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The beautiful verse of the holy Quran, Chapter 53 Surah Najm verse 39: Laisa lil insana illa

a ma saa There is nothing for man except what he strives for.

This verse is the secret of the success of human kind. ithout struggle and hard work no one can achieve success, believing on luck and sitting idle will not bring success, !ir "ga #han $$$ said %!truggle is the meaning of life& defeat or victory is in the hands of 'od. (ut struggle itself is mans duty and should be his )oy. $t does not mean to not believing in 'od, placing hope on divinity of god that will bring success is only possible when one strive for it. " person who strongly believer of luck, leaving everything on 'od with the hope that thing pan out for best is the opposite of natural laws, 'od help those who help themselves must be mankind philosophy in this world, "s *rophet +uhammad ,*.(.-../ said %The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions, and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. ith intention of hard work to achieve ob)ective is the main crux achievements in life without moving from our placing and sit with this intention that if its in my luck $ will get is the irrational perception, 0nes goal, ob)ectives, mission, targets must be backed by his or her actions. The well know saying %action speaks louder than words it does not make any difference what you say. hat matters is that what you do. The people who always blaming their luck, without trying to improve their circumstances, such people never achieve anything in their life,such people who blaming that whatever happens to him1her is the result of luck or destiny, lose there will power and stamina and energy of work, this kind of beliefs lead human being in danger, the present scenario of our society is one of the reason of such dogmas, we mostly come across with a such people who blaming their luck and arguing that $ wanted to become a engineer and strove hard to achieve this goal but $ failed and became a teacher or else so such kind of scenario are relate to luck or destiny , $ think this is wrong perspective, if human being strive and not get success , it is impossible.. +ankind must not lose the true spirit of hard work and consistency of struggle, one can mould his destiny, by the true spirit of hard work thats why it is rightly said man is the architect of his own destiny, .istory is full of examples who shaped their destiny in the right way, so remember %where there is will, there is way

Struggle is the Purpose of Life

You want the good things in life. You want more money, power, and status in the office. You want to drive around in a spanking new car. And you want to invite your many friends to your sprawling house to meet your beautiful wife and charming children. Also, you want a healthier body, a quicker wit, and a more sparkling personality. ell, you can have all these things, and more if you are willing to pay the price. !hese things are e"pensive. #ery e"pensive. And for most people too e"pensive. !hey demand more than wealth or talent. !hey demand courage. !he courage to work hard even when you feel underpaid and unrecogni$ed. !he guts to keep on working hard. %ssentially, life demands struggle. %very day has to be a life of struggle. &nce one can accept this stark truth as something positive, one can start to get ahead. Struggle allows each of us to refine our talents. 't is the intense flame that burns of the dross. 't is the alchemy that turns one into pure gold. !here is no magic in the real world. 'n fantasy, wonderful things happen of their own accord. (ut this is not the way the real world works. !he universal law is simpler) you reap what you sow. 'f you are tired, it is not due to struggle. Struggle does not tire) it uplifts and re*uvenate+ it brings out the best in the human spirit. 'f you feel that life is hard, you have not faced your toughest adversity) your own negative thinking. Struggle means pushing ahead no matter what. 't means investing your hope and energy even in a cause that seems hopeless. Struggle is a mark of heroism, and the difference between winners and losers. Life is for the living. 't is a struggle, challenge, change, disaster, and triumph. ,orget your multiple misfortunes. 'f you can forge a will of iron by fighting through the thick of misfortune, then the world is your oyster. !here is no easy way to reap what you think you deserve. You have to fight for it. All the way. At this moment, you are where you deserve to be. 'f you are surrounded by abundance, it is because you have the heart of a lion. 'f you are surrounded by scarcity, it is because you have not dared to challenge yourself to rise against adversity. Struggle is the meaning of life. 'f you want more from your life, ask what you have done to deserve more. -on.t sit around lost in daydreams+ only action will redeem you. ,rom now on, think your way into a dynamic and confident state of mind and being. Strive to be that little bit better in every thing you do every day. Struggle/ 0rawl up that mountain/ 1o for it/

!truggle is the #ey to !uccess

Dear Mr. President! Life is full of twists and turns .Everyone has to stru le here in this world to over!ome every o"sta!le in the way to su!!ess. #or this hard wor$ is ne!essary. %ithout wor$in hard and just "y sittin idle it will "e hard for one to et su!!ess. Sin!e from !hildhood and till now & always remem"er the senten!e that my parents used to tell me '() "e a "etter person in life and to et su!!ess you have to wor$ hard* the result of hard wor$ is always fruitful* so you have to wor$ hard+. (oday,s world is a !ompetitive world. Everyone here wants to "e famous and wants su!!ess in his life. %hether he may "e a su!!essful "o-er* sportsman* a!tor or writer his present position is only due to hard wor$. My dear audience! Let,s !onsider the people who win old medals in (.E )lympi! /ames* No"el 0ri1e in different fields of $nowled e. &t is only "e!ause of hard wor$. Lu!$ has nothin to do with it. 2ust "y wat!hin television and sittin idle if you are sayin that !an "end down su!!ess in your $nee means you are wron . 3es perhaps you have ot su!!ess sometimes "e!ause of your lu!$ "ut it is not true always. Sayin that & am a lu!$y person su!!ess automati!ally !omes 4.these are the only words of sayin * reality is different. (here is a well $nown prover" 'N) pain* N) ain+ .ard wor$ never oes wasted. 5lthou h it may "e later or sooner su!!ess !omes to your feet. we !an have a loo$ towards the life of reat people in the world li$e 6uhammad 5li 2innah* 5llama &7"al* 6ahatma /andhi *Napoleon * Sha$espeare *5l"ert Einstein* Newton* they all had stru led hard throu hout their life .(hey had made the ri ht use of every se!ond and finally ot their destination. ')ne per!ent inspiration* 99 per!ent perspiration+8Edison,s definition of enius has often "een 7uoted to define su!!ess as well. Even "efore Edison* the ri ors of su!!ess were des!ri"ed "y painter 6i!helan elo thus: '&f people $new how hard & had to wor$ to ain my mastery* it wouldn,t seem wonderful at all.+ 5!hievin su!!ess is almost li$e findin /od the destination is the same* "ut the roads are as varied as the see$ers. 5ll you need to do is !hoose your path4 Dear audience 9ut what is su!!ess:

Su!!ess may "e des!ri"ed as the reali1ation of an aim and for the reali1ation of any aim hard wor$ is essential. .ard wor$ helps us to develop our potential to the ma-imum and strive for e-!ellen!e in any field. .ard wor$ ma$es us "etter prepared to fa!e adverse situations. .ard wor$ helps an athlete to persevere in a ra!e and win it; it helps an avera e student to "e!ome e-traordinary* it helps to transform destinies. 'Su!!ess is "asi!ally a"out how you !an turn adverse situations in your favor.+ So* fo!us your ener ies in a !on!entrated manner on your oal and then start perspirin for it. (he !hoi!e of the oal and the effort ta$en in rea!hin it are !omplementary: if you want to a!hieve somethin for the love of it* and not "e!ause it is the done thin * no amount of hard wor$ would tire you. Dear President! 5s <e 9ono puts it: 'Su!!essful people do often enjoy their wor$ that it does not seem li$e wor$.+ 5!!ordin to a re!ent survey* su!!ess earned throu h hard wor$ was the foremost fa!tor responsi"le for a !ontented life. 'Su!!ess !onsists of oin from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.+ 9ehind every human effort lies a hope for su!!ess. So $een is his desire for su!!ess that he fails to see any value in failures. 9ut one must remem"er that failures are the pillars of su!!ess. (hey provide us an opportunity to reali1e our short!omin s so that we !an !onstantly strive to improve ourselves* "e!ause* 'Stru le is the $ey to Su!!ess+.

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