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EE 2352-SOLID STATE DRIVES Two Marks Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. What are all the components of load torque?

How are loads classified? What is meant by acceleration mode of an electric drive? Mention the necessary condition to obtain the three modes of operation of an electric drive. . Write down the fundamental torque equation of motor!load system. ". What are all the conditions to be satisfied for the re#enerative bra$in# operation to ta$e place? %. When is discontinuous conduction e&pected with the operation of converter fed dc drives? '. (&plain whether discontinuous conduction will occur in the operation of chopper fed dc drives? ). Write the e&pression for the avera#e output volta#e of a full converter fed dc drive. 1*. What are advanta#es in operatin# choppers at hi#h frequency? 11. What are the types of electric bra$in#? +s bra$in# applicable for any type of motor? 12. What are the types of control strate#ies in a dc chopper? 13. ,tate the advanta#es of -. chopper drives. 14. /ive the condition to be satisfied to operate a motor in re#enerative bra$in# mode. 1 . Write down the speed torque equation of dc separately e&cited motor fed drive. 1". ,tate the advanta#es of 0+ controller used in closed loop control of induction motor drives. 1%. .ompare volta#e source and current source inverter fed drives. 1'. 1ame the methods of speed control applicable on the rotor side of a three phase induction motor. 1). ,tate the advanta#es of closed loop systems. 2*. What are the different methods employed to achieve variable frequency control in synchronous motors? 21. -raw the speed!torque characteristics of +nduction motor. 22. What do you understand by 234 control? 23. ,tate the applications of induction motor drives controlled by ac volta#e controllers. 24. Write down the consequences of increasin# the frequency of induction motor without a chan#e in the terminal volta#e. 2 . Mention any two advanta#es of self control of synchronous motor. 2". Write down the torque equation of synchronous motor. 2%. When can a synchronous motor be load commutated? 2'. What is self control of synchronous motor drive? 2). ,tate the advanta#es of 0M,M.

3*. 5ist out the factors concerned with the selection of converters. 31. What are the advanta#es of closed loop speed control? 32. /ive the transfer function relatin# speed and armature current of a dc motor. 33. What are the functions of feed bac$ loops in an electric drive? 34. Mention the types of current controllers for drive system. 3 . Write the transfer function of converter. 3". What is the function of inner current control loop closed loop speed control system?

BIG QUESTIO S !"# MAR$S% 1. -erive the mathematical condition for steady state stability of equilibrium point. 6ased on the mathematical condition7 e&amine the stability of equilibrium points 87 67 . 9 - #iven in the fi#ures. :!a&is ; <orque = >a&is ; ,peed

8 <l1 6 <l2 - <l4 <l3 .

2. (&plain in detail the multi quadrant dynamics in the speed!torque plane. 3. 8 motor drives two loads. ?ne has rotational motion. +t is coupled to the motor throu#h a reduction #ear with a @ *.1 and efficiency of )*A. <he load has a moment of inertia of 1* $#!m2 and a torque of 1* 1!m. <he other load has translational motion and consists of 1*** $# wei#ht to be lifted up at a uniform speed of 1. m3sec. .ouplin# between this load and the motor has an efficiency of ' A. Motor has inertia of *.2 $#!m2 and runs at a constant speed of 142* r.p.m. -etermine the equivalent inertia referred to the motor shaft and power delivered by motor. 4. -iscuss the different modes of operation of an electrical drive.

. (&plain the multiquadrant operation of an electric motor drivin# a hoist load. ". 8 motor havin# a suitable control circuit develops a torque #iven by the relation <m@ pB C q where p and q are positive constants. <he motor is used to drive a load whose torque is e&pressed as < 5 @ rB2 C s where r and s are positive constants. <he total inertia of the rotatin# masses is D. iE -etermine the relation amon# p7 q7 r and s in order that the motor can start to#ether with the load and have an equilibrium operatin# speed. iiE .alculate the equilibrium operatin# speed. %. -erive the e&pressions to find the equivalent load torque and equivalent inertia of loads in <ranslational and Fotational motion. '. -escribe in detail about the bra$in# of -. and 8. drives. ). (&plain in detail the operation and steady state analysis of sin#le phase fully controlled converter fed dc drive with neat waveforms in continuous and discontinuous modes. 1*. (&plain the operation of four quadrant chopper control in dc motor drives. 11. 8 2 *2 separately e&cited dc motor has an armature resistance of 2. G when drivin# a load at "** r.p.m. with constant torque7 the armature ta$es 2* 8. <his motor is controlled by a chopper circuit with a frequency of 4** HH and an input volta#e of 2 * 2. IiE What should be the value of the duty ratio if one desires to reduce the speed from "** to 4* r.p.m. with the load torque maintained constant. IiiE 4ind out the value of duty ratio for which the per unit ripple current will be ma&imum. 12. 8 separately e&cited dc motor operatin# from a sin#le phase half controlled brid#e at a speed of 14** rpm has an input volta#e of 33* sin 314t and a bac$ emf of '* 2. <he ,.F are fired symmetrically at J @ 3* K in every half cycle. <he armature has a resistance of 4 ohms. .alculate the avera#e armature current and the motor torque. 13. -escribe how -. ,hunt motor can be made to run as a motor and operate in the bra$in# mode usin# chopper. 14. 8 -. ,hunt motor fed from 4** 2 dc source throu#h a chopper has the followin# parameters. Fa @ *.*2 ohms Ff @ *.*4 ohms $ @ L1* !3 1m38mp2. <he avera#e armature current of 3** 8mps is ripple free. 4or a chopper duty cycle of *A determine IiE +nput power from the source IiiE Motor speed and IiiiE Motor <orque. 1 . 8 22* 27 1 ** rpm7 * 8 separately e&cited motor with armature resistance of *. G is fed from a 3!phase fully controlled rectifier. 8vailable ac source has a line volta#e of 44* 27 *HH. 8 star delta connected transformer is used to feed the armature so that the motor terminal volta#e equals rated volta#e when converter firin# an#le is Hero. IiE .alculate transformer turns ratio. IiiE -etermine the value of firin# an#le when IaE motor is runnin# at 12**rpm and rated torque IbE when motor is runnin# at '**rpm and twice the rated torque. 8ssume continuous conduction. 1". 8 2** 27 '% rpm7 1 * 8 separately e&cited dc motor has an armature resistance of *.*" G. +t is fed from a sin#le phase fully controlled rectifier with an ac source of 22* 27 * HH. 8ssumin# continuous conduction7 calculate the firin# an#le for rated motor torque and % * rpm.

1%. 8 22* 27 )"* rpm and 2** 8 separately e&cited dc motor has an armature resistance of *.*2 G. <he motor is fed from a chopper which provides both motorin# and bra$in# operations. <he source has a volta#e of 23* 2 . 8ssumin# continuous conduction7 IiE .alculate duty ratio of chopper for motorin# operation at rated torque and 3 * rpm IiiE .alculate duty ratio of chopper for bra$in# operation at rated torque and 3 * rpm. 1'. (&plain in detail with suitable dia#rams and waveforms the Iv3fE control applied to induction motor drives. 1). (&plain with neat dia#ram and equations the static ,cherbius system of slip power recovery scheme. 2*. 8 3 0hase 7 ,tar .onnected7 "* HH7 4 pole induction motor has the followin# parameters for its equivalent circuit. Fa @ Fr @ *.*24 G and :s @ :r @ *.12 G. <he motor is controlled by the variable frequency control with a constant Iv3fE ratio. 4or an operatin# frequency of 12 HH7 .alculate IiE the brea$down torque as a ratio of its value at the rated frequency for both motorin# and bra$in#. IiiE the startin# torque and rotor current in terms of their values at the rated frequency. 21. -iscuss how the speed of a three phase induction motor can be controlled by varyin# the frequency of the applied volta#e. -raw the speed torque characteristics of the motor with constant supply volta#e and variable frequency.

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