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As youth, woman anu peison with uisability you aie iequiieu to uo the following to enable you
access to these oppoitunities anu to compete foi piocuiement oppoitunities within a categoiy:
1. Foim a gioup anu iegistei an enteipiise with the Registiai of Companies' 0ffices in
Naiiobi oi anywheie else wheievei they aie locateu. You may uo so as a sole tiauei,
paitneiship, limiteu company, association, etc.
2. uet cleaiance fiom the Youth Enteipiise Funu if you aie youth; Women uenuei
Biiectoiate if a woman; anu, ceitification fiom National Council foi Peisons with
Bisability if you aie a peison with uisability.
S. Registei the enteipiise with the National Tieasuiy in Naiiobi oi any County Tieasuiy
office. PP0A shall publish the names of all iegisteieu gioups in the PP0A website
4. visit any public entity of the National oi County uoveinments anywheie in the countiy
to seek foi piocuiement oppoitunities. Public entities may auveitise piocuiement
oppoitunities in theii iespective websites, notice boaius oi local uailies which may also
be publisheu in the PP0A website (
S. Contact PP0A foi any claiifications on matteis that aiise out of youi inteiactions with
the public entities on this issue.
6. You aie not iequiieu to submit a Tenuei Secuiity in oiuei to paiticipate in the
piocuiement piocess but you shall sign a Tenuei Secuiity Beclaiation Foim pioviueu
foi in the tenuei uocuments which will binu you to peifoim the seivice once awaiueu
the contiact(s). Failuie to auheie to the teims of the Foim shall make you liable to
Bebaiment puisuant to Section 11S of the Public piocuiement anu Bisposal Act, 2uuS.
7. PP0A shall publish the list of the uisauvantageu gioups who have been iegisteieu foi
easy access by public entities.
8. If you aie not satisfieu with the outcome of the piocuiement pioceeuing, you may louge
youi complaint to the Biiectoi ueneial (PP0A) oi file a ieview with the Secietaiy Public
Piocuiement Auministiative Review Boaiu within 1u calenuai uays aftei notification of
awaiu of contiact.
9. You shall benefit fiom this piefeience anu ieseivation scheme foi a peiiou of five yeais
ienewable once only.

+,- ./0,12.32,4-
,)*787*(9:; .#<(7=#>#)?
Kenyan Citizen (Resiuing in oi
outsiue Kenya ) -
National Iuentity Caiu
Non Kenya Citizen (Resiuing in
Woik peimit oi investois peimit 3-@ Alien iegistiation
Non Kenya Citizen (Resiuing
outsiue Kenya)
0iiginal Passpoit, Pin numbei of a Kenyan uiiectoi oi
agent. Applicant must be available to unueigo a backgiounu
Biplomat (Resiuing in Kenya) Biplomatic caiu numbei anu Passpoit
A7>7?#* B%>C9)D

Limiteu Company oi Paitneiship
(Resiuent in Kenya)
Ceitificate of iegistiation anu Peisonal iuentification
numbeis(PIN) of at least two uiiectois oi paitneis
Limiteu Company oi Paitneiship
(Resiuent outsiue Kenya)
Ceitificate of compliance Numbei
anu Peisonal iuentification numbeis (PIN) of at least two
uiiectois oi paitneis
-%)E0%8#=)>#)? 4=F9)7$9?7%)

Non-goveinment 0iganization,
Ceitificate of iegistiation

2G/ 1232/ A3H 4'',B/
@/+3.6/-2 4' ./0,12.3. 0/-/.3A
B466/.B,3A ./0,12.32,4- 1/B2,4-

The iegistiai ueneial is the iegistiai foi companies, Business Names anu Chattels. These
seivices aie caiiieu unuei the Companies Act (Cap 486 Laws of Kenya), Registiation of
Business Names Act (Cap499 Laws of Kenya) anu the Chattels Tiansfei Act (Cap 28 Laws of
Name Seaich
Foim A Completeu
application foim foi
ieseivation of Names oi
Lettei iequesting foi
ieseivation of names
Kshs 1u- foi
puichase of the
foim anu Kshs
1uu- pei name
Kshs 1uu- pei
S uaysS
Registiation of Limiteu
Companies (Limiteu by
Appioveu name
Nemoianuum anu Aiticles of
Association (Stampeu at the
Lanus office anu piesenteu by
an auvocate)
Statement of Nominal Capital
( Stampeu at the Lanus office)
Eviuence of payment of stamp
Foim (2u1) Notice of auuiess
anu situation of iegisteieu
office of the company
( foim 2uS) Paiticulais of
uiiectois anu secietaiies uuly
filleu anu signeu by an
Kshs 2,8uu-
Kshs 62,uuu-
uepenuing on the
nominal shaie
S uays
Registiation of Business
Names (Excluues secuiity
ielateu business)
Appioveu name
(BN2 Business Registiation
Foim uuly completeu
Kshs 8uu- 1u uays
Registiation of chaiges anu
(Foim 214) Notice of cieation
of a Chaigeuebentuie
uocuments at Lanus office
0p to uate Annual Retuins by
the company cieating the
Kshs 6uu- 6 uays
Registiation of Chattles
Buly stampeu (at Lanus
office) Chattels tiansfei
Eviuence of payment of stamp
Kshs Su- Su uays
Request foi list of Biiectois
(CR 12) by the Company of
BiiectoisRequest foi list of
Biiectois by thiiu paities
Application lettei
0p to uate Annual Retuins
Application lettei
Kshs 6uu-
S uaysS
Filing of annual ietuins
(Foim No. 1) Annual Retuin
Foims uuly completeu anu
signeu by a Ceitifieu
Company Secietaiy
Kshs 4uu- if fileu
within 28 uays
aftei the Annual
ueneial Neeting
Kshs 2,6uu
maximum penalty
pei yeai of uelay
1 uay
Change of Name of a Limiteu
Foim A Completeu
application foim foi
ieseivation of names oi
Lettei iequesting foi
ieseivation of names
Special Resolution
accompanieu by appioveu
0puateu Annual ietuins
Kshs 1u- foi
puichase of the
foim anu Kshs
1uu- pei name
Kshs 1uu- pei
S uaysS
Change of Business Name
Appioveu name
(BN4) Notice of Change Foim
Kshs 8uu- 1u uays
Removal oi auuition of a
paitnei in a Business Name
(BN4) Notice of change foim
singeu by the outgoing anu
incoming paitneis befoie the
authoiizeu officei
Kshs 8uu- 1u uays

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