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Accumulated Lies and Reneged Promises

On the Fortieth Anniversary of the 1967 Setbac !y "r# $einab Abdela%i% Professor of French &ivili%ation 'ranslated by( Atef )l*!eheiry At a time when accumulated lies have became an applicable norm, and reneged promises a customary practice, it shall be imperative to display the most significant features earmarking the present conditions, on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the 1967 setback what a bitter setback! !efore we handle the position of the "ionist entity, which occupies the land of #alestine, in light of the new archeological e$cavations, it is very important to point out to the role of the key pivots% on which, and by their virtue, this "ionist entity was founded, and occupied a land it is not by all means entitled to &nless these accumulated lies and the fre'uent reneged promises, this brutal entity would not have had a trace in this e$istence Among the most significant of these pivots are the American policy and the (atican policy ) don*t handle herein the third pivot% namely, the attitude of +oslem and Arab decision makers% who, save their conspiracy and continued concessions, this scandalous catastrophe wouldn,t have taken place, nor was the #alestinian people uprooted from their land! +ay be the developments revealed by the recent archeological e$cavations in the land of occupied #alestine and in -inai, during the days when it was occupied, which undoubtedly change the elements of the case, would inspire those who may take these e$cavations into account and thoroughly reconsider the conditions on new truthful grounds .here is no room herein to handle all the lies on which the American policy was based, or the promises it reneged on its short life time e$istence !ut, it is sufficient to point out that the &-A entity and civili/ation were founded on what they were raised on% namely, genocide and uprooting people from their homelands with massacres, destruction, lies and reneged promises, and this is the same line adopted by the &-A policy in general, since it was founded till today .he last chapters in these massacres

are cited in the -rebrenica massacre and the insolent occupation of Afghanistan and )ra', based on the fib of 11th -eptember 0111, which the &-A created by its hands to wrap into an international legitimacy for combating )slam under the 2war against terrorism3! )t is enough herein to peruse the books and researches issued condemning this play since it was demonstrated or on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of its devisal .here is no room here also to handle all the lies devised by the (atican )nstitution or the 4oman 5hurch )nstitution, and the massacres they have committed along almost two thousand years for the spread of a faith based on lies and faking of te$ts, history and facts 6orthy of note is to point out to the (atican -ynod )) 719689 which ac'uitted the :ews from the deicidal crime, although there are over one hundred evident accusations against the :ews in the !ible or other literatures others, and these are verses which are still circulated in the four bibles &nless this ac'uittal which allowed the recognition of the "ionist entity, and imposed such recognition on the western 5hristian countries, which at the beginning denied such recognition, such flagrant entity, which was created on the idea of 2land without people for people without land3, as said with e$treme arrogance, wouldn,t have been implanted!! .hese e$ercises are in reality still carried out As a matter of fact, it is another genocide carried out gradually and e$plicitly -ufficient enough herein is to cite the description of the ;ib<ration +aga/ine to #ope !enedict =() last month as a 2professional liar3, due to the huge fallacies he devised, and the considerable lies borne by the institution he presides over .he new thing in the issue of the archeological e$cavations is that on the 0>rd of +ay 0117, the ?rench @ews Agency 'uoted from the )nternational Amnesty Argani/ation report for the year 0116 published on 6ednesday that )sraeli soldiers committed genocides in the #alestinian lands .he report added that the barriers erected by the )sraeli army and the increasing uprooting operations, the restriction of the movement of the #alestinians, as well as the e$propriation of the customs rights of the #alestinian authorities, have led to the deterioration in the #alestinian conditions .he report adds that, 2poverty, deterioration of nutrition, health problems and unemployment reached ha/ardous levels .he report identified also that the number of #alestinians killed by the

)sraeli army rose to more than three folds on 0116 than in 0118 +eanwhile, the number of )sraelis killed by the #alestinians in the same period fell to less than half .he report concluded a note given by the writer saying, 2it is in the interest of the selected people3 to return to the 1967 borders, which it owes not to their incompetent Bod, but to the &nited @ations!! .his means the pretence they alleged that their Bod granted them this land is a fib known to every body and the &nited @ations is in fact the body which granted them this land based on various lies! And, when this organi/ation failed to impose its resolution for the recognition of the entity which occupied #alestine on all countries, the American policy resorted to its greatest alliance, the 2revered3 (atican, which assumed this grand scandal, openly and overtly% that is the ac'uittal of the :ews from the deicidal crime, in spite of the curses which churches did not stop wreaking on the :ews at each -unday mass, and the disentitlement of the :ews in the land of #alestine are information which books and new researches have become fraught with during the last decades Among the most important references, the book published under title ofC 2.he !ible &nearthed3, by #rof )srael ?inkelstein, #rofessor of Archeology, .el Aviv &niversity, and @eil Asher -ilberman, +anager of Distory Eivision at the )nstitute of Archaeology and Deritage Arientation in !elgium, both are :ews and they hold well known recogni/ed scientific positions .he two authors dedicated themselves to the scientific interpretation of the new discoveries and concluded to outcomes entirely different from what is published .hey have reFconsidered the history of the :ewish people, and analy/ed it in light of the results disclosed by such e$cavations .he first of the conclusion reached by :ewish scholars working on these e$cavations, and not the two authors only, is that these discoveries have confirmed the incredibility of the !ible, and that it can not be deemed to be a reliable history book, but a publicity book drafted for political purposes, or as they identified, 2these are miscellaneous episodes weaved from memory, from the debris of old habits and mythologies on the birth of new peoples in the area and the interests evoked by the recent battles3 As for the two authors, the !ible 2agrees with the start of the emergence of the :udea Gingdom in the south as a local power in the seventh century !5H Dowever, the )srael

Gingdom in the @orth moved to the control by Ashur Gings, and thus declined .he !ible, therefore, turned into a publicity instrument for settlement dreams, because both parts had never been united, which means the greatness of the old -tate of )srael is a political device3! .he authors confirm, 2)t is evident that neither a large number of episodes narrated in the biblical history occurred in the mentioned places nor did they take place as narrated +ost astoundingly, some of the most celebrated episodes in the !ible did not at all take place, and this upsets the vision to this !ible, and gives way to describing the 5hristian western civili/ation to have been founded on political and theological fibs .he most significant conclusion reached by the two authors is that, it opens way for new hori/ons to #alestinians, because the :ews are no longer entitled to claim that #alestine belongs to them on pretence that they con'uered it in the past with the support of :ehovah )n fact, their ancestors lived on this land since more than three thousand years ago, but they shared it with the 5anaanites, who represented the maIority at these times, and they are the ancestors of the #alestinians )n all events, the :ews have no right in this land because they were absent from this land for over twenty centuries .he same idea had been concluded by ?ather :ean ;andou/ie in the master thesis he presented to the .heological )nstitute of #aris, published in 197J, titled, 2.he Bift of the ;and of #alestine3, in which he proves by te$ts, that the :ews have no right in this land )n his research presented to the 5onference of 25hristians of the Arab 6orld3, held in #aris in 19J7, ?ather ;andou/ie says, 2the "ionists aim to Iustify the e$istence of the -tate of )srael on pretence that the !ible mentioned that Bod has granted the land of #alestine to )srael !ut the problem starts for us when they try to drive our 5hristians to confirm the same saying based on the !ible De went on to say that, 2on the other hand, the promise of the land was conditional upon their fidelity and faithfulness to the covenant concluded between Bod and his people, and that land shall be withdrawn from them if they fail to honor the covenant3 )t is well known from the te$ts of the !ible that they have betrayed the covenant and returned to worship the calf, and polytheism, and killed their prophets De adds saying, 2the land of #alestine can not be the property of a single group in the name of a divine decree, because such divine decree was for all who lived on this land and did not e$clude any group of those peoples% of whom, specifically, the #alestinians3 .his means that honest clerics in the 5hurch were

embarrassed between the e$plicit te$ts and the 5hurch drift and involvement in political fibs )n a research prepared by : # 5hava/ in 0116, he says, 2until the nineteen seventies years, archaeology in the sacred land had a fi$ed unchanged idea, which is the attempt to establish and provide evidences that the biblical episodes are true Dowever, these researches failed Although the writers of the !ible attempted to provide evidences on their credibility, citing certain historical deliverables, referring to one of the #haraoh or another here and there% however, the new discoveries have wiped out all these allegations and the credibility of the history of )srael in the past3 De adds saying, 2it is evident since some long time, many :ewish, catholic and protestant theologians no longer account the !ible as a reliable book 5ertainly, the writers of the Eeuteronomy were not inspired by Bod% otherwise, it means that that Bod suffered from amnesia!! .he 2-cientific 4esearch +aga/ine3 volume @r >91, issued in @ovember 0118, includes a section of 09 pages comprising several essays written by archaeologists who took part in e$cavations in -inai and #alestine, and confirmed the same information that the Ald .estament was written for the sake of political and theological propaganda )n other words, it 7the Ald .estament9 is like certain literatures fabricated for specific 2revealed book3 #ierre de +iroschedIi, the Archaeologist and Eirector of the ?rench 4esearch )nstitute in :erusalem, says that a lot of findings contradict the biblical te$ts, in that it is possible to confirm that the narrations on the )sraelis con'uest of the #romised ;and in light of the recent archaeological discoveries seem to be periods of political, economic and social upheavals 6ith regard to the recent periods, we are in front of a history which has entirely been drawn up from an ideological view point .here are decisive evidences contradicting the narrations in the Ald .estament, such as +erenptah Abelisk, 1011 !5H, which gives tales on the entire defeat of the people of )srael +iroschedIi affirms that archaeologists evidenced that the con'uest by the Debrews to the promised land is a legend and all these new discoveries provide new interpretations to the biblical te$ts that show the con'uest of the promised land as wide scope echoes for a historical phenomenon that influenced the entire eastern basin of the +editerranean sea, and that purpose, and there is no need to add that any of them now consider the !ible as a

these te$ts have been rewritten and drawn up along the centuries for political and theological purposes to fabricate a Debrew saga and a legendary epic .he KDistoria -cientific +aga/ine, volumeC ?ebruary 0118, contains L0 pages under title ofC K.he !ible and the .est of Distory3 ?rom these scientific pages we conclude that the !ible is Iust like several te$ts written by people in different eras with innumerous hands Eespite the large numbers of interpreters who tried to establish the credibility of these te$ts, the recent archaeological e$cavations establish the contrary of what they wrote, and these te$ts have become mere legends drawn up for theological and political obIectives )n an article titled, 2.he #romised ;and was &surped3, the historian 4ichard ;ebeau reveals that the chronicles narrated in the !ook of :oshua on the birth of the people of )srael and their con'uest of the 5anaan land are a sheer myth and worth filming in Dollywood!!! .he historians consider these te$ts as legends Euring that period, the 5anaan land was under the Hgyptian mandate who con'uered the Dittites, and their bravery is well known .hen, how come to say that the Debrews escaped from Hgypt and emigrated to a land under the Hgyptian ruleM .he archaeological e$cavations contradict the episodes narrated in the !ook of :oshua ;ebeau provides an e$ample of this legendry image saying, 2these te$ts say that the city of :ericho is the first city the Debrews con'uered in the 5anaan land, and the sounds of horns and cornets have by their echoes demolished the high fences of the city!! Dowever, the e$cavations show that the city of :ericho was a mere very small village, without any fences at all! 4obert -abatier in his article says, 2.he old testament displays the Debrew kingdom as a kingdom with sovereignty Dowever, the recent discoveries revealed that these are no more than fabricated sagas narrated to satisfy theological and settlement earth ambitions since tens of years the e$cavations did not establish any thing as narrated in the Ald .estament .hat means the !ible can be deemed a mere political and theological production concerning the means of the control of power by certain people @o archaeological evidence can be provided to establish the names of persons included in the !ible or the places mentioned therein, and the e$isting places date back to different eras, and all of them are sheer legends and sagas compiled by people who lived in these

areas and purposeful military concerns were added to them .he archaeological e$cavations, including those made in the vicinity to -inai do not give any evidence and contradict the te$ts of the !ible3 .hese particles do not mean they represent all what have been written during the past years on the disentitlement of the :ews in this land on legal and legitimate terms, or even from the theological or archaeological points of view, in that the number of references, books and academic researches produced in this regard can not be numerated in this article, but these are factFfindings ) present to the eyes of every body, specifically to all of those who can make use of these findings to stand up to the flippant occupation of the land of #alestine, and curb the premeditated genocide to the #alestinians .he first to whom ) address these factFfindings are the Arab and +oslem decisionF makers everywhere and in every position .he defense of this land is a trust in the neck of every male and female +oslem ) say nothing about the Iudai/ation acts to the city of :erusalem and the change of its milestones, nor do ) talk about the scenarios arranged for demolishing AlFA'sa +os'ue, nor all what have been written and known to everybody -hame on us if we do nothing more than protesting, obIection or even condemnation +ay Allah inspire the Arabs and +oslems the courage and capability to take actions and take the move the factFfindings made available by virtue of the new archaeological e$cavations necessitate changing the stinking position in which we are diving since tens of years ) also present these facts under eyes of the aggressive American policy and its institutions and under eyes of the fanatic 5hristian west and specifically its (atican leadership, while all of them engaged in lying, procrastination and reneged promises .he acts committed by the "ionists, and are still committing against the #alestinians, can not be defended under any prete$ts, nor can they be supported by whatsoever reason, and the economic and political embargo imposed by the &nited -tates of America and the Huropean &nion since over one year on the #alestinian people by reason of its legitimate election of Damas Argani/ation, aims at bringing the #alestinians to starvation, suffocation and subIugating it under the order of the uprooting "ionists it is a human disaster, premeditated and purposefully made

.he fre'uent pretensions they always deluded and beckoned us with that the :ews suffered from the holocaust and they have the right for a land to stay on, the #alestinians have no sin in this to the e$tent of uprooting them from their land and annihilating them, in Iustification and e$piation for an inferiority comple$ the AmericanF6estern alliance feel, the killer who get used with silence silence for all disgraceful acts that blemished and are still blemishing its history stained with the blood of innocents everywhere at all times @ow these new evidences produced from the archaeological e$cavations condemn all these prete$ts, and decisively evidence the falsification of these 2sacred te$ts3 of the incidents and history, and obviously evidence also that the :ews have no right in the land of #alestine which they have usurped from its owners and are not entitled to e$ist on this land

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