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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES REGIONAL TRIAL COURT NATIONAL CAPITAL JUDICIAL REGION PASIG CITY BRANCH 160 CORAZON ANG SY and BELEN ANG CASIMIRO, Petitioners, - versus PHILIPPINE CHINESE CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION ET AL., Respondents. x----------------------------------------x COMMENT'OBJECTION (T$ R#")$nd#n*+"F$,-a! O..#, $. E id#n/#0 Petitioner CORAZON ANG SY, throu h un!er"i ne! #oun"e$, re"%e#t&u$$' "u()it" her C$--#n*"'O12#/*i$n" to the re"%on!ent*" Formal Offer of Evidence dated 2013 October 26, +n! re"%e#t&u$$' "t+te" th+t:



DESCRIPTION COMMENT Certi&i#+te o& -irth o& Petitioner o(1e#t" to the De&en!+nt R+')un! %ur%o"e nu)(er three 2340 Ri.+$ino /0 An The %ur%o"e &or 5hi#h the Certi&i#+te o& -irth i" (ein o&&ere!, th+t re"%on!ent R+')un! An h+" the ri ht to re%re"ent hi" &+ther, M+nue$ /0 An on )+tter" re +r!in +rr+n e)ent" +(out the to)( in i""ue i" + #on#$u"ion th+t i" not e6i!ent on the &+#e +n! i" not "u%%orte! (' the #ontent" o& the Certi&i#+te o& -irth0 Certi&i#+te o& M+rri+ e The Certi&i#+te o& M+rri+ e i"

(et5een M+nue$ /0 An +n! G$ori+ T0 /i)%e, the %+rent" o& re"%on!ent R+')un! /0 An 0

in+!)i""i($e +" it i" + %ri6+te !o#u)ent +n! thu" (e&ore it #+n (e +!)itte! the !ue exe#ution +n! +uthenti#it' o& the !o#u)ent )u"t &ir"t (e %ro6en &o$$o5in Ru$e ,78, Se#0 78 o& the Ru$e" o& Court0 Re"%on!ent h+" not #o)%$ie! 5ith +n' re9uire)ent" %ro6i!e! in "u#h ru$e, thu" the !o#u)ent i" in+!)i""i($e0 Petitioner o(1e#t" to %ur%o"e nu)(er three 2340 The %ur%o"e &or 5hi#h the Certi&i#+te o& M+rri+ e i" (ein o&&ere!, th+t re"%on!ent R+')un! An +#9uire! the ri ht" o& + $e iti)+te heir &ro) hi" &+ther M+nue$ /0 An in re$+tion to +rr+n e)ent" +(out the to)( in i""ue i" + #on#$u"ion th+t i" not e6i!ent on the &+#e +n! i" not "u%%orte! (' the #ontent" o& the Certi&i#+te o& M+rri+ e0

M+rri+ e Contr+#t The M+rri+ e Contr+#t 5+" not (et5een M+nue$ /0 i""ue! (' the C+tho$i# Chur#h An +n! G$ori+ T0 #ontr+r' to the )+ni&e"t+tion o& /i)%e re"%on!ent" on %+ e 7, %+r+ r+%h 3 o& their For)+$ O&&er o& E6i!en#e0 The re#ei%t !+te! Au u"t 7;, 7888 i""ue! (' Mu$tiG$o(+$ Intern+tion+$ In#0 &or re#ei%t o& the +)ount o& Ph% ,:<, 3,:0 =8 Petitioner o(1e#t" to the o&&er o& thi" !o#u)ent &or (ein in+!)i""i($e0 The +$$e e! re#ei%t i" +n un"i ne! !o#u)ent +n! 5+" not %ro%er$' +uthenti#+te! +n! i!enti&ie! !urin tri+$ +": ,4 R+')un! An 5+" not "ho5n to (e %+rt' to the exe#ution o& the !o#u)ent0 74 The re#ei%t 5+" not %ro%er$' i!enti&ie! !urin tri+$ +" no %er"on 5ho

+%%e+re! to (e + %+rt' to the "+i! !o#u)ent te"ti&ie! to it" +uthenti#it'0 The !o#u)ent i" in#o)%etent to %ro6e the %ur%o"e &or 5hi#h it i" (ein o&&ere! +": ,4 It !oe" not "t+te th+t the )one' %+i! #+)e &ro) +n' o& the Re"%on!ent An 0 74 Wh+t i" "t+te! in the !o#u)ent" i" th+t %+')ent 5+" (ein )+!e &or the reno6+tion o& the to)(" +n! not &or it" u%>ee%0 Reno6+tion +n! u%>ee% +re t5o !i&&erent thin "0 34 The Ni#he o& N u ?i+) i" not the "u(1e#t )+tter o& thi" #+"e, 5hi#h oe" the "+)e 5ith the ni#he o& An -+n @in +n! Ce"+r An 0 A O&&i#i+$ Re#ei%t No0 <;8< i""ue! (' the Phi$i%%ine-Chine"e Ch+rit+($e A""o#i+tion In#0 Petitioner o(1e#t" to the o&&er o& thi" !o#u)ent &or (ein in+!)i""i($e +" re$e6+nt %ortion" +re 5ritten in Chine"e Ch+r+#ter"0 Ru$e ,37, "e#tion 33 o& the Ru$e" o& Court "t+te th+t !o#u)ent" 5ritten in +n uno&&i#i+$ $+n u+ e "h+$$ not (e +!)itte! in e6i!en#e un$e"" +##o)%+nie! 5ith + tr+n"$+tion in En $i"h or Fi$i%ino0 No tr+n"$+tion h+" (een %ro6i!e! (' re"%on!ent thu" the !o#u)ent i" in+!)i""i($e0 Petitioner +$"o o(1e#t" to the %ur%o"e &or 5hi#h the !o#u)ent i" (ein o&&ere!0 The %ur%o"e &or 5hi#h the re#ei%t i" (ein o&&ere!, th+t re"%on!ent"

5ere %+'in &or the u%>ee% o& the to)(" o& their r+n!%+rent" i" + #on#$u"ion th+t i" not e6i!ent on the &+#e +n! i" not "u%%orte! (' the #ontent" o& the re#ei%t0 Further)ore, it 5+" not "ho5n th+t R+')un! An 5+" + %+rt' to the exe#ution o& the !o#u)ent0 = Beri&i#+tion For) No0 888AC:< i""ue! (' the Phi$i%%ine Chine"e Ch+rit+($e A""o#i+tion, In#0 Ce)eter' &or the $ot o& the !e#e+"e!, Tion ?in Petitioner o(1e#t" to the %ur%o"e &or 5hi#h the !o#u)ent i" (ein o&&ere!0 It i" + #on#$u"ion th+t i" not e6i!ent on the &+#e +n! i" not "u%%orte! (' the #ontent" o& the 6eri&i#+tion &or)0 The 6eri&i#+tion &or) on$' "t+te" the exi"ten#e o& the $ot, the n+)e o& the !e#e+"e! 5ho o##u%ie" the "+)e +n! 5hether it i" (ein i""ue! &or %ur#h+"e o& $ot ri ht" or &or rene5+$0 There i" no in!i#+tion in the &or) &or 5ho) "u#h &or) 5+" i""ue! +n! 5ho re9ue"te! the rene5+$ o& the ri ht" to the $ot thu" re"%on!ent #+nnot #$+i) th+t the' h+6e (een %+'in &or the u%>ee% o& the to)(" in i""ue0Further)ore, it 5+" not "ho5n th+t R+')un! An 5+" + %+rt' to the exe#ution o& the !o#u)ent0 C Beri&i#+tion For) No0 888A:C; i""ue! (' the Phi$i%%ine Chine"e Ch+rit+($e A""o#i+tion, In#0 Ce)eter' &or the $ot o& the !e#e+"e!, An -+n @in Petitioner o(1e#t" to the %ur%o"e &or 5hi#h the !o#u)ent i" (ein o&&ere!0 It i" + #on#$u"ion th+t i" not e6i!ent on the &+#e +n! i" not "u%%orte! (' the #ontent" o& the 6eri&i#+tion &or)0 The 6eri&i#+tion &or) on$' "t+te" the exi"ten#e o& the $ot, the n+)e o& the !e#e+"e! 5ho o##u%ie" the "+)e +n!

5hether it i" (ein i""ue! &or %ur#h+"e o& $ot ri ht" or &or rene5+$0 There i" no in!i#+tion in the &or) &or 5ho) "u#h &or) 5+" i""ue! +n! 5ho re9ue"te! the rene5+$ o& the ri ht" to the $ot thu" re"%on!ent #+nnot #$+i) th+t the' h+6e (een %+'in &or the u%>ee% o& the to)(" in i""ue0 Further)ore, it 5+" not "ho5n th+t R+')un! An 5+" + %+rt' to the exe#ution o& the !o#u)ent0 < Beri&i#+tion For) No0 888ACA8 i""ue! (' the Phi$i%%ine Chine"e Ch+rit+($e A""o#i+tion, In#0 Ce)eter' &or the $ot o& the !e#e+"e!, Ce"+r An Petitioner o(1e#t" to the %ur%o"e &or 5hi#h the !o#u)ent i" (ein o&&ere!0 It i" + #on#$u"ion th+t i" not e6i!ent on the &+#e +n! i" not "u%%orte! (' the #ontent" o& the 6eri&i#+tion &or)0 The 6eri&i#+tion &or) on$' "t+te" the exi"ten#e o& the $ot, the n+)e o& the !e#e+"e! 5ho o##u%ie" the "+)e +n! 5hether it i" (ein i""ue! &or %ur#h+"e o& $ot ri ht" or &or rene5+$0 There i" no in!i#+tion in the &or) &or 5ho) "u#h &or) 5+" i""ue! +n! 5ho re9ue"te! the rene5+$ o& the ri ht" to the $ot thu" re"%on!ent #+nnot #$+i) th+t the' h+6e (een %+'in &or the u%>ee% o& the to)(" in i""ue0 Further)ore, it 5+" not "ho5n th+t R+')un! An 5+" + %+rt' to the exe#ution o& the !o#u)ent0 ; /etter !+te! De#e)(er 3, 788A &ro) Ce"+r An Jr0, Erne"to An +n! R+')un! An 0 Petitioner o(1e#t" to %ur%o"e nu)(er t5o 2740 Wh+t i" "t+te! in the $etter i" + )ere o%inion o& the re"%on!ent" +n! 5+" not +##o)%+nie! (' +n' %roo& th+t "u#h i" in!ee! + Chine"e tr+!ition0 Thi" $etter #+nnot (e + (+"i" o& the ri ht (ein

#$+i)e! (' re"%on!ent"0 ,8 Ju!i#i+$ A&&i!+6it R+')on! An o& We +!o%t the o(1e#tion" r+i"e! !urin the he+rin !+te! A%ri$ <, 78,30 We )+ni&e"t th+t !urin the "+i! he+rin the &o$$o5in %ortion" o& the 1u!i#i+$ +&&i!+6it 5ere "tri#>en o&& the re#or!": +0 An"5er to 9ue"tion nu)(er : (0 An"5er to Due"tion nu)(er ,, #0 An"5er to Due"tion nu)(er ,7 &ro) the %+rt o& Exxx A" &or the #on!ition o& the %$ot, xxxF u% to the en! o& the +n"5er0 ,, ----NO EBIDENCE REFERRED TO IN T@E FORMA/ OFFER OF EBIDENCE Petitioner o(1e#t" to the %re"ent+tion o& thi" !o#u)ent +" thi" 5+" not i!enti&ie! !urin the %re"ent+tion o& the te"ti)on' o& @enr' Ch+n 0 Petitioner +$"o o(1e#t" to the %ur%o"e (ein o&&ere! +" Mr0 @enr' Ch+n i" not 9u+$i&ie! to te"ti&' on "u#h )+tter" +" he h+" no !ire#t >no5$e! e on "u#h +" +$re+!' note! (' re"%on!ent in %+r+ r+%h C o& the For)+$ O&&er o& E6i!en#e0 ,3 Photo r+%h )+r>e! +" Annex C +tt+#he! to the Ju!i#i+$ A&&i!+6it o& Mr0 @enr' Ch+n Petitioner o(1e#t" to the %re"ent+tion o& thi" !o#u)ent +" thi" 5+" not i!enti&ie! !urin the %re"ent+tion o& the te"ti)on' o& @enr' Ch+n 0 Petitioner +$"o o(1e#t" to the


Photo r+%h )+r>e! +" Annex - +n! --, +tt+#he! to the Ju!i#i+$ A&&i!+6it o& Mr0 @enr' Ch+n

%ur%o"e (ein o&&ere! +" Mr0 @enr' Ch+n i" not 9u+$i&ie! to te"ti&' on "u#h )+tter" +" he h+" no !ire#t >no5$e! e on "u#h +" +$re+!' note! (' re"%on!ent in %+r+ r+%h C o& the For)+$ O&&er o& E6i!en#e0 ,: Ju!i#i+$ A&&i!+6it @enr' Ch+n o& We +!o%t the o(1e#tion" r+i"e! !urin the he+rin !+te! C O#to(er 78,3 We )+ni&e"t th+t !urin the "+i! he+rin the &o$$o5in %ortion" o& the 1u!i#i+$ +&&i!+6it 5ere "tri#>en o&& the re#or!": +0 (0 #0 !0 e0 &0 Re9ue"te! Photo r+%h o& the Exhi(it ,A +rro5 +n!G or !ire#tion+$ "i n %ointin to the r+6e o& EDon Bi#ente An or Annex A in the Ju!i#i+$ A&&i!+6it o& @enr' Ch+n Pur%o"e 8,08,0 2e4 Due"tion +n! +n"5er ,: Due"tion +n! +n"5er ,A Due"tion +n! +n"5er ,= Due"tion +n! +n"5er 73 I!enti&i#+tion o& Annexe" -, --, +n! C0

Petitioner o(1e#t" to the %ur%o"e &or 5hi#h the !o#u)ent i" (ein o&&ere!0 Contr+r' to the )+ni&e"t+tion o& !e&en!+nt, the +rro5G !ire#tion+$ "i n re&er" on$' to th+t o& Don Bi#ente An +n! !oe" not in#$u!e th+t o& Anit+ An 0

PRAYER W@EREFORE, %re)i"e" #on"i!ere!, Petitioner Cor+.on An S' re"%e#t&u$$' %r+'" th+t the @onor+($e Court !en' +!)i""ion to the exhi(it" o(1e#te! to0 Other 1u"t +n! e9uit+($e re$ie&" un!er the %re)i"e" +re $i>e5i"e %r+'e! &or0

Due.on Cit' &or P+"i Cit', 7A No6e)(er 78,30

U.P. OFFICE OF LEGAL AID Counsel for Petitioner Corazon Ang Sy Groun! F$oor, M+$#o$) @+$$ Uni6er"it' o& the Phi$i%%ine" Di$i)+n, Due.on Cit' Te$0 No0 ;78-AA,: $o# ,78G,7, -':

RO4ENA E.5. DAROY6MORALES Director I-P No0 /PN-8:,38G/i&eti)e Me)(erGDue.on Cit' PTR No0 C=7,C<8 G ,8-J+n-,3 GDue.on Cit' Ro$$ o& Attorne'" No0 3;,7; MC/E No0 III-88C73G,=-De#-8;GP+"i Cit'

DENNIS S. SABADO Supervising Lawyer Ro$$ o& Attorne'" No0 :<8;8 MC/E No0 IB-888<AA;G73 No6 78,7G P+"i Cit' I-P No0 ;,A<A:G83 J+n 78,3G-u$+#+n PTR No0 3=C3<3<G83 J+n 78,3GM+>+ti Cit'

REGINA PATRICIA C. ROSALES Law Intern Co%' &urni"he! ATTY. APOLONIO A. PADUA JR. Counsel for Respondents Ang No0 <A, ,3th A6e0, Cu(+o, Due.on Cit' ATTY. CAMILO B. CABERO Counsel for Respondent PCCA 7<= -$u)etritt St0, St+0 Cru., M+ni$+

E3PLANATION Pur"u+nt to Ru$e ,3, Se#tion ,, in re$+tion to Se#tion = o& the ,;;C Ru$e" o& Ci6i$ Pro#e!ure, the "er6i#e +n! &i$in o& the &ore oin COMMENT'OBJECTION ON THE RESPONDENT+S FORMAL OFFER OF E5IDENCE5+" )+!e throu h re i"tere! )+i$ !ue to the $+#> o& %er"onne$ +n! "u&&i#ient re"our#e" o& the O&&i#e o& /e +$ Ai! to e&&e#t "er6i#e +n! &i$in (' %er"on+$ !e$i6er'0


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