are talking about Andres. Segundo tells Juan that he needs to be careful of charges that Andres might bring against him or against Monica. That gets Juan thinking. Andres goes to see Monica. He forces himself on her. He tells her that she is ready for bed and that Juan was getting is name back. He tells Monica that she is returning back with Juan and warns not to. He says that Juan took his wife and that he was going to do the same. Monica begs him not to, he throws himself on top of her, she trying fight him but he covers her mouth. Dona Prudencia is outside her door listening them she leaves but where who know. Monica begs Andres to stop for the love of God and for some reason he stops. Monica says if you stop I wont tell anyone about this. Andres responds he doesnt want her to return to Juan and if she does that he will be the one to tell Juan. Sofia and Alberto are wondering where Andres went. Think maybe he went to see Monica or Juan. Sofia wants Alberto to go look for him at Juans house. Alberto refuses that tells her that Andres is a man and not a child. Sofia gets made at him. Alberto tells her that he is tried of them and doesnt want to be around them anymore. (Last 10 minutes to be added)

****Summary Episode 75---------- June30, 1999**** Author: Mimi Date: 07-04-99 14:16 Juan arrives at the widow Prudencias to see Monica. The very perturbed landlady lets it be known that her home is a decent place and that she cant have men coming in and out at all hours of the day and night, including a drunken Andres Alcazar. If this keeps up, shell have to ask Monica to leave. Juan, obviously displeased on hearing this enters Monicas room and runs into Meche. Monica is out. He asks her if she heard anything or if Monica told her that Andres had come by last night. Meche doesnt know. Juan says hell wait. Monica arrives and becomes nervous on seeing Juan. He makes small talk before going for the jugularJ: What was Andres doing here? He flashes he a piercing stare. M: Andres? J: Have you forgotten? M: He just wanted to talk J: At all hours of the night? And drunk to boot? What about? Monica says her mother and Juan says he doesnt believe her. An angry Monica fires back that she doesnt care whether or not he believes her and that she hasnt decided if shes going back to Juan.

Sidestepping Monicas attempt to change the subject, Juan asks again- What was Andres doing here? She insists he came to talk, what else. Juan says he doesnt believe her and to gather her things- shes coming with him right now. Monica brings up the name issue as an excuse. She says shell never forgive him if he forces her to gohell have to carry her kicking and screaming. Juan tells her she knows hell do it if he has to and that she still has to explain about Andres. Monica says she cant live with him until their marital situation is cleared up. Juan says so that her modesty wont be offended, hell sleep elsewhere tonight. Monica lets fly a heavy-handed slap at the sexual innuendo. Juan takes it like a man but is obviously seething. J: Lets go. Now. I wont wait for him to come back. They leave. Az says shes better and should get out of Monicas room. Joaquin helps her. She tells him to get Serafin to help him clear up. FD goes in to see Andres, he is very upset about what Andres did to Monica- its shameful, unworthy of a man of his station and then to threaten her if she returns to her husband. He and his mother are both guilty of grave sins. FD says Andres has violated the laws of man and God. Andres says he wont forgive after Juan robbed him of his honor. Dolores and Alberto are discussing marriage. She wants to know if he really cares for her since he was ready to marry Sofia. Thats all over and done, besides Dolores is goodnatured, intelligent. Anyway, hes going to work even though shes rich- he will contribute financially. Hes tired of the Alcazars and bachelorhood is weighing on him. When can he expect an answer? Tomorrow she replies- shes off to visit Monica. FD is still chastising a bored and unaffected looking Andres. FD: Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, you should forgive, just as Juan did in not pressing charges against you and your mother. Think of your soul, because sooner or later God will do an accounting of your actions. Think on it- may the Lord show you the way. FD leave and Andres looks uneasy. he asks for his horse to be saddled. Mariana shows up at Don Noels with a sad face. She breaks into tears and DN asks whats wrong. Shes so sad and Lupe is to blame. Lupe shows up at Cajigas bordello looking for a job. Roque is surprised - does she know what type of establishment this is? Lupe says she can offer her services as a housemaid. Roque says they dont really need one. Lupe is desperate, she spent the night out on the street. Why did your employers let you go? Lupe says its because theyre bad people and are hiding secrets- she found out and now they wont give her a reference. Roque wants to know who the secret concerns- Amanda Romero Vargas, she answers. Mariana is telling DN about how Lupe suggested she seduce Juan to compromise him. DN believes Marianas version, because he knows Lupe. Mariana is upset because Marcelo thinks ill of her now. DN

says it isnt as though hes treated them fairly. Mariana says its because of what happened to his mother- she was raped. DN is shocked. Monica and Juan arrive home, both of them visibly upset. Monica is not at all pleased and is reticent. She looks concerned and shuts herself up in her room. Juan goes in to see Az, who tells Juan he doesnt seem as happy as he should, considering Monica is back. Juan says he is, then changes the subject to Joaquin, who is a good boy and cares for Az. Mariana returns home. She anxiously asks Amanda if shes had a chance to speak to Marcelo. Yes, he days well be leaving for the capitol next week and that you can find a husband of your choice. After that hell disappear from our lives. Mariana is visibly upset. Sofia and Cata are concerned about Andres taking off to the hacienda after FDs visit. Sofia hopes he was able to talk some sense into Andres. Sofia will also go to Campo Real. Cata wants to know Sofia is against Monica marrying Andres. Havent you heard that Juan has his legal name back? Dolores enters and informs them that Monica went back home with Juan. A shaken Cata insists that Andres do something. Sofia forbids her to even speak to him. She then throws Cata out. Dolores says shell leave too, so Cata can come with her. Cata says she cant leave her daughter in the hands of THAT man. Monicas things arrive at the house. At lunch time, Monica says shes not hungry, so Juan is forced to eat alone. Meche goes in to see Az. She cant understand why they both seem so angry. Seems like Monica didnt want to return and Juan is sulking in the dining room. The doorbell rings and Monica finally leaves her bedroom. Its Cata, accompanied by her baggage. Juan enters the room, but Cata never acknowledges him. Sofia has thrown her out. Monica looks at a loss when Juan gives orders to take Catas bags to the upstairs bedroom. Monica thanks him and takes her mother into her room so they can talk. Juan leaves. Cata tells Monica that FD had been to see Andres and that she didnt even have a chance to speak before he went to Campo Real, shes never been so humiliated. Dolores is going back home- she wants Monica to go with her to the capitol. Monica says she has to go out. C: And leave me with THAT man? What if he throws me out? M: First of all, his name is Juan, and he would never do that. Monica goes into the kitchen to tell Serafin that if Juan asks for her, to tell him that she went to see Dolores. Dolores and Alberto are talking marriage when Sofia walks in. Sofia wants to offer an explanation. Dolores insists that it isnt necessary and thanks her for her hospitality. Sofia invites her to Campo Real, but Dolores says its time for her to go home. As soon as she leaves the room, Sofia asks Alberto what he sees in her- shes so insignificant. A disgusted Alberto leaves the room.

Juan goes in to see DN. he insists that something happened when Andres went to see Monica, hes not stupid. DN says maybe the landlady was exaggerating. Juan says whatever, Andres had no business going to see his wife. DN says forget it. Juan replies, forget it? What if he disrespected her? Laid a hand on her? He threatened as much. DN says no, Andres is a gentleman after all. Juan asks how he can say that after all Andres has done. DN is insistent that Juan needs to get those foolish ideas out of his head. Juan says theyre not foolish. Monica has gone to see FD to find out what happened with Andres. Shes worried that Andres will return. FD says she should have faith in the power of good over evil. Monica is terrified of what will happen once Juan finds out. Juan and DN continue their talk. DN says he should have waited for the legal documents to be completed before going for Monica. Juan states, what was he supposed to do- leave her there for Andres to pay another late night visit? DN says he could have easily placed some men to keep watch. Juan tells him that Cata arrived with baggage in tow. DN says now he really has got a new problem. Juan gets up to leave then asks if DN had a chance to speak to Amanda. No replies DN. Juanita and Bautista have shut themselves up in his quarters. The cook arrives to tell Juanita that Andres is at the ranch and wants to speak with her- hes been drinking all afternoon. Bautista warns Juanita not to say a word about his being there. Lupe is serving drinks at Cajigas. Shes impressed by the ladies dresses but affronted by the way the men are comporting themselves. Roque is still trying to find out about Amanda. Andres is on his office, glass in hand when Juanita walks in. Andres asks if shes heard from Bautista. She says she doesnt know where he is. Andres tells her if she sees him to tell him hell forgive B in exchange for a favor. Later, B wonders what favor- he thinks it may just be a trap. Marcelo returns home to a waiting Mariana. She wants to talk- she would never have done what Lupe said to. She wonders if Marcelo believes her- whats the difference, he says. It makes a difference to her that he not think shes bad. Marcelo asks what she wants from him- that he tell her he believes her so she can feel better? Fine. He turns to leave, but she takes hold of his arm. Marcelo wants what difference it makes what he thinks, when they get to the capitol. she can choose who she wants and he wont interfere. Mariana: You mean you wont even voice an opinion? M: No Mariana: Why not? Marcelo walks away and Mariana is distraught. Cata is pumping Meche for information. She appears pleased that Monica and Juan are at odds, she wants to know why, but Meche doesnt know, but thinks it may have to do with Andres paying Monica a

visit at the widow Prudencias. Dolores arrives and Juan comes home shortly after. He wants to know where Monica is. Serafin tells him that she went to see Dolores. Meche and Joaquin enters the kitchen and Juan asks who came. Joaquin says Dolores. Juan asks Serafin if he didnt just say that Monica went to see her cousin. Yes he answers. Juan is perturbed. Upstairs, Cata insists that they wont be staying and thats why she hasnt unpacked- does Dolores know about Andres paying Monica a visit. No. In any case they have to get away from that demon. Dolores says hes Monicas husband and they love each other. Cata rails that Juan only loves himself. Dolores doesnt know what Cata has against him. Aimees death was his fault and now Monica will come to a bad end if she stays. Juan is brooding in the living room when Monica comes home. J: Where were you M: I went to see Dolores J: What did your cousin have to say? M: That shes going home. And my mother? J: Can we talk a minute? In your bedroom because I dont want your mother to overhear us. They enter the bedroom. Juan stares at Monica a long time. She says she understands that the situation with her mother is unbearable. J: Why are you lying to me Monica. Dolores is here- she came to see you. Where were you. Monica confesses that she went to see FD. Again? asks Juan, what for? Monica looks away. Juan approaches her calmly. He wants the peace and trust back in their lives. He apologizes for the abrupt way he brought her home. He takes hold of her face, gently caressing her chin. Shes his wife and he wants her by his side. She responds that she wants to leave. He asks why, because if she says she doesnt love him anymore, its a lie. Monica says her mother is ill- she cant turn her out and she cant impose upon him. Juan says Marcelo is leaving- she can live there. It has to do with Andres and the visit he paid her and it must be something bad for her to refuse to tell him. Monica starts to panic and shouts that she doesnt want to be with him, cant he understand? Of course not! Juan shouts back, and if she doesnt tell him, hell go to Andres. No!!! shouts Monica Juan yells- Then tell me dammit!!! Monica lies and says they talked about Juan getting his name back. Juan says shes lying. Meche knocks and though Juan says theyre talking, Monica goes out to see Dolores. Juan walks past the women without a word.

Cata is still going on about leaving. Monica doesnt want to hear it. And as far as Andres, she never wants to see him again. Why doesnt Cata leave instead? Juan tells Az that hes going to Veracruz to buy a new boat and is taking Monica with him. Az doesnt want to stay in the house with Cata. Dolores is telling Monica that she cant take how stubborn Cata has become. Monica should forget all about the problems with Andres and enjoy her marriage. Monica asks Dolores for a favor- Tell my Godmother to assure Andres that shes gone to the D.F. with her and Cata. Dolores wonders why. Monica says because Andres threatened her and put his hands on her and if Juan finds out....Dolores says sooner or later Juan will find out. Thats why Monica is so afraid. Joaquin comes into Azs room and tells Juan Pedro has arrived. After Juan leaves he asks how shes feeling. Better replies Az. Pedro is confused that Juan is leaving to spend the night at Tuertos. Juan is afraid that Andres might show up or that Monica might leave. Monica comes down and is surprised to learn that Juan has left. Dolores relays Monicas message to Sofia who agrees to go along with the story. Alberto thinks Andres might not believe it. Alberto and Dolores remain in the room. Dolores asks him if hes thinking of staying with THESE people. Alberto says hell be going, once she tells him she accepts an affectionate Albertos proposal. Cajiga returns. Roque tells him everythings fine regarding the situation with the letter, so he doesnt have to worry. Bautista is confused about what is happening. He wants Juanita to try and find out. She tells him to keep her out of it. Bautista looks pensive.

****Summary Episode 76 ---------- June30, 1999**** Author: Mimi Date: 07-05-99 03:35 Cajiga cant believe his luck. What about Bautista? Hes disappeared, says Roque, who also tells him the baby died and Cajiga is indifferent when he learns that it was a girl. Roque also tells him Lupes story, but that she wont say who Marianas father is. Cajiga says hell get it out of her. The next day, Juan is at the municipal building signing the legal documents regarding his name. Lic. Mondragon tells Juan his marriage will be reinstated in two days. Sofia arrives at Campo Real and is informed that Andres hasnt stopped drinking since he arrived. She goes into his bedroom and Andres is out cold. Monica goes to see a very comfortable Cata who says she wont get out of bed until its time for them to leave. Monica walks out. Juan comes home and shows her the document. Monica says thats good and leaves the room before Juan, who clearly had more to say, can continue.

Andres is dressing when Sofia enters the room and gives him the news that Monica and Cata have left. Juan goes in to lunch and Monica tells him that she has to find a solution about her mother. She asks a favor of him- she would like it that they not continue talking about disagreeable things. Juan takes her hand and says fine. DN has gone to Campo Real. He needs to discuss Valle Chico with Andres since Juan wants the lands his father left him. Sofia says Andres is going to get angry. DN answers that Juan is tired of giving in. Sofia says why, if hes gotten everything he wanted. Sofia tells him to perpetuate the lie about Monica leaving because she asked them to. DN is clearly not pleased but goes along with it. He tells Andres that hes not here to discuss Monica but the inheritance. Andres insists that if Juan wants the lands hes going to have to ask for it in person. Juan is still brooding at home. Monica enters the room and says her mother is still complaining of feeling ill. Juan says maybe they should call the doctor. Monica says thats not whats wrong with her. Juan doesnt understand why Cata hates him- they barely know each and he was proven innocent of those charges and hes no longer a bastard without a name. Monica says dont pay her any mind. Juan tells Monica hes going to buy a new boat and since he had promised to take her on a trip, he wants her to come with him. Monica says she cant leave her mother. Juan asks her to think about. She agrees to think about it. Juan goes out. Monica writes a note. Juanita tells Bautista that Sofia is now in the house, but Bautista says Andres now giving orders. Sofia tries to talk Andres out of continuing with this obsession. Juanita enters the room and tells Andres that Bautista has arrived. Sofia is upset that Juanita is still there. Andres insists that Sofia just wants everything her way, but hes not going to give in to her wishes. Back at Juans home, Joaquin is spoiling Az. Monica goes into the kitchen and is surprised to see her up and about. Az asks about the trip with Juan and cant understand Monicas ambivalence. She tells Jaoquin Monica should have been happy to go. Joaquin thinks she should stop meddling, what does she have against Monica? Nothing responds Az, except that shes making Juan unhappy. Az says Juan is her friend, thats why she cares. Joaquin is jealous and says she treated him differently when she was pregnant, but apparently it was only because she wanted a father for her child. Az says she never said she would marry him and Joaquin says he was a fool to even dream about it and leaves. Bautista tells Andres that Juan was lying in wait for him at FDs and that he was ashamed to come back because he had failed Andres. Andres figures that someone warned Juan. Who? It must have been that traitor Alberto. B says hell do anything to get back in Andres good graces, including killing Juan. Andres is expecting him to come. If he makes it out of the house, hes in your hands- not a word to my mother. Cajiga calls Lupe over. He wants to talk to her. Were all friend here, he tells a nervous Lupe. He flatters her and tells her that things arent as bad as they seem, its all rather innocent, besides the

girls make lots of money- wouldnt she like to dress up? Yes, says Lupe, but not the rest. Cajiga calls over one of his girls to dress Lupe up- its just a gift he tells a reluctant Lupe. Joaquin is baring his heart to Tuerto. Ask her and find out once and for all, he tells Joaquin. Meche and Az are talking. Az is going on about all of Juans fine traits and how much he cares about her. Meche says yes he does, but hes very much in love with his wife. She knows that, says Az, what she feels for Juan is now a sisterly affection. Meche wants to change the subject back to Joaquin and Az. He knows about her past but still cares about her- Az shouldnt be so quick to rebuff him. DN shows up at the house. Juan isnt there. Monica cant believe how much her mother has changed and that she has to control herself not to lose her temper with Cata who hates Juan because she blames him for what happened to Aimee, its unjust. Shes got to get her mother out of there or therell be trouble. DN informs Monica that hes just returned from Campo Real. DN wants to know why Monica invented the story about going to the D.F.- it wont work. When Juan goes to see Andres... Monica interjects that there is no reason for them to meet. DN tells her about the lands- Monica is surprised, she didnt know. DN says he was trying to handle the situation but Andres insists on seeing Juan face to face. Monica panics, they cant see each other. She tearfully informs DN about Andres visit. DN gets up angrily- things cant remain as they stand! Monica is afraid theyll kill each other, What if Andres tells Juan that he actually did succeed in raping her? Hes capable of anything. An angry DN looks pensive. Sofia and Andres are talking. Andres accuses Alberto of being a traitor. Sofia insists hes the only true friend Andres has- hes helped them a lot. Andres says hes only committed one stupid act after the other. Sofia says speaking of stupid acts- theres no name for what youve done- Andres plays dumbWhat did I do? Attempting to rape Monica, she cant believe that a son of hers would be capable of such a base act. Andres implies that he actually did the deed- he repaid Juan in kind. He smirks as he leaves the room and Sofia looks genuinely horrified. Juan comes home and a sweet, smiling Monica greets him in the dining room. Juan apologizes he kept dinner waiting(!), he was preparing for the trip and time got away from him. They sit down to eat- Monica lies that DN did not stop by. She also requests that Juan purchase a chest for her. Anything else asks Juan? Nothing else. Meche comes in with the food and as Monica serves it, Juan leans back and pensively watches her. J: Have you decided where Im going to sleep? Monica smiles knowingly: With me. J: Im no longer hungry

In their bedroom, Monica is covering a pensive, brooding (and breathtakingly beautiful) Juan with kisses. He doesnt like the idea of another separation. Perhaps she wants him to go so that she can leave him. Monica gently caresses him, strokes his hair and reassures him. He can keep her under lock and key if he wants to, shell be here when he gets back. Monica just wants time to take care of the situation with her mother. Juan is afraid something may happen. Monica turns his face towards hers, she swears that she wont speak another word to Andres and that she wont let him into their home. Truly? asks Juan. Truly, she answers and they kiss passionately.

****Summary Episode 77 ---------- July 1, 1999**** Author: Mimi Date: 07-03-99 04:19 Cajiga is plying Lupe with alcohol to get her to talk. He flatters her then asks her about Marianas father- is it someone they know? Who doesnt know Don Noel, she says. Marcelo and Amanda both know about it. The Romero Vargas are discussing their trip and the fact that Juan has regained his name and his wife. Mariana is happy for them both. Amanda asks if its true that shes happy. Yes says Mariana, Juan never cared for her, no one does. Thats not true says Amanda, she cares, so does her father, Marcelo....Mariana says Marcelo doesnt or he would have forgiven her. She tried to explain and even told him she wished things were back to being the way they were before. Amanda says dont worry too much about love, it will happen in time. Juan is at Don Noels. Hes preoccupied- maybe he should just send Segundo for the boat- hes worried. Don Noel convinces him to go. Monica needs to deal with her mother and if she asked him to go w/o her, she must have her reasons. Juan says hes worried Andres might try something. Don Noel tells him not to worry, hell make sure nothing happens. DN also asks Juan if he really wants the land his father left him- he doesnt need it, hes already wealthy- and it would be a noble gesture- Yet another one? asks Juan Yes says DN- that should be his constant attitude to convince Andres he wants peace and demonstrate that he is a righteous and mature man, influence Andres positively. Juan goes home and tells Monica that hes renouncing the land so that shell see he really wants tranquillity to return to their life. Monica is pleased, but also a little concerned. She asks Juan to promise/swear never to abandon her and no matter what he hears never to doubt her- he swears it. Fray Domingo arrives and Juan leaves after greeting him. FD is pleased to see them so content. Cata comes down and plays up her weak and sickly routine. FD says he supposes her stay at the house will be brief. Who knows she answers, she doesnt dare leave her daughter alone. FD says Monica is not alone, she has her husband. Cata starts with the fake tears. FD says Yes, go ahead and cry (LOL) and ask our Lords pardon for your poor behavior. Cata looks up suddenly, Me? FD- Yes you, for interfering in your daughters marriage which is sacred, troubling her with reproaches and demands. Its a sin!

Cata- But all I want to do is protect her from pain and suffering FD- Youre the one causing it Cata- Did Monica dare tell you that? Alberto sends Sofia a telegram from Veracruz. Andres is upset that Alberto, as his employee, did not ask his permission to leave (what is this a potentate with Emperor Andres as lord of the realm?). Sofia wants the two of them to take a trip. Maybe, says Andres, but only after Ive spoken to Juan. he leaves and Sofia looks concerned. Juan is at the posada looking through his papers. Tuerto tell him hell be reopening in a few days and would have liked for him to be there- maybe he should postpone it- Juan says no, besides, well have a big party. Juan asks Tuerto and Pedro to stay at the house and keep watch- besides, itll give Tuerto a chance to talk to Meche. Cata is throwing a fit at Monica for what shes told FD about her. She calls her ungrateful. Monica only wants to know whether or not shes going to join her for lunch. NO! answers Cata. Juan goes in to see Marcelo, who greets him amicably. Marcelo says he was going to see him any way to let Juan know theyd be vacating the house. J- I wanted to say goodbye also- Im going to Veracruz to buy a new boat. M- Thats great- Im, pleased for you. J- I also wanted to thank you for all youve done for me M- It was my pleasure. J-I also wanted to talk about something else-Dont judge Don Noel so harshly (what a heart ). Hes paid his entire life for his mistake, I dont justify it, but I can understand it. When a man falls in love, sometimes its hard not to give in to temptation. M- Well, I would never take advantage of a woman J- Youre a better man than most, and as such, you can be magnanimous. The two men rise and shake hands- It was a pleasure meeting you, says Juan- Same here says Marcelo and they smile at each other. Mariana feels bad about leaving Noel- hes so alone. She wonders if he never remarried because he couldnt forget. Amanda doesnt know. Juan arrives at the house and an uncomfortable Mariana lets him in. She doesnt even look at him as he tells her he wanted to say goodbye and that he too will be traveling. He

asks for her mother. Mariana goes into the kitchen to get her, but is too mortified to come back in the room and face Juan again. Amanda goes in to see him. Juan asks Amanda to hand the keys over to Monica or Don Noel if she prefers. Amanda takes the opportunity to thank Juan for allowing them to rent his house. Juan supposes they wont return- Amanda says she doesnt think so. She offers Juan a seat- he sits and tells her he realizes hes overstepping, but its only because he cares so much about Don Noel- Give him a chance to talk to you Don Noel shows up at Juans home and is greeted by Monica- he thanks her for the invitation. Has he had any success with Andres? Not yet says DN, but weve got about two weeks where Juan will be away so we have to keep trying. Monica thinks Sofia should help, but DN says Andres doesnt pay her any mind anymore. Monica wonders what if Juan is assured that Andres is lying, that he never touched her- Noel says the problem is that the landlady had already told Juan that Andres arrived drunk and....well, well find a solution. Monica responds that the only solution would be for Juan not to pay it any mind, forgive Andres and forget- but its impossible, isnt it, given Juans nature. Juan arrives and Monica gets up suddenly- Cata wont be dining with them- she leaves the room. Juan tells DN he notices how nervous Monica is lately. DN answers its just that the situation with Cata is rattling her nerves- Juan asks if it isnt something else- hes not at all tranquil. Andres is perplexed that Juan hasnt sought him out though its been two days since DNs visit. His henchman Bautista will seek Juan out 1st thing in the morning. Segundo and Pedro are surprised to see Lupe working at Cajigas. Cajiga tries to start gossiping about DN- isnt it time he found a wife? Juan and Monica are alone in their bedroom. Juan has a premonition that something bad may happen- the last time he left there was a trap set for him which landed him in jail. Monica insists that he not postpone the trip. They say their good-byes tenderly- Juan asks all his friends to look out for Monica and for each other and leaves.

****Summary Episode 78 ---------- July 1, 1999**** Author: Mimi Date: 07-03-99 09:14 Bautista appears at Cajigas and admonishes his treachery. Cajiga says he did him a favor- if B had kept the letter, Juan would have killed him. B says Cajiga can make it up to him by killing Juan. Lupe, who was on her way in and stopped at the door to listen, is startled to hear this and that they had also killed the corporal. She drops the tray and Bautista threatens to kill her if she talks. Cajiga says leave her to me. Cata is excited to hear that Juan has left- hes abandoned you, she gloats. She wants them to take the opportunity to leave. Monica says its time Cata understand that she loves Juan and that Cata is the one

who needs to leave- despite her mistreatment of Juan, he is so generous as to offer Cata the other house complete with servants at her disposal. Cata is upset that Monica would throw her out. Facundo tries to talk marriage to a nervous Meche who finds an excuse to leave the room. Lupe arrives at the Romero Vargas and is afraid to talk when Marcelo walks in, but she soon tells everything she heard. Pedro tells an anxious Tuerto not to give up- shes a good kid despite having worked at Cajigas. DN arrives at Campo Real- Andres wants to know why Juan didnt come, because hes gone away and doesnt want the land. Why not ? asks Andres. Because hes decent says DN, going off on Andres for what he did to Monica and the provocations of Juan. Andres says until he finds peace, Juan wont either. Cajiga, handcuffed and upset, tries to declare his innocence to Marcelo who informs him that its no use, Lupe has already told him everything and this time there is no way out for him, Bautista, not even Mr. de la Cerna (Alberto). Cajiga implies that they can make a deal, Marcelo is upset that B may be trying to bribe him- Cajiga says no, but would Marcelo want people to know about his niece. A furious Marcelo grabs Cajiga and threatens him. DN tells Sofia to take advantage of Juans absence to do something about Andres, because if Juan finds out what Andres did to Monica, Sofia can give him up for dead! Marcelo returns home angry that Lupe told Cajiga about Marianas paternity. Lupe says Mariana told her. Mariana is scandalized that Lupe would lie when she had actually found out by eavesdropping. Marcelo throws Lupe out after threatening her with keeping Cajiga company in jail if she repeats the story again. DN goes back to Monicas and informs her that he was unsuccessful. Alberto returns to the Alcazars. Andres is ready to attack him, accusing him of betraying him and warning Juan. Sofia intervenes and Alberto insists he did no such thing. Marcelo arrives with two officers to arrest Alberto and Bautista for the corporals murder. Alberto asks to speak in private to Andres. Alberto insists that he didnt betray him. Well then, says Andres, it was mother and you should have told me when you found out. Andres says he wont lift a finger to help. Alberto says Andres has changed a lot, hes bitter, miserable, he inspires pity. Monica is still upset. DN says not to worry miracles do happen. She asks if he knows Amanda and Mariana are leaving, it saddens him, but he has Juan and now Monica- theyre his family. Monica says they love him very much and kisses his cheek. Marcelo tells Alberto if he gives the goods on Sofia- his sentence could be reduced. Alberto insists that hes a gentleman and would never speak ill of a lady. Marcelo arrives home to find Mariana asleep on the couch. She was waiting for him. She cant stand the idea that he thinks shes dirty- he doesnt, he answers. Mariana tells him she never would have

trapped Juan like that. She wishes things were the way they were between them, when she thought they were getting married. Cata is still going on about her suffering- Monica is tired of it. FD shows up to talk to Cata, who is in tears. Go ahead and cry, he says, its good to get it out- the selfishness needs to stop. Monica has made her choice and the two deserve to be happy. Cata wants to know if Juan has beguiled(!) everyone or what. FD takes offense that Cata would be so disrespectful and suggest the idea of witchcraft to him. She needs to take a spiritual retreat before she loses her soul. Amanda goes to say goodbye to DN. He says its a goo thing they didnt get married- she would have lived such a modest life in this little town with him. He would have liked for them to stay but Amanda says Mariana should be married and would have better opportunity in the capital. Marcelo will leave them though he loves Mariana, so she will probably live alone. DN says if he were rich and perhaps if she were predisposed to, he would have asked Amanda to marry him, but people would probably say he was an old man who was taking advantage of a rich widow. Amanda says she doubts it because everyone respects him. he responds that the evil tongues are razor sharp and hurtful. DN asks Amanda to write to him from time to time- they hug and she leaves. Joaquin goes in to tell Az that Cajiga is in jail and between kisses he gives her the details and proposes. She says yes, Monica interrupts their smooching. Az tells Monica Alberto and Cajiga are in jail. Amanda goes to say an emotional goodbye to her father- theyll keep in touch. Mariana is confused that her mother wouldnt want to marry Noel- shes not one given to luxuries. Sofia goes in to Andres room. She cant understand why its okay for Juanita to stay while he doesnt lift a finger to help Alberto whos been so loyal. Andres tells her if she mentions him again hes going to send her away. Facundo tries again with Meche, who is afraid that some day he may be ashamed of her past. Tuerto reassures her that he realizes shes not a bad girl, just unlucky- Meche gives in. Mariana and Marcelo are alone at table. Amanda has a headache. Mariana says they each went to say goodbye to Noel- does that upset him. No, answers Marcelo, it is only right. So what are we going to do when we get to the capital? asks Mariana. Marcelo says he will seek a position in the ministry so they wont have to move so much and she will socialize to meet some eligible bachelors. After all, doesnt she want to get married? Mariana flashes a flirty smile at Marcelo and tells him theres no rush. She then pours him some chocolate which she makes a point of telling him she made herself. He says its very good. Later on, the trio leave and DN has been lurking in the background watches them go. Cata takes off with the nuns for a retreat at the convent, giving Monica the silent treatment the whole time. Meche comes and tells an elated Monica that shes accepted Facundos proposal. DN shows up for dinner. Monica asks if he proposed to Amanda? In a manner of speaking says DN. He hands her a telegram from Juan.

Monica goes to the convent to ask after Cata. The sister tells her Cata is doing fine but cant receive visitors yet. Juan returns to a happy Monica and they make love. In bed, they discuss their parents -Cata who is in the convent and Don Noel who is so sad. Juan is disappointed about how it turned out for him with Amanda. Juan asks if Monica missed him. No, she teases- What do you mean no? She giggles and says she missed him very much- he missed her also. They kiss. Meche has gone to Campo Real to tell her grandparents the news. She runs into Andres- what is she doing there? A nervous Meche informs him that she had asked Monicas permission to come. Crossexamining her, Andres learns that hed been fooled yet again and that Monica is back with Juan and living in San Pedro.

~~~Summary Episodes 79 & 80~~~ Author: Maria Krane Date: 07-08-99 01:41 Meche arrives at Campo Real and is intercepted by Andres. He finds out that Monica never left Juan and that she is in San Pedro with him. Andres confronts his mother and tells her that everyone has lied to him. He leaves for San Pedro. Juan, Monica, and Noel are discussing how Alberto was arrested for his involvement in the murder of a soldier. The scene changes and Dolores is seen reading a letter form Monica regarding the incident with Alberto being jailed. Juan and Noel discuss the inheritance Juan is to receive from his father's estate. Don Noel also tells Juan that he has been asked to run for mayor of San Pedro. Noel excuses himself and leaves. A storm is brewing. Azucena and Joaquin tell Monica and Juan that they are going to see Joaquin's parents to tell them about their marriage plans. Juan takes Monica into the bedroom to show her something he's brought back for her. It's a beautiful necklace. He puts it on her and then the front door bell rings. Juan answers it and it is a messenger from Andres. Andres wants to meet with Juan. Monica comes out from the bedroom and pleads with him not to go see Andres. Juan leaves. Monica is left desolate. Andres is in his study. Juan arrives. They exchange feigned pleasantries. Andres tells Juan that it's over between them. He is tired of fighting. Juan asks if this time it's for real. Andres says it still doesn't mean that they can be friends. Juan asks how Andres arrived at this decision. Andres tells him that Monica persuaded him. Juan wants to know when Andres spoke to Monica. Andres tells him he saw Monica a few days before she left Dona Prudencia'a house. Juan says Monica never told him. Andres asks if Juan didn't think it was odd that he (Andres) took it so calmly when Juan got his name back. Juan insists, "How did Monica convince you?" Andres says, the only way that counts. In return for my leaving you alone, she gave herself to me. Juan grabs Andres and tells him that he is lying. Andres pulls a revolver from his desk drawer and a struggle ensues. The storm outside is raging. It's now apparent that it is an earthquake. The house begins to cave in around them. Debris falls everywhere. Andres gets caught under the timbers and debris. Juan searches for him and calls his name. Andres tells Juan to leave him alone. It'll be better for Juan if he dies. Juan

tells him to stop, to shut up. He pulls Andres to safety. Andres tells Juan that he doesn't understand why he saved his life when he has just told him that he raped his wife. Juan tells him to stop, to be quiet and summons the servants to come help Andres. Juan leaves. He arrives home. Their house is a shambles and he can't find Monica. He goes out into the night and looks for her everywhere and still can't find her. The town has been destroyed and Monica is nowhere. It is now daylight and Juan is Noel's office. They are both dirty and muddy from the quake. They can't imagine where Monica is. Noel asks Juan why he wasn't home with her the night before. He tells Noel that Andres wanted to talk to him. Noel wants to know about what. Juan gets up, says what does it matter now and leaves. Andres arrives at Campo Real. He is bruised and bandaged. Juan is still looking for Monica. He finally returns to his house. Don Noel goes to see him. Juan is sitting on the floor. He is visibly upset. Juan confesses to Noel what Andres called him for. Noel tells Juan that it is not true. Juan says, yes it's true. Andres arrived drunk to Dona Prudencia's house and raped Monica. Noel insists it's not true. He tells him about his conversation with Monica. Juan yells at Noel. You knew about this and didn't tell me? Noel tells him he kept quiet so Juan wouldn't confront Andres. Juan is upset. He tells Noel that he saved Andres's life and in the meantime Monica was dying. If Monica doesn't come back he will kill Andres if it is the last thing he does. Andres is in bed talking to his mother. He tells her Juan saved his life even after he told him what he had done to Monica. He tells her that Juan is a better person than he is and that is why he hated him all those years. He couldn't stand that Aimee preferred Juan to him or that Monica forgot him and fell in love with Juan. Even his father knew that Juan was a better person than he. He tells Sofia that if he and Juan are not close as brothers it is because she separated them. Tegua is curing some people from the quake in her hut. One of them is Monica. Bautista and his men are looting homes. Juan still looks for Monica and can't find her. Catalina is at the convent and believes that God is punishing her for the way she treated Juan and Monica. Monica wakes at Tegua's. Lupe although blind from the quake, recognizes Monica. Monica goes to look for Juan. When Tegua gets back, Lupe tells her that the woman who was there was Monica. Tegua gets word to Juan. Juan looks for Monica and Monica for Juan. They both go to their house but miss each other. Monica heads for the beach house and so does Juan. Bautista and his men spot Juan on the beach. A fight ensues near one of the cliffs over the ocean. Juan falls and Bautista kicks Juan to what Bautista thinks is his death. Monica sees what happens from the beach and jumps in to find Juan. They swim together toward the shore. They kiss breathlessly. At their old house Tegua and Lupe go to find out how Monica is and tell Azucena that Monica is expecting. Monica is resting and Juan leaves her to take care of his wounds. In the living room he finds Azucena who wants to know if Monica has told him she is expecting. Juan smirks. Azucena and el Tuerto leave to run Juan's bath. Juan is left alone with Noel. Noel tells Juan that he hopes Juan still doesn't believe Andres. That baby is his. Juan says he knows that none of this is Monica's fault and that even if the baby isn't his, his love for her or the baby will be constant. Juan wants to know why Andres had to tell him. Why Andres couldn't have kept quiet. Andres and Sofia are talking. Sofia is afraid Juan will take reprisals. Andres wishes Juan would kill him. He doesn't deserve to live. Bautista arrives at Campo Real. He wants to tell Andres that he killed Juan. Sofia tells him to leave, that Andres no longer wants Juan dead and that he'll call the police on Bautista. Bautista argues with Sofia and tells her he's done a lot for her family. The argument intensifies and Bautista tries to kill Sofia.

Sofia calls for help. Andres comes out of his room and hits Bautista over the head with a candelabra, killing him. Sofia tells Andres that Bautista caused Aimee's death. Sofia sends someone to San Pedro to find out if Juan is dead. They come back later to tell her Juan is alive. Juan and Monica are in bed together. Juan tells her to forget the bad things. She asks Juan why Andres wanted to see him. Juan lies and says he wanted to make peace with Juan. There's a lot of activity in Campo Real. Andres is leaving for Europe. Sofia begs to go with Andres. He tells her he can never forgive her. He leaves Sofia behind. Juan tells Noel that Monica has gone to the doctor. He also tells him he is going to Campo Real to see Andres. Noel tells him Andres has left for Europe. Juan says Andres has done this to leave him with this terrible doubt. Monica has gone to see her mother and tells her she is expecting. Catalina wants Monica to tell Juan to please forgive her for the way she has acted. Alberto and Cajiga are in jail. Alberto receives a letter from Monica's cousin, Dolores. Monica gets home and tells Juan the good news. Noel arrives shortly after to eat lunch with them. Monica excuses herself to go check on lunch and asks Juan to tell Noel the good news. Juan tells Noel about the baby. Noel tells Juan that the baby is his and not Andres's. Juan tells Noel that even if the baby is not his he will always love Monica and the baby. Monica overhears the conversation and faints. Monica is in her room and comes to. She tells Juan that it's not true. Andres never touched her although he did try . Somehow God touched Andres's heart and he didn't hurt her. Juan tells her he believes her but that it wouldn't make a difference. He would still love her and the baby. Sofia rambles through Campo Real at night calling Andres's name. She has lost her mind. Amanda, Mariana and Marcelo arrive in San Pedro. Marcelo goes to see Noel by himself and tells him he wants to marry Mariana. He also tells him that Amanda is waiting to speak to him. Amanda tells Noel she has signed over all her worldly goods to Mariana and that she accepts his marriage proposal. Everyone is gathered in the living room at Juan and Monica's house. The door bell rings and it is Andres. Juan asks to be left alone with Andres. Andres tells Juan that he is leaving for Europe and that he needed to see him to tell him he (Andres) is a miserable person. He never touched Monica although that had been his intention. He (Andres) realized that he couldn't hurt Monica that way, even though at that time he still hated Juan. Juan tells him he has used the past tense. Andres tells Juan that life played a dirty trick on them. He knows that Juan is a better person than he. He asks Juan to forgive him. Juan tells him, he too acted improperly at times. We all make mistakes but we must make amends. Andres calls Juan brother and they embrace and cry together. Andres wishes Juan and Monica all the happiness in the world. Juan also wishes Andres happiness. Andres gives Juan a pocket watch Juan had admired as a boy. (I think this was the watch Andres's father brought back from his last trip and gave to Andres.) Andres leaves and Monica enters the living room. She wants to know what Andres wanted. Juan tells him that Andres came to bid his brother goodbye before leaving for Europe. Monica is on the cliffs over the beach. Juan joins her and tells her that even if the baby had not been his he could never stop loving her or her child. Monica tells him that she knew that. She walks away from him and he pulls her close. They kiss. Juan tells Monica that nothing will ever come between them again. Monica tells him, yes, not even death. They kiss again................................................... THE END!!

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