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Offshore vs. Reshore Wrestling Match Wearing You Out? Northwires Here to Help!

Learn the Total Cost of Ownership and take down the competition Osceola, WI, February 04, 0!4 " Released February 04, 2014 by the Minneapolis internet marketing agency, Brandography: Cable engineering company, Northwire, Inc., (N !" kno#s that learning cur$es %or purchasing pro%essionals and key decision&makers can be steep, costly and pain%ul in today's sophisticated global markets( )i$en their %ast&pace, risk and impact, international challengers must be met #ith robust procurement strategies( ith a 42 year history as a trusted partner, North#ire's recently released *+otal Cost o% ,#nership- .ite /aper is designed to ad$ise customers and coach them through unseen threats 0 1uickly( 2ser&%riendly and in%ormati$e, like other digital tools and resources %rom North#ire, the .ite /aper identi%ies the most commonly o$er&looked cost %actors and re$eals the dangers o% decision&making based on price alone( *+otal Cost o% ,#nership- is the ne#est addition to North#ire's con$enient digital toolbo3( Championing customers in their battle to $ictory o$er competition, North#ire continually stri$es to pro$ide $alue through resources and tools to include4 5 Fle3 li%e e3pectancy testing0 torsional, rolling, bending and $ariable 5 6lectrical and mechanical test %i3tures 5 7&ray %luorescence material analy8er %or Ro9.2 and R6:C9 5 9ori8ontal and $ertical %lame chamber 5 +#ice monthly copper market prices and ampacity chart 5 Metric and stranding con$ersion charts 5 6lectrical calculator 5 :nd more; <e%end against hidden costs underlying the initial appeal o% o%%shore manu%acturing( :ccording to Reshoring !nitiati$e, under estimation is proli%ic, *Most companies make sourcing decisions based on price alone, resulting in a 20= to >0= miscalculation o% actual o%%shoring costs(- ?e$erage N !'s .ite /aper in the reshore bra#l and learn to estimate 2@ cost %actors to dri$e obAecti$e supply chain decisions including4 5 Cost o% /roduct and .er$ice Buality 5 Risk Management

5 +otal ?anded Cost 5 ?abor and +raining 5 :nd more Northwire is a #oman&o#ned small business ( ,.C" #ith t#o strategically positioned regional locations #ith rapid ser$ice to North :merica and international markets( Cost&competiti$e solutions are designed and manu%actured #ith pride in the 2.:( <ri$en to deli$er ser$ice e3cellence, the cable manu%acturer e3cels in producing custom technical solutions as #ell as contract engineering( ,%%ering contract manu%acturing in addition to D,000 standard #ire and cable products, N ! is dedicated to continual impro$ement and impro$ing their customers' competiti$e ad$antage( !n the past %e# years, N ! has introduced EEF ne# engineering designs and 11G ne# materials to help you maintain your decisi$e ad$antage( Forging ahead, N ! %eatures a broad range o% engineering disciplines and complimentary ser$ice o%%erings, North#ire's inno$ati$e capabilities include technical #ire and cable, retractile cords, cable assemblies, connectors, harnesses, custom cable creation and contract manu%acturing %or di$erse applications in li%e sciences, aerospace and de%ense, industrial and energy markets( +o ensure you are a contender at the main e$ent, N ! in$ests hea$ily in company&#ide pro%essional certi%ications in .i3 .igma, lean, /roAect Management and :merican .ociety %or Buality to achie$e the highest 1uality and the %astest lead times %or any $olume( :dditionally, North#ire has earned certi%ications to !., 1>4DF4200>, !., @0014200D and :.@100C4200@( +he company's 1uality control laboratory is 1uali%ied by C.: !nternational to !., 1E02F( orking collaborati$ely #ith third party testing, N ! maintains $arious 2?, :N.!, C.:, c2?, c2?us, C6, N6C, !666, N/F:, .:6, :C., ,.9:, M.9: appro$als and more( N ! is your partner %or success and %ield&pro$en #ith o$er 42 years o% design, testing, de$elopment and manu%acturing e3perience( Hou can rely on the cable supplier's subAect matter e3perts to na$igate comple3 domestic and international standards, agency compliance, en$ironmental regulations and electrical, mechanical, ergonomic, aesthetic and end&user re1uirements( <ominate the marketplace #ith North#ire solutions and sa$e time, money, and %rustration by engaging the *Total Cost of Ownership(- ?earn more and discuss speci%ic technical or cable manu%acturing needs, contact Customer Care +eam at D00(4GD(1F1G, cablein%oInorth#ire(com or click Live Chat on ###(north#ire(com( About Northwire: Cable manu%acturer North#ire, !nc(, celebrating o$er 42 years o% inno$ation, is a registered #oman&o#ned small business ( ,.C" #ith corporate head1uarters, engineering and manu%acturing in ,sceola, isconsin and #ire and cable manu%acturing in .anta +eresa, Ne# Me3ico( +he cable engineering company is the premier partner %or the design, manu%acture and contract ser$ices o% custom technical products including #ire and cable, retractile cords, cable assemblies, connectors, harnesses, inAection molding, o$er&molding, and contract manu%acturing and is an ,6M (,riginal 61uipment Manu%acturer" %or di$erse applications in li%e sciences, energy, aerospace, de%ense, mil spec, industrial, machine $ision, architectural lighting, under#ater, harsh duty cord and more( North#ire is a member o% ?i%e .cience :lley, N<!: (National <e%ense !ndustrial :ssociation", NCM: (National Contract Management :ssociation", R!: (Robotics !ndustries :ssociation", :!: (:utomated !maging :ssociation", Fieldbus Foundation, ,<J: (,pen <e$iceNet Jendors

:ssociations" and

:! ( ire :ssociation !nternational", among others(

For more in%ormation, $isit ###(north#ire(com( Contact: Cathy Kirschner North#ire, !nc( 110 /rospect ay ,sceola, isconsin F4020 1&D00&4GD&1F1G prIbrandography(mobi http4LL###(north#ire(com MMM

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